Exercícios - Semana 05

Engenharia - UNIVESP Disciplina Inglês Bimestre 2 - Aula 05 ATIVIDADE DE PORTFÓLIO AULA 5 – Compreensão Escrita: Vocabulário e Uso do Dicionário Quer praticar um pouco mais? Então, faça as atividades 1 e 2, a seguir. Atenção! Você deve incorporar estas atividades ao PORTFÓLIO da disciplina de Inglês. ATIVIDADE 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BIOGRAPHY ALBERT EINSTEIN was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879. As a child , Einstein revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of science (started only at age 10/11). A typical child (only to his socio-economic class — educated middle class), Einstein took music lessons, playing both the violin and piano — a passion that followed him into adulthood. Moving first to Italy and then to Switzerland, the young prodigy graduated from high-school in 1896. In 1905, while working as a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, Einstein had what came to be known as his “Annus Mirabilis” — or “miracle year”. It was during this time that the young physicist obtained his Doctorate degree and published four of his most influential research papers , including the Special Theory of Relativity. In that, the now world famous equation "e = mc2" unlocked mysteries of the Universe theretofore



Transcript of Exercícios - Semana 05

Page 1: Exercícios - Semana 05

Engenharia - UNIVESPDisciplina Inglês

Bimestre 2 - Aula 05


AULA 5 – Compreensão Escrita: Vocabulário e Uso do Dicionário

Quer praticar um pouco mais? Então, faça as atividades 1 e 2, a seguir.


Você deve incorporar estas atividades ao PORTFÓLIO da disciplina de Inglês.




BIOGRAPHYALBERT EINSTEIN was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879. As a child, Einstein revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of science (started only at age 10/11). A typical child (only to his socio-economic class — educated middle class), Einstein took music lessons, playing both the violin and piano — a passion that followed him into adulthood. Moving first to Italy and then to Switzerland, the young prodigy graduated from high-school in 1896.

In 1905, while working as a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, Einstein had what came to be known as his “Annus Mirabilis” — or “miracle year”. It was during this time that the young physicist obtained his Doctorate degree and published four of his most influential research papers, including the Special Theory of Relativity. In that, the now world famous equation "e = mc2" unlocked mysteries of the Universe theretofore unknown.

Ten years later, in 1915, Einstein completed his General Theory of Relativity and in 1921 he was awarded

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the Nobel Prize in Physics (iconic status cemented in 1919 when Arthur Eddington’s expedition confirmed Albert Einstein’s prediction). It also launched him to international superstardom and his name became a household word synonymous with genius all over the world.

Einstein emigrated to the United States in the autumn of 1933 and took up residence in Princeton, New Jersey and a professorship at the prestigious Institute for Advanced Study.

Today, the practical applications of Einstein’s theories include the development of the television, remote control devices, automatic door openers, lasers, and DVD-players. Recognized as TIME magazine’s “Person of the Century”, in 1999, Einstein’s intellect, coupled his strong passion for social justice and dedication to pacifism, left the world with infinite knowledge and pioneering moral leadership.

Fonte: Albert Einstein. GreenLight LLC. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Disponível em: <http://einstein.biz/biography.php>.

Se você quiser ver o texto no original, ele está disponível em: http://einstein.biz/biography.php

No texto acima, que apresenta a biografia de Albert Einstein, há dez palavras sublinhadas e em negrito. Elas também estão listadas na segunda coluna do quadro abaixo (“Palavra do texto”). Na terceira coluna (“Sinônimo”), você deve escolher apenas uma alternativa. Caso necessário, use um dicionário.

Text – BiographyLinha Palavra do texto Sinônimo

1 child (a) kid(b) childish(c) teenager(d) adult

2 extraordinary (a) crazy(b) exceptional(c) funny(d) average

9 obtained (a) failed(b) divided(c) earned(d) missed

10 research papers (a) research articles(b) theoretical papers(c) reviews(d) essas

11 unknown (a) common(b) identified(c) famous(d) undiscovered

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Text – BiographyLinha Palavra do texto Sinônimo

12 completed (a) concluded(b) started(c) begun(d) interrupted

13 awarded (a) granted(b) refused(c) ignored(d) disagreed

18 prestigious (a) common(b) insignificant(c) illustrious(d) ordinary

19 applications (a) utilizations(b) misuses(c) misunderstandings(d) reasonings

22 dedication (a) apathy(b) devotion(c) arrogance(d) disloyalty


Nesta atividade, vamos utilizar as mesmas palavras da atividade anterior. Entretanto, desta vez, você deve identificar a categoria gramatical das palavras. Procure observar essas palavras no texto antes de indicar a categoria gramatical de cada uma delas. Escolha apenas uma alternativa para cada palavra. Caso necessário, use um dicionário.

Text – BiographyLinha Palavra do texto Categoria Gramatical

1 child (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

2 extraordinary (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

9 obtained (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective)

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Text – BiographyLinha Palavra do texto Categoria Gramatical

(d) advérbio (adverb) 10 research papers (a) substantivo (noun)

(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

11 unknown (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

12 completed (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

13 awarded (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

18 prestigious (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

19 applications (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)

22 dedication (a) substantivo (noun)(b) verbo (verb)(c) adjetivo (adjective) (d) advérbio (adverb)


Albert Einstein. GreenLight LLC. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Disponível em: <http://einstein.biz/biography.php>.