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    Eduardus KoendersCOPPE-UFRJ / TU Delft

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Delft, The Netherlands

    Camila Aparecida Abelha RochaCOPPE-UFRJ

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Neven UkrainczykTU Delft

    Delft, The Netherlands

    Romildo Dias Toledo FilhoCOPPE-UFRJ

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    ABSTRACTThe secondary pozzolanic reaction mechanism has been

    modeled explicitly in the Delft hydration model Hymostruc.

    The model calculates the progress of the hydration process as a

    function of the particle size distribution, the water cement ratio,

    the temperature and the cement and pozzolanic chemistry. The

    consumption of portlandite due to the activation of the

    pozzolanic materials is shown in detail. The numerical results

    are validated by an experimental testing plan on G-cement and

    8% of silica fume and a water to cementitious ratio of 0.44. Thesimulated development of portlandite and degree of hydration

    and the experimental results are in good agreement.

    INTRODUCTIONThe interest in modeling the hydration process of

    pozzolanic-based cementitious systems has gained an enormous

    attention. Especially for the offshore industry, pozzolanic

    systems, using green supplementary materials like sugarcane

    bagasse, rice husk ash, fly ash or silica fume, this could add

    both to the performance of the mechanical performance and to

    the footprint of the sustainable solution. Blended cement

    systems turned out to have a significant positive effect onreducing CO2 emissions. Replacing cementitious clinker by a

    pozzolanic material leads directly to a reduction of the

    cementitious clinker mass which, on its turn, leads to a

    corresponding reduction of the CO2 production by the cement

    industry. Nowadays, most blended cement systems in the

    construction industry use Blast furnace slag as a pozzolanic

    material. In The Netherlands, in general, slag replacements

    exceed 65% and may increase to 80% of the cement content. In

    Brazil, these numbers are a little lower, viz. 50% and is the

    highest degree of replacement allowed. Optimizing these ratios

    of blends can be very advantageous for the properties of the

    internal hydration and the quality of the microstructure. An

    advanced hydration model is needed to quantify these

    properties. Therefore, in this paper the calculation principles o

    the hydration model Hymostruc will be explained while also

    accounting for the basic cementitious reactions and pozzolanic

    reactions. The simulated results are compared with

    experimental data received from lab tests on G-cement with

    silica fume addition, at the LabEST laboratory of COPPEUFRJ.

    HYDRATION MODELINGThe main vision behind the hydration modeling approach is that

    the primary silicate reactions produce CH and that the

    secondary reaction uses the SiO2 content of the pozzolans to

    react and produce pozzolanic CSH. In this approach C3S and

    C2S are the main silicate phases that produce most of the CH, a

    necessary reaction product for the secondary pozzolanic

    reaction to happen. Both the clinker phase and the pozzolanic

    phase follow a certain particle size distribution (PSD) and are

    taken into account in the modeling approach explicitlyAccording to the Rosin-Ramler equation, the grading of the

    particles can be calculated per single fraction. From the

    materials individual PSD and the water to cementitious ratio o

    the cement paste, the particle structure of the blended paste can

    be calculated. A 3D impression of the initial 3D microstructure

    is provided in Fig 1 where the grey particles represent the

    anhydrous cement grains and the purple particles represent the

    pozzolanic grains.

    Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering


    June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France


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    Fig 1. Virtual 3D microstructure of cement and pozzolans

    before reaction has commenced.

    From this 3D particle structure, the inter-particle spacings and

    the paste density can be calculated for each fraction

    individually. Based on this, the geometrical structure of the

    paste is available for simulation. In Hymostruc the hydration ofthe individual particles is modeled explicitly following both a

    full 3D approach and a statistically-based cell concept [1]. A

    cell is considered to be an elementary paste volume that

    contains the volume of water and the volume of (blended)

    cement grains up to a certain fraction. The cell density for three

    different pozzolanic replacements is shown in Fig 2.

    Fig 2. Cell density for three different pozzolanic replacements.

    Based on the cell concept, hydration products representing the

    inner and outer C-S-H gel that is formed by each individual

    fraction can be calculated. The outer expansion of the particles

    is calculated according to the so-called particle expansion

    mechanism (Fig 3) [1,2]. The expansion mechanism describes

    the outer growth of a spherical central particle with diameterx,

    while embedding the cement and

    Fig 3. Schematic impression of expansion mechanism [3].

    pozzolanic particles smaller than the central particle in the

    expanding shell. The volumetric outer expansion of the

    particles Vcou,ex,x,j and Vp

    ou,ex,x,j with diameterx at time j and an

    outer volume Vcou,x,j and Vp

    ou,x,j can be calculated by means of a

    geometrical leading to the following equations for cemen

    (sup. c) and pozzolan (sup.p), respectively [1-3]:

    )()()(1 ,,,;,;

    ,;, p











    )()()(1 ,,,;,;

    ,;, p











    where is the density of the shell surrounding a central particle

    The factors f(c

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    particles will hydrate faster than the bigger particles and show a

    much rapid increase of the degree of hydration in comparison

    with the coarser cement particles. However, in terms of mass,

    the finer pozzolanic fractions contribute less, which also holds

    for the development of the degree of hydration of the blended

    system. In the model the degree of hydration of the blended

    system s

    is calculated according to:




    jcjs mmt )( (5)

    where mc is the mass fraction of the cement and mp the mass

    fraction of the pozzolan. The incremental evolution of the

    degree of hydration of the cement is calculated from the four

    Bogue phases, i.e. C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF, individually and

    based on their mass representation of the phases in the cement

    clinker according to:


    3 3 3


    3 3

    , 1 , 1 ,


    1 1

    C S C S C S

    x j x j x jC S

    x j c cx xr r



    2 2 2


    3 3

    , 1 , 1 ,

    , 1 1

    C S C S C S

    x j x j x jC S

    x j c c

    x xr r



    3 3 3


    3 3

    , 1 , 1 ,

    , 1 1

    C A C A C A

    x j x j x jC A

    x j c c

    x xr r



    4 4 4


    3 3

    , 1 , 1 ,, 1 1

    C AF C AF C AF

    x j x j x jC AFx j c c

    x xr r


    Analogue to this, the evolution of the degree of hydration of the

    pozzolanic particles can be calculated with a similar approach

    Therefore, for a system with dominating pozzolanic SiO2

    particles the degree of hydration p is calculated according to:







    2 11













    In these equations x is the actual depth of the water (reaction)

    penetration front, x is the incremental increase of thepenetration front within a particular period of hydration time

    and rc the radius of the clinker particle, and rp is the radius of a

    pozzolanic particle. With these set of equations and with the

    formulations of the chemical silicate reactions the amount of

    phases consumed (C3S, C2S, C3A, C4AF, SiO2 and H2O), and

    the amount of phases produced (C-S-H and CH) during

    hydration of a blended system can be calculated as a function of

    time and as a function of the degree of hydration.

    Fig 4. Schematic representation for the shell (containing binder

    particles = cement and pozzolan) surrounding a central cemen

    particle (left) and a central pozzolan particle (right).

    INTEGRATED PARTICLE KINETICSAs said, in Hymostruc the 3D microstructure is simulated using

    the particle expansion mechanism (Fig. 3) where the particles

    are modeled as expanding spheres following the kinetics of eq

    (1). In this equation K0 is the basic rate of hydration of the

    individual cement or pozzolan particles, F1 is the Arrheniusfunction and the i account for the state of water in the

    microstructure during hydration. The last part in the equation

    accounts for the change of the reaction process from phase

    boundary to diffusion controlled and also accounts for the

    temperature effect F2 on the morphological growth of the C-S-

    H gel. The water penetration into an individual reacting particle

    with time can, therefore, be described as with the following

    equation called Basic Rate Equation (BRE):












    where ,j+1 represents the penetration depth of the reaction

    developed in the upcoming incremental time step tj+1, while

    tr and x,j are the transition thickness and the thickness of the

    product layer, respectively. Finally, accounts for the change

    from phase boundary to a diffusion controlled reaction, and

    are three empirical constants [2]. The first reduction factor

    1 refers to the hydration of the embedded and stil

    incompletely hydrated cement and/or pozzolanic particles

    situated in the shell of either cement or pozzolanic particles

    The still incomplete hydrated cement or pozzolanic particles

    embedded in the shell of a central cement or pozzolanic particle

    (Fig 4) may withdraw a certain amount of the water needed for

    further hydration of the central cement or pozzolan particle

    This means that the rate of hydration of the central cemen

    and/or pozzolanic particles is affected by the embedded and

    still incomplete hydrated cement and/or pozzolanic particles

    which means that the kinetics of the particles is depending on

    its particular position in the microstructure. It makes the rate of

    hydration unique for each hydrating particle in the system. For

    the cell concept as presented in this paper, this mechanism is

    considered per fraction while for the fully 3D kernel this

    Cement Pozzolan

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    Fig 4. Effect of1 on the rate of reaction for different central

    hydrating cement particlesx with diameters 20, 40 and 110 m

    and embedded cement particles for a w/c ratio of 0.4.

    mechanism is considered on an individual particle level. This

    makes each particle a unique object. The reduction factor1 for

    the central cement particle (Fig 4, left) can be described

    according to the following formulation:















    Where wcx,j, wcem;x,j and w

    pem;x,j, are the incremental water

    consumption of the central cement particle, by the embedded

    cement particles and by the embedded pozzolanic particles,

    respectively. Furthermore, mc and mp are the mass fractions of

    the embedded cement and pozzolanic particles of all particles

    with a diameter smaller than the central particle considered.

    Fig 5. Schematic representation of the pore volume distribution

    as a function of the pore diameter.

    Fig 6. Effect of2 on the rate of reaction process versus the

    degree of hydration for different water to cement ratios.

    The second reduction factor2 refers to the water shortage in

    the pore system and its associated effect on the partial emptying

    of the pores and locally ceasing of the hydration process [1,2]When considering this concept in view of the addition of the

    pozzolanic phase, the microstructural parameters that are

    affected by the cement as well as the pozzolanic reaction are

    both the volume of capillary waterVcap (bounded by hydration

    and the actual pore volume Vpor (solidification of the

    microstructure due to C-S-H production). The effect of the

    water shortage in the pore system 2 can be calculated from the

    free pore wall areaAwat, relative to the total pore wall area Aporor from the minimum pore 0 and maximum pore pordiameters

    in the system and the diameter of those pores that are stil

    completely filled with waterwataccording to:







    po r

    po r


    po r




    The pore diameters in equation (11) change with progress of the

    hydration process, which makes 2 also a function of the

    degree of hydration . A pore model (Fig 5) can be used to

    calculate these diameters during hydration and MIP

    measurements can be conducted to validate this model.

    The last reduction factor 3 refers to the amount of water

    available to accommodate the ions that develop during the

    chemical reaction of cement and pozzolans (Fig 6). The

    reduction of the amount of water in the hydrating paste is

    considered to cause a shortage of water for the ions to move

    through the microstructure and react to another phase. This socalled water shortage concept also causes a reduction of the

    rate of hydration due to the consumption of water by cement

    and pozzolans and can be calculated according to:


    mwmwwbr pp






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    Fig 6. Effect of3 on the reaction process versus the degree of

    hydration for different water to cement ratios.

    where wbr is the water to binder ratio, mc and mp the mass

    fractions of cement and pozzolans respectively. The factorswc

    and wp refer to the water to cement ratio that at which either the

    cement or the pozzolanic phase is completely hydrated if al

    cementitious has hydrated (=1). For both cement and

    pozzolan a factor 0.4 can be adopted.

    With the basic rate equation as described in a simple form with

    eq. (9), the formulations of the water dependency (1 to 3),

    and the Arrhenius equation F1 for the temperature dependency

    of the reactions, the integrated kinetics approach can be applied

    to all particles that are part of the particle size distribution

    including both the cement and pozzolanic particle fractions.

    The calculation procedure should account for the incremental

    increase of the hydration process and associated changes in the

    microstructure, capillary water and the chemistry. Figure 7shows an schematic overview of the different calculation steps

    that are considered in the calculation of the cement reactions.

    To include the secondary pozzolanic reactions in the model,

    both the cement chemistry and the secondary pozzolanic

    reactions have to be described explicitly. For the cement

    reactions the following reaction equations are considered [3]:

    /C S ( ( / ) )H C SH ( ( / ))CHb C S xb C S x b C S (13)

    where b = 2 or 3 represents reaction of C3S or C2S, respectively.

    For the numerical calculations in this paper C/S = 1.8 and x = 4

    is adopted. Reactions of aluminate-bearing clinker minerals are

    represented by the following sequential chemical reaction


    3 2 6 3 32C A+3CsH +26H C As H (14)

    3 6 3 32 4 12C A+0.5C As H +2H 1.5C AsH (15)

    3 3 6C A+6H C AH (16)

    4 2 6 3 32 3C AF+3CsH +30H C As H +CH+FH (17)

    4 6 3 32 4 12 3C AF+0.5C As H +6H 1.5C AsH CH FH (18)

    4 3 6 3C AF+10H C AH +CH+FH (19)

    When all gypsum is consumed ettringite transforms to

    monosulfate according to eqs. (15 and 18). After both gypsum

    and ettringite are consumed, the remaining aluminates react

    according to eqs. (16 and 19). For a dominating SiO2 secondary

    pozzolanic reaction the following relation for the chemica

    reaction holds:

    xCH + S + (y-x)H CxSHy (20)

    where the CH produced by the cement reaction reacts with the

    SiO2 content of the pozzolan and water to a C-S-H gel. For

    pozzolans with a high content of amorphous SiO2, this C-S-H

    gel has about the same structure as the C-S-H gel formed by the

    cement reactions.

    Fig 7. Schematic representation of the cement reaction process.

    For other compositions of pozzolans this may change. The

    amorphous SiO2 content in pozzolans can change significantly

    and depend on the type of material. Table 1 gives an overview

    of the amorphous SiO2 content of pozzolans.

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    Table 1: SiO2 content in pozzolans.

    Pozzolan Content SiO2 [% m/m]

    Slag 35-40

    Silica fume 8498

    Fly-ash 40-65

    Sugarcane bagasse 42-49 coarse

    34-43 fineRice husk ash >85%

    The pozzolans that dominate in amorphous SiO2 is silica fume

    and also rice husk ash shows a relatively high SiO2 content.

    Later in this article the model will be validated by using silica

    fume as a pozzolan.

    EXPERIMENTSThe reference cement is composed only of the mixture of CEM

    G cement, while the blend was produced with partial

    replacement of Portland cement by 8 % mass of SF. The water

    to cement ratio was 0.44. The curing of hydration was

    conducted at a temperature of 20 C. In order to test the modelfor simulating the hydration of blended pozzolanic systems the

    numerical results are compared with laboratory experiments by

    means of the development of the amount of calcium hydroxide

    CH. The amount of CH liberated during hydration is

    determined by TGA TA Instruments SDT Q600, measuring the

    mass loss near 430 C. From these experiments the CH data

    liberated during plain paste and blended paste hydration after

    different ages were obtained. The results are used for

    preliminary testing of the numerical model for hydration

    blended cement.

    DISCUSSION OF RESULTSAll thermogravimetric (TG) measurements showed a mass loss

    at a low temperatures caused by the dehydration of CSH andaluminate phases [4], loss at around 400 oC due to the

    dehydration of Ca(OH)2, a mass loss around 600 C attributed

    to the decomposition of poorly-crystallized carbonated product.

    An example of TG experimental data curve for PC hydration

    after 28 days is given in Figure 8. In the TG the mass loss

    around 400 oC was related to the stoichiometry of the Ca(OH)2

    de-hydroxylation as obtained from TG analysis employing a

    tangential approach [5]. The result was related relatively to the

    mass of binder obtained after firing at 1000 oC. Figure 9 shows

    the development of portlandite (CH) as a function of time. Two

    data points series are plotted, corresponding to the reference

    and blended paste (where cement was replaced by 8 mass % of

    SF). For the hydration of reference cement paste the quantity ofCH produced increases continually with the hydration time. In

    blended system, however, the CH quantity reaches a maximum

    (at 7 days), which is still much lower than the quantity reached

    by reference cement paste hydration, and begins to decrease

    with further hydration (Fig. 9). These results are consistent with

    the reaction of SF with CH (Eq. 20) produced by the hydration

    of clinker (silicate phases, Eq. 1). Ca(OH)2 is consumed and

    used for the formation of pozzolanic C-S-H.

    Fig 8. An example of TG experimental data for PC hydration

    after 28 days.

    This chemical process affects, therefore, also the amount of C-

    S-H formed as well as the microstructure development. In Fig 9

    it can be also observed that at early ages, until 1 day o

    hydration, the reference cement has a lower content of CH than

    the blended one, while after 1 day the situation is reversed, the

    reference cement has now a higher amount of CH than the

    blended one. Until 1 day of hydration SF acts as an accelerator

    (filler) only, while later the effect of pozzolanic reaction is

    visible by a high CH consumption. The obtained results are in

    accordance with literature. Dobson et al. [6] also found by the

    NMR experiments

    Fig 9. Comparison of hydration simulation against

    experimental results for calcium hydroxide of reference and

    blended paste hydration (water/binder ratio is 0.44 and the

    replacement of silica fume is 8 %).

    200 400 600 800 100080









    0.01 0.1 1 10 100






    Hydration time, days



    Reference CemG

    SF 8%


    Reference CemG

    SF 8%

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    7 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    that the presence of SF particles greatly accelerates the

    hydration of C3S during first 24 h. The fundamental

    understanding of the acceleration of the clinker (PC) hydration

    in the presence of the silica is still not yet clearly defined. The

    causes may be attributed to the thickness and densification of

    the shell of hydration products forming around the dissolving

    clinker particles. The acceleration of early hydration of PC

    could be ascribed to the fineness of the SF particles that would

    provide preferential nucleation sites.

    SIMULATIONSIn order to test the potential of the model to simulate the

    hydration of blended pozzolanic systems the output results are

    compared with the obtained experimental data. For modeling

    purposes it was assumed that the cement has a mineralogical

    composition of 60 mass % of alite (C3S), while hydration

    reactions of other phases (C2S, C3A and C4AF) were neglected.

    For modeling we used Rosin-Ramler distribution curve. The

    reactive (amorphous) constituent of the SF is assumed to be 95

    % of the SiO2 content. Each individual hydration reactionkinetics for C3S and SiO2 was modeled according to BRE (Eq.

    11) with a corresponding set of kinetic input parameters (Knucl.,

    K0, tr, and 1). Kinetic parameters used for reference C3S and

    blended hydration system employed for hydration simulation

    are given in Table 2, whereas the input parameters for the

    particle size distribution (PSD) for both cement and silica fume

    are described in Table 3.The free outer growth of the particle

    expansion can be calculated according to stoichiometry and

    densities of components in the reaction equation. The

    expansion factor for C3S reaction, in this first approach, was

    considered to be c = 2.2, thus assuming both C-S-H and CH

    reaction products to grow in the shell around the C3S particles.

    Recently, in the 3D kernel, separate nucleation and growth of

    CH particles in a free capillary pore space was implemented,

    thus allowing a more realistic microstructural description as

    regards to this issue, however with a high price on

    computational efficiency. For the pozzolanic reaction the

    expansion factor of p = 3.77 is used [7]. In the blended model

    the volumetric expansion related to the C3S reaction is effected

    by the pozzolanic reaction due to the consumption of CH, and

    therefore the value 2.2 must be corrected in each time

    increment in order to consider the interaction with the

    pozzolanic reaction. Furthermore, it should be noted that the

    particle size distribution of the cement and silica fume are

    considered as independent phases.

    Table 2: Reaction kinetic parameters

    System Phase K0,





    Reference C3S 0.09 6 2

    Blended C3S 0.13 13 4

    SF 0.002 1 4

    Table 3: PSD input values for C3S and SF particle.

    Phase n b Blaine,

    m2 kg-1






    Cem G 1.101 0.0267 320 1 - 90 1

    SF 2.00 0.04 - 1 - 10 1

    MODEL VALIDATIONThe modeling approach presented in this paper is a valuable

    tool that can be employed to test hypothesis on fundamenta

    mechanisms involved in pozzolanic hydraion systems. Here the

    model was tested and validated against a limited amount of

    experimental data. The validation of the multicomponen

    kinetic model coupled with the evolving 3-D microstructure

    incorporating pozzolanic fillers calls for a comparison of the

    evolution of the component fractions (e.g. reactants and

    hydration products) over time with the equivalent experimenta

    data. For crystalline phases, quantitative X-ray diffraction

    appears to be the most straightforward means for obtaining

    phase quantification. This would be particularly useful for thePC minerals and crystaline hydration products such as CH

    SEM/image analysis is also a useful technique for analyzing

    real microstructures at various hydration ages

    Thermogravimetric analysis provides data on the water released

    at different temperatures, from which one can quantitatively

    estimate the CH content of pozzolanic pastes. 29Si NMR [8] is

    the only direct method for obtaining the reactivity o

    amorphous silica. Combination of this techniques will be used

    in future studies in order to validate and further improve the

    pozzolanic modeling approach presented here. When

    considering the development of the chemical phases the mass

    of calcium hydroxide (CH) per gram of cement can be

    calculated with the model and the results compared withexperimental data. Figure 9 shows the development of CH as a

    function of time for both the reference and blended paste and

    the results are compared with laboratory experiments. The

    pozzolanic reaction between CH liberated by the C3S phases

    and the secondary reaction with water and SiO2 phase turned

    out to lead to a reduction of CH. Calcium hydroxide is

    consumed and used for the formation of pozzolanic C-S-H

    This chemical process affects, therefore, also the amount of C-

    S-H formed in the microstructure. Good agreement with

    experimental data could be reached for both systems. From the

    simulated and experimental results it can also be observed that

    for blended system the amount of CH in system reduces after 7

    days of hydration. Justnes [8], Papadakis [9], and Yajun andCahyadi [10] show for different silica fume blended systems

    that the CH content liberated after hydration may reach a

    maximum and depending on the amount of replacement and

    water binder ratio may even reduce to zero amounts indicating

    the potential influence of pozzolanic reactions in paste. Our

    simulation results indicated that for 25 % addition of SF the CH

    reached the zero value after 65 days of hydration. Figure 10

    shows the degree of hydration for both the plain paste and the

    blended system. The results show the hydration of the clinker

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    8 Copyright 2013 by ASME

    Fig 10. Simulation of a degree of hydration reactions of

    reference and blended cement paste with 8 % silica fume (SF).

    phase C3S and the hydration of the pozzolanic phase SiO2. In

    the model algorithm, these phases are independent meaning that

    unique behavior of these phases is explicitly described which is

    a true necessity for modeling pozzolanic hydration. The model

    accounts for the effect of SF addition on the acceleration of PC

    kinetics. The increase in the kinetics of PC hydration due to SF

    addition was considered in this paper by increasing the C3S

    kinetic parameter from 0.09 to 0.13. The proposed model is

    flexible to simulate the simultaneous hydration reactions of a

    multicomponent system. More experimental data on kinetics of

    PC and SF reactions are needed in order to draw further

    conclusions. Figure 11 depicts the evolution of the simulated

    avarage Ca/Si molar ratio of the overall C-S-H hydrationproduct with hydration time. The Ca/Si molar ratio starts to

    decrease when the pozzolanic reaction is activated at

    Fig 11. Simulated avaraged Ca/Si molar ratio of the overall C-

    S-H hydration product.

    about 9 h, because of the precipitation of C1.1SH (20) while PC

    precipitates C1.8SH (13). Moreover, the model is capable o

    simulating the further decrease in Ca/Si ratio that could happen

    when there is not a sufficient amount of CH available in the


    CONCLUSIONThe pozzolanic model described in this paper shows the

    potential to use growing spheres numerical simulation models

    to simulate pozzolanic reactions in blended cement systems

    The model is implemented in the simulation model Hymostruc

    and integrated in the 3D kernel. The simulated results show

    good agreement with obtained experimental data, achieved

    from TGA laboratory experiments for CH liberation during

    hydration of blended paste systems as measured in the LabEST

    laboratorium in at COPPE-FRJ in Rio de Janeiro. Further

    testing of the multi-component hydration kinetics mode

    incorporating other types of reactive pozzolanic fillers requires

    a comparison of the simultaneous evolution of the reactants and

    associated hydration products, and more systematicexperimental data.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was financially supported by the COPPE-UFRJ

    M&E at TU Delft, and the Marie Curie Actions EU grant FP7-


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    0.01 0.1 1 10 100









    Hydration time, days






    0.01 0.1 1 10 100






    Hydration time, days
