Cultura digital aula 12 - mobilização


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Aula do curso Cultura Digital - Comunicação UCAM

Transcript of Cultura digital aula 12 - mobilização

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Data: 13/05/2013

Cultura Digital

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O novo cenário sociocultural Redefinição do senso de pertencimento e identidade,

organizado cada vez menos por lealdades locais ou nacionais e mais pela participação em comunidades transnacionais ou desterritorializadas de consumidores (os jovens que acompanham os programas da CNN, MTVeoutras redes transmitidas por satélite)

Passagem do cidadão como representante de uma opinião pública ao cidadão interessado em desfrutar de uma certa qualidade de vida. Uma das manifestações desta mudança é que as formas argumentativas e críticas de participação dão lugar à fruição de espetáculos nos meios eletrônicos, em que a narração ou simples acumulação de anedotas prevalece sobre a reflexão em torno dos problemas, e a exibição fugaz dos acontecimentos sobre sua abordagem estrutural e prolongada.

Néstor García Canclini, “Consumidores e Cidadãos” (1995)

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“Flash mobs são agrupamentos de

pessoas, em algum espaço físico,

com duração de dez minutos ou

menos. Elas se reúnem

instantaneamente, através de SMS

ou e-mail, e em seguida se

dispersam sem deixar rastros.”

Bill Wasik , então editor da Harper’s

Magazine: o criador dos flash mobs

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Verão de 2003: o Mob Project usou correntes de e-mail

para reunir “multidões inexplicáveis” de pessoas em


O fenômeno obteve ampla cobertura da imprensa

mundial e influenciou diversas iniciativas semelhantes.

Seu criador avalia o projeto no contexto das narrativas

midiáticas e da psicologia do tédio e da distração.

O “Mob Project”

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8 flash mobs

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Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 21:19:32 -0700 (PDT)

From: The Mob Project <[email protected]>

Subject: MOB #2

To: [email protected]

You are invited to take part in MOB, the project that creates an inexplicable mob of people in New York City for ten minutes or

less. Please forward this to other people you know who might like to join.At the very least, please forward this to all those to

whom you sent the invitation for MOB #1, because someone seems to have gotten the wrong impression about the MOB. I am thinking,

in particular, of whoever saw it necessary to tell the store and/or the police department about MOB #1, causing SIX POLICE

OFFICERS AND A PADDYWAGON to be sent out to disrupt it. Let us call this person "Squealy.“

SQUEALY FAQ (all others may skip to INSTRUCTIONS – MOB #2)

Q: I am uncomfortable with innocent fun.

A. It seems apparent.

Q. Couldn't the MOB have gotten out of hand?

A. No. I assure you: the MOB will always be respectful, no matter how large it gets, or what it might chant, etc.

Q. Despite this honest assurance, my stifling fear of the unknown dictates that I squeal again.

A. Unfortunately, I have been forced to take this possibility into account in the instructions for MOB #2.


Location: ???????

Start time: Tuesday, June 17th, 7:27 pm

Duration: 10 minutes

(1) At some point during the day on June 17th, synchronize your watch to

(If that site doesn’t work for you, try

(2) By 7 PM, based on the month of your birth, please situate yourselves in the bars below. Buy a drink and act casual. NOTE: if

you are attending the MOB with friends, you may all meet in the same bar, so long as at least one of you has the correct birth

month for that bar.

January, February, March: Blarney Rock, 137 W. 33rd St. (between 6th and 7th Aves.) Meet to the left of the jukebox.

April, May, June: Holiday Inn, 49 W. 32nd St. (just east of Broadway). Walk into the hotel lobby and make a left into the hotel

bar; meet around the bar to the right, near the framed prints of the elephant and the leopard.

July, August, September: Blarney Stone (not to be confused with Blarney Rock), 106 W. 32nd St. (between 6th and 7th Aves.). Meet

in the back by the


October, November, December: Jack Demsey's, 36 W. 33rd St. (between Broadway and 5th Ave.) Meet downstairs, near the bar behind

the pool table.

(3) Then or soon thereafter, a MOB representative will appear in the bar, wearing one of the "trucker hats“ that is so stylish

these days. He or she will pass around slips of paper, on which three important pieces of information will be printed: (a) the

MOB site, (b) a particular item at the site, and (c) a secret phrase. Commit all three to memory and put the slip in your pocket.


(4) Leave the bar and walk to the MOB site as quickly as possible. It will take you longer to get there than you think. If you

arrive near the final MOB destination before 7:27, stall nearby. NO ONE SHOULD ARRIVE AT THE FINAL MOB DESTINATION UNTIL 7:26.

(5) Find the item and stand around it. Unlike in MOB #1, where the participants were not to acknowledge one another, here you

should greet even those you do not know. Talk among yourselves about the item and its relative merits and demerits. Only if you

are blocked from seeing the item should you stray to examine other merchandise at the site.

(6) If you are approached by a salesperson, explain that everyone present lives together, in a huge converted warehouse in Long

Island City, and that you are there looking for a "[secret phrase]." Explain that you make all purchases as a group.

(7) At 7:37 you should disperse. Thank the salespeople for their help, but explain that the item has been "voted down." NO ONE


(8) Return to what you would otherwise have been doing. Await instructions for MOB #3.

* * * *

SPECIAL NOTE: A few people may be allowed to learn the three secret facts in advance. Those interested should write an essay of

precisely 50 words on the subject of "Why I Am Not a Squealer," and send it to [email protected].

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Reunidos em torno de

um tapete de U$


Indo embora,

exatamente às 19h37

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Performance artística, experimento

social, “next big thing”“Vamos nos reunir... E fazer absolutamente nada.”


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Leituras complementares

project (em inglês)

flash-mobs.htm#page=0 (em inglês)


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Preparação para P2Valor: 3 pontos

Prazo: 27/05

Levantamento de material sobre um dos seguintes


• Primavera Árabe

• Grupo Anonymous

• Movimento Occupy Wall Street

• Distúrbios de Londres (London Riots)

• Julian Assange: 1º preso político da era digital