Arquitetura de Front-end em Aplicações de Larga Escala

Post on 11-May-2015

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Para desenvolver um site institucional simples ou um hotsite pequeno, não é preciso muito mais que um pouco de HTML, um ou dois arquivos de CSS, alguns arquivos de JavaScript, e um sistema de CMS. No entanto, à medida que a complexidade de um site aumenta, o código passa a se tornar cada vez mais extenso, complexo, difícil de ser organizado, e projeto acaba virando um grande "code spaghetti". Para garantir que isso não aconteça, é necessário implementar uma estrutura sólida para o HTML, CSS e JavaScript, de modo que os componentes da aplicação funcionem independentemente e sejam facilmente mantidos e modificados. Nesta palestra, mostrei como elaborar uma arquitetura de front-end que sustente uma aplicação de larga escala.

Transcript of Arquitetura de Front-end em Aplicações de Larga Escala

Arquitetura deFront-end emaplicações delarga escala

@shiota |





Arquitetura simples

Arquitetura complexa

Na minha visão, aplicações JavaScript de larga escala são aplicações não-triviais que requerem um esforço significante de manutenção por parte do desenvolvedor, onde a maior parte do trabalho de manipulação de dados e visualização é atribuída ao navegador.

Addy OsmaniDeveloper Programs Engineer @ Google

Aplicações com front-end de larga escala são aplicações não-triviais que requerem um esforço significante de manutenção por parte do desenvolvedor, onde organização, modularização, otimização e reutilização de código são cruciais.

Eduardo Shiota YasudaLoves cat videos on Youtube

Aplicações de pequena escala



application.js& jQuery / plugins



CSS simples

Centenas de linhas

Fácil de manter

JS Simples

Plugins e algumas funções

Uma função autoexecutável


Aplicações de Larga escala

HTML, CSS e JavaScript modulares

Noção de módulo

HTML & CSS modular

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<ul class="side-list"> <li class="data-card"> <div class="card-content"> <hgroup> <h4>Lorem ipsum</h4> <h5>CEO @ <a href="#">MIH SWAT</h5> </hgroup>

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<li class="data-card"> <div class="card-content"> <hgroup> <h4>Lorem ipsum</h4> <h5>Technical Architect @ <a href="#">MIH SWAT</h5> </hgroup>

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<section class="side-block"> <h3></h3>

<ul class="side-list"> <li></li> </ul></section>

/*********************************** patterns/side_list.scss**********************************/

.side-list { list-style: none outside; padding: 0;}

.side-list li { margin-bottom: 10px; overflow: hidden;}

/*********************************** patterns/arrowed_list.scss**********************************/

.arrowed-list li { margin-bottom: 0.2em; position: relative;}

.arrowed-list li:before { content: "\25B8"; display: inline-block; margin-right: 0.3333em;}

/*********************************** patterns/side_block.scss**********************************/

.side-block { margin-bottom: 1.5em;}

.side-block h3 { border-bottom: 1px solid #cecece; font-size: 1em; /* 16px / 16px */ margin-bottom: 0.8em; padding-bottom: 0.1em;}

<section> <h3>Recommended contacts</h3>

<ul class="side-list small-entity-list"> <li class="data-card"> <div class="card-content"> <hgroup> <h4>Lorem ipsum</h4> <h5>CEO @ <a href="#">Buscapé</h5> </hgroup>

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<article class="data-card group-activity"> <div class="card-content"> <p> <a href="#" class="actor">Rafael Dohms</a> joined a group: <a href="#" class="subject">I love Ruby on Rails</a> </p>

<p> <date>2 hours ago</date> <a href="#">Unlike</a> <a href="#">Comment entry</a> </p> </div>

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Rafael Dohms" /></article>

<article class="data-card"> <div class="card-content"> </div>

<img /></article>

/*********************************** patterns/data_card.scss**********************************/

.data-card { min-height: 120px; position: relative;}

/* Override width and height as needed */.data-card > img { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 120px; height: 120px;}

/* Override padding-left as needed */.data-card .card-content { padding-left: 140px;}

/**************************************** patterns/small_entity_list.scss** children extend patterns/data_card***************************************/

.small-entity-list .data-card { min-height: 60px;}

.small-entity-list .data-card > img { width: 60px; height: 60px;}

.small-entity-list .data-card .card-content { padding-left: 80px;}





.button { border-radius: 5px; font-family: "proxima-nova", sans-serif; height: 2em; line-height: 2em; padding: 1em; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #000;}

.large-button { font-size: 3em;}

.confirm-button { background: #ffba00; box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #cd9600;}

.send-button { /* styles for icon placement */}









Multiple classes + Single responsabilities

Short inheritance (3-4 levels max)

Portable classes

Organizando os módulos

/* * application.css example w/ Asset Pipeline * *= require base/reset *= require core/typography *= require core/forms *= require_tree ./patterns *= require ui/buttons *= require ui/loader *= require ui/datepicker */

application.scss w/ SASS






JavaScript modular

JavaScript não é (só) jQuery






shareTypeSelector shareField


trigger("share-type-changed") on("share-type-changed")




init init

submit get


Modules + Tests



/** Loader constructor

@params {Function} placement Function that determines the loader's placement @constructor**/ns("EDEN.ui.Loader", function (placement) { if (!(this instanceof EDEN.ui.Loader)) { return new EDEN.ui.Loader(placement); }

this.frame = 1; this.framesQty = 8; this.stack = []; this.animating = false; this.$loader = $("<div class='loader'><b> </b></div>"); this.$renderer = this.$loader.find("b"); this.placement = placement;


/** Animation speed (in frames per second)

@property fps @type Number @default 20**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype.fps = 20;

/** Fading speed

@property fadeSpeed @type Number @default 150**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype.fadeSpeed = 150;

/** Inits the loader by inserting it into the DOM. If a placement argument wasn't passed to the constructor, uses a generic placement.

@method init**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype.init = function () { if (!this.placement) { this.placement = function ($loader) { $loader.appendTo($("body")); }; }, this.$loader);};

/** Starts the loader by fading in and starting the animation. If there are multiple processes, stacks the requests.

@method start**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype.start = function () { this.stack.push((new Date()).getTime());

if (this.stack.length === 1) { this._startAnimation(); }};

/** Stops the loader by fading out and stoping the animation If there are any processes pending, pops the requests until it can actually stop.

@method stop**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype.stop = function () { this.stack.pop();

if (!this.stack.length) { this._stopAnimation(); }};

/** Starts the loader animation

@private**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype._startAnimation = function () { this.animating = true;


/** Stops the loader animation

@private**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype._stopAnimation = function () { this.animating = false;};

/** Loops the animation, calling itself according to the fps

@private**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype._renderAnimation = function () { if (!this.animating) { return true; }

this._draw(); setTimeout(this._renderAnimation.bind(this), 1000 / this.fps);};

/** Draws the animation

@private**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype._draw = function () { this.$renderer.removeClass().addClass("f" + this.frame);

this.frame = this.frame + 1 > this.framesQty ? 1 : this.frame + 1;};

/** Returns the animation stack.

@return Array @private**/EDEN.ui.Loader.prototype._getAnimationStack = function () { return this.stack;};

não achei um logo maior :(

it("appends the loader to body as a default", function () { var loader = new Loader();


it("appends the loader through an argument function", function () { var loader = new Loader(function ($loader) { $("#loader-placeholder").append($loader); });


it("stops the animation if stack is empty", function () { loader.start(); loader.stop();


it("renders the animation at default speed (20fps)", function () { jasmine.Clock.useMock(); spyOn(loader, "draw");



// The first renderAnimation call renders the first frame, and then // starts the frame counting. So it'll always be (fps * seconds) + 1 expect(loader.draw.calls.length).toEqual(41);});

jasmincerice + guard-jasmine +

PhantomJS + Jenkins



Jenkins » rake guard:jasmine

SOLID principles

Loose coupling » Portable



Organizando os módulos

// application.js with Asset Pipeline////= require jquery//= require jquery_ujs//= require jquery/jquery.inputmask//= require jquery/jquery.validate//= require jquery/jquery.uniform//= require i18n//= require i18n/translations//= require i18n/setLocale//= require_tree shims//= require tools/namespace//= require accounting//= require handlebars-1.0.0.beta.6//= require eden/events//= require eden/dispatcher//= require eden/appMediator//= require_tree ./jquery//= require_tree ./eden/ui//= require_tree ./eden/presenters//= require_tree ./eden/validators//= require ./eden/forms/SubmitButton//= require_tree ./eden/forms//= require_tree ./eden/components//= require_tree ./eden/views//= require_tree ./eden/proxies//= require_tree ./eden/commands//= require_tree ./eden/services//= require_tree ./eden/modules//= require eden/app

//my/shirt.js now has some dependencies, a cart and inventory//module in the same directory as shirt.jsdefine(["./cart", "./inventory"], function(cart, inventory) { //return an object to define the "my/shirt" module. return { color: "blue", size: "large", addToCart: function() { inventory.decrement(this); cart.add(this); } }; });


Ferramentas paramanter a organização

Exemplos com compass

Geração de sprites

/* Attributes a sprite map to a variable */

$icon-sprite: sprite-map("icon/*.png", $spacing: 16px, $repeat: no-repeat, $layout: vertical);

$icon-sprite: sprite-map("icon/*.png", $spacing: 16px, $repeat: no-repeat, $layout: vertical);

/* Compass sprite function receives the map variable and image as arguments */

background: sprite($icon-sprite, arrow_dropdown) no-repeat;

/* Compiled CSS */

background: url(/assets/icon-s5dab8c2901.png) -40px -158px no-repeat;

Inline images - base64

/* Generates a base64 image */

background: #f5f3eb inline-image("bg_dots.png") repeat;

/* Compiled CSS */


Vendor prefixes

.my-gradient { background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));}

.my-gradient { background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));}

/* Generates vendor-prefixed rules */

.my-gradient { @include background-image( linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)) );}

/* Compiled CSS */

.my-gradient { background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); background-image: linear-gradient(right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));}


Modules, motherf*cker.

Aprenda JavaScript.

Use ferramentas e frameworks. <3

Se você chegar nesse ponto...



Thanks!@shiota |