Download - Curso MNPS 2017. Resumo Novidades 2016-2017

Page 1: Curso MNPS 2017.  Resumo Novidades 2016-2017

Curso de Atualização e Técnicas Avançadas em MNPS – 2017

Resumo das novidades. Período Agosto 2016 – Junho 2017.

Armando Alaminos Bouza.Equipe de desenvolvimento MNPS-CAT3D.

Mevis Informática Médica LTDA.

São Paulo. 24 de Junho de 2017

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Os códigos do MNPS e CAT3D agora são de 64 bits. O desenvolvimentopara 32 bits foi descontinuado. Consequentemente é necessárioinstalar sob sistema operacional Windows de 64 bits. Pode ser Vista, Win 7, Win 8 ou Win 10. Nossa recomendação hoje é Windows 10 de 64 bits.

A tela de apresentaçãomudou.

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• MNPS code was migrated to 64 bits, so Windows 64 bits is mandatory.

• “Open Plan” in MNPS now searches for plans on the root of the working directory and on sub-folders, but only one level of subdirectories.

• “Open Plan” is now much faster than before. This optimization improved the performance of MNPS.

• “Home + Open Plan” on File menu, returns to the original image folder and execute an “Open Plan”.

• “Recent Plans” show the last saved plans and allows opening any of them.• New parameter for MNPS.INI and CAT3D.INI : IMAGE_TO_FOLDER . This

parameter is used by the Dicom importer 5.28.3 or later. If this parameter is defined, the exported image set will be saved in an isolated new folder inside the path to IMAGE or RTPIMG.

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• New tool for modeling the Electric Field created by DBS leads and electrodes. Electrode parameters on the range: -10..10 Volts, 500..2000 Ohms, 60..180 Hz, 50..200 µs . Brain tissue is assumed homogeneous to the electrical properties (conductivity and permittivity).

• Volume of Tissue Activation (VTA) for the active DBSs is rendered on 2D and 3D views. VTA options are accessed via Atlas and Functional menu (CTRL-F6). On 2D representation, VTA region has a red shadow. On 3D rendering only the VTA is presented.

• New functional menu to accommodate VTA and DBS modeling tools.

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• “Draw with Pen” now has “Retouch mode”. Retouch mode starts with <INSERT> key. The new “Draw with Pen” tool on MNPS has same functionalities of CAT3D.

• Auto ROI now allow to finish a segment and continue drawing on the same plane. When you finish one segment press <END> to save the segment and continue drawing on same plane.

• POI Editor now has a mode in Commissural Coordinates. Press and hold SHIFT and click POI editor button to enter this mode.

• When in image fusion, commands <M> or <CTRL-M> change the percentage of voxel merging between modalities.

• Registration and fusion now has a mode to load images with same registration. This functionality is available from the fusion menu.

• Resource to support registration and fusion with “LONI Probabilistic Brain Atlas” known as “LPBA40”. Preprocessing of the atlas as Mevis .IMG format. Needs non-rigid registration with POIs. MNPS is able to identify each for the 56 structures delineated on the label image set.

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• New module with support for Tractography and fibers rendering. This module is close to experimental, for being completely new is subject to much development work at this time.

• The Dicom importer can process DWI images and create Fractional Anisotropy (FA) maps in RGB colors.

• MNPS now supports RGB color images. This was introduced to render Fractional Anisotropy images created from DWI sequences.

• Use <F> to show or hide fibers. <CTRL-F> to isolate fibers inside rectangular region. <ALT-F> to open a menu with several options regarding fibers.

• Tractography rendering allows fiber isolation based on crossing VTA or an isodose level from radiosurgery.

• Registration and fusion tools were updated to accommodate fibers and FA maps.

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• Fiducial identification and localization do not ask for user confirmation if you already have processed three image planes and the fiducial positions have very low statistical error and are very close to manufacturer model definition. For any plane that MNPS detects disagreement above a threshold with the internal model, or statistical error, the user is prompted to confirm or start a manual search.

• New parameter for MNPS.INI: ISODOSE . It allows the definition of preferred radiosurgery isodose levels to be used any time a new plan is initiated. Example of use: Isodose = 80.0 LightRed . The keyword isodosemust start at beginning of line. Either lower or upper case are valid. You can define up to 20 isodoses.

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Planos para desenvolvimento no período2017 – 2018

• Melhoras no processamento e importação de tractografias.• Suporte a campos elétricos dos DBS direcionais.• Isolar fibras/tractos por colisão com ROIs.• Renderização 3D via Anaglífos (Anaglyphs).

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Sempre estamos abertos a novas idéias e podemos incluir outros projetos que sejam potencialmente úteis a um número significativo de usuários.

Convidamos a toda a comunidade de clientes do sistema MNPS-CAT3D a discutir com a equipe de desenvolvimento suas necessidades e críticas ao sistema.

Muito obrigado.