Download - Catalogo TNT 2015 EXTRA - - · Os acertos das compras deverão ser efetuados na Rua Ibiapinópolis, 61 ... (sete) dias úteis, caso ... Rainha Carolina

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ART. 1º- O Leilão Virtual da Totalidade da Geração 2013 do Stud TNT, será realizadono dia 03 de Julho de 2015, sexta-feira, às 14:00 horas.

ART. 2º - A arrematação far-se-á pelo maior lance.ART. 3º - É facultado aos interessados fazer examinar por técnicos de sua confiança

os produtos a serem licitados, antes do Leilão. Portanto, serão INACEITÁ-VEIS quaisquer reclamações posteriores.

ART. 4º - Os vendedores e a APPS (Agência Paulista do Puro Sangue) não se res-ponsabilizarão por quaisquer alterações ocorridas no estado dos animaisapós a arrematação, tampouco acidente de transporte.Parágrafo único - Lembramos aos interessados que procedam com an-tecedência a devida revisão dos animais, pois, uma vez na pista, a distânciaimpede muitas vezes a verificação de detalhes, somente visíveis de perto, ereclamações desta natureza não serão aceitas.

ART. 5º - Os animais, estão alojados no Stud TNT, em Bagé - RS, e deverão serretirados no prazo de 3 (três) dias úteis a contar da data da arrematação.

ART. 6º - Os lances corresponderão ao valor da parcela mensal, que serão multipli-cados por 15 (quinze), e resultará no valor total da arrematação.

ART. 7º - Foram dispensados os necessários cuidados para que o catálogo estejacorreto, mas a APPS (Agência Paulista do Puro Sangue), os vendedores e oleiloeiro não respondem por erros ou omissões do mesmo. Eventuais corre-ções feitas durante o leilão prevalecerão sobre o catálogo.


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ART. 8º - Os compradores poderão optar pelas seguintes condições de pagamento:- 15 parcelas mensais iguais e sucessivas, sem juros e sem correção.- à vista com desconto a ser anunciado pelo leiloeiro.- os animais arrematados por valor de parcela inferior ou igual a R$1.000,00(hum mil reais) deverão ser pagos à vista.

ART 9º - Os interessados em obter financiamento deverão apresentar, à APPS, ca-dastro para apreciação, até 10 dias antes do leilão.Parágrafo único - Os compradores que não estiverem cadastrados ouaqueles cujos cadastros não forem aprovados terão que efetuar o paga-mento à vista, gozando do desconto estipulado.

ART. 10º - Os compradores deverão pagar as seguintes taxas:a. 8,0% (oito por cento) sobre o valor do arremate, para qualquer opção depagamento.b. Transferência de propriedade, de acordo com a tabela de emolumentosdo Stud Book Brasileiro.

ART. 11º - Aos compradores compete ainda:a. assinar no ato da compra nota promissória no valor correspondente aopreço da aquisição, mais as taxas devidas, com vencimento contra apresen-tação e que deverá ser paga ou substituída quando da regularização dacompra.b. Assinar, no ato da arrematação, a transferência de propriedade.c. Assinar no ato da arrematação o contrato de financiamento;d. Os acertos das compras deverão ser efetuados na Rua Ibiapinópolis, 61- São Paulo, ou no escritório da APPS localizado no Hipódromo da Gávea -Vila Hípica 4.

ART. 12º - O ICMS é de responsabilidade do vendedor na forma do decreto 34.448. Osprodutos com idade inferior a 36 meses estão isentos de ICMS. Entretantopara as vendas interestaduais o imposto é devido e seu recolhimento seráde responsabilidade do comprador.


ART. 13º - O animal arrematado será entregue pelo vendedor mediante autorizaçãopor escrito, da APPS (Agência Paulista do Puro Sangue), a qual será dadaimediatamente após a regularização da compra, correspondendo ao ven-dedor a responsabilidade de manutenção do animal até, no máximo, 3 (três)dias subsequentes à arrematação.A partir do 4º (quarto) dia útil, as despesas de manutenção ficarão por contado comprador, pagas diretamente ao vendedor no dia da retirada do animalno valor de R$ 100,00 (cem reais) a diária.Parágrafo único - Eventuais problemas decorrentes da não retirada doanimal são de exclusiva responsabilidade do comprador.

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ART. 14º - A palavra do leiloeiro, no decorrer do Leilão, está credenciada a alterar oucomplementar estas normas, bem como as demais informações do catálo-go. O leiloeiro reserva-se o direito de não aceitar lances de pessoas que, aseu exclusivo critério, julgar não responsáveis, sendo seu julgamento sobe-rano.

ART. 15º - Fica estabelecido o fôro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro - RJ, para a eventuali-dade de qualquer pendência judicial.

ART. 16º - Após o prazo de 2 (dois) dias úteis, caso não tenha ocorrido o acerto porparte do comprador, o vendedor poderá aceitar, ou não, com a anuência daagência organizadora, a substituição do comprador.

ART. 17º - No caso de acerto direto entre as partes, as taxas deverão ser pagas àAgência.

ART. 18º - As taxas do leilão são irrestituíveis, mesmo para os casos de anulação.ART. 19º - Os casos omissos serão julgados pelos vendedores e pela APPS (Agência

Paulista de Puro Sangue), a seu exclusivo critério, sendo finais e definitivasas suas decisões, não podendo ser encaminhado nenhum tipo de reclama-ção, sem primeiro ocorrer o acerto inicial.

ART. 20º - É facultado ao vendedor a exigência de avalista. No caso da não aprovaçãodo avalista indicado, o comprador ficará sujeito ao pagamento à vista.

ART. 21º - O não pagamento de uma das notas promissórias implica no vencimentoautomático de todas as demais, ainda por vencer.

ART. 22º - Após o prazo de 7 (sete) dias úteis, caso não tenha ocorrido o acerto porparte do comprador, o vendedor poderá cancelar a venda.

ART. 23º - Por se tratar de um leilão virtual o comprador poderá, no prazo de 48 horas,examinar o animal adquirido. Após este prazo não serão aceitas reclama-ções de nenhuma espécie.

ART. 24º - O Compromissário Comprador, depois de notificado por via postal, comprazo de CINCO DIAS, outorga desde já poderes especiais e irrevogáveisao Jockey Club, para debitar em conta corrente do PROPRIETÁRIO E/OUCRIADOR, todas as parcelas devidas e referentes ao presente compromisso de compra vencidas e não pagas nas épocas convencionadas,inclusive juros de mora e/ou multa contratual, dando como bons e corretos os débitos eventualmente feitos, sem direito a qualquer reclamaçãoou contestação. Os valores debitados em conta corrente doCompromissário Comprador serão levados a crédito em conta correntedo Promitente Vendedor, caso não haja contranotificação fundamentada.Para todos os fins de direito, o endereçamento da notificação postal seráo constante no contrato firmado pelo Compromissário Comprador, cabendo a ele no caso de mudança comunicar, por escrito, ao PromitenteVendedor.

ART. 25º - A APPS não é responsável por eventuais problemas nas aquisições feitasatravés do sistema telefônico implantado no leilão.

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Brave Lady .......................................... 49

- C -Cat Chatter .......................................... 50

- H -Heroic Move ........................................ 01Herzblatt .............................................. 02

- I -Important Daisy .................................... 03Innocent Kiss ....................................... 04

- J -Jolie Celina .......................................... 05Jolie Rafaela ....................................... 06

- L -Linda Rafaela ...................................... 07Linda Regina ....................................... 08Love That Hill ....................................... 09Love Tune ............................................ 10Lovin’Rafaela ...................................... 11

- M -Magic Lamp ......................................... 12Magic Rafaela ..................................... 13Movie Star ............................................ 14My Fair Lady ........................................ 15

- N -Naught Rafaela ................................... 16Neuilly .................................................. 17New Rafaela ........................................ 18Newly Wed .......................................... 19Niquita ................................................. 20Notre Dame ......................................... 21Nouvelle Cuisine ................................. 22

- O -Ohneguinha ......................................... 23

Oriental Beauty .................................... 24Outra Rafaela ...................................... 25

- P -Precious Rafaela ................................. 26Precious Zuca ...................................... 27Presente .............................................. 28Princesa Rafaela ................................. 29Puma Kitten ......................................... 30

- R -Rainha Carolina .................................. 31Rainha Celina ..................................... 32Reina Carina ....................................... 33

- S -Simply The Best ................................... 34Sky My Darling .................................... 35Sonho Lindo ........................................ 36Stick Around ........................................ 37Super Carina ....................................... 38Sweet Carina ....................................... 39Sweetest Thing .................................... 40

- T -Toujour Paris ....................................... 41Tua Carina ........................................... 42

- U -Utopie D’Amour ................................... 43Utterly Carina ....................................... 44

- V -Veramente Bella .................................. 45Viva Fafa .............................................. 46Voila Carina ......................................... 47

- W -Whinny ................................................. 48

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01 - DELICADODOMARIOM . M.A. .... 04.08 ... Vettori ........................ Heroic Move02 - N. N. ..................................... F.A. ..... 05.10 ... Vettori ........................ Herzblatt03 - DUCHESSE CARINA ..... F.C. ..... 08.08 ... Redattore .................. Important Daisy04 - DÓ MAIOR ......................... M.A. .... 31.07 ... Vettori ........................ Innocent Kiss05 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 30.07 ... Redattore .................. Jolie Celina06 - N. N. ..................................... F.A. ..... 31.07 ... Redattore .................. Jolie Rafaela07 - DI RAFAELA ..................... F.A. ..... 27.08 ... Wild Event ................. Linda Rafaela08 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 30.09 ... First American .......... Linda Regina09 - DON JUAN ........................ M.C. .... 22.08 ... Wild Event ................. Love That Hill10 - DEGOLA ............................. M.C. .... 02.07 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Love Tune11 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 05.08 ... Vettori ........................ Lovin’Rafaela12 - DÓ MENOR ........................ F.C. ..... 06.10 ... Dubai Dust ................ Magic Lamp13 - DENTUÇO .......................... M.C. .... 09.08 ... Vettori ........................ Magic Rafaela14 - N. N. ..................................... M.A. .... 28.08 ... Vettori ........................ Movie Star15 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 14.07 ... Drosseleyer .............. My Fair Lady16 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 26.10 ... Dubai Dust ................ Naught Rafaela17 - DETRAN ............................. M.C. .... 17.07 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Neuilly18 - D’RTAGNAN ...................... M.C. .... 14.07 ... Out Of Control .......... New Rafaela19 - DEAR CARINA ................. F.A. ..... 21.08 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Newly Wed20 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 30.08 ... First American .......... Niquita21 - N. N. .................................... F.C. ..... 07.08 ... Vettori ........................ Notre Dame22 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 11.09 ... Molengão ................... Nouvelle Cuisine23 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 03.09 ... Wild Event ................. Ohneguinha24 - DEMOSTENES .................. M.C. .... 28.07 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Oriental Beauty25 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 11.09 ... Dubai Dust ................ Outra Rafaela26 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 30.08 ... Redattore .................. Precious Rafaela27 - N. N. ..................................... F.A. ..... 03.07 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Precious Zuca28 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 28.07 ... Mellon Martini ............ Presente29 - DANTE ALEGHIERI ........ M.A. .... 10.07 ... Vettori ........................ Princesa Rafaela30 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 30.09 ... Redattore .................. Puma Kitten31 - DRAGO ............................... M.A. .... 27.08 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Rainha Carolina32 - DISSENÃODISSE ............ F.A. ..... 12.08 ... Out Of Control .......... Rainha Celina33 - N. N. ..................................... F.A. ..... 09.07 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Reina Carina34 - N. N. ..................................... F.A. ..... 14.08 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Simply The Best35 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 11.07 ... Dubai Dust ................ Sky My Darling36 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 02.08 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Sonho Lindo37 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 26.07 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Stick Around38 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 02.07 ... Vettori ........................ Super Carina39 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 03.08 ... First American .......... Sweet Carina40 - DEMODÉ ............................. M.C. .... 21.09 ... First American .......... Sweetest Thing41 - DEVOLVIDO ...................... M.C. .... 19.08 ... First American .......... Toujour Paris42 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 02.07 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Tua Carina43 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 25.07 ... First American .......... Utopie D’Amour44 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 14.07 ... Redattore .................. Utterly Carina45 - N. N. ..................................... M.A. .... 01.08 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Veramente Bella46 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 01.08 ... First American .......... Viva Fafa47 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 07.08 ... Out Of Control .......... Voila Carina48 - N. N. ..................................... F.C. ..... 24.08 ... Put It Back ................. Whinny49 - N. N. ..................................... M.C. .... 16.09 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Brave Lady50 - N. N. ..................................... M.A. .... 02.08 ... Drosselmeyer ........... Cat Chatter



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VettoriIRE - 1992

Heroic MoveBRZ - 1997


Air Distingue


Bleu Blanc Rouge

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheI SayQuaranaSteady GrowthBounding Stone

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m, Longchamp Pouled’Essai des Poulains, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner. Sire of 1061rnrs, 661 wnrs, 38 SW, inc. Meu Rei - Medaha (Sau.) (Cidade Jardim G.P.Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, Macavelli Miss, St.Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.), L’Azzura, Out ofControl, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, Lady Vettori, etc.

1st damHEROIC MOVE, by Clackson. Winner at 1500m in Brazil. Half-sister to LOVIN’RAFAELA,

GRACIOUS RAFAELA (dam of PACIÊNCIA), Match Point, Onda Gigante (dam ofFRISSON). This is her ninth foal. Dam of eight foals to race, six winners, inc:-BIÓLOGO (c. by Vettori). 6 wins from 1800m to 2400m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Taca Cidade

Maravilhosa, L, Cidade Jardim Classico Antonio da Silva Prado, L, Classico Emerson, L, 2dCidade Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, G.P. Consagracao, Gr.2, G.P. Linneo de PaulaMachado, Gr.3, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.3, Classico Antonio da Silva Prado, L, 3d GaveaG.P. Brasil, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Sao Paulo, Gr.1, G.P. Natal, Gr.3.

Olympic Movie (f. by Know Heights). 2 wins at 1600m, 2000m in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Platina, 3d Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2.

Bonitinhodomariom (c. by Redattore). 3 wins at 2000m, 2400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, GaveaProva Especial Falcon Jet, Prova Especial Quiproquó.

Véspera de Natal (c. by Giant’s Causeway). Winner at 2000m in Brazil.Threelittlewords (f. by Wild Event). Winner at 2 at 1600m in Argentina.Incredible Move (f. by Baligh). Winner at 1500m in Brazil.

2nd damBLEU BLANC ROUGE, by Steady Growth. Winner at 2000m in Brazil. Dam of 10 foals, all

raced, 7 winners, inc:-LOVIN’RAFAELA (Candy Stripes). 3 wins at 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Duque de Caxias,

Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Adayr Eiras de Araujo, Gr.2. Dam of-Tiro de Guerra (Our Emblem). 3 wins to 1500m in Brazil, 3d Taruma G.P. Derby

Paranaense, Gr.3, Gavea G.P. Professor Nova Monteiro, Gr.3, 4th Taruma ClassicoAlo Ticoulat Guimaraes, L.

Ana Flavia. 2 wins at 1500m, 1600m in 2013-14 in Brazil.GRACIOUS RAFAELA (Booming). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Octavio

Dupont, L, 3d Gavea G.P. Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. OrganizacaoSulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, 4th Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1. Dam of-PACIÊNCIA (Know Heights). 2 wins at 2000m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Henrique de

Toledo Lara, Gr.3, 4th C.Jardim Classico Pres. Mario Ribeiro Nunes Galvao, L. Producer.Nascar Champ. 4 wins from 1400m to 2400m in Brazil.Abundancia. Winner at 1000m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

Match Point (Royal Academy). Winner at 2000m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. DerbyPaulista, Gr.1, Gavea Classico Justica do Trabalho, L.

Principe Encantado. 4 wins at 1600m in Brazil.North Sea. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil.Jambalaya. Winner at 2400m in Brazil, 4th Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1. Dam of-

Awesome Lady. 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 2000m to 2014-15 in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Indian Chris, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Joiosa.

O Lâmpada. 5 wins from 2000m to 3000m in Brazil.Heroic Move. Winner. See above.Nakarova. Placed in Brazil.Onda Gigante. Raced twice. Dam of-

FRISSON (Refuse to Bend). 4 wins at 1400m, 1600m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade JardimG.P. Pres. da Republica, Gr.1, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente Do Jockey Club, Gr.2.

DELICADODOMARIOMChestnut Colt - Foaled August 04, 2013


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N. N.Chestnut Filly - Foaled October 05, 2013


VettoriIRE - 1992

HerzblattUSA - 1997


Air Distingue


Hero’s Love

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheCaroRide The TrailsHero’s HonorBalloon Race

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m, Longchamp Pouled’Essai des Poulains, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner. Sire of 1061rnrs, 661 wnrs, 38 SW, inc. Meu Rei - Medaha (Sau.) (Cidade Jardim G.P.Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, Macavelli Miss, St.Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.), L’Azzura, Out ofControl, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, Lady Vettori, etc.

1st damHERZBLATT, by Cozzene. 3 wins at 6f, 6½f, $129,928, Woodbine Allowance-twice. Half-sister to

LOVE KISS (dam of HAMPSTEAD HEATH), LOVE STING (dam of AREZZO). This isher eighth foal. Dam of six foals to race, four winners-AWESOME HERO (c. by Awesome Again). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 6f, Turfway Hansel S., L, 3d Fair

Grounds Mardi Gras S., L.Zapparition (f. by Ghostzapper). 4 wins from 1m to 1½m, $183,030, Gulfstream Allowance,

2d Gulfstream The Very One S., Gr.3, 4th Churchill Downs Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S.,Gr.2.

La Llanura (f. by El Prado). 4 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Spain, 2d Madrid Gran PremioRoman Martin, 3d Spanish Oaks.

Havilah (f. by Awesome Again). Winner at 8¼f in Canada.Banana Nanica (f. by Vettori). Placed at 2 in 2013-14 in Brazil.Michillinda (f. by Candy Ride). Placed at 3 in Canada.

2nd damHERO’S LOVE, by Hero’s Honor. Champion turf horse In Canada in 1993. 9 wins from 6f to 1¼m,

$787,680, Santa Anita San Gorgonio H., Gr.2, Woodbine EP Taylor S., Gr.2, Arlington ParkModesty H., Gr.3, Woodbine Jockey Club Cup, Can-2, Gulfstream Joe Namath H., L, 2d SantaAnita Santa Ana H., Gr.1, Atlantic City Matchmaker S., Gr.2, Keeneland Bewitch S., Gr.3, SantaAnita Buena Vista H., Gr.3, Woodbine Canadian Breeders’ Cup H., Can-2, 3d Woodbine EPTaylor S., Gr.2-twice, Arlington Park Modesty H., Gr.3, Woodbine Nassau S., Can-2-twice,Fair Grounds Bayou H., L. Dam of 13 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, inc:-LOVE STING (Lit de Justice). 4 wins at 8½f, 9f, $198,750, Calder Oaks, L, 2d Calder Soft

Parade S., L, 4th Fort Erie Ernie Samuel Memorial S., L. Dam of-AREZZO (Rock Hard Ten). 7 wins from 1000m to 1600m to 2014-15 in Peru, Monterrico

Clasico Coronel Alfonso Ugarte, L.Tres Colores. 9 wins-1 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in Mexico, 3d Las Americas Campeonato

Juvenil, Clasico Nueva Hipica.LOVE KISS (Gone West). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 6f to 8½f, $217,578, Colonial Tippett S., L,

Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Woodbine Natalma S., Gr.3, 3d Woodbine River Memories H., L,Calder Just A Little Kiss H., L. Dam of-HAMPSTEAD HEATH (Macho Uno). 5 wins from 1m to 9f, $439,847, to 2014, Woodbine

Halton S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Woodbine Nijinsky S., Gr.2, Sky Classic S.,Gr.2, Cup and Saucer S., L, 3d Woodbine Coronation Futurity, L.

El Sirio. 5 wins to 1300m to 2013-14 in Peru.Red Ace. 6 wins at 1m, 8½f in U.S.A. Sire.Matar. 3 wins at 5f, 6½f, $107,602, to 2015 in U.S.A.Showbird. 3 wins from 5f to 8½f in Canada.Herzblatt. 3 wins. See above.Overrated. Winner at 8½f in U.S.A.Lemon Blossom. Winner at 8½f in U.S.A. Dam of-

Cat With a Twist. 2 wins at 1m in 2014 in U.S.A.Blushing Doe. Unraced. Dam of-

Blushing Ghost. 3 wins at 1900m, 2100m to 2014 in Turkey.

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DUCHESSE CARINABay Filly - Foaled August 08, 2013


RedattoreBRZ - 1995

Important DaisyBRZ - 1996

Roi Normand

Political Intrigue


Daisy Buck

Exclusive NativeLuth de SaronDeputy MinisterFascinating TrickLyphardSwanildaSpend a BuckOopsie Daisy

REDATTORE (BRZ) (Bay 1995-Stud 2004). 15 wins-1 at 2, Gavea G.P. Presidenteda Republica, Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1. Sire of 486 rnrs, 320 wnrs, 25SW, inc. Kapo di Tutti (Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1),Zara, Sutil, Estrela Do Oriente, Renânia, Real Secret, Tango Uno, Fast Feet,Notável Sureña, Compari, Ladyttore, Al Arab, Keynes, Royal Canadian,Davignon, Olympic Beijing, Diretaprodisco, Media Man, On the Brink, etc.

1st damIMPORTANT DAISY, by Ghadeer. Unraced. This is her thirteenth foal. Her twelfth foal is a yearling.

Dam of nine foals to race, eight winners-NEW EXPORT (c. by Exile King). Champion 3YO Colt in Brazil in 2004-05. 6 wins-1 at 2-from

1100m to 2000m, $213,737 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1,G.P. Francisco Eduardo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, Hollywood Allowance, 2d Lone StarDallas Turf Cup, Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. Frederico Lundgren, Gr.3, Hollywood Inglewood H.,Gr.3, Del Mar Harry F Brubaker H., L.

E DO SUL (c. by Irish Fighter). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1200m to 1600m in Brazil, Cidade JardimG.P. Presidente do Jockey Club, Gr.3, 2d Taruma Classico Associacao Brasileira de Cria-dores, L. Sire.

Makenji (f. by Patio de Naranjos). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1300m to 1600m in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Mario Jorge de Carvalho, 2d Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, G.P.Antonio Carlos Amorim, Gr.3-twice, Prova Especial Independencia, 3d Gavea G.P. RogerGuedon, Gr.3, Classico Armando Rodrigues Carneiro, L. Dam of-El Gran Verdugo (Dancer Man). 2 wins at 1400m, 1500m to 2013-14 in Uruguay, 2d

Maroñas Clásico Criadores Nacionales, L, 3d Maroñas Clasico Romantico.Regal Zeus. Winner at 1400m in 2013-14 in Uruguay.

Moonhanger (g. by Malibu Moon). 5 wins from 1m to 8½f, $117,318, to 2013, 3d MonmouthJersey Derby, L.

Futuro da Noite (c. by Irish Fighter). 10 wins from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, Taruma G.P.Jockey Club Brasileiro.

Gaúcho Dos Anjos (c. by Patio de Naranjos). 8 wins from 1300m to 1600m in Brazil. RainhaCarolina (f. by Roi Normand). 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil.

Bryan Adams (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1500m in 2013-14 in Brazil.Adoravel Zuca (f. by Elusive Quality). Placed at 2 in Brazil.

2nd damDAISY BUCK, by Spend a Buck. 4 wins to 1300m in Canada and Brazil. Half-sister to Dark

Accent, Sir Bird. Dam of 8 foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, inc:-New Daisy. 3 wins-1 at 2-to 1500m in Brazil. Dam of-

Van Daisy (Dodge). 3 wins at 1100m, 1200m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. PresidenteJoao Carlos Leite Penteado, Gr.3.

3rd damOOPSIE DAISY, by Dewan. Unraced. Sister to AFIFA, half-sister to ALIAS SMITH, AUCTION

RING, WHOW (dam of SECOND OF JUNE), Northern Walker (dam of PASSAGERE DUSOIR), Passing My Way (dam of PHONE CHATTER). Dam of 13 foals, 11 to race, 8winners, inc:-Dark Accent (Pretense). 8 wins, $274,153, 2d Arlington Park Sea o Erin H., Gr.3, 3d

Arlington Park Sea o Erin H., Gr.3, Swoon’s Son H., Gr.3, Golden Gate Telly’s Pop InvitationalS., L, Pomona Invitational H., L.

Sir Bird (Storm Bird). 3 wins, 2d Rome Premio Daumier, L.

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DÓ MAIORChestnut Colt - Foaled July 31, 2013

VettoriIRE - 1992

Innocent KissBRZ - 1998


Air Distingue

Roi Normand

La Bastille

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheExclusive NativeLuth de SaronGhadeerChastity

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m, Longchamp Pouled’Essai des Poulains, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner. Sire of 1061rnrs, 661 wnrs, 38 SW, inc. Meu Rei - Medaha (Sau.) (Cidade Jardim G.P.Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, Macavelli Miss, St.Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.), L’Azzura, Out ofControl, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, Lady Vettori, etc.

1st damINNOCENT KISS, by Roi Normand. 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.

Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1. Three-quarter-sister to Night-Fall (dam of EXPRESS WAY), Smoky Salmon, half-sister to Magic Keller.This is her seventh foal. Her sixth foal is a 2YO. Dam of five foals to race, four winners, inc:-RICH AND FAMOUS (c. by Know Heights). 4 wins-1 at 2-from 1600m to 2400m in Brazil,

Cidade Jardim G.P. Criadores e Proprietários de Cavalos de Corrida de São Paulo, Gr.3,Gavea Classico Taca Cidade Maravilhosa, L, 2d Gavea G.P. Doutor Frontin, Gr.2, ClássicoJustiça do Trabalho, L, 3d Gavea G.P. Almirante Marques de Tamandare, Gr.2, CidadeJardim G.P. Ministro da Agricultura, Gr.3, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Jockey Club de Sao Paulo,Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Presidente Arthur da Costa e Silva, Gr.3.

Dinamaquina (c. by Know Heights). 3 wins at 1200m to 2014-15 in Brazil, 4th Cidade JardimClassico Emerson, L.

Panini (c. by Know Heights). 3 wins at 1600m, 2000m in Argentina.Urucum (c. by Northern Afleet). Winner at 1400m in Argentina.

2nd damLA BASTILLE, by Ghadeer. 3 wins at 1200m, 1300m in Brazil. Three-quarter-sister to (Galaxy)

Treasure, half-sister to Night-Fall (dam of EXPRESS WAY), Smoky Salmon. Dam of12 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, inc:-INNOCENT KISS (Roi Normand). 3 wins. See above.Magic Keller (Royal Academy). Winner at 2 at 1300m in Brazil, 3d Gavea G.P. Francisco

Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2, G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Zelia GonzagaPeixoto de Castro, Gr.1. Dam of-Vitória Final (Vettori). Winner at 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1.

Rafaela Bailarina. 2 wins at 1400m in Argentina, 3d Palermo Especial Su Majestad, EspecialPicomayo.

Patriot. 5 wins from 1400m to 1600m in Brazil.Sacode a Poeira. 2 wins at 1400m in Brazil.Nouvelle Keller. Winner at 1400m in Brazil. Producer.Hit the Gold. Winner at 1300m in Brazil. Dam of-

Mr. Fantasy. Winner at 2 at 1000m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim Prova Especial José e LuizVieira de Carvalho Mesquita.

3rd damCHASTITY, by Sassafras. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, inc:-

Smoky Salmon (Roi Normand). 6 wins at 1500m, 1600m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. JockeyClub Brasileiro, Gr.1, G.P. Francisco Eduardo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. PresidenteEmilio Garrastazu Medici, Gr.2, Classico Julio Capua, L, 3d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio deJaneiro, Gr.1, G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, G.P. Gervasio Seabra, Gr.2, CopaANPC Milha, Gr.3, G.P. Jose Carlos de Figueiredo, Gr.3.

Night-Fall (Roi Normand). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1500m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1,G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2, G.P. Ministerio da Agricultura, Gr.3, G.P. LuizFernando Cirne Lima, Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, G.P. Zelia GonzagaPeixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. Carlos Telles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2.


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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled July 30, 2013

RedattoreBRZ - 1995

Jolie CelinaBRZ - 1999

Roi Normand

Political Intrigue


China Empress

Exclusive NativeLuth de SaronDeputy MinisterFascinating TrickSharpen UpTrephineWavering MonarchAutumn Rythym

REDATTORE (BRZ) (Bay 1995-Stud 2004). 15 wins-1 at 2, Gavea G.P. Presidenteda Republica, Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1. Sire of 486 rnrs, 320 wnrs, 25SW, inc. Kapo di Tutti (Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1),Zara, Sutil, Estrela Do Oriente, Renânia, Real Secret, Tango Uno, Fast Feet,Notável Sureña, Compari, Ladyttore, Al Arab, Keynes, Royal Canadian,Davignon, Olympic Beijing, Diretaprodisco, Media Man, On the Brink, etc.

1st damJolie Celina, by Trempolino. Winner at 2 at 1300m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo,

Gr.1, G.P. Adayr Eiras de Araujo, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Duque de Caxias, Gr.2, G.P. CarlosTelles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2. This is her seventh foal. Dam of four foals torace, all winners-Rock in Bage (c. by Roi Normand). 9 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1700m, $242,648, to 2014

in U.S.A. and Argentina, San Isidro Especial Balistico, Belmont Allowance, 2d San Isidro G.P.Gran Criterium, Gr.1.

Tintinportintin (c. by Hennessy). 5 wins to 1400m to 2013-14 in Argentina.Botucatu Star (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1300m in 2013-14 in Brazil.Usina Nuclear (f. by Northern Afleet). Winner at 1300m in Brazil.

2nd damCHINA EMPRESS, by Wavering Monarch. 4 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Roger

Guedon, Gr.3, Classico Octavio Dupont, L. Half-sister to Barrier Reef. Dam of 9 named foals, 5to race, 4 winners, inc:-Jolie Celina (Trempolino). Winner. See above.Otelo. 9 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m in Brazil.Irlandes Voador. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m in Brazil.New Celina. Winner at 1400m in Brazil. Dam of-

Apple Mania (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil, 2d GaveaClassico Ministerio da Agricultura, L, Premio Copa Leilões Jockey Club Brasileiro.

Royally Bred. Unraced. Dam of-Irish. 4 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1600m to 2013-14 in Brazil, Cidade Jardim Prova

Especial Raul E Irene Crespi, 3d Cristal Clássico Lauro Schuck.It is Royal. 3 wins at 1300m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Veio Zuza. 3 wins at 1500m, 1900m to 2013-14 in Brazil.

3rd damAUTUMN RYTHYM, by Slew o’ Gold. Winner at 6f in U.S.A. Half-sister to Riverbride, Blue

Garter, Madame Saddam (dam of MADAME ROAR). Dam of 8 foals, all winners, inc:-CHINA EMPRESS (Wavering Monarch). 4 wins. See above.Barrier Reef (Irish River). 4 wins-1 at 2-from 1200m to 2000m in India, 2d Bombay Ramniwas

Ramnarain Ruia Gold Cup, L.

4th damHERECOMESTHEBRIDE, by Al Hattab. 12 wins-3 at 2, $174,368, Hialeah Columbiana H., Gr.3,

Gulfstream Bonnie Miss S., L, Calder Miss Florida H., L, Miss Tropical H., L, Hialeah Poinciana H., L,Monmouth Miss Woodford S., L, 2d Monmouth Oaks, Gr.1, Monmouth Pocahontas H., L. Sister toACHARMER, Toby Too, Al’s Charm (dam of AYANKA), half-sister to ROSY SPECTRE, VIDIDGOLD, Like a Julep (dam of ADD MINT), Prospector’s Charm (dam of SUPERB PROSPECT),Light a Charm (dam of OLYMPIC CHARMER). Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, inc:-Riverbride (Riverman). 4 wins at 1600m, $212,041, Evry Prix d’Angerville, 2d Deauville Prix

de la Nonette, Gr.3, Woodbine Nassau S., Can-2, Greenwood Tattling H., Can-3, DeauvillePrix de la Calonne, L, 3d Longchamp Prix Marcel Boussac, Gr.1, Woodbine Breeders’ CupH., Can-2, 4th Longchamp Prix Vermeille, Gr.1, Rome Premio Lydia Tesio, Gr.1. Producer.


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N. N.Chestnut Filly - Foaled July 31, 2013

REDATTORE (BRZ) (Bay 1995-Stud 2004). 15 wins-1 at 2, Gavea G.P. Presidenteda Republica, Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1. Sire of 486 rnrs, 320 wnrs, 25SW, inc. Kapo di Tutti (Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1),Zara, Sutil, Estrela Do Oriente, Renânia, Real Secret, Tango Uno, Fast Feet,Notável Sureña, Compari, Ladyttore, Al Arab, Keynes, Royal Canadian,Davignon, Olympic Beijing, Diretaprodisco, Media Man, On the Brink, etc.

1st damJOLIE RAFAELA, by Trempolino. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Luiz

Fernando Cirne Lima, Gr.3, 2d Gavea Classico Octavio Dupont, L, 3d Gavea G.P. HenriquePossollo, Gr.1. Half-sister to Inbegriff (dam of BETNAL). This is her sixth foal. Dam of five foalsto race, three winners, inc:-Nikolic (c. by Know Heights). 6 wins from 1400m to 2400m to 2014-15 in Brazil, 2d Cidade

Jardim Prova Especial Dono da Raia, Prova Especial Renato Junqueira Netto, 3d CidadeJardim G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, G.P. Presidente da Associacao Brasileira deCriadores e Proprietarios do Cavalo de Corrida, Gr.3, G.P. Ministro da Agricultura, Gr.3.

Votre Rafaela (f. by Giant’s Causeway). 2 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil.Big Stick (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil, 4th Cidade Jardim

G.P. Farwell, Gr.1.

2nd damKARTA BRANCA, by Ascot Knight. 2 wins at 1200m in Brazil. Half-sister to Incorporated (dam of

COPPER TRAIL). Dam of 5 named foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, inc:-JOLIE RAFAELA (Trempolino). 2 wins. See above.Don Chico. 3 wins at 1100m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Jockey Club do Parana, 3d

Gavea Prova Especial Jayme Moniz de Aragão, 4th Gavea Classico Dia da Justiça, L.Sweet Duda. Winner at 1400m in Brazil.Inbegriff. Unplaced. Dam of-

BETNAL (Dubai Dust). 5 wins-2 at 2-to 1300m in Uruguay, Maroñas Clasico Treinta yTres Orientales, L, 2d Maroñas Clásico Francisco Anaya, 3d Maroñas Clásico BoinaRoja, Clásico Pedro Indart Denis, Clásico Verona, Clásico Boina Roja, Clásico YerbaAmarga, Clásico Asociacion de Criadores de SPC.

3rd damYELLOW FINN, by McCracken. 3 wins in U.S.A. Half-sister to BLUE FINN, FANCY RIBBONS,

Pixie Place, Storm Chimes (dam of WHISKED AWAY). Dam of 6 named foals, 4 to race,2 winners, inc:-Karta Branca. 2 wins. See above.Incorporated. Placed in U.S.A. Dam of-

COPPER TRAIL (Foxtrail). 9 wins-2 at 2-from 6f to 8½f, $318,408, Woodbine Frost KingS., L, Fort Erie Juvenile S., L, 2d Woodbine Victoria Park S., L, 3d Woodbine CoronationFuturity, L, 4th Woodbine Vice Regent S., L, Deputy Minister S., L.

4th damMY YELLOW BIRD, by Raise a Native. Raced once. Half-sister to SHE’S SCRUMPTIOUS, Che

Sara Sara, Sequel (dam of RAGING SEQUEL). Dam of 9 foals, 5 to race, all winners, inc:-BLUE FINN (Empery). Champion 2YO colt in Canada in 1986. 15 wins-5 at 2, $588,367,

Arlington Park Round Table S., Gr.2, Woodbine King Edward Gold Cup, Gr.3-twice, Grey S.,Gr.3, Summer S., Gr.3, Keeneland Forerunner S., L, Fort Erie International Turf Cup, L, 2dFair Grounds Mutual Savings Life Derby H., L, Meadowlands Jonathan Witherspoon S., L,3d Aqueduct Pilgrim S., Gr.3, 4th Arlington Park Secretariat S., Gr.1.

FANCY RIBBONS (Blushing Groom). 4 wins-2 at 2, $242,630, Churchill Downs GoldenRod S., Gr.3, Gulfstream Davona Dale S., L, 2d Gulfstream Bonnie Miss S., Gr.2,Monmouth Post-Deb S., Gr.2.

RedattoreBRZ - 1995

Jolie RafaelaBRZ - 1999

Roi Normand

Political Intrigue


Karta Branca

Exclusive NativeLuth de SaronDeputy MinisterFascinating TrickSharpen UpTrephoneAscot KnightYellow Finn


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DI RAFAELAChestnut Filly - Foaled August 27, 2013


Wild EventUSA - 1993

Linda RafaelaBRZ - 2000

Wild Again

North Of Eden

Bin Ajwaad

Poli Arumba

IcecapadeBushel-N-PeckNorthfieldsTree of KnowledgeRainbow QuestSalidarExecutionerArumba

WILD EVENT (USA) (Bay 1993-Stud 2000). 10 wins-1 at 2-from 7f to 1½m, ChurchillDowns Turf Classic S., Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Paradise Creek (BelmontManhattan H., Gr.1). Sire of 696 rnrs, 531 wnrs, 54 SW, inc. Old Tune (CidadeJardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Smile Jenny, Eu Tambem, Talenta,Sorrentino, Fluke, Cruiseliner, Tônemai, Olympic Message, Poker Face, DoubleTrouble, Que Fuerza, Viewfinder, Change of Plains, Vanua Levu, etc.

1st damLINDA RAFAELA, by Bin Ajwaad. 3 wins at 1600m, 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Marciano de

Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, 3d Gavea G.P. Roberto e NelsonGrimaldi Seabra, Gr.1. Half-sister to Classe Arumba, Ajuste Fiscal. This is her eighth foal.Dam of seven foals to race, five winners-VIVA RAFAELA (f. by Know Heights). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m, $220,490 in

U.S.A. and Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1, Gavea Prova Especial Indian Chris, 2dGulfstream Orchid S., Gr.3, Saratoga Glens Falls S., Gr.3, Waya S., L, 3d Belmont FlowerBowl S., Gr.1, New York S., Gr.2, Gulfstream The Very One S., Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P.Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2.

Unique Zuca (f. by Northern Afleet). 3 wins from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Platina, 2d Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1.

Baby Go Far (f. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 1500m in 2014-15 in Brazil, 3d Cidade JardimG.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1.

Awesome Rafaela (f. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Charm di Rafaela (f. by Roi Normand). Winner at 2 at 1400m in Brazil.Chagall de Mer (c. by Vettori). Placed at 2 in 2014-15 in Brazil.Linda Arumba (f. by Our Emblem). Placed in Brazil. Dam of-

Tem Raca. Winner at 1600m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

2nd damPOLI ARUMBA, by Executioner. 4 wins from 1400m to 1800m in Brazil. Sister to JARUMBA (dam

of OJOTABÊ), half-sister to NETO JOE, OUTRA ARUMBA (dam of DONO DA RAIA,ALVANI), Saudoso Sabu, Kitty Arumba (dam of SOLUS FERUS), Zarumba Bis (dam ofIMPERIALISTA). Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, inc:-LINDA RAFAELA (Bin Ajwaad). 3 wins. See above.Classe Arumba (Fort de France). Winner at 2 at 1400m in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P.

Presidente Antonio Teixeira de Assumpcao Netto, Gr.2, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. OrganizacaoSulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, G.P. Presidente Fabio da Silva Prado, Gr.2, G.P. PresidenteLuiz Oliveira de Barros, Gr.3. Producer.

Ajuste Fiscal (Legal Case). 2 wins at 1500m in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. OswaldoAranha, Gr.1, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1.

Documento Fiscal. 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in France, Brazil and Sweden, LongchampPrix du Jeu de Paume, 2d Deauville Prix de la Vallee de la Seine, 3d Longchamp Prix desCelestins, Deauville Prix du Chenet.

3rd damArumba, by Viziane. 4 wins from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim Premio Especial

Joaquim da Cunha Bueno, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Presidente Silvio Alvares Penteado, L.Sister to Zarumba (dam of JUST US). Dam of 16 foals, 11 to race, all winners, inc:-NETO JOE (Quintus Ferus). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 1200m to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneo

de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, G.P. Costa Ferraz, Gr.3, 3dGavea G.P. Associacao Brasileira dos Criadores de Cavalos de Corrida, Gr.1, G.P. MarioAzevedo Ribeiro, Gr.3.

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled September 30, 2013


FappianoDemureIsgalaI’m A PleasureMendezLunadixHighest HonorProspector’s Star

Quiet American

In Jubilation



First AmericanUSA - 1996

Linda ReginaFR - 2001

FIRST AMERICAN (USA) (Bay 1996-Stud 2000). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1m, 9f, HialeahFlamingo S., Gr.3. Half-brother to SW Little Baby Bear (Gavea G.P. ZeliaGonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1). Sire of 366 rnrs, 294 wnrs, 34 SW, inc.Cores Do Brasil (C. Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Timeo, Outplay,That Sunday, Uncle Tom, Doppia Vendetta, Sparkling Gold, Nozze di Figaro,Amor Surpresa, Ed American, Lucky Shot, River Savage, Don Miloca, etc.

1st damLINDA REGINA, by Linamix. 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1800m, 2100m, Toulouse Prix Fille de l’Air, Gr.3, 2d

Longchamp Prix Casimir Delamarre, L, Strasbourg Grand Prix de la Region Alsace, L. Half-sister to Viva Carina. This is her seventh foal. Her sixth foal is a 2YO. Dam of four foals to race,three winners, inc:-Serial Killer (c. by Leroidesanimaux). 3 wins from 1500m to 1900m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Prova

Especial Helíaco.All Black (c. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 2 at 1400m in Brazil.Utopie d’Amour (f. by Know Heights). Winner at 2 at 1400m in Brazil.

2nd damALTAMIRA, by Highest Honor. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1800m in France. Sister to LA GANDILIE

(dam of FASHION ROCKS), half-sister to TOTOSTAR, Shareef Prospect, Donna Star(dam of STAR OF AKKAR). Dam of 8 named foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, inc:-LINDA REGINA (Linamix). 3 wins. See above.Viva Carina (Giant’s Causeway). 2 wins at 1m, 1¼m, $145,920, 2d Santa Anita Santa

Barbara H., Gr.2, Del Mar Torrey Pines S., L, 4th Santa Anita Autumn Miss S., Gr.3.Trueno Negro. Champion Miler & Older Horse in Spain in 2007. 6 wins from 1400m to 1800m in

Spain, Madrid Premio Claudio Carudel Caja Madrid, 3d San Sebastian Premio Gobierno Vasco.Matarazzo. 3 wins at 2400m in France.Tua Carina. 2 wins at 1200m, 1400m in Argentina.

3rd damPROSPECTOR’S STAR, by Mr. Prospector. Winner at 1m in Ireland. Half-sister to Avian Eden (dam

of AVANZADO, AUGURI, AFILADO). Dam of 7 named foals, all raced, 6 winners, inc:-TOTOSTAR (Mtoto). 6 wins-2 at 2-from 1000m to 2000m, $195,228, Milan Premio Gino

Mantovani, L, 2d Merano Premio delle Alpi, L, Turin Premio Avvocato Carlo Marangoni, L, 3dMilan Premio Novella, L, Turin Premio Royal Mares, L. Producer.

LA GANDILIE (Highest Honor). 2 wins at 2 at 1600m, Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, L, 3dChantilly Prix Chloe, Gr.3, Deauville Prix de la Calonne, L. Dam of-FASHION ROCKS (Rock of Gibraltar). 2 wins at 2 at 6f, Salisbury Dick Poole S., L,

Goodwood Links of London 2YO Fillies’ S.Shareef Prospect (Shareef Dancer). 6 wins from 1700m to 2300m, $109,793 in France andU.S.A, 3d Retama Chick Lang Jr Memorial H., L.Donna Star. Placed at 2 in France. Dam of-

STAR OF AKKAR (Distant Relative). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1600m to 2000m, Chantilly PrixChloe, Gr.3, Longchamp Prix Vanteaux, Gr.3, Deauville Prix de la Nonette, Gr.3,Longchamp Prix du Bois Rouaud, 2d Chantilly Prix de Diane, Gr.1, Deauville La Coupedu Fonds Europeen de l’Elevage, L, Toulouse Grand Criterium du Languedoc, L. Producer.

4th damASTRIOUS, by Piaster. 3 wins at 2, $144,330, Santa Anita Oak Leaf S., Gr.1, Del Mar Coronado

S., L, 2d Santa Anita Anoakia S., Gr.3. Half-sister to B. T’S BABY (dam of FAST DELIVERY,LET FLY), SATISFACTUAL. Dam of 4 named foals, 3 to race, all winners, inc:-Astrial. Winner at 8½f in U.S.A. Producer.

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DON JUANBay Colt - Foaled August 22, 2013


Wild EventUSA - 1993

Love That HillUSA - 2001

Wild Again

North Of Eden

Deputy Commander


IcecapadeBushel-N-PeckNorthfieldsTree of KnowledgeDeputy MinisterAnka GermaniaBaynounSand Dancer

WILD EVENT (USA) (Bay 1993-Stud 2000). 10 wins-1 at 2-from 7f to 1½m, ChurchillDowns Turf Classic S., Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Paradise Creek (BelmontManhattan H., Gr.1). Sire of 696 rnrs, 531 wnrs, 54 SW, inc. Old Tune (CidadeJardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Smile Jenny, Eu Tambem, Talenta,Sorrentino, Fluke, Cruiseliner, Tônemai, Olympic Message, Poker Face, DoubleTrouble, Que Fuerza, Viewfinder, Change of Plains, Vanua Levu, etc.

1st damLOVE THAT HILL, by Deputy Commander. Placed at 3 in U.S.A. Half-sister to Tiger Motion, In the

Sand (dam of TIMEO, ANAKIN). This is her eighth foal. Her seventh foal is a 2YO. Dam of sixfoals to race, four winners-TSONGA (c. by Our Emblem). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 1400m to 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, Classico Luiz Rigoni, L, 2d Gavea G.P. Gervasio Seabra, Gr.2,Prova Especial Falcon Jet, 3d Gavea G.P. Jose Carlos e Joao Jose de Figueiredo, Gr.3, 4thGavea Classico Barao e Baronesa von Leithner, L.

AINDA MELHOR (f. by Elusive Quality). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m, 2000m to 2014-15 in Brazil,Cidade Jardim G.P. 25 de Janeiro, Gr.2, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Platina, 3d Gavea G.P.Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente Jose Bonifacio CoutinhoNogueira, Gr.2, Gavea G.P. Henrique de Toledo Lara, Gr.3, P.E. Risota, P. Especial Joiosa.

River Tiete (c. by Alphabet Soup). 6 wins from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, 3d Gavea P. E. FalconJet, 4th Gavea G.P. Joao Borges Filho, Gr.2, G.P. Antonio J. Peixoto de Castro Jr, Gr.2.

Shark (c. by Know Heights). 2 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Argentina.Vittorio de Sica (c. by Northern Afleet). Placed at 3 in Brazil.Urlovely (f. by Northern Afleet). Placed at 3 in Brazil.

2nd damSANDHILL, by Baynoun. Winner at 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de

Almeida Prado, Gr.3. Sister to SANDPIT, half-sister to Sandbox, Sunningdale (dam ofBRÜNNHILDE). Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, inc:-Tiger Motion (Grand Slam). 2 wins at 2 at 1200m, 1700m, Fukushima Kimmokusei Tokubetsu,

2d Nakayama Tokyo Sports Hai Nisai S., Jpn-3, 4th Nakayama Asahi Hai Futurity S., Jpn-1.Chocolate Caramel. 8 wins-1 at 2-from 1¼m to 16¾f, York CSL Scaffolding S., 2d Goodwood

Turftv for Betting Shops H., Newmarket Home of Horse Racing H., York Sky Bet S.In the Sand. 2 wins at 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

TIMEO (First American). 5 wins-2 at 2-from 1600m to 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. JAdhemar de Almeida Prado, Gr.1, G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, Cidade JardimG.P. Sao Paulo, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Presidente Arthur da Costa e Silva, Gr.3, 2d GaveaG.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, Gavea P. E. FalconJet, 4th Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, C. Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1.

ANAKIN (Dancer Man). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.Dezesseis de Julho, Gr.2, 2d Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1, G.P. Antonio JoaquimPeixoto de Castro Jr, Gr.2, 4th Gavea G.P. Brasil, Gr.1.

Coronado’s Dancer. Raced once. Dam of-Sarava’s Dancer (Sarava). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 8¼f, 8½f, Keeneland Allowance, 3d Calder

In Reality S., L.

3rd damSAND DANCER, by Green Dancer. Raced once. Sister to Shelley, half-sister to SO SNOB. Dam

of 8 foals, all raced, 7 winners, inc:-SANDPIT (Baynoun). Champion 3YO in Brazil in 1993. 14 wins from 1m to 1½m, $3,812,597

in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1, G.P. Francisco Eduardo de PaulaMachado, Gr.1, G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, Hollywood Turf H., Gr.1, Santa AnitaOak Tree Invitational H., Gr.1, San Luis Rey S., Gr.1, etc.

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DEGOLABay Colt - Foaled July 02, 2013


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Love TuneBRZ - 2005

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Our Emblem

Breeder’s Song

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxMr. ProspectorPersonal EnsignSolsteinPasiflora

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders’ Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair GroundsLouisiana Derby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa BayChallenger S., L. Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct AffectionatelyH., L, 3d Belmont Ruffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegettersBeauty First, etc.

1st damLOVE TUNE, by Our Emblem. 2 wins at 2 at 1100m, 1500m in Brazil, C.Jardim G.P. Joao Cecilio

Ferraz, Gr.1, 4th Belmont Elizabeth Bay S., L. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a yearling.

2nd damBreeder’s Song, by Solstein. Winner at 2 at 1100m in Brazil, 2d C.Jardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. 25

de Janeiro, Gr.2, Classico Jacutinga, L, 3d C.Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1. Half-sisterto LICENSE TO RUN, Ubata Fighter. Dam of 8 named foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, inc:-LOVE TUNE (Our Emblem). 2 wins. See above.Merry Tune. 3 wins at 1700m, 2000m in Argentina.Joyful Melody. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil.Impulse Locomotive. Winner at 1300m in 2013-14 in Brazil.High Note. Winner at 1400m in Brazil.Only the Lonely. Placed at 3 in Brazil.

3rd damPASIFLORA, by Salt Marsh. Unraced. Half-sister to PREMIER ROLE, Pourpier (dam of PIER

SEVENTEEN, PRINTEMP). Dam of 13 foals, all raced, 10 winners, inc:-LICENSE TO RUN (Exile King). 6 wins from 1600m to 2400m, $148,497 in U.S.A. and Brazil,

Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1, G.P. Antonio Joaquim Peixoto de Castro Jr, Gr.2, SantaAnita San Luis Obispo H., Gr.2, 3d Hollywood Turf Cup, Gr.1.

Breeder’s Song (Solstein). Winner. See above.Ubata Fighter (Irish Fighter). 8 wins from 1400m to 1900m in Brazil, 2d Taruma Classico Alo

Ticoulat Guimaraes, L, 3d Taruma Classico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, L, CidadeJardim Classico Renato Junqueira Netto, L.

Noveless. 10 wins to 1400m in Brazil. Dam of-Royal-Runner. 3 wins-2 at 2-at 1400m, 1500m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Turf Gran Prix.

Pérola Do Rei. 5 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m in Brazil. Producer.Kiflora. 5 wins to 1500m in Brazil.My Love Bage. 3 wins to 1300m in Brazil.Top Model Ghadeer. 2 wins at 1000m, 1100m in Brazil. Producer.Oscurare. 2 wins at 2 at 1500m in Brazil.

4th damPANGA, by El Centauro. 3 wins in Argentina. Half-sister to PAGANINI, POPPINI, PREGONERA,

Pariñas (dam of PRETENCIOSO). Dam of 8 foals, 5 to race, all winners, inc:-PREMIER ROLE (Mat-Boy). 4 wins-2 at 2- in Argentina, Palermo Clasico Coronel Miguel F

Martinez, Gr.2, Handicap Congreso, L. Sire.Pourpier. Winner in Argentina. Dam of-

PIER SEVENTEEN (Ringaro). 6 wins in Argentina, Palermo G.P. de las Americas OSAF,Gr.1, La Plata Clasico 9 de Julio-Dia de la Independencia, Gr.3, Palermo ClasicoIrlanda, Gr.3, 2d Palermo Clasico Republica Federativa del Brasil, Gr.3, 3d La PlataClasico General Jose de San Martin, Gr.3. PRINTEMP (Ringaro). 3 wins at 2 at1200m, 1400m, $107,736, Greyville JB McIntosh Fillies Classic, L, 2d Clairwood GoldenSlipper, Gr.1, 4th Greyville Strelitzia S., Gr.3.

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled August 05, 2013


VettoriIRE - 1992

Lovin’RafaelaBRZ - 2000


Air Distingue

Candy Stripes

Bleu Blanc Rouge

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheBlushing GroomBubble CompanySteady GrowthBounding Stone

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m, Longchamp Pouled’Essai des Poulains, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner. Sire of 1061rnrs, 661 wnrs, 38 SW, inc. Meu Rei - Medaha (Sau.) (Cidade Jardim G.P.Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, Macavelli Miss, St.Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.), L’Azzura, Out ofControl, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, Lady Vettori, etc.

1st damLOVIN’RAFAELA, by Candy Stripes. 3 wins at 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Duque de Caxias,

Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Adayr Eiras de Araujo, Gr.2. Half-sister to GRACIOUS RAFAELA (damof PACIÊNCIA), Match Point, Heroic Move (dam of BIÓLOGO), Onda Gigante (dam ofFRISSON). This is her seventh foal. Dam of four foals to race, two winners, inc:-Tiro de Guerra (c. by Our Emblem). 3 wins to 1500m in Brazil, 3d Taruma G.P. Derby Paranaense,

Gr.3, Gavea G.P. Prof. Nova Monteiro, Gr.3, 4th Taruma Classico Alo Ticoulat Guimaraes, L.Ana Flavia (f. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1500m, 1600m in 2013-14 in Brazil.Vogue Girl (f. by Vettori). Placed at 2 & 3 in Brazil, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Platina.

2nd damBLEU BLANC ROUGE, by Steady Growth. Winner at 2000m in Brazil. Dam of 10 foals, all raced, 7

winners, inc:-LOVIN’RAFAELA (Candy Stripes). 3 wins. See above.GRACIOUS RAFAELA (Booming). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Octavio

Dupont, L, 3d Gavea G.P. Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. OrganizacaoSulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, 4th Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1. Dam of-PACIÊNCIA (Know Heights). 2 wins at 2000m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Henrique de

Toledo Lara, Gr.3, 4th C.Jardim Classico Pres. Mario Ribeiro Nunes Galvao, L. Dam of-Pazienza. Winner at 1400m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

Nascar Champ. 4 wins from 1400m to 2400m in Brazil.Abundancia. Winner at 1000m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

Match Point (Royal Academy). Winner at 2000m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. DerbyPaulista, Gr.1, Gavea Classico Justica do Trabalho, L.

Principe Encantado. 4 wins at 1600m in Brazil.North Sea. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil.Jambalaya. Winner at 2400m in Brazil, 4th Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1. Dam

of- Awesome Lady. 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 2000m to 2014-15 in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Indian Chris, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Joiosa.O Lâmpada. 5 wins from 2000m to 3000m in Brazil.Beleza Desejada. Winner at 1400m in Brazil.All Much. Winner at 1200m in Brazil.

Heroic Move. Winner at 1500m in Brazil. Dam of-BIÓLOGO (Vettori). 6 wins from 1800m to 2400m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Taca Cidade

Maravilhosa, L, Cidade Jardim Classico Antonio da Silva Prado, L, Classico Emerson,L, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, G.P. Consagracao, Gr.2, G.P. Linneo dePaula Machado, Gr.3, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.3, Classico Antonio da Silva Prado, L,3d Gavea G.P. Brasil, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Sao Paulo, Gr.1, G.P. Natal, Gr.3.

Olympic Movie (Know Heights). 2 wins at 1600m, 2000m in Brazil, Gavea Prova EspecialPlatina, 3d Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2.

Bonitinhodomariom. 3 wins at 2000m, 2400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Gavea Prova EspecialFalcon Jet, Prova Especial Quiproquó.

Véspera de Natal. Winner at 2000m in Brazil.Threelittlewords. Winner at 2 at 1600m in Argentina.Incredible Move. Winner at 1500m in Brazil.

Nakarova. Placed in Brazil.

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DÓ MENORBay Filly - Foaled October 06, 2013


Ack AckHay PatcherIsgalaI’m A PleasureNijinskyCrimson SaintCarson CityMiss Ooh La La

Broad Brush

In Jubilation

Royal Academy

Big Emotions

Dubai DustUSA - 1994

Magic LampBRZ - 2001

DUBAI DUST (USA) (Bay or Brown 1994-Stud 1999). 4 wins-1 at 2-at 7f, 8½f,Hoosier Indiana Derby, L. Brother to SW Little Baby Bear. Half-brother to SWFirst American. Sire of 263 rnrs, 196 wnrs, 23 SW, inc. Mojito (Gavea G.P.Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1), Princess Zuca, Nonno Luigi, Pró Memória, PolvoraNegra, Valiente y Guapo, Nice Bet, Jenufa, Plutão, High Moon, Butler, MadameCastelo, Madame Julia, Belial, More Dust, Duplo Dê, Zepellim, Red Dust, etc.

1st damMAGIC LAMP, by Royal Academy. Champion older mare in Brazil in 2005-06. 3 wins from 1400m

to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Roberto e Nelson Grimaldi Seabra, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. AdayrEiras de Araujo, Gr.2, G.P. Henrique de Toledo Lara, Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3,G.P. Euvaldo Lodi, Gr.3. Sister to Newly Wed, half-sister to HIGH TRACKS. This is her sixthfoal. Dam of three foals to race, two winners, inc:-Vontade de Matar (c. by Giant’s Causeway). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 2000m to 2014-

15 in Brazil, 2d Gavea Classico Hernani Azevedo Silva, L, Classico Ghadeer, L, 3d GaveaG.P. Mario de Azevedo Ribeiro, Gr.3, G.P. Jose Buarque de Macedo, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P.Almirante Marques de Tamandare, Gr.2, Classico Jose Calmon, L.

Amadeus Mozart (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1300m in Brazil.

2nd damBIG EMOTIONS, by Carson City. 4 wins at 1200m, 1300m in Brazil. Half-sister to POLE

POSITION, Conquistamiss (dam of MY COUSIN MATT). Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, allwinners, inc:-MAGIC LAMP (Royal Academy). 3 wins. See above.HIGH TRACKS (Ghadeer). 7 wins-2 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea

Classico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, L, Classico Verao Azul, L.Newly Wed (Royal Academy). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Prova Especial

Joiosa, 2d Gavea Classico Imprensa, L, Prova Especial Moacyr de Carvalho. Dam of-Angel Carina (Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1300m in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P.

Immensity, Gr.1, 3d Cidade Jardim Clássico Presidente Mário Ribeiro Nunes Galvão, L,4th Gavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2, G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3.

Vip Do Vip (Dubai Dust). Winner at 1600m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Ricardo LaraVidigal, Gr.3.

Ontário. 8 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Prova Especial Jockey Club deCampos, Prova Especial Gustavo Philadelpho Azevedo, Prova Especial Mossoró, 3d GaveaProva Especial Virginie, 4th Gavea G.P. Salgado Filho, Gr.2.

Sister in Law. Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil, Gavea Prova Especial Indian Chris.Jujubinha. Unraced. Dam of-

Ijubinha (First American). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1300m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim ProvaEspecial Eleutério Prado, 3d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P.Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, G.P. Jacutinga, Gr.3, Clássico Emerald Hill, L, Prova EspecialFranco Clemente Pinto Júnior, Prova Especial Francesco Battista Giobbi, 4th CidadeJardim G.P. Presidente Joao Carlos Leite Penteado, Gr.3.

Site Oficial (Vettori). 9 wins-1 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Classico LuizGurgel Do Amaral Valente, L, Classico Jose Paulino Nogueira, L.

3rd damMISS OOH LA LA, by Wallet Lifter. Unraced. Three-quarter-sister to NEW POLICY, Bitter Feud,

half-sister to Chanson Folle (dam of DR. KACY), Willa (dam of WILLIKIN), Monte Sue(dam of HAPPY MOMENT). Dam of 16 foals, 12 to race, 9 winners, inc:-POLE POSITION (Draft Card). Third top rated 3YO colt in Canada in 1979. 16 wins, $507,402,

Santa Anita San Felipe H., Gr.2, Bowie John B Campbell H., Gr.2, etc.

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DENTUÇOBay Colt - Foaled August 09, 2013


VettoriIRE - 1992

Magic RafaelaBRZ - 2001


Air Distingue

Royal Academy

Heavenly Dancer

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheNijinskyCrimson SaintFitzcarraldoAlamak

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m, Longchamp Poule d’Essai desPoulains, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner. Sire of 1061 rnrs, 661 wnrs, 38 SW, inc. MeuRei - Medaha (Sau.) (Cidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle,Macavelli Miss, St. Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.), L’Azzura,Out of Control, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, Lady Vettori, etc.

1st damMAGIC RAFAELA, by Royal Academy. Winner at 1600m in Brazil. Sister to NOTRE DAME, half-

sister to SEND INTHE CLOWNS, OUT OF CONTROL, PRINCESA CARINA. This isher seventh foal. Dam of six foals to race, five winners-VITORIA OLIMPICA (c. by Northern Afleet). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m, $130,543, to

2013 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. Conde de Herzberg,Gr.2, Saratoga Alydar S., L, Gavea Prova Especial Super Power, 3d Gavea G.P. Jockey ClubBrasileiro, Gr.1, 4th Belmont Jockey Club Gold Cup, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1.

Alakazan Alakazan (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Super Power.

Torta de Frango (c. by Know Heights). 4 wins from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, 3d Cidade JardimProva Especial Clackson, 4th Gavea Classico Sandpit, L.

Umáximo (c. by Northern Afleet). 3 wins from 1500m to 1900m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Sweet Carina (f. by Know Heights). Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil.Badminton (c. by Elusive Quality). Placed at 2 in 2013-14 in Brazil.

2nd damHEAVENLY DANCER, by Fitzcarraldo. Placed at 3 in Brazil. Sister to SILVER PLANET, three-

quartersister to NORTAK (dam of NORHEIN), El Meteoro, half-sister to ALPHARD. Dam of9 foals, all raced, 8 winners, inc:-SEND INTHE CLOWNS (Know Heights). 3 wins at 2000m, 2500m, $102,984 in Argentina,

San Isidro G.P. Miguel Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, Gr.1, Palermo Clasico Chacabuco, Gr.2,2d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1, Clasico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2,Palermo Clasico General Belgrano, Gr.2.

PRINCESA CARINA (Know Heights). 6 wins from 1600m to 2500m, $105,076 in Argentina,San Isidro Clasico Los Haras, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2,San Isidro Clasico Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, Palermo Clásico Chile, Gr.3, San Isidro EspecialParanoide, 4th San Isidro G.P. 25 de Mayo, Gr.1. Dam of-BONAPARTE (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1500m, 2400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, 4thCidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1.

OUT OF CONTROL (Vettori). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1800m, $806,421 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Hollywood American Invitational H., Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance,Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Pres. Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H., Gr.1,Churchill Downs Turf Classic S., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak Tree Clement LHirsch Memorial Turf Championship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1.

NOTRE DAME (Royal Academy). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m, $110,374 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita PaseanaH., L. Producer.

3rd damALAMAK, by Cipol. Winner in Argentina. Half-sister to ALGENIB, NORTAK (dam of NORHEIN),

El Meteoro. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, inc:-ALPHARD (Just in Case). 2 wins at 2 in Argentina, San Isidro G.P. Gran Criterium, Gr.1. Sire.SILVER PLANET (Fitzcarraldo). 7 wins from 1400m to 2500m in Argentina, San Isidro

Clasico Progreso, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ayacucho, Gr.3, La Plata Clasico Yatasto, 2d SanIsidro G.P. Raul y Raul E. Chevalier, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. de Honor, Gr.1, San Isidro ClasicoProgreso, Gr.2, 4th San Isidro G.P. Copa de Oro, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. de Honor, Gr.1. Sire.

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N. N.Chestnut Colt - Foaled August 28, 2013

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m, Longchamp Pouled'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner. Sire of 1061rnrs, 661 wnrs, 38 SW, inc. Meu Rei -Medaha (Sau.) (Cidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga,Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, Macavelli Miss, St. Basil, SerataBella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.), L'Azzura, Out of Control,Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, Lady Vettori, etc.

1st damMOVIE STAR, by Royal Academy. 4 wins from 1300m to 1700m, $130,203 in U.S.A. and Brazil,

Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, Meadowlands Navajo Princess S., L, Santa Anita Allowance,2d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3, Santa Anita Tuzla H., L, 4th Santa Anita Las Palmas H.,Gr.2, San Gorgonio H., Gr.2, Churchill Downs Cardinal H., Gr.3. Half-sister to SIMPLY THEBEST. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 2YO. Dam of four foals to race, inc:-Ubetterbegood (g. by Distorted Humor). 4 wins-1 at 2-to 1200m in GB and Argentina, Kempton

Betdaq Mobile Apps H., Palermo Especial Avanzado, 2d Lingfield H., 3dPalermo Especial Copa Precoces.

Bonde Do Tigrao (c. by Elusive Quality). Placed at 3 in 2014-15 in Brazil.Aerosmith (c. by Giant's Causeway). Placed in 2014-15 in Brazil.

2nd damFemme Fatale, by Clackson. 2 wins at 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Classico Antonio Carlos

Amorim, Gr.3. Sister to ACCESS (dam of QUE FUERZA, NIKINIPO), Speranto,Umbrella Nella, Helena de Monterey (dam of PRONASTERON), three-quarter-sister toHoney Street. Dam of 10 foals, all raced, 4 winners, inc:-MOVIE STAR (Royal Academy). 4 wins. See above.SIMPLY THE BEST(Know Heights). 3 wins at 1600m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Marciano

de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3.

3rd damON PASS PAS, by Locris. 3 wins at 1100m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of 11 foals, all winners, inc:-

ACCESS (Clackson). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.Thomaz Teixeira de Assumpcao Junior, Gr.3, Prova Especial Attilio Irulegui, 2d CidadeJardim Prova Especial Copa Japao de Turfe, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Presidente MarioRibeiro Nunes Galvao, Gr.3, Prova Especial Jorge Wallace Simonsen, Prova EspecialBechara Zaidan, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Luiz Nazareno Teixeira de Assumpcao, Gr.2,Classico Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Gr.3. Dam of-QUE FUERZA (Wild Event). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Henrique

Possollo, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.3. Dam of-AMOR GITANO (Northern Afleet). 10 wins to 1400m to 2014-15 in Brazil, Cristal

G.P. Associacao Brasileira dos Criadores e Proprietarios do Cavalo de Corrida, L,Classico Brigada Militar, Classico Presidente Indemburgo de Lima E Silva, 2d GaveaProva Especial Profissionais do Turfe, 3d Gavea Prova Especial Associação CariocaDos Proprietários Do Cavalo Puro-Sangue Inglês.

NIKINIPO (Jules). 4 wins at 1000m, 1100m in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea ClassicoAssociacao de Criadores do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.3, 3d Gavea Prova Especial SaoFrancisco Xavier - Taca Atualpa.

Obvert (Bright Again). 6 wins to 1400m in Brazil, 2d Cristal G.P. Taca de Cristal (c), L.Speranto (Clackson). 9 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Jockey Club de

Minas Gerais, Classico Sao Francisco Xavier, G.P. Associacao de Criadores e Prop deCavalos de Corrida do Rio de Janiero, 2d Gavea G.P. Jose Calmon, Gr.3, ClassicoProfissionais do Turfe, L, Classico Atahualpa Soares, L, Classico Publico Turfista, ProvaEspecial Escorial, Prova Especial Farwell, 3d Gavea G.P. Comissao Coordenadora daCriacao, Gr.3, G.P. Costa Ferraz, Gr.3.


VettoriIRE - 1992

Movie StarBRZ - 2001


Air Distingue

Royal Academy

Femme Fatale

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheNijinskyCrimson SaintClacksonOn Pass Pas

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled July 14, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d Belmont RuffianH., Gr.1).

1st damMy Fair Lady, by Our Emblem. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1200m in Brazil, 2d San Isidro G.P. Eliseo

Ramirez, Gr.1, 4th Palermo G.P. Jorge de Atucha, Gr.1. Sister to Lovely Lady, half-sister to.JOE BRAVO. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a yearling. Her first foal is a 2YO.

2nd damBrave Lady, by Roi Normand. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. Joao

Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3. Sister to REDATTORE. Dam of 10 named foals, 9to race, 6 winners, inc:-JOE BRAVO (Vettori). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio

de Janeiro, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. José Buarque de Macedo, Gr.3, Copa LeilõesJockey Club Brasileiro, 3d Gavea G.P. Frederico Lundgren, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Mariode Azevedo Ribeiro, Gr.3.

My Fair Lady (Our Emblem). 2 wins. See above.Lovely Lady (Our Emblem). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Prova

Especial Timão, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1.Ohwhatalady. 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1400m in Brazil, Gavea Prova Especial Ricardo Xavier

da Silveira, 2d Gavea Copa Leilões Jockey Club Brasileiro - Versão Potrancas, ProvaEspecial Theóphilo de Vasconcellos.

Innocent Lady. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil.Harem Lady. Winner at 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

Caribenho. 3 wins to 1300m to 2013-14 in Brazil.

3rd damPOLITICAL INTRIGUE, by Deputy Minister. 3 wins to 1400m in Brazil. Half-sister to U Win I Won,

Fast 'n Tricky (dam of SHISEIDO), Sept a Neuf (dam of VICINALE), Northern Naiad (dam ofGREY WAY). Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, inc:-REDATTORE (Roi Normand). 15 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1800m, $1,744,619 in U.S.A. and

Brazil, Gavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, HollywoodShoemaker Mile S., Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Presidente Emilio Garrastazu Medici, Gr.2, HollywoodCitation H., Gr.2, Santa Anita San Gabriel H., Gr.2, Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.2, San AntonioH., Gr.2, Bay Meadows San Francisco Mile H., Gr.2, Gavea Classico Ernani de Freitas, L,Classico Eurico Solanes, L, Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Hollywood Shoemaker Mile S., Gr.1,Inglewood H., Gr.3, 3d Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Arlington Million S., Gr.1, GaveaClassico Salgado Filho, Gr.2, Del Mar Live The Dream H., L, Santa Anita Seabiscuit H., L, 4thHollywood Triple Bend H., Gr.2, Golden Gate Tanforan H., Gr.3. Sire.

Brave Lady (Roi Normand). 2 wins. See above.

4th damFASCINATING TRICK, by Buckpasser. Raced twice. Sister to NUMBERED ACCOUNT (dam of

DANCE NUMBER, PRIVATE ACCOUNT), CUNNING TRICK, HOW CURIOUS,Special Account (dam of GALLANT SPECIAL, GALLANT SISTER), Playmate (dam ofWOODMAN, SINGLE THREAD), The Cuddler (dam of VERIFICATION). Dam of 13 foals,11 to race, 7 winners, inc:-U Win I Won (Explodent). 5 wins-1 at 2- in GB and U.S.A, 2d Gulfstream Dania H., L.Fast 'n Tricky. 2 wins in U.S.A.


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

My Fair LadyBRZ - 2006

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Our Emblem

Brave Lady

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxMr. ProspectorPersonal EnsignRoi NormandPolitical Intrigue

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled October 26, 2013

DUBAI DUST (USA) (Bay or Brown 1994-Stud 1999). 4 wins-1 at 2-at 7f, 8½f,Hoosier Indiana Derby, L. Brother to SW Little Baby Bear. Half-brother to SWFirst American. Sire of 263 rnrs, 196 wnrs, 23 SW, inc. Mojito (Gavea G.P.Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1), Princess Zuca, Nonno Luigi, Pró Memória, Polvora Negra,Valiente y Guapo, Nice Bet, Jenufa, Plutão, High Moon, Butler, MadameCastelo, Madame Julia, Belial, More Dust, Duplo Dê, Zepellim, Red Dust, etc.

1st damNAUGHTY RAFAELA, by Royal Academy. 4 wins-1 at 2-from 1500m to 2400m, $201,316 in

U.S.A. and Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Jose Guathemozin Nogueira, Gr.1, Santa Anita SantaBarbara H., Gr.2, Allowance, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Mario Jorge de Carvalho, 3d HollywoodBeverly Hills H., Gr.2, Santa Anita La Zanzara H., L. Half-sister to PRETTY CAROLINA,SUPER CARINA, Lagardere, Rafaela Bela (dam of ANGELUS TASTER). This is her fifthfoal. Her fourth foal is a 2YO. Dam of one foal to race.

2nd damRISAMIXA, by Linamix. Unraced. Dam of 7 named foals, all winners-

NAUGHTY RAFAELA (Royal Academy). 4 wins. See above.SUPER CARINA (Our Emblem). 2 winsat 1400m, 1800m in Argentina, San Isidro Clasico

Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, 2d San Isidro Clasico Particula, Gr.2, Clasico Bayakoa, L, 4thSan Isidro G.P. Copa de Plata, Gr.1, Clasico Carlos P Rodriguez, Gr.2, Clasico Espirita, L.

PRETTY CAROLINA (Vettori). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 4thGavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2. Dam of-Ana Paula. Winner at 2 at 1600m in Brazil.

Lagardere (Miswaki). Winner at 1400m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Classico Justica do Trabalho, L.Rafaela Bela. Winner at 2 at 1200m in Argentina, Palermo Premio Especial Fantasista. Dam of-

ANGELUS TASTER (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 2 at 1200m, 1600m in Brazil, GaveaClassico Hernani Azevedo Silva, L, 2d Gavea Classico Ernani de Freitas, L, ProvaEspecial Eulógio Morgado, 3d Gavea G.P. Julio Capua, Gr.3, G.P. Jose Paulino Nogueira,Gr.3, 4th Gavea Classico Luiz Rigoni, L.

Barrigudo. 2 wins at 1400m, 1500m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Coldplay. Winner at 2 at 1300m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

Vale Muito. 3 wins from 1400m to 1600m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Oriental Beauty. 2 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

Andromeda Lover (Elusive Quality). 4 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m to 2013-14 in Brazil, GaveaP. Esp. Profissionais do Turfe, 2d C.Jardim P. E. Giant, 3d Gavea Clas. Jose Calmon, L.

Upper East Side. Winner at 1300m in Brazil.

3rd damRISANTAYA, by Nureyev. Winner at 1600m in France. Three-quarter-sister to Restiv Star. Dam of

5 foals, 1 to race, inc:-Risarshana. Raced once. Dam of-

Selebela (Grand Lodge). 3 wins at 1½m, 2d Newmarket Aphrodite S., L, York Galtres S., L,3d Newbury Chalice S., L, Milan Premio Villalunga, 4th York Middleton S., Gr.3. Dam of-Fulgur. 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1600m to 2000m, $329,734, Newmarket

H., ATC Membership on Sale H., Newbury Crusader Connect 2YO S., VRCHenry Bolte H., LV Lachal H., 2d VRC Byron Moore H., Newmarket 2YO S., VRCRSL P., 3d Doncaster Racing Post Ipad App H., Newbury London Gold Cup, VRCAscot Racecourse H., MVRC Travis Harrison Cup.

Finafinorum. 3 wins from 1500m to 2000m, Milan Premio Olmeneta, Rome PremioKalamoun, 2d Milan Premio Gavia, Rome Premio Pebbles, 3d Milan Premio Formiga-ra, Rome Premio Jaazeiro.


Ack AckHay PatcherIsgalaI’m A PleasureNijinskyCrimson SaintLinamixRisantaya

Broad Brush

In Jubilation

Royal Academy


Dubai DustUSA - 1994

Naughty RafaelaBRZ - 2002

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DETRANBay Colt - Foaled July 17, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d Belmont RuffianH., Gr.1).

1st damNEUILLY, by Royal Academy. 4 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m, $141,416 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Del

Mar Adoration H., L, Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Sabinus, 4th Santa AnitaLady's Secret H., Gr.2. Sister to Mato Grosso, half-sister to Parc des Princes, OutraCarolina (dam of VINGADOR MASCARADO), Louquinhaporti (dam of ROBERTOALBERTO). This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 2YO. Dam of three foals to race, twowinners-Desejada Tóta (f. by Distorted Humor). 4 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1100m in Brazil, Gavea P.E.

Joiosa, 2d Gavea P.Especial Bucarest, 3d Gavea Classico Ministerio da Agricultura, L.Very Rafaela (f. by Giant's Causeway). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1200m in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim Prova Especial Nelson de Almeida Prado, Prova Especial Canzone, 2d CidadeJardim Classico Erasmo Teixeira de Assumpcao, L.

Araraquara Girl (f. by Elusive Quality). Placed at 2 in Brazil.

2nd damFRENCH OPERA, by Roi Normand. 3 wins-2 at 2-from 1400m to 1600m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim

G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2. Sister toBRAZOV, three-quarter-sister to GIBSON, NITIDEZZA, Mourelle, half-sister to PRINCEALI. Dam of 8 named foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, inc:-NEUILLY (Royal Academy). 4 wins. See above.Parc des Princes (Vettori). 6 wins-1 at 2-from 1300m to 1700m, $220,887 in U.S.A. and

Brazil, 2d C. Jardim G.P. Juliano Martins, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Mario de Azevedo Ribeiro, Gr.3,3d Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar de Almeida Prado, Gr.1, G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1,C.Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1, 4th Gavea G.P. Associação Brasileira de Criadores, Gr.1.

Mato Grosso (Royal Academy). 5 wins from 1450m to 3000m, Turffontein Wilgerbosdrift H.,2d Turffontein Racing Association H., Gr.3, Computaform Rating H., Vaal Racing ExpressAdvanced P., 3d Newmarket TC Caradoc Gold Cup, Gr.3, Turffontein Highbeat AutobodyRepairs H.

Visionaire. Winner at 2 at 1000m in Brazil, C.Jardim Prova Especial Rafael de Barros Filho.Outra Carolina. Raced twice. Dam of-

VINGADOR MASCARADO (Northern Afleet). 5 wins at 1400m, 1600m to 2013-14 inBrazil, Gavea Classico Imprensa, L, 3d Gavea Copa Leiloes Jockey Club Brasileiro,Prova Especial Daiao.

Louquinhaporti. Unraced. Dam of-ROBERTO ALBERTO (First American). 14 wins-2 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil,

C.Jardim Classico Camara Municipal de Sao Paulo, L-twice, Gavea P.E. Groove, C.Jardim P.E. Ciro Frare, Prova Especial Farwell, Prova Especial Duplex, Prova EspecialRenato Junqueira Netto, 2d Cidade Jardim Prova Especial Duplex, Prova Especial 29de Outubro-twice, 3d Gavea Prova Especial Paulo César Catalano, 4th C. Jardim G.P.Presidente Carlos Paes de Barros, Gr.2, Gavea G.P. Mario de Azevedo Ribeiro, Gr.3.

3rd damIMPERATRIZ VIVI, by St Chad. Winner at 1400m in Brazil. Half-sister to BAT MASTERSON,

LINDEZZA, Acerto, Forum Sky, Eletrizada (dam of GIBSON, LUZETTE, NITIDEZZA).


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

NeuillyBRZ - 2002

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Royal Academy

French Ópera

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxNijinskyCrimsonSaintRoi NormandImperatriz Vivi

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D’ARTAGNANBay Colt - Foaled July 14, 2013

OUT OF CONTROL (BRZ) (Bay 2003-Stud 2010). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to1800m, $806,421 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Hollywood American Invitational H.,Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance, Santa Anita Allowance, 2dGavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H., Gr.1,Churchill Downs Turf Classic S., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak TreeClement L Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita FrankE Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1. Half-brother to SEND INTHE CLOWNS (San Isidro G.P.Miguel Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, Gr.1, 2d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini,Gr.1), PRINCESA CARINA (San Isidro Clasico Los Haras, Gr.2, Palermo ClasicoIgnacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2) and NOTRE DAME (Gavea G.P. JoaoAdhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita Paseana H., L) andto the dam of VITORIA OLIMPICA. His oldest progeny are 2YOs.

1st damNEW RAFAELA, by Royal Academy. Winner at 2 at 1300m in Brazil. Half-sister to PAVILLON,

VELODROME, Tabernacle, Universelle. This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a yearling.Dam of three foals to race, all winners-Unicórnio Do Bafra (c. by Northern Afleet). 3 wins at 1000m, 1200m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Banze No Oeste (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil.Valiente (c. by Northern Afleet). Winner at 1400m in Brazil.

2nd damLicena, by Derek. 6 wins-1 at 2-from 1200m to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Joao e Jorge

Jabour, 2d Gavea Classico Independencia, L, 4th Gavea G.P. Duque de Caxias, Gr.2. Half-sister to Oberthal. Dam of 9 named foals, 8 to race, all winners, inc:-PAVILLON (Booming). 10 wins-1 at 2-from 1200m to 2000m, $359,994 in U.S.A. and Brazil,

Gavea G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, G.P.Costa Ferraz, Gr.3, Monmouth Red Bank H., Gr.3, Gavea Classico Justica do Trabalho, L,2d Del Mar Solana Beach H., L, 3d Gavea Classico Imprensa, L, 4th Santa Anita Oak TreeMile S., Gr.3, Bay Meadows H., Gr.3, Hollywood Steinlen H., L, Santa Anita Reb's Policy H.,L, Monmouth Bet Twice S., L. Sire.

VELODROME (Booming). 9 wins from 1400m to 2400m in France and Brazil, Gavea G.P.Brasil, Gr.1, G.P. Doutor Frontin, Gr.2, G.P. Joao Borges Filho, Gr.2, Classico Primavera,L, 2d Gavea G.P. Organizacao Sulamericana de Fomento, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. PresidenteArthur da Costa e Silva, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Almirante Marques de Tamandare, Gr.2.

Universelle (Booming). Winner at 1300m in Brazil, 3d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo,Gr.1. Dam of-Stop and Go. 4 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m in Brazil, Gavea Prova Especial Jockey Club de

Campos, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Tude Neiva Lima Rocha.Viver a Vida. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Copa Leiloes Jockey Club Brasileiro.

Tabernacle (Booming). 2 wins at 2 at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea G.P. Costa Ferraz, Gr.3.Oakbank. 5 wins from 1300m to 1600m in Brazil.Offshore. 2 wins at 1600m, 2000m in Brazil. Dam of-

Barolo. 2 wins at 1500m, 1600m in 2013-14 in Brazil, 4th Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio deJaneiro, Gr.1, G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1.

New Rafaela. Winner. See above.Nawader. Winner at 1000m in Brazil. Producer.

3rd damESPARTA, by Karabas. 3 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of 13 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, inc:-

Oberthal (Tampero). 12 wins from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Governadordo Estado, Gr.3, Classico Henrique de Toledo Lara, L, Classico Renato Junqueira Netto, L.

Licena (Derek). 6 wins. See above.


MachiavellianAir DistingueFitzcarraldoAlamakNijinskyCrimson SaintDerekEsparta


Heavenly Dancer

Royal Academy


Out Of ControlBRZ - 2003

New RafaelaBRZ - 2002

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DEAR CARINAChestnut Filly - Foaled August 21, 2013


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Newly WedBRZ - 2002

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Royal Academy

Big Emotions

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxNijinskyCrimson SaintCarson CityMiss Ooh La La

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d BelmontRuffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegetters Beauty First, etc.

1st damNewly Wed, by Royal Academy. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea P. E. Joiosa, 2d

Gavea Classico Imprensa, L, Prova Especial Moacyr de Carvalho. Sister to MAGIC LAMP,half-sister to HIGH TRACKS. This is her third foal. Dam of two foals to race, both winners-Angel Carina (f. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1300m in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P.

Immensity, Gr.1, 3d Cidade Jardim Clássico Presidente Mário Ribeiro Nunes Galvão, L, 4thGavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2, G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3.

Vip Do Vip (c. by Dubai Dust). Winner at 1600m in Brazil, 3d C.J. G.P. Ricardo Lara Vidigal, Gr.3.

2nd damBIG EMOTIONS, by Carson City. 4 wins at 1200m, 1300m in Brazil. Half-sister to POLE

POSITION, Conquistamiss (dam of MY COUSIN MATT). Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, allwinners, inc:-MAGIC LAMP (Royal Academy). Champion older mare in Brazil in 2005-06. 3 wins from

1400m to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Roberto e Nelson Grimaldi Seabra, Gr.1, 2d GaveaG.P. Adayr Eiras de Araujo, Gr.2, G.P. Henrique de Toledo Lara, Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. RogerGuedon, Gr.3, G.P. Euvaldo Lodi, Gr.3. Dam of-Vontade de Matar (Giant's Causeway). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 2000m to 2014-15

in Brazil, 2d Gavea Classico Hernani Azevedo Silva, L, Classico Ghadeer, L, 3d GaveaG.P. Mario de Azevedo Ribeiro, Gr.3, G.P. Jose Buarque de Macedo, Gr.3, 4thGavea G.P. Almirante Marques de Tamandare, Gr.2, Classico Jose Calmon, L.

HIGH TRACKS (Ghadeer). 7 wins-2 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in U.S.A. and Brazil, GaveaClassico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, L, Classico Verao Azul, L.

Newly Wed (Royal Academy). 2 wins. See above.Ontário. 8 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1600m in Brazil, Gavea P. E. J.C. Campos, P.E. Gustavo

P. Azevedo, P. E. Mossoró, 3d Gavea P.E. Virginie, 4th Gavea G.P. Salgado Filho, Gr.2.Sister in Law. Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil, Gavea Prova Especial Indian Chris.Jujubinha. Unraced. Dam of-

Ijubinha (First American). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1300m in Brazil, C.J. P.E.l EleutérioPrado, 3d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, C.J. G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, G.P.Jacutinga, Gr.3, Clás. Emerald Hill, L, P. E. Franco Clemente Pinto Júnior, Prova EspecialFrancesco Battista Giobbi, 4th C. Jardim G.P. Pres. Joao Carlos Leite Penteado, Gr.3.

Site Oficial (Vettori). 9 wins-1 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea ClassicoLuiz Gurgel Do Amaral Valente, L, Classico Jose Paulino Nogueira, L.

3rd damMISS OOH LA LA, by Wallet Lifter. Unraced. Three-quarter-sister to NEW POLICY, Bitter Feud,

half-sister to Chanson Folle (dam of DR. KACY), Willa (dam of WILLIKIN), Monte Sue(dam of HAPPY MOMENT). Dam of 16 foals, 12 to race, 9 winners, inc:-POLE POSITION (Draft Card). Third top rated 3YO colt in Canada in 1979. 16 wins, $507,402,

Santa Anita San Felipe H., Gr.2, Bowie John B Campbell H., Gr.2, British Columbia Derby,Gr.3, Exhibition British Columbia Premier's Championship H., Can-2, British Columbia Derby,Can-2, Ascot Graduation S., Can-3, Santa Anita Santa Catalina S., L, Laurel Japan RacingAssociation H., L, Capitol H., L, 2d Hollywood Silver Screen H., Gr.2, Hawthorne Gold Cup,Gr.2, 3d Del Mar Derby, Gr.3, Del Mar La Jolla Mile S., Gr.3. Sire.

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled August 30, 2013


FappianoDemureIsgalaI’m A PleasureThe MinstrelBubblingMegaturnQueen’s Advice

Quiet American

In Jubilation

Midnight Tiger

Pointe du Bout

First AmericanUSA - 1996

NiquitaBRZ - 2002

FIRST AMERICAN (USA) (Bay 1996-Stud 2000). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1m, 9f, HialeahFlamingo S., Gr.3. Half-brother to SW Little Baby Bear (Gavea G.P. ZeliaGonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1). Sire of 366 rnrs, 294 wnrs, 34 SW, inc.Cores Do Brasil (Cidade Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Timeo,Outplay, That Sunday, Uncle Tom, Doppia Vendetta, Sparkling Gold, Nozze diFigaro, Amor Surpresa, Ed American,Lucky Shot, River Savage, Don Miloca,etc.

1st damNiquita, by Midnight Tiger. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in U.S.A. and Brazil, Del Mar Allowance,

2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 3d Gavea G.P. Adayr Eirasde Araujo, Gr.2. Half-sister to ZIMBAMIA, CHARGE AHEAD. This is her sixth foal. Her fifthfoal is a 2YO. Dam of four foals to race, three winners, inc:-Milgauss (c. by Northern Afleet). 9 wins from 1400m to 1600m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Artistic Quality (c. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1200m, 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil.Be the One (c. by Out of Control). Winner at 1100m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

2nd damPOINTE DU BOUT, by Megaturn. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of 13 named foals, all

raced, 10 winners, inc:-ZIMBAMIA (Trempolino). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Diana,

Gr.1, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1. Producer.CHARGE AHEAD (Irish Fighter). 6 wins-2 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim Classico Presidente Augusto de Souza Queiroz, L, Classico Jockey Club do RioGrande do Sul, L, Classico Associacao Nacional de Propietarios, L, 2d Cidade JardimClassico Presidente Jose de Souza Queiroz, Gr.3, Classico Alberto Santos Dumont, L,Classico Braulio Gomes, L, Classico Joao Alvares Rubiao Filho, L, 3d Cidade JardimClassico Joao Alvares Rubiao Filho, L, Classico Eusebio Queiroz Matoso, L, ClassicoProfissionais do Turfe, L, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente do Jockey Club, Gr.2.

Niquita (Midnight Tiger). 2 wins. See above.Tua Carina. 2 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Prova Especial Virginie.I'm Ahead. 3 wins to 1400m in Brazil.Aconcagna. 3 wins at 1600m, 1900m in Brazil. Producer.Reinando Sempre. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Producer.Coisa Mais Querida. Winner at 1400m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Utterly Carina. Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil.Seu Sol. Winner at 1500m in Brazil.Our Rafaela. Unplaced. Dam of-

Ed Mort. 5 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Cristal Clássico Tribunal de Justiça Do Estado,2d Pelotas G. P. Princesa do Sul.

Uirami. Raced twice. Dam of-Habile Dora. 2 wins at 1200m to 2014-15 in Brazil.

3rd damQUEEN'S ADVICE, by Advocator. 3 wins in U.S.A. Half-sister to BAND PRACTICE. Dam of 5

named foals, all raced, inc:-Pointe du Bout. 2 wins. See above.

4th damFLEET EMPRESS, by Young Emperor. 2 wins in U.S.A. Half-sister to FLIT-TO, FLEET VICTRESS

(dam of MINSTRESS), SIR EARL. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, inc:-BAND PRACTICE (Stop the Music). 7 wins-1 at 2, $135,575, Fresno Bulldog S., L, 2d

Phoenix S., Gr.1, Leopardstown Larkspur S., Gr.3, 3d Aqueduct Bold Ruler S., Gr.3. Sire.

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled August 07, 2013


VettoriIRE - 1992

Notre DameBRZ - 2002


Air Distingue

Royal Academy

Heavenly Dancer

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheNijinskyCrimson SaintFitzcarraldoAlamak

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud in France 1996, Aust. 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at1600m, French Two Thousand Guineas, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner.Sire of 1021 rnrs, 628 wnrs, 37 SW, inc. Meu Rei - Medaha (Sau.) (CidadeJardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, MacavelliMiss, St. Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.),L'Azzura, Out of Control, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, etc.

1st damNOTRE DAME, by Royal Academy. 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m, $110,374 in U.S.A. and

Brazil, Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita Paseana H.,L. Sister to Magic Rafaela (dam of VITORIA OLIMPICA), half-sister to SEND INTHECLOWNS, OUT OF CONTROL, PRINCESA CARINA. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foalis a yearling. Dam of three foals to race, inc:-Very Salles (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 1600m in Brazil.Veramente Bella (f. by Leroidesanimaux). Placed at 3 in Brazil.

2nd damHEAVENLY DANCER, by Fitzcarraldo. Placed at 3 in Brazil. Sister to SILVER PLANET, three-

quarter-sister to NORTAK (dam of NORHEIN), El Meteoro, half-sister to ALPHARD. Damof 9 foals, all raced, 8 winners, inc:-SEND INTHE CLOWNS (Know Heights). 3 wins at 2000m, 2500m, $102,984 in Argentina,

San Isidro G.P. Miguel Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, Gr.1, Palermo Clasico Chacabuco, Gr.2,2d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1, Clasico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2,Palermo Clasico General Belgrano, Gr.2.

PRINCESA CARINA (Know Heights). 6 wins from 1600m to 2500m, $105,076 in Argentina,San Isidro Clasico Los Haras, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2,San Isidro Clasico Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, Palermo Clásico Chile, Gr.3, San Isidro EspecialParanoide, 4th San Isidro G.P. 25 de Mayo, Gr.1. Dam of-BONAPARTE (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1500m, 2400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, 4thCidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1.

OUT OF CONTROL (Vettori). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1800m, $806,421 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Hollywood American Invitational H., Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance,Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H.,Gr.1, Churchill Downs Turf Classic S., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak Tree ClementL Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1.

NOTRE DAME (Royal Academy). 3 wins. See above.Magic Rafaela. Winner at 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

VITORIA OLIMPICA (Northern Afleet). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m, $130,543,to 2013 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P.Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, Saratoga Alydar S., L, Gavea Prova Especial Super Power,3d Gavea G.P. Jockey Club Brasileiro, Gr.1, 4th Belmont Jockey Club Gold Cup, Gr.1,Cidade Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1.

3rd damALAMAK, by Cipol. Winner in Argentina. Half-sister to ALGENIB, NORTAK (dam of NORHEIN),

El Meteoro. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, inc:-ALPHARD (Just in Case). 2 wins at 2 in Argentina, San Isidro G.P. Gran Criterium, Gr.1. Sire.SILVER PLANET (Fitzcarraldo). 7 wins from 1400m to 2500m in Argentina, San Isidro

Clasico Progreso, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ayacucho, Gr.3, La Plata Clasico Yatasto, 2d SanIsidro G.P. Raul y Raul E. Chevalier, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. de Honor, Gr.1, San Isidro ClasicoProgreso, Gr.2, 4th San Isidro G.P. Copa de Oro, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. de Honor, Gr.1. Sire

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled September 11, 2013


MolengãoBRZ - 2001

Nouvelle CuisineUSA - 2003

Royal Academy

Court Lady

Broad Brush

Fanciula del West

Nijinsky IICrimson SaintLocrisRedbrickAck AckHay PatcherCritiqueNouvelle Cuisine

MOLENGÃO (BRZ) (Chestnut 2001-Stud 2008). 5 wins from 1300m to 1800m,Hollywood Mervyn Leroy H., Gr.2. Half-brother to SW Onefortheroad (CidadeJardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1), SW Runforthedoe (Palermo G.P. Montevideo, Gr.1)and SW New Rochelle. Sire of 98 rnrs, 52 wnrs, inc. SW Zilber (Cidade JardimG.P. Presidente Antonio Grisi Filho, Gr.2), SP Albore, Income Tax, India Negra,Kimolesa and of Icone Do Vale, Irish, Madame Bottari, Pandorica, Isabel Sol,Fast Mango, Ilha de Páscoa, etc.

1st damNOUVELLE CUISINE, by Broad Brush. Unraced. Half-sister to RERAISE, Bella Fafa, Super

Rafaela (dam of BALLON BLEU). This is her sixth foal. Her fifth foal is a 2YO. Dam of four foalsto race, three winners, inc:-VICTORY IS OURS (c. by Northern Afleet). 6 wins-1 at 2-from 1600m to 2400m, $115,142,

to 2013-14 in Brazil, Taruma G.P. Parana, Gr.1, Cristal G.P. Bento Goncalves, Gr.1, CidadeJardim G.P. Piratininga, Gr.2, G.P. Presidente Antonio Correa Barbosa, Gr.3, ClassicoDelegacoes Turfisticas, L, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.3, ClassicoPresidente Waldyr Prudente de Toledo, L, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Adil, Gr.3, G.P. Linneo dePaula Machado, Gr.3.

Intruder (c. by Molengão). 2 wins at 1600m, 2000m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Untold Story (f. by Northern Afleet). Winner at 1300m in Brazil.

2nd damFANCIULLA DEL WEST, by Critique. 3 wins-2 at 2-from 1000m to 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, Clas. Ministerio da Agricultura, L, Clas. Luis A. Almeida, L, 2d GaveaG.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Francisco V. Paula Machado, Gr.2. Half-sister to MACBETH, Voiled'Or (dam of PERICHOLE, OROVESO). Dam of 8 named foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, inc:-RERAISE (Know Heights). 2 winsat 1800m, 2400m, $195,455 in Argentina, La Plata G.P. Dardo

Rocha, Gr.1, San Isidro Clasico Ensayo, Gr.2, 3d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini,Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Republica Argentina, Gr.1, San Isidro Especial Bouclette Champ,Especial Alververas, 4th San Isidro G.P. Jockey Club, Gr.1, G.P. Copa de Oro, Gr.1.

Bella Fafa (Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1300m in 2013-14 in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P.Immensity, Gr.1, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Guilherme Ellis, Gr.2.

Super Rafaela. Winner at 2 at 1600m in Argentina, Palermo Clasico Juan P. Artigas. Dam of-BALLON BLEU (Elusive Quality). 4 wins at 1500m, 1600m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim Classico Duplex, L, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Antenor de Lara Campos, Gr.3, 4thGavea G.P. Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.3.

Avidaebela. 3 wins at 1400m, 1600m to 2014-15 in Brazil.

3rd damNOUVELLE CUISINE, by Slap Jack. 4 wins at 1200m in Brazil. Three-quarter-sister to WALLONIE,

half-sister to LA MUSARDIERE. Dam of 10 named foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, inc:-MACBETH (Royal Academy). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1300m to 2400m in Brazil, C.J. G.P. Sao

Paulo, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1.FANCIULLA DEL WEST (Critique). 3 wins. See above.Voile d'Or. 2 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

PERICHOLE (Fahim). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1500m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Zelia GonzagaPeixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, 2d Gavea G.P. CarlosTelles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1,G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.2.

OROVESO (Fahim). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 2200m, $109,010 in Brazil and Sweden, TabySongline Classic, L, 2d Gavea G.P. As. Brasileira de Criadores, Gr.1, G.P. Conde de Herzberg,Gr.2, Taby Nickes Minneslöpning, L, 3d Taby Songline Classic, L, Meydan Classic S., MeydanCBD World Mastercard S., UAE 2000 Guineas Trial S., Jebel Ali Stakes Prep S.

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled July 29, 2013


Wild EventUSA - 1993

OhneguinhaBRZ - 2003

Wild Again

North Of Eden


Court Lady

IcecapadeBushel-N-PeckNorthfieldsTree of KnowledgeMachiavellianAir DistingueLocrisRedbrik

WILD EVENT (USA) (Bay 1993-Stud 2000). 10 wins-1 at 2-from 7f to 1½m, ChurchillDowns Turf Classic S., Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Paradise Creek (BelmontManhattan H., Gr.1). Sire of 696 rnrs, 531 wnrs, 54 SW, inc. Old Tune (CidadeJardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Smile Jenny, Eu Tambem, Talenta,Sorrentino, Fluke, Cruiseliner, Tônemai, Olympic Message, Poker Face, DoubleTrouble, Que Fuerza, Viewfinder, Change of Plains, Vanua Levu, etc.

1st damOhneguinha, by Vettori. Winner at 2 at 1300m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima,

Gr.3, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Juliano Martins, Gr.1. Three-quarter-sister to Photogenique,half-sister to ONEFORTHEROAD (dam of AY CARAMBA, EISSOAI,FLYMETOTHEMOON), RUNFORTHEDOE, MOLENGÃO, NEW ROCHELLE, NewBobcat, Jolie Regina (dam of SEGURA PIAO), Parsonage (dam of MANAU), Route Sixty Six(dam of DOUBLE TROUBLE). This is her fifth foal. Dam of four foals to race, all winners-Armani (c. by Elusive Quality). 3 wins at 1600m, 1800m in 2013-14 in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim

Prova Especial Jayme Torres.Responsive Eye (g. by El Prado). 2 wins at 9f in U.S.A.Charles Aznavour (c. by Wild Event). Winner at 2 at 1300m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Anthony Quinn (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1500m in 2013-14 in Brazil.

2nd damCOURT LADY, by Locris. 11 wins at 7f, 1¼m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Organizacao

Sulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, G.P. 25 de Janeiro, Gr.2, G.P. Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima,Gr.3-twice, Classico Imprensa, Gr.3, G.P. Presidente da Comissao Coordenadora, Gr.3,Classico Jockey Club do Parana, L. Sister to REMEMBER, EXACT IMAGE, half-sister toBarbariccia (dam of PIÁ-VOVÔ). Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, inc:-ONEFORTHEROAD (Ghadeer). 5 wins-1 at 2-at 7½f, 1¼m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.

Diana, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Carlos Telles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2. G.P. JoaoAdhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 3d Cidade JardimCopa ANPC Eguas, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1. 2008-09 Broodmare of theYear in Brazil. Dam of-AY CARAMBA (Roi Normand). Champion 2YO Colt in Brazil in 2002-03. 6 wins from

1600m to 1800m, $378,928 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Associacao Brasileira dosCriadores, Gr.1, G.P. Costa Ferraz, Gr.3, Monmouth Oceanport S., Gr.3, DelawareCaesar Rodney H., L, Gavea Prova Especial Joao Vieira, 3d Churchill Downs River CityH., Gr.3, 4th Keeneland Turf Mile S., Gr.1. Sire.

FLYMETOTHEMOON (Roi Normand). Horse of the Year in Brazil in 2008-09. Champion 3YOColt in Brazil in 2008-09. 4 wins from 1600m to 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneo de PaulaMachado, Gr.1, C.J. G.P. Sao Paulo, Gr.1, Gavea Clássico Justiça do Trabalho, L, 2dGavea G.P. Brasil, Gr.1, 3d C.J. G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Antonio J. Peixoto deCastro Jr, Gr.2-twice, 4th Gavea G.P. Almirante Marques de Tamandare, Gr.2. Sire.

EISSOAI (Roi Normand). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m in U.S.A. and Brazil, CidadeJardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2, SantaAnita Buena Vista H., Gr.2, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, SaratogaVoodoo Dancer S., L, 4th Santa Anita Santa Ana H., Gr.2.

RUNFORTHEDOE (Our Emblem). 3 wins-2 at 2-at 1500m, 1800m, $348,582 in U.S.A.and Argentina, Palermo G.P. Montevideo, Gr.1, Oaklawn H., Gr.2, Palermo Especial GrandVitesse. Sire.

MOLENGÃO (Royal Academy). 5 wins from 1300m to 1800m, $616,510 in U.S.A. and Brazil,Hollywood Mervyn Leroy H., Gr.2, Santa Anita San Antonio H., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance, SantaAnita Allowance, 2d Santa Anita H., Gr.1, Hollywood Sunset H., Gr.2, 3d Hollywood Native Diver H.,Gr.3, 4th Hollywood Hollywood Gold Cup, Gr.1, Golden Gate All American H., Gr.3. Sire.

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DEMOSTENESBay Colt - Foaled July 28, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d BelmontRuffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegetters Beauty First, etc.

1st damORIENTAL BEAUTY, by Vettori. 2 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil. Sister to PRETTY CAROLINA,

half-sister to NAUGHTY RAFAELA, SUPER CARINA, Lagardere, Rafaela Bela (dam ofANGELUS TASTER). This is her third foal. Dam of two foals to race, both winners-Andromeda Lover (c. by Elusive Quality). 4 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m to 2013-14 in Brazil,

Gavea P.E. Profissionais do Turfe, 2d C.J. P. E. Giant, 3d Gavea Clas. Jose Calmon, L.Upper East Side (c. by Northern Afleet). Winner at 1300m in Brazil.

2nd damRISAMIXA, by Linamix. Unraced. Dam of 7 named foals, all winners-

NAUGHTY RAFAELA (Royal Academy). 4 wins-1 at 2-from 1500m to 2400m, $201,316 inU.S.A. and Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Jose Guathemozin Nogueira, Gr.1, Santa Anita SantaBarbara H., Gr.2, Allowance, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Mario Jorge de Carvalho, 3dHollywood Beverly Hills H., Gr.2, Santa Anita La Zanzara H., L.

SUPER CARINA (Our Emblem). 2 wins at 1400m, 1800m in Argentina, San IsidroClasico Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, 2d San Isidro Clasico Particula, Gr.2, Clasico Bayakoa,L, 4th San Isidro G.P. Copa de Plata, Gr.1, Clas. Carlos P Rodriguez, Gr.2, Clas. Espirita, L.

PRETTY CAROLINA (Vettori). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 4thGavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2. Dam of-Ana Paula. Winnerat 2 at 1600m in Brazil.

Lagardere (Miswaki). Winner at 1400m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Classico Justica do Trabalho, L.Rafaela Bela. Winner at 2 at 1200m in Argentina, Palermo Premio Especial Fantasista. Dam of-

ANGELUS TASTER (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 2 at 1200m, 1600m in Brazil, GaveaClassico Hernani Azevedo Silva, L, 2d Gavea Classico Ernani de Freitas, L, ProvaEspecial Eulógio Morgado, 3d Gavea G.P. Julio Capua, Gr.3, G.P. Jose Paulino Nogueira,Gr.3, 4th Gavea Classico Luiz Rigoni, L.

Barrigudo. 2 wins at 1400m, 1500m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Coldplay. Winner at 2 at 1300m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

Vale Muito. 3 wins from 1400m to 1600m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Oriental Beauty. 2 wins. See above.

3rd damRISANTAYA, by Nureyev. Winnerat 1600m in France. Three-quarter-sister to Restiv Star. Dam of 5

foals, 1 to race, inc:-Risarshana. Raced once. Dam of-

Selebela (Grand Lodge). 3 wins at 1½m, 2d Newmarket Aphrodite S., L, York Galtres S., L,3d Newbury Chalice S., L, Milan Premio Villalunga, 4th York Middleton S., Gr.3. Dam of-Fulgur. 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1600m to 2000m, $329,734, Newmarket H., ATC

Membership on Sale H., Newbury Crusader Connect 2YO S., VRC Henry Bolte H.,LV Lachal H., 2d VRC Byron Moore H., Newmarket 2YO S., VRC RSL P., MRC Peter StreetH., 3d Doncaster Racing Post Ipad App H., Newbury London Gold Cup, VRC AscotRacecourse H., MVRC Travis Harrison Cup, ATC H., NewmarketMcSeafood 2YO S., VRC Comic Court H., MRC Montague Jazz Apple H., Drum Theatre H.


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Oriental BeautyBRZ - 2003

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet



Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxMachiavellianAir DistingueLinamixRisantaya

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N. N.Chestnut Filly - Foaled September 23, 2013

DUBAI DUST (USA) (Bay or Brown 1994-Stud 1999). 4 wins-1 at 2-at 7f, 8½f,Hoosier Indiana Derby, L. Brother to SW Little Baby Bear. Half-brother to SWFirst American. Sire of 263 rnrs, 196 wnrs, 23 SW, inc. Mojito (Gavea G.P.Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1), Princess Zuca, Nonno Luigi, Pró Memória, PolvoraNegra, Valiente y Guapo, Nice Bet, Jenufa, Plutão, High Moon, Butler,Madame Castelo, Madame Julia, Belial, More Dust, Duplo Dê, Zepellim, RedDust, etc.

1st damOUTRA RAFAELA, by Silver Deputy. Winner at 1m in U.S.A. Sister to Jo K (dam of JOLLY

SONG), half-sister to NORHEIN, Novecientos. This is her fourth foal. Dam of three foalsto race-Curiosa de Mer (f. by First American). Placed at 2 in 2014-15 in Brazil, 3d Gavea Classico

Luiz Alves de Almeida, L.Armagnac (c. by Giant's Causeway). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1400m, 1500m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Kleine Wunder (f. by Johannesburg). Placed at 2 & 3 in Brazil.

2nd damNORTAK, by Fitzcarraldo. Champion 3YO in Argentina in 1999. 5 wins in Argentina, San Isidro

G.P. Mil Guineas, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Polla de Potrancas, Gr.1, 2d San Isidro G.P. Copa de Plata,Gr.1, 3d San Isidro Clasico Ricardo y Ezequiel Fernandez Guerrico, Gr.2. Sister to ElMeteoro, three-quarter-sister to SILVER PLANET, Heavenly Dancer (dam of SEND INTHECLOWNS, OUT OF CONTROL, PRINCESA CARINA, NOTRE DAME), half-sisterto ALGENIB, Alamak (dam of ALPHARD). Dam of 8 foals, all raced, 7 winners, inc:-NORHEIN (Orpen). 2 wins at 1600m, 2400m in 2013-14 in Argentina, San Isidro Clasico de

la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2, 4th San Isidro G.P. Jockey Club, Gr.1.Novecientos (Whywhywhy). 4 wins at 1400m, 1600m to 2013-14 in Argentina, 2d Palermo

Clasico Otoño, Gr.2, 4th Palermo Clasico Buenos Aires, Gr.3.Jo K. 2 winsat 1200m, 1400m in Argentina. Dam of-

JOLLY SONG (Easing Along). 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1200m, 1400m to 2013-14 in Argentina,Palermo Clasico Bolivia, L, 2d Palermo Especial Petit Club.

3rd damCEPHEI, by Cambremont. Winner in Argentina. Argentine Broodmare of the Year. Three-quarter-

sister to HECHIZADO, Linne, Luna Nuova (dam of FULLMOON), Mumbi Pora (dam ofSUMBEAM), half-sister to EL CENTAURO, SPACEMAN. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race,8 winners, inc:-ALGENIB (Oak Dancer). Horse of the Year & Champion 3YO & Stayer in Argentina in 1990-91.

7 wins from 1600m to 2400m, $610,750 in U.S.A. and Argentina, San Isidro G.P. DosMil Guineas, Gr.1, G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1, G.P. Jockey Club, Gr.1, Golden Gate H.,Gr.2, Hollywood Spence Bay H., L, 2d Arlington Million S., Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Polla dePotrillos, Gr.1, Santa Anita Carleton F Burke H., Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Manuel J Guiraldes,Gr.3, 3d Palermo Clasico Old Man, Gr.3. Sire.

NORTAK (Fitzcarraldo). 5 wins. See above.El Meteoro (Fitzcarraldo). 6 wins in U.S.A. and Argentina, Palermo Handicap Elcho, 2d San

Isidro Clasico Carrera de las Estrellas 3YO, Gr.1, Clasico Carrera de las Estrellas (c&g),Gr.1, 3d San Isidro G.P. 25 de Mayo, Gr.1, Santa Anita Henry P Russell H., L. Sire.

Almitak. 2 wins in Argentina. Dam of-Andhara. Raced twice Broodmare of the Year in Uruguay in 2010-11. Dam of-

ALCAZAR (Aramram). Horse of the Year & Champion Older Horse in Uruguay in 2010-11. Champion Miler in Uruguay in 2009-10. 11 wins from 1400m to 2400m inUruguay, Maroñas Clasico Asamblea de la Florida, L, G.P. General Artigas, L,Clasico Carlos Pellegrini, L, G.P. Comparacion, L.


Ack AckHay PatcherIsgalaI’m A PleasureDeputy MinisterSilver ValleyFitzcarraldoCephei

Broad Brush

In Jubilation

Silver Deputy


Dubai DustUSA - 1994

Outra RafaelaUSA - 2004

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N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled August 30, 2013

REDATTORE (BRZ) (Bay 1995-Stud 2004). 15 wins-1 at 2, Del Mar Eddie Read H.,Gr.1. Sire of 570 rnrs, 370 wnrs, 26 SW, inc. Kapo di Tutti (Cidade Jardim G.P.Presidente da Republica, Gr.1), Zara, Sutil, Estrela Do Oriente, Renânia, RealSecret, Tango Uno, Fast Feet, Notável Sureña, Compari, Ladyttore, Al Arab,Keynes, Royal Canadian, Davignon, Olympic Beijing, As de Ouros,Diretaprodisco, Media Man, On the Brink, Tizon, Doctor Stoke, Flyboy, etc.

1st damPRECIOUS RAFAELA, by Know Heights. 2 wins -1 at 2 - at 1400m, 1500m in Brazil. Sister to

SIMPLY THE BEST, half-sister to MOVIE STAR. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 2YO.Dam of three foals to race, inc:-Vida de Rico (c. by Dubai Dust). 4 wins from 1400m to 2000m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Band on the Run (f. by Elusive Quality). Placed at 3 in 2014-15 in Brazil.

2nd damFemme Fatale, by Clackson. 2 wins at 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Classico Antonio Carlos Amorim,

Gr.3. Sister to ACCESS(dam of QUE FUERZA, NIKINIPO), Speranto, Umbrella Nella,Helena de Monterey (dam of PRONASTERON), three-quarter-sister to Honey Street. Damof 10 foals, all raced, 4 winners, inc:-MOVIE STAR (Royal Academy). 4 wins from 1300m to 1700m, $130,203 in U.S.A. and Brazil,

Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, Meadowlands Navajo Princess S., L, Santa AnitaAllowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3, Santa Anita Tuzla H., L, 4th Santa Anita LasPalmas H., Gr.2, San Gorgonio H., Gr.2, Churchill Downs Cardinal H., Gr.3. Producer.

SIMPLY THE BEST (Know Heights). 3 wins at 1600m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Marcianode Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3.

3rd damON PASS PAS, by Locris. 3 wins at 1100m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of 11 foals, all winners, inc:-

ACCESS (Clackson). 4 wins - 2 at 2-from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.Thomaz Teixeira de Assumpcao Junior, Gr.3, Prova Especial Attilio Irulegui, 2d CidadeJardim Prova Especial Copa Japao de Turfe, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Presidente MarioRibeiro Nunes Galvao, Gr.3, Prova Especial Jorge Wallace Simonsen, Prova EspecialBechara Zaidan, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Luiz Nazareno Teixeira de Assumpcao, Gr.2,Classico Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Gr.3. Dam of-QUE FUERZA (Wild Event). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Henrique

Possollo, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Mariano Procopio,Gr.3. Dam of-AMOR GITANO (Northern Afleet). 10 winsto 1400m to 2014-15 in Brazil, Cristal

G.P. Associacao Brasileira dos Criadores e Proprietarios do Cavalo de Corrida, L,Classico Brigada Militar, Classico Presidente Indemburgo de Lima E Silva, 2d GaveaProva Especial Profissionais do Turfe, 3d Gavea Prova Especial Associação CariocaDos Proprietários Do Cavalo Puro-Sangue Inglês.

NIKINIPO (Jules). 4 winsat 1000m, 1100m in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea Classico Associacaode Criadores do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.3, 3d Gavea Prova Especial Sao Francisco Xavier- Taca Atualpa.

Obvert (Bright Again). 6 wins to 1400m in Brazil, 2d Cristal G.P. Taca de Cristal (c), L.Speranto (Clackson). 9 wins-1 at 2-to 1400m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Jockey Club de Minas

Gerais, Classico Sao Francisco Xavier, G.P. Associacao de Criadores e Prop de Cavalos deCorrida do Rio de Janiero, 2d Gavea G.P. Jose Calmon, Gr.3, Classico Profissionais doTurfe, L, Classico Atahualpa Soares, L, Classico Publico Turfista, Prova Especial Escorial,Prova Especial Farwell, 3d Gavea G.P. Comissao Coordenadora da Criacao, Gr.3, G.P.Costa Ferraz, Gr.3.

Femme Fatale (Clackson). 2 wins. See above.


RedattoreBRZ - 1995

Precious RafaelaBRZ - 2004

Roi Normand

Political Intrigue

Know Heights

Femme Fatale

Exclusive NativeLuth de SaronDeputy MinisterFascinating TrickShirley HeightsUnknown LadyClacksonOn Pass Pas

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N. N.Chestnut Filly - Foaled July 03, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d Belmont RuffianH., Gr.1).

1st damPRECIOUS ZUCA, by Roi Normand. Unraced. Half-sister to FANCIULLA DEL WEST (dam

of RERAISE), MACBETH, Voile d'Or (dam of PERICHOLE, OROVESO). This is her sixthfoal. Her fifth foal is a yearling. Her fourth foal is a 2YO. Dam of two foals to race, both winners-Tchelona (f. by Northern Afleet). 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, 4th Gavea G.P. Luiz

Fernando Cirne Lima, Gr.3.Vide Vinci (c. by Vettori). 2 wins at 1400m, 1500m to 2013-14 in Brazil.

2nd damNOUVELLE CUISINE, by Slap Jack. 4 wins at 1200m in Brazil. Three-quarter-sister to WALLONIE,

half-sister to LA MUSARDIERE. Dam of 10 named foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, inc:-MACBETH (Royal Academy). 3 wins -1 at 2-from 1300m to 2400m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim

G.P. Sao Paulo, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro doSul, Gr.1.

FANCIULLA DEL WEST (Critique). 3 wins - 2 at 2-from 1000m to 1600m in Brazil, GaveaG.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, Classico Ministerio da Agricultura, L, Classico Luis Alves deAlmeida, L, 2d Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Francisco Villela de P. Machado, Gr.2. Dam of-RERAISE (Know Heights). 2 wins at 1800m, 2400m, $195,455 in Argentina, La Plata G.P.

Dardo Rocha, Gr.1, San Isidro Clasico Ensayo, Gr.2, 3d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini,Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Republica Argentina, Gr.1, San Isidro Esp. Bouclette Champ,Esp. Alververas, 4th San Isidro G.P. Jockey Club, Gr.1, G.P. Copa de Oro, Gr.1.

Super Rafaela. Winner at 2 at 1600m in Argentina, Palermo Clasico Juan P. Artigas.Nouvelle Cuisine. Unraced. Dam of-

VICTORY IS OURS (Northern Afleet). 6 wins -1 at 2-from 1600m to 2400m,$115,142, to 2013-14 in Brazil, Taruma G.P. Parana, Gr.1, Cristal G.P. BentoGoncalves, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Piratininga, Gr.2, G.P. Presidente AntonioCorrea Barbosa, Gr.3, Classico Delegacoes Turfisticas, L, 2d Cidade JardimG.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.3, Classico Presidente Waldyr Prudente deToledo, L, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Adil, Gr.3, G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.3.

Voile d'Or. 2 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-PERICHOLE (Fahim). 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1500m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Zelia

Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, 2d GaveaG.P. Carlos Telles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. HenriquePossollo, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.2.

OROVESO (Fahim). 3 wins - 1 at 2 - from 1400m to 2200m, $109,010 in Brazil andSweden, Taby Songline Classic, L, 2d Gavea G.P. Associação Brasileira de Criadores,Gr.1, G.P. Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, Taby Nickes Minneslöpning, L, 3d Taby SonglineClassic, L, Meydan Classic S., Meydan CBD World Mastercard S., UAE 2000 GuineasTrial S., Jebel Ali Stakes Prep S.

3rd damFILLE GRISE, by Zenabre. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, inc:-

LA MUSARDIERE (Sahib). 7 wins to 1400m in Brazil, Gavea Classico AssociacaoLatinoamericana de Jockey Club, L, Cidade Jardim Classico Associacao Nacional dePropietarios, 2d Gavea Classico Jardim Botanico.


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Precious ZucaBRZ - 2004

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Roi Normand

Nouvelle Cuisine

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxExclusive NativeLuth de SaronSlap JackFille Grise

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N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled July 28, 2013

MELLON MARTINI (USA) (Bay 2007-Stud 2012). 2 wins at 1600m, 2000m, Saint-Cloud Prix Matchem, L, Chantilly Prix des Fontaines, 2d Longchamp PrixDaphnis, Gr.3, 4th Deauville Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Gr.2. Half-brother toOUR ENTOURAGE and Polperro (3d Qatar HH The Emir's Trophy, L). His oldestprogeny are yearlings.

1st damPRESENTE, by Know Heights. 2 wins -1 at 2 -at 1400m, 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.

Diana, Gr.1, Prova Especial Joaquim da Cunha Bueno, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao dePiracicaba, Gr.1, G.P. Henrique de Toledo Lara, Gr.1, Copa Japao de Turfe, L. Half-sister toPersonal Emblema. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2YO.

2nd damGO WHO, by Jolly Quick. 2 wins at 1400m, 1900m in Brazil. Dam of 6 named foals, all raced, 5

winners, inc:-PRESENTE (Know Heights). 2 wins. See above.Personal Emblema (Our Emblem). 5 wins -1 at 2-from 1200m to 1600m in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim Prova Especial Franco Clemente Pinto Júnior, 3d Cidade Jardim ClassicoPresidente Joao Tobias de Aguiar, L, Prova Especial Donetica.

Black the Black. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Sistema Solar. Winner at 2 at 1500m in 2013-14 in Brazil.O Professor. Winner at 1200m in Brazil.

3rd damSHARILI GEN, by General Assembly. 2 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil. Half-sister to My Lady T.

J.. Dam of 7 foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, inc:-Shambo. 3 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil.Go Who. 2 wins. See above.Isle Mojer. Unraced. Dam of-

Cointreau (Astor Place). 6 wins from 1400m to 2400m in Brazil, Cristal G.P. PresidenteLuiz Fernando Cirne Lima, 3d Gavea G.P. Adayr Eiras de Araujo, Gr.2.

Icone Do Vale. Winner at 2 at 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil, Gavea Premio Copa LeiloesJockey Club Brasileiro, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Helíaco

4th damSHARILI BROWN, by Gummo. 4 wins - 2 at 2, Del Mar California Thoroughbred Breeders'

Association S., L, 2d Del Mar Sorrento S., L. Sister to J. GEORGE, Foxy Juliana. Dam of 10foals, all winners, inc:-My Lady T. J. (Tejano). 3 wins - 1 at 2 - at 1m, 8½f, 2d Hawthorne Gold Digger S., L. Dam of-

Lady Zora (Lac Ouimet). 6 wins - 1 at 2-at 5½f, 6f, 3d Thistledown Miss Ohio S., L. Producer.T.J. My Man (Rhodes). 4 wins to 6f, 3d Beulah Rollin on Over S., L.

Cure My Blue's. 7 wins, Playfair Princess H. Dam of-Julia Rose. Unraced. Dam of-

NOOSA BEACH (Harbor the Gold). 14 wins - 2 at 2-from 4½f to 9f, $524,472,Emerald Longacres Mile H., Gr.3, Seattle H., L, Budweiser H., L - twice, Mt RainierH., L - twice, Governor's H., L, Captain Condo S., L, Pepsi Cola H., L, HastingsGeorge Royal S., L, 2d Emerald Longacres Mile H., Gr.3, Gottstein Futurity, L,Seattle Slew H., L, Governor's H., L, 3d Hastings British Columbia Derby, Gr.3,Emerald WTBA Lads S., L.

NOOSITO (Harbor the Gold). 5 wins - 2 at 2-from 5½f to 8½f, $157,698, to 2014,Emerald Dennis Dodge S., L, Auburn H., L, Seattle Slew H., L, Chinook Pass S.,2d Emerald Coca-Cola H., L, 3d Emerald Downs Derby, L, Emerald WTBOA LadsS., L, Gottstein Futurity, L.


Northern DancerFairy BridgeDynaformerLovely MarthaShirley HeightsUnknows LadyJolly QuickSharili Gen

Sadler’s Wells

Sand Springs

Know Heights

Go Who

Mellon MartiniUSA - 2007

PresenteBRZ - 2006

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DANTE ALIGHIERIChestnut Colt - Foaled July 10, 2013

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud in France 1996, Aust. 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at1600m, French Two Thousand Guineas, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner.Sire of 1021 rnrs, 628 wnrs, 37 SW, inc. Meu Rei - Medaha (Sau.) (CidadeJardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, MacavelliMiss, St. Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.),L'Azzura, Out of Control, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, etc.

1st damPrincesa Rafaela, by Woodman. Winner at 1500m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. Adayr Eiras de

Araujo, Gr.2, 4th Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2. This is her third foal. Dam of twofoals to race, both winners -BIRKIN BAG (f. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 2 at 2000m in Brazil, GP Diana, Gr.1, 3d GP

Carlos Gilberto e Carlos Telles da Rocha Faria, Gr.2.Vale O Escrito (c. by Know Heights). Winner at 2400m in Brazil.

2nd damSWEET ETERNITY, by Effervescing. Horse of the Year & Champion 3YO Filly in Brazil in 1998-99.

4 wins at 2000m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira,Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Sao Paulo, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. 16 de Julho, Gr.2, 2d Gavea G.P. CarlosTelles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3, 4thGavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1. Sister to SIRENA, SUSPICIOUS MIND, SweetBiscuit (dam of STOCKHOLDER, SUTIL, SELECTA), half-sister to SWEET MIND(dam of STARMAN). Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, inc:-Princesa Rafaela (Woodman). Winner. See above.

3rd damSWEET HONEY, by Egoismo. 5 wins - 3 at 2-at 1400m, 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Zelia

Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. Organizacao Sulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, ClassicoOctavio Dupont, L, 2d Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, G.P. Ministerio da Agricultura, Gr.3,3d Gavea Classico Luiz Alves de Almeida, Gr.3, Classico Euvaldo Lodi, L, 4th Cidade JardimG.P. Diana, Gr.1. Half-sister to JOSEPH, SHEENY, Sweet and Sour (dam of SOURTOUT).Dam of 13 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, inc:-SUSPICIOUS MIND (Effervescing). 6 wins - 2 at 2 - at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Pres. Republica, Gr.1, G.P. Pres. Emilio Garrastazu Medici, Gr.2, G.P. Jose C. de Figueiredo,Gr.3, G.P. Mario Azevedo Ribeiro, Gr.3, 2d Gavea G.P. Associacao Brasileira dos Criadores,Gr.1, G.P. Pres. Arthur da Costa e Silva, Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. Pres. da Republica, Gr.1, G.P.Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, 4th Gavea G.P. Pres. Emilio Garrastazu Medici, Gr.2. Sire.

SWEET ETERNITY (Effervescing). 4 wins. See above.SIRENA (Effervescing). 3 wins at 1500m, 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Organizacao Sulamericana

de Fomento, Gr.1, P.E. Garbosa Bruleur, 2d Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1,C.J. G.P. Organizacao Sulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.2,G.P. Duque de Caxias, Gr.2, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. 11 de Julho, Gr.2,G.P. Al. Marques de Tamandare, Gr.2, Clas. Antonio C. Amorim, Gr.3. Dam of -See You (Baligh). 5 wins - 1 at 2-from 1400m to 1900m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Classico

Justica do Trabalho, L.SWEET MIND (Baligh). Winner at 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Classico Octavio Dupont, L, 2d

Gavea G.P. Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Roger Guedon,Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1, G.P. Carlos Telles e Carlos Gilberto daRocha Faria, Gr.2, 4th Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3. Dam of-STARMAN (Trempolino). 9 wins from 1600m to 2400m in Brazil, Cristal G.P. Bento Goncalves, Gr.1

- twice, Gavea G.P. Pref. Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.3, Clas. Much Better, L, Clás. Primavera, L,2d Cristal G.P. Bento Goncalves, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Professor Nova Monteiro, Gr.3 - twice, G.P.Pref. Cidade do R.Janeiro, Gr.3, Clas. Deleg. Turfisticas, L, 3d Gavea Clas. Deleg. Turfisticas, L- twice, Clas. Much Better, L, 4th Gavea G.P. Pres. Arthur da Costa e Silva, Gr.3.


VettoriIRE - 1992

Princesa RafaelaUSA - 2005


Air Distingue


Sweet Eternity

Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheMr. ProspectorPlaymateEffervescingSweet Honey

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N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled September 30, 2013

REDATTORE (BRZ) (Bay 1995-Stud 2004). 15 wins-1 at 2, Del Mar Eddie Read H.,Gr.1. Sire of 570 rnrs, 370 wnrs, 26 SW, inc. Kapo di Tutti (Cidade Jardim G.P.Presidente da Republica, Gr.1), Zara, Sutil, Estrela Do Oriente, Renânia, RealSecret, Tango Uno, Fast Feet, Notável Sureña, Compari, Ladyttore, Al Arab,Keynes, Royal Canadian, Davignon, Olympic Beijing, As de Ouros,Diretaprodisco, Media Man, On the Brink, Tizon, Doctor Stoke, Flyboy, etc.

1st damPUMA KITTEN, by Storm Cat. Unraced. Half-sister to Charmed Gift (dam of

ENDORSEMENT),Jazz Tradition (dam of TOUAREG). This is her eighth living foal. Herseventh foal is a 2YO. Dam of six foals to race, five winners-KITTY IN A TIZZY (f. by Tiznow). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 7f, 1m, $347,725, Arlington Park Chicago

H., Gr.3, Woodbine Allowance, 2d Presque Isle Downs Masters S.,Gr.2, Woodbine SeleneS., Gr.3, Duchess S., L, 4th Keeneland Raven Run S., Gr.2, Woodbine Whimsical S., Gr.3.

Cash Sale (g. by Broken Vow). 3 wins at 1m, 8¼f in U.S.A.Itsy Bitsy Kitty (f. by Formal Gold). 2 wins at 5f, 5½f in U.S.A.Big Mac (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 1300m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Sweet Beat (f. by Tiznow). Winner at 8½f in U.S.A. Dam of-

Cameo Appearance (Majestic Warrior). 4 wins from 6f to 1m, $228,678, to 2014, 2d RemingtonOklahoma Derby, Gr.3, 3d Louisiana Super Derby, Gr.2, Arlington Park Straight Line S., L.

Fire Alarm (Fusaichi Pegasus). 6 wins - 1 at 2-from 5f to 8¼f, $259,508, 2d MonmouthJersey Derby, L, 4th Monmouth Restoration S., L, Lamplighter S., L.

Gray Puma (g. by Cee's Tizzy). Placed at 2 in U.S.A.

2nd damPOTRIDEE, by Potrillazo. Champion 2YO Filly in Argentina in 1991-92. 7 wins - 3 at 2, $379,000

in U.S.A. and Argentina, Hollywood Vanity H., Gr.1, San Isidro Clasico Carrera de las Estrellasde Potrancas, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Jorge de Atucha, Gr.1, Del Mar Osunitas H., L, HollywoodTypecast S., L, 3d Arlington Park Beverly D S., Gr.1, Santa Anita Las Palmas H., Gr.2.Sister to POTRICHAL (dam of T.H. APPROVAL), POTRINNER (dam of MELHORAINDA, DANON GO GO), POTRIZARIS (dam of DIA DE LA NOVIA), half-sister toPOTRO REX, SUNBANNER. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, inc:-Charmed Gift (A.P. Indy). 4 wins - 2 at 2-at 1m, 8½f, $256,454, Churchill Downs Allowance-

twice, 2d Churchill Downs Dogwood S., Gr.3, Fair Grounds Silverbulletday S., Gr.3, TiffanyLass S., L, 4th Fair Grounds Oaks, Gr.2, Prairie Meadows Iowa Oaks, L. Dam of-ENDORSEMENT (Distorted Humor). 4 wins from 1m to 9f, $650,788, Sunland Derby,

Gr.3, Lone Star Texas Mile S., Gr.3, 2d Del Mar Wickerr S., L, 3d Pimlico Special S., Gr.3.Artifact (Maria's Mon). 4 wins from 1200m to 1800m in Argentina, Palermo Handicap

Fuyita, 2d San Isidro Handicap Parwiz, 3d Palermo Clasico Haras Argentinos, L.Vistoso. Champion Imported Older Horse in Mexico in 2010 & 2011. 12 wins - 5 at 2-from

1200m to 2400m in Mexico, Las Americas Clasico Ciudad de Mexico, Clasico Anahuac,Campeonato Juvenil, Clasico Nueva Hipica, Derby Mexicano, Handicap Pura Sangre,Handicap Copa de Oro, 2d Las Americas Clasico Dia de la Bandera, Clasico Cabalgata,G.P. Nacional, 3d Las Americas Handicap Pura Sangre, Clasico Cabalgata.

Jazz Tradition. Winner at 8½f in U.S.A. Dam of-TOUAREG (Easing Along). 3 wins at 2 at 1400m, 1500m in 2014-15 in Argentina, Palermo

G.P. Montevideo, Gr.1, Clasico Pedro E y Manuel A Crespo, Gr.3, Especial HipicaRioplatense Uruguay.

3rd damChaldee, by Banner Sport. 2 wins in Argentina, 3d Palermo Clasico Venezuela, Gr.2. Half-sister to

La Sabra, Crown Golda (dam of TOUGH GOLDA). Dam of 12 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, inc:-POTRIDEE (Potrillazo). 7 wins. See above.


RedattoreBRZ - 1995

Puma KittenUSA - 1997

Roi Normand

Political Intrigue

Storm Cat


Exclusive NativeLuth de SaronDeputy MinisterFascinating TrickStorm BirdTerlinguaPotrillazoChaldee

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DRAGOChestnut Colt - Foaled August 27, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d BelmontRuffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegetters Beauty First, etc.

1st damRAINHA CAROLINA, by Roi Normand. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Half-sister to NEW

EXPORT, E DO SUL, Makenji, Moonhanger. This is her fourth foal. Dam of three foals torace, all winners-Bam Bam (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1300m in 2013-14 in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim

G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1, Classico Siphon, L, Prova Especial Jayme Torres C.Karoline (f. by Vettori). Winner at 2 at 1400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim Prova

Especial Joaquim da Cunha Bueno.Avatar Greatness (c. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1300m to 2014-15 in Brazil.

2nd damIMPORTANT DAISY, by Ghadeer. Unraced. Dam of 9 named foals, all raced, 8 winners, inc:-

NEW EXPORT(Exile King). Champion 3YO Colt in Brazil in 2004-05. 6 wins-1 at 2-from1100m to 2000m, $213,737 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro,Gr.1, G.P. Francisco Eduardo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, Hollywood Allowance, 2d Lone StarDallas Turf Cup, Gr.3, 3d Gavea G.P. Frederico Lundgren, Gr.3, Hollywood Inglewood H.,Gr.3, Del Mar Harry F Brubaker H., L.

E DO SUL (Irish Fighter). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1200m to 1600m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.Presidente do Jockey Club, Gr.3, 2d Taruma Classico Associacao Brasileira de Criadores, L. Sire.

Makenji (Patio de Naranjos). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1300m to 1600m in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Mario Jorge de Carvalho, 2d Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, G.P.Antonio Carlos Amorim, Gr.3-twice, Prova Especial Independencia, 3d Gavea G.P. RogerGuedon, Gr.3, Classico Armando Rodrigues Carneiro, L. Dam of-El Gran Verdugo (Dancer Man). 2 wins at 1400m, 1500m to 2013-14 in Uruguay, 2d

Maroñas Clasico Criadores Nacionales, L, 3d Maroñas Clasico Romantico.Moonhanger (Malibu Moon). 5 wins from 1m to 8½f, $117,318, 3d Monmouth Jersey Derby, L.Futuro da Noite. 10 wins from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, Taruma G.P. Jockey Club Brasileiro.Gaúcho Dos Anjos. 8 wins from 1300m to 1600m in Brazil.Bryan Adams. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1500m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Rainha Carolina. 2 wins. See above.

3rd damDAISY BUCK, by Spend a Buck. 4 wins to 1300m in Canada and Brazil. Half-sister to Dark

Accent, Sir Bird. Dam of 8 foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, inc:-New Daisy. 3 wins-1 at 2-to 1500m in Brazil. Dam of-

Ballpoint (Point Given). 4 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 2200m to 2014-15 in Brazil, GaveaProva Especial Know Heights, Prova Especial Troyanos, 2d Gavea G.P. Prefeitura daCidade do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.3.

Van Daisy (Dodge). 3 wins at 1100m, 1200m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. PresidenteJoao Carlos Leite Penteado, Gr.3.

4th damOOPSIE DAISY, by Dewan. Unraced. Sister to AFIFA, half-sister to ALIAS SMITH, AUCTION RING,

WHOW (dam of SECOND OF JUNE), Northern Walker (dam of PASSAGERE DUSOIR), Passing My Way (dam of PHONE CHATTER). Dam of 13 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners.


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Rainha CarolinaBRZ - 2005

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Roi Normand

Important Daisy

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxExclusive NativeLuth de SaronGhadeerDaisy Buck

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DISSENÃODISSEChestnut Filly - Foaled August 12, 2013

OUT OF CONTROL (BRZ) (Bay 2003-Stud 2010). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1800m,$806,421 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Hollywood American Invitational H., Gr.2, Oak TreeMile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance, Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Presi-dente da Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H., Gr.1, Churchill Downs Turf ClassicS., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak Tree Clement L Hirsch Memorial TurfChampionship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1. Half-brother toSEND INTHE CLOWNS (San Isidro G.P. Miguel Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, Gr.1, 2dSan Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1), PRINCESA CARINA (San Isidro Clasico LosHaras, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2) and NOTRE DAME(Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita PaseanaH., L) and to the dam of VITORIA OLIMPICA. His oldest progeny are 2YOs.

1st damRAINHA CELINA, by Our Emblem. 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Classico

Presidente Joao Goulart, L, Classico Armando Rodrigues Carneiro, L, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P.Paulo José da Costa, Gr.3, 4th Gavea Clássico Imprensa, L. This is her fourth foal. Her third foalis a yearling. Her second foal is a 2YO. Dam of one foal to race-Apollo Maximus (c. by Elusive Quality). 3 wins at 1600m in 2013-14 in Brazil.

2nd damMEGERA INDOMAVEL, by Roi Normand. Raced twice. Sister to ATOMIC LADY, FILIPPIO,

blood-sister to Factual. Dam of 5 foals, 2 to race, both winners, inc:-RAINHA CELINA (Our Emblem). 3 wins. See above.Princesa Indomita. Winner at 1400m in Argentina.

3rd damISOLA LADY, by Ghadeer. 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1200m to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Carlos

Telles da Rocha Faria, Gr.1, 3d Gavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2, G.P.Joao Adhemar de Almeida Prado, Gr.3. Sister to EASY WON, half-sister to LOTHAR. Dam of8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, inc:-FILIPPIO (Roi Normand). 3 wins from 2000m to 3200m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. General

Couto de Magalhaes, Gr.2, Prova Especial Zenabre, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Gualicho,Prova Especial José Bastos Padilha, 3d Gavea Classico Taca Cidade Maravilhosa, L,Cidade Jardim Classico Adil, L.

ATOMIC LADY (Roi Normand). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1100m to 2400m in Brazil, GaveaG.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.2, 2d Gavea G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.3. Producer.

Gilmore Girl. 4 wins from 1600m to 2500m, Arlington Play Soccer 6 H., 2d Fairview TellytrackWedgewood H., Arlington Soccer 6 H., Racing Express H., Pumba Game Reserve H.,3d Clairwood Umsinzi H., Arlington Wedgewood H., 4th Kenilworth Sun Classique H., L,Scottsville Queen Palm H., L.

4th damASOLA, by St Chad. Champion 3YO in Brazil in 1982-83. 5 wins-2 at 2-from 1400m to 2400m in

Brazil, Gavea G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P.Diana, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Gavea G.P. HenriquePossollo, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Criacao Nacional, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Carlos Telles da RochaFaria, Gr.2, G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Taca de Ouro, Gr.1. Three-quarter-sister to VISTORIA, Inza Lady (dam of TROPICAL LADY), Lady Irene (dam ofIMMACULATE, VAL DES BOIS, BULLET, GALOPE FORTE), half-sister to VAT,Utilite. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, all winners, inc:-ISOLA LADY (Ghadeer). 3 wins. See above.LOTHAR (Bowling). 4 wins from 2000m to 3500m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Derby Club, Gr.2.


MachiavellianAir DistingueFitzcarraldoAlamakMr. ProspectorPersonal InsignRoi NornandIsola Lady


Heavenly Dancer

Our Emblem

Megera Indomavel

Out Of ControlBRZ - 2003

Rainha CelinaBRZ - 2005

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N. N.Chestnut Filly - Foaled July 09, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1mto 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S., Gr.1, BelmontOne Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont Jockey Club Gold Cup, Gr.1,Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds Louisiana Derby, Gr.2, 4th FairGrounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L. Half-brother to STAGELUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d Belmont Ruffian H., Gr.1).

1st damREINA CARINA, by First American. Winner at 1400m in Argentina. Half-sister to SEND INTHE

CLOWNS, OUT OF CONTROL, PRINCESA CARINA, NOTRE DAME, Magic Rafaela(dam of VITORIA OLIMPICA). This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a yearling. Dam of onefoal to race-Betuaregood (c. by Elusive Quality). Placed at 2 in 2013-14 in Brazil.

2nd damHEAVENLY DANCER, by Fitzcarraldo. Placed at 3 in Brazil. Sister to SILVER PLANET, three-

quarter-sister to NORTAK (dam of NORHEIN), El Meteoro, half-sister to ALPHARD. Damof 9 foals, all raced, 8 winners, inc:-SEND INTHE CLOWNS (Know Heights). 3 wins at 2000m, 2500m, $102,984 in Argentina,

San Isidro G.P. Miguel Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, Gr.1, Palermo Clasico Chacabuco, Gr.2,2d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1, Clasico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2,Palermo Clasico General Belgrano, Gr.2.

PRINCESA CARINA (Know Heights). 6 wins from 1600m to 2500m, $105,076 in Argentina,San Isidro Clasico Los Haras, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2,San Isidro Clasico Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, Palermo Clásico Chile, Gr.3, San Isidro Espe-cial Paranoide, 4th San Isidro G.P. 25 de Mayo, Gr.1. Dam of-BONAPARTE (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1500m, 2400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, 4thCidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1.

OUT OF CONTROL (Vettori). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1800m, $806,421 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Hollywood American Invitational H., Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance,Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H.,Gr.1, Churchill Downs Turf Classic S., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak Tree ClementL Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1.

NOTRE DAME (Royal Academy). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m, $110,374 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita PaseanaH., L. Producer.

Magic Rafaela. Winner at 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-VITORIA OLIMPICA (Northern Afleet). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m, $130,543,

to 2013 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P.Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, Saratoga Alydar S., L, Gavea Prova Especial Super Power,3d Gavea G.P. Jockey Club Brasileiro, Gr.1, 4th Belmont Jockey Club Gold Cup, Gr.1,Cidade Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1.

3rd damALAMAK, by Cipol. Winner in Argentina. Half-sister to ALGENIB, NORTAK (dam of NORHEIN),

El Meteoro. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, inc:-ALPHARD (Just in Case). 2 wins at 2 in Argentina, San Isidro G.P. Gran Criterium, Gr.1. Sire.SILVER PLANET (Fitzcarraldo). 7 wins from 1400m to 2500m in Argentina, San Isidro

Clasico Progreso, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ayacucho, Gr.3, La Plata Clasico Yatasto, 2d SanIsidro G.P. Raul y Raul E. Chevalier, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. de Honor, Gr.1, San Isidro ClasicoProgreso, Gr.2, 4th San Isidro G.P. Copa de Oro, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. de Honor, Gr.1. Sire


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Reina CarinaBRZ - 2005

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

First American

Heavenly Dancer

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxQuiet AmericanIn JubilationFitzcarraldoAlamak

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N. N.Chestnut Filly - Foaled August 14, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d Belmont RuffianH., Gr.1).

1st damSIMPLY THE BEST, by Know Heights. 3 wins at 1600m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Marciano

de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3. Half-sister to MOVIE STAR. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a yearling. Her first foal is a 2YO.

2nd damFemme Fatale, by Clackson. 2 wins at1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Classico Antonio Carlos

Amorim, Gr.3. Sister to ACCESS (dam of QUE FUERZA, NIKINIPO), Speranto, UmbrellaNella, Helena de Monterey (dam of PRONASTERON), three-quarter-sister to Honey Street.Dam of 9 named foals, all raced, 4 winners, inc:-MOVIE STAR (Royal Academy). 4 wins from 1300m to1700m, $130,203 in U.S.A. and Brazil,

Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, Meadowlands Navajo Princess S., L, Santa AnitaAllowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Roger Guedon, Gr.3, Santa Anita Tuzla H., L, 4th Santa Anita LasPalmas H., Gr.2, San Gorgonio H., Gr.2, Churchill Downs Cardinal H., Gr.3. Producer.

SIMPLY THE BEST (Know Heights). 3 wins. See above.

3rd damON PASS PAS, by Locris. 3 wins at 1100m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of 11 foals, all winners, inc:-

ACCESS (Clackson). 4 wins - 2 at 2 - from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.Thomaz Teixeira de Assumpcao Junior, Gr.3, Prova Especial Attilio Irulegui, 2d CidadeJardim Prova Especial Copa Japao de Turfe, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Presidente MarioRibeiro Nunes Galvao, Gr.3, Prova Especial Jorge Wallace Simonsen, Prova EspecialBechara Zaidan, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Luiz Nazareno Teixeira de Assumpcao, Gr.2,Classico Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Gr.3. Dam of-QUE FUERZA (Wild Event). 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.3. Producer.NIKINIPO (Jules). 4 wins at 1000m, 1100m in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea Classico Associacao

de Criadores do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.3, 3d Gavea P.E.Sao Francisco Xavier - Taca Atualpa.Obvert (Bright Again). 6 wins to 1400m in Brazil, 2d Cristal G.P. Taca de Cristal (c), L.

Speranto (Clackson). 9 wins - 1 at 2-to 1400m in Brazil, Gavea Clas. J.Club de Minas Gerais,Clas. Sao Francisco Xavier, G.P. As. de Criadores e Prop de Cavalos de Corrida do Rio deJaniero, 2d Gavea G.P. Jose Calmon, Gr.3, Clas. Prof. do Turfe, L, Clas. o Atahualpa Soares,L, 3d Gavea G.P. Comissao Coordenadora da Criacao, Gr.3, G.P. Costa Ferraz, Gr.3.

Femme Fatale (Clackson). 2 wins. See above.Umbrella Nella (Clackson). 4 wins at 1000m, 1200m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Classico Jockey

Club de Sao Paulo, L, 4th Gavea G.P. Dia da Justica, Gr.3.Helena de Monterey. 2 wins at 1000m in Brazil. Dam of-

PRONASTERON (Choctaw Ridge). 8 wins - 1 at 2-from 1400m to 1600m in Brazil,Cidade Jardim G.P. Governador do Estado, Gr.3 - twice, G.P. Henrique de Toledo Lara,Gr.3, G.P. Prefeito do Municipio de Sao Paulo, Gr.3, Classico Nelson de Almeida Prado,L, 2d Gavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente daRepublica, Gr.1 - twice, G.P. Duplex, Gr.2, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente da Republica,Gr.1, Copa ABCPCC Milha, Gr.3.


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Simply The BestBEZ - 2006

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Know Heights

Femme Fatale

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxShirley HeightsUnknown LadyClacksonOn Pass Pas

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N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled July 11, 2013

DUBAI DUST (USA) (Bay or Brown 1994-Stud 1999). 4 wins-1 at 2-at 7f, 8½f,Hoosier Indiana Derby, L. Brother to SW Little Baby Bear. Half-brother to SWFirst American. Sire of 248 rnrs, 186 wnrs, 22 SW, inc. Mojito (Gavea G.P.Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1), Princess Zuca, Nonno Luigi, Pró Memória, PolvoraNegra, Valiente y Guapo, Nice Bet, Jenufa, Plutão, High Moon, Madame Castelo,Madame Julia, Belial, More Dust, Duplo Dê, Zepellim, Red Dust, etc.

1st damSKY MY DARLING, by Sky Mesa. Unraced. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a yearling.

2nd damDARLING MY DARLING, by Deputy Minister. 4 wins - 1 at 2-from 6½f to 8½f, $318,274,

Keeneland Raven Run S., L, Doubledogdare S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d BelmontMatron S., Gr.1, Frizette S., Gr.1, 3d Keeneland Beaumont S., Gr.2, 4th Saratoga Go for WandS., Gr.1. Blood-sister to Silk Big Time, half-sister to ZENNO ROB ROY, Stray Cat(dam of TAGANO ELISABETH). Dam of 7 named foals, 2 to race, both winners, inc:-Darling Mon. 4 wins from 6f to 1m, Keeneland Allowance, 4th Turfway Holiday Cheer S., L.Torini. Winner at 2 at 7f in U.S.A.

3rd damROAMIN RACHEL, by Mining. 9 wins -1 at 2-from 6f to 8½f, $528,777, Saratoga Ballerina S.,

Gr.1, Churchill Downs Brown & Williamson H., Gr.3, Keeneland Beaumont S., Gr.3, AqueductBonnie Leaf S., L, Ruthless S., L, Calder Princess Rooney H., L, Turfway Queen H., L, 2dTurfway Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2, Keeneland Thoroughbred Club of America S., Gr.3, AqueductTell a Secret S., L, 3d Keeneland Ashland S., Gr.1. Sister to HELLO RACHEL, Choice Claim(dam of ANOTHER), half-sister to Tangled (dam of CAT'S CRADLE). Dam of 6 foals, 5 torace, 3 winners, inc:-ZENNO ROB ROY (Sunday Silence). Horse of the Year & Champion Older Horse in Japan in

2004. 7 wins from 1600m to 2500m, £5,662,001, Japan Cup, Gr.1, Nakayama ArimaKinen, Jpn-1, Tokyo Tenno Sho (Autumn), Jpn-1, Hanshin Kobe Shimbun Hai, Jpn-2, TokyoTV Tokyo Hai Aoba Sho, Jpn-2, Nakayama Yamabuki Sho, 2d York International S., Gr.1,Kyoto Daishoten, Gr.2, Tokyo Yushun, Jpn-1, Kyoto Tenno Sho (Spring), Jpn-1, Tokyo TennoSho (Autumn), Jpn-1, Nakayama Nikkei Sho,Jpn-2, 3d Japan Cup, Gr.1, Hanshin TakarazukaKinen, Gr.1, Nakayama Arima Kinen, Jpn-1, Hanshin Sumire S., 4th Hanshin TakarazukaKinen, Gr.1, Kyoto Kikuka Sho, Jpn-1. Sire.

DARLING MY DARLING (Deputy Minister). 4 wins. See above.Qawaqeb. 3 wins at 1600m, 2000m in U.S.A. and U.A.E, Nad al Sheba Saudi Binladin Group

Piling & Foundations H., Belmont Allowance.Stray Cat. Raced once. Dam of-

TAGANO ELISABETH (Special Week). 2 wins at 2 at 1200m, 1400m, Kyoto KBS KyotoSho Fantasy S., L.

Narita King Power (Brian's Time). 4 wins from 2400m to 2600m, Chukyo KisogawaTokubetsu, Sapporo Hokkai H., 3d Sapporo Nikkei Open, L.

Indy Bold. Unraced. Dam of-Goldpricesrising. 2 wins at 6f in U.S.A. Dam of-

Takao Noboru (Neo Universe). 4 wins at 1800m, 2100m, $1,051,849, to 2013,Kyoto Hatsuyume S., Niigata Kirinzan Tokubetsu, 2d Niigata Leopard S., Gr.3, SagaKinen, L, Nakayama Shiwasu S., 4th Kawasaki Kinen, L.

4th damONE SMART LADY, by Clever Trick. Unraced. Half-sister to NOT TOMORROW. Dam of 9 foals,

8 to race, 7 winners, inc:-ROAMIN RACHEL (Mining). 9 wins. See above.


Ack AckHay PatcherIsgalaI’m A PleasurePulpitCaressDeputy MinisterRoamin Rachel

Broad Brush

In Jubilation

Sky Mesa

Darling My Darling

Dubai DustUSA - 1994

Sky My DarlingUSA - 2007

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N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled August 02, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d BelmontRuffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegetters Beauty First, etc.

1st damSONHO LINDO, by Aldebaran. Unraced. Half-sister to BE FAIR, VIRGINIE, MOON DOLLY,

Always Lucky, Samba Queen (dam of MANCATION). This is her first foal.

2nd damMISTY MOON, by Baronius. Winner at 1300m in Brazil. Sister to Oversight (dam of VYATKA,

OVERKILL), three-quarter-sister to PLAY FOR, half-sister to Egberto. Dam of 12 namedfoals, 11 to race, 7 winners, inc:-VIRGINIE (Legal Case). Champion 3YO Filly & Triple Crown Winner in Brazil in 1997-98. 9

wins -4 at 2 - from 1000m to 2400m, $271,610 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. HenriquePossollo, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1, Hollywood BeverlyHills H., Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2, G.P. Carlos Telles eCarlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2, G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita SantaAna H., Gr.2, Santa Barbara H., Gr.2. Dam of-Lady Carnival. 2 wins at 1400m in Japan. Dam of-

Brunette (Daiwa Major). 2 wins at 1800m to 2014, 2d Kokura Dazaifu Tokubetsu,Nakayama Tomisato Tokubetsu, Nojimazaki Tokubetsu, 3d Tokyo Sankei SportsSho Flora S., Gr.2.

Step Together. Unraced. Dam of-Maricy (Came Home). 5 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Argentina, Palermo Handicap

Corcel, Especial Maria's Halo, 2d San Isidro Clasico Omnium, L, 3d San IsidroHandicap Badruddin.

BE FAIR (Fast Gold). Champion 3YO Filly in Brazil in 1999-2000. 5 wins from 1300m to 2400min Brazil, Gavea G.P. Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.1, G.P.Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.3, 2d Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1, G.P. CarlosTelles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2. Dam of-Be So Fair (Stravinsky). 3 wins from 1300m to 1600m in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim

Classico Presidente Luiz Oliveira de Barros, L, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente HernaniAzevedo Silva, Gr.2, 4th Gavea G.P. Mariano Procopio, Gr.3, Cidade Jardim CopaJapao de Turfe, L, Classico Imprensa, L.

Both Sides (Stravinsky). Winner at 6f, 2d Ruidoso Norgor Derby, L, 3d Sunray Park &Casino S., L.

MOON DOLLY (Kris S). 5 wins from 6½f to 2¼m, $192,346, Arlington Park Claire Marine S.,L,Fair Hill Valentine Memorial Sport of Queen's Hurdle, 2d Far Hills Peapack Hurdle, PercyWarner Margaret Currey Henley Sport of Queens Hurdle, 3d Belmont North Broadway S., L,Monmouth Guelph Hurdle.

Always Lucky (Westheimer). 2 wins at 1500m, 1600m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. Zelia GonzagaPeixoto de Castro, Gr.1.

Samba Queen. Placed at 3 in U.S.A. Dam of-MANCATION (Going Wild). Winner at 8½f in 2014, Sunland New Mexico Breeder's Derby, L.

Fazenda. Placed at 3 in U.S.A. Dam of-Beijoca (Dynaformer). 3 wins at 8½f, 1½m, $155,294, Keeneland Allowance-twice, 3d

Gulfstream The Very One S., Gr.3, 4th Keeneland Dowager S., L, Churchill DownsKeertana S., L.


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Sonho LindoUSA - 2007

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet


Misty Moon

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxMr. ProspectorChimes of FreedomBaroniusFashion Dancer

Page 46: Catalogo TNT 2015 EXTRA - - · Os acertos das compras deverão ser efetuados na Rua Ibiapinópolis, 61 ... (sete) dias úteis, caso ... Rainha Carolina

N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled July 26, 2013

DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d BelmontRuffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegetters Beauty First, etc.

1st damSTICK AROUND, by Roi Normand. Raced twice. This is her fourth foal. Her third foal is a 2YO. Her

first two foals are unraced.

2nd damLADY DE PARIS, by Nugget Point. 3 wins - 2 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.

Criacao Nacional Taca de Prata, Gr.1, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Presidente Mario RibeiroNunes Galvao, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1,Cidade Jardim G.P. Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima, Gr.3. Sister to KING DE PARIS, Just Perfect(dam of UNA BELEZA, ARTEJUSTA, SECRET WAR), half-sister to GENEREUX,GLOBAL HUNTER, HOUSE OF LORDS, Griffe Portenha, Open Secrets (dam ofOLLAGUA). Dam of 5 named foals, all raced, 3 winners, inc:-Toujour Paris. 4 wins -1 at 2-to 1500m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Prova Especial Fernando

Ramos Lemgruber.Ma Cherie. Raced once. Dam of-

That's Now (First American). 4 wins at 1000m, 1100m in Brazil, 2d Gavea ClassicoHernani Azevedo Silva, L.

3rd damGRIFFE DE PARIS, by Telescopico. 8 wins from 1200m to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Organizacao Sulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima,Gr.3, Copa ANPC Eguas, Gr.3, Classico Imprensa, Gr.3, Gavea Classico Thomaz TeixeraAuumpcao Junior, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Jockey Club Brasileiro, Gr.3, Classico PresidenteLuiz Oliveira de Barros, Gr.3, Classico Silvio Alvares Penteado, Gr.3, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P.Organizacao Sulamericana de Fomento ao Puro-Sangue de Corrida OSAF, Gr.1-twice. Half-sister to Apalachian. Dam of 15 foals, 10 to race, all winners, inc:-GLOBAL HUNTER (Jade Hunter). 8 wins from 1400m to 1800m, $612,419 in U.S.A.

and Argentina, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Hollywood American H., Gr.2, San IsidroClasico America, Gr.2, Clasico Horacio Bustillo, Gr.3, Clasico Urbano de Iriondo, L, OakTree Lure S., L, 2d San Isidro G.P. Dos Mil Guineas, Gr.1, Oak Tree Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2,Santa Anita Thunder Road H., Gr.3, 3d Del Mar Bing Crosby S., Gr.1, San Isidro G.P.Joaquin S de Anchorena, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Polla de Potrillos, Gr.1, Del Mar Mile H.,Gr.2, Hollywood Mervyn Leroy H., Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Eduardo Casey, Gr.2, 4thHollywood Triple Bend H., Gr.1, Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1.

GENEREUX (French Deputy). 3 wins at 1600m, 2400m in Argentina, San Isidro G.P. 25 deMayo, Gr.1, 2d San Isidro Clasico Progreso, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Chacabuco, Gr.2.

LADY DE PARIS (Nugget Point). 3 wins. See above.HOUSE OF LORDS (Fast Gold). 3 wins at 1600m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. 16 de Julho,

Gr.2, G.P. Joao Borges Filho, Gr.2, 2d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, G.P.Jockey Club Brasileiro, Gr.1, Classico Ernani de Freitas, L, 4th Gavea G.P. Brasil, Gr.1,G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1, G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. Doutor Frontin, Gr.2.

KING DE PARIS (Nugget Point). 6 wins - 2 at 2-from 1100m to 1800m in Brazil, CidadeJardim G.P. Prefeito do Municipio de Sao Paulo, Gr.3, Classico Nelson de Almeida Prado, L,3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Governador do Estado, Gr.3. Sire.


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Stick AroundBRZ - 2006

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Roi Normand

Lady de Paris

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxExclusive NativeLuthe de SaronNugget PointGriffe de Paris

Page 47: Catalogo TNT 2015 EXTRA - - · Os acertos das compras deverão ser efetuados na Rua Ibiapinópolis, 61 ... (sete) dias úteis, caso ... Rainha Carolina

N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled July 02, 2013

VETTORI (IRE) (Bay 1992-Stud in France 1996, Aust. 1996). 2 wins-1 at 2-at1600m, French Two Thousand Guineas, Gr.1. Half-brother to SW Stage Manner.Sire of 1021 rnrs, 628 wnrs, 37 SW, inc. Meu Rei - Medaha (Sau.) (CidadeJardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1), Sound Action, Do Canada, Immortelle, MacavelliMiss, St. Basil, Serata Bella, Joe Bravo, Hightori - Lamh Albarq (Sau.),L'Azzura, Out of Control, Vatori, Kasthari, Reine de Romance, Mustard, etc.

1st damSUPER CARINA, by Our Emblem. 2 wins at 1400m, 1800m in Argentina, San Isidro Clasico

Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, 2d San Isidro Clasico Particula, Gr.2, Clasico Bayakoa, L, 4th SanIsidro G.P. Copa de Plata, Gr.1, Clasico Carlos P Rodriguez, Gr.2, Clasico Espirita, L. Sister toRafaela Bela (dam of ANGELUS TASTER), half-sister to NAUGHTY RAFAELA, PRETTYCAROLINA, Lagardere. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a yearling.

2nd damRISAMIXA, by Linamix. Unraced. Dam of 7 named foals, all winners-

NAUGHTY RAFAELA (Royal Academy). 4 wins - 1 at 2-from 1500m to 2400m, $201,316in U.S.A. and Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Jose Guathemozin Nogueira, Gr.1, Santa AnitaSanta Barbara H., Gr.2, Allowance, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Mario Jorge de Carvalho, 3dHollywood Beverly Hills H., Gr.2, Santa Anita La Zanzara H., L.

SUPER CARINA (Our Emblem). 2 wins. See above.PRETTY CAROLINA (Vettori). 2 wins - 1 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 4thGavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2. Dam of-Ana Paula. Winner at 2 at 1600m in Brazil.

Lagardere (Miswaki). Winner at 1400m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Classico Justica do Trabalho, L.Rafaela Bela. Winner at 2 at 1200m in Argentina, Palermo Premio Especial Fantasista. Dam of-

ANGELUS TASTER (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 2 at 1200m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea Clas.Hernani A. Silva, L, 2d Gavea Clas. Ernani de Freitas, L, P.E. Eulógio Morgado, 3d Gavea G.P.Julio Capua, Gr.3, G.P. Jose Paulino Nogueira, Gr.3, 4th Gavea Clas. Luiz Rigoni, L.

Oriental Beauty. 2 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-Andromeda Lover (Elusive Quality). 4 wins - 1 at 2-to 1400m to 2013-14 in Brazil,

Gavea Prova Especial Profissionais do Turfe, 3d Gavea Classico Jose Calmon, L.Vale Muito. Winner at 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil.

3rd damRISANTAYA, by Nureyev. Winner at 1600m in France. Three-quarter-sister to Restiv Star. Dam of

5 foals, 1 to race, inc:-Risarshana. Raced once. Dam of-

Selebela (Grand Lodge). 3 wins at 1½m, 2d Newmarket Aphrodite S., L, York Galtres S., L,3d Newbury Chalice S., L, Milan Premio Villalunga, 4th York Middleton S., Gr.3. Dam of-Fulgur. 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1600m to 2000m, $256,634, to 2012-13, Newmarket

H., ATC Membership on Sale H., Newbury Crusader Connect 2YO S., VRC Henry Bolte H., LV LachalH., 2d Newmarket 2YO S., VRC RSL P., MRC Peter Street H., 3d Doncaster Racing Post Ipad AppH., Newbury London Gold Cup, Newmarket McSeafood 2YO S., MRC Drum Theatre H.

4th damRESTIVER, by River River. 2 wins at 2, Longchamp Prix des Reservoirs, Gr.3, 2d Longchamp

Prix de Malleret, Gr.2, 3d Saint-Cloud Prix Cleopatre, Gr.3. Half-sister to RESLESSKARA, Restikala (dam of RESTIFIA), Restless War, Rich Man, Son of Ski, RestlessMixa (dam of MA PREFERENCE). Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, inc:-Restiv Star (Soviet Star). Winner, 2d Evry Prix Fille de l'Air, Gr.3, Longchamp Prix de

la Pepiniere, L, 3d Longchamp Prix de Liancourt, L. Produce


VettoriIRE - 1992

Super CarinaBRZ - 2006


Air Distingue

Our Emblem


Mr. ProspectorCoup de FolieSir IvorEuryantheMr. ProspectorPersonal EnsignLinamixRisantaya

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N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled August 03, 2013

FIRST AMERICAN (USA) (Bay 1996-Stud 2000). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1m, 9f, HialeahFlamingo S., Gr.3. Half-brother to SW Little Baby Bear (Gavea G.P. ZeliaGonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1). Sire of 366 rnrs, 294 wnrs, 34 SW, inc.Cores Do Brasil (Cidade Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Timeo,Outplay, That Sunday, Uncle Tom, Doppia Vendetta, Sparkling Gold, Nozze diFigaro, Amor Surpresa,Ed American, Lucky Shot, River Savage, Don Miloca,etc.

1st damSWEET CARINA, by Know Heights. Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil. Three-quarter-sister to SEND

INTHE CLOWNS, PRINCESA CARINA (dam of BONAPARTE), half-sister to VITORIAOLIMPICA. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 2YO. Her first foal is unraced.

2nd damMAGIC RAFAELA, by Royal Academy. Winner at 1600m in Brazil. Sister to NOTRE DAME, half-

sister to SEND INTHE CLOWNS, OUT OF CONTROL, PRINCESA CARINA (dam ofBONAPARTE), Under Control. Dam of 6 named foals, all raced, 5 winners-VITORIA OLIMPICA (Northern Afleet). 4 wins - 2 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m, $130,543 in

U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. Conde de Herzberg,Gr.2, Saratoga Alydar S., L, Gavea P.Especial Super Power, 3d Gavea G.P. Jockey ClubBrasileiro, Gr.1, 4th Belmont Jockey Club Gold Cup, Gr.1, C.J. G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1.

Alakazan Alakazan. 2 wins - 1 at 2-at 1500m, 2100m to 2014 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Super Power.

Torta de Frango. 4 wins from 1400m to 2000m in Brazil, 3d Cidade Jardim Prova EspecialClackson, 4th Gavea Classico Sandpit, L.

Umáximo. 6 wins from 1400m to 1900m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Sweet Carina. Winner. See above.Badminton. Placed at 2 & 3 to 2014-15 in Brazil.

3rd damHEAVENLY DANCER, by Fitzcarraldo. Placed in Brazil. Sister to SILVER PLANET, three-quarter-

sister to NORTAK (dam of NORHEIN), El Meteoro, half-sister to ALPHARD. Dam of 9foals, all winners, inc:-SEND INTHE CLOWNS (Know Heights). 3 wins at 2000m, 2500m, $102,984 in Argentina,

San Isidro G.P. Miguel Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, Gr.1, Palermo Clasico Chacabuco, Gr.2, 2dSan Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1, Clasico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2,Palermo Clasico General Belgrano, Gr.2.

PRINCESA CARINA (Know Heights). 6 wins from 1600m to 2500m, $105,076 in Argentina,San Isidro Clasico Los Haras, Gr.2, Palermo Classico Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2,San Isidro Clasico Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, Palermo Clásico Chile, Gr.3, San Isidro EspecialParanoide, 4th San Isidro G.P. 25 de Mayo, Gr.1. Dam of-BONAPARTE (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1500m, 2400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, 4thCidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1.

OUT OF CONTROL (Vettori). 5 wins -1 at 2 - from 1400m to 1800m, $806,421 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Hollywood American Invitational H., Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance,Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Pres. Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H., Gr.1,Churchill Downs Turf Classic S., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak Tree Clement LHirsch Memorial Turf Championship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1. Sire.

NOTRE DAME (Royal Academy). 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m, $110,374 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa AnitaPaseana H., L. Producer.


FappianoDemureIsgalaI’m A PleasureShirley HeightsUnkown LadyRoyal AcademyHeavenly Dancer

Quiet American

In Jubilation

Know Heights

Magic Rafaela

First AmericanUSA - 1996

Sweet CarinaBRZ - 2006

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DEMODÉBay Colt - Foaled September 21, 2013

FIRST AMERICAN (USA) (Bay 1996-Stud 2000). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1m, 9f, HialeahFlamingo S., Gr.3. Half-brother to SW Little Baby Bear (Gavea G.P. Zelia GonzagaPeixoto de Castro, Gr.1). Sire of 366 rnrs, 294 wnrs, 34 SW, inc. Cores DoBrasil (Cidade Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Timeo, Outplay, ThatSunday, Uncle Tom, Doppia Vendetta, Sparkling Gold, Nozze di Figaro, AmorSurpresa, Ed American, Lucky Shot, River Savage, Don Miloca, etc.

1st damSWEETEST THING, by Candy Stripes - “Champion Grass Mare”, at 3 and 4 in Canadá, U$

857,094, 6 wins no Canadá, incl. Dance Smartly H. [G3], Bewitch S. [G3], Wonder WhereS.; 2nd La Prevoyante H. [G2], Long Island H. [G2], Orchid H. [G2], Sheepshead Bay H.[G2], Very One H. [G3]. Dam of 4 foals, 3 of racing age, including:

Aristocratico ( Elusive Quality) . 3 wins, from 1100m to 1.600m to 2013-2014 in Brazil,Gavea, P.E. Eulogio Morgado, 4h GP Antenor de Lara Campos, Gr.2, P.E. Jockey Club doRio Grande do Sul

Carioca de Coração (c.First American) placed at 2 in Brazil

2nd damESCAPE REALITY, by Lear Fan. 2 wins at 5½f, 6f in U.S.A. Half-sister to Really Peaceful, Lefay

(dam of CAMPESTRE, LITTLE FABIAN C). Dam of thirteen foals, twelve to race, ninewinners, inc:-SWEETEST THING (f. by Candy Stripes). Subject horse.MEDIDOCIHOSPISURG (g. by Thunder Gulch). 8 wins from 6f to 1¼m, $415,344, Woodbine

Elgin S., L, 2d Woodbine Elgin S., L, 4th Woodbine Dominion Day S., Gr.3.Bold Thing (g. by Bold n'' Flashy). 4 wins to 7f, $244,285, Woodbine Allowance-twice, 3d

Woodbine New Providence S., L.Subconscious (f. by Defrere). Unraced. Dam of-

Catch the Buss (Malabar Gold). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 6f to 1m, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaFuturity (f), L.

3rd damMISS REALITY, by In Reality. Winner at 6f in U.S.A. Half-sister to HELENSKA, For the Flag (dam of

BLASH, NATIONAL SERVICE, RESTRAINED). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, inc:-Really Peaceful (Hold Your Peace). 7 wins-2 at 2, $117,584, 3d Louisiana Lorelei S., L. Producer.Lefay. 2 wins at 6f in U.S.A. Dam of-

LITTLE FABIAN C (Ordway). 7 wins-5 at 2-to 7f in Puerto Rico, Camarero ClasicoCofresi, L.

CAMPESTRE (Ordway). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 6f, 6½f in Puerto Rico, Camarero Clasico LuisMunoz Rivera, L.

4th damIN THE OFFING, by Hoist the Flag. 3 wins in U.S.A. Three-quarter-sister to WHYDIDJU, half-sister to

DANCING CHAMP, SWEET ALLIANCE (dam of SHAREEF DANCER, WAR DEPUTY,ZAFFARAN), Farouche (dam of LADY ROBERTA, TURSANAH, MANGAYAH, WOROOD),Miss Pete (dam of BRISTOL PISTOL), Kinema (dam of MIZZEN MAST), Minstrelsy (dam ofSTAR STANDING, TAMAYAZ). Dam of 9 foals, all raced, 6 winners, inc:-HELENSKA (Nijinsky). 4 wins, $112,547, Garden State Vineland H., Gr.3, Gulfstream Golden

Isles S., L. Dam of-Battenkill (Rahy). 4 wins, $143,386, 2d Delaware Twixtslusive H., L, 3d Saratoga Lake

George S., Gr.3, Delaware Beautiful Day S., L, 4th Delaware Christiana S., L.


FappianoDemureIsgalaI’m A PleasureBlushing GroomBubble CompanyLear FanMiss Reality

Quiet American

In Jubilation

Candy Stripes

Escape Reality

First AmericanUSA - 1996

Sweetest ThingCAN - 1998

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DEVOLVIDOBay Colt - Foaled August 19, 2013

FIRST AMERICAN (USA) (Bay 1996-Stud 2000). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1m, 9f, HialeahFlamingo S., Gr.3. Half-brother to SW Little Baby Bear (Gavea G.P. ZeliaGonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1). Sire of 366 rnrs, 294 wnrs, 34 SW, inc.Cores Do Brasil (Cidade Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Timeo,Outplay, That Sunday, Uncle Tom, Doppia Vendetta, Sparkling Gold, Nozze diFigaro, Amor Surpresa, Ed American, Lucky Shot, River Savage, Don Miloca,etc.

1st damTOUJOUR PARIS, by Our Emblem. 4 wins -1 at 2-to 1500m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Prova Especial

Fernando Ramos Lemgruber. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 2YO.

2nd damLADY DE PARIS, by Nugget Point. 3 wins - 2 at 2-at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.

Criacao Nacional Taca de Prata, Gr.1, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Presidente Mario RibeiroNunes Galvao, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Zelia Gonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1,Cidade Jardim G.P. Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima, Gr.3. Sister to KING DE PARIS, Just Perfect(dam of UNA BELEZA, ARTEJUSTA, SECRET WAR), half-sister to GENEREUX,GLOBAL HUNTER, HOUSE OF LORDS, Griffe Portenha, Open Secrets (dam ofOLLAGUA). Dam of 5 named foals, all raced, 3 winners, inc:-Toujour Paris. 4 wins. See above.Ma Cherie. Raced once. Dam of-

That's Now (First American). 4 wins at 1000m, 1100m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Clas. Hernani A. Silva, L.

3rd damGRIFFE DE PARIS, by Telescopico. 8 wins from 1200m to 2000m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Organizacao Sulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima,Gr.3, Copa ANPC Eguas, Gr.3, Classico Imprensa, Gr.3, Gavea Classico Thomaz TeixeraAuumpcao Junior, 3d Cidade Jardim Classico Jockey Club Brasileiro, Gr.3, Classico PresidenteLuiz Oliveira de Barros, Gr.3, Classico Silvio Alvares Penteado, Gr.3, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P.Organizacao Sulamericana de Fomento ao Puro-Sangue de Corrida OSAF, Gr.1 - twice. Half-sister to Apalachian. Dam of 15 foals, 10 to race, all winners, inc:-GLOBAL HUNTER (Jade Hunter). 8 wins from 1400m to 1800m, $612,419 in U.S.A.

and Argentina, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Hollywood American H., Gr.2, San IsidroClasico America, Gr.2, Clasico Horacio Bustillo, Gr.3, Clasico Urbano de Iriondo, L, OakTree Lure S., L, 2d San Isidro G.P. Dos Mil Guineas, Gr.1, Oak Tree Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2,Santa Anita Thunder Road H., Gr.3, 3d Del Mar Bing Crosby S., Gr.1, San Isidro G.P.Joaquin S de Anchorena, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Polla de Potrillos, Gr.1, Del Mar Mile H.,Gr.2, Hollywood Mervyn Leroy H., Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Eduardo Casey, Gr.2, 4thHollywood Triple Bend H., Gr.1, Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1.

GENEREUX (French Deputy). 3 wins at 1600m, 2400m in Argentina, San Isidro G.P. 25 deMayo, Gr.1, 2d San Isidro Clasico Progreso, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Chacabuco, Gr.2.

LADY DE PARIS (Nugget Point). 3 wins. See above.HOUSE OF LORDS (Fast Gold). 3 wins at 1600m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. 16 de Julho,

Gr.2, G.P. Joao Borges Filho, Gr.2, 2d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, G.P.Jockey Club Brasileiro, Gr.1, Classico Ernani de Freitas, L, 4th Gavea G.P. Brasil, Gr.1,G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1, G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. Doutor Frontin, Gr.2.

KING DE PARIS (Nugget Point). 6 wins - 2 at 2-from 1100m to 1800m in Brazil, CidadeJardim G.P. Prefeito do Municipio de Sao Paulo, Gr.3, Classico Nelson de Almeida Prado, L,3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Governador do Estado, Gr.3. Sire.

Griffe Portenha (Allied Forces). 2 wins at 1600m in Argentina, 2d San Isidro Especial Juan S.Boucau, 3d San Isidro G.P. de Potrancas, Gr.1, 4th San Isidro G.P. Enrique Acebal, Gr.1,Palermo G.P. Polla de Potrancas, Gr.1. Producer.


FappianoDemureIsgalaI’m A PleasureMr. ProspectorPersonal EnsignNugget PointGriffe de Paris

Quiet American

In Jubilation

Our Emblem

Lady de Paris

First AmericanUSA - 1996

Toujour ParisBRZ - 2007

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DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S., Gr.1,Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont Jockey ClubGold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d Belmont RuffianH., Gr.1).

1st damTUA CARINA, by Our Emblem. 2 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Prova Especial

Virginie. Half-sister to ZIMBAMIA, CHARGE AHEAD, Niquita. This is her second foal. Herfirst foal is a yearling.

2nd damPOINTE DU BOUT, by Megaturn. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of 12 named foals, all

raced, 9 winners, inc:-ZIMBAMIA (Trempolino). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Diana,

Gr.1, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1. Dam of-Dica Quente. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1400m in Brazil.

CHARGE AHEAD (Irish Fighter). 6 wins -2 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, CidadeJardim Classico Presidente Augusto de Souza Queiroz, L, Classico Jockey Club do RioGrande do Sul, L, Classico Associacao Nacional de Propietarios, L, 2d Cidade JardimClassico Presidente Jose de Souza Queiroz, Gr.3, Classico Alberto Santos Dumont, L,Classico Braulio Gomes, L, Classico Joao Alvares Rubiao Filho, L, 3d Cidade JardimClassico Joao Alvares Rubiao Filho, L, Classico Eusebio Queiroz Matoso, L, ClassicoProfissionais do Turfe, L, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente do Jockey Club, Gr.2.

Niquita (Midnight Tiger). 2 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in U.S.A. and Brazil, Del MarAllowance, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 3d GaveaG.P. Adayr Eiras de Araujo, Gr.2. Dam of-Milgauss. 5 wins at 1400m, 1500m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Artistic Quality. 2 wins at 1200m, 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil.

Tua Carina. 2 wins. See above. I'm Ahead. 3 wins to 1400m in Brazil.Aconcagna. 3 wins at 1600m, 1900m in Brazil. Dam of-

Chilean Summit. 2 wins at 1600m, 1800m in Brazil.Reinando Sempre. 2 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Producer.Utterly Carina. Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil.Seu Sol. Winner at 1500m in Brazil.Our Rafaela. Unplaced. Dam of-

Ed Mort. 5 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Cristal Clássico Tribunal de Justiça Do Estado,2d Pelotas G. P. Princesa do Sul.

3rd damQUEEN'S ADVICE, by Advocator. 3 wins in U.S.A. Half-sister to BAND PRACTICE. Dam of 5

named foals, all raced, inc:-Pointe du Bout. 2 wins. See above.

4th damFLEET EMPRESS, by Young Emperor. 2 wins in U.S.A. Half-sister to FLIT-TO, FLEET

VICTRESS(dam of MINSTRESS), SIR EARL. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, inc:-BAND PRACTICE (Stop the Music). 7 wins -1 at 2, $135,575, Fresno Bulldog S., L, 2d

Phoenix S., Gr.1, Leopardstown Larkspur S., Gr.3, 3d Aqueduct Bold Ruler S., Gr.3. Sire.Dubai Spring. Winner at 1m, 3d Haydock Winwick S.

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxMr. ProspectorPersonal EnsignMegaturnQueen’s Advice

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Our Emblem

Pointe du Bout

DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Tua CarinaBRZ - 2007

N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled July 02, 2013


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FIRST AMERICAN (USA) (Bay 1996-Stud 2000). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1m, 9f, HialeahFlamingo S., Gr.3. Half-brother to SW Little Baby Bear (Gavea G.P. Zelia GonzagaPeixoto de Castro, Gr.1). Sire of 366 rnrs, 294 wnrs, 34 SW, inc. Cores DoBrasil (Cidade Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Timeo, Outplay, ThatSunday, Uncle Tom, Doppia Vendetta, Sparkling Gold, Nozze di Figaro, AmorSurpresa, Ed American,Lucky Shot, River Savage, Don Miloca, etc.

1st damUTOPIE D'AMOUR, by Know Heights. Winner at 2 at 1400m in Brazil. This is her first foal.

2nd damLINDA REGINA, by Linamix. 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1800m, 2100m, Toulouse Prix Fille de l'Air, Gr.3,

2d Longchamp Prix Casimir Delamarre, L, Strasbourg Grand Prix de la Region Alsace, L. Half-sister to Viva Carina. Dam of 6 named foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, inc:-Serial Killer. 3 wins from 1500m to 1900m in Brazil, 2d Gavea Prova Especial Helíaco.All Black. 2 wins at 2 at 1400m in Brazil.Utopie d'Amour. Winner. See above.

3rd damALTAMIRA, by Highest Honor. 2 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1800m in France. Sister to LA GANDILIE

(dam of FASHION ROCKS), half-sister to TOTOSTAR, Shareef Prospect, Donna Star(dam of STAR OF AKKAR). Dam of 8 named foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, inc:-LINDA REGINA (Linamix). 3 wins. See above.Viva Carina (Giant's Causeway). 2 wins at 1m, 1¼m, $145,920, 2d Santa Anita Santa

Barbara H., Gr.2, Del Mar Torrey Pines S., L, 4th Santa Anita Autumn Miss S., Gr.3.Trueno Negro. Champion Miler & Older Horse in Spain in 2007. 6 wins from 1400m to 1800m in

Spain, Madrid Premio Claudio Carudel Caja Madrid, 3d San Sebastian Premio Gobierno Vasco.Matarazzo. 3 wins at 2400m in France.Tua Carina. 2 wins at 1200m, 1400m in Argentina.

4th damPROSPECTOR'S STAR, by Mr. Prospector. Winner at 1m in Ireland. Half-sister to Avian Eden (dam

of AVANZADO, AUGURI, AFILADO). Dam of 7 named foals, all raced, 6 winners, inc:-TOTOSTAR (Mtoto). 6 wins -2 at 2-from 1000m to 2000m, $195,228, Milan Premio Gino

Mantovani, L, 2d Merano Premio delle Alpi, L, Turin Premio Avvocato Carlo Marangoni, L, 3dMilan Premio Novella, L, Turin Premio Royal Mares, L. Producer.

LA GANDILIE (Highest Honor). 2 wins at 2 at 1600m, Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, L, 3dChantilly Prix Chloe, Gr.3, Deauville Prix de la Calonne, L. Dam of-FASHION ROCKS (Rock of Gibraltar). 2 wins at 2 at 6f, Salisbury Dick Poole S., L,

Goodwood Links of London 2YO Fillies' S.Shareef Prospect (Shareef Dancer).6 wins from 1700m to 2300m, $109,793 in France and

U.S.A, 3d Retama Chick Lang Jr Memorial H., L.Donna Star. Placed at 2 in France. Dam of-

STAR OF AKKAR (Distant Relative). 5 wins -1 at 2-from 1600m to 2000m, Chantilly PrixChloe, Gr.3, Longchamp Prix Vanteaux, Gr.3, Deauville Prix de la Nonette, Gr.3,Longchamp Prix du Bois Rouaud, 2d Chantilly Prix de Diane, Gr.1, Deauville La Coupedu Fonds Europeen de l'Elevage, L, Toulouse Grand Criterium du Languedoc, L. Producer.

5th damASTRIOUS, by Piaster. 3 wins at 2, $144,330, Santa Anita Oak Leaf S., Gr.1, Del Mar Coronado

S., L, 2d Santa Anita Anoakia S., Gr.3. Half-sister to B. T'S BABY (dam of FAST DELIVERY,LET FLY), SATISFACTUAL. Dam of 4 named foals, 3 to race, all winners, inc:-Avian Eden. Winner at 1m in U.S.A.

FappianoDemureIsgalaI’m A PleasureShirley HeightsUnknown LadyLinamixAltamira

Quiet American

In Jubilation

Know Heights

Linda Regina

First AmericanUSA - 1996

Utopie D’AmourBRZ - 2008

N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled July 25, 2013


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REDATTORE (BRZ) (Bay 1995-Stud 2004). 15 wins-1 at 2, Gavea G.P. Presidenteda Republica, Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1. Sire of 486 rnrs, 320 wnrs, 25SW, inc. Kapo di Tutti (Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1),Zara, Sutil, Estrela Do Oriente, Renânia, Real Secret, Tango Uno, Fast Feet,Notável Sureña, Compari, Ladyttore, Al Arab, Keynes, Royal Canadian,Davignon, Olympic Beijing, Diretaprodisco, Media Man, On the Brink, etc

1st damUTTERLY CARINA, by Know Heights. Winner at 2 at 1500m in Brazil. Half-sister to ZIMBAMIA,

CHARGE AHEAD, Niquita. This is her first foal.

2nd damPOINTE DU BOUT, by Megaturn. 2 wins at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of 12 named foals, all

raced, 9 winners, inc:-ZIMBAMIA (Trempolino). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 2000m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Diana,

Gr.1, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1. Dam of-Dica Quente. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1400m in Brazil.

CHARGE AHEAD (Irish Fighter). 6 wins -2 at 2-from 1100m to 1600m in Brazil, CidadeJardim Classico Presidente Augusto de Souza Queiroz, L, Classico Jockey Club do RioGrande do Sul, L, Classico Associacao Nacional de Propietarios, L, 2d Cidade JardimClassico Presidente Jose de Souza Queiroz, Gr.3, Classico Alberto Santos Dumont, L,Classico Braulio Gomes, L, Classico Joao Alvares Rubiao Filho, L, 3d Cidade JardimClassico Joao Alvares Rubiao Filho, L, Classico Eusebio Queiroz Matoso, L, ClassicoProfissionais do Turfe, L, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Presidente do Jockey Club, Gr.2.

Niquita (Midnight Tiger). 2 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in U.S.A. and Brazil, Del MarAllowance, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 3d GaveaG.P. Adayr Eiras de Araujo, Gr.2. Dam of-Milgauss. 5 wins at 1400m, 1500m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Artistic Quality. 2 wins at 1200m, 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil.

Tua Carina. 2 wins at 1400m, 1600m in Brazil, 3d Gavea Prova Especial Virginie.I'm Ahead. 3 wins to 1400m in Brazil.Aconcagna. 3 wins at 1600m, 1900m in Brazil. Dam of-

Chilean Summit. 2 wins at 1600m, 1800m in Brazil.Reinando Sempre. 2 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Producer.Utterly Carina. Winner. See above.Seu Sol. Winner at 1500m in Brazil.Our Rafaela. Unplaced. Dam of-

Ed Mort. 5 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, Cristal Clássico Tribunal de Justiça Do Estado,2d Pelotas G. P. Princesa do Sul.

3rd damQUEEN'S ADVICE, by Advocator. 3 wins in U.S.A. Half-sister to BAND PRACTICE. Dam of 5

named foals, all raced, inc:-Pointe du Bout. 2 wins. See above.

4th damFLEET EMPRESS, by Young Emperor. 2 wins in U.S.A. Half-sister to FLIT-TO, FLEET VICTRESS

(dam of MINSTRESS), SIR EARL. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, inc:-BAND PRACTICE (Stop the Music). 7 wins -1 at 2, $135,575, Fresno Bulldog S., L, 2d

Phoenix S., Gr.1, Leopardstown Larkspur S., Gr.3, 3d Aqueduct Bold Ruler S., Gr.3. Sire.Dubai Spring. Winner at 1m, 3d Haydock Winwick S.

Exclusive NativeLuth de SaronDeputy MinisterFascinating TrickShirley HeightsUnknown LadyMegaturnQueen’s Advice

Roi Normand

Political Intrigue

Know Heights

Pointe du Bout

RedattoreBRZ - 1995

Utterly CarinaBRZ - 2008

N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled July 14, 2013


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DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders' Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d BelmontRuffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegetters Beauty First, etc.

1st damVERAMENTE BELLA, by Leroidesanimaux. Placed at 3 in Brazil. This is her first foal.

2nd damNOTRE DAME, by Royal Academy. 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m, $110,374 in U.S.A. and

Brazil, Gavea G.P. Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita Paseana H.,L. Sister to Magic Rafaela (dam of VITORIA OLIMPICA), half-sister to SEND INTHECLOWNS, OUT OF CONTROL, PRINCESA CARINA(dam of BONAPARTE), UnderControl. Dam of 3 named foals, all raced, inc:-Very Salles. Winner at 1600m in Brazil.Veramente Bella. See above.

3rd damHEAVENLY DANCER, by Fitzcarraldo. Placed in Brazil. Sister to SILVER PLANET, three-quarter-sister to

NORTAK(dam of NORHEIN), El Meteoro, half-sister to ALPHARD. Dam of 9 foals, all winners-SEND INTHE CLOWNS (Know Heights). 3 wins at 2000m, 2500m, $102,984 in Argentina,

San Isidro G.P. Miguel Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, Gr.1, Palermo Clasico Chacabuco, Gr.2, 2dSan Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1, Clasico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr.2,Palermo Clasico General Belgrano, Gr.2.

PRINCESA CARINA (Know Heights). 6 wins from 1600m to 2500m, $105,076 in Argentina,San Isidro Clasico Los Haras, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Ignacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2,San Isidro Clasico Federico de Alvear, Gr.3, Palermo Clásico Chile, Gr.3, San Isidro Espe-cial Paranoide, 4th San Isidro G.P. 25 de Mayo, Gr.1. Dam of-BONAPARTE (Elusive Quality). 2 wins at 1500m, 2400m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1, 4thCidade Jardim G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1.

OUT OF CONTROL (Vettori). 5 wins -1 at 2-from 1400m to 1800m, $806,421 in U.S.A. and Brazil,Hollywood American Invitational H., Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance, Santa AnitaAllowance, 2d Gavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H., Gr.1, ChurchillDowns Turf Classic S., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak Tree Clement L Hirsch MemorialTurf Championship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1. Sire.

NOTRE DAME (Royal Academy). 3 wins. See above.Under Control (Northern Afleet). 4 wins at 1m, 8½f, $174,722, to 2014, 2d Laurel Japan

Racing Association S., L, 3d Churchill Downs River City H., Gr.3, Monmouth Oceanport S.,Gr.3, 4th Pimlico Henry S Clark S., L.

Bonne Rafaela. Winner at 2 at 1400m in 2013-14 in Brazil.Heavenly Cry. Winner at 6f in 2014 in U.S.A.Reina Carina. Winner at 1400m in Argentina. Dam of-

Betuaregood. 2 wins at 1500m, 1600m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Magic Rafaela. Winner at 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

VITORIA OLIMPICA (Northern Afleet). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m, $130,543 inU.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.1, G.P. Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2,Saratoga Alydar S., L, Gavea Prova Esp. Super Power, 3d Gavea G.P. Jockey Club Brasileiro,Gr.1, 4th Belmont Jockey Club Gold Cup, Gr.1, C. Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1.

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxCandy StripesDissembleRoyal AcademyHeavenly Dancer

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet


Notre Dame

Drosselmeyerusa - 2007

Veramente BellaUSA - 2009

N. N.Chestnut Colt - Foaled August 01, 2013


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FIRST AMERICAN (USA) (Bay 1996-Stud 2000). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1m, 9f, HialeahFlamingo S., Gr.3. Half-brother to SW Little Baby Bear (Gavea G.P. Zelia GonzagaPeixoto de Castro, Gr.1). Sire of 366 rnrs, 294 wnrs, 34 SW, inc. Cores DoBrasil (Cidade Jardim G.P. Margarida Polak Lara, Gr.1), Timeo, Outplay, ThatSunday, Uncle Tom, Doppia Vendetta, Sparkling Gold, Nozze di Figaro, AmorSurpresa, Ed American, Lucky Shot, River Savage, Don Miloca, etc.

1st damVIVA FAFA, by Know Heights. Unraced. Sister to RERAISE, half-sister to Bella Fafa, Super

Rafaela (dam of BALLON BLEU), Nouvelle Cuisine (dam of VICTORY IS OURS). This isher first foal.

2nd damFANCIULLA DEL WEST, by Critique. 3 wins -2 at 2-from 1000m to 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P.

Henrique Possollo, Gr.1, Classico Ministerio da Agricultura, L, Classico Luis Alves de Almeida,L, 2d Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2. Half-sisterto MACBETH, Voile d'Or (dam of PERICHOLE, OROVESO). Dam of 8 named foals, 6 torace, 4 winners, inc:-RERAISE (Know Heights). 2 wins at 1800m, 2400m, $195,455 in Argentina, La Plata G.P. Dardo

Rocha, Gr.1, San Isidro Clasico Ensayo, Gr.2, 3d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini, Gr.1,Palermo G.P. Republica Argentina, Gr.1, San Isidro Especial Bouclette Champ, EspecialAlververas, 4th San Isidro G.P. Jockey Club, Gr.1, G.P. Copa de Oro, Gr.1.

Bella Fafa (Elusive Quality). Winner at 2 at 1300m in 2013-14 in Brazil, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P.Immensity, Gr.1, 4th Cidade Jardim G.P. Guilherme Ellis, Gr.2.

Super Rafaela. Winner at 2 at 1600m in Argentina, Palermo Clasico Juan P. Artigas. Dam of-BALLON BLEU (Elusive Quality). 4 wins at 1500m, 1600m in 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade

Jardim Classico Duplex, L, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Antenor de Lara Campos, Gr.3, 4thGavea G.P. Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.3.

Avidaebela. 3 wins at 1400m, 1600m to 2014-15 in Brazil.Nouvelle Cuisine. Unraced. Dam of-

VICTORY IS OURS (Northern Afleet). 6 wins -1 at 2-from 1600m to 2400m,$115,142, to 2013-14 in Brazil, Taruma G.P. Parana, Gr.1, Cristal G.P. Bento Goncalves,Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Piratininga, Gr.2, G.P. Presidente Antonio Correa Barbosa,Gr.3, Classico Delegacoes Turfisticas, L, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Linneo de PaulaMachado, Gr.3, Classico Presidente Waldyr Prudente de Toledo, L, 3d Cidade JardimG.P. Adil, Gr.3, G.P. Linneo de Paula Machado, Gr.3.

Intruder. 2 wins at 1600m, 2000m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

3rd damNOUVELLE CUISINE, by Slap Jack. 4 wins at 1200m in Brazil. Three-quarter-sister to WALLONIE,

half-sister to LA MUSARDIERE. Dam of 10 named foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, inc:-MACBETH (Royal Academy). 3 wins -1 at 2-from 1300m to 2400m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Sao

Paulo, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Conde de Herzberg, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1.FANCIULLA DEL WEST(Critique). 3 wins. See above.Voile d'Or. 2 wins at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

PERICHOLE (Fahim). 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1500m, 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. ZeliaGonzaga Peixoto de Castro, Gr.1, G.P. Marciano de Aguiar Moreira, Gr.2, 2d GaveaG.P. Carlos Telles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2, 3d Gavea G.P. HenriquePossollo, Gr.1, G.P. Diana, Gr.1, G.P. Oswaldo Aranha, Gr.2.

OROVESO (Fahim). 3 wins -1 at 2-from 1400m to 2200m, $109,010 in Brazil and Sweden, TabySongline Classic, L, 2d Gavea G.P. Associação Brasileira de Criadores, Gr.1, G.P. Conde deHerzberg, Gr.2, Taby Nickes Minneslöpning, L, 3d Taby Songline Classic, L, etc.

FappianoDemureIsgalaI’m A PleasureShirley HeightsUnknown LadyCritiqueNouvelle Cuisine

Quiet American

In Jubilation

Know Heights

Fanciulla del West

First AmericanUSA - 1996

Viva FafaBRZ - 2009

N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled August 01, 2013


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OUT OF CONTROL (BRZ) (Bay 2003-Stud 2010). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to1800m, $806,421 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Hollywood American Invitational H.,Gr.2, Oak Tree Mile S., Gr.2, Hollywood Allowance, Santa Anita Allowance, 2dGavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Belmont Manhattan H., Gr.1,Churchill Downs Turf Classic S., Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Oak TreeClement L Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship S., Gr.1, 4th Santa Anita FrankE Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1. Half-brother to SEND INTHE CLOWNS (San Isidro G.P.Miguel Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, Gr.1, 2d San Isidro G.P. Carlos Pellegrini,Gr.1), PRINCESA CARINA (San Isidro Clasico Los Haras, Gr.2, Palermo ClasicoIgnacio e Ignacio F. Correas, Gr.2) and NOTRE DAME (Gavea G.P. JoaoAdhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Santa Anita Paseana H., L) andto the dam of VITORIA OLIMPICA. His oldest progeny are 2YOs.

1st damVOILA CARINA, by Northern Afleet. Unraced. Half-sister to SEGURA PIAO. This is her first foal.

2nd damJOLIE REGINA, by Roi Normand. Placed at 3 in Brazil. Three-quarter-sister to AY

CARAMBA, EISSOAI, FLYMETOTHEMOON, Jump Bid , half-sister toONEFORTHEROAD, RUNFORTHEDOE, MOLENGÃO, NEW ROCHELLE, NewBobcat, Ohneguinha, Parsonage (dam of MANAU), Route Sixty Six (dam of DOUBLETROUBLE). Dam of 5 named foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, inc:-SEGURA PIAO (Our Emblem). 6 wins to 1400m in Argentina, Palermo Clasico Intendente

Melchor Posse, L, 3d San Isidro Handicap Juan Lapistoy, Handicap Picacero, PalermoHandicap Southern Spring.

3rd damCOURT LADY, by Locris. 11 wins at 7f, 1¼m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P. Organizacao

Sulamericana de Fomento, Gr.1, G.P. 25 de Janeiro, Gr.2, G.P. Luiz Fernando Cirne Lima,Gr.3-twice, Classico Imprensa, Gr.3, G.P. Presidente da Comissao Coordenadora, Gr.3,Classico Jockey Club do Parana, L. Sister to REMEMBER, EXACT IMAGE, half-sister toBarbariccia (dam of PIÁ-VOVÔ). Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, inc:-ONEFORTHEROAD (Ghadeer). 5 wins -1 at 2-at 7½f, 1¼m in Brazil, Cidade Jardim G.P.

Diana, Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Carlos Telles e Carlos Gilberto da Rocha Faria, Gr.2, G.P. JoaoAdhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3, 2d Gavea G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 3d Cidade JardimCopa ANPC Eguas, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Cruzeiro do Sul, Gr.1. 2008-09 Broodmare of theYear in Brazil. Dam of-AY CARAMBA (Roi Normand). Champion 2YO Colt in Brazil in 2002-03. 6 wins from

1600m to 1800m, $378,928 in U.S.A. and Brazil, Gavea G.P. Associacao Brasileira dosCriadores, Gr.1, G.P. Costa Ferraz, Gr.3, Monmouth Oceanport S., Gr.3, DelawareCaesar Rodney H., L, Gavea Prova Especial Joao Vieira, 3d Churchill Downs River CityH., Gr.3, 4th Keeneland Turf Mile S., Gr.1. Sire.

FLYMETOTHEMOON (Roi Normand). Horse of the Year in Brazil in 2008-09. Champion3YO Colt in Brazil in 2008-09. 4 wins from 1600m to 2400m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Linneode Paula Machado, Gr.1, Cidade Jardim G.P. Sao Paulo, Gr.1, Gavea Clássico Justiçado Trabalho, L, 2d Gavea G.P. Brasil, Gr.1, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Derby Paulista, Gr.1,Gavea G.P. Antonio Joaquim Peixoto de Castro Jr, Gr.2-twice, 4th Gavea G.P. AlmiranteMarques de Tamandare, Gr.2.

EISSOAI (Roi Normand). 3 wins-1 at 2-from 1500m to 2000m in U.S.A. and Brazil, CidadeJardim G.P. Diana, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. Francisco Villela de Paula Machado, Gr.2,Santa Anita Buena Vista H., Gr.2, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1,Saratoga Voodoo Dancer S., L, 4th Santa Anita Santa Ana H., Gr.2.

MachiavellianAir DistingueFitzcarraldoAlamakAfleetNuryetteRoi NormandCourt Lady


Heavenly Dancer

Northern Afleet

Jolie Regina

Out Of ControlBRZ - 2003

Voila CarinaBRZ - 2009

N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled August 07, 2013


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Put It BackUSA - 1998

WhinnyARG - 1996

Honour And Glory

Miss Shoplifter

Southern Halo


RelaunchFair To AllExuberantArticulate RobberyHaloNorthern SeaLogicalWell Sun

PUT IT BACK (USA) (Bay or Brown 1998-Stud 2002). 5 wins at 6f, 7f, BelmontRiva Ridge S., Gr.2. Sire of 746 rnrs, 610 wnrs, 61 SW, inc. Bal a Bali (GaveaG.P. Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Gr.1), Beach Ball, Desejado Put, Requebra,Skypilot, Nitido, Brilhantissima, Blind Ambition, In Summation, Sol de An-gra, Rubia del Rio, Felicidad is Back, Jessica is Back, Billy Girl, Tap is Back,Rising Fever, Naipe de Ouro, Un Belini, Smokey Stover, etc.

1st damWHINNY, by Southern Halo. Unplaced. Sister to WALLY (dam of WATCH HER, WENDYS). This

is her eleventh living foal. Her tenth foal is a 2YO. Dam of nine foals to race, seven winners-WIN THE STARS (f. by Luhuk). 4 wins -3 at 2-to 1200m in Argentina, La Plata Clasico

Fortunato Damiani, Gr.3, Clasico Republica de Venezuela, Gr.3, Especial Valkyrie, 2d LaPlata Clasico Raul Lottero, L, 3d San Isidro Clasico Francia, L, La Plata Especial CaballerizasArgentinas. Dam of-Win the Award (Grand Reward). 3 wins -1 at 2-at 1100m, 1200m in Argentina,

Palermo Handicap Divinidad, Especial El Baron, 2d La Plata Clasico Raul Lottero, L,Clasico Luis Monteverde, L, Palermo Especial Sunupora, Especial Feel Fast, 3d PalermoG.P. Jorge de Atucha, Gr.1, 4th Clasico Polla de Potrancas de La Plata, Gr.2, San IsidroClasico Etoile, L.

Win the Wind. 2 wins at 1200m, 1400m in 2014-15 in Argentina.Wild Indy (c. by Indygo Shiner). 3 wins to 1200m in Argentina.Always on My Mind (c. by Elusive Quality). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1000m, 1300m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Bounty Hunter (c. by Elusive Quality). Winner at 1500m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Lady Carolina (f. by Afleet Alex). Winner at 1100m in Argentina.Winsinger (c. by Songandaprayer). Winner at 1200m in Russia.When I Shine (g. by Indygo Shiner). Winner at 7½f in U.S.A.Very Fast (c. by Honour and Glory). Placed at 3 in Brazil.Whiz Kid (c. by Luhuk). Placed in Argentina.

2nd damWELCOME, by Logical. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals, 12 to race, 7 winners, inc:-

WALLY (Southern Halo). Champion Sprinter in Argentina in 1996-97. 19 wins in Argentina, SanIsidro Clasico Carrera de las Estrellas Sprint, Gr.1-3 times, G.P. Felix de Alzaga Unzue, Gr.1,G.P. Suipacha, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Maipu, Gr.1, G.P. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Gr.1, SanIsidro Clasico Tomas Lyon, Gr.2-twice, Clasico Ocurrencia, Gr.2-twice, Clasico SantiagoLawrie, Gr.2, Clasico Pippermint, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Coronel Pringles, Gr.2 -twice,San Isidro Clasico Francia, Gr.3, 2d San Isidro G.P. Suipacha, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Ciudad deBuenos Aires, Gr.1, San Isidro Clasico Cyllene, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Venezuela, Gr.2, 3dSan Isidro G.P. Felix de Alzaga Unzue, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Maipu, Gr.1. Dam of-

WATCH HER (Mutakddim). 9 wins-2 at 2-at 1000m, 1400m, $177,651 in Argentina, PalermoG.P. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Gr.1, San Isidro Clasico General Las Heras, Gr.3, PalermoClasico General Lavalle, Gr.3, Clasico Manuel J Guiraldes, Gr.3, Clasico General Arenales,Gr.3, Clasico Estados Unidos de America, Gr.3, 2d Palermo G.P. Ciudad de Buenos Aires,Gr.1, Clasico Asociacion Propietarios de Caballos de Carrera, Gr.3, San Isidro ClasicoOrbit, L, Clasico Etoile, L, Palermo Clasico The Japan Racing Association, L, 3d San IsidroG.P. Suipacha, Gr.1, G.P. Felix de Alzaga Unzue, Gr.1, Palermo G.P. Maipú, Gr.1, SanIsidro Clasico Cyllene, Gr.2, Palermo Clasico Republica Oriental del Uruguay, Gr.3, ClasicoThe Japan Racing Association, L.

WENDYS (Victory Speech). 5 wins to 1200m, Turffontein Camellia S., Gr.3, Flamingo S., L,4th Clairwood Mercury Sprint, Gr.1. Producer.

Wild Star (Luhuk). 5 wins at 1000m, 1200m in Argentina, San Isidro Handicap Saint Simon,Handicap Petite Ecurie, 2d La Plata Especial Jose Hernandez, San Isidro Especial Copyright,3d La Plata Clasico Luis Monteverde, L, San Isidro Handicap Dia del Periodista. Producer.

N. N.Bay Filly - Foaled August 24, 2013


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DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders’ Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair Grounds LouisianaDerby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa Bay Challenger S., L.Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct Affectionately H., L, 3d BelmontRuffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegetters Beauty First, etc.

1st damBrave Lady, by Roi Normand. 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil, 2d Gavea G.P. Joao

Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gr.3. Sister to REDATTORE. This is her thirteenthfoal.Dam of ten foals to race, six winners-JOE BRAVO (c. by Vettori). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1600m in Brazil, Gavea G.P. Estado do Rio de

Janeiro, Gr.1, 2d Gavea G.P. José Buarque de Macedo, Gr.3, Copa Leilões Jockey Club Brasileiro,3d Gavea G.P. Frederico Lundgren, Gr.3, 4th Gavea G.P. Mario de A. Ribeiro, Gr.3.

My Fair Lady (f. by Our Emblem). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1200m in Brazil, 2d San Isidro G.P.Eliseo Ramirez, Gr.1, 4th Palermo G.P. Jorge de Atucha, Gr.1.

Lovely Lady (f. by Our Emblem). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m in Brazil, 2d Gavea ProvaEspecial Timão, 3d Cidade Jardim G.P. Barao de Piracicaba, Gr.1. Dam of-Ceo Eris. Winner at 1300m in 2014-15 in Brazil.

Ohwhatalady (f. by Northern Afleet). 3 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1400m in Brazil, Gavea ProvaEspecial Ricardo Xavier da Silveira, 2d Gavea Copa Leilões Jockey Club Brasileiro - VersãoPotrancas, Prova Especial Theóphilo de Vasconcellos.

Innocent Lady (f. by Vettori). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1400m in Brazil. Dam of-OUTPLAY (First American). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1300m, 1600m to 2014-15 in Brazil, Cidade Jardim

G.P. Ipiranga, Gr.1, 2d Cidade Jardim G.P. Jockey Club de Sao Paulo, Gr.1, Gavea ProvaEspecial Gustavo Philadelpho de Azevedo, 3d Gavea G.P. Julio Capua, Gr.3.

Heart-Free. 2 wins at 1100m in 2014-15 in Brazil.Harem Lady (f. by Royal Academy). Winner at 1600m in Brazil. Dam of-

Caribenho. 3 wins to 1300m to 2013-14 in Brazil.Francesa. Winner at 2 at 1400m in Brazil.Escriture. Winner at 1100m in Brazil.Dutchess. Winner at 2 at 1200m in Brazil.

Chèrie Carina (f. by Vettori). Placed at 2 in 2014-15 in Brazil.Antonio Grego (c. by Elusive Quality). Placed at 3 in 2013-14 in Brazil.Naughty Lady (f. by Know Heights). Placed at 2 in Brazil.Give’em Hell (c. by Royal Academy). Placed at 2 in Brazil. Sire.

2nd damPOLITICAL INTRIGUE, by Deputy Minister. 3 wins to 1400m in Brazil. Half-sister to U Win I Won,

Fast ‘n Tricky (dam of SHISEIDO), Sept a Neuf (dam of VICINALE), Northern Naiad (dam ofGREY WAY). Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, inc:-

REDATTORE (Roi Normand). 15 wins-1 at 2-from 1400m to 1800m, $1,744,619 in U.S.A. andBrazil, Gavea G.P. Presidente da Republica, Gr.1, Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, HollywoodShoemaker Mile S., Gr.1, Gavea G.P. Presidente Emilio Garrastazu Medici, Gr.2, HollywoodCitation H., Gr.2, Santa Anita San Gabriel H., Gr.2, Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.2, San AntonioH., Gr.2, Bay Meadows San Francisco Mile H., Gr.2, Gavea Classico Ernani de Freitas, L,Classico Eurico Solanes, L, Santa Anita Allowance, 2d Hollywood Shoemaker Mile S., Gr.1,Inglewood H., Gr.3, 3d Del Mar Eddie Read H., Gr.1, Arlington Million S., Gr.1, GaveaClassico Salgado Filho, Gr.2, Del Mar Live The Dream H., L, Santa Anita Seabiscuit H., L, 4thHollywood Triple Bend H., Gr.2, Golden Gate Tanforan H., Gr.3. Sire.

Brave Lady (Roi Normand). 2 wins. See above.

N. N.Bay Colt - Foaled September 16, 2013


DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Brave LadyBRZ - 1996

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

Roi Normand

Political Intrigue

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxExclusive NativeLuth de SaronDeputy MinisterFascinating Trick

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N. N.Chestnut Colt - Foaled August 02, 2013

DrosselmeyerUSA - 2007

Cat ChatterUSA - 2006

Distorted Humor

Golden Ballet

A. P. Indy

Cat Chat

Forty NinerDanzig’s BeautyMoscow BalletGolden Jewel BoxSeattle SlewWeekend SurpriseStorm CatPhone Chatter


DROSSELMEYER (USA) (Chestnut 2007-Stud 2012, USA 2012). 5 wins-1 at 2-from 1m to 1½m, $3,735,670, Breeders’ Cup Classic S., Gr.1, Belmont S.,Gr.1, Belmont One Count S., L, Gulfstream Allowance, 2d Belmont JockeyClub Gold Cup, Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Brooklyn H., Gr.2, 3d Fair GroundsLouisiana Derby, Gr.2, 4th Fair Grounds Risen Star S., Gr.2, Tampa BayChallenger S., L. Sire. Half-brother to STAGE LUCK (Aqueduct AffectionatelyH., L, 3d Belmont Ruffian H., Gr.1). Sire of Find Joy and of the placegettersBeauty First, etc.

1st damCAT CHATTER, by A.P. Indy. Unraced. Half-sister to IN LINGERIE. This is her third foal. Dam of two

foals to race-Boisterous (f. by Flower Alley). Placed at 2 in 2014-15 in Brazil.Union Chatter (f. by Dixie Union). Placed at 2 in U.S.A.

2nd damCAT CHAT, by Storm Cat. 3 wins-1 at 2-to 7f, $154,040, Belmont Nassau County S., Gr.2,

Aqueduct Allowance. Half-sister to Mini Chat (dam of DIXIE CHATTER, RUMOR). Dam of 7named foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, inc:-IN LINGERIE (Empire Maker). 4 wins from 6f to 9f, $712,265, Keeneland Spinster S., Gr.1,

Pimlico Black-Eyed Susan S., Gr.2, Turfway Bourbonette Oaks, Gr.3, 2d Saratoga AlabamaS., Gr.1, 3d Saratoga Coaching Club American Oaks, Gr.1.

Bride to Be. Winner at 7f in 2015 in U.S.A.Feral Miss. Winner at 6f in 2014 in U.S.A.Dar Rae. Winner in Saudi Arabia.Red Fantasia. Placed at 3 in Japan.Sekmet. Placed in U.S.A.

3rd damPHONE CHATTER, by Phone Trick. Top filly on The 1993 USA 2YO Free H. 5 wins-4 at 2-from 5½f to

8½f, $838,741, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies S., Gr.1, Santa Anita Oak Leaf S., Gr.1, Del Mar SorrentoS., Gr.3, CERF S., L, 2d Del Mar Debutante S., Gr.2, Del Mar Vieille Vigne H., L, Hollywood MelvinDurslag S., L, 4th Santa Anita La Brea S., Gr.2. Dam of 9 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, inc:-CAT CHAT (Storm Cat). 3 wins. See above.Doula. Winner at 1m in U.S.A. Dam of-

Amazing Beauty (Galileo). Winner at 10¾f, 3d Cork Noblesse S., Gr.3, Give ThanksS., Gr.3, Curragh Finale S., L, Leopardstown Trigo S., L.

Humungous (Giant’s Causeway). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 7f to 1¼m, Ascot Sodexo S., 2dGoodwood Totesport Mile, Sandown Mobile Betting H., 3d Windsor Midsummer S., L,Doncaster Unison Trade Union Positively Public S.

Better Announce. Winner at 2 at 7f, Newmarket Christine Kilker Memorial 2YO S., 2d HKJCHibiscus H., Mount Gough H., 3d HKJC Ice House H., Shek Kip Mei H., Pine H.

Chatty One. Unraced. Dam of-Sport of Kings. Winner at 2150m in 2014-15, Ipswich TC Blackall St Butcher P.

Mini Chat. Unraced. Dam of-DIXIE CHATTER (Dixie Union). 4 wins-2 at 2-from 5½f to 8½f, $464,606, Oak Tree

Norfolk S., Gr.1, Santa Anita Arcadia H., Gr.2, Del Mar Oceanside S., L, 3d Santa AnitaFrank E Kilroe Mile H., Gr.1, Oak Tree Derby, Gr.2, Hollywood Lazaro Barrera MemorialS., Gr.3, Affirmed H., Gr.3, 4th Hollywood Derby, Gr.1, Santa Anita Strub S., Gr.2. Sire.

RUMOR (Indian Charlie). 6 wins-1 at 2-at 6f, 6½f, $418,391, Santa Anita Las Flores S.,Gr.3, Kalookan Queen H., L, LA Woman S., L, Del Mar CERF S., L, 2d Hollywood Time toLeave S.,L, 3d Del Mar Rancho Bernardo H., Gr.3, Hollywood Playa del Rey S., L, 4thHollywood A Gleam H., Gr.2.

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