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  • 7/30/2019 O conto.pdf


    O conto, a comida e as crenzas populares ./Stories, food and popular


    A comida fundamental para o home, para a sa existencia e ao longo do tempo

    converteuse en algo mis que unha necesidade fsica, que atingue funcin de nutricin. Cada

    cultura, cada rexin, cada pobo fixo da comida algo particular, tanto as que vinculamos

    comida con Terra, con carcter. De todo isto, psase a que a comida, os alimentos formen

    parte do noso lendario, dos nosos contos e dos nosos costumes. Galicia Terra de bo comer,

    miles de festas gastronmicas, cada festa popular a sa comida cos seus produtos propios, e

    aqu sempre unha boa ocasin para xuntarnos todos ao redor dunha mesa.

    Food is essencial for Man, for his existance and throughout time, it has become more

    than a physical need related to nutrition. Each culture, each region, each people has made

    food theirs; so much so that we attach food to ourLand, our character. Thus,foodhas become

    a part of our legends, our stories and our traditions. Galicia is a Land of hearty eating with

    thousands of gastronomicfestivals, each one with its very own products, and here in Galicia,

    there is always a good excuse to gather around a table.

    Con ocasin do outono, poca de colleitas da vide, a castaa, as cabazasen Galicia

    celbranse festas e con elas comida asociada, e tamn contos, lendas, tradicins. Partindo de

    todo isto na aula de 3 ESA do centro EPAPU TEIXEIRO dentro do mbito de comunicacin

    propxose a redaccin de contos ou tradicins arredor da comida desta ou doutra poca do

    ano. Das devanditas redaccins destacamos as que seguen con especial atencin primeira

    que constata un feito de valor antropolxico que une vida, morte e comida e que de seguro

    entronca con outros lugares de Europa:

    As we are in autumn, a time for harvestingvines,chestnuts,pumpkinsin Galicia we

    celebrate festivals associated to food, stories, legends and tradition. Thus, in the classroom of

    3rd Year Secondary Education for Adults in the EPAPU of Teixeiro in language class, the

    students were asked to gather stories about this time of the year. From all of them we have

    picked the following one for its uniqueness, as it talks about an anthropological event which

    unites life , death and food and which we are sure must relate to other parts of Europe:
  • 7/30/2019 O conto.pdf


    O caldo dos mortos

    Un amigo meu contbame que nalgns lugares da comarca de Rianxo tense o costume de

    comer tras o enterro dun defunto o caldo dos mortos.

    Tras dar sepultura aos defuntos, os familiares e amigos mis ntimos achganse casa do

    finado para en comunidade tomar este caldo que pobre, s consta de verzas, moi pouca

    substancia e toucio, fabas e patacas; tanto as que se toma practicamente bebido, senacompaamento de pan nin calquera outro alimento. Btase nunha cunca, unha vez que se

    bebeu a cunca nchese con vio tinto do pas ou augardente e bbese sade do morto. As os

    familiares saen da casa un pouco mis alegres que cando saron do enterro.

    Eu non sei o que ten de certo, pero, a verdade que o costume non est nada mal, se hai un

    motivo para xuntarse e comer.

    Thebrothof the dead

    A friend of mine once told me that in some parts of the region of Rianxo there is the tradition

    of eating the broth of the dead after a burial.

    After the person who has passed away is left in the ground, family and friends go to his or her

    house so as to taste this simple broth all together. This broth has few ingredients, just some

    greens, a littlebacon,beansandpotatoes. It is so poor that one is almost able to drink it,

    without anybreador anything else. It is poured into a small ceramic bowl and once it is empty,

    it is filled with regionalwineorschnappsand a toast is made in honor of the departed. Thus,

    everyone leaves the house a little bit more cheerful than at the beginning.

    I dont know how much of this is true but I believe it is a great idea as it is a chance to enjoy

    some traditional food.