Artigos de Site Interessante (2014)

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Transcript of Artigos de Site Interessante (2014)

  • 8/10/2019 Artigos de Site Interessante (2014)


    1- The Time FactorHow to Win Using Time Effectively

    Patients is a Virtue in Chess to be Sought After

    When you see a good move, sit on your hands and see if you can find a better one. -

    Siegbert Tarrasch

    Even when a move seems forced, it is worth taking a few moments to see if there might be a

    better alternative.

    If a move is absolutely forced, don't waste time calculating it. Make the move and calculate

    the ramifications on your opponent's time.

    Given the choice of two moves, if you calculate that the first move is clearly losing, and the

    other is vague and complex, the second move should be played without prolonged

    calculation. You can calculate the consequences on your opponent's time.

    In chess, if you learn to consistently (each move) do the little things: take your time, count

    the material effect of your move, and check for basic tactics, you will soon find that theseare not so little!

    Use your time to think of specifics and to find the best move. Use your opponent's time to

    think in generalities and of future possibilities. Always make sure you use your opponent's

    time productively.

    Play to win in as few moves as necessary. Don't waste time gobbling up your opponent's

    pawns when you're well ahead. Go for the safest and most efficient mate.

    Until you reach at least master level, playing as error-free as possible is MUCH more

    effective and important than playing brilliantly, and will win a lot more games for you. One

    critical error will usually cost you more than a dozen brilliant moves will gain for you.

    Remember, the first step to mastery, is the elimination of errors. Most errors are made by

    snap decisions. Take your time and think before you move.Use time wisely. Think and plan on your opponent's time during the game. Avoid time

    trouble. When in time trouble, try to think and play calmly.

    To win a game of chess, you must first not lose it. Avoid mistakes, such as leaving pieces en

    prise (unguarded) or exposing your king. Before each of your moves, ask yourself, "DOES


    mistakes is the beginning of improvement in chess. Take your time and THINK before you

    move and watch your mistakes shrink.

    The two most common (and often fatal) mistakes in chess are moving too fast and

    overlooking opponent's threats. Literally Sit on your hands until ready to move.

    If your opponent is in time trouble, don't rush your moves. Take some time to find

    surprising moves that force your opponent to think.Play slowly. Haste and carelessness are greater enemies than your opponent. Accuracy, not

    speed, is essential in chess. Be patient. The reward for speed is a legacy of lost games.

    The best practical rule for a winning game: destroy your opponent's counter-chances. It

    may be slower, but it's surer.

    When your opponent is short on time, try to continually present him with problems that

    will require a lot of time to analyze.

    The closer to the time trouble your opponent is, the more tactical your game should be.

    This way you will pose the most unpleasant problems for your opponent. He or she is much

    more prone to miscalculate in such a situation.
  • 8/10/2019 Artigos de Site Interessante (2014)


    2 - classic Games

    These classic games are meaningful and significant, because each game teaches us about

    important basic principles in chess fundamentals that we should try and understand and

    apply to our games to help us improve our chess skills.

    1. Larsen vs. SpasskyThe importance of pawn play. Larsen vs. Spassky

    2. Karpov vs. Gik

    Karpov shows us how to play against the difficult Sicilian Dragon Var.

    Karpov vs. Gik

    3. Rukavina vs. Tal

    Tal shows us how to use positional combinational play. Rukavina vs. Tal.

    4. Smyslov vs. Rudakovsky

    In this game you will see how to take advantage of a weak square that can help to win thegame. Smyslov vs. Rudakovsky

    5. Lasker vs. Hermann

    This game shows us how a powerful double bishop sacrifice to annihilate the king's defense

    can be devasttating. Lasker vs. Hermann

    6. Pillsbury - Lasker

    In this inportant classic game, if Pillsbury had won, that would have changed his entire life

    and the course of chess history. Pillsbury vs. Lasker

    7. Karpov-Kasparov

    In this game, Kasparov shows us how to win even against a great GM like Karpov by using

    basic chess fundamentals. All of these basics that he used to win this game are discussed in

    detail in our chess club. These days Kasparov is so strong that only a few chess players like

    Karpov can challenge him.

    Karpov vs. Kasparov World Championship 32th-KK2 Moscow (16), 15.10.1985