DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009... leitura e a escrita. Optou-se pela Biografia como gênero...

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Transcript of DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009... leitura e a escrita. Optou-se pela Biografia como gênero...



Produção Didático-Pedagógica

Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-053-7Cadernos PDE






Modelo Didático de Gênero e Sequência Didática: Gênero Textual- Biografia

Campo Mourão 2009



Modelo Didático de Gênero e Sequência Didática: Gênero Textual- Biografia

Unidade Didático-Pedagógica preparada para a fase de Implementação Pedagógica do PDE (Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional), sob a orientação da Prof. Drª Edcleia A. Basso - FECILCAM

Campo Mourão 2009


1 IDENTIFICAÇÃO ................................................................................................ 4

2 APRESENTAÇÃO .............................................................................................. 4

3 MATERIAL DO PROFESSOR (TEACHER’S SECTION) ................................. 5


BIOGRAPHY‖ ......................................................................................................... 5

3.2 PRÁTICA INICIAL ........................................................................................... 5

3.3 MÓDULO I – STUDYING ANGELINA JOLIE`S BIOGRAPHY ......................... 6

3.4 MODULO II - DIFFERENT GENRES ON FOCUS ........................................ 15

3.5 PRODUÇÃO FINAL....................................................................................... 26

4 MATERIAL DO ALUNO (STUDENT’S SECTION) ........................................... 27

5 BIBLIOGRAFIA ................................................................................................ 48










O presente material é composto por duas seções, a primeira, contendo

orientações e sugestões para implementação em sala de aula, é destinada ao

professor e a segunda, composta exclusivamente de atividades, é destinada a

alunos da 1ª série do ensino médio da Rede Pública de Ensino.

O material consiste em uma Unidade Didático-pedagógica que visa colocar os

estudantes, por meio dos instrumentos tecnológicos disponíveis nas escolas

públicas estaduais, em contato com diferentes gêneros discursivos que lhes

possibilitem a apropriação e seu uso, para interagirem ativamente nas diferentes

práticas discursivas em Língua Inglesa (doravante LI), envolvendo, sobretudo, a

leitura e a escrita.

Optou-se pela Biografia como gênero principal porque, geralmente, este gênero

narra histórias de pessoas que se destacaram de alguma forma na sociedade,

permitindo assim que os educandos pensem e discutam sobre a vida de pessoas

que, muitas vezes, podem estar sendo modelos de vida para eles. Além disso,

pode levá-los a conhecer diferentes realidades culturais, históricas e sociais de

uma forma significativa e contextualizada. Outros gêneros periféricos, tais como:

letras de música, sinopses e trailers de filmes, que são, na maioria das vezes,

veiculados na Internet, também serão contemplados no material, já que pretende-


se, na escritura do artigo final para o PDE discutir o processo de ensino dos

gêneros discursivos na disciplina de LI, tendo como pano de fundo o uso da

tecnologia explorando diferentes mídias como estratégia pedagógica .





Task 1

Antes de iniciar o trabalho com o gênero BIOGRAFIA propriamente dito, levar

várias imagens de pessoas famosas. Mostrá-las na TV multimídia, pausando e

questionando os alunos sobre informações que sabem sobre elas, tais como:

profissão, origem, estado civil, se ainda estão vivas ou se já morreram, entre

outras. Estes questionamentos devem ser feitos em inglês e têm como objetivo

fazê-los perceber a importância da biografia como um gênero textual de

circulação na mídia, bem como motivá-los para o estudo desse gênero. As

respostas deverão ser anotadas no quadro, em inglês, mesmo que obtidas em



Task 2

Para que haja um reconhecimento do gênero BIOGRAFIA, levar os alunos ao

laboratório de informática para que pesquisem textos biográficos sobre pessoas

famosas, dentre as quais, escolherão uma para a realização da atividade

proposta. Para isso, oferecer um roteiro (conforme exemplo) com os dados a

serem pesquisados, tais como: nome, data de nascimento, data da morte,


profissão, ações realizadas (ou particularidades) que as levaram a ficar

conhecidas (famosas),etc.








IMPORTANT EVENTS OF HIS/HER LIFE:_________________________________





Iniciar esta aula com um “warm up” por meio das seguintes perguntas:

Depois do “warm up”, os alunos iniciarão o trabalho com a biografia da atriz

Angelina Jolie. Por meio dela serão desenvolvidas atividades envolvendo o

desmembramento das capacidades de linguagem: capacidade de ação,

1) Do you like movies?

2) What kind of movies do you like?

3) Do you have a favorite actress or actor?

Para inserir a foto ,

busque-a no google -

imagens e salve-a na sua

pasta. Depois, vá para

inserir - figura – do

arquivo-escolha a figura

com o nome salvo por

você. Clique em abrir.

Coloque a foto neste



capacidade discursiva e capacidade linguístico-discursiva, conforme Dolz e

Schneuwly (1998).



Who is the person in the picture below?

Do you know anything about her? If your answer is affirmative tell us what you know.

Can you name a movie (or more) in what she starred?


Angelina Jolie‘s Biography

Angelina was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 4, 1976. Jolie is the

daughter of actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. She loved movies and

started acting classes to follow her dream of movie stardom. She was rebellious

and became a punk with dyed purple hair and tattoos. Her movie career took off in

1997 and within a few years she had won an Oscar. Her 2001 role as Lara Croft in

the blockbuster ―Tomb Raider‖ shot her to international fame.

Angelina hasn‘t limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian

work while filming in Cambodia. She is now a UN Goodwill Ambassador, visiting

refugee camps in poor countries. She donates large sums of money to help the

plight of underprivileged people. She has effectively used her stardom to highlight

world problems.

Unfortunately, Jolie‘s personal life has come to overshadow her other pursuits.

The tabloids are obsessed with her relationships, divorced from actors Jonny Lee

Miller and Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie currently lives with actor Brad Pitt, in a

relationship that has attracted worldwide media attention. The couple is now

referred to not as Brad and Angelina but as ―Brangelina‖. Jolie and Pitt have three

adopted children, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, as well as three biological children,

Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. The media seem more caught up with what they eat

and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do.

Helping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. In 2001, she said: ―We

cannot close ourselves off…and ignore the fact that millions of people are out

there suffering.‖ In addition to acting awards, she has received wide recognition for

her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the UN‘s Citizen of the World

Award. It seems likely more accolades will follow.

Adapted from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Jolie


access on 11/12/2009



Professor(a): A função da capacidade de ação é situar/informar o leitor sobre a

função social do texto que é determinada por um certo número de parâmetros

(SCHNEUWLY, 2004). Esse momento é importante para que o aprendiz saiba o

porquê e o para quê da produção desse tipo de texto. O objetivo é criar condições

de reflexão sobre o papel político, social e cultural desse gênero.

Task 3

Now we are going to talk about the text. Answer the questions:

1) According to the genre, how would you classify this text?

2) Which are its characteristics?

3) What sort of information does this text bring?

4) How does this genre generally appear? (oral or written)

5) Who usually writes this discoursive genre?

6) Who reads it?

7) What‘s the writer‘s purpose for writing the text?


Essa capacidade permite ao aprendiz identificar o layout do referido gênero, bem

como sua estruturação discursiva (planificação textual global)

Task 4

1) Among the characteristics below, which ones belong to the genre ―biography‖?

( x ) personal data ( x ) real facts

( ) scientific information ( x ) life trajectory

( ) moral aspect ( x ) past tense

( ) personal opinion ( ) first singular person


2) Look for the information asked below in the text you‘ve read, and copy them


a) Place and date of birthday:

b) When and how she started her career:

c) Name of her parents:

d) Name of her children and their father:

e) Besides being an actress, what else does she do?


Possibilita ao educando identificar e apropriar-se da micro-estrutura do texto

(mecanismos de ocorrência das unidades linguísticas) que auxilia na sua

compreensão global para a realização da(s) ação(ões) implicada(s) na leitura do

gênero (biografia).

So, we can see that biography is a kind of text that relates a story about someone,

telling important events of his/her life. Events which happened in any moment of

his/her life. By the way, we are going to study the main aspects of this verbal



The simple past tense is one of the most common tenses in English.There is only

one form for all the subjects. With most verbs, called regular verbs, the simple past

Observe the sentences and answer:

―Angelina was born in LA in 1976‖ ―She became involved in humanitarian work while filming in Cambodia‖ ―In 2001, she said: ―We cannot close ourselves off (…) and ignore the fact that millions of people are out there suffering‖

-Can you name the verbal tense used in the sentences above?

-Why did the writer of this biography choose this verbal tense?


is created simply by adding -ED. However, there are some exceptions:

Verb ending in... How to make the simple past Examples

Consonant +y Change y to i, then add -ED try tried

cry cried

Vowel + y Add Ed (normal rule)

One vowel + one


(excepting w or y)

Double the consonant, then add


tap tapped

commit committed

Verbs ending in –e Add only –D Love loved

Although many verbs in English form their past tense adding –ED, some do not.

These are called irregular verbs, and they include some of the most used verbs

in English. The three most important irregular verbs are BE, HAVE, and DO. The

simple past forms for BE are different depending on the subject.

Pronoun BE HAVE DO

I was Had Did

You were Had Did

He / she / it was Had Did

We were Had Did

They were Had Did


Other irregular verbs fall into three main categories:

Após a exposição do simple past, disponibilizar atividades na pasta pessoal do

professor (laboratório de informática) para que os alunos acessem e realizem-nas

para posterior correção.

Task 5



Dates in English

In the text about Angelina Jolie there is a date:

“Angelina was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 4, 1976.”

Category Examples

Verbs which don't change

cut - cut

hit - hit

fit - fit

Verbs which change their vowel

get - got

sit - sat

drink - drank

Verbs which change completely

catch - caught

bring - brought

teach - taught


British English

In British English the day is usually put before the month. If you wish, you can add

the ending of the ordinal number. The preposition of before the month is usually

dropped. You can put a comma before the year, but this is not common anymore

in British English.

Example: 5(th) (of) October(,) 2004

(Day - month - year)

American English

In American English the month is usually put before the day. If you wish, you can

put the definite article before the day. It is common to write a comma before the


Example: October (the) 5(th), 2004

(Month – Day – Year)


You can also write the date by using numbers only. The most common forms are:

(Br) 21/5/2010 the twenty-first of May, two thousand and ten.

Day – Month – Year

(Am) 11/31/2009 November thirty-first, two thousand and nine.

Month – Day – Year

Note, however, that 5/10/04 usually means 5 October 2004 in British English and

May 10, 2004 in American English. To avoid any possible mistake, you should

spell out the month or use the abbreviation.

Adapted from http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/date/written access on 14/06/2010


Task 6

1. Write the following dates in both (American and British) forms:

EX: 6/10/2010: June 21, 2010 (Am)

10/6/2010: 5 October, 2010 (Br)

a. 4/21/2010:












d. 3/9/2010:




e. 5/13/2010:






The preposition used with dates ( month and day) is ON

Example: “Angelina was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 4, 1976.‖

When we write only month or year in dates, we use the preposition IN

Examples: ―Angelina was born in June‖

―She was born in 1976‖

A partir deste momento será iniciado o trabalho com os gêneros periféricos como

já explicitado no início deste material. Ao final, retomar-se-á o gênero principal –

biografia - com vistas à produção de textos biográficos. As capacidades de ação,

discursiva e linguístico-discursiva também estarão contempladas nas próximas

atividades, porém, não separadamente, como realizado no módulo anterior.


Task 6

1. How often do you watch movies?


2. What attracts your attention most to watch a movie?

( ) special effects ( ) cast ( ) scenes ( ) soundtrack

3. Where do you get information about the movie you want to watch?

( ) from magazines ( ) from newspaper ( ) from TV

( ) from books ( ) from billboards ( ) from Internet sites

4. These are some of the movies that Angelina Jolie has participated. Look at

them and match the title to its genre. If it is necessary, you can read the synopsis

on the Internet.


( 1 ) action ( 2 ) adventure ( 3 ) romantic comedy ( 4 ) drama

( 1 ) ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 4 ) ( 3 )

5- Getting more information on the movies above:





6. What are the movies you've watched that have Angelina Jolie as the


Professor(a): no link abaixo estão disponíveis todos os títulos de filmes protagonizados pela atriz Angelina Jolie. http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Jolie#Filmografia

Task 7 Read the text and do the activities: Mr. & Mrs. Smith

release date: Friday June 10, 2005

Tuesday November 29, 2005 (dvd)

genre: Action


time: 120 min.

director: Doug Liman

studio: 20th Century Fox


producer(s): Arnon Milchan, Akiva Goldsman, Lucas Foster, Patrick Wachsberger, Eric


screenplay: Simon Kinberg


Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn, Adam Brody, Kerry Washington,

Keith David, Chris Weitz, Rachael Huntley, Michelle Monaghan, Jennifer


Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)

John and Jane Smith are a married couple, both living unexciting

lives and attending marriage therapy, as their passion has cooled

since they got married. But what they don't know about each other is

that they are both professional assassins working for two rival

agencies. John's latest assignment is to eliminate Benjaiman "Tank"

Danz, but it all becomes complicated when Jane is also assigned to eliminate the

same target. Learning that they are both assassins and failing to eliminate Danz,

John and Jane's separate employers decide that they try to take each other out

(John kill Jane, Jane kill John). Engaged in a deadly game, John and Jane try to

take each other out and learns more about each other as they try to finish the job

and eliminate Danz. Written by Daniel Williamson

Adapted from: http://www.tribute.ca/movies/Mr.+&+Mrs.+Smith/8473

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356910/plotsummary. Access on: 20/05/10.


1. Match the columns according to the meaning of the words or expressions:

a. married couple ( b ) eliminar um ao outro

b. take each other out ( g ) esfriou

c. rival agencies ( e ) jogo mortal

d. both ( a ) casal

e. deadly game ( d ) ambos

f. same target ( f ) mesmo alvo

g. has cooled ( c ) agências rivais


2. Read the text and answer:

a. Who are the characters of the movie?

b. Who is its director?

c. What are the main characters‘ occupation?

d. What is the mission/ task given to each one by the agencies they work for?

e. Did they do that? Why?

Task 8

1. What is the genre of this text?

( x ) synopsis ( ) movie review ( ) advertisement

2. What is the context of production and reception (Esfera de circulação) of it?


3. Who would read this genre of text?


4. Who writes this genre of text?

( ) viewers ( ) actors ( ) journalists ( ) movie analysts / critics ( ) others

5. What is the purpose of writing a text like this?


Task 9

a. There is also the movie review, another genre related to movies. What is the

aim of it?


b. Research a movie review and complete the chart below:




Task 10

Read the two comments about the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith and do the activities:

This was one of the worst movies I‘ve ever

seen. Car chases, explosions and shoot-outs

seem to take the place of having a real plot. My biggest complaint was with the

husband and wife fight scene that takes place in their own home when the both

are trying to kill each other. This is not some silly little slapstick fighting that could

have gone on in a Carry Grant movie. This is all out shooting, punching and

kicking that destroys the whole house. At one point Mrs. Smith is laying on the

floor while Mr. Smith kicks her over and over as hard as he can. The audience

(mainly teens and young 20's) laughs with every kick and punch. I don‘t

understand how that level of violence between a man and woman can be laughed

at today.

Why would Angelina Jolie make such a movie when she herself claims to care

about the welfare of the world‘s children? Doesn‘t she care about the bad

message this sends out OUR young people? It is offensive to me that the makers

of this movie appear to think that the over the top violence by itself is a good thing

and to be laughed at. I feel that they see the audience as idiots easily impressed

with explosions and shooting who don‘t care if the story makes sense. This seems

to be yet another example of the dumbing down of America.

My Ratings: Extremely Offensive/1—Pam, age 45

I have been waiting for this film for months and it paid off. It was very entertaining,

and I loved the action. The story line was great and the actors did a fantastic job. I

have been a fan of both Brad and Angelina, and it was great to finally see them in

a film together. I would recommend this film for anyone who wants to have a good


My Ratings: Average/4½—Alejandra Orozco, age 22

Available at


Access on 20/04/2010


1. Write P (positive) and N (negative) to the information from the text above:

( N ) This was one of the worst movies I‘ve ever seen.

( P ) It was very entertaining,…

( P ) I would recommend this film for anyone.

( N ) My biggest complaint was with the husband and wife fight scene…

3. Copy from the text words with:

Positive meanings Negative meanings

4. One of the comments brings a negative criticism about de film. Which aspects

were used by the author to sustain the argument?

5. After reading the comments of the viewers, watch the trailer available at

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiBoB634Ryg- and discuss the

question below with your group.

Task 11

1) Watch the video available at

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPAuNl4cSpU&feature=fvw and answer:

a. What is the theme of it?

b. In what context was the video made?

Violence in movies – How does it affect people‘s life?


c. O apresentador anuncia a atriz como ―a UN good will ambassador”. Na

verdade, ela atuou na UNHCR uma das organizações pertencentes à UN.

Pesquise o significado da sigla UNHCR, e, depois disso, escreva qual era a

função dela nessa organização governamental.

2) Watch the video again and complete the text with the correct words from the


Angelina Jolie’s speech

R- The Hollywood actress welled up with tears after taking to the stage to speak

about her time as a UN good will ambassador.

A J- The 1refugees I have met and spent time with, have profoundly changed my


The 8-year-old 2girl who saved her brother taught me what is to be 3brave.

The pregnant 4woman in Pakistan taught me what is to be a 5mother.

And the paralyzed 6boy who had been shot in the back, with his big smile,

showed me the 7strength of an unbreakable spirit.

So today, on World Refugee Day, I thank them for letting me in to their lives.

R- Speaking to an audience in Washington, D.C., she urged people not to

prejudice that used have been displaced by war.

A J- As an 8American, I know the strength that diversity has given my 9country.

A country built by what would now, some would dismiss as asylum seekers or

economic 10migrants, and I believe we must persuade the 11world that refugees

must not be simply viewed as a burden. They are 12survivors, and they can bring

1. American – 2. boy – 3. brave – 4. communities – 5. country – 6. girl – 7. migrants – 8. mother – 9. refugees – 10. strength –

11. survivors – 12. woman – 13. world


those qualities to the service of their 13communities and the countries that share

to them. […]

3) The video available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGEWqCRpEtw

shows images and a song. Watch it and underline the correct word on the


Song by Michael Jackson: ―We‘ve had Enough‖

Love was taken from a young life And no one told her / him why Her direction has a dimlight From one more violent crime […] She innocently questioned why Why her father / mother had to die She asked the men in blue How is it that you get to change / choose Who will live and who will die Did God say that you could decide? You saw he didn't run / walk And that my daddy had no gun

[…] He innocently questioned why Why his mother had to die / lie What did these soldiers come here for ? If they're for peace, why is there war ? Did God say that they would / could decide Who will live and who will die ? All my mama ever did Was try to take care of her children / kids […] Only God could decide Who will live / give and who will die There's nothing that can't be done If we raise our voice as one…

Professor(a): a letra completa da música ―We‘ve had Enough‖ pode ser encontrada no site: http://www.mp3lyrics.org/m/michael-jackson/weve-had/


a. What are the themes dealt in the text?

b. Who generally cares about the main problem showed in the text?

c. What is the main idea sustained through the text?

d. Where does it usually appear?

e. Whom is the text written to?

f. A música ―We`ve had enough‖ foi composta por Michael Jackson e Carole

Bayer Sager em 2004. É possível perceber alguma diferença no quadro social

vigente, no que diz respeito à temática abordada por eles? Justifique.


g. A palavra God aparece três vezes na letra da música. Cada uma delas

corresponde a um enunciador diferente. A que conclusão você chega a partir


5) Now, based on the two videos, answer the following questions

a. What is the relation between them?

b. A boy and a girl are both mentioned in angelina‘s speech and in the song.what

are the situations experienced by them?

c. How do you imagine their lives went on?

Task 12

Michael Joseph Jackson (born 1958) is truly a music legend. He became a

superstar at the age of eleven as a member of his family band The Jackson 5. His

solo career earned him the title "King of Pop". His studio albums have all become

classics. Jackson is equally famous for his high energy and complicated dance

techniques such as the Moonwalk. He died in 2009 at the age of 50.

Jackson dominated the music charts throughout the 1970s,

were perfect for the new music video age. MTV

enthusiastically played his videos to the world. His ‗Thriller‘

video had all the excitement of a major movie release.

Jackson became a true icon of pop culture and influenced

dozens of today‘s top stars.

Let´s read Michael Jackson`s Biography to know a little bit more about him.

What kind of music do you like?

Did you like the music you have just listened to? Why?

What do you know about its singer?


Jackson‘s personal life created significant controversy and earned him a nickname

he hated, ‗Wacko Jacko‘. He angered many by having plastic surgery and

lightening his skin to look white. His reputation was badly damaged in several

high-profile child sexual abuse cases in 2003 and 2005. The courts cleared him on

both occasions.

His awards and records are proof of the phenomenal success he achieved. He

won World Music Award's Best-Selling Pop Male Artist of the Millennium, and was

the American Music Award's Artist of the Century. ‗Thriller‘ remains the best selling

album of all time. ‗Vanity Fair‘ magazine named him the "Most popular artist in the

history of show business".

Image available at http://inwent-iij-lab.org/Weblog/2009/06/26/africa-mourns-michael-jackson/ access 08/07/2010 Text available at http://www.famouspeoplelessons.com/m/michael_jackson.html access 08/07/2010

Synonym match: Match the words from the biography on the left with their synonyms on the right.

Paragraphs 1 and 2

a. Truly ( c ) Difficult

b. Earned ( f ) Symbol

c. Complicated ( d ) Ruled

d. Dominated (e ) Passionately

e. Enthusiastically ( a ) beyond doubt

f. Icon ( b ) Got

Paragraphs 3 and 4

g. Significant ( i ) Times

h. Reputation ( g ) Major

i. Occasions ( j ) Evidence

j. Proof ( k ) Extraordinary

k. Phenomenal ( l ) continues as

l. Remains ( h ) Image

2. Look for the information asked below on Michael‘s biography and copy them:


a) date of birth:

b) date of death:

c) when he started his career:

d) name of his band:

e) title received by ‗Vanity Fair‘ magazine:

3. Organize the sentences to form the correct sequence according to the text:

( 3 ) Ele se tornou um ícone da cultura ―pop‖ e influenciou muitos artistas atuais.

( 1 ) Michael se tornou um ―superstar‖ aos onze anos como membro da banda de

sua família.

( 6 ) ―Thriller‖ continua sendo o álbum mais vendido de todos os tempos.

( 4 ) Ele fez muitas cirurgias plásticas e clareou a pele para parecer branco, o que

desagradou muitos fãs.

( 5 ) Nos anos de 2003 e 2005, os casos de abuso sexual contra crianças

mancharam sua reputação.

( 2 ) Sua carreira solo lhe deu o título de ―Rei do Pop‖.

Task 13

Watch the clip of the song ―Black or White‖ available at

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjZwi_PJiio&feature=related and answer:

1) What is the clip about?

2) Do you think there is a conflict between the lyrics and Michael`s behavior?

See the images below and answer according to your point of view about a

possible conflict that Michael suffered in his life.


3) In your opinion, why did Michael Jackson change his physical appearance?

Task 14

a. O preconceito e a não aceitação de si mesmo estão presentes em muitas

práticas sociais. Diante dessa afirmação, aponte algumas razões que geram

tais situações.

Neste momento far-se-á uma retomada das biografias já estudadas (pesquisadas

pelos alunos no laboratório de informática), bem como das características e

particularidades desse gênero para, em seguida, propor a seguinte atividade.


In pairs, write a small biography about someone you admire. Try to

illustrate your text. Don‘t forget to include dates and important events of

his/her story!


First step: research on the Internet, data and images you‘ll need to

produce your text.

Second step: write your text.

Third step: read it and correct it.




Task 1

1. Look at the famous people‘s images and answer orally the questions about

each one:

a. Who is he/she?

b. Where is he/she from?

c. Is he/she married?

d. Is he/she live or died

e. What is his/her occupation?

f. What else do you know about him/her?

Task 2

Research a biographical text about someone you like and complete the data

asked below about he/she. If you want you can access the site




FULL NAME:______________________________________________________________



DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________________________________________________



PLACE OF BIRTH:__________________________________________________________



PARENTS` NAMES: _________________________________________________________






MARITAL STATUS:_________________________________________________________



IMPORTANT EVENTS OF HIS/HER LIFE:_____________________________________



IF THE PERSON IS DEAD,DATE OF DEATH :__________________________________



IF THE PERSON IS DEAD,THE PLACE OF DEATH:____________________________



Para inserir a foto ,

busque-a no google -

imagens e salve-a na sua

pasta. Depois, vá para

inserir - figura – do

arquivo-escolha a figura

com o nome salvo por

você. Clique em abrir.

Coloque a foto neste





1) Do you like movies?

2) What kind of movies do you like?

3) Do you have a favorite actress or actor?

Who is the person in the picture below?

Do you know anything about her?

If your answer is affirmative tell us what you know. Can you name a movie (or more) in what she starred?


Angelina Jolie’s Biography

Angelina was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 4, 1976. Jolie is the

daughter of actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. She loved movies and

started acting classes to follow her dream of movie stardom. She was rebellious

and became a punk with dyed purple hair and tattoos. Her movie career took off in

1997 and within a few years she had won an Oscar. Her 2001 role as Lara Croft in

the blockbuster ―Tomb Raider‖ shot her to international fame.

Angelina hasn‘t limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian

work while filming in Cambodia. She is now a UN Goodwill Ambassador, visiting

refugee camps in poor countries. She donates large sums of money to help the

plight of underprivileged people. She has effectively used her stardom to highlight

world problems.

Unfortunately, Jolie‘s personal life has come to overshadow her other pursuits.

The tabloids are obsessed with her relationships, divorced from actors Jonny Lee

Miller and Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie currently lives with actor Brad Pitt, in a

relationship that has attracted worldwide media attention. The couple is now

referred to not as Brad and Angelina but as ―Brangelina‖. Jolie and Pitt have three

adopted children, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, as well as three biological children,

Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. The media seem more caught up with what they eat

and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do.

Helping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. In 2001, she said: ―We

cannot close ourselves off…and ignore the fact that millions of people are out

there suffering.‖ In addition to acting awards, she has received wide recognition for

her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the UN‘s Citizen of the World

Award. It seems likely more accolades will follow.

Adapted from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Jolie


access on 11/12/2009


Task 3

Now we are going to talk about the text. Answer the questions:

1) According to the genre, how would you classify this text?

2) Which are its characteristics?

3) What sort of information does this text bring?

4) How does this genre generally appear? (oral or written)

5) Who usually writes this discoursive genre?

6) Who reads it?

7) What‘s the writer‘s purpose for writing the text?

Task 4

1) Among the characteristics below, which ones belong to the genre ―biography‖?

( ) personal data ( ) real facts

( ) scientific information ( ) life trajectory

( ) moral aspect ( ) past tense

( ) personal opinion ( ) first singular person

2) Look for the information asked below in the text you‘ve read, and copy them


a) Place and date of birthday:

b) When and how she started her career:

c) Name of her parents:

d) Name of her children and their father:

e) Besides being an actress, what else does she do?


So, we can see that biography is a kind of text that relates a story about someone,

telling important events of his/her life. Events which happened in any moment of

his/her life. By the way, we are going to study the main aspects of this verbal



The simple past tense is one of the most common tenses in English.There is only

one form for all the subjects. With most verbs, called regular verbs, the simple past

is created simply by adding -ED. However, there are some exceptions:

Verb ending in... How to make the simple past Examples

Consonant +y Change y to i, then add -ED try tried

cry cried

Vowel + y Add Ed (normal rule)

One vowel + one consonant

(excepting w or y)

Double the consonant, then add -


tap tapped

commit committed

Verbs ending in –e Add only –D Love loved

Although many verbs in English form their past tense adding –ED, some do not.

These are called irregular verbs, and they include some of the most used verbs

Observe the sentences and answer:

―Angelina was born in LA in 1976‖ ―She became involved in humanitarian work while filming in Cambodia‖ ―In 2001, she said: ―We cannot close ourselves off (…) and ignore the fact that millions of people are out there suffering‖

-Can you name the verbal tense used in the sentences above?

-Why did the writer of this biography choose this verbal tense?


in English. The three most important irregular verbs are BE, HAVE, and DO. The

simple past forms for BE are different depending on the subject.

Other irregular verbs fall into three main categories:

Task 5

Now, let‘s go to the school‘s computer room to do activities about the topic ―past




Pronoun BE HAVE DO

I was Had Did

You were Had Did

He / she / it was Had Did

We were Had Did

They were Had Did

Category Examples

Verbs which don't change cut – cut / hit – hit / fit - fit

Verbs which change their vowel get – got / sit – sat / drink - drank

Verbs which change completely catch – caught / bring – brought / teach - taught


Dates in English

In the text about Angelina Jolie there is a date:

―Angelina was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 4, 1976.‖

British English

In British English the day is usually put before the month. If you wish, you can add

the ending of the ordinal number. The preposition of before the month is usually

dropped. You can put a comma before the year, but this is not common anymore

in British English.

Example: 5(th) (of) October(,) 2004

( Day - month - year)

American English

In American English the month is usually put before the day. If you wish, you can

put the definite article before the day. It is common to write a comma before the


Example: October (the) 5(th), 2004

(Month – Day – Year)


You can also write the date by using numbers only. The most common forms are:

(Br) 21/5/2010 the twenty-first of May, two thousand and ten.

Day – Month – Year

(Am) 11/31/2009 November thirty-first, two thousand and nine.

Month – Day – Year


Note, however, that 5/10/04 usually means 5 October 2004 in British English and

May 10, 2004 in American English. To avoid any possible mistake, you should

spell out the month or use the abbreviation.

Adapted from http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/date/written access on 14/06/2010

Task 6

Write the following dates in both (American and British) forms:

EX: 6/10/2010: June 21, 2010 (Am)

10/6/2010: 5 October, 2010 (Br)

a. 4/21/2010:




b. 10/5/2010:




c. 11/27/2010:




d. 3/9/2010:





e. 5/13/2010:





The preposition used with dates ( month and day) is ON

Example: ―Angelina was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 4, 1976.‖

When we write only month or year in dates, we use the preposition IN

Examples: ―Angelina was born in June‖

―She was born in 1976‖


Task 7

1. How often do you watch movies?


2. What attracts your attention most to watch a movie?

( ) special effects ( ) cast ( ) scenes ( ) soundtrack

3. Where do you get information about the movie you want to watch?

( ) from magazines ( ) from newspaper ( ) from TV

( ) from books ( ) from billboards ( ) from Internet sites

4. These are some of the movies that Angelina Jolie has participated. Look at

them and match the title to its genre. If it is necessary, you can read the synopsis

on the Internet.


( 1 ) action ( 2 ) adventure ( 3 ) romantic comedy ( 4 ) drama

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

5- Getting more information on the movies above:





6. What are the movies you've watched that have Angelina Jolie as the




Task 8

Read the text and do the activities:

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

release date: Friday June 10, 2005

Tuesday November 29, 2005 (dvd)

genre: Action


time: 120 min.


director: Doug Liman

studio: 20th Century Fox

producer(s): Arnon Milchan, Akiva Goldsman, Lucas Foster, Patrick Wachsberger, Eric


screenplay: Simon Kinberg


Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn, Adam Brody, Kerry Washington,

Keith David, Chris Weitz, Rachael Huntley, Michelle Monaghan, Jennifer


Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)

John and Jane Smith are a married couple, both living unexciting lives and

attending marriage therapy, as their passion has cooled since

they got married. But what they don't know about each other is

that they are both professional assassins working for two rival

agencies. John's latest assignment is to eliminate Benjaiman

"Tank" Danz, but it all becomes complicated when Jane is also assigned to

eliminate the same target. Learning that they are both assassins and failing to

eliminate Danz, John and Jane's separate employers decide that they try to take

each other out (John kill Jane, Jane kill John). Engaged in a deadly game, John

and Jane try to take each other out and learns more about each other as they try

to finish the job and eliminate Danz. Written by Daniel Williamson.

Adapted from: http://www.tribute.ca/movies/Mr.+&+Mrs.+Smith/8473

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356910/plotsummary. Access on: 20/05/10.

Text comprehension

1. Match the columns according to the meaning of the words or expressions:


a. married couple

b. take each other out

c. rival agencies

d. both

e. deadly game

f. same target

g. has cooled

( ) esfriou

( ) jogo mortal

( ) casal

( ) ambos

( ) mesmo alvo

( ) agências rivais

( ) eliminar um ao outro

2. Read the text and answer:

a. Who are the characters of the movie?

b. Who is its director?

c. What are the main characters‘ occupation?

d. What is the mission/ task given to each one by the agencies they work for?

e. Did they do that? Why?

Task 9

1. What is the genre of this text?

( ) synopsis ( ) movie review ( ) advertisement

2. What is the context of production and reception of it?


3. Who would read this genre of text?


4. Who writes this genre of text?

( ) viewers ( ) actors ( ) journalists ( ) movie analysts / critics ( ) others

5. What is the purpose of writing a text like this?


Task 10

1) There is also the movie review, another genre related to movies. What is the

aim of it?


2) Research a movie review and complete the chart below:



Task 11

Read the comments about the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith and do the activities:

This was one of the worst movies I‘ve ever

seen. Car chases, explosions and shoot-outs

seem to take the place of having a real plot. My biggest complaint was with the

husband and wife fight scene that takes place in their own home when the both

are trying to kill each other. This is not some silly little slapstick fighting that could

have gone on in a Carry Grant movie. This is all out shooting, punching and

kicking that destroys the whole house. At one point Mrs. Smith is laying on the

floor while Mr. Smith kicks her over and over as hard as he can. The audience

(mainly teens and young 20's) laughs with every kick and punch. I don‘t

understand how that level of violence between a man and woman can be laughed

at today.

Why would Angelina Jolie make such a movie when she herself claims to care

about the welfare of the world‘s children? Doesn‘t she care about the bad

message this sends out OUR young people? It is offensive to me that the makers


of this movie appear to think that the over the top violence by itself is a good thing

and to be laughed at. I feel that they see the audience as idiots easily impressed

with explosions and shooting who don‘t care if the story makes sense. This seems

to be yet another example of the dumbing down of America.

My Ratings: Extremely Offensive/1—Pam, age 45 I have been waiting for this film for months and it paid off. It was very entertaining,

and I loved the action. The story line was great and the actors did a fantastic job. I

have been a fan of both Brad and Angelina, and it was great to finally see them in

a film together. I would recommend this film for anyone who wants to have a good


My Ratings: Average/4½—Alejandra Orozco, age 22

Available at http://www.christiananswers.net/spotlight/movies/2005/mrandmrssmith2005.html#issues

Access on 20/04/2010

1. Write P (positive) and N (negative) to the information from the text above:

( ) This was one of the worst movies I‘ve ever seen.

( ) It was very entertaining,…

( ) I would recommend this film for anyone.

( ) My biggest complaint was with the husband and wife fight scene…

2. Copy from the text words with:

Positive meanings Negative meanings

3. One of the comments brings a negative criticism about de film. Which aspects

were used by the author to sustain the argument?



4. After reading the comments of the viewers, watch the trailer available at

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiBoB634Ryg- and discuss the question

below with your group.

Task 12

1)Watch the video available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPAuNl4cSpU&feature=fvw and answer:

a. What is the theme of it?

b. In what context was the video made?

c. O apresentador anuncia a atriz como ―a UN good will ambassador”. Na

verdade, ela atuou na UNHCR uma das organizações pertencentes à UN.

Pesquise o significado da sigla UNHCR, e, depois disso, escreva qual era a

função dela nessa organização governamental.

2) Watch the video again and complete the text with the correct words from the box

Angelina Jolie’s speech R- The Hollywood actress welled up with tears after taking to the stage to speak

about her time as a UN good will ambassador.

A J- The 1_________ I have met and spent time with, have profoundly changed

my life.

The 8-year-old 2_________ who saved her brother taught me what is to be


The pregnant 4_________ in Pakistan taught me what is to be a 5_________.

Violence in movies – How does it affect people‘s life?

1. american – 2. boy – 3. brave – 4. communities – 5. country – 6. girl – 7. migrants – 8. mother – 9. refugees – 10. strength – 11. survivors – 12. woman – 13. world


And the paralyzed 6_________ who had been shot in the back, with his big smile,

showed me the 7_________ of an unbreakable spirit.

So today, on World Refugee Day, I thank them for letting me in to their lives.

R- Speaking to an audience in Washington, D.C., she urged people not to

prejudice that used have been displaced by war.

A J- As an 8_________, I know the strength that diversity has given my

9_________. A country built by what would now, some would dismiss as asylum

seekers or economic 10_________, and I believe we must persuade the

11_________ that refugees must not be simply viewed as a burden. They are

12_________, and they can bring those qualities to the service of their

13_________ and the countries that share to them.


3) The video available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGEWqCRpEtw shows

images and a song. Watch it and underline the correct word in the lyrics. Song by

Michael Jackson: ―We‘ve had Enough‖

Love was taken from a young life

And no one told her / him why

Her direction has a dimlight

From one more violent crime

[…] She innocently questioned why

Why her father / mother had to die

She asked the men in blue

How is it that you get to change / choose

Who will live and who will die

Did God say that you could decide?

You saw he didn't run / walk

And that my daddy had no gun

[…] He innocently questioned why

Why his mother had to die / lie

What did these soldiers come here for ?

If they're for peace, why is there war ?

Did God say that they would / could decide

Who will live and who will die ?

All my mama ever did

Was try to take care of her children / kids

[…] Only God could decide

Who will live / give and who will die

There's nothing that can't be done

If we raise our voice as one…


4) SONG ACTIVITIES: a. What are the themes dealt in the text?

b. Who generally cares about the main problem showed in the text?

c. What is the main idea sustained through the text?

d. Where does it usually appear?

e. Whom is the text written to?

f. A música ―We`ve had enough‖ foi composta por Michael Jackson e Carole

Bayer Sager em 2004. É possível perceber alguma diferença no quadro social

vigente, no que diz respeito à temática abordada por eles? Justifique.

g. A palavra God aparece três vezes na letra da música. Cada uma delas

corresponde a um enunciador diferente. A que conclusão você chega a partir


5) Now, based on the two videos, answer the following questions

a. What both have in common?

b. A boy and a girl are both mentioned in angelina‘s speech and in the song. what

are the situations experienced by them?

c. How do you imagine their lives went on?

Task 13

Michael Joseph Jackson (born 1958) is truly a music legend. He became a

superstar at the age of eleven as a member of his family

band The Jackson 5. His solo career earned him the title

"King of Pop". His studio albums have all become classics.

Let´s read Michael Jackson`s Biography to know a little bit more about him.

What kind of music do you like? Did you like the music you have just listened to? Why? What do you know about its singer?


Jackson is equally famous for his high energy and complicated dance techniques

such as the Moonwalk. He died in 2009 at the age of 50.

Jackson dominated the music charts throughout the 1970s, were perfect for the

new music video age. MTV enthusiastically played his videos to the world. His

‗Thriller‘ video had all the excitement of a major movie release. Jackson became a

true icon of pop culture and influenced dozens of today‘s top stars.

Jackson‘s personal life created significant controversy and earned him a nickname

he hated, ‗Wacko Jacko‘. He angered many by having plastic surgery and

lightening his skin to look white. His reputation was badly damaged in several

high-profile child sexual abuse cases in 2003 and 2005. The courts cleared him on

both occasions.

His awards and records are proof of the phenomenal success he achieved. He

won World Music Award's Best-Selling Pop Male Artist of the Millennium, and was

the American Music Award's Artist of the Century. ‗Thriller‘ remains the best selling

album of all time. ‗Vanity Fair‘ magazine named him the "Most popular artist in the

history of show business".

Image available at http://inwent-iij-lab.org/Weblog/2009/06/26/africa-mourns-michael-jackson/ access 08/07/2010 Text available at http://www.famouspeoplelessons.com/m/michael_jackson.html access 08/07/2010

1- Synonym match: Match the words from the biography on the left with their synonyms on the right.

Paragraphs 1 and 2 a. Truly ( ) Difficult

B Earned ( ) Symbol

c. Complicated ( ) Ruled

d. Dominated ( ) Passionately

e. Enthusiastically ( ) beyond doubt

f. Icon ( ) Got

Paragraphs 3 and 4

g. Significant ( ) Times

h. Reputation ( ) Major

i. Occasions ( ) Evidence


j. Proof ( ) Extraordinary

k. Phenomenal ( ) continues as

l. Remains ( ) Image

2- Look for the information asked below on Michael‘s biography and copy them:

a) date of birth:

b) date of death:

c) when he started his career:

d) name of his band:

e) title received by ‗Vanity Fair‘ magazine:

3- Organize the sentences to form the correct sequence according to the text:

( ) Ele se tornou um ícone da cultura ―pop‖ e influenciou muitos artistas atuais.

( ) Michael se tornou um ―superstar‖ aos onze anos como membro da banda de

su a família.

( ) ―Thriller‖ continua sendo o álbum mais vendido de todos os tempos.

( ) Ele fez muitas cirurgias plásticas e clareou a pele para parecer branco, o que

desagradou muitos fãs.

( ) Nos anos de 2003 e 2005, os casos de abuso sexual contra crianças

mancharam sua reputação.

( ) Sua carreira solo lhe deu o título de ―Rei do Pop‖.

Task 14

Watch the clip of the song ―Black or White‖ available at

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjZwi_PJiio&feature=related and answer:

1) What is the clip about?

2) Do you think there is a conflict between the lyrics and Michael`s behavior? See

the images below and answer according to your point of view about a possible

conflict that Michael suffered in his life.


3) In your opinion, why did Michael Jackson change his physical appearance?

Task 15 QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION O preconceito e a não aceitação de si mesmo estão presentes em muitas práticas sociais. Diante dessa afirmação, aponte algumas razões que geram tais situações.

FINAL PRODUCTION Task 16 In pairs, write a small biography about someone you admire. Try to

illustrate your text. Don‘t forget to include dates and important events of

his/her story!

First step: research on the Internet, data and images you‘ll need to

produce your text.

Second step: write your text.

Third step: read it and correct it.


5 BIBLIOGRAFIA CRISTOVÃO, Vera Lúcia Lopes. Modelos didáticos de gênero: uma abordagem para o ensino de língua estrangeira. Londrina: UEL, 2007 DOLZ, J. & SCHNEUWLY, B. (1998). Pour un ensignement de l’oral: initiation aux genres formels à l’école. Paris. ESF. SHNEUWLY, B. DOLZ, J. Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. [Tradução e organização: Roxane Rojo e Glaís Sales Cordeiro]. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004. Consultas on line http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Angelina_Jolie_at_Davos_crop.jpg . Acesso em 20/05/2010 In.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelina_Jolie Acesso em 11/12/200 www.famouspeoplelessons.com/ Acesso em 11/12/2009 http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verb-tenses_past_quiz.htm. Acesso em 11/04/2010 http://www.better-english.com/grammar/past4.htm Acesso em 11/04/2010 http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/date/written Acesso em 14/06/2010 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/gia/ Acesso em 15/06/2010 http://www.moviefone.com/movie/gia/1117650/synopsis Acesso em 15/06/2010 http://www.forangelsonly.org/wallpaper/changeling-angelina-jolie-exclusive-wallpapers Acesso em 15/06/2010 http://movies.about.com/od/changeling/a/changeling10308.htm Acesso em 15/06/2010 http://www.tribute.ca/movies/Mr.+&+Mrs.+Smith/8473 Acesso em 20/05/2010 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356910/plotsummary. Acesso em 20/05/10. http://www.christiananswers.net/spotlight/movies/2005/mrandmrssmith2005.html#issues Acesso em 20/04/2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiBoB634Ryg- Acesso em 18/04/2010


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPAuNl4cSpU&feature=fvw Acesso em 18/04 http://inwent-iij-lab.org/Weblog/2009/06/26/africa-mourns-michael-jackson/ Acesso em 08/07/2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGEWqCRpEtw Acesso em 08/07 http://www.famouspeoplelessons.com/m/michael_jackson.html Acesso em 08/07/2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjZwi_PJiio&feature=related Acesso em 11/07