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É a plataforma central de suportes e serviços p/ a implementação e operação das soluçõesSAP.

IMPLEMENTATIONFunctional ImplementationTechnical ImplementationImplementation of Operations


Services for OperationsSolution MonitoringSupport Desk

O SAP Solution Manager fornece ferramentas para o mapeamento dos requisitos técnicose funcionais, permitindo desenhar e documentar uma solução aderente aos negócios daempresa, envolvendo soluções SAP e não SAP.


1 - Project Preparation- Planejamento- Divulgação p/ Empresa- Início Oficial

2 - Business Blueprint- Conhecer a Organização- Desenhar conceitualmente- Emititr o Business BluePrint

3 - Realization- Configurar testes- Desenvolver os programas necessários- Executar os testes- Encerrar o material de treinamento

4 - Final Preparation- Testes de Sistemas- Treinamento de usuários finais- Transportes, cargas de dados- Fechamento de sistemas legados

5 - Go Live & Support- Entrar em produção

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- Manter o suporte p/ o sistema produtivo- Encerrar oficialmente o projeto


- (SMR) Solution Manager Review Service- Eally Watch Alert -Analisa os componentes de uma solução p/ determinar como aumentar a performance

- Sistem Monitoring -Monitoração técnica da solução

- SAP Service Desk -Gerenciamento central de chamados / mensagem p/ todasas soluções SAP e não SAP. Pode ser usado durante a implementação.


Pode conter ambiente produtivo, outro para testes, desenvolvimento ou treinamento.Tecnicamente eles são totalmente independentes dos demais, mas podem quandoconfiguradas trocar informações entre si.

CLIENT- É uma unidade independente no sistema. Os mandantes possuem seus próprios ambientes de dados e por isso possuem seus próprios dados mestres, dadostransacionais e parâmetros de customizing específicos.


É realizado através de documentos agrupados em 4 categorias:

- Doc. Pré - Vendas, Solicitações e Cotações- Contratos Básicos, Como Contratos e Programas de Remessas- Ordens de Vendas- Reclamações, remessas gratuita, solicitações de notas de crédito/débito e


Estrutura do documento de vendas possui:

Cabeçalho, Item e Divisão de Remessa

Divisão de Remessa

Define para um item de venda as informações necessárias para as remessas, tais comoquantidade, data de remessae quantidade confirmada.

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Possíveis fontes são:

- Dados Mestres (Mestre de clientes, Materias, Condições)

- Dados existentes do documento (O centro fornecedor do nível de ítem como base paradeterminar o local de expedição)- Customizing - Ex. Tipo de doc. de venda, bloqueio do fornec. cond, de expedição -Determinação de valores- Controles efetuados - Exemplos : Avaliação das diferentes fontes de informaçãodurante a determinação do centro.


Ao exibir ou modificar um documento de vendas é possível verificar algumas

informações importantes.- Fluxo de documentos- Síntese de Status- Log de dados Incompletos- Exibição de modificações

" O doc. contábil é um documento subsequente indireto do fornecimento pois ocorre apóso faturamento."


O registro mestre além de conter dados que controlam a maneira como as transaçõescontábeis são registradas e processadas pelo sistema, inclui todas as informações sobreum cliente com o qual é necessário para manter relações de negócios.

É dividido em 3 Segmentos:

Dados Gerais(Nome do cliente, Endereço, tel, fax)Dados da Área de Vendas(Relevantes à área de vendas)Dados da Empresa(Relevantes à Área de Finanças)

Ex.: Dados de Adm. de Conta.Dados de CobrançaDados de Correspondência

Uma transação comercial somente poderá ser faturada pela área de Vendas &Distribuição depois que todos os segmentos de cadastro de clientes tenham sido criados.

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PARCEIROS DE NEGÓCIOS "Específicos p/ fornecedores e clientes.

Todas as funções que uma pessoa física ou jurídica pode assumir, são apresentadas pelos parceiros de negócios no sistema. Utilizados p/ definir os Direitos e as responsabilidadesde cada parceiro de negócio.


Bloqueio deOrdemBloqueio deFornecimentoBloqueio deFaturamento


- O cliente não pode conter movimentação no mêsatual da eliminação- Deve ser marcado para eliminação noRegistro mestre

- É necessáriobloquear um cliente antes de marcá-lo para eliminação.COTAÇÕES PRÉ-VENDAS

As cotações podem ser exibidas em umalistaPode-se tirar uma lista de cotações dos últimos6 meses.Não é necessárioidentificar ocódigo do material.

Estrutura do documento de cotaçãoé iguala estrutura de uma ordem.

Pode ser criada comreferência, como um documentoiniciale apartir de umcontatocomercial.

Uma cotação pode ser referenciadaaté omontante completoou até que alcance adatade validade.


É um acordo contratual entre org. de vendas (empresa) e um emissor da ordem (Cliente)sobre o fornecimento de produtos ou prestação de serviços compreços, qtd e prazosdefinidos.

Cadaprocesso de vendapossui umtipo de documento específicono Sistema.

Durante o processamento o Sistema executa algumas funções básicas.

- Verificação de disponibilidade do material- Programação da Expedição- Transf. de Necess. p/ o MRP- Cálculo de Preços e impostos

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- Verificação de limites de crédito- Criação de documentos impressos

É possível criar uma ordem de venda de umacotação, contrato, umaordem, umprograma de remessa, umdocumento de faturamento.

É possível modificardado deitens individuaiscontidos na ordem ou efetuar modificações rápidas.

É Possívelbloquear as ordens de vendas parafunções subseqüentes.

Nas ordens do cliente é possível bloquear transaçõesque envolva os processos deExpedição, Faturamento.

Você pode definir umbloqueio de faturamento no cabeçalho do doc. e relacioná-losaos ítens.

Motivo de Recusa -Se o cliente desistir de comprar algum item, você pode atribuir ummotivo de recusa para cada um desses itens.

Ficha de clientes -Ajuda na criação do doc. ao exibir diversas informações relevantessobre o cliente.

Tipos de Ordens Especiais

Venda a vistaVenda ImediataProcessamento em Background


É umcontrato básicorealizado com o cliente que contém asquantidades previstas edatas de fornecimento.

Estrutura do documento assemelha-se aos outros documentos de vendas.

É possível definir sugestão de embalagens p/ um programa de remessas(Itens).

Sóestará concluídoquandonão existirem mais ítens a serem fornecidos.


Os contratos básicossimplificam os processos empresariaspara os parceiros de umatransação comercial.

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Documentos.Contratos emqtdContratos emvalorContratos deserviços

Não contémumaprogramação de datasO documentoqueativa um contrato é chamado desolicitação de remessa. (ReleaseOrder).


É um programa executável que lê obanco de dados, avalia-os e lança os resultados s/efetuar quaisquer modificação.

SIS = Sistema de informação de vendas e Distribuição.

- Listas e Relatórios

SIS- É uma ferramentaflexívelque permitecoletar, consolidar e utilizar dados,provenientes do processamento de vendas e distribuição.

Estruturas de Informação

São as tabelas de Estatísticas especiais contendo dados transacionais de diferentesaplicações.Contêm três tipos básicos de informação:

• Característica• Unidade de período• Índices

Todas asanálisespodem ser gravadas

O Sistema possui análise Standard e Análise Flexível, a fim de atender as necessidadesdo usuário.

ADMINISTRAÇÃO DE VENDASVisão geral de determinação de preços

Os dados de condição de preço são transferidos para os registros que depois alimentarãoos documentos de faturamento.

A configuração da técnica de cond. é definida pelo Adm. do Sistema.

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São elementos de preço no processamento de ordem:

Preços / Sobretaxas e deduções/ Custo de Frete/ Impostos

Registro de condições de preçoO esquema de cálculos de preços define os tipos de condição válidas para a determinaçãode preços.

Elementos datécnica de condições:

• Esquema de cálculo• Tipo de Condição• Seqüência de Acesso• Tabela de Condição• Registro de Condições

O Objetivo do registro de condição égravar e recuperar dados de determinação de preços no sistema.

É possívelfazer estipulações p/definir ou provocar um plano geral de Marketing parauma linha de produtos p/ um determinado período.



Uma ordem não está totalmente confirmada se a data da remessa de um item não puder ser mantida.

(ATP) - Através dele se atribui um estoque disponível para atendimento (Available to promise) as quantidades pendentes da ordem.

O ATP serve para processar ordens em atraso e realocar ou distribuirnovas produções.


Visão Geral da Expedição

No processamento da expedição você cria odocumento de remessapara retirar omaterial do depósito, vc faz opickinge qdo o materialdeixao depósito, vc lança asaídade mercadorias.

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Documento de Entrega

Fala do documento de remessa.Pickingé o processo deseparação de mercadoriasp/ entrega ao cliente, com atenção

especial àsdatas e quantidades.O documento de entregaé a base p/ o lançamento desaída de mercadorias.

O documentonão pertencea vendas e distribuiçãoembora seja uma atividade devendas, Pertence àMM e FI.

Assim que as mercadorias saem da empresa, a atividadeempresarial de expediçãoéconsiderada encerrada.


Das funções dofaturamento uma muito importante é a integração com acontabilidadefinanceira.

Quando o usuário cria odoc. de faturamento, os documentos deContab.Financ. (FI)eda Contabilidade de Custos (CO), são criados automaticamente.

A emissão da nota fiscal e o lançamento nos livros, também ocorrem automaticamente.

Solution Manager

É o ambiente de gestão de soluções SAP. Gerencia e auxilia na atualização, implantaçãode versão.

Tem 6 conceitos importantes que um consultor de SD deve saber. São eles:

1. Organizational Structure2. Document Type3. Item Category4. Schedule Line category5. Copy Control6. Condition Technique

Um documento de vendas sempre está atribuído a uma Sales Area.

Client - Is in organizational terms, an independent unit in the system - Instalaçãocompleta do SAP

SAP recomends at least 3 environments:Development QAS PRD

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Ambiente de P&D Ambiente de teste Ambiente Produtivo

O client 100 e 110, estão na mesma instance. Automaticamente o client 100 atualiza o110 ou vice-versa.

A unidade 220 é a unidade de teste p/ ir p/ o request.As requests são liberadas pelo consultor p/ ser realizado o teste no QAS.


Uma Company Code pertence ao módulo de FI.

UmaCompany Codepode ter várias org. de vendas, váriasorganizações de vendas podem ter somenteuma company code.

Umdocumento de vendassempre está atribuido auma sales area.You need at least onesales organizationto usesales and distribution functionsin thesystem.

Umaorganização de vendasé como uma empresa se organiza p/ vender, se através de produtos, região, mercados, Etc.

A Divisionis used togroup materials andservices.

SAP Netweaver é a plataforma de integração de todas as soluções SAP. Que possibilitaintegração entre ambiente complexos e heterogeneos.

Um Mandante pode ter várias empresas.

UmaDivisionestáassociada a uma Sales Organization.

Deve-se emitir balançosomente através de umacompany code.

O Storage Locationestá associado asó uma plant.

You must assigna sales organization and distribution channelto aplant.

Shipping Point- Local pelo qual eu organizo a delivery (Local de Expedição)

Não Necessariamente significa um local (Não cai na prova)

É a maneira que eu organizo a minha expedição.

Área de Picking é onde eu separo o produto.

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Remessa, fornecimento, entrega = Outbound Delivery

Sales Officeandsales groupsão estruturas opcionais, ou seja, não são obrigatórios.

Sales officeareassigned to a sales area.As informações do cliente variam e podem variar por sales area


TransaçãoVC01(Pode-se disparar um mailing)

UmaInquiri é umasolicitação de cotação.

UmaCompany Codeé a responsável principal em emitir Balanços e resultados.UmaOrganização de vendasé como a empresa ou Company Code se organiza p/vender. É a principal unidade da área de vendas.

UmCanal de Distribuição, são as formas queOrg. Vendasdistribui as vendas. Estáassociado à Sales Organization.

UmaPlant ou Centro, pode ser umafábrica, oufilial. Precisa ser associado a umacombinação daOrg. Vendas e Canal de Distribuição. E associado unicamente a umaCompany Code. É essencial para determinar umShipping Point.

UmStorage LocationouDepósitos, SãoLocais de Estoquedentro de umaPlant.

Umacotaçãopode gerar várias ordense várias ordenspodem ser gerados por váriascotações.

Porém existem regras de negócio.

Não se pode fazer oGoods Issueantes doPicking.

Fazer oPickingé uma ação e o documento é aTransfer Order.

The available check is performed atProcurement (Abastecimento - Verifica se temestoque disponível) in Sales order processing? Yes

Item Category, define o comportamento da condição / Negociação p/ o item.

Schedule Line= Divisão de Remessa.

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Tododocumento de vendatem que ter umtipo.

Todo itemtem que ter umacategoria.

TodoSchedule Linetem que ter umSchedule line Category

O que diz para o Sistema o comportamento que o item tem que ter?

Item Category.

Quais São os Sales Document?

Cotation, Inquiry, Order.

Delivery e Billingdocuments possuem 2 Partes. Header and Item.

Não se pode criar um Outbound Deliveryp/ 2 Shipping Points diferentes.Eunão posso terdentro de umdeliveryitens deshipping pointsdiferentes.

After youposting goods Issuethe delivery document isavailable at the billing due list.

UmSales Groupé ligado ou associado a umaárea de vendas.

Através do SAP pode-se fazer a gestão do Pré-Sales.

O pricipal documentoda Delivery é oShipping.

Despois doPosting Goods Issueele atualiza:

StocksTransfer of requirementDoc. FlowBilling Due ListAccount Doc.


No customer material você pode juntar o cliente e o material.

Condition master Data.

Possui configuração flexível

Data Origin in Sales Document

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Source of dataincludes, for example:

CustomerMaster DataMaterial Master Data

ConditionMaster DataOutputsCustomer/ Material Master Data

Quem cadastra dados mestre é o usuário.

TheCustomer Master Groups data into three categories:

General data, Sales area data and Company Code data.

Tudo que está noGeneral data, serve paraqualquer empresa.

O cadastro doclientep/ aCompany Codedeve ser realizado noFD01, pela área de FI.

A criação daÁrea de vendas, força a criar ocliente p/ vender p/ aquela determinadaárea de vendas.

Quando ocorre uma mudança no cadastro de cliente o único dado que muda na ordem, éo endereço do cliente.

Divisioné um atributo do material.

Quando não se pode misturar ogrupo de produtos, você deve escolher umadivisiondiferente. Não pode ser Cross Division.


O tipo de documento de vendainfluencia nacategoria do item e nos demaisdocumentos.

Todo documento tem um tipo.


1 - Customer / Material information2 - Ship - to - party - Customer Master 3 - Material master Data



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• Entering and tracking customer contacts• Mailing Campaigns• Answering Customer telefone queries• Quotations• Inquiries

Standard Orders normally contain:

• Customer and Material information• Price information for all financial statement items• Information about delivery dates and delivery quantities• Information about Shipping processing• Information about Billing

You can enter asales orderwith many items in a single screen.

Throughout aprocurement process stepin sales and distribution, you can check theavailabiltity of the ordered goods andTransfer the requirements to materialsplanning.


Shipping processing in Sales and Distribution begins when you create the deliverydocument.

TheDelivery document,controls, supports andmonitors numeroussub processfor Shipping processing.

You can createoneor more outbound deliveries from the order - you can also combineitems from more than one order in an outbound delivery. But the orders must correspondwith the characteristics that are essential for the shipping process. (Shipping Point,Delivery Date, Ship to Address.)

- (optional) picking and confirming (T.Orders)- (optional) packing- (optional) planning and monitoring of transport (Shipment document)- Posting the goods issue (goods issue documents)

You can notposting goods issue,without doing the picking.

The Goods issue Carrie Out five things in the system automatically.

• Thequantity in Inventory managementand thedeliveriesrequirements in material plan are updated.

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• Thevalue changein the balance Sheet for inventory accountingis posted

• Thesystem creates further documents for financial accounts• TheStatus in all relevants Sales Documents is updated.

BILLING DOCUMENTCreating abilling document includesCopying information from thesales orderand thedelivery documentonto the billing document.

Functions of the Billingdocuments.

• Acts as thebasisfor creating invoices• The billing document serves as adata sourcefor financial accounting to

help you to monitor and process customer payments.• The system can combine a member of outbound deliveries in one billing

document provided that they have the same characteristics, such as:

- Payer- Billing Date- Destination Country


A sales document Structureis divided in three levels:

Header, item andSchedule line.

Header - The data for thedocument header is valid for the entire document.

Items - Each item in the sales document has separate data. Each sales document cancontains several items.

Schedule Lines for line items- Schedule line containdelivery quantitiesanddeliverydates. They clearly belong to an item. Theitem can have several schedule line.


A delivery document is grouped into two level: Header and Item• Delivery doc. Header- The data for the document header is valid for the

entire document.• Delivery doc. Item- Each item in the delivery document contains its own


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You create atransfer order for anoutbound delivery. ATransfer order is generatedfor aWarehouse number. And during this process, only the deliveries that are necessaryfor picking are taken into account.


A billing document is grouped into two levels:

Header and item

Is the same role of delivery document.

Effects of Billing document:• TheStatus in allrelated sales, deliveryandbilling documentsis

updated.• Thesales statiscsin thesales information systemare updated• Thedata regarding theconsumption of the customers credit

limit is updated.


Wich are the data Origin in Sales Document?

• CustomerMaster Data• Material Master Data• Customer / MaterialMaster DAta• Output Master Data• ConditionMaster Data


The customer master Groups data into 3 categories:

GENERAL DATA- Relevant for salesandaccountingvalid for allorganizational units

SALES AREA DATA -Relevant for Sales organization, Distrib. Channel andDivision.

COMPANY CODE DATA -Relevant for accountingvalid for Company Code

TheCstomer masterincludes all data necessary for processing orders, deliveries,invoices and customers payments.

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Customer Master in General Data

TheGeneral data is maintained independently of the organizational units.

By changing the Customizing settings, you can hide certain fields on a tab page or make

them required entry fields.TAB PAGES


Customer MasterSales Area Data

Sales, Shipping, Billing document, Partner functions:

You can maintain the sales area data in various ways, deppending on the sales area.(Sales Org., Distrib. Channel., Division)

Wich are the mandatory partner functions in the Customer Master necessary for processing a Sales Order?

• Soldto party• Ship to party• Payer• Billto Party

Customer MasterCompany Code Data

Thecompany codedata in theCustomer Mastercomprises the following tab pages:

Account Management, Payment transactions, Correspondence Insurance.

- Effects of changes in the Customer Master

When you change a master record after having used it to create documents (orders,deliveries, billing documents and so on)

The Changesdo not affectthedocuments already created.

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Theaddress in the customer master, however, is anexception.


The material master comprises the following areas:1. Basic data 1 -Relevant, for all areas valid for all organizational units2. Sales -Sales Organization - Relevant for Sales, valid for sales

organization and Distr. Channel3. Sales General Plant:Relevant for Sales - Valid for Delivering Plant4. Purchasing -Relevant for materials Management, valid for plant5. Further - Relevant for construction requirements planning accounting,

and so on.

Division - Specific and Cross Division SalesCross Division Sales

You can use this kind of processing to enter multiple materialswith variousdivisions ina Sales order:

Na Sony os documentos de vendas em sua maioria são Cross Division, a área de vendasdo documento será selecionado com base no cliente e cada item terá sua division. Para

fins estatíticos eu posso decidir se será mantida a Division do Item ou a Division do Documento.

You can control the following inCustomizing, according to the sales document type.

• It is possible to enter multiple materials with various divisions for an order • The way the system is to respond (with or without warning message)• Wheter the divisions on item level is copied from material master record

or wheter the division in the document is also copied into the item.

Division: Specific Sales Area

You can not use this kind of processing to enter multiple materials with various divisions

in order.This can be controlled in Customizing, according to theSales Document Type

CUSTOMER - MATERIAL INFO RECORD(VD51 ou VC51)The Customer-Material Information record is used for storing Customer-specific materialdata.

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If a Customer-Material info record has been defined for a customer and a material, thedefault values take priority over the values in the customer or material Master. When adocument is processed (Order, delivery, and so on).

You can also use to the following data:• Cross-reference from your customer's material number to your material

number on thecustomer materialdescription.• Specific Shipping informationfor this customer and material.


The condition master data includes:

• Prices (Material Price, Price List, Customer Specific, Other)• Surcharges and discounts (For the customer, material, price group,material group• Freights (Freight incoterms 1 + 2 other)• taxes

In Customizing you can control the data on wich prices, surcharges and discounts,freights or taxes can be dependent.

• Condition Master Records in Pricing- You can have a percentage, a quantity-dependent, etc. depending

on the condition type.- You can restrict a price agreement to a certain period.- You can maintain values within a condition record (according to

a scale, There is no limit to the number of scale levels.

• Pricing in Sales Orders- Prices, Surcharges, discounts, freights, and taxes conditions can

be found automatically using the automatic pricing function. You can alsochangethese conditions manually.

- Pricing is carried out using the condition tecniche.


• OUT PUT- Output is information that is sent to the customer via various

media, such as mail, EDI, or fax. Ex. ThePrintout of a cotation or an order confirmation.

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- Output determinationas with pricing takes place using thecondition technique.

In theOutput Master Data, you define thetransmission medium, the time, andthepartner function for an output type.

- Output types includesquotations, orders confirmations, andinvoices.


- Incompletion Log (Available in thesales order and in thedelivery)

Each sales and distribution document containsdata required for the document and for further processing.

The system determines which field will bedisplayed in the incompletion log. If the user

does not complete them during sales order processing.* You receive theincompletion logeither, automatically when the data is saved, or bychoosing edit Incompletion log.

* InCustomizingyou can definewich fieldsshoud be part of theincompletion log.


If you do not need the master Data (Customer / Material and condition master data) to bedifferentiated accourding to distribution channels, you have to set up a representativedistribution channel.

You do it in Customizing.


I s the same of the Master Data for Distr. Channel, however it applies to a division.


Sales Document Type

- Standart Order - Contract (QTD or VALUE)- Cash Sales (Quando uma ordem automaticamente já cria uma delivery e

emite um boleto)- Rush Order (É a mesma coisa mas não emite boleto)

- Free of charge delivery (Doação)

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- Returns- Consignment Order - Credit / Debit memo request

* Different business process can be identified and controlled by means of the sales

document type.* Thesale document typecontrols the sales documents. Similarly thedelivery typecan be used to control theshipping documentsand the billing type can be used to control the billing documents.

Function of sales documents.

Depending on the transaction, certain functions are carried out automatically.These functions can be activated or deactivated directly via the sales document type.

PLANT, SHIPPING POINT, AND ROUTE DETERMINATIONPlant Determination - Determining the delivering Plant automatically

- When processing an item, the system automatically attempts to determine the associateddelivering plant from the master data. Theentry can later be changed manually.

Serch Strategy:

- First it checks within aCustomer - Material info record.- Second,Customer MasterRecord using theShip-to-party- Third, it checks in theMaterial Master Records

Without a plant, an item cannot normally be processed further.


Shipping Point

The System tries to determine aShipping pointfor every item to be delivered.Using three fields:

• Shipping conditionfrom the Sold-to-party•

Loading Group- in the sales-specific material data• Delivering plant

Can be changed manually too.

Route Determination

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The system tries to determine a route for every item to be delivered, using 4 fields assearch keys for determine the route automatically.

Normally defined inCustomizingandMaster records.

• Thedeparture zone(In customizing for the Shipping Point)• Shipping Conditionfrom the sold to party• Transportation Group - in the specific material data.• Transportation Zone- In thegeneral datafor the Ship-to-party

Shipment Scheduling

In shipment and transportation scheduling, you define the time at which the receipt of thegoods at the customer can be acknowledged (confirmed delivery date)

Different lead times are taken into account:ThePreparation time > Loading time > Transportation lead time > and transit time.

Thefollowing datais used inShipment Scheduling:

• Order date• Material availability date• Loading date• Goods issue date• Delivery date

Bacward Scheduling

The goal of shipment and transportation scheduling is to confirm a delivery date for amaterial requested by a customer.

If the system confirm that the material is available using the two dates.

Forward Scheduling

If one of the two dates is before the order date confirmation of, the requested deliverydate, can not take place. The system attempts to determine the next possible date (forwardscheduling).

Two scheduling lines are generated for the sales line item:

• The date of the first corresponds the requested delivery date has no confirmedquantity

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• The date of the second shows the confirmed date and the confirmed amont.


Delivery Creation

To make shipping faster and easier, you can use the delivery due list to create more thanone Outbound delivery Simultaneosly.

This function can be used as follows:

• Online processing of the delivering due list• Creating a Background job to be executed during off peack


The system controls the creation of outbound deliveries via theShipping Point,the

Selection data (picking date)and other criteria grouped on various tab.There are fields inMaster Dataand in the sales document where you can store customer defaults for processing deliveries.

• If the customer requiresComplete deliveries,the order should bedelivered in one single delivery.

• If the customer does not requires complete deliveries, you candefine a partial delivery agreement with the customer.

• If the customers allows orders to be combined, the R/3 systemcombines ordens when create the delivery Due List.


You can also introduce picking via collective processing. To do this, you can select aworklist from all the Outbound deliveries ready for picking and create several transfer order at the same time.

The system controls, the creation of transfer order via theShipping point,theselectiondata and other criteria.

Collective Processing for Posting Goods Issue.- The system controls the posting of the goods issue viaShipping Point,the

Selection Dateand ither criteria.

Collective Processing in Billing.

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You can use a Billing Due list to process more than one billing document to currentsimultaneosly.


Depending on the system setting, these can either beorder itemsor Outbound deliveryitems.


1 -The delivery list is used to process many sales document for outbound deliveries.

2 -Thepicking worklistcreatestransfer orders for picking.

3 -Thegoods issue worklist,for outbound deliveries willpost goods issue,for manydeliveries.

4 -Thebilling due listis used to create invoices for outbound deliveries and orders.

Não tem processamento coletivo de ordens.



An availability check in the sales order is carried out during sales order processing if:

Thematerial requires an availability check • The availability check is set inCustomizing for this transaction• Availability is checked on thematerial availability date,working

Backwardsfrom the customers requested delivery date.• The system calculates the time required for picking, packing,

loading and transportatingthe goods.• The availability check iscarried out for the (delivering) plant at

item level, if you set up. Following sequence:

1. Customer-Material Information2. Ship-to-party Customer Master Record

3. Material Master RecordTransfer of Requirements

Thecommunicationbetweensalesanddistribution andprocurement is carried outvia requirements.


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Any agreements you made with the customer about deliveries also affect the result of theavailability check.

O número máximo de entregas provenientes de uma ordem não podem ser

superiores a 9.* The indicator for controllingcomplete/partialdeliveries is proposed from thecustomer master record.

* The proposal for theitem levelcomes from theCustomer-materialinfo.


The availability check includes:

- Current Stock - PlannedInward movements(Such as purchase order, requisitions, planned

order).- Forecastoutward movements(Such as existing sales orders, deliveries)

* The system executes at first abackward schedulingtrying to confirm the date takingin consideration therequested delivery dateand thematerial availability dateand thento confirm the deliveries scheduling.

* The system uses delivering scheduling (forward scheduling) to calculate theconfirmation date for the possible available date.


An order item is backdated if:

• The quantity of an order item is not totally confirmed• The required delivery date for an order item can not be kept.

There are two types of backorder processing:• Manual with backorder processing (manually via list)• Via rescheduling(Delivery priority)

Quando não se confirma o pedido para a data do cliente virabackorder.

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Sales support tasks

You can implement the following activities in the sales support system.

• Prepare information about customers,prospectivecustomers,contract people,competitors, and their products.

• Manage Sales Activities• Carry out direct Mailing Campaigns• Direct Accesto the (SIS) Sales Information System

Pre-Sales Documents

Inquiries and Quotations

Document Flow in the Pre Sales Phase

1) 2) 3)

1) Any quantity gives completely referenced status to an Inquiry.

2) A quotation needs to be totally referenced to have a complete status. In this case Thequotation is partly referenced (3) to the order (2).

Item Categories

Classifica um item de um documento quanto ao seu comportamento.

By using an item category, the system can process a material differentely in each salesdocument type.

The item category in the sales document isdefined usingthesales document typeandthematerial.An item category can influence, for example:

• Whether the system runs automatically pricing• Whether the item appears on an invoice• Whether the item appears on a delivery

InquireQtd 4

QuotationQtd 3

Order Qtd 2

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• Whichfieldsare recorded in theincompletion log, if they were not entered in theorder

• Whichpartner functionsbelong to the item• Which text types belong to the item• Whether you can createschedule linesfor the item.

Make to order

Make to order production ischareacterized, by the factmaterials are not stored in thewarehouse, but produced specially for a particular sales order.

Make to order - Production without Assembly Processing

Need to generate dependent requirements.

Make to order - Production with Assembly Processing

You just need a one level (bill of material explosive)and you do not need to generatedependent requirements.

Cost Manager per item

In Sales order processing, the costs and sales revenue for a sales order are collected in acontrolling object for that item and setted in a profitability analysis.

Packing -During packing,delivery itemscan beassigned to packaging materials. Thehandling units created by this can be packed in additionalpackaging materials.

Delivery from sales order stock

• Goods issuefor delivery of an individually produced material reduces the salesorder stock.

• Sales order stock is a special stock which can be used only for the special salesorder

Complants Processing

* Para documentos decréditonão tem deliveries.

• Credit anddebit memo requestscan be createdwith referenceto abillingdocumentor asales order.

• Both contains aBilling Block • When the billing documents are posted (credit / debit memo)the required

accounting documents are generated automatically.

O sistema entende que é um item de crédito devido ao Item Category + Document Type.

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Approving a Credit Memo

• The return, credit memo request, debit memo request and invoice correctionrequest documents, contain abilling block.

• Credit memo requesté um sales document type.• Credit memoé um Billing Document.


• Siginifica que alguma coisa voltou fisicamente.• Item Categoryplusdocument typedetermines wether the material will enter in

the stock.• Pode se fazer antes oudepois de dar o crédito.• Can be created with reference to abilling documentor asales order.• For evaluation purposes, youmust enter an order reason.• Containsautomatic billing block .

Processing Invoice Corrections - Não existe no Brasil.

Theinvoice correctionis used to correctquantities or valuesfor which the customer has already been billed.

"Is always created with reference to thebilling document only."


O cancelamento é um novo documento de faturamento c/ valor e quantidades invertidos.

A billing documentmay have to be cancelled, for example if thepayment termsor address of the payer have changed.

• New accounting document are generated.



• TheSIS belongsto Sales and Distribution• With SIS you can compress data fromsales documentsto obtain information

which will help you makestrategic business decisions.• SAP provides list fuctions to create worklists in sales, delivery, picking, and

billing.• WithStandard andFlexibleanalysis.

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Lists fall into two categories:

- Backorders and open quotations - Online lists* Allow you to check and change documents

- Delivery Due List, Billing Due List - Worklists* Display activities that need to be processed* Allow you to organize tasks into efficient works units


The document flow is another online list function. It displays the history of relateddocuments.

It shows all documents associated with thesales order.

O SISé uma parte dos LIS (Logistic Information System)

LIS - Is used to review and analyze key figures throughout the entire Logistics area inthe system.

The followinginformationsystems are available inLogistics:

• SIS(Sales Information System)•

Purchis (Purchasing Information System)• INVCO (Inventory Controlling)• TIS (Transportation Information System)• SFIS (Shop Floor Inf. System)• QMIS (Quality Management Inf. System)• PMIS (Plant Maintenance Information System)


Tudo que se faz no SAP, está armazenado no OLTP, it is an environment.

You can also update data from other systems in LIS.LIS AGGREGATES and stores this data in the data warehouse. The data can beaggregated with regard to quality or quantity:

- QUANTITATIVEreduction by aggregation at period level- QUALITATIVEreduction by selection of the key figures.

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The SIS is based on information Structures that comprise three basic types of information:

• Characteristics (SAles Org. / Customer)• Period Unit (Week / month)• Key Figures (Incoming Orders / Invoiced Sales / Delivery Quantities


The analysis is based on the information structures. First, select the required data scopedepending on the characteristics and period of the information structure.

• All analysescan be archived

Theevaluation results, can also be:

• Printed• Dowloaded as a file to your local PC• Dowloaded to a spreadsheet program• Sent to one or more employes


Flexible analyses in LIS allow you to determine which data in which format is combinedto create an individual report.


SAP Business Information Warehouse allows you to view the transaction oriented OLTPand the analyses oriented OLAP environment together.

Allows you tointegrate SAPandnon SAPsystem as a source data.


Objectives of Org. Structures in the SAP System

• Achieve flexibility in representing complex corporate structure.• Distinguish between views in Logistic (Sales and Distribution)• Adapt to changes in the corporate structure.• Process data across company codes.

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• All Organizational unitswithina client are subject toone business control.• You can use thecompany codeandbusiness areato represent a group from afinancial accounting perspective.• Eachcompany coderepresentsan independent accounting unit. Several

company codes can use the same chart of accounts.

A Business Areais aseparate business unitfor wichcross-company code internalreporting can be carried out. Using this Organizational unit is optional.

• You useBusiness areaif you want tocalculate profit and lossstatements independentlyof the company code.

SALES ORGANIZATION• EachSales Organization representsa selling unitas alegal entity.• EachSales Organization has its own Master data, for example, it's own

customerandmaterial master data as well as condition records.


• Can be set up according to your company's market strategyor internalorganization.

• You canvary the master datarelevant to sales for eachsalesorganization and distribution channel.


• A broad product rangecan be divided into divisions.• You can makeCustomer-Specific agreementsfor eachdivision. For example

regardingpartial deliveries or pricing.• Within adivision, you can carry outstatistical analysesor device your own

marketing strategics.


Is a combination of salesorganization Distribution channel and division.

• Sales document, delivery document and billing documentsare always assignedto a sales area. Every sales process always takes in a specific sales area.

• The relevant Master Data can usually be maintanedexplicity for each salesarea, for example:

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• Sales Material Master Data (The division is a general field of the materialmaster; as a resulta material can only be assigned to one division.)

SALES OFFICE -Can beassigned to multiple sales area.

SALES GROUP -Is assignedto a sales office.SALES PERSON -Is assigned toa sales officeand group in thesales employeeMaster record.

PLANT - Each plant is assigned to a unique company code.

For a plant todelivery goods to customers, itmust be configuredappropriatelyas adelivering plantin sales customizing.

DELIVERING PLANT -A Delivering Plant must be assignedto a sales organization

and adistribution channel(distribution chain) inCustomizing.* One plant can beassigned to several distribution chainsas the delivering plant. Italso can be assignedto several sales organizations.* It is also possible for the delivering plant of a distribution chain to belong to a differentindependent company code in the corporate group. (That is,the plant belongs to adifferent company code to the sales organization. This is know ascross companysales.


SOURCES FOR DOC. DATAPossible source of information are:

• Master Data - The system reads the master data defined for aCustomer, amaterial or a pricing condition.

• Existing Document Data• Customizing- Defalt valuesfor creating documents can be defined in

customizing.• Hard-coded controls- Different information sources can be weighted using

controls hard -codes.


• Each sales ordered is assigned to a unique sales area• When you enter a sales order,you don't need to specifythe sales area

immediately.• The system automaticallyderives the sales areafrom thesold-to-party.

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Proposing Order Data from Master Data

You can enter different types of Master Data in the SAP System. Such as information onbusiness partners materials, customer material, item proposals. bills of material,prices, discounts and rebates, taxes freight, output and texts so on.

The system willfrequentlyaccess the data during order processing.


The essential business partners for sales transactionaresold-to-party, ship-to-party,payer and bill-to-party.

- These business partners play various roles (calledpartner functions) in the business process.- When you enter a sales document you can also enter the ship-to-party instead of thesold-to-party.

The system then determines thesold-to-partyfrom the ship-to-party.

- If a sold-to-party cannot be determined,the system issues an error message in thestatus bar.


• The business data in a sales document is taken from the master data records for the different Business partners.

• Delivery address and control information are taken from the ship-to-parties master record.

• The bill-to-party contains the address to which the invoice should be sent. Thisaddress may be different from that of the payer.

Business Data -You can define business data (such aspayment conditions, incoterms)at document header levelor for each item.

• You can decide in customizing for theItem category,wheter business data atitem level should be able to differ from business data at header level. You definethis option separately for each item category.


During it search the system checks several Master Data Records:

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1. Customer-Material info record2. Customer Master for the Ship-to-party3. Material Master Record

If there isn't a plant in the material master record the system will be unable to determine a

valid plant and it cannot determine any other document data.SALES SUMMARY

Sales summary helps to create documents by displaying a variety of relevant informationabout the customer.


Different options are available for changing document data:

Fast change function (by item)Allows you to change several - or - all items of a document at the same time.• Changing of several documentsYou can use the documents list to change Plant, currency, materials, and pricing inseveral documents at the same time• The essential characteristics of anitem categorydecide:

- Whether business data in the item can be different of that of thedocument header.

- Whether pricing applies to the item- Whether and how an item is billed

- Whether the item refers to a material or wheter it is just a text item- Wich incompletion log is used to check the item data

• You can define new item categories. To do this , you should always copy existingitem categories that have already been created, then change these to meet your requirements.

• Thedelivery relevanceis only for items without schedule lines. You couldindicate that a text item was relevant to delivery, for example.


Every item in a sales document is controlled by means of its item category. These enablesyou to:

• Use differentitem categoriesin differentsales document types.• Realize different business process for each item in the sales document• You can configure the function of the item category according to your


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Dialog Flow

Create with reference:You can create a sales document with reference to a preceding documentfrom both the initial screen and during document processing . The process iscontrolled using a uniformdialog box .

The dialog box contains the six tab pages for Inquiry, Quotation, Order,Contract, Scheduling agreement and Billing document .

- You can create sales documents with reference to documents that alreadyexist.


If you want to restrict the reference to an item (for example, only until the fullquantity in the preceding document has been referenced), set the appropriateCompletion rule in the item category.

The status of each item in the preceding document is updated separately,depending on the completion rule of the item category.

If you enter a reason for rejection, the item receives “Completed” status.


A sales process is made up of the sequence of individual process steps recordedas documents. This process chain is stored in the document flow.

They are updated for the overall document and for individual items.


A 1.º função do copying control é dizer o que é permitido. É função do consultor de SD controlar isto.

In copying control, you determine wichdocument types can be copied toanother document type .

You determine the details of the copying procedure in copying control.

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• You set up copying control for header, item and schedule line level tomatch the structure of your sales document.

Regras no nível do documento – Document Type.Regras no nível do Item – Item Category

Regras entre documentos – Copying Control.

To control the copying procedure, at each level you create:- Routines for data transfer

These routines control transfer of fields in the preceding document- Copying Requirements

Here you define requirements that are checked when you create adocument with reference.

- Switches

There are switches for setting specific controls for each transaction.

- Tem que ter copying control de todos os documentos.- O copying control fica no spro em cada relacionamento de documentos.


Rush orders and cash sales are sales document types that are used in thesales from plant process or for when the customer needs to pick up their goods

immediately from the warehouse.When you create a rush order, the systems automatically and immediate createsa delivery of type LF.


When you save a cash sales the system automatically creates a delivery andprints a document that can be given to the customer as an Invoice. (Porém elenão faz o Goods issue ) que deverá ser feito em BackGround por algumprograma)

No cash sales diferentemente do Ruch order tem um Output Type .

Cai na prova:No processo de Cash Sales quando eu for fazer o Billing, vai emitir a Invoice?Não!

The system does not print Invoices during Billing.

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In consignment processing, goods are delivered to the customer but remain theproperty of the company until they are actually used. An invoice is not created

until the customer withdraws goods from the consignment stock. Up until thatpoint, the customer has the right to return consignment goods.

When goods are issued, both the customer special stock at the customer and thestock in the delivering plant are reduced. This transaction is relevant for billing.


You create a delivery free-of-charge document when you want to send your customer a sample , for example.

Customizing for sales document type determines that this transactions requires apreceding document.

You can also decide what happens to these item regard to pricing and billingthere.


An incompleteness log is a list of all data essential to your company in asales document that has not yet been entered in the system.

You can define these data fields in customizing for the incompleteness log .


In customizing for sales document types, the incompletion messages field allowsyou to control whether incomplete sales documents can be saved or not.

The procedure controls what effects the incomplete data has on the process.Example: If the terms of payment are missing, the order can be delivered

but it cannot be billed. At the same time, you will not be able to create a neworder with reference to an incomplete order.


The incompletion log differentiates between the following levels:

Procedure Sales document header – Sales document TypeProcedure Sales document item – Item category

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Procedure Sales document schedule line – Schedule line category

In each procedure you determine which fields are checked for completion.


Incomplete document data affects further processing in different ways. A statusgroup is assigned to each field in the incompleteness procedure. When youdefine the status groups, you decide which steps should be prevented if data ismissing.


Various business Partners exists within the market place, with various business

relationships to each other. Examples of business partners are:Customer Vendor EmployeeContact person

Partner Functions

Assigning partner functions in the SAP system determines the functions of

particular partners in the sales process. One partner may take on severalfunctions.

The forward agent (agente de transporte) is an example of a vendor.

Partners in the Sales Process

Partner relationships are usually already defined in the customer master .These are proposed automatically in the document header when you createa sales document.

Partner Functions can be assigned to :

Partner Objects Assignment key⇒ Customer Master > Account Group⇒ Sales document header > Sales document type⇒ Sales document item > Item category in sales⇒ Free-of-charge > Delivery type⇒ Shipment > Shipment type

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To enable the releasing partner to be different than the sold-to party for thecontract , copying control uses requirement.Partners authorized to release are checked at header level only .

Contract Data in Sales DocumentsIn customizing for sales document types, you can activate the contracts data.

You can maintain contract data at both the header and the item level in thesales document. Contract data at header level is valid for all items as long as thedata at item level is not different.

Determining Dates

When you create a contract the system proposes, for example, the start and

end dates of the contract . You define the date determination rules incustomizing. Its also have a duration category, Subsequent activities,Cancellation procedure.

Scheduling Agreements

A scheduling agreement is an outline agreement between you and a sold-to-party that is valid for a certain period of time.The scheduling agreementcontains fixed delivery dates and quantities.

O scheduling agreement tem como função subseqüente os deliveries

diferentemente de um contrato que precisa de Release Order The system can provides you an overview of all the open quantities.

If the quantity in the schedule lines exceeds the target quantity, the systemissues a warning message .


Material determination (VB11)

Material determination provides you with a tool for automatically exchangingmaterials in the sales document. The condition technique provides you with agreater flexibility in material determination.When you process a document, thesystem automatically searches for valid master records that you createdpreviously in material determination .

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You can assign a substitution reason to every master record in materialdetermination that defines how the material should be determined. You definethe substitution rules in customizing.

You do not need a material master record for the material number that you

are replacing .Selecting products manually

When you enter an order you can enter use different material numbers for thesame product.

We have extended the functions in manual and automatic product selection. Inmanual product selection the system does not automatically replace the product.Instead, it displays a list of all of the substitution materials and other informationin the master record.

Master Data

With the condition technique you can create data records depending only onthe material number or depending on the material and the customer number.

When you process master Record you can:• Restrict the validity period of a record• Maintain separate entries for each key combination• Determine reasons for substitution• Save one or more substitutes per master record

If there is more than one material defined in the master record for materialdetermination/product selection, the sequence in which they appear defines thepriority that they have.

Automatic Product Selection

In automatic product selection, the system replaces the entered materialautomatically if it is not available.

When you enter an order, the system tries to fill the quantity of the order with thefirst material in the material determination master record. If there is not enough of this material, it fills the remaining quantity with the next material.

You can choose whether or not you want re-run material determination whenthe delivered is created.

Automatic Product selection – Master Data

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You want to make sure that your customer receives only specific materials. Youenter these materials as a material listing. This listing is controlled by thecondition Technique .

You define in the sales document type whether the system checks the materiallisting or not.

Material Exclusion

You want to ensure that the customer does not receive certain materials. Youenter these materials as a material exclusion. The material exclusion is alsocontrolled with the condition technique .


Free goods can be part of the order quantity not included in the invoice . This iscalled an inclusive bonus quantity . The ordered goods and the free goods bothinvolve the same material . The quantity units of the free goods and orderedgoods must be the same.

Free goods can also take the form of extra goods that are free of charge. Theseare called exclusive bonus quantities . In exclusive bonus quantities , theextra goods are delivered free of charge and are not included in the invoice .

The exclusive free goods appear in the sales document as a separate , free-of-charge item.

Free Goods in the sales Order

Both forms of free goods are handled in the same way in the order. The materialthat has been ordered is entered as main item and the free goods material isautomatically displayed as a sub item.

The item category determines how the item is controlled later in the businessprocess.(for example, for delivering or pricing).

You can also enter free goods manually by entering data in the higher-level

item and item category fields (TANN). In this way however,the system doesnot refers to the free goods master record .

If pricing is re-run in the sales order, it does not affect the free goodsdetermination .

Free Goods – Master Data

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The condition technique is used for free goods. Free goods are generallyregarded as a supplement to the pricing agreement for a material.

You can define master records for one level in many different ways, for example,material, customer/material, price list category / currency / material or customer

hierarchy / material.You can restrict master record for one level in many different ways:

Validity periodMinimum quantityCalculation ruleScales

Free Goods – Calculation Rule

When you specify a calculation rule , you decide how the system determinesthe free goods quantity from the additional and document quantities.

Tree Calculation rules are provided in the standart system. It can be:Rule 1 – Pro Rata (Compre 100, ganhe 10, compre 136, ganhe 13)Rule 2 – Unit Reference to Units (100 – ganhe 10, 136-ganhe 10, 200-

ganhe 20)Rule 3 – Whole units (100-ganhe 10, 200-ganhe 20, 136-ganhe 0)

You can also define your own rules .

Free Goods – Analyses and AccountingYou can see detailed information about free goods in Accounting or analyses.Revenues, sales deductions and costs of free goods can be transferred toAccounting in different ways.

Free Goods – Condition Technique

The system uses the information about the sales area , documentdetermination procedure (from the sales document type) and customer determination procedure (from customer master) to determine the free goods

procedure .The conditions contains a list of the condition types for free goods.

One access sequence is assigned to each condition type. Each accesssequence consists of one or more access.

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Logistics Execution

Warehouse Mgmt Shipping Transport

Each access contains exactly one condition table . This represent the searchkey that the system uses to search for a valid master record.

If the search is successful, the system generates a sub item for the free goods inthe document.

Por tipo de documento você define qual price procedure pode utilizar .

Uma condition technique possui conditions types.


Logistics Execution: Components and Sources

Logistics Execution is the application component for executing logistics in thestricter sense. Its is connected with Production Planning and Control, Materials

Management, and Sales and Distribution.

Warehouse Management was transferred from Materials Management, andShipping and Transportation Processing was transferred from Sales andDistribution.

Logistics Execution

Logistics execution provides you with all necessary functions for mapping theexecution of logistical processes that are largely not industry-specific. It basicallyinvolves more or less complex goods receipt and goods issue process.

Process Overview

MaterialsManagement Sales andDistribution

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In Logistics Execution there are two ways of modeling goods receipts and goodsissues: You can create either a delivery or an inventory management posting atthe beginning of the process.

• The transfer order is the document used to execute all goods

movements in the warehouse.Structure of the delivery document

A delivery document consists of header and a number of items. The header contains data that applies to the whole document. This means that the ship-toparty, shipping point, route , and so on, are unique for each outbounddelivery.

The Shipping Process

The terms “Shipping” or shipping process are often used in conjunction withdeliveries. These actually only describe outbound goods movements, the originalprocess that relates to an order. Shipping is also the name given to thedepartment responsible for the logistical process of the logistical process of delivery handing (picking, packing, loading).

Criar um delivering significa que precisa de um picking.

Since the deliveries document can also be used in other areas, we refer todeliveries related to sales document as Outbound deliveries.

Difference Between Outbound Delivery and ShipmentThe outbound delivery in the SAP system supports the processing of shippingactivities in the warehouse and at the shipping point.

Basically, each outbound delivery starts at a shipping point, continues along aroute and has the ship-to party as the destination.

O delivery não é um documento de transporte.

A shipment document is generated if you have for example several outbound

deliveries to be loaded onto a truck and the truck is to deliver goods to severalshipping points and ship-to parties along a particular route.


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A Shipping Point is an independent organizational unit at fixed location thatprocess and monitors outbound deliveries and goods issue .

The responsible shipping point is determined in the order at item level .

AnOutbound delivery is processed from a single shipping point .The allowed combinations of shipping point and plant are defined in theCustomizing application of the enterprise structure.

A shipping point may also be set as a goods receipt point.

Any number of loading points can be assigned to a shipping point . Only oneshipping point can be assigned to a loading point . Ou seja, Um loading pointsó pode ter um shipping point.

A shipping point can process the outbound deliveries of several plants . Thisis only useful if theplants are located in the same general vicinity .

O Storage location não é determinado na ordem.

Delivery Type

Um delivery pode ser também de entrada.

Funções de um Delivery Type:

Number assignmentPartner (diferentes como um vendor)Delivery split by warehouse number Texts (específicos)Reference to order (Criada ou não com referência a uma ordem ex.

pallets, não necessita de uma ordem)Relevant for shippingRoute determinationOutput

The delivery types controls the entire delivery.

Delivery Item categories define if?Relevant for picking?Packing controlAutomatic batch determinationCheck minimum delivery quantityAvailability checkTexts

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Picking location determinationCheck for overdelivery

The delivery item category controls how delivery items are handled andprocessed during the shipping process .

• When you copy an order item to a delivery, the system copies theitem category of the order item to the delivery item .

Copying Control

In the copying control table you specify:

• Which sales and distribution document types can be copied to whichdelivery types

• Which item categories are copied from reference documents

You can also specify:

• Under what conditions data is copied from the order to the outbounddelivery

• Under what conditions several orders can be combined in an outbounddelivery

• Which data is to be transferred• Whether the reference should be recorded in the document flow

Order items that are due for delivery that have the same shipping criteria areshipped together. Required shipping criteria include the shipping point , theroute , and the ship-to party.

Determining Item categories in deliveries

An item category is not specified for order-independent items in the delivery, for deliveries without reference to an order or for outbound deliveries.

In this case the system determines an item category for the delivery according tothe assignments specified in Customizing. For determine the item category, thesystem takes into account the Delivery type and the item category group(from the material master) Additional usages are set internally, for somefunctions.

Shipping Relevant Customizing in Sales

You control order types by specifying:

- Which delivery type is proposed for the outbound delivery

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Route determination is carried out in the order item and depends on:

The country and Departure zone of the shipping pointThe shipping condition agreed in the sales document type

The transportation group assigned to the materialThe country and Transportation zone of the ship-to party

In the order item you can manually overwrite the route that is determined.

Backward Scheduling

The earlier date to create the delivery is the earlier date between Pick/pack timeand transportation lead time?

Yes!Scheduling takes into account the following times:

Transit time:Loading TimePick/Pack timeTransportation planning lead time

The loading time and pick/pack time come from the shipping point ; thetransit time and transportation planning time come from the route .

Forward scheduling

First the system performs backward scheduling in the order. If this results in adate in the past, the system automatically perform forward scheduling, whichconfirms a new delivery date. The same happens if the material is not availableat the material availability date.

When you create outbound delivery you can carry out forward schedulingagain.

Precise and daily SchedulingIn precise scheduling, the systems calculates and displays the results of scheduling down to the minute. In daily scheduling, the systems uses days,hours and minutes for calculation, but onlydisplays the resulting date .

The working hours of a shipping point consist of acalendar and a shiftsequence.

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In precise scheduling , pick/pack and loading times are specified in hours andminutes.

The route is used to determine the transportation planning lead time .

Route Schedules

You can use a route schedule to organize outbound deliveries from aparticular shipping point to different ship-to parties that occur regularly in thesame sequence for a certain route.

The route schedule generally contains:

A routeA weekday as the departure date, along with a departure time

A list of ship-to partiesAn itinerary (optional)

You can use schedules in sales orders, stock transfers orders, and outbounddeliveries. The system determines them automatically.

Options for creating Outbound deliveries

You can create an outbound delivery manually with or without reference to aparticular order. However, if you create a delivery manually, you cannot deliver purchase orders or other requests.

If you use collective processing (delivery list), you can deliver goods for alltypes of shipping documents. This can take place online or in the background(overnight for instance).

Delivery due List

The delivery due list is a worklist of all operations requiring deliveries.

In the standart system, a user role is assigned to each delivery scenario. You canmaintain the user roles in Customizing.

Determining the Picking Location

If no storage location for picking is specified in the order item, the systemdetermines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copiesit into the delivery item.

Na ordem de vendas não tem storage location.

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The picking location is determined based on the shipping point , thedelivering plant, and the storage condition for the material.

MALA:The picking location is determined based on the shipping point,

the delivering plant, and the storage condition for the material as defined in thematerial master.RETA and MARE:These rules are mainly used in trade scenarios.

The picking location search is activated for each delivery item category.

Determination of Door and Stagin Area

Door or staging area determination can take place at the delivery header level,depending on the goods recipient or the route schedule.

Staging area determination can also take place at the delivery item level if the

storage conditions (material master) are also taken into account.Note that different staging area at the delivery item level lead to a transfer order split because the staging area is a header field in the transfer order.

Changing and Adding to the Outbound Delivery

You can Change or add to delivery documents after they have been saved.However, information such as ship-to parties and shipping points can nolonger be changed once you have created the outbound delivery .

You can alsoadd items to the outbound delivery without referring to an


Outbound Delivery Monitor

The outbound delivery monitor displays all deliveries that are still to beprocessed or that have been processed.

This includes processing output types for shipping, such as the delivery note.

You can use the inbound delivery monitor to monitor and execute inbounddelivery activities in the same way.


Picking is the process of preparing goods for delivery to the customer withspecial attention paid to dates , quantity , and quality.

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Sap recommends that you use the Warehouse Management transfer order functions. For this purpose you do not need to implement the complete WMsystem; Lean WM is sufficient.

Using Lean WM, means using a small part of the functions provided bythe

Warehouse Management Component.In the standart configuration of the system, the prerequisite for posting goodsissue is that picking-relevant items are completely picked . This means that thedelivery quantity and the pick quantity in the outbound deliverymust be thesame.

Picking Process Using Warehouse Management/Lean WarehouseManagement

To use WM in picking (either full WM or Leans WM), you create atransfer

order(TO).The transfer order is a document with which the goods movements within awarehouse complex can be initiaded and monitored.

Instead of print out the transfer order as a picking list, you can transfer the datain the transfer order to an external system using portable data capture or to awarehouse control unit.

By confirming the TO, you verify the quantities removed from the warehouse.

Then, you can post the goods issue. This completes the shipping process.The Transfer Order

A transfer order is an instruction to move materials from a source storage bin toa destination storage bin within a warehouse complex.

Transport orders include the followinginformation:

- Material number - Quantity to be moved- Source and destination storage bin

WM versus Lean Warehouse Management

If you have a warehouse with random storage, you need to use WM systemwith full functionality. Since a material can be stored in different storage bins or even several storage bins at the same time, precise inventory management atthe level of the storage bin is required.

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Lean WM,does not have inventory management at the level of the storage binand is therefore more suitable for fixed bin warehouses.

Some of the WM functions note included in the Lean WM are:

- Storage sections- Reserve storage bins- Strategies for putaway and picking- Replenishment- Inventory at storage bin level

For Lean WM, you need at least one warehouse number and at least onestorage type from which picking takes place. You also need one storage type inwhich goods are stored.

Picking areas can be defined for each warehouse number and storage type.You can activate Lean WMin Customizing at the warehouse number level.

You assign a warehouse number to a combination of plant and storage type.

Creating and Printing Transfer Order

In WM, you have the followingoptions for printing using a print code:

- Single print: One page for each two TO item

- Combined print: One list for the entire TO- Pick list: One list for several TO that were created in collectiveprocessing

In picking, differences may occur between the quantity actually removed and thedelivery quantity. However, you can only post a goods issue if the pickingquantity and delivery quantity are the same.

You must confirm the transfer order and therefore also picked quantities beforethe goods issue is posted.



É um produto com características de produção em si.

You can specify a bath in the relevant detail screen for materials handled inbatches (Whether or not a material is handled in bathes is indicated in the

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material master record in the “Storage 1” and “Purchasing” screens). Whendelivering a sales order, this batch is copied to the outbound delivery. You cannot change it there.

If a batch has not been specified in the sales order, you can enter one in the

“picking overview” screen of the outbound delivery.You must specify a batch before a goods are issued.

You can carry out batch splits as follows:

- Manually in the batch plit screen of the delivery item- Using automatic batch determination when creating the outbound

delivery(this function must first be activated in the delivery item category)

- Throught manually triggered batch determination in the batch split

screen- In Warehouse Mangement

Serial Numbers

You can assign a unique serial number to each material. This allows youmonitor goods movement for individual materials.

You can also have serial number assigned automatically by the system.

You must specify all serial numbers before posting goods issue.

Pricing in the outbound delivery

The outbound delivery can containshipping-related conditions at header level,such as shipping or freight costs (if you are using the transportationscomponent).

You can enter the condition values manually or determine them using pricingcondition technique.

Splitting an Existing Delivery

You can split an existing delivery into several smaller deliveries, which is usefulif, for example, there is not enough room in your truck to hold the entire delivery.

When you split a delivery, you create one or more new deliveries, called“results”, and the “remainder”.

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Pode-se se fazer split fora do transportation.

Delivery Interface – Communication Scenarios

If business partners are involved in the shipping process, or some functions are

performed by non-SAP systems, you need to exchange information with theseother parties. Normally electronic data interchange (EDI) messages are used for external communication, and Application Link Enabling (ALE) messages areused for internal communication.

The delivery interface groups together all EDI and ALE messages that refer tothe delivery. They are all based on the same IDoc (É um txt que você recebe ecoloca dentro do sistema).

Log of Incomplete Items

When you call up thelogo of incomplete items, the system checks if the data inthe outbound delivery is complete.

In the outbound delivery, the system can check completeness at both header anditem level.

In the Customizing, you can control which fields, if not entered, cause anoutbound delivery to incomplete and which effects this has on follow-on activitiessuch as picking, packing, goods issue, and billing.

More functions in the outbound delivery.

- Quantity checks- Material substitution- Credit and risk management- Controllable error messages- Delivery split by warehouse number - Group of outbound deliveries- Dangerous goods check- Export control- Texts


Packing Materials

São materiais usados para embalar ou transportar produtos.

You must create material master records for the different packaging materials.

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In the material master, you define special data such as packing weight and thevolume permitted for each shipping material.

Handling Unit

É quando eu pego algum produto e coloco dentro de uma caixa/embalagem.The handling unit is assigned unique sequential number from a predefinednumber range.

The handling unit header contains information about the packaging materialused in packing.

Packing Functions

Packing is the process of assigning delivery items to packaging material.

This creates new handling units. You can use as many levels as required(multilevel packing).

In Customizing, you specify whether each delivery item category isrelevant for packing.

Packing in the Sales and Distribution Process

The packing function is available:

- In orders (as packing proposals)- In the inbound delivery- In the outbound delivery- In the Shipment document

The packing proposal in the order can be copied to the outbound delivery. Youcontrol this at the header level in the copy control table for deliveries.

Packing in the outbound delivery is copied to theshipment.

Pode-se fazer packing no outbound delivery ou no transportation .

Packaging Material Types and Material Grouping for Packaging Materials.

Similar packaging materials are grouped together inpackaging material types.

The Material grouping for packaging materials is used to group together materials that have similar packing requirements.

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Packing Instructions

Packing Instructions consist of:

Packing materialsMaterials to be packedText ItemsSubordinate packing instructionsRules concerning rounding, minimum quantities, an do onDefinition of a check profile

Packing Instructions (2)

Packing instructions can be used as packing proposals for online processing or as packing rules for automatic packing.

Packing instruction determination is carried out usingcondition techninque, for which you must define a corresponding procedure and condition types.

Packing Station

Deliveries and handling units can be packed using a packing station.

Each packing station can be controlled individually using the terminal ID, and cantherefore be used to carry out different processes.

Subsequent Processing for Packaging Materials

You may need to manage stock for packaging Materials. To enable you to dothis, the system can generate a separate item in the outbound delivery for each packaging material.

You can bill the customer for the packaging materials, or you can use returnablepackaging materials that are not billed.

- In the former case, you must create the packaging materials in thematerial master record with item category group VERP. The itemcategory determination procedure in the standart system determinesitem category DLN. These items can be copied to the billing document

- If you use returnable packaging materials, you must create them in thematerial master record with item category group LEIGH (itemcategory TAL is determined). These items will not be copied to thebilling document.

Handling Unit Management in Logistics

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Handling units are involved in the entire logistics process and can be used inInventory Mangement, Production, Quality Management, WarehouseManagement, and Sales and Distribution.

Goods Receipt Process using Handling UnitsIf materials in a storage location administered using handling units are to beposted as goods received, you must create an inbound delivery document.

Within the inbound delivery, you can create new handling units or adopt existingones.

Goods Issue

Posting goods issue for an outbound deliverycompletes shipping activities .

Posting goods issue requires that all mandatory shipping activities have beenperformed.

Effect of goods Issue Posting

• Reduces inventory stock• Post the value change to the stock accounts in inventory accounting• Reduces delivery requirements• Enter status information in the outbound delivery• Is stored in the document flow• Creates a work list for billing

Cancelling Goods Issue

If goods Issue for an outbound delivery iscanceled, the goods issue posting isreset.

On the selection screen, you can select one or more outbound deliveries for which you want to cancel the goods issue posting.

QM in ShippingThe Quality Management (QM)component supports Sales and Distribution withquality inspections for goods issues (for example, packing inspections).

You specify in the quality Management view of the material master if a qualityinspection is to be carried out for the material.

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When the outbound delivery is created in the SD, QM auatomatically creates aninspection lot for the delivery items that are relevant for inspection.

Proof of delivery (POD)

Proof of delivery (POD) is essential designed to support the process of creatingan invoice once the customer has confirmed the arrival of the goods.

After receiving the goods, the ship-to-party transfers the proof of delivery byIDocto SAP R/3 and thereby confirms the quantities for the entire delivery.

The system creates the billing document based on the correct (verified)quantity. Creating the billing document via the billing due list is blocked until proof of delivery has been confirmed.

Before you can use the proof of delivery function, you need to define which

delivery item categories are relevant for the POB (proof of billing) process. Youalso need to define reasons for deviation, and in the customer master you areusing for the POB process, specify POB relevance.PRICING FUNDAMENTALS

Groups of conditions

Data about conditions is stored in condition records.

You can determine conditions at any level you require

Condition Types:• Prices• Discounts/Surcharges• Freight• Taxes

Level on which the condition is defined

Conditions typeSales OrganizationDistribution Channel

Customer Material

Condition Records

É um lugar onde o usuário cadastra a condição.

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You can limit a pricing agreement to a certain period by specifying avalidityperiod.

The values in a condition record, such as price, surcharge and discount, can bedefined according to a scale. You can specify an unlimited number of levels in a

scale.Eu posso ingressar um valor numa price normalmente sem estar numa conditionrecord?Posso.

Condition Type

The condition type determines the category of a condition and describes how thecondition is used.

Possible scale base types: Possible calculation typesValue Percentage from a initial value / Fixed AmountQuantity Amount per unit of measureWeight Amount per unit of wheightVolumes Amount per unit of volumeTime period Quantity per unit of time

Condition Maintenance

Anadditional maintenance interface is provided for condition maintenance.

This means that condition records can now be maintenanceacross all

condition types and condition tables. For example, you can display andmaintain the material prices and the discounts and surcharges for a customer inone step.

Pricing procedure

All condition types permitted in pricing are available in the pricing procedure.

You need to determine how the system should use conditions by specifying therequirements for each condition.

The sequence in which the system accesses the conditions in the businessdocument is also determined in the pricing procedure.

The reference level provides a method to specify a different basis to calculatethe condition type and to group conditions for subtotals.

The pricing procedure can contain any number of subtotals.

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You can mark a condition type in the pricing procedure as being:• a mandatory condition• a manually entered condition• for statistical purposes only

Access Sequence

An access sequence can be assigned to a condition type (except for conditiontypes configured as a header condition).

Cada condition type possui uma access sequence, dentro de uma accesssequence você encontra condition tables, que estão gravados pelos usuáriosnuma condition record.

A Condition table is a combination of fields, which form the key for a condition

record.Pricing Overview

Um documento de vendas só aponta para um esquema de preço. (PriceProcedure).


1 pedido de 120 peças de um material é criado. O sistema deve determinar opreço automaticamente.

First, the relevant pricing procedure is determined based on the sales area,customer, and sales document type.

The system reads the condition type of the first step and then determines theassigned access sequence for this condition type .

The system reads the access sequence . The sequence of the conditiontables represents the search strategy to find the relevant condition record .

Each condition table represents one access, which can be made for a condition

record with specified key.Eu consigo dizer dentro de uma Price procedure , qual condition é mandatóriaou não.

The system searches for valid condition records with thekey specified by thecondition table .

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If the first access does not find a valid condition record , then the systemsearches for the next access using the next condition table.

After the system finds a valid condition record for an access, the system readsthe condition record and copies the value that corresponds to the scale into the

sales document.The whole process is repeated for each condition type until the system hasfinished the entire pricing procedure.

Desenhar uma price procedure:

Changing prices Manually in Documents

The prices surcharges and discounts determined automatically by the systemcan be changed manually and are then marked as such.

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In the condition records, you can specify limits which a manual change can bemade, for example, making a discount, which could only be changed betweenthe range 1% and 3%.

Conditions can be entered manually in the sales document.

You can change or create conditions on the conditions screen.

Conditions in the Document Header

Você pode ingressar com uma condition no cabeçalho?Pode.

Conditions de cabeçalho só podem ser manuais.

Conditions can also be entered at the document header level. These are know as

header conditions and are valid for all items.These header conditions are automatically distributed among the items based onnet value. The basis for distributing the header conditions can be changed in thepricing procedure by selecting the appropriate routine.

New pricing and pricing types

You can configure the pricing behavior in thePricing type.

You have two options to control theNew pricing function in the sales document:

• Update prices on the condition screens is available at the header anditem levels.

• To use the new pricing document function for the sales document,assign a pricing type to the pricing procedure in customizing. If you do notmaintain an entry, the system uses pricing type B (carry out newpricing).

These functions are supported for both the sales and billing documents.

Pricing in the Billing Document

Copying control makes it possible to handle repricing of billing documentsbased on several different scenarios.


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Condition TableOverview: Pricing configuration

The condition table contains the keys that can be used to create dependentcondition records.

You can add your own condition tables using tables from 501 through 999.

Condition Tables

Condition records are always created using a specific key.

Condition tables are used to define the structure of the keys of a conditionrecord .

The key fields of a condition table must appear at the start of the table.

In the condition table you can determine whether a field appears in theheader or in the item of the generated fast entry screen for the maintenance of condition records.

Access Sequence

An access sequence consists of one or more condition tables

Creating an Access Sequence

You can define prices, discounts, and surcharges at various levels.Each level is defined by a condition table .

The order of the entries in an access sequence defines the hierarchy of thevarious levels .

The system determines the condition records in the sequence specified.

Determining Source Fields for Access Sequences

Within each access sequence, you can specify the document field or source fieldwith which an access is performed.

Examples:- Material or pricing material?- Document currency or local currency?- Sold-to party or ship-to party?

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Access requirements

You are able to make accesses dependent on requirements to avoidunnecessary access. This reduces the system load.Condition Type

After theaccess sequence is created , it is assigned to a condition type .

You can also creates your own condition types . You can determine thecharacteristics of each condition type , for example, whether or not thecondition type represents surcharges or discounts and whether or not thecondition type should be dependent on values or quantities.

Pricing Procedure

The condition types are combined in the required sequence in the pricing

procedure .Procedure Determination

Finally, you need to maintain the determination of the pricing procedure. Thepricing procedure is determined according to the following factors:

• Sales Area• Customer pricing procedure field in the customer master • Document pricing procedure field that is assigned to the sales

document type

Customizing Pricing Components

Adding New Fields for Pricing

The information required to add new pricing fields is available in the IMGdocumentation. Search for create new fields using the condition technique .

To solve particular problems, you need to build and link all the pricingcomponents creatively.

- Condition table – Defines the key fields of the condition records.- Access sequence – Contains the hierarchy for condition record

access.- Condition Type – Represents the properties of the pricing conditions.- Pricing procedure – Defines how the condition types are linked.- Procedure determination – select the correct pricing procedure.

The following elements may be necessary to implement complex scenarios:

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(CAI NA PROVA)- Adding new fields for pricing – Creates new fields to meet customer

requirements- Requirements – defines dependencies and improves performance.- Formulae – Enables expanding the limits of standart configuration.

New fields may be added to the pricing field catalog. This allows you to use thenew field to define condition tables.

Requirement routines and formulae provide a method to modify the standartpricing logic meet unique user requirements.Pricing Reports – Customer-Specific Prices

To provide an overview of existing condition records, you can generate a list of conditions for analysis. You might ask the following questions:

• What customer-specific price agreements are made within a certainperiod?• What Incoterm condition records are stored in the system?• What price lists are created with scale prices?

The layout of the lists and the condition records reported is set in Customizing.

Pricing Reports – Tables

When creating a new program for pricing reports, you first decide the views inwhich you want to analyze the condition records.

Depending on which fields are selected, the system generates a list of tables,which contain at least one of the selected fields.

Maintaining Conditions Using Pricing Reports

Condition maintenance has two maintenance interfaces.

The newer interface allows mass maintenance of conditions based oncharacteristics.This means that condition records can now be maintained across all

condition types and condition tables.You can also call up the classis maintenance transaction for conditions bychoosing Select using condition type.

Creating Condition Records with reference

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New condition records can be created with reference to existing conditionrecords.

During the process, changes can be made to the rate, validity period, andadditional sales data in the newly created records.

This function provides an efficient method to update condition recordssimultaneously.

Change Condition Records

Individual condition records can be maintained manually.

The price change function allows you to maintain multiple condition recordssimultaneously.

Copying Condition Records

Multiple condition records can be created by copying an existing conditionrecord.

Copying rules are maintained in Customizing and you may create your owncopying rules.

Long Texts in Condition Records

⇒ Can be maintained for condition records⇒ Can be maintained for agreements

PromotionSales dealRebate agreements

You can maintain long texts in the condition records for pricing andagreements , such as rebates , sales deals , and promotions .

These provide information about:• Creating condition records• Approvals• Invalidity

If required, long texts in the rebate agreement can be copied to the documents.

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However, text control customizing offers no possibility to copy the text longtexts from condition records to the documents.

Text is not copied when you create condition records with reference.

Net Price List

The net price list provides an option to create price information for acustomer on a selected quantity of materials .

The net prices are determined by simulating abilling document.

(aqui)Condition Indices

You can create and use condition indices to search for condition recordsthat were created for a variety of condition types and condition tables .

For example, you can view all the condition records that apply to a particular customer or product .

Before you use the indices that are delivered in the standard version , youmust first activate the indices in Customizing for sales.

If you create your own indices, the system automatically activates each newindex when you generate it . In additional you must specify an updaterequirement for each condition index.

You can configure for each condition type whether or not the system updatesthe condition indices when you post the condition records for thecorresponding condition type .

Release Procedure (Procedimento de liberação) for Conditions

You can allow a release procedure to be used when a condition table iscreated, by selecting the With release status checkbox. Thiis adds the followingfields to the condition table automatically:

KFRST: Release status as last key fieldKBSTAT: Processing status as a field of the variable data part

The release status is predefined. At present the following status are defined:

• Released (Liberado)• Blocked

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Condition types to be compared are first placed in an exclusion group .

Duringpricing , the conditions , which result inthe best price (lowest charge or highest discount ) are selected from this group . All other conditions are

deactivated .There are several comparison methods which may be used:

• A: All conditions found within the first exclusion group arecompared and the condition with the best price is chosen. All other are deactivated.• B: All condition records found for one condition arecompared. The best price is chosen. All other conditions aredeactivated. This method can be used with condition type PR00 .• C: The total of condition records found in thefirst exclusion

group is compared to the total of condition records found in thesecond exclusion group. The group that calculates the best price ischosen. The other is deactivated.• D: If a condition record is determined for the condition typesof the first exclusion group, all the condition records for the secondexclusion group are deactivated.• E: Similar to method B, except that the worst price is chosen• F: Similar to method C, except that the group with the worstoverall price is chosen.

Condition Update

Updating Conditions – Tracking ( rastreando) Cumulative Values

Values can be accumulated in condition records and tested against limits . Inthis way, you can set a maximum condition value, condition base value, or number of orders for a condition.

The cumulative values in thecondition record can be displayed.

Condition Supplements

Condition supplements do not have their own access sequence. They are foundtogether with the underlying condition record.

Hierarchy Pricing

You want to grant a discount that depends on characteristics related in ahierarchy.

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Hierarchy Accesses

Hierarchy accesses optimize pricing for hierarchy data structures , such asthe product hierarchy .

Hierarchy Accesses (2)To define the condition table key for hierarchies such as this, you need toinclude partial quantities for a predefined quantity of characteristics .

Without hierarchy accesses , you need to create a condition table for eachcombination and assign all the accesses to these tables in an access sequence.

Hierarchy Accesses (3)

The new solution , you need a single condition table (=one access ).

The functions in hierarchy accesses enable you to solve problems using oneaccess to a condition table.

When you create the access sequence to use this condition table, you need todefine at the field whether or not each field is a fixed component of the key or whether or not the field is optional.

Priorities are in the next step assigned to the optional fields.

Hierarchy accesses also provide clear and easy master maintenance because

thedifferent condition records

for acondition type

can be created together inthe quick entry screen for maintaining conditions.

Data Determination in Access

For pricing you can determine and use data that is not contained in thedocument.

This can be performed in two steps :Data determination

Data useData Determination in Access – Price Book

The term price book refers to a price determination strategy.

This can be achieved using a two-step data determination process, asshown:

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• Step1: A sales deal number is determined, depending on the customer group.

• Step 2: Using the material group as a basis, special agreements are

determined, which take:Pricing dateScale quantityItem price listInto account (condition type PBUD).

• The special agreements that are determined are used in the conditiontype, PBBS. As a result, the base prices are read.

• On the basis of these prices, the gross price is calculated in the conditiontype, PBUP, using the percentage value from condition type, PBUD.


Manual Order Value HM00

The header condition type HM00 allows you to enter the order value manually.The new order value is then distributed proportional between the items,taking intoaccount the previous net item value . Taxes are determined againfor each item.

Net Price PN00

The PN00 condition in the standard system allows you to specify the netprice for an item manually . The original conditions are deactivated .

Minimum Price Value

Minimum Order Values AMIW and AMIZ

You may create minimum value for each order using condition type AMIW , if the value in the order header is less than this minimum order value during

pricing, the system uses a minimum as the net order value automatically. Theminimum order value is a statistical condition.

Condition type AMIWis a group condition and is divided among the differentitem according to value.

Calculation formula 13 is assigned to condition type AMIZ in the pricingprocedure. This formula calculates the minimum value surcharge

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(sobrecarga ) by subtracting the net item value from the minimum order value, AMIW.

Exemplo: O cliente coloca um pedido de 2 itens um item com o valor líquido de100 o outro item com o valor líquido de 60. Que somado dá 160.

Você possui uma Price group numa condition record com a condition typeAMIWque está com o valor mínimo de 200.

O AMIZé calculado automaticamente pela diferença do NET do AMIW com oNET da somatória dos itens na ordem. Que dá 40.

O sistema automaticamente altera o NET desta ordem para 200. que é o AMIWmínimo para aquele cliente.

Minimum Price PMINYou can create a minimum price for a material using condition type PMIN. If the minimum price is not met during pricing , the system determines thedifference using condition type PMIN.

Você possui uma condition record de material com a condition type PMIN comum valor de 1.500 para um material. Na ordem o PR00 determinou um preço de1600 – o desconto do K007 de 160 que seria cobrado o valor de 1440. O PMINdefine então o valor de 1500 pois é o preço mínimo daquele material..

Scale PricingInterval Price PR02 (Preço por intervalo)

You can maintain condition records with interval scales if the condition typeis set to scale type D in Customizing . Interval scales cannot be used for group conditions .

Customer Hierarchy Pricing

Customer hierarchy is available in Sales Order Management so that you cancreate flexible hierarchies to reflect the structure of customer organizations.Use customers hierarchies during sales order processing and billing todetermine pricing and running statistics.

A customer hierarchy consists of nodes.

To create a customer hierarchy:

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1. Create master records for each node2. Assign the nodes to each other 3. Assign the customer master records to the relevant

nodes .

Customer hierarchies are valid for a certain period of time .Você cria um nó para uma Sales area.

Hierarchy Path

With customer hierarchies, you can assign price or rebate agreements to ahigher level node. The agreements are then valid for customer at allsubordinate levels of this node . You can create pricing condition recordsfor each node indicated as relevant for pricing .

If one or more nodes in the hierarchy path of sales order contain pricinginformation , the system takes these nodes into account automaticallyduring pricing according to the underlying access sequence .Hierarchy Discount H101

In the standard system , the access sequence is set in Customizing so thatthe discount is initiated atlowest hierarchy level.

Discounts and Surcharges

Pallet Discount KP00

The pallet discount grants the customer a discount for whole units of measureonly, such as complete pallet.

Incomplete Pallet Surcharge KP01

In this case, the customer pays a surcharge for an incomplete pallet.

Mixed Pallet Discount KP02

The mixed pallet discount accumulates the quantities of the individualitems and calculates the discount for complete pallets only .

Surcharge for Incomplete Mixed Pallets KP03

The mixed pallet surcharge accumulates the quantities of the individualitems and calculates the surcharge on any fractional portion of the totalquantity .

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Rounding Diff (Define-se regras de arredondamento )

You can maintain a rounding unit in Table T001R (SAP NetWeaver > General Setting > Currencies > Define rounding rules for currencies ) for eachcompany code and currency . If the final amount in the order header differs

from the rounding unit , the system rounds the amount up or down asspecified.

Statistical Condition Types


In the standard version, condition type VPRS is used to retrieve (recuperar) thestandard cost. The pricing procedure uses this condition type as a statisticalvalue.

Não afeta o preço.VPRS is not determined using condition Record.

Cash Discount SKTO

É um desconto por adimplência.

In the standard system, condition type SKTO is used to retrieve the cashdiscount rate. The pricing procedure uses this condition type as a statisticalvalue .

Customer Expected Prices – EDI1 and EDI2

You can either enter the customer expected price manually in the order or retrieve the price from the incoming IDoc in an EDIenvironment.

You can use condition type EDI1to compare the net price for each item . Youcan use condition type EDI2 to compare the overall item value, which isobtained by multiplying the net price and the quantity.

Calculation formula 9 is assigned to condition Type EDI1 in the pricingprocedure. This formula tests for a maximum deviation of 0.05 currency unit.

Calculation formula 8 is assigned to condition typeEDI2 in the pricingprocedure . This formula tests for a maximum deviation of 1.0 currency unit.

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You can processes lists of orders having differences in prices , allowing thesystem to use or correct the price it determined .

Pode controlar por preço unitário ou por acumulado.

TAXES, PRICING AGREEMENTS, AND REBATESUm material ou um cliente, possui nos cadastros mestre uma TAXClassification formando um conjunto de informações que geram um códigoIVA.

Um código IVA por sua vez, aponta para uma TAX PROCEDURE,que éresponsável em definir o que será calculado através das conditions Types.

A TAX PROCEDURE,por sua vez aponta para uma PRICING PROCEDURE,láas conditions types assinaladas ou marcadas na Tax Procedure definirá comose calcula estes impostos na Ordem.Na ordem são então calculados os impostos que foram encontrados paraaquela combinação Cliente/Material.

Criteria to determine TAx

⇒ Departure Country - (Country of the delivering plant )⇒ Destination Country - (Country of the ship-to party )⇒ Customer tax classification⇒ Material tax classification - (access with departure country)

You can assign a rule, blank, A, B, at the Sales organization level todetermine the sales tax identification number in the order and billingdocument (the tax classification determination is linked to this ).

Pricing Procedures for Tax

Taxes may be calculated in Sales and Distribution using the normalcondition techniques.

The condition Type for TAXis entered into the pricing procedure.

The access sequence is used to find the appropriate condition record for thecurrent situation.

Tax Interfaces (Example – United States)

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The tax procedure is assigned in the defaults for Financial Accountingaccording to country .

For the United States, you have the following options:

• TAXUS (Taxes are calculated in Sales and Distribution)• TXUSJ (Taxes are calculated in the central tax procedure using the tax

jurisdiction value stored in the master data for the ship-to party• TAXUSX (Taxes are calculated through an RFC and a central tax


Pricing Agreements

Use agreements to implement and evaluate marketing projects.

Promotion and Sales Deal ( Acordo de Vendas)

Validity Period

You can define a promotion or general marketing plan for a product line for acertain period of time .

You can then link promotion with specific sales deals, which are then linked tospecial condition records used for promotionalpricing or discounts.

Existe comunicação com o SIS que consegue monitorar estas campanhas.

Sales Deal and Promotions in the Billing

The sales deal number and promotion number are displayed in the detailscreen of the billing item. The Sales Information System can be used tocapture and report the statistics for the sales deals and promotions with auser-defined information structure .

Release Status for Sales Deals

The release status of a sales deal controls where you can find the conditionrecords for a sales agreement .

Rebates ( Bonificações)

A rebate is a discount , which is granted subsequently to a rebate recipient on thebasis of a defined sales volume within acertain period .

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• The Sales Organization• The Payer master • The Billing document type

To improve performance, you should deactivate rebate processing if it is not

necessary.Rebate Processing

Rebate processing begins by creating a rebate-relevant billing document.

The validity rebates are determined by the pricing procedure using the rebatebasis subtotal.

Each rebate condition type has an assigned access sequence.

The system uses the access sequence to search for the valid rebate conditionrecord. If valid condition records is found, the accrual rate is read.

Requirement 24 in the pricing procedure enforces that the rebate conditionsare used only in billing documents.

Requirement 25 in the pricing procedure enforces that the rebate conditionsare used only inrebate-relevant billing documents.

The rebate accrual amount is calculated using the rebate basis.

The system posts an accrual to financial accounting when the rebate-relevantbilling document is released to accounting .

Settling Rebates

Creating rebates settlements

The system uses the accumulated amounts in the rebate agreement to create arebate settlement. Status A refers to an open rebate agreement.

The system generates a rebate credit memo request for the rebate payment

amount specified.You can display the sales volume and drill-downin the rebate agreement.

You can perform a final Settlement for the rebate agreement in the followingways?

• Manually

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• Automatically• In the background

Accruals are reversed as soon as the rebate agreement is settled by creditmemo .

Partial Rebate Settlement

Partial rebate settlement can be limited for each rebate agreement type , asfollows:

• Up to the accumulated accrual amount• Up to the calculated payment amount for the current date• Unlimited

Accruals are cancelled automatically when acredit memo is created, providedthat the rebate agreement type is set accordingly in Customizing.Settlement Material (1)

You may have a Rebate that does not refer to a particular material but rather to a group of materials or to a customer.

Settlement Material (2)

When creating a credit memo, the settlement material is the source for importantmaterial master data, for example, account determination.

Retroactive Rebate Agreements

Retroactive rebate agreements allow you take into account billing documentscreated before the rebate agreement is created.

The rebate basis for the billing documents created previously is accumulatedand recorded in the rebate agreement .

The accrual amount is not automatically updated for billing documentscreated previously. This amount can be entered manually or can becorrected by using report RV15B002.Rebate-relevante billing documents created after rebate agreement is createdupdate both the rebate basis and accrual fields automatically.


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The relevant business area is determined for each order item according todefined rules .


Billing TypesThe billing type controls thewhole billing document.

• F2 Invoice• F8 Pro forma Invoice• G2 Credit memo• L2 Debit Memo• Re returns• S1 Cancellation invoive•

S2 Cancellation Credit memo• LR Invoice List• LG Credit memo List• IV Intercompany billing (invoice)• IG Intercompany billing (credit memo)• Cash Sale

Billing Type Controls

You can create new billing types or redefine existing ones in the standardsystem to meet the requirements of your company installation.

Many of the control parameters in the billing type influence further processing inFinancial Accounting (posting block, account determination).

Are functions of the Billing type to control:

• Number assignment• Partners• Texts• Output• Rebates• Posting Block• Special features of the FI Interface• Account determination• Invoice list type• Cancellation billing type Number assignment

Importance of the Item Category within Billing

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Billing type Proposal

In Customizing for the item category , you can determine whether billing is tobe carried out with reference to a delivery or an order .

O item category diz qual o billing document type.

Delivery-Related Invoices

You can reference either an order or a delivery when creating an invoice .

If you want to ensure that goods have already been shipped before an invoice iscreated, create an invoice with reference to a delivery.

You can create an invoice for goods (the carpet) and service (laying

(assentar) the carpet), as long as the corresponding requirements for combiningthe two are met.

Order-Related Invoices

If you want toinvoice a customer for services rendered, normally you createan invoice with reference to thesales order because deliveries are not usuallycreated for services.


CancellationTo cancel a billing document, you must create a cancellation document. Thesystem copies data from the reference document into the cancellation and offsetsthe entry in Accounting .

The reference document of the billing document ( for example, the delivery for the canceled invoice) can now be billed again.

Credit memos can be cancelled with billing document type S2 in thestandard system.

You also have the option of canceling individual items in a billing document.

Credit and Debit Memos

You can create credit and debit memos either with reference to credit or debit memo request (sales document), or, if your company does not require

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a release procedure in the case of complaints, directly with reference to abilling document.

You can create credit and debit memo requests:

• Without reference to a previous business transaction• With reference to an Order • With reference to a Billing document

Releasing or Rejecting Credit Memo Requests

You can release a credit memo request or return by removing the billing block.

You can enter a reason for reject for each item.

The value of theses items will not be copied into thebilling document.

Workflow for Credit Memo Requests

Credit memo requests are usually blocked for billing (that is, credit) uponcreation until the employee responsible releases this block.

If the value of thecredit memo request is below a certain minimum limit, then it

can be released automatically by the system.Invoice Correction Process Flow

The Invoice Correction request represents a combination of credit and debitmemo requests.

The invoice correction request must be created with reference to thecorresponding billing document ( no reference to order or inquiry).

When creating an invoice correction request, the items are automatically

duplicated (this means that for every item in the billing document, a seconditem is created). The resulting item categoriesmust have opposite +/- values.

First all credit memo items are listed, followed by all debit memo items.

The credit memo item cannot be changed. The corresponding debit memoitem, however, can be updated according to new characteristics (newpricing, change in quantity).

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You can delete debit and credit memos in pairs.

You can create an invoice correct for quantity difference or Price difference.

ReturnsYou create a return for goods sent back from a dissatisfied customer.Returns are processed in the same way as a credit memo requests.

The credit memo is billed with reference to the order, which means it refers tothe return request document, not to the return delivery.

Pro Forma Invoices

Billing Types for pro forma invoices are available for export transactions.

You can create pro forma invoices with reference to orders or deliveries. Youdo not need to post the goods issue before creating a delivery-related proforma invoice.

You can create as many pro forma invoice as required, since the billingstatus in the reference document is not updated.

Data from pro forma invoices isnot transferred to Accounting.

Cash Sales

For cash sales , payment is made when goods are ordered. The invoice isalso printed at this time.

• The order and the delivery are created in one step.• The goods issue is posted at a later time as a separate transaction so

the customer does not have to wait.Order Type CS is used for Cash Sales.

The actual billing document can be created later after the goods issue hasbeen posted.

Type SC is configured as follows:

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• Order-related billing• No output determination, as this already been carried out

in the order • No new price determination, as the pricing should not differ

from the printed invoice• Posting in Financial Account is made to a cashsettlement account, not to the customer • Billing type SV is used for Cancellations in cash sales


The Billing Process

Each billing document requires a reference document (exception : billing of external transactions). This may be:

⇒ Sales document⇒ Outbound delivery⇒ Billing document

Reference Document

You must always refer to an existing document when creating a Billingdocument.

The quantities can be taken from the delivery; the prices however are takenfrom the underlyingorder.

Data Flow

You can, to a certain extent, influence data flow from reference documents tobilling documents . This is done using:

⇒ Billing Types⇒ Copying control

o At header level :• Foreign trade data• Allocation number • Reference number • Item number assignment

o At Item Level• Quantity• Pricing

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You can also use data transfer routines to influence the data flow to meetyour individual requirements. For example, Terms of payment can be copiedfrom the customer master instead of the preceding sales document.

Copying Control

The system administrator can define how data is transferred in the billingprocess in the copying control table . Controls are determined for:

• The header • The item

The following controls are found at header level:

• Reference document : Which documents may be used asreference for billing?

• Determination of foreign trade data , allocation numbers ,reference numbers, and item numbers.

The following controls are found at item level:

• Billing quantity;• Pricing and exchange rate• Should price, be carried out again or should prices from the

order be copied over, and at what exchange rate?• Updating the quantity and value in the reference document• Where should the conditions in the billing document be carried

over from, copying over shipment costs from the shipmentcost document?

In copying control you can specify whether goods issue has to be postedbefore billing can be carried out.

Billing Quantity

Deliveries and order quantities are referenced in billing. You can also takeinto account, the quantity already billed (Depending on the area for whichthe relevant billing type is used).

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This makes it possible, to create an order-related billing document for quantitiesalready delivered. (Ex.: Quantity already delivered minus quantity alreadybilled).

Pricing Overview

The system determines a pricing procedure based on document information.

Individual condition types are stored in this pricing procedure in acorresponding sequence .

An access sequence is stored for every condition type. This defines thesearch strategy the system utilizes when searching for validcondition records.

For each access, the key fields are filled with document data so that thesystem can search for available condition records in the condition file.

These condition records can be created using scales.

When determining a suitable, validcondition record, the scale is read with thenumber of pieces or the value from the item, and the correspondingprice/discount is set in the document.

The procedure described above is carried out for everysingle condition typecontained in the pricing procedure.

Pricing in the Billing Document

At the time of billing, the following possible pricing typesmay be set for theitems:

A: The pricing elements are copied from the reference document and updatedaccording to a scale.B: Pricing is carried out again.C: The manual pricing elements are copied, and pricing is carried out again for the others.D: The pricing elements are copied unchanged from the reference document.G: The pricing elements are copied unchanged from the reference document.

The tax conditions are determined again.H: The pricing elements are copied unchanged from the reference document .

The system administrator can assign a pricing type or define new ones for each type and item category combination.

The system administrator can also define how the rate is determined.

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Todo processo coletivo gera um LOG.

The selection criteria for aBilling Due List is: Sold-to party, billing date, anddestination country.After saving a Billing Due List, you can display thelog to determine whichbillingdocuments were created from a billing due list and whether any errorsoccurred.

You can process the billing due list in simulation mode. The system displaysthe billing documents without saving documents.

Further selection data ( sales document number, distribution channel, division,and shipping point) and new ways of processing are available when processing

the billing due list.Creating Invoices on Specific Dates

You can process invoices periodically. All deliveries due for billing on a certaindate can be combined into one collective invoice.

To do this, you must first:

• Maintain individual billing dates inthe factory calendar usingspecial rules

• Enter the factory calendar in the Customer Master Record of the PAYER (Billing schedule screen)

When you create a document , the system copies the next invoice date fromthe factory calendar to the appropriate document as the billing date.

The calendar is client-independent.

Billing in the Background

You may decide to create invoices using a background job because it ispractical and efficient . You can run the background job automatically in thefollowing ways:

• Periodically (for example, every Monday at 2 a.m.• At a specific time

Cancellation of Collective Billing Run

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You can cancel a collective billing run .

This cancels all the Billing documents in a collective run. The caneled billingdocuments are combined under a collective processing number in collective

processing type S and can be displayed by choosing Billing document – Log.You can then bill the preceding documents for the canceled billing documentagain.

General Billing Interface

Using the general billing Interface, you canInvoice external documents in theSAP system. (that is, orders and deliveries not created in the SAP system).

To do this, you must first:

• Prepare the data in a sequential file of specified format• Specify a minimum number of required fields to be filled from the

data records• Specify the remaining number of required for billing either through

the data records for the sequential file or through the system(optional fields).


Collective Billing DocumentAs a rule, the system attepts to combine all compatible transactions in a singlebilling document.

Automatic Invoice Split

If the header partners or data in the header fields are not identical, thesystem willautomatically perform an invoice split.

All header partner and header fields in the billing document can cause an

invoice split.Item-Dependent Invoice Split

The system administrator can also define additional split requirements inCustomizing for copying control, to prevent the system fromcombining salesdocuments in a billing document.

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Individual Billing Documents

You can configure the SAP system to create one billing document for each salesdocument.

Invoice ListInvoice List contains various billing documents ( invoices, credit and debitmemos) and can be sent to a payer on specified days or at certain intervals.

Uma Invoice List é um Billing Document Type.

You can agree upon a factoring discount .

Each billing type to be Included in an invoice list must be assigned aninvoice list type.

You also need to maintain the followingmaster data:

⇒ Define a factory calendar, which specifies when invoice lists areto be created, Enter this factory calendar in thePayer Customer Master Record

⇒ Maintain condition records for condition type, RL00, for thepayes

⇒ Create output condition records for the condition types, LR00and RD01]You can use communications technology to decide whether invoice documents are sent to the customer when the invoice list iscreated or whether they are not sent until the invoice list is created.

You can cancel invoice lists. In the case of factoring discounts , acorresponding cancellation document is created for FI.


Billing Plans – Periodic Billing and Milestone Billing

Billing Plan

When processing an order, instead of storing a single billing date, you canstore a detailed billing plan with several billing dates in the sales document atitem level.

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$You can also define a billing plan at header level, which is then valid for allitems assigned to it. These header billing plans are assigned to salesdocument types.

There are two types of Billing Plans:Periodic billing is often used for rental and service agreements, in order tobill the full amount periodically at certain dates.

Milestone billing is often used in plant engineering and construction, in order to spread billing of the full amount over several dates within a billing plan.

Periodic Billing

The start and end dates define the duration of the billing plan. If possible

they are taken from the contract data. You may decide not to set an enddate (if the duration is unlimited).

You can create new dates either directly in the billing plan, or using the reportRVFPLA01. Youshould schedule the report to run at regular intervals , sincenew dates are not compiled automatically when individualsettlement periodsare billed .

Milestone Billing

During milestone billing, thetotal value to be billed is distributed among the

individual dates according to certain rules .You can enter as many dates per billing plan as you require.

Billing plan dates can be blocked for billing.

The system creates an entry in the billing index for each billing date.

Dates that have already been billed can no longer be changed in the billingplan.

Billing Plan with Link to Milestone BillingMilestone area assigned to the billing plan dates and blocked for billing until themilestone is confirmed ascompleted.

Billing Rule: Determining Billing Value

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A billing rule can be created for each billing plan date. Thisrule determines howthe value to be billed on a particular date is determined.

This allows you to define, for example, whether a fixed amount or apercentage of the total amount is to be billed.

The system can also determine whether the amount to be billed counts as afinal invoice for which as yet unbilleddates must also be taken into account .

Withinpricing, condition records are created for special condition types, for which monthly prices can be defined.

Customizing for Billing Plans

The billing plan type is determined from the document item category andthe relevance for billing.

Date descriptions represent the text description for the corresponding billingdates in the billing plan.

The date categories defined have a control function at billing date level. For example, they determine which billing rule is used to settle the date, whether thebilling date is a fixed date and whether abilling block is set for this date.

Date rules are needed in the billing plan, in order to define the start date and theend date, as well as to determine the corresponding billing dates.

The foundation of every date determination rule is a basis date to which adefined period is added.

Differentiation of periodic billing and milestone billing with the relevantcontrolling parameters is carried out via thebilling plan type.

The date proposal is used exclusively for milestone billing. It determines asequence of dates that are used as the reference for date determinationduring order processing .

Down Payment Processing in Sales Distribution/Financial Accounting

Down payments are usually arranged with the customer when dealing with plantengineering and construction or capital goods.

Down payments are already created in the sales order.

At the corresponding due date , a down payment request (billing documentin Sales and Distribution ) is sent to the customer .

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The down payment request in SD is automatically posted in FinancialAccounting (FI) as a down payment request. The item has a special GeneralLedger (G/L) indicator, which ensures that posting is statistical.

When posting an incoming payment for a down payment , the incomingpayment is assigned to the down payment request .

When processing partial/final invoices, the down payments made are transferredas down payment to be cleared. Within Financial accounting, the downpayments are deducted from the special reconciliation account and entered inthe standard reconciliation account. The down payments for clearing thenappear as open items for the customer and reduce the receivables total .

Down Payment Agreements in the Sales Order

Down payment processing iscarried out with the billing plan function.One or more down payment agreements can be stored as a date in a billingplan.

The value of the agreed down payment can be entered either as a fixed amountor as a percentage of the value of the item.

Control is carried out via the billing rule:

o Billing rule 4: Down payment for percentage milestone billingo

Billing rule 5: Down payment for value-based milestone billingThe down payment agreement can be assigned directly to an item , or it canbe defined as valid for all items in the order .

Down Payment Request

As soon as the billing date (in the billing plan) for the down payment has beenreached , the system creates a down payment invoice and sends it to the

customer .Billing Type FAZ, is used to create the down payment request .

This down payment request can be created as follows:

⇒ Automatically via thebilling due list processing in a collectiverun

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⇒ Explicitly by specifying theorder number via the transactionCreate billing document

Tax is determined and displayed automatically when the down paymentrequest is created.

The down payment request in FI, is created automatically from the downpayment request in Sales and Distribution .

Incoming Payments for Down Payments

When a payment request is settled , the especial General Ledger (G/L) indicator A displays the incoming payment in Financial Accounting as adown paymentby posting .

You can view the down payments in the open items of accounts receivable

under the special G/L indicator A.The down payment request is correspondingly set to cleared in the documentflow of thesales order .

Partial Invoice – Full Settlement

For partial and final invoices , the down payments made are transferred to thebilling documents as down payments for clearing.

Partial Invoice – Proportional Settlements

During partial invoicing , the amount of the down payment to be cleared canbe changed .

In this case, the maximum amount for clearing is the amount received as downpayments minus the down payments already cleared.

Duringfinal invoicing, all uncleared down payments are taken into account.

Installment Payments ( Parcelas)

Installment Plan

An installment plan allows the customer to pay in installments . Only onebilling document is created for all of the installment payments. The printedinvoice is created on the basis of this billing document and includes a list of individual payment dates and exact amounts .

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Each installment payment creates an account receivable line item postingin Financial Accounting.

You must define installment payment terms in Customizing.

For installment payment terms, you must specify the number and amountof the installment in percentage and payments terms for each installmentpayment.

Account Determination Process and Areas

Using Account Determination

You will need to determine the accounts to be posted in severaldifferent areas :

• G/L accounts for posting sales revenue, sales deductions, andVAT are to be determined automatically when data istransferred from the billing document to FI.

• When processing cash sales , a G/L account must be set inthe document for cash settlement ( no posting to customer account)

• In addition, the system can determine a reconciliation accountthat is different from the account that is entered in thepayer master record.

• When using payment cards , you also need to post todiffering G/L accounts .

Account Assignment Criteria in Billing

The sales revenue accounts are created in FI, in order to receive certainevaluations and to be able to carry out reconciliation with the ProfitabilityAnalysis .

For this reason you can set different criteria for account determination of the

relevant accounts. The following criteria are defined in the standard system:• Chart of accounts• Sales organization• Account assignment group for payer (Payer Master Record)• Account assignment group for material (Material Master Record)• Account key (Discounts and surcharges – Pricing Procedure)

Revenue Account Determination

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Account determination is carried out using condition technique.

Depending upon the billing type, an account determination procedure isassigned for G/L accounts.

This determination procedure contains one or more condition types towhich an access sequence is assigned .

This access sequence is composed of individual accesses in the form of condition tables .

The condition tables contain the fields and field combinations upon whichrevenue account determination depends.

The key fields are filled withdocument data , so that the system can search for a

corresponding G/L account for the relevant combination.If an access determines a G/L account, then it is set in the accounting documentand search is determined.

The account for posting VAT is not determined in account determination inSales and Distribution. The relevant assignment is stored in Customizingfor Financial Accounting.

Account Assignment for Business Areas

Business AreasA company code represents an independent accounting unit . The balancesheet and the profit loss statement required by law are created at this level .

A business area can report financial information across several company codeswith regard to specif fields of activity.

Business area balance sheets and profit and loss statements can only beused for internal reporting.

G/Laccounts can be posted by business area .The Business area has no fixed assignment in Customizing; it is determinedper order item according to certain rules.

Determining the Business Area

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You can specify the rules you want to use for determining the business areafor each sales area.

These rules are available (this can not be extended):

• Business area assignment by plant and item division• Business area assignment by sales area• Business area assignment by sales organization, distribution

channel, and item division

This can lead to different business areas being determined for several itemswithin thesame order.


Link to Financial Accounting

The system sends billing data in invoices, credit memos, and debit memosto Financial Accounting and posts them to the correct accounts.

The following data can be changed before an accounting document iscreated:

• Billing date• Pricing•

Account determination• Output determination data

Once the billing document, has been released to accounts, you can onlychange output data.

Posting Block

Normally, the system automatically transfers accounting-related data to FinancialAccounting.

However, you might not want thedata to be transferred automatically for certainbilling types. In that case you can set a posting block for the billing typeconcerned.

The system will then generate the accounting documents only after youhave released the billing document.

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This allows you to generateSales and Distribution billing documents first, thenprint out the billing documents and finally, transfer them to FI. In this way youcan improve system performance.

Reference Numbers and Allocation Numbers

You can automatically fill theReference number and allocation number fieldsin the accounting document with numbers fromSD documents.

The reference number is in the header of the accounting document and isused for clearing.

The allocation number, is in the customer line item and is used for sorting linenumbers.

In Customizing for copying control in billing, you can define which numberswill be copied as reference or allocation numbers:

• A – Purchase order number • B – Sales order number • C – Delivery number • D – External delivery number • E – Billing document number • F – External delivery number if available, otherwise delivery number

Reference Numbers in Invoice ListsYou must first create billing documents and post them to FinancialAccounting before you combine them in an invoice list . The number that wassaved as a reference number in copying control is then transferred to FinancialAccounting.

When the invoice list is created, the reference number from the invoice listoverwrites the reference numbers from the individual billing documents.

Ex.: 90000001 - 9000000490000002 - 9000000490000003 - 90000004

This enables you to post incoming payments with the invoice list number.

Transaction-Related Document Types

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You can differentiate between document in Financial Accounting by using thedocument type.

Up until now, the system has given all Sales and Distribution documents the FIdocument type RV.

You can carry out differentiated number assignments , by using thedocument type field within the billing document type configuration.


Head Office and Branches (filial)

When maintaining master data , you can represent the relationship betweenthe head office and its branches.

You can either represent this relationship with the partner functions inSales andDistribution, or with the Head office field in the accounting segment of thecustomer master record.

You can use the Head office/branch field in the billing type to control whichpartner functions in the billing document should be transferred do FinancialAccounting.

Negative Postings

In the SAP standard system,cancellations and credit memos

are posted onthe opposite side of the account as compared to posting receivables to thecustomer.

Customers requested that credit memos and cancellations could be postedon the same side as receivables . This allows the account to have a zerobalance .

If you wish to do this,you must activate the Negative postings field for thebilling types for credit memos and cancellations.

The system transfers this information toFinancial Accounting across the FI-CO interface .

Value Dated Credit Memos

The period for the billing document baseline payment date can be used asthe basis for value dating the credit memo.

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Controlling processing of credit memo value dating is carried out via thevalue dated credit memo field in billing types.

If this indicator is blank, then the procedure continues as usual, that is, the creditmemo is due immediately on thebilling date.

If the Value Credit Memo field is selected in the credit memo billing type, thereference billing document is not cleared, and if the baseline date for paymentfor the originatingbilling document is after the billing date in the credit memo ,the baseline payment from the originating billing document is entered in theValue Date Field in the credit memo .

Copying Control

Document Flow

Data is copied from the preceding to the subsequent document in theprocess . This process chain is captured in the document flow .

The document flow is updated at full document level . If the “UpdateDocument Flow”indicator is set in copying control , the document flowis updated for individual items too .

Creating with referenceYou can create sales document with reference to documents that werecreated previously.

You can enter a different requested delivery date for all the items in thenew document.

In this way you can transfer individual items and partial quantities from thereference document into the new document.

You cannot copy incomplete sales documents.

Copying control – Overview

There are Copying control tables for Sales Document , Deliveries and BillingDocument. They can control:

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• Copying Requirements• Allowed source and target documents• Data transfer routines• Update document flow•

Transfer schedule lines?• Influence the document status• Quantity/Value Update• Control of price determination

There are three levels for copying control for sales documents :

- Header - Item- Schedule line

Copying Requirements

Before data is copied from the reference document to the target document,certain requirements must be met.

Significa atender alguns requisitos para passar adiante.

Once the copying requirements are satisfied, the specified data transfer routinesare executed.

Copying Control – Header Level

The detailed screen for a selected “Target document type/Source documenttype” pair contains:

• Copying requirements• Data transfer routines• The agreement on whether or not item numbers are copied to the

target document•

The “full reference” agreementCopying Control – Item Level

In copying control, the item level controls are defined for eachitem category for every “Target document type / Source document type” pairing.

The details screen for an item category contains:

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• Copying requirements• Data transfer routines

And includes the following important entries:

• Quantity/value pos/neg:• Copy quantity• Pricing type• Update document flow

The item category determination rules also apply when you create salesdocuments with reference.


Pode-se ter textos em Customer Master Record, Material Master Record,Customer/Material Master records and in allDocuments .

The Customer master records, contains central texts , texts specific toAccounting and to Sales and Distribution as well as texts for contactpersons . You can define different text types for each of these areas.

Sales note, marketing note, shipping specification are example of texttypes.

The material master record contains a purchase order text and a sales text.

Documents contains texts at header and item level

You can enter a text in several different languages.

Texts in Business Processes

Texts can also be copied from a reference document to another sales anddistribution document.

Texts can be copied in a specific language.

You can determine the conditions under which texts are to be copied, for example, whether the text is copied from thecustomer master record, or from apreceding document.

Text Control Overview

You can define different text determination procedures for each text object.

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Example, the sales document header or the central text for a customer.

The text determination procedures contain all the text types that can bemaintained for a text object .

Each characteristic in a text object must be assigned to one of the definedprocedures.

You can define an access sequence for every text type in the textdetermination procedure for documents .

You can also define specific controls for each text type , such as including atext type in the incompleteness log .

Text Control – Text Type

A Text Type is created for a specific text object.Text Control – Permitted Text Objects

Every access step contains a specified text object as the source for theaccess.

Text Control – Text Determination Procedure

Text types are included in a text determination procedure. The textdetermination procedures contain alltext types that can be maintained for a text

object.For document text determination procedures you can also specify whether:

• A text should bemandatory (Incompleteness log)• The text should be determined automatically• Whether the text should be displayed in a text window (popup)

when it is transferred to the documentText Control – Procedure Assignment

Each attribute of a text object must then be assigned to one of the definedtext determination procedures.

This means that when you create a customer master record, the system usesthe text determination procedure that has been assigned to that customer’saccount group .

Using Texts as Reference

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For each text type in a text determination procedure, you can determinewhether the text adopted is copied

Text Source “Preceding Document” in the Billing Document

The text source for text objects VBBK (Sales and distribution header texts) andVBBP (Sales and distribution item texts) can be selected in the configuration for the billing type.

If “Text Delivery” isswitched off, the corresponding texts are taken from theorder.

If “Text Delivery” isswitched on, the corresponding texts are taken from theoutbound delivery.

OUTPUT DETERMINATIONOutput in the SAP system is for communication purposes (particularly with thecustomer).

The information that influences output determination is stored as master data, inthe form of condition records.

Output Types in SD

Output is a means of communication for exchanging information between

partners and systems.In the Sales document, Delivery document and Billing document, you havethe follows Output Types:

• Order confirmation (BA00/BA01)• Delivery note (LD00)• Invoice (RD00)• Cash Sales invoice (RD03)• Sales activity (KO00)• Mail Credit processing (KRML)• Scheduling agreement (LP00)• Quotation confirmation (AN00)

You can make output determination dependent on different criteria . Thecondition technique is used for this.

Todo output tem que ter uma Transmission media.

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Transmission Media

The transmission medium determines how output is issued . For example, youcan agree with the customer that an order confirmation is sent by EDYor that

notification is given beforehand by way of the Internet .A program with the relevantlayout sets can be assigned to each output typeand transmission medium .

Communication Strategy

A communication strategy represents a sequence of communication types.

The communication strategy can be used for external transmission.

Timing of OutputYou can determine when an output is to be issued .The following times are available:

• You can run at regular intervals.• Automatically• Explicit

Overview of Output determination

Output is determined using the condition technique.

You determine the transmission medium, the time and the partner function inthe condition record.

It is also possible to create output that is not dependent on a particular partner.

Output ProcessingProcuring and Preparing Data

The structure and data in the documents that are processed online are stored inthe database.

To transmit output , the system procures the data from the database andprepares it for the required transmission medium.

Printing Data

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The account group specifies:

• Which entries in the master record are required or optional• The number range for the customer account number • Whether the number is assigned by the user or system• Whether or not the account is a one-time account• Whichoutput determination procedure is used

You can add your ownaccount groups to those that are predefined in the SAPstandard system .

Customer Master – Selecting Fields for Data Groups

You can use field selection for each account group to determine whether fieldentries are option or required. Any fields that are not required can be hidden.

The field status information for the two influencing factors (account groupand transaction) are combined in pairs.

Table Control

Table control is a display element that enables you to configure the table view tomeet customer-specific requirements.

Transactions Variants / Screen Variants / GUIXT

Transactions processes can be simplified with screen variants. These can:

Alterar as telas e ocultar o que não interessa.• Enter default values in fields• Hide and change the ready for input status of fielsds

Hid h l