_avaliação 6 série 2011

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Transcript of _avaliação 6 série 2011

  • 7/31/2019 _avaliao 6 srie 2011


    ALUNO(A) ......................................................................................................... TURMA .................... N. .....................PROFESSOR: (A) LUCIANA DATA ............./ ............./ 2011 SRIE:.........................


    Esta avaliao consta de 15 questes. Confira!

    Valor 5,0 pontos, sendo ; 1,0 ponto para a questo 06 e as demais 0,5 dcimos;

    Evite rasuras e o uso de corretivo. As questes rasuradas e lpis sero anuladas;

    No permitido o emprstimo de material; Assinale com um ponto as questes de mltipla escolha de caneta azul ou preta;

    Voc estudou, logo responda pacientemente toda a avaliao. Boa Sorte!Mensagem: "A alegria est na luta, na tentativa, no sofrimento envolvido. No na vitria propriamente dita."Autor: ( Mahatma Gandhi )


    Frank likes to fish. He wants to fish every day. He

    likes to go to the pond and fish.

    He likes to go with his brother. They have fun when

    they go fishing. They buy worms at the store.

    They like to see the fish jump. They like to catch fish.

    Frank likes to fish with his brother.

    ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. (Justifique sua resposta usando o pargrafo e a linha do texto onde a resposta estcontida.)

    1. What does Frank like to do?

    a. write justificativa:_______________________________________

    b. read _________________________________________________

    c. fishd. eat

    e. play

    2. Where do they fish? justificativa:________________________________________a. at the pond __________________________________________________

    b. in the house

    c. at the stored. at school

    e. at the sea

    3. Where do they buy worms? justificativa:_________________________________________

    a. at the pond ___________________________________________________

    b. at the store

    c. at schoold. at the game

    e. at the shopping



    the pond da lagoa store loja worms vermes

    with his com o seu jump salto to fish a pescarhave fun se divertir to catch para a capturar every day todos os dias


  • 7/31/2019 _avaliao 6 srie 2011


    WANT TO = wonna

    ANY MORE: nunca mais

    CHILD: filho

    TO BE: se tornar/ ser

    04) I dont wanna

    play...; I dont wonnabe..., I dont want you..., Look(observe) the sentences and mark(marque) the incorrect alternative. (Justifique

    sua resposta com base no emprego dos verbos auxiliares no simple present.)

    a) Os verbos auxiliares no possuem significado.b) Os verbos auxiliares s so usados na forma negativa e interrogativa.

    c) O verbo do usado para a 3 pessoa do singular e does para as demais.

    d) Ao usarmos os verbos auxiliares o verbo volta ao normal.e) Dont e doesnt so as contraes do auxiliar com a partcula de negao not


    05) Why Jimm five dont want (quis) to play house with Monica?


    Os verbos no simple present so empregados para indicar uma ao habitual, que ocorre no momento em

    que enunciada.

    06) Complete the sentences using (usando) the correct form the verbs inbrackets (parnteses).

    a) The children __________ (love) the flowers in our garden.

    b) We __________ (arrive) at school at 8.30.

    c) A pianist __________ (play) the piano.

    d) Mary __________ (speak) English very well.

    e) I __________ (take) a shower every morning.

    f) Mr. Smith __________ (go) to work by bus.

    g) A doctor__________ (treat) patients.

    h) My cat __________ (like) fish.

    07) Put (ponha) the phrases (frases) ( a/b/c/d) of 5 question (questo) in the negative form and the phrase

    (e/f/g/h) in the interrogative form.

    a) ___________________________________________________________________________

    b) ___________________________________________________________________________

    c) ___________________________________________________________________________d) ___________________________________________________________________________

    e) ___________________________________________________________________________

    f) ___________________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 _avaliao 6 srie 2011


    g) ___________________________________________________________________________

    h) ___________________________________________________________________________

    08) Circle the appropriate tense (tempo) for the context of each (cada) sentence below (aseguir): (Justifique sua resposta, explicando o uso de cada tempo verbal.)

    a) What areyou doing / do youdo

    for a living? Im a teacher.b) I like / am likingmy work but my wife need / is needing help with the children.

    c) We usually work / are workingtogether, but at the moment she earns / is earninga higher salary.

    d) I usually take / am taking the 9.00 train.

    e) She ispainting / paints her bedroom now.Earn=( ganhar)/higher=alto


    As wh- questions so usadas quando queremos saber coisas especficas sobre a pessoa

    09) Complete with the interrogative pronouns below: who, what, how mach / many, where, why or when.

    ___________ are you?

    ___________ are you from?

    ___________ does she live?

    ___________ is your birthday?

    ___________ is your favorite actor?

    ___________ are your hobbies?

    ___________ does it cost(custa)?

    ________ pupils are in the class?

    think= pensar/achartied knots= deu nos

    ears= orelhas

    10) How was Monicas notices (notou), that was (que foi) Jimmy tied knots in your habbits ears?__________________________________________________________________________________________


    11) What, Who, are interrogatives. In the text, we can (podemos) affirm that: (justifique sua resposta

    explicando o uso das w hem questo)

    a) WHAT na charge tem o significado de qual.b) WHO est se referindo a cebolinha.

    c) WHO est se referindo a Casco.d) WHAT est se referindo ao coelhoe) Who est se referindo ao Coelho.

    12) What do you think (acha)? Are these prices expensive, reasonable, or cheap?

    ___________ $60.00 for a pair of jeans. ___________ $100.00 for a tie.___________ $1.00 for a cup of coffee. ___________ $8.00 for a shirt.___________ $20.00 for a glass of wine. ___________ $7.00 for a movie ticket.

    13) Write the date into the gaps (lacunas) the way(do jeito) it is written(escritas) in English.




  • 7/31/2019 _avaliao 6 srie 2011


    a) 11- November=b) 04- April=

    c) 07- August=

    d) 21- April=

    e) 15 September=

    14) Make three sentences using wh- questions.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________