3. Ficha de Trabalho - Demonstrative Pronouns

Post on 05-Oct-2015

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Transcript of 3. Ficha de Trabalho - Demonstrative Pronouns


    Look at the pictures:

    This means:

    Singular Plural

    Near (perto) This) That

    Far (longe) That Those

    A. Using the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct word.

    1. blackboard is small.

    2. notebook is mine.

    3. pencil is yours.

    4. pencil sharpener is green.

    5. paperclips are yours.

    6. schoolbags are heavy.

    7. crayons are new.

    This That These Those

  • 8. schoolbag doesnt have any books.

    9. students are having Geography.

    10. books are big.

    B. Now write questions and answers. Use THIS, THAT, THESE or THOSE.

    1. Whats that? That is a pen

    2. ? rules.

    3. ? Book.

    4. ? erasers.

    5. ? glue stick.

    6. ? case.

  • People and things around Lucy

    This time you have to help Lucy to find out the correct demonstrative article for each sentence.

    Look the arrows to know about what she is talking.

    1. _____is my book. A. That.

    2. _____are my friends. B. Those.

    3. _____police officers are working. C. That.

    4. _____man is walking. D. Those.

    5. _____supermarket is closed. E. That.

    6. _____cars are small. F. These.

    7. _____ mailbox is empty. H. This.