SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO · PDF filecomo ele é formado, para...

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Transcript of SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO · PDF filecomo ele é formado, para...












Trabalho solicitado como conclusão do 2° período do PDE – Programa de Desenvolvimento do Paraná

PROFESSORA PDE: Solange de Fátima de Andrade Navarro PROFESSORA ORIENTADORA: Rita de Cássia Silva Bergamasco IES: UEPG – Ponta Grossa - Pr


PARTES DO JORNAL Este trabalho tem como objetivo trabalhar em classe, como é formado o jornal, suas partes, observar as diferenças entre jornal escrito e falado, as diferenças do jornal atualmente e no passado. Para início deste trabalho os alunos irão manusear diversos jornais, observar como ele é formado, para então passarmos a analisar mais detalhadamente quais as partes que o compõem, qual o tipo de linguagem usada, as características de cada tipo de texto. Os alunos irão trabalhar em equipes, depois de analisarem e escolherem quais são os assuntos de seu interesse pessoal, eles decidirão como vão montar um jornal em sala de aula, seguindo os passos a seguir, os quais podem ser utilizados em todas as séries, cabe ao professor selecionar o que trabalhar em cada turma ou série. Analisaremos a seguir quais as partes que compõem o jornal:

By line:

nome do

editor do

texto Cut ou



do fato


: título da



: nome do



resumo da

história Jumpline:

aviso que

o fato




do jornal





o adicional

Cutline ou



da foto



visual da


Orelha: no

topo da




calização e

data da






1- Nome do jornal 2- Relógio 3- Responsável pelo jornal, cidade, sede, data, slogan, ano e número do jornal, endereço e preço 4- Bandeira 5- Manchete 6- Subtítulo 7- Títulos 8- Chamadas 9- Lide

10- Índice do jornal 11- Dados sobre a edição 12- Serviços: câmbio e metereologia 13- Infografia 14- Foto 15- Legenda da foto 16- Agência internacional que comunicou a foto 17- Créditos da foto 18- Caixa ou box 19- Selo

Fonte: Proleitura.Assis. Unesp, Departamento de Literatura, ano 2, nº5, junho/95, p.4.

Neste momento não é importante lermos as notícias, mas observarmos as partes que um jornal possui.

You can find in a newspaper













Ao iniciarmos a nossa produção, precisamos seguir algumas normas, a primeira página é a mais importante do jornal, nesta folha aparecem os dados sobre a origem do material e o que compõe esta edição.

No topo da página colocaremos algumas informações sobre o material a ser produzido: O cabeçalho é constituído pelos seguintes elementos: Título: School's Newspaper Slogan: The Power of the Students Local de Publicação: Ponta Grossa Data: 07 de novembro de 2008 Endereço: Rua: Castanheira, 1007. Edição Gratuita Editor responsável: Professora Solange de F. De Andrade Navarro. O que são os editoriais? Nesta seção aparecem fatos atuais, regionais ou nacionais. É um texto que deixa sua opinião não assinado que reflete a posição da redação do jornal. São opiniões com base em fatos, podendo ser positivas ou negativas, podem concordar ou discordar de um fato, tentando aumentar a discussão entre a comunidade de leitores, é composto por cartas ao editor e artigo de opinião.



Ponta Grossa, quinta-feira, 07 de novembro de 2008 – ano nº.


Este jornal tem como objetivo desenvolver o hábito da leitura de diferentes gêneros textuais, tornarem o leitor mais crítico conhecendo o mundo que o rodeia e também desenvolver o trabalho em equipe com os colegas.

Segue o modelo de um jornal, o qual possui diferentes gêneros textuais, tendo como objetivo facilitar o trabalho com o jornal em sala de aula, não é necessário seguir o modelo, ele pode ser adaptado de acordo com as séries e alunos, cabendo ao professor diferenciar o grau de dificuldade para cada série ou grupo de alunos de acordo com a sua realidade.

São os títulos maiores que aparecem na primeira página ou nas outras e são muito importantes, pois chamam a atenção do leitor para ver o assunto mais detalhado, podem ser com letras, formas e cores diferentes dos textos.

É o resumo de um determinado assunto, para que o leitor possa ter

conhecimento superficial sobre um determinado tópico, o qual será mais explicado






em outra seção, são as notícias de forma resumida e de leitura rápida. Quem fez o que e quando, como, onde e por quê? São as perguntas que devem ser respondidas de modo básico em um lide.

A diagramação corresponde à organização dos assuntos e a estética em que as notícias são agrupadas no espaço das folhas, é a parte que dará acomodação aos assuntos. Esta atividade não possui regra fixa, ela varia de acordo com a edição de cada jornal. Mas podemos observar que ela é muito importante para que o leitor se sinta motivado a continuar lendo outras notícias.

A seguir temos um modelo de como o jornal pode ser dividido, não é um modelo único, varia de jornal para jornal, é importante mostrarmos diferentes modelos para os alunos, observando que este exemplo pode ser aproveitado para a confecção de jornais impressos, jornais murais, cartazes, etc.

Concluímos nesta etapa que a organização equilibrada é essencial para a comunicação, é muito importante, tem o objetivo de estimular a leitura, tornando-a prazerosa.




A diagramação corresponde à organização dos assuntos e a estética em que

as notícias são agrupadas no espaço das folhas, é a parte que dará acomodação aos assuntos. Esta atividade não possui regra fixa, ela varia de acordo com a edição de cada jornal. Mas podemos observar que ela é muito importante para que o leitor se sinta motivado a continuar lendo outras notícias.

Quando escrevemos uma notícia de jornal é necessária a utilização do

vocabulário jornalístico, não pode-se colocar a opinião individual, mas escrever a notícia como ocorreu na realidade, o texto precisa ser resumido, contar apenas o fato principal, para isso, usamos seis perguntas e suas respectivas respostas, com esta base relatamos o fato de forma simplificada e clara. São elas: o quê? Quem?, Quando?, Onde?, Como?, Por quê?

Os gêneros jornalísticos dividem-se em 3 tipos de redação: narração, descrição e dissertação, as quais podem aparecer separadas ou em uma mesma matéria.

A notícia conta um fato real, onde o redator não opina, apenas escreve de forma clara o que aconteceu, usa verbos no tempo passado, não esquecendo de responder às perguntas básicas, aparece a descrição da pessoa, local, o fato e o desfecho, como terminou a história. As notícias podem ser divididas de forma mais geral:

1. Política internacional

2. Política nacional

3. Administração

4. Cultura

5. Religião

6. Esportes

7. Economia

8. Fatos policiais

9. Sociedade

10. Programação de cinema, metereologia, TV

11. Informações trabalhistas

12. Classificados

13. Entretenimento


Texto atual sobre política internacional

O texto é bem atual, em um jornal diário, a notícia já foi apresentada e o jornal está dando continuidade, tem função referencial, precisa contar o fato dando continuidade e ao mesmo tempo deixar o leitor atualizado mesmo que ele não tenha conhecimento do assunto de dias anteriores. A linguagem é utilizada é chamada formal.

Obama: Economic challenge of a lifetime

Discussions with Clintons as Obama

creates team

Mr. Clinton accepted several restrictions on his business and philanthropic activities to remove any obstacle to his wife’s nomination if the cabinet job is formally offered and accepted, said the associates, who insisted that they not be identified because they were disclosing confidential negotiations. “I’ll do whatever they want,” Mr. Clinton said Wednesday at a public appearance.

The U.S. faces the "greatest economic challenge" of a lifetime, President-elect Barack Obama said Friday at his first post-election news conference. He was also asked about how he will deal with Iran and potential clashes with President Bush.

Texto atual sobre política nacional

Brazil Economy

Brazilian, Italian presidents discuss global financial crisis

Brazil president hails G20 summit


ROME, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) -- The global financial crisis is an "extraordinary opportunity to

reflect on what we have done wrong," Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva told

his Italian counterpart Giorgio Napolitano in Rome on Monday.

Lula added that the crisis was a chance "to create a new world order in which human

beings, workers, social development and cultural, scientific and technological production

are the driving forces of the economy rather than financial speculation," according to

Italian News Agency ANSA.

Napolitano underlined the importance of involving emerging countries in addressing

the crisis ahead of a summit by the Group of 20 (G20) most powerful economies due to

take place in Washington on Saturday.

"I am sure that emerging countries like Brazil can make a significant contribution to

the creation of concerted and incisive policies on the international level," he said.

Lula said he would attend the signing of a number of strategic business deals between

Italy and Brazil during his four-day visit to Rome, adding that trade between the two

countries had doubled in the last five years and was now worth eight billion dollars.

The Brazilian president is due to meet Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi on Tuesday

and will be received by Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has hailed the G20 summit as a historic meeting, representing a seismic shift in global politics.

President Lula said he would never have been able to imagine emerging powers like Brazil would be given such a role in restructuring the global economy. He also said the G8 was no longer relevant in today's globalize world.

At the summit, the G20 agreed a plan to stimulate economic growth with interest rate cuts and

government spending. It also asked finance ministers to produce ideas for reforming the way banks and other financial institutions are regulated. These ideas will be discussed at a follow-up summit next April.

President Lula was in rare no-holds barred form at the G20 summit in Washington. He told reporters that the Group of Eight (G8) - the world's seven leading industrialized nations plus Russia - was an organization that was no longer viable, calling it irrelevant.


O texto é informativo quando conta sobre um fato mundial, pois existem vários países e interesses envolvidos. Comunica quando irá acontecer o evento e como as pessoas podem participar, o texto é convidativo, para que o leitor torne-se ativo na realização de sucesso do evento. Possui itens numerados, o nome das Sete Maravilhas, não há explicação detalhando os tópicos para que o texto não fique muito extenso, se o leitor tiver interesse sobre os itens terá que pesquisar.

New 7 wonders of the world named



Quando escrevemos uma receita, usamos o gênero de texto instrucional, que

reúnem vários passos a serem utilizados. Podemos distinguir duas partes principais: uma lista de elementos a serem utilizados (ingredientes, materiais, aparelhos) e outra com as instruções a serem desenvolvidas. As listas são com postas por substantivos concretos, numerais e as instruções apresentam verbos no tempo imperativo e advérbios.

(CNN) -- The new seven wonders of the world were named Saturday following an online vote that generated server-crushing traffic in its final hours.

The final tally produced this list of the world's top human-built wonders:

• The Great Wall of China

• Petra in Jordan

• Brazil's statue of Christ the Redeemer

• Peru's Machu Picchu

• Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid

• The Colosseum in Rome

• India's Taj Mahal

Before the vote ended Friday, organizers said more than 90 million votes had been cast for 21 sites.

Great Chocolate Cake


Linguagem intertextual

Lemon Pie



• 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese • 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed

milk • 1/3 cup lemon juice • 1 (9 inch) prepared graham cracker



Mix together the cream cheese, milk and lemon juice. Mix well and spread in graham crust. Chill and top as desired

Na charge é utilizada a linguagem através do discurso intertextual, o qual permite ao leitor fazer inferências entre o que foi dito e o não dito dentro do texto. Ajuda a desenvolver argumentos para o aluno através do discurso e da crítica social, algumas vezes apresenta caricaturas, que levam o aluno a relacionar arte e experiência de vida, também é uma atividade para descontração do leitor. O gênero charge apresenta a linguagem verbal e não-verbal, apresentando um humor baseado em fatos atuais.




O horóscopo é denominado texto preditivo, faz previsões sobre aspectos da vida pessoal de cada indivíduo, aparecem adjetivos, características pessoais e acontecimentos futuros são prescritos.

ARIES (March 21-

April 19): Do what

you can to help

someone who has

something to offer

you in return.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-

Nov. 21): You may

find it difficult to

be around people

you have an

emotional tie to like

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.

22): Stay calm and

everything you've

been working so hard

to achieve will be


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Skip the emotional

melodrama going on

around you and you

LEO (July 23-Aug.

22): Put travel plans

off until you can really

justify the time spent

or the cost involved.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-

Sept. 22):

Exaggeration will

confuse everyone

around you.

CANCER (June 21-

July 22): Take the

most obscure route

and you will receive

acknowledgment for

your approach as well

as your talent.

TAURUS (April 20-

May 20): You will be

pulled in different

directions. Don't give

in to peer pressure.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Take on a challenge and you will get ahead today. Prepare to outmaneuver the competition.


Na produção de uma entrevista para o jornal há necessidade de um mediador, entre o jornal e a pessoa que está em destaque, podemos montar a entrevista por meio de perguntas e respostas, ou então juntar as respostas e fazer um texto com as idéias principais.

O gênero entrevista está relacionado a fatos sociais e históricos, tratam da vida, idéias ou opiniões sobre um tema ou vento, o que leva a fazer uma entrevista é a curiosidade sobre uma pessoa pública, um objetivo, levar informação sobre este evento ou pessoa, existe uma relação social entre o entrevistador e o entrevistado, ambos precisam respeitar regras de polidez de acordo com a sociedade em que estão envolvidos.

Famous people


20-Feb. 18): Your

ability to push


toward your goal

will enable you to

get what you want.

PISCES (Feb. 19-

March 20): Get

your facts

straight and avoid

getting involved in

rumors or gossip.


22-Jan. 19):A

change in direction

will catch the very

people you want to

surprise off guard.

Singer Michael Jackson denies that he is to take part in a reunion tour with his brothers in the Jackson 5. Michael Jackson, one of pop music's biggest




The CD opens with an R&B's-axé, Me Deixe Em Paz, which is a version of Brian McKnight's Can You Read My Mind. There are two tracks by Brazilian soul master, Cassiano: Balanço Black, where Gilberto Gil duets with her, and the jazzy Postal, featuring arrangements written for vibraphone and double bass. Meu Abraço (by Ivete and Marquinhos Carvalho) is classy. Pererê, Empurra-Empurra and Rosa Roseira bring the carnival back into the album. (Silvio Essinger)


Just like Daniela Mercury did this year in her album Sol da Liberdade, singer Ivete Sangalo is searching for solutions to dribble axé's depletion, at the same time as she waves to the eternal off-season merry-makers. Beat Beleza is her second solo release, and she fires at different aims.

Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935, and grew up surrounded by gospel music of the Pentecostal church.

In 1948 the family moved to Memphis, where he was exposed to blues and jazz on Beale Street. After graduating from high school in 1953,

an 18-year-old Presley visited the Memphis Recording Service - also the home of Sun Records - to record his voice.

Owner/producer Sam Phillips was struck by the plaintive emotion in Presley’s vocals and subsequently teamed him with guitarist Scotty Moore

and bassist Bill Black.

Presley’s career momentum was interrupted by a two-year Army stint in Germany, where he met his future wife, Priscilla.

If the Fifties were devoted to rock and roll and the Sixties to movies, the Seventies represent the performing chapter in Presley’s career. He

toured constantly, performing to capacity crowds around the country until his death.

Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977 in the bathroom of his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, Presley died of a heart attack.

He was 42. He had been on the toilet, but fallen off onto the floor, where he lay in a pool of his own vomit. Panicked, his staff

contacted an ambulance, which rushed him to nearby Baptist Memorial Hospital, where, after several attempts to revive him, he died at 3:30 pm

CST. His autopsy was performed at 7:00 pm.


Para escrevermos um texto sobre saúde usamos o gênero: informacional o qual situa o ambiente onde o texto está inserido, persuasivo demonstra a relação da sociedade e o ambiente, educacional o conhecimento passa de uma geração para outra, diversional e educacional, estas características são importantes para que o leitor seja capaz de entender um assunto técnico, neste caso, sobre medicina ou saúde em uma linguagem mais acessível e de fácil entendimento.

Alzheimer's Disease

The number of Alzheimer's patients is expected to increase dramatically in coming years, straining the health care system.

Scientists have not discovered the cause nor devised effective treatments. Even diagnosis is difficult.

In the absence of therapies, attention has turned to teaching the skills necessary to cope with demented patients.

Increasingly caregivers are encouraged to validate the feelings and perceptions of the person with Alzheimer's.

During the You Tube forum with the Democratic presidential candidates in July, the first question about health care came from two middle-age brothers in Iowa, who faced the camera with their elderly mother. Not everybody with Alzheimer’s disease has two loving sons to take care of

them, they said, adding that a boom in dementia is expected in the next few decades.

“What are you prepared to do to fight this disease now?” they asked.

The politicians mouthed generalities about health care, larded with poignant anecdotes. None of them answered the question about Alzheimer’s.

Science hasn’t done much better. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s and no way to prevent it. Scientists haven’t even stopped arguing about whether the gunk that builds up in the Alzheimer’s brain is a cause or an effect of the disease. Alzheimer’s is roaring down — a train wreck to come — on societies all over the world.



"Eat your breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day!" Why are parents always saying that? Well, imagine you're a car. After a long night of sleeping, your fuel tank is empty. Breakfast is the fuel that gets you going so you can hit the road.

What Should You Eat?

Any breakfasts is better than no breakfast, but try not to have doughnuts or pastries all the time. They're high in calories, sugar, and fat. They also don't contain the nutrients a kid really needs. And if you have a doughnut for breakfast, you won't feel full for long.

Just like with other meals, try to eat a variety of foods, including:

• grains (breads and cereals) • protein (meats, beans, and nuts) • fruits and vegetables • milk, cheese, and yogurt

Skipping Breakfast

Some kids skip breakfast because they sleep too late or because they think it's a way to stay thin. But skipping breakfast doesn't help people maintain a healthy weight. In fact, someone who skips breakfast tends to eat more calories throughout the day.

Need More Convincing?

Just in case you need more evidence that eating breakfast is the way to go, kids who don't eat breakfast are less able to learn at school, get less iron (an important nutrient) in their diets, and are more likely to have a higher body mass, which is a sign they may be overweight.

On the other hand, kids who eat breakfast do better in school, are more likely to participate in physical activities, and tend to eat healthier overall. So tomorrow morning, don't run out the door on an empty stomach. Fuel up with a healthy breakfast! Quinoa: A Protein-Packed Alternative to Grains

Quinoa is as versatile as rice but it has a protein content that is superior to that of most grains, because it contains all the essential amino acids. In particular, quinoa is high in lysine, an amino acid important for tissue growth and repair. It’s also a good source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, and it has high iron content.

Quinoa is very easy to cook. It’s important to

rinse the seeds well, because they are naturally coated with a bitter substance that protects them against birds and other predators. Most packaged quinoa has already been cleaned, but it doesn’t hurt to soak and rinse it just in case. Quinoa cooks in 15 minutes, and it’s easy to tell when it’s done because the seeds display a little white thread that curls around them.


Save the Amazon Rainforest p- content/uploads/2008/06/floresta.jpg

The Amazon rainforest is the biggest forest in the world and is also the last big space covered with tropical plants and animals. The Amazon forest

territory is a tropical rainforest that is located in the north side of the South American continent and is shared by 9 countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru,

Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana and Guiana. Travel through the forest can be difficult, and a guide or a river tour are the best options to see the natural wonders of the rain forest.

The largest part of is located in Brazil (60%) and covers almost half of that country. The

space covered with the forest is 5.5 million square kilometers (3.4 million square miles ). When the Old World

explorers reached the Americas they were all looking for gold, silver and gems.

The "Rain" forest is a nickname that describes the humidity that you find in tropical and equatorial forests, but it doesn't rain all the time. Tropical rainforests are

always located near the equator, and are very hot. All this heat associated with great portions of water make a lot of evaporation into the air. The forest also helps to retain water in their

branches, roots and soil. All of this makes these forests very humid and there's a well defined rainy season that works towards the establishment of this nickname for tropical and equatorial forests.

But the forest is not only populated by animals and plants, there are many humans there

too. The Indians are part of the equilibrium that existed there for thousands of years. The indigenous tribes

of the forest live off the land as their ancestors have for thousands of years.

Amazonia is a huge and very complex place where nature created a

unique set of biological and geological cycles, hardly seen in other places, and where

mankind developed different cultures, languages, and art.

A utilização de textos poéticos no jornal possui o objetivo de transmitir


emoção, sensações, impressões, que aparecem através de sons, harmonias e ritmos, usando a metáfora.

A poesia está dividida em 3 gêneros: lírico (verso) aparecem nos sonetos, épico (verso) está nos poemas e dramático (prosa e verso) nas espécies de tragédia, comédia ou drama.



If You Forget Me

I want you to know

one thing.

You know how this is:

if I look

at the crystal moon, at the red branch

of the slow autumn at my window,

if I touch

near the fire

the impalpable ash

or the wrinkled body of the log,

everything carries me to you,

as if everything that exists,

aromas, light, metals,

were little boats

that sail

toward those isles of yours that wait for


Well, now,

if little by little you stop loving me

I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly

you forget me

do not look for me,

for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,

the wind of banners

that passes through my life,

and you decide

to leave me at the shore

of the heart where I have roots,


that on that day,

at that hour,

I shall lift my arms

and my roots will set off

to seek another land.


if each day,

each hour,

you feel that you are destined for me

with implacable sweetness,

if each day a flower

climbs up to your lips to seek me,

ah my love, ah my own,

in me all that fire is repeated,

in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,

my love feeds on your love, beloved,

and as long as you live it will be in your


without leaving mine.

Pablo Neruda


Biografia é um tipo de gênero textual, onde aparece o relato da vida de uma pessoa, destaca-se a ordem cronológica, de forma estruturada, para mostrar passo-a passo os acontecimentos vividos pela pessoa em destaque, as datas são importantes, aparecem geralmente do nascimento à morte do personagem, é apresentada por numeração ou expressões de referência do tempo o que torna o texto menos repetitivo e monótono.

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), whose real name is Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, he was born on 12 July, 1904, in the town of Parral in Chile. His father was a railway employee and his mother, who died shortly after his birth, a teacher.

Some years later his father, who had then moved to the town of Temuco, remarried doña Trinidad Candia Malverde. The poet spent his childhood and youth in Temuco, where he also got to know Gabriela Mistral, head of the girls' secondary school, who took a liking to him.

At the early age of thirteen he began to contribute some articles to the daily "La Mañana", among them, Entusiasmo y Perseverancia - his first publication - and his first poem.


O gênero textual utilizado para referir-se a fatos históricos é o discursivo e textual, os quais se baseiam no passado para reconstruir ou conservar uma história, é uma narração de fatos verdadeiros ou inventados, fictícios ou reais, os acontecimentos e personagens estão relacionados no fato narrado, aparecem os resultados e as conseqüências deste relato usando também a argumentação.


.Ponta Grossa is a city in the state of Paraná, Brazil. With a population of over 300,000 inhabitants, it is the 5th most populated city of Paraná.

It has the second industrial pole of the State, been only exceeded by Curitiba—the State's capital and largest city. Ponta Grossa, also known as the Princesa dos Campos—Princess of the Fields- is the home of the Ponta Grossa State University (UEPG).

Ponta Grossa is also home town of the "Parque Estadual da Vila Velha" (State Park of Old Town), a park made up of rocky formations formed over millions of years. Each rock formation has its own name, depending on which object/animal they look like.

Other attraction of the city is the Münchenfest - A National Stout Festival with national and international concerts that lasts a whole week and occurs at late November and the beginning of December.

Ponta Grossa State University

Ponta Grossa State University ("Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa" in Portuguese) is one of the five public state-sponsored universities in Paraná state, Brazil. The institution has two campus in Ponta Grossa city as well as one college ground in each of the follow cities: Têlemaco Borba, Palmeira, Castro, São Mateus do Sul e Jaguariaiva.

The academy has 28 undergraduate courses as well as several graduate courses leading to a Masters of Science degree. The university has over 10.000 students and more than 1.500 faculty and staff members.

The university is known as a center of excellence in journalism, tourism, law, biology, pedagogy, chemistry, and dentistry.

Na linguagem esportiva utilizamos o gênero textual de crônica jornalista, adotando uma linguagem mais livre e direta sem rebuscamentos, baseada no linguajar dos leitores, o cronista baseia-se em fatos diários dando uma opinião própria.

A crônica é um texto curto narrado em primeira pessoa, onde dá a impressão que o escritor está conversando com o leitor.


Curtain drawn on 'truly exceptional' Olympics

Beijing has staged a spectacular closing ceremony at the Bird's Nest Stadium to round off the 2008 Olympic Games.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) chief Jacques Rogge described the Games as “truly exceptional” in a lavish ceremony which culminated in the handing over of the Olympic flag to Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, which will host the 2012 edition.

Soccer star David Beckham literally kicked off the London 2012 Games, booting a football off the roof of a double decker bus, and then the flame which has been burning over the stadium for 17 days disappeared.

In three years and nine months,

the flame will be lit again in Athens and sent to London.

The closing ceremony celebrated China's success and that of the athletes.

Mr. Rogge paid tribute to the Games' athletes.

"We shared their joys and their tears and we marveled at their abilities," he said.

"Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world. These were truly exceptional Games."

Mr. Rogge stopped short of calling the Beijing Olympics "the best Games ever" - an honor which is still held by Sydney 2000.

The appearance of Beckham on top of a red double-decker bus that unfolded into a hedge-clipped silhouette of London sent 91,000 fans

into frenzy.,,112951


Stars in awe of flawed Maradona

GENIUS can be forgiven anything, and so the decadence, deceit and the drugs that tarnished Diego Maradona's playing career and almost ended his life were irrelevant when he turned up in Liverpool and Manchester to send grown footballers gooey with simple, starry-eyed delight.

Given a shirt signed by Maradona, 48, for his 30th.

Ronaldinho Not Enough As Milan Draw Away To Lecce


Lecce 1–1 Milan New Serie A leaders Milan went into this encounter hoping to continue their run of impressive results after four victories in a row away to Lecce. The Rossoneri were overwhelming favorites to get the three points, but Via Del Mare has never been a lucky place for the Rossoneri. The San Siro giants are playing good football and last week's return to the top of the table was a first in four years after a narrow victory over Napoli on Sunday. Lecce Coach Mario Beretta cannot get.



Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated in

colonial times in New England. When the

Pilgrims landed their ships at Plymouth

Rock in the year 1621, they needed the

help of the neighboring Native Americans

to learn how to plant crops and grow food.

After they had completed their first

harvest, the Pilgrims had a feast with the

Indians (Native Americans) to celebrate

their friendships. This was called "The

First Thanksgiving".

Thanksgiving is still celebrated every year

on the fourth Thursday of November,

usually with a feast of turkey, stuffing,

corn, mashed potatoes and other foods. A

favorite side-dish of many families is

cranberry sauce and cranberry relish.

Thanksgiving is a time for each person to

think of what and who they are thankful


Christmas Christmas is a Christian holiday that

celebrates the birth of Christ. There are

many traditions associated with Christmas

that individual families brought with them

when they came to the United States.

Americans bring evergreen trees trimmed

with lights and ornaments into their homes.

"The use of a Christmas tree began early in

the 17th century, in Strasbourg, France,

spreading from there through Germany and

then into northern Europe. In 1841 Albert,

prince consort of Queen Victoria,

introduced the Christmas tree custom to

Great Britain; from there it accompanied

immigrants to the United States”.(Encarta

'96) Besides the many religious

ceremonies and songs celebrated

throughout the United States, many

American children wait excitedly for Santa

Claus to arrive on Christmas Eve and leave

presents under the Christmas tree.

Christmas has become known as a time for

friendship, giving, and cheer. Many

Americans wish this goodwill could

continue throughout the entire year!

Ao final da realização deste trabalho com os alunos espero ter desenvolvido a capacidade de superar problemas e dificuldades que os alunos possam encontrar no decorrer do processo ensino-aprendizagem e socialização. Assim como a motivação na construção de um material tendo por base interresses pessoais, com isto os alunos aprenderão conteúdos gramaticais e específicos do currículo sendo capazes de reconhecerem e fazerem uma leitura crítica e transferi-los na aquisição de novos conhecimentos.

Para o professor também, é importante adaptar novas formas de aprendizagem para que a motivação permaneça, ou seja, manifestada por meio de novas perspectivas no processo ensino-aprendizagem. O professor também poderá adquirir novos conhecimentos porque necessitará desenvolver os diversos gêneros literários, estará se atualizando para que o trabalho com o jornal seja construtivo e atraente para a sala de aula.



FARIA, Maria Alice. O jornal na sala de aula. 12ª.ed. São Paulo: Ed. Contexto, 2002.

FARIA, Maria Alice. Como usar o jornal na sala de aula. 10ª ed. São Paulo: Ed. Contexto, 2008.

GADOTTI, Moacir. O jornal na escola e a formação de leitores. Brasília: Líber Livro Editora, 2007.

MARCUSCHI, Luiz Antônio. Produção textual, análise de gêneros e compreensão. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2008.