Principales coenzimas

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Transcript of Principales coenzimas

  • 7/23/2019 Principales coenzimas


    Hew~h~t~c ^dgecfihgc nd ^hktmem

    Heidehdrm Bhc}tohgm

    Bhc}tohgm H

    K% Rhgmrnc Cgmopc Imrgm

    2%4 Prheghpmfdw Gcde{homw

    Cr~dim Mithfmr Gmrfcw Mmre Irtpc; B


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    =8 nd Adbrdrc ndf 20=2

    Prheghpmfdw gcde{homw%

    Tem gcde{hom dw tem pd}tdm ocfgtfm criehgm }td wd ted m tem

    de{hom x }td dw dwdeghmf pmrm wt mg~hqhnmn& pdrc }td ec wtard temmf~drmghe pdromede~d de fm rdmgghe% Fm omxcr pmr~d nd fmw gcde{homw

    ndrhqme nd fmw qh~mohemw x gmnm ~hpc nd gcde{hom ~hded tem ateghe

    bhc}tohgm gcegrd~m% Mfitemw wce mide~dw nd czhncrrdntgghe& c~rmw

    amghfh~me fm ~rmewadrdeghm nd irtpcw& de~rd c~rmw mg~hqhnmndw bhc}tohgmw%

    Pcr fc ~me~c& fmw gcde{homw wce fm acrom mg~hqm nd fmw qh~mohemw& gcoc pcr

    dkdopfc& fm acrom mg~hqm c gcde{ho~hgm nd fm ~hmohem dw df phrcacwam~c nd

    ~hmohem *PP^(& whdoprd x gtmenc fm gftfm prcnt{gm M^P *mndecwhem

    ~rhacwam~c& ocfgtfm dedri~hgm( x ptdnm acwacrhfmr m fm qh~mohem pmrm

    gceqdr~hrfm de gcde{hom *wt acrom mg~hqm(% Df PP^ dw tem gcde{hom

    ~rmewadrmwm& hwcodrmwm x fhmwm& }td he~drqhded de qmrhmw rdmgghcedw nd

    ~rmewadrdeghm nd irtpcw G2/mfndjnc x de fmw ndwgmrbczhfmghcedw& gcoc

    pcr dkdopfc& ndf ghnc phrqhgc x ndf ghnc mfam/gd~cift~rhgc%\=_


    Mfitemw qh~mohemw x wt gceqdrwhe de gcde{homw; Fm qh~mohem B= c

    ~hmohem mf acwacrhfmrwd *pcr odnhc nd M^P( wd gceqhdr~d de wt acrom mg~hqm

    c gcde{ho~hgm; gcgmrbczhfmwm c phrcacwam~c nd ~hmohem *PP^(% Fm qh~mohem

    B2 c rhbcafmqhem mf acwacrhfmrwd wd gceqhdr~d de wt acrom mg~hqm c

    gcde{ho~hgm; nhetgfd~hnc nd afmqhem x mndehem *AMN(& gcde{hom }td

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    ~rmewahdrd ~cocw nd jhnridec< he~drqhded de fmw czhnc rdntgghcedw& pmrm

    fm prcntgghe nd dedrim% Fm qh~mohem B7 c ehgc~hemohnm mf acwacrhfmrwd wd

    gceqhdr~d de wt acrom mg~hqm c gcde{ho~hgm; nhetgfd~hnc nd ehgc~hemohnm

    x mndehem *EMN(& gcde{hom }td ~rmewahdrd ~cocw nd jhnridec/dphodrmwm% Df odgmehwoc odnhme~d df

    gtmf df CJ nd fm pcwhghe > gmobhm nd crhde~mghe dw~drdc}tohgm& hegftxd

    fm czhnmghe ndf CJ m gmrbcehfc gcoc dw~mnc he~drodnhmrhc% De dw~d gmwcdf EMN x df EMNJ%J, ec mbmenceme etegm fm de{hom x wd rdntgde x

    rdczhnme de acrom ggfhgm% \7_

    Fm prheghpmf atde~d nd dfdg~rcedw pmrm fm bhcwe~dwhw rdntg~crm dw df

    EMNPJ;J, *df nhetgfd~hnc nd ehgc~hemohnm x mndehem acwam~c rdntghnc(


    df EMNPJ;J, x df EMNJ%J, wce hne~hgcw rdwpdg~hqmode~d dzgdp~c }td df

    prhodrc ~hded te irtpc acwam~c dw~drhahgmnc de df G2 ndf m{gmr& fcw ncw

    wce d}thqmfde~dw de wt ~dendeghm ~drocnheohgm m mgdp~mr dfdg~rcedw xm

    }td pcwdde dw~enmrdw nd rdntgghe hitmfdw& whe dobmric fmw de{homw

    }td mg~me de nhrdgghe gm~mbfhgm wtdfde twmr df EMNJ%J, ohde~rmw }td

    fmw }td mg~me de rt~mw membfhgmw twme df EMNPJ;J, % Df EMNPJ;J, ecdw rdgcecghnc pcr fmw de{homw nd gmndem rdwphrm~crhm pcr ~me~c ec ptdnd

    wdr czhnmnc pmrm fm prcntgghe nd M^P%\7_

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    Gcde{homw nd afmqhem% Df nhetgfd~hnc nd afmqhem x mndehem c AMN dw temnd fmw ncw gcde{homw ndrhqmnmw nd fm qh~mohem B2 c rhbcafmqhem% Fm c~rm dw

    fm ow wdeghffm& ocecetgfd~hnc nd afmqhem AOE c rhbcafmqhem acwam~c% Fm

    pmr~d ateghcemf nd mobmw gcde{homw dw df whw~dom ndf mehffc hwcmfczm{hem

    }td mg~m gcoc mgdp~cr nd ncw dfdg~rcedw% Fcw gcoptdw~cw }td ~hdede

    mehffcw nd dw~d ~hpc wd ndecoheme afmqhemw de fm rhbcafmqhem x wtw

    ndrhqmncw& df whw~dom nd mehffc dw~ tehnc mf rhbh~cf de tem qdrwhe nd

    gmndem mbhdr~m nd fm rhbcwm gce df G mfndjnc rdntghnc m ehqdf nd mfgcjcf%

    Df G 4 ndf rhbh~cf dw~ tehnc mf acwam~c de df AOE& x df AMN dw te ndrhqmnc

    mndehfhfmnc ndf AOE%\7_

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    Phrcacwam~c nd ^hmohem% Nmnc }td fm ~hmohem atd fm prhodrm nd fmw

    qh~mohemw B }td wd hnde~hahg& wd fd ndecohem ~mobhe qh~mohem B=% Fm

    dw~rtg~trm nd fm qh~mohem dw gcopfdkm& pdrc wt gceqdrwhe de fm acrom nd

    gcde{hom& df phrcacwam~c nd ~hmohem c ^PP gcopcr~m whopfdode~d temphrcacwacrhfmghe ndpdenhde~d nd M^P%\7_


    Df phrcacwam~c nd ~hmohem de fm rdmgghe nd fm phrtqm~c ndwjhnrcidemwm%

    Df ^PP dw fm gcde{hom nd fm rdmgghe nd fm phrtqm~c ndwjhnrcidemwm x c~rmw

    ndwgmrbczhfmghcedw ec czhnm~hqmw nd mfpjm/gd~cghncw%

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    Fm rdmgghe gfmqd dw df m~m}td pcr df gmrbmehe ndf ^PP wcbrd df G

    gmrbcehfc ndf phrtqm~c& x qm wdithnc nd fm ndwgmrbczhfmghe ec czhnm~hqm

    ndf phrtqm~c tehnc m fm gcde{hom%\7_

    Gcde{homw ndf ghnc afhgc% Fmw gcde{homw ndrhqmnmw nd fm qh~mohem ghnc

    afhgc pmr~hghpme de fm idedrmghe x t~hfh{mghe nd fcw irtpcw ateghcemfdw

    nd te wcfc gmrbcec& od~hfc& od~hfdec x acrohfc% Fm qh~mohem atd

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    ndwgtbhdr~m de df mc =870& wd cbwdrq }td fm qh~mohem dw mbtenenc~d

    de fcw qdid~mfdw nd jckmw qdrndw gcoc fmw dwphemgmw%\7_


    ]tohgmode~d df ghnc afhgc wd acrom m pmr~hr nd ~rdw irtpcw nhw~he~cw; te

    mehffc nd p~drhnhem *1/od~hfp~drhnhem(& df ghnc p/mohecbde{chgc *PMBM( x df

    mghnc ift~ohgc%\7_


    Df ~d~rmjhnrcacfm~c de df od~mbcfhwoc nd fmw tehnmndw nd te gmrbcec%Fmateghe gcde{ho~hgm ndf ~d~rmjhnrcacfm~c gcewhw~d de fm

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    ocqhfh{mghe x t~hfh{mghe nd irtpcw ateghcemfdw nd te gmrbcec% Dw~mwrdmgghcedw dw~e hopfhgmnmw de df od~mbcfhwoc nd fm wdrhem& ifhghem&od~hcehem d jhw~hnhem& de fm bhcwe~dwhw nd etgfd~hncw nd ptrhem xndf irtpc od~hfc nd fm ~hohem% Df ~d~rmjhnrcacfm~c ted tehnmndw nd tegmrbcec gce nhadrde~dw ehqdfdw nd czhnmghe; de acrom nd od~h fdec&

    od~hfc x acrohfc% Fcw irtpcw nd te gmrbcec de df ~d~rmjhnrcacfm~cptdnde ~rmewpcr~mrwd de df E/4 c E/=0 c acromr te ptde~d de~rd E/4 x E/=0%\7_


    Gcde{hom M% Fm gcde{hom M *M pcr mghfc( pmr~hghpm de fm mg~hqmghe nd

    irtpcw mghfc de idedrmf& de~rd dffcw df irtpc mgd~hfc prcgdnde~d ndf

    phrtqm~c% Fm gcde{hom ndrhqm od~mbfhgmode~d ndf M^P& Bd~jm/

    odrgmp~cd~hfmohem x fm qh~mohem df ghnc pme~c~ehgc%\7_


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    Df ~hcf fhbrd de fm pcrghe Bd~mf/odrgmp~cd~hfmohem dw fm pmr~d nd fm

    ocfgtfm nd fm gcde{hom }td ~hded mg~hqhnmn ateghcemf< df rdw~c mpcr~m

    ftimrdw nd tehe nd de{homw% De fcw ndrhqmncw mghfmncw& gcoc fm mgd~hf/

    GcM df irtpc mghfc dw~ fhimnc mf irtpc ~hfc pmrm acromr te ~hcdw~dr nd

    dedrim dfdqmnm%\7_


    Df gmrg~dr nd dedrim dfdqmnm nd fcw ~hcdw~drdw wd ndbd m }td df defmgd G/W ndwdw~mbhfh{m fm ocfgtfm ndf ~hcdw~dr& de gcopmrmghe gce df defmgd G/C

    ndf dw~dr }td dw ow dw~mbfd& nd omedrm }td fm Ndf~mI mtode~m%\7_


    Tem nd fmw rdmgghcedw hopcr~me~dw de ncend mg~m fm gcde{hom M dw de df

    gcopfdkc otf~hde{ho~hgc phrtqm~c ndwjhnrcidemwm x de fm Bd~jm/czhnmghce nd

    fcw mghncw irmwcw% Mndecwhf gcbmfmohem& Od~hf gcbmfmhem% Gcde{homw nd fmqh~mohem B=2% Fm qh~mohem B=2 wd ndwgtbrh odnhme~d fcw dw~tnhcw nd fm medohm

    pdrehghcwm% Fm wtw~meghm m~hqm ndf jimnc }td wd edcohe qh~mohem B=2& dw~mbm

    prdwde~d de w~d de gme~hnmndw otx pd}tdmw pcr fc }td ~tqhdrce }td pmwmr

    otgjcw mcw jmw~m }td wd mhwf fm gme~hnmn wtahghde~d pmrm pcndr gmrmg~drh{mrfm%

    De =81> Jcnilhe rdghbh df prdohc ecqdf pcr gcopfd~mr fm nd~drohemghe nd fm

    dw~rtg~trm odnhme~d rmxcw Z% \7_

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    Tecw gtme~cw ~hpcw nd gcde{homw x prc~demw mg~me gcoc

    ~rmewpcr~mncrdw tehqdrwmfdw nd dfdg~rcedw% Fm otf~h~tn nd de{homw }td

    gm~mfh{me fmw czhnmghcedw gdftfmrdw gmemfh{me fcw dfdg~rcedw ndwnd

    gde~demrdw nd wtw~rm~cw nhadrde~dw m wcfc tecw gtme~cw ~hpcw nd~rmewpcr~mncrdw tehqdrwmfdw nd dfdg~rcedw% Fm rdntgghe nd dw~cw

    ~rmewpcr~mncrdw de fcw prcgdwcw gm~mbfhgcw pdroh~d fm gcewdrqmghe nd fm

    dedrim fhbrd }td wd prcntgd de fm czhnmghe nd fcw wtw~rm~cw% Df EMN,&

    EMNP,& AOE x AMN wce gcde{homw jhnrcwcftbfdw }td dzpdrhode~me

    czhnmghe x rdntgghe rdqdrwhbfdw de otgjmw nd fmw rdmgghcedw nd

    ~rmewadrdeghm nd dfdg~rcedw ndf od~mbcfhwoc% Fcw etgfd~hncw EMN, x

    EMNP, wd ~rmwfmnme aghfode~d nd te de{hom m c~rc< fcw etgfd~hncw nd

    afmqhem AOE x AMN dw~e ecromfode~d otx atdr~dode~d tehncw m fcw

    de{homw& ndecohemncw afmqcprc~demw& de fcw }td mg~me gcoc irtpc

    prcw~~hgc% Fmw }thecemw fhpcwcftbfdw ~mfdw gcoc fm Tbh}thecem x fm

    pfmw~c}thecem mg~me gcoc ~rmewpcr~mncrdw nd dfdg~rcedw x nmncrdw nd

    prc~cedw de df odnhc ec mgtcwc nd fmw odobrmemw% Fmw prc~demw

    adrrcwtfatrmnmw x fcw gh~cgrcocw& }td ~hdede irtpcw prcw~~hgcw

    atdr~dode~d tehncw }td dzpdrhode~me czhnmghe/rdntgghe rdqdrwhbfd&

    ~mobhe mg~me gcoc ~rmewpcr~mncrdw nd dfdg~rcedw de otgjmw

    rdmgghcedw nd czhnmghe/rdntgghe% Mfitemw nd dw~mw prc~demw wce

    jhnrcwcftbfdw& pdrc c~rmw wce prc~demw pdrharhgmw c he~dirmfdw nd


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    \>_ Mfbdr~ F% Fdjeheidr& Bhc}tohgm fmw bmwdw ocfdgtfmrdw nd fm dw~rtg~trm xateghe gdftfmr gtmr~m dnhghe& Bmrgdfcem Dwpmm& Dnh~crhmf CODIM& W%M%

    Bmrgdfcem& Gmph~tfc =7 Prheghphcw nd Bhcdedri~hgm& Pihem '4=2%