Download - Desafios en MBE

  • Desafos y futuro de la medicina basda en la evidencia.Rafael Bravo Toledorea 10 de atencin primariaAvances en Aspectos Conceptuales y Metodolgicos de la Investigacin Clnica y la Medicina Basada en la Evidencia

  • hablar del futurodos problemas:equivocarsepensando en el presente y/o en el pasado

    Telling the future by looking at the past assumes that conditions remain constant. This is like driving a car by looking in the rearview mirror. Herb Brodydesafos de la MBE

  • desafos de la mbesu propia influencia y desarrollo

    la lucha contra el reverso tenebroso de la fuerza


  • su influencia

    Jan 1, 2006

    Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-based Management

  • su influencia

  • su influencia

    The Campbell Collaboration was founded on the principle that systematic reviews on the effects of interventions will inform and help improve policy and services. Through its reviews and annual Colloquiums, the Collaboration strives to make the best social science research available and accessible. Campbell reviews provide high quality evidence of "what works" to meet the needs of service providers, policy makers, educators and their students, professional researchers, and the general public. Campbell's systematic reviews are published electronically so that they can be updated promptly as relevant additional evidence emerges, and amended in the light of criticisms and advances in methodology. In addition to producing reviews, C2 provides three additional methods of support through evidence-based practice:

    Campbell's proven peer-review system C2's Register of Interventions and Policy Evaluations (C2-RIPE), a unique database of evidence-based reviews in social sciences A strategic network of renown scholars and practitioners worldwide, culminating each year with the Campbell Colloquium.

    The Campbell Legacy The Campbell Collaboration is named in honor of Dr. Donald T. Campbell. A member of the National Academy of Sciences in the US, Campbell was an intellectual leader for the idea that governmental reforms can be construed as societal experiments to which scientific rules of evidence could be applied. He was an advocate of the idea that better scientific evidence could be generated to estimate the effects of governmental reforms so as to inform policy and practice and to improve people's well being. The idea of developing an international network of social scientists that would produce, maintain and disseminate systematic reviews of research evidence on the effectiveness of social interventions was initially discussed at a meeting in London, England in July 1999. The positive support for this idea from a large number of social and behavioural scientists, and some social practitioners, led tothe creation of the Campbell Collaboration (C2). With partnerships developing in a number of countries, Campbell began its exceptional tradition of annual Colloquia in Philadelphia, PA (USA) in February of 2000.The Campbell Collaboration works closely with its sibling organization in healthcare, the Cochrane Collaboration, keeping C2's methods group at the forefront in the development of research synthesis models.Joint Cochrane-Campbell Methods Groups are being established with the intent to stimulate empirical research and methodological innovation necessary to improve the validity, relevance and precision of systematic reviews and the primary studies upon which reviews are based. A Nordic Campbell Centre was added to the Collaboration in 2001, supported by the Danish Government and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Campbell Collaboration collaborates with a number of other international organizations, including the Norwegian and Danish governments and the American Institutes for Research (AIR).

    The Campbell Collaboration Bases its Work on Nine Key Principles:

    Collaboration, by internally and externally fostering good communications, open decision-making and teamwork. Building on the enthusiasm of individuals, by involving and supporting people of different skills and backgrounds. Avoiding unnecessary duplication, by good management and co-ordination to ensure economy of the effort. Minimizing bias, through a variety of approaches such as abiding by high standards of scientific evidence, ensuring broad participation, and avoiding conflicts of interest. Keeping up to date, by a commitment to ensure that Campbell Reviews are maintained through identification and incorporation of new evidence. Striving for relevance, by promoting the assessment of policies and practices using outcomes that matter to people. Promoting access, by wide dissemination of the outputs of the Collaboration, taking advantage of strategic alliances, and by promoting appropriate prices, content and media to meet the needs of users worldwide. Ensuring quality, by being open and responsive to criticism, applying advances in methodology, and developing systems for quality improvement. Continuity, by ensuring that responsibility for reviews, editorial processes and key functions is maintained and renewed.

  • Pierre Louis (1787-1872)Inventor of the numeric method and the method of observationEncontr que en promedio los pacientes que recibieron sangra murieron ms que la que no la recibieron.

  • desarrollo:un poco de historiaLa bsqueda de la certeza La cuantificacin en medicina J. Rosser Matthews Triacastela

    ROSSER MATTHEWS, J.La bsqueda de la certeza. La cuantificacin en medicinaIntroduccin a la edicin espaola de Jos Luis PuertaMadrid: Triacastela, 2007. 303 pp. (Coleccin Humanidades Mdicas, 20)Con una excelente traduccin a cargo de Assumpta Mauri Mas y Jos Luis Puerta Lpez-Czar, autor tambin de laintroduccin, TRIACASTELA edita ahora el volumen publicado en 1995 por la Universidad de Pricenton sobre el ensayo clnicocontrolado y la eficacia de la metodologa estadstica. Se trata pues de un clsico que mereci, en su momento, los mejoresparabienes para su autor. A partir de 1946 la aspiracin de la ciencia mdica a la certeza se encuadra en los estudiosestadsticos y biomtricos. Tras ese inicio histrico, el ensayo clnico controlado y aleatorizado es hoy imperante en el sistema sanitario. No obstante su tardo desarrollo, el proceso arranca del final del siglo XVIII, en concreto de 1794, con el inicio en Francia de la etapa termidoriana, como muy bienresalta Jos Luis Puerta en su introduccin.Supone la medicina cientfica cuantitativa un riesgo para el enfermo concreto, que se convierte en una pura cifra estadstica?Es muy claro que procesos como la introduccin en la prctica clnica de nuevos medicamentos no seran posibles sin estosplanteamientos de anlisis numrico. La certeza mdica se consagra desde 1946 a partir de los ensayos clnicos que asumen un papelcientfico y social determinantes. A travs de ocho captulos el volumen realiza un recorrido histrico exhaustivoque da comienzo con Conocimiento probable en la comunidad cientfica y mdica parisin durante la Revolucin francesa, para continuarse en el siguiente siglo: El mtodo numrico de Pierre Louis en la medicina parisiense del siglo XIX. La retricade la cuantificacin, seguir con las Crticas en el siglo XIX a las ideas de Jules Gavarret sobre el clculo de probabilidadesen el mbito de la medicina, y analizar El legado de Pierre Louis y la pujanza de la fisiologa. Dos puntos de vista opuestossobre la objetividad mdica, en el que describe el impacto breve pero importante que supuso la creacin de la Socit MdicaledObservation en 1832, y finaliza el anlisis de los procesos decimonnicos con La escuela biomtrica inglesa y la bacteriologa:La creacin de Major Greenwood como especialista en estadstica mdica La figura de Major Greenwood sigue siendouno de los contenidos del penltimo captulo: El nacimiento del moderno ensayo clnico. El papel fundamental delMedicinal Research Council. Da fin al desarrollo capitular el apartado dedicado a Austin Bradford Hill y la pujanzadel ensayo clnico. Da cierre al libro un captulo de Conclusin, una exhaustiva Bibliografa y los ndices Analtico yOnomstico. Nos parece que esta obra es imprescindible para entender el proceso de bsquedade la certeza dentro de la ciencia y de la prctica mdicas.Por Alberto Snchez lvarez-Insa(Instituto de Filosofa, CSIC)ARBOR CLXXXIV 730 marzo-abril [2008] 367-372 ISSN: 0210-1963N 730370 RESEAS

  • desafos en el desarrollo de la mbeuso consciente, explcito y juicioso de la mejor evidencia disponible para tomar decisiones clnicas en el cuidado de los pacientes.

  • desafos en el desarrollo de la mbe1. convertir el problema clnico en una pregunta.2. buscar la evidencia en la literatura3. valoracin critica 4. aplicar los resultados a la practica clnica

  • desafos en el desarrollo de la mbe1. convertir el problema clnico en una pregunta.paso eminentemente practico pero que hace pensar a los mdicos como un investigador, de forma sistemtica. Nos hace reflexionar para que hacemos las cosas

  • desafos en el desarrollo de la mbe1. convertir el problema clnico en una pregunta.como se parece a una hoja de bibliotecase han simplificado y aclaradopero se siguen sin utilizara lo mejor se tendra que cambiar o hacer muy patentes sus ventajas

  • bsqueda de la evidenciadesarrollo de fuentes predigeridasminiaturizacinnuevas herram. de infor.(concepto) es Internet estupido! y aqu entra la:

    .sin olvidar las fuentes

  • Una pgina de una revista de resmenesTitularResultados principales ( nuevos clculos)Resumen estructuradoComentario del expertoReferencia artculo original

  • revistas de resmenes con valoracin crtica


  • bsqueda de la evidenciadesarrollo de fuentes predigeridasminiaturizacin

  • Canopy computing: using the Web in clinical practice.

    McDonald CJ, et al.JAMA. 1998 Oct 21;280(15):1325-9.

    Seguramente e l mejor ejemplo par explicar al estructura de estas herramientas de informacin, sea la analoga que McDonald exponen en su articulo Canopy Computing......... Siguiendo este ejemplo la estructura de la historia clnica-herramienta de informacin seria similar a la estructura de la bosques hmedos tropicalesSi observamos la selva hmeda tropical desde lo alto, la selva aparece como una tupida cubierta o Canopy (las copas de los arboles junto a otra vegetacin. crean una que es un sistema entretejido que proporciona un rico habitat para pjaros, insectos y otros animales, que no necesitan rebuscar en el suelo las frutas necesarias par sus sustento. ( como bromelias, orquideas, que crecen directamente en la canopy o lianas )Sin embargo desde el suelo el bosque aparece como una coleccin de arboles aislados, y en que se puede dividir en varios estratos o capas.

  • infobuttons

    nfobuttons are context-sensitive links embedded within a Clinical Information System (CIS), which allow easy retrieval of relevant information. During patient care, clinicians frequently have need for information related to their clinical care activities. These questions often go unanswered due to lack of time or readily available resources. Estimates of information needs are as high as four questions per patient encounter(1). Failure to answer these questions may result in patient error and adverse outcomes. The Infobutton makes it easier for providers to access the information they need at the point of care. The Infobutton functions by generating and sending queries to electronic health information resources using data extracted from the patient record. The CIS displays a button next to information such as diagnoses or medications. When clicked, the Infobutton formulates a query based on the context of the interaction, including patient demographics, activity being performed, as well as the user role.(2) Thus, a nurse preparing to administer a medication to a 70 year old woman will generate a different query than a physician reviewing the medication list of a 10 year old boy. The results of the query will then be displayed by the CIS itself, or by an Infobutton Manager, a concept proposed by James J. Cimino(3). An Infobutton Manager is software that supports the implementation of Infobuttons in an institution and application independent manner.(3) The CIS passes parameters to the Infobutton Manager which generates an HTML document with a set of natural language questions which are hyperlinks to clinical information resources. Infobutton systems have been created at Columbia University, Partners Healthcare System, and Intermountain Healthcare System. In addition a number of commercial Infobutton products are being developed or offered from companies such as Epic, Thompson Micromedex, and MDConsult. Since CIS systems may include products from multiple vendors, it is important to have a standard for passing information from the CIS to the Infobutton Manager and from the Infobutton Manager to the electronic resources. For this reason, there is a proposed HL-7 standard for the Infobutton API which is currently being reviewed.(2)

  • bsqueda de la evidenciadesarrollo de fuentes predigeridasnuevas herram. de infor.(concepto) es Internet estupido ! y aqu entra la:

  • la Web 2.0 es una actitud y no precisamente una tecnologa. Web 2.0 no es algo concreto, sino un conjunto de tecnologas, mtodos, estilos... aplicaciones web enfocadas al usuario finalpromueve que la creacin, organizacin y el flujo de informacin dependan del comportamiento de las personas que acceden a ella Internet est cambiando desde la web tradicional a

  • El universo Google

    Buscadores 2.0de escritorioespecializadospersonalizados

    La web como plataforma

    de aplicaciones


    WikisSoftware social:Compartir documentos y crear redes

  • desafos en el desarrollo de la mbevaloracin crtica de la literatura mdicaautocriticaotra forma y sitio de ensearlos lo que debe saber un mdicosumarios para torpesen el futuro no debera ser ningn problema

  • A systematic review of the content of critical appraisal tools

    A systematic review of the content of critical appraisal tools of research (researchers, administrators, educators and clinicians) frequently use standard critical appraisal tools to evaluate the quality of published research reports. However, there is no consensus regarding the most appropriate critical appraisal tool for allied health research. We summarized the content, intent, construction and psychometric properties of published, currently available critical appraisal tools to identify common elements and their relevance to allied health research.MethodsA systematic review was undertaken of 121 published critical appraisal tools sourced from 108 papers located on electronic databases and the Internet. The tools were classified according to the study design for which they were intended. Their items were then classified into one of 12 criteria based on their intent. Commonly occurring items were identified. The empirical basis for construction of the tool, the method by which overall quality of the study was established, the psychometric properties of the critical appraisal tools and whether guidelines were provided for their use were also recorded.ResultsEighty-seven percent of critical appraisal tools were specific to a research design, with most tools having been developed for experimental studies. There was considerable variability in items contained in the critical appraisal tools. Twelve percent of available tools were developed using specified empirical research. Forty-nine percent of the critical appraisal tools summarized the quality appraisal into a numeric summary score. Few critical appraisal tools had documented evidence of validity of their items, or reliability of use. Guidelines regarding administration of the tools were provided in 43% of cases.ConclusionsThere was considerable variability in intent, components, construction and psychometric properties of published critical appraisal tools for research reports. There is no "gold standard' critical appraisal tool for any study design, nor is there any widely accepted generic tool that can be applied equally well across study types. No tool was specific to allied health research requirements. Thus interpretation of critical appraisal of research reports currently needs to be considered in light of the properties and intent of the critical appraisal tool chosen for the task.

  • desafos en el desarrollo de la mbeaplicar los resultados a la practica clnica decia Sackett que en el futuro no se hablara MBE por que toda la medicina ser basada en la evidencia

  • (el reverso tenebroso de la fuerza)

    las caras del pasadola jeta del arte de la medicinala mascara del humanismoPseudoevidence based medicinesus discpulosbusiness is business

    MBE versus ERTF

  • el humanismo, la afectividad Es curioso cmo muchos profesionales enfrentados con la racionalidad cientfica de su profesin e incapaces de reconocer su anumerismo reaccionan con tpicos como el arte de la medicina, el humanismo, la mejor tecnologa es la silla y otros tan solemnes como vacuos. Se intenta hacer una enfrentada e interesada dicotoma, como si intentar practicar una medicina cientfica nos alejara de los sentimientos y como si simpatizar con los nmeros nos recubriera de una mscara que nos impidiera conectar con el paciente.

    . A detailed and exact knowledge of the outcomes of different treatments, derived from the research, can often save lives. For example, consider the problem of whether to perform an endarterectomy on a newly symptomatic patient with severe stenosis. The benefit of surgery in reducing the risk of a major stroke or fatality is summed up in the following table (L. Goldstein et al, 1995): % Patients with Major Stroke or Fatality SurgeryGroup NoSurgery Number Needed to Treat



    11 This means that you need only treat 11 patients, on average, to prevent a major stroke or fatality - a clear and very substantial benefit. However, when asked whether they would recommend surgery in such a case, physicians answered as follows: Would you recommend carotid endarterectomy fornewly symptomatic patients with severe stenosis? . Seldom/Never Sometimes Usually/Always All physicians



    55% Primary carephysicians andinternists



    20% This seems to imply that it is at least possible that some patients are suffering a severe stroke or fatality that can at least partly be attributed to physicians' lack of familiarity with the medical literature.

  • Pseudoevidence based medicine

    PBM can be defined as the practice of medicine based on falsehoods that are disseminated as truth. Falsehoods may result from corrupted evidence--evidence that has been suppressed, contrived from purposely biased science, or that has been manipulated and/or falsified, then published. Or falsehoods may result from corrupted dissemination of otherwise valid evidence. These falsehoods, when consumed as truth by unwitting and well-intentioned practitioners of EBM, then disseminated and adopted as routine practice, may well result not only in inappropriate quality standards and processes of care, but also in harms to patients.

    Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-based Management The Campbell Collaboration was founded on the principle that systematic reviews on the effects of interventions will inform and help improve policy and services. Through its reviews and annual Colloquiums, the Collaboration strives to make the best social science research available and accessible. Campbell reviews provide high quality evidence of "what works" to meet the needs of service providers, policy makers, educators and their students, professional researchers, and the general public. Campbell's systematic reviews are published electronically so that they can be updated promptly as relevant additional evidence emerges, and amended in the light of criticisms and advances in methodology. In addition to producing reviews, C2 provides three additional methods of support through evidence-based practice:

    Campbell's proven peer-review system C2's Register of Interventions and Policy Evaluations (C2-RIPE), a unique database of evidence-based reviews in social sciences A strategic network of renown scholars and practitioners worldwide, culminating each year with the Campbell Colloquium.

    The Campbell Legacy The Campbell Collaboration is named in honor of Dr. Donald T. Campbell. A member of the National Academy of Sciences in the US, Campbell was an intellectual leader for the idea that governmental reforms can be construed as societal experiments to which scientific rules of evidence could be applied. He was an advocate of the idea that better scientific evidence could be generated to estimate the effects of governmental reforms so as to inform policy and practice and to improve people's well being. The idea of developing an international network of social scientists that would produce, maintain and disseminate systematic reviews of research evidence on the effectiveness of social interventions was initially discussed at a meeting in London, England in July 1999. The positive support for this idea from a large number of social and behavioural scientists, and some social practitioners, led tothe creation of the Campbell Collaboration (C2). With partnerships developing in a number of countries, Campbell began its exceptional tradition of annual Colloquia in Philadelphia, PA (USA) in February of 2000.The Campbell Collaboration works closely with its sibling organization in healthcare, the Cochrane Collaboration, keeping C2's methods group at the forefront in the development of research synthesis models.Joint Cochrane-Campbell Methods Groups are being established with the intent to stimulate empirical research and methodological innovation necessary to improve the validity, relevance and precision of systematic reviews and the primary studies upon which reviews are based. A Nordic Campbell Centre was added to the Collaboration in 2001, supported by the Danish Government and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Campbell Collaboration collaborates with a number of other international organizations, including the Norwegian and Danish governments and the American Institutes for Research (AIR).

    The Campbell Collaboration Bases its Work on Nine Key Principles:

    Collaboration, by internally and externally fostering good communications, open decision-making and teamwork. Building on the enthusiasm of individuals, by involving and supporting people of different skills and backgrounds. Avoiding unnecessary duplication, by good management and co-ordination to ensure economy of the effort. Minimizing bias, through a variety of approaches such as abiding by high standards of scientific evidence, ensuring broad participation, and avoiding conflicts of interest. Keeping up to date, by a commitment to ensure that Campbell Reviews are maintained through identification and incorporation of new evidence. Striving for relevance, by promoting the assessment of policies and practices using outcomes that matter to people. Promoting access, by wide dissemination of the outputs of the Collaboration, taking advantage of strategic alliances, and by promoting appropriate prices, content and media to meet the needs of users worldwide. Ensuring quality, by being open and responsive to criticism, applying advances in methodology, and developing systems for quality improvement. Continuity, by ensuring that responsibility for reviews, editorial processes and key functions is maintained and renewed. MATTHEWS, J.La bsqueda de la certeza. La cuantificacin en medicinaIntroduccin a la edicin espaola de Jos Luis PuertaMadrid: Triacastela, 2007. 303 pp. (Coleccin Humanidades Mdicas, 20)Con una excelente traduccin a cargo de Assumpta Mauri Mas y Jos Luis Puerta Lpez-Czar, autor tambin de laintroduccin, TRIACASTELA edita ahora el volumen publicado en 1995 por la Universidad de Pricenton sobre el ensayo clnicocontrolado y la eficacia de la metodologa estadstica. Se trata pues de un clsico que mereci, en su momento, los mejoresparabienes para su autor. A partir de 1946 la aspiracin de la ciencia mdica a la certeza se encuadra en los estudiosestadsticos y biomtricos. Tras ese inicio histrico, el ensayo clnico controlado y aleatorizado es hoy imperante en el sistema sanitario. No obstante su tardo desarrollo, el proceso arranca del final del siglo XVIII, en concreto de 1794, con el inicio en Francia de la etapa termidoriana, como muy bienresalta Jos Luis Puerta en su introduccin.Supone la medicina cientfica cuantitativa un riesgo para el enfermo concreto, que se convierte en una pura cifra estadstica?Es muy claro que procesos como la introduccin en la prctica clnica de nuevos medicamentos no seran posibles sin estosplanteamientos de anlisis numrico. La certeza mdica se consagra desde 1946 a partir de los ensayos clnicos que asumen un papelcientfico y social determinantes. A travs de ocho captulos el volumen realiza un recorrido histrico exhaustivoque da comienzo con Conocimiento probable en la comunidad cientfica y mdica parisin durante la Revolucin francesa, para continuarse en el siguiente siglo: El mtodo numrico de Pierre Louis en la medicina parisiense del siglo XIX. La retricade la cuantificacin, seguir con las Crticas en el siglo XIX a las ideas de Jules Gavarret sobre el clculo de probabilidadesen el mbito de la medicina, y analizar El legado de Pierre Louis y la pujanza de la fisiologa. Dos puntos de vista opuestossobre la objetividad mdica, en el que describe el impacto breve pero importante que supuso la creacin de la Socit MdicaledObservation en 1832, y finaliza el anlisis de los procesos decimonnicos con La escuela biomtrica inglesa y la bacteriologa:La creacin de Major Greenwood como especialista en estadstica mdica La figura de Major Greenwood sigue siendouno de los contenidos del penltimo captulo: El nacimiento del moderno ensayo clnico. El papel fundamental delMedicinal Research Council. Da fin al desarrollo capitular el apartado dedicado a Austin Bradford Hill y la pujanzadel ensayo clnico. Da cierre al libro un captulo de Conclusin, una exhaustiva Bibliografa y los ndices Analtico yOnomstico. Nos parece que esta obra es imprescindible para entender el proceso de bsquedade la certeza dentro de la ciencia y de la prctica mdicas.Por Alberto Snchez lvarez-Insa(Instituto de Filosofa, CSIC)ARBOR CLXXXIV 730 marzo-abril [2008] 367-372 ISSN: 0210-1963N 730370 RESEAS

    Seguramente e l mejor ejemplo par explicar al estructura de estas herramientas de informacin, sea la analoga que McDonald exponen en su articulo Canopy Computing......... Siguiendo este ejemplo la estructura de la historia clnica-herramienta de informacin seria similar a la estructura de la bosques hmedos tropicalesSi observamos la selva hmeda tropical desde lo alto, la selva aparece como una tupida cubierta o Canopy (las copas de los arboles junto a otra vegetacin. crean una que es un sistema entretejido que proporciona un rico habitat para pjaros, insectos y otros animales, que no necesitan rebuscar en el suelo las frutas necesarias par sus sustento. ( como bromelias, orquideas, que crecen directamente en la canopy o lianas )Sin embargo desde el suelo el bosque aparece como una coleccin de arboles aislados, y en que se puede dividir en varios estratos o capas.nfobuttons are context-sensitive links embedded within a Clinical Information System (CIS), which allow easy retrieval of relevant information. During patient care, clinicians frequently have need for information related to their clinical care activities. These questions often go unanswered due to lack of time or readily available resources. Estimates of information needs are as high as four questions per patient encounter(1). Failure to answer these questions may result in patient error and adverse outcomes. The Infobutton makes it easier for providers to access the information they need at the point of care. The Infobutton functions by generating and sending queries to electronic health information resources using data extracted from the patient record. The CIS displays a button next to information such as diagnoses or medications. When clicked, the Infobutton formulates a query based on the context of the interaction, including patient demographics, activity being performed, as well as the user role.(2) Thus, a nurse preparing to administer a medication to a 70 year old woman will generate a different query than a physician reviewing the medication list of a 10 year old boy. The results of the query will then be displayed by the CIS itself, or by an Infobutton Manager, a concept proposed by James J. Cimino(3). An Infobutton Manager is software that supports the implementation of Infobuttons in an institution and application independent manner.(3) The CIS passes parameters to the Infobutton Manager which generates an HTML document with a set of natural language questions which are hyperlinks to clinical information resources. Infobutton systems have been created at Columbia University, Partners Healthcare System, and Intermountain Healthcare System. In addition a number of commercial Infobutton products are being developed or offered from companies such as Epic, Thompson Micromedex, and MDConsult. Since CIS systems may include products from multiple vendors, it is important to have a standard for passing information from the CIS to the Infobutton Manager and from the Infobutton Manager to the electronic resources. For this reason, there is a proposed HL-7 standard for the Infobutton API which is currently being reviewed.(2)

    A systematic review of the content of critical appraisal tools of research (researchers, administrators, educators and clinicians) frequently use standard critical appraisal tools to evaluate the quality of published research reports. However, there is no consensus regarding the most appropriate critical appraisal tool for allied health research. We summarized the content, intent, construction and psychometric properties of published, currently available critical appraisal tools to identify common elements and their relevance to allied health research.MethodsA systematic review was undertaken of 121 published critical appraisal tools sourced from 108 papers located on electronic databases and the Internet. The tools were classified according to the study design for which they were intended. Their items were then classified into one of 12 criteria based on their intent. Commonly occurring items were identified. The empirical basis for construction of the tool, the method by which overall quality of the study was established, the psychometric properties of the critical appraisal tools and whether guidelines were provided for their use were also recorded.ResultsEighty-seven percent of critical appraisal tools were specific to a research design, with most tools having been developed for experimental studies. There was considerable variability in items contained in the critical appraisal tools. Twelve percent of available tools were developed using specified empirical research. Forty-nine percent of the critical appraisal tools summarized the quality appraisal into a numeric summary score. Few critical appraisal tools had documented evidence of validity of their items, or reliability of use. Guidelines regarding administration of the tools were provided in 43% of cases.ConclusionsThere was considerable variability in intent, components, construction and psychometric properties of published critical appraisal tools for research reports. There is no "gold standard' critical appraisal tool for any study design, nor is there any widely accepted generic tool that can be applied equally well across study types. No tool was specific to allied health research requirements. Thus interpretation of critical appraisal of research reports currently needs to be considered in light of the properties and intent of the critical appraisal tool chosen for the task.. A detailed and exact knowledge of the outcomes of different treatments, derived from the research, can often save lives. For example, consider the problem of whether to perform an endarterectomy on a newly symptomatic patient with severe stenosis. The benefit of surgery in reducing the risk of a major stroke or fatality is summed up in the following table (L. Goldstein et al, 1995): % Patients with Major Stroke or Fatality SurgeryGroup NoSurgery Number Needed to Treat



    11 This means that you need only treat 11 patients, on average, to prevent a major stroke or fatality - a clear and very substantial benefit. However, when asked whether they would recommend surgery in such a case, physicians answered as follows: Would you recommend carotid endarterectomy fornewly symptomatic patients with severe stenosis? . Seldom/Never Sometimes Usually/Always All physicians



    55% Primary carephysicians andinternists



    20% This seems to imply that it is at least possible that some patients are suffering a severe stroke or fatality that can at least partly be attributed to physicians' lack of familiarity with the medical literature. PBM can be defined as the practice of medicine based on falsehoods that are disseminated as truth. Falsehoods may result from corrupted evidence--evidence that has been suppressed, contrived from purposely biased science, or that has been manipulated and/or falsified, then published. Or falsehoods may result from corrupted dissemination of otherwise valid evidence. These falsehoods, when consumed as truth by unwitting and well-intentioned practitioners of EBM, then disseminated and adopted as routine practice, may well result not only in inappropriate quality standards and processes of care, but also in harms to patients.