Lincoln · .. " . ' • ---~----' ' . '·...

. '". ' ' ... . . . . '. ' . '.,. ' •,. •t' ' .• ,.. : . . . . . - • , " .. , :t ' ' ... ' ' " . OOUH'l'Y . - .. < '' llihlfllf ....... ... ·-: !' . . .... e..,.ra$11r . ' , rN utr I · · tu : , t·. . . . · llt<t .Ad Mtt. c,. .. . > ' \ I . ' \ . . ·: ... :: . " . . ' ' '' . . ' . ' ' ' . I '' ' •'

Transcript of Lincoln · .. " . ' • ---~----' ' . '·...

Page 1: Lincoln · .. " . ' • ---~----' ' . '· . . ... "'' l,IV'"''~"'lf'l"·"''""''•l>

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llihlfllf ....... ... ·-: !' ~ . • .

.... e..,.ra$11r ~=

• . ' • •

, rN utr I · · tu : , t·. . . .

· llt<t .Ad Mtt. c,. o~ . . . t~Mlioli~.


' \ I

'· . '

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. " . .

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. . '

. ' ' '

. I '' '


Page 2: Lincoln · .. " . ' • ---~----' ' . '· . . ... "'' l,IV'"''~"'lf'l"·"''""''•l>

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---~----' ' .

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>·' J ·>· ·,,' ,c,,, ',. '.'.'•' -~" '' ,''9-.,., •"' 't 'f t > ' ~, • '>.''•' '·~ ' ' . ,(11-hr ,")",.'. ' 1' • "·.'' I' t' • > ' '

I , ·. I,···.. ft•1- ··,l·~j '•'''·.·.·.• .. ,,•',····,· .. ·· ,,,,, . -~-... ,·,,·.-··.· ... " "'/ J ''t ·~'' ,c ';' I ·,' ',' • ',•'."·•' .'•!; • 'f! ---• ~. ' ' ·'''I •' • I

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. . . "' ' .

' , •; '\·_, ',• •, .. ,iJ.•'. :·:-- .f' ·"· •: ·'.~•-• ,J,, ·.·'.> ·• • .-r I· ·" ' '• .,. •. ' •. t. ~' •• ·; ...

I r ' . .

' ' •· . ' . ,. ' ·· ..

' ; ;, . ; I::;;, ;I! 'l· :;,;•.; ·" .. ~:,;;;·!'·.

' , ... J . Bomber

.. . ' ·'. ~ ·: . . ·, , I, • ' ...

. •, .. ' "

. . ~ I '· ..

' ,. .... •' ~ ... . .

The newest and bt:!lt of the V. 8, medium bombers Js1#J-2G, fhown here taking off (above), an4 In the aJr (below), durJnr a fetJt lllaht at Baltimore, l\ld. Product of the Glenn L. Alartln factory at ·Baltimore, thJB high performance dealer of dentruotJon will soon be roJIJor ofl the production Jines llt ma1111 production rate. -------- ---------------------Pr~~if1f•nt Awards Colli<"r Aviation Trophy

<. :::;;; - ........ _,.-

PreakJeat ltoosevel& awarded lhc OoJIJer trophy, p:!Delpal avlltlon award of lba )'aar, to U repreunlatlve• of eonimerclaJ alrJiaea tor tho

• ' ' ! l

• '

' . .~ ' ' .· . ' . . . -~ . ·. '•

·. . . . ~· .. , '" :

Powei t.~ '' ...

John 0. Garaqd, lnventor of tht:. army's famed seml·automatlc Gar· and rJQc, llJ •bown at work lti"hb model shop at the SprlnrfleJd, 1\fau.; armo~, where hls rrancJ pn Is fn. mns11 prodqctJog to arm Jlur defeme ro .. ci.a.

• • -

See's Fascism's End

' • ' ........,......,.,_,_ . ' . -,

Nine Nati~m. ·Fall 'oe!bte. . . ' . ' • ~ :J ~ ' • . '·:.

· .. Conquering Fqrces· M

. . . : '' u·~s . .Arms~· . ·' : :- •. " .. ~ . ·-.-~- --~.,-~. - "

sy noa~n sHAw ' OJ•U•,s.c:cU•r WefJ!Ira JJI!wi~P~~l"!~ 111!1~>n.l. Ot the· tn~U!.Y sfgn~fi9ant

events in tb.e JU~s.ta.rred year, '19.40,. tbe sudden ai!.d general.! ly unexpe~ted ·coUapse Qf Uber· ~ F~ance W!l~ perbap~ the oqtstanding disaS.ter. Otber sfg .. nU\cant happenings were tbe re.-electton · of Mr. Roosevelt te a third term as Pre~ident of the United States, and the triumph of Churchill over Chamberlain in British imperial circles. Another phase, not to be overlooked by .any_ manner Qr means, wal> the surpris­ing success of the 1940 U-• boat cag1paign against the Brit.. ish isles, ap.d the compa~tive lack of succes£> In the matter of German air raids, the. de-

.I . . r .

' '

·· ·s···· •· .. Tmf ·. ~)'vjQg . . ., ,. I ' ' ' , .. I '

. :· ' '

. ' ' . . . ~?. t.'~·.· (·



struction of Coventry no'twlth~ ~en'tounded 'the Vichy government. ed: Newfoundland, Bermuda, B!lha­standing. Still another upset The Oornuuw divided France into mas, Jamalcn, Antigua, St. Lucia, was the silly double collapse of two portions, two-thlrdb occu- Trinidad, and BrJtiBll GuJnna iD Italian armies in Albania· pled by German troop:J, and a third South AmerJcu. Our army an~ naVJ" Greece and in Libya-Egypt, "Independent" and directly under at once set ;f;ut tho fortification

r Y{:ith Marllhal Petain, Wh!! wru~ m:urn un· of the .newly . uircd .bases • ,.. savage rcpercusslomJ at der the Influence at a politician who 'fh1:3 woo not all: It was deaJded

npr:ne ln the Italic peninouln, always wore white necktlea- that tho U. S. possess two navlc!a­therc appepred to .be owarthy Pierro LavaL· Alr:.acc-Lor- Atlnntlc nod PncJtlc-irustend of one.

something rotten tn-Romc. ralne wos annexed directly to Gcr- We hod 15 battleships, for example, .. ..,.,.,O·FINNISIJ WAR many, who had lost It In 1018. Bits and 37 cruJDcrs; but we were to ..,..,~ t th F .. ch avy claBhed with ha"" llO lens tlian '32. battlcohJn.. and Tho ye~r 1940 opcflcd with the 0 0 l' .. n n · ·" .. ~ continuotlon ot one lc.t~Dcr war, In tho Brlt1:3h navy twice: once at OrQn addltJon m tho two m..dor M"lO. in Algcrln, and -n :Jccond time ut "" ..

UJ .. Dakar, in Wcot Alrlco. · tion .In American histoey was pnrmcd German and Slno-Japone::e con- Meanwhile, a minor French gen- lil conQroos. The new conocrlpta lllcl!l. Thin was tho RUS!:o-Flnnlnh oral named De GouUo-n tank ex· were already being called up, ~t war. which looted a little more than pcrt-cDcapcd to England. und or- tho clo:~o ot 1940. CJose to 17;0DO,ODO three fuU monthD. U began at tho gonlzcd 0 droup lmown 00 Free lodll, between tho Di03 of 21 nod 36, c1id of November, 103!1, and ran on Frenchmen 10 carry on the war b(. were reiiBlcred. through 8 llllfc more than the flrot pet;tcrlng .tho Gennllll!l and tho a - At Waohtngton, 11 nntlonol dcteruse two montho ot 1040 be/oro Finland loncdlJr "pro-German" VIchy gov· board was cnUcd into being, includ­~olly save up. emment. De Gaulle had. tho DDC- lne millta:y expertt, laoor leadcra,

fho FJnnG were vJrtua!11 dJ5.. .clal car of· Churchill. Do Gaulle and capltnUsta. The nnUon's war i.D­anncd, tho RU!l!llnoo took over thCI planned Uw uMucccroful Dakar op. duotrll'!a were speeded up to top Monncrhclm line. and tho cecond croiJon, and hla agcntB wcz:c activo pitch, and congrce voted billion~~ city ot Finlnnd, Vlb~rs or VUpud. in varloUJ:J other French colonlea. lor nrmamcntB. Tho President de­eD wclJ oa certain htghly atrolci!C French Premier Henri Potalo .In a clnrcd that tho Brlt!Dh would got • points 111 tho Finnbb gull. The Finn· 15\U'prlao move oWJted Pierro Laval rouch 60 pel' c:cnt of our produc-tnb war prcn!dcnl, Knlllo, rcolgned. from hftJ cabinet arul appointed in tton. .

-.afety record aehlaved last year. Threa ph.ralclau were al•o bono~d for dnaloplnr u oz1(en mule, The)' are L. to a., slaadll'tr (frozst), Dr. w. Boothby ani! Dr. W. LovclAee U, ot the 1\fa)'o FoundaUozt, and Capt. U, Arm•tronr or the army medical eorPJ, Wrlrht .fteld, Darton, Ohlo.

Co&&nt Carlo arona, rormer ltaUu 'premier, who 11 credited willa tho atatemen& that the ltallan people are dluaU.!td wllb Fa1ebm. De II ztow AD elille Us the v. 8.

FoUowing tho war, tho olhe.t hJa place Plcrrc-EU!!nno Fl!lrulln. Franklin RoosovaJt defeated Wen-three Utt!o D?IUc atn~, Ll~uanlG, luWCU!l to know what tho conquered dell Willkio in the 1940 cleetlon. The Latvia, ond Eotontn, voted them· enemy wan doing, Germany lmmo- total ceoro woo rou&hb' 20,000,000 aelvcs Into tho Sovlc& Union. dla!cly cent Ambll!l!lador Abet: to votea, tD 22,000,000. Tho electoral

Eorly In AprU tho Gcrmo~ puUc:d invcaUiotc. • vote, WM OV(!~~~hollmlns· their No. J ourpr1co of tho No. 2 BATTLE OF BR11'~1\AIN~!Hil!l<!atll~tf.l~y;tlff~o~r1~th:c:-J~~tc~rm~,~~~ ' • ---- . ·-- - . ' ~ .-, "- .......

The Olympics of Aviation'

Celebrate 'Old Christmas'


-· .... ' . -..

. . -~------------


JJ.' If . .,


Will Defend Tit]e

. Leads C. I. 0.

World war. L!ko a atrcok of lrJ

'~~~f;;~~: Dunkirk, Flan· llon'n prel:!l campaigned tor the Jn.. dcrs; nnd Onltar, Wcol Alrlca, tho dlnna uUUUC!D lawyer. Willklc ~:~lood

. llritlcll lnlca tool: an fnaeaced hom- Cor Ute draft. anti for "a!d to Drlt­tncrlng from tho Gennon aJr force, oln," but ho received mrot of the

• Dic:knomed tho Qylng cir· l!;olatlon and ciUTlcd the out­or

,, ••


__ , __ --


Page 3: Lincoln · .. " . ' • ---~----' ' . '· . . ... "'' l,IV'"''~"'lf'l"·"''""''•l>

' ,, ' ' ,, ... {I . "

' ' •" l ' . . ' ' .' o ' • , , !, r ,

• ,' ' t' ·~.

' ' ,, :'

,·, ;. ' .r . .

• . l



• I

. •

, > · .. ,. ' .

• • • c .. .. • • ' ~ ' I '

.•. t-~~~attJfi,'Ju;fimclUu\ .i!~t ot' hou.-! 1-= lln~ Queen l!:l,lzallelb, .

. llrsea · mere'1111nt · *hJp, mak~a . :l'OYare IQ New York.. , . · Rem111$fZAnna Ct1, lnd!cJed: vto,aUon ot neQII'aU act cbarg4!d, · __,, __ ,

11-.Tohn · No •Baundert, .tereen .... ._, bangs bhnl!llf. · ·

U--.H!Iuae approve• G5t mflllqn c1ollat ll&¥7 ~anllion.

, 1&-Govemor ntVI!n ot Gcorcta amated oa , ~ wntempt ~hau·ce.

11-Imtaln to uae two linen berth~ •t New Y!lrk a• troops •hlP&. · ·

· senate Pilaaea Uatcb clean polltlea bill; 31..:.Scorc:JUY RuU upbraldl ,Jamea . H. 'ft.

'Cromwell1 mlnlltor to canada, ror ~ ., Toronto criUcldnt Gennaa)' •nd lauding empire natlona. · Senate , adds 90 mUI,lon more to farm bill . . ' .

~WaahlnlliOn omc1a11 clc:!JY G~an l!bJrge~ that lh1l n11tlon helped bring OD European war.


·- ,~--·--

coast. ~J:l?:i'i:~;~,~ !dent bara American 1blpa ~m Nl)ne •1p~td!J1~!"ellft1T11p1111t1-11-8tate- ~ePII'bnc:nt- arrangn­• United Statea c:lttr.ena from

" ,

• SWASTI~ OVER PARIS-Mark o/ "'- Nul copqueror, · the IWGSriktl, /loatA 4'ftr cnuhed Parla /ollowi1.11 illt'Plon.. F-ed EiOel Tower C(I1J be'"" in~~~ J1'C111Xd.

, '

,J.ANUA.RY 1-~nd clalma destruction of a RUI.IIan

dlvlllon. ~Wm.tcn ChurohlU wnma Europo'a neu•

trail they cannot keep out of Willi. and · aa~ them to Join tho awes.

FEBRUARY 1.-Suutana lla1111eall)l aeaault on tho Man·

nerheJm llno. 1-.Prnldentaend.o Sumnor Welle~ to confer

Wllb rulc111 al Drltaln, Frane&!, Ita)¥ and Germany.

U-liwcdcn reJ111:ta Vlnn~ll pic~ for •"' wltb troqps. , -r -27-Drlllllll raid Gol'mlln pr~on ablp 411 No,..

weman watons, rc~CU!nll 320 ~"''liY!'l!. . ..... Prfimr Mlntltel' Clamlx!rlam ac:c:llru

Britain never will conclude peace wllb J)rtSent Rl!leb rulens.

HAROH 1-nulll!lalllS enter VIIIW'I, lui.!'. l'lnntell ell)!.

ll-Allll!l otfor luU aid to tho FIMa, D-llllvlet•FIMillll llf::'DCe tr«:'alY ~t~rned, nu8·

IJJll l!crlllnf! l'utcllllll lal.bmtm end navlll baeo at llllnlloo,

1'1-Nad bom~ra rold DriUllh anehoral!o at UCAI!ll Flow,

APRIL 4-W!r.ston Cflurcblll J!lvc:n acntl'lll aupor­

VIalon ovor Drlloln o llllhUna alronJ:th. t-Ocrmana cccup)' DcniTUirk. whtcll cUb-

' mila. nnd tnvat!CJJ Norwoy, wblc:b rcto lflalll. 0~1!1. thCJ eapltlll. Ia !liken.

U-Oormana capturo moro flotwrt.1lln ponD, wbUo DriUDh llccl lri«:'C to eut supply

C<la~l amd bllll~ Gnman bomti· en. JG-GI!rmt~r.a Clii'IWll ~mbaaa. U7 roll

town In Norway

NOVEltlBER , ..

li-SrfUJh land lrOOJJII on Greek tcrrltoi'J, 11-'l'wo U•boata aunk · by BrJUab. .

· t-Britlah c:ut Glbr11ltar oft' trom Bpaln. Drt .. ~ ~ M Jl}lpa of nusllan·Da!Uo JllluO ....

~r«k lplopa ttalltca .net on. ItaUan,.t In Ailianla. .

1.o->1taU81U1 I'OI.Itccl Ill mountalna by Grftlla. Jntenae bomb a~ck mado on Lond.O!J,

11-Greec:e reporta ltaUana fteetnc &<j'Nara Albania llrtllllh lllert drop boml!l oa lvlo eon• tlnenlll.

lJ-Drit!Jb armed merchantman. allre and alnklnr. lighta orr German wanh!p and

. aavra %1.. J!hlps ,Jn.JlriUab. WIIVG)'., -~DrillAh dettro)l IJix Italian warah!pl In

port at Taranto; two JtaUan suppJ¥ ahlpa SWlk In another I!DIIIIIemenL 1

111-Germana droP. 30,000 111'8 bomba on Coventry. Enila~ 11000 ldlled. Grccks l!apturo 7w luallana.

IG-Grc:eka elalm wide aatn• aea!Ait reo . ireatlns ltaltal'IJ, . ..... ,

ts-Naw pound Dlrmlnltham. :10-Uuneary ontora uu, maklne II a four~ . , .. .power .,..~~ '011 Dr:ltarn. n-arecke clrtvo deep Into Albania: lleJn

In two vlt4l Jtalllin bona. Llvoroool l'lllded IWke Ill nl.lhl bomb­Ins altack.

2S-'l'Urkcy proc:l~lma mortJaJ law·tn prep. nr11Uon for war.

· Bomb' dama11o lhotl!landl of t-.omH near London. llaUllnq In rout after Grc:dlo lake Korttza

Z._l!rillllb vc:ul attllcked b7 raider to AI· lanuc. Grc:<!k -troop:~ advoaco In thrco eeetora. l!rtll!lb bom~ra llllack OCl'IDan acd llaUan' clltl!rr,

,to-llrltllln .olttns ~~:uarpnt«o to Dulcarta. Drlolol ratdcd by flw bombons.

li1-GIXIY·Icur numoctan poUUcol ~aden cz• ewfed In flaJt sr$1l:O. ltllllzm ned altackeil ar:tl ptlt'CUCd b7 DriUilb.

t:)-Uumanlan troo;:a chaU Iron Ouard I'Gbela.


· llA \'

tum~ Into an lr.fcmo bJ lllrii~IID po!nta 0'11 CC!l•


" ,,

' ;I

.. ,.


aro:mo DriiWt.

mlf. o:auo ol Ktnll

~~~~ troor:a 1'\'ach Er.atand lltlloliili ~d •Jill'

DttnldJ'Ic: 1

lJIUt-r \'OWl to a~


w~t of·

rcul near

two llll~. lid 1M u. 0.

1111o ltllllan t:acu:

tartra:u nlu.ud

pun co lrdsbtu

falla to O~nl& lloe;:l 30,000 ltollnn lroo;:a.

smub al Boril~Jaax

forn. to E~~nUan

main tlallilo Mr:41 c!

~!:=·ru:: f~.. ___ n_o_M_E_s_n_c ___ ...~J


Ftat!te: eelise

!ed~~~g.~ ctllsh. :C arA cattbo

aM Afrtu

ka b~. ldll many

tJ. S. PEACETIAih OOIYSCilJPTIOJV­Set • .0/ W ttr Henry L. Stinuon tlrata rlae mp$ilh c;;.-.r"U.ittt i'.u fiiu J~:::mbu fl~:!JJ iii 1114 lltlllcn•• ftr« jJeJ:tf'.llmlf miliknf

of ~ hench 'coruuiption. raldCJ'll blast at new

'-·!hi!~ :J!i~~~~~~~~lit VIchy, ,dOm• :( til reaaUoiUI

It AIUBndrla

fltels battle In Mecl•

·attack Eng.

to tlgbt

torme: ~~llli ·lauiiciileFiiuiti. ··m·- ta~r!r ·a.;·


at the 1Cib congress ail· asks for oddltlonal

eiciJ<!ndiiUJ'E.II for lla·

Sll'll<!h ot tdiiWalfo or Chicago.

and a hall bUUon

:Murph)' named

named inlnlstet to

.1aacl'<*ori named atiOrney gca•

~~~'(a~;f,~~· rot trfl'llli otf


D-.\lnc:rlc:a releaec:~ raah~at lltane• to em.Pire~,

11-Nalfll' chief ukl c:on~u to lnc:reaae fund for warahlpa to 1 bllllon 10 mllllon dollara,

11-8ec:rc:tllry Hull wai'JIJI world that Dllteb Eaat lndll!l mu11 not bo overrun.

22-U. s. Supremo court kl1ll atalo llwa pro. hlbtttns p!c:keltnl.

~.President pull! ~~e~~tral117 law In d~l tor Norwa,y.

1\lAY .. .1-B01lH thdva bW to reform wareobour

law. 1-ltllu•o retuac1 ROOieVell'a plea for air

control lhlft. t-Benato paaaea bW to end bll7lllr ol for­

I lllver. It- ]l)lmd~ed Jn lloun to -dcpol1 rea.

Senato upholdi .Prel1dent In trall.ller ol

111-~ident addrea~ Jolnt aeutlln of con• • rrcu: ukl bllllon dollan 11nd GO,DOO

plan~~ •• dc:feliSCI plan. 11-Plealdent pardoiUI Dr.\ 1'. A. Coole, Arc·

Uo explorer. D-Senato IUIIIC!IIl.I'Z3'~'1H &nll7 appro.

' '

.1-.JoatPb P, KennedY: reaJrn .. •• ambaasa· dor lo Great Britain,

I s-;watter·LoCAll bill Pl"es house. t 1-Drillllb and u, S. lftaaury beada OOU•

tar on nnanees. Strtko elotea ~ Paelllc norlhw"'l lum· ber milia ·

t-Trea1ury llUia tax on newcat l.,uo of no tea.

lo-Brttt~,:(col lloover plan to teed Nul· · ·wnqu c:ountrln; · ll-Lord Lolblnn, BriUah ambassador to

U. B., aaka ror more: help tor Britain. l'l-U. B. gcta new request tor aid to Britain. 11-Presldent vetoe~ WallcJ"Lol{~n bUl. ~Nall)l award• eo mlllloiUI In olant expan· · alan c:ontracta. .

~~on~" 1 bllllon tD m!Dibn ~ «:'xpans!On b!U.

28-.Pic:aldent aPPGinlll Edward n. Btcttlnlu1 lr .. w ._8. Knudlen, D. B. IIWmanl Ches­ter o. uavla, nalpb n1ruoLeon J end"" • aon ... and 141u Uarrtct u OD detenae I atllu. •


lloueo pau«:'C bW to apeed aavaJ build-Ing and expand a1r force. I

30-Pnaldent add:! another blll!ozl, dollan l to ctefl!nae pi"0£1'am.


. .

morma In' NLnD

Cll'llm!Mti c! wil- mac:blnu

bllllC'D a rc.u tu fer c!e-

1 bll11oo -;oe mil·

orc!crlnll depol't.aUoo '

l)a&:U ucua corporalloa

CdC311 a:W 1U blllJ:

elf trar..stcr c! 10 motor n~ttato. leav~nt 0. fl. wlttwt

reQ".I!rfnl fll::IIIJ'o

rceaJJ an tta

to IIUC• •lrl'll!ul•

tor ti'lnaftt

.. lei!I'Gtal7 of hlf IUCCUSQJ', omeCfl!lt l'atl~


defense btu, at~ AI~

llilal'llb!JML · p:iasea cotltrril, cans 1)u~ •:Nr,OOfi inotlr


• .. '


'l'IIIRD TBRM TIUDITICJN BROKEN -Fird V. S. ~MIUN w b111 cltttrd Jlme rimu, FDR la pictured h«r• Ill hfll, Atra. Roo&et"eb tdth l'lce t•rc.,ldmt and lira. H11V7 W allccc, url~cl In rl' luhlnJion lhonly [olltndn1 tla• tl«:tlon.

U-n!'P.llbllct~n n!IUoalll c:cnvc:ntlon bl«la In Prula!lel11ht11

27-Wtrnadl WUlklo of New Yo:ll IWDC!l II c:ae!lldlllo for Prtnl:lent.

Zll-tlclllltor ~ria L. Mdla17 DAm~ tor vlco prta:dctlL

JULY mceta

Rocacvell unanlmo-.zab oom· third term. • \'/allaco nam~ tor vlco pra-

NOVEMBER • 5-Jtoc:nvtlt 11111 WalliCI! Cnry llll IIAicl !n nautmat eltoUon. wttb a of m eltofcTa! votes. 'WIII.kht tea l!d~ary cam to •latH. •llh 1:1 elcc!oral volea;

,, W,·~~~ualtell ltnJ ltV fu Petu; a,!j(lq Ill>


' '

-·· .J51.11li§iiiiJTIIIiPiilill) -ii'li'ii'llrf iliililli? Plll'lltiliil··,l!l, 'ilJdrilltiii-:IIila·.,iliii."lli'l!l''lllltlllli"fiiililll55lill' :iii'" Iii., ill: ·lllinliliJ'ill.frlill' lii'":iliiii"HIIii"iill'lio. Ill'., .. ~ .. -,.~ .,,..,, 'iOj"i"', ... i .. , ~ ... ,.., .. ,...,., '"'··*.:.·<._., ... , .. , .-·r"'"Di'"''"'' ;...:.•~'= .. ,=,··='="~• ,=•'·~~~,r~..,-"~····"· ..,...,.,,, ....... ··• ·

~!ant all' tranaport craahes at Chicago alrpl)rt; 10 dejld, e lnjunld.

1&-c,raab of U. S; army bOI'f!ber kl11a m. ' . '\ .


or l..,. w lei~ . I . -~ ~ -'}

..w.· ambu~ador ,to Paril.

lo-Ic:elancl lakel Cl)ntrol 0( OWl!, fon1P,l aft' alta.

19-Juiro.Slavla 1malhu Nazi plot .. ••• · tum &ovemm~t.

1UAY 110-Rumanla Votea llata control over aD

bUJine11ea •

JUNE :12-Worlic:n• coup re.ullll In DeW co­

men! for E•tonta.


Windsor appointed covemor If

~~-~~0~~~~~ BaUata eleeted prealaQt al j

il.::;;..;.~-f~4'll1lil~~ ~N1=~Czecb~rt:rtm~·:'""~at~~~,

REDS WIN WORLD SERIBS-BtUe­batr, major priJe-the J1' orld Seriea cham. plonshl/1""'"W(Ws taken by Nr:tlo114l Lea,U1 Clncinnr:ti ReclJ GJ llr.ey defeated llr.e De­croll Tlsen in • ''"e" fame 1rrlu. Above -Jubilant Red, are pictured In c:lubhow• 4/tu t:lcwr,.

JANUAR\' • 1-USC ddcata TrMeaaee Ill Roae bowl

football eamf, lf to 0. 11--ctllrkh Dbal!llbncis,. IJIPGintcd foofban

eoac at 8taillord for flvo )'tan. 1._l.andla treea 02 buobaU playcn ln ~ ••

ooo rullns. Ji-.Armnlrllna.uepa. wcJII:rwelebl UUo,.top. . pins Montanez In ninth. ~oc:J: Sutherland IPP!Jinlcd c:oaeb of lbe

Brooklyn pro~J!OIUII football team.

l~'EIHlUAUY o-J oc Loulll w!IUI over Arturo Godoy In 1!1


l\IAROJJ ._Purdue WIIUI ,D!i Ten baDkclbaU uue ~oo Lotlla keocka out Pll)lcbell In accond





'l mombert of Balva.Uaa ::ii.~~j~~~~U.B.banonavlaUoo~ :~~~:e. severe new taw araJMt

II IWOI'II In U ~~-· b,y Umall In ,!lome ..

lo•l!l half ot TraiUI7lV811la ..

SEPTEl\IBER . 3-Asannlnl attempt to ttll Ktnr carol Ia

pJol to revolt. ._King Corol )llelda power and pkka "CU.

~ .talo,./• 1-Kinll Corol abdlcalcl In favor ol 1111 -

Mlcbocl. &:-Mexico nome~ Gl!n. AvUa Oimac:bo Ill'•

ldcnt-ell:ct. l._numanla now a totaUiartaD •tale •••

Iron Guard rule. :)_jiapa Invade Jodo-Chlnaa ft&lll l'r•c,._

OOTOUim 10-J\ISDCIIDI ~ .tap, Jna)'Of ,gL BbanOA:i

Ammcan chareo ~·alfatru at Der ordered home.

NOVEI\IBER UI-Durv"y Plane bopt lo Br1Uab HOfle!llru

In 0 houra. ~ mlllUita. liO-Ciaba capltll'\'1 awen JaPt Ill flab bMII

wllb mapa of U. 1!1. bUd.

DECm\IDnR 1-Gcm. Manuel Avila' Oima~bl' •wom A~

aa proaldent of .MC!ltlto, pltdll~ to ...,.. , • fan~t Amulca•L .... _. ._ ... ~ ................ 11-AttUII WOTk .,.,..,. Oft ... ...,...., .. ..,_ air and naval blaH.

20-Five lhouund CUban worl&cn en naval bllao fl" on atrUce,

1-WUUo U.>tmo WIIUI Cllllard c:bllmplaruslltp, w1nnln11 oil ta aamcu.

JZ-Now York naJ14ct'l Win lllanley cup In r---------..... ~ .. 1

-: --:--,

1 hoc:I<O)I. I I .

111-DoaebaU uacon CP.CJllSI flob Fellor1 NECROLOGY• 1

Clovclllnd, pllcha ao-blt samo a11aln1 Chll:al!o Wbllo Cox. L--------------1 111-ltld McCoy. old·tlmo tonr. commlta aulcldo

lUA\' 4-Gallabadlon. :15 to 1, .,lru !Cenltlel(y

derby. 1o-LI!w Jtnklr.J alolll Ambu. 111 third


wtr.t MctropoUtan cpcn wltb

• •

out .To!lnn,y .Pq•

cut VatenUno cam. Oarauz) Ill lUI•

r ,

. . . r

I I f I


1 ~~~~ r-···ilf: ~ kalli;'...,.U."' I'* 111111 ittte!it

~I.C1:2~,. w ·tl,_..m lfl...,.., o..,; 3 . ,




Page 4: Lincoln · .. " . ' • ---~----' ' . '· . . ... "'' l,IV'"''~"'lf'l"·"''""''•l>

' .

. --

J I·.· .



'· .. '·- ... ']. -·:· . . '•, --- .,·-- ·'' ' . ,, '. '--·

·,coimty 1

'ublifb.,.J Evel)' FriUI . .

. '

Kattr~ lift IMoad;cla.ft&. llllt~r lirJ,, IC. . ~tae.·•• ~be Jl9'• ome. 11t <!llrrt!IOt!CJ, •••

. Muloe, .. dft th. Ac~ J!l IUra b. 1.18111,. ' ' '

. l•bKri,tlon, la•ad't'll···· 12.00 .,.,, v-..r

........... ~o~ .. '•"'" ............. . '

FRIDAY~ JAN. 3~ 194ol.

lira. Era B. Smith, Etlller aall Pu)J!•II"



Plaintiff, vs.

' ' ,,-,,_' ' ' ' '~ . ~ ' .. ~ . .. t. ' . ' ' 1.

' "'"' . ,.

. ' 4\UIIi 'N0.261Je . NY.rliUll%, Section, 9, Townahlp B

South, Range 11 J!!ut, containing 80.00 acrea, more' or ·r.... · 0

No bid will bll. ~opted on tho a!fove deacr1~ tan~ for lea• than JJ'Ive and "t~o/100 - ($1S.00) per aero, and wl,JI be qulred to pay of l!l.le per cent (IS~) ·ot bid, the vAlue of tli.o and tho coats of Nlo.

. . '' ' ' -.. ' .- . ' '{J. -

'. '

Dr. E. L. Woorln, impl(>nd· ed with the following nnm(>d defendants ogolnst whom substituted oorvlco iJI herl!by sought to be obtaln~>d to­wit: RlltSill C. Dodgen,

- .TfmlliiODolfgvn; The follow.:: inK named defendants, If living, If dea•Wll!d, their un­known holrn' JuliUft E. Post­on, alftG known 119 Julius E. Pontln. Mro. Emma Moore, Jerry 1J. llockrlldle, .W. A. MciVOI'II, H. n, Whitt>. J. H.

tho price o!rere4 wlll . pa)'able In thirty yeara, with tntt~rut on all de­ferred at tho rote ot (QUT

· ·--- · · ---jf.pel'-<lOiii-~~f'-flnnU~ll-ild'~an~l,:f---·~ "ccordance with the 'term~~ ot the

contract to bo 'entered Into by the 8UCl­ce••ful bidder, form of whlcb will ~

No, •827 Civil.

fumtshcd on rcquc1t. AU • .mlnorall on the. old Iandi are

re.ilerved to tho State and the Com­mlllloner reurve.. the rtaht to reject any and .all bldl.

Dated at Santa Fe, New Waabburn, C. A. Niles, H. D. Niles, F. B. Trickey, H. D. Shultz, Loul1 A. Shultz, J. J. A)'cra, C)'I"WI D.Moore, Mn .. Nnney Cox, M r u • Marlon Maycn, unknown belr1 of tho following nnmcd doccued poreona: Thomll!l J. Moore, Nntbnnlcl Moore, Eusebo Moore Mary J. Wooda, JoBo Torreo Y Cha­VCI, ~dol,.lda Ch!!VCJ!, •nd all unknown claimants of lnter~:at. In tho borelnnft.or detulbod prombt>a,~ adverso to tho catato.of tho l'lnlntUJ.

tbl• 28th day of November, ~. Order of Service of "i'RANK WORDEN

commiAioner of Publlo Landi Firat Baptiat Church


lat publication Dec. 6, liMO. 2nd publication Deo. 13, liMO, Srd publleaUont:Peo. 20, liMO. 4th publication --x>oo. ?/1, liMO. lith publication Jan. 3, 19ft. Gth publication Jan. 10, 2»61. 7th publication Jan. 17, ~ 8th publlcaUqn Jan. 2t, 1m. lltb publication Jan. Sl, 1941. 10tb publication Feb, '1, 1Ml. 11th publication Feb, U, 1941.

DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH Coatora Lodae, No. 15 ·


8~DEN01' W ~J=s.:::r :: :~~~th THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: at 7 p, m.

To tach of tho abovo named deftnd· anttacalnat whom aubatltukd ICI'Vloo II Vf-t .. r- Pi N b hereby IOUght to bo obtained, GREET· ....... eree, 0 It Grand lNG: Blr~le Walker, Secretary,

You and ea~b ol )'ou aro hereby notl. --.;·--·---·---·-­tled that • oortaln causo whttrelnyou . cacll of you aro dcrondanu, · and Walter IUrp Ia plalntur, bolnr Olvll aUM No, C827 on tho Civil Docket In tho above namcrd Court, Ia now qalmt

'" . Tho eonoral object and purp011 ohatd tUit Ia to atabllab and quiet plal!ltlft'• tltlo In and to tho rcnl a~tato and prop• orty dt:~c:rlood In tho Complaint ln ial4

In: Boctlons 81 and 32, Town•blp 8 South Ill East, and In Soctlozul'& and 0 Townahlp D South, Ranto lB Eut, "".., . ., , ........ .

tW • •• •~Mut;. ,., .. ..., at ,., ................ ,_ ........... _,171171'4.....,.

aralnat tho ad VOI'CG claim. of you and each of you, and anyone clalmln1 by, UDdor, or lhrouab )'OU, or any of )'OU,

and to forov13r bar and )IOU and tatlltif :rou from ll:;~~~;{~Wi[~~}: twn -upon, or rTant or ... ,u In aald real e.tato and property.

...., .. •AI,ACM*

Jou 11ntcr your appcaranoo In aatcl taUM on or bd019 J~nuaa .2L 194.LJuda:rntJil1.J.­wnt bo rcmderotl ln nld e&UH ap!mt )'(IU and oacll of you by d~faul~

That tt:• :ttll:!a d t1altlltfri attomq and biB I!Cstoffico addraa fa Johil E. HaU, Carrlulr.o, Nnw Moxtro.

GIVEN under my hADd and th. •al of tf:e Third Judl~lal D!ltric:t Court of tho Stato of Now Muloo, thll 11th dq of Dttember, ltltO.

Ed"'ard Pcnn.ld, (D. C. Seal) Dfstrlet C<lurt Cltrk,


WPA C.rtllf .. tlon BE SURE Y 0'1 p t• tile rl&kt ;1-.ce

'Tilm it Only 9-·

. ~

·. ~ ... t'S 'b~"tffi.A ., \ ~ ~ ~·~--~

. .NOTARY PUBUC .. tQoi~".

.' ,,.

' . ' '

·-Sunday ScboollO A. M. Preaching service 11 A. M. B. T. U. 6:15 P. M. PrtachlngServlce, 7:1() P, ~. W.M.U. Wedneaday- afternoon 2:SOP. M', '· .. Prayer meeting Wednesday cv-

• • enfna 7:00 P. M. Choir practice· Wedne~ay.ev. eniog 7:4!S P. M.

L. D. Cochran • .t'utor ••

Santa Rita Church -Rev. Fr. Salvatore announce~

Sunday M111et at 8:00 a. m. and a. m. at Carrizcno.

Church of Chrbt

(L. A. Hu&he, PMtor)

Adafiii,Supt. 11:00 A.M.. Motninl Worahip. 6:15 P. M. Epworth League 'l:CI1P. M. :Evtning Worabip : W• )nvite 7011 to coms and worahlp with VL •


-- tl'


. { . \ . '•' ' ' ·~ . . . . -: .' :. ' .· ~· . '. , ..

'. '. ·'·

-:.,- '·

, .• ' .I

' •'- ., .. \ ' ' '

. ' '•

o.nd were a!ld· cd. TllC!. oxte~slon program was recommended following mcct· lng11 between Jennie M. Kirby, Dl· rector ot tho Now Mc;x:lco J)epart-~ment• ot Public Wel!, 1,\Ild J)Oif• · nld F. Clerk· ot the Surplus Uarlt· otlng, Admlnl!strntlcn.

With tho exception of purch~ca for tho school lunch p.rogrnm, .illr- . oct dlatrJbutlon of nurplus ~Ddll th,ough commodity depots .'.n~d from truckll will bc dlncontlnued In tbe11o counttea when tho Stamp Plan Ia put. Into operation. I~tead, public ntJ.II{stancc famllleo wJII pur­cho.Bo their food nt rcgulnr stores. .Purpote of the Food Stamp :Plan

Tho prtmnry- purPO!lo· of the Food Stamp Plan la to rus:slllt fo.rm· c~ to dlapoae prolltubly of their ovor-abunda.nt cropa.

PnrUolpntlon Ill voluntary. How­l!V()ll <111 ]lcrsona -c:crttllcct · ··t~y 1ho-- _,_,,.,.,"' Department of Public Welfare 118 ollglblo to purchnso food eta.mps mil)' do ao.

. . '.l'wo ~. of Stam~

.. ' , ' ... ' '.

.(! ·; .,

~. . . -··' . ' .

Bett•r· ·


.. Quicker······ . ,4.T.T;mh ....



Expert Hat Cleaning. aiid .ft."·BI~kitlc.





A full line of coBmetica and lace cream•. All reliable brands to beautify and embellish a Woman'a natural good looks. • • • • • •

FINE Iii S Kl E_.S. "

Thoro two types of l!mmps, botb l.ll!!ued In dcnomlnntlorus of 2511 and combined In bookll elmllnr

1'. E. KELLEY JOHN E. HALL to postage atnmp bookll. Tho or­nngo-colorcl'l food-otnmps nro good for tbo purchlllo ~! ~u cdlbl~ tood4 nt romU rood O~P.Iota.. They cannot

, bo WICd to purchnt:o boer, w!J:)c11, ll'luor, tob~Jeco, or household artl· cleo. Io'ood bought with ota.mps mny DOL bo CODDUIXlcd at tho' pot.nt.- of pul·cbcu:o.

The bluo~olorcd omrnpo nro glv­cm frco by tile U. S. Dopo.rtmcnt of AsclculLurc to all eligible rdlcf C11mllll'O who pnrllclpate and mWil bo ur:cd to purclu:wc apcclally dCD­Iiinnlc<l nur plua rood productn nt rcgula.r ototC!ll. Th<'oo nro

f{IOWO and

Under thfa plan cllgiblo p:utlcl· bol1 o.a mueh food

area will th<'lr ll:lle!i

ijby apilJ!r~'!I;!~!{Iy$32Sin",OOO a:nunl· '• an .u~D CltllliJ::~ C:On•

autnptlon of aurplua foodll w!U be ot dltect bcnelll to our farmers.

'nl.o t'~~Uy 4t.!;1 aurpl(l.j food.'l arl!, butter, rnlolrul, rtoo, pnrk lard, pork. com meal, Irbh pnmtocs. fre.b orongcs, apploe, JlCiln. Cllb~ grnpefrult, <mlona, (excopt green onloll!l)', et(gB, prunea, hominy grJts., dry cdlblo lx:an!l, wheat. flour, nnd wholewheat ftou~ ·

ChaDacs From Ttmo to Time Tho surplWJ Cood ll!t change~~

from Umo to Umo In necordanca wllli marxct ana crop eondltfons. A atanip luulng offlco wlll be ea­

t.abllahcd In Alamogordo by tho N. H. Pept. of PubUo W~fnre. whern ellgtblo jlartielpants may J)Ul'ChMO at&mps. Notice of locaUon wtU be sent to •.tltamtUI!f cllgtb!e w tiU" lltlp&te.

Funeral Director and

LfCCDied Embalmer 'Phone 88

Attomey.and ConniK'lor a.t lAw

~arrizozo ·Hardware Buildinz-

Carrizozo : :I : N. Me:z Upstairl.

Canizozo, New Mexico

. ~ . -

• •

. ' . .


Dec. 12 ••.••.•.••• C'zozo-28, J'orest·ll DH.18. • · · ·• ...... C'sozo-28 Capitan-10 Dec. 14 •••.•••••••• ~no Bigh School. J~~ 4 •• • ••• • • ··HotSpringaBUz& Sc!hoOl .c

., 11 ... • • ....... TuW-ola · School ___ ,t 1'1·~·· ~.·~~~-~-.-~·-·-~ HJLIIiJ~h . .&ilioiOl--~·­

•; 24. • •• ••• • •• .• ~eeene. ltigh &moot· < . u 81 .............. Hondo High School · · :

. . Feb. 8uu • • • School ofMiblll •s• Team · · • i

·. (j

' ' '

• > .. ....

' '

• ., .

- _.- . "" .





• •

. . . I

; ,.


Page 5: Lincoln · .. " . ' • ---~----' ' . '· . . ... "'' l,IV'"''~"'lf'l"·"''""''•l>




' . . l\ . '-

·-. ' ';' ~ ,. ·,- . ·f ' . ',. : '' '' . . ~

i 1-

. · ... ' .

' . . ' ~~

• . " ' . -~ . ' . " '

. '·~ ' ) ' '

... '-'-,1 '- • 'l-

I, .• I,

' . <· -.,.·,. ;A.,cho; .ltom., · ' .

... ' ' ·, ·~ ''f ·. '· - ' · --,,, ;,.-~ · n]·nt-····-~ ·• ... •·.,.~ ~- _::- :,·· -: ,. ,· ·I(:- ":' ,;·'·'.•'·.<.<·-~·-- ~- . ~-·- ~. :!il ·' ", ~'

. · .Qcm.Sm:itltbf · A~t~~ i~· kil!itiog M'' Q~;D J'l n k b.o .. l 111•1 •• t_'.tb'e a_· ~.·r·· .. Jev J.._ nm_· _·,,_ . '. '··.· . . ; ' J'• . ' ~ . ~'-· ~r ~~·~ · ...

. !!'• .. ~ .,.,_, - · 'to sp~ntJ tile. ·4ay 1rlllt· .. -,.,~..,•. :'ijey~retf$ ·haV9 . Yislto~ . ~nd baby. . . . . •

2. 5'. . . • • •

. i· . •

·. ~he bolia~~s fro'f . Tucq~c,ri · .. · Harold Hp~~~n rotur.n.d,. to · . a,nd.Conhas D~un.. ~ · . · · . • State College last Saturday •. ·· / · · On .·Decemb~r · 22 •• l94.Q; the · Sergeilnt 'r.b~~dore. Hobine' and· · Mol)~taJ~ View SlHtdY. Sebool and · · have returned' to · Salt·· Lak• · -~e· JtC!lrdla:. s~.nd$y S~:~ool m:e)i City, after a plelltlant .. boli(biy JOlntJy, Mrs. oaeUe wasm · h.ome . · ·

Fo~lowin · s mptuous dinrt·er · · . . . was ll!!rved. .. be ~v~.ning. at 2 · FOR SALE ·"" Good. 5. room · P.M., a Christmas tree with nuts house on cofner Jot. · Brg ctst€lrn;

!-..,;...----~-...;..;.-----------~---1 and rhtita'foJ:' all ~As given.· Two Citywater,andgoo.d outbuildin~s. =;::::;::========:=:::::=--=.::;;::;:. _:::;_:::;-=:::;====:;;;::::== -preachers were present, ~ev. Wall See Mra. V. Real: J · 3-17

' .... --...

·~Attention Trappers·

_We Buy Furs

of C~rona and Rev. Hugbe~ . of Mrs •. Mne Jord~Sn $pent, Cbrist-Camzozo. Among the· tree gifts mas day (lt Uobbs with her qaugb-: was a check" Donation to toe ter, Mrfl. LeMra Tur11er· eame Mountain View Church" much ~ome th.e 27th accompani~d by

1 appreciated, given by Mr. B, W. Mrs. Turner and her dat~shter

1 W.Jlson ~nd family. . EstellinE', who Je.ft Wednesday by : AU enJoyed the day very mucb. way of El Paso where they attend· I There were one .

t::..l--.. ing to Hobbs.

. . . '· . .

_, ' '- - ·'

. . , . .. . .. •, ' J " .of.' ..

: ..

' •.. • •

.. .. ,_ ' .

-· __ ,. _.,-::_· -~:'1.': --ti .:: "~, .• -:~ .~ ... ~~"". i'' ·: ·1, .· r; .•. ·

. ,. ' -

', ,__,,.

• lHE liUCK 01' VA LUI o ,., •

GMC o:wne~re report r•• aavln&• of 15% tq 40% o~~er ofher maltee of truck•. fn englneera' teat., GMC SUPJ:;R-DUTY EnglnQ acoro hlfhe•t iri · the inclu,try on gal mileage •• woll •• p11Jllng power, eb:o for alze. You'll be aurprlacd what one of thcao light-dutyGMCa can do and •aile for you, wlth your loada on your routea.

our raiN ---. 1

• ~eatber is pretty, some flu, not Mrs. Mack Brazel and her sis-seraous type. ter, Mrs. Will Me Clane of Calif ..

:---n . "',a. HARKEY LUMBER COMPANY w tern Motor Co. ---~· -·· .. ,..,. '-· ~--····~~-- .............. -·-···· ····-·-··-· ... -----~-- .. -·····~----- ·-·. _, ........... ~, .... ~ ..... '·~ ....... ..

" . . .

1 Coal!! Coal!! Cold Weather

IS HERE, SO When in Need of Coal


JIMMif DUNCAN Reasonable PJ'icea Prompt Delivery

1. 0. 0. F.



Men -ducted into the ilitary Servit>etJ . of i>Ur CQUntry; T h e American l Leg!.on, cordially invites ?!JU to: avatl yoll!'ael! of oyery faeabty p£ i

. the Amertcan ~gum and AUlrll· • iary of Post No. 11, Carrizozo. · We wi&h to auure you of our. heartiest CO•Op€ration and the . tervices of thia post ate offered in; any poSBiflle way that may be or benefit to you,

Albert Scbart. Commander, By: Dan Conley, Adjutant.

'Placer, Lode and ProoE of Labat bJ•nb lo7 sale at the •


+· .



.Meets on the firBt Thursday in each ¢onth. '

' Mr«. Pearl Bostian · W. M.

. . ·--uN-ERS H T ..

• . ' J' ,_, J, •

~ - : . !

.Jenny Lind'• Gravo 1 Jenny Lind, tho Swedish nJgbtln­

cale, in burled In Mnlvem, England.

READ .THE AD$ Alons Wrth the Newa

~-- -- ----




.. • •


~7 get arnr1nd at little expettSe''

IT PAYS TO TELEPHONE. You get an • immediatl!, spoken answer to your qu~ tionrno delay geuins replies.

If you ha~e a youngster away at school, . enjoy tHelephone visit every -week or to.

In a three minute conversation tWo peo-o pte can exchange o~er 300 words.

. . For tate& to any town, •

- jwt ruk the bperatoi'

_.,.. .. ' . ... - . . .

· .Rfrl.'-,.a.-. ..,..........," V:'ui a;:-_'' •••: Pij ' . .-.-..... -••• rWaiW.••J-~ . . . ' . .


. . -. " - -· ~ --.- ·-! ••.

., ; .

here last Saturday. Mrs. Me C • N r>J arrazozo, • M. "f ane was formerly a -carrizozo · .,., ....... t. ,

. ' .

' . •



.. ·. ---

. ,

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WHO_,S . ,.

NEWS ' 'il


By LEMUEL F. PARTON ICoooollda'-d Featur•-WNU lervlc•.J

N EW YORK. - Simultaneously, Chancellor Hitler and Mme.

Elsa Schfnparelll renounce gold and extol the fruits of the spirit. Prepar-

Schiaparelli Say• lng to r.etum to France

Coat Fetter• Our noon, the fa-Art ol Creation. mou.11 dress-

maker finds that Americans ore too much given to money-grubbing to appreciate the beautiful art of couture. "The Parle designer Is free," nhe says, but here in America .. ttl creaUng a coriturrie fOU muot think about cost." So she's going bock to Paris where art ill unfettered and nobody worries about money.

Molyneux fled, to make goWlll .In London, but Lucien Lelong, the new Judge Landin of the French fash­Ion lnduntry, remains In the eervicci' qf art-not money of course. The flitter Implication might auggest that Poria oe a continuing world at,yle center In nomehow geared Into Chancellor Hltler'e jug 4ttndlcd economy, and that, of course Ia a rather gauche ldl'a. In Herr HIUer'l new order, lt'o art for art's .sake.

Soon after Ule oecapaUou or Pari•, !'time. 8chlapareiU ar· rived here to berln a national lecture tour. We •eemed to be au1rerlnr from much mlsappre­lae:Dlllou ~out 'France, II wu b&Pineu aa usual In Parl1, acd anyone wlto fancied Chat New York mlrht become the world •tFie center had another tbourh& comlnr. llowcver, abe reserved ber apostrophe or art •ralnat 111oney tor the laat. Mdrl'nslna U1e Junior l.c-oguo o~f

Loa Angnlca recently, ohe aold1 "All ol uo In Parlo ore 1mpre~roed

b)' thll gl'neroolty of Amcrtcan men rcaardlnn their wpmcn. American men have o world-wide reputation for tho monoy they apcnd on women.

"I 1111)' bravo to you I Go rtght ahead"

I hod an Ideo that th11 Frcnd• feU that way a few yearn ago when J 'l'fOI prlvlloacd to ceo nome of tho lilncr workin11o of LOrlVIn'o eotob-llahmcnt. In Paris, to talk to 1M wendoun11o and wltnel'ln the deter-

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OF COURS& YOU LIKf! CANDY (Bee Recipes Below)

Making candy Ia really outside the renlm of general cookinJ, but with a lltUo ,Wdiul!)e, even an llmnteur Clln work real tnllilc with sugar nnd wo­~r. Simply by changing tempera· ture and the method of handling, a wide vorloty ot fondants, fudges, and hard candles can be made.

Uteull• lor. Maklftr CandJ. •

Saucepans should ltnvc brood bot-tomo, and t~hould be Jarae enough to

.allow for "bolllng up." The lnlllde l!!!rlru:c .should he smooth, becoune rough spota may caune eandl~s to otlclc ond bum.

Measurlnr cup• -uoe atondard meotrurlng eupll · tor nuccetl!l!ul ro­

oulta; accurate meatJurementa ,....are

· For IDexpeDJln GUu. . Why not send coplea of lbeao ,4

proct!cw and attractive cook booka to your trlenda? SlnJ]T or In apts they make ehannlns and uaeful gltt.s for a brJdo-to-bc, or tor any of your home-keeping frlenda. Recipes have been test­ed and approved In Miss Howe'J .own kitchen, and you'll dnd Ulem eaoy·to-w:e, reUable, .and sood.

Juat send 10 centa In coin tor .. elleh hook you ,order to Eleanor. Howe, 019 North Michigan Ave­nue, Chicago, DUnola, and bo ure to apecU1 whleh book. you want!

Detter Baklns Feeding Father Eaey Entcrta!n!ng Houochold Uinta

eoacnUal.· • • chocolote together In tho top of a

Bpoom and spatulas - wooden double boller. Remove trom ft1111111 l!poons oro dcalroblo tor candy moJc. and odd walnut meats and manli· lng becaU!le they do not become un- all · Sti n w th b comtortobly hol, nor does tho wooden m owe. r gent>ty W1 oroug • spoon handle cut Into ono'l!l hand · ly mixed. Drop by wnspoontula on during beating. Use ntandord roble- wax paper. Servo when cooL opuonD nnd telltlpoona for melltlurlng. Taff1 Apple~. · A mcdlum-siuld spatula Is o help In Place a meat skewer ln end or ccroplng candy trom ketUoo, and each apple. Cook togeCJJer 1 C!t!P utUng cnrtdy from CJJo pan. trugor, 1 cup white com ayrup, 14

Baklnr abeetl, plattera ~~~:!~:--;; cup butter, and 1 cup coffee ordinary cookie obeets-b. 8 unW mixture reaches finn ball

' ; j l' ·, C(, • ' '

. . . , . . I . . -

4inaual' ~~4,, '41iergses; . ',462lorr 4Ho~fuf · 4r,Jy •. ·,

. ·' . . . . - ' \ " - .• .

· ~:r I.uUO!l. CIIT.--Th~,r. ~e to. tho ltUl$ Jn Vt.ab bi ~C! nev~r~ptPJ!J ~~ Jqr told, b~t ··we chlef WC!.rr'/'

. . ·. . ,~ PN~s:tor who .m~es mQr~ th~n, enQugb to feed hlm'Qelf ~d h!s

· m,uze, or tue.l ~ battered !1Uto, ts not an l'lmlual inc:ome~ rePQrt.

lUll princip~ . prQblem, .. judgb.lg from; • report of the U. s. bureau. of mines, U. bQW w buy eno~h f®li tO _!teep alive and SUillcicmt aupplles to ·oper!\te <ll;le mor.,. year trom· the $4!12 he receives 8II{lually for months of b<~ck·breakin,g effort. Plac~r mJnlni was the basis of

many tabulo~ fortunes when the We!i!t was young, and almost every creek and river yielded gold dust or sUver ore.· · And not even the most dlscourag. lng report wJU stop scores ~ pros­

and bearded vet­trail, hopbl$

In recent years, "Oldes," unem· played bookkeepers, farmers, clerq IU.ld laborers have swell~d the ranks of those who go Into thq hills In s.earch ot gold. Grizzled prosp~ctors sUU nave their pack mqles, but ram· shackle automobUes and qoucka b~ve- bebome a partner to tbe mule ln bcatln~ ~aDa acrou Utah moUl'r taJn ranges.

Yet a study of U!e bureau of mines r~port sbow11 · that not one in 100 mnkea more than the barest Jiving.

And the veteran prospector who hns spent long years 11eparnted from civilization following tho rure ot gold will admit "thero ain't much oerwe m It, In there?"

But the spring thaws In the moun­tains wW find the aame veteran lcadlna ~ JJ)ule into Ulc mountains Jo,r.~~ust .!lollC..morc .crack at it," .bQ.. eaUie "maybe I'D hJt It thin Ume. ''

Knot Recorda Left by locu Pw:Zlc Experts

~EL ·l!lLL, N. C.-Tbo lncDD JUUS,t havo hact.~ame knotty fioanclol problcmo, according to tho "qulpu" em ..• xhJbltlon In the l1niveroit)' ot ~orth. CarolJ,na library.

·.Tho qplp~ J. a knotted record of the lnC4 clviiWitlon, and, alCJJough anthropoioalnJ aooum~ it . might .®.ve pertaJned tQ finan9Jal prob-' lQms, Uley pWJtJ& Jt mlsb\ moan al-.rnost onythl,ng. ,

n COll!lWlB of 31 dJfferent l)'pco ot .tmpll zopcs ot. •.dozen d!JJ()J"ent col· or:t and no two allkc, contnln1ng a hundred dUrcrcnt ldnds of know. ~ch' knot Is IIUpposcd to mean 1011\ethlng, but jUEJt what l!l o mya-

by · Whftrpcm 'llOl Rpger B. Wbttmnn-\YN\1' Servlce.J

Preserving Paintbrushes. Q UESTION: What steps t>hould lle

·taken to preserve oud. keep ip good condition paintbrushes, after they hove been u~;ed? How Is It possible to get out the color from

a should the brushes be kept separately for each coloT?. . .

Answer: When a job Is finished, clean the brush by wiping the .ex­cess paint off on tho Bide of U!e con, rinse thoroughly In turpentine, and then Jn three ch~nges of benzine or clear gasoline, beillg ~lremelY careful ol fire when doing so. · F~l· low by shaking out and hanging out to dry. If a brush has been thor· ou@ly cleaned, It can be used for another color, although to be on the llqfe side It Is better to have a brush for e(lch color. To avoid difficulty In cleaning ·bruGhea, never dip the Gruah oo deeply that paint wiU get under the terr!llc,

Stlalned Drlvewa,, Queatton: ·I would like zsome tnfor·

motion ~n how· to eJean our c:on• crete · driveway. There nrc: runt stnlntJ, · automobile oil (lnd gt-cnne opuw. •

Anower: For runt removal, -dJD. ooliUl one part nodlum cltr!lte In o!x· porto of water and odd otx pbtln at commercial glycerine. Mix a por­tion of thlo with enough powdered \V,hltmg or chnll1 to form· o pnotc, and '!lJ)rend on In o Uilck coat. Wb~n dry, replace with frenh paote, or moioten with the rcmnlnlnn Uquld. A weel1 or more may be required to remove the oroln •

Remove 'frenh oil otnlnD by cover· Ina them with an Inch or two of dry purUnnd cement. For old otalno w.noh wilh n oolut!on .of two poundo of trlcodJum pho:Jphntc to thf! gallon ot hot wdtcr. Alter cleaning, re­move aU traceD ot the colullon by rinlllng with clclll' water.

Poins~ttia Quilt to Be · Pieced or Appliqued

Pattern No. Z9051

TINY red-figured print for th~ flowers and plain green for set­

ting naturally suggested the Potn. settia name of this new quilt. It moy be pieced or oppllqued, but is really prettleot pieced as shown.

• • • 'l"lle U:.tncb bloekl are •at allover wllb

lho channtns ebaln·llke. arrungement. Ac> eurato c:uttlng plde, csUmalcd ;vard_ye and cllrecl!ons como u Z0051, lllo. WJJ7: liOt Itart-l!l1a l'tibnowr Qellil ota'er to'


Eac!qu ta cmlll for ench pattcm ~lrrd.. Paltc:m No .••••••••••••

IJOnlD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Mdrcea •• ··~· ••••••• ••••••••••••••• '

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_. ______ _.n«·-lo-•·T-eJIQll wno Qun ... 'on· Evld U U 1 ' h In 1 ' : largo may w:cd for ~.uu · en y ;.! w rc on

, :: o como to he p hiD wtl11 'hoo!U! lnfly, which 15 to bo rokcn out and dJp each apple into mixture Wise of York, collector Peru· the porch ccreenD hod not been 'j • gown. U--" t t d hi h ,_ b In cold water. vlan art objcctllp llnd fD voJued at treated. White framework lo bloch '' i Mme. Schloporclll lived Ove yearn pu o.:u, or or on anJ w c "' to e $.500. It resembles nothing no much t fnD ii In New York Her daughter, Mo- beaten. A marble slob from an old· Buttel'le4teh Nut MarahmaDowa. Scout's coUectlcn of know, rom om . I am advined to ao FEEN·A·MINT 10¢

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J:!~irL~ bo ... r~··,n111n1~b1e,dr ~~~N~I•nfilth'•=a,'ltr'fle,,ot&=~ifrulhf~ oned marblo-topped toblo or bu~til~cu~p;U~gh~t~b~rown~~au;l~&r;;~===i]~~~ ~~WJ!l-t!i~. ~~~o~v:~~rpt~b~c~w~ir~c~cl~o~th;:w~~lt.~h~t•e1w~o;~P:J:rt!l~o~ft~;:=;;;:~~~r;:;{~:;~;=;;=== ~ ~ •·•'""""" vanilla ___ ..,.. one Part of turpentine. Clean the The Chat hll!J ndt Ita wos before ... _ do~a ol her r~me ""'-r~- ............ od .. d

u .. , .. c 4 tb teaspoon salt wo wor,. with tunmortia and wot(!r. uty, ltD idcnl; Wll!l never yet and opulence, ami s e thought obout

10 1 ennometer-a lhcnnom· ....,,,d m·-hm-"- M'Lnf sclenti!lt.s have atudJed this Point with .aluminum paint, then occupl"d by man.-Cn•Jvlc. mon t d 1 1 th d c~r l.s etmanUal in order to obtain rv-• ..... au..... d ·'-"- ul b t , .. _ .. "" >~·

cy a iJ'CO ao n ooo oya. U d ood .. , cup nut meata (ftn·'- eh---') an .......... r q pus, !.1 never uuve two coalD of while point. Would thlo Taklnr an Wlheakd ftat ln un onn on g rcr~ults ln mnounJ uy .,.,~ been able to troruzlow the qulgu or be your method? Muot U!e nm-

Pateh111 plaee, a dlnu UttJe nub- candy. . Place brown I'Ufar, cream, van.m. to atate accurately what tho Inca mania ond wnwr be rimed off? lllft or a street off lelfenon Mar· Cnndlea oro cl!umlflcd 01.1 "creamy ultact, and salt in a saucepu. clvillzJIUCD wna trying to record. AMwer: Before vnmlohlng the ket court, •ha found 1 ~· bill eandieo," auch llll fondant or fudge, Cook slowly, .ur,. b th

• - and ao "toffica" and "hard" c~JD.o rln1 trequentl,y p in acreeno, e llt11"c ey arc free at

ea the ftoor. II ••• • rood dies, nut brJtUe and Jo~!lpo,p.t, to the aott baD a tinra Found Benefit duat nnd grecwc. For waobing the

1meJ1. Other moner ca~ ..,._ In ltl"'e tf.L Y:o0 ., ·H· oapl•ta·l Pati"en';--Hw~~~o~a~w~o~rki,~U!I~e~·~o~, l~Jn~'lf.~-c~u~p~or;. ~n~m~··r ttAvmet1 to a rarret Ill Par· • ... .-~ • :;:

• . . • ~ .... ... ' ...

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•YOIII' . -~cl,•r,tislag·- ·; ~ .... · Dollal' bUyj liOmethtnO ~ t'Mn· ·apa,c:e ·~ ·.~ nx . the c:olmnn•. ()£ tht. tuiW. :paPJi'. n buYi ·,~pte* Qct. eircul4lb:f 1?1• Ut• la.tot-

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nlalrn to the lodge there the drabness of

her as .Marian


ltiSlafitiy Lucy was just Lucy Fields ogain. Lucy Fields who lived m me ebt$hJ ltt;Uttt at thtt ~-~d cf tt shnbby street, who had a dreary time of it, nupporting her mother.

Marian said, ''Sit down. You know all these people, Lucy?"

And Lucy murmured, "Oh. yes," and settled herself for an evening of pure torment.

Sally Gnllup, wife or young BID 'Who ran the power-plant over the mountain, wns there. brish nnd so­phisticated nnd wearing.. tl]e tittle air of pernonal triumph that young :tnartied wotnen flaunt (!lr the ex­pre~5 torture of spinsters. Sapy an­Jiouneed that under no crrcum· '-tances would she agree to be a leading lady. , ·

nu tlf)Oils the illu!lion tor the auill· ence, knowing that the heroin~ is l'eally the ~e of a perfectly ~lid husband, . ~ ~q;t enjoy some of my fa\toriUP' mOVie sUint '8Jly more, knowing they're probably wort,y.Ing about Juntor•a · whlle they're ntaking love in You'll

to be the "'~··· play the tnall!lefg. ·~~n;~ia~~~;

Wtl find the ri

vok~-an1 ,.ou•re tlontltuxed to e1fertesce. . · · tnllke: a tJtj·: ~

,~ 1te'tflll an,torc.-+• ..... ~-'--~ - · . ·- . · · M'ar1an Morgan said nothing. "She

. :wants 'Stt HutfOn fot- tlie lead," tucy was thlnkinft, "bhd the otHers. Wil4bd «uamst 1t tot fear l3tY will be' drunk at th!! last minute W'ld ipOit thit show .••' . , • -• .; ·iW~ havil 'f6 organize first," Mal"

fari announcedj "and a:P.POlilt com• tnit\~~ll.o;·· We'll· ha\le wrUe and

•• I I toyalty. It we :ntti¢t. u fifty c~nts

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with• the secret 'and judging

qmilllY UiM lived' Iii her dark eyes and hid In h~r tong ltlnh~s. made her an enigma, a challenging mys­tery to dare ocy man with blood In his veins. And Branford Willn wns young and fiercely proud and ad­venturous.

His pr4Je wns what bothered bJm. Ail he stood, erecJ finally and shav· ing himself with n rnther uncertain hand before the mirror in his room, he told himself grimly- that no one, least of nil the girl hernelf, should ever gues11 the state of his 1eelingl) untU M could: look Virgie Morgan cntmly in the face, n man on his own, worth what he was paid iU1d able to love a woman without apol· ogy or without humJJJty.

So when6ver Marian catntt near, he- kept the eenversation on the btif.oo tie, halt·banterfng, halt-contempht­ous strain that modem youth as­sumes, choosing it tot sophistlea­tion, hiding any cutri!nt . of teellrig, mi,\Sking every emotion;· And .so soon as he coUld motmt the stalts wlthout stnggering, he rented ,a l'Mtll fn·the house o1 Ada Clark's mother, mid prepared to move. _ •

"I bave to· do this. You undet" staild," he safe{ to Vligte.

''I undeJrst.anci,

room at U1"·'1l<~'' had o~ce nav14 vate lalr.

. 6' ·,-

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and smooth and, eflgogina until he got it. She let bitter ncld,- bre~d from galling disappointment, seethe through her blond and sting the tip ot ll<!t Wtlguc.

"So, you're going to work In the m1U. You never waste time, do you? I hope mother is able to make money enough to pay you. She has had a hard time, paying the men she has already."

"It was her nuggestlon." He stiff· ened himself, missing everything that a man should have seen and heard in her eyes, in her voice-a man wllo was In love. Then he plunged OlJ nngrUy, becauao he was butt and tfngllng from a vague scorn he thought he caught in her atti­tude. "It wou't be necessary for you to see me, if it'll painfuL to you. You can ride by lUili disdain hie from beyond the wall. I've be~n looked at with loathing before. I can bear it."

Ue walked out, and Marian stood auu, pressed..,.~galnst the old desk, her teeth· set "an her Up. The little room was small and gloomy from an overhanging hemlock tree. An old ch!iit, twisting sgue;nkity, stood tht!re and she !lilt in it, her knuckles :~~~~- against her teeth, her nai,Js

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car and went lnoide. The one clt'rlt ti\vnbbed ofi the top of the counter

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rms dcoJgn woo so extremely popular, when It first appeared,

that ft is repented now, for thone who mlnht hove mJoocd It the first time. Of courne you can coolly 11co why everybody likes ft. Dc­lign No. 8924 ollps on over the

A Dainty Flowered Blanket Proteclor

In Bower sptigged cotton print. Why not malce flowered blnnkel protectorn to harmonize with blnn· ket color!,pgs? Here is ono that would go with either rooe or blue. It is easy to hide bnt~Ung rrtitches that fasten it temporarily to the blanket by nlipping them along In the pink or blue binding no ahown • One length of material an long no the widthot thebla!lkGl wW make a pair of thene pHIU!ctors. A half yard extra of the ftqwered material will fnce o malc.:hlng poil' ot pU· lew cases. .. . .

Vou Will ot&o 11412 14me olhtt' fc!eaa fot trlmmhil SJI~w ease. Ill SEWiriG !look 2. 'l'biJ booklet has been one or the most popular In the 1erfe. •• ·It not ont,y eon· talns c:ompleta dlrecUon. foro many lUI ind bauar novciUes but shoW. llow to make 42 dllferent embroidery aUfelles and llve 'Waya to dam and repair labtfe~, Send order to:

Oil. aVTD WYZTD' llPJ!:ABI Drawer tt

l!ledtonl tiUla ~.w Yerk Enclose 10 ccnta for Dock l.

D~~~'! ~d tie:s in a JUJy-no btJt.. t( . llO tfoublesome . CNSS-Jb:'aps. .

plce; and sllm at U1e waistline, guarAAtc:ed Jo stay put .on .~

shouldeJ;s, and povers your frQCic tl\oro\lgl\ly abOve . nnd belowr Send ~or lt l'ight away, beeau,se your home wart will seem muc._ lighter a~:~d pleasanter when you've halt a dozen ·such aprons.

Choqse cheery percale prints. gay glnghatn checks, or colorf\d polka clot calico. ~and trim the edges wlth ric--rac braid. It's se easy-you can finish it In a few hours.

• • • ... PniiFrn No. 882t IJ designed for eJze.

tt, 10. 10, 20: 40, 43 and ft. Size J8 reo quires :na )u>rds ol 3S·lnch material wltlt­out nap: V\~ :ynrds ol braid. Send Ol'o der IOI ,.

1:11 W. Wacker Dr, Clalcap Enclose 13 cents In coiM lor

Pattern No.. . • • .. • • • • • . • . Slz.o.,. •••••• Noblet . , ••• , • ,,,.,._, •••• ,, ••••• ~,, ,,, •

Addrco.a • , ..................... , •• , .. ..



Jl weeklf bath In hot oonp sud:J will not only make a broom owecp cleaner, but will molte the broom last longer.

• • • • More food value lo prenerved

when a vegetable is balted In lt.l l~"~ thnn wbcn 1l .Is .atcamed 01'

boiled. • • •

Two or three minutes after JOU have otnrtcd your gas or electric oven, open the door for n eccond or two, to lot out tho damp air. The oven will then heat In n much shorter time.

I • • •

Jldd peered; quartered apple. when you ronot lamb or veal. The .applcD odd a dellcJoWJ flavor and give a ooft topping to the ront~t.

• • • AIWaJs remove the wra.ppin&l

from frcoh menta before otorlng In the refrigerator. •

• • • FrnJt cake mnkca a delicious

pudding If nerved with a onucc. • • •

-At the Cawsc It •Js not cnounh to try to pre-

1 "'~" t wnr: cotnelhing must be dono

. ...


Gooc'r'l1asbl.l1di'J' Be a good h~b•nd and you wiD

get a Penri.Y to spend. a pcnn,y to lend and a penn,y tot a frlctd.



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THIRST ASKS NO:THJ~G MQRE · lt't natural to tet chlrat)'. So lt't olltPral to pause at \be r11mw.r red cooler for an lce·colc! bott!e of Coca.·Vota -tho perfect an.Wer ~o t~lrat. }:njoy one-now. _ -

Delivered by truck to Carrizozo, at ]i11 PnffO Prices Macnolla Coca Cola Bottling Company

VIsitors Welcome to our plant · ·

Reconditioned se --ars·

• • •


• . ··-· .

. ; .

. . . ··' ., ' ' ' "'

·,1' :1 . A ,• . -~ . I ' . ,o• ,. - ',•, _,. '

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' ' '} . -.

-uo:ss. ·~·No-. g._l until a JittltJ.onr. I Y~At. · -~s<> when the family moved to ·· Pr~·

· c~tt. · -" ·. ·· · >< , _ 1'4ill8~ lda GJe~r~IA W.,na . ·.

- .. <I ' ' ' . -'nd Jimmii Lo ijili . w~pt ~- - Paso to the- Sun:e~~tr.nival; .

Mr. pnd Mrs. Rot Sb•fcr, Mr, and ·Mrs. Doyle Re.nt(row, ilnd Z•ne Harkey WPre.amons tM'Sun

· Caroi'Val visitors New Year'a day. . . .. . . . .· A fer of the changes to b~ made

in residecne are las follows: ' .

Mr. L. B Chapmau -will oacupy · · tho bouse vac::.ted by Mr. Me~,.erl

BBrnett; Mr. Burnett is to move itito•tbe Gallacher fOttage; Mr.

~ Walter Burnett will aq a•

flle:lt to Rolland's drug store; Mrs. End To Politi~ Uendri.cks and son, Bryan have

t ~~ .

S F N M- J

1 G . Qloved into the Houston cottag"·

anta • o • ., an. ... over• nor Miles, taking office here tQo We have heard· of a now ,restau• day for his second terp) wsed tant next door to Rol~and II Drug that "polities now be forgotten" tt'>re, and of a .n!!~ Beaut¥ Sbop and tha ••we turn · our attilltion · be. in operatum m a few- -days, and our energy to tbe bii job of formal announcements have not building New Mexico.'# been made yet.

The C¥ecutive cited New ){ex· Mf. Jaek Isaacs of the tolepbone }co' a growth of the deea,de past ·dlret!toty dcpnrLment •rrived here and predicted an eve~ brighter yeat~rday afternoon nnd is ar· future, / / ravglng for tb,e new d\rectory.

1 Ao a "re~ll~t"'' be a&'W P!D'pecta ?:lie Alamogordo Odd Fellow•

Suede Cloth Shirt~' for menan~:boys·priCea ~t

69Cand:79c For these icy day~ we ·have a new and complete ·1 i n e of overahoea for every member of the family~

Olf' Prl£!5 Are ReiSODible . '

The Ji.ts worth · (olnpany, tnt Capitan, N. M •


" " ,., .. .

• -

1 1 l 1

1939 Ford Sedan 1938 Ford Tudor 1938 Ford Pickup 1937 GMC Truck

$59s.OO 495.00 -sso.oo 325.00

. for. New Mextco to profit an a·ma· and Rcbekabs have extended an tt>mat wayll from tbttllation,_~ in~itatlon~to the local lodies. to • •



• de!cnao prog~~m, bu~ be warned come to Alamogordo for a joint ::::=:;:..;;,:================== i that .only peacetJme develOJ!; iNtallationJan.ll, which . is to 1 ment ts permanent dcv~lopment. be a•\!cptcd. · I "Our remarklblo arowth came · · · . durins n period of world pace" Mti. Andy Sandoval and thild· be dcclcarcd. "We mutt pl~n ren . are ill thil week with the now oo that it will continut wra- ft:a. " ·

IT'S YOUR MOVE-- § H~re Are Money Savers

bated when peacoilalainreatored, . '--------_-_ ---~--· -~--~----.. -. !-~ -. _-,-.. -. ·.. ~nly In that Wl1 can New Mex· "Stomub·-Dlstress Sa Bad

ICO permanently benefit troll pre· I ( 1 .. H 14f w· k'' '

Uberty 61r1te

H==-- .



i !

\ I ' .




' • • •

Y011 (}ztt 1tAf/ordTo& Wit/tout l'OIIt HOittt . .

IMpertat .. "'tl•••• H4

• IMtnlltltlll NM

WerthnMt larpitla Eacll

Wttk · 'O.r Merckutl


....... .. " ==,..,.., ·- - - -- - ... --

.: ..... --. ___ l!flf. ~ .

. ~.

. '

~ 114S.CW HIWI Abotlt Y•aiHIYOilr

•• •


. ' . • •

eent expnn1lon."·-EI Plao 01 I ift Y Of Pont. Gayo c. a. Gro,s;~: ·~ter taking

----Mra. Cruz Dee Perea -Word baa been melved here of

Highway 54 Mentientd

'l'nbl.oln Um p:Jtua &1\ zellav~d and I cnt c.nyUtlnll'·" Try Adla for eX> Cl:e:s ctomncb ncldJty on our moner b!!.ck {!Ullrc.nlco.

--RoUtUJd'o Drui Storer.


It' • A Cinch!

Home <1fe • •

RtiU)ar Meafa and SHORT ORDRRS


Uilfei5Ue Btilty daJ. er w~~~ rteonditloDJ the hair Before Giving a fu-

. mlll~n~ ~ block wes of Buena Vlata Hottl. • • •

mo. Hyde, Prop.

l:quipped, with new ~eetrie m&ehintl

Pre• ctmtnt maebine for tutn!CI Sol• . ,

• ••• to get your money's worth This is tho tlnst timt in yean from Justin's. They are made

that Highway 54 baa bHn mtD- in a Jargeaswrtmentofleathers •~--------,.-~ ticmed by the press u in &t,rl€3 and patterns. Square

t&tiY w.ay imprnved. The a---•• and round toe. The a r c:th e s tiona are that ~ hu a 1 0 o d are pegged tboy hne a

jcili· JiCe ofOeifiga&Jptfa aj. ··tt"'P&'~n1~'Sft:el--abat11~ military higkway. t~e arch; Justin Boots at e

The Laa Vegaa Opti• ,.1,, ~'It made to aatisry you • . • give would •PPtat tuentiaJ to imtilf* rou. style, oomtort, wear- and . dlnteJy de-;elop and imlftol1 'a your money•s worth military road atona the l'oute of

s. 54a which til 'fer••• the· tin .. tral acction ot New Uuito ~nd connect. wlt.b aU otblr tt'Uiteon•

JUSTIN Famaua Cowboy

tin.entaJ highwan/' , --- -. ·--------- -- ... . - ---~---- ~, -If-- -~ ~~- ----

Mr. and Mri; ~ Naida ~nded thtt Suo Catni"'al the

: ~ ' . .,

.,. '<

• - ' . ·..,_ , It, . r·,-~.v. . ·- _,_ --' ' - ~

• . . .

• •

- . . -

Phone 11·03

New and Uacd Cm • • • • ~

J. A. Brubaker, Owner

Staple and Fancy 'G~ . Frtth and Smoked Meet. Mr; & .Mn. Jack lantell

M'rtt, •

Dinner Partiu our specialty

Birney' 5 Pla(e


- . -. - -- - . '-

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. •


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