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Orações iniciada por If (se) são chamadas de orações condicionais, elas exprimem situações verdadeiras (real condition) ou

hipotéticas ou imaginárias (unreal condition), no presente, no futuro ou no passado, ligadas a uma oração principal.

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Desdobrando as funções, podemos dizer que elas indicam:

(A) condição ou suposição, no presente e no futuro:

Ex. I’ll help you, if you wait a few minutes,

If she studied hard, she would pass the final exam.

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( B) desejo ou inclinação, no presente ou no futuro. Nesse caso, pode haver omissão da oração condicional, se ela ficar


Ex. I’d like to talk to you (if you allowed me)

(C) condição, suposição, desejo, ou inclinação, no passado, não realizado (unreal past).

Ex. I’d have married her, if i had got rid of my old prejudices.

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• 1. If the new clerk arrives late, tell him to come into my office at once.

• 2. If she loves shrimps, she has to try the new restaurant near the hardware store.

• 3. If my uncle gets that job, he’ll move to the suburbs.

1. Imperative2. Present3. Future

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• 4. If she had so much money, she woudn´t be living in a neighborhood like this.

• 5. If her sister wasn’t so subborn, they wouldn’t have taken in the 10:15 bus.

4. Future in the past

5. Future in the past perfect

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• 6. If Tom had received an invitation, he wouldn’t have missed her wedding.

• 7. Our teachers wouldn’t have complained, if most students had finished their tests on time.

6. Future in the past

7. Future in the past perfect

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É possível em dois casos:

• (A) em pedidos (will)

• Ex. If you will bring your projects now, we may discuss them.

• ( O pedido se torna ainda mais polido se usarmos would no lugar de will, would, )

• (B) se a oração condicional é uma consequência de causa expressa na oração principal.

• Ex. If you will feel better, have a warm shower after supper.

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Em orações condicionais que exprimam situações hipotéticas ou imaginárias é comum o auxiliar would do futuro do pretérito ou imaginárias é substituído por might, ou could ou, ainda, should.

Ex. If she had arrived before noon, she could have met her brother.I might speak Dutch very well, if i attended all different courses they have here.

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Na lingua culta, é comum a omissão da conjunção if, mas invertendo-se a posição sujeitoverbo, se o verbo da oração for had, were ou should.

Ex. Had she received na invitation, she would certainly be here.Should you find my book in your car, send it to me, please.

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Em orações condicionais que impliquem suposições no presente ou no futuro, a forma were é encontrada em todas as pessoas. (verbo)

Ex. If she were my daughter, I’d take her to a doctor. She’s too pale.

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Também introduzem orações condicionais, entre outras locuções e conjuções, provided (that) (contanto que), supposing (that) (supondo que), unless (a menos que ), e wether (se).

Ex. Unless she pays for the damages, we will sue her.She doesn’t know whether he is coming tonite.(Whether é, frequentemente, substituído por if. Algumas gramáticas só classificam whether como conjunção integrante.)

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Have a good day

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