Download - 2ª Chamada cursos de Engenharia Mecânica, Elétrica, · agosto de 2020, a depender da vaga (todas as vagas estão descritas no anexo ao final deste documento). Aptos a candidatura:


Professional Experience – 2ª Chamada – Processo Seletivo Fraunhofer IPT 2020

Está aberta a 2ª Chamada de 2020 do Processo Seletivo para realização de estágio

remunerado no Fraunhofer – IPT em Aachen na Alemanha, com início entre julho e

agosto de 2020, a depender da vaga (todas as vagas estão descritas no anexo ao final

deste documento).

Aptos a candidatura: estudantes dos cursos de Engenharia Mecânica, Elétrica,

Mecatrônica, de Produção e de Computação ou áreas correlatas, que atendam o

regulamento abaixo.


1. O processo seletivo é direcionado aos estudantes do 6º semestre em diante

(mínimo de 50% da grade curricular cursada e máximo de 90%).

Obs: estudantes de semestres anteriores NÃO poderão participar.

2. Ter CR (coeficiente de rendimento) igual ou superior a 6,0 (seis).

3. Não possuir nenhuma pendência financeira na Facens.

4. Ter proficiência em nível B2 ou acima na língua inglesa (NÃO serão aceitas

aplicações de candidatos que demonstrarem nível inferior ao mencionado).

5. Atender à risca TODOS requisitos descritos no edital do Fraunhofer em anexo ao

final deste documento.

6. Não ter sido selecionado para nenhuma outra chamada ou edital Professional

Experience (programas de estágio no exterior intermediados pelo DRI)


7. TODOS os documentos de inscrição devem ser apresentados em UM ÚNICO

arquivo em formato pdf, atendendo minuciosamente à descrição exigida pelo

Fraunfoher IPT, apresentada no anexo ao final deste documento, sendo os


7.1. Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) é mandatório em inglês ou alemão no padrão europeu

com FOTO.

7.1.1. Links para confecção do currículo no padrão exigido:



7.2. Carta de apresentação/motivação em inglês explicando o motivo pelo qual você

está apto a essa vaga de estágio.

7.3. Histórico acadêmico;

7.4. Carta de recomendação (opcional);

7.5. Certificados (opcional).

8. O arquivo final deve ser submetido junto da inscrição através do site, conforme explicativo “Procedimento de Inscrição” na

página 3 desta chamada. O nome do arquivo deve seguir o padrão exigido pelo

Fraunhofer, sendo o nome do aluno e instituição de origem. Ex.: João da Silva


9. Duração: O estágio no Instituto Fraunhofer IPT Aachen terá duração de 1 ano e 15

dias, a contar do início definido em contrato.

10. Durante o tempo de estágio na Alemanha, o aluno deverá se matricular em

disciplinas EAD da Facens (mínimo de 4 créditos por semestre).

11. Remuneração: o estagiário recebe do Instituto Fraunhofer IPT Aachen um valor

acordado na assinatura do contrato que cobre os custos de vida no país,

considerando moradia, contas de consumo (luz, água, internet), alimentação e


Obs: A Facens NÃO possui poder de interferir no valor por eles estabelecido.

12. A Facens não concede nenhum auxílio ao candidato selecionado. Ou seja, os custos

com passagem, seguro saúde, visto e outros relativos à ida e permanência no país

são de total responsabilidade do candidato selecionado.

13. Prazo limite para inscrição: 19 de fevereiro de 2020 - 23h59 (BRT). NÃO serão

aceitas inscrições após o prazo indicado.

14. A Facens apenas realiza a divulgação da chamada e triagem dos candidatos

(verificação se realmente respeitou os requisitos e os atendem). O processo

seletivo é realizado pelo Fraunhofer IPT Aachen. Desta forma, não é garantido que

os candidatos selecionados nesta chamada serão também selecionados para

entrevista pelo instituto, pois isto demandará da análise da equipe avaliadora do

Instituto Fraunhofer, o qual não temos poder de interferir.

15. Os estudantes aprovados na triagem deverão passar em atendimento com a

psicopedagoga da Facens.

16. As inscrições enviadas fora do padrão (currículo sem foto, ou fora dos idiomas

exigidos, envio de arquivos separados, CR inferior a 6,0, nomenclatura do

documento de inscrição fora do padrão, entre outros) serão AUTOMATICAMENTE

descartados na triagem e NÃO serão indicados ao instituto.

17. Os estudantes que forem selecionados para a entrevista deverão notificar o DRI via


18. Os estudantes aprovados no processo seletivo pelo Fraunhofer IPT deverão

notificar o DRI por e-mail. O não cumprimento deste item e do anterior (17) pode

acarretar em atrasos na emissão de documentos, afetando a ida do selecionado.

Boa Sorte!

Equipe DRI

[email protected]

Procedimento de Inscrição


Required documents

1. Curriculum in German or English (German standard, which includes a picture)

2. Cover Letter in German or English

3. Transcript of Records (the transcripts generated by the university system are enough, even if it is in


4. Recommendation letter (optional)

5. Certificates (optional)

➢ All documents must be together in one PDF document in the above sequence (1st Curriculum, 2nd Motivation

letter, 3rd Transcript of Records, 4th Recommendation Letter and 5th Certificates) and the name of the document

must be the full name of the student and his university in parentheses (Example: Antonio da Silva (UFSC)).

Application Tips

1. Curriculum

• Max. 2 Pages

• Add your Picture

• Personal Information: full name, birthday, birthplace

• Contact data: address, telephone number, email address

• Education: university, courses

• Work experience: extra-curricular projects, volunteer work, internship etc.

• Skills: languages, software

• Hobbies and Interests

• For curriculum in German, we recommend (not mandatory) to use the available samples

provided by the social media XING:

• For curriculum in English, we recommend (not mandatory) to follow the German standard

formats available in the above-mentioned website, adapting it to English.

2. Cover Letter

• Some sentences about yourself

• Motivation of your application

• Professional and personal qualifications

• For each position, there is a Reference Number. The students have to express which position

or positions they are applying for. It’s up tot he student how to inform these priorities, whether

into the curriculum (for instance creating an additional topic) or into the motivation letter


• The partner university cooperates with our Institute implementing a preselection and has autonomy to

add any eligibility criteria or even request from the student any other document

Arrival in Aachen

• The student must arrive in Aachen at least 10 working days before the contract start date

Contract duration

• For all positions, it’s required to stay at our Institute at least for 1 year and 15 days


• The monthly salary is enough to cover all mean basic expenses including rent, food, health insurance,

transport etc.


• The students for positions 2020-2-11, 2020-2-12, 2020-2-13, 2020-2-14 and 2020-2-15 will work at our

neighbor and partner Institute WZL.


Your Task

• Development of a C# Windows App designed for production process data logging by reading RS-

232/Modbus serial interfaces.

• Development of a RESTful WebAPl using .NET Core and Entity Framework Core.

• Development of a Web application using AngularJS used to visualize, update and analyze data via

calls to the WebAPI.

What we expect from you

• You study Computer/Mechatronics Engineering or something related

• You have very good English language skills

• You are curious, take initiative and show responsibility

• Experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, JSON, SQL and REST required

• Knowledge in ASP.NET, AngularJS UI-Router, Plotly.js, D3.js, Bootstrap and JQuery would

be helpful

Start on 16th July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-01


Your Task

• Experimental research and analysis of glass molding technology

• Preparation of specimens (cleaning, visual inspection and handling of small optical parts)

• Independently conducting molding processes with an industrial machine

• Qualification of molded lenses with metrological devices

• Documentation and processing of experimental data

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering or something related with material science

• You have very good English language skills

• You like to work accurately

• You are curious, take initiative and show responsibility

• You have good knowledge/experience with Microsoft Office applications

• Basic knowledge in German is a plus

Start on 16th July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-02


Your Tasks

• Operation of 6-Axis Robot ABB IRB 4400 and 5-Axis Kern Micro CNC Machine

• CAD/CAM - programming and modelling (e.g. Autodesk PowerMill, Siemens NX)

• Design, preparation and performing of experiments (DoE, etc.)

• Evaluation of results

• Documentation of results

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering or a comparable subject

• You are fluent in English

• Good knowledge in German is a plus

• You like hands-on work and craft

• Previous experience with CAD/CAM

• A high degree of motivation, independence and responsibility

Start on 16th July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-03


Your Tasks

• Software development in the field of production technology as a part of our team

• Design of algorithms to solve geometrical problems

• Collaboration on design and implementation of new software architecture

• Documentation of the results as well as supporting our team at seminars

• Application of Deep Learning Algorithms for production technology related tasks

What we expect from you

• Field of study: CES, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering or a comparable subject

• Mathematical comprehension, spatial imagination and the ability to abstract

• Knowledge in object-oriented programming (C++, Java), ideally first experiences with APIs or in web


• Knowledge in Python, specifically Deep Learning libraries like Tensorflow and Pytorch

• Confident handling of common MS-Office applications

• The motivation to familiarize yourself with new subjects

• Good proficiency in German and/or English

Start on 01st July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-04


Your Task

• Experimental research and analysis of turbomachinery components

• Preparation of specimens

• Acquiring and Analyzing of process and/or life-cycle inventory data

• Independently conducting milling processes with an industrial machine

• Documentation and processing of experimental data

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering or something related with material science

• You have very good English language skills

• You like to work accurately

• You are curious, take initiative and show responsibility

• You have good knowledge/experience with Microsoft Office applications

• Basic knowledge in German is a plus

Start on 01th July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-05


Your Task

• Supporting the start-up phase of a laser powder bed machine at the Fraunhofer IPT

• Autonomous familiarization with the laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) machine and process for additive

manufacturing of steel materials

• Design of components and parts with CAD software

• AM job programming with a 3D-printing software

• Supporting research and process development activities in the field of metal L-PBF

• Evaluation and documentation of machining results

• Literature research

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering or Materials Engineering

• Good knowledge in using 3D CAD software

• You are fluent in English

• You are fluent in German (not mandatory but it’s a plus)

• You have previous experience with laser-based additive manufacturing, especially in the field L-PBF

• You are curious, take initiative and show responsibility

Start on 1st August 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-06


Your Task

• Familiarization with machine and robot controls for systems in the field of laser ablation and laser


• Operation of production machines and robots for laser ablation & laser structuring processes

• Supporting research and process development activities in the field of laser ablation

• Evaluation and documentation of machining results

• Literature research

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering or other technical studies

• You have knowledge in machine-code and / or experience in operating production machines

• You are fluent in English

• You are fluent in German (not mandatory but it’s a plus)

• You have previous experience with laser process (not mandatory but it’s a plus)

• You are curious, take initiative and show responsibility

Start on 1st August 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-07


Your Task

• Operation of laser- and infrared-based tape winding & tape placement machines

• Programming in G-codes

• Thermoforming of tailored composite blanks

• Mechanical testing of the composite and hybrid specimens

• Optical analysis of the specimens

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering or Materials Engineering

• You are fluent/advanced in either German or English or both

• German is desired, but not obligatory

• Experience in using MS Office, Matlab or SolidWorks knowledge is a plus

• Knowledge in G-code is a plus

• You are curious, take initiative, show responsibility and punctuality

Start on 1st July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-08


Your Task

• Operation of machines and systems for the automated processing of fiber-reinforced tape

• Programming and generating of machine code

• Evaluation and documentation of machining results

• Assembly of electromechanical components

• Mechanical testing of the specimens

• Optical analysis of the specimens

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering or Material Engineering

• You are fluent in English or German

• You are interested in fiber-reinforced plastics and laser-assisted production processes

• Basic programming skills

• You are curious, take initiative and show responsibility

Start on 16th July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-09


Your Task

• Further development of control and monitoring software for automated production plants

• Develop new software modules, expand existing software, and set up databases and communication


• Use state-of-the-art hardware in machines and systems to record relevant production data and

process it for real-time data analysis and control of the production process

• Assembly of electromechanical components

• Participation in the design and implementation of new concepts

• Research in the filed networked, adaptive production

What we expect from you

• You are studying computer science, mechanical or electrical engineering, or a comparable discipline

• You are fluent in English or German

• Programming is your passion and you have some experience in software development ideally with C#,

database programming, and the use of network protocols and hardware interfaces

• A high degree of initiative, responsibility, creativity, and team spirit

• You are enthusiastic about technological challenges both on the software side and on the hardware


Start on 16th July 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-10

Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) Chair of Manufacturing Technologies Department Cutting Technologies Group Modelling and Evaluation of Cutting Processes

Start on 01st August 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-11


In today’s manufacturing, the efficient design and control of processes and process chains with consistently high workpiece quality is of utmost im-portance. During turning of hardened steels, the high thermo-mechanical loads often induce microstructural modifications to the workpiece rim zone. These modifications such as re-sidual stresses can damage the work-piece, lead to part failure and thus have to be avoided while maintaining high productivity. In order to improve process control, the profound knowledge of occurring thermos-me-chanical loads in the workpiece rim-zone is essential. Using state of the art equipment and techniques such as thermography, high speed cameras and digital image correlation a model-based determina-tion of these state variables is devel-oped for orthogonal cutting and turning processes at WZL of RWTH Aachen University. Objective:

– Improvement of a model-based sen-

sor system for monitoring the strain

field during orthogonal cutting using

digital image correlation

– Model extension to use force signals

for external longitudinal hard turning


– High motivation and commitment

– Independency and responsibility

– Process knowledge of cutting pro-


– Interest in interdisciplinary works

– Basic knowledge of a programming

language such as MATLAB and / or


– Fluent in English

We offer:

– Possibility to write a thesis

– Intensive support and training in the

subject areas (cutting technology

and programming)

– State of the art research in an inter-

nationally networked working envi-


– Free and independent work with a

good working atmosphere in a highly

motivated team

– Contact to a large number of compa-

nies at national and international


– Excursions and team-building activi-


Job Description Cutting Technology

Model-based determination of spatially resolved state varia-bles during cutting

Quelle: Mazak 2016



ε [-]




Tool Chip





IR Kamera




Job Description Cutting Technology

Model-based analysis of the

converted energy in machin-

ing processes with cooling


Laboratory for Machine Tools and Pro-

duction Engineering (WZL)

Chair of

Manufacturing Technologies

Department Cutting Technologies

Group Modelling and Evaluation of Cutting


Start on 01st August 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-12


In the cutting process, the mechani-

cal energy applied to the chip for-

mation is largely converted into heat

in the shearing and friction zones.

The resulting extraordinarily high

mechanical and thermal loads lead

to thermally induced displacements

of the tool tip and tool wear. To re-

duce tool wear and carry away the

chips, cutting fluids are often used in

machining operations. However, for

different cooling strategies, the use

of energy and resources and the im-

pact on the environment are very dif-

ferent, which leads to enormous

cost differences. Therefore, the

knowledge of the suitable cooling

strategy for different applications is

an essential part of the efficient and

economical design of the manufac-

turing process.


- Investigation of the coolant effect

using orthogonal cutting test

- Modelling of the coolant effect with

numerical and analytical models


- High motivation and commitment

- Independence and responsibility

- Good knowledge of cutting pro-


- Interest in interdisciplinary work

- Basic knowledge of a program-

ming language such as MATLAB

and/or Python

- Fluent in English

We offer:

- Intensive training in the fields of

machining technology and pro-


- Extensive training in the field of

simulation technology

- Research in an internationally net-

worked working environment

- independent work with a good

working atmosphere in a highly

motivated team

- Contact to a large number of inter-

national industrial companies

- Excursions and team building ac-


Temperature of the solid [°C]

Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) Chair of Manufacturing Technologies Department Cutting Technologies Group Cutting Fundamentals

Start on 01st August 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-13


Broaching is state of the art for manu-facturing fir tree slots in turbine discs in aerospace industry. The machining process fulfills high requirements re-garding surface quality and process re-liability. Due to the working principle of broaching, which is characterized by a tool geometry that matches the contour of the profiled slot, the design of a broaching tool is the critical process step to guarantee a high process sta-bility. Nowadays, the tool design is mainly based on the experiences of the tool manufacturer. To increase the productivity of this process, profound knowledge about the local tool design and the acting cutting forces is neces-sary to avoid cutting edge chipping. Objective:

– Development of a penetration calcu-

lation approach based on CAD data

from industrial applied profile geom-


– Determination of the local machining

conditions along a complete broach-

ing tool.


– High motivation and commitment

– Independency and responsibility

– Interest in interdisciplinary works

– Basic knowledge of a programming

language such as MATLAB and

basic knowledge in FE modelling

– Fluent in English

We offer:

– Intensive support and training in the

subject areas (cutting technology,

FEM, and programming)

– Free and independent work with a

good working atmosphere in a highly

motivated team

– Contact to a large number of compa-

nies at national and international


– Excursions and team-building activi-


Job Description Cutting Technology

Development of a penetration calculation as input data to model the broaching of fir tree slots in turbine discs













Cutting chart of a profiled

slotBroaching tool

Simulation of the broaching


Undeformed chip geometry

Quelle: Mazak 2016


Your Task

• Programming in MATLAB / Python 3.5

• Support by the execution of machining experiments

• Extracting features from large data amounts (Acoustic emission sensor data)

• Analyzing data e.g. with the help of machine learning approaches

• Visualize data and model development

What we expect from you

• You study Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics or Informatics

• You are fluent in English

• You are interested in machining processes

• Very good knowledge in programming, especially in MATLAB and Python

• Basic knowledge in German is a plus

• First experience with machining process is a plus

• Very good capacity for teamwork

• You are curious, take initiative and show responsibility and you can work independent

Start on 01st August 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-14

Laboratory for Machine Tools and Produc-tion Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen Chair for Manufacturing Technology Department of Cutting Technology Workgroup of Modelling and Evaluation of Cut-ting Processes

Start on 01st August 2020

Reference Number: 2020-2-15


Using FEM simulation techniques en-

ables us to calculate important prop-

erties of cutting processes even be-

fore production begins. Above all,

highly automated production systems

can be evaluated by numerical analy-

sis for their stability and thus for their

efficiency. By modeling the cutting

process, expensive and time-consum-

ing drive-in experiments in highly net-

worked manufacturing systems can

be avoided. The associated increase

in productivity at falling costs is a

timeless driver of production technol-

ogy research projects at the WZL.

The material and friction models

stored in the simulation program are

fundamental for a valid model. The

material models describe the relation-

ship between the strain, the strain

rate, the temperature and the yield

stress of the material to be processed.

To determine the semi-analytical ma-

terial models, experimental machining

tests are carried out using the most

up-to-date measuring techniques. The

material parameters are then cali-

brated using FEM simulations so that

the simulation results are in good

agreement with the measured results.

In the context of this position both,

theoretical and practical activities in

the field of application-oriented simu-

lations of machining processes are

carried out. This includes the planning

and execution of machining tests as

well as the preparation and evaluation

of FEM-simulations.


- Fluent in English

- Motivation and commitment

- Studies in mechanical engineering,

CES or computer science

- Interest in experimental and theoreti-

cal work

- Team skills

We offer:

– Free and independent work with a

good working atmosphere in a

highly motivated team

– Worldwide contact to a large num-

ber of companies

– Intensive support and training in the

area of subject

– Possibility to write a Bachelor the-


Student Assistant

Modeling of the material be-havior under metal cutting conditions