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Alô, pessoal

Gostaria de lhes dizer umas palavrinhas sobre mim e sobre o curso de inglês on-line preparatório para o concurso da Receita Federal. Chamo-me Carlos Augusto Pereira, nasci em Belém do Pará e vim para o Rio com meus pais quando tinha menos de três anos de idade. E, por isso, tenho que aturar a gozação dos meus alunos que dizem que eu sou ‘parioca’. Tudo bem!

Em 1969 completei o curso de Economia na antiga UEG (Universidade do Estado da Guanabara, atual UERJ), onde obtive o diploma de Diploma de Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas.

Sou professor de inglês desde 1968, com formação no IBEU (Instituto Brasil Estados Unidos), onde obtive o Certificado de Proficiência em Inglês da Universidade de Michigan (EUA); e na Cultura Inglesa, onde obtive o Certificado de Proficiência em Inglês da Universidade de Cambridge.

Na área de preparação para concursos públicos venho preparando turmas, nas mais diversas áreas, desde o meu ingresso na Receita Federal em 1977. Já tive a oportunidade de dar aulas em vários cursos aqui no Rio de Janeiro: Curso Gabarito, M&G, Companhia dos Módulos.

Aposentei-me na SRF em 1999 e a partir daí venho dedicando a maior parte do meu tempo a escrever meus livros de inglês, os quais cito com orgulho: Inglês para Concursos – Ed. Campus/ Elsevier, Inglês 500 Questões com Gabarito Comentado – Ed. Campus / Elsevier, Practicing Collocation (Como tornar o seu Inglês mais Fluente) – Ed. Impetus.

Fiquei muito feliz com o convite do Prof. Vicente Paulo para estruturar um curso de inglês on-line aqui no Ponto dos Concursos.

Nosso curso terá a duração de dez semanas. Todas as aulas serão dadas em Portuglish (uma mistura de português e inglês) - com o devido perdão pelo trocadilho infame.

Destaco a seguir os objetivos do curso e os principais itens do conteúdo programático: develop reading strategies aiming at improving reading comprehension [desenvolver as estratégias de leitura visando à melhoria da compreensão de textos];

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Reading and Comprehension of Authentic English Texts; [leitura e Compreensão de textos ingleses autênticos]; Vocabulary Build-Up through the study of cognates, affixes (prefixes and suffixes), function / content words, discourse markers, modal verbs, collocations (noun + noun, verb+ noun, adjective + noun, etc); [construção do vocabulário através do estudo dos cognatos, afixos (prefixos e sufixos), palavras funcionais e de conteúdo, marcadores do discurso, verbos auxiliares modais, estudo das collocations - combinações de subst. + subst., verbo + subst., adj. + subst., etc] Grammar / Usage Essentials (such as: summary of verb tenses, pronouns (personal, possessive, interrogative, demonstrative, relative …), passive voice, if-clauses (conditions), comparatives / superlatives, confusable words [Gramática e uso do inglês essenciais (tais como: resumo dos tempos verbais, pronomes (pessoais, possessivos, interrogativos, demonstrativos, relativos ...), voz passiva, orações condicionais, grau comparativo / superlativo, palavras que causam confusão] Analysis of Past Exam Questions [Análise de Questões de Exames Anteriores] Mock Test // Final Exam. [Teste Simulado // Exame Final]

Utilizem o FORUM para fazer as perguntas que julgarem necessárias. Procurarei responder a todas e caso haja necessidade de reformular o nosso curso de inglês on-line, não tenham dúvida de que o faremos.

E, agora, mãos à obra! Passemos a aula demonstrativa. Quando tiver completado o estudo dessa aula e feito os exercícios nela incluídos, não deixe de se auto-avaliar. Pergunte a si mesmo quantos daqueles objetivos destacados no final você atingiu. Se houver alguma dúvida mande sua pergunta para ser analisada e, se for o caso, respondida no FORUM. Agora, passemos a aula demonstrativa. Best wishes, always.

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A BUSCA DOS VERDADEIROS COGNATOS Em inglês há um grande número de palavras cuja raiz latina ou grega nos ajuda no reconhecimento de seu significado. São os verdadeiros cognatos, cujo significado em português, na grande maioria dos casos, é aquele mesmo que aparenta ser. A pronúncia em inglês desses true cognates pode ser um pouco ou bastante diferente; porém, a semelhança ortográfica é: A) TOTAL: instrumental, professor, global, crime, vital, ardor, ... B) GRANDE: important, honest, president, context, future, aspect, ... C) MENOR: article, disposition, vitality, authority, visible, ... From theory to practice: TASK: No trecho abaixo sublinhe ou faça highlighting com caneta marca-texto dos verdadeiros cognatos. Assinale também nomes de países, numerais, e quaisquer outros sinais pictográficos, tais como %, &, @,etc, se houver, mas não marque palavras como it, without, and, with ... mesmo que sejam parte do seu vocabulário ativo. INDIA and BRAZIL India and Brazil are two nations each with histories of colonization which are now both hoping that their natural oil reserves will provide a financial base upon which to build a healthy economy. It goes without saying that developing nations require substantial energy resources from which they can fuel the growth of their infrastructures. India and 5 Brazil are exemplary as two nations that have been classified in this ‘developing’ matrix despite having very different histories, both as colonies and as nations. The energy industry is booming in both regions and has done so since the dawn of the 20th century, yet Brazil is obviously the more advanced in the sector. Despite the same ‘developing’ status, Brazil’s energy industry outranks India’s in almost every 10 aspect and while both countries exhibit promise, one cannot help wonder what the Indian energy sector needs to catapult the country into the status of a self-sufficient state. One might consider India to be a distant step behind Brazil, with both falling several steps behind the major oil & gas producing nations. Yet the potential that lies behind such sleeping giants is immense, and the world is TAKING NOTICE as 15 energy becomes an issue of greater importance.

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(Excerpt from Britain Brasil magazine, by Samir Bhojwani, July / August 2002, p. 32) Segundo os filólogos, de 20 a 30% dos vocábulos de um texto podem se constituir de verdadeiros cognatos; às vezes mais se o texto for de caráter muito técnico. No texto anterior, de aproximadamente 180 palavras, você facilmente conseguirá marcar 30% dos vocábulos ou até mais. Confronte suas marcações com aquelas feitas por mim na folha de respostas. Para traduzir alguns dos itens do quadro abaixo, você talvez tenha que consultar um dicionário. É claro que na hora da prova você não terá tempo para executar todos os passos desta atividade, nem terá acesso a um dicionário, mas nosso objetivo é fazer com que você se familiarize com esta reading strategy pois ela lhe permitirá chegar a um número mínimo de palavras, locuções ou expressões cujo significado não é possível descobrir facilmente.

GLOSSARY/ CONTENT WORDS TRANSLATION It goes without saying fuel the growth a healthy economy energy resources the dawn of the 20th century Brazil outranks India cannot help wonder what lies behind an issue of greater importance


Ninguém constrói seu vocabulário em inglês overnight. Da noite para o dia não se consegue nada. Leva tempo e requer dedicação. Para ajudar você nesta tarefa é possível desenvolver diversas estratégias destinadas a provocar o insight, aquele estalo, que, no devido tempo, vai permitir a você ler os textos muito mais fluentemente. KEY WORDS (PALAVRAS-CHAVE) No estudo de vocabulário em inglês é fundamental distinguir entre function words e content words. I - O QUE SÃO ‘FUNCTION WORDS’?

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São palavras como pronomes, adjetivos, conjunções, preposições, advérbios, ... que exercem uma função na frase; seja de sujeito, complemento verbal, ou meros marcadores do discurso.

From the text ‘INDIA and BRAZIL and, are, each, with, of , which, both, that, their, will, upon, a, we, if, our,

from, but, it, without, they, can, as, despite, very, is, has, so, since, yet, every, while, one, more, almost, cannot, to, what, into, might, behind, several, such, an.

II - O QUE SÃO ‘CONTENT WORDS’? São as palavras de que nos utilizamos para designar ações, objetos,

emoções. Obviamente formam um grupo muito mais numeroso do que aquele das function words.

From the text ‘INDIA and BRAZIL India, Brazil, nations, histories, colonization, natural, reserves, provide,

financial, base, healthy, economy, go, saying, developing, require, substantial, energy, resources, fuel, growth, infrastructures, exemplary, classified, matrix, different, colonies, energy, industry, booming, regions, dawn, century, obviously, advanced, sector, same, status, outranks, aspect, exhibit, promise, help, wonder, needs, catapult, self-sufficient, state, consider, distant, step, falling, major, oil, producing, potential, lies, sleeping, giants, immense, world, notice, issue, greater, importance. …


OS FALSOS COGNATOS Há os falsos cognatos de que tanto gostam os examinadores. Em número bem reduzido e cuja incidência também é bem menor, thank God! Os falsos cognatos, ou false friends, merecem um estudo atencioso. Veja o caso da palavra notice, usada como substantivo no texto anterior: é um exemplo de falso cognato, pois não significa notícia (= news). Procure estudar os principais. 1. Actual (adj.) // Actually (adv.) Exs.: Who remembers Prof. Dark’s actual words? Quem se lembra das palavras exatas do Prof. Dark? Actually, my father is not a professional actor; he just loves acting. Na verdade, meu pai não é ator profissional; ele apenas adora representar. Então como se diz atual // atualmente em inglês?

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Exs.: The current year, 2005, is not a Leap Year. O presente ano, 2005, não é bissexto. Today nobody uses typewriters at the office any more. Atualmente ninguém usa mais máquinas de escrever no escritório. Nowadays most everybody uses computers at home and at work. Hoje em dia (Atualmente), a maioria das pessoas usa computadores em

casa e no trabalho. 2. Eventually (adv.) Ex.: Eventually the survivors got to the harbor safe and sound. Finalmente os sobreviventes chegaram ao porto sãos e salvos. Então como se diz eventualmente em inglês? De várias maneiras: sometimes, at times, now and then, occasionally ... Exs.: I spend my summer vacation at my uncle’s beach house now and then. Eventualmente passo minhas ferias de verão na casa de praia do meu tio I still visit her occasionally. Eventualmente ainda vou visitá-la. 3. Pretend (r.v.) Êta verbinho perigoso! Como você já deve imaginar, não significa

pretender em português: Ex.: The little girl was pretending that she had a fever. A garotinha estava fingindo estar com febre. Então como se diz pretender em inglês? Use o verbo to intend ou to have the intention of She intends to fool her teacher. Ela pretende enganar sua professora. Jill has the intention of moving out to the suburbs. Jill pretende mudar para o subúrbio. 4. Assist (r.v.) Não significa assistir, estar presente e, sim, ajudar. Ex.: An experienced nurse assisted Dr. Caldwell during the surgery. Uma enfermeira experiente ajudou o Dr. Caldwell durante a cirurgia. As I don’t have assistants, I have to do all the work by myself. Como não tenho auxiliares preciso fazer todo o trabalho sozinho. Então como se diz assistir, estar presente em inglês? Use o verbo to attend ou be present at Lots of new students attended my class. Muitos alunos novos assistiram a minha aula.

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LISTAR OU NÃO LISTAR Em várias publicações você encontra listas – algumas bem extensas - com false cognates. Minha sugestão, no entanto, é a seguinte: seja seletivo, prático e criativo. Faça uma ‘listinha’ com os itens que passarem por essa ‘peneira’: I - Não inclua um verbo como ‘amass’ (= coletar, juntar) por ser parecido

com o verbo ‘amassar’ do português. Se você consultar um bom dicionário inglês-inglês encontrará a expressão ‘to amass a fortune’ (= fazer uma fortuna) única combinação que, em todos esses anos de magistério, eu encontrei para este verbo.

Como você diria ‘amassar’ em inglês? Ex.: She crunched up the chocolate wrapper and threw it away. Ela amassou o papel do chocolate e jogou-o fora. II - Na mesma situação eu colocaria verbos como ‘enroll’, o substantivo

‘enrollment’. Parece com enrolar // enrolação? Parece. Mas basta você conhecer as expressões ‘enroll in a course’ (= matricular-se num curso) / university enrollment’ (= matrículas nas universidades).

III - Não inclua palavras como ‘port’. Será que você traduziria por ‘porta’?

Hum, not likely! IV - No mesmo caso estaria ‘bonds’, por achar semelhança com ‘bondes’.

Basta abrir o jornal todos os dias para ver a cotação dos ‘bonds’ (= títulos do governo).

V - Outra. Você incluiria ‘data’ (= dados) porque parece com data (dia, mês,

ano)? Again, muito improvável. Basta lembrar de data processing (= processamento de dados).

VI -- A meu ver não há necessidade de listar também entries como ‘mayor’

(= prefeito), por que parece com ‘maior’, comumente usado como adjetivo, mas que pode ser um substantivo também. É desprezível a probabilidade de o contexto em que ‘mayor’ aparece não deixar claro que se está falando do prefeito de uma cidade.

Summing up! Inclua na sua lista só o false friend que possa passar uma rasteira em você; num texto ou numa questão de prova, que possa induzi-lo ao erro. Desse modo, estará personalizando seu trabalho. O que é um false friend problemático para outro pode não ser para você.

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FORMAÇÃO DAS PALAVRAS É de grande utilidade o estudo das word forms do inglês. Quanto mais familiarizado você estiver com os vários affixes (prefixes / suffixes) mais facilidade terá em decoding novos significados, e mais fluentemente você conseguirá ler. Aumente o seu vocabulary power com esse estudo sistemático. Study words in ‘families’. TASK: Use os integrantes da ‘família’ do verbo regular to develop

(=desenvolver) no parágrafo a seguir: Sample paragraph

developed development developing undeveloped After reading the text ‘India and Brazil’ we learn that it would be inaccurate to describe both countries as __________ or under- ___________. Brazil and India have reachedsuch a high level of economic __________ recently that when we look at the potential both countries have, we come to the conclusion that the two giants must be described, more precisely, as ___________ nations. Você saberia responder, qual é o afixo mais precioso, mais freqüente e que nenhum English student pode deixar de saber? Eu arriscaria afirmar que é o sufixo –ed - formador do past tense e do past participle dos verbos regulares ingleses. Com exceção daqueles verbos irregulares (150 mais comuns, aproximadamente) – cujas formas têm que ser memorizadas – os milhares de outros verbos são regulares. Mesmo no texto ‘India and Brazil’, onde o past tense é usado, o sufixo –ed aparece. “...that have been classified in this ‘developing’ matrix…” (L-6) “…que vêm sendo classificadas na rede daquelas (nações) em desenvolvimento.” Aqui se trata do partícípio passado de ‘to classify(r.v) (= classificar) Um fenômeno interessante vem acontecendo modernamente no inglês. Você já reparou quantos verbos regulares têm surgido? Surgiu a necessidade e eles sapecam o –ed na palavra e a transsformam num verbo regular? Exs.: The bank manager initialed my check. So he okayed it! O gerente do banco rubricou meu cheque. Portanto deu seu OK! I e-mailed you yesterday. Don’t tell me you didn’t read it. Eu te enviei um e-mail ontem. Não me diga que você não o leu.

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1. Procure no texto três construções com o present simple tense:

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

2. Procure no texto duas construções com o present continuous tense:

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

3. Procure no texto duas construções com o present perfect tense:

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

4. Que outra expressão em inglês pode ser usada como sinônimo de ‘it goes

without saying’(L-4)? Pesquise. ___________________________________ 5. A palavra NOTICE, usada como substantivo, é um exemplo de falso

cognato, [falso amigo] pois não significa notícia (= news). Como você traduziria a expressão TAKING NOTICE no texto? ____________________________________________________ 6. Releia o texto e dê a tradução da palavra while in “… while both countries

exhibit promise” _____________________________________ 7. É preciso muita atenção com as palavras terminada em …ing. Qual o

significado das seguintes palavras no texto? developing (L-4) ____________ booming (L-8) _______________ hoping (L-2) _______________ falling (L-14) ________________ taking (L-15) _______________ sleeping (L-13)_______________ 8. Qual o significado das seguintes function words (palavras funcionais) no

texto? each _______________ both _______________ since _______________ behind _______________ every _______________ almost _______________

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I - Caso você continue cético com relação à validade da procura dos

verdadeiros cognatos em textos, faça o mesmo que você aprendeu nesta aula com o texto da prova ESAF /TRF /2002 a seguir:

II - Procure 15 function words e 15 content words nesse mesmo texto e

depois escreva-as nas colunas do quadro abaixo.

Function Words 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________ 7. _________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________ 10. _________________________ 11. _________________________ 12. _________________________ 13. _________________________ 14. _________________________ 15. _________________________

Content Words 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________ 7. _________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________ 10. _________________________ 11. _________________________ 12. _________________________ 13. _________________________ 14. _________________________ 15. _________________________


In the USA, some individuals argue that they are not required to pay federal taxes because the payment of federal taxes is voluntary. Proponents of this position assert that the American system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment. However, what does the law say about it? The requirement to pay taxes is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, which imposes a tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts as determined by the tables set forth in that section. Furthermore, the obligation to pay tax is described in section 6151, which requires taxpayers to submit payment with their tax returns. Failure to pay taxes could subject the noncomplying individual to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as well as civil penalties. (ESAF/ TRF-2002)

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I - Este pequeno trecho apresenta diversas palavras ou locuções relativas à

taxes (tributos, impostos), como por exemplo: taxpayers (= contribuintes) // taxable income ( =renda tributável) // tax returns (=declaração de imposto) // system of taxation (=sistema de tributação). Veja se consegue associar a coluna A com a coluna B:


1. tax deductible a. ( ) evasão fiscal 2. tax evasion b. ( ) paraíso fiscal 3. tax haven c. ( ) isenção tributária 4. tax exemption d. ( ) dedutíveis do imposto ( a pagar) 5. tax bracket e. ( ) lançamento fiscal 6. tax assessment f. ( ) faixa de tributação 7. tax liability g. ( ) carga tributária 8. tax burden i. ( ) ação fiscal 9. tax revenue J. ( ) responsabilidade tributária 10. tax case k. ( ) receita fiscal

II - Quais as penalidades criminais mencionadas pelo autor do texto a) ______________________ b) ______________________ III- Qual a expressão correspondente a Secretaria da Receita Federal (SRF)

nos EUA. _____________________________________ IV - Com a informática e a expansão da Internet é crescente a popularidade da

palavra ‘access‘. Por exemplo: ‘access denied’ (= acesso negado). Portanto não creio que você confunda a palavra assessment em “…based upon voluntary assessment and payment” com ela. Agora, qual o seu significado nesse fragmento?

_____________________________________ V - Copie três fragmentos do texto em que o present simple é usado (não

vale com o verbo to be) a) ______________________________________ b) ______________________________________ c) ______________________________________

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RESUMO DOS TEMPOS VERBAIS 1.1 PRESENT SIMPLE Utilizemos as expressões walk fast (=caminhar rápido), onde o verbo walk é regular e ‘sleep late (=dormir tarde) com o verbo irregular sleep.


I / You / We / They walk fast // sleep late He / She / It walks fast // sleeps late

NB Como você observa, somente um “s” é acrescentado à 3a p. do singular.

Não se distingue um verbo regular de outro irregular pela conjugação do present simple.


Do I / You / We / They walk fast // sleep late? Does He / She / It walk fast // sleep late?


I / You / We / They do not walk fast // sleep late He / She / It does not walk fast // sleep late

NB: Do not =don’t Does not = doesn’t

1.2 USES OF THE PRESENT SIMPLE a) Used to express habitual or usual actions. Usado para expressar ações habituais, rotineiras. Exs.: I go to work every week day – Monday thru Friday. Vou para o trabalho todos os dias úteis – de segunda à sexta. My father pays his income tax every month. Meu pai paga seu imposto de renda todo mês.

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“Do you know George?” “No, I don’t know him.” – Você conhece o George? – Não. Eu não o conheço. b) Used to express permanent or general truths. Usado para expressar verdades permanentes ou universais. Exs.: Taxpayers pay too many taxes in Brazil. . Os contribuintes pagam muitos impostos no Brasil. . “Does the earth go round the sun?” “Yes, it does”. – A terra gira em torno do sol? – Sim, ela gira. c) Used after when, whenever, while, before, after, as soon as, until,... in

time clauses. (Attention! In Portuguese the future is used.) Usado depois de: quando, sempre que, enquanto, após, assim que/ tão

logo que, até, ... em orações temporais. Atenção! Em português um tempo futuro é usado.

Exs.: You can go as soon as the director arrives. Você pode ir assim que o diretor chegar. Let’s wait until my wife comes back home. Vamos esperar até a minha mulher voltar para casa. d) Used to refer to future, scheduled things. Usado para referir-se a coisas futuras, planejadas. Exs.: What time does your class begin tomorrow. A que horas começa (começará) a sua aula amanhã? My plane leaves at 8 p.m. tonight. Meu avião parte (partirá) às oito da noite hoje.

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Utilizemos as expressões jump high (=pular alto) com o verbo regular jump e drink milk (=beber leite), com o verbo irregular drink.


I am jumping high // drinking milk He / She / It is jumping high // drinking milk You / We / They are jumping high // drinking milk

Note: Como você observa, forma-se o present continuous com o presente

simples do verbo ‘to be’ + a forma -ing do verbo principal.

QUESTIONS Am I jumping high // drinking milk? Is He / She / It jumping high // drinking milk? Are You / We / They jumping high // drinking milk? Formamos a interrogativa pela inversão do auxiliar ‘to be’ com o verbo principal.

NEGATIVE I am not jumping high // drinking milk He / She / It is not jumping high // drinking milk You / We / They are not jumping high // drinking milk Para formar a negativa acrescente ‘not’ ao verbo ‘to be.’ NB: is not =isn’t // are not = aren’t

2.2 USES OF THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS a) Used mainly to describe an action happening at the moment of speaking. Usado para descrever ações acontecendo no momento em que se fala.] Exs.: The sun is shining now. O sol está brilhando agora. Is Jane studying German at present? A Jane está estudando alemão no presente momento?

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We are speaking English now. We aren’t speaking Portuguese. Estamos falando inglês agora. Não estamos falando português. b) The present continuous can be used to refer to future actions, too. Também o presente contínuo pode ser usado com ações futuras. Exs.: Regina is visiting us next week. Regina estará nos visitando na semana que vem. I’m seeing my eye doctor tomorrow afternoon. Estarei consultando meu oftalmologista amanhã à tarde.

ANSWERS // RESPOSTAS A busca dos verdadeiros cognatos INDIA and BRAZIL

India and Brazil are two nations each with histories of colonization which are now both hoping that their natural oil reserves will provide a financial base upon which to build a healthy economy.

It goes without saying that developing nations require substantial energy resources from which they can fuel the growth of their infrastructures. India and Brazil are exemplary as two nations that have been classified in this ‘developing’ matrix despite having very different histories, both as colonies and as nations. The energy industry is booming in both regions and has done so since the dawn of the 20th century, yet Brazil is obviously the more advanced in the sector. Despite the same ‘developing’ status, Brazil’s energy industry outranks India’s in almost every aspect and while both countries exhibit promise, one cannot help wonder what the Indian energy sector needs to catapult the country into the status of a self-sufficient state. One might consider India to be a distant step behind Brazil, with both falling several steps behind the major oil & gas producing nations. Yet the potential that lies behind such sleeping giants is immense, and the world is taking NOTICE as energy becomes an issue of greater importance.

GLOSSARY/ CONTENT WORDS TRANSLATION It goes without saying Não é preciso dizer que fuel the growth Alimentar, impulsionar o crescimento a healthy economy uma economia saudável energy resources recursos energéticos dawn of the 20th century No despertar do século 20 Brazil outranks India O Brasil supera a Índia cannot help wonder what não pode deixar de pensar no que

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lies behind está por trás an issue of greater importance um assunto de maior importância


1. Present Simple (quaisquer três dentre os seguintes): ‘Brazil’s energy

industry outranks India’s...’ // ‘…both countries exhibit promise…’ // ‘…the Indian energy sector needs to catapult the country…’ // ‘…the potential that lies behind’ // ‘as energy becomes an issue of greater importance…’.

2. Present continuous tense - quaisquer duas dentre os seguintes: ‘…which

are now both hoping that their natural oil reserves…’ // ‘The energy industry is booming in both regions…’ // ‘… and the world is taking notice’

3. Present perfect tense: ‘… as two nations that have been classified in this

‘developing’ matrix …’// ‘…and has done so since the dawn of the 20th century …’

4. ‘It goes without saying’ = Needless to say (=desnecessário dizer que) 5. ‘and the world is TAKING NOTICE’ no texto – e o mundo está se

apercebendo. 6. “… while both countries exhibit promise”, traduz-se por “conquanto

ambos os países exibam perspectivas promissoras...” 7.

developing (adj) in developing nations nações em desenvolvimento booming (pres. part.) in ‘is booming’ está crescendo rápido hoping (pres. part.) in ‘are hoping estão esperando falling (ger.) in ‘falling several steps’ caindo vários degraus sleeping (adj.) in ’sleeping giants’ os gigantes adoemecidos taking (pres. part.) in is taking noting está se apercebendo

8. Function words: each (=cada) // both (=ambos) // since (=desde) //

behind (= por trás) // every (= todo) // almost (=quase) WORD FORMS // Sample paragraph After reading the text ‘India and Brazil’ we learn that it would be inaccurate to describe both countries as undeveloped or underdeveloped. Brazil and India have attained such a high level of economic development recently that when we look at the potential both countries have, we reach the conclusion that the two giants must be described, at least, as developing nations.

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Sobre o texto da prova da ESAF / TRF / 2002 Encontrei about, cerca de 35% of true cognates. Veja se concorda comigo? In the USA, some individuals argue that they are not required to pay federal taxes because the payment of federal taxes is voluntary. Proponents of this position assert that the American system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment* and payment. However, what does the law say about it? The requirement to pay taxes is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, which imposes a tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts as determined by the tables set forth in that section. Furthermore, the obligation to pay tax is described in section 6151, which requires taxpayers to submit payment with their tax returns. Failure to pay taxes could subject the noncomplying individual to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as well as civil penalties. (ESAF/ TRF-2002) FUNCTION WORDS Quaisquer 15 dentre essas: In , the, some, that , they, are, not, to, because, of, is, this, upon, however, what, about, it, and, forth, which, on, as, by, that, with, their, could, as well as. CONTENT WORDS Quaisquer 15 dentre essas: individuals, argue, required, pay, federal, taxes, payment, voluntary, proponents, position, assert, American, system, taxation, assessment, law, say, requirement, cleaarly, set, section, internal, revenue, code, imposes, taxable, income, estates, trusts, determined, tables, furthermore, obligation, described, taxpayers, submit, returns, failure, subject, noncomplying, criminal penalties, including, fines, imprisonment, civil.



1. tax deductible a. (2) evasão fiscal 2. tax evasion b. (3) paraíso fiscal 3. tax haven c. (4) isenção tributária 4. tax exemption d. (1) dedutíveis do imposto (a pagar) 5. tax bracket e. (6) lançamento fiscal 6. tax assessment f. (5) faixa de tributação 7. tax liability g. (8) carga tributária 8. tax burden i. (10) ação fiscal 9. tax revenue J. (7) responsabilidade tributária 10. tax case k. (9) receita fiscal

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II - Criminal penalties (= penalidades criminais) mencionadas no texto: a) fines (=multas) b) imprisonment (= cadeia, prisão) III- Secretaria da Receita Federal (SRF) é Internal Revenue Service (IRS) IV - A expressão ‘voluntary assessment’ corresponde a avaliação

voluntária. O verbo to assess significa avaliar propriedades, rendimentos, danos, dentre outras coisas, para efeito de tributação.

V - Fragmentos do texto c/ o present simple [Quaisquer três dos seguintes] a) some individuals argue that ... algumas pessoas argumentam que … b) Proponents of this position assert that… os proponentes desta posição afirmam que c) What doe the law say about it? O que a lei tem a dizer sobre isso? d) which imposes a tax on… que impõe um tribute sobre … e) which requires taxpayers to submit payment que requer(exige) dos contribuintes efetuar os pagamentos Avalie se os seguintes objetivos da primeira aula foram alcançados.


Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (I): The Search for True Cognates Estratégia de Leitura (I): A busca dos Verdadeiros Cognatos. II – The False Cognates (false friends) Os falsos Cognatos (falsos amigos) II – Function Words and Content Words Palavras Funcionais e Palavras de Conteúdo III - The study of Word Forms (Prefixes and Suffixes) // The

precious suffixes: -ed & -ing O Estudo da Formação de Palavras (Prefixos e Sufixos) : Os preciosos

sufixos –ing & -ed.

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IV - Study of words in ‘families’ (derivation) O estudo das palavras em famílias’ (derivação) V – Grammar Essentials: Summary of Verb Tenses: present

simple present continuous Gramática Essencial: Resumo dos Tempos Verbais : presente simples e

presente contínuo. VI – Study of text from ESAF / TRF/ 2002: ‘Is payment of taxes

Voluntary?’ Estudo do texto da prova ESAF /TRF/ 2002: “O pagamento de tributos é


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READING STRATEGIES Há diversos modos de se ler um texto. Com um texto em inglês constante de uma prova para AFRF você deverá montar sua reading strategy e escolher qual técnica de leitura melhor se adapta ao seu propósito. Para entender um texto e conseguir responder corretamente as questões propostas pela banca examinadora você poderá escolher entre técnicas de fast reading - leitura rápida - ou intensive reading - leitura mais detalhada. Fast Reading Techniques: a) skimming: leitura rápida do texto para buscar a idéia principal ou idéias

principais. Use esta técnica, por exemplo, se não tiver sobrado muito tempo para ler um texto mais profundamente.

b) scanning: leitura rápida em busca de uma idéia específica. Como um

scanner faz com um texto que queira copiar, você deverá selecionar uma informação especifica e nela concentrar-se.

Intensive Reading Skills c) intensive reading: deve ser usada com os textos mais complexos, com a

finalidade de entendê-lo mais detalhadamente. Com a utilização dessa técnica você irá em busca de:

c.1)stated ideas: quando o examinador formula uma questão em que

caberá a você buscar idéias claramente expressas pelo autor do texto. São comuns os seguintes enunciados: The author affirms / states / says that, It’s clearly expressed / mentioned in the text

c.2) implied ideas: quando o examinador formula uma questão para você

buscar idéia(s) sugerida(s) pelo autor do texto. Atenção para enunciados do tipo: The author suggests / implies that / It’s implicit that

c.3) inferred ideas: quando o examinador pretende que você tire sua própria

conclusão para chegar à melhor resposta. Nesste caso a informação, objeto da questão proposta, não está expressa no texto. Atenção para os seguintes enunciados e assemelhados: You / We may infer / conclude that, Although it’s not clearly stated in the text one may conclude / infer that

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- Read the text below, then choose the best option to answer questions 1 thru 5.

IS PAYMENT OF TAXES VOLUNTARY? In the US, some individuals argue that they are not required to pay federal taxes because the payment of federal taxes is voluntary. Proponents of this position assert that the American system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment. However, what does the law say about it? The requirement to pay taxes is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, which imposes a tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts as determined by the tables set forth in that section. Furthermore, the obligation to pay tax is described in section 6151, which requires taxpayers to submit payment with their tax returns. Failure to pay taxes could subject the noncomplying individual to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as well as civil penalties. (ESAF/ TRF-2002) 1. In paragraph 1, the text refers to individuals who … a) are in charge of validating state laws. b) volunteer to pay their taxes. c) have failed to pay federal levies. d) argue against the compulsory tax payment. e) assess and charge federal taxes. 2. Section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code … a) sets the voluntary payment of taxes. b) establishes the requirement to pay taxes. c) regulates the impact of fiscal adjustment. d) addresses the issue of budget expenditures. e) concerns the social security deficit. 3. According to the author, sanctions for non-compliance … a) might be approved of. b) must soon be set. c) should be devised. d) may be established. e) have been set.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3- 4. The text … a) refers to state taxes. b) concerns taxation issues. c) concerns the social system. d) sets economic criteria. e) refers to retirement benefits. 5. According to the text, … a) federal taxes are refundable. b) paying levies is voluntary. c) criminal penalties are illegal. d) American states must enforce fiscal laws. e) taxpayers have fiscal obligations. Certamente você percebeu que se trata do mesmo texto já analisado no final da aula demonstrativa quando destacamos: the search for true cognates, function words, content words, and grammar essentials. Antes que você se pergunte: ‘Será que o Prof. Carlos não tem outro texto para nos apresentar’, vou logo propondo outra pergunta? Quais reading strategies and techniques você usou para responder as questões de múltipla escolha elaboradas pela Banca ESAF neste concurso para TRF / 2002? A seguir, não só lhe digo qual a opção correta, como também sugiro de que forma você deveria ter feito o seu approach. (palavrinha legal essa). Se até o Zeca Baleiro já fez o seu genial ‘Samba do Approach’ por que não poderia usá-la aqui? By the way, quem não conhece o Samba do Approach e quiser que eu fale a respeito, envie um e-mail pro Ponto dos Concursos e na parte aberta do site poderemos tecer alguns comentários num papo bem mais informal. Garanto a vocês que vale mais a pena do que uma aulinha do tipo the book is on the table! Chega de papo e vamos passar a análise das questões da ESAF:

ANALYSIS OF QUESTIONS 1 THRU 5 É sempre bom, ou quase sempre, fazer uma rápida leitura das questões e opções formuladas, até mesmo antes de fazer a leitura do próprio texto.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4- Question 1 Melhor resposta: (D) Suponhamos que este fosse o último texto da prova e que você estivesse sem tempo sobrando para fazer uma leitura detalhada. Bastaria você fazer o scanning do parágrafo 1 e buscar a informação cobrada pelo examinador: a de que algumas pessoas físicas nos EUA argumentam que não estão obrigados ao pagamento de tributos federais uma vez que tal pagamento é voluntário, o que equivale a dizer que estes indivíduos argumentam contra o aspecto compulsório do pagamento de impostos. Question 2 Melhor resposta: (B) A menção da Seção 1 do Código de Receitas Internas se encontra no segundo parágrafo. Outra questão que poderia ser respondida após realizar o scanning do parágrafo 2. O mencionado código estabelece a obrigatoriedade do pagamento de impostos. Question 3 Melhor resposta: (E) No final do curso teremos falado do prefixo non- [um dos prefixos ingleses que forma antônimos, eg, non-smoking = na fumante]. Se você conseguiu entender o fragmento ‘sanctions for non-compliance (=sanções pelo não cumprimento) então pôde chegar à conclusão que tais sanções já foram estabelecidas, have been set. Sem entrar em detalhes sobre os modal verbs (might, may, should, must), traduzimos apenas as outras opções: em (a), talvez venham a ser aprovadas; em (b), é quase certo que sejam estabelecidas em breve; em (c) devem ser concebidas; em (d), talvez venham a ser estabelecidas. Question 4 Melhor resposta: (B) O texto diz respeito a assuntos tributários. Esse é o tipo de questão que obriga o candidato a fazer o intensaive reading. É preciso lê-lo detalhadamente para entender que não se refere a impostos estaduais, nem se refere a um sistema social, nem, tampouco, estabelece critérios econômicos; e, também, não se refere a benefícios de aposentadoria. Question 4 Melhor resposta: (E) ‘According to the text, …’ De acordo com o texto (ou com o autor) são formulações de enunciado em que o examinador quase nos obriga ao intensive reading. Observe que as diversas opções nos jogam feito bola de pingue-pongue de um parágrafo para outro. Cabe a você ir buscar o que o autor afirma ou sugere para chegar à melhor resposta. Em a, diz-se: impostos federais são restituíveis; em b, pagamento de levies (outra palavra inglesa para tributo) é voluntário – opção que contraria a idéia central defendida pelo autor; em c, absurdamente, tem-se penalidades criminais são ilegais(?!?!?); em d, lê-se que os estados americanos têm que exigir o cumprimento das leis fiscais.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5-


Uma vez mais o texto anterior vai me servir como um elo de ligação com a próxima atração: Estou absolutamente convencido (Epa! Não teve alguém famoso que declarou recentemente estar cada vez mais convencido de sua inocência? Hum, deixa pra lá.) - eu estou convencido de que os candidatos familiarizados com os discourse markers lêem um texto com mais fluência. From the text ‘IS PAYMENT OF TAXES VOLUNTARY?’ “However, what does the law say about it?” (1st pr) Contudo, o que a lei diz a respeito disso? “Furthermore, the obligation to pay tax is described in section 6151…” (2nd pr) Além disso, a obrigação de pagar imposto está descrita na Seção 6151 Em primeiro lugar o que são os discourse markers? Nos meus livros costumava usar a expressão transitional words ou simplesmente transitions. Têm a finalidade de unir frases a frases e até mesmo de marcar a transição de um parágrafo para outro. Da mesma forma que as conjunções, como and, but, so que funcionam como connectors entre orações numa frase, o autor se vale das transitions para unir parágrafos e tornar seu texto coeso, lógico. Study the following examples: Estude os exemplos a seguir: Janet speaks clearly, reads fast and writes fluently. (the conjunction ‘and’ is used to show addition) Janete fala claramente, lê rápido e escreve com fluência. (a conjunção ‘and’ é usada para expressar idéia de acréscimo) George speaks French but he does not speak Spanish. (the conjunction ‘but’ is used to show contrast or opposition) O George fala francês, mas não fala espanhol. (a conjunção ‘but’ é usada para expressar idéia de contraste ou oposição) Vivienne does not speak Portuguese, so she needs to learn it. (the conjunction ‘so’ is used to show consequence or result) A Vivienne não fala português, portanto precisa aprendê-lo. (a conjunção ‘so’ é usada para expressar resultado ou conseqüência)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- Repararam como os exemplos estão redigidos em inglês próprio do nível Irreal Avançado? Quem dera que esse fosse o nível de vocabulário da prova para AFRF! Porém, não subestime a aparente banalidade das frases acima. Se você captou bem a minha mensagem, estará apto para mergulhar no oceano das transitional words ou discourse markers. Na página seguinte (aliás, com a formatação do pessoal aí do curso nem sei se vai corresponder exatamente a uma nova página), porém o importante é saber que a lista com os principais marcadores do discurso e as idéias por eles expressas deverá ser exaustivamente estudada. Tomemos como exemplo o grupo do ‘SO’ e seus assemelhados: Indicando resultado / conseqüência SO, accordingly, as a result, because of this, consequently, naturally, on this account, hence, for this reason, therefore, thus … Asseguro-lhe que palavras como hence, therefore, thus (= portanto) aparecem em textos dependendo de sua maior ou menor formalidade. Agora, uma coisa é certa: ninguém aprende todas as palavras e locuções constantes da listagem de referência overnight, da noite para o dia. É necessário muita, mas muita leitura! Recorra a essa listagem sempre que surgirem dúvidas quanto ao significado de alguma das palavras ali presentes. Dê uma lida rápida e parta para o exercício de aplicação que proponho logo em seguida.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7-

DISCOURSE MARKERS Marcadores do Discurso

Indicando adição, acréscimo AND, again, besides, in addition, also, further, furthermore, moreover, and then. Indicando oposição / contraste BUT, after all, in spite of, on the other hand, nevertheless, however, on the contrary, yet, despite, notwithstanding, still, in contrast. Indicando resultado / conseqüência SO, accordingly, as a result, because of this, consequently, naturally, on this account, hence, for this reason, therefore, thus … Indicando concessão ou admitindo algo ALTHOUGH, after all, and yet, at the same time, granted, naturally, of course, perhaps, all the same. Indicando passagem do tempo THEN, after a short (long) time, lately, temporarily, after a while, presently, afterward, recently, thereafter, at last, since, eventually. Indicando seqüência ou enumeração FIRST, second, third, in the 1st place, in the 2nd place, then, finally, next, last. Indicando exemplificação FOR EXAMPLE, for instance, incidentally, indeed, in fact, in other words, in particular, namely, particularly, specifically, such as , that is. Indicando comparação ou semelhanças LIKEWISE, in a like manner, in the same way, similarly. Indicando condição ou hipótese IF, unless, on condition that, provided that, supposing that, whether Indicando ênfase INDEED, in fact, as a matter of fact, actually Indicando conclusão ou para resumir IN SUM, in summary, to summarize, in brief, in short, to conclude, in conclusion, on the whole

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8- EXERCISE - Choose the best option to complete the sentences: 1. Greg lived in various Swiss cantons, ________ it’s no surprise to me he

can speak German, French and Italian very well. (a) thus (b) whereas (c) nevertheless (d) besides 2. __________ her tireless efforts to pass the exam, she failed miserably. (a) Despite (b) In spite (c) However (d) In view of 3. __________ the fact that she had no money with her, she couldn’t buy the

tickets for the concert. (a) Because (b) Due to (c) Hence (d) As a result 4. It was a well designed car; _______ it did not reach high speeds fast. (a) meanwhile (b) therefore (c) however (d) in short 5. Rosa seems to be perfect for the position; _________, she’s been with us

for quite some time. (a) furthermore (b) whereas (c) as well as (d) on the other hand 6. She was running a fever, __________ she went to the doctor’s. (a) so (b) next (c) then (d) likewise 7. I’ll go to Japan _______ I can get a loan at the bank to pay for the trip. (a) unless (b) provided (c) nevertheless (d) thus 8. He appeared perfectly normal, ______________ there was something in

his speech that made us suspicious. (a) moreover (b) therefore (c) despite (d) yet 9. There is one aspect in favor Susan; ________, she’s fluent in Spanish. (a) namely (b) e.g. (c) accordingly (d) even though 10. Sharon worked hard, _________ she was given a promotion at the office. (a) such as (b) lest (c) hence (d) likewise

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9- Procure utilizar tudo o que você aprendeu até agora no nosso curso. Desta vez vou fazer o approach na contramão. Este texto caiu na prova para AFC/ STN/ 2002- banca ESAF. Aja como se essas fossem as questões de sua prova. Read the text below in order to answer questions 1 to 4: Brazil' s economy On Jan. 15, 2002, Brazil began its 4th year with a free-floating currency. The move, coupled with the government’s inflation targeting system, has been a clear success. Indeed, the economy’s flexibility helped it to weather a barrage of challenges in 2001. Still, the country faces significant risks. Even amid global weakness, the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., Argentina’s meltdown, and an energy crisis that caused power rationing, Brazil's economy appears to have grown about 2% in 2001 with 7.7% inflation. Brazil posted a trade surplus, the first since 1994, and toward the end of the year, the currency rallied strongly, although it has relinquished some of those gains in recent weeks. 1. The text deals with a) Argentina's economic growth in 2001. b) the current growth of the American economy. c) the low Brazilian interest rates. d) the energy crisis that has affected the world. e) the Brazilian ability to overcome difficulties. 2. According to the author, Brazil a) was able to increase its domestic spending. b) and the USA have solved the energy crisis. c) has allowed its currency to float. d) could have grown about 2% in 2001. e) and Argentina have been economic partners. 3. According to the text, the Brazilian currency has a) been hit. b) remained weak. c) remained strong. d) been changed. e) been replaced. 4. The text indicates that the Brazilian inflation rate a) has remained unchanged for three and half years b) remained below 7.7% in the course of last year. c) forms part of a government economic action plan. d) was affected by Brazil’s 1st trade surplus since 1994. e) survived bad weather and the crisis in Argentina.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-

TRUE COGNATES Verdadeiros cognatos

Brazil' s Economy On Jan. 15, 2002, Brazil began its 4th year with a free-floating currency. The move, coupled with the government’s inflation targeting system, has been a clear success. Indeed, the economy’s flexibility helped it to weather a barrage of challenges in 2001. Still, the country faces significant risks. Even amid global weakness, the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., Argentina’s meltdown, and an energy crisis that caused power rationing, Brazil's economy appears to have grown about 2% in 2001 with 7.7% inflation. Brazil posted a trade surplus, the 1st since 1994, and toward the end of the year, the currency rallied strongly, although it has relinquished some of those gains in recent weeks. (Total: 100 words)

A - KEY WORDS I - Dê um sinônimo em inglês para a palavra indeed (pr.1). Diga também o

que ela expressa como marcadora do discurso. ___________________________________________________________________ II - Dê um sinônimo em inglês para a palavra still (pr.1). Diga também o que

esta conjunção expressa como marcadora do discurso. ___________________________________________________________________ III - Dê um sinônimo em inglês para a palavra although (pr.2). Diga também

o que esta conjunção expressa como marcadora do discurso. ___________________________________________________________________

B - CONTENT WORDS Não lhe será permitido fazer qualquer consulta na hora da prova. Portanto, só recorra ao seu dicionário favorito em último caso para preencher a próxima tabela. Chamo sua atenção para um ponto importante. Depois de ter feito o skimming em busca dos verdadeiros cognatos, essas transparent words poderão lhe ajudar a chegar ao significado de bigger word clusters, grupos de palavras maiores. Veja o caso de inflation targeting system, onde inflation (=inflação) e system (=sistema) são bastante transparentes. Caso você consiga chegar à content word ‘target’ (=alvo, meta) conseguirá chegar à tradução: sistemas de metas para inflação.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11-

GLOSSARY CONTENT WORDS/TRANSLATION free-floating currency inflation targeting system has been a clear success the economy’s flexibility weather a barrage of challenges amid global weakness Argentina’s meltdown caused power rationing posted a trade surplus toward the end of the year the currency rallied strongly relinquished gains

VERB TENSES Copie do texto anterior 3 exemplos de verbos no past simple (Se houver necessidade faça uma rápida revisão no final desta aula em grammar essentials. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Copie do texto anterior 2 exemplos de verbos no present perfect ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

WORD FORMS THE SUFFIX -LY From the text ‘Brazil’s Economy: “ …the currency rallied strongly” Na aula anterior disse que me arriscaria a afirmar que o sufixo –ed era o mais freqüente em inglês; entretanto, o sufixo –ly, que normalmente corresponde a terminação –mente em português, também é famoso. Só perde pro Bruce ... Que besteira! O sobrenome dele se escreve Lee. Sorry!

Adjetivos Advérbios Tradução rapid rapidly rapidamente virtual virtually praticamente wide widely amplamente

unfortunate unfortunately infelizmente general generally geralmente

Atenção!: Muitas palavras terminadas em –ly são adjetivos. Eis alguns


a lovely girl uma garota adorável a lively party uma festa animada a lonely journey uma viagem solitária a deadly germ um germe mortal

Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma

formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13- THE SUFFIXES –MENT // -ION From the text ‘Brazil’s economy: “The move, coupled with the government’s inflation targeting system, has been a clear success…” THE SUFFIX –MENT a) Acrescenta-se este sufixo a verbos para formar substantives: govern government employ employment establish establishment settle settlement THE SUFFIX –ION b) Acrescenta-se este sufixo também a verbos para formar substantives: inflate inflation rebel rebellion connect connection relate relation Complete the sentences by adding either the suffixes –ment or –(t)ion) to the verbs in brackets. 1. That is one of the ........................ of the course at the Institute. [require] 2. She showed some poems of her own ........................ [create] 3. With just a few …………..……… your plan might be adopted. [adjust] 4. Those eye drops cause the ....................... of your pupils. [dilate] 5. That’s just one of the old Prime Minister’s controversial ..........................


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-



3.1 PAST SIMPLE Utilizemos as expressões walk fast (=caminhar rápido), onde o verbo walk é regular e ‘sleep late (=dormir tarde) com o verbo irregular sleep.


I / You / He / She / It / We / They walked fast // slept late NB Como você observa, há somente uma forma do verbo regular, walked, e uma

forma do verbo irregular: slept. Lembre-se : infelizmente as formas do passado e do particípio passado dos verbos irregulares devem ser memorizadas. Veja material suplementar a esta aula.


Did I / You / He / She / It / We / They walk fast // sleet late?

NB Atenção pois o auxiliar ‘did’ vai indicar que a pergunta formulada está no

passado. O verbo principal retorna à forma básica (walk, sleeep)


I / You / He / She / It / We / They walked fast // slept late NB: Atenção pois ao auxiliar ‘did’ segue-se a partícula negativa ‘not’ que

indicará a forma negativa. O verbo principal retorna à forma básica (walk, sleeep) Did not =didn’t

3.2 USES OF THE PAST SIMPLE Used to express an action that happened at a definite time in the past.

Oftentimes, adverbs or phrases such as yesterday, two weeks ago, last year, ..., are present.

Usado para expressar uma ação que aconteceu num tempo definido no passado. Freqüentemente, advérbios ou expressões como ontem, duas semanas atrás, ano passado ... estão presentes.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- Exs.: I met her two years ago. Eu a encontrei há dois anos atrás. My brother didn’t get a job last month. Meu irmão não conseguiu um emprego no mês passado. Did you see Spielberg’s latest film last Sunday? Você viu o ultimo filmo do Spielberg no sábado passado? Jack arrived ten minutes late today. O Jack chegou dez minutos atrasado hoje. Milton worked at KNY for thirty five years. He retired last year. Milton trabalhou na KNY por 35 anos. Aposentou-se no ano passado. Did they say that you were fired? Eles disseram que você estava demitido? EXERCISE Use the appropriate past forms of the verbs in


BERLIN, 1945 First he ___________ (1 – poison) his favorite dog Wolf. Then, he _____________ (2- take) his new wife to his private quarters and __________ (3 - sit) down on a sofa beside her. Before them __________ (4-be) a coffee table on which __________ (5 – be) a vase of roses, a small bottle of poison and his automatic pistol. He ____________ (6 - use, negative) the gun. Instead he _____________ (7 – swallow) the poison, and as he ____________ (8 – struggle) for air, his wife ___________ ( 9 – shoot) him in the left temple with her own weapon. Then she __________ (10 – poison) herself. That is how Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun ____________ (11 – die) in Berlin in 1945. (From Time, February 10, 1973)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

CONFUSABLE WORDS Choose the better alternative in brackets: 1. [a) Beside / b) Besides] the guitar, do you play any other instrument? __________________________________________________________

2. I feel so tired after the long walk that I can [a) hard / b) hardly] move. __________________________________________________________ 3. [a) Allow / b) Let] me to introduce you to my cousin Vera. __________________________________________________________

4. Norton lives [a) behind / b) beyond] his means. He spends much more money than he earns.

__________________________________________________________ 5. You [a) should / b) ought] to study those notes before the exam. __________________________________________________________

6. [a) Must / b) Could] you play the guitar so loud? It’s disturbing me! __________________________________________________________

7. We [a) had better / b) would rather] hurry; otherwise we’ll miss the train. __________________________________________________________

8. I don’t play soccer any more, but I [a) used to / b) am used to]. __________________________________________________________

9. Ronald is not only a conscientious employee, he’s [a) too / b) also] an understanding human being.

__________________________________________________________ 10. “I [a) weep / b) wept] because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had

no feet. [Ancient Persian saying]. __________________________________________________________

11. I bumped into an old school buddy [a) in my way / b) on my way] to work the other day.

__________________________________________________________ 12. John Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, were both politicians. [a)

the former / b) the latter] reached the presidency, while [a) the former / b) the latter] was assassinated before he could run for president.

__________________________________________________________ 13. Further [a) economical / b) economic] measures had to be taken by the

government in order to implement the Real Plan. __________________________________________________________

14. Hand in your résumé. I [a) advise / b) advice] you to apply for that job. __________________________________________________________

15. You must have an [a) open / b) opened] mind to deal with teenagers. __________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17-

VOCABULARY BUILD-UP Tenho certeza que alguns de vocês estarão dizendo: “Tá tudo muito bem, prefixos e sufixos realmente me ajudarão a ler um texto melhor, revisão de tempos verbais é legal para navegar na estrutura do texto, até mesmo confusable words é um item meio sacal, (mas tem sua importância) agora, meu problema continua sendo vocabulário”. Depois de mais de trinta e cinco anos de magistério, tendo vivido (talvez devesse dizer ‘sobrevivido’) tantos métodos ‘in’ e tantos ‘out’ chego à conclusão que o maior problema do aluno brasileiro que algum dia já chegou ao nível intermediário de qualquer curso e parou (por um motivo ou por outro) não foi tanto a estrutura e a gramática do inglês e sim pela lexical barrier, isso mesmo, a ‘barreira léxica’. Responda para si mesmo: “Quando eu pego um artigo da revista The Economist, da revista Time, da NewsWeek, do Washington Post, do Wall Street Journal ou qualquer outra publicação top, o que me trava, o que é que pega? É uma frase onde o autor usou o present simple, ou mesmo o present perfect ou são as palavras de conteúdo (jargão técnico, riqueza de expressões, idiomáticas, etc)? Na área aberta do site falei sobre collocations. Resolvi incluir umas dicas em cada uma de nossas aulas para ajudá-los nesse estudo. Resumindo o que já disse: como não há uma tradução consagrada para este termo prefiro continuar usando a palavra em inglês mesmo. O subtítulo do meu livro Practicing Collocations teve que ser ‘Como tornar o seu vocabulário mais fluente’ em virtude dessa dificuldade de tradução. É fundamente esclarecer que, por definição, trata-se do estudo de multi-item chunks of words (ou seja, blocos de palavras), consagradas pelos native speakers. Se por um lado é verdade que a finalidade primordial de se saber collocations é a utilização na produção escrita e oral, por outro lado me parece óbvio que quando minha tarefa é reconhecer o maior número de palavras num texto de modo a permitir o seu entendimento, quanto mais blocos de palavras eu tiver a minha disposição, menos eu terei que depender do estudo penoso das palavras soltas. Uma historinha exemplificativa absolutamente verdadeira que me aconteceu uma vez: quando um aluno esbarrou no significado de ‘insight’. Ele havia consultado um dicionário de bolso e obtido apenas: insight = compreensão, discernimento - o que não lhe adiantou lhufas para escrever uma frase. Consultamos um dicionário de collocations e um dicionário inglês-inglês na aula.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- Verificamos que vários verbos podiam ser combinados com ‘insight’. have, gain, show an insight todos equivalendo a (= ter um ‘insight’, um ‘estalo’). Também vários adjetivos podem ser usados diante da palavra ‘insight’ (a fresh insight =um novo insight), a vivid insight (um claro insight), etc. Após o substantivo insight normalmente usa-se a preposição ‘into’. No final meu aluno foi capaz de escrever a seguinte frase na sua composição: “That article showed me a fresh insight into the study of the

subject.” Aquele artigo deu-me um insight sobre o estudo da matéria. Se você disser, e daí, eu não vou ter que escrever composição nenhuma na prova da ESAF, nem tenho prova oral (graças a Deus), para que me serve isso tudo? Repito aquilo que já disse na área aberta do site. Não consigo mais olhar um texto em inglês sem buscar collocations. Já não gostava das listinhas de palavras soltas para memorizar, agora então, menos ainda. Continuo achando que mesmo no caso da leitura de textos com vistas a responder reading comprehension questions apenas, se eu estou familiarizado com um bloco de palavras, maior ou menor, as palavras que forem interpostas pelo autor entre um verbo e um substantivo, por exemplo, ou entre um verbo e um advérbio, não atrapalharão o meu entendimento daquele bloco léxico, coeso e lógico. Veja bem, não significa que não se possa estudar palavras soltas. As vezes, deve-se. Como é o caso dos falsos cognatos. Mesmo no caso das confusable words o estudo dos pares, ou trios, de palavras é mais eficaz. Portanto, procure estudar locuções e expressões preferencialmente a palavras isoladas. Para que você não me enquadre na lição do provérbio ‘do as I say, but not as I do’ veja como propus que você estudasse o vocabulário do texto sobre a economia brasileira depois da busca dos verdadeiros cognatos: collocations ou não, só blocos coesos de palavras. free-floating currency, inflation targeting system, a clear success, the economy’s flexibility, weather a barrage of challenges, amid global weakness, Argentina’s meltdown, power rationing, trade surplus, toward the end of the year, the currency rallied strongly, relinquished gains. CQD, como dizia meu velho professor de matemática.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- Para fazer os exercícios a seguir, chamados cloze, com ‘z’ mesmo, você deverá ler cada um dos mini-textos com muita atenção. O preenchimento das lacunas muitas vezes estará ligado ao collocational field das palavras, outras vezes poderá ser uma exigência gramatical ou estrutural. Podem acontecer casos em que mais de uma palavra combinam com a palavra imediatamente anterior ou posterior; aí, será o bom senso para determinar a seqüência lógica do texto que deverá determinar sua escolha. Os clozes são excelentes para consolidação de vocabulário específico, para estudo de tópicos gramaticais que você mesmo pode preparar se quiser revisar alguns pontos do seu estudo. Escolha um mini-texto onde apareçam diversos verbos no presente simples, ou onde haja diversos exemplos de marcadores do discurso, etc. Tire duas cópias e use liquid paper - corretor de texto - para apagar as palavras selecionadas. Você pode se testar sempre que quiser quanto aquele assunto que tiver escolhido. Complete com uma das palavras do quadro, mas lembre-se de que ela deverá completar o texto tanto do ponto de vista estrutural quanto léxico. Mini-text : A Hundred Years Strong

celebration supply encounter capacity synonymous registered manufacturer true

The year 2004 marks the century of a historical ___________ (1) between Charles Rolls and Henry Royce, in Manchester. From this meeting, one of the world leaders engineering and one of the best well known ___________ (2) marks was born: Rolls-Royce. The ___________ (3) of this anniversary was shared by Rolls-Royce plc - world leader within the gas engines aerospacial civil sector; defense, maritime and energy systems areas and Rolls-Royce Motors Limited. From the beginning, the name Rolls-Royce has been ___________ (4) with integrity, reliability and innovation. Starting as a car ___________ (5) the company has developed its engineering ___________ (6) to create motors for both air and sea propulsion, as well as applications in energy. The visionary memorandum of the companies’ association, launched in 1906, refers to its objective to ___________ (7) energy and vehicles "to be used in land, water or air". A hundred years later, both companies have made their founders’ dreams come __________ (8), with their future standing upon a century of innovation. (Excerpt from Britain Brasil magazine, September / October, 2004, p. 7)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -20-

ANSWERS // RESPOSTAS EXERCISE - TRANSITIONS 1. Greg lived in various Swiss cantons, thus it’s no surprise to me he can

speak German, French and Italian very well. O Greg viveu em vários Cantões Suíços, portanto não me surpreende que

ele saiba falar alemão, francês e italiano muito bem. 2. Despite her tireless efforts to pass the exam, she failed miserably. Apesar de seus incansáveis esforços para passar na prova, ela fracassou

totalmente. 3. Due to the fact that she had no money with her, she couldn’t buy the

tickets for the concert. Devido ao fato de não ter nenhum dinheiro com ela, não pôde comprar os

ingressos para o concerto. 4. It was a well designed car; however, it did not reach high speeds fast. Era um carro com um belo design, entretanto, não alcançava altas

velocidades rapidamente. 5. Rosa seems to be perfect for the position; furthermore, she’s been with

us for quite some time. A Rosa parece perfeita para o cargo; além disso, está conosco há muito

tempo. 6. She was running a fever, so she went to the doctor’s. A febre dela estava aumentando. portanto foi ao médico. 7. I’ll go to Japan provided I can get a loan at the bank to pay for the trip. Irei pro Japão se conseguir um empréstimo no banco para pagar a viagem. 8. He appeared perfectly normal, yet there was something in his speech that

made us suspicious. Parecia perfeitamente normal, contudo havia algo na fala dele que nos fez

suspeitar. 9. There is one aspect in favor Susan; namely, she’s fluent in Spanish. Há um aspecto a favor de Susan; a saber, ela é fluente em espanhol. 10. Sharon worked hard, hence she was given a promotion at the office. Sharon trabalhou arduamente, portanto, foi promovida no escritório.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -21- AFC /ESAF / 2002/ Brazil’s Economy 1. Melhor resposta (E): O autor fala em ‘evidente sucesso’ quando se refere à moeda livremente flutuante acoplado ao plano de metas de inflação do governo. Na letra a, lê-se: o crescimento econômico da Argentina em 2001, quando o texto fala no fracasso (meltdown) da economia Argentina; em b, lê-se ‘o crescimento atual da economia norte-americana’, quando o texto menciona o impacto sofrido pelos EUA com os ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro; em c, lê-se ‘as taxas de juros baixas no Brasil’ (quem dera!); e, em d, lê-se a crise de energia que afetou o mundo, quando o texto só fala na crise de energia brasileira. 2. Melhor resposta (C ): Como já mencionamos acima o autor declara que o Brasil entra no quarto ano com sua moeda flutuando livremente. Na letra a, lê-se: o Brasil foi capaz de aumentar seus gastos internos; em b, lê-se: o Brasil e os EUA resolveram suas crises energéticas; em d, lê-se: que o Brasil poderia ter crescido cerca de 2% em 2001; por fim, em e, lê-se que o Brasil e a Argentina te sido parceiros econômicos. 3. Melhor resposta (A): de acordo com o texto a moeda brasileira foi atingida. Atenção para o verbo ‘rally’ (r.v) é um dos verbos ingleses que reflete uma queda , de índice, de cotação etc com a conseqüente retomada,m daí poder-se afirmar que a moeda brasileira foi afetada; em b, permaneceu fraca; em c, permaneceu forte; em d, foi mudada; em e, foi substituída. 4. Melhor resposta (C): Como já dissemos na questão 1, há um câmbio flutuante e uma política de metas inflacionárias como parte de um plano governamental. Em a, não é correto dizer que a taxa de inflação tenha ficado invariável por três anos e meio; em b, não se fala no texto em ter permanecido below (=abaixo) de 7.7%; em d, não se diz no texto que a taxa de inflação foi afetada pelo 1 superávit comercial desde 1994; em e, Lê-se sobreviveu a maus tempos e à crise na Argentina. Verb Tenses (s/ Brazil’s Economy) 1. Quaisquer três dentre os seguintes: Brazil began its 4th year // the economy’s flexibility helped it… // an energy crisis that caused power rationing // Brazil posted a trade surplus // the currency rallied strongly … 2. Os dois seguintes: The move, …, has been a clear success // it has relinquished some of those gains in recent weeks…

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -22- I - indeed (pr.1) = in fact, in reality // expressa ênfase II - still (pr.1) = however, yet, expressa oposição, contraste. III - although (pr.2).= though e expressa contraste

GLOSSARY CONTENT WORDS/TRANSLATION free-floating currency moeda livremente flutuante inflation targeting system sistema de metas inflacionárias has been a clear success foi um evidente sucesso the economy’s flexibility a flexibilidade da economia weather a barrage of challenges vencer uma barreira de desafios amid global weakness em meio à fragilidade global Argentina’s meltdown o colapso, o fracasso argentino caused power rationing provocou o racionamento de energia posted a trade surplus apresentou um superávit comercial toward the end of the year mais para o fim do ano the currency rallied strongly a moeda teve uma forte retomada relinquished gains deixou escapar alguns ganhos

The suffixes –ment or –(t)ion) 1. [requirements] Este é um dos requisitos do curso lá no Instituto. 2. [creation] Ela mostrou-me alguns poemas de sua criação. 3. [adjustments] Com apenas alguns ajustes seu plano poderia ser adotado. 4. [dilation] Aquelas gotas do colírio causarão a dilatação de suas pupilas. 5. [statements] Essa é só uma das afirmações controversas do velho

Primeiro Ministro,

BERLIN, 1945 First he poisoned his favorite dog Wolf. Then, he took his new wife to his private quarters and sat down on a sofa beside her. Before them was a coffee table on which were a vase of roses, a small bottle of poison and his automatic pistol. He didn’t use the gun. Instead he swallowed the poison, and as he struggled for air, his wife shot him in the left temple with her own weapon. Then she poisoned herself. That is how Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun died in Berlin in 1945. (From Time, February 10, 1973)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -23- Confusable words 1. Besides the guitar =Além do violão // Beside (or by the side of = ao

lado de) 2. I can hardly move = Mal posso me mover 3. Allow me to introduce = Permita-me apresentar (NB: You say let

me introduce 4. He lives beyond his means =Vive além de suas posses 5. You ought to study = You should study =Você deve, é aconselhável

que você estude. (NB: Pode-se usar a particular to depois do modal ought)

6. Must you play it so loud? (Você tem que tocá-la tão alto? 7. We had better hurry =É bom nos apressarmos NB: ‘Would rather’ expressa preferência. 8. I used to play soccer (=costumava jogar futebol) 9. He’s also an understanding man or He’s an understanding man, too. 10. I wept because … weep(wept, wept) [i.v] significa chorar. 11. on my way to work = a caminho do trabalho // in my way =

obstruindo a passagem. 12. the former =o 1°de dois a ser citado; the latter = o 2° a ser citado. 13. economic measures = medidas econômicas (relativas à ciência

econômica) 14. I advise (r.v) (=Eu aconselho) // My advice ( Meu conselho (n.) 15. to have an open mind (= ter a mente aberta) but I have opened the

door (Abri a porta) Vocabulary Practice (Collocations) Mini-text: 100 Years Strong 1. historical) encounter 2. registered (marks) 3. celebration (of anniversary) 4. (synonymous (with integrity ) 5. car) manufacturer 6. (engineering) capacity 7. supply energy 8. (dreams came) true

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -24-

IRREGULAR VERBS- REFERENCE LIST Next you find two lists of the principal irregular verbs in English. The first, alternating missing forms of the past tense and past participle for you to practice orally. I suggest you never write on this first list. The second, the complete one, is for reference. A seguir, você tem duas listas dos principais verbos irregulares ingleses. A primeira, com lacunas alternadas do passado simples e do particípio passado para você praticar oralmente. (Sugestão: nunca escreva nela!) A outra, a completa, é para sua referência. INFINITIVE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE beat beat ............. begin ............. begun bind bound ............. bite ............... bitten blow blew ............. break ............... broken bring brought .............. build .............. built buy bought ............... catch ............. caught choose chose ............. do ............. done drink drank ............. drive ............. driven eat ate ............. fall ............. fallen feel felt ............. find ............. found fly flew ............. forget ............. forgotten get got ............. give ............. given go went ………. have ……… had hear heard ............. hide ............. hidden keep kept .............

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -25- INFINITIVE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE know ............. known lead led ............. leave ............. left lose lost ............. make ............. made meet met ............. pay ............. paid ride rode ............. run ............. run say said ............. see ............. seen sell sold ............. send ............. sent sing sang ............. sink ............. sunk sit sat ............. speak ............. spoken spend spent ............. stand ............. stood steal stole ............. strive ............. striven swim swam ............. take ............. taken teach taught ............. tear ............. torn tell told ............. think ............. thought throw threw ............. understand ............. understood wear wore .............

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -26-

IRREGULAR VERBS- REFERENCE LIST INFINITIVE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE beat beat beaten bater begin began begun começar bind bound bound atar bite bit bitten morder blow blew blown soprar break broke broken quebrar bring brought brought trazer build built built construir buy bought bought comprar catch caught caught agarrar, pegar choose chose chosen escolher do did done fazer drink drank drunk beber drive drove driven dirigir eat ate eaten comer fall fell fallen cair feel felt felt sentir find found found achar, encontrar fly flew flown voar forget forgot forgotten esquecer get got gotten conseguir (*) give gave given dar go went gone ir have had had ter hear heard heard ouvir hide hid hidden esconder keep kept kept manter, guardaar know knew known saber, conecer lead led led conduzir, liderar leave left left deixar, partir (*) I tried to use the most common translation of these verbs but many of

them have numerous other meanings. Watch out for the context! Procurei usar a tradução mais comum destes verbos, porém muitos deles

têm numerosos outros significados. Cuidado com o contexto!

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lose lost lost perder make made made fazer meet met met encontrar, reunir-se pay paid paid pagar ride rode ridden andar (a cavalo, de trem,...) run ran run correr say said said dizer see saw seen ver sell sold sold vender send sent sent enviar sing sang sung cantar sink sank sunk afundar sit sat sat sentar speak spoke spoken falar spend spent spent gastar stand stood stood ficar de pé, suportar steal stole stolen furtar strive strove striven esforçar-se swim swam swum nadar take took taken tomar, pegar (*) teach taught taught ensinar tear tore torn rasgar tell told told contar think thought thought pensar throw threw thrown jogar, arremeçar understand understood understood entender wear wore worn vestir

[Add other examples]: (Para você acrescentar outros itens) _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ _______ _____________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -28- Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (II): Discourse Markers Estratégia de Leitura (II): Marcadores do discurso II – Study of text from ESAF / TRF/ 2002: ‘Is payment of taxes

Voluntary?’ Multiple –choice questions Estudo do texto da prova ESAF /TRF/ 2002: “O pagamento de tributos é

voluntário/” Questões de múltipla-escolha III– Reading techniques: fast / intensive Técnicas de leitura: rápida e detalhada IV – Study of text from ESAF / AFC/ 2002: ’Brazil’s Economy’

Multiple –choice questions Estudo do texto da prova ESAF /AFC/ 2002: “A Economia do Brasil’

Questões de múltipla-escolha V - The study of Word Forms (Prefixes and Suffixes) // The

precious suffixes: -LY // -MENT // -TION O Estudo da Formação de Palavras (Prefixos e Sufixos) : Os preciosos

sufixos –ly / -ment / -tion. VI – Grammar Essentials: Summary of Verb Tenses: past simple Gramática Essencial: Resumo dos Tempos Verbais : passado simples VII – Vocabulary Build-up: Confusable Words (I) Construção de Vocabulário: Palavras que confundem (I) A Word about Collocation / mini-text: 100 Years Strong Uma palavra sobre Collocation / mini-texto : Forte há 100 Anos VIII – Appendix: Irregular Verb Forms Apêndice: Formas dos verbos Irregulares.

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READING COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES (III): REFERENCE Faça o skimming do texto e escreva nas linhas abaixo: I - 15 verdadeiros cognatos. (Eu já comecei para você) authorities, government,____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ II - 10 function words – palavras que executam uma função específica na

frase - pronouns, prepositions, ... (Eu já comecei para você) with, the, have, and, as,____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Text 1:

US Colombia Join do Break Up Global Drug-Trafficking Ring Washington - U.S. law enforcement authorities, with the help of the government of Colombia, have arrested 22 members and associates of two Colombian drug-trafficking groups as part of an operation to dismantle international drug organizations that smuggle narcotics through U.S. ports. In a September 28 statement, the U.S. Immigration and Customs 5 Enforcement (ICE) agency said those arrested were charged with conspiring to import multikilogram shipments of cocaine hidden inside cargo containers into ports in New York, and in the California cities of San Francisco and Oakland. Among those arrested were four Colombians who helped supply Colombian cocaine to the United States. They were arrested in Cali, Colombia, 10 by the Colombian national police in conjunction with ICE, the investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It will seek the Colombians' extradition to the United States for prosecution in New York. ICE said that if convicted the defendants in the case face a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment and a maximum sentence of life 15 in prison, and a $4 million fine. (By Eric Green Washington File Staff Writer) Agora, raciocine comigo. De que adiantaria conhecer, digamos, 30% das

palavras cognatas se o examinador formulasse uma questão do tipo:

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- 1. A que se refere a palavra ‘they’ (L-10) __________________________________________________________ Ou outra, sob a forma de multiple-choice question: 2. The word ‘it’ (L-12) refers to a) Colombian government. b) enforcement authorities. c) national police. d) Immigration and Customs Enforcement. e) drug trafficker. É preciso prestar atenção à questão da reference em inglês. Todo

escritor busca escrever de forma coesa e coerente. Para isso, lança mão de pronomes, por exemplo, para evitar a repetição de algo que ele entende esteja claro. Podem ser pronomes demonstrativos como this, that, these, those, podem ser pronomes relativos: who, which, that, whose etc. Todas essas function words têm que ser estudadas com atenção. Observe a tabela abaixo como os pronomes pessoais, possessivos e reflexivos.


Study these pronoun forms:

Personal Pronouns / Possessive / Subject Object Adjectives Pronouns Reflexive

I me my mine myself you you your yours yourself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its - itself

we us our ours ourselves you you your yours yourselves they them their theirs themselves

Todos estes pronomes pipocarão de vez em quando nos textos que estudaremos.Todos são comumente usados em questões envolvendo reference em provas de inglês.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3-

ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT a) The suffix - MENT No Text 1 há varios exemplos de palavras com o sufixo –MENT. “U.S. law enforcement authorities” (L-1) “ …with the help of the government of Colombia” (L-1) “…to import multikilogram shipments of cocaine” (L-7) “…face a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years' imprisonment

(L-15) O que se observa é o seguinte: o sufixo –MENT é acrescentado a verbos para formar substantivos.

Verb Noun Tradução enforce enforcement cumprimento (leis) govern government governo

ship shipment Embarque imprison imprisonment prisão

Alguns outros exemplos fora do contexto: To my amazement she left for Canada without saying good-by. Para meu espanto ela partiu para o Canadá sem dizer adeus. There are no banking establishments nowadays without IT departments. Não há estabelecimentos bancários hoje sem departamentos de TI. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma

formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

KEY WORD: AS From Text 1: “ part of an operation to dismantle international drug

organizations…” (L-3/4) “… como parte de uma operação para desmantelar organizações

internacionais do narcotráfico” Dentre as várias function words do texto anterior escolhi a palavrinha ‘as’ para lhe mostrar porque você deve estudar estas verdadeiras ‘gems’. Nesse caso traduzimos por ‘como’. Vejamos, qual é a chance de uma palavra como ‘dismantle’ (= desmantelar, desbaratar) aparecer em vários outros textos neste livro? Mínima, certo? Já a palavra ‘AS’* surge freqüentemente em textos com vários significados. Palavras-chave semelhantes a ‘AS’ têm que se tornar o mais meaningful possível para você. (*) [Existe um Dictionary of Key Words, by Mary Edwards, Ed. Macmillan, não sei se está esgotado. Se você achá-lo em sebos, compre-o. Garanto que não se arrependerá!] a) conjunção significando when (=quando) Ex.: As I was taking a shower, the telephone rang. Quando eu estava tomando um banho, o telefone tocou. Turn off the light as you leave. Apague a luz quando estiver saindo. b) conjunção significando because (=porque) Ex.: As Mr. Cheng only spoke Chinese, we needed an interpreter. Como o Sr Cheng só falava Chinês, precisávamos de um intérprete. c) conjunção significando in the same way (=da mesma maneira, como) Ex.: Do as I say, not as I do. (common popular saying). Faça como eu digo, não faça como eu faço. d) preposição significando in the role of (=na qualidade de, como) Exs.: My wife works as a dentist. Minha esposa trabalha como dentista. I have worked as a teacher for many years. Trabalho como professor há anos.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- Encontra-se a palavra ‘as’ também em várias expressões: I - As if ... (= como se ...) Ex.: It looked as if it was going to rain. Parecia que ia chover. II - As + adj. + as (formação do comparativo de igualdade) Ex.: Chris is as tall as Rita. Chris é tão alta quanto a Rita. Benjamin is not so fast as Brian. Benjamin não é tão rápido quanto Brian. This topic is as important as that one. You should study both. Este tópico é tão importante quanto aquele. Você devia estudar ambos. My friends are not so motivated as they were last year. Meus amigos não estão tão motivados quanto estavam no ano passado. III – As usual (como de costume, pra variar ...) Ex.: Natalie is late, as usual. Natalie está atrasada, pra variar. There comes Nora, crazy as usual. Lá vem a Nora, maluquinha como sempre. IV – such as (tal como, tais como quando se quer enumerar. Ex.: At that time nobody had many comforts in life, such as freezers,

computers, air conditioners… Naquela época ninguém possuía muitas comodidades na vida, tais como

congeladores, computadores, aparelhos de ar condicionado .. V – the same as (o mesmo que Ex.: Helen’s dress looks the same as her sister’s. O vestido da Helen parece com o da sua irmã. George studied in the same school as I did. George estudou na mesma escola que eu.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- EXERCÍCIO Traduza somente as expressões em negrito a seguir onde

aparece a palavra as; consulte um dicionário se precisar. 1. As the judge entered the courtroom, everybody rose. ____________________ 2. I left by the back door so as not to meet Jenny’s brother. ____________________ 3. That yard is not so long as ours. ____________________ 4. As long as you promise to return my book soon, you can borrow it. ____________________ 5. As yet they haven’t chosen the new president. ____________________ 6. Nobody knows English well in my group. I might as well do the

translation myself. ____________________ 7. You’re wrong! Bill’s father works as an engineer for ICF. ____________________ 8. I know you like strawberries, but the other kids love them as well. ____________________ 9. As a rule Ruth wakes up early to go to work. ____________________ 10. Henry looked pale, as though he had seen a ghost. ____________________ 11. We will start the review for the final test as of next week. ____________________ 12. My old Dad does not walk round the square as he used to. ____________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- Text 2:

US Colombia Join do Break Up Global Drug-Trafficking Ring (II) "Operation Pier Pressure," which led to the September 27-28 arrests, began in 2000 when U.S. law enforcement authorities learned that one of the ringleaders charged in the case, Jose Escobar, was supervising an international narcotics operation from the Federal Correctional Center in Allenwood, Pennsylvania. Escobar is serving a 30-year sentence for his role in the 1995 5 importation of 180 kilograms of cocaine into Port Newark, New Jersey. Other ringleaders arrested are Jorge Ignacio Figueroa and retired New York longshoremen Raul Adames and Alejandro Colon. Roslynn Mauskopt U.S. attorney for the eastern district of New York, said the U.S. government’s investigation in Operation Pier Pressure has resulted 10 in the seizure of millions of dollars’ worth of cocaine and "ultimately forced the Escobar/Figueroa organization to give up the ports of New York as a landing point for their drugs." John Gilbride, special agent-in-charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s office in New York, said the United States stands "committed 15 with our domestic and international law enforcement partners in the fight against a common enemy: illicit drugs." He added'. "The success of this investigation is the result of the sharing of intelligence and a unified approach used to protect our nation not only from drug traffickers but from all who threaten our nation's security." (By Eric Green Washington File Staff Writer) 20

Answer these questions: 1. What does the pronoun their’ (L-13) refer to? _________________________________________________________ 2. What does the pronoun this’ (L-17) refer to? _________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-

ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT a) The suffix – (A)TION No Text 2 há varios exemplos de palavras com o sufixo –(A)TION. que é acrescentado a verbos para formar substantivos.

Verb Noun Tradução organize organization organização

administer administration administração operate operation operação

Investigate investigation Investigação Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma

formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

b) The suffix –URE No Text 2 há dois exemplos de substantivos formados com o sufixo -URE. que é acrescentado a verbos normalmente. No texto, por exemplo, ‘seizure’ significa (= apreensão, captura)

Verb Noun Tradução press pressure pressão fail failure fracasso

close closure fechamento expose exposure exposição

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9- Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma

formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

GRAMMAR ESSENTIALS 1. Retire do primeiro parágrafo do text 2 um fragmento no present

continuous tense __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Ainda no texto 2, retire 6 fragmentos no past simple. Subdivida

conforme o verbo seja regular ou irregular A) past tense of regular verbs __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ B) past tense of irregular verbs __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. O verbo ‘give’ é irregular (p.s gave, p.p given). Seu significado mais

comum em português é ‘dar’, as in: Could you give me your phone number? Poderia me dar o seu telefone? Agora, qual é o significado do phrasal verb ‘give up’ (L-12)? __________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-


3.1 PAST CONTINUOUS From Text 2 "Jose Escobar was supervising an international narcotics operation from the Federal Correctional Center in Allenwood, Pennsylvania." (L- 3) Utilizemos as expressões learn slowly (=aprender devagar) com o verbo regular learn e run fast (=correr rápido), com o verbo irregular run.


I / He / She / It was learning slowly // running fast You / We / They were learning slowly // running fast

Note: Como você observa, forma-se o past continuous com o passado

simples do verbo ‘to be’ + a forma -ing do verbo principal.


Was I / He / She / It learning slowly // running fast Were You / We / They learning slowly // running fast

Formamos a interrogativa pela inversão do auxiliar ‘to be’ com o verbo principal.

NEGATIVE I / He / She / It was not learning slowly // running fast You / We / They were not learning slowly // running fast Para formar a negativa acrescente ‘not’ ao verbo ‘to be.’ NB: was not =wasn’t // were not = weren’t 3.2 USES OF THE PAST CONTINUOUS a) To describe a past action in progress connected to another past action. Expressa uma ação continua no passado ligada a outra ação passada.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- Exs.: I was going to school when I met Susan. Estava indo para a escola quando encontrei a Susan. The phone was ringing when Mrs. Dawson arrived home. O telefone estava tocando quando a Sra Dawson chegou em casa. Were you studying last night when I called you up? Você estava estudando ontem à noite quando eu telefonei para você? She wasn't playing tennis this afternoon. She was dancing. Ela não estava jogando tênis esta tarde. Estava dançando. It may also be used to describe an action that was happening at the same

time another action was in progress. Pode ser também usado para descrever que uma ação passada estava em

progressão ao mesmo tempo que outra. Ex.: While his wife was doing the housework, Bill was writing letters. Enquanto sua esposa estava fazendo suas tarefas de casa, o Bill estava

escrevendo cartas. All the time the movie star was bathing at the beach, her security agents

were keeping an eye on anyone who came close to her Todo o tempo que a estrela estava se banhando no mar, seus agentes de

segurança estavam vigiando qualquer um que dela se aproximasse.

That woman was shoplifting.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

READING STRATEGY: PREDICTING WORDS IN ‘FAMILIES’ Quando se sabe a que classe gramatical uma palavra pertence é possível perceber que ela desempenha na frase. Pela análise das palavras próximas a ela na frase, ou seja pelo context, é possível predict qual o sentido que o autor quis dar. Sufixos, especialmente, são ótimos para nos ajudar nessa tarefa. Como já vimos, há sufixos formadores de substantivos, de verbos, de adjetivos. Complete o quadro abaixo com o item que falta:

verb noun Adjective adverb xxxxx essence essential ……………..

succeed successes successful ........................ xxxxx selfishness .................... selfishly define .................... definite definitely learn learner xxxxxx

Admitamos que você esteja lendo um texto onde aparece o adjetivo wide (=largo / a, amplo / a). Ao consultar o dicionário você encontrará width (n.) (=largura), o regular verb widen (alargar, ampliar), o advérbio widely (= largamente, amplamente). Procure estudar a família toda. Por que não? Voltando ao tópico acima, estudando word families você terá mais agilidade na leitura dos textos em inglês. Complete the sample paragraph below with the base word

'wide' and the other deriving words in the box:

widened width widely wide widening

Conde de Bonfim Street, in Tijuca (RJ), is _________ (1), although I don't know its exact _________ (2). However, it is a _________ (3) known fact that the government plans on ____________ (4) it even more, In many stretches of the street it has been ___________ (5) already to four or five lanes.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13-

QUIZ: WORDS IN FAMILIES Use three of the words in the box to complete the sentences. 1. CONSUMER CONSUMPTION CONSUMERISM CONSUMED a) The ___________ of genetically modified products is increasing. b) After the approval of the ___________ statute, we feel more protected

when we buy something. c) In our modern society, where _________ is widespread, we need to

discipline ourselves in order not to buy superfluous goods. 2. AUTHORITIES AUTHORIZATION AUTHORIZED AUTHORITATIVE a) Only ___________ personnel can enter that area. b) Without special ___________ you can’t leave the school premises. c) She spoke to me in a very ____________ manner. So, I did what she told

me to. 3. PROTECT PROTECTION PROTECTIONIST UNPROTECTED a) The US has adopted ___________ measures. b) She did not feel safe to go out late at night. She said that she felt really

_______________. c) It’s up to the police to provide citizens with ___________ from criminals. 4. THREATEN THREATENING THREAT THREATENED a) Are you ___________ me, young man? b) We moved form that neighborhood because we felt ______________ by

gangs all the time. c) Those nuclear weapons pose serious ___________ to world peace. 5. DECIDE DECISION DECISIVELY DECISIVE a) They hired him because he can make ___________ quickly. b) It’s up to you to ___________. I’ve shown you all the options. c) We wouldn’t have won without your participation. You’ve played a

____________ role, indeed.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-


A number of words have been removed from the minitexts that follow. Complete them with the words from the box paying attention to the meaning and structure of the texts.

Mini-text 1: The Evolving Internet

interactions reshaping assisting virtual mystery debating productive corner

Each day brings new examples of how information and communication technology (ICT) is __________ (1) the lives of people around the world. To one degree or another, the digital revolution has arrived in just about every ___________ (2) of the globe… On the Internet and the World Wide Web, people are governing, learning, communicating, ___________ (3), "politicking," shopping, and experimenting - conducting all kinds of ____________ (4) in ways only made possible by ICT. The Internet has brought into being a ___________ (5) world that, like the universe itself, is expanding every moment, full of promise, hope, and a little ___________ (6). But challenges remain if it is to achieve its full promise. The United States, in partnership with other governments, international organizations, and citizens of many countries, is committed to ___________ (7) people around the globe to meet these challenges so that this virtual world becomes a helpful and ___________ (8) part of their everyday lives. Visit: Task: Suponhamos que você não saiba o significado do título acima ‘The

Evolving Internet’. Escreva na linha abaixo qual a melhor tradução para ele agora que você já preencheu as lacunas do mini-text 1. Há várias ‘dicas’ no próprio texto indicando a melhor tradução. Não consulte nenhum dicionário!


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- Mini-text 2: Silicon Valley

nicknamed availability fabric heart spread springing home fierce demand price

Only 72 kilometers south of San Francisco lies the ____________ (1) of the U.S. aerospace, telecommunications, and computer research industry. ___________ (2) for the ___________ (3) of computer chips, “Silicon Valley” is ___________ (4) to hundreds of companies attracted by California’s tax and land use policies and the ____________ (5) of science and engineering graduates emerging from the nearby colleges and universities. New “silicon valleys” are ___________ (6) near Boston and in the South to meet the still growing ___________ (7). ___________ (8) competition has driven down the price of inventions like personal computers and has led to new ways of doing old things, such as electronic ____________ (9) reading in supermarkets. Most dramatic is the ____________. (10) of computers into the lives of young people, who use them for both education and environment. (From Dateline Calendar, 1984, USIA) Task: Escreva na linha abaixo qual a melhor tradução para o título do texto

acima ‘Silicon Valley’ agora que você já preencheu as lacunas do mini-text 1. Desta vez, se você prestar bem atenção há uma indicação no próprio texto que leva à melhor tradução. Não consulte nenhum dicionário!


Dica importante!

Você pode montar os seus próprios mini-texts. Admitamos que você queira estudar diversos discourse markers ou vários termos técnicos sobre um determinado assunto. Tire duas cópias do texto e use liquid paper -verniz corretor para apagar as palavras-chave do seu interesse. É só grampear a cópia com as lacunas ao texto completo e a qualquer hora você poderá se testar. Acredite, aprendi muito inglês assim!

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS A única forma de testar se as estratégias e técnicas que estamos estudando são válidas é to take the bull by the horns, ou seja, pegar o touro a unha. Por isso escolhi o texto seguinte que foi considerado uma espécie assim de touro ‘bandido’ na época do concurso de AFC. I - Sem usar um dicionário (até porque na hora da prova você não pode

consultar um) escreva a melhor tradução para o título do texto. ____________________________________________________________________ II - Faça o skimming do texto e assinale os true cognates. (No final você

terá as minhas respostas e comentários) Unpicking the Fiscal Straightjacket Never has a straightjacket seemed so ill-fitting or so insecure. The euro area’s “stability and growth pact” was supposed to stop irresponsible member states from running excessive budget deficits, defined as 3% of GDP or more. Chief among the restraints was the threat of large fines if member governments breached the limit for 3 years in a row. For some time now no one has seriously 5 believed those restraints would hold. In the early hours of Tuesday November 25th the euro’s fiscal straitjacket finally came apart at the seams. The pact’s fate was sealed over an extended dinner meeting of the euro area’s 12 finance ministers. They chewed over the sorry fiscal record of the euro’s two largest members, France and Germany. Both governments ran 10 deficits of more than 3% of GDP last year and will do so again this year. Both expect to breach the limit for the 3rd time in 2004. Earlier this year, the European Commission, which policies the pact, agreed to give both countries an extra year, until 2005, to bring their deficits back into line. But it also instructed them to revisit their budget plans for 2004 and make extra cuts. France was 15 asked to cut its underlying, cyclically adjusted deficit by a full 1% of GDP, Germany by 0.8%. Both resisted. (Nov 27th, 2003-The Economist Global Agenda) Já que falamos de Reference a) A que se refere a palavra ‘both’ (L-10) em “Both expect to breach the

limit for the 3rd time in 2004”? _____________________________ b)- A que se refere o pronome ‘IT’ (L-14) em “But it also instructed them to

revisit their budget plans for 2004”? _____________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- Preparado para responder as questões propostas pela banca ESAF? Aqui

vão elas. ESAF / AFC/ CGU/ 2004 Read the text “Unpicking the Fiscal Straightjacket” in order to answer questions 21 to 24 21. According to the text the Euro pact a) has been preventing excessive budget deficits. b) has been devised by France and Germany. c) aims at restraining the euro’s economic growth. d} has redressed the euro’s fiscal balance. e) sets parameters related to fiscal deficits. 22. In “if member states breached the limit” (paragraph 1) breached

could best be replaced by a) reduced b) exceeded c) extended d) compassed e) outlasted 23. In pr. 2, Germany and France are referred to as a) countries which have failed to follow fiscal rules. b) leading forces within the European Central Bank. c) countries which brought their deficits below 3%. d) members of a coming European Union. e) countries whose fiscal balance is remarkable. 24. According to the author, Tuesday November 25th is the day on

which the euro pact a) was at last enforced. b) was finally signed. c) proved its ineffectiveness. d) finally acquired legitimacy. e) was at last respected.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18-

Sinalização dos verdadeiros cognatos

Unpicking the Fiscal Straightjacket* Never has a straightjacket seemed so ill-fitting or so insecure. The euro area’s “stability and growth pact” was supposed to stop irresponsible member states from running excessive budget deficits, defined as 3% of GDP or more. Chief among the restraints was the threat of large fines if member governments breached the limit for 3 years in a row. For some time now no one has seriously believed those restraints would hold. In the early hours of Tuesday November 25th the euro’s fiscal straitjacket finally came apart at the seams. The pact’s fate was sealed over an extended dinner meeting of the euro area’s 12 finance ministers. They chewed over the sorry fiscal record of the euro’s two largest members, France and Germany. Both governments ran deficits of more than 3% of GDP last year and will do so again this year. Both expect to breach the limit for the 3rd time in 2004. Earlier this year, the European Commission, which policies the pact, agreed to give both countries an extra year, until 2005, to bring their deficits back into line. But it also instructed them to revisit their budget plans for 2004 and make extra cuts. France was asked to cut its underlying, cyclically adjusted deficit by a full 1% of GDP, Germany by 0.8%. Both resisted. (Nov 27th, 2003-The Economist Global Agenda) [about 200 words]

GLOSSARY CONTENT WORDS/TRANSLATION fiscal straightjacket running budget deficits threat of large fines breach the limit come apart at the seams the pact’s fate was sealed chewed over the fiscal record make extra cuts

(*) Além da grafia ‘straightjacket* você encontrará também ‘straitjacket.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19-

ANSWERS Selected True Cognates from Text 1 authorities, government, Colombia, members, associates, groups, part, operation, international, organizations, narcotic, ports, immigration, agency, import, multikilogram, cocaine, cargo, police, conjunction, investigative, department, security, extradiction, face, mandatory, minimum, sentence, maximum, prison, million, … Selected Function Words from Text 1 With, the, have, and, as of, to, that, through, in, those, were, inside, into, and, among, who, they, by, will, for, if, … Reference A que se refere a palavra ‘they’ (L-10) four Colombians The word ‘it’ (L-12) refers to d) Immigration and Customs Enforcement. KEY WORD: AS 1. As the judge entered the courtroom, everybody rose. Quando o juiz entrou na corte, todos se levantaram. 2. I left by the back door so as not to meet Jenny’s brother. Sai pela porta dos fundos a fim de não encontrar com o irmão da Jenny. 3. That yard is not so long as ours. Aquele pátio não é tão comprido quanto o nosso. 4. As long as you promise to return my book soon, you can borrow it. Se você promete devolver meu livro em breve, pode ficar com ele. 5. As yet they haven’t chosen the new president. Até agora não escolheram o novo presidente. 6. Nobody knows English well in my group. I might as well do the

translation myself. Ninguém sabe bem inglês no meu grupo. É melhor eu mesmo fazer a tradução. 7. You’re wrong! Bill’s father works as an engineer for ICF. Você está errado. O pai do Bill trabalha como engenheiro na ICF. 8. I know you like strawberries, but the other kids love them as well. Eu sei que você gosta de morangos, mas as outras crianças também gostam. 9. As a rule Ruth wakes up early to go to work. Geralmente a Ruth acorda cedo par air trabalhar. 10. Henry looked pale, as though he had seen a ghost. O Henry parecia pálido, como se tivesse visto um fantasma. 11. We will start the review for the final test as of next week. Começaremos a revisão para a prova final a partir da semana que vem. 12. My old Dad does not walk round the square as he used to. Meu velho pai não caminha mais em volta da praça como costumava fazer.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -20- From Text 2: 1. the organization’s 2. investigation in Operation Pier Pressure WORDS IN ‘FAMILIES’

verb noun Adjective adverb xxxxx essence essential essentially

succeed successes successful successfully xxxxx selfishness selfish selfishly define definition definite definitely learn learner learned xxxxxx

Word Families “wide”: Conde de Bonfim Street, in Tijuca (RJ), is wide (1), although I don't know its exact width (2). However, it is a widely (3) known fact that the government plans on widening (4) it even more, In many stretches of the street it has been widened (5) already to four or five lanes. QUIZ: WORDS IN FAMILIES 1. a) The CONSUMPTION of genetically modified products is increasing. b) After the approval of the CONSUMER statute, we feel more protected

when we buy something. c) In our modern society, where CONSUMERISM is widespread, we need to

discipline ourselves in order not to buy superfluous goods. 2. a) Only AUTHORIZED personnel can enter that area. b) Without special AUTHORIZATION you can’t leave the school premises. c) She spoke to me in a very AUTHORITATIVE manner. So, I did what she

told me to. 3. a) The US has adopted PROTECTIONIST measures. b) She did not feel safe to go out late at night. She said that she felt really

UNPROTECTED. c) It’s up to the police to provide citizens with PROTECTION from

criminals. 4. a) Are you THREATENING me, young man? b) We moved form that neighborhood because we felt THREATENED by

gangs all the time. c) Those nuclear weapons pose serious THREATS to world peace.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -21- 5. a) They hired him because he can make DECISIONS quickly. b) It’s up to you to DECIDE. I’ve shown you all the options. c) We wouldn’t have won without your participation. You’ve played a

DECISIVE role, indeed. Grammar essentials From Text 2 example of present continuous construction “Escobar is serving a 30-year sentence for his role in the 1995 importation

of 180 kilograms of cocaine into Port Newark, New From Text 2 example of past continuous construction “Jose Escobar was supervising an international narcotics operation from

the Federal Correctional Center in Allenwood, Pennsylvania.” Mini-text 1: The Evolving Internet 1. reshaping 2. corner 3. debating 4. interactions 5. virtual 6. mystery 7. assisting 8. productive Task: The Evolving Internet A Internet em Desenvolvimento Mini-text 2: Silicon Valley 1. heart 2. nicknamed 3. fabric 4. home 5. availability 6. springing 7. demand 8. fierce 9. price 10. spread Task: Silicon Valley Vale do Silício Unpicking the Fiscal Straightjacket Literalmente straightjacket é uma camisa de força. Uma boa tradução para otítulo pode ser: Afrouxando o arrocho fiscal Reference: a) ‘BOTH’ (L-10) França e Alemanha b)- ‘IT’ (L-14) European Commission

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -22- ESAF / AFC/ CGU/ 2004 21. E O pacto do euro estabeleceu parâmetros relativamente a déficits fiscais.

Em (a), lê-se: tem impedido déficits orçamentários excessivos; na (b), foi concebido pela França e pela Alemanha; na (c), visa a restringir o crescimento econômico na comunidade do euro; na (d), corrigiu o equilíbrio fiscal na comunidade do euro.

22. B Quando ocorre uma ‘breach of a contract’, não há o cumprimento de

uma cláusula contratual. Portanto, ao descumprir o limite estabelecido, de 3% do PIB, os estados membros o estariam excedendo. Na (a) lê-se: reduzido; na (c), estendido; na (d), alcançado; na (e), perdurou.

23. A França e Alemanha são países membros que fracassaram em cumprir as

regulamentações fiscais. Na (b) lê-se: são forças preponderantes dentro do Banco Central Europeu; na (c), países que trouxeram seus déficits a níveis inferiores a 3%; na (d), países membros de uma futura União Européia; na (e), países cujo equilíbrio fiscal é notável.

24. C Ao dizer que nessa data a ‘camisa de força se rompeu na sua base’, o

autor transmite a idéia de que o pacto provou sua ineficácia. Na (a) lê-se: foi afinal colocado em vigor; na (b), foi afinal assinado; na (d), por fim adquiriu legitimidade; na (e), foi afinal respeitado.

GLOSSARY CONTENT WORDS/TRANSLATION fiscal straightjacket* arrocho fiscal running budget deficits acumulando déficits orçamentários threat of large fines ameaça de pesadas multas breach the limit exceder o limite come apart at the seams romper na base the pact’s fate was sealed o destino do pasto estava selado chewed over the fiscal record discutiram sobre o registro fiscal make extra cuts fazer cortes adicionais

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -23- AULA 2 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (III): Reference Estratégia de Leitura (II): Referência II – Study of text 1: USA / Colombia … Estudo do texto” EUA / Colômbia .... III – Word Forms – The suffix -MENT Formação de Palavras – Sufixo –MENT IV – Key Word AS / Exercise A Palavra-chave: AS / Exercício V – Study of text 2: USA / Colombia … (part II) Estudo do texto 2 ” EUA / Colômbia .... (parte II) VI – Word Forms – The suffix –(A)TION Formação de Palavras – Sufixo –(A)TION VII - Summary of Verb Tenses: Past Continuous Resumo dos tempos verbais: Passado Contínuo VIII – Reading Strategy: Predicting // Words in Families //Quiz Estratégia de Leitura: Previsão // Palavras em ‘famílias’ // Teste IX– Vocabulary Build-up: Mini-texts (1 /2) Construção de Vocabulário: Mini-textos (1/2) X– Analysis of past exams: ESAF / AFC/CGU – 2004 Análise de provas anteriores: ESAF / AFC /CGU – 2004

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THE LITTLE WORD ‘OF’ Antes de responder as questões de reading comprehension sobre o texto Sociedade da Informação, faça a correlação de ‘A’ com B’ na tabela abaixo. Todos as expressões com a palavra ‘of’ foram retirados do texto.

A B 1. streams of online information a. ( ) uma série de programas 2. array of programmes b. ( ) no coração deste processo 3. service of higher quality c. ( ) serviço de maior qualidade 4. worlds of broadcasting d. ( ) condições dos fornecedores 5. at the heart of this process e. ( ) correntes de ‘info’ na rede 6. terms of suppliers f. ( ) mundos das transmissões

Text 1: INFORMATION SOCIETY In brief: Practically non-existent 15 years ago mobile phones are everywhere. The internet provides endless streams of online information. We are offered a bewildering array of programmes* and services as high-capacity digital systems bring together two formerly separate worlds of broadcasting and telecommunications. This revolution in information technology is creating the 5 information society - at home, at school and at work. The European Union and its policies and actions have guided and supported the revolution since the beginning. The communications revolution is driven by technology and market forces. The European Union has been at the heart of this process, setting the pace for opening markets, maintaining equal opportunities for all participants, 10 creating a dynamic regulatory structure, defending consumer interests and even setting technical standards. The old publicly-owned telephone monopolies that once ran protected national markets have been transfigured. Aggressive and innovative newcomers have moved in, offering imaginative new services, attractively packaged. Competition has forced prices down and quality up. 15 The result for individuals and businesses is cheaper and better service of a higher quality and reliability. Consumer choice has widened both terms of suppliers and of services on offer. Demand for mobile telephones and internet access exploded. Now 90% of schools and businesses in the EU are online, while more than half the population are regular internet users. The information 20 and communications sector is among the most dynamic in the European Union and globally. (Excerpt from Overviews of the European Union activities) visit: [access: 15/05/05] (*) Spelling differences: programmes (n.) (UK) // programs (n.) (US)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- Segundo os linguists a incidência da key word ‘of’ nos textos é impressionante (vem em segundo lugar - só perde para a palavra ‘the’); é muito superior à importância que a ela se dá. É comum em expressões como as que destacamos anteriormente. Passe a observar outras expressões com ‘of’.


I - STRATEGY 1: Highlighting the true cognates O texto ‘Information Society’ contém aproximadamente 250 palavras. Dentre essas há várias palavras transparentes, vários true cognates. Nos mesmos moldes das lições anteriores, assinale esses verdadeiros cognatos. Cheguei facilmente a 35% das palavras. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ II - STRATEGY 2: Inferring the main idea of the text Qualquer aluno com um mínimo de conhecimento de inglês entenderá que o título “Information Society” significa ‘Sociedade da Informação’. Às vezes um título, um sub-título, um abstract (neste caso significando: sumário) são extremamente significativos e ajudam a inferir a idéia principal. É bem verdade que nas provas da ESAF nem sempre o título do texto é ‘mamão com açúcar’ como o supracitado. Mas nunca deixe de analisá-lo. Como teste proponho o título do texto da recente prova (06/2005) da ESAF para AFC que começaremos a estudar nesta aula. Responda as questões: “Specter of Rising Inflation Sends Shares to New Lows for 2005” a) Quais dessas palavras você considera true cognates? ___________________________________________ b) Sem consultar o dicionário, com quais das outras você está familiarizado? __________________________________________________________ c) Finalmente, e mais importante, em quanto a tradução fragmentada ou

integral do texto lhe permite inferir sobre o que trata o texto? ___________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3-

READING COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Responda Falso (F) ou Verdadeiro (V). 1. ( ) Mobile phones have been everywhere for 15 years. 2. ( ) The current revolution in information technology is creating the

information society. 3. ( ) The European Union has given support to this revolution since the

beginning. 4. ( ) Market forces have no influence whatsoever in this revolution. 5. ( ) There has been the transfiguration of old publicly-owned telephone

monopolies 6. ( ) 90 % of the EU population are regular Internet users.


ADJ + NOUN // NOUN + NOUN From text 1: “Practically non-existent 15 years ago mobile phones are everywhere” (L-1) “This revolution in information technology is creating the information society Numa das participações na área livre do site falei sobre collocations. No caso acima não vamos nos ater à distinção entre collocations e meras combinations de palavras. Aguce a sua observação para os word chunks formados por um adjetivo + substantivo ou mesmo substantivo + substantivo onde o primeiro faz as vezes de adjetivo. Correlacione A com B:

A B 1. information a. ( ) access 2. market b. ( ) choice 3. consumer c. ( ) standard 4. technical d. ( ) forces 5. innovative e. ( ) sector 6. internet f. ( ) newcomers 7. communications g. ( )technology

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

WORD FORMS a) the prefix NON- From the text ‘Information Society’ “Practically non-existent 15 years ago mobile phones are everywhere.” (L-1) O prefixo NON – é um dos formadores de antônimos. É colocado diante de substantivos ou adjetivos. O hífen nem sempre é usado, mas é mantido quando a outra palavra começa por letra maiúscula. Exs.: I’d like to reserve a table for two. Non-smoking section, please. Queria reservar uma mesa para dois. Área de não fumantes, por favor. This is not a nonstop flight, madam. Este não é um vôo sem escalas, senhora. Helga took part in the non-violent demonstration. A Helga participou da manifestação pacífica.. My grandfather was a non-smoker all his life. Meu avô foi um não-fumante durante toda sua vida. That’s just nonsense! You can’t go there alone at this late hour. Isto é absurdo! Você não pode sair só a esta hora. What kind of books do you prefer: science fiction or nonfiction? Que tipo de livros você prefere - ficção científica ou não ficção? Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma

formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- b) the suffix -LESS From the text ‘Information Society’ “The internet provides endless streams of online information” (L-2) O sufixo –LESS forma adjetivos. No exemplo do texto acima endless significa sem fim, interminável. Estude os exemplos a seguir: My daughter ran up to meet me so fast that she felt breathless. Minha filha correu tanto para me encontrar que se sentiu sem fôlego. Joel was arrested for careless driving. Joel foi preso por direção descuidada.

Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

c) the suffix -FUL Mesmo não aparecendo no texto 1, resolve incluir logo o sufixo -FUL também formador de adjetivos e que dá a idéia oposta à do sufixo –LESS. Exs.: Jennifer has always been a careful driver. A Jennifer sempre foi uma motorista cuidadosa. Your niece must have been a beautiful baby. Sua sobrinha deve ter sido uma neném bonita. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma

formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- d) the suffix –(I)TY From the text ‘Information Society’ “The result for individuals and businesses is cheaper and better service of a higher quality and reliability.” (L-16/17) Este sufixo, muito freqüente em inglês, forma substantivos cuja terminação em português é normalmente ‘-dade’. Ocorrem algumas pequenas alterações ortográficas às vezes. No exemple acima, do adjetivo reliable (=confiável) chega-se ao substantivo reliability (= confiabilidade). Exs.: Ben is so irresponsible. I’m tired of his irresponsibility. O Ben é tão irresponsável. Estou cansado de sua irresponsabilidade. Actually, I see no reason for this feeling of inferiority. Na verdade, não vejo razão para este sentimento de inferioridade. The president’s popularity has declined lately. A popularidade do presidente tem caído ultimamente. As vezes apenas –TY é acrescentado ao adjetivo: Exs.: We were amazed by the cruelty shown by the bandits. Ficamos estarrecidos com a crueldade demonstrada pelos bandidos . This is a privilege only for the members of royalty. Este é um privilégio só para os membros da realeza. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação

quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- e) the suffix –ER From the text ‘Information Society’ “Consumer choice has widened both terms of suppliers and of services

on offer.” (L-17/18) “The result … is cheaper and better service of a higher quality and

reliability.” (L-16/17) c.1) Sufixo formador de substantivos, correspondendo àquele /a que faz

Verbo Substantivo Tradução borrow borrower tomador de empréstimo lend lender emprestador supply supplier fornecedor

c.2) sufixo formador do grau comparativo dos short adjectives

Adjetivo Comparativo Tradução cheap cheaper mais barato high higher mais alto low lower mais baixo

Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação

quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-

TRUE COGNATES & FALSE COGNATES From the text ‘The Information Society’ “The European Union and its policies and actions have guided and supported the revolution since the beginning.” (L- 6/7) A palavra policies não significa polícias e, sim, políticas; o verbo support pode ser traduzido por suportar em português, dependendo do contexto. Mas no caso acima devemos entender como ‘apoiar’. I - Write (T) true or (F) false in parentheses 1. We’ll resume work after lunch. resume means resumir ( ) 2. She’s a woman of exquisite tastes. Exquisite means estranhos ( ) 3. Stop pretending that you have a fever. Pretend means fingir ( ) 4. In my opinion it was an ingenious plan. ingenious means ingênuo ( ) 5. Are you familiar with Jorge Amado’s novels? novels mean romances ( ) 6. With profound disgust I entered the place. Disgust means nojo ( ) 7. It all depends on how much is available. available means avaliável ( ) 8. Your contribution was most invaluable. invaluable means sem valor ( ) 9. Helen’s father is a renowned physician. Physician means físico. ( ) 10. Her daughter is a very sensitive girl. sensitive means sensata ( ) 11. In order to reach an agreement both sides had to compromise. compromise means comprometer-se ( ) 12. Mr. Parris agreed that it was a rather vexed question. vexed means embaraçosa. ( )

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9-

VOCABULARY BUILD-UP Specialized vocabulary: economic terms EXERCISE 1- Use the words in the box to match the brief definitions:

cost of living economical protectionism standard of living economic inflation

1. ________________ relating to an economy or economics 2. ________________ using a minimum of resources, cheap 3. ________________ a rise in the general Ieve1 of prices, and an

increase in the money supply 4. ________________ a measure of the amount of money that has to be

paid for essentials (food, accommodation, heating, clothing, etc)

5. ________________ a measure off the amount of disposable income that people have to spend on both necessities and luxuries.

6. ________________ the practice of restricting imports in order to increase the sales of domestic products.

(Adapted from Financial English by Ian Mackenzie, page 89, LTP) Specialized vocabulary: money and payments EXERCISE 2- Use the words in the box to match the brief definitions:

currency borrower pension rebate fee installment premium dividend yield budget

1. .......................... = monthly payment one has to make for buying on credit. 2. ………............... = payment of a share in a business paid to shareholders. 3. ........................... = money paid for an insurance policy. 4. ........................... = money a lender gets for a loan or investment. 5. ........................... = money received by retired people. 6. ...........................= payment to lawyers, doctors, etc. for professional services. 7. ........................... = return of part of a payment reduction. 8. ........................... = money that is in official use in a country. 9. ........................... = one who has taken money to be repaid at interest or not. 10. .......................... = estimate of future income and expenses made by a person

or business.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-


4.1 PRESENT PERFECT Utilizemos as expressões walk fast (=andar apressadamente) com o verbo regular walk e be quiet (=ficar quieto), com o verbo irregular be.

AFFIRMATIVE I / You / We / They have walked fast/ been quiet He / She / It has walked fast/ been quiet Como você observa usa-se o presente simples do auxiliar ‘to have’ + particípio passado do verbo principal.

QUESTIONS Have I / You / We / They walked fast/ been quiet? Has He / She / It walked fast/ been quiet? Formamos a interrogativa com a inversão do auxiliar ‘have’ e o sujeito da frase.

NEGATIVE I / You / We / They have not walked fast/ been quiet He / She / It has not walked fast/ been quiet Formamos a negativa colocando ‘not’ após as formas do auxiliar ‘have’. You find the contracted forms: has not = hasn’t / have not = haven’t 4.2 USES OF THE PRESENT PERFECT a) to say that an action has just taken place or has repeatedly happened

already but the definite time is not specified. Para dizer que uma ação acaba de acontecer – ou aconteceu repetidas

vezes sem que um tempo definido seja especificado. Exs.: Mr. Hart has just left. O Sr. Hart acabou de sair. I’m not going to the movies with you. I’ve already seen that movie twice. Não vou ao cinema com você. Já vi esse filme duas vezes.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- Jennifer has not read Jô’s latest book. Jennifer não leu o último livro do Jô. b) To express actions which begin in the past and are connected with the

present and are likely to go on in the future. ‘For’ and ‘since’ are commonly used.

Para expressar ações que começaram no passado, têm conexão com o presente e possivelmente continuarão no futuro. As preposições ‘for’ e ‘since’ são comumente usadas.]

Exs.: Mr. Dunlop has worked at C& C for more than 20 years. (He began 20

years ago and is still working there.) O Sr. Dunlop trabalha na C&C há mais de vinte anos. Começou há vinte anos

e ainda trabalha lá. Denise has studied English since her childhood. (and she keeps on

studying the language till now ) Denise estuda inglês desde a sua infância. [continua a estudar até hoje.] c) Brazilian students should pay close attention to the use of the present

perfect after the expression “It’s the first time (that) ... (In Portuguese we use the present simple)

Os alunos brasileiros devem prestar atenção ao uso do presente perfeito após a expressão ‘É a primeira vez (que)]

Exs.: It’s the first time I have been to the Maracanã Stadium. [I had never been here before] É a primeira vez que venho ao estádio do Maracanã. [Não tinha estado lá antes] It’s the first time that Laura has seen Casablanca. [She hadn’t seen the movie before] É a primeira vez que Laura viu Casablanca. [Não tinha visto o filme antes] Traduza os seguintes fragmentos do texto ‘Information Society’ 1. “The EU has supported the communications revolution since the beginning.” ___________________________________________________________________ 2. “Aggressive and innovative newcomers have moved in ... ___________________________________________________________________ 3. “Competition has forced prices down...” ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Consumer choice has widened ___________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS ESAF /AFC STN/2005 Breve análise sobre o título: 1. Quais palavras dele você considerou true cognates? ________________________________________________________ 2. Você sabia o significado de shares, de rising antes de ler o texto? ________________________________________________________ 3. Last but not least: Quanto a sua tradução - fragmentada ou na íntegra

do título - lhe ajudou para saber a idéia principal do texto? ________________________________________________________ Read the text below in order to answer questions 21 to 23. Specter of Rising Inflation Sends Shares to New Lows for 2005 Fears of rising inflation sent stocks to new lows for the year yesterday after the government reported a sharp increase in consumer prices that all but guaranteed that the Federal Reserve would continue to push interest rates higher even as the economy may be slowing. Last week investors were worried about the effect of slower economic growth on corporate earnings. The addition of inflation fears to the mix put nerves on Wall Street even more on edge. A 0.6 percent increase in the Consumer Price Index last month was the largest in five months the government reported. The 0.4 percent jump in the core rate, which excludes food and energy was twice the forecast from analysts and the highest monthly increase in nearly four years. While some economists predicted that inflation should moderate in coming months, higher energy costs due to the international petroleum price hike have pushed consumer prices steadily higher so that they have been running at an annual rate of 3 percent or more for several months. (Source The New York Times April 21st (2005 (adapted)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13- 21. Investors in the USA are reacting negatively to a) Federal Reserve consumer price guarantees. b) a possible sharp increase in share prices. c) a dangerous level of nervousness in Walt Street. d) economic deceleration combined with higher inflation. e) the administration’s refusal to increase interest rates. 22. According to the text last month the consumer price index a) rose by more than pundits had expected. b) increased by almost one percentage point. c) caused an unexpected drop in corporate earnings. d) guaranteed Federal Reserve Bonds. e) startled the core rate into a severe jump 23. In the last paragraph, the rising cost of consumer goods is attributed to a) an annual growth rate of 3 % or more. b) a moderate fall in the inflation rate. c) the recent sharp increase in oil prices. d) several months of economic slowdown. e) the dire predictions of some economists.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-

ANSWERS Pre-test: The little Word ‘of’ a. 2 b. 5 c. 3 d. 6 e. 1 f. 4 Aqui estão os true cognates, os numerais e demais sinais pictográficos do text 1 que poderiam ser assinalados. Text 1: INFORMATION SOCIETY In brief: Practically non-existent 15 years ago mobile phones are everywhere. The internet provides endless streams of online information. We are offered a bewildering array of programmes and services as high-capacity digital systems bring together two formerly separate worlds of broadcasting and telecommunications. This revolution in information technology is creating the information society - at home, at school and at work. The European Union and its policies* and actions have guided and supported the revolution since the beginning. The communications revolution is driven by technology and market forces. The European Union has been at the heart of this process, setting the pace for opening markets, maintaining equal opportunities for all participants, creating a dynamic regulatory structure, defending consumer interests and even setting technical standards. The old publicly-owned telephone monopolies that once ran protected national markets have been transfigured. Aggressive and innovative newcomers have moved in, offering imaginative new services, attractively packaged. Competition has forced prices down and quality up. The result for individuals and businesses is cheaper and better service of a higher quality and reliability. Consumer choice has widened both terms of suppliers and of services on offer. Demand for mobile telephones and internet access exploded. Now 90% of schools and businesses in the EU are online, while more than half the population are regular internet users. The information and communications sector is among the most dynamic in the European Union and globally. Reading Comprehension: Falso (F) ou Verdadeiro (V). 1. (F) 2. (V) 3. (V) 4. (F) 5. (V) 6. (F) Combinations - Correlação A /B a. 6 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 e. 7 f. 5 g. 1 Present perfect from the text ‘Information Society’ 1. A UE apóia (tem apoiado)a revolução das comunicações desde o seu início. 2. Recém-chegados dinâmicos e inovadores juntaram-se à 3. A concorrência forçou os preços para baixo… 4. A escolha do consumidor se ampliou (tem-se ampliado)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- I - False cognates? //(T) true or (F) false 1. (F) We’ll resume work after lunch (= Vamos recomeçar o trabalho após o almoço) Resumir ( = summarize) 2. (F) She’s a woman of exquisite tastes. (= Ela é uma mulher de gostos refinados) // Estranho pode ser strange, odd, weird dependendo do contexto. 3. (V) Stop pretending that you have a fever. (= Pare de fingir que está com febre) // Pretender em inglês é intend, have the intention of) 4. (F) In my opinion it was an ingenious plan. (=Em minha opinião era um plano engenhoso) ingênuo é naive or ingenuous. 5. (V) Are you familiar with Jorge Amado’s novels? (=Você está familiarizados com os romances de Jorge Amado? // novelas = soap operas, ou só ‘soaps’. 6. ( V) With profound disgust I entered the place. (=Com profundo nojo entrei no local) // desgosto = disappointment. 7. (F) It all depends on how much is available. (=Tudo depende do quanto está disponível) avaliável é appraisable, that can be appraised. 8. (F) Your contribution was most invaluable. (=Sua contribuição foi realmente inestimável) sem valor é worthless. 9. (F) Helen’s father is a renowned physician. (=O pai de Helen é um renomado médico.) físico = physicist. 10. (F) Her daughter is a very sensitive girl. (=Sua filha é uma garota muito sensível) sensata = sensible. 11. (F) In order to reach an agreement both sides had to compromise.(=Para chegar a um acordo amboas as parte tiveram que fazer concessõess) // comprometer-se = commit oneself to. 12. (F) Mr. Parris agreed that it was a rather vexed question. (=O Sr. Parris concordou que se tratava de uma questão controversa.) embaraçosa = embarrassing. EXERCISE 1 - Specialized vocabulary: economic terms 1. economic=relating to an economy or economics 2. economical =using a minimum of resources, cheap 3. inflation = a rise in the general Ieve1 of prices, and an increase in the

money supply 4. cost of living= a measure of the amount of money that has to be paid for

essentials (food, accommodation, heating, clothing, etc) 5. standard of living = a measure of the amount of disposable income that

people have to spend on both necessities and luxuries. 6. protectionism = the practice of restricting imports in order to

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16- EXERCISE 2- Money and Payment 1. installment = monthly payment one has to make for buying on credit. 2. dividend = payment of a share in a business paid to shareholders. 3. premium = money paid for an insurance policy. 4. yield = money a lender gets for a loan or investment. 5. pension = money received by retired people. 6. fee = payment to lawyers, doctors, etc. for professional services. 7. rebate = return of part of a payment reduction. 8. currency = money that is in official use in a country. 9. borrower = one who has taken money to be repaid at interest or not. 10. budget = estimate of future income and expenses made by a person or

business. ESAF /AFC STN/2005 “Specter of Rising Inflation Sends Shares to New Lows for 2005” “O fantasma da inflação crescente provoca novas quedas nas cotações

das ações para 2005” The search for true Cognates Fears of rising inflation sent stocks to new lows for the year yesterday after the government reported a sharp increase in consumer prices that all but guaranteed that the Federal Reserve would continue to push interest rates higher even as the economy may be slowing. Last week investors were worried about the effect of slower economic growth on corporate earrings. The addition of inflation fears to the mix put nerves on Wall Street even more on edge. A 0.6 percent increase in the Consumer Price Index last month was the largest in five months the government reported. The 0.4 percent jump in the core rate, which excludes food and energy was twice the forecast from analysts and the highest monthly increase in nearly four years. While some economists predicted that inflation should moderate in coming months, higher energy costs due to the international petroleum price hike have pushed consumer prices steadily higher so that they have been running at an annual rate of 3 percent or more for several months. (Source The New York Times April 21st (2005 (adapted) Answers to the multiple-choice questions: 21. D 22. A 23. C

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- AULA 3 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (III): Inferring the Main Idea Estratégia de Leitura (II): Inferência da Idéia principal II – Study of text 1: Information Society … Estudo do texto1 “A Sociedade da Informação” III – Key Word OF Exercise A Palavra-chave: OF / Exercício IV – Word Forms – The prefix –NON Formação de Palavras – prefixo –NON V – Word Forms – The suffixes: –LESS, –FUL, –(I)TY, –ER Formação de Palavras – Sufixos: -LESS, -FUL, -(I)TY, -ER VI - Summary of Verb Tenses: Present Perfect Resumo dos tempos verbais: Presente Perfeito VII – False Cognates or True Cognates? Falsos Cognatos ou Verdadeiros Cognatos? VIII – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico (Jargão) IX– Analysis of past exams: ESAF / AFC/STN – 2005 Análise de provas anteriores: ESAF / AFC / STN – 2005

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Aula 4

INTENSIVE READING Text 1: The Rise of the Tycoon America once idealized the businessman who amassed a vast financial empire – the business tycoon. His epoch was the second half of the 19th century. It began with the spread of the railroad networks in the 1850s, and included the growth of northern industry in the 1860s, and the rise of investment banking in the 1870s. Throughout this period, business interests had significant influence over government. 5 The great tycoons were fierce competitors, single-minded in their pursuit of financial success and power. Some of the giants were Jay Gould, J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford. Some of these men were honest according to business standards of their day; others used force, bribery and guile to achieve their wealth and power. 10 The business spirit was not indigenous to America; it grew from the soil of European capitalism. By the time of the American Revolution, businessmen were operating in Italy, Holland, and England. Very early in American history there were industrialists, mostly in New England and along the northeastern seaboard. They were shipbuilders, manufacturers, land speculators, and bankers. Only a few, 15 however, amassed large fortunes. J. Pierpont Morgan, perhaps the most flamboyant of the entrepreneurs, operated on a scale of magnificence. He displayed aggressiveness and grandeur in his private and business life. He and his companions gambled, sailed yachts, gave lavish parties, built palatial homes, and bought the art treasures of Europe. 20 In contrast, such men as John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford demonstrated taut Puritan qualities. They retained their small-town values and life styles. As churchgoers, they felt a sense of responsibility to others. They demonstrated that personal virtues could bring success; theirs was the gospel of work and thrift. Later their heirs would establish the largest philanthropic foundations in America. 25 While many European intellectuals saw business and moneymaking as degrading, Americans generally embraced it with enthusiasm. They enjoyed the risk and excitement of business enterprise, as well as the potential rewards of power and acclaim. By the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s, however, the image of the 30 entrepreneur as an American ideal had lost much of its luster. The crucial change came with the rise of corporation. Few business barons remained. They were replaced by "technocrats" as the heads of corporations. These executives, expert in every phase of corporate activity, became the indispensable cogs in the industrial machine. The high-salaried manager replaced the swaggering tycoon. 35 The big business leaders today are often involved in many areas of public life. They not only direct the fate of corporations, they also serve on boards in their community and as university trustees. The new corporate leaders fly to Washington to confer with government officials on national policy. They are concerned about the state of the national economy and America’s relationship with other nations. (From 40 An Outline of American Economy, ps.11/12, USIA)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- Procure responder as questões de reading comprehension como se elas fossem questões da sua prova. Utilize as técnicas e estratégias já abordadas. Choose the best option: 1. All these options can be used to refer to the great Tycoons, except a) they were fierce competitors. b) single-mindedly they pursued wealth and power. c) they all resorted to bribery and guile to achieve power. d) according to business standards of their day some were honest. 2. The image of the tycoons lost much of its luster by the time .... a) the Great Depression which devastated America. b) corporate activity grew more intense. c) high-salaried experts were employed. d) industrial machines had to be replaced. 3. After reading the text you can affirm that ... a) Europeans made a fortune by selling the Americans their art treasures. b) Americans and Europeans enjoyed the risk of business enterprise. c) the excitement of business enterprise fascinated Europeans. d) Americans and European intellectuals regarded business differently. 4. New England industrialists early on in American history ... a) were mainly shipbuilders, manufacturers, land speculators and bankers. b) were highly influenced by Italians, Dutch and British businessmen. c) hardly ever amassed large fortunes. d) did not pursue financial power so hard as the great tycoons. 5. It can be inferred from the passage that ... a) were it not for the tycoons there would never be philanthropic

foundations in America today. b) the tycoons’ self-centered business led to their eventual replacement. c) big business leaders nowadays have as much influence over government

as the great tycoons did in the past. d) heads of corporate activity do not enjoy the risk of business enterprise. 6. The word while (L-26) as a discourse marker indicates a) contrast. b) time. c) emphasis. d) consequence.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3-

ANALYSIS OF TEXT 1 I. Do texto 1 retire 20 true cognates, as palavras transparentes, cuja semelhança com nosso português é evidente. Já comecei para você: America, idealized, vast, financial, empire ________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ II - Verifique quantas vezes ‘the little word of’ a quem demos tanta importância antes aparece no texto? ________________________________________________________________ III - Por ser uma narrativa histórica o past simple predomina no texto 1. Só no primeiro parágrafo encontrei: idealized, amassed, was, began, included, had. Escreva nas linhas a seguir os exemplos de past simple que você encontra no trecho que vai de J. Pierpont Morgan, perhaps ... até rewards of power and acclaim (L-17/29) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ IV -- Retorne à aula 1 e veja que reading strategies você poderia ter usado para responder cada uma das questões de reading comprehension. Questão 1 ________________________________________________ Questão 2 ________________________________________________ Questão 3 ________________________________________________ Questão 4 ________________________________________________ Questão 5 ________________________________________________ Questão 6 ________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

ANALYSIS OF VOCABULARY ITEMS FROM TEXT 1 I - “Throughout this period, business interests had significant influence

over government.” (L-5) A function word ‘throughout’ (=in every part of, all through) é uma preposição. No fragmento em negrito é: durante todo este período. II - “In contrast, such men as John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford

demonstrated taut Puritan qualities.” (L-21/22) Como discourse marker, ‘in contrast (=conversely) que indica contraste. A tradução do fragmento em negrito é: ao contrário, inversamente.

VOCABULARY POST TEST Veja se consegue traduzir os seguintes fragmentos do texto 1. Não use dicionário. No final da aula apresento a minha tradução para confronto. 1. amassed large fortunes ______________________________ 2. gave lavish parties _________________________ 3. were fierce competitors ______________________________ 4. bought art treasures _________________________ 5. retained small-town values _________________________ 6. embraced moneymaking with enthusiasm _______________________________________ 7. enjoyed the risk of business enterprise ___________________________________ 8. had lost much of its luster _________________________ 9. came with the rise of corporations ________________________________ 10. became the indispensable cogs in the industrial machine _____________________________________________________ 11. direct the fate of corporations _________________________ 12. concerned about the state of national economy ___________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5-

WORDS FORMS a) the suffix -OR Na aula 3 falamos sobre o sufixo –ER , acrescentado a verbos e indicando aquele que faz alguma coisa. Veja alguns exemplos do texto 1: Shipbuilders ( = aqueles que constroem navios) Manufacturers ( = aqueles que fabricam algo) Bankers (banqueiros , os que realizam as operações bancárias) No texto, nesta mesma seqüência você encontra land speculators (= especuladores de terras) Ao verbo speculate acrescentou-se o sufixo –OR Veja estes outros exemplos com este mesmo sufixo: They are expecting more visitors over the weekend. Eles estão esperando mais visitantes durante o fim de semana. As a result, a large number of investors changed route. Em conseqüência, um grande número de investidores mudou de rumo. My brother had some experience as a realtor. Meu irmão tinha alguma experiência como corretor de imóveis. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação

quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

a) the suffix -SHIP From text 1: “They are concerned about the state of the national economy and America’s relationship with other nations.” (L-39/40) Neste caso, relationships significa relações diplomáticas com outras nações. O sufixo –SHIP é normalmente acrescentado a substantivos para formar outros substantivos. Estude estes exemplos:

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- For me nothing was more precious that her friendship. Para mim nada era mais precioso do que a amizade dela. It was an old manuscript whose authorship was hard to determine. Era um velho manuscrito cuja autoria ficava difícil determinar. Nobody enjoys living under dictatorship. Ninguém gosta de viver numa ditadura. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação

quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

c) the prefix -IN From text 1: “These executives, expert in every phase of corporate activity, became the indispensable cogs in the industrial machine.” (L-33/35) Eis outro prefixo que forma antônimos em inglês. Já tínhamos estudado NON-. De dispensable (=dispensável) forma-se indispensable (= indispensável). Veja outros exemplos: We could barely hear those indistinct sounds. Mal conseguíamos ouvir aqueles sons indefinidos. In English you have definite and indefinite articles. Em inglês tem-se artigos definidos e indefinidos. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação

quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7-

WORDS IN FAMILIES Complete the sentences with one of the words in bold type: 1. Belong / belonged / belongings ‘Our airline cannot be held responsible for any personal ............................

left on the plane,’ the flight attendant announced. 2. Pursuit / pursue / pursuer The .............................. of happiness must be every man’s dream in life. 3. Unions / unify / unification / reunification With the advent of computer technology most business enterprises in

Brazil have ................................ their controlling systems. 4. Trends / trendy / trend If purple hair comes in fashion, be sure Lola will wear it. God knows how

.................................... she is. 5. Industrial / industrialists / industrialized / industrialization Wealthy ...................................... in São Paulo begin to demonstrate signs

of impatience with the government’s economic policies. 6. Magnificence / magnificent / magnified We found the scenery ................................ Never had we seen such a

beautiful waterfall. 7. Profit / profitable / profiteer Mr. Weld runs a very ................................. business. 8. Account / accountable / accountings / accountant Soon the auditors found out that the ............................... had been cooking

the books for quite a while. 9. Advantage / advantageous / advantages Talk to your bank manager. He can show you the most .............................

form of investing your money. 10. Competitor / compete / competitive / competitiveness The racer’s complaints had to do with his car’s lack of .............................

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-


From Text 1: “By the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s, however, the image of the entrepreneur as an American ideal had lost much of its luster…”(L-30/31) 5.1 THE PAST PERFECT Utilizemos as expressões learn fast (=aprender rápido) com o verbo regular learn e grow old (ficar velho) com o verbo irregular grow (grew, grown). AFFIRMATIVE I / You / He / She / It/ We / They had learned fast/ grown old Como você pode observar usa-se o passado simples do auxiliar ‘to have’ + o particípio passado do verbo principal. QUESTIONS Had I/ You / He / She / It/ We / They learned fast/ grown old? Forma-se a interrogativa com a inversão do auxiliar ‘have’ e o sujeito da frase. NEGATIVE I/ You / He / She / It/ We / They had not learned fast / grown old Forma-se a negativa com o acréscimo de ‘not’ após o auxiliar ‘had’. Encontra-se a forma contraída: had not = hadn’t.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9- 5.2 USES OF THE PAST PERFECT a) Used to describe a past action that took place before another past action. Descreve uma ação passada que ocorre antes de outra ação passada. Exs.: When I got to the airport, Jenny had already left. Quando cheguei ao aeroporto, a Jenny já havia partido. Had she learned any English before you met? Ela havia aprendido inglês antes de vocês se encontrarem? b) In indirect speech, when the past simple was used in direct statements or

questions. Em discurso indireto quando o passado simples foi usado nas afirmativas

diretas. Exs.: “I saw Vera ”, John confirmed. (–Eu vi a Vera, confirmou o João.) John confirmed that he had seen her. João confirmou que tinha visto a

Vera. ‘The witness didn’t talk to the criminal.’ the inspector said. A testemunha não falou com o criminoso - declarou o inspetor. The inspector said that the witness hadn’t talked to the criminal. O inspetor disse que a testemunha não havia falado com o criminoso.

DIALOGUE PRACTICE Sinceramente já perdi a conta das vezes em que utilizei esta atividade nas minhas aulas. É excelente para praticar estruturas com past simple e past perfect. Aos alunos é apresentado o seguinte diálogo incompleto: [S1 é student 1 // S2 é student 2] S1: Did you _________________ last night? S2: No, I didn’t. Last night I _____ something I had never ______ in my life. S1: Oh, really! What ___________? S2: I _______________________. Um exemplo com o verbo to see (saw, seen) [=ver] S1: Did you see the film on TV last night? S2: No, I didn’t. Last night I saw something I had never seen in my life. S1: Oh, really! What did you see? S2: I saw a hockey game.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10- E se o verbo escolhido fosse drink (drank, drunk)? O diálogo poderia ser preenchido assim: S1: Did you drink Guaraná last night? S2: No, I didn’t. Last night I drank something I had never drunk in my life. S1: Oh, really! What did you drink? S2: I drank Tequila. A seguir você encontra uma lista de verbos irregulares que se encaixam no diálogo incompleto acima. A lista não está dada de mão beijada para você. Deixei uma das formas - ou do past tense ou do past participle em zigzag - para você preencher. Esteja você estudando alone ou in small groups eu aconselho que faça este exercício para treinar estruturas com past simple e past perfect. Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle buy bought _____________ catch _________ caught choose chose _____________ do _________ done draw drew _____________ drink _________ drunk eat ate _____________ feel _________ felt fly flew _____________ hear _________ heard hit hit _____________ leave _________ left lose lost _____________ make _________ made run ran _____________ sell _________ sold spend spent ______________ spread _________ spread steal stole _____________ teach _________ taught tell told _____________ throw _________ thrown understand understood _____________ wear _________ worn

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- Não deixe de preencher este word formation cloze pois ele lhe permitirá verificar o quanto você desenvolveu seu conhecimento de word families Choose the best word in parentheses to complete the text: The Federal Reserve Board–in Washington, D.C., coordinates Federal Reserve Banks, which in fact constitute a central (1-banker / banking / banked) system. The Federal Reserve Board helps (2-stabilization / stabilize / stabilizing) and coordinate the nation’s commercial banks. About 6,000 of the 14,000 banks (3-belong / belonging / belongs) to the system. The member banks handle more than 3/4 of all U.S. bank deposits. The Federal Reserve Banks lend money to (4-membership / member / members) banks for the cash reserves they are required to hold, (5-issuing / issue /issues) paper money, act as check (6-cleared /clearer /clearing) houses and provide other services. By increasing or decreasing cash reserve requirements and by raising or lowering (7-interesting / interest /interested) rates banks must pay for loans from the Reserve Banks, the Federal Reserve Board can influence the (8-availability / available/ avails) and cost of money for loans, and thereby check inflationary or deflationary trends in the economy. Most business and industrial activity in the United States is financed by loans from commercial banks and (9-insured / insuring / insurance) companies. Commercial banks receive money in the form of deposits, (10-savings / saver / saved) or repayments from the public, then lend it at interest to borrowers. Profit is made (11-primaries / primarily/ primary) from interest. The (12-pools / pooling / pool) of funds for bank loans comes from deposits by (13-businessmen / businesses / business-like) and individuals and from bank investment profits. Banks return a (14-portioned/ portion / portions) of investment profits to depositors in the form of services and interest on savings accounts. The money for insurance-company lending comes from the (15-annual / annually /annuals) premium paid by individuals and businesses for insurance (16-politics / policies / policy). Money saved by individuals is usually deposited for safekeeping in interest– (17-bearing / bearer / born) accounts in one of four types of (18- private / privacy/ privately) institutions: commercial banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations and group credit unions. Interest-bearing U.S. government savings (19-bonds / bonding / bonded) are also available and are (20-widely / widening / width) used. Almost all the private savings institutions buy insurance offered by federal government corporations to protect individual savings accounts up to $ 100,000. Most of the money deposited in these individual savings accounts is used by the institutions to finance the purchase, building or remodeling of private homes. (From “This is America”, p.54, USIA-1990 and from “An Outline of American Economy”, p.87, USIA-l981)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

WORDS IN PAIRS: TO BORROW / TO LEND From the Word Formation Cloze:

“The Federal Reserve Banks lend money to member banks for the cash reserves they are required to hold.” (L-8/9) “The money for insurance-company lending comes from the annual premium paid by individuals...” (L-25/26) “Commercial banks receive money in the form of deposits, savings or repayments from the public, then lend it at interest to borrowers. (L-20/21)

Distinguish between the usage of ‘to lend’ and ‘to borrow’: a) To borrow (r.v.)–be given sth. or take sth. intending to return it. Exs.: Marjorie borrowed $ l,000 from her father. Mark borrowed a video tape from me. Philip had to borrow from the bank to pay for his motorcycle. The book you borrowed from the library is due tomorrow. b) to lend ( lent, lent) - give sth as a loan. Exs.: The bank lent me $l.000. Lend you video game to your friend, Paul. The dim lights lent a romantic touch to the room. Two options of the quiz question were correct. I’m sure you can say: ‘He

lent his CD to me’ or ‘He lent me his CD.’ Summarizing: You borrow things from somebody and you lend things to


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13-


A number of words have been removed from the minitexts that follow. Complete them with the words from the box paying attention to the meaning and structure of the texts.

Mini-text 1: How to Understand Corporate Taxes in Brazil

havens dividends rendered levied rates remittances profits domain

A withholding income tax is __________ (1) on transactions involving companies or individuals, residents or domiciled outside of Brazil. Tax __________ (2) may vary from case to case. In most international transactions, such as interest and capital gain __________ (3), the applicable rate is 15%. Payments for services __________ (4) by non-residents are subject to withholding at the rate of 25%. Royalties are subject to withholding tax of 15% plus a contribution to the economic intervention __________ (5) of 10%. Distribution of __________ (6) and__________ (7) generated as from January 1996, are not subject to withholding income tax. Most of the payments to residents or individuals domiciled in tax __________ (8) are subject to withholding income tax at the rate of 25%. (From How to Understand Corporate Taxes in Brazil, p.4, a publication of the American Chamber of Commerce (SP), sponsored by Price Waterhouse Coopers) Mini-text 2: Petrobrás seeks more refining capacity

demand decision units join building production record jobs

The _________ (1) by Petrobrás to _________ (2) Venezuela’s state-run petroleum company, PDVSA, in _________ (3) a new refinery in the state of Pernambuco means that the Brazilian state-run enterprise will increase its ________ (4) level by 200,000 barrels/day by the year 2011. That is good news with domestic ________ (5) rising between 2.6% to 2.7% annually. The new refinery will also create a total of 230,000 _________ (6) over a four-year period. At the moment, Petrobrás has eleven refining __________ (7), most in the Southeastern regions of the country, and has been setting new production records with regularity. In August, average daily production reached 1,8 million barrels. That is a new __________ (8). The problem is that by 2011 it will no longer be enough. (Agência Brasil. by Nielmar de Oliveira, Translator: Allen Bennett)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-

BANKING SERVICES Fill each blank in the text with the correct word or phrase. Choose from the items in the box. Use each item once only.

commission debited in full interest issued outstanding ATM withdraw credit rating statement loan default collateral overdraft bounce financial

Banks offer many services to businesses and their customers. Here are some of the most common: Many people now have a card which enables them to ___________ (1) money from an ___________ (2). You feed your card into the machine and key in your PIN (personal identification number) and the amount of money you want. If you have enough in your account, the amount requested will be ___________ (3) to you up to a daily limit. Your account is automatically ____________ (4) for the amount you have drawn out. Provided you have a sound ___________ (5), you can get a credit card from a bank and other ___________ (6) institutions. To obtain goods and services, you present your card and sign a special voucher. When it receives the voucher the credit card company pays the merchant minus a __________ (7) and then sends you a monthly ___________ (8). Depending on the type of card you have, you will either have to pay ___________ (9) or be able to pay part of what is owed and pay _________ (10) on the balance left _________ (11). If you need additional money for investment or other major purchases, you can take out a _________ (12). The bank may need you to offer them something as __________ (13) in case you __________ (14) on your loan. Most good banks offer checking accounts with _________ (15) protection so that a check won’t _________ (16) in case no funds are available in your account. (From American Business Vocabulary, by John Flower and Ron Martinez, p.15)

LIGHTEN UP! Como eu já disse antes: seu estudo de inglês não tem que ser boring. O texto a seguir, extraído do velho, porém interessante, livro do Alexander, Perguntas e Respostas, intitula-se Blackmail (=chantagem). O seu tom jocoso facilita a memorização. Se você tiver um parceiro /a de estudos de inglês tente contar-lhe esta historinha resumidamente. Se for em inglês, ótimo; mas se só conseguir em português também está bom. Responda as perguntas em inglês. Use-as como guide to retell the story.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15-

BLACKMAIL The great liner had anchored some distance from the harbor. The captain had told the passengers that they could visit the port if they wished to but they must be on board at 5.30, as the ship would set sail at 6 o’clock. The ship was far too big to dock in the harbor and all day long local boatmen had been rowing to and from the liner carrying sightseers to the small port. At about 5 o’clock, Miss Merryweather hired a local boatman to take her back to the ship. The man had asked for $5, which Miss Merryweather thought excessive. “Either you accept $3, or I shall hire another boatman, Miss Merryweather said firmly. After a good deal of arguing, the man reluctantly agreed to take her for $3. When they were about two hundred yards from the liner, the boatman stopped rowing. “Is anything the matter?' inquired Miss Merryweather anxiously. 'Nothing at all,' the boatman replied. 'Either you pay me $5, or you can sit here and watch the ship sail away without you.” (From Question an Answer, by L.G. Alexander, p.112, Longman) 1. What kind of ship was anchored some distance from the harbor? ________________________________________________________ 2. What had the captain told the passengers? ________________________________________________________ 3. Why had the boatmen been rowing to and from the ship? ________________________________________________________ 4. What did Miss. Merryweather do at 5 o’clock? ________________________________________________________ 5. How much had the boatman asked to take her back to the ship? ________________________________________________________ 6. How much was Miss. Merryweather willing to pay the boatman? ________________________________________________________ 7. Why did the boatman stop when they were about 200 yards from the ship? ________________________________________________________ 8. What did Miss. Merryweather ask the boatman? ________________________________________________________ 9. How did the boatman reply? ________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS ESAF /AFC STN/2005 Read the text below in order to answer questions 24 to 26. Not exactly Major league By most measures, the president has quite an ambitious economic agenda for his second term. George Bush’s goals include overhauling the tax code, reforming the Social Security System halving the budget deficit and pushing through more trade agreements. But who exactly is meant to do all this stuff? In theory, Mr. Bush’s economic team is headed by John Snow. The president was on the point of sacking his treasury secretary at the end of last year; he then pulled back- but only apparently to keep Mr. Snow as a traveling salesman for his pension reform scheme. The former railroad boss has recently visited such well-known global financial centers as San Antonio, Albuquerque and New Orleans. The treasury itself seems short of both staff and clout with the administration. That might be excusable if economic policy were being steered by a professional team in the White House; but it is short of economists, particularly ones that are dose to Mr. Bush.(Source: The Economist / May 17th 2005) 24. According to the article, a) Mr. Bush’s treasury secretary was on the brink of being dismissed. b) Mr. Bush’s economic team intends do away with the tax code. c) the Social Security System has been remodeled and upgraded d) the former American president established four economic aims. e) Mr. Bush set an unachievable economic agenda in his first term. 25. As to the budget deficit, it is supposed to be halved, which means to be a) 100% cleared. b) reduced by 50%. c) settled in percentages. d) increased by 15%. e) cut by around 75% 26. The text refers to the Treasury as a) lacking political power with the opposition. b) not having had enough staff with the administration. c) having the political clout with the administration. d) not aiming for economic influence with the administration. e) not having enough influence with the administration.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17-

ANSWERS Reading Comprehension Questions Questão 1. C O autor menciona que os tycoons - os barões de indústria – eram ferozes competidores (a); que buscavam a riqueza e o poder com determinação (b), também é mencionado que para os padrões da época alguns deles eram tidos como honestos. Agora a letra (c) está invalidada por causa da palavra ‘all’. Cuidado com as palavras como todos, sempre, etc e nenhum, nunca etc. Essa questão já obrigava ao intensive reading. Questão 2. A Idéia expressa no texto: a imagem dos tycoons perdeu muito do seu brilho na época em que a grande depressão arrasou os EUA (L- ....), na letra b) lê-se: a atividade corporativa tornou-se mais intensa, na letra c) lê-se: peritos altamente remunerados foram empregados; na letra d), temos: as máquinas industriais tiveram que ser substituídas. Bastava você fazer o scanning e detectar que a informação desejada se encontrava Questão 3.D Não há respaldo no texto para se afirmar que os europeus fizeram fortuna vendendo aos americanos suas obras de arte (a). O texto menciona que apenas os americanos gostavam do risco empresarial (b); o entusiasmo pelos negócios fascinava os americanos e não os europeus, segundo o autor. Bastava fazer o de novo o scanning para buscar a idéia expressa. Questão 4. A Outra idéia expressa no texto. Não se tem elementos para afirmar que os industriais de New England eram altamente influenciados por homens de negócios da Itália da Holanda e da Grã Bretanha(b), não para se precisar também quanto industriais de New England hardly ever (=raramente) amealhavam uma fortuna (c) . Também não se pode afirmar que os industriais de New England não buscavam o poder financeiro tão arduamente quanto os barões. Questão 5.B Cuidado com questões de inferência. O examinador pede que você chegue a uma conclusão sobre um ponto que não está dito expressamente no texto. Certamente seria ir muito longe dizer que se não fossem os barões e não haveria instituições filantrópicas na América hoje (a). Com relação à opção (c), no texto há uma menção a grande influência que os barões exerciam sobre o governo nos áureos tempos. Quanto à opção (d), a mais fora de propósito, como afirmar ou mesmo inferir que os dirigentes das grandes corporações de hoje não apreciem o risco pela atividade empresarial!?. Questão 6.A Tipo de questão que deveria ser respondida primeiro se você estivesse com pouco tempo de prova sobrando. Basta fazer uma leitura rápida e saber que while (L-26) está indicando contraste, significando enquanto

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- VOCABULARY POST TEST 1. acumularam grandes fortunas // 2. davam festas suntuosas // 3. eram ferozes competidores // 4. compravam tesouros artísticos // 5. conservavam valores das pequenas cidades // 6. abraçaram a ambição pelo dinheiro com entusiasmo // 7. adoravam o risco da atividade empresarial // 8. haviam perdido muito do seu brilho // 9. veio com o crescimento das corporações // 10. tornaram-se peças indispensáveis da máquina industrial // 11. dirigem os destinos das corporações // 12. preocupados com a situação da economia nacional. WORDS IN FAMILIES 1. ‘Our airline cannot be held responsible for any personal belongings left

on the plane,’ the flight attendant announced. Nossa companhia não pode ser responsabilizada por objetos pessoais

deixados no avião, anunciou a aeromoça. 2. The Pursuit of happiness must be every man’s dream in life. A busca da felicidade deve ser o sonho na vida de todo homem. 3. With the advent of computer technology most business enterprises in

Brazil have unified their controlling systems. Com o advento da tecnologia da computação a maiorias da empresas no

Brasil unificaram seus sistemas de controle . 4. If purple hair comes in fashion, be sure Lola will wear it. God knows how

trendy she is. Se cabelo roxo virar moda esteja certo de que Lola vai usá-lo. Deus sabe

como ela é ligada em moda. 5. Wealthy industrialists in São Paulo begin to demonstrate signs of

impatience with the government’s economic policies. Ricos industriais de S.Paulo começam a demonstrar sinais de impaciência

com as políticas econômicas governamentais. . 6. We found the scenery magnificent Never had we seen such a beautiful

waterfall. Acham o cenário magnífico. Nunca havíamos visto tão bela cachoeira. 7. Mr. Weld runs a very . profitable business. O Sr. Weld dirige uma empresa muito lucrativa. 8. Soon the auditors found out that the accountant had been cooking the

books for quite a while. Logo os auditores descobriram que o contador vinha fraudando os livros por

algum tempo. 9. Talk to your bank manager. He can show you the most advantageous

form of investing your money. Fale com o gerente do banco. Ele poderá lhe mostrar a formar mais

vantajosa de investir o seu dinheiro. . 10. The racer’s complaints had to do with his car’s lack of competitiveness. As reclamações do piloto diziam respeito à falta de competitividade do carro.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- WORD FORMATION CLOZE 1. banking // 2. stabilize // 3. belong // 4. member // 5. issue // 6. clearing // 7. interest // 8. availability // 9. insurance // 10. savings 11. primarily // 12. pool // 13. businesses // 14. portion // 15. annual // 16. policies// 17. bearing // 18. private // 19. bonds // 20. widely. VOCABULARY BUILD UP Mini-text 1: 1. levied // 2. rates // 3. remittances // 4. rendered // 5. domain // 6. profits // 7. dividends ( or 6. dividends // 7. profits) 8. havens. Mini-text 2: 1. decision // 2. join // 3. building // 4. production// 5. demand // 6. jobs // 7. units // 8. record BANKING SERVICES 1. withdraw // 2. ATM ( automatic teller machine) // 3. issued // 4. debited // 5. credit rating// 6. financial// 7. commission // 8. statement //9. in full // 10. interest // 11. outstanding // 12. loan // 13. collateral // 14. default // 15. overdraft // 16. bounce

I almost forgot (fora de ordem)

I. True cognates epoch, included, industry, investment, significant, influence, government, competitors, financial, success, honest, force, spirit, indigenous, capitalism, European, American, Revolution, operating, history, industrialists speculators … II. The little Word of A palavra ‘of aparece 22 vezes. III. Past simple examples operated, displayed, gambled, sailed, gave, built, bought, demonstrated, retained, felt, could, was, would, saw, embraced, enjoyed, ESAF /AFC STN / 2005 24. a 25.b 26. e

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -20- AULA 4 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (III): Inference questions Estratégia de Leitura (II): questões envolvendo inferência II – Study of text 1: The Rise of the Tycoon Estudo do texto1 “A ascenção dos Barões da Indústria ” III – Key Words : throughout, conversely Palavras-chave: por toda parte, inversamente IV – Word Forms – The prefix IN- Formação de Palavras – prefixo –NON V – Word Forms – The suffixes: –OR, –SHIP Formação de Palavras – Sufixos: -OR, -SHIP VI - Summary of Verb Tenses: Past Perfect Resumo dos tempos verbais: Passado Perfeito VII – Word Formation Cloze : The Fed Texto (Cloze) sobre formação das palavras: Federal Reserve VIII – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: taxes / oil/

banking Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: tributos, petróleo, termos

bancários IX– Lighten up! Blackmail – a story to retell (Exs. c/ Past Perfect) Relaxe! Chantagem – uma historinha para recontar (Exs. c/ passado perfeito X– Analysis of past exams: ESAF / AFC/STN – 2005 Text: “Not exactly Major League” Análise de provas anteriores: ESAF / AFC / STN – 2005 Texto : “Não exatamente Primeira Divisão”

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LOOKING FOR COLLOCATIONS VOCABULARY PRE-TEST First of all, veja se consegue correlacionar A com B:

A B 1. aluminum producers a. ( ) implantar mina de bauxita 2. amount of the investments b. ( ) milhares de empregos diretos 3. reinforce the growth c. ( ) produtores de alumínio 4. implant a bauxite mine d. ( ) balança comercial 5. thousands of direct job e. ( ) elogiou o gerenciamento 6. trade balance f. ( ) reforçar o crescimento 7. praised the management g. ( ) montante dos investimentos

Text 1: Alcoa announces it will invest US$ 1.6 billion in Brazil The president of Alcoa for Latin America, Franklin Feder, announced that the company, one of the world’s largest aluminum producers, will invest US$ 1.6 billion in its Brazilian operations over the next three years. The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was apprised of the amount of the investments at a meeting on Friday (23), in Brasília. According to 5 Feder, Lula emphasized the importance of the new investments for reinforcing the growth of the Brazilian economy and creating jobs. The investments will serve to expand the production of the Alumar Consortium’s aluminum oxide refinery in São Luis, Maranhão, by more than 2.1 million tons; to implant a bauxite mine in Juriti, Pará, with an initial annual 10 production of 2.6 tons; and to modernize the aluminum plant in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, the first Alcoa factory in Brazil, functioning since 1970. These investments will generate 6.5 thousand direct jobs and contribute US$ 400 million per year to the Brazilian trade balance. The global president of Alcoa, Alain Belda, who also participated in the 15 meeting, praised the current Brazilian administration’s macroeconomic management. Alcoa is active in 43 countries. In Brazil it has seven operating units, which are responsible for approximately 6 thousand jobs. (By Ana Paula Marra, Agência Brasil, Translation: David Silberstein)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2-

TALKING BUSINESS! Mesmo correndo o risco de soar repetitivo, quero bater um papo com vocês a meio caminho do percurso das dez aulas. Não ter o contato direto com vocês, falo do contato olho no olho, talvez esteja sendo minha maior dificuldade nessa primeira experiência em Cursos on-line. Sei muito bem da responsabilidade do seu momento. Já estive nessa. Há muito tempo, é bem verdade, mas ainda lembro. Quando se joga uma cartada desse naipe, é difícil esquecer. Agora, não vou arredar um centímetro do meu objetivo inicial. Qual seja, o de levá-los a um simulado de inglês bem próximo do nível que vem sendo adotado pela Banca ESAF nos concursos para a Receita. Fico imaginando, por exemplo, a reação de alguns alunos quando chegam à seção LIGHTEN UP. “Pô! Lá vem o Prof. Carlos com esses textos ridículos novamente.” Olho no olho, eu diria a esse ser mal humorado – do alto da minha experiência – Não banalize os textos aparentemente simples. Neles pode haver uma lição mais profunda do que se imagina. Portanto, continue dedicando o tempo que puder ao nosso estudo de inglês. Garanto que se você procurar atingir os objetivos que propusemos, você chegará no dia de sua prova muito mais bem preparado /a do que há 2 meses. Reforçando alguns pontos já famosos: the little word ‘of’ aparece 10 vezes. No texto sobre a Alcoa faça uma vez mais a busca das palavras transparentes, assinale 20 true cognates. Já comecei a busca para você: President, Latin América, announces, company _______________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Naturalmente, o texto 1 foi escolhido por motivos didáticos. Namely: por causa dos verbos no futuro que pretendemos revisar na seção de gramática, e,principalmente, por causa dos ótimos exemplos sobre collocation. Na área aberta do site já falei sobre esse ponto. Rapidamente para quem não viu ainda. Collocation (não há uma boa tradução para este termo) é um tema muito abrangente. Envolve o estudo de combinações de palavras comumente usadas pelos nativos da língua inglesa. Alguns exemplos do text 1: noun + noun trade balance adjective + noun annual production verb + preposition + noun participate in the meeting

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3- By the way, a propósito desse exemplo com o verbo participate, ele é geralmente seguido de in: participate in a meeting, in the campaign, etc. Esta é uma das maneiras mais eficazes de se estudar preposições. Portanto, apareceu um verbo, consulte um dicionário e veja com que preposição ele é normalmente usado. Estudo Collocation praticamente todos os dias. Hoje em dia olho um texto de forma totalmente diferente de algum tempo atrás. Escrevi um livro ‘Practicing Collocation’ - Como tornar o seu vocabulário mais fluente - que foi publicado pela Editora Impetus. Não é especificamente para concursos públicos, mas ajuda, com certeza, a todo aquele que quiser construir um vocabulário sólido e natural, usado por native speakers. Resolvi destacar o assunto collocation nesta aula para atender a alguns alunos que me mandaram e-mails falando da sua dificuldade de estudar as prepositions. Quando houve um atraso na liberação de minha senha para entrada no FORUM, respondi a alguns alunos sobre o assunto prepositions. Sem dúvida é um ponto onde há grande necessidade de memorization. Alguns casos, en passant: preposition in diante dos meses do ano: in January, in February, in December. Preposition on diante dos dias da semana : on Monday, on Tuesday, on Sunday; preposition in diante de cidades: in Rio de Janeiro, in Brasília, in London, in Belém; preposition on diante das datas completas: on May 1st , on December 25th , on November 15th, etc. preposition for para tempo decorrido: for one hour, for a year, for two centuiries, etc; preposition since indicando origem da ação: since her childhood, since 5 o’clock, since birth. Como já tive a oportunidade de responder no FORUM, não é muito provável que a ESAF cobre prepositions desse modo na prova da Receita. É aí que eu volto ao caso das collocations. Existem dicionários e publicações excelentes que vão lhes dar numerosos exemplos de noun +preposition, adjective + preposition, verbs + preposition. É exatamente aqui aonde eu quero chegar. Se estamos tratando de um ponto onde há forte necessidade de memorização, por que não memorizar com método? The search for collocations é uma estratégia que lhe permitirá obter maior agilidade de leitura. É só praticar! From text 1: noun + of + noun the amount of the investments verb + in + noun participate in the meeting noun + of + adj. + noun the importance of the new investments adj.+ noun+ of + noun annual production of 2.6 tons verb + noun + of to expand the production of adj. + for + noun responsible for 6500 jobs

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

EXPLOITING TEXT 1 A BIT MORE 1. Procure traduzir, sem utilizar nenhum dicionário, os seguintes fragmentos: a) over the next three years (L-3) ___________________________________________________________ b) was apprised of the amount of investments (L- 4/5) ___________________________________________________________ a) to modernize the aluminum plant (*) (L-12) ___________________________________________________________

WORD FORMS From Text 1 “Lula emphasized the importance of the new investments” (L-6) No fragmento do texto acima importance, evidentemente, quer dizer importância em português. O sufixo –ANCE é formador de substantives. Outra variante é –ENCE. a) The suffixes –ANCE / ENCE Exs.: Perhaps she did not pay attention to the significance of the moment. Talvez ela não tenha prestado atenção ao significado do momento. My boss said it didn’t make any difference whether I did my job one

way or another; provided I did it. Meu chefe disse que não fazia diferença se eu fizesse meu trabalho de uma

forma ou de outra, desde que eu o fizesse. Mesmo não constando do texto 1 vamos estudar os sufixos –ANT / ENT formadores de adjetivos. b) The suffixes –ANT / ENT Exs.: Perhaps she did not notice how significant that moment was to me. Talvez ela não tenha percebido o quão significativo aquele momento era

para mim.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- My boss said it was indifferent whether I did my job one way or

another; provided I did it. Meu chefe disse que era indiferente se eu fizesse meu trabalho de uma

forma ou de outra, desde que eu o fizesse. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com estas mesmas

formações quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

c) The suffix –IZE From Text 1: “to modernize the aluminum plant in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais,…”

(L-11) O sufixo –IZE é um dos formadores de verbos em inglês. Veja mais alguns exemplos: Mr. Hill is in favor of centralizing all controlling procedures at the

company. Mr. Hill é a favor de centralizar todos os procedimentos de controle na

companhia. Actually, I don’t understand why you got mixed up about answering

question 3 of the exam. Our teacher emphasized that point last week. Na verdade não entendo porque você se confundiu para responder a questão

n°3. Nossa professora enfatizou tanto aquele ponto na semana passada. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com estas mesmas

formações quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6-


From text 1: “Alcoa will invest US$ 1.6 billion in its Brazilian operations over the

next three years …” (L- 2/3) A Alcoa investira 1.6 milhão de dólares em suas operações no Brasil ao longo

dos próximos 3 anos... .... “The investments will serve to expand the production of … (L – 8) Os investimentos servirão para expandir a produção de .... “These investments will generate 6.5 thousand direct jobs…” (L-13) Esses investimentos gerarão 6.500 empregos diretos … 6.1 THE FUTURE SIMPLE To express what will happen at a later time there are various forms in English. Para expressar algo que acontecera num tempo futuro há uma gama de formas para fazê-lo em inglês. Exs.: The soccer game starts at 7 a.m. (present simple tense) O jogo de futebol começa às 7 da manhã. I can call you up at 6:30 tomorrow. (modal verb ‘can’) Posso telefonar para você às 6.30 amanhâ. My niece will be 15 next month. (future simple with ‘will’) Minha sobrinha fará quinze anos mês que vem. Kelly won’t be able to go with us because she has to baby-sit for the

Larsons’ baby. (will not [ = won’t ] + ‘be able to’) A Kelly não poderá sair conosco porque tem que cuidar do bebê dos

Larsons. Are you going to bring anybody? (one form of ‘be going to’) Você vai trazer alguém? My parents are leaving for France tomorrow.(present continuous) Meus pais estão viajando para a França amanhã. They will be getting on a plane tomorrow at this time. (fut. continuous) Estarão entrando no avião a esta hora amanha. By the end of this year I will have studied (or will have been studying)

English for 10 years. (future perfect tenses ) No final deste ano eu tarei estudado inglês há dez anos.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- 6.2 USES OF THE FUTURE SIMPLE (WILL) a) To express simple futurity or determination. Para expressar ação futura simples ou determinação. Exs.: I will be in Paris next year. Estarei em Paris no ano que vem. (Phone ringing) I’ll get it. (I’ll answer it) O telefone toca) Eu atendo! b) To express promises, offers or predictions: Para expressar promessas, ofertas e previsões] Exs.: Can I borrow $ 20 from you? I will pay you next week. (I promise) Pode me emprestar $20? Pagarei a você na semana que vem. (Promessa) It will be hard to cope with inflation. (So I predict) Será difícil enfrentar a inflação. (Assim prevejo) We will help you with those heavy suitcases. (offer) Nós ajudaremos você com suas malas pesadas. (oferta) 6.3 FUTURE CONTINUOUS Used to say that you will be carrying out something at a certain time in

the future. Usado para dizer que você estará realizando algo num tempo futuro. Exs.: Don’t worry. You can call me back later. I will be watching the news. Não se preocupe por ligar mais tarde. Estarei vendo as notícias na TV. It will be easy to recognize me. I’ll be wearing white. Será fácil me reconhecer. Estarei usando branco. Look up in Jill’s diary. See what she will be doing tomorrow at 10 a.m. Olhe na agenda da Jill. Veja o que ela estará fazendo amanhã às dez de


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8- 6.4 FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE a) It tells us about an action that will be finished by a certain future date. Diz-nos a respeito de uma ação que estará terminada numa data futura. Ex.: By the end of this year Mr. Hill will have lived in Brazil for 35 years. No final do ano o Sr. Hill terá vivido no Brasil por 35 anos. b) Shows that a future action will have happened before some other future

action happens. Mostra que uma ação futura terá acontecido antes de outra ação futura. Ex.: If you don’t hurry up, everybody will have left by the time we get there. Se não se apressar, todos já terão partido quando chegarmos lá. 6.5 FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS It conveys the same idea as the future perfect in (a) above. Expressa a mesma idéia do futuro perfeito em (a) acima. Exs : Mr. Hill will have been living here in Brazil for 40 years by the end of

this year. O Sr. Hill terá vivido no Brasil por 40 anos no fim do ano. I have an appointment with my lawyer. Will she have been waiting for a long time by the time I get thereto her office? Tinha um compromisso com minha advogada. Estará ela me esperando há muito tempo quando eu chegar no escritório dela?

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9-

MODAL VERBS: INTRODUCTION Os principais modal verbs são can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, have to, ought to. São verbos auxiliares colocados diante do verbo principal para emprestam nuances de sentido. Podem indicar permissão, possibilidade, necessidade, obrigação, etc. Modal verbs apresentam certass peculiaridades: I - não se acrescenta ‘s’ ou ‘es a terceira pessoa do singular: Ex.: She can swim. Ela sabe nadar. He can speak Italian. Ele sabe falar italiano. It should arrive any minute now. . Deve chegar a qualquer momento. b) modal verbs não são seguidos de to + infinitive (com exceção dos

quase-modais como ‘ought to’, usedto ...) Ex.: They should stay home. Elas devem ficar em casa. But: She ought to study more. c) para formar-se a negativa coloca-se ‘not’ logo após o modal verb; para

formar perguntas inverte-se o modal verb com o sujeito. Exs.: You cannot enter that area. Você não pode entrar naquela área. Would you like to visit the farm? Você gostaria de visitar a fazenda? d) os chamados ‘perfect modals’ são assim formados: modal verb + have (never has or had) + past participle do verbo principal. Exs.: Sheila kept me waiting. She should have called me up much earlier. Sheila me deixou esperando. Devia ter-me telefonado muito antes.

I might have stayed longer if you had invited me. Podia ter ficado mais tempo se você tivesse me convidado. They may have left for the airport already. Eles já devem ter ido pro aeroporto. We ought to have listened to you. Now it’s too late. Nós devíamos ter ouvido você. Agora é tarde demais.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP Complete with one of the words from the box: Specialized vocabulary: Banking

accept cautious down payment signature balance deductions mortgages take out borrow dividend restrict transact

Banks are not only places in which to save money or to (1) _______ your financial business, but also institutions from which people can (2) _______ money. Every day, people look to banks for loans, such as (3) _______ for new homes. A loan is essentially a contract that binds the lender to a schedule of payments, so both parties should be (4) _______ and not enter into the arrangement without thinking. Banks will look at such factors as how much people have saved towards (5) _______ in determining whether to make a loan. Banks have different kinds of accounts. Some pay high quarterly (6) _________. Some accounts even severely (7) ________ the number of times, if any, that you can access your account, or the amount of cash you can (8) ________. Today electronic banking can be used to check the (9) _________ on an account, or to see if automatic (10) ________ have been made. This can all be done from your home or office computer When you go to the bank, be sure to bring identification. Usually a bank will only (11) _________ a photo ID; a (12) _________ is not a valid ID. (From 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC, by Dr. Lin Lougheed, Barrons) Specialized vocabulary: Hotel tips

slightly chain resorts request automatically desk strict share

In big cities as in national parks and ________ (1), it is best to make reservations. Even if you are only _________ (2) late, it is wise to call and _________ (3) that the room be held since many hotels __________ (4) cancel reservations, if you don’t show up before 6 o’clock and 4 o’clock for the national parks. There is usually no extra charge for children under 18 who _________ (5) a room with their parents. Be sure your room is double-locked when you go out, leave the key at the reception _________ (6). (Except in New York and some large cities where you keep your key). At night, double-lock your door and fasten the security _________ (7). Drinking tap water is perfectly safe; sanitation legislation in the United States is very _________ (8). (From Pratiquer L’Américain, page 137)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11-

LIGHTEN UP! Building up your vocabulary can be fun Read the following text and then do the exercises based on it.

BUSINESS ADVICE An American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied “Only a little while”. The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish??? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The American then asked but what do you do with the rest of your time??? The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, make siesta with my wife Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, señor". The American scoffed, “1 am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise”. The Mexican fisherman asked, “But señor, how long will this all take???" To which the American replied, “15 to 20 years”. “But what then, señor ???” The American laughed and said that’s the best part, “When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions”. “Millions, señor ??? Then what???” The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos”

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12- EXERCISE 1 Complete the sentences with a verb that collocates with

the word(s) in bold. Model: I have enough to support (meet) my family’s immediate needs.

I (from the text) 1. The American told the fisherman he could ________ millions. 2. In NY the fisherman would _________ his expanding business. 3. He would announce an IPO and _______ his stock to the public. 4. The Mexican told the American that he ______ a full and busy life. 5. According to the Harvard MBA one advantage would be not having to

_______ with a middleman.

II (not from the text) 6. This morning I did not ______ a bath; I just ______ a quick shower. 7. I put on my clothes, _____ a light breakfast and ______ a bus to work. 8. The teacher asked me to _______ a copy of the exercise. 9. We told him we don’t have much time to _______ homework. 10. Never mind. _____ a few mistakes when you write an essay is normal. EXERCISE 2 Choose the better alternative in parentheses. 1. The American was visiting a small (coastal/ coasting) Mexican village. 2. I would like to congratulate you (for / on) your success. 3. Why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more (fish / fishes)? 4. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy a (flock / fleet) of

fishing boats. 5. Don’t drink your wine so fast. Just (sip/gulp) it; enjoy its taste. EXERCISE 3 Supply the word(s) as requested 1. You should spend more time fishing. Write three other verbs that collocate with the noun TIME ________ time // ________ time // ________ time 2. The fisherman did not make much money. Write three other verbs that collocate with the noun MONEY ________ money // ________ money // ________ money

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13- 3. He liked to play the guitar with his amigos. Write three other nouns that collocate with the verb PLAY play ________ // play ________ // play ________ 4. Eventually you would open your own business. Write three other verbs that collocate with the noun BUSINESS ________ business // ________ business // ________ business EXERCISE 4 - Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle. Model: S1: The American complimented the Mexican fisherman. S2: ON what? S1: ON the quality of his fish. I S1: The fisherman used to play at home. S2: ______ whom? S1: ______ his children. II S1: The fisherman would stroll every evening. S2: Where ______? S1: ______ the village. III S1: The American told the fisherman to move. S2: Where ______? S1: ______ Mexico City or LA. IV S1: The fisherman could sell his catch. S2: ______ whom? S1: ______ the processor. V S1: How did the American reply? S2: ______ what? S1: ______ the fisherman’s question. VI S1: The American said the fisherman could make/take siesta? S2: ______ whom? S1: ______ his wife Maria.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS ESAF /AFC STN/2005 Read the text below in order to answer questions 27 to 30. And on the election Before the budget which Gordon Brown presented on March 16th, many in the Labour Party hoped that the chancellor would thunder to the rescue of their faltering election campaign. But Mr. Brown hemmed in by the deficit he has built up over the past three years, did not have the freedom to make grand gestures. Instead, he had three fairly modest aims. First, he wanted to put the economy at the center of the election battle and to remind voters of its success while he has been in charge of the Treasury. Second, he wished to target disaffected Labour voters with a few modest electoral sweeteners. Third, he wanted to allay worries about a tax rise after the general election. He succeeded with the first, was quite effective with the second but had a less convincing case to make on the third. Mr. Brown does not do modesty, least of all about the economy. In his last budget he claimed that Britain was enjoying its longest period of sustained economic growth for more than 200 years. (Source The Economist 17th March 2005, Adapted) 27. Before the annual budget was announced, Labour supporters had hoped it

would a) redeem the chancellor’s reputation. b) be free from grand economic gestures. c) bring new life to their election campaign. d) overcome the large budget deficit. e) contain only easily achievable proposals. 28. The author refers to the deficit built up over the last three years and its a) encouraging results. b) lack of repercussion. c) worrying causes. d) limiting effect. e) coming solution.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- 29. In relation to a tax rise after the general election, Mr. Brown a) saw it as a political threat which was overcome b) managed to persuade voters to support it. c) intended to lessen the voters’ worries about it. d) succeeded in avoiding its negative impact on voters. e) is going to fail in his attempts to implement it. 30. Mr. Brown’s approach to his own economic achievements is marked by a) lack of vision. b) undeniable optimism. c) harmful modesty. d) undesirable pessimism e) boundless self-confidence.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

ANSWERS Correlação de A /B a. (4) // b. (5) c. (1) // d. (6 ) // e. (7) // f. (3) // g. ( 2 ) True Cognates Aluminum (US)*, producers, invest, Brazilian, operations, investments, importance, reinforcing, creating, expand, production, refinery, implant, annual, production, modernize, functioning, generate, contribute, global, participated, current, administration, active. (*) aluminium (UK) Tradução dos fragmentos a) over the next three years (=ao longo dos próximos 3 anos) // b) was apprised of the amount of investments (=foi informado do montante de investimentos) // a) to modernize the aluminum plant (= para modernizar a fábrica de alumínio) Specialized Vocabulary; Banking 1. transact 2. borrow // 3. mortgages // 4. cautious // 5. down payment // 6. dividends // 7. restrict // 8. take out // 9. balance // 10. deductions // 11. accept // 12. signature Specialized Vocabulary; Hotels 1. resorts // 2. slightly // 3. request // 4. automatically // 5. share // 6. desk // 7. chain // 8. strict LIGHTEN UP! BUSINESS ADVICE Um aluno me enviou esse texto por e-mail há tempos. Não sei quem é o autor, Não sei quanto a você, mas eu me amaro no ‘besteirol’ desse texto. E se de quebra ainda podemos praticar alguns pontos importantes, sopa no mel! EXERCISE 1 Collocations 1. make millions (= ganhara milhões - poderia ser também earn or get millions // run a business (=dirigir um negócio) // 3. An IPO (Initial public Offering) – aberturra do capital de uma empresa – sell his stock of shares(=vender seu estoque de ações)// 4. he had a full and busy life (levava uma vida plena e ativa ) // 5. deal with a middleman (=lidar, negociar com um intermediário) II - 6. take a bath (=tomar um banho) / took a quick shower (= tomar uma ducha rápida) // 7. had a light breakfast ( tomei um café da manha leve // took a bus to work (= tomei um ônibus pro trabalho) // 8. to make/take a copy (=tirar, fazer uma cópia) // 9. to do homework (fazer trafas de casa) // 10. make a few mistakes (=cometer alguns erros)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- EXERCISE 2 better alternatives 1. visit a small coastal Mexican village (= visitor uma pequena aldeia costeira no México // 2. congratulate you on your success ( parabenizar alguém pelo seu sucesso) // 3. catch more fish (pegar mais peixes) // 4. a fleet of fishing boats (=uma frota de barcos pesqueiros // 5. sip your wine, enjoy its taste.( beba devagarzinho seu vinho, deguste-o) EXERCISE 3 word(s) as requested 1. kill time (=matar o tempo, fazer hora) // waste time (perder, despediçar o

tempo) // do time ( cumprir pena, tempo na cadeia) 2. earn money (=ganhar dinheiro) // launder money (= lavar dinheiro//

waste money ( =desperdiçar dinheiro) 3. play soccer(or football (=jogar futebol) // play the foool (=bancar o tolo)

// play lawyer (=bancar o advogado) 4. do business // (=fazer negócios)// manage a business (=dirigir um negócio,

uma empresa // set up a business (=instalar um negócio) EXERCISE 4- preposition or particle. I S1: The fisherman used to play at home. S2: WITH whom? S1: WITH his children. II S1: The fisherman would stroll every evening. S2: Where TO? S1: TO the village. III S1: The American told the fisherman to move. S2: Where TO? S1: TO Mexico City or LA. IV S1: The fisherman could sell his catch. S2: TO whom? S1: TO the processor. V S1: How did the American reply? S2: TO what? S1: TO the fisherman’s question. VI S1: The American said the fisherman could make/take siesta? S2: WITH whom? S1: WITH his wife Maria.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- ESAF /AFC STN / 2005 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. E. Algumas considerações fundamentais sobre o texto And on the election, extraído de uma publicação de grande prestígio (The Economist) e de onde a banca ESAF tem repetidas vezes retirado textos para suas provas. Qual é a grande diferença entre o texto de cunho jornalístico mais light da Alcoa e este da The Economist? O campo semântico, certo? E aí voltamos ao que eu venho falando desde a aula zero, a aula demonstrativa. Não há mágica: é preciso, ler, ler, e ler! Muito provavelmente num dos textos pelo menos haverá itens do chamado “economês”. Retiremos um exemplo do texto And on the election: Budget (n.) (=orçamento). Até admito que você não soubesse o significado dessa palavra antes. A partir de agora não só budget como também o adjetivo budgetary (=orçamentário) e, se tiver comprado a minha idéia sobre collocations, inclua também: a tight budget (=um orçamento apertado), an annual budget (=orçamento anual) etc. e tudo o mais relacionado ao collocational field dessa palavra que você venha a encontrar. Devido à sua especificidade a palavra budget and ‘family’ têm que fazer parte do seu wordbank, quiça de seu HD mental, ou seja, tem que estar na massa. Tradução de alguns fragmento do texto “And on the election” (Você poderá observar que, na maioria dos casos, se trata de fragmentos com vocabulário rebuscado com as metáforas encontradas nas publicações como a The Economist, Newsweek, Time, The New York Times, etc.) 1. (Brown) would thunder to the rescue of their faltering election campaign clamaria por socorro à sua campanha eleitoral claudicante 2. hemmed in by the deficit he has built up over the past three years tolhido pelo déficit que ele acumulou ao longo dos últimos 3 anos 3. Instead, he had three fairly modest aims. Ao invés disso, tinha três objetivos bem modestos. 4. to put the economy at the center of the election battle para colocar a economia no centro da batalha eleitoral. 5. to allay worries about a tax rise para aplacar as preocupações sobre um aumento de impostos 6. had a less convincing case to make tinha aí um ponto menos convincente 7. Mr. Brown does not do modesty a modéstia não é um dos seu pontos fortes 8. was enjoying its longest period of sustained economic growth estava desfrutando de seu mais longo período de crescimento com uma

economia sustentável.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- AULA 5 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (IV): looking for collocations Estratégia de Leitura (IV): buscando collocations II – Study of text 1: Alcoa’s investments Estudo do texto1: “Os investimentos da Alcoa” III – Collocation: verbs, adjectives, nouns + prepositions Collocation : verbos, adjetivos, substantivos + preposição IV – Word Forms – The suffixes: –ANCE /-ENCE // -ANT/-ENT Formação de Palavras – Sufixos: -ANCE / -ENCE / -ANT / -ENT V - Summary of Verb Tenses: Future Tenses Resumo dos tempos verbais: Os tempos futuros VI – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: Banking / Hotel

Tips Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: termos bancários / dicas

sobre hotéis VII– Lighten up! Business Advice -The fisherman and the expert Relaxe! Conselho de Negócios - O pescador e o perito – uma historinha VIII– Analysis of past exams: ESAF / AFC/STN – 2005 Text: “And on the election” Análise de provas anteriores: ESAF / AFC / STN – 2005 Texto: “E quanto à eleição”

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GUESSING MEANING WITH MODALS Social Security Announces 4.1 Percent Benefit Increase for 2006 Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits for more than 52 million Americans will increase 4.1 percent in 2006, the Social Security Administration announced today. Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits increase automatically each year based on the rise in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), from the third quarter of the prior year to the corresponding period of the current year. This year’s increase in the CPI-W was 4.1 percent. The 4.1 percent Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits that more than 48 million Social Security beneficiaries receive in January 2006. Increased payments to 7 million Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries will begin on December 30. Some other changes that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages. Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will increase to $94,200 from $90,000. Of the estimated 161 million workers who will pay Social Security taxes in 2006, about 11.3 million will pay higher taxes as a result of the increase in the taxable maximum in 2006. It is important to note that no one’s Social Security benefit will decrease as a result of the 2006 Medicare Part B premium increase, announced last month. By law, the Part B premium increase cannot be larger than a beneficiary’s Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) increase. (Excerpt from News Release – o site oficial do governo dos EUA)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2-

EXPLOITATION OF TEXT 1 Copie do texto inicial três exemplos de construções no futuro: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Translate the following fragments from text 1:

Social Security Benefit increase Consumer Price Index Urban Wage Earners Clerical Workers Cost-of-Living Adjustment average wages taxable maximum Social Security taxes premium increase

Take a look at a US Social Security card. (Na cultura Americana este cartão é tão importante quanto o nosso CIC com o nosso CPF.

From Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3-

WORD FORMS From Text 1: Desta vez não vou apresentar nenhum novo sufixo. Instead, vou pedir que você localize no texto 1 o maior número de palavras com formação sufixal que você puder: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

READING COMPREHENSION About Text 1: On Social Security Write (T) for true or (F) for false: 1. ( ) You can affirm that Social Security and Supplemental Security Income

benefits for many citizens in the US will tumble in 2006. 2. ( ) It is the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical

Workers (CPI-W) that could determine how much Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits vary every year.

3. ( ) Over 48 million Social Security beneficiaries might benefit from Cost-

of-Living Adjustment as of January 2006. 4. ( ) Approximately 7% of the workers will pay higher Social Security taxes

in 2006. 5. ( ) 2006 Medicare Part B premium increase may not be larger than a

beneficiary’s Cost-of-Living Adjustment increase.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

MODAL VERBS Os principais modal verbs são can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, have to, ought to. São verbos auxiliares colocados diante do verbo principal para emprestam nuances de sentido. Podem indicar permissão, possibilidade, necessidade, obrigação, etc. Modal verbs apresentam certas peculiaridades: a) não se acrescenta ‘s’ ou ‘es a terceira pessoa do singular: Ex.: She can swim. Ela sabe nadar. He can speak Italian. Ele sabe falar italiano. It should arrive any minute now. . Deve chegar a qualquer momento. b) modal verbs não são seguidos de to + infinitive (com exceção dos

quase-modais como ‘ought to’, used to ...) Ex.: They should stay home. Elas devem ficar em casa. But: She ought to study more. Ela deve estudar mais. c) para formar-se a negativa coloca-se ‘not’ logo após o modal verb; para

formar perguntas inverte-se o modal verb com o sujeito. Exs.: You cannot enter that area. Você não pode entrar naquela área. Would you like to visit the farm? Você gostaria de visitar a fazenda? d) os chamados ‘perfect modals’ são assim formados:

modal verb + have (never has or had) + past participle of principal verb. Exs.: Sheila kept me waiting. She should have called me up much earlier. Sheila me deixou esperando. Devia ter-me telefonado muito antes.

I might have stayed longer if you had invited me. Podia ter ficado mais tempo se você tivesse me convidado.

They may have left for the airport already. Eles já devem ter ido pro aeroporto.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5-

GUESSING MEANING WITH MODALS From Text 1 “…the Part B premium increase cannot be larger than a beneficiary’s Cost-of-Living Adjustment increase” (L-21/22) Os modal verbs permitem que você utilize uma outra reading strategy, qual seja, a de buscar o significado de trechos nos textos onde eles aparecem indicando, como já dissemos, permission, possbility, probability, necessity, obligation, etc. No exemplo do texto 1 o aumento dos prêmios não pode ser maior do que o ajuste do índice do custo de vida. Rapidamente, vamos analisar alguns exemplos com os verbos can / could: Ms. Lark’s boss said to her: ‘You can leave now.” O chefe da Ms. Lark lhe disse: - Você pode sair agora. (ou seja, ele lhe deu permissão) Se tivesse sido usado o verbo may, por exemplo, ficaria muito mais formal. Agora, se tivesse sido usado o verbo must. Mudaria tudo de figura. Ms. Lark’s boss told her: ‘You must leave now.” O chefe da Ms. Lark lhe disse: - Você tem que sair agora. (ou seja, por algum motivo ela tem que sair; está obrigada a fazê-lo agora) Mrs. Sorensen is busy now, but she can see you tomorrow afternoon. A Sra Sorensen está ocupada agora, mas poderá vê-lo amanhã à tarde. (claramente o verbo can está indicando possibilidade no futuro aqui) It can’t / couldn’t have been John you saw at the station, he’s been here with us all the time. Não pode / Não podia ter sido o John que você viu na estação, ele esteve conosco aqui o tempo todo. (já aqui os verbos can /could são usados para indicar uma probabilidade muito forte, quase certeza. É como se disséssemos: You must have seen somebody else)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6-

IF CLAUSES Agora que já revisamos a maioria dos tempos verbais e começamos a enfatizar o estudo dos modal verbs, é hora de se introduzir essas famosas IF-CLAUSES, as orações condicionais geralmente introduzidas pela conjunção IF. Dê a sua tradução das frases na linhas abaixo: Há três estruturas principais: A. future in main clause // present simple in if-clauses Ex: I will visit you, if I have the money for the ticket. _________________________________________________________ If my boss promotes me, I will make more money. _________________________________________________________ B. conditional in main clause // past simple in if-clauses Ex: I would visit you, if I had the money for the ticket. _________________________________________________________ If my boss promoted me, I would make more money. _________________________________________________________ C. conditional perfect in main clause // past perfect in if-clauses Ex.: I would have visited you, if I had had the money for the ticket. _________________________________________________________ If my boss had promoted me, I would have made more money. _________________________________________________________ Estude também as estruturas em que aprecem os ‘if-equivalents’ I - Use of Unless (if ... not) Exs.: I wouldn’t go to the stadium unless I felt perfectly fine. _________________________________________________________ Unless he had been informed, how could he have been tailing us? _________________________________________________________ I won’t go to that nightclub unless Gilda goes with us. _________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- II - Provided (that) / Providing (that) Ex.: Provided that you follow my instructions, you may pass the test. (i.e. If you follow my instructions ...) _________________________________________________________ III - Supposing (that) Ex.: Supposing you had five minutes to spare, would you talk to me? (i.e. If you had 5 min to spare,....) _________________________________________________________ IV - So long as Ex.: So long as we have Barbara baby-sitting for our son, we can go to the

theater. (i.e. If we have ....) _________________________________________________________ V - On condition that Ex.: You can borrow my dictionary on condition that you return tomorrow. _________________________________________________________ EXERCISE Rewrite the sentences using the ‘if equivalents’ in bold: 1. If you need my help, you should see me at my office tomorrow. Supposing ________________________________________________ 2. If you had asked for Rose’s DVD, she might have lent it to you. Providing that _____________________________________________ 3. If you hand in your term papers in time you may start phase II of our

literature course. On condition that __________________________________________ 4. If Lisa does not go to the dance, I won’t go either. Unless _____________________________________________ 5. If she invites you to the baby shower, will you go? Provided that _____________________________________________ 6. If you stick to your old fashioned practices, you won’t be successful. So long as _____________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-


I - A MATTER OF I.Q. Albert Einstein arrives in heaven and is told that he’ll he rooming with four other men. So he introduces himself to the group. “Glad to meet you,” says the 1st roommate. “By the way, my I.Q. is 180.” “Good,” replies Einstein, “We'll be able to discuss quantum physics.” “I have an I.Q. of 159,” the second interjects. “Splendid - we can talk about the latest mathematical theories.” “As for me,” says the third man, “my I.Q. is 132.” “Delighted,” Einstein replies. “We can debate the current state of the arts.” “I’m honored to meet you,” the last man in the group says. “But my I.Q. is only 85.” “That's all right,” Einstein answers, shaking the man’s hand. “So tell me, where do you think interest rates are headed?” O que o modal verb ‘can’ está indicando na anedota acima em: a) can talk about __________________________________________ b) can debate __________________________________________

II – AT HIS FINGERTIPS George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), the great Irish dramatist, was celebrating his ninetieth birthday. Among the guests was Fabian, Scotland Yard's famous detective. At Fabian’s suggestion Shaw agreed to have his fingerprints recorded for posterity. To the amazement of both, Shaw's fingerprints were so faint that no impression could be obtained. “Well,” announced Shaw “if I had known this before I would certainly have chosen another profession.” (Adapted from The Little Brown Book of Anecdotes, edited by Clifton Fadiman) Traduza o exemplo de oração condicional (if-clause) na anedota acima: “if I had known this before I would certainly have chosen another profession…” _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP Mini-text 1: Fighting for a Level Playing Field

regional full overall productive foreign specific available opportunities

MAC's ___________ (1) objectives are to obtain market access for American firms and workers and to achieve ___________ (2) compliance by foreign nations with trade agreements they sign with our country. U.S businesses and workers are the most ___________ (3) in the world, but often find difficulties exporting their goods and services because of ___________ (4) barriers to trade. MAC can help. Once a problem is identified, MAC uses all ___________ (5) resources to assist American businesses and workers in finding a solution. To help U.S. companies and workers obtain the fullest market ____________ (6), the MAC team is divided into country and __________ (7) experts and staff specializing in _________ (8) trade agreements. Visit: (*) Market Access and Compliance (MAC) Mini-text 1: Free Trade Agreements

strengthen compete integral groundbreaking economic encourage easing manufacturing

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) can help your company to enter and ___________ (1) more easily in the global marketplace. Trade agreements help level the international playing field and ___________ (2) foreign governments to adopt open and transparent rulemaking procedures, as well as non-discriminatory laws and regulations. FTAs help ___________ (3) business climates by eliminating or reducing tariff rates, improving intellectual property regulations, opening government procurement opportunities, ____________ (4), investment rules, and much more. International trade is an ____________ (5) part of the U.S. economy, accounting for more than one-quarter of U.S. gross domestic product and supporting more than 12 million U.S. jobs, including 1 in 5 ____________ (6) positions. FTAs can be a catalyst for accelerating ____________ (7), growth by allowing greater competition, encouraging the formation of international partnerships, and by greatly liberalizing many industries. Most FTAs include specific obligations in the areas of intellectual property, services, investment, and telecommunications. Many FTAs also provide for ____________ (8), cooperation in promoting labor rights and the environment. Visit:

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10- Specialized vocabulary: Income Complete the text by using the following words:

cost differentials distribution salary rent inequality profits progressive earn standard income purchasing

Money paid, usually weekly and often in cash, to a worker for work done is called a wage (or wages). A (1) _____________ is a regular payment made to an employee, usually by a bank transfer or cheque at the end of the month. A real wage is an actual wage deflated (divided) by the consumer price index; this gives the (2) ____________ power of an hour’s work. Skilled work is usually rewarded by higher pay than unskilled work. Skills, knowledge and expertise acquired in education or special training are also known as human capital, and are usually remunerated. On the contrary, compensating (3) ______________ are often paid to persuade unskilled people to take dangerous, dirty, inconvenient or tedious jobs. Subsistence wages are the minimum amount needed to support a person’s life. Fortunately, most people in industrial and post-industrial countries (4) _____________ rather more than this. If higher wages tempt people to work longer hours, this is known as the substitution effect. But after a certain point, higher wages mean that workers can afford to work fewer hours; this is the (5) ____________ effect. The (6) ____________ of living is defined as the level of prosperity in terms of material or social benefits (which are related to income and wealth). The (7) ___________ of living is the amount of money that must be paid for food, housing, clothing, and so on. In economics, unlike in marketing, (8) ____________ concerns. the allocation of factors of production - land, which earns (9) ____________ , labour which earns wages and capital, which earns interest and/or profits and their market prices. Income is the flow of money earned or collected during a given period, including wages and salaries, interest payments, rental income, and (10) ____________ from business. (11) ____________ or redistributive taxation can reduce income (12) ____________. Wealth is the net stock of tangible and financial assets owned at any particular time. (From Financial English by Ian Mackenzie, page 106, LTP)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- Specialized vocabulary: collocations & technical terms Correlacione as colunas.

A B 1. real estate agent a. ( ) poder de compra 2. social welfare b. ( ) corretor imobiliário 3. securities analyst c. ( ) assistência social 4. power of attorney d. ( ) analista de valores imobiliários 5.purchasing power e. ( ) procuração

C D 1. common stock a. ( ) conhecimento de embarque 2. bill of exchange b. ( ) baixa rentabilidade 3. low yield c. ( ) letra de câmbio 4. taxable income d. ( ) ações ordinárias 5. bill of lading e. ( ) renda tributável

E F 1. interest bearing account a. ( ) armazém aduaneiro 2. customs warehouse b. ( ) empréstimo externo 3. foreign loan c. ( ) conta remunerada 4. book keeping d. ( ) evasão de capital 5. capital flight e. ( ) escrituração contábil

G H 1. mortgage a. ( ) inscrição da dívida 2. withholding tax b. ( ) receita arrecadada 3. registration of debt c. ( ) vara de fazenda 4. tax court d. ( ) hipoteca 5. revenue receipts e. ( ) imposto na fonte

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS Going for the Big Guy Silvio Berlusconi was dapper as ever last week - so sleek and smooth in his double-breasted suit, in fact, you could almost forget the Italian Prime Minister was in court facing bribery charges. He barely broke a sweat during 50 minutes of ‘spontaneous remarks’ in a stuffy, packed courtroom, as he became the first sitting Prime Minister ever to testify at his own criminal trial. Listening just a few feet from the billionaire leader was another cool - though far more casually clad - customer. For this historic court date, lead prosecutor Ilda Boccassini’s usual uniform of a light blue denim jacket and white tennis shoes could be seen peeking out from her black magistrate’s robe. Beyond her sartorial choices, there is noting casual about the 53-year-old prosecutor. Boccassini has busted Mafia killers and crooked judges and is now trying to reel in the biggest fish of all. Berlusconi is accused in an alleged 1980s plot to bribe judges but he has denied any wrongdoings, saying the charges amount to a political coup attempt by leftish magistrates looking to undo his success. Renato Schifani, Senate leader for the Prime Minister Italia party, told TIME that Boccassini is one of the key leaders of an “anti-Berlusconi crusade’ in the Milan magistrate's office. After helping unravel Mob connections in Milan in the 1980s, and later moving to Sicily to convict the killers of anti-Mafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone, Boccassini returned north to eventually team up with anti-corruption prosecutor Gherardo Colombo in the Prime Minister’s case. (FGV / 2005 Adapted from Going for the Big Guy in TIME, May 19, 2003) 61. From lines 1 to 5 we infer that Silvio Berlusconi is A) a member of the jury B) the accuser C) the plaintiff D) the defendant E) the convict 62. According to line 4, the courtroom is A) airy and bare. B) spacious and cool. C) crowded and badly ventilated. D) gloomy and damp. E) small and cramped.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13- 63. According to paragraph 1, A) Berlusconi’s looks revealed his anxiety. B) Berlusconi was wet with sweat. C) Berlusconi was poorly dressed. D) Berlusconi looked so neat and smart that it was hard to see him as the

accused. E) Berlusconi seemed so concerned and troubled that one could almost

forget that he was the Prime Minister. 64. According to lines 4 to 7, Berlusconi A) is the former Prime Minister B) is the Prime Minister in office C) has been out of office due to a series of accusations D) is sitting on a jury. E) is the newly-appointed Prime Minister 65. Choose the one item which best completes the sentence.' Berlusconi was charged ____ bribery. (A) with (B) of (C) for (D) on (E) at 66. In the text, CLAD (L-7) can be replaced without any loss of meaning by A) chosen B) dressed C) overdressed D) unveiled E) found 67. In the text the phrase sartorial choices (line 12) is concerned with A) one's skill to make a careful choice. B) one's impartiality in giving judgment. C) one's ability to judge correctly. D) one's promptness to make up one’s mind. E) one's preference for clothes.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14- 68. According to paragraph 2, Berlusconi A) felt Impotent before the accusation of bribery brought against him. B) crumbed under the pressure of bribery charges. C) showed his vulnerability at court. D) tried to rebut charges against him by spreading blame on others. E) brought evidence to court to refute the charges of bribery. 69. From the text as a whole we deduce that Ilda Boccassini is A) a tenacious professional. B) a tendentious prosecutor. C) a lenient investigator in her field. D) a biased leader E) a crusader with an inborn talent for fighting organised crime. 70. According to paragraphs 2 and 3. all the following statements can be

considered correct, EXCEPT A) Boccassini is likely to bring dawn Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi In the

long run B) Boccassini has had a very successful career as a prosecutor so far C) Berlusconi is bound to get away with his crimes D) Berlusconi refused to plead guilty to the charges of bribery E) Boccassini is ready to keep on fighting against the Italian Prime Minister

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15-

ANSWERS 3 exemplos de construções no futuro: will increase (L-2/15), will begin (L-9/12), will decrease (L-19) Translate the following fragments from text 1:

Social Security Previdência social Benefit increase Aumento dos benefícios Consumer Price Index Índice de preço ao consumidor Urban Wage Earners Percebedores de salários nas cidades

Clerical Workers Trabalhadores em escritórios Cost-of-Living Adjustment Ajuste no custo de vida average wages salários médios taxable maximum Máximo tributável Social Security taxes Contribuições previdenciárias premium increase Aumento nos preços de seguridade

suffixes Monthly, Supplemental, Security, Americans, Administration, automatically. consumer, earners, workers, corresponding, adjustment, payments, beneficiaries, earnings, taxable, estimated, higher, important, … True or False ? 1. (F) ‘tumble ‘ é um dos verbos em inglês que indica queda brusca. O texto fala em increase (=incrementar) 2. (F) deve ser determine sem o modal verb. Could determine mudaria todo o sentido do texto para poderia determinar. 3. (F) will benefit é a idéia. Eles se beneficiarão. 4. (T) 5. (F) deve ser cannot be larger, ou seja, não ode ser maior que ...

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16- IF CLAUSES I will visit you, if I have the money for the ticket. Eu visitarei você se tiver dinheiro para a passagem. If my boss promotes me, I will make more money. Se meu chefe me promover eu ganharei mais dinheiro. . I would visit you, if I had the money for the ticket. Eu visitaria você se tivesse dinheiro para a passagem. If my boss promoted me, I would make more money. Se meu chefe me promovesse eu ganharia mais dinheiro. . I would have visited you, if I had had the money for the ticket. Eu teria visitado você se tivesse tido dinheiro para a passagem. If my boss had promoted me, I would have made more money. Se meu chefe tivesse me promovido eu teria ganho mais dinheiro. I wouldn’t go to the stadium unless I felt perfectly fine. Eu não iria ao estádio se não me sentisse perfeitamente bem. Unless he had been informed, how could he have been tailing us? A menos que ele tivesse sido informado como poderia estar nos seguindo? I won’t go to that nightclub unless Gilda goes with us. Não irei àquela boate a não ser que a Gilda vá comigo. Provided that you follow my instructions, you may pass the test. (Com a condição que você siga) Se você seguir minhas instruções, você poderá passar no exame. Supposing you had five minutes to spare, would you talk to me? Supondo que você tivesse) Se você tivesse 5 min. Livres, falaria comigo? So long as we have Barbara baby-sitting for our son, we can go to the theater. (Desde que tenhamos a Bárbara cuidando das crianças poderemos ir ao teatro. . You can borrow my dictionary on condition that you return tomorrow. Você pode pegar meu dicionário emprestado com a condição de devolvê-lo amanhã

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- Using the ‘if equivalents’ in bold 1. If you need my help, you should see me at my office tomorrow. Supposing you need my help, you should see me at my office tomorrow 2. If you had asked for Rose’s DVD, she might have lent it to you. Providing that you had asked for Rose’s DVD, she might have lent it to you 3. If you hand in your term papers in time you may start phase II of our literature course. On condition that you hand in your term papers in time you may start phase II of our literature course. 4. If Lisa does not go to the dance, I won’t go either. Unless Lisa goes to the dance, I won’t go either. 5. If she invites you to the baby shower, will you go? Provided that she invites you to the baby shower, will you go 6. If you stick to your old fashioned practices, you won’t be successful. So long as you stick to your old fashioned practices, you won’t be successful 1. Einstein’s anecdote can talk about (= poderemos, seremos capazes de falar sobre …) // can debate (=poderemos, seremos capazes de debater) 2. Shaw’s anecdote Se eu tivesse sabido disto antes teria certamente escolhido outra profissão. Mini-text 1 1. overall // 2. full // 3. productive // 4. regional // 5. available // 6. opportunities // 7. foreign // 8. specific Mini-text 2 1. compete // 2. encourage // 3. strengthen // 4. easing // 5. integral // 6. manufacturing // 7. economic // 8. groundbreaking Specialized vocabulary: Income 1. salary // 2. purchasing // 3. differentials// 4. earn // 5. income // 6. standard // 7. cost // 8. distribution // 9. rent // 10. profits // 11. progressive // 12. inequality

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- Matching // Correlacione as colunas. A/B a. (5) // b. (1) // c. (2) // d. (3) // e. (4) C/ D a. (5) // b. (3) // c. (2) // d. (1) // e. (4) E/F a. (2) // b. (3) // c. (1) // d. (5) // e. (4) G/H a. (3) // b. (5) // c. (4) // d. (1) // e. (2) A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS FGV 2005 Silvio Berlusconi 61. D 62. C 63. D 64. B 65. A 66. B 67. E 68. D 69. A 70. C

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- AULA 6 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (IV): guessing meanign with modal verbs Estratégia de Leitura (IV): adivinhando o significado com os verbos modais II – Study of text 1: Social Security Estudo do texto1: “Previdência Social ” III – Reading Comprehension: Social Security - True or False? Compreensão de Leitura: Previdência Social: Falso ou Verdadeiro? IV - Word Forms – The suffixes ensemble Formação de Palavras – Sufixos em conjunto V - Modal Verbs: characteristics / Can /Could in particular Características dos verbos modais: Verbos can /could em especial VI - Conditions // If-clauses Orações condicionais (orações com ‘IF’) VII– Lighten up! Einstein’s / Shaw’s stories Relaxe! Anedotas sobre Einstein e G.Bernard Shaw VIII – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: International

Trade / Free Trade Agreements // Income / Matching columns: Technical terms

Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: comércio internacional / Acordos de Livre Comércio // Renda // Terminologia técnica (correlacionando colunas)

IX– Analysis of past exams: FGV – 2005 Text: “Going for the Big Guy” Análise de provas anteriores: FGV – 2005 Texto: “Em busca do Grande Chefão”

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Pre-testing Vocabulary No quadro seguinte você encontra transparent words associadas a outras não tão evidentes. Faça o skimming do texto e, sem dicionário, traduza-as.

A B 1. manufacturing company 2. personal care 3. a new campaign 4. new brand logo 5. an integral part 6. the company’s packaging 7. different icons 8. consumer benefits 9. competitive advantage 10. the company’s future policy

Text 1: Unilever’s brand new identity The UK based global foods and home and personal care products manufacturing company recently announced the launch of a new mission entitled ‘Vitality’ as the base of its future policy. Central to the new direction are a Mission 5 Statement and logo. The new Mission reads, “Unilever’s mission is to add vitality to life. We meet the everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.” 10 Although the new brand logo forms an integral part of Unilever’s new campaign, which was officially launched in May, it did not appear on the company’s packaging until 1 July. The new logo tells the story of Unilever and vitality. It brings together 25 different icons representing Unilever and its brands, the idea of vitality and the benefits we bring to consumers and the world 15 we operate in. “Our mission is full of promise for the future, opening up exciting opportunities where we have competitive advantage for developing our business and our new logo will help us confidently identify ourselves in every aspect of our business,” explained Antony Burgmans and Niall Fitzgerald, the Chairmen 20 of Unilever worldwide. (From Britain Brasil magazine, p.7, July /August 2004)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- Faça o intensive reading do texto 1 antes de responder as questões abaixo que bem poderiam estar no mock text (=teste simulado) ao final do curso. Procure aplicar todas as técnicas já estudadas. No final desta aula dou as respostas. Good Luck! READING COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best option: 1. According to the author, two items are central to the company’s future policy a) add vitality to life and personal care. b) help people feel good and nutrition. c) a mission statement and a new logo. d) a vital mission and consumer benefits. e) promise for the future and hygiene. 2. ‘Although’ (L-10) at the beginning of the third paragraph indicates a) concession and could be replaced by though. b) result and could be replaced by therefore. c) purpose and could be replaced by thus d) addition and could be replaced by furthermore. e) comparison and could be substituted by likewise. 3.The Chairmen of Unilever, in their statement, expressed a) concern about consumers’ acceptance of the company’s policy. b) renewed promised for the company’s clients. c) doubts about the acceptance of the new logo. d) optimism about the future of the company. e) confidence in the company’s icons. 4. In the text, the word that is a synonym of ‘declaration’ is a) policy. b) brands. c) logo. d) launch. e) statement. 5. In the 3rd paragraph the pronoun ‘it’ (L-12) refers to a) new campaign. b) company’s packaging. c) the brand logo. d) an integral part. e) different icon.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3- Se você tivesse que fazer a busca das palavras transparentes, das palavras com formação prefixal e sufixal das collocations e tudo o mais que vimos estudando você as encontraria no texto a seguir. Mas, gostaria que first and foremost você fizesse o vocabulary pre-test.

A B 1. take a strong pride in a. ( ) sua população crescente 2. standing witness to b. ( ) até onde a vista alcança 3. one truck stop c. ( ) novos pólos econômicos 4. with a banner saying d. ( ) alguma vegetação rasteira 5. patches of stunted growth e. ( ) os produtores indicam 6. as far as the eyes can see f. ( ) a moderna cidade se gaba 7. its growing population g. ( ) tem um grande orgulho de 8. new economic hubs. h. ( ) são o testemunho de 9. producers point out as i. ( ) parada de caminhões 10. the modern town boasts j. ( ) com uma faixa dizendo

Text 2: Primavera do Leste Most towns or cities in Brazil usually take a strong pride in their historic past and have at least a few old buildings or monuments standing witness to earlier days. But in Primavera do Leste, a booming agribusiness town 230 kilometers east of Mato Grosso’s state capital, Cuiabá, the oldest historic landmark you will find is a common filling station and truck stop with a banner 5 saying: “Where it all began”. Where a few years ago there was virtually nothing but dust-covered savanna and patches of stunted growth, thousands of acres of soy and cotton fields now spread out as far as the eye can see, earning millions of dollars on world markets and turning the still small city into one of Brazil’s latest new 10 economic hubs. Regional roads and telecommunications, however, are two aspects local entrepreneurs and producers point out as very precarious, forming obstacles to further growth seriously affecting production and marketing costs. Founded only 17 years ago, everything in Primavera, as it is usually referred to, is new - from its modern architecture to its growing population. 15 Only the very young can proudly say they were born here. Valentim Martignano, one of the district’s oldest pioneers arrived here from Paraná state some 22 years ago, “All I saw was a gas station, a general store six houses and a lot of dust,” he recalls. Today the modern town boasts 50,000 inhabitants, and projections by the Brazilian institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) are of 20 a population of 100,000 in five years’ time. (From UPDATE, by William Vanvolsen, p.24, May/2003, American Chamber of Commerce publication)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

EXPLOITATION OF TEXT 2 1. Retire do texto 3 exemplos com verbos no past simple ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Retire do texto 3 exemplos com verbos no present simple ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Retire do texto 1 exemplo com verbo no future simple ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Retire do texto locuções (collocations) formadas por adjective + noun ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Retire do texto locuções (collocations) formadas por noun + noun ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. O que a palavra ‘however’ (L-11) está indicando mo discourse marker? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. De que outra forma se pode escrever o seguinte fragmento do texto: ‘Founded only 17 years ago ...” (L- 14) ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Como você traduz o seguinte fragmento: earning millions of dollars on world markets (L-9/10) ___________________________________________________________________________ Say whether each statement is (T) true or (F) false: a) ‘Most towns’ (L-1) corresponds to The majority of towns … ( ) b) “ …a few old buildings” (L-2) corresponds to Not many buildings ( ) c) “…virtually nothing but dust-covered savanna…” (L-7) A palavra ‘but’ no fragmento pode ser substituída por except sem prejuízo do sentido. ( ) d) “…turning the still small city into one of Brazil’s…” (L-10) No fragmento a palavra still pode ser substituída por ‘yet’. ( ) e) ‘All I saw was a gas station’ (L-18) Neste fragmento do texto poderíamos inserir a palavra ‘that’ antes do sujeito sem prejuízo do sentido ( )

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5-

AFFIXES ENSEMBLE From text 2: “… aspects local entrepreneurs and producers point out as very precarious” (L-12). A palavra in bold significa ‘empresários’. Se quiséssemos falar de capacidade empresarial diríamos entrepreneurial skill usando o adjetivo. Existe também o substantivo entrepreneurship para indicar o que é próprio da atividade empresarial. I - Forme uma palavra derivada por formação prefixal ou sufixal conforme o caso: 1. Tendo-se ‘understanding’, como você forma ‘mal-entendido’ com a

adição de um prefixo? _________________________________

2. Tendo-se ‘superior’, como você forma ‘superioridade’ com a adição de um

sufixo? _________________________________

3. Tendo-se ‘aggressive’, como você forma ‘agressividade’ com a adição de

um sufixo? _________________________________

4. Tendo-se ‘brother’, como você forma ‘fraternidade’ com a adição de um

sufixo? _________________________________

5. Tendo-se ‘child’, como você forma ‘infantil ’ com a adição de um sufixo?

_________________________________ II – Usando cada um dos prefixos que formam antônimos preencha as frases


IL- UN- IN- IR- IM- NON- 1. That was one of the minister’s most ____ fortunate comments during the

press conference. 2. The Pope was already ill and that was one of his _____ frequent visits to

the little town. 3. Nobody can base his decision on those ____ precise data. 4. Most of us took part in the ____ violent demonstration. 5. I’m sorry but I can’t read what you wrote here. It’s ____ legible. 6. You need to study ____ regular verbs, too.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6-

CONFUSABLE WORDS From text 2: “… turning the still small city into one of Brazil’s latest new economic hubs.” (L-10/11) Economic x Economical a) Economic (adj.) = relacionado com a ciência econômica. The economic measures adopted by finance minister Antonio Palocci were correct. As medidas econômicas adotadas pelo ministro da fazenda Antonio Palocci pelo foram corretas. b) Economical (adj.) = tem a ver com economizar, ser econômico. His wife is more economical than mine. A esposa dele é mais econômica do que a minha. Further x Farther Ambas as palavras são formas comparativas de do adjetivo ‘far’. Normalmente usadas da seguinte forma. a) farther (adj) = relacionado com a distância. She lives farther north. It will take us a few more minutes to ge there. Ela mora mais ao norte. Vai demorar uns minutos mais para chegar lá. b) further (adj) = significando ‘adicional’ No further questions, Your Honor. Sem mais perguntas, meritíssimo. My boss told us he needs further details before he can make a decision. O chefe falou que precisa de detalhes adicionais para tomar uma decisão.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- Founded x Funded x Found a) Found (r.v) (founded, founded) (=fundar) Primavera do Leste was founded some years ago. Primavera do Leste foi fundada há alguns anos. This tradition dates back to the Founding Fathers’ days. Esta tradição data da época dos fundadores da Nação. b) fund (r.v) (funded, funded) (= financiar, prover com verbas , recursos) As far as I know it was the MIT which funded the research do Prof. Harris. Até onde eu sei foi o MIT que financiou a pesquisa do Prof. Harris. c) find (i.v) ( found, found) (= achar) I had lost my pen but I have found it already. Eu havia perdido minha caneta mas já a achei. Amount x number A grande diferença no uso dessas duas palavras nos remete para o conceito de palavras contáveis e não contáveis em inglês. Do mesmo modo que você aprendeu que dever dizer many books, many computers, many classes.... e much coffee, much sugar, much money etc a) amount (use diante de palavras não contáveis) The amount of money in circulation will increase. O montante de dinheiro em circulação diminuirá. b) number (use diante de palavras contáveis) The number of students applying for scholarships has doubled since last year. O número de alunos requerendo bolsas de estudo dobrou desde o ano passado.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-

WORD FORMS: SUPERLATIVES The suffix –EST formador dos superlativos em inglês é o mais importante a ser estudado aqui. From text 2: “the oldest historic landmark you will find is a common filling station” (L-4/5) O mais antigo marco que você encontrará e um simples posto de gasolina “Brazil’s latest new economic hubs.” (L- em um dos mais recentes novos polos economicos do Brasil “Valentim Martignano, one of the district’s oldest pioneers (L-17/18) Valentim Martignano, um dos mais velhos pioneiros da região 1. O sufixo ‘est’ é usado para formar o superlativo de adjetivos ‘curtos’

easy (the) easiest o / a+ fácil clean (the) cleanest o / a+ limpo/a hot (the) hottest o / a+ quente old (the ) oldest o / a+ velho/a

2. Com adjetivos ‘longos’ usa-se the most / the least + adj. para formar o


the most / least difficult o / a mais (menos) difícil the most / least complicated o / a mais (menos) complicado the most / least economical o /a mais (menos) econômico

3. Some irregular superlatives (Alguns superlativos irregulares)

good the best o /a melhor bad the worst o/ a pior little the least o/ a menos much(many) the most o/a mais

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9- From text2: “…in Primavera do Leste, a booming agribusiness town.” (L-3) em Primavera do Leste uma cidade agro-industrial em explosivo crescimento No texto o autor usou palavras como ‘booming’ e ‘growing’ para indicar que Primavera do Leste é uma cidade em crescimento. Vamos estudar os muitos verbos usados em inglês para indicar RISE & FALL (dos lucros, do volume de vendas, dos índices, das cotações de ações)

Consulte seu dicionário e classifique os verbos do quadro conforme os critérios abaixo:

advance be firm be strong be weak dip drop drift plummet ease jump leap slip plunge rocket sink slump tumble rally rebound recover revive

Meaning ‘rise’: ________________________________________________ Meaning ‘fall’: __________________________________________________ Meaning ‘to rise after falling’: _____________________________________ Remember: rise and fall are irregular verbs: rise (rose, risen; fall (fell, fallen) Distinguish between fall (fell, fallen)[=cair], and feel (felt, felt) [=sentir] As well as the verb rise, English also has the verbs raise and arise. Rise is an irregular intransitive verb: rise (rose, risen) Things can rise, but you cannot rise something Raise is a regular, transitive verb; raise - raised - raised. People raise things. Raise has lots of meanings, including to collect capital We are helping them to raise funds for a charitable institution. to bring up children I was born in Pará, but raised in Rio de Janeiro. Arise is an irregular, intransitive verb: arise - arose - arisen. It means to happen or occur or to come into existence. For example: Problems arose soon after the new chairman took office. Adapted from Financial English, Rise & Fall, by Ian Mackenzie, p.71, LTP

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-

PERFECT MODALS Vamos revisar os principais perfect modal auxiliaries all together. Estude os mini-diálogos a seguir e escreva o que estão indicando os modais in bold: (S1 =stands for speaker one / S2 stands for speaker two)

- I - S1: “I painted the door of my garage all by myself.” S2: “I could have helped you.” ________________________________________________________________

-II- S1: “Jill failed to pass her exam.” S2: “She should have studied harder.” ________________________________________________________________

-III- S1: “Debby’s room lights are out.” S2: “She must have gone to sleep already. ________________________________________________________________

-IV- S1: “Have you seen ‘Diamonds are Forever”?” S2: “If it’s a 007 movie, I must have seen it” ________________________________________________________________

-V- S1: “Did it rain last night?” S2: “It may have rained.” ________________________________________________________________

-VI- S1: “Has Janet called yet?” S2: “Not yet. I’m afraid we will have left for Canada when she does. ________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11-

LIGHTEN UP! WHAT DOES YOUR DADDY DO? It was the first day of school and the teacher thought she’d get to know the kids by asking them their names and what their fathers did for a living The first little girl said, “My name is Mary and my daddy is a postman.” The next little boy said, “I’m Andy and my Dad is a mechanic.” It was then little Johnny’s turn and he said “My name is Johnny and my father is a striptease dancer in a cabaret for gay men.” The teacher gasped and quickly moved on, but later, in the school yard, the teacher approaches Johnny privately and asks if it was really true that his Dad dances nude in a gay bar. Little Johnny blushed and said, “Nah, he’s actually an auditor for Arthur Andersen but I was just too embarrassed to say.” (e-mail sent by a former student)


Some words have been removed from the minitexts that follow. Complete them with the words from the box paying attention to the meaning and structure of the texts.

Mini text: International trade

primary exchange share outsourcing finance boundaries political throughout

International trade is the __________ (1) of goods and services across international ____________ (2). In most countries, it represents a significant ____________ (3) of GDP. While international trade has been present ____________ (4) much of history, its economic, social, and ___________ (5) importance have been on the rise in recent centuries. Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and ___________ (6) are all having a major impact. Increasing international trade is the usually ____________ (7) meaning of "globalization". International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international ___________ (8), forms the larger branch of international economics. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP COMMERCIAL BANKS Complete the text with each of the words on the right. Commercial banks are designed to make a ................. (1) for their ................. (2). They receive money in the form of ............... (3), savings or repayments from the public, they lend it at interest to ................. (4). Profit is made primarily from ............... (5). Obviously, banks do not keep most of the money they receive; indeed, a bank will have on hand only enough to pay those ................... (6) who want to withdraw their money on a given day. A modern bank usually needs no more than 2% of its money in ................ (7) Yet law requires this same bank to deposit a sixth or seventh of its ................. (8) in non-earning funds with the Federal Reserve Bank in its district. To insure additional protection against a “run” in which ...................... (9) would exceed deposits, most banks buy government ........................ (10) called notes or certificates. These are short-term notes of from 90 days to one year. Reasons for owning bonds, whether short or long-term, are : a) they can be converted to cash quickly, thus providing ...............……... (11), b) they provide an ...................…… (12), and they are a hedge against the changing value of .................... (13) . If a bank really needs only a 2 percent reserve, why then does the Federal Reserve System require 15 or 20 percent reserve? The main purpose is not for ………….. (14) of the deposits but to control the .............……. (15) of money member banks can create. (Excerpt from “An Outline of American Economy”, ps.85/86, USIA, 1986)

a.- borrowers b.- profit c.- stockholders d.- deposits e.- interest _____________ f.- cash g.- customers h.- bonds i.- withdrawals j.- resources ______________ k.- assets l.- amount m.- liquidity n.- income o.- safety

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICY Eight words have been removed from the passage above. Choose the options that best complete it. We have seen that through its monetary policies government can try to control money to __________ (1) inflation, fight depressions, and provide full __________. (2). By trying to control the amount of money in circulation, the government influences the __________ (3) of investment, savings, and expenditures that takes place in the economy. However, as part of its fiscal policy, the government can, if it so chooses, also expand or __________ (4) its own expenditures. It can build or __________ (5) from building highways, military aircraft, schools, or a hundred other things for which it spends money. Because the government spends between 20 percent and 25 percent of the total Gross National Product __________ (6) goods and services (excluding transfer payments), this spending or restraint will have a major effect on the condition of the economy. When the government increases its level of spending, without __________ (7) taxes, it is pumping more money into the economy. During sluggish periods, this process can serve to __________ (8) up the economy, cause new investment, and create jobs. On the other hand, too much stimulus can aggravate inflation. (From An Outline of American Economy, p 92, USIA) 1. a) curb b) balance c) project d) cut 2. a) employed b) employees c) employers d) employment 3. a) number b) slice c) amount d) mixture 4. a) detract b) subtract c) contract d) retract 5. a) refrain b) retain c) contain d) maintain 6. a) at b) for c) in d) on 7. a) risen b) raising c) rising d) raised 8. a) heat b) heighten c) hotter d) hurry

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS ESAF / AFTN-98 Read the text below in order to answer questions 1 to 3. Tax Audits Although only about one out of every 100 individual tax returns will be audited in 1998, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is very good at selecting returns for audit that will yield additional taxes. Nevertheless, if your return is selected, it does not necessarily mean you will incur any additional tax liability. If you do not agree with the examiner’s report, you can meet with the examiner’s supervisor to discuss your case further. If you still do not agree, you have the right to appeal the findings through a separate Appeals Office. You can also appeal to the U.S. Tax Court. 1. The author states that the examiner’s report might be a) dishonest. b) unofficial. c) questioned. d) irrevocable. e) ambiguous. 2. According to the text, when you meet the examiner’s supervisor a) the two of you must reach a final agreement. b) you wish to discuss the examiner’s liability. c) you have already accepted the examiner’s report. d) additional taxes are charged. e) you intend to discuss the examiner’s report in more detail. 3. The text implies that a) Audits rarely result in additional charges. b) Additional taxes may be charged. c) Additional taxes must not be adopted. d) Audits are an unnecessary practice. e) Audits will soon be abolished.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15-

ANSWERS Vocabulary Pre-Test Text 1 1. indústria, companhia manufatureira // 2. cuidado pessoal // 3. uma nova campanha // 4. a nova logomarca // 5. uma parte integrante // 6. a embalagem dos produtos da companhia // 7. os diferentes ícones // 8. os benefícios ao consumidor // 9. uma vantagem competitiva // 10. a política futura da companhia. Warm Up For The Mock Test 1. B // 2. A // 3. D // 4. E // 5. C Vocabulary Pre-Test Text 2 a. 7 // b. 6 // c. 8 // d. 5 // e. 9 // f. 10 // g. 1 // h. 2 // i. 3 // j. 4 Exploiting Text 2 Past simple: was (L-7), began (L-6), arrived (L-17), saw (L-18) Present simple: take (L-1), spread out (L-9), point out (L-12), recalls (L-19), boasts (L-19). Future simple: will find (L-5) Collocations Adj +noun : historic past, booming agribusiness town, common filling station, stunted growth, dust-covered savanna, small city, growing population, local entrepreneur, modern architecture, … noun + noun: cotton fields, world markets, gas station, truck stop paraphrasing: Primavera do Leste was founded 17 years ago … translation: earning millions of dollars in world markets ( =- rendendo, gerando milhões de dólares nos mercaados mundiais) True or False? a. (T) // b. (T) // c. (T) // d. (F) // e. (T) Rise & Fall Meaning ‘rise’: advance, be firm, be strong, jump, leap, rocket Meaning ‘fall’: be weak, dip, drift, drop, ease, plummet, plunge, sink, slip,

slump, tumble Meaning ‘to rise after falling’: rally, rebound, recover, revive

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16- Vocabulary build up: mini- text 1. exchange // 2. boundaries // 3. share // 4. throughout // 5. political // 6. outsourcing // 7. primary // 8. finance Commercial Banks 1. B // 2. C // 3. D // 4. A // 5. C // 6. G // 7. F // 8. J // 9. I // 10. H // 11. M // 12. N // 13. K // 14. O // 15. L MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICY 1. a // 2. d // 3. c // 4. c // 5. a // 6. d // 7. b // 8. a Perfect Modals

- I - S1: “I painted the door of my garage all by myself.” S2: “I could have helped you.” (it indicates a possibility that existed in the past: “Had you asked me I could have helped you”)

-II- S1: “Jill failed to pass her exam.” S2: “She should have studied harder.” (it was her obligation, she was supposed to study, but she didn’t.) Note: Ought to have studied might have been used in the above example.

-III- S1: “Debby’s room lights are out.” S2: “She must have gone to sleep already. (that is the most logical conclusion you draw)

-IV- S1: “Have you seen ‘Diamonds are Forever”?” S2: “If it’s a 007 movie, I must have seen it” (S2 most probably is a James Bond fan and has seen all his movies.)

-V- S1: “Did it rain last night?” S2: “It may have rained.” (it indicates a past possibility; “might have rained” would show a remoter possibility)

-VI- S1: “Has Janet called yet?” S2: “Not yet. I’m afraid we will have left for Canada when she does.

[future perfect tense (by the time she calls they won’t be there to answer the phone.)]

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- Affixes Ensemble I - 1. misunderstanding // 2. superiority // 3. aggressiveness // 4. brotherhood // 5.

childish II - 1. UNfortunate // 2. INfrequent // 3. IMprecise // 4. NON-violent // 5. ILlegible

// 6. IRregular A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS ESAF / AFTN-98 1. C // 2. E // 3. B Vocabulary Post-test (Tax Audits)

A B 1. Internal Revenue Service a. ( ) produzir tributos adicionais 2. selecting returns for audit b. ( ) recorrer dos cálculos através 3. yield additional taxes c. ( ) um outro Conselho de Recursos 4. incur any additional tax liability d. ( ) alguma vegetação rasteira 5. to appeal the findings through e. ( ) ser obrigado a novos impostos 6. a separate Appeals Office f. ( ) escolher declarações p/ auditar

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- AULA 7 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Warm up for the Mock Test Aquecimento para o teste simulado II – Reading Comprehension: Unilever’s text – Multiple-choice Compreensão de Leitura: Texto da Unilever – múltipla escolha III – Study of text 2: Primavera do Leste // True or False? Estudo do texto1: “Primavera do Leste ” /// Questõs de Falso / Verdadeiro IV - Word Forms – Suffix –EST / superlatives Formação de Palavras – sufixo –EST formador dos superlativos V - Confusable Words: Economic/ Economical // Further / farther

// founded / funded / found // amount / number Palavras que confundem: economic /economical // further / farther // founded /

funded / found // amount / number VI - Perfect Modals // Task Os verbos modais perfeitos // Exercício VII - ‘Rise’ and ‘Fall’ verbs Os verbos que indicam subida e queda. VIII– Lighten up! An anecdote Relaxe! Uma anedota IX – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: International

Trade / Commercial Banks // Monetary and Fiscal Policy Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: Comércio Internacional //

Bancos Comerciais // Política Monetária e Fiscal X– Analysis of past exams: ESAF / AFTN -98- Tax Audits Análise de provas anteriores: ESAF / AFTN -98- Auditorias / Ações fiscais

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PASSIVE VOICE IN TEXTS Text 1: Social Security News Release Social Security Responds to Hurricane Katrina Agency Issues More Than 30,000 Emergency Checks to Date “Social Security has moved quickly to ensure that monthly payments get to beneficiaries affected by Hurricane Katrina and that other vital Social Security services are provided,” Jo Anne Barnhart, Commissioner of Social 5 Security said today. “As we have all witnessed, the Gulf Coast is coping with destruction and loss of life that is utterly unfathomable. To ensure that beneficiaries will continue to receive their monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income payments, I have invoked immediate payment procedures that permit on-the-spot payments to be made to anyone who can no 10 longer access their benefit check. I am pleased to report that, so far, Social Security has issued more than 30,000 immediate payments and that number continues to grow.” Since September 1st , Social Security has provided immediate payments to evacuees who are not able to receive their monthly benefits, whether by mail 15 or direct deposit. Beneficiaries can go to any open Social Security office and receive an immediate payment by check that replaces the full amount of their Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment. In addition, Social Security is providing immediate payments and other vital services to the affected areas and to evacuees in other locations through a 20 variety of means: A temporary office has been opened in the Houston Astrodome and is providing service seven days a week. Social Security representatives are serving the public at evacuation centers throughout the U.S., such as the Baton Rouge River Center. 25 Social Security employees are onsite at FEMA’s Family Assistance Centers, such as the FEMA site in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. We anticipate having representatives onsite at similar centers in Pascagoula, Moss Point and Waveland, Mississippi and in Shreveport and Monroe, Louisiana. Many Social Security offices are offering extended hours of service and 30 remained open throughout the Labor Day weekend to help evacuees. Social Security and the United States Postal Service also established temporary mail delivery stations in areas where mail service was suspended due to damage from Hurricane Katrina. Beneficiaries still remaining in those areas could pick up their checks at those locations. 35 Visit:

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2-

EXPLOITATION OF TEXT 1 Copie do texto três exemplos de construções no present perfect: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Translate the following fragments from text 1:

to ensure that monthly payments As we have all witnessed is coping with destruction that is utterly unfathomable permit on-the-spot payments through a variety of means having representatives onsite due to damage from Hurricane could pick up their checks

Reading Comprehension Questions Say (T)for true or (F) for false 1. The phrase ‘In addition (L-19) is a synonym of ‘Besides’ as a discourse

marker. ( ) 2. In the fragment “I am pleased to report that, so far, Social Security has

issued more than 30,000 immediate payments…” (L-10/11), the underline phrase in bold means up to this moment. ( )

3. ‘Such as’ (L-25) is a transitional phrase, or a discourse marker if you wish,

commonly used to indicate result. ( ). 4. In “Many … remained open throughout the Labor Day weekend to help

evacuees” (L-30 / 31) the underlined word in bold could be replaced by across . ( )

5. In “…where mail service was suspended due to damage from Hurricane

Katrina. (L-33/34) The underlined phrase in bold could be replaced by ‘because of’. ( )

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3-

WORD FORMS - TEXT 1 From Text 1: “ …vital services to the affected areas and to evacuees in other locations…” (L-20) The suffix -EE No texto, ‘evacuees’ corresponde aqueles que estão sendo evacuados os desabrigados por causa da destruição provocada pelo Furacão Katrina. Certamente você conhece o sufixo –EE em trainee (=estagiário) acrescentado ao ver to train para formar o substantivo Vejamos alguns outros exemplos Not many people attended the session. There were not many attendees. Não havia muita pessoas assistindo à sessão. Não havia muitos presentes. The interviewees on Jo’s show tomorrow are interesting. Os entrevistados do Programa do Jô de amanhã são interessantes. That girl is the employee who has just been hired. Aquela garota é a nova funcionária que acaba de ser contratada. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação

quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

PASSIVE VOICE From text 1 “ ...and that other vital Social Security services are provided…” (L-5) “I am pleased to report that…” (L-10) “A temporary office has been opened in the Houston Astrodome…” “ …in areas where mail service was suspended” (L-33) Na formação da passive voice há uma regra de ouro – a golden rule - para a maioria dos casos: o verbo to be fica no mesmo tempo do verbo principal na voz ativa plus particípio passado do verbo principal. Main verb in bold in the Present Simple AV: They speak English in that country. Falam ingles naquele país. PV: English is spoken in that country. O ingles é falado naquele país] Main verb inbold in the Present Continuous AV: They are building a new school there. Estão construindo uma nova escola lá. PV: A new school is being built on my school. . Uma nova escola está sendo construída lá. Main verb in bold in the Past Simple AV: The hurricane destroyed the village. O furacão destruiu a aldeia. PV: The village was destroyed by the hurricane. A aldeia foi destruída pelo furacão Main verb in the Past Continuous AV: Thieves were robbing the bank. Ladrões estavam roubando o banco. PV: The bank was being robbed by thieves. O banco estava sendo roubado. Main verb in bold in the Future Simple AV: We will send you the receipt by mail. Enviaremos o recibo para você por correspondência. PV: You will be sent the receipt by mail. O recibo será enviado para você por correspondência.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- Main verb in bold in the Present Perfect Simple AV: I have done the translation already. Já fiz a tradução. PV: The translation has been done already. A tradução já foi feita. Modal verb + infinitive of main verb AV: You must do your homework immediately. Você tem que fazer seu dever de casa imediatamente. PV: Your homework must be done immediately. Seu dever de casa deve ser feito imediatamente. . Com exceção de alguns casos especiais (verbos com dupla formação, por exemplo) é possível buscar facilmente o equivalente em português para uma estrutura na voz passiva. Faça os exercícios a seguir: Coloque na voz passiva: 1. The hunter killed the lion. ________________________ 2. Terrorists have destroyed the bridge. ________________________________ 3. She will write a letter to her boyfriend. __________________________________ 4. The auditors are inspecting the books. __________________________________ 5. They can transfer the money to a savings account. ____________________________________________ 6. Karen must type that report. _______________________________________ 7. Millions of soccer fans will see the final game tomorrow. ________________________________________________ 8. My students have studied this grammar topic already. ___________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- Complete com estruturas na voz ativa. 1. The plan has been implemented successfully. They _______________________________ 2. They were told to leave the room. We _________________________ 3. The building will be constructed in six months. They _________________________________ 4. She is being treated by Dr. Shelby. Dr. Shelby _______________________________ 5. His lessons should be reviewed before the test. He ________________________________________ 6. The game will not be broadcast live by any TV network. No TV network _______________________________________ 7. Einstein was thought to be a genius. People_____________________________________ 8. Announcements have been made over the loudspeakers. They _______________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7-


BANKING TERMINOLOGY Complete the sentences with one of the words from the box.

access shares attorney checking amount block interest entitles withdraw tax. notice bonds

1. With a ……………account, your money is immediately available. 2. I can only invest a small ……………… long-term. 3. I'll need $5,000 available at short notice, and I can …………… the rest. 4. A current account ……………you to a checkbook. 5. I'd like to have ………….to $50,000 in about 3 years. 6. The …………..on a current account is only 1%. 7. I'd like to invest part of my capital in ………………. 8. A deposit account limits the amount you can ……… at any one time. 9. ……………… are a long-term investment. 10. If you give your wife power of……………., she can withdraw money from

your account. 11. I’d like 10,000 available at short…………….. . 12. Our deposit accounts pay 3% interest, less …………….. . (Adapted From English for International Banking, by Nicolas Ferguson and Maire O’Reilly)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8-


Ten words have been removed from the minitext that follows. Complete them with the words from the box paying attention to the meaning and structure of the texts.

Mini - text: Social Security & Hurricane Katrina

affected heartbreaking eligible ensure assistance expedited identification remains copes verifying

Social Security is working with federal, state and local officials in ___________ (1) areas to assist families who may now be ___________ (2) for Social Security benefits. Emergency procedures have been implemented that will allow ___________ (3) processing of applications for survivors benefits or other Social Security benefits. For evacuees who have lost their ___________ (4) documents, Social Security has put in place a simplified protocol for ___________ (5) identity to provide them with the Social Security information they need to apply for jobs or ___________ (6) from other agencies. “I am proud of the hard working and dedicated Social Security employees who are doing everything possible to ___________ (7) beneficiaries continue to receive their monthly payments,” Commissioner Barnhart said. “Over the past several days I have heard ___________ (8) stories from our employees, some of whom have lost their own homes. Yet, through all of this, their spirit and compassion ___________ (9) strong. I can assure those affected that we will continue to be there to serve them as our nation ___________ (10) with the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.” Visit:

Vocabulary Post Test Escreva a tradução em B dos fragmentos em A

A B 1. to assist families 2. Emergency procedures 3. processing of applications 4. to apply for jobs 5. Yet, through all of this 6. in the wake of

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9-


GRATITUDE A woman visits the doctor who had cured her son of a very serious illness. She is very grateful and wants to thank him. "Doctor," says she, "there are some things we can’t pay for. I thought that you would want to accept this wallet which I made for you with my own hands." "Madam," answered the doctor rudely." I don't practice medicine for sentimental reasons. You must pay me in money. Your bill is two thousand dollars." The lady opened the wallet, took out the five thousand dollars she had put in it and gave the doctor two thousand. (Adapted from English Language Skills by Finocchiaro and Lavenda} Answer the following questions: 1. Why did the woman go to the doctor’s? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did the woman feel about the doctor’s performance? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who had made the wallet? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did the doctor answer rudely? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. How could you complete this sentence with only one word: Two thousand

dollars is my …………. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Actually, did the woman intend to pay the bill? _________________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS Read the text in order to answer the questions below

THE EURO The Euro is the European Union’s single currency, adopted by the Treaty on European Union which came into force in November 1993. The name Euro was preferred to any other as its shared identity with Europe is clear. Besides, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency. Economic and Monetary Unit is essential for the efficient functioning of the single European market. EU members do more than 70% of their trade with each other and will do even more with a single stable currency. As a stable currency, the Euro will help to create a stronger economy capable of growing at a faster rate. Faster growth is needed to put more people back to work and achieve a rising standard of living for individuals and families. The Euro will bring real practical benefits as it will be a lot easier to compare prices for the same goods in different countries. In addition, business organizations will no longer have the expenses of handling several different currencies, cutting down the cost of doing business. Though without the Euro bills and coins, the monetary union can start on 1 January1999. Because a lot of economic activities are done without cash, many transactions can be made and sealed in the Euro before I January 2002, when the Euro bills and coins will start circulating. But any existing and previous national currency will still be in use for up to six months after that. (Compiled from: Talking about the Euro” [UFC-97] 1) The sentence, “Any reduction in costs can make a company more competitive

and frequently able to pass on the benefits to its customers.” was deliberately omitted from the text. Find the most appropriate place in the second paragraph to insert it:

a) after “stable currency” (L- 7) b) after “faster rate” (L- 9) c) after “individuals and families” (L- 10) d) after “different countries” (L- 12) e) after “doing business” (L- 14)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- 2. Mark the option that is equivalent in meaning to: “Besides, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous

national currency.” a) As the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. b) Though the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. c) In addition, the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. d) However, the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. e) Since the name cannot be confused with any existing currency. 3. Mark the option that best completes the sentence: The adoption of the Euro will help ___________________________

and ____________________________. a) to develop the European economy// to promote competition among

families b) to establish a stable currency // to promote European individuals. c) to rise expenses for individuals // to create a strong economy. d) to increase trade among EU members // to create more job openings e) to raise expenses for families // to promote the European economic


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) Reproduzo este antigo texto aqui para chamar sua atenção para as diversas passive voice constructions nele sublinhadas. Read the text in order to answer the questions below Following World War II, the major economic powers of the world negotiated a set of rules for reducing and limiting trade barriers and for settling trade disputes. These rules were called the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Headquarters to oversee the administration of the GATT were established in Geneva, Switzerland. Periodically rounds of multilateral trade negotiations under the GATT were carried out. The 8th round begun in 1986 in Punta del Este, Uruguay, and dubbed the Uruguay Round, was concluded on Dec.15, 1993, when 117 countries completed a new trade-liberalization agreement. The-name for the GATT was changed to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which officially came into being Jan. l, 1995. (ACE- 98) 1. According to the text, the former GATT comprised … a) tariff rules established by third world countries. b) trade regulations created prior to World War II. c) rules forbidding trade barriers and disputes. d) trade rules adopted in Uruguay in 1986. e) regulations related to trade issues. 2. Which of the following statements does not reflect the content of the text? a) The GATT members used to gather from time to time. b) 117 countries signed a new trade agreement. c) The World Trade Organization (WTO) used to be called GATT d) A new trade agreement may be signed by 117 countries. e) Reducing trade barriers was one of tie main concerns of the GATT.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13-

ANSWERS Present Perfect items Quaisquer três dentre os seguintes: has moved (L-3), have all witnessed (L-6), I have invoked (L-9), has issued ( L-12), has provided (L-14) Translation:

to ensure that monthly payments Para garantir pagamentos mensais As we have all witnessed Como todos nós testemunhamos is coping with destruction Está enfrentando a destruição that is utterly unfathomable que é totalmente insondável permit on-the-spot payments Permite pagamentos no local through a variety of means Através de uma gama de meios having representatives onsite Tendo representantes no local due to damage from Hurricane K. Devido à perda causa p/ Furacão K could pick up their checks Podiam apanhar seus cheques

Say (T)for true or (F) for false 1. ( T ) In addition and Besides’ are synonyms. 2. ( T ) so far and up to this moment are synonyms. 3. ( F ) ‘Such as’ commonly indicates or introduces exemplification not

result. 4. ( F ) throughout ( all the time, during) could not be replaced by across

here. 5. ( T ) ‘due to’ could be replaced by ‘because of’ in this case. Passive Voice: 1. The lion was killed by the hunter. 2. The bridge has been destroyed by terrorists. 3. A letter will be written to her boyfriend.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14- 4. The books are being inspected by the auditors. 5. The money can be transferred to a savings account. 6. That report must be typed by Karen. 7. The final game Millions of soccer fans will be seen by millions of soccer fans

tomorrow. 8. This grammar topic has been studied by my students already. Active voice. 1. They have implemented the plan successfully 2. We told them to leave the room. 3. They will construct the building in six months 4. Dr. Shelby is treating her. 5. He should review his lessons before the test. 6. No TV network will broadcast the game live. 7. People thought Einstein was a genius. 8. They have made announcements over the loudspeaker. LIGHTEN UP! Gratitude 1. Because he had cured her son of a serious illness. 2. She felt very grateful. 3. She had made the wallet all by herself. 4. Because he thought only the wallet would be his payment. 5. Two thousand dollar is my FEE (=honorários) 6. She was ready to pay him three thousand dollars more than his regular fee.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- Banking Terminology 1. [checking] Com uma conta corrente seu dinheiro está imediatamente

disponível. 2. [amount] Só posso investir uma pequena quantia a longo prazo. 3. [checking] Vou precisar de $5,000 a curto prazo, e posso bloquear o

restante. 4. [entitles] Uma conta corrente lhe dá direito a um talão de cheques. 5. [access] Gostaria de ter acesso a $50,000 em cerca de 3 anos. 6. [interest] Os juros de uma conta corrente são de 1% apenas. 7. [shares] Gostaria de investir parte do meu capital em ações. 8. [withdraw] Uma conta de depósito limita o montante que você pode sacar a

cada vez. 9. [bonds] Os títulos são investimentos de longo prazo. 10. [attorney] Se você der a sua esposa uma procuração ela poderá retirar

dinheiro de sua conta. 11. [notice] Gostaria de ter $10,000 disponibilizados de imediato. 12. [ tax ] Nossas contas de depósito rendem 3% menos imposto. NB: O termo checking account (= conta corrente) é mais comum no US,

enquanto que current account é mais comum no UK. Mini-Text 1. affected // 2. eligible // 3. expedite // 4. identification // 5. verifying // 6. assistance // 7. ensure // 8. heartbreaking // 9. remain // 10. copes. Vocabulary Post Test

A B 1. to assist families ajudar as famílias 2. Emergency procedures procedimentos de emergência 3. processing of applications processamento das requisições 4. to apply for jobs candidatar-se a empregos 5. Yet, through all of this Contudo, em meio a tudo isso 6. in the wake of na esteira de


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

GRAMMAR SUPPLEMENTS – MODAL VERBS I - CAN / COULD / CAN HAVE / COULD HAVE a) ‘Can’ or ‘Could’ Usado para pedir e conceder permissão, uso mais informal que ‘may’ Can I leave a little earlier today, Mr. Evans? May I leave can be used, too - but it’s more formal Could I use your car tonight? You can go upstairs now. b) ‘Can’ or ‘Could’

Para expressar habilidade. She can play the flute very well. Ela sabe tocar flauta bem. Can you play soccer? Você sabe jogar futebol? I could play chess quite well when I was in College. Eu sabia jogar xadrez bastante bem quando estava na faculdade. c) ‘can’ or one form of ‘be able to’

Para expressar ações futuras. I don’t speak English fluently but I will be able to soon. Eu não falo inglês fluentemente, mas em breve falarei (serei capaz de fazê-lo) I can help you with the dishes tonight, but tomorrow I won’t be able to help you with the kids because I have an exam at the university. Posso ajudá-lo com os pratos hoje à noite mas amanhã não poderei dar uma ajuda com as crianças porque tenho uma prova na universidade. d) ‘can have’ / ‘could have’

Usado para expressar possibilidade no passado. That desk wasn’t here yesterday. Well, the janitor can have (could have moved it during the night. Esta carteira não estava aqui ontem. Bem, o zelador pode/ poderia tê-la movido durante a noite. If you had phoned me, I could have dropped by to help you out. Se você tivesse me telefonado, eu poderia ter ido aí para lhe ajudar. I was just wondering what can/could have happened to my pens. Estava só imaginando o que pode/ poderia ter acontecido com minhas canetas.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17-

Ii - MUST / HAVE TO / MUST HAVE a) ‘Must’ and ‘have to’

Usados para expressar algo que é indispensável que se faça. I must (have to) leave early today. Tenho que sair cedo hoje. Must you leave us so soon? Você tem que partir tão cedo? Do you have to leave now? Você tem que ir agora? b) ‘Must’ and ‘have to’ in negative statements.

Atenção! Não se pode usar um pelo outro You must not enter that area. The sign says: Authorized Personnel only. ‘must not’ indicates prohibition) Você não pode entrar naquela área. A placa diz: Somente Pessoal Autorizado! A forma ‘must not aqui indica proibição) You don’t have to come with us if you don’t want to. Here ‘don’t have to’ indicates lack of necessity Você não precisa vir conosco se não quiser. Aqui ‘don’t have to’ indica que não há necessidade. c) ‘must’

Também pode ser usado para tirar conclusões lógicas. Look! The lights in Gina’s room are on. So she must be awake. Veja! As luzes no quarto da Gina estão acesas. Logo ela deve estar acordada. I can’t see Bob’s car in the garage. He must be at work downtown. Não vejo o carro do Bob na garagem. Ele deve testar no trabalho na cidade. d)‘must have’ + past participle of main verb Usado para expressar probabilidade no passado I can’t see Bob’s car in the garage. He must have left for work already. Não vejo o carro do Bob na garagem. Ele já deve ter saído pro trabalho. Look how tanned Linda is ! She must have stayed a long time in the sun. Veja com a Linda está bronzeada! Ela dever ficado no sol um tempão. NB: In the negative can’t have + past part. of main verb should be used. Bob’s car is still in the garage. He can’t have left for work yet. O carro do Bob ainda está na garagem. Ele não deve ter saído pro trabalho ainda.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18-

III -- MAY / MIGHT / MAY HAVE / MIGHT HAVE a) may and might

São usados para expressar probabilidade. Jones may (might) be promoted this time. Jones pode (podia) ser promovido desta vez. One may (might) say that she was enjoying the whole thing. Alguém pode (podia ) dizer que ela estava gostando daquilo tudo. It may( might )be said that English is basically a monosyllabic language. Pode (Podia) ser dito que o inglês é uma língua monossilábica. b) may (might) (usados para expressar contraste) She may (might) like mangoes, but she shouldn’t eat a dozen of them. Ela pode (podia) gostar de mangas, mas não deve comer uma dúzia delas. c) may / might have + past participle of main verb

(usado para expressar possibilidade no passado) While some of the girls may have been acting, many responsible adults were victims of the killer virus. Enquanto algumas da meninas podem ter fingido, muitos adultos foram vítimas do vírus assassino. The police believe Derrick may have killed his wife. A polícia acredita que Derrick pode ter assassinado sua esposa. If you had invited Jane to the party, she might have shown up. Se você tivesse convidado a Jane para a festa, ela podia ter aparecido por lá. Joshua might not have left if you had been more polite to him. Joshua poderia não ter ido embora se você tivesse sido mais educado com ele.

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IV - SHALL / SHOULD / SHOULD HAVE a) should (ought to)

Usados para indicar algo que é aconselhável fazer. You should see your dentist twice a year. Você deve consultar seu dentista duas vezes por ano. She shouldn’t smoke so much, in my opinion. Ela não devia fumar tanto na minha opinião. We ought to review our lessons before the exam. Devemos revisar nossas lições antes do exame. b) Should have and ought to have

Usados para expressar ações que se esperava acontecessem no passado mas que não aconteceram.

My secretary is late for work today. She should have (or ought to have) gotten here half an hour ago. Minha secretária está atrasada para o trabalho hoje. Ela já deveria ter chegado há meia hora. Shouldn’t they have finished their lessons by now? Eles / Elas não deviam ter terminado suas lições já?

HAD BETTER Just like ‘should’ and ‘ought to’ the expression had better - considered by some grammarians as a “quasi-modal”- can also be used to give advice. Had better is followed by the infinitive without “to”. You had better study for the test; otherwise you won’t succeed. Você deveria estudar para o teste, do contrário não terá sucesso. We had better not talk to Mr. Simpson now. He’s not in a good mood today. È melhor não falarmos com o Sr. Simpson agora. Ele não está de bom humor hoje.

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Gramaticalmente, é o passado de ‘will’ Numa estrutura em discurso indireto, reported speech, isto fica bem claro. Jeff : I will visit you next month. Jeff: - Eu visitarei você no mês que vem. Jeff said he would visit us next month. Jeff disse que nos visitaria no próximo mês.

b) ‘would’

Usado com ações repetidas no passado. Every Sunday we would visit our parents when they lived here in Rio. Todos os domingos visitávamos nossos pais quando moravam aqui no Rio. Mrs. Hill would say softly, “You can do it. Have confidence in you.” A Sra. Hill dizia suavemente: -Vocês podem fazê-lo. Tenham confiança em vocês. NB:A expressão ‘used to’ deve ser empregada quando nos referimos a ações

em continuidade no passado. Our family used to live in the north of Brazil before Dad got transferred to Rio. Nossa família morava no norte do Brasil antes de meu pai se transferido para o Rio. My uncle used to sell electronic gadgets to make a living. Meu tio costumava vender engenhocas eletrônicas para ganhar a vida. c) would have +past participle of main verb in if-clauses (past unreal situations) We would have visited you but we didn’t know where you lived. Nos teríamos visitado você, mas não sabíamos onde você morava. I would have invited you to the party if I had known you were in town. Teria convidado você para a festa se tivesse sabido que você estava na cidade. You would have met Alice if you had gone to the show. Você teria encontrado a Alice se tivesse ido ao show.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -21- AULA 8 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Passive Voice in texts Voz passiva nos textos II – Study of text 1: Social Security – Hurricane Katrina Estudo do texto1:”Previdência Social / Furacão Katrina” III – Reading Comprehension: (T) or (F) questions Compreensão de Leitura: Questões de Falso ou Verdadeiro? IV - Word Forms the suffix –EE Formação de Palavras: o sufixo – EE V - Passive Voice Summary // Task Resumo de Voz Passiva // Exercício VI– Lighten up! Gratitude Relaxe! Gratidão VII – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: Banking terminology // Social Security & Hurricane Katrina (II) Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: Termos Bancários //

Previdência Social & Furacão Katrina’ VIII– Analysis of past exams: The Euro / WTO Análise de provas anteriores: Euro // OMC IX– Supplement: Modal Verbs all together Suplemento: Os verbos modais todos juntos

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LOOKING BACK ON PREVIOUS LESSONS U.S. Wants WTO Ministerial Meeting After Session in Hong Kong Washington - U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman is urging countries to advance the long-stalled World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations at the December Hong Kong ministerial meeting and asserted that trade ministers should meet again soon after to keep the negotiations on track. "I believe we ought to have another meeting," Portman said November 22 5 at a press conference in Geneva. "Without a meeting, without setting up sort of a backstop, it’s tough to make progress … We need to continue to push, keep the pressure on, to meet the end of 2006 deadline." Portman made the comments after meeting with ministers from Brazil, the European Union (EU), India and Japan. 10 Launched in 2001 and stalled almost from the start over politically difficult agricultural trade issues, the negotiations, formally called the Doha Development Agenda, were originally scheduled to conclude in 2005. Since then, participants have pressed for conclusion by December 2006, which would give the United States time to submit any agreement to Congress 15 before the president’s negotiating authority, called trade promotion authority or fast track, expires in mid-2007. When the United States submitted an agriculture proposal October 10 to substantially reduce domestic support payments to farmers and tariffs, Portman said the aim was to revive chances for the December 13-18 Hong Kong meeting 20 to set the modalities -- the details and deadlines -- necessary for concluding the negotiations a year later. That aim was frustrated, however, when a subsequent EU agriculture proposal was found by other participants to offer no real increased market access. Outside the EU, food-importing developed countries and major 25 developing countries issued statements rejecting market-opening concessions. Still, at the November 22 press conference Portman said that, although the Hong Kong ministerial will not establish modalities, the United States remains committed to concluding an agreement with real substance. "While expectations for Hong Kong have been lowered, and while Hong 30 Kong will not be all we had hoped it would be," he said, "the U.S. continues to have very high expectations." (By Bruce Odessey Washington File Staff Writer)Visit

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- Pre-testing Vocabulary No quadro seguinte você encontra transparent words associadas a outras não tão evidentes. Faça o skimming do texto e, sem dicionário, tente traduzi-las.

A B 1. the long-stalled negotiations a. ( ) instalar um tipo de proteção 2. keep the negotiations on track b. ( ) comprometidos em fechar o acordo 3. setting up sort of a backstop c. ( ) as expectativas diminuíram 4. committed to concluding an agreement d. ( ) negociações há muito emperradas 5. expectations have been lowered e. ( ) manter as negociações nos eixos

ANALYSIS OF TEXT 1 1. Escreva um exemplo retirado do text 1 nos Verb tenses below: Present continuous ____________________________________________ Present simple _________________________________________________ Past simple ___________________________________________________ Present perfect _________________________________________________ Future Simple __________________________________________________ Past perfect ____________________________________________________ 2. Escreva dois exemplos de construções na voz passive: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Como você traduz a expressão em negrito no seguinte

fragmento do texto?: “the United States remains committed to concluding an agreement

with real substance…” (L- 28/29) ________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3- Reading Comprehension – Answer in Portuguese: 1. Após reunir-se com representantes do Brasil, da Europa do Japão por que

Rob Portman sugere uma nova reunião após Hong Kong? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Porque motivo as negociações sobre comércio travaram logo depois de seu

início em 2001? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Quais os motivos que reduzem consideravelmente as chances de sucesso da

reunião dos ministros do comércio em Hong Kong? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. A expressão ‘Since then’ (L 14) está usada no texto para indicar o quê? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Que idéia indica a palavra ‘still’ (L-27) como marcadora do discurso? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Que idéia indica a palavra ‘while’ (L-30) como marcadora do discurso? _________________________________________________________________________ 7. É possível parafrasear o fragmento ‘the long-stalled WTO negotiations…”

(L-2) da seguinte forma: The WTO negotiations that have not advanced for a long time. True ( ) or False ( )?

8. In "I believe we ought to have another meeting," (L-5) o modal verb

“ought to” pode ser substituído por “should” sem prejuízo do sentido. True ( ) or False ( )?

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

WORD FORMS: PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES É fundamental que você acredite no estudo que vem realizando. Se você chega à AULA 9 de um curso programado para dez aulas e não é capaz de pôr em prática os ensinamentos ministrados, de duas uma: ou não está estudando suficientemente ou ao professor falta demonstrar o encadeamento didático do material apresentado. Well (faltava um well), desta vez vamos fazer um verdadeiro ‘affix rally’ –juntar prefixos e sufixos num estudo abrangente. No final desta aula disponibilizamos uma coletânea com os principais AFFIXES para sua referência. Não deixe de estudá-los para o simulado que vamos propor após a AULA 10. Com o propósito de lhes dar maior confiança neste estudo vamos repassar vários exemplos de palavras com formação prefixal e sufixal no texto 1. First, em ministerial meeting, a reunião dos trade ministers (=ministros do comércio), evidentemente ministerial pertence à família da palavra minister e você chega ao significado em português com facilidade. Em WTO negotiations (= negociações da OMC) o substantivo negotiations pertence à família do verbo regular negotiate, do adjetivo negotiable, ou do seu antônimo non-negotable, e vai por aí. Em press conference (= conferência de imprensa), conference é substantivo derivado do verbo regular confer. Na expressão keep the pressure on (=manter a pressão sobre) você tem o substantivo pressure, da mesma família do verbo regular press (= pressionar) e do substantivo press (= imprensa) supracitado. Em politically difficult =(= politicamente difíceis) aí esta o advérbio com a terminação –mente de que tanto falamos. No fragmento ‘participants have pressed for conclusion’, o substantivo participants (= participantes) é da mesma família do verbo regular participate, e conclusion (= conclusão) da mesma família do verbo regular conclude. Em ‘submit any agreement’, tem-se o substantivo agreement (= acordo) formado com o acréscimo do sufixo –ment ao regular verb to agree. Você reconhece em ‘agriculture proposal’ o substantive proposal (= proposta) derivado de o regular verb to propose? Last but not least, observe em ‘expectations lowered’, ambas as palavras podem ser dissecadas: expectations vem do verbo expect e lowered, particípio passado do verbo to lower (= diminuir). Como você percebe os prefixos e sufixos aparecem dezenas de vezes em textos de todas as espécies. Familiarize-se sempre mais com eles e sua leitura será indubitavelmente mais fluente.Faça os exercícios que se seguem e procure traduzir as frases curtas. No final confronte seu trabalho com minha tradução.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- I - Use the prefixes in the box to complete the sentences below:

IL- IR IM IN UN 1. The witness’s account of the facts was rather ___-accurate. 2. I’m not going to do it because it’s against the law. It’s ___-legal. 3. We all expect judges to be ____-partial. 4. As the leader, he had to take ____-popular decisions. 5. I was drawn to the place by some kind of ____-resistible force. II - Use the prefixes in the box to complete the sentences below:

MIS- DIS- NON- IN- UN- 1. Don’t cheat on the exam or you’ll be ___-qualified. 2. Make a decision. Why do you always have to be so ___-decisive? 3. She’s been feeling so ___-sure. 4. There must some ___-understanding. This is not what I meant. 5. Mr. Lombard said he worked for a ___-profit organization. III - Add the suffixes in the box to the nouns in parentheses.

-ISH -ABLE -OUS -IC -IVE 1. Doctor Sales found out that Julia was _________ (allergy) to penicillin. 2. You have to read the _________ (class) authors. 3. Share your room with your cousin. Be less _________ (self), Gene. 4. That snake is _________ (poison). Be careful. 5. Freddy’s business is very _________ (profit). IV - Add the suffixes in the box to the nouns in parentheses.

-FUL -IBLE -LY -AL -Y 1. Samantha has a _________ (love) child. 2. Because of Julia’s hypertension she can’t eat _________ (salt) food. 3. We have to remain ________ (watch) so that another robbery does not

happen again. 4. I hated that scene. It was _________ (horror). 5. My father loves _________ (class) music.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP Para fins didáticos dividi o artigo “Unleashing Growth Through Sound Developing Policies” (Promovendo o Crescimento através de Políticas de Desenvolvimento Saudáveis) em dez excerpts. Como lhes disse antes este é o tipo do exercício que cada um pode preparar a seu bel prazer. Eight words have been removed from the excerpts. Complete with the words from the box paying attention to the meaning and structure of the mini-texts. Mini-text 1: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

sponsored business gather join accomplished successful pledged key

In September 2000, 189 nations agreed to ____________ (1) forces in a fight against poverty, illiteracy, hunger, lack of education, gender inequality, child and maternal mortality, disease, and environmental degradation. These countries, including the United States, __________ (2) to take bold decisions to make development a reality for all nations. On September 14, 2005, five years after that historic meeting, leaders from more than 170 nations will ____________ (3) at the United Nations in New York City to take measure of the progress made to date. While much remains to be __________ (4), the progress has been substantial. The 2000 meeting gave the political impetus for reform, but it was two years later, at the 2002 United Nations-___________ (5) International Conference on Financing for Development held in Mexico, that leaders agreed to the definitive framework for ___________ (6) development called the Monterrey Consensus. At that meeting, developing countries and donors alike, with input from civil society and the __________ (7) community, embraced good governance, domestic ownership of development strategies, trade, and private investment as ___________ (8) elements of economic growth and prosperity. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt I)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- Mini-text 2: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

nearly eradication sustainable corruption beyond mechanisms assistance industrialized

In Africa, for example, many leaders are now working through the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) process, linking poverty ___________ (1) to policies that promote ___________ (2) growth and trade, good governance, and the fight against the pernicious evil of __________ (3). For its part, the United States has increased its official development assistance (ODA) even _________ (4) President Bush’s 2002 Monterrey pledge. Since 2000, American assistance has __________ (5) doubled, rising from $10 billion to $19 billion in 2004. That constitutes one-quarter of the ODA from the 30 ___________ (6) member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. History has shown, however, that the amount of development __________ (7) is less important than the uses to which it is put and the implementation __________ (8) used to carry out programs. It is essential, therefore, that increases in ODA be matched by increases in effectiveness and sustainability. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 2) Mini-text 3: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

sources growth donations commitment assistance figures contributions institutions

Countries that have proven their ___________ (1) to change and reform, governing justly, investing in their people, and maintaining policies and ___________ (2) that support market-led ___________ (3) will receive billions of dollars in the coming years from another of President Bush's initiatives: the Millennium Challenge Corporation. But the United States gives far more development ___________ (4) than is reflected in ODA statistics. ___________ (5) from the private sector, for example, whether corporations, private voluntary organizations, or nongovernmental organizations, are not counted as official development assistance. And yet these private ___________ (6) of capital account for a large percentage of what the people of the United States contribute to development every year. According to ___________ (7) released by the Hudson Institute, a nonpartisan policy research organization, U.S. private ___________ (8) to developing countries exceeded $62 billion in 2003. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 3)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8- Mini-text 4: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

relief partners development further resources failure achievement advantage

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has tried to take __________ (1) of these new sources of development assistance in recent years, joining forces with socially responsible private sector organizations in our Global Development Alliance. Since 2002, we have invested $1 billion in 290 public-private alliances in 98 countries, while our private sector _________ (2) have contributed more than $3.7 billion in total __________ (3). Too often, humanitarian ____________ (4) has been treated as if it were somehow separate from development and the ___________ (5) of the goals set forth in the 2000 Millennium Declaration. It is not. The ___________ (6) to respond to food emergencies in countries in Africa and elsewhere can only lead to ___________ (7) instability and make their ____________ (8) even more difficult. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 4) Mini-text 5: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

founder path respond health conflict totals separate family

Too often, humanitarian relief has been treated as if it were somehow __________ (1) from development and the achievement of the goals set forth in the 2000 Millennium Declaration. It is not. The failure to __________ (2) to food emergencies in countries in Africa and elsewhere can only lead to further instability and make their development even more difficult. To help states caught up in crisis and _________(3) return to stability and put their economies on the _________ (4) to sustained growth, President Bush recently announced that the United States will provide an additional $674 million for humanitarian emergencies in Africa this year. This is beyond the approximately $1.4 billion already committed. As a ___________ (5) and largest donor of the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, the United States also provided $459 million to the fund in 2004. The U.S. contribution for all of its HIV/AIDS programs __________ (6) more than $2.8 billion in the current fiscal year. In addition, we provide approximately $435 million annually for voluntary _________ (7) planning and maternal __________ (8) care to 60 countries. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 5)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9- Mini-text 6: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

experience considerable wealth mission revenues articulated poverty agency

Achieving the goals __________ (1) in the Millennium Declaration is very much in the interests of the United States and central to the mission of USAID. As the first-ever bilateral development _________ (2) - and still the largest - we have had ___________ (3) stake in the process and more than 40 years of __________ (4) in what works and what does not. That is why we put so much emphasis on economic growth. Simply put: Without trade, there can be no sustained economic growth. Without economic growth, there will be no increase in tax __________ (5) to support improved public services. Without growth and services, there will be no increase in _________ (6) and reduction in ___________ (7) Unless foreign aid contributes to economic growth, it is failing to achieve its primary __________ (8). (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 6) Mini-text 7: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

debt components forefront benefit owed liberalization incomes reach

There are several __________ (1) of a successful economic growth program. One of the most important, we have learned, is trade. The United States has long led the world in trade __________ (2), and USAID devotes substantial resources to helping countries participate successfully in trade negotiations and enter the World Trade Organization (WTO). Liberalizing trade laws and participating fully in the global economy does not just __________ (3) developed countries. The completion of the WTO Doha Development Round could add $200 billion annually to developing countries’ __________ (4) and lift more than 500 million people out of poverty. For several years, the United States has been at the __________ (5) of the movement to ease the Third World’s __________ (6) burdens. The United States and other G8 countries have called for 100 percent cancellation of many debt obligations __________ (7) to the World Bank, the African Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. This could result in approximately $40 billion in immediate debt relief - and it could __________ (8) more than $56 billion if all the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries become eligible. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 7)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10- Mini-text 8: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

mobilized estimates property assets immense inability borders tapped

Another __________ (1) source of potential revenue for the developing countries of the world lies within their own __________ (2). The report of the U.N. Commission on the Private Sector and Development - Unleashing Entrepreneurship: Making Business Work for the Poor - __________ (3) that developing countries have $9.4 trillion dollars in private financial __________ (4) that cannot be fully __________ (5) for development, largely because of corruption and inadequate legal protections for __________ (6) and contracts. Further, as the Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto has shown in a number of his works, the _________ (7) of millions of Third World people to capitalize on their homes and businesses due to overly rigid property and titling regulations suggests that a great reservoir of wealth remains to be __________ (8) in many developing nations. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 8) Mini-text 9: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

wealthiest fostering devised enforce consumers competitive goals confidence

A ____________ (1), well-regulated private market is indispensable because it is the most effective institution ever ____________ (2) for allocating resources efficiently, for ____________ (3) innovation, and for communicating information that helps ____________ (4) and producers make decisions. It is no coincidence that the ____________ (5) and most developed countries of the world are all free market democracies. Regulatory frameworks that build _____________ (6) in private markets, protect property, ____________ (7) contracts, and generally respect the rule of law are essential if developing nations are to achieve the ____________ (8) of the Millennium Declaration. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 9)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- Mini-text 10: Unleashing Growth through Sound Developing Policies

debating barriers blazed persistence choices register basic challenge

According to a World Bank study, in one developing country, it takes 203 days to ____________ (1) a business, while in another enforcing a contract takes 1,459 days. With ____________ (2) to business formation and entrepreneurship such as these, businesses remain small and in the informal sector. There is no point in ____________ (3) whether official development assistance should be $68 billion or $100 billion or $195 billion when the most ____________ (4) policies for generating wealth are not in place. Ending poverty is a serious ____________ (5). Building effective and equitable economic institutions takes time, ____________ (6), and reform. Policies must be put in place to safeguard the most vulnerable members of society. The good news is that many countries have already ____________ (7) a trail and that the United States and the international community will help those prepared to help themselves. With the right ____________ (8), we have a good chance of reaching the goals we set for ourselves at Monterrey and in the Millennium Declaration. (By Andrew Natsios – USAID Administrator // Excerpt 10)

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I – ANGUISHED LOVER An elderly man was sitting on a park bench in tears. A police officer came up and asked him what was wrong. “I’m 85 years old,” sobbed the man. “I have a 25-year-old wife at home. She is beautiful, charming and madly in love with me.” “So what's the problem?” “I can't remember where I live!” (Tom Pennington in Louisville Courier Journal)

II - A GEM OF AN IDEA A parable told by William Cunningham, education adviser to Gov. George Deukmejian of California: A man was out walking in the desert when a voice said to him, “Pick up some pebbles and put them in your pocket, and tomorrow you will he both sorry and glad.” The man obeyed. He stooped down and picked up a handful of pebbles and put them in his pocket. The next morning he reached into his pocket and found diamonds and rubies and emeralds. And he was both glad and sorry. Glad that he had taken some - sorry that he hadn't taken more. And so it is with education. Which one did you like better: the old man’s joke in I or the parable in II? Why? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13-

WARM UP FOR MOCK TEST The mock test (=exame simulado) date is drawing near. Do the next questions as if they were part of your exam. Good Luck! Read the text below then choose the best option to answer questions 1 to 4 Meetings Fail To Advance WTO Negotiations, U.S. Officials Say Washington – December’s trade ministers meeting in Hong Kong should continue work toward consensus even though key parties have failed again to produce a framework for concluding the long-stalled World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman says. Portman and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns said that WTO participants should keep working hard to make progress before the Hong Kong meeting. The two officials November 9 conducted a teleconference with reporters in the United States from aboard an airplane carrying them from Geneva to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, where they are scheduled to meet with sub-Saharan African officials to discuss cotton trade. He said the United States still intends to push hard for consensus over the coming weeks. And Johanns called premature any notion of ending the negotiations, which are formally called the Doha Development Agenda. "It would be a grave mistake to declare this round at an end at the Hong Kong meeting," Johanns said. "There is still an entire year ahead of us when we can work aggressively to have a successful Doha round, and we are committed to doing that." (By Bruce Odessey, Washington File Staff Writer) Visit: 1. In relation to the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations the

author says that a) trade ministers will hardly reach a consensus in Hong Kong. b) they have not advanced for quite a while. c) will rely on the trade ministers’ consensus. d) depend on the production of a framework. e) may progress in Hong Kong at last.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14- 2. It’s possible to infer as to the Doha round that it a) should depend on the Hong Kong meeting. b) might bring some progress. c) will fail to produce expected results. d) might be canceled. e) should be held in December 2006. 3. The expression “even though” (L-2), 1st pr. indicates a) addition and could be replaced by moreover b) emphasis and could be replaced by indeed. c) concession and could be replaced by although. d) purpose and could be replaced by thus. e) contrast and could be replaced by nevertheless. 4. According to the two American officials a) key parties won’t be able to produce the appropriate framework for the

Doha round of negotiations. b) just the Secretary of Agriculture a and a U.S. trade representative are not

enough to reflect the North American policy on this issue. c) WTO participants should strive to make progress before the trade

ministers’ meeting in Hong Kong. d) the atmosphere preceding the Hong Kong meeting is one of undeniable

pessimism about reaching any consensus. e) demonstrated they are somewhat helpless to combat the key parties

failure to work toward consensus.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15-

Alguns comentários antes do gabarito Se você é bom observador notou que nesta nona aula procuramos repassar variados pontos. Tenha em mente que, a não ser em textos adaptados, nenhum autor escreve um determinado essay, article ou report para que se estude o present simple, o past tense, present perfect, prepositions, passive voice, etc. O autor escreve para passar sua mensagem, para discorrer sobre determinado assunto. Como você viu no text 1 desta aula, lá estão os modal verbs pipocando aqui e ali, os verb tenses acima citados e outros, os prefixes e suffixes aparecem em profusão, os exemplos de discourse markers, e até alguns exemplos de passive voice. Devo dizer, honestamente, que não escolhi o texto inicial para demonstrar estes pontos. Actually, escolhi o text 1 porque se tratava de um desdobramento do assunto: reunião dos trade ministers em Hong Kong - mesmo tópico do texto com as questões que já havia proposto num simulado aqui no RJ e que, aqui, estão funcionando como warm up para o nosso simulado depois da AULA 10. Acredito que tenha conseguido provar o meu ponto. Eu não tive que buscar desesperadamente um texto que falasse de todos os assuntos que vimos estudando; eles simplesmente estavam lá. Provavelmente, será isso que acontecerá no dia da sua prova. Esses mesmos pontos fundamentais estarão lá e, aí, tudo vai depender de como a banca examinadora irá explorá-los. Portanto, keep in mind that a probabilidade de não aparecer nenhum dos tópicos que estamos estudando é zero. A não ser, é claro, que você tenha pegado a prova de espanhol por engano!

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

ANSWERS Pre-testing Vocabulary a. 3 // b. 4 // c. 5 // d. 1 // e. 2 Verb Tenses Present continuous: is urging (L-1) Present simple: We need (L-7) Past simple: Portman made (L-9), the United States submitted Present perfect: have pressed (L-14), Future simple: will not establish (L-28), Hong Kong will not be (L-32) Past perfect: all we had hoped, Passive voice Items: Quaisquer dois dos seguintes exemplos: That aim was frustrated, … // when a subsequent EU agriculture proposal was found by other participants,… // expectations for Hong Kong have been lowered … Translation of the text fragment: In “the United States remains committed to concluding an agreement with real substance…” (L- 28/29)

Apesar de o verbo concluding apresentar-se com a forma usamos o infinitivo na tradução por causa da preposição to exigida pelo verbo committed. Portanto: os EUA permanecem determinados a concluir um acordo ... é a melhor tradução do trecho.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- Reading Comprehension 1. Para estabelecer uma base de proteção uma vez que progredir nas negociações é tarefa árdua. 2. Logo de início, em 2001, por causa da questão de comercialização dos produtos agrícolas. 3. As chances de sucesso na reunião em Hong Kong ficaram sensivelmente reduzidas após constatar-se que a proposta da União Européia não representava nenhum aumento real de acesso aos mercados. 2. A expressão since then (= desde então) indica tempo decorrido desde o lançamento em 2001. 5. A palavra still (= contudo, todavia) é usada como uma transitional word ou marcadora do discurso e não como advérbio. Aqui marca oposição ou contraste. 6. A palavra while (= apesar de)é usada como uma transitional word ou marcadora do discurso. Igualmente, aqui está indicando oposição ou contraste. True or False? 7. (T) Ought to pode ser substituído por should 8. (T) A tradução “the long-stalled WTO negotiations é: ‘as negociaações travadas há longo tempo’

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- Prefixes // Suffixes I. 1. [INACCURATE] O relato dos fatos apresentado pela testemunha foi

impreciso (OU inexato) 2. [ILLEGAL] Não vou fazer isto porque é contra a lei; é ilegal. 3. [IMPARTIAL] Todos nós esperamos que juízes sejam imparciais. 4. [UNPOPULAR] Na qualidade de líder tinha que tomar decisões

impopulares. 5. [IRRESISTIBLE] Fui arrastado para o local por um tipo de força irresistível. II. 1. [DISQUALIFIED] Não cole no exame ou você será desclassificado. 2. [INDECISIVE] Tome uma decisão. Por que você tem que ser sempre tão

indeciso? 3. [UNSURE] Ela tem se sentido tão insegura. 4. [MISUNDERSTANDING] Deve haver algum mal-entendido. Não era isso

que eu queria dizer. 5. [NON-PROFIT] Mr. Lombard disse que trabalhava para uma organização

não lucrativa. III 1. [ALLERGIC] O Doutor Sales descobriu que a Julie era alérgica à penicilina. 2. [CLASSIC] Você tem que ler os autores clássicos. 3. [SELFISH] Divida seu quarto com sua prima. Não seja tão egoísta, Gene. 4. [POISONOUS] Aquela cobra é venenosa. Tenha cuidado. 5. [PROFITABLE] A empresa do Freddy é muito lucrative. IV 1. [LOVELY] Samantha tem um / uma filho /a adorável. 2. [SALTY] Por causa de sua hipertensão Julie não pode comer comidas

salgadas. 3. [WATCHFUL] Temos que permanecer vigilantes a fim de que outro roubo

não ocorra novamente. 4. [HORRIBLE] Detestei aquela cena. É horrível. 5. [CLASSICAL] Meu pai adora música clássica. .

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- Vocabulary Buil Up Mini-text 1 1. join // 2. pledged // 3. gather // 4. accomplished // 5. sponsored // 6. successful // 7. business // 8. key Mini-text 2 1. eradication // 2. sustainable // 3. corruption // 4. beyond // 5. nearly/ 6. industrialized // 7. assistance // 8. mechanisms Mini-text 3 1. commitment //2. institutions //3. growth //4. assistance // 5. contributions // 6. sources // 7. figures // 8. donations Mini-text 4 1. advantage // 2. partners // 3. resources // 4. relief // 5. achievement / 6. failure // 7. further // 8. development Mini-text 5 1. separate // 2. respond // 3. conflict // 4. path // 5. founder / 6. totals // 7. family // 8. health Mini-text 6 1. articulated // 2. agency // 3. considerable // 4. experience // 5. revenues / 6. wealth // 7. poverty // 8. mission Mini-text 7 1. components // 2. liberalization // 3. benefit // 4. incomes // 5. forefront / 6. debt // 7. owed // 8. reach Mini-text 8 1. immense // 2. borders // 3. estimates // 4. assets // 5. mobilized / 6. property // 7. inability // 8. tapped Mini-text 9 1. competitive // 2. devised // 3. fostering // 4. consumers // 5. wealthiest / 6. confidence // 7. enforce // 8. goals Mini-text 10 1. register // 2. barriers // 3. debating // 4. basic // 5. challenge / 6. persistence // 7. blazed // 8. choices

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -20- MOCK TEST 1. B Veja o exercício sobre a paráfrase desse fragmento no texto 1 desta nossa aula. O que está dito na letra A? Os ministros do comércio mal conseguirão obter um consenso em Hong Kong [Atenção para a palavra ‘hardly cuja força é negativa Por exemplo: Without make-up, you could hardly recognize the movie star (Sem maquiagem mal se podia reconhecer a estrela do cinema). Na letra C tem-se: dependerão (as negociações) do consenso dos ministros do comércio; na letra D, na elaboração de um painel e, em E, podem (é provável que) progridam em Hong Kong, contrariando tudo o que é esperado e mencionado no texto. 2. E Apareceu o verbo ‘infer’ (ou o substantivo inference) sinal de alerta! Você está sendo convidado a tirar uma conclusão sobre alguma coisa não presente no texto com todas as letras. Na presente questão, só é razoável concluir que a rodada de Doha está programada para dezembro de 2006 com apoio na declaração do secretario de agricultura norte-americano o qual diz que seria um erro descartar tal rodada quando se tem um ano inteiro para trabalhar ativamente e se buscar avanços para preparar a reunião. Quanto às demais opções: em A, deve depender da reunião de Hong Kong, em B, talvez possa trazer algum progresso [vaga demais]; em C, fracassará em produzir os resultados esperados; [não é possível afirmar isso, e mais, não é uma inferência] em D, poderá, é provável que seja cancelada [não passa de um chute] 3. C Estude a folha com os discourse markers (=marcadores do discurso). Even though (=muito embora) indica concessão e poderia nesse contexto ser substituído por although (=embora). 4. C Esta resposta está no segundo parágrafo do texto. Traduzindo: os participantes das negociações na OMC devem envidar esforços para progredir antes mesmo da reunião dos ministros de comércio em Hong Kong. em A, as partes-chave não serão capazes de produzir um painel adequado para a rodada de negociações de Doha; em B, somente um secretário de agricultura e um representante comercial não são suficientes para refletir a política norte-americana sobre este assunto; em D, a atmosfera precedendo a reunião de Hong Kong é de inegável pessimismo quanto a se alcançar um consenso. Finalmente, em E, lê-se: demonstraram que estão um tanto indefesos para combater o fracasso da forças-chave quanto a se alcançar algum consenso.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -21-

SUPPLEMENT: AFFIXES É de grande utilidade o estudo das word forms do inglês. Quanto mais familiarizado você estiver com os vários affixes (prefixes / suffixes) mais facilidade terá em decoding novos significados, e mais fluentemente você conseguirá ler e estará aumentando o seu vocabulary power. 1) PREFIXES Anti as in: anti-war manifestação contra a guerra Auto as in: autobiography autobiografia Dis as in: disconnect desconectar En as in: enlarge ampliar Il as in: illegal ilegal Im as in impatient impaciente In as in: indecent indecente Inter as in interdependent interdependent Ir as in irrelevant irelevante Mid as in: mid-way a meio caminho Mis as in misinterpret interpretar mal Multi as in multinational multinacional Non as in nonsmoking não fumante Out as in outlive viver mais que Over as in overweight obeso, acima do peso Pre as in: pre-test pré teste Pro as in: pro-abortion manifestação em favor do aborto Semi as in: semicircle semicírculo Un as in unwrap desembrulhar Under as in: undernourished subnutrido 2) SUFFIXES Formadores de verbos -ate as in: estimate estimar -en as in: blacken escurecer -fy as in: certify certificar -ize as in: liberalize liberar

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -22- Formadores de advérbios -ly as in sincere sincerely -ward(s) as in: toward(s) em direção a -wise as in: clockwise no sentido horário Formadores de substantivos -age as in: marriage casamento -ance as in attendance presença -er as in hunter caçador -hood as in: childhood infância -ician as in: statistician estatístico -ics as in: statistics estatística -ish as in: childish infantil -ism as in: fanaticism fanatismo -ist as in: physicist físico -ity as in: brutality brutalidade -ment as in: improvement melhoria -ness as in: happiness felicidade -or as in: survivor sobrevivente -ship as in: friendship amizade -sis as in: synthesis síntese -tion as in: attention atenção Formadores de adjetivos -able as in: reliable confiável -al as in: cultural cultural -an as in American americano -ation as in: explanation explicação -ed* as in experienced experiente -ee as in trainee estagíário/a, treinando -ful as in: grateful grato/a, agradecido/a -ible as in: responsible responbsável -ic as in: classic clássico -ive as in: responsive responsivo/a -less as in: careless descuidado -ly as in: friendly amigável -ous as in: ambitious ambicioso/a -y as in: rainy chuvoso

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -23- AULA 9 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Text: US wants WTO Ministerial Meeting after

Session in Hong Kong Texto para Leitura: ‘Os EUA querem uma reunião ministerial da OMC após a

sessão de Hong Kong’ II – Brief analysis of text 1: Verb Tenses, Modals, Passive Voice

Discourse Markers Breve análise do texto 1: Tempos Verbais, Os modais, Voz Passiva, e

Marcadores do Discurso III – Reading Comprehension text 1 Compreensão da Leitura do texto 1 IV - Word Forms – Affixes together Formação de Palavras – Vários afixos juntos V – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: 10 excerpts

from the article ‘Unleashing Growth through Sound Development Policies

Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: 10 trechos do artigo ‘Promovendo o Crescimento através de Políticas de Desenvolvimento Adequadas’.

VI– Lighten up! Two stories: Anguished Lover & A Gem of an Idea Relaxe! Duas histórias: O amante angustiado & Uma jóia de Idéia. IX– Warm Up for the Mock Test // Text + comments on answers Aquecimento para o Teste Simulado Texto + gabarito comentado

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LOOKING BACK ON ESSENTIALS Text 1: The International Monetary Fund Most of the world’s leading nations sent representatives to a conference at Bretton Woods, on Dec 27, 1945. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established then, and a system of “pegged” or fixed exchange rates was devised. The IMF was established mainly to promote international cooperation on monetary issues and to facilitate governments with financial resources to correct 5 payments’ imbalances. The IMF is a specialized agency of the UN, with a board of governors drawn from every member country, 22 executive directors and a managing director. It had 170 members (1993). Its headquarters is in Washington D.C. The IMF extends short-term credit to nations unable to meet their balance-of-10 payments debts by conventional means, usually increased exports and long-term loans. The IMF expects to be paid back and can enter into consultations with chronic debtor-nations in order to advise them on how best to repay their debts. The IMF will often ask these nations to take steps to decrease their imports or perhaps depreciate their currencies. 15 The conference at Bretton Woods also provided for fixed exchange rates between nations, but this part of the agreement has since been abandoned. In 1971, with the American trade deficit continuing to grow, the US proposed that Germany and Japan, both with favorable balances of payment, appreciate their currencies. These nations were reluctant to act, and when they did, it was too little too late. The 20 fixed value of the dollar was abandoned and allowed to “float;” that is, to fluctuate in comparison to other currencies - with supply and demand determining the value. In the US, prices and wages were frozen for a time, and a 10% surcharge was imposed on imports. The purpose was to persuade Europe and Japan to reduce trade barriers against American products. 25 A world conference was called at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., to try and revive the old system. The dollar was officially devalued, and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value. When the U.S. trade position still did not improve enough in 1972, the fall of the dollar was made official, and the world reverted to flexible exchange rates. 30 Some economists argue that more potent methods must be used to correct long-term and deep-seated trade imbalances. Two of the more popular ideas are the use of flexible exchange rates and special drawing rights. Flexible exchange rates would mark a compromise between the days of rigid (usually outdated) exchange rates and today’s free-floating situation where supply and demand can cause 35 extreme fluctuations in a currency’s value. Flexible exchange rates would allow a currency to fluctuate up to a certain prescribed level, perhaps 1% or 2% a year. Special drawing rights are what is known as “paper gold.” Limited supplies of gold relative to the world money supply, along with the fall in value of the dollar, have led to the need to find an alternative. The IMF has responded by agreeing to create 40 paper gold and distribute it to member nations in proportion to the amount of their subscription. (From “An Outline of American Economy’, ps.132/133, USIA)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2- Pre-testing Vocabulary Faça o skimming do texto e correlacione os fragmentos do texto em A com sua tradução em B, impregnados de “economês” já que estamos falando do International Monetary Fund (IMF), that is, FMI. Como sempre as transparent words, os true cognates, vão ajudá-lo nessa tarefa:

A B 1. “pegged” exchange rates a. ( ) saldar suas dívidas 2. correct payments’ imbalances b. ( ) taxas de câmbio fixas 3. repay their debts c. ( ) corrigir desequilíbrios nos pags. 4. decrease their imports d. ( ) desvalorizar suas moedas 5. depreciate their currencies e. ( ) diminuir suas importações 6. prices and wages were frozen f. ( ) direitos especiais de saque 7. deep-seated trade imbalances g. ( ) preços e salários foram congelados 8. special drawing rights h. ( ) desequilíbrios comerciais sérios

ANALYSIS OF TEXT 1 1. Em virtude de se tratar de um relato histórico o verb tense predominante é o past simple. Escreva pelo menos cinco exemplos dele nas linhas abaixo: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. Escreva um exemplo retirado do text 1 nos verb tenses below: Present simple _________________________________________________ Present perfect _________________________________________________ Future Simple __________________________________________________ 3. Escreva cinco exemplos de construções na passive voice encontradas no text 1: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3- 4. Atenção para o significado das palavras terminadas em Indique como estão sendo usadas as formas em negrito e traduza os fragmentos do texto. a) the world’s leading nations (L-1) __________________________________________________________________________ b) and a managing director (L-9) __________________________________________________________________________ c) the American trade deficit continuing to grow (L-19) __________________________________________________________________________ d) supply and demand determining the value (L-23) __________________________________________________________________________ e) and special drawing rights (L-34) __________________________________________________________________________ f) today’s free-floating situation (L-36) __________________________________________________________________________ g) The IMF has responded by agreeing (L-42) __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Atenção para o significado das palavras terminadas em ...ed. Indique como estão sendo usadas as formas em negrito e traduza os fragmentos do texto a) a system of fixed exchange rates (L-3) __________________________________________________________________________ b) The IMF is a specialized agency (L-8) __________________________________________________________________________ c) usually increased exports (L-12) __________________________________________________________________________ d) at Bretton Woods also provided for (L-17) __________________________________________________________________________ e) this part of the agreement has since been abandoned (L-18) __________________________________________________________________________ f) Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value (L-29) __________________________________________________________________________ g) fluctuate up to a certain prescribed level (L-38) __________________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4- 6. Escreva nas linhas abaixo o que os seguintes modal verbs estão indicando nos fragmentos do text 1 can (L-13) ______________________________________________________ must (L-32) _____________________________________________________ would (L-35) ____________________________________________________ can (L-36) ______________________________________________________ 7. Escreva nas linhas abaixo A que se referem os pronomes no text 1 it (L- 9) _________________________________________________________ its (L- 10) _______________________________________________________ their (L- 20) _____________________________________________________ their (L- 42) _____________________________________________________

WORD FORMS Basta olhar com atenção e lá estão os exemplos de palavras formadas com prefixes e suffixes que vimos estudando. Escolho alguns exemplos com o sufixo –OR para revisão: Governor (= aquele/a que governa, governador / a) Todos os estados americanos têm governors, com exceção é claro da Califórnia que, no momento, tem um ‘governator’. No seguinte fragmento do texto em board of governors é melhor entendermos como junta diretora, grupo de diretores, diretoria. “with a board of governors drawn from every member country (L-7) (= com um quadro de diretores retirado de cada país membro) Director(s) (=aquele que dirige, diretor) “22 executive directors and a managing director…” (L-8) (= 22 diretores e um diretor gerente) Debtor (= aquele/a que deve, devedor/a) “enter into consultations with chronic debtor-nations..” (L-12/13) (= entabular consultas com países devedores inveterados)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- Poderíamos, com certeza, pinçar vários outros exemplos do texto de formação prefixal e sufixal igualmente elucidativos, mas, por enquanto, vamos ficar com o quadro seguinte. Veja se consegue fazer este exercício sem o auxílio de um dictionary; se de todo não for possível, recorra a um. Escreva nas quadriculas as palavras que estão faltando pertencentes às respectivas word families: Verb Noun Adjective adverb advise ____________ advisable advisably finance finance financial ________________correct ______________ corrected correctly _____________ officialization officialized officially increase increase increasing ________________impose _____________ imposed imposingly compare comparison t ______________ comparably persuade persuasion ______________ persuasively know _____________ unknown knowingly _____________ specialization special specially

COLLOCATIONS / COMBINATIONS Sugeri que você estudasse blocos de palavras e não só palavras soltas. É o estudo das collocations e combinations não valendo a pena, aqui, ficar preso à distinção entre elas. Escolhi exemplos do texto do tipo: verb + noun / adj. + noun. Coloque os verbos diante das expressões correspondentes, depois confira no texto como o autor as combinou. extends - promote - take - depreciate - determine - reduce - freeze - correct 1. ____________ international cooperation 2. ____________ steps 3. ____________ short-term credit 4. ____________ their currencies 5. ____________ trade barriers 6. ____________ trade imbalances 7. ____________ determining the value 8. ____________ freeze wages and prices

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6- From text 1: “Some economists argue that more potent methods must be used to correct long-term and deep-seated trade imbalances. Two of the more popular ideas are the use of flexible exchange rates and special drawing rights. (L-35)

COMPARATIVES Anteriormente revisamos superlatives. Desta vez vamos relembrar as comparative forms. As formas do comparativo e do superlativo dos adjetivos são importantes pois os examinadores podem perfeitamente jogar com as idéias de mais isso, menos aquilo, o mais alguma coisa, o menos alguma coisa - de maneira explicita ou não tão explícita nas diversas opções apresentadas numa questão de múltipla-escolha. Veja se tem o domínio das principais formações: a. O sufixo ‘er’ é usado para formar o comparativo de superioridade de

adjetivos ‘curtos’. easy easier (than) mais fácil (que) clean cleaner (than) mais limpo/a (que) hot hotter (than) mais quente (que) old older (than) mais velho/a (que) b. Com adjetivos longos’ usa-se more+adj.+than para formar o comparativo de

supeiroridade e less+adj.+than para formar o compartaivo de inferioridade. more (less) difficult than mais (menos) difícil (que) more (less) complicated than mais (menos) complicado/a que) more (less) economical than mais (menos) econômico/a (que) c. Algumas formas irregulares: good better (than) melhor (que) bad worse (than) pior (que) little less( than ) menos (que) much(many) more (than) mais (que)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7-

A FINAL LOOK AT FALSE FRIENDS From text 1: “would mark a compromise” (L-35) No exemplo extraído do text 1, ‘compromise’ não significa compormisso, e sim, acordo. O que faz dele um falso amigo para Brazilian students. Complete the sentences with one of the FALSE COGNATES from the box then translate the sentences.

extenuating luxury balance record repealed union affluent fabric attend parties costume cargo

1. I’m sure that law has been _________ already. It’s no longer valid. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. There are some ______________ circumstances in his case that must be

taken into account by the judge. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. In many places, an automobile is not a __________, it’s a necessity. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Since you did not pay the invoice in full, how do you intend to pay the

___________ outstanding. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. He began to keep a more accurate _________ of his expenses. __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Nobody had told me it was _________ party. So I wore a suit. __________________________________________________________________________ 7. The area was nicknamed Silicon Valley for the ________ of computer chips. __________________________________________________________________________ 8. _________ leaders, together with dissatisfied workers, went on strike. __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Mr. Penn introduced us to his __________ associate from Norway. __________________________________________________________________________ 10. If the ________ were not illegal, there would not be so many men carrying

shotguns on board that ship. __________________________________________________________________________ 11. Now that the two ____________ involved are in agreement the contract

may be finalized. __________________________________________________________________________ 12. Unfortunately not many people enrolled to _________ Prof. Haskin’s talk

on Economic Development. __________________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8- Como ainda estamos treinando pro mock test final, vale um exercício de:


A B 1. attract customers a. ( ) tem seguro contra perda 2. carry money safely b. ( ) realizar muitos negócios 3. foreign currencies c. ( ) esgotar o estoque de. cheques 4. accept foreign checks d. ( ) portar dinheiro c/ segurança 5. dealing with foreigners e. ( ) receber cheques do exterior 6. insured against loss f. ( ) moedas estrangeiras 7. do much business g. ( ) atrair clientes 8. run out of checks h. ( ) negociar com estrangeiros 9. service charge will vary i. ( ) pagar pela hospedagem 10. pay for lodging j. ( ) tarifas de serviços variarão

Text 2: Handling your money Most banks in the U.S. open at 9 and close between 3 and 5 but stay open late on Fridays. Some banks have longer hours in order to attract customers. What’s the best way to carry money safely while you’re traveling? There are three possibilities - personal checks from your country, travelers’ checks and credit cards. Some American banks accept foreign checks such as Eurocheques. 5 The problem is that only those banks that are used to dealing with foreigners will know what Eurocheques are. It may be more convenient to carry travelers’ checks, which are insured against loss. They should be in dollars, because only a few banks do much business in foreign currencies. If your checks aren’t in dollars, it may take you a 10 long time to find a bank that will exchange them. You can use travelers checks almost anywhere - in restaurants, stores or ticket offices - without having to go to a bank. If you run out of them, you can buy more at most banks. Their service charge will vary, though, so ask what it is before you buy your checks. Americans would say the best way to carry money is to have a major 15 credit card like Visa, Master Card or American Express. Credit Cards can be canceled if they are lost or stolen. And because they are widely accepted in the U.S., it is easy to use them to pay for lodging, transportation, meals and things you want to buy from larger stores. Of course you can’t get along without cash, but you don’t need to carry 20 much with you (From "How to Survive in the USA" by Nancy Church and Anne Moss, Unit 6, p 52)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9- READING COMPREHENSION PRATICE FOR THE MOCK TEXT 1. Banks most likely to know about Eurocheques are the banks ... a) whose service charges are lower. b) having longer hours to attract customers. c) which do much business in all foreign currencies. d) that ordinarily deal with foreigners. e) that can exchange them if you run out of them. 2. The phrase ‘such as’ (L-5) as a discourse marker is indicating … a) addition b) opposition. c) emphasis. d) concession. e) exemplification. 3. The authors defend the convenience of carrying travelers’ checks because a) they are insured against loss. b) they should always be in dollars. c) very few banks accept them. d) you can eventually cancel them. e) banks invariably charge low service charges. 4. In ‘you can’t get along without cash’ the underlined expression in

bold means that a) you cannot live without notes and coins. b) people will never be able to substitute for cash. c) you have to carry a little pocket money with you. d) people should not carry cash with them. e) you cannot use magnetic cards everywhere. 5. In the fragment “so ask what it is before you buy your checks” (L- 14) the

pronoun ‘it’ refers to a) a bank. b) the service charge. c) a traveler check d) the matter e) a place

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP: PHRASAL VERBS From text 2: “Of course you can’t get along without cash” (L-20) O verbo ‘get’ é o verbo dos 1001 significados. Se um aluno me perguntasse - Qual é o significado de ‘get’? Mais uma vez a minha resposta teria que ser - Em que contexto? Veja algumas possibilidades: What time did you get home last night? A que horas você chegou em casa ontem à noite? Harriet did not get what I meant with that phrase. A Harriet não entendeu o que eu quis dizer com aquela frase. The phone rings and somebody says: I’ll get it! O telefone toca e alguém diz: Eu atendo! Isso sem mencionar as inúmeras possibilidades da locução get + adjective: It’s getting cold, it’s getting late. Time to get dressed. Está ficando frio, está ficando tarde. Hora de se vestir. Além disso, como muitos outros verbos ingleses o verbo ‘get’ se une a partículas como no exemplo texto para formar phrasal verbs. O próprio get along acima pode ser get along without ou get along with. Por exemplo: Ross and Ben cannot work together. They don’t get along with each other. O Ross e o Ben não podem trabalhar juntos. Eles não se dão bem. My mother-in-law just can’t get along without TV. Minha sogra não consegue passar sem a TV. Depois que eu vi a seguinte questão no concurso de Fiscal da Receita, conforme menciono no meu livro Inglês para Concursos, a partir daí passei a aconselhar meus alunos a estudarem os phrasal verbs com mais carinho. Observe: ESAF AFRF 2002.2 The expression to ‘stem the loss’ means to … a) stop it. b) bring it about. c) sum it up. d) take it over. e) make it out. Answer: ‘a’, the other options are examples of phrasal verbs.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11- PHRASAL VERBS PRACTICE Use the phrasal verbs from the box to complete the text below (using each verb once only. Equivalents are given in brackets. You may need to use other verb tenses. Use estes phrasal verbs para completar o texto abaixo. Use cada um deles somente uma vez. Equivalentes são fornecidos entre parênteses. Você pode precisar alterar os tempos verbais.

act on adhere to branch out build up cash in on draw up fall through fight off get away with look after look forward to make up rely/count on take over take up

When we tried to (1) __________ [acquire] Mackenzie PLC we were all (2) ___________ [await with pleasure] an easy victory. We thought that most of their shareholders would (3) __________ [profit from] the chance of a quick profit. But the directors were determined to (4) ___________ [defeat] our bid. They (5) ___________ [invent] a lot of untrue stories about our company and criticized our last Annual Report, claiming that we hadn’t (6) __________ [respect] Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and that our accountants had (7) ____________ [succeeded in doing sth. wrong] a lot of window dressing. They were able to convince their shareholders that they could (8) ___________ [trust] them (the current management) to (9) _____________ [protect] their interests better than we could. Over the years, they had obviously (10) ____________ [accumulated] a lot of respect from their shareholders. who (11) ___________ [follow] the board of directors’ advice, and didn't (12) _____________ [accept] our offer. Thus the whole deal (13) ____________ [collapse] But we are now (14) ____________ [prepare] alternative plans to (15) ______________ [diversify] in a new direction. (Adapted from Financial English by Ian Mackenzie, page 82, LTP)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP Match the words in (A) with the words in (B) then the words in (C) with ones in (D to check how much of transitional words (discourse markers you have learned: Associe as palavras da coluna A com as palavras na coluna B depois as em C com aquelas em D para verificar o quanto você aprendeu sobre transitions ( marcadores do discurso)

A B 1. In spite of a. ( ) Furthermore 2. However b. ( ) Finally 3. As a result c. ( ). Nevertheless 4. Moreover d. ( ) Despite 5. Eventually e. ( ) Therefore

C D 6. Besides f. ( ) As, since 7. Hence g. ( ) But 8. Notwithstanding h. ( ). So, thus 9. Because i. ( ) In fact, really 10. Actually j. ( ) In addition, also

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13-


Take 2

1. O que você observa de diferente nos dois takes? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Qual é o efeito desejado pelo criador do anúncio publicitário? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Você consegue traduzir esse provérbio acima? ________________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-

SAME OR DIFFERENT? Write (S) in parentheses if you think ‘a’ and ‘b’ mean the same; write (D) if you think they’re different. 1. ( ) a) Although Jennifer studied hard for the test, she did not pass. b) Jennifer failed to pass the test; she studied hard for it, though. 2. ( ) a) Harold studied until midnight last night. b) Harold kept studying until midnight last night. 3. ( ) a) The quiz Prof. Lindsay gave us was very hard; very few students

succeeded. b) Even though Prof. Lindsay’s test was very hard; quite a few students

succeeded. 4. ( ) a) No doubt Louis has many qualities; nevertheless, I think she’s too

inexperienced. b) There’s no doubt Louis has many qualities; still, I think she needs much

more experience. 5. ( ) a) My father let us choose shoes of our own liking. b) My father let us choose shoes by ourselves. 6. ( ) a) I give up! I’ll never learn calculus. It’s just over my head. b) I give up! I’ll never keep those calculations in mind. 7. ( ) a) Brenda was one of the worst dancers of the group. Actually, she may

have been the worst. b) Brenda was a very poor dancer. Nowadays, she is the worst of the group.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15-

PARAPHRASING WARNING! Pensei muito antes de incluir este exercício na nossa última aula. Primeiro por que ele exige o domínio de umas skills abrangentes. Considerei o momento que os candidatos ao concurso da Receita estão vivendo - com tantas matérias incluídas no edital – e tudo o mais. However, não quero ninguém arrancando os cabelos (quem os tem é claro!) Complete each sentence so as to keep its meaning as close as possible to the original segment taken or adapted from text 1 - about the IMF). Follow this example: Complete cada uma das frases de modo a manter o significado tão próximo quanto possível dos fragmentos originais retirados ou adaptados do texto 1 – sobre o FMI. Siga o seguinte exemplo: Most of the world's leading nations sent representatives to a conference at Bretton Woods in 1945. Representatives of the world's leading nations ................................. A: Representatives of the world's leading nations were sent to Bretton Woods

in 1945. 1. The IMF was established mainly to promote international cooperation on monetary issues. The promotion of ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. The IMF expects to be paid back by chronic debtor-nations. Chronic debtor nations ___________________________________________ 3. The IMF will often ask these nations to take steps to decrease their imports. These nations ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. In the United States, prices and wages were frozen for a time IMF directors ordered that .................................................................... 5. A 10% surcharge was imposed on imports to persuade Europe and Japan to

reduce trade barriers against American products. Aiming at _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16- 6. The dollar was officially devalued ... There was ______________________________________________________ 7. The Japanese yen and the German mark were raised in value. The value of ____________________________________________________ 8. When the U.S. trade position still did not improve enough in 1972, the fall of

the dollar was made official. As no noticeable improvement of ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. Some economists argue that more potent methods must be used to correct

long-term and deep-seated trade imbalances. Some economists stated that _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10. Limited supplies of gold relative to the world money supply have led to the

need to find an alternative. It was necessary _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17-

REVIEW OF VERB TENSES Choose the alternative to complete the dialog exchanges: 1. “Do you find it easy to get along with Ms. Appleton?” “She _________________ (to lead) a hard life so far, but she remains

optimistic in spite of it all.” a) has led b) was leading

2. “How come you know the meaning of ‘ad hoc”? “When we were in school we ..................... (to study) Latin for 4 years.”

a) have studied b) studied 3. “Tell me some things about your hometown.” “Belém ......................... (to change) so much since the last time we

................... (to visit) it I can hardly tell you anything.” a) has changed / visited b) was changing / were visiting

4. “Yesterday I was already in the parking lot when I realized I had to go

back to the office because I ..................... (to leave) the car keys in my desk drawer.”

“Man, how absent-minded can you get!” a) have left b) had left

5. “That Norwegian rock group you love is in Brazil.” “This is the third time they ................. (to come ) to Brazil.”

a) will come b) have come 6. “Did Ray join you for a cup of tea at 6 p.m.?” “He did. He ......................................... (to work) on the computer the

whole afternoon.” a) was working b) had been working

7. “Does your wife drink her tea with lemon.” “No. My wife is not used ........................ (to drink) her tea with lemon.”

a) drink b) drinking 8. “Let me see if I remember. You take your coffee black.” “Not any more. I used ............................. (to drink) my coffee black.”

a) drink b) drinking

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- 9. “I heard that Mr. Ramos is retiring.” “We’ll miss having him around. Mr. Ramos ....................... (always/ to

be) so helpful. a) has always been b) was being always

10. “What was Sonia so worried about this morning?” “Her husband ......................... (to phone- neg.) her yet.”

a) wasn’t phoning b) hadn’t phoned 11. “How was it at the mall this morning?” “After we had been waiting for over an hour, my wife decided to buy the

first dress she ....................... (to try on). a) had tried on b) has tried on

12. “......................... (ever/ to visit) the museums in France?” “Not yet, but I plan to.”

a) Have you ever visited b) Were you ever visiting 13. “Hi, Peter. How long ........................... (to wait) for me?” “Not very long. I arrived about five minutes ago.”

a) were you waiting b) have you been waiting 14. “Would you consider trading in your old station wagon?” “I wouldn’t. I .................. (to have) it for 5 years and it looks brand new.”

a) am having b) have had 15. “When did your aunt Alice move to Bahia?” “She moved a year ago and she ....................... (to live) there ever since.”

a) lives b) has been living 16. “Did you do anything special last night?” “I .......................... (to watch) an interesting documentary on channel 51

when the lights went out.” a) watched b) was watching

17. “I guess we’ll not be able to go anywhere this year on our vacations?” “And to think that this time last year we ..................... (to have) the time

of our lives in Palma de Majorca.” a) were having b) have had

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- 18. “When was it exactly that Derek decided to step on the gas?” “The moment he looked out of the window and saw that another car

....................... (to follow) us.” a) was following b) has followed

19. “Hey, Albert. Did you miss your bus?” “When I got to the terminal, my bus .................... (to leave) already.”

a) was left b) had left 20. “Do you know when Denise started studying English?” “She started studying it when she was a child and she ............................

(to practice) it ever since. a) has been practicing b) had practiced

21. “How can you be so optimistic about the future?” “I guarantee that things will be different a year from now. To begin with,

I ..................... (to finish) paying the mortgage on my apartment by then.” a) will have finished b) will finish

22. “Did you manage to talk to Sally today?” “No. Sally .................... (to be) pretty busy lately.”

a) was b) has been 23. “What is one thing that you remember about Jean?” “She ......................... (to play) chess very well when she was in college.”

a) played b) was playing 24. “Agatha asked me for another twenty bucks.” “She is a helpless case. She ................................. (always/to borrow)

money from her friends.” a) is always borrowing b) had always borrowed

25. “Do you know where Dennis ............................. (always/ to get off)?” “As far as I can remember, at this very station.”

a) will always get off b) always gets off 26. “Was it clear to you what Debbie commented on at the meeting?” “I don’t know what Debbie ............................. (to mean) by that”

a) meant b) was meaning

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -20- 27. “Why did Oswald decide to quit?” “He says he is not used to .................... (to be treated) so rudely.”

a) be treated b) being treated 28. “I’m going over to see Carl.” “By going there at such a late hour you .................... (to ask) for trouble.”

a) are asking b) were asking 29. “Why are you asking me not to call you up tomorrow morning?” “I ........................... (to sleep) the whole morning.”

a) was sleeping b) will be sleeping 30. “How long have you been teaching English?” “By next July I ....................... (to teach) for more than 37 years.”

a) will teach b) will have being teaching 31. “What did your father use to do?” “My Dad ........................... (to work) for Banco do Brasil for 35 years.

before he ............................. (to retire) in 1976.” a) worked / retired b) has been working has retired

32. “Does anybody else in your family work for Banco do Brasil?” “My youngest brother ............ (to work) for Banco do Brasil since 1983.”

a) has been working b) is working 33. “I wanted to see Mr. Dobson. Could you please see if he is in?” “He ............................. (just/to leave).”

a) has just left b) is just left 34. “I’m telling you that I have an appointment with Mr. Dobson.” “I’m afraid he ......................... (to leave) a minute ago.”

a) left b) has left 35. “Are you sure you ........................... (to be) here before?” “Quite sure, why?”

a) were b) have been

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -21- ERRATA: AULA 1 Houve um erro neste quadro de conjugação do past simple dos verbos. Naquela correria do cutting and pasting (cola e copia), Não fiz a revisão do resumo abaixo e os verbos que deveriam ter retornado á forma básica nos exemplos walk e sleep saíram errado. Agradeço ao aluno /a aluna que me chamou a atenção para este furo no FORUM. Abaixo reproduzo o quadro como deveria ter aparecido antes. Sorry, Guys!


3.1 PAST SIMPLE Utilizemos as expressões walk fast (=caminhar rápido), onde o verbo walk é regular e ‘sleep late (=dormir tarde) com o verbo irregular sleep.


I / You / He / She / It / We / They walked fast // slept late NB: Como você observa, há somente uma forma do verbo regular, walked, e uma forma do verbo irregular: slept. Lembre-se : infelizmente as formas do passado e do particípio passado dos verbos irregulares devem ser memorizadas. Veja material suplementar a esta aula.


Did I / You / He / She / It / We / They walk fast // sleep late? NB: Atenção pois o auxiliar ‘did’ vai indicar que a pergunta formulada está no passado. O verbo principal retorna à forma básica (walk, sleeep)


I / You / He / She / It / We / They did not walk fast // sleep late NB: Atenção, pois ao auxiliar ‘did’ segue-se a partícula negativa ‘not’ que indicará a forma negativa. O verbo principal retorna à forma básica (walk, sleep) Did not =didn’t

A seguir você tem o teste simulado, mock test, para o qual venho chamando tanto sua atenção. Só o faça depois de ter revisado todas as lições. Estabeleça um tempo razoável, realista, para fazê-lo. Continuaremos a nos comunicar na área livre do ‘Ponto’, OK!. Good Luck, everybody!

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -22-


Read the text below then choose the best option to answer questions 1 to 3. Betting on Ben On February 1st, barring any unforeseen hiccups in his Senate confirmation, Ben Bernanke will become the most powerful central banker in the world, replacing Alan Greenspan as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Nominating Mr Bernanke on Monday October 24th, George Bush said he was the “right man” to replace a “legend”. Wall Street seems to agree. Financial pundits have heaped praise on Mr Bush’s choice. Stock prices rose on the news, the dollar held steady and although bond prices fell - yields on ten-year Treasuries hit a six-month high of 4.5% on Tuesday and rose thereafter. When Mr Greenspan was named as Paul Volcker’s successor in 1987, stocks fell and bonds had their worst day in five years. What explains the Bernanke bullishness? Relief, for one thing. Many on Wall Street fretted that Mr Bush might opt for a financial version of Harriet Miers, his recent Supreme Court nomination, to succeed Mr Greenspan, favouring ideological fealty more than independence and ability. (Tellingly, Ms Miers withdrew on Thursday.) Instead, he chose a man with dazzling academic credentials, a short but successful stint as a Washington policymaker and little partisan baggage. Mr Bernanke is one of America’s foremost monetary economists. He was a Fed governor between 2002 and 2005, moving from that job to become chairman of Mr Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers. Whereas Mr Greenspan was regarded as a partisan figure before he became chairman of the Fed, few of Mr Bernanke’s academic peers even knew he was a Republican until he moved to the White House. (From access: 26/10/05 Visit: 1. Mr. Bernanke’s nomination by president Bush a) was welcomed by financial experts. d) confirmed the worries by many on Wall Street. b) might be the financial version of Ms. Harriet Miers. c) was frowned upon by the Senate. d) confirmed the worries by many on Wall Street. e) caused considerable controversy.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -23- 2. All of these can be said about Mr. Greenspan, except that he a) has been Chairman of the Fed for 18 years now. b) is considered a legend by President Bush. c) must have been indirectly responsible for Mr. Bernanke’s nomination. d) had been an active republican before being the Fed’s Chairman. e) succeeded Paul Volker as Chairman of the Fed. 3. Many on Wall Street a) were relieved that President Bush favoured ideological fealty. b) feared President Bush might choose a long time policymaker. c) were skeptical of President Bush’s capacity to replace a legend. d) knew that President Bush’s choice would cause stock prices to fall. e) were worried about President Bush’s choice for the Fed. Read the text below then choose the best option to answer questions 4 to 7. You’re hired Meet your airline’s latest employee: you. You may not have noticed, but you are also now working for your phone company and your bank. Why? Because of the growth of the self-service economy, in which companies are offloading work on to their own customers. It is, you could say, the ultimate in outsourcing. Self-service can have benefits both for companies and customers 5 alike. It is already changing business practices in many industries, and seems likely to become even more widespread in future. (…) Self-service appeals to companies for an obvious reason: it saves money. The hallmark of all of these self-service transactions is that they take place with little or no human contact. The customer does the work once done by an 10 employee, and does not expect to be paid. So to work well, self-service requires the marriage of customers with machines and software. That union, says Esteban Kolsky of Gartner, a consultancy, is now doing for the service sector what mass production once did for manufacturing: automating processes and significantly cutting costs. 15 “From the corporate side you hear, we want to make sure the customer gets what he wants,” or whatever, but, bottom line, it does reduce costs:' says Mr. Kolsky. Francie Mendelsohn of Summit Research, a consultancy based in Rockville, Maryland, agrees. “People don’t like to admit it, but self-service is used to reduce head count and therefore improve the bottom line,” she says. It's 20 not politically correct, but it's the truth.” (From The Economist Technology quarterly, Sept. 18th, p. 16-Reports)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -24- 4. According to the author a) self-service brings more harm than benefits to the consumer. b) the most common business practice in the future tends to be self-service. c) self-service has become a more and more disseminated business practice. d) companies offloading work on their customers are growing. e) the ultimate way to reduce unemployment is self-service. 5. From the corporate point of view self-service a) saves money in the process. b) is politically incorrect. c) grants consumers satisfaction. d) reduces unemployment. e) improves the company’s products. 6. When the author says “The hallmark of all of these self-service transactions

…” (L-9) he is referring to a) what they represent to the companies. b) how time-saving they are. c) how fashionable they are. d) what they have in common. e) the existing disparities. 7. What mass production once did for manufacturing, nowadays self service is

doing for the a) modern consumers’ comfort. b) manufacturing sector. c) new job offers. d) big corporations. e) service sector.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -25- Read the text below then choose the best option to answer questions 8 to 10. Amazon: Good, Just Not Good Enough Solid third-quarter results didn't match the second quarter - and for investors anticipating another pleasant surprise, that was the problem Harry Potter’s magic may have dazzled book buyers over the summer, but it failed to sway Amazon investors Oct. 25. Despite selling 1.6 million copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the third quarter, the online retailer reported that a $40 million legal settlement whacked net income, which fell 44%, to $30 million. And a holiday season forecast that merely matched analysts' expectations sent investors fleeing, knocking down shares by almost 8% in extended trading. Pottermania did keep Amazon’s sales growth humming, at 27%, to $1.86 billion. And as earnings disappointments go, this one was relatively minor. Absent the legal settlement, Amazon would have reported a 12-cent-a-share profit, 2 cents above analysts’ estimates. (by Robert Hof)

8. You can affirm that a) Harry Potter’s magic may have enchanted Amazon investors. b) heavy legal expenses hit Amazon’s net income. c) Amazon may report a 12-cent-a-share profit. d) growth derived from Harry Potter’s book sales caused minor damage. e) the second quarter results were no match for the ones in the 3rd quarter. 9. The author’s use of despite (L-4), 1st pr indicates a) opposition and it may be replaced by however. b) concession and it may be replaced by though c) result and it may be replaced by thus. d) addition and it may be replaced by also e) emphasis and it may be replaced by indeed. 10. When the author says, “…sent investors fleeing” (L-8) the underlined word

means that investors a) were suspicious of quarter results. b) were confused about prospects. c) were attracted by profits. d) failed to invest as expected. e) could be helpless.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -26-

ANSWERS VOCABULARY PRE-TEST a. 3 // b. 1 // c. 2 // d. 5 // e. 4 // f. 8 // g. 6 // h. 7 PAST SIMPLE the world’s leading nations sent representatives (L-1) // It had 170 members (L-9/10) // The conference at Bretton Woods also provided for ( L- ) // the US proposed that Germany and Japan (L-18/19) // These nations were reluctant to act, and when they did (L- 21) // The purpose was to persuade Europe and Japan (L-25) // the U.S. trade position still did not improve enough … (L- 29/30) // the world reverted to flexible exchange rates. (L-29/30) PRESENT SIMPLE The IMF extends short-term credit to nations (L-11) // The IMF expects to be paid back (L-13) // Some economists argue that (L-32) PRESENT PERFECT the agreement has since been abandoned (L-18) // Limited supplies of gold … have led to the need (L-39 / 40) // The IMF has responded by agreeing (L- 41) FUTURE SIMPLE The IMF will often ask these nations (L-14) PASSIVE VOICE The IMF was established then (L- 3) // fixed exchange rates was devised. (L-4) // The fixed value of the dollar was abandoned (L-22) // prices and wages were frozen for a time (L-24) // and a 10% surcharge was imposed on imports (L – 24/25) // A world conference was called (L-27) // The dollar was officially devalued (L-28) // the fall of the dollar was made official (L-30) // more potent methods must be used (L-32) ...ING FORMS a) leading (adjetivo) em ‘the world’s leading nations (= as nações mais importantes do mundo ) // b) managing (adjetivo) em ‘a managing director ‘ (= um diretor gerente) // c) continuing (gerúncio) em’the American trade deficit continuing to grow (= o déficit de comércio norte-americando continuando a crescer) // d) determining (gerúndio) em ‘supply and demand determining the value (=oferta e procura determinando o valor // e) drawing (adjetivo) em special drawing rights (= direitos especiais de saque // f) floating ( adjetivo em today’s free-floating situation ( a situação do câmbio flutuante de hoje // g) agreeing (forma forçada pelo uso da preposição by) em ‘The IMF has responded by agreeing (= O FMI reagiu ao concordar...)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -27- ...ED FORMS a) forced (adjetivo) em ‘a system of fixed exchange rates’ (=um sistema de taxas de câmbio fixas) // b) specialized (adjetivo) em ‘The IMF is a specialized agency’ (=O FMI é uma agência especializada.// c) increased (adjetivo) em ‘usually increased exports’ (= as exportações geralmente incrementadas ) // d) provided (past tense) em ‘at Bretton Woods also provided for’ ( Bretton Woods também forneceu // e) abandoned (past participle) em ‘this part of the agreement has since been abandoned (= esta parte do acordo foi desde então abandonada) // f) raised (particípio passado) em ‘Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value (=o iene japonês e o marco alemão foram valorizados) // g) prescribed (adjetivo) em ‘fluctuate up to a certain prescribed level’ (=flutuar até um certo nivel pre-erstabelecido) MODAL VERBS can (L-13) – em can enter into consultations (pode iniciar consultas com) tem essa prerrogativa, essa capacidade - portanto: capacity must (L-32) em more potent must be used (=tem que ser usado, há essa necessidade - portanto necessity. would (L-35) em would mark a compromise (= marcaria, indicaria um acordo) espresso a hiótese futura do nosso futuro do pretérito - portanto hipótese futura. can (L-36) em can cause pode causar, tem essa possibilidade portanto possibility. REFERENCE it (L- 9) the IMF ( o FMI) // its (L- 10) the IMF ( o FMI) // their (L- 20) Germany’s and Japan’s currencies // their (L- 42) member nations WORDS IN FAMILIES Verb Noun Adjective adverb advise ADVICE advisable advisably finance finance financial FINANCIALLY correct CORRECTION corrected correctly OFFICIALIZE officialization officialized officially increase increase increasing INCREASINGLYimpose IMPOSITION imposed imposingly compare comparison COMPARABLE comparably persuade persuasion PERSUASIVE persuasively know KNOWLEDGE unknown knowingly SPECIALIZE specialization special specially

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -28- HANDLING YOUR MONEY Pre test: a. 6 // b. 7 // c. 8 // d. 2 // e. 4 // f. 3 // g. 1 // h. 5 // i. 10 // j. 9 MC questions: 1. D // 2. E // 3. A // 4. C // 5. B PHRASAL VERBS 1. take over [acquire] // 2. looking forward to [await with pleasure] 3. cash in on [profit from] // 4. fight off [defeat] // 5. made up [invented] // 6. adhere to [respected] // 7. gotten away with [succeeded in doing sth. wrong] // 8. Rely/count on [trust] // 9. look after [protect] // 10. built up [accumulated] // 11. acted on advice [follow] // 12. take up [accept] // 13. Fell through [collapse] // 14. drawing up [preparing] // 15. branch out [diversify] MATCH : A & B a. (4) // b. (5)// c. (2) // d. (1) // e. (3) MATCH : C & D f. (9) // g. (8) // h. (7) // i. (10) // j. (6) FALSE FRIENDS 1. [REPEALED] Tenho certeza de que a lei foi revogada. Não é mais válida. 2. [EXTENUATING] Há algumas circunstâncias atenuantes no caso dele que

devem ser levadas em consideração pelo juiz. 3. [LUXURY] Em muitos lugares o automóvel não é um luxo e sim uma

necessidade. 4. [BALANCE] Já que você não pagou o total da fatura terá que pagar o saldo

remanescente com juros. 5. [RECORD] Ele passou a manter um registro mais preciso de suas despesa. 6. [COSTUME] Ninguém me havia dito que se tratava de uma festa à fantasia.

Portanto, eu vestia um terno. 7. [FABRIC] A área foi apelidado de ‘Vale do Silício’ por causa do material

básico usado nos componentes dos computadores. 8. [UNION] Líderes sindicais em conjunto com trabalhadores insatisfeitos,

entraram em greve. 9. [AFFLUENT] Mr. Penn apresentou-nos aos seu sócio rico da Noruega. 10. [CARGO] Se a carga não fosse ilegal não haveria tantos homens

carregando rifles a bordo do navio. 11. {PARTIES] Agora que as duas partes envolvidas estão de acordo o contrato

poderá ser assinado. 12. {ATTEND] Infelizmente não muitas pessoas se inscreveram para assistir à

palestra do Prof. Haskin sobre Desenvolvimento Econômico.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -29- LIGHTEN UP Os personagens são o ex-presidente dos EUA Ronald Reagan e o ex-premier soviético Gorbachev no momento da assinatura de um tratado de não proliferação de armas. No primeiro take só aparece o provérbio, e no segundo vê-se que é um anúncio da caneta Parker. Veja se conseguiu entender o provérbio assim: ‘A pena é mais poderosa que a espada.’ O criador do anúncio publicitário faz um jogo inteligente com as palavras onde a sugestão de que os dois mandatários estariam usando a caneta Parker é muito forte. SAME OR DIFFERENT? 1. (S) // 2. (S) // 3. (D) very few students (= muito poucos alunos)/ quite a few students (= bastantes alunos) // 4. (S) // 5. (S) // 6. (D) Uma coisa é não conseguir aprender cálculo porque é difícil demais para você; a outra, é não conseguir memorizar cálculos // 7. (D) em a, está dito que Brenda era uma das piores dançarinas do grupo, na verdade, a pior // no segundo, diz que Brenda era uma dançarina muito ruim, Hoje em dia ela é a pior do grupo. PARAPHRASING Model: Representatives of the world's leading nations were sent to Bretton

Woods in 1945. [Comment: foi necessário usar uma estrutura de passive voice com a nova ordenação dos termos da frase] 1. The promotion of international cooperation on monetary issues was one of

the IMF’s main goals (or: aims, objectives) 2. Chronic debtor nations must pay the IMF back. 3. These nations will often be asked to take steps to decrease their imports. 4. IMF directors ordered that prices and wages be frozen fro a time. 5. Aiming at persuading Europe and Japan to reduce trade barriers against

American products a 10% surcharge was imposed. 6. There was an official devaluation of the dollar. 7. The value of the Japanese yen and the German mark was raised. 8. As no noticeable improvement of the U.S. trade position still did not occur

in 1972, the fall of the dollar was made official. 9. Some economists stated that more potent methods had to be used to correct

long-term and deep-seated trade imbalances. 10. It was necessary to find an alternative to limited supplies of gold relative to

the world money supply.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -30- VERB TENSES REVIEW 1.- has led 2.- studied 3.- has changed/visited 4.- had left 5.- have come 6.- had been working 7.- drinking 8.- drink 9.- has always been 10.- had not phoned 11.- had tried on 12.-Have you ever visited 13.- have you been waiting 14.- have had 15.- has been living 16.- was watching 17.- were having 18.- was following 19.- had left 20.- has been practicing 21.- will have finished 22.- has been 23.- played 24.- is always borrowing 25.- always gets off 26.- meant 27.- being treated 28.- are asking 29.- will be sleeping 30.- will have been teaching 31.- worked/ retired 32.- has been working 33.- has just left 34.- left 35.- have been


Answers / Respostas 1. A 2. C 3. E 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. E 8. B 9. B 10. D

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -31- AULA 10 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Text: The IMF Texto para leitura 1: O FMI II – Analysis of text 1 - Review of: verb tenses, passive voice,

…ing forms, -ed forms, modal verbs, reference, word families Análise do texto1 – revisão de tempoos verbais, voz passiva, formas, -

ed formas, verbos modais, referência, famílias de palavras... III – Comparative Forms of adjectives Grau comparativo dos adjetivos IV - A final look at false friends Uma última olhada nos falsos amigos V - Study of text 2: Vocabulary pre--test, reading questions Estudo do texto 2: pré-teste de vocabulário, questões de compreensão VI - Vocabulary Build Up – Phrasal verbs, discourse markers Construção de vocabulário – phrasal verbs, marcadores do discurso VII– Lighten up! An ad Relaxe! Um anúncio VIII – Same or different? // Paraphrasing Igual ou diferente? // Paráfrases IX– Review of verb tenses - practice Revisão dos tempos verbais - exercício X– Last but not least: MOCK TEST Por fim, mas não menos importante: TESTE SIMULADO

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