Apostila Capacitacao Tecnica No Idioma Ingles


Transcript of Apostila Capacitacao Tecnica No Idioma Ingles

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Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Ministra do Turismo Marta Suplicy Prefeita Municipal de Fortaleza Luizianne Lins Secretário de Turismo de Fortaleza Henrique Sérgio Abreu Coordenador de Planejamento e Informações Rafael Cordeiro Felismino Gerente de Estudos e Projetos Jaciara França Execução do Programa Coordenadora Geral Grace Adeodato Maia Coordenadora Técnica Keila Cristina Nicolau Mota Coordenadora Pedagógica Amelia Carmelita Gurgel dos Anjos

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Verbo to be - Alfabeto 6 Soletração – Diálogos – números 7 Adjetivos 8 Dizendo as horas – frações - nacionalidades 9 Leitura de cardápio – vocabulário específico 10

UNIDADE II AMPLIANDO O VOCABULÁRIO - HOTEL 11 Verbos modais e condicionais: Can/Could/Would 11 Futuro com Will 12 Present Perfect / Futuro imediato 13 Revisão geral 14

UNIDADE III AMPLIANDO O VOCABULÁRIO PROFISSÕES 15 Falar sobre profissões 15 Revisão - diálogo na recepção do hotel 16 Verbos There is/are – descrever lugares 17 Telefonando – Pharsal Verbs 18

UNIDADE IV AMPLIANDO O VOCABULÁRIO 19 Verbos modais 19 Pronomes demonstrativos 20 Advérbios de freqüência – completando uma ficha 21 Vocabulário 22 Fazendo chamadas telefônicas 23 Preposições 24

UNIDADE V (Específica)



Presente Simples 25 Leitura: Skimming x Scanning 26 Presente Contínuo 27 Textos de turismo sobre Fortaleza e Londres 28 Futuro com will 29 Passado Simples – Revisão 30

UNIDADE VI AMPLIANDO VOCABULÁRIO 31 Voz Passiva - exercícios 31 Adjetivos - comparativos 32 Preposições 33 Revisão gramatical - Presente Simples 34 Revisão gramatical - Presente Simples 35 Presente Contínuo 36

REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS ...................................................................... 37

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Figura 1 Relógio ................................................................................................ 9

Figura 2 Profissões ............................................................................................ 15

Figura 3 Objetos ................................................................................................ 17

Figura 4 Convenções Hoteleiras ........................................................................ 19

Figura 5 Objetos da Recepção ........................................................................... 20

Figura 6 Símbolos Convencionais Universais ................................................... 22

Figura 7 Localização ... ...................................................................................... 24

Figura 8 Localização e Direção ......................................................................... 25

Figura 9 Tempo e Espaço ............................................................................... 27

Figura 10 Tickets .............................. ................................................................. 34

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No plano macrossocietário, a concepção de qualificação gerou uma série de políticas educacionais voltadas para a criação de sistemas de formação profissional estritamente vinculados às demandas e necessidades dos setores mais organizados do capital e de suas necessidades técnico-organizativas. A história dos sistemas de formação profissional no Brasil enquadra-se dentro desta lógica da qualificação entendida como preparação de mão-de-obra especializada ou semi-especializada, para fazer frente às demandas técnico-organizativas do mercado de trabalho formal. No turismo essa concepção de qualificação não é diferente, uma vez que essa atividade contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico, ela impacta os diversos setores da economia ao gerar emprego, renda e receita, pois com o êxito dessa atividade, aumentou o interesse de estudiosos, empreendedores e trabalhadores por essa área e a necessidade de otimizar os serviços prestados através da busca incisiva do conhecimento. O fenômeno turístico ao longo do tempo vem transformando a dinâmica do mercado local, consolidando Fortaleza como um dos receptivos mais comercializados. Tal fato é decorrência da diversidade de bens e serviços ofertados pela cadeia produtiva do turismo e pela relevância econômica e social desta. Assim, ampliou-se a quantidade de empreendimentos turísticos e, conseqüentemente, surgiu à necessidade de alocar mão-de-obra qualificada neste setor, no intuito de garantir a sua sustentabilidade. Nesse contexto, o Plano Nacional do Turismo – Diretrizes, Metas e Programas 2003-2007 do Ministério do Turismo, cujo eixo orientador para a qualificação profissional encontra-se no Macro Programa 5: Qualidade do Produto Turístico e especificamente no Programa de Qualificação Profissional, coloca que esse Macro Programa procura desempenhar um papel de indutor da qualidade dos serviços prestados e estimulador dos mecanismos de fiscalização para evitar a prática de abusos, tanto nas relações internas do setor quanto na venda ao consumidor. Diante do exposto, objetiva promover a capacitação, qualificação e re-qualificação dos agentes atuantes em toda cadeia produtiva do turismo, nos diversos níveis hierárquicos, tanto do setor público quanto do privado visando ocupar os novos postos de trabalho gerados pelo fenômeno turístico. A Secretaria de Turismo de Fortaleza – SETFOR visando à exeqüibilidade das atividades constantes no seu Programa denominado Gestão de Política de Turismo no bojo da ação Capacitação e Qualificação para o Turismo assume o seu papel de transformadora do turismo local, na medida em que contribui para a qualidade da vida urbana, prestação de serviços e oferta de produtos, de forma a impulsionar a sustentabilidade da atividade turística em Fortaleza. Com efeito, o Projeto da SETFOR enceta a partir da problemática levantada pelo Plano Nacional do Turismo quanto à qualificação profissional deficiente dos prestadores de serviços, tanto no âmbito gerencial quanto nas habilidades específicas operacionais. Não obstante aos objetivos desse Plano em ampliar e qualificar o mercado de trabalho é que este Órgão propõe um Projeto de Qualificação Profissional e Técnica dos Prestadores de Serviços em Turismo na Cidade de Fortaleza mediante a realização de cursos e de pesquisa para levantamento da demanda por qualificação profissional e empresarial junto aos empreendimentos turísticos e instituições representativas do setor nesta cidade a fim de beneficiar diretamente 7 mil profissionais. Dentre os objetivos a serem alcançados com os cursos, destaca-se: Melhorar a qualidade dos serviços prestados ao turista; Adotar um conteúdo programático que não se dissocie da realidade mercadológica e; Disseminar a cultura do turismo em Fortaleza.

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É importante salientar que o baixo nível de qualificação dos profissionais contemporâneos compromete o poder de competitividade desse destino frente à concorrência e como a atratividade desse receptivo perpassa pela excelência dos serviços turísticos, é relevante a preparação tanto no âmbito gerencial como operacional, incluindo os beneficiários indiretos. Sobretudo, o Estado tem papel fundamental a cumprir na regulamentação, normatização e fiscalização dos segmentos e atividades ligadas ao turismo, bem como na orientação da formação profissional. Este último, em virtude da quantidade de empregos gerados, da alta rotatividade nos postos de trabalho e da própria dinâmica do mercado que requer uma adequação da formação dispensada, levando em consideração os aspectos sócio-culturais do destino turístico. Portanto, a Secretaria de Turismo de Fortaleza - SETFOR em convênio com o Ministério do Turismo promove neste primeiro semestre de 2008, capacitação gratuita para cinco mil e oitocentos profissionais em serviços de atendimento ao turista, formação de instrutor, idiomas, guiamento, gestão de marketing no turismo e na hotelaria a fim de atingir os objetivos supracitados.

Henrique Sérgio Abreu Secretário de Turismo de Fortaleza

Secretaria de Turismo de Fortaleza - SETFOR

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A – Listen and practice Michael: Hi, My name is Michael Ota. Jennifer: I’m Jennifer Miller Michael: It’s nice to meet you, Jennifer. Jennifer: Nice to meet you, too. Michael: I’m sorry. What’s your last name again Jennifer: It’s Miller.


For Males For Females Names Nicknames Names Nicknames Anthony Tony Elizabeth Beth Christopher Chris Jennifer Jen Joshua Josh Katherine Kathy Michael Mike Nicole Nicki Mathew Matt Susan Sue Circle the names you know. Who are some famous people with these names? What names are popular in your country? What’s your name? What’s his name? What’s her name?

What’s = What is

THE ALPHABET A – Listen and pratice


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

My name is


His name is


Her name is


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CLASS ACTIVITY. Listen and practice. Then practice with your own names. Make a list of your classmates’ names.

A: What’s your name? B: I’m Sarah Conner. A: Is That S-A-R-A-H? B: Yes, that’s right. A: How do you spell your last name? C-O-N-N-O-R? B: No it’s C-O-N-N-E-R.

LISTENING Spelling names

How do you spell the names? Listen and check (v) the correct answers. 1. Jon John 2. Sara Sarah 3. Steven Stephen 4. Katherine Kathryn 5. Kris Chris

COMPLETE THE CONVERSATIONS. Then practice in groups. Nicole: Excuse me. Are you Steven Carson? David: No, ……..not. My name ….. David Medina. Steven ….. over there. Nicole: Oh, sorry.

Nicole: …..you Steven Carson? Steven: Yes, I ….. Nicole: Hi. ………Nicole Johnson Steven: Oh, ……..in my math class, right? Nicole: Yes, I ……. Steven: …… nice to meet you.

LISTEN and Practice.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

(oh) LISTENING (Phone numbers)

A Jennifer and Michael are making a list Name Phone numbers of classmates’ phone numbers. Listen and David Medina (212) 555-1937 complete the list. Sarah Conner ……………….. Steven Carson ……………….. B Class activity Make a list of your classmates’ Nicole Johnson ……………….. names and phone numbers. Jennifer Miller ………………..

A: What’s your name? Michael Ota ......................... B: I’m Anna Silva. A: And what’s your phone number? B: It’s (201) 555-2491

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1 MIKE: Excuse me? 3 MIKE: Hi, I’M Mike North. Nice to meet you. WOMAN Yes? SOPHIE: Hello. Nice to meet you. MIKE: Are you Sophie Villeneuve? MIKE: Welcome to Dublin. WOMAN: No, I’m not. SOPHIE: Thank you. MIKE: Sorry. 2 MIKE: Excuse me, are you Sophie Villeneuve? 4 MIKE: Bye! See you tomorrow. SOPHIE: Yes, I am. SOPHIE: Goodbye. And thanks. a Match the words and pictures 1 to 6. Listen and repeat. b Test a partner.

Car park telephones information A Number 5? Taxi toilets restaurant Toilets. B Number 3 ?

Listen and practice. Emma: Who’s that ? A Listen and practice. Jill: He’s my brother. Emma: Wow! He’s cute. What’s his name? Jill: James. We call him Jim. Emma: Oh, how old is he? Jill: He’s twenty-one years old. Emma: What’s he like? I bet he’s nice. Jill: Yes, he is – and he’s very smart, too! Emma: And who’s that? Jill: My sister Tammy. She’s only twelve. She’s the baby of the family.

Complete with the sentences in the box RECEPTIONIST Good evening. What’s your name, please? SOPHIE ………………………. ……………. RECEPTIONIST Sorry ? GRAMMAR FOCUS SOPHIE My name’s ……………………….. Verb be: we / you / they RECEPTIONIST How do you spell it? Complete the chart. SOPHIE ………………………. …………….. RECEPTIONIST……………………………….. SOPHIE Yes, that’s right. RECEPTIONIST And your first name? SOPHIE ……………… That’s ………………… RECEPTIONIST Where are you from? SOPHIE ………….., in ………………………. RECEPTIONIST OK. Thank you. You’re in room


2 I





11eleven 21 twenty-one 40 forty 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 60 sixty 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 70 seventy 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 90 ninety 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 one hundred 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 101 one hundred (and) one 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 102 one hundred (and) two 20 twenty 30 thirty 103 one hundred (and) three

Singular + -

Plural + -

I’m I’m not ___’re we aren’t ___’re ___aren’t you’re You _____ he’s ___’s it’s

he ___ isn’t it



Good morning, etc. My name’s Sophie. Thank you. Goodbye.

Hi / Hello. I'm Sophie. Thanks. Bye.

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PRACTICE Complete the sentences.

1. I’m English. Y …..’re German. 2. He …….n’t Polish. He’ …. Brazilian. 3. ‘......you British?’ ‘No, ....’m not. I’.....

American.’ 4. We’.....from Italy, Where....you from? 5. ‘….. they Egyptians?’ No, they........

They’…….French.’ 6. ‘……you from Hungary?’ ‘Yes, we ......’

Do the puzzle. sixty seconds = a minute You can say the time another way. Sixty minutes = an …………. Twenty-four hours = a ……… Seven days = a ..................... Q five fifteen R six twenty S eight forty-five Four weeks = a ..................... Twelve months = a ............... a.m. = in the morning p.m. = in the afternoom/evening/at night 12.00 = midday 24.00 = midnight

The Red House Conference Centre Conference programme Morning Afternoom Evening

Sunday Check-in Cocktail party Monday Opening ceremony Talks Conference dinner

Tuesday Free Talks Dinner (Chinese restaurant)

Wednesday Talks Tour of Dublin Concert (National Concert Hall) Thursday Talks Free Disco

Friday Talks Closing ceremony Goodbye party

Saturday Check-out

1. When’s the conference dinner? It’s on Monday evening.

2. When’s the tour of Dublin? 3. When’s the disco? 4. When’s the closing ceremony? 5. When’s the goodbye party? 6. When are they free?

:: 5:15 :: 6:20 :: 8:45

Complete a landing card.

Surname ..... Title Mr Ms Mrs

First Name …………………………………………………………….

Date of birth (day) (month) (year)

Nationality ……………………………………………………………

Address …………………………………………………………………


Figura 1 - Relógio Fonte: OXENDEN; SELIGSON, 1996

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WALTER Good afternoon, madam, sir. ZARINA A table for two, please. WALTER Yes, come this way. WALTER Are you ready to order now? ALEX Yes, I’d like garlic_________, please. ZARINA Could I have_________________? WALTER And for you main course? ALEX I’d like________________. ZARINA _________________for me, please. WALTER Anything to drink? ZARINA A large bottle of________________ WALTER Would you like anything else? ZARINA Two________, please, and could we Have the bill? ZARINA Can I pay by credit card? WALTER Yes, of course.

Good morning. Anything to Drink, sir? Sorry? Orange juice? Coke? Mineral walter? ___________, thank you. Nothing for me. And for you, madam? ________________, please. Ice and lemon? _____________, please. Here you are. And for you, sir? _____________, please. Milk and sugar? _________, no___________ Here you are. Thank you very much. You’re welcome.

Complete o diálogo de serviço de quarto com palavras do quadro: number cheese you sandwich like orange help salad A: Room service, can I __________you? B: I would__________to order a________sandwich,please. A: OK, a cheese________________. B: And I would like a__________________, too. A: Anything else, madam? B: Yes. I would like an_______________juice, please. A: What’s your room_________________, madam? B: It’s room 1252. A: Room 1252. I’II be right up. B: Thank________________.


MaxwMaxwMaxwMaxweeeell’sll’sll’sll’s Special lunch menu

Only $25 (Not including drinks or service)


Garlic mushrooms Vegetable soup

Main course

Cheese omelette and salad Steak and chips Seafood pasta

2. Veja os itens no quadro abaixo e faça os pedidos, seguindo o modelo.

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STARTERS ...... Grilled goat’s cheese ...... Cajun salmon ...... Caesar salad ...... Smoked salmon

MAIN DISHES ...... Cod fillet ...... Pan-fried sesame salmon ...... Penne pasta ...... Grilled chicken ...... Sirloin steak

SIDE ORDERS ...... Garlic bread with mozzarella ...... Bruschetta ...... Mixed green salad ...... Chicken, bacon and brie

baguette PUDDINGS

...... Raspberry crème brûlée

...... Tiramisu

...... Apple strudel

...... Ice cream

...... Cheese board

SINGLE DOUBLE Brandy ..............€7.50 €14.00 Whisky ………..€6.50 €12.00 Gin……………..€6.00 €12.00 Vodka………….€6.00 €12.00 Rum ……….....€6.00 €12.00 Martini…………€5.50 €10.50 Draught beer….€3.00 €5.50 Bottled beer …. €4.00 Fruit juice………€3.00 Tonic water ….. €2.00 Coke …………...€2.00 Mineral water…..€2.00

Being clear and polite Listen to these sentences and repeat them. Hello, room service, can I help you? And your room number, please? That’s the sesame salmon, isn’t it? Is that just one mixed salad? So, that’s the caesar salad, bruschetta, That will be ready in about 15 minutes. The sesame salmon, and the apple strudel. Would you like anything else, madam?

Being clear and polite Listen to these sentences and repeat them. Here you are, sir. Lemon with the gin, madam? What can I get you, madam? That comes to €11.50. Shall I charge it to your room, madam? Could you sign here, please? Are you staying in the hotel?

The bill: Guest Can I have the Bill, please?

Guest How much is it?

Bar Person That comes to £18.

Method of payment: Guest Can I pay by credit card/cheque?

Bar person Are you staying in the hotel?

Bar person Shall I charge it to your room?

The tip: Guest Please keep the change.

Bar person Thank you sir/madam.

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SOUND BITES. Read along silently as you listen to a natural conversation. WAITER: Are you ready to order? Or do you need some more time?

CUSTOMER: I’m ready. I think I’II start with the black bean soup.

Then I’II have the roast chicken. That comes with salad, doesn’t it?

WAITER: Yes, it does. And there’s also a choice of vegetables.

Tonight we have carrots or grilled tomatoes.

CUSTOMER: The carrots, please.

WAITER: Certainly. Anything to drink?

CUSTOMER: I’II have bottled water, no ice.

Read the conversation carefully again. Then write true or false. _____________ 1. The customer orders carrots. _____________ 2. The customer doesn’t order soup. _____________ 3. The chicken comes with salad. _____________ 4. The chicken comes with a vegetable. No restaurant

A reserva

Por telefone ou pessoalmente, você pode usar as seguintes frases:

Do you take bookings / reservations? Vocês aceitam reservas? I’d like to make a reservation for this evening, please. Por favor, eu gostaria de / quero reservar uma mesa para esta noite. Can I book a table for tomorrow evening for eight people? Posso reservar uma mesa para oito pessoas, para amanhã à noite? Do you have a table free for Saturday night, around 8 o”clock? Vocês teriam / têm uma mesa livre para sábado à noite, por volta das 8 horas?

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CHEGANDO AO RESTAURANTE Tendo ou não reservado mesa, comece sempre perguntando se está disponível.

We have a reservation in the name of Stewart. Temos uma reserva em nome de Stewart.

I’ve booked a table for six (people) for 7.30 Reservei uma mesa para seis (pessoas), para as 19h30.

Do you have a non-smoking section? Vocês têm área de não-fumantes?

How long will we have to wait for a table? Quanto tempo teremos de esperar por uma mesa?

Could we have a high-chair, please? Poderia nos arrumar um cadeirão, por favor?


Observe que, em geral, as fórmulas inglesas são em forma de questões e muitas vezes terminam em please.

Could we have the menu, please? Poderia trazer o cardápio, por favor?

Could I see the wine list, please? Por favor, posso ver a carta de vinhos?

Do you have any specials on today? Qual é o prato do dia?

Do you serve wine by the glass? Vocês servem taça de vinho?

A bottle of the house red, please. Uma garrafa de vinho tinto da casa, por favor.

Can we have a bottle of sparkling mineral water, please? Poderia trazer uma garrafa de água mineral com gás, por favor?

I’d like the soup to start followed by the trout. Eu gostaria de / quero uma sopa como entrada e, depois, uma truta.

I’m not having a starter. Não quero entrada, obrigado/a.

I’m just having a main course. Só quero o prato principal.

Can we see the dessert menu, please? Podemos ver o cardápio de sobremesas, por favor?

What flavours of ice cream / sorbet do you have? Quais os sabores dos sorvetes / sorbets?

Can I have it rare / medium / well-done, please? Por favor, pode fazer o meu mal-passado / ao ponto / bem-passado?

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Being clear and polite Listen to These sentences and repeat them. Good evening sir, good evening madam. Could you sign here, please? Could you spell that, please? Here’s your key. That’s double room with bath and balcony It’s room 401, on the fourth floor. For three nights. I’II call a porter.

When guests arrive at reception, what do you say to them?

Study these sentences. Which are polite

and which are not polite? Say why. Write P or NP.

...... Hello, can I help you?

...... Do you have a reservation? ...... Hello, what do you want? ...... And your name, please? ...... I’m sorry, the hotel is full. ...... We have nothing for you.

Mr and Mrs Bouvier arrive at reception. First mark the sentences G(uest) or R(eceptionist). Then put the sentences in order to make the dialogue between the guest and the receptionist. .......... Good evening sir, good evening madam.

......... Thank you. Bouvier, yes, ... so that’s a double room with bath and balcony for three


.......... Thank you sir, here’s your key. It’s on the fourth floor, room 401.

.......... Yes, of course.

.......... Could you just sign here, please?

.......... B-O-U-V-I-E-R.

.......... Could you spell that, please?

.......... Thank you.

.......... Good evening, we have a reservation, the name’s Bouvier.

.......... That’s right.

.......... I’II call a porter.

.......... Enjoy your stay.

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Veja no quadro abaixo algumas profissões que ocorrem num hotel. Para saber qual é a profissão de uma pessoa, você pode usar uma das expressões abaixo:

What’s your job? (Qual é o seu trabalho?) What’s your profession? (Qual é a sua profissão?) I’m a .....(Eu sou...) Exemplos: What’s your job? (Qual é o seu trabalho?)

I’m a telephone operator (Eu sou telefonista.) What’s your profession? (Qual é a profissão dela?) She is a chambermaid. (Ela é camareira).

Quando não quiser dar respostas completas, você poderá responder com respostas curtas, dizendo apenas Yes (sim) ou no(não) mais o verb to be. Exemplos: Are you a receptionist?

Yes, I am. Ou No, I’m not. Is Peter a porter? Yes, he is. Ou No, He isn’t. Is Mary a housekeeper? Yes, she is. Ou No, she isn’t. Are they managers? Yes, they are. Ou No, they aren’t.

A Are you a repcionist? B No, I’m not. A Are you a telephone operator? B No, I’m not. A What’s your profession? B I’m a doorman. And you? Are you a doorman, too? A No, I’m not. I’m a porter.

Are you a





o p



Figura 2 - Profissões Fonte: DE BIAGGI; STAVALE, 2004

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Complete the conversation between the guest and the recepcionist with the words below:

Seventh floor spell sign here a reservation six nights thank you here’s your single room your name call him Good evening right Would you like Good evening

Receptionist ............................, madam.

Guest ...........................I have.............................

Receptionist And..........................., madam?

Guest Wolfington.

Receptionist Could you...........................that, please?

Guest W-O-L-F-I-N-G-T-O-N.

Receptionist ..........................., Mrs Wolfington, yes,

a..............................and shower for.......................

Guest That’s..............................

Receptionist Could you just...............................,please?

Guest Yes, of course.

Receptionist Thank you, madam,............................key.

It’s room 738 on the ………………………

Receptionist ...............................a porter?

Guest Yes, please.

Receptionist I’II just................................. Enjoy your stay.

Guest Thank you.

Escreva as frases em inglês:

a. Eu sou brasileiro. ____________________________________________

b. Ele é italiano. ____________________________________________

c. Você é espanhol. ____________________________________________

d. Ela é americana. ____________________________________________

e. Quem são eles? ____________________________________________ Escreva os números de telefones por extenso:

a. 5886-4231 _________________________________________________

b. 9778-2596 _________________________________________________

c. 8992-1873 _________________________________________________

d. 9445-2681 _________________________________________________

e. 6743-8167 _________________________________________________

f. 4982-6538 _________________________________________________

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Can you describe the room, please? PRESENTATION

Look at these objects.

Look at this list of objects and label the illustrations.

double bed sheets chair radio alarm CD player TV coat hangers pillows telephone wardrobe desk remote control


There is / There are

Study these structures:

Singular Plural

There is a mini-bar in every room. There are plenty of coat hangers.

There isn’t a CD player in the room. There aren’t any plants in the room.

Is there a TV in every room? Are there any flowers in the room?

Being clear and polite Listen to these sentences and repeat them.

There’s a telephone by the bed. I’m afraid there isn’t a CD player in the room, madam. You have the radio alarm next to that. There are plenty of coat hangers. The sheets are changed every day. There’s a desk by the window, with two very There’s a TV of course, with remote control. comfortable chairs.

Figura 3 - Objetos Fonte: O’HARA; 2002

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Put the words in the following sentences in the correct order. The first has been done for you. Singular Affirmative: is TV in room There a the Example: There is a TV in the room.

Negative: double bed isn’t There a in room the .............................................................................................................................

Question: CD player there room in Is a the? ............................................................................................................................

Answers: is there Yes / the room Yes there CD player in a is ....................... / ............................................................................................... there isn’t No / CD player No there in room isn’t a the ....................... / ............................................................................................... Plural

Affirmative: coat hangers of plenty wardrobe There are the in ............................................................................................................................ Negative: in room There aren’t the flowers any ............................................................................................................................ Question: the plants there in Are any room? ............................................................................................................................ Answers: are Yes there / room some in plants Yes there the are .......................... / ............................................................................................. there No aren’t / any there room plants No aren’t the in .......................... / ............................................................................................

Telephone Services Serviços Telefônicos


As principais funções de um(a) telefonista são receber telefonemas e fazer transferências para os diferentes setores do hotel. As diferentes situações vivenciadas nos serviços telefônicos são apresentadas a seguir:

WRONG NUMBER NÚMERO ERRADO Quando se recebem ligações erradas, as expressões mais usadas são: I’m sorry, but you dialed the wrong number. (Eu sinto muito, mas você ligou o número errado.) Please call directory assistance. (Por favor, peça o auxílio da lista telefônica.)

A Green Park Hotel. May I help you? B Is this the Trianon Hotel? A No, sorry. This is the Green Park Hotel. You dialed the wrong number. B Do you have the Trianon Hotel number? A No, I’m sorry. Call directory enquires, please. D





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Quando se recebem ou se transferem ligações, as expressões mais comuns são: I’II put you through. (Vou transferir a ligação.) Hold on, please. (Aguarde, por favor.) I will try to find him. (Vou tentar achá-lo.) Mr.Hill is not in his room at the moment. (O Sr. Hill não está em seu quarto no momento.) Mrs. Green went out. ( A Sra. Green saiu.) Could you leave a message, please? (Poderia deixar um recado, por favor?) There is no answer. (Não há resposta.) The room line is busy. Could you hold on for a moment? (A linha do quarto está ocupada.

Poderia esperar um momento?)

KINDS OF ACCOMMODATION TIPOS DE ACOMODAÇÃO Os tipos mais conhecidos de acomodação são:


bed and breakfast (quarto com café-da-manhã) boarding house (pensão) bungalow (chalé) flat (hotel-residência) hostel (albergue) hotel (hotel) inn (pousada) motel (motel) youth hostel (albergue para jovens)

Figura 4 - Convenções Hoteleiras Fonte: DE BIAGGI; STAVALE, 2004

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RECEPTION OBJECTS OBJETOS DA RECEPÇÃO Vários objetos e móveis podem ser encontrados na recepção de um hotel. Como os hóspedes podem referir-se a eles ou precisar utilizá-los, é importante que você conheça seus nomes em inglês. ASKING ABOUT OBJECTS PERGUNTANDO SOBRE OBJETOS

Para perguntar e responder o que é uma coisa, você pode usar as expressões: What’s this? (O que é isso?) This is... (Isso é...) ou It’s... (É...)


What’s this? (O que é isso?) This is a calculator. (Isso é uma calculadora.) It’s a calculator. (É uma calculadora.)

What’s this? (O que é isso?) This is a pencil. (Isso é um lápis.) It’s a pencil. (É um lápis.)

Você pode referir-se a um ou vários objetos usando antes a palavra the (o,a, os, as), que serve tanto para palavras masculinas como para palavras femeninas.

Exemplos: the computer (o computador) the computers (os computadores) the chair (a cadeira) the chairs (as cadeiras)

Quando você quiser saber sobre mais de um objeto, a pergunta e as respostas deverão ser diferentes:

What are these? (O que são esses / essas?) These are... (Esses / Essas são...) ou They are... (São...)

Exemplos: What are these? (O que são esses?) These are paper clips.(Esses são clipes.) They are paper clips. (São clipes)

What are these? (O que são essas?) These are chairs.(Essas são cadeiras.) They are chairs. (São cadeiras.)

Figura 5 – Objetos da Recepção Fonte: DE BIAGGI; STAVALE, 2004

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1. Reescreva as frases em inglês: a. Ela nunca fala japonês She never......................................................................... b. Vocês falam português todos os dias ................................................................... c. Ele às vezes fala espanhol .................................................................................... d. Eu nunca falo inglês ............................................................................................. e. Você sempre fala italiano . ...................................................................................... f. Elas sempre falam francês ....................................................................................

2. Complete os espaços com a forma correta do verbo to speak (falar). a. I.....speak...............German everyday. b. Mary............................Portuguese and English. c. Do you..............................French? d. He never....................................Spanish. e. Bob and Tom................................two languages. f. They.......................................Japonese. g. Does Rita...................................Russian and French.

3. Responda ás perguntas com frases curtas. a. Do you speak Spanish?.................................................................................................. b. Do you speak Italian?..................................................................................................... c. Does the President speak English?................................................................................ d. Do Brazilians speak Portuguese?..................................................................................


Green Park Hotel

Last name__________________First name:__________________Middle initial:_____

Arrival date:______________________________Number of nights:_______________ Room type: [ ] single [ ] double [ ] other:________________________________ Home address:__________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________Country of origin:________________ Passport or IC number:____________________Telephone number:______________ Reason of trip:__________________________________________________________ Car registration number:__________________________________________________ Marital status:______________________________Family members:______________ Special requirements: ________________________________________________________________________

Room number:_______________________________ Date of departure:____________ Payment method: [ ] cash [ ] check [ ] credit card [ ] company account Signature:_______________________________________________________________

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Complete these sentences using the following words.

Mirror tap extra tissues shaver socket bathrobe bin shower soap washbasin towels

1 We keep…………………….and toilet paper here in the cupboard. 2 The…………………..is on the wall next to the…………………. 3 The…………………..is here under the……………………. 4 There’s a hot and cold mixer ………………..for the……………. 5 The…………………..is here behind the door and the……….are on the rack over the bath. 6 Always put plenty of……………………and shampoo, here, near the taps.

air conditioning with individual control (ar condicionado com regulagem personalizada de temperatura) electronic door lock (trava de porta eletrônica) eletronic romm key (chave eletrônica) mini-bar (frigobar) safe deposit box (cofre de segurança) coffe-and-tea-making facilities (instalações para fazer café e chá) flat screen TV set (televisor com tela plana) cable TV (televisão a cabo) in-room movies (filmes disponíveis no quarto) CD/DVD player (toca CD/DVD) alarm clock (despertador) room office (escritório no quarto) Internet access (acesso à Internet) fast-track Internet (Internet de banda larga/acesso rápido) data port access (acesso dataport)

Figura 6 – Simbolos Convencionais Universais Fonte: DE BIAGGI; STAVALE, 2004

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Chamar e responder ao telefone

Conversas particulares Para ligar para a casa de um amigo, você pode usar as seguintes frases:

Hello./ Hi. Can I speak to Paul, please? Alô?/Oi. Posso falar com o Paul, por favor?

Hi. Is Bernard there, please? Alô? Por favor, o Bernard está?

Hi. This is Sylvie. Is Anne around? Oi, é Sylvie. A Anne está?

Hi. Is that Marie? Alô? É a Marie?

Hello. Would it be possible to speak to Sophie, please? Alô? Por favor, eu poderia falar com a Sophie?

Responder ao telefone

Hello. 432219

Alô? Aqui é 43 22 19.

No trabalho

Hello. Harry Green (speaking).

Alô? (Aqui é) Harry Green.

Hello. Bookings. (Can I help you?)

Alô? Setor de reserves. (Posso ajuda-lo/a?).

Na Grã-Bretanha, a fórmula usada para atender ligação em um departamento ou seção é: Hello. You’re through to the accounts departament. Anne speaking. How may I help

you? Alô, (você ligou para o) departamento de contabilidade. Aqui é a Anne. Em que

posso ser útil?

Responder quando alguém o chama Speaking. Pode falar. This is he/she (US) É ele/ela.

Philip: Hi. Can I speak to Jill please? Alô? Posso/poderia falar com Jill, por favor? Jill: Speaking. Sou eu. Philip: Hi. Jill. It’s Philip. Oi, Jill, é o Philip. Jill: Hi Philip. How are you? Oi, Philip. Como você está? Philip: Fine, thanks. Bem. Obrigado.

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GRAMMAR FOCUS Prepositions of place

A Look at the map and complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.

1. The coffee shop is …………..Second Avenue. It’s………………the shoe store. 2. The movie theater is…………Park and Main. It’s……………….the park. 3. The gas station is………..the parking lot. It’s……………..First and Center. 4. The drugstore is………….Center and Second. It’s………..the supermarket. 5. The bank is……..the restaurant and the department store. 6. It’s…………….Main Street.

A: Excuse me. I’m looking for The Bell Theater. B: The Bell Theater? Do you Know the address? A: Yes. It’s 101 Harper Street. B: Oh. That’s right around the corner, on the left side of the street. A: Thanks.

Figura 7 – Localização Fonte: RICHARDS, 2005

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How do I get to Rockefeller Center? How can I get to Bryant Park?

Walk up/Go up Fifth Avenue. Walk down/Go down Fifth Avenue.

Turn left on 49th Street. Turn right on 42nd Street.

It’s on the right. It’s on the left.


A. Draw a map of your neighborhood. B. Pair work. Look at your partner’s map. Ask for directions to places in your partner’s neighborhood. A: How do I get to the bookstore? B: Walk….

Figura 8 – Localização e Direção Fonte: SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006

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Where do you work? Where does he work? Where do they work? In a hospital. In a hotel. In a restaurant. What do you do? What does he do? What do they do? I’m a doctor. He’s a manager. They’re waiters. How do you like it? How does he like it ? How do they like it? I really like it. It’s OK. They hate it.


1. A: ...What....does your sister ....do..? 3. A: ...........do your parents.......their jobs?

B: My sister? She’s a nurse. B: Oh, I guess they like them.

A: .............does she...............it? A: I don’t remember. …………….do they …? B: It’s difficult, but she loves it. B: In an office in the city. 2. A: .............does your brother ...........? 4. A: …….. do you ………….? B: At the airport. He’s a pilot. B: I’m a student. A: Oh? .............does he...............it? A: I see. ……. Do you ………..your classes? B: He doesn’t really like it. B: They’re good. I like them a lot.

THE COUNTRY THAT NEVER SLEEPS SPAIN is famous for its unusual lifestyle. For example, Spanish people usually have lunch at 2.30 p.m. and dinner at 10.00 p.m. People don’t usually go to bed before midnight. Visitors to Spain often ask, ‘When do Spanish people sleep?’ The Spanish sleep less and go out more than other Europeans. The Spanish love walking, and they often go for a walk around the in the evenings. At 10.00 on Friday and Saturday nights the bars and restaurants are full. The cinema is very popular in Spain (25% of adults go to the cinema once a week or more). But Spanish night-life really starts at midnight. A lot of disco-bars don’t close before 6.00 in the morning. In Valencia, on the east coast of Spain, some discos open at 10.00 on Sunday mornings! Only about 21% of the population go to church. On Sundays many people go to the country or to the beach. Spanish people often go away at weekends, at Easter, and t Christmas. Many families have a house in the country, and go there in the summer. People often sit in traffic jams on Sunday evenings. And on 1st August, twelve million cars are on the road!

A WEEKEND In SPAIN a Right or wrong ? What do you think? 1 The Spanish have lunch and dinner early. 2 The Spanish sleep a lot. 3 The Spanish don’t often go out. b Read paragraph 1. Check your answers. c Where do you think Spanish people go on Fridays and Saturdays? Write four places. Read paragraph 2 to check. d Read paragraph 3. Write three things they do on Sundays

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GRAMMAR FOCUS Present continuous Wh-questions


1. Who’s sleeping now? 5. What’s Célia wearing? 2. Who’s having breakfast? 6. What’s Marcos wearing? 3. Where’s Andrei working? 7. Why is Marcos getting up? 4. Where’s Hiroshi watching 8. Why are James and Anne Television? Having lunch? B. GROUP WORK WRITE FIVE MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PICTURES. Then ask and answer your questions in groups.


sleep - sleeping get - getting (+ t) have - having (- e)

Figura 9 – Tempo e Espaço Fonte: RICHARDS, 2005

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The word “handicraft” immediately reminds us of Ceará. And the first picture is of the lace

maker women, with their bobbins, labyrinths, embroideries and so many other threads – art

inherited from their ancestors and patiently improved while they wait for their husbands and

sons, all fishermen, return from the sea. The lace makers’ art is one of the most expressive,

but not the only one to deserve your attention. Out of cotton and straw fiber, leather and clay,

wood and metal, ropes and even colored sands – basically out of everything within reach – the

cearense handicrafters can make their ingenious works of art, on which depend their living.

Credits: Fortaleza Convention & Visitors Bureau. (BRAZIL4YOU, ONLINE)


Historically the Tower is the most important building in England and the most visited of

London's attractions. It was a stronghold which was many times besieged but never taken; but

it was also a royal palace (until the time of James I), a prison (still used during the last war,

when one of its inmates was Rudolf Hess), a mint (until the opening of the Royal Mint nearby

in 1810), a treasure vault (still containing the Crown Jewels), an observatory (until the

establishment of Greenwich Observatory in 1675) and for five centuries (until 1834) a


The Tower was built by William the Conqueror after the battle of Hastings to protect London, to

overawe its citizens and to enable shipping on the Thames to be watched. The original Tower,

built about 1078 and surrounded by a ring of walls with 13 towers, is now known as the White

Tower. The fortress was enlarged and strengthened in the 12th century, and again in the 13th

and 14th. It was restored in the 19th century. (PLANETWARE, ONLINE)

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On the phone:


Kevin and Jerryl are going back home next week.

Agent: Star Flight Airlines. Can I help you? Britney: I need a flight from Brussels to Chicago on Tuesday. Are there seats available? Agent: Let’s check. Yes, I have one on the 04:45 flight. Britney: 04:45! What time do I have to check in? Agent: check in time is 02:45. Britney: I won’t make it to the airport. When will the Next flight leave? Agent: There’II be another flight on Wednesday At 08:25. Britney: Perfect. I’II take that one.

Operator: Great Flight Airlines. Can I help you? Kevin: Sure. I want to confirm two return tickets, Please. Operator: Your names, please? Kevin: Flintstone. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Jerryl. Operator: Please spell your first names, please. Kevin: K-E-V-I-N and J-E-R-R-Y-L Operator: OK. Your flight is on August, 17. Kevin: Right. What time do we have to be at the Airport? Operator: 2 hours in advance. Kevin: Thank you very much for your help. Operator: No problem. Bye.

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A group of tourists is going back home.


Drake is leaving the Jolly-Five Hotel.

Amanda: Good-bye, Jane. You have been a wonderful tour guide. Thanks for everything. Jane: It was big fun meeting you all. Amanda: Here’s the list with our addresses. Please Don’t forget to keep in touch. Jane: Sure. And let me know when you are in town again. Amanda: Sure. Bye bye. Jane: Take care, all of you.

Drake: I’m checking out today. Here are my keys. Clerk: Did you enjoy your stay wth us? Drake: Yes, very much. Clerk: Did you have anything from the mini-bar last night? Drake: Yes. A bottle of Champagne. Clerk: Ok. I’ll print out your bill. Please check this. Drake: It’s OK. Clerk: Please complete our Customer Comments Form. Thank you very much. Hope to see you again.

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Language Focus - The passive

1 Read these groups of sentences and decide which are in the active and which are in the passive.

a. We've been approached by Sky Air. b. Sky Air has approached us. c. I'm told by the marketing people that we'lI probably be working on load factors of about 80 percent. d. The marketing people tell me that we will probably be working on load factors of about 80 percent. e The brochures should be sent to the travel agents in October. f. They should send the brochures to the travel agents in October. g. All expenses must be authorised in advance. h. You must get authorisation for all expenses in advance. i. The managing director was given the information. j. The information was given to the managing director. k. He gave the managing director the information. l. It was stipulated that the agreement would allow for increases in the cost of aviation fuel. m. Sky Air stipulated that the agreement would allow for increases in the cost of aviation fuel. n. It is said that an influx of tourists will destroy the plant life. o. Environmentalists say that an influx of tourists will destroy the plant life. p. She was paid $2,000. q The tour operators paid her $2,000.

2 Answer these questions.

a. When do we use the passive rather than the active voice? b. How is it formed?

3 Match the following statements about the passive to the examples in 1 above.

a. Sometimes it is appropriate to say who carried out the action. b. Modal forms can be used. c. Verbs with two objects can be made passive in two ways. d. Passive constructions beginning with it are used to make a statement more formal or impersonal.

Practice Complete this letter to Mrs Marinelli by expanding the following notes.

Dear Mrs Marinelli, This is to confirm our recent discussions. At the meeting / hold / 25 January / it / agree that: 1 500 rooms with sea view / make available / Grand Canyon hotel / 30 March - 25 november / weekly basis. 2 We, Global Tours, / require / inform the hotelier / 4 weeks advance / if we wish our Allocation / cancel. The account settle / 1 month after close / of the holiday period i.e. by or before 25

December. 3 All payments / make / US$. The rates for this year / fix / advance / $1 = 1650 lire. 4 It bring / attention / tour information / not display / last year. Therefore suitable space / must provide / for our company leaflets and notices / display.

We trust we are in agreement on all these points. I remain / disposal / raise / further points. It has also come notice / your copy of the contract / never return. / I grateful / complete / without delay / return to our Head Office. It note / this agreement / valid / 2 years./ 6 months' notice / require in writing l in order it / terminate. Yours sincerely,

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VOCABULARY Brochure language The brochure is probably one of the most important documents used in the promotion of a destination. Brochures use very descriptive language to make holiday destinations sound attractive, Read this description of Salou in Spain. Salou has all the ingredients for a perfect seaside holiday, lts major atraction is a long, wide beach of soft, gently shelving sands, backed by a tine, tree-lined promenade. East of the beach you will find uncrowded streets alongside a picturesque coastline with pretty wooded areas and several smaller bays. West of Salou is the attractive fishing village of Cambrils. With its marvellous beach, idyllic harbour and many magnificent seafood restaurants it is a resort in its own right. But wherever you stay in the Salou area you'll have access to a whole host of pleasures: superb bathing, every kind of watersport and, by night, plenty of excitement in countless bars and discos. Another impressive attraction is the truly amazing Aquapark at La Pineda, a short bus ride from Salou itself.

Descriptive adjectives Each of the groups of three adjectives below can be used to describe one of the nouns in the box. Match each noun with a set of adjectives. Can you add an appropriate adjective to each set? Use a dictionary to help you.

beach village hills mountains hotels views city atmosphere

1 rolling 2 low-rise 3 quaint 4 relaxed 5 spectacular 6 unspoilt 7 ruined 8 secluded gentle spacious old-world carefree soaring striking medieval safe undulating well-

appointed charming welcoming majestic panoramic bustling uncrowded

Writing This text about a holiday complex is informative but not very descriptive. Decide where the words in the box may be placed in the text to make the holiday complex sound more appealing.

Work with a partner. Add descriptive words to the following passage, but this time choose the words you want to insert. Then compare your text with one written by another pair of students.


This holiday complex is within Teach C!I the hay and the sea. There are four tennis courts available to 8uests and the Sandy Lane Golf Club is just a bus - ride away. Hole Town exudes an atmosphere with its streets and houses. Watch the world go by from the café terraces or sample dishes in the restaurant.

Tangier with its bazaars and architecture provides a taste 0f the Orient. It has sporting facilities, including golf, tennis and sailing. Watersports can be enjoyed along its coasts which have beaches. You can try your luck in the casino or window-shop down the boulevards of the quarter. The Mendoubia Gardens, a palace and antiquities are just some of the attractions that Tangier has to offer.

Easy Floodlit whitewashed secluded, rocky cobbled free-of-charge

easy-going many welcoming ideally situated short mouth-watering

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PREPOSITIONS OF TIME AND PLACE Time Use on with the names of days or dates. on Thursday on Monday morning on New Year's Day on the weekend on Sundays on a weekday Use in with periods of time (but not with names of days). in 1998 in July in [the] spring in the morning in the 20th century in the 1950s Use at with specific moments in time. at 9:00 at ten thirty-five at 6 o'clock at sunrise at noon at midnight Place Use on with the names of streets and specific physical locations. on Main Street on Smith Avenue on the corner on the street on the right on the left Use in with the names of cities, countries, continents, and other large locations. in the neighborhood in the center of town in Caracas in Thailand in Africa in the ocean Use at for buildings and addresses. at the theater at the supermarket at the bank at the train station at 10 Main Street at 365 Smith Avenue COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE OR QUESTION WITH ON, IN, OR AT. 1. When's the movie? The movie is.....on........Friday ....at........8:30.

2. ............the weekend, I'm going to the concert ........... the public library.

3. Where is he? He's not here right now. He's …….. work.

4. Where's his office? It's ............the center of town.

5. When was her mother born? She was born.............. January 1.

6. When does the movie take place? It takes place........ the 19th century ......... Africa.

7. There is a ticket booth............the center of town.

8. Is the concert hall ...........Grove Street?

9. I think the theater is................ _ the right side of the street.

10.Let's go to the early show. The concert is outside, and the weather gets really hot...........

the afternoon.

10. This concert occurs every second year.................November.

11. I'll see you.............Thursday morning in front of the theater, OK?

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questions:_______________________ ________________________________ answers: _______________________ _______________________________

questions:_______________________ ________________________________ answers: _______________________ _______________________________

The simple present tense: usage Use the simple present tense to talk about facts and habitual actions in the present.

facts habitual actions Hank speaks French very well. I go to bed at 10:00 p.m. every night. I work at 43 Fork Road. She eats lunch at Sati's Cafe on Fridays.

The simple present tense: form Add -s to the base form of the verb for third-person singular (he, she, it).

I like Japanese food. He likes Mexican food. You study Korean. She studies English. They open at 7:00. It opens at 8:00. We work at a restaurant

Use don 't (do not) and doesn't (does not) and the base form of the verb to make negative statements. I don't go to bed before 10:00 p.m. Hank doesn't speak Spanish very well. The simple present tense: yes I no questions Use do or does and the base form to make yes I no questions in the simple present tense. Do you speak Portuguese? Does she live near you? (NOT Does she lives near you? )

Write negative sentences.

1.Hank likes jazz. (His brother)

2.Vic lives in Lima. (His sisters) _________________________

3.Kate works in a hospital. (Her sister) ___________________

4.My sister has a big family. (My brother) _________________

5.My older brother speaks Japanese. (My younger brother) ___

6.Han's niece takes a bus to school. (His nephew) __________

Figura 10 – Tickets Fonte: SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006

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PRACTICE. WRITE YES I NO QUESTIONS. 1. Does your brother drink coffee? No, he doesn't. My brother drinks tea. 2._____________________________sister? Yes, I do. I really look like my sister. 3._____________________________children? No, we don't have any yet. 4._____________________________in Chile? No, my in-laws live in Argentina. 5._____________________________English? Yes, she does. My niece speaks it very well. THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: FORM OF INFORMATION QUESTIONS Use do or does and the base form of the verb to ask information questions. Where do your in-Iaws Iive? What does your sister do? When do you visit your parents? What time does she go? Don't use do or does with Who. Always use the third-person singular to ask information questions with Who in the simple present tense. Who lives here? My parents do. Use How many with plural nouns. How many children do you have? How many books does she have? How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many languages does he speak? COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS.

1................your father ?............... He's a doctor.

2. ................. your grandparents ................? They live in Seoul.

3. .................children.................? I have two boys and three girls.

4......................your in-Iaws? We visit them on Sundays.

5...................... your brother..........? He lives across the street from me.

6......................speaks French? My uncle does.

7......................you..............? I study early in the morning at around 7:00.

8......................has four children? My cousins do.

9......................your son...................breakfast? He eats breakfast at 8:00.

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS: SPELLING RULES To form a present participle, add -ing to the base form of the verb.

talk talking If the base form ends in a silent (unvoiced) -e, drop the -e and add -ing.

leave leaving

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C V C s i t sitting

BUT: If the verb ends in -w, -x, or =y, don't double the final consonant. blow blowing fix fixing say saying

In verbs of more than one syllable that end in a consonant-vowel-consonant sequence, double the last consonant only if the spoken stress is on the last syllable .

permit permitting BUT order ordering

Vowels = a, e, i, o, u Consonants = b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, I, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z

Write the present participle for the following base forms. 1. turn _______ 7. stop ______ 13. sew ________ 19. change _________ 2. rain _______ 8. exit ______ 14. listen _______ 20. be _________ 3. run ________ 9. sit _____ 15. do _______ 21. have _________ 4. help _______ 10. eat ______ 16. write _______ 22. put _________ 5. open ________ 11. buy ______ 17. begin _______ 23. go _________ 6. close ________ 12. mix ______ 18. use ______

The present continuous: statements

Form the present continuous with a form of be and the present participle. affirmative statements negative statements I'm studying English. I'm not studying French. You're studying French. You're not studying English. He's reading a book. He's not reading a newspaper. She's reading a newspaper. She's not reading a book. We're watching TV. We're not watching a video. They're watching a video. They're not watching TV. Change each affirmative statement to a negative statement. Use contractions. 1. She's going to the supermarket. ________________________________________ 2. He's calling his wife this afternoon. ______________________________________ 3. I’m buying tickets for a rock concert tonight. _______________________________ 4. The Roberts are feeding their kids early. _________________________________

5. Jack is taking the bus to the movies. ____________________________________ Write answers to the questions. 1. Are you studying English this year? _____________________________________ 2. When are you taking a vacation? _______________________________________

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DE BIAGGI, Enaura; STAVALE, Emeri. Enjoy your Stay: inglês básico para hotelaria e turismo. São Paulo: Disal, 2004.

HANDCRAFTS. Disponível em: <http:// www. brazil4you.com/pontur>. Acesso em: 01 fev. 2008.

JACOB, Miriam; STRUTT, Jacob. English for International Tourism. England: Longman, 1997.

LAROUSSE. Inglês + Fácil para Falar. São Paulo: Larousse, 2003.

O’HARA. Francis. Be my Guest: English for the Hotel Industry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

OXENDEN, Clive; SELIGSON; Paul. English File 1. Oxford: OUP, 1996.

RICHARDS, Jack C. Interchange: Intro. 3rd ed. New York: Cambridge, 2005.

SASLOW, Joan; ASCHER, Allen. Top Notch 1. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006.

SENAC. Idiomas para Turismo e Hotelaria: inglês. Rio de Janeiro: SENAC, 2003.

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