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Prof. Doutora Maria do Rosário Partidário

Qualidade do ar, da água, ruído e

resíduos/ Air and water quality, noise and waste




Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambiente"Master on Environmental Engineering"Impactes Ambientais / Environmental Impacts 5/9"

Physical quality of the environment

Air quality Water quality Noise Waste

Legislation and regulations

General status (National, regional and local networks)

Emission factors (current and future)

Receptors(current and future)

Cumulative processes





•  Volcanic ashes and gases; •  Sand and dust storms; •  Animal and vegetable decomposition – smell and gas; •  Forest fires partiles and gas; •  Cosmic dust; •  Natural evaporation; •  Oceans and sea smells.


• Fixed sources such as industry; • Mobile sources – mobile engines (petrol, alchool, diesel and natural gas); • Open air waste burning and incineration; • Trading and storage of volatile; • Industry and thermopower plant fuel burning; • Chemical processes emmission.

Human made




Secondary pollutants Result from chemical reaction that take place in the atmosphere based on primary pollutants. Example: tropospheric ozone (O3) resulting from photochemical reactions (due to sun light) that happen amidst nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide or the VOC

Primary pollutants Directly emitted by (vehicle emmissions, plant chimney). Examples: carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogem oxides (Nox)), sulphur dioxide (SO2) or suspended particles.


Fonte: "Living in the Environment", Miller, 10th edition




On human health: •  Lungs and breathing system •  Lung cancer, nose cancer;

•  <changes on photosynthesis (NOx, SOx, particles) On vegetation

• Metal corrosion, marbles, walls (SOx, Clx, NOx). On edifications:


High concentration of a given pollutant may have immediate effects on receptors

Acute effects

Related to longer expositions and lower concentration. More likely to induce cumulative effects

Cronhic effects





Legislação Europeia •  Framework Directive 1996/62/CE, of 27 September

concerning the assessment and management of air quality (Annex II establishes limit values and risk thresholds)

National legislation: • Decreto-lei nº 276/99 (transposes Framework Directive 1996/62/CE)

Two types of thresholds: •  Concentration limit value in the atmosphere, based in

human health criteria and environment, and •  Emissions thresholds by sources or geographic regions



Viena Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and Montreal Protocol concerning substances that affect the ozone layer

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, Bali and Copenhagen agreements Gothenburg Protocol, and the Directive 2001/81/CE of 23 October establishing value-limit for certain substances (SO2, NOx, COV, NH3).



AIR QUALITY National Legislation Decreto-Lei nº 276/99, de 23 de Julho, transposes Directive 96/62/CE. Decreto-Lei nº 111/2002, de 16 de Abril, transposes Directives 99/30/CE and 2000/69/CE concerning threshold values and concentration of scertain pollutants on the atmosphere Decreto-Lei nº 193/2003, de 22 de Agosto regarding national emmission ceilings for SO2, NOx, COV, NH3, and the preparation of an emmission reduction programme Decreto-lei nº 78/2004, de 3 de Abril,refers to prevention and pollutants emmissions control to the atmosphere, fixing the principles, objectives and instruments that can guarantee protection of the resource air

AIR QUALITY National Legislation Thresholds for specific pollutant emmissions: • Decreto-Lei nº 13/2002, de 26 de Janeiro concerning vehicles emmissions (transposes Directive 88/77/CEE and subsequent changes); • Decreto-Lei nº 242/2001, de 31 de Agosto concerns emmission of organic solvents(transposes Directive 99/13/CE); • Decreto-Lei nº 432/99, de 25 de Outubro, concerns emmission of non road engines. O Decreto-Lei nº 8/2002, de 9 de Janeiro, establish limits to the amount of sulfur in certain liquid fuels Decreto-Lei nº 194/2000, de 21 de Agosto transposes A Directiva 96/61/CE on Integrated Pollution Prevention Control




The Index of air quality enables

• A simple classification on the state of air quality. This index was developed to translate air quality especially in urban areas but also in industrial areas; • Easy public access to air quality informationthrough the media; • Fulfill legal obligations Always made available at 12 hours of each day:

1. Provisional index, can incorporate a minimum of 11 values from 0 h of the current day (estimate of the final index);

2. A final index, relative to the day before, that incorporates data from 0 to 23h59 h.

Air Quality Index (IQar)


Pollutants included in the index: 1.  Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 2.  Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 3.  Carbon monoxide, measured based on the registered

average during 8 consecutive hours (CO 8h) 4.  Ozone (O3) 5.  Breathing fine particles (measured as PM10) (*) Micron - Um micron (representado pelo caractere grego µ) é a unidade métrica normalmente utilizada para

definir o tamanho das partículas em suspensão no ar. Um micron é igual a 0,000001 m, isto é é a milionésima parte do milímetro (mm). As partículas de dimensão inferior a 10 µm, também chamadas PM10 são frequentemente medidas porque quanto mais pequenas as partículas forem mais importância terão ao nível dos efeitos na saúde humana, dado que são partículas respiráveis ou inaláveis (que,

portanto, têm a capacidade de penetrar no sistema respiratório humano).




Meteorologcal conditions are a key factor with two key components:

Pollutants dispersion

• Vertical component determined by the turbulence generated by the vertical gradient of temperature in the low layesr of the atmosphere

a) Situação normal de dispersão dos poluentes atmosféricos

b) Situação de dispersão dos poluentes atmosféricos sob o efeito de inversão térmica

AIR QUALITY Dispersion of pollutants

• Horizontal component - The wind is the key agent of transportation




Water quality

•  Water quality: physico-chemical and biological conditions of fresh and ground waters

•  Objectives: –  Ensure quality in receptors

•  Uses (beach, irrigation, aquaculture….) •  Minimum quality for aquatic life

–  Classification of waters and the state of waters –  Planning water management

•  Inland waters •  Goundwaters •  Coastal waters



Water quality

•  Difuse pollution sourcesthe source of pollution is not easily identifiable such as farming drainage, rain water, landfill drainage

•  Point pollution sources, Easy identifiable emmission source, such as waste waters, industrial sources.

Nature of sources

Impacts on Water quality –  Punctual– ex.: industry, WWTP

– Difusas – ex.: agriculture, livestock •  Uses of water

– navigation, recreation, …



Water quality Contaminants

Chemical Agents • Organic biodegradable or persistent): proteines, fat, carbon hydrates, wax, solvents, etc • Inorganics: acids, alchools, toxic substances, soluble salts. Physical agents • Radioactivity, heat, modification of the terrestrial systems through erath moves, etc. Biological agents • Microscopic, such as Vírus, Bacteria, Algae, etc. • Macroscopic, such asanimals and plants that do not belong to their natural habitat in over-exploitation.

Water quality

•  Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE): –  Achieve the good state of all European waters by

2015 –  Ensure the sustainable use of this resource in Europe

•  Key actions or measures –  Limits on pollutants discharge from WATP –  Restrictions to land use –  Protection of special sensitive areas



Water quality

•  Directiva 91/271/CEE, Tratamento das águas residuais urbanas •  Directiva 91/676/CEE, Protecção das águas contra a poluição causada por nitratos de origem

agrícola •  Directiva 75/440/CEE, Qualidade da água superficial para produção de água potável •  Directiva 76/464/CEE, Poluição causada por determinadas substâncias perigosas lançadas no

meio aquático •  Directiva 80/68/CEE, Protecção das águas subterrâneas contra a poluição causada por certas

substâncias perigosas •  Directiva 76/160/CEE, Qualidade das águas balneares •  Directiva 78/659/CEE, Qualidade das águas doces superficiais para fins aquícolas - águas

piscícolas •  Directiva 79/923/CEE, Qualidade das águas conquícolas •  Directiva 98/83/CE, Qualidade da água destinada ao consumo humano •  Directiva n.º 86/278/CEE - Utilização agrícola de lamas de ETAR •  Directiva n.º 2006/7/CE - Qualidade das águas balneares

Legislação Europeia

National Legislation Lei n.º 58/2005, de 29 de Dezembro Transposes the Water Framework Directive and establishes the minimum quality requirements according to its function and use Groundwater quality norms Anexo XVI water quality parameters for irrigation Anexo XXI minimum quality environmental objectives: VMA (valor máximo admissível) e VMR (valor máximo recomendável)

Water quality



Water quality •  Type of pollutants

–  Organic matters –  Microbiological contamination –  Nitrates and phosphates –  salinization –  Acidification –  Heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, …) –  Toxic organic compounds (ex: hidrocarbonetos,

pesticidas) –  Radiactive contamination –  Thermal pollution –  Sediments

Water quality legislation •  DL 236/98, de 1 de Agosto – establish the

norms, quality criteria and objectives to protect the hydric environment according to its main uses



Water quality – examples of mitigation measures

Objective Measuer Reduce water use

Promotion of water conservation measures. Use of alternative technologies.

Reduce pollution determined by soluble substances, punctual sources

Waste water treatment systems

Minimize pollution resulting from waste water discharges

Pre-treatment before discharge. Plan discharge point according to downstream local uses. Water reuse. Nul-discharge approach.

•  WSTP of Porto da Raiva –  Macrophytes tecchnologies –  Discharges on Rio Mondego –  Currently nul-discharge most

of the time




NOISE •  Sound any variation of pressure that our hear can detect •  Noise it is an unpleasant or undesirable sound

Subjective response to an objective reality (sound) Noise effects: human health (reduction of hearing capacity, sleep

disturbance), interference with communication, interference with learning, interference with economic activities/leisure, socioeconomic effects

Decibel is the unit for measurements. Scale varies between 0 dB

(hearing threshold) and 140 dB (pain threshold).

NOISE Pressão sonora,

p (Pa) Nível de

pressão sonora, Lp (dB)

Fonte típica

20,0 120 Descolagem de avião a jacto a 30 m

6,32 110 Idem a 120 m

0,632 90 Motociclo a 7,5 m

0,200 80 Recolha de lixo

0,0632 70 Rua comercial

0,0200 60 Conversação normal

0,00632 50 Escritório

0,00200 40 Sala de estar (sem TV)

0,000632 30 Quarto de dormir, à noite



NOISE Logaritmic scale for sound measurement, unit decibel (dB). A given sound level L is given in decibel by:

L=10 log10(P/p)2 dB, where: P is the value of sound pressure and is the reference value of 2 x 10-5 Pa

Addition of sound levels When two sound sources of the same sound level are added there is an increase of 3 dB: two vehicles with sound emmission of 70 dB each produce altogether 73 dB.




Sound propagation


Factors that matter: •  Distance; •  Soil type •  Atmospheric absorption; •  Morphology and altimetry; •  Existance of obstacles (such

as wall, buildings); •  Meteorological conditions

(wind direction and speed, variations of temperature and relative humidity).

Sound propagation


Point source Noise reduction is cc 6 dB(A) per duplication of distance



Sound propagation


Linear source The noise is propagated in hemi-cylindrical surfaces surrounding the road and which are characterized by an equal sound pressure level. Therefore, the attenuation of noise becomes the order of 3 dB (A) per doubling of distance from the source (cylindrical sound waves).

European legislation Directive 2002/49/EC of 25 June is to define a common approach to avoid, prevent or reduce the harmful effects of exposure to environmental noise, including annoyance, due to: 1.  noise maps to determine exposure to environmental noise; 2.  information to the public; 3.  action plans.




Ambient noise is defined in this Directive as "unwanted or harmful outdoor sound, created by human activities, including noise emitted by means of transport, road, rail, air and installations of industrial activity" (paragraph a of art. 3) . Exposure to environmental noise includes built-up areas, public parks or other quiet areas in an agglomeration, quiet areas in open country and near schools, hospitals and other buildings and areas sensitive to noise.


Noise reduction measures (Annex V): • Traffic planning; • Spatial planning; • Noise source technical measures; • Selecction of less noisy sources; • Reduction of noise transmission; • Regulating or economic measures or

incentives. .




National Legislation Decree-Law nº 9/2007, of 17 January General Noise Regulation - Establish the noise prevention and control regime,

considering human health safeguard and populations well-being

- Introduce the requirement to ellaborate noise maps and noise reduction plans.


The regulation applies to noise in the neighborhood and to noise in the following temporary or permanent noisy activities (1 and 2, art. 2):

Construction, reconstruction, extension, alteration or maintenance of buildings; Civil construction works; Collaboration of industrial, commercial and easements; Equipment for outdoor use; Transport infrastructure, vehicles and traffic; Espectáulos, entertainment, sports events, fairs and markets; Audible alarm systems.




Mixed zone - the area defined in the municipal land use planning, whose occupation is affecting other uses, existing or planned, other than those mentioned in the definition of sensitive area (= day thresholds <65 dB (A) and night = <55 dB (A) Sensitive Area - the area defined in the municipal land use planning and dedicated to residential use, or for schools, hospitals or similar or leisure facilities, existing or planned, and may contain small business units and services to serve the people location, such as cafes and other catering establishments, paper and other traditional retail outlets, without operating at night (= day thresholds <55 dB (a) and night = <45dB (a)


The regulation determines the following actions and procedures: •  the classification of the territory in sensitive areas and mixed

competence of municipal councils (art. 6); •  consideration of noise in the preparation, alteration and review of

municipal plans of planning (art. 6); •  the preparation of noise maps (art. 7); •  the prohibition of licensing or authorization to construct houses and

schools, hospitals or similar places with noise exceeding the values set for noise sensitive areas or mixed

•  coordination with the AIA; •  prior certification of compliance with the Regulation for licensing or

authorizing work to noisy activities; •  the development of municipal plans to reduce noise (art. 8 and 9)




• the preparation by municipalities, of biennial reports on the state of local acoustic environment; • acoustic requirements for permanent noisy activities, including corrections according to the characteristics and tonal or impulsive noise; • Special conditions for carrying out noisy activities temporary; • drawing up plans for monitoring and noise reduction for the existing infrastructure of transportation, road, rail or aviation and the adoption of mitigation measures deemed necessary; • provisions for landings and takeoffs of airfields between 0 and 6 hours.


Construction Phase

Impacts: • Equipment noise • Transport noise Mitigation: Location of building sites, access to work temporary limitations Selection of construction methods and equipment Temporary noise barriers Information and public service Paving of access Speed control of transport Construction of school equipment, etc.. alternative




Exploration phase Impacts: • Traffic noise • Sound signs • Equipments (ex. tunnels ventilation) Mitigation: • Location of routings • Profile • Noise barriers • Absorbing pavement • Speed limit • Soundproofing of walls / public dialogue with affected


Different materials can absorb or reflect sound energy part of the incident: for example, smooth surfaces of tile, metal, concrete or glass or a glass of water are almost perfect reflectors while rough surfaces or vegetation are good absorbers. The effects of reflection of sound waves reflecting surfaces can increase the sound levels at a given location.




Other types of attenuation are due to the type of soil (a soil lawn absorbs sound energy), weather conditions (rain, snow, wind) and the existence of obstacles(barreiras).
















•  Definition: substances or objects that people, industry and services do not use anymore, and want to get rid off

•  Classification –  Domestic

•  Organic •  Inorganic

–  Industrial –  Hospital

Waste •  Reutilization: reintroduction for similar use and without changes of

substances, objects or products in production and consumption circulation in order to avoid waste production.

•  Valorization:operations that aim at reutilization of waste •  Treatment: any manual, mechanical, physical, chemical or biological

processes that can change the characteristics of waste, in order to reduce its volume or danger as well as facilitate its movement, valuation or elimination

–  Units of transferance –  Landfills –  Incineration –  Composting – organic waste –  Anaerobic digestion – organic waste



European Legislation Waste are defined as any objects or substances covered by the list of waste established by the European Commission that the producer of that waste wants to dispose of or has the intention, or the obligation to do (a), art. 1º Directive 75/442/CEE, changed by Directive 91/156/CEE). Directive 91/689/CEE, considers dangerous waste those included in a list that should be prepared according to the Directive 75/442/CEE with the charateristics of danger described in Annex III of Directive 91/689/CEE.


European Legislation European List of Waste, approaved by Decisão 2000/432/CE, da Comissão, alterada pela Decisão 2001/118/CE, da Comissão, pela Decisão 2001/119/CE, da Comissão e pela Decisão 2001/573/CE, do Conselho.




Legislação Nacional Decreto-Lei nº 178/2006, de 5 de Setembro estabelece as regras a que fica sujeita a gestão de resíduos Portaria nº 209/04, de 3 de Março

aprova a lista europeia de resíduos


Waste Legislation •  European and Portuguese legislation for the following types of

waste: –  Hospital waste; –  WWTP sludge; –  Used oils; –  Policlorobifenilos e policlorotrifenilos (PCB/PCT); –  Old vehicles and other equipment (sucatas); –  Old tyres; –  Batteries and accumulators; –  Mercure; –  Packages; –  Electric and electronic equipment; –  End of life vehicles –  Landfills for quarry activiities waste.

•  There is also legislation that regulates the transport of waste



Waste •  Direct impacts

–  Waste managment systems is responsible for the main direct impacts depending on the way the system is effectivelly managed.

–  Visual impacts (eg temporary storage of waste in a construction site or quarry);

•  Indirect impacts: –  Air quality, noise, road safety (in waste transportation. –  Risks associated to storage or transport of waste: air

contamination, water and soil, ecological effects or on human health.

Waste In Portugal average production of urban solid waste per capita is 1Kg/hab./day. The higher values correspond to the mainly urban population, can reach 2 Kg/hab./day Construction waste (20% of total waste) (



Waste Waste Treatment Plant at Meia Serra, Madeira

Waste - Mitigation measures •  Technical solutions– act on the production source:

reduce waste production, increase reutilization and recycling.

•  minimize the risk of contamination of air, water, soil in waste management operations;

•  integration or recuperation •  Work on the landscape to minimize deposition of waste; •  Workers awareness actions and users for procedures

that minimize the impacts of waste and promote reduction, reutilization and recycling.



Waste Compensation measures

•  Clean-up of deposition sites (not produced by the project);

•  Public awareness actions on waste management; •  Research projects on waste management.