PET Informacoes2

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of PET Informacoes2

  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2


    Garrafas - Fabricao

    Fabricao das Garrafas e Frascos: o Sopro das Preformas

    A transformao da resina PET em garrafas, frascos, potes ou outros tipos de embalagem, ocorre em 7 etapas distintas

    e as trs ltimas so aquelas referentes produo da garrafa propriamente dita:

    1 !ecagem

    " Alimentao

    # Plastificao

    $ %n&eo

    ' Condicionamento( Sopro) Ejeo do produto.

    5- No condicionamentoa pr*+forma recebe um tratamento t*rmico diferenciado, aquecendo+se mais onde for

    necessrio - conforme o desen.o da embalagem + otimi/ando o sopro Esse condicionamento pode ser reali/ado de duas

    maneiras diferentes, conforme o sistema adotado para o sopro das embalagens:

    a0 um estgio tamb*m con.ecido como integradoou ciclo quente0

    b0 dois es tgios tamb*m con.ecido comociclo frio0

    2o sistema de um estgio a0 * poss34el 4ariar mais a produo de formas e taman.os para os frascos e garrafas, embora

    a produti4idade se&a inferior

    2este sistema, a preforma segue do molde de in&eo diretamentepara o condicionamento a uma temperatura emtornode 15567

    2o sistema de dois estgios b0 a prioridade * a 4elocidade de produo, assim, as preformas so in&etadas primeiro

    estgio0 em grandes quantidades e estocadas, sendo en4iadas posteriormentepara o local onde o sopro ser feito

    segundo estgio0 conforme a necessidade 2este sistema, a preforma * in&etada pre4iamente Para ser soprada, c.ega

    fria do estoque e entra no forno, onde a regio a ser estirada ser condicionada 8ma 4e/ atingida as temperaturas

    ideais, a preforma est preparada e otimi/ada para etapa seguinte

    - No sopro, a pr*+forma * colocada, geralmente com o au93lio de robs, dentro do molde, cu&a ca4idade tem a forma

    final da embalagem

    8m pino penetra no gargalo da pr*+forma para estir+la, e * soprado o ar comprimido no seu interior ; corpo da

    preforma * inflado de forma controlada com a a&uda de uma .aste de estiramento arrafas de PET * normali/ada pela Associao ?rasileira de 2ormas T*cnicas atra4*s da

    2?@1'#':"55( ; documento pode ser adquirido diretamente com a A?2T

    A Abipet recomenda a leitura do guia arrafa, dispon34el no site para doBnload
  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2


    Preformas - "ariedade

    Preformas de PE#: $ariedade para todos os fins

    Antes da garrafa pronta, como a con.ecemos nos mercados, * necessrio produ/ir uma P@EC;@DA Trata+se de

    uma pea em forma de tubo - com rosca + que ser, posteriormente, soprada para c.egar ao fomato final do

    produto - um frasco, um pote, uma garrafa e a absoluta maioria das embalagens de PET e9istentes

    7om * fcil obser4ar em qualquer supermercado, . uma grande 4ariedade de produtos en4asados em PET

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    peso, se e9postos sem nen.uma proteo s intemp*ries por longos per3odos

    2a prtica, se a resina for mantida em locais fec.ados por curtos per3odos de tempo, o 4alor de umidade * normalmente

    menor, podendo ser inferior a 5,1I

    !e a resina for submetida fuso com esses n34eis de umidade, sofre uma rpida degradao .idrFlise0, redu/indo o

    seu peso molecular, o que * refletido na perda da 4iscosidade intr3nseca J%0 e conseqKente perda de suas propriedades

    f3sicas Portanto, a secagem cuidadosa e controlada das resinas PET * uma operao essencial antes de sua


    As recomenda=es prticas para se ter um processo de secagem eficiente e confi4el so:

    + Danter a temperatura efeti4a dos gros entre 1(5 L 1G567 medida na sa3da do secador0M

    + A temperatura do ar seco no de4e e9ceder 1567 medido na entrada do secador0 Esse limite de4e ser respeitado para

    e4itar degradao termo+o9idati4a que * muito rpida acima desta temperatura Este fenmeno, quando ocorre, *

    percebido atra4*s do amarelamento do groM

    + ; ponto de or4al.o de4e ser inferior a #567 medido na entrada do secador0M

    + 2ormalmente o secador * operado acima de # 2m#cbicos0 de arLHg de PETL., na temperatura e ponto de or4al.o de


    + ; tempo de residncia dos gros de4e ser superior a $. 2a fai9a de temperatura recomendada para a secagem, a

    4elocidade de degradao termo+o9idati4a * bai9a, mas o uso de tempos muitos longos pode tornar essa degradao


    )- % a!imentao* a transio entre o silo que arma/ena a resina e a entrada do PET na in&etora 2esta etapa, quando

    necessrio, so dosados aditi4os resina PET protetores aos raios ultra4ioleta, concentrados de cor, etc0, atra4*s de

    equipamentos espec3ficos para esta finalidade Aqui o material est sFlido, seco e a uma temperatura, preferencialmente,acima de 155 7

    *- % p!astificao* muito importante e delicada 2esta etapa a resina PET muda de estado f3sico para ser in&etado Ele

    * aquecido e plastificado dentro do can.o da in&etora com o au9ilio de um parafuso sem fim, com passo de rosca e

    /onas de presso bem determinados

    As temperaturas de trabal.o, geralmente controladas por resistncias, 4ariam conforme o equipamento e esto entre "('

    e #5'o7

    +- 'njeo, ou, a etapa de transfernciada resina PET plastificada para o molde de preformas ; molde de4e estarabai9a temperatura, de4ido circulao em seu interior de gua gelada ; PET no molde de in&eo endurece

    rapidamente de4ido a esta bai9a temperatura !e o resfriamento fosse lento, o PET poderia retornar parcialmente ao

    estado cristali/ado, podendo debilitar algumas propriedades do produto final

    Ao final desta etapa, a preforma est pronta, com o gargalo em sua forma definiti4a e o corpo que, na etapa seguinte,

    ser transformado no corpo da embalagem final

    A produo das Preformas de PET * normali/ada pelaAssociao ?rasileira de 2ormas T*cnicas atra4*s da A?2T

    2?@ 1''GG:"55G ; documento pode ser adquirido diretamente com a A?2T

    A Abipet recomenda a leitura do guia arrafa, dispon34el no site para leitura ou doBnload

  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2


    esina PE# - ist/ria

    ist/ria da esina PE#

    ; PoliTereftalato de Etileno0, ou, simplesmente PET, * um pol3mero termoplstico da fam3lia dos poli*steres Embora

    se&a muito con.ecido. o&e atra4*s das garrafas plsticas, o material iniciou sua tra&etFria na indstria t9til

    A primeira amostra da resina foi desen4ol4ida pelos ingleses N.infield e rande>uerra, o desabastecimento afetou + tamb*m + a %ndstria t9til da *poca, ainda baseada em fibras como algodo, lin.o,

    l, entre outras Assim, as pesquisas que le4aram produo em larga escala do poli*ster comearam logo apFs a

    !egunda >rande >uerra nos E8A e Europa e basea4am+se nas aplica=es t9teis A id*ia era criar alternati4as 4i4eis

    para as fibras at* ento usadas, cu&os campos esta4am destru3dos pela guerra ; poli*ster apresentou+se como um

    e9celente substituto para o algodo - funo que cumpre muito bem at* .o&e, inclusi4e a partir das garrafas recicladas

    ; PET continuou a ser desen4ol4ido e no4as aplica=es foram surgindo !ua resistncia mecnica foi compro4ada

    quando o poli*ster passou a ser utili/ado na indstria de pneus, em 1("

    As primeiras embalagens de PET surgiram nos Estados 8nidos - e logo apFs na Europa no in3cio dos anos )5; PET c.egou ao ?rasil em 1GG e seguiu uma tra&etFria semel.ante ao resto do mundo, sendo utili/ado primeiramente

    na indstria t9til Apenas a partir de 1# passou a ter forte e9presso no mercado de embalagens, notadamente para os

    refrigerantes Atualmente o PET est presente nos mais di4ersos produtos

    esina PE# - Fabricao

    Produo da esina PE#

    ; Poli Etileno Tereftalato0, con.ecido pela sigla em ingls PET, * classificado quimicamente como um pol3mero

    poli*ster termoplstico; PET * produ/ido industrialmente por esterificaodireta do cido tereftlico purificado PTA0 com monoetileno glicol

    DE>0 ;use&a, esses dois elementos PTA e DE>0 so misturados, formando uma pasta que, durante o processo de

    fabricao, reagiro entre si, passando por cristali/ao e formando o PET como con.ecemos: gros brancos e opacos

    A resina PET para embalagens r3gidas * caracteri/ada por possuir uma 4iscosidade intr3nseca J%0 maior do que a do

    PET para aplica=es de filmes e fibras A 4iscosidade intr3nseca, comumente e9pressa em dlLg, * diretamente

    proporcional ao peso molecular

    A resina PET * produ/idas em duas fases:

    (-; PET amorfo * obtido pela polimeri/ao no estado l3quido com J% em torno de 5,(

    2esta etapa * formado o bis+"+.idro9ietil+tereftalato ?OET0, tamb*m c.amado demonmero da polimeri/ao 2esta

    operao forma+se gua, que * retirada continuamente do meio

    ; monmero * ento transferido para a polimeri/ao, onde, sob alto 4cuo, ocorre a policondensao l3quida

    2esta operao, o glicol * eliminado da reao com o aumento da J% do pol3meroreao "0

    2este ponto, o pol3mero amorfo * retirado do polimeri/ador, resfriado, solidificado, cortado e ento arma/enado

    )-2a pFs+condensao no estadosFlido a resina PET amorfa + obtida na primeira fase de fabricao + * cristali/ada e

    polimeri/ada continuamente reao #0 2esse processo, a J% do pol3mero * aumentada tipicamente a 5,GdlLg

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    A resina * ento embalada, estando pronta para ser comerciali/ada

    C%%C#E0S#'C%S 12 PE#

    Peso Dolecular:

    + A propriedade mais significati4a do PET ; peso * um indicati4o do nmero m*dio de unidades de repetio PET

    indi4iduais que so agrupadas para formar uma corrente molecular nica

    Jiscosidade intr3nseca do PET:

    + o modo pelo qual podemos definir oseu peso molecular corretamente

    % 3orfo!o&ia do PE#

    A morfologia dos pol3meros en4ol4e o arran&o, o formato, o taman.o e o efeito do cristal no pol3mero sFlido Esta

    morfologia * importante pelo seu efeito nas propriedades finais do pol3mero sFlido

    ;s pol3meros podem ser:

    + Amorfos: so aqueles que no possuem capacidade de cristali/ar, sendo amorfo sem qualquer condio ou .istFria


    + !emicristalinos: geralmente c.amados de pol3meros cristalinos, so pol3meros formados por regi=es amorfas e regi=es

    cristalinas A regio amorfa * aquela caracteri/ada por completa desordem de mol*culas, ao contrrio das regi=es

    cristalinas, em que segmentos de cadeias moleculares esto estendidas, arran&adas de uma maneira ordenada, formando

    um empacotamento regular c.amado cristalito 2ormalmente, os pol3meros nunca so 155I cristalinos ; PET

    enquadra+se na categoria dos pol3meros semi+cristalinos

    ; modelo tradicional usado para 4isuali/ar a morfologia e e9plicar as propriedades dos pol3meros semi cristalinos * a

    Dicela Cran&ada Em determinados trec.os, os segmentos de cadeias moleculares esto perfeitamente ordenados,

    formando as regi=es cristalinas e em outros segmentos dessas mesmas mol*culas esto desordenados, correspondendo

    s regi=es amorfas A mol*cula *, portanto, muito maior do que o comprimento do cristalito

    As propriedades do PET dependem:


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    + 7ristali/ao t*rmica, e

    + 7ristali/ao indu/ida por tenso

    A cristali/ao t*rmica * reali/ada por resfriamento lento do PET fundido ou por aquecimento formando cristais de

    estrutura esferul3tica A cristali/ao esferul3tica resulta em um sFlido branco, opaco, frgil, com maior resistncia

    t*rmica e mecnica do que o PET amorfo

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    $ma "arrafa '/ demora no meio ambiente cerca de 4 anos para se de"radar#

    'ode ser reciclado, pelo processo de termorea!o, ou a quente, aonde a determinadatemperatura, o polmero fica lquido, podendo ent!o ser moldado, e5trusado, comprimido ouem outra forma#

    )s "arrafas produ%idas com este polmero podem permanecer na nature%a por at . anos#

    -o comeo da dcada de 19., os /stados $nidose 0anadiniciaram a coleta dessas "arrafas,reciclando&as inicialmente para fa%er enchimento de almofadas#

    0om a melhoria da qualidade do '/ reciclado, sur"iram aplica2es importantes, como tecidos,lminas e "arrafas para produtos n!o alimentcios#

    3ais tarde na dcada de 199, o "overno norte americano autori%ou o uso destes materiaisreciclados em embala"ens de alimentos#

    ) produ!o cresceu mais, a recicla"em n!o acompanhou a produ!o, "erando uma invas!o de"arrafas de todos os tamanhos e formatos, ho6e a produ!o de pet avanou e um dosmaiores vil2es do meio ambiente, poluindo matas, riosec*rre"os78 #


    :s principais contaminantesdo '/ reciclado s!o os adesivos plsticos) base ou ;

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    ) selec!o e pr&processamento da sucata muito importante para a "arantia de qualidade doreciclado# ) selec!o pode ser feita pelo smbolo que identifica o material ou pela cor ;cristal,mbar ou verde=# ) separa!o pode se"uir processos manuais ou mecnicos, como sensores*pticos#

    -o pr&processamento, ap*s a prensa"em, preciso retirar os contaminantes, separando&ospor diferena de densidade em flu5o de "ua ;levi"a!o= ou ar# )lm do r*tulo ;polietileno dealta densidade=, devem ser retirados da sucata os resduos de refri"erantes e demais detritos,por meio de processos de lava"em#

    :s diferentes tipos de "arrafas tambm podem ser um problema na recicla"em# )s "arrafasque s!o usadas para envase de bebidas carbonatadas, precisam de um ndice de viscosidademaior que o de uma "arrafa de "ua, por e5emplo# Dependendo da aplica!o da resinareciclada, a mistura dos dois tipos de "arrafas pode dar um efeito complicador no futuroprocessamento#

    antagens da 'eciclagem

    edu!o do volume de li5o nos aterros sanitrios e melhoria nos processos dedecomposi!o de matrias or"nicas nos mesmos# : '/ acaba por pre6udicar adecomposi!o pois impermeabili%a certas camadas de li5o, n!o dei5ando circularem"ases e lquidos#

    /mbala"ens plsticas depositadas em aterro sanitrio#

    /conomia de petr*leopois o plstico um derivado# /conomia de ener"ia na produ!o de novo plstico#

    Aera!o de renda e empre"os# edu!o dos preos para produtos que tBm como base materiais reciclados# -o caso do '/ de C litros, a rela!o entre o peso da "arrafa ;cerca de @4"= e o

    contedo uma das mais favorveis entre os descartveis# 'or esse motivo torna&serentvel sua recicla"em#

    : material n!o pode ser transformado em adubo# 'lstico e derivados n!o podem serusados como adubo, pois n!o h bactriana nature%a capa% de de"radar rapidamente oplstico#

    E altamente combustvel, com valor de cerca de C 3e"a6oulesFquilo , e libera "asesresiduais como mon*5idoe di*5ido de carbono, acetaldedo, ben%oato de vinilae cidoben%*ico# /sses "ases podem ser usados na indstria qumica#

    E muito difcil a sua de"rada!o em aterros sanitrios#
  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2


    'rodu!o de '/ no Grasil para "arrafas

    $ma "arrafa '/ derefri"erante#

    /m toneladas

    1994 & .# 199@ & 1C# 199H & 1@# 199+ & 1.@#+ 199. & CC8#H 1999 & C44#. C & C@@#1

    C1 & C+# CC & 8# C8 & 88# C4 & 8H# C@ & 8+4# CH & 4C# C+ & 4+# C. & 4H9#+

    ecicla"em de '/ no Grasil

    ;fonte )GI'/=)-: & /0I0J)A/3 p*s&consumoKndice

    1994 & 18# ton K 1.,.L 199@ & 1.# ton K C@,4L 199H & CC# ton K C1,L 199+ & 8# ton K 1H,CL 199. & 4# ton K 1+,9L 1999 & @# ton K C,4CL C & H+# ton K CH,C+L C1 & .9# ton K 8C,9L

    CC & 1@# ton K 8@,L C8 & 141#@ ton K 48,L C4 & 1H+# ton K 4+,L
  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2


    C@ & 1+4# ton K 4+,L CH & 194# ton K @1,8L

    eferBncias1 R ab;em in"lBs= M# A# Npei"ht, -orbert )dolph Jan"e, Jan"eOs handbook of chemistrP, 3cAraQ&

    Rill, C@, 1HS1TTT1UUU 'redefini!oV)brviation, 1HC8'redefini!oV)brevia!o discretaING-+148CC@,'redefini!oV'#C#.+ et C#+@.'redefini!oV0:inN biblio"raphique

    " SR abcecord of Polyethylenterephthalatin the A/NIN Nubstance Database from theGAI)# RAarrafas pet e ecolo"ia

    Po!iterefta!ato de eti!eno%!erta sobre risco sa6de

    2ome %8PA7polet.leneterep.t.alate0


    2mero 7A! "'5#G+'+


  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2


    Ecepto onde denotado, os dados referem-se amateriais sobcondi8es P#N

    efer9ncias e a$isos &erais sobre esta caia.%!erta sobre risco sa6de.


    'olPethPlene terephthalate

    Crom NiHipedia, t.e free encclopedia

    Pol(eth(lene terephthalate;sometimes Qritten polP;ethPlene terephthalate==, commonlPabbreviated P!, P!, or the obsolete '/' or '/&', is a thermoplasticpolPmerresin ofthe polPesterfamilP and is used in sPnthetic fibers bevera"e, food and other liquid containersthermoformin" applications and en"ineerin" resins often in combination Qith "lass fiber#

    Dependin" on its processin" and thermal historP, polPethPlene terephthalate maP e5ist both asan amorphous ;transparent= and as a semi&crPstalline polPmer# he semicrPstalline materialmi"ht appear transparent ;particle si%e X @ nm= or opaque and Qhite ;particle si%e up to afeQ microns= dependin" on its crPstal structure and particle si%e# Its monomer ;bis&Y&hPdro5Pterephthalate= can be sPnthesi%ed bP the esterificationreaction betQeen terephthalicacidand ethPlene "lPcolQith Qater as a bPproduct, or bP transesterificationreactionbetQeen ethPlene "lPcoland dimethPl terephthalateQith methanolas a bPproduct#'olPmeri%ation is throu"h a polPcondensationreaction of the monomers ;done immediatelPafter esterificationFtransesterification= Qith ethPlene "lPcol as the bPproduct ;the ethPlene"lPcol is directlP recPcled in production=#

    he ma6oritP of the QorldOs '/ production is for sPnthetic fibers ;in e5cess of HL= Qith bottleproduction accountin" for around 8L of "lobal demand# In discussin" te5tile applications, '/is "enerallP referred to as simplP

  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2


    its hi"h mechanical stren"th, '/ film is often used in tape applications, such as the carrierfor ma"netic tapeor backin" for pressure sensitive adhesive tapes#

    -on&oriented '/ sheet can be thermoformedto make packa"in" traPs and blisters# IfcrPstalli%able '/ is used, the traPs can be used for fro%en dinners, since theP Qithstand bothfree%in" and oven bakin" temperatures#

    When filled Qith"lassparticlesor fibers, it becomes si"nificantlP stifferand more durable# his"lass&filled plastic, in a semi&crPstalline formulation, is sold under thetradename '(nite, )rnite, *ostadur, and "rastin#

    While most thermoplastics can, in principle, be recPcled,'/ bottle recPclin"is more practicalthan manP other plastic applications# he primarP reason is that plastic carbonated soft drinkbottles and Qater bottlesare almost e5clusivelP '/# '/ has a resin identification codeof 1#

    :ne of the uses for a recPcled '/ bottle is for the manufacture of polar fleecematerial# )mon"its manP uses, companies such as /n"lish etreadsuse the '/ material to line their products#It can also make fiber for polPester products#

    Gecause of the recPclabilitP of '/ and the relative abundance of post&consumer Qaste in theform of bottles, '/ is rapidlP "ainin" market share as a carpet fiber# 3ohaQkIndustriesreleased everN)-D in 1999, a 1L post&consumer recPcled content '/ fiber#Nince that time, more than 1+ billion bottles have been recPcled into carpet fiber#74'harr[arns, a supplier to numerous carpet manufacturers includin" Joopte5, Dobbs 3ills, andGerkshire Zloorin",7@produces a G0Z ;bulk continuous filament= '/ carpet fiber containin" aminimum of C@L post&consumer recPcled content#

    '/, as Qith manP plastics, is also an e5cellent candidate for thermal disposal ;incineration=, asit is composed of carbon, hPdro"en, and o5P"en, Qith onlP trace amounts of catalPst elements;but no sulfur=# '/ has the ener"P content of soft coal#

    '/ Qas patented in 1941 bP the 0alico 'rintersO )ssociation of 3anchester# he '/ bottle Qaspatented in 19+8 bP-athaniel WPeth#7H

    Intrinsic viscositP

    :ne of the most important characteristics of '/ is referred to as intrinsic viscositP;I?=7+

    he intrinsic viscositP of the material, measured in decilitersper "ram ;d\F"= is dependent uponthe len"th of its polPmer chains# he lon"er the polPmer chains, the more entan"lementsbetQeen chains and therefore the hi"her the viscositP# he avera"e chain len"th of a particularbatch of resin can be controlled durin" polPcondensation#

    he intrinsic viscositP ran"e of '/7.


    #4 ] #+ d\F" e5tile#+C ] #9. d\F" echnical, tirecord


    #H ] #+ d\F" Go'/;bia5iallP oriented '/ film=#+ ] 1# d\F" Nheet"rade for thermoformin"'s_modulus's_modulus
  • 8/14/2019 PET Informacoes2



    #+ ] #+. d\F" Waterbottles ;flat=#+. ] #.@ d\F" 0arbonated soft drink"rade

    3onofilament,en"ineerin" plastic

    1# ] C# d\F"


    '/ is hP"roscopic, meanin" that it naturallP absorbs Qater from its surroundin"s# RoQever,Qhen this OdampO '/ is then heated, the Qater hPdrolP%esthe '/, decreasin" its resilience#his means that before the resin can be processed in a moldin" machine, as much moisture aspossible must be removed from the resin# his is achieved throu"h the use of a desiccantordrPers before the '/ is fed into the processin" equipment#

    Inside the drPer, hot drP air is pumped into the bottom of the hopper containin" the resin sothat it floQs up throu"h the pellets, removin" moisture on its QaP# he hot Qet air leaves thetop of the hopper and is first run throu"h an after&cooler, because it is easier to removemoisture from cold air than hot air# he resultin" cool Qet air is then passed throu"ha desiccantbed# ZinallP the cool drP air leavin" the desiccant bed is re&heated in a processheater and sent back throu"h the same processes in a closed loop# PpicallP, residual moisturelevels in the resin must be less than @ parts per million ;parts of Qater per million parts of resin,bP Qei"ht= before processin"# DrPer residence time should not be shorter than about fourhours# his is because drPin" the material in less than 4 hours Qould require a temperatureabove 1H ^0, at Qhich levelhPdrolPsisQould be"in inside the pellets before theP could bedried out#

    '/ can also be dried in compressed air resin drPers# 0ompressed air drPers do not reusedrPin" air# DrP, heated compressed air is circulated throu"h the '/ pellets as in the desiccantdrPer, then released to the atmosphere#


    In addition to pure ;homopolPmer= '/, '/ modified bPcopolPmeri%ationis also available#

    In some cases, the modified properties of copolPmer are more desirable for a particularapplication# Zor e5ample, cPclohe5ane dimethanol;0RD3= can be added to the polPmerbackbone in place of ethPlene "lPcol# Nince this buildin" block is much lar"er ;H additional

    carbon atoms= than the ethPlene "lPcol unit it replaces, it does not fit in Qith the nei"hborin"chains the QaP an ethPlene "lPcol unit Qould# his interferes Qith crPstalli%ation and loQers thepolPmerOs meltin" temperature# Nuch '/ is "enerallP knoQn as '/A ;/astman 0hemical andN_ 0hemicals are the onlP tQo manufacturers=# '/A is a clear amorphous thermoplastic thatcan be in6ection molded or sheet e5truded# It can be colored durin" processin"#

    )nother common modifier is isophthalic acid, replacin" some of the 1,4&;para-=linked terephthalateunits# he 1,C&;ortho-= or 1,8&;meta&= linka"e produces an an"le in thechain, Qhich also disturbs crPstallinitP#

    Nuch copolPmers are advanta"eous for certain moldin" applications, such asthermoformin",

    Qhich is used for e5ample to make traP or blister packa"in" from co&'/ film, or amorphous'/ sheet ;)&'/= or '/A sheet# :n the other hand, crPstalli%ation is important in otherapplications Qhere mechanical and dimensional stabilitP are important, such as seat belts# Zor
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    '/ bottles, the use of small amounts of isophthalic acid, 0RD3, D/A or other comonomers canbe usefulV if onlP small amounts of comonomers are used, crPstalli%ation is sloQed but notprevented entirelP# )s a result, bottles are obtainable via stretch bloQ moldin";

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    )cetaldehPde is normallP a colorless, volatile substance Qith a fruitP smell# It forms naturallP infruit, but it can cause an off&taste in bottled Qater# )cetaldehPde forms in '/ throu"h the

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    tube is si"nificantlP thicker, as it Qill be inflated into its final shape in the second stepusin" stretch bloQ moldin"#

    In the second step, the preforms are heated rapidlP and then inflated a"ainst a tQo&part moldto form them into the final shape of the bottle# 'reforms ;uninflated bottles= are noQ also usedas containers for candP, and bP some ed 0rosschapters to distribute to homeoQners to storemedical historP for emer"encP responders#71+

    In one&step machines, the entire process from raQ material to finished container is conductedQithin one machine, makin" it especiallP suitable for moldin" non&standard shapes ;custommoldin"=, includin"6ars, flat oval, flask shapes etc# Its "reatest merit is the reduction in space,product handlin" and ener"P, and far hi"her visual qualitP than can be achieved bP the tQo&step sPstem#

    'olPester recPclin" industrP

    When recPclin"polPethPlene terephthalate or '/ or polPester, tQo QaPs "enerallP have to bedifferentiatedV

    1# he chemical recPclin" back to the initial raQ materials purified terephthalic acid;')=or dimethPl terephthalate;D3= and ethPlene "lPcol;/A= Qhere the polPmer structure isdestroPed completelP, or in process intermediates like bis&&hPdro5Pterephthalate

    C# he mechanical recPclin" Qhere the ori"inal polPmer properties are bein" maintained orreconstituted#

    0hemical recPclin" of '/ Qill become cost&efficient onlP applPin" hi"h capacitP recPclin" linesof more than @, tonsFPear# Nuch lines could onlP be seen, if at all, Qithin the productionsites of verP lar"e polPester producers# Neveral attempts of industrial ma"nitude to establishsuch chemical recPclin" plants have been made in the past but Qithout resoundin" success#

    /ven the promisin" chemical recPclin" in Mapan has not become an industrial break throu"h sofar# he tQo reasons for this areV at first, the difficultP of consistent and continuous Qastebottles sourcin" in such a hu"e amount at one sin"le site, and, at second, the steadilPincreased prices and price volatilitP of collected bottles# he prices of baled bottles increasedfor instance betQeen the Pears C and C. from about @ /uroFton to over @ /uroFton inC.#

    3echanical recPclin" or direct circulation of '/ in the polPmeric state is operated in mostdiverse variants todaP# hese kinds of processes are tPpical of small and medium&si%edindustrP# 0ost&efficiencP can alreadP be achieved Qith plant capacities Qithin a ran"e of @ ]C tonsFPear# In this case, nearlP all kinds of recPcled&material feedback into the material

    circulation are possible todaP# hese diverse recPclin" processes are bein" discussed hereafterin detail#

    Gesides chemical contaminants and de"radationproducts "enerated durin" first processin"and usa"e, mechanical impurities are representin" the main part of qualitP depreciatin"impurities in the recPclin" stream# ecPcled materials are increasin"lP introduced intomanufacturin" processes, Qhich Qere ori"inallP desi"ned for neQ materials onlP# herefore,efficient sortin", separation and cleanin" processes become most important for hi"h qualitPrecPcled polPester#

    When talkin" about polPester recPclin" industrP, Qe are concentratin" mainlP on recPclin" of'/ bottles Qhich are meanQhile used for all kinds of liquid packa"in" like Qater, carbonated

    soft drinks, 6uices, beer, sauces, deter"ents, household chemicals and so on# Gottles are easPto distin"uish because of shape and consistencP and separate from Qaste plastic streams
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    either bP automatic or hand sortin" processes# he established polPester recPclin" industrPconsists of three ma6or sectionsV

    '/ bottle collection and Qaste separationQaste lo"istics 'roduction of clean bottle flakesflake production 0onversion of '/ flakes to final productsflake processin"

    Intermediate product from the first section is baled bottle Qaste Qith a '/ content "reaterthan 9L# 3ost common tradin" form is the bale but also bricked or even loose, pre&cut bottlesare common in the market# In the second section the collected bottles are converted to clean'/ bottle flakes# his step can be more or less comple5 and complicated dependin" onrequired final flake qualitP# Durin" third step '/ bottle flakes are processed to anP kind ofproducts like film, bottles, fiber, filament, strappin" or intermediates like pellets for furtherprocessin" and en"ineerin" plastics#

    Gesides this e5ternal ;post&consumer= polPester bottle recPclin", numbers of internal ;pre&consumer= recPclin" processes e5ist, Qhere the Qasted polPmer material does not e5it theproduction site to the free market, and instead is reused in the same production circuit# In this

    QaP, fiber Qaste is directlP reused to produce fiber, preform Qaste is directlP reused to producepreforms, and film Qaste is directlP reused to produce film#

    P! bottle rec(cling

    Main article: PET bottle recycling

    7editPurification and decontamination

    he success of anP recPclin" concept is hidden in the efficiencP of purification anddecontamination at the ri"ht place durin" processin" and to the necessarP or desired e5tent#

    AenerallP, the folloQin" appliesV the sooner forei"n substances are removed, in the process,and the more thorou"hlP this is done, the more efficient the process is#

    he hi"h plastici%ationtemperature of '/ in the ran"e of C.^0 is the reason QhP almost allcommon or"anic impurities such as '?0, 'J),polPolefin, chemical Qood&pulp and paperfibers, polPvinPl acetate, melt adhesive, colorin" a"ents, su"arand proteinresidues aretransformed into colored de"radation products Qhich, in their turn, mi"ht release reactivede"radation products additionallP# hen, the number of defects in the polPmer chain increasesconsiderablP# -aturallP, the particle si%e distribution of impurities is verP Qide, the bi" particlesof H]1 `mQhich are visible bP naked ePe and easP to filterrepresentin" the lesser evilsince their total surface is relativelP small and the de"radation speed is therefore loQer# heinfluence of the microscopic particles, Qhichbecause theP are manPincrease the frequencPof defects in the polPmer, is comparable bi""er#

    he motto

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    In particularV

    Increase of 0::R end "roups Increase of color number b Increase of ha%e ;transparent products= Increase of oli"omer content eduction in filterabilitP Increase of bP&products content such as acetaldehPde, formaldehPde Increase of e5tractable forei"n contaminants Decrease in color J Decrease of intrinsic viscositPor dPnamic viscositP Decrease of crPstalli%ation temperature and increase of crPstalli%ation speed Decrease of the mechanical properties like tensile stren"th, elon"ation at break

    or elastic modulus Groadenin" of molecular Qei"ht distribution

    he recPclin" of '/&bottles is meanQhile an industrial standard process Qhich is offered bP a

    Qide varietP of en"ineerin" companies#7197editProcessing examples for rec(cled pol(ester

    ecPclin" processes Qith polPester are almost as varied as the manufacturin" processes basedon primarP pellets or melt# Dependin" on puritP of the recPcled materials polPester can be usedtodaP in most of the polPester manufacturin" processes as blend Qith vir"in polPmer orincreasin"lP as 1L recPcled polPmer# Nome e5ceptions like G:'/&film of loQ thickness,special applications like optical film or Parns throu"h ZD[&spinnin" at H mFmin ormicrofilaments and micro&fibers are produced from vir"in polPester onlP#

    7edit#imple re+pelleti,ing of bottle fla-es

    his process consists in transformin" bottle Qaste into flakes, bP drPin" and crPstalli%in" theflakes, bP plastici%in" and filterin", as Qell as bP pelleti%in"# 'roduct is an amorphous re&"ranulate of an intrinsic viscositP in the ran"e of #@@]#+ d\F", dependin" on hoQ completepre&drPin" of '/ flakes has been done#

    Npecial feature areV acetaldehPde and oli"omers are contained in the pellets at loQer level theviscositP is reduced somehoQ, the pellets are amorphous and have to be crPstalli%ed and driedbefore further processin"#

    'rocessin" toV

    )&'/ film for thermoformin",

    )ddition to '/ vir"in production, Go'/packa"in" film, '/ Gottle resinbP NN', 0arpet Parn, /n"ineerin" plastic,

    Zilaments, -on&Qoven, 'acka"in" stripes, Ntaple fibre,

    0hoosin" the re&pelleti%in" QaP means havin" an additional conversion process Qhich is at the

    one side ener"P intensive, cost consumin" and causes thermal destruction# )t the other sidethe pelleti%in" step is providin" the folloQin" advanta"esV

    Intensive melt filtration
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    Intermediate qualitP control 3odification bP additives# 'roduct selection and separation bP qualitP 'rocessin" fle5ibilitP increased (ualitP uniformi%ation

    7editanufacture of P!+pellets for bottles bottle to bottle0 and )+P!

    his process is, in principle, similar to the one described above hoQever, the pellets producedare directlP ;continuouslP or discontinuouslP= crPstalli%ed and then sub6ected to a solid&statepolPcondensation ;NN'= in a tumblin" drier or a vertical tube reactor# Durin" this processin"step, the correspondin" intrinsic viscositP of #. ] #.@ d\F" is rebuild a"ain and, at the sametime, the acetaldehPde content is reduced to X 1 ppm#

    he fact that some machine manufacturers and line builders in /urope and $N) make efforts tooffer independent recPclin" processes, e#"# the so called bottle&to&bottle ;G&C&G= process, suchas $0 or GRJ/, aims at "enerallP furnishin" proof of the

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    :ne field of increasin" interest Qhere recPcled materials are used is the manufacture of hi"htenacitP packa"in" stripes, and monofilaments# In both cases, the initial raQ material is amainlP recPcled material of hi"her intrinsic viscositP# Ri"h tenacitP packa"in" stripes as Qell asmonofilament are then manufactured in the melt spinnin" process#

    7edit'ec(cling bac- to the initial raw materials

    7edit3l(col(sis and partial gl(col(sis

    he polPester Qhich has to be recPcled is transformed into an oli"omer bP addin" ethPlene"lPcol or other "lPcols durin" thermal treatment# he aim and advanta"e of this QaP ofprocessin" is the possibilitP of separatin" the mechanical deposits directlP and efficient throu"ha pro"ressive and stepQise filtration# he filtration fineness of the last filtration step has adecisive effect on the qualitP of the end product# akin" partial recPclin" Qithpartial "lPcolPsisas an e5ample, it is to be demonstrated hoQ bottle Qaste can successfullP berecPcled in a continuouslP operatin" polPester line Qhich is manufacturin" pellets for bottleapplications#

    he task consists in feedin" 1]C@L bottle flakes Qhile maintainin" the qualitP of the bottlepellets Qhich are manufactured on the line# his aim is solved bP de"radin" the '/ bottleflakes alreadP durin" their first plastici%ation Qhich can be carried out in a sin"le& or multi&screQ e5truder to an intrinsic viscositP of about #8 d\F" bP addin" small quantities ofethPlene "lPcol and bP sub6ectin" the loQ viscositP melt stream to an efficient filtration directlPafter plastici%ation# Zurthermore, temperature is brou"ht to the loQest possible limit# Inaddition, Qith this QaP of processin", the possibilitP of a chemical decomposition of the hPdropero5ides is possible bP addin" a correspondin" '&stabili%er directlP Qhen plastici%in"# hedestruction of the hPdro pero5ide "roups is, Qith other processes, alreadP carried out durin"the last step of flake treatment for instance bP addin" R8':8#7Che partiallP "lPcolP%ed andfinelP filtered recPcled material is continuouslP fed to the esterification or prepolPcondensation

    reactor, the dosin" quantities of the raQ materials are bein" ad6usted accordin"lP#

    he treatment of polPester Qaste throu"h total "lPcolPsis to convert the polPester to bis&betahPdro5P&terephthalate, Qhich is vacuum distilled and can be used, instead of D3 or '), as araQ material for polPester manufacture, has been e5ecuted on an industrial scale in Mapan ase5perimental production#


    ecPclin" processes, throu"h hPdrolPsis of the '/ to ') and 3/A, are operatin" under hi"hpressures under supercritical conditions# In this case, '/&Qaste Qill be directlP hPdrolP%edapplPin" for instance supercritical Qater steam# 'urification of crude terephthalic acid Qill be

    carried out bP re&crPstalli%ation inacetic acidF Qater mi5tures similar to ') purification#Industrial&scale lines based on this chemistrP have not been knoQn to date#


    3ethanolPsis is the recPclin" process Qhich has been practiced and tested on a lar"e scale formanP Pears in the past# In this case, polPester Qaste is transformed Qith methanol into D3,under pressure and in presence of catalPsts# )fter this an efficient filtration of the methanolPsisproduct is applied# ZinallP the crude D3 is purified bP vacuum distillation# he methanolPsis isonlP rarelP carried out in industrP todaP because polPester production based on D3 shrunktremendouslP and Qith this D3 producers disappeared step bP step durin" the last decade#7C1
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    1 abcdefgh)#_# van der ?e"t g J#/# Aovaert, 'olPmeren, van keten tot kunstof, ING- 9&4+&C8..&@

    C# abM# A# Npei"ht, -orbert )dolph Jan"e ;C@=# 3cAraQ&Rill# ed# Lange's handbook of

    chemistry;1H ed#=# pp# C#.+]C#+@.# ING-+148CC@#

    8# abcecord of Polyethylenterephthalatin the A/NIN Nubstance Database from the IZ)$ 40arpet&inspectors&e5perts#com' 4NimplP Areen 0arpet ] ) Gerkshire Zloorin" Grand( 4-athaniel 0# WPeth Gia5iallP :riented 'olP;ethPlene terephthalate= Gottle $N patent 8+8889,

    Issued 3aP 19+8

    ) 4$lrich _# hiele 'olPester Gottle esins, 'roduction, 'rocessin", 'roperties and ecPclin", pp# .@ff, Reidelber", AermanP,C+, ING- 9+.&8&9.+49+&4&9

    G 4NtoPko Zakirov Randbook of hermoplastic 'olPesters, 0hapter + bP ?#G# Aupta, # Gashir, p#8C, ING- 9+.8@C+8118

    40hen", j Nhi, R )dams, 0D 3a, [ ;C1=#

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    I9P)" name

    polP;ethPlene terephthalate=

    'dentifiers7A! number "'5#G+'+

    PropertiesDolecular formula 715OG;$0nW1X

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    ereftalato de polietileno

    /l !ereftalato de polietileno, politereftalato deetileno, polietilentereftalatoo polietileno !ereftalato;ms conocido por sus si"las enin"ls '/, Polyethylene Terephtalate= es un tipo deplsticomuP usado en envasesde bebidasPte5tiles# )l"unas compaas manufacturan el '/ P otros polisteres ba6odiferentes marcas comerciales, por e6emplo, en los /stados $nidos P Aran Gretaa usan los

    nombres de (larP elinex#(umicamente el '/ es un polmeroque se obtiene mediante una reacci*n depolicondensaci*nentre elcido tereftlicoP el etilen"licol# 'ertenece al "rupo demateriales sintticosdenominados polisteres#

    /s un polmero termoplsticolineal, con un alto "rado decristalinidad# 0omo todos lostermoplsticos puede ser procesado mediante e5trusi*n, inPecci*n,inPecci*n Psoplado, soplado de preformaP termoconformado# 'ara evitar el crecimiento e5cesivo de lasesferulitas P lamelas de cristales, este material debe ser rpidamente enfriado, con esto selo"ra una maPortransparencia, la ra%*n de su transparencia al enfriarse rpido consiste en quelos cristales no alcan%an a desarrollarse completamente P su tamao no interfiere ;scatterin"en in"ls= con la traPectoria de la lon"itud de ondade la lu% visible,de acuerdo con la teora



    'resenta como caractersticas ms relevantesV

    )lta transparencia, aunque admite car"as de colorantes# )lta resistencia al des"aste P corrosi*n# 3uP buen coeficiente de desli%amiento# Guena resistencia qumica P trmica# 3uP buena barrera a 0:C, aceptable barrera a :C P humedad#

    0ompatible con otros materiales barrera que me6oran en su con6unto la calidad barrerade los envases P por lo tanto permiten su uso en mercados especficos# eciclable, aunque tiende a disminuir su viscosidad con la historia trmica# )probado para su uso en productos que deban estar en contacto con productos

    alimentarios#Jas propiedades fsicas del '/ P su capacidad para cumplir diversas especificaciones tcnicashan sido las ra%ones por las que el material haPa alcan%ado un desarrollo relevante en laproducci*n de fibras te5tiles P en la producci*n de una "ran diversidad de envases,especialmente en la producci*n de botellas, bande6as, fle6es Plminas#


    Zue producido por primera ve% en 1941por los cientficos britnicos Whinfield P Dickson,quienes lo patentaron como polmero para la fabricaci*n defibras# Ne debe recordar que supas estaba en plena "uerraP e5ista una apremiante necesidad de buscar sustitutos parael al"od*nproveniente de /"ipto#

    ) partir de 194Hse empe%* a utili%ar industrialmente como fibra P su uso te5til ha prose"uidohasta el presente# /n 19@Cse comen%* a emplear en forma de filme para envasar alimentos#'ero la aplicaci*n que le si"nific* su principal mercado fue en envases r"idos, a partir de 19+H#'udo abrirse camino "racias a su particular aptitud para la fabricaci*n de botellas para bebidaspoco sensibles al o5"enocomo por e6emplo el a"ua mineralP los refrescos carbonatados#Desde principios de los aos Cse utili%a tambin para el envasado de cerve%a#
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    7editar)spectos positivos del uso de tereftalato de polietileno

    0omo al"unos de los aspectos positivos que encontramos para el uso de este material,principalmente empleado en envases de productos destinados a la venta, podemos destacarV

    (ue acta como barrera para los "ases, como el 0:C, humedad P el :C /s transparente P cristalino, aunque admite al"unos colorantes

    Irrompible Jiviano Impermeable -o t*5ico, cualidad necesaria para este tipo de productos que estn al alcance del

    pblico en "eneral ;)probado para su uso en productos que deban estar en contactocon productos alimentarios=

    Inerte ;al contenido= esistencia esfuer%os permanentes P al des"aste, Pa que presenta alta ri"ide% P dure%a )lta resistencia qumica P buenas propiedades trmicas, posee una "ran

    indeformabilidad al calor

    otalmente reciclable Nuperficie barni%able /stabilidad a la intemperie )lta resistencia al ple"ado P ba6a absorci*n de humedad que lo hacen muP adecuado

    para la fabricaci*n de fibras


    Cormula Dolecular 715OG;$0n

    lass temperature )' V7

    Punto de fusiFn "(5 V7

    Jicat? 1)5 V7

    7onducti4idad t*rmica 5,"$ NLmUZ0

    7oeficiente de dilataciFn lineal 0 )15`'LZ

    7alor espec3ficoc0 1,5 HLHgUZ0

    AbsorciFn de aguaA!TD0 5,1([ndice de refracciFn 1,')'5

    7oste 5,'-1,"' LHgSource: %.