Download - P^WFPFt I Y> · 2007-02-05 · .tii.V^-Y.* ,Stf!E '.'•.V iH i '» •I *** MY> M • / :P^WFPFt 3T».«Hr*« > .AT, Jon

Page 1: P^WFPFt I Y> · 2007-02-05 · .tii.V^-Y.* ,Stf!E '.'•.V iH i '» •I *** MY> M • / :P^WFPFt 3T».«Hr*« > .AT, Jon


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' . ' • . V iH i ' » •I ***MY> M • /

:P^WFPFt 3T».«Hr*« >

.AT, J o n If. I S,T.-Tfctt

BoTffcll BtATl TICi,—

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ft tjl VMMPMlif '/, \- | r t t l M ,*^iictW",,to,,M,"^

or torttr In S^WUM*/ <^ fbMN froiory

^ a n t v ? tbMld *t OIHW nul l *' p<»UJ

»tjm ******lowo IM»IM ItiL ttftjM

. ji S A W ftd4f*tt Of «tcht Altfrnd to

JW ttlfttOMt+o t b t l b l i a k i ni»y' 1»

f MhrpriM *Uft*»t

111 I "^ ***** UaH*t town / W iAo KW-f w « m A*w (A« IIKRALH »ewr tk them

Htfttatlffia tho rdle nf ftjt f*r. Jttlftfe awfcfttw*, lk$ adilrtJ fminfi oHmftflmm/lmtii tlmlml. p* V

;•'. tyif*biHnm«4oanabMnl<* W*~ t*% Jfiml or r*aUt» a fUvok «*t<J

' thorn Mo UWAtn a yeaf. /If oaito omty tIX* fa potato ndwt*tm, , . If

" ; OW*tflOli«k of •p»o« #< | w ^ n «bMf<d Mi tl«lplM aftMt of oar iouoty MlWiS—<•»«>. IMII4«« l«*Hri< o i l

. tMtbtal lutortallof MUr t , • I 13 ^ ! « • » • • • * t » • i »••• I *

Wj#f 0di4nAtOtATioii.—If* h«art|y oon-^ J ^ l f M l i t * oor JourntlUllo nelihtor,

W1 t h # A4M|« Joarn^i upoo lu ttamlt*! # W J J !4taMl #f!4«»M 4f •titerprUIni prot. [ 0

'fl Pirt^i * H «*m% to im iMt wi«k Id

,\ I; (^ otP U. T.^Tlia Mil *<*\hm of | f t * Bl. (iiwrvnot Co. L o d ^ of Oocxl

TtWptftrt will b« beld vtth M|IM«DA

N u l M ^ A^ I*o*f*• »r* rtqi)6U|Ml Id iMd rtprM«*UtUof.

All f m i f u t #UH d^r drot* mkl t*r«,

tn \mmk% oagu tfc* <»iVtfM «if r«iir«.

rnMH «irtli*« <tolle«lii u*«mot H?#»t

AiMtwilriKt lit way wnin i t e m

tllift liMJUMii *—pU>0 u p«ittl« of tdwtri, Of l«ll4rtoft •o»+waTt*t'«**br«ft*t.

ih«i«t«UDA IHM Mum f»Mi iblr < t ^ f 0 ^ i « M U D A


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mDorMl Boad, ilt^h l*rur. tkidlu M v o^«diMtorr«od 4ad«ud bf oihlr nm

i | « g | H M i t * r i in uii iun IIBII, Ifhuf*-

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* M ftiit 1$tm wm Urr*± '

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•tttl Utoilt of thU ••otlon, will iiUct ft pnblk«fi||Mri la Union 11*11 dljr AfMlfg J(in« 24th. All aro brouil

| q l th f i*l<iM Of our b*n<l. Th4jr are DtW^ pltjrlnf M dIA ult inoijld «« OMPT of tb« buiefr t»*fi<lt thatj have b id 1 ^ tttm»* Mi# prantloA. The •CMknirlll be aa eiiJii)al>Ui inter-twi fMit 'M the moil) loving inirtlon

IJ oroor popolaee, , -( • \

liU i M M M t i* WaAi.tu.~No farmer | | IaJ8t Ltwvenee County oan air«[nl to | df bU baylof auothfr i<<a«on Uy t»ie p tefll^M •iul eipenbtV^ mode of blio^^

Oft* end over hy pitet»ft#rk'#J Tne thing to i\o U to buy one

V! ^ M ^ ^ l , l l> Kl«^«tora and CJ4rneie :^5f OoUlMMHl.„ Firmert wlio have tried

wL\ IMA e+y tbef pay for tbemielvea /( 0f»r tod over. K. I>, t^obhaal., of r | 3<|Wtrd*vllN, U the agent Joe thla - ' fwfifljroi Wrke fur particular*.

U A? UMAM» feporiar luteal thla iltafYlM 00«arrei»4Mr i A few nflgbia $f# Jirrjr L^irf9 of Harmon, atoL»t<) OVtf night at •'Din" MulllvaoK In t^onfarueur. Jurry, who potieiaee 1*1 Hve uf the human eeneee to hulte

cleulahid in**t

Tl f



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Hv perfected degree a* *fi<fl«t Ibit i 4,dtad bellM waa Hng-jug In Me otre all night aed deelered lie weald Iftd eomeof hit family kteed wbeA M got home, end that nodntoti ble arrived^e actually fbnnd hU hog bed tabdaj lalek anul'died In hU g»n M p * , ttolry'a frWiida IntUt IhAl be I* i t fW prophet, hot Jerry, wi Ue> llevei eel I a It #>au|NirAattiral InJtlirth t l teaei^ 1 ! •:' •.l-- ir: i

J'- . ) • \ k}*% mmmtmw eiie naj4«aii »ta\tli. ^ While tbe thrill of horror, Ino dent 16 the amd c|eath of Mr. Ilurl^urt/ *4UI ilogere In the mlnde oil tiib HM^ALD readers # o are^callod bpon |# Ibrootole t|ie alngular end traded deoih ot another realdent of OojiverV •IHr# VboMb not w horrify IHg ti>

[ftedeUtbt It le eioie allocking lo| that II leatanuneoualy swept a fallow-Mill from ieilve and vigorous \\t* to tmeipeeled deaibr Theolr<!uintUnoee ere bMejijf aa followar^-Mr. jkoiva

I'O'BrtWt who reeldoj In thU village, herweaaed hie horee before a auliy on Teeediy morning and started lb the dlrtOttofliof Hmlth#a Vdla. When a fewiodi t*youd tbo Natural IUmt he IMt Mr. 0 . W. Jonoa of Macomb, Who weaoomlng to town with a Of W00d4 , O'llrleti puroh

loud the




Wood, and ^eolded to return to Uour-eraeur, Mr. Jonea atgrted on With bU loed^WbOt Mr. (Vllrlra oilnfiraed m fcw fnomenu with a peraoo bjr the roidaldig JUnea bad uoarIy'reached the Ham Wheil O'llrtei^ whoj had turned ar^Mnd end atartag ^ack, overtook htm, At thla point o'ttrlen eeld hi trould drive paatf and, rein-log bfci horee to one aide, gave It a •light Up With the Mnet. The horae IgalMily kinked with both ftotj and Mir. OrBrlan fell suddenly oai)kwjird»(

epporeofly (to aevera) eyuwltniiav^ hold lug fast to tho r^lns. The hortii elopped aborts then hkoked a; few piefa. Aa he did not rise, aetrerel {ioreosty who were neer by hestiened ttf tho tpoU O'Brien's feet Were Armly held by the Iron foot-straba on the thMla, eild his heed lay hank Upon tbe elropUr bar, on the beek of the auikyf tie was Ukon Oroih his boal-tlOq aUtl |ald opon the ground, j Wet

I tbe hreeth of life lied Ml hie bbdy; he hid poeeed frem lite fo diath. The remalua were conveyed U his home, end DrJ Cespontcr madji an eiamlnatlon said lound tho ner|d was lirokfaJ hut dlainertrud no <|ther gaArk'o*s>rulie ppon his person, I Tho meet rtofeitye theory of the aujlden desUh hi tbet when ttya boree kltaked h i threw blmasjf back wish RMieh feree, end that, with the sulilen Jump of the horae,; brought his tieok jn contact wHh the circular bar With iMnlclefit ? u leneo to d 1st cicala Itlaneokt •

iMeeAeed WM ?9 year-of ago, land leaves a wife add thro) smell chllfren In depajtdeni elreuinstaneea. ,

r Mr. t>4vla of rowler, has sulije^led site flotel 10 a through overhauling. fcffElPsY oddod i tier of new robnn the whole length of the building, to-^either with mony other oaeded Im-provepente* ypder bla enterjjrlse end euergetl4 raanajtemecit tbe llbtel

umedeieodern atyle an?l]ap-end we ere ploaeetl to learn

U being ram uncrated br •

rtrpoage. An. Indoi Will take plaoe i t

M i ¥ r , iMvIe end hie jann move) Aothlog undone tlhet sjee 4o U * ptoogore and cim-

>holrPOtrOAe. , • [ ^ ^ *^" ssttU^eUoit and U -

eUeodes^ofkhe rMln prod J S f i fmoJMne!

^ooioyeble ustei tlutiowa, prhatod el


A < ' * •

• * r Y«a aiMtsV tM fatai* *ho HISJISA*e« Ha1rev

t?altaa k» moea Qtn\y Mtare Tb|sa atsM. sWastly »|wm la tliy Asal«i ot

\ i aotshra, I tMar Mktta, fifSySr frfiaf sdlteWl

Aed M a i l be tea waalai -ee saen eaie tiisa, tfcal wl l be as II eetaleat the msrrowf t

T a | amo J skat l a •neeea fa l l aaaa? a l a i r 4 ad toO s l f b to iby aisnKirr *J f aa

Wai ae akfla* trom ihu> thj eblktbood's CTtr tbJ beaettfal eaakat la IfaaTan

CMvsfiaeir, itay ^ W (

[ saajnveHaesir iStm rielsviiv* [[ DandI ooooert for Hand betieflt

TherodLy ^ve9 o f hext week. , Miss klgttle Thrall of Ogdeqaburg

la yianikg her many frlende In towti Wa J a i l Philips, medUal ttudent or

artbadefe visited Uonvemeur laat week.

Uf. V i l 0?rf of Morloy piaaed laeit HalNbitb In town.r He la mtiob Improved In health. <

Mr. Jl J.dtutherfbrd of Itaiitmond peaeed laat Sunday and the first of tha) weak In town. ! ' t •»

t a i l Tuesday John Itoseoe feoel-ved a kerlous kntfc wound while gafhrrlig gum lu the woods near Haillabcro. » \ , . •. * '

Mr. li. MJ Wiinlow, now of the Wstertjwn Despatch J made ar flying visit hoine, pfisalng last Honday with his many warm frloodf. ' i

l^r. ll. II. Noble ajnd wife'have re-tortied from Bt. Louis, Mo^ Mr. II. take* tbe poaltion laa book-keeper with thiitank of Gcjurcrnour.

Mr. Lk|tber R. Oerjrvea ofStabiey *S> Y. arrived at his old home on Tues­day aecompejiled by LtssjceotaplUhed bi l)le* pie Is looking welt and feeling

}llr*. i>. K, Vrttintfrprt, on Friday laat, pltked from al fuechie In her jx><fieaslt>nr one bunch { containing thrsjnty4l|t flowers a«|l buds. It was verjy beautiful. ' ' I

MUs | m y Very of .Varlih Alabeme and Mies Nvllle Aultfjf ouls of the sweet aingatrhaaea of]the Maple City spent tlte laat week visiting Miss llerthek Holbrook of tbla village. ,

The lee oreem festival nivfoti by the Udjcs tir Trinity Chirch |aaf t^atur-dayj evetilng Was a gneat auopesa and ver|r mech oredlt le dluo to the )%dlea wh<) hai It In obargeL Receipts g7>.

Mrs Mary llurlbut lief Kres to think tbe A. end A BooIeUosofitbeUouver-oour Brffelnary and the |>iiblic gener­ally tor Ibely geperoua aasl and ajfth* petby lis b<r hour of wjanl end bereave meat, | .: ,, |L ; i - s. , ;> ,

Aftsr ken yean olcie cbi^aooment Mr, C J J . Cliahman rcslg»*d his position!as book-keeper fq|r tne Dank of Uooinmiesir fo lak^ rlTeet laat Tueadayi Palling health qcce^elteted 'tbhohejigo. , ; * I, J J. I

n#v.y.L.t luif i agrldilaie oVMsill. son University has ao<jep|teil a cajl to thellaplpt Church of jhle tillage and ciu Buuclay9JuQe 27th the Uevonncd gehtlemhii will occupy, tho pulpit and etitir upon lb* attire duties of his paatOra^e, . I I

The fallowing la a IVst lof the letters rotna^aleg uncalled fbij In4 Oouverneur Posto(lie|e Monday^Jdne; Hth, 1880. Mr. llJbert 0* Broww,! Mjre. Harsh Fssset, MlM Jtmma Mljuen Mrs. K Mead, Kir, Dafilel. Kl<JOlM, Anna Washhjrjie, Mlsa Dolly wjaahbiirne.

rtx>t. p. A. Basiett Layered his ftve yeara cdnneotlon dlth the pemlnary wlththajoloaenftho last jcriji. He has been a very feltliful>|«*^erfetlc and J sucecaafbl learner. iMije Prof, will eiit^r ugon tboMndv ,oi uifnlHno in tho fell. I . . . i j i A* J.I llolbroolr hksa | refjt^ned to Ootiverijeifr to remain ||»erbiaHently lie will trpreet»nt tht Hrrh ot II. l ine her M Co., t'omUii'ib r^ernhanls H< Y . l l n the purclJMo of buttef, oluviae end- ferfit produce. Highest market prloes guarcfc)tjBed.| | Cellar under JAhn Kilu^crN j t1'>ne»|j* »l >ro

A false report wae r4c<jntiy isufrent thas a 11 year old son of (Andrew lii.ard viaa so brutally hoatejfi by an older blptbor on hla +*y hobe from *ct o>f, lUat ThursdayJ tjhat he dlod froin the, Injuries. JT(ie jruth la atm^t ah bad^ Borne iinjknosyn brute gav0 thi hog whiskey tp drjuk And Ita effecjt upon bla frail ooo4tlt^itlon waa to ijhrow him lut(> 4pasms from Whllih hi U some better.! i

ThO ftfatltal given bV jhe Anionic-tyoO add Adelphjp ja^lptljas last WednoiHlay^evenUi^ for the bfneut

dow of the l iU' Mrl Hurl-well attended kad tpe peo-

ve credit foil their patron*

ti ppewa*

m ' li - rf •.' ' " ^ ?? - u\ '

y11 * X * ,> > > » '

• \ . ' * . '

^ f » l a s -J

f> L tte ^ ^ o ^ ^ ' - C o ^ r * ' ttnur Beminary were l>eld| Jeat weer and ifcrto of a mry IntereeiJng oharaoj-ter. Offtbe setooo ¥y Re v. Cow lea ol the M. E. Church aa« the) 1o*tar$ b t UevC. 1\T. Praons We spoko In our last lasue. On VhuMay p. pi. the graduating exercises took place fa Union Hall. A i 2 o'clock the Hall wee filled by a moat appreciative au­dience when thomoetre^feellant prut gram wis carried out In dfhtall.

Mlaa praU'a Balutatory was well written,! crispy to tbe point anA eepccj lally wbll delivered* Mr HeVburj Aldrloh ji oration oV'Negro HxodusT Wa#a very fine effort and waa given Iri a v e k Im^reaalve manner and recelvedle* He ^terlt demanded, with the cloleet Jattentlon; throughout! The esaajyIstM all did welkbht Mul ThraU%p*The liloeka ^Uh Which wl Build" dnd Itlsk Drake's ' Gems ari onlyv pcjllahod by Frtsrflon" deserve especial hacntiob. They were full of floe thoughts Ai|d practical Ideas, and read in a clear ahd distinct manner that wee very pleasing Indeed. The | Valedictpry,by Herbert Aldrloh, wai far beyond the average of such effort! and did predlt to the young gentle] map wbb gave It. The rauslo Inj terspersed . through the . pto\ grain added very much t£ thd interest of the occasion. The faculty of the BernIniryiud our people generally] hare every reason to feel proud of the] olasa Of '80 as we wish them "hod voyage'9 In their own ward J on mo J through nlfe. In thd evening a large atidlencej gf thored to on joy the con] cett glvtjn by Trof. W* V. Biidda ami hi* pupils oooaocted With the Bemlj naiy. Tho pieces rendered by the Instrument*! quartettel were very One while the songs by th<j young ladies Mlasra Allle Lawrendpi Carrie Gleiij am end Lillian Tail/, were received with applause and c/ncortd hcnrtllyj AH werK recipients of btskots oat boqueia of tfowerk MUs Gleaflon sang "amd* O'Dcjo" very aweetltt and tetidjorly and tho closing nuinbepj

••Forest young

ochotfe" by tbe chorut of Yadi^, ploasautly closodl

of the wl burt wai pie deaei age to sjo good a caiis^ The net proceedaj of tbe featlvak ajreeutited to •00 10 vfhloh was deported in the Hunk ofjUouveriieur ta> tibe credit ot Mrs. C. r . Hurl Our U Ub|h societies with a Willing heart |g*?o the pro­ceeds to |tbe deetltiite ipitjlo w.

1 I s)ajde«BaDaaW.| -J I I 1 i W^orkkm new Town Mali progress

IIIST rapljlly, , i j , v . The o i l TO Wh Hall J p|iircbiaed by the UoaiU of gdueatlorj, «>t|| be fitted up for asf Igatlttftsv I i'

OurK re Alarm Telijgi^i|>h Is a euc

Joleplj, (I \ f . > l d ii|r)u| of Aulolm llaeeeaiil fell from a scuW and was drowned Baturdayv .

A Ut«h Zierofif MrrekpOhd'frMi^l: ^llegterl K. Orvla will teosjimenoe, ahs)4t J if y I, to teeoe the! Iktdy Mw-mH? <VV#e. Jt will l*Ppoir after-noone at

• e * . U I laOeei Canser.i ;

Juna It—Q. l\ riack ahd eoQ art) driving boelneae In thh Ourehaee ol Wool, wl leh they take lo every Mon­day at hlgheat marked prieo. They also deal! In all kinds ofjferao produce.

John ((ant'a grlal, ae|w Mid ah ingle mills arelln full blast, afnd Hour, feed alia ebinklee are oonetsintiy on hand for aale. | H e a)ao hae la portable, M loch Bunr etoiik tor aaje cjbeap. .

Pean dnd WhleUr do e[tloe busl-M M to drugf and ijrot^rlek ^ {

Akin, [osTr worthy ff. M<, U also crowded with eostomeiM. 1 j ,

A niad In thla eeotloftl WahU to know ^Who this Oahdir-field la that le ruunltjar for Prealdeo^^ Av eot^rae

^ i M l e t ^ i f r i i er^tlUC*: i lW blaokeeMth sboj), ost the ^taje l io id

U^^Tarn^tkb %£W

the entet|taliiutefit. j Vor>' much credit it is due IV>V-i Hudila for the proll! elenev shown by hi* pupils, and fori the One concert g I von; by therniundokj hla dlreetioo^ ^ I f

COpvciHlOft Of H. PL sj. AMorlaj l loa

. The N Y. Hteto Sunday BuhOol ±*j aoidaMniJ held it* twenty fifth Annti il eonventfjui at tho Presby tci liijj Church Ogdcnsburg, on tho 8tjh, Ot and 10th lout.; and to those Intofestix In Hundaiy Bchools, and In fact) to al admirer| of orations and gejnuin eloquence it was an occasion not t be soon I forgdtton. Nearly over*!! t>romtnoBtBunday School worker of the Btttij was present^ tho vIsiroN heglnlngl to arrive dtirjng tho Uttor. part of the previous week* i

x The Convention rriot at 2:30;p. in pn Tuesaay, and after prayer, re ports Were need from County Hoc re-j tarlea ana from District Corn'mOtee*. A committee en permanent drganlziv tion was" appointed to report thd following morning. , > , t In the evening a lk*Kcunlon" and Centenary Jubilee was held. Al


s Mateatt i i f tM* ! t f a!revleV of the maftasTMtent of

the BOpubllean Party in this chucty, lor tho deeade and moro, woold dis> cbver k record leeeabaded with sor­did afljd selfish motives, less colored |iiy peritonei aggrandizement and ad-tmncoibent of eel Hah interests, and more parked by a U^t obecrvance of tho people's wlabel and prerogatives; ahd charactered by a fair and gener­ous dUtrlpotion of the natural honors and remunerations ft tending party victory, harmouy and unity of senti­ment abd purpoao would uaher ih the taming congressional ^ coil van-ilon, |utd it# approach would not be marked by that re^eiitement whjoh a stihii|ig of the political freedom of t^thera jrver croatoii, mid whirh might ijn tlm^f dismember tbo party and, tatise cjld "8L Lawrence" to lowev tjhe pr<»ud emblem or 4 lthe bsnjrler dounty^1 Which can best he spared, he ttrts^ropulously selfish ' clique, bleb have U)ng prostituted tho sof-ages 4f the people to tbe base obau-

1 of peraooal, Use and pelf, or the grand iemblen^ marking this as tbe very homo of republican ism in tbe J empire state ^ . r, I Tho history! of all political pat tl|a

pOlnta out the) fact, that uBlng rule,r

Inevitably ffroduoos factions; and a 'mouse di,vldeki against a house must fall." 8baH We then, as a community by a contfnuod abject submission to amoloto dictation, place in Jeopardy tub fair fame 01 the republican party, and stamp o^raelves as wanting In siiAkienit inanlly bravery andenllght-ellfneht to Ixijly an4 intelligently e^fciae our political rights / or bhalt Wft»right hereUfttringle ibis anaconda of! usurpation wiiich 2ri yeara of In* GfjUnt feeding st thorparty crib ha4 ujqlt yft led U j? j •. .;

^ t° the casi|iil observer thH word of rniug may pound abuird and un-

easary but Matraws ahow which y the wlmllblows." Look attlie ult of tbej recent city election! in dens burg/ tho home of the It ihg;

sattv3 sot which a toks to inmb forci npjon the party their cott*

4si >nal f nominee, . by i Crafty uneHurpnlou* manipulation of

city uauiiujte*, and in direct o^itioii to! the cxprcssc(|' pro-

t* of a great'ruajorily |>f the rAnuuele'd element of tho part ccdod in njomlna|in^ tiulr ml , (and irorfe the^jpver kn|own t

• I - 1

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vttut toJ.IMJ

tifecturtogikllL , bottevaold

Brown 704 Ibe. bjsj 17 cleL and 4085 ibe. being Oder Of May feake at 30 cU-

The total make for May A< AJ Atwood maker e£d

cheese waa July! 14 at 20 eta. per lb; and Sept. 10 at p eta. I think thia was the first factory In the county.

'+ rr. I . A w a i w e t t c i . iTKMa

^i^liojily name rage t-i owfi


OhDiNktttofAVorlri thocyeiot^ alia aon/V And rather than tM(t'pUly's good A d success U

°Uesponslve 8crvlce,M h\ A. P/Bf . u A . 4 t . . L , . Btevens of Albany; A greeting from} • f j " 1 * 1 0 tt? c T T ^ f ° Ogdenfcburg to the Aseoeiatlon a o d | reappnae; I poem by Q. V. Hlohard-aon of Sunday ftohool Times Ae. wo,

JL)n Wednesday the committae on permanent organicitfona reported. The Presidenl cho**«n was Dr. J . W . Helmu of Niagara... In the list ofl Vice Prciildenta woje W. L. Proc|or, 11. G. IMttibone fllnd Key. I). Ii. White of Bt. Lawrence Co. , 4 l i I

After the organisation Waa cpm-H plelg tbe Convention proceeded to buelAesa. The yeport of B. 8. mis-sloi.a, Heoratarlos and uthor oJRtcbi*|| the remarks by dhtinguUbed ind eloquent upoakors; tbe bUokbohrd exefIrises by W. A. Dunciu of Bj|yt-euae; the addr^as of A. A. Binitlij ofl Ulvtet Co., on the power of orgini-j ration; that of ()r. John D. IUH ofl Now York city, m\ efficiency In Sun­day Bohool ^^rk. j AH wore ' deebly Interesting to 41) Who were sq fowy n%te as to ho present, The tha$kiof| the convantlcM wprg, on motion of Dr. L. M, Millelf, teiiditred^tb t)r< IU)I ffr hU proaenoo and rom^irkJ

Ralph Wells of New York ^>iue On the *'Graded teacher at work."!

Thursday morning was ^tevoted) to reports of cornmittoe, dUctissioni of various topics, questions and amiwiri's and meetlqg of primary teachers.' In the afternoon, in compliance * | th the Invitation of .Mr. Ward Plumb, many of the m era bora of the cOn* vent Ion participated lu a delightful trip on his wteam boat. They wont down to the head of tho Galloups rapids coming bad*: on the Canada side, thence up a few \mlles and |te turned. The visitors from AbruacJ expreased them»elvos aa tieingdoligbt ed With the scenery of the groai river. j , r \

ThurMUy .evening thd final r^porta of ohloer^ and othora wero received, unrtnUhed bUslnca^ Was Attended to, and tho Mfarewell meeting*' was held and the convention adjourned. L

During (Ita continuance many of ttho members from dlstani parte of tbe sUte9 vUlted promlnoht placep |of Interest In or, near tbe city. Gt(n. Judaon's Historical Rooms In par­ticular, racelved h ponatant atrain lof WhnlrlUg callers.

ijO would re jiAr, tho roj

a cunt t)d&to ho hal M i ^ l i t ^ whb wcie

o^rwhdtnlnglb' defeated, glvuig coni of tho city to the democratic

p|i|ty, for (be; [first time i^ years, With a tlckei lof independedt in or)

^msd to wear ttJe ring pjnbieaus wowll.havo

d t he day. But such candidate^ •'athef ict tot ey dej

ratefj^aacriticed and betraired III ow, when stlf-blindecV meh su g to their own Opinions, laud.bei e so obstinate aa to aaorltioe t h | y, rstber than let eucctsjs come;

under the colors of i e|n they ccj|ij|d pot mjould aud handle , s it not

time their motives in (namtpg idatea were searched ojut and'

wpen a clique Insist on tbe Morain tloii of a candidafo, at all beards, I hev hare Invariably done in the pas audi! will undoubtedly attempt tod lu the coming convention, Is it no aiNbvlotm lntercnce that that nonii iiJo wi'l wtlk in tho pat hs tbe Ring pdiiitK out ? And does not the "Ring orkfan/Mn stoppiug down from ita high arid exulted position ot "electing, not nonUnfUing c«ndul<ttes*'(f) cjffer con-cliiiivb evidence that there is1 a candi-dtjtej lu the field especially dijstaMtefui %oMachine fn^litences and Whlojhasthe oojiirage to posacss a mind of tjis own aijd a grace of manhood uot to bo

nervtH aullUed and soiled with the lojj hand of personal p^litica.

From recent experience we|iCi tbe peril atteiiding Ring rule ; th^ disas trolls icsultn arising from tho forcing' method in iiArty maiiageuieik.; and asajuiatter of party pietervation, if foir bo otber rcasou, Are wo not culled upon, does not ail tho principles of manhood bid us ripoand rclmiae those nieik who would, wreok party [ rather that< rcliiKn>l|h their m farlou* schemes of plunder and self advance­ment. The time haft come Wlkn thh people of this county must H ^Wheth­er tjhey will continue to wdar the Rlnjjf yoke and jump and dddge or ekutknnd cringe at the crack of the

| Jama's, whi | , or whether tb^y will assert thoif •'manhood aud Jiare to think and act without Ring sanction and iting pcrmissldii. !

Tho work of pofitbral Vnfrs|icblse-tneut nnn«t bo oegtiii at the 4ljprima-liafclaud let it bo done,In a tnahuer t0 pterjbally y,\\>fi from {he bap/ncj* of old Ot. Lhwrence tbe stigma of "tying i Mlojj' | A PATIKNT OniBf Vkit.

Poudam tjo sptii

Chas. O be^n clect4 Knoa Mclljino appointed police majo.

• 'Thediti nel to tbe Pa pur Will , De«n T eelred qid his hands saw.

A tSvo Powell, in the river '

C o L a l ^ af twdWew Ynrllnid itoisu l it ioai nse^sn^re aa M"ff Ielaaad


proprietor, M i • -• * - :•* • i f CHIC AM or t u t VAfxv chOeee factojry

aold 128 checHb oiu the Gonverninr Board of Tpadfc lkat Saturday ai 91 15-lGjcts. per lb. John W. Grlfilths is the boss maker Mr. J. E. Mo All astetJ proprietor ind s^alemcn mij well feel proudinot only of Mr.Grlff-itha nut also of pi * patronrwbo cxejr-ciae every cade possible to dellvir their j milk atj the factory pure and free from all taint. This coupled with proper mmagjcmcnt in making, U alWaya sure tp produce a flrAt-oN*a| In |>ur fathoms of Water arthcl^ which wall Command the ^top of thi-market/' " *

u Who made J thd jFiiUNr PACTOWY

CMKK$E in ihi* wountji?,f-~lii reply Ito tho above question asked by tM IIijjti ALD( some limp ago| Mr. ^ 'pr«*h Ayros of Bom3J|ville, answers: | : I built .a cbeedo factory in the town of Rosaie in 1864, and mado the , liret cheeao May 10 |p64.i OUr first silotof

htf«l ieeinee nad ft^ffrrln*' f IT NnwYhnE^uirc I2j Tho steamer Narraganiett, which

I left New York l4*t evenlni for Btonj-IngtoHi and her porapanloil the Bton-iugtoti, which loft Btonlkigton for NeW York, in 1 dense fok collided otT the mouth ofl the Connecticut riv­er about 11:19 lait night Tbo Ston-ingjton atrtiek the Karragansett ou the starboard Jide forwai-d of the whtel houee. The shock (burst the gaa tank, and In; fifteen mlnutce the Na)r4ganaett WM on fire. [She sunk

le full )>e an

any more

• • •

Meaelea have) viaUed Piarfchvli II. A. Mix; ltlchvdte,cut hla fing

bifcircular saw last Monday. >

M. Er S.ibbatn Sehool, concert, jit Dekalb JmictioL Sunday 20th Indt. I

M. h. Martin aVaddlugton is doing a, Hue bul^iieaain hid blacksmith shop.

W. W. Spauldiug'a mailde quariy Canton promisei to be valuable projj>-erty'- : I 1 I \ " 1

A. IpUkioin, of nichville II the W. K. Church Water-Sunday.

Rev. J. preached i town, lastjouimay. .<

Crops inj Fine pro froported as loo ing rtplcudjid, and winter grain bet ter than 1 ist year

Prof. G. W. F Smith a id wife,; ^t LiwrenocJ Kan HAP, have re tu mod to

d tbo Summer.

L John lidntervdf Waddington bail splendid yellow rose bush in full bloom in ljis yarfl, a perfect beauty; j;

Idlerl of O^densbdrg, hi* \ feuijorvi^or In place ;of

ge bokt U scooping a-clish-papermitl at Wad ding too. soon bo down of coursl.

jirnb'of! 4>f Wegatchie n f

e a aofroro Injury to one pf while running a circulsr

' ! v -• r . x i ear old son*of this widopv

|potmIh#rit was drowned In tiesdajy, Juno 8th*

Joseph rfmitb ton of W, PJ Smltjh of Uichvilie has gone to Mfin|hostei| N. II. to flcrk In Uis brother's drujg store.

The hustciVftind, with a number of

good Iff {dtizensattended tl|c open'

**f laijt Hou

tbo pifculalr

ing of tho)Trout Lake Thursday

The nexti nleetihg of conference! will be held gregatioiial church.Morrfatonln, July 9th and 7t|L j » <. ^

Mis>. Miry |laoghter of La Hewitt of Antfef^p recently [lied it tho rosklenpe of her d^tor, Mrs Wm Sifcdand at Oxllow.

J. cl Molld of Norfolk haHihougtyt 1300 tuba of butter this pprlijgr and

In trio Co4-


Let be vetl-


81 ill he i« riot satisfied eran btiyerastep lortb,

Kuel McPI>brso)ri of Loulsvil^ Ing keeps t i e "Ilodie" flour On aale at his grodery whore a full line of goods can tie had cheap. | • I tia^t Friday night Henry RJ James wa^ serenaded by two I|ra^ Hands and two sbjseohea, oO hla return from the CljloagO Convejuti^n; * fOld Mrs. Mycrs^ ofSoinorvUIe, aged 96 is visiting her grandchildren at Ox Bow. , She is! wontlerfull>j smart and active fpr onje of her year*. <

* N fcprfolk JTetiliia^

George BfbtawoOd, carrlaffesmiih, Was thrown fry in hla horse, breaking his collar;bone.\ He is doing well

N. C. Hmith ahil family left for) a few woe|s\vl;,it WOM. Will retor-n in Ailyi I \

Bilaa Waldron's orchard has bckn Completely stripped of evctry green leaf by the 4rmy wdrm. Two yeara ago they destroyed- two rows, M year four rows, and Jhls y a r eveW tree. Where tboy oame from or ImVe gone to he Cannot say.

Tnihnj cnufiftp v) *Airrn witt: tuk AOAia.—It la no longer dlaputed ay iany eOOilMe person that J, Sechhold la sailing all kloda of pry Oooc1r9 Millinery, Clothing a i d all othbr

>ooda lower than any ophor hooae in this section, . . h U * 4

dm* - • • • - '•toi. vricaa^oAtM Or OUB DAT A young man that worka by. the d*y for a llfing can afford to eome Gouveroeer hod loee one dav. as nie

Saiolsmore than hie loee If I Itoet to J. BeibhtddX one of the old­

est and moet rnlioble Olothlng Hon id tble c^tmtjri. Yon oan buy m thing in the dothing line and u ae mpchUa a w**k»e earning. b}4e(|

of Qrooe^r tk


Gr^at cloaing out aalA r _ and Crobkery ai 4. ijochbold^ | r t i ^ will b i / yon lo huy yonr grqoerwI fM* a J | a ^ ^ a U ^ U u a | a d M T O 0 0 « £

ij ikaileabore Kye-taaei • ltjiv. Mr. Mitohf H has teen jspend inicafew days i;i town, a giiesi of tyavJIDonald Fra^er. H j

N. i l , Ho wards leaves this wj ek for Maeiena., - , .. • • ,

MiL C. A, Clark and wife >petit laat Weeg at Maeaena, visiting hi" brother A.T4!Clark. .. . . Falitaff.

Juhe Uth 1880. , " , jr —A ^^^ I \

J jt . : raeto ry Woiea. j'. • ; 6T.!JLAWRBKCE Rivan factory, W. D. I^Otherfofd is m&kor. The cheese lookiJne. .\ • • * . » • . , . ' . . , .

fcr«)irrs Cf&AMKKr;* Madrid, uaes t,he Portland pan and maker 18 tuU per Week. • , {

i ISRJAKL Ntettoui, ot Loutsvllld uses the |t0sley creamery 0 Vermont pat-ppt srhd thinks it a decided su<*cea*. ,

Fn|liaH CHii>HKRyj Madrid, makes 20 tulba per week and the average Ibe. pf mtyfcprj, lb. of butter, the first week |n Jijjne, was 21 21-100.. ; 1 -;

j I-ofi isviUtc CnajtMXRr, F. J. Sutton tnak jr, averaged one lb. of buttcrK

Capt Pe< burg, has r. a- comrniss meritorious rebellion*

La^t Thn ^Will" Loc share (owar


^r RcjbertiOn, of Ogdens* [?eiveu froif Gov. ("ornell ion of brevet Cbl, tot Kervjjees \n the war of the

Ibri^iiyg tbo Census up bv

Hoy baby bdrO MP*d»*<Um cjlalmb

nf,.\t pr-aiddni.%

Miit m G ir l l o ld (\

own cou^ia of father.—/Wwfcmi

In a hot air |>Kgt ments. irom the cllist^i

The Norwood

nton the 21 63400 Iba. of milk for

h ending Jqnel6. * ,- . ' T h | Gnila Rtvaa oreamery run by a

new Irm, Foater and Mloore,at Duck's Bridge, Potsdam, makeji S3 tubs per week! using tkto Cooley palU •

W|*1t/f C^AMinrtJLoulsvilie, ia makiing the milk of ^ cows Into firat-jjlaae butter at the rate of 40 tube per week. June 5th sokl 33 tabs at

**f - \,^,, •> 1 -••-;.••--Trik Mok)ftr> new oroamery erec­

ted this aprlng near Che Cong, church, LUho|n^ by Cowles end. McCarter, le now 1 making W* tube of butter per

laaisa^e fraa |tt;A eta, ' ^atactorjf U n o ^ m

our 'genial (friend, Macomb, {11<1 hi*

having a bouncing e

rt-Iit.ion!ihi|J td oitr The MfM«r Of Mr.

f Ihi4 pjaro i^-as :m


llirald'. The Ladlek ()ir|io society f>f Oitlow

%ill give a strawpery and ico cream festival at tlit) pa tbe Prcsb) tcjrbn the eveningp

' (Jeo. ClirlklA

|**o:U£<! grounds of chuivh Ox Bow on

Ijhu^day June 17th. |Co. ha'yc ipmpddjed

tiielr f«irniot| rttl|oi| !r\i|( J by puttinj an,d Other iraprov*

Thcjyj arjo now hauling ore I ng bed. ,

l!h^ City of New Yorl| and the Provldenco ca^pn^o their aasistance, and all the boats and life rifts of four steamers wore.tloflgerod. Id WIM two hotjfe before tiehlast pas«ic|uger was picked up. Moaf of the iaaaengora weije transferred ito tbe Citv ojf New Yoik* The passengers sayt thle ofttr cera add crewt Of thjs NafragHn^ett behaved with great coojnosb and nerve. | J y j. | .

Ob tho arrival of tho Stoijington at Stoiington the village wail aroused, and rn^en and women hastepecf with clothing and aaalstance. TWenty-five woben were on board in their night-clothes, onq of whom died [from tbe aholdk before reaching herel She ia not y^t iden^fied. One man also died, Rev. E. 31. Lockwood, of tho Sixtjy-tiglith fic{reet Metbodiat church of N|ew Yprk, Who was on] bla first trip eae& j j j, 1 ,

No correct estimate can be made of the lo#9 of life.j The surviving pes-scnglers ajgree tjiHt of a paaaejnger list of mjoro thai* three hundred, a larige number oust be loat/aa tlie water aroubd the burning steamer waa alive with etrugJltnfc people1 clipgihg to everlr qoncelvablo tb^ng. * , , j

The) Stbjdington brought back


laSSettM^tllseea^ Mar arstadWed - Mfperts

eli Marftat Weelci^*^1^ UlUsge^raiU »eaiari 01

I/tle% Lisae IralK f s n i o a , G4«ir*rae«r, sP«den|sisirg9

' a»4 WaleH^wis Msairga. , N « W j T O R K M A R K K T .

lUtTkn—Nptwlthatanding t receipts, thorp still appeara to abeence of Available stock Ih great quantiti', end tbo market fully develop* tho firm tone jwhich has been securing a foothold during the past wcok. Tbo exports clear­ances aro largje, which shows pretty clearly tho balds upon which tho im­provement lijas J>eei| 'made. The stock of creamery is now reduced In full proportion with other grades, and shows a gain of l(^2c per bound during the week* In a general way, the position may be called flrni and eheerful, but holders in all cases aro willing to accept full market rates. Receipts for the week 41,735 pack­ages; bxports 30,732.

Creamery, fancy. „../. Creamery, cUoloc. . . *i.i. Crewuery, good to |>rime

Porter UuTI.. Ilermoo, . OUeM . . . . . . .t . . Llaboti .' HOU Hi? tile .*,.. I south v ill*. WrotMUm norArlllU..l

>rnMm i i r+hm of VaV] W. Canton..


• ;. PH.... »L.. M-MMtiiite - \ \ * \k wi &'-: HI ill\*i&&


rotrtei fl«rmon

II«ilcsbor6 I land IiraLch Fowler. So. Herman Canton Center.. BomcriiUe,... Jlonapart Lake ritcalrnOnt'i N. EQBMII Barnes. N. Hammond. Ifod|TK|nii. fchn <ir#Y« . . t;olJ SprJn w. KciMiet W. canton....iOaatoavrtv... Uork Iflaiwl U^iircrneur MAT A LoiH*>|Pouaam...__ 89 GouTerneurjGouvernear.


Potadam f>epcy»tar. Riu«cll.. . Harmon (roiivertMur CaaUm

i t

roirt«r.. Fowler..

I Cauton

x MorriHtoWu.. B©*»f*..<... Oiana Lew C f*lt«iim RaaAeUj......

ton m

». 12,11 I2|l€r»4

5*» asi si 901



7S]afay 7 , l * * i aa I Go] 104


127 70 ai a* as



t*S jios; , io% I ,

ii,ia J.VKV UN .

I t

A.imapanali . a Olia. . . B.Charet..

[1. I - westaam 4.KianeyX

IncMa. Kmas fobn UriAltAw.

H. Mead ^

••• a i w ^ Jtmtls'lOV

** L.isiio\ , f I ItltO.'. ••• j, a;>i .e-ieg, - S i t 10^ ^

M 'M<& ... M 7| l l Koen«viiie^ llernion Macomb, Ra«aell.

HHjMaj Jl|t0»S

a b ^ t llfty rjescued passengejrs,aiostly ^celpta Wr the iejek 36,762 botes; ex

Moat of

ladicjs/tnoetjof whom were In the water sevorkl h<>urs. Tboy had on only! night tlotbing, and the ladles of Htoningtojn turned out and dressed them up befpro jbey were sent homo on special jtrair^. Ono lady bud about $3,OO0j in k valUo wblchj waa Io«t. Two ladita dXcd on the aicam-er jStonlngton aftbr b^irig picked up. The repiainij a#a|it identification

sengers In bpirths deck did not huve selves. 1

Journal reporter lowing story from a

Creamery, poor to fair State nails and tub*, ohoice, frenh./., Bute welsh, oholce.L-Btata Welthfgood^.L ^^ , ^ Weatern ImitaUon creamery, choice. WajUcrn dairy, choice f„. Westani datVr, fair to good. Western factory, flbolce Western factory, good to prima....

W a— -4 al7 li a -10 al7 1* a!7 lfl, a|7

i J4i al5 . % aio, ..' J* all


Waatern factory..j^oor lo fau..^. 10* CHKI|SE—Business has continued

gobd enough to about exhaust the bulk of Itbe supply, but prices arc off about ono cept from a week ago, with a decline op tho other aide of Avj) shillings. A few special orclo*o selections of white aold atr2c; < The tinal rate, however, la ijotabdve l ljc.

I and almost anything cAn be bought at this. The general situhtion is very miich onaettled, with the advantage almost entirely | in <boyer's favor. Shippers report unfavorable advices from the foreign J market. The hofaie cali ia very slow. A great amount of stock shows tho fvil Influence ot too yoeng shipments, and of course has to be sold at *ery low prices Re*

ports 97,150. 1 j i State factory, fancy atfectloni... etata factory, ooolco inToipea

4d do food laprimi*-dq.l do i a i r . . . ^ — 4 dd ' do poor-i .L.- . i .

BUtuand Weatern,aa)fak}ms.. #Winu dd do OhM>, flat, fine. t.1 •.

dd do falrtogo^U do chofdar, S D C , , . . , — _ . . do] no poor|k> good..


— f


tl« a -U K a -lO'.aim «Hal0 8 a a 8 a t» 7 1 0

10 aio1; « a t»S

lOHttUS 10 aiu^

t i l l e d H o a r d .


LAND^LASTKR.-- 1 will aell my laist car load of Plaster, (which will be the last,I shall receive thia season,) atcofrt

j, viz.* $4,50 per ton, In quantities of one ton or upwards. By the htm* dred» 3ec. por hundred. v » * 14w2 W. « . MCRUAV, Depot.

, . . / 11 • • • •

Fm SALIC—Will sell at prWatei sale, jQf hoosea and colts; a number m\ first-class eaileh cows ; hay, oats by the bushel? bag or wsgoq-load; threshing machine, Eureka eeed drill, and various other articles of plunder, forms, cash. , , It. C SMITH. ,

Gouvcrneur, June 8, 1880. hl3tf ^ , — ^ » » » . > • •

To CRKDiroha.—As 1 purpose prac> tlcing medicine in Watertqwn after July 1, uext, 1 dosiro toatate through the columns of the IIKRALO that all those indebted to me will pleaso settle prior to Juno 25th ; those not coo* forming to this requirement will be oblige to se'tlexwith my attorney in whose banda my accounts will be placed. hl3tf G. 8. KAKMKILI

Marble CoJ have

I just erected iaiilnr block in I ho ceme-tery at Louuvilli to thp memory of John Uaymond 6f NOI'*U'H). It is ^ufmounted py dhree w tt> H fnd is unique lu design [and flirfch.

Jas. Myerniof VfaddirutHi he* resi­ded on the place he n »w ^jupies for the pa t 80 years and ro oernbers when there wa* but |>rio hodse between Ogdcneburg andP3|>. l ^ i s , Ue Is el years of age and as sound aa a whip.

A. T, son of Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw, of OxBow, started, for Denver Col.f last Monday upon repel pt of a telogram

t hi< brother Willinm who rtcent-eft thU Co«, was sick at that (lace. 'V't^rpek W e f n a ^ y , wbWe Itev Servioe was dhvifig, near Lisbon nier$ hjia horsejbepamc frightened, rew hiai out or tbe buggy but lie-j

fortunately escippd with a few ^eyefo | bruises.

below |he time to save

Thle IVov sebured the ps^^nger on the|Narragausett: ,

J. II4 Wilcox, i adjusting agent of the N. V. Life Insurance Co., and a resident of Chicago, says be had re­tired to a stateroom about midbhip?,| and wafc awakentji by a cra^h of g)asf>. hnulediateiy ho 4>ecamo a wai re by the wrench end groah of tho tirnlborb that tbo vessel bad bem struck. Mr. Wil­cox hal the mi^fbrtuue to lose $ leg formerly, and feared ho should be panned! intcHris stateroom by tbe fast­ening of the door if he did not quick* ly get out, so without drtiaaing, with* out ,his j crutches, without making but ono (futile grab for bis pocket* book containing $400 under bt* pil­low, ho tt»de bis way out into the aisle w|tli bis coat and tnowst^ri in his hands,

Dy this time tho boat had taken ure from tbe bhaing gas, and there waa a^eceno of utmost terror and con* fujaion. A Woman Hung hevself ipon h|m, screaming, ,'\Savo me1 and my cljild/' but of course Wilcox could do nothing in hU helplesH cc-nditiom He manjaged to drees find struggle oh deck, Where thetv; was a *cene of fedually mad copfut>lup and ff$ntlc

A deise fog prevhlkcj. Notliiog could be seen On the wwicr, nod only the Whistle and boll of Iho Stoiting-

[ ton gaTp a token.of her |>rcseuce not farotf. tiThere wa? aery fjorlife-boats. Ono w*s cast loose froih amidships from near whero Wilcox; was stand­ing. Ho thre.w himself over tho side and fortunately htfuck safely within

.it.. ' Other j . including ajwoman «(lio |lburled bjafbeneath her welghtf|ump-

ed Into it. j I Someone cut loos-i or! untied tho

ropefand th^ boat was pushed oil* from tho b<;ni|ing steamer lo prevent being swamped by p:m«t;ngeM Stvi'iiming in tho water, supported'by- lif«-prc-server* or pieccK ot turnltine.niHl lill-ing the afr with ci j< H for hrlp. Tho boat was pulled out, and .within H short* time tho, NarragUnwVt Kink while In fliines, ha\in£ total darif-' ne*s on tho watei-H.- , 1

rThc boat' Remained out for %fh*t Wilcox judged about thiee hMOrs, when, bearing thp approacls !oi a poipinji fetorni <>f Wind and »alb, he urged ^heni to pull h)i- tho' *ounjd of the steamer which \v>t* still bloLving tbo whistle. " j j

They arrived safely on boaid the Stonington, The hontMloud, includ­ing Wilcox, uiiruhort'l lh|rteen%ihr»b of Whom ho thinks were of the ijroiV.

, j NKW YoitK, June IB, lUtiry Ii. Ili^Kiin*, of Maine, a

passenger (cn the 44#arragan*|ett," makes the following statement:

June 14. be total thtdfaytiong to-day were

13,08 boxesithe corainlssions amount­ing to 3,100 bheeie and the tales ag­gregated 10,558 boxes. Kxtroraes, 10!|@ll|c. Greatest number aold at 11 I c Marketings of corresponding day laat year MJ26 boxes, and lJ5,587 boxes year borore last. Prices last year5 | («6 | c ; y^wbefore/TlC^Jc. •irz



t o depehjdanee Bai l .

8, W. Poo^it|bt the cnterprUtng roprjetop of the Hqshtoo House at

w p l s 4 will gife the Grand Bait of be aeaaoo aV hla spacious hotel on nday night July 2nd., Music will e furntahed by a "hill band" of five leces and no paijis nor expense will

spared to make this the levant of he season. The J Rusbton 'Ilouaeiai motir, far eno} wide^ for the mam-otb alse of' Ita lancing hall, on the 00rs of which oior 50 aetti can dance

kt the tame t{mei The fabt that pjr :

l ter*tl l be Inattindanoe (roi^aHauf; roundinf tow^s If iftb s^^^rt poaaible

aranteexof tbejpep^lartty of both hla house an l lie proprietor, Th#

flna chf^ee pe^ 4ay, I ItiekeUo^ invlUtloa printed at the D. iCorgaa maker. The 1 IGroavemeor HiK|ti>ofloeafeartutle

f l * i aMAl^db^tntlfiiL : \v ^,Y. £&M &A W- i

ifi: '(M

i « i !•' « 1 bad pp atateyooul, And au Itio

time of titelcollision wa . lying jorith my clqtbqslott. t*n a bench, 1 heird a trcoiendous orasb, a9d! was knocked to the poor. Getting to my t*ht9 I Tound 'all 'the l ighu cxtinguiJlied. Vlon, wormu and children screaming iind rimning in all 'directions. I fol­lowed a iiunU;ei* of rhenand jumpe'd ihlo the water, btliering the ppit abhut to slh^j, ! 1 started do swim to the ateJmer

that had ooplideal with u». A vdung tiakral cadetj accompanied tnr, srjd I tbfnk wo strata about a mile When

pf>i^kcd up. i ^ . 1 Ir. Forward, another passetiger,

sail: , 1 had retired to my staAerbom abbut half kn hmr, but vvi^l^oi anlbcp, wheti I hcar^ H terrible Cikah*! Ing aud my atatenoom door b irst1

opln. I rdshed on deck, and £ith ae^eral others Jumped overboard, all

ing life (preservers In our hahds. going, 1 arooaed several, end

ala)o\aaw al yoonj man deliberately ahiot\inlailf thrdngh the head,When helreelfotd the danger he waa In.

me othera, waa picked up " boats of tbe ^Citf of

Mrtlc rails Board.

We have tb report 10-day a rather alow market, but, all; things" con­sidered, a voryj satisfactory | one. Prices aro again off about | c , b i t are still nearly twice^as much aslas^yekr at thia time. The aggregate pro" duction secerns to jus, from all the in­formation j we cat obtain, about tho same M a 4oar ago—perhaps not quite so |arge. The most satiafactory fea­ture of thd market Is the continued foreign demand 'which actually took

J from New j York (last week a quantity j larger thai the receipts therex Tbe

total sates were 8,215 boxes; 1.129 boxes went forward on commission. Priced aa follows-100 boxes at 10|c; 2,7(J8atlU.; 104J1 at l l j c ; 3,210, at H i e ; 1,489^ at | l jc . ; 134, at U f c ; 100, at 12c.;j310, iktp. t, , j

: Hoard off Trautc Hoomal . , , ' I . I , . CANTON, June 13.

Onr tolegram qpotea' fancy I cheese at hi(olU(x; tbe market heavy, with a downward te4#ency. Cable, 06s. Creamery but tor J ?0(H21c. Welsh tuba 19c, and finfn.

Forty-two faolorles offered 4,012 boxes of chocso #nd four creameries offered 283 package^ of butter. Twen-ty-twoiand qne half cents for large tubs a4d tf4^« for small tubs were of­fered for all tho butter, tbe offer to stand good until Monday.

Thirty-nlnb fafltoHea of cbefcao, ag-grogatlntr 3,S22 boxes, wero reported sold at tho fallWing prices

16 Lots . . . . -L ltjK) boxOA.. I

21 1

.- 2W1


Meeting called

Hi k

14 10 13-1C 14 10J %

11. VVAIT, Sec.

ttoavertiear p o t t r d off T r a d e

j June 12th. to!order at 4 p. ra.;

New York telegrjartt received as fol­lows : Market w|ee|k; receipts 9 0 ^ 0 ; exports 75,000; cdmmon to choice 11 \ ityVJ. Last iyeajr, j exports 39,000; IteoolpU 09,000; price «(«/{>}.

Tboro wore 1,G|)0 boxeal offered to­day. We were jvefy glaUl to seo so much interest tajken In our Hoard, also to see so maay patro/xc dropping In to see us aud ipo hope, to see more. We oan assure every patron that they will lo6eo nothing !>y 70 doing and wt)ul 1 invito them to come one and all. Althojgh ouV telegram reports market weak,f yeV salesmen and buyers' are veN active and some nhfirp trader bdinjg made.

ftjC, iDiiAiCK, Fec'y.

Thejro!wW(t* 25

HIT ami | b y l t f e

1 NeW York. second o

stekmer c<

©or etea fori New algbalst) 8bimd 0



IT •ncoeeded in gtttlog alongside the J81oqrn/toh,» and then the peaaen-gef^ a haiEujlred or more, boarded our

, Ms^pnougb, of]the Cyorae^¥ork f"eajU: ler wai^proceedlog direct orkt wfre^ we.qbseijyed tress, somewbare In the be pomwaj^ lightship. ied rapidly a^4 obeerved

in collision. Wa «nal

and bor seamen, after hoottdr difflfnltyf reetapd a nombefi

the i|atert and alao f^om the TOUM*



Juno 12, 1880. 0 were li salesmen and 10

buyeri.Qp the board to-day. The of-furiu^H were from 22 f a c t o r s ^nd amounted to lUS.Vbq^ca, )&rery fac­tory s o ^ Thi» extremes wore l-OJc, and 10 IMG J. j leading price 10|c. The halesmen> forjward detailed re­ports to HKRAI.O io-night, before starting for horfle. Two factorie8

sol 1 1 W packages of butter at 22c. 1

WatAt^o^riilloapdt j , I I ! 1 ' i ' - . J«hpl2. I

The {total trindctlons 3 3^9 bjoxes at prices lOjfWli 9^16. ! j j j

> j j 4 - U - — - / -- ' cioovelnaer Ifiaratei.

, 1 j OoOVBWAy*, Al^is A, 188ft. (rorrec*©d t+<l kcvlaotl WtetWJ. \


;. . : «i»Aseai:TTaR. ;, / t . I #anoy.J..4 i 1« ' • « 1 Cboiee..J.,...r t — Good lo brima...-*; Light UAtom*

j sous. rrasbv(cLaaipfieei..,.^

aA^T, ; A»au>H, Wtaek, l*wr«,...4..-.„.

B l % A & a ' J

raeta/y auan, per iiarret..... ractory iUad, per 0B to. track. CXtiuaiou Ana, per barret,—.

'. , easaaaoiJiaATa.

aggregated ranging from


Cow naeT.**fir* Mutton PorA.^. LAHI. . , . Veaia, It

v ^ -*; ,1*1.

walgbt....... r.Zi. Y*OBTA^L*e.

1 ^

**•'*« --#S> ^SO

Hall.. Gouvcrneur .. N. KdwardjV »• Brier lUll.i... Kuaaell Vill... Apple Grave. Tracy <.,_ l>cp«yate-v-.. j — . i'i =

Goorerneur Gour^rneur KdwartU . . .

Murrlftdwn. limfteU Uuaeell. «.. alaaaena..... Depeyater..

June IX! 10 9-10 M 1*10%


y e«iaur J ^ n c I'2'lO^

J*»10!^ ] Iff 10% t 12 H> V

J2J0 7-H AjUS

Jff'HMLj ! iffiiov

14 Ooa#

2ff|l0,S *

fiUaiNEllsr IvOCAAVS.

W. II. Murray sells frefrh ground laud piaster very cheap at the depot

h l lw4

I!f»S-%^wiefl-" A

0 • : • ! . • '

r. Cotta.. A. Galea.. W. Jlarrla... A. Ktoon t . jbui

tea»«]Kaoia>..| 7i * » | j

^Kl r f l a t rA i L L J « , Dike

ot t . . |7J


'ilaoei Broa. r.Hod«kto

• M . Dow . Teok J 7 G.Maiee. . . . ' R M e a d . . . Heeeajgfeie 8. Dajw». . W.Overaeketf

w. Uaii... W. Bailey. it Beeae... lowPnd.ggt^

A. 8beffn*r.. inrte Santwav

r.fioBaoa..: il^CWlciaiml'

^ ^ S W l l K K s ^ l j ^

1 m 111111 wmmmmSmmm i 1111 «M

W. II. Murry aells 8&U by barrel or bags at the depot. ,, bl lw4

• Messrs. Killmer A: Jepson have a very large stock of cloths and casal-meres which will be sold at a groat sacrifice to close out hlltr

Pbysiotsns freely prescribe Uie new Food Medietue/Afalt Biitera,Mbecaaae more nouriaa-iiiff, airenjrUienlnai and parlf ring Uun all oUiat forma of malt or medtaine, while free from tbe object Ion • urged aga! nst malt Uq uora, b Iff w4

Purchaser* of organs and pianos, always have to pay the expenses of traveling agents, hence; when yon

I want to buy an organ cAeaii, do your "own traveling t& W. F. SUMS' MUSIC Store, for he keeps no agenU, and will seJl at wholesale prices* , bl2wd

pAtsTi^o 1 rAtfrnko ! Carriage and aign painting done in tho best and neatest workmanlike manner and at lowest liviog prlcea by l i . D. Jones, over E. D, Barry's blacksmith shop; Clinton tit, Gouverneur, N . Y.

v * *. h l 2 t f

SMS nCCH rtTH iw oourEEWEcm-• A . >

.. • ; . " I f d r a e T a l k i B g . . ! :

We never had so much fun In Gouv­erneur as we have now, alnco th-Gfeat. Boston Clotbiog Boot and Shoe store has removed into the Vane Buren Hotel Block. That establish­ment la daily crowded to its utmost, with customers we have neter aeen in Gouvernouf before, long-legged men with short-legged women, thldk-eet boys with tall and lean girls, some rich, some pobr, some One dyed, some one legged, young jhen [with, old maids, young women with bid fogies. We would like to knowVuraeives where they ail come from. Some look as though they have come 150 miles, and many as if imported from Europe. But the most fun, la, to see how they all can be suited and fitted. No wonrjer tbe Jacobson's carry the largest stOQk, tbe finest goods, the latest styles, and the prices which are well known by everybody, are 25 to 50 per cent lower than elsewhere. If you want a good laugh so that your stomach will ache in yqua> left toe.

So to the reliable Boston Clotbiog •oot and ahoe store, lately removed

into the Van Buren Hotel Block, where boots and ladle* ahoee are al­most given away. , , hl3w2

a Jfev< e v e r Tfc ink. If the crabbed did bacberor who uttered thl

aentiment could but wltneea the iaAenae ^bouaht. deep •^edv and Iborouf k inreati fyon of women ia .deierainlna; t£* beat aiedV

tamiii* w v-r and wi

Hop BUter* as tbe beat nd ad

erne* to keep tbetr tamUiea'weU. and wouYd ?.0U> J**ir •Mtac^ty and wladam I n aeiocUaa

aetretlns it by keeping ibeir famllijea it« perpetual bealtb, at a mere aomieal exaenae, he would be forced to aoknowledglB thatauoh aeaUmesiU are baaeleae and fnUe,

WMr bHwl

%a>ar JPIftateret, Ttiey may relic TO, but tbey can*t care that

lame back, for the ktdneya are tbe trouble and you want a remedy to act direcUy on Uieir ae-cretione, to purlfv and restore their healthy con­dition. Kidney-Wort baa that •peoiflc actien— and at the same time it regulatea tbe bowela perfectly. Don't wait to jrot aick,t>ut get a package Vo iay. and ottre youraeli. lw

—. • • • — 4 # 4 • - '

Preald'entlai CampaJgkr. Gen^ Grant, no doubt, feels quite

confident that he can be elected for tho third term if he will only accept the position,%ut wo know of thous­ands of men who who say that Ken­dall's Spavin Cure ia tbe very best remedy that has ever been discoven\d for apavins, aplints^urb, callous, ringbope or any lameness on beast or niair. Everybody, should investigate these subjects and reltl the advertise­ment for Ketidall's Spavin Cure, lw

^>ome»tic BUM «kl««lng the maidv

domestic lilt^ter^man^ wife oaiUiing him at it" More domestic lUUw4,wire rubbing Kcieetric

rui into t ie Wonodi rAnae^ $f the aforetAld eonfrrf^iilp^

V . hNwl Htronw Cvleleaiee* i

I bare sold at retail price since tbe 4th of December Ia*t lOOTbottles of Dr. Tho%maaf Eclectric Oil, guaxtri-teeing every bottle. 1 must say 1 never soh! a niodicino lu my life that gave such uniyeiwal satisfaction. In my own case* tvlth a badly ulcrated throat, after a iphysiciaLi pencilling it for several days to no eJtTe-t, tho Ec­lectric Oil cured it thoroughly in twenty-four hours^ and'in threatened croups in my children tbi* winter! it niver failed to relieve almost imrpedi-alely. U. H. HALL,

(Grayviile, Jih, March 26tb, 1880. tfiold by JLaVack ft Cox. l«r

Ito^Mere White Batter. No dalrrm*» can afford to make and aell wblie

butter. J'eopie who buy butter want it yellow, awl are w/lllaglo pay aereral eenu par pound < more for ft than,they would for the lavdy look* | ttig uiutr they often bare to uke, My uaing Wells, Blebard»oa * Co*f reflected Butter { Color, every dairyman, oan kave toe gohlen eol- ! or of June tbe TOAT ruund. It is aold by drug-gibts Ano; ider^mnef generally. t l w

W. II. Murrey sella fresh id piaster UK? cbeay aVt

Kew and eeeona '" holesaie prices, or to r w t , nt pays for them, at W. P. uaicatore^ .;.-». . * -

•• l —» a mtf&kVi* v Millinery cloalng out et _ ., __ . ti 30 days a t X ^ e c h h o l d ^ h U

UouiB AMI> LOT Wat ie wlabing to purchase a >uaeandlot la Gdotertedr gt tbe ik bottom price, ahotiM todotre of

hitf , FaatDLAV

Go to LaVack'ft Cox'a ^Mtl&M man's New NatUmal Uro^f F*r

Ightaeee aed dorabUtt/of oolbrl (equaled. Color from JW5 ioe, l ieeiita.


Oottenadee reduoed troia 40 to D. (J. Woooe. . V H bl^

* * e » i *mi\^i **M WOOD WairntD.—50 cordi

id wanted at the Hi



fiJL £J U^-J. ri Yr.\L Morrtjr sella Salt by i

•ags at the Depot. • » • »

Ulm\ dgbtenyowroldbooSsaae tmUvs iieei atUraaan. asai

•> <sif£ r, ''mss& /•ae

Builder*1 Hardware at toA Bdck^ ~ iaVCoTrnw. i r ^ ioes.



l PLT AT OlTOa.—A ( O d d wanted immediatwajr.

Itf %tL T < f » ^

f ybu are' troubled wltli UM 'KendaU'i 8p«flpi


ibetUad tMi»wl%. «w-«m w ^ , uo to $2.0* Md trim $3.00 te$ l -» '

eve»aakadyapstoi4c a , but kjt.aim take

iH*eatA3ljr>lULlU wiUbealirigaA.

UaUawvaU ia an ST|staa|i^a7|[ |ni eSa^!:

Throat aaeetioBj and to haanMef 'ftlaala


prkteot* ker ehUdrem,

ifAT tbea^ Uuu y©« ace it they tore a

so n e t teed to

SLOtt. Kor U'ai'eyooa drugg|at. .

I k t v e r G. aarkiy,a. of I^wa City, aaya: •*! _

'UvaroaaapiaiatSor every reaaedy I whjAeferuttUii

advertiaed ia oor to try i t I am aa

iraly cured aaa. It is I aver knew e fV ifrtee


it4eetor lor Hat eat off fa* eoaaplatiikv

e, FrioeftScta. ttotdby all Cawreacaroo.

foreaiarra, Hi;

JL eaaawwwaii

- ^ H # ^

"i *

£W MlLLlirMT t*V L JLtt*T S*tl&l he new stock of Millinery retfiWf

ly; bought by Miaa Quackeob^Ah i i lf ttjractwg the unlveraal attontida aoA^ if,

iration of the la4iea of (Mnrer* l i r and vicinity. All agree! that; I lie tbe etylee are the lateei andT;' at pleaaing, the prUea aft jeleo tch lower than other eafabUab- 4 . nta. If you want a hat or anyi". f > J lin*ly worlf^call at tbe m/Ultim^f*

ium of Misa-QuaQkenbualL,., , 11|%J hlaWl


tril tha t o n off): k; \J

& S « a w ^ 617 of the laws of ieC J T T & K


t /n loai aTraw A^aMwl JTwAAee GouvERjc»u«, K. Xn Hag ae, | m

(he Trustees of aebool diatrieU Kos. *\ twelve of ibe town of Goavetwcor. et; y^'\ ce County. At. Y.: * J

unaeraigned inbabftaiila off Scoaet dia^ ^ aumbeii one and twelve, U

vemeur, aforeaaidM entitled te vote at ear ung« off u * innabltanujff aaAA dlaajiatSi by CAU lor A aaeeUng u> be\eld for the war- , -Ai*

i of datecamiaing by a rote eTaekl diatfl5s tber a Unien Free bebeoi aa«l)ba eataihaa-lereiaji in eooioj

lifter >pter

rraatoa, A. 1L J'vm t d A-Acaeraaaa. J, K. XL Drake. C. C i*e>)- Clifton, J. AL

Auliin Meyi|er,

Eeakfmtoo/iVi Ik dayerr George

Keecb. J. C. Tuxab i. Jona CoeiUiart, ^otteraew AfelaAyraf IX

iobnaon, George Kring, A.aGreens,qao>ga: rs, Wm. UoJmes, Waa. Celvet, JaooeW. m, Aionxo Biabop, Tnnia KJpp, Joaen|t ,{ >rdee, J a w s l^jlof. 4 at, AtlliirV - / T

e uiMlerArgnod traatees 4M achoat dlaMesa V * and 12. in tbe tow* off Goui

Lanea with a call of Siteen or an aob of said diatriou. oaUUed to

leeung of tbe Inhabitants: is a oopy—berebyrgtva i

>t Uie ifbabitAau oA aAkjl te tbertoat. vU: JCv

residrtfg tiiereiati wbo owa or biia « w p f F W *» ^

diatrtflba sub)eot to taxation AaftaftooljMUW ^ ever>reWuieato^»uab diatrkAa anfiW y

vote ai town aaoatlaga off the lowta off^-*K»?v,, cruenr, wbo owns any poraoaaU jsropefftw f . W y ta be uuLod for eefcool parpoaea as aa l i /A ; - -^

c voeeding afty doilaca Uvataa, exolo- "K4 '*


Irta aucb as la cjietnpt irop smoottAlOB r waw

inaaneaUy roaXlfngwtUi him a ekUaf aV

XoticE.—Wc were suffering the moht excruciating pain from inflame-tory rheumatism. Ooe application of Dr. Xhomai'Eclectric Oil afforded almost instant relief, ancL^wo fifty cent bottles ejected a (peruranent cure. k O. E. COMOTOCH.

lw I; i Caledonia^ Mlno. — » " * « < > n * ^ - » — • ..

-' Ktrlaey-MTort baa proved a moat etfeetfre oore for piles and coaeUpaUon-be sure and trr It.

BenlsaU* thesa bncAa Ilea aarali Hick/ 8he rwaa A long time vary aick. TbeVlocters oaaae aad purged, and bled bar UaUl alto ooaloVt wall be deader; If wnen Arat, pains did her attack; -Hb#*d rubbed Kelaetrie OH upon her bask. 4 Death might have tried, but nerer oauAht aer, Vor oauaed awcAgtief to b^r pot* daughter. Jw

C e j l * avaaTStiver Watcfcee.

8A beautUul and complete line of

old and silver wafches just received y J. M. Heyttoida, Jr., Gouyeroeur. J

Hi Hoi

of aobool ago some one or mora off wfcoak liave at^aded tbe district aebooi lor as a period of eigbt weeks ia the year pre- ; g tbe date at wbicU aaid sweeUng ia to toe \

will be held at thc^aenUnary — -» — * tbe§Ui day off July, neat, a> bail

in tbe evening, for tbe purpose off detay-




v by a rote of sacb distriots VnetAAroakl dialficui abaU be consolidated by tfce nafsbljik

of a Union rree hebool tberefor a S t S r w * cvonformny ti ibu, prOviaioaa off if tbs laws df lt£t amd tbe

ibis nth dav of^mm>aaa^ Gao. B. WiMSLOW,Trustee DIAL Xo. A. IMA Bitowjr, Trubiee Dial. MovUL

K T E B L T BtEPOAtT #>F Tamil



day! audi

leial lender notes and notes of National banks

items.... f-[tare and fixtures,

kt expenses


iepoaitoTf otber banks.

TE OT KEW YORK. TY ov fir. LAWjtamc; lea Anthony. Preekteai r ofv Hank of Goitiai lug buaiaeaaalGonr

Ing duly a e foreg^ing[report,ir nylng UM aa>e, |s i i eat of e truasjefioa off

morning of aat«r4ay.|ae lath aay off, lasa . • ,

aaaomscas. aaddlacounu.^.. . .^ .

[n>mbanki ..^!!"..."*.»" ing bouse . . . .

mortgages . .

4,**aoo 7SSS7

1,609 00 6,<XXH

^SSSft.SOS 14 & * » » i

$ 6e,oesae

s ^ i * *;

& it

. *v

f rrrr ^TiTmsss ire flat Ittfi ie, \m, to thfbeat off AA knowledge

I, Cu£± An itlyiubVcribod and a
