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Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em

Ciências Veterinárias da Faculdade de Veterinária da

Universidade Estadual do Ceará, como requisito

parcial para a obtenção do título de Doutor em

Ciências Veterinárias.

Área de Concentração: Reprodução e Sanidade


Linha de Pesquisa: Reprodução e sanidade de

carnívoros, onívoros, herbívoros e aves.

Orientadora: Prof.ª Dra. Diana Célia Sousa Nunes







Aprovado em: 19 / 12 / 2017


Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em

Ciências Veterinárias da Faculdade de Veterinária da

Universidade Estadual do Ceará, como requisito

parcial para a obtenção do título de Doutor em

Ciências Veterinárias.


Dedico este trabalho aos meus

pais, Francisco e Celina, a minha

esposa Adália e ao meu filho




Agradeço e bendigo a Deus, pai supremo e fidedigno, por ter me concedido o dom da

vida e da sabedoria, me dando forças e providenciando os meios para concretizar mais

uma etapa da minha vida.

À Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), pelo apoio

financeiro concedido, especial

mente por ter concedido a bolsa de Doutorado Sanduiche.

Ao PPGCV, aos docentes pesquisadores e seu quadro de pessoal de apoio, pelos

ensinamentos, critérios científicos e oportunidade de crescimento intelectual.

À Profa. Dra. Diana Célia Sousa Nunes Pinheiro, por sempre ter acreditado no meu

potencial, por sua inestimável orientação, colaboração, compreensão, incentivo e acima

de tudo amizade e paciência, meus sinceros agradecimentos.

À Profa. Dra. Fátima Gärtner pela co-orientação e colaboração do desenvolvimento do

projeto e estágio doutoral, permitindo a realização de etapas fundamentais na execução

deste trabalho.

Aos colegas do Laboratório de Imunologia e Bioquímica de Animais (LIBA), sem

mencionar nomes, pois todos tiveram fundamental importância para a realização desse


Aos novos colegas no Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abela Salazar (ICBAS),

Universidade do Porto, que conheci durante o doutorado sanduiche. Em especial, Aline

Alvarenga, que compartilhou e me acompanhou nesse período de desafios e conquistas.

A todos os funcionários da Faculdade de Veterinária (FAVET), especialmente aos

professores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias (PPGCV) da

UECE, pelos conhecimentos e experiências compartilhadas.

Aos meus pais, Francisco Barroso Pinto e Maria Celina Lopes Barroso, que são base da

minha vida, por todo amor, carinho e dedicação, e por estarem sempre ao meu lado, me

apoiando em qualquer situação.

A minha esposa, Adália Freitas de Oliveira Lopes, que teve a coragem e ousadia de

acompanhar esse cientista maluco. Ela que em nenhum momento hesitou nessa jornada,

pelo contrário, me incentivou e ainda vai me dar o melhor presento do mundo, nosso filho



Por fim, mas não menos importante, aos animais que são criaturas de Deus e merecem

todo o respeito a ajuda de nós, seres um pouco mais pensantes. Que um dia possamos

respeitá-los e não mais explorarmos em todas as dimensões.

“Nossa tarefa deveria ser nos libertarmos ... aumentando o nosso círculo de compaixão

para envolver todas as criaturas viventes, toda a natureza e sua beleza." - Albert Einstein



O câncer de mama é a principal neoplasia diagnosticada em mulheres e cadelas. No

entanto, a etiologia do tumor mamário canino (TMC) ainda não está esclarecida. Este

trabalho teve como objetivos investigar o nível sérico de oxidantes e antioxidantes não

enzimáticos, estudar o infiltrado celular (IC) e infiltrado linfocítico tumoral (TIL), além

da expressão de biomarcadores no microambiente tumoral, bem como a associação de

características clínico-patológicas e tempo de sobrevivência das cadelas. Para tanto, as

cadelas foram divididas no grupo com TMC benigno (Be), TMC maligno (Ma) e animais

controles (Co). O protocolo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética para o Uso de Animais

(CEUA-UECE), número 12247080-2. Os níveis séricos de proteína total, globulina,

bilirrubina e malondialdeído (MDA) foram maiores (P < 0,05) nos grupos Ma e Be

comparado ao grupo Co. Todas as características malignas apresentaram níveis elevados

de MDA e estavam associados com necrose e tipo de tumor (P < 0,05). Não foi observada

associação entre o MDA e o tempo de sobrevida geral. A idade média dos animais foi de

9,3 anos, os tumores estavam localizados nas regiões inguinais e predomínio de grau I-II

do TMC. IC estava distribuído nas regiões peri e intratumoral, tendo linfócitos como

principal população encontrada dentro dos tumores. A correlação do IC com o grau do

TMC demostrou que os linfócitos (ρ = 0,28) e as células plasmáticas (ρ = 0,22)

apresentaram uma ligeira correlação positiva, por outro lado, neutrófilos (ρ = -0,1) e

macrófagos (ρ = -0,38) apresentaram correlação negativa. Cadelas com TIL moderado (<

800 linfócitos) TMC apresentaram maior taxa de sobrevivência (P = 0,01) em relação aos

animais com infiltrado linfocítico intenso (≥ 800 linfócitos). Foram observados linfócitos

FoxP3 em menor intensidade enquanto que CD4 e CD8 estava em maior quantidade e

concentrada no TIL. HSP60 foi observado nas células inflamatórias e tumorais. No

estroma tumoral pode-se observar que 65,2% dos tumores apresentavam baixo TIL e

tumores com alto TIL diferiu significativamente (P < 0,001) em relação ao baixo TIL. O

TIL estromal foi associado (P < 0,009) a expressão de PD-L1 (39%) no TMC. Nas

metástases dos linfonodos (n = 5), PD-L1 estava presente no epitélio maligno e estava

associado (P < 0,034) ao envolvimento de linfonodos regionais. As curvas de

sobrevivência demonstraram maior sobrevida nos animais com baixo TIL (P < 0,01)

comparado ao com auto TIL. As variáveis clínico-patológicas correlacionadas com

sobrevida global por análise univariada foram grau de tumor (P < 0,009), envolvimento

dos linfonodos (P < 0,004), TIL (P < 0,016) e PD-L1+/auto TIL vs. PD -L1-/baixo TIL


(P <0,01). A análise multivariada revelou que o grupo de tumores com grau II-III era um

fator independente e pior prognósticos para a sobrevida global. Conclui-se que os TMC

apresentam intensa peroxidação lipídica, presença de CD4, CD8 e FoxP3 nas regiões peri

e intratumoral e a expressão de PD-L1 está associada com TIL estromal. Estes marcadores

podem estar relacionados ao prognóstico dos tumores mamários caninos e podem ser

utilizados como alvos para terapias anticâncer.

Palavras-chave: Câncer. Tumor mamário canino. Estresse oxidativo. Linfócitos. PD-L1



Breast cancer is the major neoplastic diagnosticated in both dogs and human. However,

canine mammary tumor (CMT) etiology still unknown. This study investigates the serum

levels of oxidant and antioxidant non-enzymatic, cell infiltrate (CI) and tumor-infiltrating

lymphocytes (TILs), and tumor microenvironment biomarker expressions, as well as the

association of clinic-pathological features and survival time of animals. Female dogs were

divided into benign (Be) CMT, malignant (Ma) CMT, and healthy control dogs (Co). This

study was approved by the Committee for Ethics in Research using Animals (CEUA-

UECE), protocol 12247080-2. The levels of total proteins, globulin, bilirubin and MDA

was higher (P < 0.05) in Ma and Be CMT than Co group. All malignancy features present

high MDA levels, and the parameters as necrosis and type of tumor had difference (P <

0.05) between categories. No association was observed between MDA and overall

survival (OS). Data showed a mean age of 9.3 years old, tumors were located in inguinal

mammary glands, and CMTs shows I-II grade. CI was distributed both in peri and

intratumoral regions, and lymphocytes cells were the major populations into tumors. In

relationship to CI with CMT grade it was observed that lymphocytes (ρ = 0.28) and

plasma cells (ρ = 0.22) showed a slight positive correlation, and an opposed negative

correlation of neutrophil (ρ = -0.1) and macrophage (ρ = -0.38). CMT presents moderate

lymphocytic infiltrate (< 800 lymphocytes), shows higher (P = 0.01) survival rates as

compared to intense lymphocytic infiltrate (≥ 800 lymphocytes). FoxP3 showed lower

intensity while CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes expression was higher and concentrated

within TIL. HSP60 was observed in the inflammatory and tumor cells. TILs evaluation

within tumor stroma revealed that 65.2% had TILs-Low, and TILs-High differed (P <

0.001) from TILs-Low. PD-L1 and stromal TILs were associated (P < 0.009).

Immunostaining of PD-L1 (39%) in TILs has shown strong labeled in lymphocytes within

tumor stroma. PD-L1 in malignant epithelium was present in all lymph node metastasis

(n = 5), and was associated with regional lymph nodes involvement (P < 0.034). Survival

curves demonstrated difference between TILs-Low and TILs-High (P < 0.01). The clinic-

pathologic variables significantly correlated with OS by univariate analysis were grade

of tumor (P < 0.009), lymph node involvement (P < 0.004), stromal TILs (P < 0.016), and

PD-L1+/TILs-High vs. PD-L1–/TILs-Low (P < 0.01). Multivariate analysis revealed that

group of tumors with grade II-III was independent and negative prognostic factors for

OS. We concluded that MDA support the lipid peroxidation in MGT-bearing dogs. CD4,


CD8 and FoxP3 labeling were distributed in peri and intratumoral regions. PD-L1

expression was associated with stromal TILs. These markers may represent important

survival prognostic biomarkers for canine mammary tumors and can be used as potential

target for anticancer therapies.

Key-words: Cancer. Canine mammary tumor. Oxidative stress. Lymphocytes. PD-L1



Figura 1 - Alteração maligna de um ducto mamário demostrando as

alterações nos componentes da MEC. 23


Figura 1 - Relationship between two different levels of MDA and

overall survival time (P = .710). 40

Figura 2 - MDA levels in dogs with different MGT types. Co: control

group; Ad: Adenoma; BMT: Benign Mixed Tumor; Ca:

carcinoma; CoC: complex carcinoma; CMT: carcinoma in

mixed tumor; CSC: carcinosarcoma. a,b,c Differet letters are

significant (P = .05). Bars indicate standard deviation.



Figura 1 - Composition of inflammatory infiltrate in CMT.

Lymphocytes (L), Neutrophils (N), Macrophages (M) and

Plasma Cells (P). Cell count performed on eight fields

(400X). Results were expressed in mean ± standard deviation.


Figura 2 - Presence of inflammatory infiltrate in mammary carcinoma

in mixed tumor (MCMT) of bitches and CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+

and HSP60+ expressions in cellular infiltrate. Where, (A)

Lymphocytes associated with a bone matrix, (B)

Macrophages between bone marrow and cartilaginous

matrix, (C) CD4+ T lymphocytes moderately immunostained,

(D) CD8+ T lymphocytes moderately immunostained, (E)

FoxP3+ T regulatory lymphocytes mildly immunostained and

(F) HSP60+ strongly immunostained in tumor and

inflammatory cells.


Figure 3 - Survival rates of animals with MCMT categorized in two

intervals of the lymphocytic infiltrate (< 800 and ≥ 800




Figura 1 - TILs assessment and PD-L1 expression within CMT and

stromal TILs. A. Carcinoma in benign mixed tumor with

few stromal TILs (H&E, 200x); B. Solid carcinoma with



high stromal TILs (H&E, 200x); C. Complex carcinoma

with few infiltrate cells expressing PD-L1 (200x); D.

Tubular carcinoma with high infiltrate cells expressing

PD-L1 (200x); E. Complex carcinoma with negative PD-

L1 expression (100x); F. Tubular carcinoma with positive

PD-L1 expression (100x); Malignant epithelium with

strong PD-L1 expression (400x); Lymph node metastasis

with PD-L1 expression (200x). I. Lymph node metastasis

with AE1/AE3 positive expression (100x)

Figura 2 - Relationship between PD-L1 expression and stromal TILs.

A. Figures within this bar graph depict percentage of cases

with PD-L1 expression and stromal TILs intensity. B.

Analysis of TILs status and stromal TILs(%). C. Analysis

of PD-L1 status and stromal TILs(%). Significant

differences at P < 0.05 are highlighted by asterisk.


Figura 3 - Overall survival for stromal TILs (A), PD-L1 expression

(B), and PD-L1* TILs. 83



Tabela 1 - Critérios para estadiamento clínico dos TMC. 20

Tabela 2 - Classificação das lesões e neoplasias da glândula mamária

canina (MISDORP et al., 1998; GOLDSCHMIDT et al.,



Tabela 3 - Critérios para graduação do TMC (ELSTON; ELLIS,

1998). 22

Tabela 4 - Principais componentes da matriz extracelular. 24

Tabela 5 - Principais componentes solúveis da matriz extracelular. 25


Tabela 1 - Clinic-pathological data of MGT-bearing dogs. 39

Tabela 2 - Serum levels of oxidative and antioxidant non-enzymatic

parameters in MGT-bearing dogs. 40

Tabela 3 - Association of serum MDA levels with clinic-pathological

parameters in malignant MGT-bearing dogs. 41


Tabela 1 - Distribution, location and intensity of cellular infiltrate in

tumor environment. Data were expressed as percentage. 59


Tabela 1 - Clinicopathologic data of CMT. 75

Tabela 2 - Association between PD-L1expression, stromal TILs and

Clinicopathologic data of CMT.


Tabela 3 - Univariate and multivariate cox proportional hazard model

for overall survival 80



% Percentagem

μL Microlitro

Ad Adenomas

BC Breast cancer

Be Benign

BMT Benign mixed tumors

Ca Carcinomas

CA Simple carcinoma

CAPES Improvement of Higher Education Personnel

CC Complex carcinoma



Committee for Ethics in Research using Animals

CI Cell infiltrate

CIs Confidence intervals

CMCMT Canine mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor

CMT Canine mammary tumor

Co Control dogs

CoC Complex carcinomas

CSC Carcinosarcoma

CTLA-4 Antígeno-4 associado ao linfócito-T citotóxico

DAB Diaminobenzidine

DAB 3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride

FAVET Faculdade de Veterinária

g/dL Grama/decilitro

H&E Hematoxylin-eosin

HER2 Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2

HPF High-power field

HR Hazard ratios

HSP Heat shock proteins

i3S Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

ICBAS-UP Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, da Universiade do



IPATIMUP Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do


L Lymphocytes

LDH Lactate dehydrogenase

M Metástase à distância

Ma Malignant

MCMT Mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor

MDA Malondialdeído

MEC Matrix extracelular

mg/dL Miligrama/decilitro

MGT Mammary gland tumors

MMT Mammary mixed tumor

N Envolvimento do linfonodo com metástase regional

n° Numbers

NK Célula natural killer

nmo/mL Nanomol/mililitro

OS Overall survival

P Plasma Cells

PBS Phosphate buffered saline

PD-1 receptor de morte programada-1

PD-L1 Ligante do receptor de morte programada-1

PD-L1 Programmed death 1 ligand 1

ROS Reactive oxygen species

T Tamanho do tumor

TBARS Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances

TBS Tris buffered saline

TCA Trichloroacetic acid

TILs Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes

Treg T lymphocytes

U/L Unidade/litro

UECE Universidade Estadual do Ceará

UHV Unidade Hospitalar Veterinária



1 INTRODUÇÃO…………………………..…………………………….… 17

2 REVISÃO DE LITERATURA………………………..……………….... 19

2.1 Etiologia dos Tumores da Glândula Mamário em cadelas……………….... 19

2.2 Diagnóstico dos tumores da glândula mamário canina……………….….... 20

2.2.1 Estadiamento clínico……………………..…………………..…….…….. 20

2.2.2 Classificação e graduação do TMC…………………………….……..… 21

2.3 Microambiente tumoral……………………………………………………. 23

2.3.1 Matriz extracelular 23

2.3.2 Células inflamatórias no câncer………………………………….……… 25

2.4 Estresse oxidativo no câncer……….…………………………………........ 27

2.5 Mecanismos de escape do câncer ao sistema imune………………………. 27

3 JUSTIFICATIVA…………...……………………………………………. 29

4 HIPÓTESE CIENTÍFICA……………...……………………………….. 30

5 OBJETIVOS………………..……………………………………………. 32

5.1 GERAL…….………………………………………………………………. 32

5.2 ESPECÍFICOS…………………………………………………………… 32

6 CAPITULO 1……………………………………………………………... 32

7 CAPÍTULO 2………...…………………………………………………… 50

8 CAPITULO 3………………...…………………………………………… 70

9 CONCLUSÕES………………………………………………………....... 93

10 PERSPECTIVAS………………………………………………………… 94

REFERÊNCIAS………………………………………………………….. 95

APÊNDICE ……………………..………………………………………... 111


USO DE ANIMAIS /UECE………………………………………………. 112



Os cuidados e prevenção da saúde dos cães tem se tornado cada vez mais um

hábito comum entre os seus proprietários. Dessa forma, esses animais aumentam a sua

expectativa de vida, podendo chegar à senilidade. Em consequência, doenças associadas

ao envelhecimento, como o câncer, passaram a integrar a lista das principais morbidades

nestes pacientes (DAVIS; OSTRANDER, 2014). O tumor de mama é a neoplasia mais

comum em cadelas. Tanto as neoplasias benignas como malignas são frequentemente

diagnosticadas nesta espécie, sendo mais de 50% dos casos podem ser neoplasia maligna

(FILHO et al., 2010; RASOTTO et al., 2017).

A etiologia do tumor mamário canino (TMC) ainda não está bem esclarecida,

sendo atribuída a multifatores, como raça do animal, idade, tamanho do tumor, ausência

de receptores hormonais, uso de estrógenos sintéticos (MATOS; SANTOS, 2015; IM et

al., 2014). O câncer é um processo complexo que se desenvolve em várias etapas

controladas por perturbações genéticas como a ativação de oncogenes, silenciamento de

genes supressores tumorais e o descontrole de eventos epigenéticos que ocorrem dentro

da célula. Além disso, a influências do microambiente tumoral juntamente com os fatores

pró e anti-inflamatórios participam ativamente na manutenção e progressão da neoplasia


A inflamação é um processo importante na recuperação de tecidos danificados.

No entanto, a inflamação crônica pode auxiliar na iniciação e progressão do câncer a

partir de citocinas e quimiocinas liberadas pelas células do microambiente tumoral,

incluindo os leucócitos (ELINAV et al., 2013). O papel dos leucócitos no microambiente

ainda não é totalmente compreendido, e vários esforços estão sendo realizados para

entender melhor o papel dessas células no desenvolvimento do tumor. Estudos

demonstraram que a presença de linfócitos em diferentes tipos de TMC pode estar

relacionado tanto a um melhor ou pior prognóstico para os cães (ESTRELA-LIMA et al.,

2010; CARVALHO et al., 2016; LOPES-NETO et al., 2017).

Os tumores de mama são frequentemente infiltrados por populações heterogêneas

das células inflamatórias, cujos linfócitos são as principais células encontradas no

microambiente tumoral (KIM et al., 2013). O infiltrado linfocítico tumoral (TIL) têm

importância considerável como um parâmetro para o prognóstico do TMC, especialmente

os linfócitos T. Estudos tem demonstrado células T CD4+ e T regulatórios podem estar


associadas com a progressão dos TMC, enquanto um melhor prognóstico para esses

tumores tem apresentado um predomínio de linfócitos T CD8+ (KIM et al., 2012;

Carvalho et al., 2016). Embora a pesquisa de TIL na CMT tenha sido aprimorada, a

ligação entre células imunes e desenvolvimento do câncer ainda não foi bem esclarecida.

Outro mecanismo que está associado a instabilidade promovida pelo câncer na

homeostasia dos animais é o estresse oxidativo (KAWANISHI et al., 2017). As espécies

reativas ao oxigênio (ERO) são agentes oxidantes responsáveis pelo estresse oxidativo,

podendo ser encontradas nas células normais e neoplásicas, e o seu aumento pode

promover sérias consequências, como a proliferação celular, desencadear mutação e

instabilidade genética, além de alterações na sensibilidade celular a agentes anticâncer

(COSTA et al., 2014).

Diante das evidências que o processo inflamatório está relacionado as alterações

provocadas pelo TMC, novos estudos devem ser realizados objetivando investigar o

microambiente tumoral que possam revelar a complexa relação entre a biologia celular e

o sistema imunológico. Para controlar o câncer de mama, uma compreensão profunda do

microambiente do tumor será muito importante.



2.1 Etiologia dos Tumores da Glândula Mamário em cadelas

A neoplasia mamária em cadelas apresenta grande importância na medicina

veterinária e humana, principalmente por servir de modelo para o estudo do câncer de

mama na mulher (LIU et al., 2014). Os tumores da glândula mamários nos caninos

apresentam várias características epidemiológicas, clínicas, biológicas e genéticas

semelhantes aos da espécie humana. Entre estas, podem ser citadas: faixa etária de

aparecimento, morfologia, efeito protetor da ovariohisterectomia, presença de receptores

hormonais no tecido neoplásico, órgãos alvo de metástase, evolução clínica e a

hereditariedade. Também foi demonstrado que neoplasias mamárias apresentam

semelhança na sequência genética entre a espécie canina e humana (DAVIS;


A glândula mamária canina é um órgão hormônio-dependente cuja atividade cíclica

e sua diferenciação está associada ao controle hormonal orquestrado durante as fases do

ciclo estral. Alguns trabalhos apontam a possibilidade de hormônios esteroides

desempenharem papel importante na etiologia dos tumores mamários. Tanto o estrógeno

quanto a prolactina são necessários ao crescimento dessa enfermidade e a progesterona

apresenta ação carcinogênica quando seus níveis estão aumentados por períodos

prolongados (PENÃ et al., 2013). Receptores para estrógeno, progesterona, andrógenos,

prolactina e para o fator de crescimento epidermal já foram demonstrados nos tumores de

mama em cadelas, podendo haver a coexistência desses receptores em uma mesma

neoplasia. Tem sido demonstrado que a diminuição na expressão dos receptores de

estrógeno e o aumento dos receptores de progesterona está associado com um prognóstico

ruim em carcinomas mamários (KLOPFLEISCH et al., 2011; PENÃ et al., 2014). Outro

indicativo que o fator hormonal contribui para o desenvolvimento das neoplasias

mamárias é a diferente incidência que ela apresenta entre cadelas inteiras e castradas,

sendo um fator de proteção a realização da ovariohisterectomia antes do primeiro estro


Outros fatores que podem influenciar no aparecimento do TMC é o aspecto

nutricional do animal, principalmente a obesidade, a idade avançada das cadelas, fatores

ambientais, alterações genéticas que podem reorganizar a estrutura celular, favorecendo


o desequilíbrio da homeostase das células do tecido glandular mamária (QUEIROGA;

LOPES, 2002; ZIECH et al., 2010).

2.2 Diagnóstico dos tumores da glândula mamário canina

O diagnóstico clínico de CMT geralmente envolve história médica completa,

exame físico com palpação cuidadosa da glândula mamária e o exame laboratorial

complementar (CASSALI et al., 2014). Adicionalmente, radiografia torácicas em três

planos diferentes e avaliação ultrassonográfica podem ser realizados para excluir

metástases pulmonar e abdominal. Os locais mais comuns de metástases à distância são

os pulmões, o fígado e menos frequentemente ossos (CASSALI et al., 2011). Citologia

aspirativa por agulha fina pode auxiliar no diagnóstico da neoplasia além da avaliação

citológica de gânglios linfáticos para rastreio de metástases. Os gânglios linfáticos mais

comumente afetados além dos linfonodos regionais são os linfonodos inguinal,

sublombar, esternal e pré-escapular (LANA et al., 2007). No cão, o TMC pode afetar um

ou mais complexos mamários e se apresenta como nódulos solitários ou múltiplos

(MISDORP, 1999; CASSALI et al., 2013). Estudo observaram que 70% dos cães com

TMC possuem mais de um tumor e que os dois pares caudais de glândula são mais

frequentemente afetados (SORENMO et al., 2011). As características clínicas, como

crescimento rápido, demarcação fraca, ulceração superficial, aumento dos nódulos

linfáticos, emaciação e dispneia podem sugerir comportamento maligno, enquanto o

crescimento lento e com limites definidos indicam neoplasias benignas (MISDORP,

1999). O diagnóstico definitivo requer a histopatologia da massa tumoral, considerado

como a técnica de diagnóstico final para o TMC (SORENMO et al., 2011).

2.2.1 Estadiamento clínico

A classificação do estágio clínico consiste em cinco estágios (I a V) determinados pelo

tamanho do tumor primário (T), envolvimento dos linfonodos regionais (N) e presença

ou ausência de metástases à distância (M) (Tabela 1). O tamanho do tumor é avaliado

medindo o maior diâmetro do maior tumor maligno presente, o linfonodo é considerado

positivo quando há evidências de macrometástases e a metástase a distância é identificada

utilizando as técnicas de imagem (OWEN, 1980; SORENMO et al., 2013).


Tabela 1 - Critérios para estadiamento clínico dos TMC.


I T1: < 3cm N0 M0

II T2: 3-5 cm N0 M0

III T3: > 5cm N0 M0

IV T (não interfere) N1(positivo) M0

V T (não interfere) N (não interfere) M1 (positivo)

T: tamanho do tumor; N: envolvimento do linfonodo com metástase regional; M:

metástase à distância. Fonte: Adaptado de Sorenmo et al (2013).

2.2.2 Classificação e graduação do TMC

Os critérios utilizados para classificar neoplasias mamárias são semelhantes aos

utilizados em todos os tipos de neoplasia, como a morfologia e o comportamento

biológico, sendo a classificação ideal a qual combina os dois critérios. Durante o passar

dos anos, muitas classificações foram propostas, sendo a amais utilizada atuçmente está

descrita na tabela 2.

Seguindo as características biológicas, o TMC pode ser benigno ou maligno. Essa

avaliação é feita na análise histopatológica, no qual irá ter como indicadores o

crescimento tumoral, podendo ser expansivo e delimitado no benigno e destrutivo e

invasivo nos tecidos adjacentes nos tecidos malignos (CASSALI et al., 2014). Presença

ou ausência de invasão nos vasos sanguíneos ou linfáticos por êmbolos de células

neoplásicas, presença de necrose, além dos critérios para a graduação do tumor.

O sistema de graduação de Elston e Ellis (1998) é uma ferramenta para avaliar o

nível de diferenciação do câncer de mama. Os três critérios de classificação utilizados são

a formação tubular, pleomorfismo nuclear e contagem mitótica. Cada característica é

dada uma pontuação de um a três pontos. As pontuações para cada critério são

adicionadas e resultam em uma pontuação final, o que corresponde ao grau. O grau I é

um tumor bem diferenciado com uma pontuação final de três a cinco pontos. O grau II é

um tumor moderadamente diferenciado com uma pontuação final de seis ou sete pontos.

O grau III é um tumor pouco diferenciado com uma pontuação final de oito ou nove

pontos (Tabela 3).


Tabela 2 - Classificação das lesões e neoplasias da glândula mamária canina.


Hiperplasia epitelial Lesões de células colunares

Hiperplasia lobular Alteração de célula colunar

Hiperplasia ductal Hiperplasia de célula colunar

Adenose Lesões atípicas de células colunares


Adenoma Fibroadenoma

Adenomioepitelioma Papiloma ductal

Adenoma basalóide Tumor misto benigno


Carcinomas Carcinomas especiais

Carcinoma in situ ductal ou lobular Carcinoma micropapilar

Carcinoma em tumor misto Carcinoma lobular invasor

Carcinoma papilar Carcinoma lobular pleomórfico

Carcinoma tubular Carcinoma secretor

Carcinoma sólido Carcinoma rico em lipídeos

Carcinoma de células fusiformes

Neoplasia Mioepitelia Carcinoma de células escamosas

Adenomioepitelioma maligno Carcinoma anaplásico

Carcinoma mamário com diferenciação sebácea

Sarcomas Outros sarcomas

Fibrossarcoma Condrossarcoma

Osteossarcoma Lipossarcoma

Carcinossarcoma Hemangiossarcoma

Sarcinoma em tumor misto

Fonte: Adaptado de GOLDSCHMIDT et al., 2011


Tabela 3. Critérios para graduação do TMC.

Critérios Escore

Formação de Tubulação

> 75% do tumor 1

10 to 75% do tumor 2

< 10% do tumor 3

Pleomorfismo nuclear

Tamanho nuclear semelhante a uma célula normal (2 a 3 vezes o

tamanho dos glóbulos vermelhos) 1

Moderado aumento de tamanho e

variação nuclear 2

Marcada variação 3

Contagem mitótica CGA

0 a 8 Contagem mitótica / 10 CGA 1

9 a 16 Contagem mitótica / 10


≥ 17 Contagem mitótica / 10 CGA 3

Fonte: Adaptado de Cassali et al., 2013. CGA: Campo de Grande Aumento (400X).

2.3 Microambiente tumoral

O microambiente tumoral está intimamente associado com a carcinogênense,

progressão e metástases dos tumores. Este ambiente tumoral é composto por vasos

sanguíneos circundantes ao tumor, células inflamatórias, células imunes, linfócitos,

fibroblastos, matriz extracelular (MEC) e uma variedade de moléculas biológicas ativas

derivadas de células tumorais. Esses fatores, juntamente com suas vias de sinalização,

interagem uns com os outros no microambiente do tumor. Qualquer alteração nessa rede

formada pode afetar o metabolismo e o comportamento das células tumorais e,

consequentemente, alterar a progressão do tumor de forma direta ou indireta

(HANAHAN; WEINBERG, 2011; HUANG et al., 2017).

2.3.1. Matriz extracelular

A matriz extracelular participa da manutenção de todas as células, sendo

constituída por fibras proteicas e polissacarídeos, numa combinação que confere

resistência aos órgãos, principalmente os tecidos conjuntivos (MOUW et al., 2014). A


arquitetura da MEC é organizada por elementos insolúveis (Tabela 4) que conferem tanto

rigidez quanto elasticidade aos tecidos e composta por polímeros solúveis (Tabela 5),

responsáveis por fornecer um ambiente extracelular que regula tanto a proliferação

quanto a diferenciação das células (KIM et al., 2011; KULAR et al., 2014).

Dada a importância crucial da MEC para o desenvolvimento e manutenção da

homeostase dos tecidos, a desregulação dos constituintes da MEC pode contribuir para

várias condições patológicas, tais como a fibrose e o câncer (BONNANS et al., 2014). O

câncer de mama é um tumor sólido composto não por uma mistura aleatória de células e

matriz, mas assemelha-se a estrutura de um órgão, embora seja estruturalmente e

funcionalmente anormal (Figura 1) (KLOPFLEISCH et al., 2011). O TMC contém vários

tipos de células e componentes da MEC que podem desenvolver funções semelhantes às

realizadas nos tecidos normais, como fornecer sustentação, rigidez e substratos para o

crescimento tumoral (EGEBLAD et al., 2010).

Figura 1 - Alteração maligna de um ducto mamário demostrando as alterações nos

componentes da MEC. (A) Ducto mamário normal composto por células do epitélio

luminal, células mioepitéliais e membrana basal íntegra. As moléculas de adesão

(caderinas e integrinas) junto com os componentes da MEC (PGs e colágeno) auxiliam

na manutenção da arquitetura do ducto. (B) Aparecimento das células tumorais no ducto

mamário leva a perda das moléculas de adesão, o rompimento da membrana basal e

consequente invasão do tumor, com mudança na orientação do colágeno transformando

a MEC mais rígida, além da perda de PGs. As moléculas de metaloproteinases da matriz

(MMPs) auxiliam na progressão tumoral aos tecidos adjacentes. Fonte: Elaborado pelo



Tabela 4 - Principais componentes insolúveis da matriz extracelular.



Constituinte Função


Homotrímero e

heterotrímero com três

cadeias α polipeptídicas

(MOUW et al., 2014)

Tipo fibrilar: I,


Proteção aos tecidos da ação mecânica de

tensão, corte e pressão (KULAR et al.,


Tipo não

fibrilar: IV e


Ancoragem das fibras colágenas e da

membrana basal (GORDON; HAHN,


Elastina Subunidades de tropoelastina que formam

ligações cruzadas com a camada externa das

fibrilas (HALPER; KAJAER, 2014)

Flexibilidade aos tecidos, parede das

grandes artérias e nos ligamentos elásticos


Fibronectina Glicoproteína composto por duas cadeias

peptídicas muito longa unidas por pontes

dissulfeto que pode se ligar a integrinas

(SINGH et al., 2010)

Proteína dentro da membrana basal

relacionada a adesão celular e a resposta

cicatricial (MOUW et al., 2014)

Laminina Glicoproteínas triméricas compostas por

cadeias do tipo α, β e γ (IORIO et al., 2014)

Proteínas dentro da membrana basal

envolvida na adesão, diferenciação e

migração celular através da ligação com as

integrinas (IORIO et al., 2014)

Fonte: Elaborado pelo autor.

2.3.2 Células inflamatórias no câncer

A envolvimento do sistema imune no câncer vem sendo amplamente estudado

tanto na medicina humana como na veterinária, e estudos realizados nos cães buscam

novas estratégias no combate ao câncer de mama em cadelas e mulheres, pois o TMC

nessas duas espécies apresentam semelhanças biológicas, particularmente o perfil

hormonal que os tumores expressam. (PEÑA et al., 2014; MATOS; SANTOS, 2015;

TIMMERMANS-SPRANG et al., 2017). O papel da imunidade inata e adaptativa no

controle do TGM tem apresentado resultados paradoxais, visto que linfócitos T

citotóxicos e células natural killer (NK) são responsáveis por controlar e eliminar células

tumorais, enquanto a presença de macrófagos associados a tumores, células B e linfócitos

T regulatórios estão relacionadas a uma tolerância ao tumor (LAW et al., 2017).

Desta forma, o infiltrado inflamatório presente no microambiente tumoral tem sido

estudado como biomarcadores para monitorar a progressão tumoral, especialmente o TIL

(ESTRELA-LIMA et al., 2010; SANTOS; MATOS, 2015). A presença do TIL no tumor

de mama em mulheres demonstrou potencial valor preditiva e prognóstico em subtipos

específicos de câncer de mama, especificamente os que apresentam fator de crescimento

epidérmico humano (HER2) positivo e os triplos negativos (BENSE et al., 2017;

TIMMERMANS-SPRANG et al., 2017).


Tabela 5 - Principais componentes solúveis da matriz extracelular



Constituinte Tipo Função

GAGs Grande complexo de

moléculas de hidratos de

carbono (GANDHI;

MANCERA, 2008)

Sulfatada (sulfato de condroitina,

sulfato de dermatano, queratan

sulfato, heparina e heparan sulfato)

Inibir ou regular a passagem de

outras moléculas através da

membrana basal, controlar o

acesso de macromoléculas à

superfície celular, afetar o

crescimento, migração, adesão

e a diferenciação celular

(SHAM et al., 2014).

Não sulfatada (ácido hialurônico)

PGs Macromoléculas

caracterizada pela presença

de um ou mais cadeia de


(THEOCHARIS et al, 2010)

Diferentes tipos de PGs associados a


Secretadas na MEC (perlecan, agrin,

agrecan, versican, brevican e


Superfície celular (sindecans e


Intracelular (Serglican)

Organização da MEC, filtração

iônica, modulação dos fatores

de crescimento, multiplicação

e diferenciação celular,

regulação da fibrinogênese e

resistência da pele (AFRATIS

et al., 2012)

CAMs Moléculas de adesão

transmembrana homofílicas

dependentes de Ca2+




E-caderina (epitelial)

N-caderina (neuronal)

P-caderina (placenta)

R-caderina (retina)

Ligada diretamente a catenina

citoplasmático responsável

pelo reconhecimento das

células (ALBERGARI et al.,


Moléculas de heterodímeros

transmembrana formados

por duas subunidades α e β

associadas (ALBELDA;

BUCK, 1990)

Integrinas Ligação das células à matriz,

auxiliam na ligação das células

às proteínas, fatores de

crescimento, citocinas e

proteases que degradam a

MEC (BARCZYK et al., 2010)

Moléculas de adesão de

células vasculares

dependente de Ca2+

(KANSAS, 1996)




E- selectina


Moléculas de adesão vascular

aos leucócitos e plaquetas

(LEY et al., 2007)

Proteínas com segmento

extracelular com um ou

mais domínios dobrados

característicos das

imunoglobulinas (WONG et

al., 2012)

Superfamília das imunoglobulinas







Processo de migração dos

leucócitos dentro dos vasos

para o tecido alvo durante a

resposta inflamatória

(LOWSON; WOLF, 2009)

Fonte: Elaborado pelo autor.


Em cadelas, foi relatado que a presença marcante do TIL está relacionada a

diversas características de malignidade do TMC (KIM et al., 2013). Além disso, quando

foi identificado as subclassificações de linfócitos T CD4+, T CD8+, FOXP3+ (linfócito

T regulatório) presente no TIL de animais com TMC tinham baixa taxa de sobrevida

associada a uma alta razão entre células CD4+/CD8+, e pior prognóstico associado aos

linfócitos T FoxP3+ (CARVALHO et al., 2014).

2.4 Estresse oxidativo no câncer

O estresse oxidativo desenvolvido no processo inflamatório crônico pode ser o

fator mais importante nas alterações da dinâmica da resposta imune. Durante a

inflamação, leucócitos são recrutados para o local do dano, que podem desencadear

processo que leva a liberação de grande quantidade de ERO. O dano oxidativo pode levar

alterações na estrutura genética das células normais, causando instabilidade genética e

promovendo a carcinogênese (HANAHAN; WEINBERG, 2011; KAWANISHI et al.,


Em células cancerosas altamente proliferativas, a regulação das ERO é crucia para

sua sobrevivência, pois à presença de mutações oncogênicas que promovem o

metabolismo aberrante e tradução da proteína resultam em aumento das taxas de produção

de moléculas oxidantes o que pode ser deletério para a célula. As células neoplásicas

tentam neutralizar esse acúmulo de ERO por meio da regulação de sistemas antioxidantes,

aparentemente criando um paradoxo de alta produção de ERO na presença de níveis

elevados de antioxidantes (CAIRNS et al., 2011; KAWANISHI et al., 2017). Com isso,

ainda existe dúvidas envolvendo o metabolismo oxidativo das células tumorais para ser

estabelecido e o seu verdadeiro papel patogênico no câncer, podendo tornar-se alvo

terapêutico anticâncer.

2.5 Mecanismos de escape do câncer ao sistema imune

As células tumorais desenvolveram estratégias para escapar da vigilância

imunológica. Sendo assim, a imunoedição é um processo que as neoplasias utilizam para

sobreviver no hospedeiro, em que consiste de uma primeira fase de eliminação das células

tumorais que são imunogênicas, seguido por uma fase de equilíbrio, no qual coexistem

células tumorais e células imunes, por fim resultando no surgimento das variantes

malignas pouco imunogênicas capazes de evadir da resposta imune (GROSS et al., 2013;

GUILLEREY; SMYTH, 2015). Outros mecanismos de evasão do câncer é a


imunossupressão das células de defesa por meio da liberação de citocinas (TGF-β e IL-

18) e sua capacidade de atenuar a expressão de recetores que sinalizam a ativação das

células (HASMIM et al., 2015).

Outra via que as células tumorais utilizam para não serem atacadas por células de

defesa é ativando receptores de inibição que reconhecem na superfície celular as

moléculas de MHC classe I (CANTONI et al., 2016). Da mesma forma, células tumorais

podem expressar ou ativar moléculas presentes nas células de defesa que estão associadas

ao ponto de controle imune (immune checkpoint), como o antígeno-4 associado ao

linfócito-T citotóxico (CTLA-4), o receptor de morte programada-1 (PD-1) e seus

ligantes PD-L1/PD-L2. O CTLA-4 e PD-1 atuam limitando a eficácia da resposta

antitumoral induzindo a anergia ou a exaustão das células de defesa ativadas

(BUCHBINDER; DESAI, 2016; JOHNSON et al., 2017).

Foi demostrado que linfócitos circulantes e intratumorais de cães com diferentes

tipos de câncer expressam moléculas de CTLA-4 e PD-1/ PD-L1, como melanoma,

osteossarcoma, sarcoma histiocítico, mastocitoma, inclusive o TGM canina

(MAEKAWA et al., 2016; TAGAWA et al., 2016). Além disso, esses linfócitos podem

apresentar maior quantidade dessas moléculas em cães com câncer comparado aos

animais saudáveis e a terapia com anticorpos anti-PD-L1 pode aumentar a quantidade de

INFγ liberada por linfócitos do infiltrado tumoral (MAEKAWA et al., 2014; TAGAWA

et al., 2016).



O tumor da glândula mamária em cadelas tem bastante relevância na medicina

veterinária, pois é uma doença de grande morbidade, principalmente em fêmeas não

castradas, além de ter semelhanças fisiopatológicas com as neoplasias mamárias na

mulher. Desta forma, o estudo da patogenia que envolve essas neoplasias é essencial para

o correto emprego de técnicas que possam auxiliar no tratamento e prognósticos de tais


O estudo do dano tecidual ligado diretamente à patogenia das neoplasias envolve

agentes oxidantes que participam do desenvolvimento, manutenção e disseminação das

células tumorais. O melhor entendimento da influência do estresse oxidativo nas células

tumorais pode auxiliar na determinação de uma terapia específica para cada tipo de

câncer. Além disso, torna-se necessário relacionar o comportamento biológico de

metástase e angiogênese dos TMC com o desequilíbrio oxirredutivo no meio intra e

extracelular das células tumorais.



O tumor mamário canino está relacionado diretamente com o processo

inflamatório desenvolvido no microambiente tumoral, além de promover o desequilíbrio

da homeostasia nas cadelas acometidas.




Estudar mediadores sistêmicos e teciduais induzidos pela progressão do tumor da

glândula mamária canina.


a) Identificar a sobrevida das cadelas a partir de acompanhamento mensal até 12

meses após o procedimento cirúrgico.

b) Avaliar marcadores sistêmicos do estresse oxidativo e antioxidantes em cadelas

com neoplasias da glândula mamária e correlacioná-los com o comportamento

biológico tumoral.

c) Identificar e classificar a distribuição intratumoral do infiltrado inflamatório.

d) Avaliar o infiltrado inflamatório linfocítico intratumoral e correlacionar com a

sobrevida dos animais.

e) Identificar a subpopulção dos linfócitos T utilizando imunohistoquímica para os

marcadores moleculares CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+.

f) Realizar a identificação da porteína de choque térmico HSP60+.

g) Avaliar a expressão da mólecula PD-L1 no TMC.



Increased serum MDA in different malignant characteristic of canine mammary gland


(Aumento do MDA sérico em diferentes características malignas dos tumores das

glândulas mamárias caninas)

Periódico: Veterinary Clinical Pathology (Submetido em Out 2017)

ISSN: 0275-6382/QUALIS B1


Increased serum MDA in different malignant characteristic of canine mammary

gland tumors

Belarmino Eugênio Lopes-Neto1, Júlio Gil Vale Carvalheira2, Belise Maria Oliveira

Bezerra1, Tiago Cunha Ferreira1, Paulo Ricardo de Oliveira Bersano1, Diana Célia Sousa


1Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Laboratório de Imunologia e

Bioquímica Animal, Faculdade de Veterinária (FAVET), Universidade Estadual do Ceará

(UECE), Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. 2CIBIO-InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Campus de

Vairão, Rua Padre Armando Quintas, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal.

CORRESPONDENCE: D. Nunes-Pinheiro [diana.pinheiro@uece.br]. Faculdade de

Veterinária. Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Campus do Itaperi. Av. Dr. Silas Munguba,

n. 1700. CEP 60.714-903. Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.

Background: Mammary gland tumors (MGT) are major neoplasm in female dogs.

Oxidative stress in cancer-bearing dogs has been described. However, the association of

oxidative stress to canine MGT is still unclear.

Objectives: This study investigates the serum levels of oxidant and antioxidant non-

enzymatic, as well as the association of clinic-pathological features and survival time in

MGT-bearing dogs.

Methods: Female dogs were divided into three groups: benign MGT (Be, n = 14),

malignant MGT (Ma, n = 20), and healthy dogs, control (Co, n = 10). Serum levels of

oxidative and antioxidant non-enzymatic parameters in MGT-bearing dogs were

determined. In order to estimate the lipidic peroxidation, it was used malondialdehyde

(MDA, nmol/mL). Clinic-pathological data of MGT-bearing dogs were realized. Data

were expressed in mean ± SD and were analyzed with P < .05.


Results: The levels of total proteins (P < .001), globulin (P < .001), and bilirubin (P <

.03) was higher in Ma and Be MGT than Co. MDA was increase (P < .001) in Ma (41.48

± 9.05) and Be (35.76 ± 8.63) in relation to Co (13.62 ± 2.68). All malignancy features

present high MDA levels, and the parameters as necrosis and type of tumor had difference

(P < .05) between categories. No association was observed between MDA and overall

survival time.

Conclusions: The levels of MDA and non-enzymatic antioxidants support the systemic

lipid peroxidation in MGT-bearing dogs. Thus, oxidative stress can be used as a

biomarker and potential target of new therapeutic approaches.

Key Words: Canine, mammary tumor, oxidative stress, malondialdehyde


Several conditions cause homeostasis imbalance in animals, including chronic

diseases. Together with instability, the organism undergoes biological changes that can

lead to the formation of reactive ions and molecules, such as reactive oxygen species

(ROS).1 High concentrations of ROS have negative effects on fundamental cellular

processes because they compromise genomic stability and disrupt protein or lipid

structures. Consequently, diseases such as cancer are associated with oxidative stress in

the body, caused by this accumulation of free radicals. Thereby, the capacity to resist and

recover from states of increased oxidative stress can be a central component to avoid

cancer initiation.2

Mammary gland tumors (MGT) are the major common neoplasm in female dogs,

and malignant neoplasms are often diagnosed in this species, which can reach more than

70% of cases.3 The etiology of MGT is still not clear, being attributed to many clinical

and pathological factors, such as animal breed, age, tumor size, not or spayed female


dogs, the absence of hormonal receptors, and synthetic estrogens.4,5 Furthermore, genetic

changes are associating with carcinogenesis, and the oxidative stress caused by

inflammation in tumor microenvironment could be participate in both tumor regression

or progression.6,7 The increase of ROS in tumor microenvironment may induce

cytotoxicity of mammary gland cells triggering membrane damage, mutagenesis and

carcinogenesis.8 These oxidative molecules should be scavenged by antioxidant

mechanisms which protect membrane surface and cell components against peroxidation

reactions. However, efforts to prevent ROS request high consumption of antioxidants and

even deplete antioxidants production, promoting oxidative stress.9

Previous research has shown that oxidative stress in dogs is associated with

several types of cancer, including canine MGT.10,11 The disruption of antioxidant and the

increase of oxidant molecules were observed both in tumor tissues and in circulation of

female dogs with MGT.12,13,14 The association of oxidative stress to canine MGT is still

unclear, especially differences based on tumor type or factors associated with prognosis.

In this way, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the serum levels of oxidant and

antioxidant non-enzymatic, as well as the association of clinic-pathological features and

survival time in MGT-bearing dogs.

Materials and Methods


Dogs were enrolled in the experiment between January and December of 2016 at

the Veterinary Hospital of the State University of Ceará, Brazil. Forty-four female dogs

were included with dog owners consent, whose forty dogs had MGT and ten clinically

healthy intact female dogs from private kennel were used as a control. The animals were

diagnosed by clinical and pathological evaluation. All clinical data were collected and the


search for metastasis was accessed through chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound.

Animals with clinical or laboratorial evidence of any other disease were excluded from

study, and those who had taken previous treatment for the mammary pathology. After

surgery, the follow-up period lasted 365 days, and overall survival was determined in

each case. Tumors were classified by histopathological analysis, according to type15 and

tumor grade,16 and clinical stage was attended following modified criteria.17,18 The

clinical stage classification consists of five stages (I to V) determined by the size of

primary tumor (T), involvement of regional lymph nodes (N) and presence or absence of

distant metastases (M). This study was approved by Committee for Ethics in Research

using Animals (CEUA-UECE), protocol 12247080-2.

Groups and serum samples

A prospective study was performed in MGT-bearing female dogs (n = 44), which

were divided into three groups: benign MGT (Be, n = 14), malignant MGT (Ma, n = 20),

and healthy dogs, control (Co, n = 10). Blood samples were collected before surgery

during preoperative evaluation to obtain serum that was aliquoted and frozen at -80° C

until use.

Biochemical estimations

In order to estimate oxidative stress, serum antioxidants non-enzymatic and

malondialdehyde (MDA) were analyzed. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), bilirubin,

triglycerides, uric acid, urea, total proteins, globulin, and albumin were performed using

commercial kits (Bioclin®) in biochemical automation machines (BS-120 Mindray®)

following manufacturer's methodology.

MDA was used as an oxidation biomarker, which is a product of lipid peroxidation

of cell membranes. The technique was performed to measure the MDA serum levels.19


Briefly, 100 mL of serum was added to 200 μL of trichloroacetic acid 30% (TCA), 200

μL of TRIS and 200 μL of 0.73% thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were mixed in glass tubes.

The solution was brought to water bath (100°C; 1 h), then it was centrifuged (3000 g, 10

min). The analysis was performed in spectrophotometer (535 nm) and results were

expressed in nmol/mL.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 24.0, Chicago,

IL, USA) and expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Normality was assessed using

Shapiro-Wilk test, and ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis followed by post-hoc test were used

to compare biomarker values in different groups. Survival curves were generated by the

Kaplan–Meier method and survival rates were compared using the log-rank test. The cut-

off points correspond to the mean MDA serum in the group of malignant MGT-bearing

dogs. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.


Clinic-pathological data of MGT-bearing dogs are described at Table 1. The mean

age of Be and Ma groups were 9.48 ± 1.35 and 9.89 ± 2.87 years old, respectively. Of

thirty-four female dogs with MGT, the histopathological diagnoses were grouped as

adenomas (Ad; n = 6), benign mixed tumors (BMT; n = 8), carcinomas (4 tubulo-

papillary, 2 solids, 1 anaplasic) (Ca; n = 7), complex carcinomas (CoC; n = 3), carcinomas

in mixed tumors (CMT; n = 7), and carcinosarcoma (CSC; n = 3) tumors. Among the

clinic-pathological characteristics of malignant tumors, there was a predominance of

absence of ulceration (80%), necrosis (75%), and the mean size of tumors was higher than

4 cm. The Ma data showed vascular invasion (25%), involvement of regional lymph


nodes (20%), distance metastases (15%), prevalence low-grade of tumor (55%), and

clinical staging II (30%).

Serum levels of biochemical analyses, antioxidant non-enzymatic and oxidative

parameters in MGT-bearing dogs were displayed in Table 2. Both Be and Ma MGT

groups presents higher (P < .001) concentration of total proteins and globulins than

control group. LDH was increase in Ma but not differ between groups. Be and Ma groups

presents bilirubin concentration more elevated (P = .03) in relation to Co, but was not

observed difference between Be and Ma MGT. On the other hand, Be and Ma MGT-

bearing dogs had appeared lower triglycerides levels than Co, but only Be showed

significance (P = .024) in relation to Co. Urea and uric acid did not presents difference

between groups (Table 2).

The serum MDA presented higher levels in Be (P = .002) and Ma (P = .001) than

Co, but similar between groups with MGT (Be and Ma). In Ma group, the MDA detection

was higher (P = .035) in tumor with necrosis compared with non-necrosis. Besides, MDA

levels were significantly lower (P = .009) in Co and CMT than other malignant MGT

(Table 3). The MDA serum concentration was not associated with skin ulceration, tumor

size, and tumor grade. Concerning follow-up study, no statistical association was

observed between different MDA serum levels and overall survival times (Figure 1).

Furthermore, analysis of MDA mean concentration of tumor skin ulceration,

tumor necrosis, tumor size, tumor grade, and others clinic-pathological features reveal a

two-fold increase compared with MDA mean of healthy animals (Table 3).


Table 1. Clinic-pathological data of MGT-bearing dogs.






Histological Classification Ad BMT Ca CoC and CMT CSC

nº 6 8 7 10 3

Age 9.5 (± 1.64) 9.37 (± 1.06) 10.14 (± 2.97) 9.2 (± 1.62) 10.33 (± 4.04)

Skin ulceration (n°) - - No (5), Yes (2) No (8), Yes (2) No(3), Yes (0)

Tumor necrosis (n°) - - No (3), Yes (4) No (2), Yes (8) No (0), Yes (3)

Vascular invasion (n°) - - No (4), Yes (3) No (9), Yes (1) No (2), Yes (1)

T; cm 1.85 (± 0.99) 1.61 (± 1.03) 4.64 (± 1.91) 5.11 (± 2.07) 3.26 (± 2.56)

N (n°) - - No (5), Yes (2) No (9), Yes (1) No (2), Yes (1)

M (n°) - - No (6), Yes (1) No (9), Yes (1) No (2), Yes (1)

TNM clinical stage (n°) - -

I (1), II(2), III(1),

IV(2), V (1)

I (2), II (4), III (2), IV

(1), V (1)

III (1), IV (1), V (1)

Tumor grade (n°) - - I (4), II (2), III (1) I (7), II (3) II (2), III(1)

T: size of the primary tumor; N: involvement of regional lymph nodes; M: presence of distant metastases;

Ad: Adenoma; BMT: benign mixed tumors; Be: benign tumors; Ma: malignant tumors; Ca: carcinoma, CoC:

complex carcinoma, CMT: carcinoma in mixed tumor, CSC: carcinosarcoma; n°: numbers


Table 2. Serum levels of oxidative and antioxidant non-enzymatic parameters in MGT-

bearing dogs.


Biomarker Co Be Ma P-value

Mean ± SD (Min–Max) Mean ± SD (Min–Max) Mean ± SD (Min–Max)

Total proteins (g/dL) 6.36a ± 0.65 (5.73–7.31) 7.83b ± 0.68 (6.55–8.74) 8.27b ± 0.97 (7.59–11.30) .001

Albumin (g/dL) 3.21 ± 0.27 (2.81–3.62) 2.77 ± 0.74 (1.23–3.62) 2.74 ± 0.65 (1.25–3.67) .170

Globulin (g/dL) 3.14a ± 0.78 (2.36–4.35) 5.22b ± 0.82 (3.54–6.89) 5.23b ± 1.01 (4.01–9.28) .001

Uric acid (mg/dL) 1.59 ± 0.59 (0.18–2.54) 0.73 ± 0.42 (0.24–1.58) 1.10 ± 0.34 (0.14–2.90) .309

Urea (mg/dL) 53.45 ± 16.52 (31.40–78.95) 50.16 ± 21.43 (29.05–97.55) 44.92 ± 20.71 (11.30–98.25) .252

Bilirrubin (mg/dL) 0.16a ±0.06 (0.10–0.28) 0.30b ±0.16 (0.18–0.44) 0.40b ± 0.2 (0.25–0.86) .030

LDH (U/L) 151.25 ± 90.36 (63.00–318.00) 193.02 ± 67.29 (30.50–420.50) 239.25 ± 108.8 (40.50–540.50) .280

Triglycerides (mg/dL) 227.26a ± 62.53 (139.05–289.46) 142.78b ± 69.67 (32.60–267.50) 159.71ab ± 62.37 (43.45–05.60) .024

MDA (nmol/mL) 17.36a ± 7.68 (9.70–32.36) 35.76b ± 8.63 (25.20–52.65) 41.48b ± 9.05 (24.60–60.40 .001

a,b Groups with distinct letters indicate statistical differences. (P < .05).

Figure 1. Relationship between two different levels of MDA and overall survival time (P

= .710).


Table 3. Association of serum MDA levels with clinic-pathological parameters in

malignant MGT-bearing dogs.




Number of



MDA concentration


Mean ± SD (Min–Max)


increase† P- value

Histologic type

Ca 7 47.4a ± 8.27 (38.85–60.40) 2.73

CoC and CMT 10 35.76b ± 5.45 (24.60–43.70) 2.05 .009

CSC 3 43.24b ± 7.28 (39.03–51.65) 2.49

Tumor grade

I 11 43.26 ± 9.55 (30.95–60.40) 2.49

II 8 36.82 ± 5.24 (24.60–40.53) 2.12 .169

III 1 48.80 2.81

Skin ulceration

No 16 41.3 ± 6.67 (30.95–53.70) 2.37 .733

Yes 4 39.62 ± 8.10 (24.60–60.40) 2.28

Tumor necrosis

No 5 38.7a ± 7.31(24.60–53.70) 2.23 .035

Yes 15 47.73b ± 8.77 (39.03–60.40) 2.75

T (cm)

T1 <3 cm 5 44.19 ± 6.02 (37.75–51.65) 2.55 T2 ≥3 cm and

<5 cm 8 39.57 ± 9.36 (24.60–53.70) 2.28 .635

T3 ≥ 5 cm 7 40.24 ± 9.42 (30.95–60.40) 2.32


No 16 42.75 ± 8.19 (31.85–60.40) 2.46 .155

Yes 4 36.8 ± 8.24 (24.60–48.80) 2.12


No 17 41.19 ± 8.92 (24.60–60.40) 2.37 .732

Yes 3 38.94 ± 0.12 (38.85–39.03) 2.24

TNM clinical stage

I 3 43.03 ± 6.28 (37.75–51.65) 2.48

II 6 42.27 ± 8.29 (31.85–53.70) 2.43

III 4 44.62 ± 13.85 (34.45–60.40) 2.57 .683

IV 4 36.35 ± 9.13 (24.60–48.80) 2.09

V 3 38.94 ± 1.52 (38.85–39.03) 2.24

*ANOVA test (P < 0.05). Parameter with distinct superscript letters indicate statistical

differences among them (Duncan test, P < .05). † Fold increase represents the augment

of MDA mean concentration relative to MDA mean of control group. T: size of the

primary tumor. N: involvement of regional lymph nodes. M: presence of distant

metastases. Co: control group. Ma: malignant tumors group. Ca: carcinoma, CoC:

complex carcinoma, CMT: carcinoma in mixed tumor, CSC: carcinosarcoma.



In veterinary medicine, there is an increasing interest in biomarkers as a tool for

diagnosis and monitoring of neoplastic diseases. These tests should be sensitive and

specific with low cost to attend in veterinary clinical oncology.20 Oxidative stress

biomarkers have been pointed as a parameter to access the homeostasis imbalance

produced in dogs with cancer 21,11 To assess the oxidative stress in female dogs with MGT,

serum MDA was used as a biomarker once it is a product of lipid peroxidation in cell

membranes disrupted by ROS activity. Thus, it was report in the present study that MDA

levels were significantly higher in MGT-bearing dogs compared to healthy dogs (Table

2). Moreover, MDA was higher in female dogs with malignant MGT than the group with

benign tumors.

Figure 2. MDA levels in dogs with different MGT types. Co: control group; Ad:

Adenoma; BMT: Benign Mixed Tumor; Ca: carcinoma; CoC: complex carcinoma; CMT:

carcinoma in mixed tumor; CSC: carcinosarcoma. a,b,c Differet letters are significant (P =

.05). Bars indicate standard deviation.


39.34 38.84





bc bc





Dogs with different types of cancer have higher serum MDA levels compared with

healthy dogs.10 Likewise, other studies in dogs with mammary tumors reported the

increased lipid peroxidation as evidenced by an increase of thiobarbituric acid-reactive

substances (TBARS) levels.13 TBARS is a byproduct of lipid peroxidation, and similar to

the MDA showed significantly higher levels in MGT tissue than those in the normal

tissue, indicating this trend of systemic and tissue lipid peroxidation associated with

oxidative stress in MGT-bearing dogs. 9,12,13

Researches are linking the high ROS levels produced by cancer cells with the

enhancement of tumor growth and metastasis.7,8 Our study demonstrated the high levels

of MDA in Ma group compared to Be, although group medians were not statistically

significantly different. Besides, all malignant clinic-pathological parameters had an

increase of MDA levels compared with control dogs, suggesting a link between MGT

malignancy and oxidative stress.

Along with increase in lipid peroxidation, high-grade malignant MGT presented

higher serum level of oxidative stress biomarkers such as nitric oxide,11,22 similar to the

present study which showed higher serum MDA levels in female dogs with high-grade

tumor. The serum MDA levels in complex carcinoma and carcinoma in mixed tumor were

lower than other tumors (Figure 2) which may be a relationship between of oxidative

stress growth and tumor malignancy once the anaplasic carcinoma and carcinosarcoma

have worse prognosis to animals.3

Several preventive medicine had purposed that lipid peroxidation levels in breast

ductal cells may represent a promising cancer biomarker to detect, through non-invasive

methods such as nipple fluid aspirate sampling, for example, women at high risk for breast

cancer.23 Although, in cohort study with invasive breast cancer in women did not was


associated with oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation.24 The results reported in the

present study did not reveal a relationship between the increase in the serum levels of

MDA and lower overall survival time of Ma group (Figure 1).

Biochemical estimation of lipids can be related to total lipid peroxidation, and in

this work, the triglycerides have shown lower levels in MGT-bearing dogs, unlike the

previous study that did not found serum cholesterol and triglycerides decrease.13 Another

biomarker usually used to reflect the disruption of cells is serum LDH, an enzyme

required for anaerobic glycolysis.25 LDH isoenzymes may be increased in human and dog

breast cancer, and growth of serum levels in canine MGT presented a positive relationship

with tumor staging and disease evolution.26 Although serum LDH concentration between

groups did not show difference, there was a tendency of a higher serum concentration in

MGT-bearing dogs.

Uric acid is a final oxidation product of purine catabolism and may act as a non-

enzymatic antioxidant with the ability to scavenge ROS. Although the uric acid levels did

not present variety between the experimental groups in this work, it was suggested that

antioxidant activity happen only in normal level in the circulation.27 However, the

hyperuricemia may be related to several disorders, such as cardiovascular and renal

diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and tumor lysis syndrome in cancer patients.28,29

Bilirubin is another non-enzymatic antioxidant from hemoglobin metabolism that

can bind to albumin and prevent oxidation of fatty acids during protein exposure to lipid

peroxidation initiators.30 Data of bilirubin presented higher levels in MGT animals

compared to the healthy group, what could explain the effort of the organism to prevent

oxidative stress producing more antioxidants.

Albumin is an abundant protein in the extracellular fluid and assists on the

transport of substance included free fatty acids in the blood. The non-enzymatic


antioxidant albumin is capable of binding ions such copper and iron, inhibiting lipid

peroxidation and formation of the hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide.31 MGT-

bearing dogs presented lower serum albumin concentration, although without a

significant difference. Thus, agreeing with studies that showed hypoalbuminemia in

animals with advanced MGT stage and metastasis, compared to healthy or without


Hyperproteinemia and hyperglobulinemia were markedly higher in serum

globulin and serum total proteins levels of Be and Ma groups corroborating with works

in dogs with mammary carcinoma.35,36 Different proteins can be identified in cancer, and

especially gamma globulins participate in defense against cancer and, paradoxically, in

several paraneoplastic syndromes.37 A recent study suggested that higher globulin

concentration, such as acute phase proteins, and immunoglobulins have been linked to an

immune reaction glomerulopathy in malignant MGT-bearing dogs.38

The homeostasis imbalance in animals with cancer demands a strict monitoring,

and oxidative stress is one of the issues which contribute to ongoing disease. Thereby,

oxidants and antioxidants are substantial parameters to consider as biomarkers in canine

MGT. In this way, our results demonstrated the oxidative stress imbalance on serum

MDA levels and non-enzymatic antioxidants biomarkers of MGT-bearing dogs.

Therefore, systemic exacerbation of lipid peroxidation has a markable role in instability

of homeostasis in canine mammary cancer. Besides, our results suggest further studies

are necessary to confirm the participation of oxidative stress in the progression of MGT

phenotype and subsequently new therapeutic approaches.


Funding for this study was provided by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher

Education Personnel (CAPES). FINEP.


Disclosure: The authors have indicated that they have no affiliations or financial

involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in, or in financial

competition with, the subject matter or materials discussed in this article.


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CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+ and HSP60+ expressions in cellular infiltrate of canine

mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor

(Expressão de CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+ e HSP60+ no infiltrado celular em carcinoma

mamário em tumor misto canino)

Periódico: Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Publicado em Nov 2017)

ISSN: 1679-9216/QUALIS B1


CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+ and HSP60+ expressions in cellular infiltrate of canine mammary

carcinoma in mixed tumor

Belarmino Eugênio Lopes-Neto1, Stephanie Caroline Bezerra Souza1, Lúcio Marinho

Bouty2, Glauco Jonas Lemos Santos1, Emanuele Silva Oliveira3, José Cláudio

Carneiro de Freitas1 & Diana Célia Sousa Nunes-Pinheiro1

1Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Laboratório de Imunologia e

Bioquímica Animal, Faculdade de Veterinária (FAVET), Universidade Estadual do Ceará

(UECE), Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. 2Hospital Veterinário, FAVET, UECE, Fortaleza, CE,

Brazil. 3Laboratório de Genética Molecular, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC),

Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. CORRESPONDENCE: D. Nunes-Pinheiro

[diana.pinheiro@uece.br]. Faculdade de Veterinária. Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

Campus do Itaperi. Av. Dr. Silas Munguba, n. 1700. CEP 60.714-903. Fortaleza, CE,



Background: Cancer is a complex process that receive many influences of the tumor

microenvironment. The participation of immune system cells and proteins in tumor

microenvironment is not yet completely understood. Thus, the aim of this study was to

evaluate the infiltrate cellular, subpopulations of T-lymphocytes and HSP60 of canine

mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor (CMCMT).

Materials, Methods and Results: Bitches (n = 20) were selected after Canine mammary

tumor (CMT) diagnosis and data were achieved throughout clinical-pathological

information. Clinical staging was evaluated and tumor biopsies were processed by

histology and cellular infiltrate was performed according criteria and grade. Survival

curve were generated by Kaplan-Meier and the lymphocytic infiltrate were compared by


Log-Rank followed Chi-Square χ². For immunolabeling it was used anti-CD4, anti-CD8,

anti-FoxP3 and HSP60 monoclonal antibodies and were attributed scores from 0 to 3.

Clinical-pathological relationship was analyzed using Spearman correlation. This study

was approved by the Committee for Ethics in Research using Animals (CEUA-UECE),

protocol 12247080-2. Our data showed a mean age of 9.3 years old, the size of tumors

presented more than 5 cm (50%), which were located in inguinal mammary glands (70%),

and CMTs shows I (70%) and II (30%) grade. The cellular infiltrate was distributed both

in peri and intratumoral regions, dispersed multifocally with moderate intensity and

lymphocytes were the major populations found into tumors (n = 826 ± 220). In

relationship to cellular infiltrate with CMT grade it was observed that lymphocytes (ρ =

0.28) and plasma cells (ρ = 0.22) showed a slight positive correlation, and an opposed

negative correlation of neutrophil (ρ = -0.1) and macrophage (ρ = -0.38). CMT presents

moderate lymphocytic infiltrate (< 800 lymphocytes), shows higher (P = 0.01) survival

rates as compared to intense lymphocytic infiltrate (≥ 800 lymphocytes). FoxP3+ showed

lower intensity while CD4+ and CD8+ expression were concentrated surrounding of

lymphocytic infiltrate tumor region. HSP60+ was observed in the inflammatory and

tumor cells.

Discussion: Our data are according to a greater risk to the development of the breast

tumor in old bitches, not castrated and before or after puberty, as well as the use of

contraceptives based on progesterone and estrogen. In relation to size of tumor, these

findings reinforce that there is a relationship of tumor size with a higher malignancy grade

and with a worse prognosis. The predominant tumor location was in the inguinal breasts

that is attributed to the high activity of the mammary glands to hormonal stimuli. CMT

with low clinical staging are associated with greater overall survival of affected bitches.

In relation to tumor microenvironment, it has been reported that heterogeneous


populations of the immune system cells often infiltrate the mammary tumors, whose

lymphocytes are the main cells. It is suggested that tumor lymphocytosis may be

necessary for malignant behavior of the tumor microenvironment. On the other hand,

macrophages and neutrophils play an important role that may favor or inhibit the tumor

cells development in the tumor microenvironment. In our work, CD4, CD8 and FoxP3

labeling were distributed in peri and intratumoral regions, and consequently, these

markers can be used as prognostic for CMT, as well as being a potential target for

anticancer therapies. This is the first work that presents results about the HSP60+

participation in CMT, however this data needs further investigation. HSP60 participates

as a potent activator of the immune system through its peptides and other HSP types were

studied in mammary carcinomas in bitches and presenting results that indicate the

association of these proteins with the carcinogenesis process.

Keywords: canine mammary glands, carcinoma in mixed tumor, T-lymphocytes, Heat

Shock Protein, immunolabeling.


The etiology of canine mammary mixed tumor (CMMT) involves multifactors but

is still not well understood [17]. Cancer is a complex process controlled by the activation

of oncogenes, silencing of tumor suppressor genes and the lack of control of epigenetic

events that occur within the cell. In addition, the influences of the tumor

microenvironment may participate in both, the progression process and tumor regression


Inflammation is an important process of damaged tissues. The chronic

inflammation may facilitate the tumor progression from cytokines and chemokines


released by the microenvironment cells, including leukocytes [8]. The role of leukocytes

in the tumor microenvironment is not yet fully understood, and several efforts have been

made to understand the role of these cells in tumor development. Studies have shown that

the lymphocytes presence in mammary mixed tumor (MMT) may be involved in a better

or worse prognosis for the patient [1,10].

Under stress conditions, the organism undergoes alterations in the cellular

metabolism, leading to the formation of molecules that assist in both the repair and the

new proteins production. The heat shock proteins (HSP) are a large family of molecular

chaperon proteins [5]. Increased HSP in damaged cells may also aid in cell integrity, since

it inhibits the apoptosis [6], and overexpression of the different proteins in this group is

related to a poorer prognosis of the patient, including MMT [22].

Thus, the objective of this study, was to evaluate the infiltrate cellular,

subpopulations of T-lymphocytes (CD4+, CD8+ and FoxP3+) and HSP60 of canine

mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor (CMCMT).



For the accomplishment of this work, twenty bitches with varied weight and age,

affected by CMCMT were used. The animals were attended at the Unidade Hospitalar

Veterinária (UHV) of the Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), from January to June

of 2016. All the owners were informed about the study procedures, signing a Free and

Informed Consent Form. This study was approved by the Committee for Ethics in

Research using Animals (CEUA-UECE), protocol 12247080-2.


The animals were diagnosed by clinical and radiological evaluation and confirmed

by cytological and histopathological analysis, according criteria [4] and tumor grade [9].

Initially, the tumors were submitted to macroscopic analysis, then tumor fragments were

collected and submitted to classical histology (H & E) and immunohistochemical

analysis. Furthermore, all animals clinical data were also collected for clinical staging

based on the described system [20] and follow up was made during one year (365 days).

Cellular Infiltrate and Immunohistochemical Analysis

Cellular infiltrate analysis was performed for its location, in peri and/or

intratumoral; its distribution as, focal, multifocal or diffuse; its intensity, in absent (0),

mild (1), moderate (2) or intense (3), and quantified in eight random fields, avoiding areas

near necrosis (ECLIPSE E200, 400x magnification)1 [10]. Thus, two intervals of the

lymphocytic infiltrate in CMT were used for data analysis, considering moderate (< 800

lymphocytes) and intense quantity (≥ 800 lymphocytes).

Immunohistochemical analysis were conducted in tumor sections for CD4+,

CD8+, FoxP3+ and HSP60+. For this, 5 µm sections were mounted on silanized glass

slides and subjected to antigen retrieval process (EnVision TMFLEX Target Retrieval

Solution High pH Code DM828)2 or low pH (Code DM829)2 for 20 min at 97ºC using

the Dako pre-treatment (PT) link module2. The endogenous peroxidase activity was

inhibited by peroxidase block2 for 5 min, and slides received the anti-human CD4, anti-

human CD8, anti-human FoxP3 and anti-human HSP60 murine monoclonal antibody3

diluted 1:100 and incubated for 1h, at room temperature. Then, slides were washed three

times in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.2), and then incubated with the reagent

polymer (EnVision TMþ Dual LinkSystem/HRP)2 for 30 min at room temperature and

finally diaminobenzidine (DAB)2 for 10 min. The sections were counterstained with


Mayer's hematoxylin2 and observed by optical microscopy atributting the scores absent

(0), mild (1), moderate (2) or intense (3). In order to obtain the scores, all slides were

analyzed by two observer and compared to control group.

Statistical Analysis

Data were previously subjected to Grubbs test for outliers exclusion. Then, the

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and ANOVA for homoscedasticity and homogeneity

evaluation were used. The changes observed in the macroscopic and microscopic

analyzes and the location, distribution and intensity of the cellular infiltrate were

expressed as a percentage. Cellular infiltrate analysis was expressed as mean ± standard

deviation. The correlation between the inflammatory infiltrate and the tumor grade was

analyzed using Spearman correlation test. In addition, survival curve were generated by

Kaplan-Meier estimation method and the two intervals of the lymphocytic infiltrate were

compared by Log-Rank followed Chi-Square χ². Statistical significance was considered

at P < 0.05 and analyses were performed using the software SPSS4. The expressions of

CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+ and HSP60+ were performed semi-quantitatively, being classified

into scores (0 to 3).


In this study it was observed that 60% of bitches with CMT were Poodle breed,

and the others were non-defined breed, which a higher prevalence of malignancies than

benign ones was observed. The mean of age was 9.3 years, whose bitches were not

castrated, four of them had at least one gestation and two received an injectable

contraceptive. Macroscopically, it was observed that 50% of the tumors had a size bigger

than 5 cm, 30% presented size between 3-5 cm and the remainder with nodules smaller


than 3 cm. The predominant tumor location was in the inguinal breasts (70%) and the rest

in the abdominal breasts. In seven animals, there was a greater occurrence of the tumor

mass in the right antimer. Ulceration was evident in 20% of the tumors and in 60% of

cases they had only one tumor formation in the breast, while 40% had two to five

mammary chain formations.

Figure 1. Composition of inflammatory infiltrate in CMT. Lymphocytes (L), Neutrophils

(N), Macrophages (M) and Plasma Cells (P). Cell count performed on eight fields (400X).

Results were expressed in mean ± standard deviation.

All samples evaluated presented histological characteristics of CMT. Foci or

nodules of epithelial cells with high pleomorphism and atypical mitosis were seen in the

middle of a benign mixed tumor. It was observed that the majority of tumors had a tubular

formation index ranging from 10% to 75%, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic

index of 9 to 16 mitosis in 10 high-power field (HPF). The CMT had a grade I histological

grade in 70% of the cases and 30% were grade II. It was also observed that only 30% of

the cases had areas of tumor necrosis. In the present study, regional metastasis was

identified in one animal, and in none of the cases was identified the presence of distant



Data of the inflammatory infiltrate were presented in table 1. It was observed that

most of the cells were distributed both in the peri and intratumoral regions (50%, 70%

and 46% for lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, respectivelly), dispersed

multifocally (58%, 63% and 50% for lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells) with

moderate intensity (70% and 52% for lymphocytes and macrophages) (Table 1).

Lymphocytes were the major populations found in tumors (n = 826 ± 220), followed by

macrophages, neutrophils and plasma cells (Figures 1, 2A and 2B).

Evaluating the correlation between the type of inflammatory infiltrate with the

CMT grade, it was observed that both lymphocytes (ρ = 0.28) and plasma cells (ρ = 0.22)

had a mild positive correlation. The intense lymphocytes infiltration into mamary

carcinomas in bitches was associated with histological alterations of aggressiveness, as

well as presenting higher (ρ = 0.045) lymphocyte infiltration in tumors with a high

histological grade compared to low grade. The correlations between the neutrophil and

macrophage population with the CMT grade were negative (ρ = -0.1 and ρ = -0.38,


When analyze the animals overall survival in relation to the two intervals of

lymphocytic infiltrate, it was observed CMT with moderate infiltrate (< 800 lymphocytes)

showed significantly higher (P = 0.008) survival as compared to those with intense

lymphocytic infiltrate (≥ 800 lymphocytes) (Figure 3). The lymphocytic infiltrate

reported in the present study showed animals with intense lymphocytic infiltrate (≥ 800

lymphocytes) in CMT.


Table 1. Distribution, location and intensity of cellular infiltrate in tumor environment.

Data were expressed as percentage.

Cellular Infiltrate

Lymphocytes Macrophages Neutrophils Plasma Cells





Peritumoral - 10 14 50

Intratumoral 50 20 40 30

Peri/Intratumoral 50 70 46 20





Focal 22 27 70 50

Multifocal 58 63 30 50

Diffuse 20 10 - -




Mild 13 38 56 90

Moderate 70 52 44 10

Intense 17 10 - -

The results of immunostaining for CD4 and CD8 in CMT are presented in figure

2. The CD4 marker was distributed in the tumor infiltrate in both peri and intratumoral

regions. In addition, it was observed that CD4 was more concentrated in the areas

surrounding the malignant tumor region, presenting well-defined cellular marking of

moderate to intense staining (Figure 2C).


Figure 2. Presence of inflammatory infiltrate in mammary carcinoma in mixed tumor

(MCMT) of bitches and CD4+, CD8+, FoxP3+ and HSP60+ expressions in cellular

infiltrate. Where, (A) Lymphocytes associated with a bone matrix, (B) Macrophages

between bone marrow and cartilaginous matrix, (C) CD4+ T lymphocytes moderately

immunostained, (D) CD8+ T lymphocytes moderately immunostained, (E) FoxP3+ T

regulatory lymphocytes mildly immunostained and (F) HSP60+ strongly immunostained

in tumor and inflammatory cells.


Similar to CD4+ labeling, the CD8+ labeling was distributed in both peri and

intratumoral regions, especially around the areas of carcinoma, from moderate to intense

labeling, but with a higher number of cells compared to CD4+ labeling (Figure 2D).

Figure 3. Survival rates of animals with MCMT categorized in two intervals of the

lymphocytic infiltrate (< 800 and ≥ 800 lymphocytes).

When evaluating the infiltrating leukocytes profile in mamary carcinoma in

bitches, it was demonstrated that animals with CMT without nodal metastasis had a higher

(P < 0.05) amount of T lymphocytes compared to CMT with nodal metastasis, and that

the predominant population in these cases was CD8+ T lymphocytes [10]. On the other

hand, animals with nodal metastasis presented higher (P < 0.05) CD4+ T lymphocytes

and higher (P < 0.05) CD4+/CD8+ ratio. In the present study, it was observed that FoxP3+

labeling were distributed in the intratumoral region, with a mild staining in the

inflammatory infiltrate at lymphocytes (Figure 2E).

HSP60+ immunostaining was observed in the cytoplasm of tumor cells, as well as

in the different cell populations present in the inflammatory infiltrate, with moderate to

intense intensity, independently of the cellular type observed (Figure 2F). This profile


was not observed in control samples, with only mild immunostaining in cells of the

mammary alveoli, not being observed in myoepithelial cells or in the cells of intra- and

extra-lobular ducts.


In recent years, oncology specialty has been gaining great prominence in

veterinary medicine. This was due to the great advances in research and in the diagnosis

of tumors subtypes, especially those that affect pets. Among the main ones, we can

highlight the mammary tumors, which present a large number of reports in the veterinary

clinic, especially in older bitches. One of the main challenges for veterinary oncologists

is the identification of the mammary tumor and its aggressiveness grade.

In this study it was observed that 60% of bitches with CMT were Poodle breed,

and the others were non-defined breed, of which a higher prevalence of malignancies was

observed. Our data corroborate with works previously described [7,15]. Age, animal

breed and inflammatory infiltrate in the tumor environment are good markers for

assessing tumor malignancy [3,7]. The mean of age was 9.3 years, whose bitches were

not castrated, four of them had at least one gestation and two received an injectable

contraceptive. Based on this, it is possible to emphasize that these factors contribute to a

greater risk of development of breast tumor in old bitches, not castrated and before or

after puberty, as well as the use of contraceptives based on progesterone and estrogen


In relation to CMT location, our results are according with others works, which

reported a higher frequency of CMT in the abdominal and inguinal regions, in relation to

the thoracic region [23]. This is attributed to the high activity of the mammary glands to


hormonal stimuli, such as estrogen, in addition to having a greater amount of parenchyma

to be stimulated [18]. Our data reinforce that there is a relationship of tumor size with a

higher malignancy grade and with a worse prognosis [24].

Regarding the clinical staging, our data variated from I to IV stage, besides it was

identified metastasis. CMT was characterized according to World Health Organization

[20]. CMT with low clinical staging are associated with greater overall survival of

affected bitches [19]. One characteristic of cancer that provides worse clinical staging is

the metastasis formation, besides being linked directly to a poor prognosis. Bitches

identified with regional or distances metastasis present lower overall survival [19].

Therefore, clinical staging provides important data to aid in the treatment and prognosis

of affected animals, and that many CMT are classified with low staging, indicating a less

aggressive behavior of this histological type of carcinoma.

In the histological findings (Figure 1 and Table 1), CMT had predominantly grade

I. It has been reported that bitches with CMT presents a histological grade from low to

moderate tumor [7,10]. This indicates that much of the malignant mixed tumors will

hardly be of high grade. These data corroborate with research that evidences CMCMT as

a histological type with a better prognosis for the animals compared to other types of

mammary carcinoma [4].

Regarding the inflammatory infiltrate in CMT, it was observed that most of the

cells were distributed both in the peri and intratumoral regions and lymphocytes were the

major populations found in tumors (Table 1 and Figures 1, 2). Mammary tumors are often

infiltrated by heterogeneous populations of the immune system cells, whose lymphocytes

are the main cells found in the tumor microenvironment [16]. It has been reported that

CMT presents moderate-intensity multifocal inflammatory infiltrate consisting


predominantly of lymphocytes, and that there was no significant difference when

compared to the peripheral and intratumoral areas in relation to the morphological and

morphometric characteristics in the different inflammatory infiltrates [10,21]. The intense

lymphocytes infiltration into CMT was associated with histological alterations of

aggressiveness, as well as presenting higher (ρ = 0.045) lymphocyte infiltration in tumors

with a high histological grade compared to low grade [16]. Therefore, it is suggested that

tumor lymphocytosis may be necessary for malignant behavior of the tumor

microenvironment. The correlations between the neutrophil and macrophage population

with the CMT grade were negative. The macrophages and neutrophils in the neoplasias

play an important role in the stimulation of the immune system, and depending on the

cytokine profile produced, the tumor microenvironment may favor or inhibit the tumor

cells development [8].

When analyzing the animals overall survival with two intervals of the lymphocytic

infiltrate, it was observed that the CMT have worse overall survival, fortifying previously

studies who showed bitches with mammary tumor. Our data are according to results that

the carcinomas with high lymphocytic infiltrate exhibited shorter overall survival [2].

Besides, the high lymphocytic infiltrate can be associated with other poor prognostic

factors, such as high histological grade, lymphatic invasion, and necrosis [16].

In the present study, the immunostaining for CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes was

evaluated in the inflammatory infiltrate of CMT. Both, CD4+ and CD8+ labeling were

distributed around the areas of carcinoma, but predominantly CD8+ labeling. Our data are

according with results which demonstrated that CD8+ T lymphocytes predominant

population in metastesis cases [10]. Furthermore, the composition of lymphocyte

infiltrate in CMT with high proportion of CD4+ T lymphocytes and low CD8+ T

lymphocytes have a shorter survival time [16]. These results reinforce those found in the


present study, suggesting the possibility of using these cells as prognostic biomarkers for

CMT, as well as being a potential target for anticancer therapies.

Another evaluated immunostaining was Forkhead box P3+ (FoxP3+). This marker

is a transcription factor that is closely linked to regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg) activity

and is responsible for characterize this subpopulation of T-lymphocytes in tissues [23].

In the present study, it was observed that FoxP3+ labeling were distributed in the

intratumoral region and in the inflammatory infiltrate. The increase of Treg in the tumor

microenvironment may be related to factors of poor prognosis of mammary carcinomas,

such as high histological grade, lymphatic invasion and necrosis, and lower survival rates

for animals [2,16]. In addition, it has been suggested that Treg play a key role in the

development of these tumors, since it would be linking immune suppression with tumor

angiogenesis, together in the same biological program [1]. Also has been reported the

increase of regulatory T cells in the peripheral blood of dogs with metastatic tumors [14].

Heat shock proteins (HSP) belong to a large family of molecular chaperones with

the ability to interact reversibly with other proteins, aiding in the formation, folding and

trans-membrane transport, besides assisting in the apoptosis process [5]. In our work,

HSP60+ immunostaining was observed in the inflammatory infiltrate, in mammary

alveoli cells, not being observed in myoepithelial cells or lobular ducts cells. It has been

demonstrated that HSP60 participates as a potent activator of the immune system through

its peptides [11]. Thus, HSP60 together with their peptides could somehow induce a better

response of lymphocytes to CMT. On the other hand, other HSP types, such as HSP27,

HSP72 and HSP90 were studied in mammary carcinomas in bitches and presenting results

that indicate the association of these proteins with the carcinogenesis process [22].

However, more studies are needed to understand the involvement of HSP60 in CMT.



The present study characterized the inflammatory infiltrate in CMT,

demonstrating T-lymphocytes as the predominant population. In addition, it was observed

that the amount of lymphocytes may be associated with tumor malignancy criteria. CD4+,

CD8+ and Foxp3+ markers are present in CMT and their distribution may be associated

with the prognosis of bitches. This is the first work that presents results about the HSP60+

participation in CMT, however this data needs further investigation.


1Nikon, Minato, Tokyo, Japan.

2Dako® Denmark AS. Glostrup, Denmark.

3Santa Cruz Biotechnology®. St. Louis, MO, EUA

4GraphPad Prism 5.0®, San Diego, California, USA.

Funding. We would like to thank the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento

Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil) and FINEP (Empresa Financiadora de Estudos e

Projetos, Brazil) for financial support.

Ethical approval. All procedures and animal care were approved by the Ethical

Committee in Animal Use of the State University of Ceará, Brazil (CEUA, UECE),

Protocol no. 12247080-2.

Declaration of interest. The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are

responsible for the content and writing of the paper.



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Relationship between PD-L1 expression and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in

canine mammary tumor

Relação entre a expressão de PD-L1 e infiltrado linfocítico tumoral no tumor de mama

em cadelas

Periódico: BMC Cancer (Submetido em Nov 2017)

ISSN: 1471-2407/QUALIS A1


Relationship between PD-L1 expression and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in

canine mammary tumor

Belarmino Eugênio Lopes-Neto1,2*, Diana Célia Sousa Nunes-Pinheiro1, Júlio Gil Vale

Carvalheira2,3, Fernando Schmitt4,5,6, Maria de Fátima Gärtner2,5,6

1Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Laboratório de Imunologia e

Bioquímica Animal, Faculdade de Veterinária (FAVET), Universidade Estadual do

Ceará. 2Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, da Universiade do Porto (ICBAS-

UP). 3CIBIO-InBIO, Universidade do Porto. 4Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do

Porto.5Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto

(IPATIMUP). 6Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S), Universidade do


*Corresponding author: belarminovet@gmail.com

Diana Célia Sousa Nunes-Pinheiro email address: diana.pinheiro@uece.br

Júlio Gil Vale Carvalheira email address: jgc3@cibio.up.pt

Fernando Schmitt email address: fschmitt@ipatimup.pt

Maria de Fátima Gärtner: fgartner@ipatimup.pt

Fernando Schmitt and Maria de Fátima Gärtner co-supervised this work.

Diana C. Nunes-Pinheiro and Júlio G. Carvalheira contributed equally to this work.

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article


Background: Breast cancer is often diagnosed in both dogs and human. Programmed

death 1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) is an immune regulatory molecule that limits lymphocytes

activity. This study investigates the relationship of PD-L1 expression and tumor-

infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in canine mammary tumor (CMT).

Methods: PD-L1 expression and TILs were assessed in 23 female dogs with CMT. The

tumors were grouped into simple carcinoma (CA, n = 8) and complex carcinoma (CC, n

= 15). Stromal TILs were assessed using two thresholds as TILs-Low representing < 50%

of infiltrate within stromal area and TILs-High representing ≥ 50% of stromal area.

Clinicopathologic data of CMT was characterized according to key parameters, (tumor

size; tumor ulceration; vascular invasion; presence of lymph node metastasis; clinical

stage; histological grade) as well as survival rate.

Results: TILs evaluation within tumor stroma revealed that 65.2% (n = 15) of tumors had

TILs-Low. TILs-High had higher (P = 0.002) percentage of stromal TILs compared with


percentage of TILs-Low. PD-L1 expression and stromal TILs were significantly

associated (P = 0.009). PD-L1 expression was observed in 39% (n = 9) of all tumors of

which 17, 4% (n = 4) were from CA group and 21, 7% (n = 5) were from CC group. PD-

L1 expression within TILs was observed in 39% (n = 9) of the tumors. PD-L1 in

malignant epithelium was present in all lymph node metastasis (n = 5). PD-L1 was

associated with involvement of regional lymph nodes (P = 0.034). Survival curves

demonstrated TILs-Low had higher (P = 0.010) overall survival (OS) compared with

TILs-High, and PD-L1+ and PD-L1– (P = 0.06) did not differed. The clinicopathologic

variables significantly correlated with OS by univariate analysis were histological grade

(P = 0.009), lymph node involvement (P = 0.004), stromal TILs (P = 0.016), and PD-

L1+/TILs-High vs. PD-L1–/TILs-Low (P = 0.010). Multivariate analysis revealed that

group of tumors with grade II-III was independent and negative prognostic factors for


Conclusions: We conclude that PD-L1 expression was associated with stromal TILs, and

both may represent important prognostic biomarkers for canine mammary tumors.

Keywords: Breast cancer, Canine Mammary Tumors, PD-L1, Prognosis


Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy among women

[1], and similarly canine mammary tumors (CMT) are the major cancer in female dogs,

and malignant types can achieve 74% of tumors [2]. The involvement of the immune

system in cancer has been widely studied in medicine, and dogs have been used as a

model to understand new strategies in the fight against BC since the CMT have shown

biological and molecular similarities [3–5].

Several factors are involved in cancer progression, including genetic mutations,

epigenetic elements as well as the tumor microenvironment components, such as

inflammatory cells, and extracellular matrix [6,7]. The role of innate and adaptive

immunity has presented paradoxical results in the control of CMT since cytotoxic T

lymphocytes, and natural killer cells participated in controlling and elimination of tumor

cells, unlike tumor-associated macrophages, B cells and lymphocytes T regulatory in

tumor microenvironment were related to tolerance of neoplastic cell [7–9].

In this way, recently studies pointed the relationship between lymphocytes and

CMT, and showed that T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood and tumor


microenvironment of dogs with cancer have been linked with prognosis [10,11]. Thereby,

similar to BC, the tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) have considerable importance in

CMT, and TILs increased, especially T lymphocytes having a positive relationship with

features of malignancy and with a shorter overall survival of the dogs. Besides, CD4+

and regulatory T cells might play a key role in canine mammary tumors progression [12].

Although the search of TILs in CMT has been enhanced, the link between immune cells

and cancer progress still unknown.

Cancer cells sometimes find ways to use these immune checkpoint proteins as a

shield to avoid being identified and attacked by the immune system. Recent studies have

indicated that checkpoint molecules such as PD-L1 may played an important role in

canine cancer mediated immune modulation [13,14]. PD-L1 is the ligand for the T cell

inhibitory receptor PD-1 and is expressed on epithelial cells and various immune cells, in

particular dendritic cells, macrophages and B cells [15]. However, the interaction of

stromal TILs and PD-L1 expression in CMT remains unclear.

In this study, we investigated the relationship of PD-L1 expression and stromal

TILs in CMT. We also explored the association with clinical and pathological

characteristics of the tumors.



Twenty-three female dogs with CMT admitted at the Veterinary Hospital of the

Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE) between January and December of 2016 were

enrolled in the experiment. The animals were diagnosed by clinical and pathological

evaluation. All the dogs´ owners were informed about the study procedures and follow-

up appointment, signing a free and informed consent form. This study was approved by

the Committee for Ethics in Research using Animals (CEUA-UECE), protocol


Animals with clinical or laboratorial evidence of any other disease were excluded

from study and those who had been previous treated for mammary pathology. The search

for distant metastasis was accessed through chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound.

Sentinel lymph node was detected to search for regional metastasis. After surgery, tumor

samples and lymph nodes were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and paraffin wax-

embedded. The follow-up period lasted 365 days after surgery in each case. The

clinicopathologic parameters evaluated in CMT-bearing dogs was tumor size, ulceration,


necrosis, vascular invasion, lymph nodes involvement, metastasis, clinical stage,

histological grade, TILs intensity expression (Table 1).

Sample selection and histological analysis

The tumor samples were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) and sections (3

µm) were classified according to the veterinary histological classification [16]. Two

veterinary pathologists histologically examined a minimum of 3 sections of the mammary

tumors, and after classification, the tumors were grouped into simple carcinoma (CA, n

= 8) which was composed of one type of malignant cell either resembling luminal

epithelial or myoepithelial cells (Figure 1A). Tumors with foci of malignant-appearing

cells or distinct nodules of such cells occurring in complex adenomas or benign mixed

tumors (Figure 1B) were grouped as complex carcinoma (CC, n = 15).

The histological grade was assessed by classifying the carcinomas according to

three different prognostic features such as tubular formation, nuclear pleomorphism, and

mitotic counts [17,18]. Mitotic activity was assessed in 10 high-power fields (HPFs) in

the most mitotically areas and considering one HPFs should be a field area of 2.37 mm2,

in agreement with previous study [19]. According to the grading result, the tumors were

sorted as grade I (well differentiated), grade II (moderately differentiated), and grade III

(poorly differentiated).

Lymph node samples were sectioned and included following recommended

criteria [20]. Aiming to confirm the absence of metastasis, the sections were analyzed in

H&E–stained and immunostaining with antibodies specific for cytokeratin AE1/AE3

performed to detect macro and micrometastasis (Figure 1I).

Clinical staging

Clinical stage was attended following modified criteria [21,22]. The clinical stage

classification consists of five stages (I to V) determined by the size of primary tumor (T),

involvement of regional lymph nodes (N) and presence or absence of distant metastases

(M). Tumor size was assessed by measuring the greater diameter of the largest malignant

tumor present. The presence of lymph node involvement or distant metastasis was carried

out as described above.

Quantification of TILs

Histopathologic analyses of TILs were performed on H&E–stained sections from

twenty-three CMT from female dogs describes above. The analysis was conducted by

two pathologists who were blinded to the clinical parameters and using an Nikon

ECLIPSE E600 microscope fitted to a 10× eyepiece and a 40× objective. TILs were


quantified as a percentage estimate of the stromal area adjacent to the tumor that

contained lymphocytic and plasm cells infiltrate, using semi-quantitative evaluation as

described in the literature [23]. Because heterogeneous histological features of CMT, the

TILs-assessment was done in different regions and reported the average.

Table 1. Clinicopathologic data of CMT.

Groups CMT

Histological Classification


nº (%) 8 (35%) 15 (65%)

Age 10.25 (± 2.76) 9.34 (± 1.94)

Skin ulceration (%)







Tumor necrosis (%)







Vascular invasion (%)







T (cm) 3.64 (± 1.91) 5.12 (± 2.07)

N (%)







M (%)







TNM clinical stage (%)
















Tumor grade (%)









(0%) T: size of the primary tumor; N: involvement of regional lymph nodes; M: presence of distant metastases;

CA: simple carcinoma; CC: complex carcinoma; n°: numbers

Thereby, two thresholds for TILs were reported as TILs-Low representing < 50%

(Figure 1A) of infiltrate within stromal area and TILs-High representing ≥ 50% of

analyses area (Figure 1B).



For immunohistochemistry staining, 3 µm sections from paraffin wax-embedded

TMC and lymph node, were dewaxed and gradually hydrated through increasing

concentrations of alcohol. Antigen unmasking was performed in citrate (PD-L1) or

retrieval (AE1/AE3) buffer by microwave heating for 10 min. Endogenous peroxidase

activity was blocked by incubation the section in methanol containing hydrogen peroxide

(3%) for 10 min. Each section was blocked for 10 min at slide moisture chamber. Primary

antibody incubation was performed overnight at 4º C using rabbit PD-L1 monoclonal

antibody (1:100; E1L3N, Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, MA), or mouse

cytokeratin AE1/AE3 monoclonal antibody (1:300, MP-011-CM01, A.Mirini). The

sections were rinsed in TBS and incubated with post-primary at room temperature for 30

min and followed by polymer incubation at room temperature for 30 min. Finally, positive

staining was visualized with 3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB). Sections

were counterstained with Harris Hematoxylin solution. The sections were observed under

an optical microscope. Section of human placenta were used as positive controls of PD-

L1 expression.

PD-L1 evaluated

The immunostaining was considered positive when 1% of tumor cells showed

membranous as well as cytoplasmic staining since PD-L1 was expressed on the cell

membrane and endomembrane system [24].

Statistical analysis

Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 24.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk,

NY). Pearson´s χ2 tests were used to compare categorical variables and Mann-Whitney

U test for quantitative variables. The relationship between clinicopathologic

characteristics and survival was examined using Kaplan-Meier log-rank survival analysis

and univariate Cox proportional hazards regression to calculate hazard ratios (HR) for

95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Variables statistically significant on univariate

analysis were subsequently entered into a multivariate model using a backwards

conditional method. A P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Clinicopathologic characteristics


The study includes 23 CMT-bearing dogs with clinical and pathological data

summarized in Table 1. The mean age of CA and CC groups were 9.48 ± 1.35 and 9.89

± 2.87 years old, respectively. Macroscopically, most of the tumors had a size between 3

and 5 cm, and 78% (n = 18) had ulceration. Histopathological diagnoses were grouped as

eight CA (1 tubular, 2 papillary, 3 tubular-papillary, 2 solids) and fifteen CC (9 complex

carcinomas, 6 carcinomas in benign mixed tumors). Of all CMT, 52% (n = 12) of the

cases had a histological grade I, 42% (n = 10) had grade II, and only 6% (n = 1) had grade

III. It was also observed that 65% (n = 15) of the cases had areas of tumor necrosis.

Vascular invasion was identified in 20% (n = 5) of all samples, 25% (n = 6) had lymph

node metastasis, and in 10% (n = 2) was reported the presence of distant metastases.

TILs assessment and associations

Evaluation of the TILs within tumor stroma revealed that 65% (n = 15) of all

samples had TILs-Low as indicated in figure 1A. Most tumors showed stromal TILs

distributed multifocal or diffuse inflammation. TILs assessment was reported according

to the percentage of stromal TILs, in this way percentage of TILs-High was higher (P =

0.002) compared with percentage of TILs-Low (Figure 2B). However, TILs did not have

significant association between different clinicopathologic parameter (Table 2).

Expression of PD-L1 and associations

The PD-L1 immunostaining was observed in the cytoplasm and in the

cytoplasmatic membrane of malignant epithelial cells (Figure 1F,G), and present in 39%

(n = 9) of the cases. The myoepithelial cells and metaplastic component was also

evaluated in CC group and no PD-L1 expression was detect (Figure 1C,E). Furthermore,

we reported PD-L1 expression in malignant epithelium present in all lymph node

metastasis (n = 5), and only a few lymphocytes were immunostained (Figure 1H). PD-L1

expression in stromal TILs (TILsPDL1) has shown immunostaining in 39% (n = 9) of cases.

(Figure 1C,D).

The clinicopathologic features that shown significantly association with PD-L1

was regional lymph nodes metastasis (P = 0.034). PD-L1 expression and TILs were

significantly associated between each other (P = 0.009). In addition, PD-L1+ had higher

(P = 0.033) percentage of stromal TILs then PD-L1– (Figure 2C).

Table 2. Association between PD-L1expression, stromal TILs and Clinicopathologic data

of CMT.



parameter PD-L1– (%) PD-L1+ (%) P- value TILs-Low (%) TILs-High (%) P- value

Histologic type

CA 13,0% 17,4% 0.094 17,4% 17,4% 0.267

CC 47,8% 21,7% 47,8% 17,4%

Grade of tumor

I 17.4% 4,3% 17,4% 4,3%

II 21,7% 17.4% 0.740 26,1% 13,0% 0.640

III 21,7% 17.4% 21,7% 17,4%

Skin ulceration

Absent 8.7% 13% 0.285 8,7% 13,0% 0.190

Present 52,2% 26,1% 56,5% 21,7%

Tumor necrosis

Absent 26,1% 17,4% 0.940 21,7% 21,7% 0.178

Present 34,8% 21,7% 43,5% 13%


T1 < 3 cm 34,8% 17,4% 34,8% 17,4%

T2 3-5 cm 26,1% 17,4% 0.358 26,1% 17,4% 0.612

T3 > 5 cm 0% 4,3% 0 4,3%


Negative 56,5% 21,7% 0.034 56,5% 21,7% 0.190

Positive 4,3% 17,4% 8,7% 13%


Negative 56,5% 34,8% 0.744 60,9% 30,4% 0.644

Positive 4,3% 4,3% 4,3% 4,3%

TNM clinical stage

I 17,4% 4,3% 17,4% 4,3%

II 21,7% 13,0% 26,1% 8,7%

III 13,0% 8,7% 0.758 13% 8,7% 0.663

IV 4,3% 8,7% 4,3% 8,7%

V 4,3% 4,3% 4,3% 4,3%


TILs-Low 52,2% 13% 0.009 - - -

TILs-High 8,7% 26,1% - - - T: size of the primary tumor; N: involvement of regional lymph nodes; M: presence of distant metastases;

CA: simple carcinoma; CC: complex carcinoma

Survival analyses

The median survival was 272 days, and 8 animals (35%) had died at the endpoint

of follow-up. In addition, survival curves comparison stratified based on the TILs density

demonstrated significant difference between TILs-Low and TILs-High (P = 0.01) in

overall survival (OS). PD-L1– has high OS compared to PD-L1+ but did not signicantly

(P = 0.06). The animals were divided into four subgroups: PD-L1+/TILs-High, PD-


L1+/TILs-Low, PD-L1–/TILs-High and PD-L1–/TILs-Low. In this way, Kaplan-Meier

graphical analysis demonstrated that PD-L1–/TILs-Low had high OS compared PD-

L1+/TILs-High (P = 0.01), but did not showed with other subgroups (Figure 3C).

The clinicopathologic variables significantly correlated with OS by univariate

analysis using Cox proportional hazard model, the multivariate analysis revealed that

group of tumors with grade II-III was independent and negative prognostic factors for OS

(Table 3).


Table 3. Univariate and multivariate cox proportional hazard model for overall survival

Univariate Multivariate

95% CI 95% CI Variable HR Low Upper P-value HR Low Upper P-value

Histologic type Simple vs. Complex 0.805 0.192 3.37 0.766

Grade of tumor II-III vs. I 9.87 1.20 65.58 0.009 14.77 1.15 88.36 0.038

T (cm) ≥ 3 cm vs. < 3 cm 2.03 0.25 16.55 0.495 N pos vs neg 6.33 1.50 23.69 0.004 1.22 1.19 7.794 0.833

M pos vs neg 1.46 0.18 11.99 0.719 TNM clinical stage

IV-V vs. I-III 2.84 0.67 12.01 0.138 PD-L1 status pos vs neg 3.60 0.85 15.28 0.063 TILsPDL1

pos vs neg 1.43 0.28 7.12 0.658

Stromal TILs TILs-high vs TILs-Low 4.99 1.17 21.22 0.016 8.22 1.42 60.32 0.165

PD-L1*TILs (PD-L1+/TILs-High vs.

PD-L1+/TILs-Low) 5.01 0.45 25.30 0.871 (PD-L1+/TILs-High vs.

PD-L1–/TILs-High) 2.46 0.22 27.30 0.420 (PD-L1+/TILs-High vs.

PD-L1–/TILs-Low) 6.67 1.98 37.14 0.010 2.026 0.180 22.78 0.567


Figure 1. TILs assessment and PD-L1 expression within CMT and stromal TILs. A.

Carcinoma in benign mixed tumor with few stromal TILs (H&E, 200x); B. Solid

carcinoma with high stromal TILs (H&E, 200x); C. Complex carcinoma with few

infiltrate cells expressing PD-L1 (200x); D. Tubular carcinoma with high infiltrate cells

expressing PD-L1 (200x); E. Complex carcinoma with negative PD-L1 expression

(100x); F. Tubular carcinoma with positive PD-L1 expression (100x); Malignant

epithelium with strong PD-L1 expression (400x); Lymph node metastasis with PD-L1

expression (200x). I. Lymph node metastasis with AE1/AE3 positive expression (100x)


Figure 2. Relationship between PD-L1 expression and stromal TILs. A. Figures

within this bar graph depict percentage of cases with PD-L1 expression and stromal TILs

intensity. B. Analysis of TILs status and stromal TILs(%). C. Analysis of PD-L1 status

and stromal TILs(%). Significant differences at P < 0.05 are highlighted by asterisk.














TIL-Low TIL-High







Figure 3. Overall survival for stromal TILs (A), PD-L1 expression (B), and PD-L1*




Understanding the functions and interactions of different tumor-infiltrating

lymphocytes is crucial for the development of antitumor immunotherapy. Inflammation

seems to promote tumorigenesis under certain conditions, while in other situations,

infiltration of lymphocytes were shown to suppress tumor growth, likely seen when PD1

bind PD-L1 in T cells triggering the immune editing to support the tumor progression


In this study, we evaluated the clinical relevance of PD-L1 expression in CMT

and the relationship with TILs. PD-L1 was differently expressed according to the

histologic subtypes of TMC. Besides, TILs were associated with PD-L1 expression and

showed poor prognosis when two parameters were correlated. In recent studies, PD-L1

expression has been demonstrated in a variety of solid tumor types in humans, including

lung, melanoma, ovarian, colon, and BC [25]. Currently, has been showed the presence

of PD-L1 in several canine cancer, such melanoma, mast cell tumor, renal cancer, and

CMT [26].

The evaluation of PD-L1 expression is challenging due to heterogeneity in

expression and non-reproducibility of antibody reagents [27]. Only a few studies have

described PD-L1 protein expression in canine tumors, and showed PD-L1 expression in

canine tumor cell lines, although the levels of basal expression were very variable.

Significant upregulation of PD-L1 expression by all tumor cell lines was observed

following IFN-γ exposure and by exposure to a TLR3 ligand. Canine monocytes and

monocyte-derived macrophages did not express PD-L1, but the expression was

significantly upregulate following treatment with IFN-γ [28]. Research employing bovine

lymphocytes reported that crosslinking of PD-L1 by PD-1-Ig increased cell death and

decreased cytokine production in PD-L1 expressing cells, suggesting a role for PD-L1 in

inducing immunosuppression and lymphocyte cell death [29].

Coy et al (2017) using flow cytometry described the PD-1 expression by CD4+

and CD8+ T cells from canine peripheral blood with various types of cancer. The

percentage of PD-1+ CD4 T cells was significantly higher in dogs with cancer than in

control dogs, whereas the increase in PD-1 expression by CD8+ T cells did not reach the

level of statistical significance. In addition, the study showed that both CD4+ and CD8+

T cells, as well as neutrophils and monocytes, were negative for PD-L1expression. Unlike


this data, the present study found a strong expression of PD-L1 by canine lymphocytes

and plasm cells within TILs (Figure 1C,D).

Increased expression of PD1 and PD-L1 was shown in CD3+ T cells and CD21+

B lymphocytes within the peripheral blood and splenic mononuclear cells from dogs with

canine visceral leishmaniosis [30]. Moreover, the authors demonstrate PD-1/PD-L1 were

involved in the induction of T lymphocyte apoptosis and in regulating the production of

nitric oxide, TNF-, and IL-4, as well as reducing the parasitic load in dogs with

leishmaniosis. The increase PD-L1 cell surface expression by tumor cells induced by

PTEN loss can lead to decreased T-cell proliferation and increased apoptosis. Besides,

agents targeting the PI3K pathway may enhance the antitumor adaptive immune

responses once PTEN loss is one mechanism regulating PD-L1 expression [31].

The relationship of PD-L1 expression and TILs in this study have strong

association (P = 0.009), and TILs were frequently immunostaining for anti-PD-L1. The

expression of PD-L1 was described in 50% of BC and was not restricted to the tumor

epithelium, but was also expressed by TILs [32]. Recently was reported the association

of stromal TILs and PDL1 expression with aggressive types of BC and that both are

already found in in situ stages [33]. PD-L1 overexpression was significantly associated

with a series of clinicopathological parameters, such as large tumor size, lymph node

metastasis, estrogen receptor-negativity, and triple-negative breast cancer [24,34]. We

found in this study an association of lymph node metastasis and PD-L1 expression (P =

0.034) and the univariate analysis showed high risk for OS in animals with lymph node

involvement. It can be supported by presence of PD-L1 in malignant epithelium in all

lymph node metastasis (Figure 1H).

Along with PD-L1 expression, decreased TILs were associated with a poor

prognosis in triple-negative BC. Additionally, multivariate Cox proportional hazards

model analysis showed that PD-L1+/TILs-Low was an independent negative prognostic

factor for both recurrence-free survival and overall survival [35]. Interestingly,

contrasting the findings in BC, we demonstrated that PD-L1+/TILs-High had higher risk

for OS than another group’s interaction. High PD-L1 expression may be a prognostic

indicator for reduced OS, while tumor PD-L1+ was associated with poorer disease-free

survival, although it was not significantly associated with overall survival [34].


Presence of TILs has been shown to be potentially predictive and a prognostic

factor in BC subtypes. Specifically, in patients with human epidermal growth factor

receptor 2 (HER2) positive and triple-negative breast cancer [36]. In canine mammary

tumors, has been reported that high presence of TILs were correlated to several

malignancy characteristics [10,37]. In addition, when the subpopulation of lymphocytes

was assessed as CD4+ T, CD8 + T, and regulatory T cells present in TILs were shown

low OS associated with high cell CD4+/CD8+ ratio, and a worse prognosis was associated

with regulatory T lymphocytes [38]. Our data supports the worse prognosis associated

with high stromal TILs in CMT, since TILs-High showed low OS (P = 0.01) compared

with TILs-Low group.

Recently, a pilot clinical study was performed using monoclonal antibodies

against PD-L1 in dogs with oral malignant melanoma and undifferentiated sarcoma

demonstrating a favorable antitumor activity [39]. It is particularly important since

PDL/PD-L1 inhibition has been used to several cancer treatments in humans [40].

Unfortunately, the immunohistochemistry criteria for PD-L1 expression have not yet

been standardized. Indeed, different thresholds for positivity PD-L1 expression have been

used in the clinical trials and more studies are needed to achieve as a potential biomarker

for CMT.


In conclusion, we have confirmed the association of PD-L1 expression and

stromal TILs in CMT with relation to higher grade of tumor and lymph node involvement.

Thereby suggesting the immune checkpoint PD-L1 as a potential therapeutic target for

the treatment of CMT, however further research are necessary.


BC: Breast cancer; CA: Simple carcinoma; CC: Complex carcinoma; CMT: Canine

mammary tumor; DAB: 3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride; H&E: Hematoxylin-

eosin; HPFs: High-power fields; HR: Hazard ratios; OS: overall survival; PD-L1:

Programmed death 1 ligand 1; TBS: Tris buffered saline; TILs: Tumor-infiltrating




This study was supported in part by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de

Nível Superior (CAPES) and the research scholarship by Sandwich Doctorate

(PDSE/CAPES). The antibodies for immunohistochemistry were provided by

Department of Molecular Pathology and Immunology (ICBAS), University of Porto.


This study was supported by the grant No.88881.132917/2016-01 from the Coordenação

de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Brazil). The authors declare that the

funding body has had no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and

interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets who support the results and conclusions of this article are available from the

corresponding author.

Authors’ contributions

BELN and MFG participated in the design of the study. BELN performed the

experiments. BELN and JGVC carried out statistical analysis and interpretation of data.

FS: participated in the study design and revised the manuscript. MFG and DCSNP

participated in coordination of the study and revised the manuscript. All authors read and

approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

The Committee for Ethics in Animal Research of the Universidade Estadual do Ceará,

Brazil, certified the research project under the protocol number 8141226/2014 and which

involves use animals and biological samples with the purpose to scientifically

investigation. The dogs’ owners in Brazil were informed about the study procedures and

follow-up appointment, signing a free and informed consent form.

Consent for publication

Not Applicable

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details


1Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Laboratório de Imunologia e

Bioquímica Animal, Faculdade de Veterinária (FAVET), Universidade Estadual do

Ceará, 60714-903 Fortaleza, Brasil. 2Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, da

Universiade do Porto (ICBAS-UP), 4050-013 Porto, Portugal. 3Centro de Investigação

em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO-InBIO), Universidade do Porto, 4485-

661 Vairão, Portugal. 4Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, 4200-319 Porto,

Portugal. 5Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto

(IPATIMUP), 4200-135 Porto, Portugal. 6Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

(i3S), Universidade do Porto, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal.


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A exacerbação sistêmica da peroxidação lipídica demonstrado pelo aumento nos

níveis séricos de MDA juntamente com o desequilíbrio das moléculas antioxidantes não

enzimáticos podem contribuir para a instabilidade da homeostase em animais com tumor

mamário canino (TMC).

A caracterização do infiltrado inflamatório no TMC demostrou que a população

predominante foi de linfócitos. Além disso, observou-se que a quantidade de linfócitos

pode estar associada a critérios de malignidade tumoral. Os linfócitos que expressão CD4,

CD8 e Foxp3 estão presentes no TMC e sua distribuição pode estar associada ao

prognóstico das cadelas. Este trabalho apresentou resultados sobre a presença da proteína

de choque térmico HSP60 no TMC.

Também confirmamos a associação da expressão de PD-L1 e o infiltrado

linfocítico tumoral no TMC, podendo esta associação está relacionada ao grau do tumor

e a metástase do linfonodo regional. Assim, sugerimos a molécula PD-L1 como potencial

alvo terapêutico para o tratamento do tumor de mama em cadelas.



Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo evidenciam algumas etapas da

inflamação ocorrida no organismo e no próprio microambiente tumoral de cadelas com

tumor de mama. O estresse oxidativo pode contribui para um maior processo inflamatório

em cadelas com TMC, podendo alguns subtipos do tumor desencadear uma maior

resposta oxidativa. Além disso, a presença de proteínas de choque térmico HSP60 no

TMC evidencia a participação do estresse oxidativo nos TMC. Dessa forma, torna-se

necessário mais pesquisas avaliando o metabolismo oxidativo das células tumorais no

intuito de estabelecer o verdadeiro papel patogênico do estresse oxidativo no câncer e,

com isso, tornar-se alvo de terapias anticâncer.

Outro ponto da inflamação abordado foi a presença no infiltrado inflamatório no

TMC. O aumento do infiltrado linfocítico tumoral parece estar relacionado com o pior

prognóstico dos TMC. Porém, é necessário mais estudo para melhor entender a influência

da subpopulação de linfócitos e tanto no microambiente tumoral como na própria

neoplasia. Da mesma forma, mais investigações são necessárias para estabelecer a função

do eixo das moléculas de controle imunológico PD-1/PD-L1 no controle e promoção do

TMC. Por fim, este estudo amplia as pesquisas envolvendo os eventos inflamatórios e

imunológicos presentes nos tumores da glândula mamária canina.



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