f:':f -- *'·o;;tSt;tt '· -- -''' · -·...

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' . the of the Salvation Anny, ·and days , 3. · . t 9 RiYe: to heJ; .bijb . point win.. , GQLF CLUB · over ln tbe eastern of the· in giving:'Collccrts and . · . i ', .f. ' -"· 'l --· -r ' \ ' ' . ' l . nen: . Futhet JnttQllJieetnents with tbis later. · F. H; JoaNSON. M. B. PADEN soliciting funds for. this ,great.' benevolent organi,zation. 4._ u ••• il.:·.:n u. · .... B·, J .. .... ... .... .. .. .. ., .t. ·J: ...• e·. •. : ..• .. t j'cta. r , . · __ ,,_ · SEc. upon his retur.n from his· vis1t to. the eastern. n"' -- I,UII 9' u . u.1o. .. u s:· &&· ,L. "' .. Enttante Fee'-Sz;so · ; . the Baton 'nt.ade n graphic report ofthe . ·comllti<nl· ·i• thlt tht sirl1Jlust bavo in the .. · •· , . splendid· and . · . crowd!! that greeted him and . was to11mament or the tra¢k e•entslast · year .. ·llnd . SATURDAY AUG.l 7 0 highly pleased with, the substantialte$tdta ofbis. visit· to· truit .abe must be a High SchQQl gixl. When the in . and practice on the . S urse. •.. The Ca.mpaign ll:riefly summarlied as followa: · tbariC" of schooftY@ts of Carrizot:o, Light refreshments at the Fort Stanton was pll\ce wbe%'e· the Baron . . BO'Qeh.X otCoro!i!. anCI'l\oogler of Capltan_Jneets. to ar.. SUNDAY AUG. 18 · gnve_a concert. A large'crowd assembled and a most enthus- of school event' the llatftH of can· · Registration closes at 8:30 ·a. m. iastic was held, and the ol4 Fort' came ·thtough hand· · dldates ftt QueeJt of the Pair. pJ.ce41n a. bat and . 8:00 Qualifying R0.1.md of 18 holes. · somely_ in support of the cause. Mrs. Faget at tho one dt.wn .nd tbe 'Wi.Qer .. unomteed at that . Lwcb' and refreshments s.erved at the Clubhouse. piano. · . 5. · RfibSchOQl bo,P45 to be able to have a bamtroady Flights commence immediately after the . ,. ' · TQen Liricoln, the ·historic old town of the cbunfy; '"was fQt tht: Fair. . . . are turned in. . visited, Jim" landing tbere Sunday. A union meet- 6. '1).c Fair 'trill·haveall the of last event . Each competitor will be presented with a tjcket ing was held, with the Sunday School and Other organizations, 'frith a<laiti<tns ud improtementl. . to tlte. Crystal Theatre for tlte evening perform- a.nd community singing, with Mrs .. :Penfield at the piano, waa · . · ·COnun.ittet•, ,. ance, 8 : 00 p. m. . . . · a 1 .btatk 1 at sdom 1 e and ;_;:::·:, .::=:,;;r:::, -!JEf·: .=::. :.:.:::::.::::.:.: .. ::.. MONDAYAOG.l 9 a tscose e.rcsponses vcrcmos 1 era an peasmg. . Tbc supr BOWl Tournam•nt 'Dan co . Heading back this way, Capitan was the ·next place reach· ...... ,. . _ . · 8:p<l •· m. Round Flights, Followed by Semi ed, and there Monday night the Baron 'of the. most Tl.tt C:IU:lplt .of sue at As will aot:ecl . by tbC' pr9- . . Finals of Flights. successful concerts of his many. visits to Lincoln c:ounty. The i11 (!oaaplclllout indleatlo:a of. th• cram pubUabed this' week, the Lunch and light ·refNshments served iri Club- · crowd, which was of good proportions, was enthusiastic and tactktta••estof.tbe effort to repay l0¢at rolf Club la givl,nK a bir house for members, their families and friends. gencrOUf:l, 'and the support given was open-handed and sub- tber· 4•11c:e at Community Hall THE.·. FINALS (P. 111 .) t · t• 1 ''' Pfi t ·. th d t • h th Ba d · "" K ••U.I r I .. 12 e . oa&..- 0 . .. - . . 1U s an 111 udSS ngs en sang . e . ue s Wit e ron an . 401ll1tibrdioaa to laat Jean. ..Re· •• ,. •• a fitttur close to t b e Aft•r which the executive meeting of the Southern New Mis$ Edith Rockwall was accompanist. pJSblic:aa ca•Pafrtt t•ui4e. 'l'bc Southern Me•ieQ Golf' Pr,. Mmeo.Golf Assoclatton will be held in. the Clubhouse. . While nt Capi.tnn, the Baron was the guest of the Heron «ltery tht aatlot!, .re· rraJ:D Sunctay aucl Monda,. 'the " DANCE .. family, and while there pulled one of his famous spaghetti c•rdlu• of p•rlY• at piau of the Tbe Ruhl()J() Orcbtstr• will fura• dinners, so well known in Cqrrizoso, at which nd Mn· RltrltJ bill to take a a itJb tbe mu,ic. and there will be 4n informal danet wnt be given by the· Carrizozo Golf George A. Titsworth were guests. . · $100,000,000 oiu the people'• au· . . · . . . · . Club at the Community Hall at 8:30 p .. m. during s.vbicb gar bowta •ebeater:st U•at plethor.. ?r •1acopa\loa the trOPhies will be . . Corona was tha Baron's next objective, .and he left for it $tnatn Smoot, thl\ C!rii· _late4 to •at•at1 tbe mOJt raataatac that point T.uesday evening. A canvass of that town and sur- of e.-peaaiYe sugar, azul fltlcifut. Tbe pric.,, pro• APPRECIATION rou,nding country, and a concert will also be given there, after a.;ly ·rro• those and. bllblt the ereroffcted Tbe heart}' thanks of the Golf Cfuh are ex- which we'll have .,Sunny Jim" to ourselves for a'YhUe, begin· isacluctd to 1 ,c:amouftal(e tbe b.J tbe • • • .o e. 1 a t i q .,, will be · ·' to tbe business und professionarnicn of Cariizozo ning with this morning, and of which additional l.nllounce- l®t b! •hdlbJ •1•J.tJt. , tbl ,.-wt•iag. for their toward so tnany splendid tnents will be made later. :·:f:':f -- ... *'·o;;tSt;tt "'· -- -"''' · - ·- L:.b.r A;. .;;;;;; t17•1:1lore tottU0111 prolete. J'or• aadmeiaorab11H>Dtt iU1d tO t.hil - \ - - - . . mer 'ratUf Commtasiouer Lewie, atttd -.•lftleudt of tbe Chab are in• 'rbe Carri•oio schools will 1 CAPJ'l'AN, f\huuco Day will pro-w ado un· ,.Tba or Rzuu.bow !or ia au e1aborate an111la or t'&e 1 1 .,ited to help make tbe ghs Moud•1• September :Zod. Auousor 12, 1929 uaual op'porluuit.ico (or botiday Garin met 1n regular acutou .E:d• .,, . ) )- ' '. · .. 9 ., . .. t # \ ,- -- . :""' . . .l . - . . .. tmo0t teheme. tb.owa tbt tke the brilliauUeature of meet. A.ll teac:lferl will bcin.tbeir at• Tile people or Capit:m were travel io a largo porl of tbe Wc!'lt Auguat 9 at tbe Maaonlc elicU•g scale achoeate• by tke aicned rooms ready saddened to learn of the Math of tbig year an a result of a nt,<.:>dal Temple. initiatloa Utalt apokttm .. for tka ket ••·I poKnc1 1 with ngar 4.45 cents to rtceiwe lbeit pupils and pro• A. G, Mar1flcld, which occurred offering of reduced fnren, nccortl· wus put 00 tbc garla dnerve car nteu. demotatrated that stot! and tlo dPlJ at all when the price ptriJ them. S:&turday August 2 , log to an announcement by the consutcrable in tbe .oatr.woul4 it tnc:rca-. reachet 6 caata 1 011 refined aurar. Pupilstb(ndd bring their Ia at Mary field wail 65 years of priocipnl tranntJDrlatton com· work Min Helen Me• ••gar $100,000,000 nt add&• I would be onJ.t logical plad of 1e.ar cards and aJte aull baa been a resident of paniea. . ttccompa.oiect by M.rs. it placed tb.t price to the 1 the sort btlled on the 1 ti1Jereatial t&tm to the teacberlJ. flna wtll )ffw Mexico tbe past 20 years nouodtrip e:rcurniou"• efT<'rtive gang tbe aougs wbtcb corttllmer at tbe figure,' between .4nd tteatlraid id clauifJiag t h e Much sympathy uteuded over many routell in a great ex• addctl greatly. to tbc ceremouid. catdag it, imf()ialblt that he 1 prodl&ction all •bo**' b1 tbe'I"a.rttf pkpila. Mo bookl I b o u I d be the fatPily. pansae of territory, will bl.' sold 1 After tbe busttc&!l coucludtcl "'I'PU1c1 to take a4nntage u Commiuion*s reeuch f>9ugbt MD til tbe etanea are ot•l The deceased leaves a devoted by the Soutbctn Pacific .santa. th€' ausembly aud vaaildra were "-of the Jll:actuattCHaa tbat Sllloot '"till• th• claiiecJ •. Tbt teacher• will tell wife, two lllJUI and tour daughters Well tern Pacific, Sar;nmcnto I tile gucsl!l of Mill9 Brickley. All 1 tb ..... , Tb•to · •· t .. .. "' tb. .n· ·r• b t t b '7" H · Mn!!On!l and Stars ate cordiallr ow.er e ...... "' n ltaaie price, 120 lliatter bow e t"upt w. a uy. . \lgnley, llnlc Center, Northern, Ttdcwatcr Southern, . tb.•t a. •JiduiJ' scale high augar went, there wotdd t.{C)!dat will be taken up an or· Texas; Job a Marytleld, Loa Au· Ceotra1 Ctdi(ornia Traction Cow•ltnvltl.'d to uttend ..rtth a tardf rate of 155 cents a. ttill be a d11ty on it. caalsang aud plaun)nJ the worlt. eetes, Califorbla; Cynthia eutr. pany, Amador Central. Nt>vnda, Tile !'e.xt regular meeting win be . . . · The regular tchool work wall be• UoiJywocd. New Mexico• Della Narrow Nevada· 1 held August.23. . cln Tuesday motninr. Sublett .. " ,. ' California Otc'!on [{aslwav. Ton· " .. · CrvataJ Thea& ...... · . , . . 42', ..:.dna Burch, opab & Gotclfie!d Ratlroad and . •J- .u::;:& A teaeb_era meeting owtll b4l! 'tinuu!. New Mexico; Mosa Mary· the pfoneer Auto Stage Line. MeXICO El Paso, Teua, aud . . . _ - · · N:on4•:t. &ftertloou At 2:30.. field. CapiUHj New Mexico. . . Tbe ticltets win be nutborixcd noutb of I ortland, Orcgou. Sales J. o. BURJ{E'IT. MNG*.R. . 'l'be fteUit1 fot tbe year ;. n Dearen tatb !'t th & . I r betwel'ri tJOitttg Wl'llt of tlt1d in·" llatl''l wdl be August 30 and 31 Friday. TUll McCoy in ;'Overland Telegraph'' I.A!l P#tba N•w .. . . . . . .. · •... Left us us, el_ulh'nrt and 2. witb re•. .. L. .-.:t ... ., .... .s s.._ .. _ 111 ..: ... Rin T. m!'- • . "T'-- tw:u:.._ litg& $ehooi• .-J. c. lhtkctt; Ant u·· " . -·· dd CttY.t Utab, AJbuqut:>rque, r-.t>w i turn hmtl of September 4t 1929. >Jili.WU&J lou uquAJ · . m m ·&IC .II'.Ul1tUU S' . . ,j l C ...· · . u li. "/ Uo par lOg WaS So SU tU, n ... n.- 1"1:..1t--'' and IT' . · . ·ria]•. . utl au, . (SCat. & ruoorel Un!!xpeetl!d aJtd sev-re · :..- 11 - .::::::::::se;::::::::::.a -" uumu; \.N1UU . ·.A.arzatt 5e . • Vt,ta Jl'rttebJ Mrt. M<:" ·Qh . . . . e ""' :-: :.&.: Sunday m&lit aitd Monday. Reginald . in· ''Red. .Ki1andl J. "M .. tteJm. we thee. rather, .. ·Sp.ed"; altobro reel com,edy ''Movie Nigbt." .. .. . .. . . . . . Clara "r. in btigbt atltl . . . d W:e!Clneiday. lloot Gibsott in ''The Daliger Rider'' su,dut Mar, Jl'd lair. pure au . ucf Clmeo r.otned1• . . .. ,, . . . llrt.J. M. Nelhe Sb:tverf . 1\ti(1 cll.lup thy band ou tlte __ ,.:f Fn··2'•'tf ·be ...... n··. ·Kv ... '• .u·r.,· . •ti'Nd .. ""f. ·. Mrs. a .!!· l;ac:kelJ. . . '<>Olden sbor .. .a.u\U.- 1 .auu- .. J"' .,.;.., ·.u lv u-rt. · .., E .. • " ta. R. A"'· . •. . th , ·. . r. anv.- t ... .... .ll(· .ne ey. Ob m .., .. . . t •. . lltpll'e' J . enee . &.tSO Pa ,. e Ne:ttL . . . . J. M. ltelm, . . (t 1 Wt! nice part 110 more. · · ··· ·· ", ; ... :_:., ... .. ···· · " · Superintendent. ..... Fmd J. ll 1{, .. 1 .... , · i:P-"'¥9' _ ... ·---- .._. p-*' 'tr·e·-'c . ._ii"i I . . S •. M. Ctockett, it wa.· .. tli"t" r::;,· '. N' ·.. l s··· . . rtt.a. Ctotkettsuuumba be .. childt" .. w·-"f'" ........... ... ·s .. rJrSt ... ·fl.ttOnta.' : .• · ttnk .... · . ·· .,;;l A fttter tbe News thit ttiUt one of lfer to 1fttk jUiii:Jdiitintr the- death .,,. .tegain bet b c 1 l t b 1 atld Mr. . $aft!ts Cro.keU, ·tt and uotbet soil rettttin• ,_,.., .. :en:•• Os:t A11gt1Jt t·. 'rht! ,cd here ita til tau tall a'f,. . , ... ' . . I ' aetal. .}llau the Jtb, ua 111• tt!tnnelt atf.trs. AU b'letnber• . . . . ·. · · t :madt! itt Etttgtteu j)f tbe fitniiY 'wete with Ute •if• e.ll:fetery; 'Oa. tbl! eutttb ·of •ttd mother wl:rets the ttul · . · Aaj'eleJ t.lU! ••meJlay. Mra, attd le.lt the bott)ede$oltt.tc. Jbu1 hard •kid friettdll trhb Mrs, C.rockeU . lali.cer, ••d .from girlbOOcl dtepl)' .-eat•t to , ..... •-ucllliltabtra of the Jalllif,t lieu .hu doth nd 4ttplt . . of .rnonrJ'· 'f!l!UI t'bt t1JiJP•UJi10 witfi family •. tree1i: lxet 4Utk Whf . · ..,..:. ,, ••"-.. - ........ · iu4 ·· It un4 to •"rile h1utcl • • 4e•tJt., : .· . · . "' . t&a.t t&:ks.tlte tid.._. u ••1 . •,eot bn Ju ttd!l •d•autec1 ·· Uif•_ Oaf ileu, ht tlil$ (OUntn the /ltau4 U.t•t .tack• .tbe ··rut• ••nlaere: ••• ••• mtrtitd to· nt•tenu ·· · II . ; 1 ' . . ' . ' o, , . ' . When in ·need of · Pure Dtuga or a Prescription · us atriaL ' . Phone eo ,P I • . ' . . ' ' ' I , . . ... ' . ... -- __ .,_ . . u -.- t'-

Transcript of f:':f -- *'·o;;tSt;tt '· -- -''' · -·...

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..... '.' ._!' "' ··~· ~~~ !!'!!!!~~~~!!:!~~ ~~~~···'~~·.~· ·.~· ~.~. ·~·~··*· ~. =~~~=·=· .~~#·~~~~~· ~· ~~~~~~~~~ ., " : lJiteol; cijun~ Fait.··~a Ttack ·Meet .. ·, , P R 0~ G R A .M .. ; . 'Sa,lvati~n Army Cal1lpaign Now ~.on ~. · .

. . ' -- . ~' ' ' : .• , . ~ ' . ' : - - - ' ''. '' " . . . . ' . ~' ;- . - .•· ' . . 1, Wilt be h~ld 0Jt, 1-~ and 1~, l9~9. · · , . . . ·. ,. . . ·~UT~RN NEW ftiE"lCO GOLF. ~SSO.CIATION . . Raro.n. Atidem.ma~ aa Wa$ n9ted in ·1~st w~ek's N. e w s, -- " " ...

' ... • •

\ l

t. · ~k el&nt• for ·Hiih $®,9()1 ~~ ·Gwt.e &:'b®l$, l'na • · . , .· . ·· Au.~. l .. S. and 19 .1929 " ··. . Lincoln <;ounty l~St' wee~ and ~gail. a. ~mpai(pl in . ' &r«~t Ball T.o~Ql.ainPt. . · · .. . . .. ·· · • .. ' . the .l~teJ"est of the Salvation Anny, ·and :~~n.t ~veral days ,

3. · . Cdr~ ptQ~J t9 RiYe: t~~a: to heJ; .bijb . point win.. , CA~RIZO~O GQLF CLUB · over ln tbe eastern p~u:t of the· ~our(ty, in giving:'Collccrts and . · . i ',

.f. '

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• . nen: . Futhet JnttQllJieetnents with ~egatd_ ~o tbis later. · F. H; JoaNSON. M. B. PADEN soliciting funds for. this ,great.' benevolent organi,zation. Tues~

4._ u ~ ••• il.:·.:n u. · .... B·, J .. g~ .... ll.·.··~.sea ... ~_.latha .... 1~:.;.·_ .. tt.~li:.·.r .. ri~~ .. ., .t. ~.-n~.~0in.•• ·J: ...• e·. c~~a--~.~ •. : ..• ~~s11 .. t j'cta. r , . · ~£s: __ ,,_ · SEc. upon his retur.n from his· vis1t to. the eastern. n"' ~" -- I,UII 9' u ~........ . u.1o. .. u s:· &&· ,L. "' • .. • Enttante Fee'-Sz;so · ; . the Baton 'nt.ade n graphic report ofthe

. ·comllti<nl· ·i• thlt tht sirl1Jlust bavo ~~ed in the .. · • · , . splendid· and . · . crowd!! that greeted him and . was bltQ~t.~ to11mament or the tra¢k e•entslast · year .. ·llnd . SATURDAY AUG.l7 0 highly pleased with, the substantialte$tdta ofbis. visit· to· truit

• .abe must be a High SchQQl gixl. When the ~mmitt~ in . Regi~hation and practice on the . S urse. se~t,ion •.. The Ca.mpaign may.·~ ll:riefly summarlied as followa: · tbariC" of schooftY@ts ~risisting of Bur~ettof Carrizot:o, Light refreshments at the Clubho~se. Fort Stanton was t~e.first' me.~tlng pll\ce wbe%'e· the Baron .

. BO'Qeh.X otCoro!i!. anCI'l\oogler of Capltan_Jneets. to ar.. SUNDAY AUG. 18 · gnve_a concert. A large'crowd assembled and a most enthus-ran~ the.pr~• of school event' the llatftH of can· · Registration closes at 8:30 ·a. m. iastic me~ting was held, and the ol4 Fort' came ·thtough hand·

· dldates ftt QueeJt of the Pair. will~· pJ.ce41n a. bat and . 8:00 Qualifying R0.1.md of 18 holes. · somely_ in support of the cause. Mrs. Faget presi~ed at tho one dt.wn .nd tbe 'Wi.Qer .. unomteed at that tim~, . Lwcb' and refreshments s.erved at the Clubhouse. piano. · .

5. · ~ RfibSchOQl bo,P45 to be able to have a bamtroady Flights commence immediately after the . ,. ' · TQen Liricoln, the ·historic old town of the cbunfy; '"was fQt tht: Fair. . . . sc~re-s are turned in. . visited, ~~sunny Jim" landing tbere Sunday. A union meet-

6. '1).c Fair 'trill·haveall the fun.tr~· of last y~r's event . Each competitor will be presented with a tjcket ing was held, with the Sunday School and Other organizations, 'frith a<laiti<tns ud improtementl. . to tlte. Crystal Theatre for tlte evening perform- a.nd community singing, with Mrs .. :Penfield at the piano, waa

· . · • ·COnun.ittet•, , . ance, 8:00 p. m. . . . t~\ardtr. · t~aron Aurie~a mad~ a1.btatk

1at sdom

1e le~gth and

;_;:::·:, .::=:,;;r:::, -!JEf·: .=::. :.:.:::::.::::.:.: .. ::.. MONDAYAOG.l9 a tscose e.rcsponses vcrcmos 1 era an peasmg. . Tbc supr BOWl • Tournam•nt 'Dan co . Heading back this way, Capitan was the ·next place reach·

......,. . _ . · 8:p<l •· m. 2~d Round Flights, Followed by Semi ed, and there Monday night the Baron gav~·onc: 'of the. most Tl.tt ~tasah:al C:IU:lplt .of sue at As will ~ aot:ecl . by tbC' pr9- . . Finals of Flights. successful concerts of his many. visits to Lincoln c:ounty. The

i11 • (!oaaplclllout indleatlo:a of. th• cram pubUabed this' week, the Lunch and light ·refNshments served iri Club- · crowd, which was of good proportions, was enthusiastic and tactktta••estof.tbe effort to repay l0¢at rolf Club la givl,nK a bir house for members, their families and friends. gencrOUf:l, 'and the support given was open-handed and sub-·~1·'1211•!oldt t1h1~ 1t11"1tsttmlaea,.~··~ tber· 4•11c:e at Community Hall Mo~· THE.·. FINALS (P. 111.) t · t• 1 ''' Pfi t ·. th d t • h th Ba d · "" K ••U.I r I .. • 12 e . oa&..- 0 . .. - . . 1U s an 111 • udSS ngs en sang . e . ue s Wit e ron an

. 401ll1tibrdioaa to laat Jean. ..Re· •• ,. •• a fitttur close to t b e Aft•r which the executive meeting of the Southern New Mis$ Edith Rockwall was accompanist. pJSblic:aa ca•Pafrtt t•ui4e. 'l'bc Southern :Nt~w Me•ieQ Golf' Pr,. Mmeo.Golf Assoclatton will be held in. the Clubhouse. . While nt Capi.tnn, the Baron was the guest of the Heron «ltery tbrour;~tout tht aatlot!, .re· rraJ:D Sunctay aucl Monda,. 'the " DANCE . . family, and while there pulled one of his famous spaghetti c•rdlu• of p•rlY• at piau of the Tbe Ruhl()J() Orcbtstr• will fura• dinners, so well known in Cqrrizoso, at which nd Mn· RltrltJ bill to take a a acSclitto~al itJb tbe mu,ic. and there will be 4n informal danet wnt be given by the· Carrizozo Golf George A. Titsworth were guests. . · $100,000,000 oiu the people'• au· . . · . . . · . Club at the Community Hall at 8:30 p .. m. during s.vbicb gar bowta ••••~) •ebeater:st U•at • plethor .. ?r •1acopa\loa c:alc~· the trOPhies will be pt~ntcd. . . Corona was tha Baron's next objective, .and he left for it ~eared $tnatn Smoot, thl\ C!rii· _late4 to •at•at1 tbe mOJt raataatac • that point T.uesday evening. A canvass of that town and sur-idala~tlt of e.-peaaiYe sugar, azul fltlcifut. Tbe pric.,, pro• APPRECIATION rou,nding country, and a concert will also be given there, after a.;ly ·rro• those Khet1&~.1ea and. bllblt the battda9~nt ereroffcted Tbe heart}' thanks of the C~rrizozo Golf Cfuh are ex- which we'll have .,Sunny Jim" to ourselves for a'YhUe, begin· isacluctd hi~ to 1,c:amouftal(e tbe b.J tbe • • • .o e. 1 a t i q .,, will be · ·' tepd~ to tbe business und professionarnicn of Cariizozo ning with this morning, and of which • additional l.nllounce-l®t b! • •hdlbJ ~•It •1•J.tJt. , p~au4>•url•r. tbl ,.-wt•iag. for their ~tion!J. toward so tnany splendid pri~es. tnents will be made later.

=:::t.t~~=~~~~!:::~ :·:f:':f ::,~:::.:: ;::!~ - -... *'·o;;tSt;tt "'· ---~n~~~;.,~;.. -"''' · - · -L:.b.r o~y-Trrp~ A;. • .;;;;;; H~,d~-M.~ti~C t17•1:1lore tottU0111 prolete. J'or• aadmeiaorab11H>Dtt iU1d tO t.hil - \ - - - . . •

mer 'ratUf Commtasiouer Lewie, atttd -.•lftleudt of tbe Chab are in• 'rbe Carri•oio schools will lla~ 1 CAPJ'l'AN, ~HW f\huuco L~bot. Day will pro-w ado un· ,.Tba As~cmbly or Rzuu.bow !or ia au e1aborate an111la or t'&e


1.,ited to help make tbe ~wealag ghs Moud•1• September :Zod. Auousor 12, 1929 uaual op'porluuit.ico (or botiday Garin met 1n regular acutou .E:d• .,, .




'. · ..

9 ., .

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tmo0t teheme. tb.owa tbt tke the brilliauUeature of t~e meet. A.ll teac:lferl will bcin.tbeir at• Tile people or Capit:m were travel io a largo porl of tbe Wc!'lt dav~ Auguat 9

• at tbe Maaonlc elicU•g scale achoeate• by tke aicned rooms atnlneo~clock ready saddened to learn of the Math of tbig year an a result of a nt,<.:>dal Temple. T!!_e..wor~.~t initiatloa Utalt apokttm .. for tka ket ••·I poKnc1

1 with ngar ~t 4.45 cents to rtceiwe lbeit pupils and pro• A. G, Mar1flcld, which occurred offering of reduced fnren, nccortl· wus put

00 n~d tbc garla dnerve car nteu. demotatrated that stot! and tlo dPlJ at all when the price ptriJ ~nroll them. S:&turday ~orning, August 2, log to an announcement by the consutcrable ~rccht in maklu~r tbe .oatr.woul4 it tnc:rca-. tb~ tc~St ~r reachet 6 caata

1 011 refined aurar. Pupilstb(ndd bring their Ia at ~r. Mary field wail 65 years of priocipnl tranntJDrlatton com· work ampres~n·c. Min Helen Me• ••gar $100,000,000 ~t. nt add&• I would be t~e onJ.t logical plad of 1e.ar repor~ cards and P.reoe~t aJte aull baa been a resident of paniea. . • Cam~on, ttccompa.oiect by M.rs. tlot~t it placed tb.t price to the

1 the sort btlled on the 1ti1Jereatial t&tm to the teacberlJ. flna wtll )ffw Mexico tbe past 20 years nouodtrip e:rcurniou"• efT<'rtive Kcll~v. gang tbe aougs wbtcb

corttllmer at tbe laigb~at figure,' between forei~ea .4nd 4~tt1eatlc tteatlraid id clauifJiag t h e Much sympathy i~t uteuded t~ over many routell in a great ex• addctl greatly. to tbc ceremouid. catdag it, imf()ialblt that he 1 prodl&ction all •bo**' b1 tbe'I"a.rttf pkpila. Mo bookl I b o u I d be the b~:rcaved fatPily. pansae of territory, will bl.' sold 1 After tbe busttc&!l w~s coucludtcl "'I'PU1c1 ~able to take a4nntage u Commiuion*s reeuch f>9ugbt MD til tbe etanea are ot•l The deceased leaves a devoted by the Soutbctn Pacific .santa. th€' ausembly aud vaaildra were

"-of the Jll:actuattCHaa tbat might~ Sllloot -~uld mike~ '"till• th• claiiecJ •. Tbt teacher• will tell wife, two lllJUI and tour daughters ~c. Well tern Pacific, Sar;nmcnto I tile gucsl!l of Mill9 Brickley. All 1 tb ..... , Tb•to · •· t .. .. • "' tb. .n· ·r• b t t b '7" H · • • 1· Mn!!On!l and Stars ate cordiallr ow.er • e ...... • "' m~w on~r n ltaaie price, aa~ 120 lliatter bow e t"upt w. a • uy. . • ~411toa \lgnley, llnlc Center, Northern, Ttdcwatcr Southern, . •

-~tutaust~ tb.•t a. •JiduiJ' scale high augar went, there wotdd • t.{C)!dat will be taken up an or· Texas; Job a Marytleld, Loa Au· Ceotra1 Ctdi(ornia Traction Cow•ltnvltl.'d to uttend tbes~ us~toos • ..rtth a tardf rate of 155 cents a. ttill be a d11ty on it. caalsang aud plaun)nJ the worlt. eetes, Califorbla; Cynthia eutr. pany, Amador Central. Nt>vnda, Tile !'e.xt regular meeting win be

. . . · The regular tchool work wall be• UoiJywocd. New Mexico• Della Co~ntv Narrow Gau~:.e. Nevada· 1 held August.23. . cln Tuesday motninr. Sublett .. " • ,. ' California Otc'!on [{aslwav. Ton· " ~ • ~~:=- .. ~ · CrvataJ Thea&...... · . , . . 42', ntu~ooa, ..:.dna Burch, opab & Gotclfie!d Ratlroad and

. •J- .u::;:& • A teaeb_era meeting owtll b4l! 'tinuu!. New Mexico; Mosa Mary· the pfoneer Auto Stage Line. MeXICO ~~~d El Paso, Teua, aud . . . _ - · · bet~. N:on4•:t. &ftertloou At 2:30.. field. CapiUHj New Mexico. . . Tbe ticltets win be nutborixcd noutb of I ortland, Orcgou. Sales

J. o. BURJ{E'IT. MNG*.R. . 'l'be fteUit1 fot tbe year ;. n Dearen tatb !'t th & . I r betwel'ri tJOitttg Wl'llt of tlt1d in·" llatl''l wdl be August 30 and 31 Friday. TUll McCoy in ;'Overland Telegraph'' I.A!l P#tba N•w .. foU~•s; . . . . . . . · •... Left us sa~ ~tli1 ~:nc~;1:,.:; us, el_ulh'nrt Og~en and S~lt L:~k" !an~ Scp~cmbe~l a_~d 2. witb re•. ~ .. L. • .-.:t ... ., .... .s s.._ .. _ 111 ..: ... ~ Rin T. m!'- • . "T'-- tw:u:.._ litg& $ehooi • .-J. c. lhtkctt; Ant u·· " . -·· dd CttY.t Utab, AJbuqut:>rque, r-.t>w i turn hmtl of September 4t 1929. >Jili.WU&J lou uquAJ JU&~. · . m ~JU m ·&IC .II'.Ul1tUU S' . . ,j l • C ... · · . u li. "/ Uo par lOg WaS So SU tU,

n ... n.- 1"1:..1t--'' and IT' . · . ·ria]• . . utl ,IIIJ~ au, . (SCat. & ruoorel Un!!xpeetl!d aJtd sev-re · ~-:.:ll··-l'i-;:!:· :..-11- .::::::::::se;::::::::::.a -~,-· ~~~.~~ -" uumu; \.N1UU . ·.A.arzatt 5e . • Vt,ta Jl'rttebJ Mrt. 2mtt~a M<:" ·Qh . . . . e ""' ·~ :-: :.&.: C:=;:;~i~aiii.,__

Sunday m&lit aitd Monday. Reginald . ~1 in· ''Red. .Ki1andl J. "M .. tteJm. • ~ar we nu~et thee. rather,

.. ·Sp.ed"; altobro reel com,edy ''Movie Nigbt." .. .. . . . . . . . . ~~auc1• Clara "r. Wbe~e~~j in btigbt atltl . . . d ~Y.ud W:e!Clneiday. lloot Gibsott in ''The Daliger Rider'' su,dut Mar, Jl'd t~ .J~bniO~J lair. pure au . ucf Clmeo r.otned1• . . .. ,, . . . llrt.J. M. Sb~ltou; Nelhe Sb:tverf . 1\ti(1 cll.lup thy band ou tlte f'l"1...~:....1.- __ ,.:f Fn··2'•'tf ·be ...... n··. ·Kv ... '• .u·r.,· . •ti'Nd .. ""f. ·. Mrs. a • .!!· l;ac:kelJ. . . '<>Olden sbor .. .a.u\U.-1 .auu- u.,~ .. J"' .,.;.., • :.~ne;jl .~o ·.u lv 1'11f·····~···M'"·m • u-rt. · .., ~.

E.. • " ta. • R. A"'· . ~• •. . th , ·. . r. anv.- t ... .... .ll(· .ne ey. Ob m .., .. . . t •. . lltpll'e' J tnn~ . enee . ~or~: &.tSO Pa ,. e Ne:ttL . . . . J. M. ltelm, . . • (t 1 Wt! nice • ~() part 110 more.

· · ··· ·· ", .~.:.; ; ~· ... :_:., ... ,.,::v.::.;~~-'"·?-·: .. ~. ···· · " · Superintendent. ..... Fmd J. ll 1{, . .1 .... , · i:P-"'¥9' E•;;;-~~z:.t-<'~-:....-..............__, _ _.~ ... ·---- .._. ~-:.;.--......;::-..-

p-*' 'tr·e·-'c . ._ii"i I

. . S •. M. Ctockett, ~od it wa.· .. tli"t" r::;,· '. N' ·.. • l s··· . . rtt.a. Ctotkettsuuumba be .. childt" .. w·-"f'" ........... ... ·s ~ .. rJrSt ... ·fl.ttOnta.' .· : .• · ttnk .... · ~ . ·· .,;;l toC;nror~i; ll~~;;e•rs~~:

A fttter :te•clt~d tbe News thit ttiUt one of lfer .oil•~ hopin~ to 1fttk jUiii:Jdiitintr the- death .,,. .tegain bet b c 1 l t b1 atld Mr. . $aft!ts Cro.keU, ·tt ~ Cf~kett and uotbet soil rettttin•

,_,.., .. :en:•• Os:t A11gt1Jt t·. 'rht! ru~ ,cd here ita til tau tall lookh;~g a'f,.

. , ... '

. .

• I


aetal. .}llau the Jtb, ua 111• tt!tnnelt atf.trs. AU b'letnber• . . . . ·. · · t w~t :madt! itt Etttgtteu j)f tbe fitniiY 'wete with Ute •if•

e.ll:fetery; 'Oa. tbl! eutttb tdgt~ ·of •ttd mother wl:rets the ttul · . ~ · Aaj'eleJ t.lU! ••meJlay. Mra, attd le.lt the bott)ede$oltt.tc. Jbu1

l~•·oc~·".tt fo~:~g'bt -.loti~, hard •kid friettdll trhb tnt~:•f Mrs, C.rockeU . b6ttlill(il~1t. lali.cer, ••d .from girlbOOcl dtepl)' .-eat•t to

, ..... •-ucllliltabtra of the Jalllif,t lieu t;~f .hu doth nd ·~ 4ttplt . . .Jia~.- of .rnonrJ'· 'f!l!UI t'bt t1JiJP•UJi10 witfi U.1~ family •.

tree1i: ptecedi~J lxet 4Utk Whf . · ..,..:. ,, ••"-.. -........ · Ptt•b•llr1tit~teijed iu4 baJtet~a · · It un4 to ~ il~id •"rile h1utcl • • 4e•tJt., : . · . · . "' . t&a.t t&:ks.tlte ~tl4te tid.._. u ••1 . N~. Cr~:~Cktn •,eot bn -e~dt world,~ b~t Ju ttd!l •d•autec1 ··

Uif•_ Oaf Ul~ ileu, ht tlil$ (OUntn the /ltau4 U.t•t .tack• .tbe ··rut• ••nlaere: ••• ••• mtrtitd to· nt•tenu rrtt&.lflt~ ~ndte. · ·

• · II . ; • 1

' . . •

' .



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• •

. When in ·need of · Pure Dtuga or a

Prescription li~e · us atriaL

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Phone eo ,P •

• I •

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"OH. THE DEVtl MAY CAREU 81 Jean Newton.

.. 0 u 0 u. Tlm devil 1'1::11 mro ,.. This

Ia • phro•e w)tltll n ~n:"' tlmt>t b~or u:wd aa ttn <!Jtrl't'fii{IO ot llliiiiTerenf'O. or IJtpll~ to a petlllo Wflll llilt<;ll thlnp llllt 'rUJ IIC!fhlU&b' or lnten~fliJ, who dtW!I nnt wnrtr an" C:iill\llll (Ht ruft1M. whO 1f1 lrM(lt11ll1· ble and ''tntiiY ~eolnr ...

II wnt 111 de~rltllh'u of a ('(!rtnlil JJCN!IID thnt the 'IIPrtllllln had t11 orlstn. 111 contrllmUnn to lti1idfm ti\Ct't'lt '• prm of the anmt te;~t<J·Itft l(l fltllltetttt bt ('btlrln Olrkt1111. In Ilia well·ltoown "l'lck1fld& l'alltn" wt lind the quotlltllln li\ which the term

" Will l'lrat •~ell. •• fftii!IWI! "lJt •••• 1 mtahll frM 11nd tea,.

re'flna fllvll<~ttl\f.cue IQtt ot perl!Od, . ..... ,..~~ . .


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• l . ·,

• Eaaer for lt . t..emuelahumea. Jnto·U!t em.Pioyment

omco down In Sav~nllab ollt =ornln1 and aalll IIOJ)Iltully; . .


. .

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"Don• !'VOJO JOJJ (]on• Jalolf nobOdy • , 1 •• don• wan~ nobodt .to dl1 IWthJD',

dllell JOU'i,., . •

For Foot Rot in Sheep. and · Foula in Hoofa Of Cattle ·

IIANF()JU>'.S JIAI.II.U4 01" MYJUUt ,_, """''"! er...w.'"'" --''!' .All~.,, ... : =- : : :::!~~-=.: ::: j

Ualortaaak . !loth~?r (to lllUt Gerta, jlllt P'llt to

bcd)-Why, IWet\11..-l, 11'117 Jl'll :roo uylng'l •

Gertie (wbo&e cue toot· Ia lleeplDg) -Uoo-boo 1 rre awttd to aleep trom the wrong en\!. ·

Ho K.ew \VHf., All tuallt "!ou 111 your lathtt wu wounded

I . ' Pretty .Girls Carry Flags' of All Nations OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ()()C)OO . . . .

/"Tb4a .a)'nthttf• thrill In ktltlng It danaerout-to your lltldg•work, un. ltti you I' car "ut• 'hock absorb era.•

tn the warr "Yes. &1r; vert bld." "Wo:s he a bot lll ,the" r-nka,.. "Nosstr: fa tht •tul'llmlclc. ..

•• ' • • ' .


.sr,. ... R._ft. nutboardt ·~ ao ttrlc:tl)' n!gttlllted

lo France that algne aro painted on· root.t .,~ wal}a ·or !*.rm bnlh1IJ!g&



111' ANY Uttlo word of mine CIUI tmlke tl1e day more tatr,

U just a UlCSSoge. Just ll line. Cao enso the lond ot care.

. GN!I S•Ji•att.a ' J'ones-1 ncrer know 'II'IUlt to do

wttb· mr week-end. Doncs-Whr not keep ;osa hat on

m Hut.'t

.,Wllat'a the tntttt~ W2tlt herr "SII• 11 d~Gppollltell In lle: bM­

bontl." "Who fan't2''-Detroft }te., ..

• RaJa "Wbot became of ronr, 'plcntcr "It Willi a Wll!lhotit."-Lou!avllle

Courier.Journnt. It just a thounht call bring you cbeer,

\Vbcm thiD!:I' n.rc loo!dng blue, CouiUatloa U just 11 word <'iUI do, my «le:lr, "What's tbe ;;mt beelln1 abontr'

The tblngw we think th~?J do- "IInlr In lhe aonp.tt · "Send out a. ·prett1 waltreu."

It any . words tbot I can 1:11, . · UowevEr poor tltey are. For tour aau&htef• .sake. 1lM nt;d Om push s single cloud awa7, Cr~ l:aU .BIIlf. ll1 the lt1mdrf, Sha.

Or tight a single &tor, .ntl thtll hue that dltntt.weU'If(IOmed 1t anything In any <'tl!O appe~ce th~ tlr~ adnllre.-Adv. . t~n tum your akles to go!a, • And make tile world a better plnce. . tvll.rythtn; <'OIIHS f() him wbo wnltl

The 1m1 th:rt we are told- . -ex(etlt Ule l:lt!)llf!:f 'he IQaned to a friend. . · -

U an)' meuage I cno send. ~:Dr llm-rutllt!ha.t l ~n-w.r~te. · · Tbe av~ man 1.Ua. t4 learn 11

Clo lllllke too feel )"Otl lll're a tr!Clld. lot lit tfrtnp thtt Uperfeateff abould One talthtut friend tonlght. teach blm. · '

Jt •n1 meste&e ttuit )'ott .ean . can maiU! sow likJ more clear,

Tlut wa:t that people liA1 lt ~ 'thea he~ tt 15. tny t'IHrf

. (e., UU. J1HcJu Wali!K!U

tn Eostand zetaU~ 4)ften ride to the hOUflda-; fn .tlilil eoattt tiley fre-quentlJ' It> f~> the tlop.. · .·

' . ,·; . .

~- -

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D~clar~~ De~ itriabtwlthPott TON~~ Thero'•~~plf:)•tor:eofbrlakne.WUU!f!11a.eaeh erl,P, ~ppethliigmouthful. &ally cUge•~ enc:rgy that IUfQ qulcklyluto ~It f'or tho c.lay'• work. .M(,llt.'t.e.o good to ea\t Po~ the c:nim.hly, !OllleD• • brown flake• out of'tbc han!ly pa-ckage into tho uucu. 'l'h~ add CTCam anil aug~ lf you Jlke. 'W c'"lc found that rich, natiitai corn IJavcJ ancl the touted uJsp'ineN llllkea~rte~tcoJDbloatlou. Ellet)'OM lJket ltl . Mk your sroeer !or the' gtnidne Post Toutlet 1u th6 reel anqcllow package.


' ~ -,·- - . . - . ' ·.1 .

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-------s-,.-,=tol\rvnlcdt;o~~------~~--~c.C:n~t1.sa:~;.:ua~PPe:x~fo;,r~•:•:•:c•~·=--a~======================~ WU!Ie, ago slX. nnd.Dob, age 10\'C!D, A couplo ot th'OI but Ctlcml!ly abopo 'Musi·e '~'ea"hers--

brothers, . ~eb fi!tth"ed a ut!tT ault -ktC!tK'I'IJ wcro talldnr: Utlngs over. 1 .., from tticlr gmndfatb(!r, who orrerC!d "When docs :roor openlo; pte o..r..c:u.~~ _... ..... -to pte a brlgbt new dollnr b\ll to cloao1" otslltd tho lllllt. :::;~, .. ,:,'!ft.:.:..~ t••,s;:_ the one who ke"t hll c:lotbr.a ctenn "When i!Ur cllo.JJ.n .. solo onenu," tho IH• ...... ., ............. •ooo••-N-.. • >" ~-.WriWlOliA'Uwdloni•Y ...... ..... tbe longest. terontl .re(lllt4. - Amcrh:ao Lt'glon t'rt/rlu .. - - 1 ru.. .. . ~he bor,. atone, we,. lllo,log nenr MunUilf, _g·"'~"'""'~:u~-~ ..... ~ ...... ~~~-,~.,~~~~-~~~· -~!_

an old well ono Sunday, When 1n,b aeddentnll)' allpped Into lt. WIIIJo · ~•n to the bOUil', atcdully ~e\llhn· tng: .

"'h. crondp!l; 1 1et tho. 4Dllnr I Dob lela. mined bla DC\\' ault." ,

"BoW?" •Wbr, lle tetl.lnto Ute "'elL" Cfrondtather, b)' 1fotklng Cmntlcclly,

~~~ nbla to mroo tile utmost t1rowMtl boy by putllnt; hlm out by U10 hnlr et thu he:ld. · • ·

lWd Cron llall Dtuo about.l bo n~:c'l In evert home. It mnltea dothts wlllto as tnow oo4 tli!~er lrtJUrtll tbc fabriC. All 'lood arocttJL-Adv. •

• • '

• •

Milltal')' Laa11owaer Jtu!~;tn.: by tlto allwa \'OU 8('0 11t

nttrotth'o mmplng vlatta ntl throu!;b litO: <ountf)", tllts. fellow l'r1l1lJ(' }{('('p­out o..-ns toougb laud for 1 acncrnl. _,_.crro llnuto Trlbunt!.

Not Wliar II• Mtaat Do-To ntol!1 b~ln; an olil mnlt1,

.would rou go so Cat AJJlO murr,y n darnlltl Cool? ·

Sbo-Tilla .. *o aud!1cn I ""'

lle!Ilorr rrcalln rn;mr tllln~. but rte\'d' tho lllOlli'Sf lo:mcd to )'our fdencls. ,

K'lls DIOSfJUftO·eS

' •

. .

.._..,.___ - ~ - ----- -- -- > --·-----

Aincrtta 111 tho thlnu wtth wblcb e nmnlt>ur r<'t~JIO!Ill!l to Cln C>neore.

• •



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~liwr~I111UP!:C•Illl-c:luJJ• m~Uer ~nl7• l!Q, lt2411l the liP'' ollh;:~ -~ C!arrlulf9o fi;," Mulw, o•>~ler ll•u r.c' ~r blo>rd> :1, 1.~10 •. - ···

Why People· Qet .Sif?k - • 1 !>lathiiGI l01lnalrtaG NDwa S.rrlitl

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• Clean,· Comfortable attd

Rates Reasonable •••• • • •


Patxonize the

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•• . -- -~ ~ «:Ts:~·t.,m•J!·VJ:oty·Utt tC>a~;fo~ ... Micltael. ~arnet~ di~ll··- t .,~ l · -· OalifPJ"tt.l•1 •· ·. · • . · . _ . • • • WedPe1!clay mo,rnl.ng' in .t(n . . , -· ... • • '-~ , I . . .. ' ', i

'• ' ·. .... ,• ' 'l' ....

• .. lf"' •. · b ·T · ;~ . • El J?aso Sauitqrlym, · ·Fpn~ral 1 aeP. f'-

. ~ta. So .~: o,.vnseth• 1.~ lU v.ic~:s were ht!ld at Jl;QQ P• m, · .: · Pa$o f!i~··~eek.:. · .. ~•me -~oiy, -~it~ Bal>"i .. . ·. , ,. · · Mt!!. Ge<l.,P, Ym.m~ speut h't .· oqka oaicl~t.tJng.. . luhmn~nt . ' weelt•e(J(ll\t·'l'J~c!u•~c.,.rl, .~ud w.as . wa~ 'w.11de ill Mt. Sin.al' "c~i.u.ete·ry; . · . ~tc:coiu.pa,Piea.b,y t4r.. l"o\lug tJpon Meyer 'aarn!'!t_t, t\ :b.p>~~e~wh~ re~ · ·

· Jl~r rttnr.n, . ·. . . . . • ·. b,~redhrt,Y:n'lltneltl ~· b.r~ t.' · · Mrs . Ada ~d.miatl)n went to El U~er in El P~.~d; ;utcl!Ji:l "qclifJil.4, · !l ' Paa(J S~JP<lay .-q.d b~fore rlltprn: •nu~. al~<'i l'eshliug lU ~~ . P.-..~ •.

'l.ng 'wUt vi!lh. Hi~ PiUman -£a11;1Uy ~e-re preRen~ at, t?¢ j{l$t -. ?~~~~· ·a.t CtotJdctoft. · .. . . Otber rrl~t rvea t.mrvtvJ.ng . · .. · •. : :. . . . .· f M are n- tathl't .In 'N••w Ym'k1- all!O-,'.

Arde!\lle, httle d'*~g bter-o ' r, br<ttlwr ·;urd t·~•o sisi~l"li · io. Nl:'w at1d \lr&: O. _A. M.cCammon .• bnd York'. 11 nd a brotb~r·Willii!ill who ... ber 1c.matl~ remov.ed, at the _Jo)ln~ residl'd hN·e manv _yen$. hut is .

·' •


. 50n. ~.ospital ~tdu~:sclny. : . now at Va.u~bp, . ·. . · · Mra. Clint liran,um, . who .ba.d .. Mic,ltael au-nett W\\fi .lt . vel!'f$ -·· .•

b~;en vi$lti!1g, her· pare11ts, Mr. old, CIHil~ berc about :tbe time he · and Mti!: W. ft,J, ReUj:. rett.m:ted at.taitted bitt ni~jority a~d enterep ·· .to T~cl:nnc!ld Wc=d!le•d•Y· the employ of tbe r•Hto!ld com·

Dt; W. U •. BfoaddUs lUte~ his pany. . When ~llr colla try entered .-eg~llu• appoiat,metlt. here W tb~ war he 'e~hs~15,d in tbe aa.vy J!e~dli.J• . ;ae. bad a crowded dayt a ad sa w"ser~u;e w~tb . the trau• · .

, lfitdng •large a~mbcJ" of pa · A(?Ort C()nvoys -du~'"6r the war

• •

witb glli,SI!S " ' RI'IUroinl! home• he f(.>l'nl•·r··tl tht• ' · ' · · f r.a1 rtl•d twrv•c•·"· bill atmut luur Mrs Sllb Ebrvey. enroUte rom · .

' · · . d yeara ago "P~'nt•d a gat; ond •Ott Ca\Hornla \o Tuc.umc~trl. atopp.r station, handling t1rcs IHl!l ace~·

( •(l\~er here for a;week~end '! .t 8 I l sories, and bad bn1Jt Up .. a very · · -itb t'·e YcCammptJa. Mr •. fbr• . b

"". . n ·~ · • · . attractive ustneas. . 'fler- llf•• an epgtoeer ~n the road Friends sympatbh:e whb t.he

• •everal yeara ago• survivin$! rnembers:or fhe family Mril. E. p, M,Creary auil qbild· iu. tbe deiub of U~e brother who

tel\ were. here )'e&terda.J f r 0 m until a short time ago was in' \be Alaasogo~do, aad · wblle here full vigor of young- tn!lnbood. w.l!r.e ~lte guest of tbe C. l. Joyce • _,, ..... , . famiT1. · Lala Joyce accomp;v Attorney G;o;ge 8J.~enc:e and J:lied the~ boiJle, \ Jack C a 11 a, h a n were here a

Mrs, ·Jilin Ohlrlea left tbis s~ort time Weddesday, enrou_te tuMuin){ tor a. few daya. sla.J in •o t h<'ir br•me at Carl~b~d. art•·r -E• P~•o Fr.&nces aud VugJota .. Vi'iit to •bt' mtnes iu tile G•lli·

. • . • t

:accompanied her as lar ae it.la• nas mouotarns,

aaogordo, . and will vi~it their ---.-..~~~~~~-----­•

grandparents, tbe Farleys.

Mr.;. C. M Luckv and Mrs . T. E K~lley aecq.mpinled a bunch

·or Girl Scou s to tbe Helep R<~e •

mine, up Do Guteb, Wedneadn "-, a.flt!raoon; remaining over aigbt

and returned yesterdayalterlioon •

Your tongue tells when ·you need · ·


• A. N Prlc~. Wbite O.tks, wu

:a J»leataat -c~Uer 'at our office · M01idJl1• A.. N. ia one of t\e teal old·tlaier• of .. Heart'• pc· .. 1ire:" bu ata,-ed with the old · town through aU ita upa a'rld downs, and bia lo7alt.Y to it ba• 11ever .flagged,

)4r. ~nd Mr1. Charles B. Tborll• ton, datt~bter Gladya and aer (rietld M ra. Etli•on, of El Paso,

aot TMDl Ml\ftK REO.

s· •

at'OIIY nerve• ........ sour ttomach aunelt we.

<Wetc tbe dinner gue1Hs of Dr. ___ ._ ______ .....,

and Mrs. BlaneJ Mond•.Y• In ' O.scar W; Baaford· the~afternoao, tbe party motored -to..W•tson Lake, aad tbe doctor (!"rom Ft. Slanton)

• •ucceaded ia eatcbiag fisb for This eommunit.Y wu.verrmucb sUpP.l!t: _ • , saddened,: F1iday_ wheu tbe ae.ws

.. 0. '1\ NJe anct son Toas ·drove went around that the Chid, or, \ · iu Wednesday enning from u be ~l!l better kdoWtt1 A1, -waa 1

&ome 11t .Ventura, Califotnia, and dead. He was. taken suddenly expect to remain stYeral daJfl. ill SundaJ nigbt, Aug~ 4tb, alld Bill doeta1t look a Jearolde.-tban died Aug. 9tli, waa. b•ried bare

• wheu he .lett here ten )'tan ago, Aug. 11th iu the Po.t Cemeler.J aud 1'o~. a Ane •pstaadiug lad, andir tbe :auspicea of the Trowel -aot yet sixteen, ia ntat11 •• big Club, wbicb be was a nie•&er. as bia dad; and tbe MaSQnie: Lodre of .Carri·

'1'. A. 8peucer, dnghter Jane, zo¥o •. ·1'be beautiFul M~touicc~r· and Margie Roltaud went to Ra· emo~.J was never ~ore taaprenare tou tbe 1asl wetlr•encl tncl Otet than Ott this occaatOn• uader tbe · :Mr. &~ucet"a .lot her, Mr., capa~!~ directioa. of N.t •.. Hooter, abetb Speacer.- ati nut, ''Mrs. or d'~pttan, Mt. "Cbaa. Gray or JJw~tap, ana a ul~e. Mia I SteYen•. ~i:~~!~~o our .Mr. Ho~u of !~· -SOI:f.-~-tbeladi~it:St--.e..a..r-'l.U . ··.. ~- .. ., ...... -.. ..· ....





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. '' ·'• it .,·•{ ·._. •

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' ,. • . . ' ·. ' . ' .-. ' "

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·qn theroad_in (ess tha~t e?rla~ontlzs! 1 ...

. . '

- ' • •

·Less than eight months have beautiful new bodies-which are elapsed since the first Chevrolet available in l\ variety of colors-Six was delivered into the hands' " represent one of Flsher'ef great•

• of an owner-and already there ·· est style triumphs. And its are more than a million six- safety and hapdlh)g ease are so cylinder Chevrolets on: the outstanding that it's a sheer road! And. the reasons for thlsQ dellgbt to sit at the wheel and overwhelming success are easy to drive. In fact, the new Chevrolet understand. · Six has completely changed every Intoa"pnce~field that had hitherto ' 'previous idea .as to what the buyer· been oc~upied exclusiv(lly of sl low-priced car now

The COACH by fout~cyllnder cars- $59·5· . has a right to expect for Chevrolet< has introduc«;d hJs money.

• •


a six-cylinder car of amaz- I~.wemt ..... !525 f

ing quality and value. Not. ~~ ...... ~~;~ You owe It to yourself, as · oniy does it offer the DK::;;;.:;::!645 ~ careful buyer, to see smooth, nuiet, velvety" ~~AN ......... !6?5 and drive this car. For

"~ rllmw.sm.u1695 . petformance of a great rf:.an.uftq ... *595 it gives 'you every advan· sJx-cylJndet <val~e-ln-head ~~~tacr,.,., ... !400 tage of a fine six· cylinder

b f ~'1'-C':htttlloo 545 t bU i t·' 0 ~ motor- ut, rom every c:ta!.'la~CW.ea~~o. '650 .au omo e7 n 11e pnce standpoint, It is a. finer "u~o,: f.iti!._., range of. the four and automobile tban was ever ~J!~U-:..~·~ with economy of better

J!'fkela~J~awte- A

.before thought posslbJe r:r.~u~'!:'~n:: than 2v miles to the. dll4e 61&11 ~~

at such low· prices I Its cJrMa•,:.r~~ gallon! Come in today I

SPECIAL RADIO PllOGilAM The Chenolet Motor · plltly will present • 1peelal radio p~ID Wednesday, Au&uat 14. oYer tho Colu bta network, 8-ll:.Jt.'Ea•tem Stlllldard Time, c:elebntt• W.. UW mlllioDlb Sls·C,J u Ch•nol•t ckllYtrld lA IHI tlan I mootta• time.


CITY GARAGE, V. Reil, Prop . •


0 F· · THE •



F 0 UR-···· . ""' -· - -

• .

. . '

• •

. frotli Dallas, Te:ras. to Colorado • Mr. Basford c~~;~e here about

Sprlui*· s·pencet allw the wo· trgbt years . ago from Atlaat•, =;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:;~~r=--=~~~~~:====,~~~~~~~~~~-~-=~-~--~--~-·;··· ~--~--~--~~-~-·~,.~·-~-~~~~---~~--~-=~·~·--~, .. ~~=~---~ .. ~-,~----~-=~~-mea ovet.l&e Raton Pan, and 1le Georgi~ n Ch~ef Engiaeer. lle AUnt Dies __ ~-- .- ___ ~= H ¢·~""·~-~ --··""~--,. --~~ aad tbe rtrts retatttect Molfday .. W&l!l tbtrly ul~e. ye~~ _oht aad c·o· .· N. ·c.· ER-·. 'T'

)-. .· .. · .. . litd bi:ett Ulli'tted to Mus Juaaita ..

lfeaYt ra.ldli the past week hne · thr-ee y.en• .a ext :atJtb of . • . ~-. . . I{,_J..__(br_t,rd received a wit~> nilled t~l! 4!ckeua wfth tcndt in Nowetnber. 'rbfl ;orrowiug•idow 1"~ thll bitt ouly aunt, Mrs. Jo~e:· ••etf dtttettou. T&~RiQ af:l4 beautiful )ittte~ $()a BUlle are_ t · u·,r·e· m· · .. I .. pbhte Jaek!lotf, died Ta!!lt Frid•1· basta. e11~ctanr fro~ Socotto left ·to 'blouru 1Ua:t Tbtre •re ,a ~ Her dutb ••• Qnty • week . .after

. dowo. ~em• to- .. h••~ ber:a tb~ t-.. 0 •ts~·ts· j ........... 0. r· f' "']L v·.. aad : t'h' •. d•a·tb' o· r· o·f· M' t h.·artar-*ia· . liar~ til bit, lad _a \ito. a nit". . . ~bt;t&~"r id·~i.ls; •. ~o .. -;;~n of : wrrlt . br~tb;t. menttoll 'ot •• ;icb' ·"-·

· .ttalll~: ha•fdl beets ttrtot.tsft whlltn were able to eotne~ .. •· .. a.·_._· .••..•. _ ..... •el~l-~·_n_tl_a ___ ·_ ·;· uia·d·· e tut .. week_.- .. -. _ .... _- ... 'Pidt4• ••ata l'e panen.~ettt.aiat Thi!te wu llueb a, ··n·ea.tb ft.,.. .e . . . 1st~t:. •• atoduoq,uen#e~ ~ett de• flowera.·tbllt the ca•ket Wit. ~~· ........ T~ .. ww- ~- . •· .· nr.s •. BI_ a __ ·.nev en. tertaln• tthutcl· atoaaa ·u:at• wit o't«!t. tbt tn011t -etitirelj .bid~~~~ by 'tb.ea:t. -4... ~ .... - . . .. . .., . $obtberl:l P.a~ltt•~ tribu.tu ftom. telli>w lod&e 'tlleDl" - - · . . · · · , - .

Mr!f, lc1a ld~so,n •. Sauta ud loYiag ttiettdt. T b t D"l Stlllf · . Mrs. R. 'E nllbeJ etttertah11~d ' .... \ eaurotnia, tlrL '(), n. Yf!u:et, cblef will be a:iitftd by all of til l5." . . . . . . ' tbe-lJtlage 01ub Saturitay ilftet·

Basur~ Kadt•t• ·•rtd Mtt. Pt«.. out 'Jo•iug •;rllp•thy it ex• · TbUfldav Night -·, aooa in 1ioflot of Mrll. J.lll: Fa_t tob 'aatl!! aud· , tmaU «lalt~bter. tb &is £atiii1t. - . , · · 'J _· · 1•1•· ot. .Altmogotdo. liti.d . IrS rs ~uliitbroia; t.fhsanot~t. -s~6t .· . , _ . A F~ie12a. 22 Geo. $tebb1a$t oiSalin•• Ka111a1 •

. _'"ttJttw_oiW_,eka~~r:_'tJ_-n:don_·.- · ,, ., ··- ···· .. ---c .. ·;.-,...... ,. . R•idOto .. gut~tt <>f th~ ~osetla!!t J.tNtoLM A.8S1UC'r . · · ,_.c, .tobd Dl)e_iht~J oil J~~ .. ~. · ·ani.· """"'trOi 't'llE-. • . Ob11ute prettier tbj$ •Ye*t• ••r . naMr.-.GIIillllllire her~. Tbey . 1-__ -1.1. -.L··.ll'_"o··· .... · · ·. :_.-....,_ .. · ._ C!!_·_· ...... _.-_ ••• _.1lflll_,. .. _•~ ·.·-_ .. _ ·tbejl.ltl&e_. ht lbe. Jt~teraati<J~:~il. att •ll retatittj· of Joht:r'()oerlt;g, . -~.-"'~ .,.::•·"'-"• ii ~·-~....,.. ..• .,..,~JJ· eosU~IIt• . 012t ·wUh •4Jjllll

. oct tat Ml~ti tQtrii~rtr llfsa . . .&.N.111PI>f •• eJe ,(Otdcl tee: tba.t. Thal11 •t .. _.·li k,i.nf_. b~gbt ill tilt Cn• GRAC~ :4~ ·lO.KIC$t Pt• · . 111_·-·.-Jl_ ''·· .,·,·1--_·. tlit Wa1 tll~t l"?lt -te) tJ•-Pt•ttitt .

. ~ ~.;;;~~ ~e 1.-ra •:rcr. , . ~ ·c.,il~IOJ N•w ~tlieo. . . · · JJ•l\.1 f{tft;t. '1••r· . / . .. . " 'o,i. ,,

-' -


•• ..

Y. QUR. tire$ may look.all right. But it the7 are a . l1ttlt 9ld, look out! . . . .

_ .Hot davs~ high speed. continuous travel attd 1 rough · placet in the tOtlds raise unexpected havoc. · · Why .risk blowouts, delays and ~be danger of ttoppin~~ . · 011 heavily Uaveled roads? . · · •

• t •. ' ...

Try · G00DYEAR Tir.es ' ~ ~ .

C-,1--T···v·· o .... A. R ... A1 o··e·-. . ' . ' . .' _- .. - ... ; . ' '- • '· - . 1 •

. - ' . . ' . ' '. '. ' ·. - ... ' . . . . . . ' - - .

Carriz·ozo, N. · ·M. ' f ' . • . "

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'j . . l Topptd With·.- J.hltt PICtll• 1p~ullt

Collar, a ~at\tn pr{lrt It .a chtlrf'ul pic· tur• ovtr a cup pf bt't~kfaat ~;offtt, u,vt the Woman'• Hom• Cfompanlon; Th1 «~liar, poekltt and plaltl ~- the drtu !J~v' · parUcUJ{Ir at~lt, Pari• ttYit.. Collar edae.•. poqktt odg.., plait tdgu repeat th• /aniart dl~gonal. With each diagonal edgt a true .atr•fgbf line, tht cutting and running to.a1fhtr 11 accompllah.tdaphdll)'. The trant It made with the \IPP•r ttraJgh~ ancf the aklrt slightly .cl.,;ular. Pocfc:. 'att lap over and plaltl are tntet. Th.e . bac:k Ia hi thrt• partl, t,he 1J11per, U!o. yoke an~ th• aklrt.

• Milady in Lon.J Gloves •

With Sleeveless Frc:ick tone atona llare renp~on!d In .

. '

Parts oftl.lr an nbscnco ot man.r yt;~ra, alnco 11ome of •tho blsn:est names In tnsblon maklnJ declared tor ba]t ;and qunrter aloo\"c5 for lf!ltllummcr dr'etL

The.r t110 In tl1o 1111ops 111 mt1n.7 varl• ) otle. of wash tlorc.t ot olbow lwttJJ, · or 11lgh1J1 ahorler. Nenrl.r aU tho m011eta• atO button leu pullo()DL

Glove makcnJ JO fat aro wnltfn,;; tor demand to rcn1'-tf tb~r, outpu~ ot ton• t:tore~. *• ·oc 11ltm .11re t,.nk· .'IJ. akepU~l !I:!Wt-J~Mt>tl'!_aeffptance pf lQDg ~loom tor mldJullmet• ~bq bQJ thtJr ··~ tiff. -1• OD t,ll& 1:r1ocl~rn womau~_laaltleact upon. U1e leut llO!IIble ~ortrln~ ,

Pullo()ll gtoYrt wlth C.foch enlf are tho moacl ltlott worn WJtb ·the fntor• mal l'!llts mad6 ot ldlk or wool that ate an Important vhato of aumtcer atfla N(l:ltlf cvcQbod1 weara wasb· able aucc:te In Pari«, tho wl'lgbt ot Uze gloro vnl')'lng wlth fbe weight of the fal!rh: In the toSlultH!.

\VItb t1ret-d ccatuttwa the rnlo or storklnp on!l gtovC!I ot matdllng tint sun llold&

' ,. •

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:·south West . . ··.· ·. W; · ... :IT· \ ....... . . :NE .. S .... . £MS

·· . Urni~ .alid .. Thflll SQ~o" .. / ··. . tq. fi'Jt~·· .

· Wlllflltll: AllcJ\ 1Vllttt;1, Wltfi,I)JI.bOilt ~ · . :QU ·1-or ~uropei. mut · l~'l~lllt to ll • J;!lirt~r llbll~t Uttt' wltllllr~~,wat Qt .• Of Jllll ~bllf!;l!' .llJ!l.tllB~ ~I)V!lnt()~ ·

·~· ' I .. .. . . ... . . . . ~w~lJ, an.r~ow," llt~ltJ .ll;dttoll .

. ·.Ji. ......... ,;., """""'""' ·~ .... 'if\1!, ..... !io. •• • ... ··""· :... "-!i'"-!! .. •.~,"!1 . ._~ .. ~ ....... _ ................... -.~·;..;..""~"!" .. ~.~ ..... , "'"· ""· . ~·""··· '!"'''!i .......... ,,;_IIIIi ... ;\'!', . .,..._ ......... i!' .. "· : . ~· ~. Molm> ()~ .l':!loYI!ollil eq\ll.lt;t.'fl'.. . 110!1.1~. vmMrnw•t . W!l.ll~'t lllte

. · • . ' ' . ' · . • '·' . ·~ . 1•\e~tell ail. PX:e~llleP.t ()f (bo ,Ar*a()l)llo J.I!QUl cOM. tl\11t llV,Jlellre!'l .In • <ll.!~M. fiOIII'II'IJ!I!!IIio ..... ""'"' .. ""· . .-.-. ..... 1"""~_.•, ..,.._...,."'P.!'! ....................... _ ...... _'"""'Ifii!ol-~.;,....;,j"'""!!"'"'!'""'!-;.,t~ ( •.StJte .A!IIili~!p,UQn Qt C!>Unt;v·.S~~l!t- . Ac~·J.lllPel' .9DCc,., T.l!hll · ft'ltlldrllW!ll

i' · · • • , · ' ora ~~ thll or"""laatlc)na 'a"nua' ,;, .... t.o . nu* ' . · . : . · . . •. , : · . • . . , ~ ·. . JAg fn Po usia .. ~"' · · ~ .. • ~ _,,. · :\ "'l, tb~· l.lllllC~lJ;n~4. Ji'~ltll n.clA·

,......,~il,.o'""'l·~· ........ !"!1" .... -illllli...,._~,... ..... '!!'"'!IW--~~""""~~·~!io"'i"l.;...'!"""-."'!!''"'i'I'"'!';... __ "!!'ii-.-.. J,--·""·. , .. • ·~ .. ~outhw~~tern ,lJUlltlell C<lrPA"tlon · hllr(Jt, hml>r Wltl\11~~ cvccytlilP_g 1 . .-.-.:ro~..,,..,...-.;,...,-...-!.....,_ , of C11sa OrllJiclll 'tUe!l· artlc;lell ot llic:or. · b!I.Yt. ll!lhJ. &lbllUt ~lltt ln.llMtlllt. Ulrl11b .. · · ~~--~~""""'·-~"""""'!"!"'•.;..~ ....... -.....,;.~...;..-~~~-.,...,., ,..., . · wratton. wiU! tlle:QQJ;PPr~Uon. c:Qmmlll<> .tl!lrtlloldt, ~1\lllns myself an lntp!lloua

.,; .

• • \ •. ~; , • 1 JJO~ fn ·PjlOI!Il,~ rcc;~~tJr:. n• . CQ•• •llttr., &Uld f!tfl~lJllf n1J Jll4)1ltll :Wit~ t}IO

i·, ... :,.. • ' •. ' ,;' •• 'f lll'tll}" hllll a.c;aplt•l 'etQc"" o" unoooo· e~daw!lt#in,. ~().U lllelldllcloua.moutb, , . • . , : · · · · · "· "" , " .~~" ' • :w11t 4o ..rou Jlo fiol" J declnre furUaer-. . ;· , . · A ~11arver or N~w l4eXlC9. • roatl -,l(ft Jllore. tJ11t .I JQ)ow nottll!lg but .goc:ul " • ,. .lfll~lllll ordered 11>- thq WqhUJgton .of· tlli<mt the ang~le c:lllltMtcr pt ·

tJCil ot tbe, nqreal.\. pt !ederat Roada . nill'thPidt. Bl;cJ .I cnli my:,~elt Olli:o m<!r~ •4owiJ t~t New W:~lco • •lltll e)'llt~m nn tnta1:11ous llnr ot Uti! t1111t cll\1!1..


It up to 'tat~dard, " hlsbway bulllltln. Frttz· nelnhllrdt.' "-.-Oetl'Olt Free . ·llll110UilCc8, . ('fellS. . .

BeiUit)', a Roli!~Qill cow owned by · ;.., ...... __ .,..,_ __ .. w. c. :\'dlllt~ell, ,.em lllsJt bono"' !or ..... · wt.i~h 'J• 'rl:t•t Jbo ye11r Jli . tht llesllla Valley Cow 'l'estln~( Asao~:latlol), · Beauty produced Dllnk!I-Thc:rc Is a w~ale ot n <lU:· 134 po~nda ot tat an\ll '1,811 voundll ot f(lrence between tlall ptcturo ot a ;Jrl ~Ilk CIUrlng the }'Ur. . ln .tfle old tnn1lli nlb~nt nn!l the on~

, lll llie fOtOI;l'llVUr!J IIC:CtfQQ, Tho total t:roia. Ynlua.tlona Ql\ the Jlnks-l'ea, one sbowa· the clotlaet

county ll.l!SCSSment rolhl of the at•te nn4 UIC other the clrl. · . ot Arizona. wert) $7:10,l~l!,319, n~cQrptn~r

to a repor~ or C. .r,., St4Jidnge, llocte­tlry ot ·tile Arl~ona State Tu Com· tnlflrilon, rolea11e<l In Phoenix. · . nor Moore, iiowboy C!Jl tlle Z 'nlr,

L. Foster •nil Day ranc:b, tlfteeil ml1ca

. .. .. -

"CUff Dw!lll•r•" lac:_..••• ~lsht >·curs aso 24... pe~: cent ot

urban Colle Uved In ll(lftrtl:llenf Jloll•e.: TOf1ay, a 1mrve.r of 902 cltleJ, eau. m!lh•s lllo "clltt !lwellera" aa G:t'l' Pel:

· A'POZ'f.N d!ffe,cnt thJngs 11ta~ · , , cause a headache, l!Ut theru · just·onc thin~ you need ever do to· · get relief, Bayer Asphin. is .. an

absolute antidote for IJUch pain. Keep It at the office. .Hnvc it halidy, ln the lt<1m~. Those .su!lject to frC'­«!UC:nt ·or sutlden beadaehet should carry_ Bayer Aspirin in the pocleet• t[n, Until you have used it for head· aches. cold$, neurnlg~l etc., you've no idea. hoW Bayer Asp rin can help, lt meAns quick, complete relief :to an!llioitJ of men nne.\ women who nse Jt evert year. And it ~• not . dcpresll the heart. .


( northeast ot f..ordaburr;, N. Jt, and bla borso wora killed br lls;htnlnr In an olcetrkal atonq, MQoro fell bencatll

cen~ ··

A ~alll••l •f .Spla!l~b


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. his borec. lie waa· .;. rcoldent ot Frnnl>lln, Ariz.

Tbci me.nar;ement of tho clghtb 'In• nunl lntllr-trlbal Indian· cercmonl11l, Which Ia to be h~ld at Oallup, N. N., on Aug, 28, %9 '&ntf30, nnnouncea tbat amonc otoor now attractions they l1uo sucectdcd ln arraustnc for tbe· famous NnvaJo aquaw danco.

An tucron1o ot ten million /~oURra tn the property valuation ot Phoenix and Maricopa county hu boon r .. corded ln,,tbo last twelYo montha and It ts botlovcd that with tho present »rcepccta deve19Ping, a ·IIIlo Increase 1r111 be ma4o Jn the 1icxt .,-car; ·

A threat tba~ New Mo~lc:o atocltmtn •m Ijeort to tho cart; dnr punlah·

Codpleao-Nutlelgh never tnkea a e)snr when 1 otrer It to blm. ·

· CrnbOttko-:MtQ>be flo luw n C:l'llVlni tor totmcco. · ,

' . Alw•r• WU.l B•

"Cnn :vou tell me wbnt the correct aldrt lcnutb Ia this eenaon~"

"lL't lltlll 0\'er two trot.,.

A tmlnloaa ot tractors tilling 70 CQ1'11 rcet>ntl.r was rcl'e!,·cd In Jl(';;fnn, Sna• kntcllewao, tor turme"' ot Uant vlcln· lty.

Dlrcls won't at.nnd fut winter. hn,·e wln&lL

: Da Vlac:l'• 'Laaralalf

Leo!lnrtl~.t lla \'lncl -dre\V _a auup of the globe, lltlll to llo the Om to Include Anttlrh:n, tlnll also elumln; an lmnt• tnnr¥ Alllnrclfc culllfocnt. l~,·en bet"r• l~olumiJua llllllcll from l:ll'nln Leonardo not unly mnlntnlmldt thnt tho eu.rth \\-nil round, llut rnlculntell lla allnmcter to bo nu]ro tbnn 7,0110 miles. '11ao ·~ tun! dlttml!ter, lll now accepted, 1.1 rougb.ly 7.000 mllc.s. ,.

Envy Ia tile lowest known tonn ot prnl11c. ''

• Even Uao Allvcr·ton~cd orator II

aettlom alllo to tatcro&t ltlil wire. • ment'lr tlcclttlo partlca tro~ the moat

tonYcntcnt tree It, cottlo ruiltllnt does no& atop lD thla dlatrlc~ was mrl4e In tu VtiU whon ttttr atorkmcn ort:nt~· bed tht Stlfcllmon'a I•rotcetlvo Auo- • clBUon ot tho i'ourtt\ iu!llc:lal Dtitrlct.

We don't alwnya give doc:k a roualnr rcecpuoa.

the al1utt

""""f=. Itea!4cnta flf Jlolbroolr; Arl&,. near tho Little Colorado rlYcr, 'Wilre ro­«JnUy tlr1nn from tholr homes br 11ootl watm. Tho etrcam. which loft Its banlu follllwlnc torronUal ralnJ on tho watci'J.hcd aboYo hero, lapped two fed a~Ye tho curb along at lcul one bllclnclil'atrcet, dulaal~ atoru con· alt1trnlllr.

ftit CODYtntfon committee It SlrO> parllll an cxtcnslyo prosra.m Cor tho lt4tO COilVC!lllon cr the Now Mexico Amcrfron IAslon. wblch wlU bo bcl4 111 ~~ Crueo11 Sept. t'i, tl and '1. 'l'ho nuxll13r3 c!lnYcnUon will be hcld at tho a!lme tlmo. Tbo El Pruto p:>at bll!l bcllll Jnvlktl to toln ll) tbo No'll' Mcslro CJ:I!l'l'<illl!Oo,

Tbct 11Wo nu:lll!n; cloputmcnt of .Arbo:m drew 4ll,':03 worrontfl durtog tt:> ft:ml YCU 4lt:dc4 Juno :10, ll.'l49 m:~ro tb~n tho prcvboll twotvo monillo, attnrJ!ou to Ana Ftclunlltor, flttlto nolltt!'.lf', 'lho wannnUJ ln~"OlTo an m:• pcndlturo ot SU,CGO,Ol'J(l and W'CI'O Wocd ot U:e rato of 1'12 for each bunS. n~ lJD)',

Arl.w~n·• new atoto atsonol ar.d 'lt'tlro!woco for ctor.lgo or curpluo rnlll­u.rr r>rOPMtY ond c;qultr".mmt ~tt'ltlo & t'lld CJJ cuntl'l otllrbls tlnllll:ctt tlov• Iii# !il!lttll rtcd muntltona Into tlto httt<.htl!ltlel'll tolldl!ltt In Te;mptl. Tbo cc..v ctrucltm:, er brld~ ~onutnF-tlnn. n~cnpltll groond IP:lf<l or GO b1 1CO ttet o.n4 I'll ono ttort in hel!lb! ••

len eoat SOc a half. pint.

Dut Dlllck FJas lJquid.

tho ~udlleu made, oosu •

onlr 35c. Why pay moro

'When m.~ Flas Liquid will eomplctdy rid your homo •

Gf fiica,.moaquitoca, ants, roachet, bcdbus-. etc. It kiU.

· qulckly, and ~clyJ Monc7 bark U it doesn•t prove ao. ' --


I ~~L~~

Dr.tk 1'1•1 .tM. ~•., '" ,_-ln /M~JJ> Ef*Uiflr iaitr. JS~, ,., ap. - • - -- -:::::=*""'"""'=' ~

l •

How Rashes do ltcltl . ;;


tod!M. roh1• 11mt woro o1il ba!tm~ C'mt<.'! actl h!1 n.rmorti! tar:d ~ndo tt:elr way Into th" atrJthweal havo bcell t;!lctagmp!:~tl So tho tllt.nHllM,ml

BAnD! them ltcdy'Wi:h Ctrticun Soap lad lw1: wt.-u, ay gmtlt.and lfply Cuticuta Ol.l:luncut. fc h r.Jfttsbg bow q-iliklr the ini:uioa ad i:thlng su;p ll!:d a!'w a few ttutotcnt1 d:e tub lllilt~pcm. Thm Is cmbiog bcutt Cut All f'utrn1 cf akin Ucllb!d. • FINNEY OF THE FORCE .... 7

_ .... , .;{_

• I

.. "" ' !

• •



1uat Bef"ore the Storm oolliM. trom ttl& air, by C.:l!tnd Cha~kt A, L!M!:or&b. ('.o!c;t:el Ll.nd• Wgb b'cug~t tbtt m~M ta•Cnt.l4 Fe ntl4 thor "'II'Oto dovelopcd fn tho bbot'­ntcrr ot tbo Amcrkan Sclloot or ne­





lleatcb. · 'l'htt farcest appt~rtlonmet.Jt eTet"

macle to tho ((lmmon tthoot. ot ~ow l(utcif t• no,. belae df!lttllr.lteil ·by State Sd:ool suverhsundent Atanufo Montoya ua Stat. , Sthool Au!littr C'l.rl COmstock. 'T1i& blount to be ai!' IJOrlfoned tot the eomtnr .Jchool :rear 1& i1..C~~.tl!3.401 whfcll Ja ali fneteue of ·i43C,171.20 o'tet tht amount appor. tlo~ hat )"eat. Tttfa 7eat .theachoott will t«elt~t $11.4! »er Pb"IL . . .. j

A bew' lllhWA)' ltobi aaltup, N. M .. to the Arl:fOtl& atatt Una' U tellil pfanJled, It wu annouilced .at the IIIA'It• way cfel)artmcmt Ill l!!aHta Fe.. Tla6 «rattamea are e~pectea to com.Ptefe

· the pre!lnil~tt 'Wor}c fn orlfer Ulat the llf01ect may ~Hi let thla ~onth. The

· tlew road wJlllttt~ .-t the -entt or .~ federal afcl »toJ1!d already buUt 't!'eilit. trom GaU.utJ, 'fl'hicll 11. llboilt to• mite• ottt, anlt "'r!lf rttn troll tllat t>Oint to

. Pl• Arltonl llitf. • . . beapattllflf ofet r.attt , ttoabfu w~ had brou&bt • breach belwien ldml!elt ariel hla witt ·lltul· chUilten. ~ 'tf :tlootdli1, § tetra ole), ·a: 1,'atmei', .WJut th•~is •etert. DIU!t atortbw&t ot . P6rtal~lti N. ·Jt,, tbot ad ldlflld ]da n.;ut-ol!l 'Wlte @d hac dllil}!ter.1!tte. .t:A•uci lluket, · u, f~t • ·l!"Otet Jlt · l"'irtafet. · · . . · '

Ottfclalli of thi!! 4tlton& 'A'ilt~bUJ . 'tJ>e;Uetj• AWJci•UMtar• iif~Klor

. .. ltlirctbl!.i'~lp drift tlitbll~ tk .. .. . · .Ut~Y. n 'fft!J IU'l~WilneH' Jn Plloatt: ~~~ ·t·

·~Jileil'l ~<Set(!t ott be; lf()1t~MllrliUCiltor ~~p:t~r. mr•w.r ·(l.t:'the •mdtttolf, . ·

• •

Soq2~ o;~:::x.r:~ad $OC. T&lotM:Ik. ~;!etub!m.

.u./rr;u"Oadcwa."~ ln. U.Sitt~,alitt. -......-_Fro~ Youth To·Old Age

• . THERE are three trYing periods ina wolllan•s life: when the girl matures to w~manhood·

• •• • when a woman gives birth

.. to' her nrst child; when a womart teaches ntfdclle age. At these times Lydia E. Pinkham's .Vegetable Compound hell'$ ·to te. . stote normal health and

. .. .... .

· vigor.Cou~tletatho~ands .· testify to it$ w<:»ttb. ·

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Fancy Grade Corn, No.· 2 can11, per. d~, $i..6S

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~- . ' . '- ·- • -Extta Standatd Corn No.2 cans,-~ 4cn, · . · 1,50 · Extrl'l Sta~dard·Com No; 1 cius, pet doz. - . . _· 1.25 · Standard Grade Tornatoe• No., 2 VZ cainrper d~. 1.-85 , $tandard Grade Tomatoes No. 2 ~ns, per 4~, ',1,.50. · Libby's Pork an~ Bean$, 11 oz. cans, per .doz. , ,90 · -Li~~y's Pork apd_.B~n5t·llb; 2 oi. can.$, per d~. 'L25 · ·

. . ,_ •"d Miss Al:«;q~ Tlt,.,mp$ottt . . "b«J 'h~lh ~.ii«le ' c~rrJ.~c)-o . . ·_ .. -ho~~-.for • tbe . p~•~-- few- -- ye.at"!lr · ~~"~ ,tq•r~led llt tf,le bo.Ue. :ot · _ ·_-· _ tdd, .. , t ,. Jl.·l "*. . · .r e t Pll-t(lP_ ~t U· ~VMf!.'-'o,, 1-'e.~~: . - . •- .'· •-,, ., ._: ' ·' - . _ ... . ~ . . '! _.,'. ,- . '

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Supkist Jams, buffet _,.;z~, per ~.oz. _.- - · . · · -- . 1_.00. · . . ~~~h S~;b.QQJ, br ~n •c::coi\Qpllltl~ · . · , : · ·-~"~h:l.tJ !lnd (}ut _peQpli! ti •t•·¢ ·-

Libby's Milk, tall caps~- pe~ do~. t~55 · _ · Libby's Milk, baby size .cans, pt!r ~~. • .~5 . Standard peacheJ, No;~ C!!nf, per d<>Z. 1.90' Fancy Peaches,' No. 2 ~ns. per doz. 2.25 . Standard Pe~rs No. 2 ·eans, per doz. 2,25 Fancy Pears No. 2 cans, per doz. · ' 3~70

... J " , _____ ·-

These ~oods art all rl~bt exceptint that tle lt"ls ire . up, but we -~uarintee tbe conteoJs. · .. ·


_The -Titsworth Co: ·Inc. CAPITAN, NEW MEXIC:O -. .


_ · . b!tcm ibrUiecl·_by ltet prq~"c• . Hh>n».· ' 1\bny fdendll h~fe a~d llf _ J'or\ St~nton wia!J M:r, 11ncl Mi'••

1 tlendtr,_=_l,'l _ ~JJucb bil.pph1~:ll» •. )Vein · lef the ,Atvar•clo 'lJpif.otlu, ·.pub~ liabed •t tbe home of tbe bride, te•-

· l11te the •tory -of · th~ ~edclfnr:r, wbfe!it cloea_ln)be followil)g: bea&Hiful auuu~cr: ·

Ml•• Altn~-1'bomp»on, 411Qg,b• ter of Mr • .'au<l Mrs. G. G. 'l'bt,nttp.­aon, wu married 'l'uc•day even• inf: at ~ia-ht o1cloi:k li.t t~~ . bolzi'e of Mr. and Mrs. Tbollip~Jon, to

----_ ... __ ............. -~---:,;:"',. "::.~-: ... ":-:-~--: •• ;-:---..... ""'--':',,.::'::-~0:0:::-__ :-:_ ~:-:: .... ;-:._=--~,=~=-::: ... ::.. !tlr. William Cooper H.endrelf,

LOCAL-- ·-AID ·-pt:_RSO .. AL . Card of Thank• . 10n of .Mr. and Mr11 ~ w, 1:1. Hen• 11 L 11 • - dreo of Tulsa, Oklahoma,.

" , . '

- , ,We wish to thuk frlePd for Mr11. Richard l\{cCaJJ of Fort 1-l. D. Hiller and Malt .Gilmore their mauy 1clndne$1es following Wortb 1111-0g "1\t Daw~i~g" ~qcl

wl.'re IJuaiDI.'&u viauorB from Tula.: tbe death of our beloved huabaud ''I Love You Truly'' as pte•oup­ro!la Monda v. and fa tber, and to~ tbe beautiful tlal songll Misa Grace kelley

~lrn. 1r E u,,drack ·and son floral offcringa. · accompanied I,Jcr at. the. plallO• '-'lavuwntl u·turnvd Sarurd 11 ·v from Mn. O. D. Buford add Son, Ml81 Kelley pha,ved the wedding 11 rnoutu'11 1111 y 111 1~1 Pauo, march "Bridal Cboru1'1 f_r o.ltl

.. J LJ C< l••nan arrived T .. E. K-ELLEY • • ) Lohengrio. Durina- the ceremon,Y , .. r1 · • n • ) " 1'Traumerei" was played.

y('61crday I rom Doxir •. Oklabama, Funeral D.lnc~or and 'Nias M.rgaret 'l'bomp!Jon, -Ilia• for 11 viaat wltb her parent•, Llc:cosw Embalmer ter of the bride, as brlde!IIDaia th£' Uryana. • " 'Phone 96 and Mr .. Alfred Ricliardaon ql · Henry M. Ucnny •. well .lcn(!wn Carrboxo •' JC. 34. Carrlxo•q, New Mexico, as.est w """ and fnnucr Hhcritf of mall entered from tbe dining OtNo county, wan here yc,tcrday Lincoln County Bap• room. ·The bride1maid wu <Jres• fro01 AIAwoKardo. tlat Strvfltl ted in a c:oJoniaJ gown ~~ 1eOow

Mro . M. A. Courtney arrived · - ;eorgette and cream lace. She lut WCl•k frotn IJJflon, Otero . Rev. F. c~ Rowland, Paator carried an Ifill bouquet of pink &:ouuty, for a Ylllit with ber son - rQSebud• · Harvey and fam111 . ' Corona-Fir~ Sauh'laj, The bride and groom came

Curiaoao-Scccu:td .ud Fourth tbrougb to the altar, wblch was Mra II· & Smith, Ntll, Ari• bJnk~d "ith vln~•. ferPI and t~tll

aona, • daughter of Mr. apd M~•· Suoda1•• ltukela of pink gladioli and rose

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To see a beautiful hose ill one thing

• -w 1cear one 11 '


ttlt\F.BEEL" Hositfry is beautiful ~nd has reason to be. The lbies of the inconspicuous llt!le heel. the sheen of tho evenly dyed, care­fully knit .silk and the staudal'd,ofKnyscr to make merchandise that wears, mean a a r~pu• tation for any hoae. . :

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Jobn L. JJrrau, Ja Yititipg her I>rcacbineservicc 11:00 •• m. t:idJ~iaa. There were other bas• porenttand9thtrmembenolfbc Cven[ncaerviu7:30~ ~. kdt~f Oowe~andpal~~ a~ut ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= lamsly. Evcr1body \VaJco~l!~ " Ute Hying and dlt!ing rqom. • Coron• New.s· " Notice •MothbdJ•t Clatanll

Mr. •nd Mr1. George Dingwall . Renraud W. E. Kimbrough of - _ , _ LIIDJe dqwo from their aMmmur CathOJI~ Cllllrch Ft, 'Worth oftlciated whb the Mr.andMr1• w. 1. Dlslimaa Tbeoalctoftbe VillageClerk · - a.,,'1'.T,IA.,1.,.., bome '!~ Ii:nglc C~eek, Saturday. ring ceremou.r. .retuhted Tburttla.r !rom ChaJZta l ·· • , and went to E1 Plao tbo aame ,... Tlle bride wn beautiful in her wber, tbeJ' bue been .for abosat "a ow ia the' dew Fare B1.tilding SMaday St-bHl '* •·•·-eveuang. SVHDAYI wetldlng gowa of Stebll t!gg•shell two weeks, dqrlnc Nr. Diahman'• jMil w~st of tbt Comm11nlt7 Bal.l Prcaclthlt' lliiO •·*• Zpw.rtlt

J. U. Sbep1,1 rd, formcr_ly of 8:3() a.m.-1!'int Naaa {Strwoli crape brl~alaatln, t~im~ed wltb ncuion, Deapfte . ttnpleaaaai •. Otl!ce ho•ra will ~- lrous. -9 to ~ear~e '=" p.;a. , •YeaN.c -.r• Hoawell but now aaaociatc:d with iu Enaliab.). baadrun lice. made wttb long wnther tbe7·bad a very .. ccea.- 1~ .•· •· ad l:JO to 4 p. •· Ylce 7.4'· I

1 be New Mexico State Tribunc. lO:OO •• -m.-Secoad Nan (Str• •lcevea, long bodice, a. ad I o u It (uJ ijsle~nr \rip. _ , . -· 10 per Ctllt discount wtlllte at• waa lure Weducaday tn the. iu• moo ia Sp· nitb). tkirt of IUln.ea hem Uoe. tier Mr. ancl Mrs. Jewel Jou~s re- lowed ou all water bills paid" 011 Male Help Waatotl tcrcet of that paper. YeU was Q( white bridal tulle, turned bouse froiD Lot Aagelea -_ _ . __ _

Cbnrtn Stuuwel wu bere for au4 ber cap waa caught with a l'rlday night. where tbeJ have or before the 10th of each month RSLIA8LE IDatt waated to tllla the weck·end wnb his parents. ...u .. ~~-· wreath of oranrc blossoms. Her b!en Yitltini thiuu•t~tet. hrtttai of .the Stb as he~etofo~e McKeta Buaiae.aiaLfucol11Co**ts• He travcle out ot Los Ancelel OlD ,_DG( IJRD tJYS slippers were of. white. satin. Sbe -- iJH. i'. A. DMBola ret•rned By order of tbe 'lruateu ty, $8 to $1:1 dail.r pto6ts. . lt'o and wben in abootme tllatancc ol • .,. carried a semi coloo•al boutuct from· Kalla&l gatu~da.rartetuoon, ., 2 times . capital or experie•ce reqllited

. Carrtlo"o ruua in for a dntt or twu. if'll. ~ 0:,.,~ --~~-~ of bride'• rosea ud valley lilies, where she hlld beea ·daitiUJ ber - -- - Wobderfal opnarttullty- w· 'lt- • .. . " •,.. V'- KNII from -!lhlch fell cascades of white Whit - - ah d - • r- _ - •

1 e Saw UiJUJCr wu over l-"ridll,Y fltot It aof tlll,_t ribbons. ' t~ ••:1 t • ~~ er; llltbut -prict!J paid for. bidet lid•1• McKesa Co., Dept. T.

ntgbt frQcn Capllao, Sam ••1• i.1 ceal pnn• . Punch was aeryed to a b 0 u t w.ent au opera J:~ .. ~ oua 1

a ,•d pel~t-Zterler Br~. . Fr~eport. Ill, farm aod ranch coodniona are ox• u tlfty·fi•• !'uests by Mines Doris Mrs. Jarnig,au aud 011-.- 1>. re• · ccllent, but lbat tbe bcuy taint AibematiM and Pauhne McLcroJ. turned !tome Sat•rcb.y eveoh:ag s·.,. T'. ·_ -~--..... &' __ . - -_. 1,_ ·, .. _ c···. -1.-1 .• __ _- ·s.·B' have badly damaged an bleb· Mr. at1d Mrs. Hend~eu left by tromShafter, 'ruaa. Theyh&Yit DD .11:1 ••1• in bia ecctiou, (!!!) aatoaaobile for a two weeks trip bten awa1 a month visiting Mrs.

Mra 1~. t.J.eller, of St. Louis, to nortliern parts of New Mexico Ja,rdtgall*a aou, Tom T7re. • lg bcrc witb the Beck family, and and Colorado •• and win return Sttilrday, night Marvht Wil· cspcctD to rtmaits tbtougb tbe September 1 10 Fort Stanton, Iiams of Vaugbn1 met .••Sheep• I{ tea trr part of tbe c;omiog win• New Mexico. • · Joen ht .a. bodn_g matc1a. t". Mra. Muelier ia tbc:: gr•ud· - Mra. llendren'a ttavcliug -- held at the G,)'tti. ioe was out ia wotber of Marshall Beck, wu of tan wcolen crcp!! with ac• tbe (o~Jtth ro~nd. .

Mn. J. £, FatJey at~ca\: the . •c•sorie• o( beige. ·" SMI!r~'f:Ed.!!itt.Williams..eU!ic ... ---' werk•cutl butt ftom Ahunogordo · _n____ ....... • ·•---- •P to spcn4 tht· wrek•enil with · w1U~ bcr daughter, Mrs. Cbutr&, A tlalf Holiday bit Sllllthct,. J.lra. Ed W.illiaills. aud graudddJtbtort, FtQllCCUnd - auetutntd 10 .KlPuo Mottdl)'. c

Virginhl. Old fri~ruta bore af• 'th · r It _. _ . •. _ __ _ ~rdd~ Ptrkhte, a~eoMpazsied .. wayuxtend a warm welcome f6 .• _ . e 0 owang bnttn_e~• 'bousea _ · hi• modi~t •n4 Addie, left " the l''arloys. • ' t.gu·r--· y· ou-. R' ~vr·s agree to cJoa;: at 12:00 . . _· -· . . 'Jiiotoiilg lot Uot s . -

~ _ -_ -_ Ll ' DOQIJ, AugJJ!It19dor tb«:. Fttlals wbet~ u.n~y 'wilt JUett .r-Ia;~?.~ 1'bomfln J. Splllttt wife atid o.f ~S()utbettt New M'extc5)-iMJI 'ttae,.~tre-lQtti:tilitsf tc)-mi~: .._

cblfdn>n, -df Sntt Ru¥li spent After you -ha~t ~ad- T:,u,.rag!e";t!rt!.. . ro~otd•abOut tdp to Colorada \6 .. tbe weck•eud hero :rtitll tho S, lt, tavotitt t«otd In the 14 e ___ .• • u ""' _ ,._ud tbtir Yleatit.u.·_ ~ickcla ftuutlr. Mr. SplUtlt •• • . .. :.. . l'l..;.a . . ll d I L. r.tL c . r~ ( ..,. ' b_ tQ- tbcr ot M_··a. Nick•lt. n_ ilT1i IW""b ~r ... tropt. ·_ e .t t& q--

0 1Xi.PUt)' · lutta•y * teti:iooa ,-.lllltt,:lao aud • "' RoUtntl's: Urur -Store , _ OorOd* m~ttlted itteit aldU a.t

Nickel II W~Al Mwt with .'~e A tli()Qlcilt or two ·ad clear, L. A. Jolly . . . I . ~~M~Mll· CQtOli& ••• l' i e: t 0 r . Spiller 1JU2Ul1 fur • Wt~k~ YJIIt \'ibtut now ol tht Lfac:o,t• CObQ(f Newi ... "db.~ ltOfill of. 6·2. . . ;,· .. . . •

W._G. T~oruooro'tttd to~ Dr>• him wlU ClttJ yott _ -Tb• 8t1lt $bop .Nlu Luetla.;Kt_rrcr, :of ~J .lla~t . . tdt 1~tadt1 ~m'. Miusdl., !'J_~t- ti~ body, ud y~ _ , TJte J'irat Natlontt. H•nk ~~.:!~~1~' ~~:*:.:::,t:~!!~ . · fda, -U tht~lrobl~Ch'n. ThtJ 'lilt l• u,. il tw..~-.:..... ~"'.. . 'l\ m.Jtelley . to VallfbD: ,IQt • •t•.t-. . ¥itit \ba CarJa.t•~d · C'ttertt ()11 . ~ - - ....,...._'4V»J ,... s-.yhtaurd- · ·• · tbdr •• , tlUt l\1d wui prilceetjoiu od1 ot C)peta wllich ·tWa .Na.ye~t· C:b& Stc>te ' H m:+ '"" I ' ' '

• lh:awielr *litU)tll' to ltt~it dt,ti• etfll miCbine brbtp to YOL w. ~tidg "· a'.JUtO.\'ODUS .. uallOI:f• Do• wut ttm~tll\ ib M{ .. t .... ., ue- .;y.....,;~t· . • ~ ... - . _w .. L-. B~tnett . ' . . . OPWWTRI~'r t.lilt wb~rc bt witt 1X1 t'ut•lld ~~-·- ~~~~7. e ~ "';-o. ·."·Dft tt. ~~ Btau~y • · .,.. ,.1 'ff'JiH.il1() . "'

.turt~r lli:e-whner. wllile. tbt~ ta.• tod47· · • · Pttlu.tts -!il•rcahtltou*t ... &.,. ·~"" -tbtr -wm :reuuu to Ute oli luuo Gtt • K(l(ld~_ .. ·._ ... ···.-· ' 0\ill601t An •• a em 'S1iop: ;tcuttlt iloab-1 ni Tu..a., . t• Jtihtot! ~htti! toa tnr•l•t• .. _, · \ ...... ~ ' :ot ~ Jliiidk fltlittrtttqu~rebii«Utatl<uk lt · RQ&Id'•t)nc& - liOT*4N&iCUlt> lll4Tt. 11\tlM of .:u -prolllbilib ,bath •Ul ·be ~itt ·_ -· · · - --· · · ~· -_ ttt u•• -..tt-••• ttl • ,nt,. SH4 v•• •r•in te•·* t,'lii~Mt. ·. , . . I -- - taatt t4 . ~ ll )tel •

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