Download - Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

Page 1: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete
Page 2: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2.

Page 3: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

1. 0 que acontece, segundo o texto, com jovens que costumam dormir menos do que o necessário?

Eles geralmente chegam atrasados ou faltam às aulas; tendem a ser mal-humorados (irritadiços) e infelizes, além de tirar notas baixas na escola.

2. a) Para o que serve o nosso relógio interno?

Para sabermos que horas são e quando nosso corpo precisa dormir.

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b) Nosso corpo produz uma substância química denominada melatonina. Qual e a função dessa substância e como ela nos afeta quando nos aproximamos da adolescência? A função da melatonina é informar nosso relógio interno que anoiteceu.Quando nos aproximamos da adolescência, a produção de melatonina passa a ocorrer mais tarde e nós passamos a ter dificuldades para dormir cedo.

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A passagem abaixo foi tirada do livro Guliver's Travel, de Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). Em tom irônico, o autor satiriza e critica a futilidade e a brutalidade das guerras que ocorriam na Europa em sua época. Leia o texto e responda às questões 3 e 4.

Page 6: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

3. Segundo o narrador, de que forma ministros corruptos podem provocar uma guerra? Ministros corruptos podem convencer seus chefes a começar uma guerra com o intuito de abafar o clamor dos súditos ( os protestos do povo) contra sua má administração. 4. Ainda segundo o narrador da passagem, o que um príncipe pode legitimamente fazer quando envia suas forças contra um povo pobre e ignorante? Quais seriam os objetivos dessas ações? Ele pode matar a metade do povo e escravizar o resto, com o objetivo de civilizá-lo e para livrá-lo de seu modo de vida bárbaro.

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D. H. Lawrence, autor conhecido por discutir a natureza das relações amorosas em obras clássicas da literatura inglesa (0 amante de Lady Chatterley, Mulheres Apaixonadas), publicou, em 1929, a poema abaixo. Leia-o e responda à questão 5.

Page 8: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

5. O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles diferente? De acordo com o texto, tanto bons quanto maus maridos fazem suas esposas infelizes. A diferença entre eles reside no fato de que a infelicidade das esposas dos bons maridos e muito mais arrasadora.

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O texto a seguir apareceu na revista Men's Health, no número de julho/agosto de 2003. Leia-o e responda a questão 6.

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a) Que alerta e feito no texto? O alerta do texto é dado no título: "Não beba e saia para passear'., isto é, não saia para passear alcoolizado. Segundo o texto. Os riscos associados a bebedeira se estendem também as pessoas que não estão dirigindo. b) Segundo a pesquisa descrita no artigo, pessoas alcoolizadas tomam-se mais vulneráveis em acidentes automobilísticos. Por que? Porque, de acordo com a pesquisa, o álcool provoca o enfraquecimento das membranas celulares. O que aumenta risco de ruptura das células durante um acidente.

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A) Put a question tag on the end of these sentences.

1. You like wine, don’t you?

2. Mary is here, isn't she?

3. They are not leaving, are they?

4. She knows the waiter, doesn't she?

5. We aren't getting dessert, are we?

6. It is not raining, is it?

7. You are preparing the meal, aren't you ?

8. She likes to watch television, doesn't she ?

9. You know about the specials, don't you ?

10. You're going to the restaurant, aren’t you?

Page 12: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

B) Put a question tag on the end of these sentences.

1. Doctor, I haven't got an infection, have I?

2. She takes her dog for a walk every morning, doesn't she?

3. You'll come, won't you?

4. We are buying the red car, aren't we?

5. They have a cat, don't they?

6. It's a lovely day, isn't it?

7. George doesn't know, does he?

8. The party didn't finish until 3 in the morning, did it?

9. They look tired, don't they?

10. We won't be late, will we?

11. She's been to Canada, hasn't she?

12. He's happy, isn't he?

13. There were a lot of people at the beach, weren't there?

14. I've met you before, haven't I?

15. He jumped over the fence, didn't he?

Page 13: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

C) Put a question tag on the end of these sentences. 1. I am you best friend, aren’t I? 2. Let's not stay here, shall we? 3. Let's do it, shall we? 4. This is your jacket, isn’t it? 5. There are some oranges in the basket, aren’t there? 6. There isn't any homework, is there? 7. Everybody is present, aren’t they? 8. Nobody is perfect, are they? 9. Everything is perfect, isn’t it? 10. Give me a hand, will you? 11. Don't let it happen again, will you? 12. I should call her, shouldn’t I? 13. She has got a new car, hasn’t she? 14. She has a new car, doesn’t she? 15. You will never say yes, will you? 16. Sue and Melissa are not in your class, are they? 17. The children must go to bed early, mustn’t they? 18. I am not that bad, Am I? 19. There is no bread left, is there? 20. That is a difficult question, isn’t it?

Page 14: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

D) Put a question tag on the end of these sentences.

1.There wasn't enough paper in the printer, was there?

2.If he spoke better English he would look for a job abroad, wouldn't he?

3.They've already sent you the invitation, haven't they?

4.We should invite them to our party, shouldn't we?

5.You had to sell some shares, didn't you?

6.You were disappointed when you got your exam results, weren't you?

7.We won't have to work tomorrow, will we?

8. We'll have to finish the project before next week, won't we?

Page 15: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

E) Complete the conversation. Put in the question tags.

Emma: You don't really want to go out with me any more, do you?

Matthew: Of course l do. But l need a bit of time to myself sometimes.

Emma: You get plenty of time to yourself, don’t you?

Matthew: Emma, you know what l feel for you. l've told you enough times, haven’t I?

Emma: Yes, you have. And you're quite happy, aren’t you?

You don't mind, do you? The situation doesn't bother you, does it?

Matthew: Why are we arguing? There's nothing to argue about, is there?

Emma: You can't ever look at things from my point of view, can you?

Page 16: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

F) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência de Question Tags adequados para completar as frases a seguir: 1. He isn't at home, __________? 2. That will happen, __________? 3. She hasn't got a cue, __________? 4. It rains a lot, __________? a) isn't he; won't it; has he; doesn't it b) is it; will it; does she; has it c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it

Page 17: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

G) Em qual das alternativas abaixo a 'question tag' está errada?

a) Let’s go to a disco, shall we?

b) Do the exercises, will you?

c) Mariah put the book on the armchair, doesn’t she?

d) Let me go with you, shall I?

e) The teacher came to help us, didn’t she?

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H) Complete the sentences. Use additional to remarks.

a) We heard an explosion last night. And so did our neighbors.

b) She’s very sad. And so I am.

c) The park was crowded last Sunday. And so were the streets.

d) They didn't go to the meeting yesterday. And neither did we.

e) She hasn't spoken much. And neither have they.

f) These pants don't fit. And neither does that coat.

g) Those children like plums. And so does that girl.

h) We went there last night. And so did our friends.

i) Physics isn't easy. And neither are Math and Geography.

j) Tom is nervous today. And so are we.

k) Jerry knows everything. And so do his friends.

l) We sent him a letter that day. And so did his mother.

m) Peter doesn't want it anymore. And neither does George.

n) I won't be free next week. And neither will my girlfriend.

o) He'd done that before. And so had we.

p) He'd do that again. And so would we.

q) She's breaking it. And so are they.

r) She's broken it. And so have they.

Page 19: Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 1 e 2. · O poema acima compara bons maridos a maus maridos. O que eles tem em comum e no que eles ... They agree on ever ything. Complete

I) Circle the correct words to complete this paragraph.

Sometimes being a twin can cause trouble. In high school, I was in Mr. Jacobs's history class.

Neither / So was my brother. One day we took a test. I got questions 18 and 20 wrong. My

brother did so / too. I didn't spell Constantinople correctly, and either / neither did he. The

teacher was sure we had cheated. As a result, I got an F on the test, and so did / got my

brother. We tried to convince Mr. Jacobs of our innocence, but he didn't believe us. The

principal didn't either / too. We finally convinced them to give us another test. This time I

got items 3 and 10 wrong. Guess what? Neither / So did my brother. Our teacher was

astounded. So / Too was the principal. We weren't. We were just amused.

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J) Marta and Carla are twins. They agree on everything. Complete their conversation with responses.

MARTA: I’m so happy we finally found each other.

CARLA: So Am I. I always felt like something was missing from my life.

MARTA: So did I. I always knew I had a double somewhere out there.

CARLA: I can't believe how similar we are.

MARTA: Neither can I. It's like always seeing myself in the mirror.

CARLA: Not only do we look identical, but we like and dislike all the same things.

MARTA: Right. I hate lettuce.

CARLA: I do too. And I detest liver.

MARTA: So do I. I love pizza, though.

CARLA: So do I. But only with tomato and cheese. I don't like pepperoni.

MARTA: Neither do I.

CARLA: This is amazing! I wonder if our husbands have so much in common.

MARTA: Me too!

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K) Reescreva os trechos destacados mantendo o mesmo significado. 1. I didn't catch pneumonia and my brother didn’t either. Neither /nor did my brother. 2. Portuguese is not spoken in Japan and French isn't either. Neither /nor is French. 3. My parents haven't had time and yours haven't either. Neither /nor have yours. 4. You don't know London and neither do I. I don’t either. 5. She won't forget this date and neither will he. He won't either. 6. We hadn't made a mistake and neither had you. You hadn’t either.