1serie - 4bimestre - Inglês CDA

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Transcript of 1serie - 4bimestre - Inglês CDA

  • 7/29/2019 1serie - 4bimestre - Ingls CDA


    Aps ler o texto, responda: (2,0)

    1) Qual estudante quieto e qual barulhento? ...........................................................................2) De qual cidade e pas veioMohammad? ........................................................................

    ....3) Quem tem 28 anos?..4) Qual o nome daprofessora? ...........................................................................

    5) Quantos anos temAlexandre? ...........................................................................6) Quem veio daChina? ...........................................................................7) Qual o estudante mais velho e o mais novo da classe?

    ...........................................................................8) Quem sempre chega atrasado para asaulas? ...........................................................................

    9) Tente completar as frases colocando os verbos no Past Tense: (2,0)

    a) Mr. Alexander Fleming ............................................. (discover) penicillin last century.b) Alexander Graham Bell (invent) the telephone in 1876.c) An atomic bomb .. (destroy) Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.d) The Beatles (record) their first hit in 1962.e) On July 20, 1969, an astronaut (walk) on the moon for the first time.

    10) Complete as frases abaixo utilizando o Present Perfect: (2,0)

    Lembrando que o Present Perfect formado por: Sujeito+ has/have + verbo no particpiopassado

    a. I (work) for this company for seventeen years.

    Ex: I have worked for this company for 17 years.

    b. Ana (talk) on the phone for over an hour.


    c. Ivan (listen to) Ana for over an hour.

    Colgio Carlos Drummond de Andrade

    Nome: _____________________________________________1 Srie do Ens. Mdio 3 BimestreDisciplina: Ingls Professora: JulianaCampo Grande, _______de ______________________de 2007.



    First Day in ClassCarolina is telling Lizzie about the first lesson of her new English class:

    Well, I was nervous before it started. There were eight of us all together,including the teacher. My teachers name is Charlotte. Shes only been workingthere for two months. She used to teach in Spain. The first thing we did was standin a circle and we had to try to learn everybodys name, age and where they comefrom. I dont know if I can remember all of them, but Ill try. There was someonecalled Alexandre. Hes from Portugal too and hes 23. No, he was 24. There wasMohammad, from Kirkuk in Iraq. Hes 30 two years older than me. There weretwo other women Hlne and Yui-Gui. Hlnes 38 and comes from France.She was a bit loud and I didnt talk to her much. Yui-Gui was really nice. Weworked together she was my partner for some of the lesson. Shes from China

    and used to live in Beijing before she moved to England. Shes 41 years old andmarried with two children. Patrick came half an hour late. Hes 57 and comes fromEritrea in Africa. Charlotte said that hes got to come on time if he wants to stay inthe class. The other student was Kamal. He was very quiet and didnt want to tellanyone his age, but I asked him at break-time; he told me that hes 29. Hes fromAfghanistan.


    Us all together: ns todosjuntos

    Ill try: eu vou tentar

    two year older than me:dois anos mais velho que eu

    a bit loud: um poucobarulhenta

    Partner: parceira

    used to live in Beijing: viviaem Beijing

    came half an hour late:chegou meia hora atrasado

  • 7/29/2019 1serie - 4bimestre - Ingls CDA



    d. How long (it, rain)?


    e. Billy (study) Spanish for two years.


    f. The police (look for) the bank robber for weeks.____________________________________________________________

    g. India and Pakistan (fight) since 1948. ____________________________________________________________

    h. Ivan (wait for) the bus for almost an hour.____________________________________________________________

    i. How long (Ana, play) the piano?


    j My parents (live) in that house since 1977.


    11) Complete as oraes a seguir com o Simple Past (-ed no final dos verbos regulares) ou o PastContinous (sujeito + was/were+ verbo principal com ING). (2,0)

    a) As I ..................... (drive) home, a policeman . (stop) me and . (ask)me for my driving license.

    b) Why .. you ..(laught) when he (say) his name?

    c) Last night when I (arrive) home, my parentes .. (have) dinner.

    d) When my mother .. (call) us for dinner we (play) the video game.

    e) Charles and Bill .(swim) at the club when it .. to rain.

    12) Complete o texto colocando os verbos entre parnteses no Simple Past. (2,0)

    Yesterday I (to have) ________ a really bad day. I (to wake) ________ up at 9 o'clock because I(to forget) ________ to set my alarm clock the night before. I (get) ________ up as fast as I (can)

    ________ and I (to put) ________ on some clothes. I ran into the kitchen and (to make) ________myself a cup of coffee. Then I ________ (to drink) the coffee very fast and I (to run) ________ to

    my car. It (to be) ________ a terrible morning!

    a) Por que foi uma manh terrvel para o narrador do pargrafo acima?








  • 7/29/2019 1serie - 4bimestre - Ingls CDA
