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VOZES VERBAISAs vozes de um verbo estabelecem a relao entre o sujeito e a ao expressa por este verbo. O sujeitopraticaousofrea ao, isto , o sujeito agenteoupaciente. Quando o sujeito o agente, temos avoz ativa(active voice) e, quando o sujeito o paciente, temos avoz passiva(passive voice).Voz Passiva - Passive VoicePara formar a voz passiva em Ingls, usamos o verboto beseguido doparticpio passado do verbo principal. Quando necessrio, o agente da passiva precedido pela preposioby. semelhana do Portugus, o objeto da voz ativa passa a ser o sujeito da voz passiva, e o sujeito da voz ativa passa a ser o agente da voz passiva. Veja alguns exemplos:Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. (active voice)(sujeito)(objeto)Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. (passive voice)(sujeito) (ag. da passiva)Genes transmit character. (active voice)(sujeito) (objeto)Character is transmitted by genes. (passive voice)(sujeito) (ag. da passiva)

All the members of the board accepted the proposal. (active voice)(sujeito) (objeto)The proposal was accepted by all the members of the board. (passive voice)(sujeito) (agente da passiva)Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876.(sujeito) (objeto)The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.(sujeito) (ag. da passiva)

Observe que o verboto bena voz passiva conjugado sempre no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo principal da voz ativa. Atente para o seguinte quadro:Quando se passa uma frase da voz ativa para a voz passiva:a)oobjeto da voz ativatorna-se sujeito da voz passiva;b)osujeito da voz ativatorna-se agente da passiva precedido porbyquando for necessrio;c)overboto bena voz passiva conjugado sempre no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo principal da voz ativa;d)overbo principalda voz ativa passa para o particpio passado na voz passiva.

Voz Passiva - Dois ObjetosEm Ingls, quando o verbo na voz ativa tiver dois objetos (direto e indireto), qualquer um deles pode ser o sujeito da voz passiva:George teaches biology to Cecilia. (active voice)(sujeito) (obj. dir.) (obj. ind.)Biology is taught to Cecilia by George. (passive voice)(sujeito) (obj. ind.) (ag. da passiva)Cecilia is taught biology by George. (passive voice)(sujeito) (obj. dir.) (ag. da passiva)John told me a story. (active voice)(suj.) (o. i.) (o. d.)I was told a story by John. (passive voice)(suj.) (o. d.) (ag. da pas.)A story was told me by John. (passive voice)(suj.) (o. i.) (ag. da pas.)Contudo, quando o objeto indireto da voz ativa passa a ser o sujeito da orao passiva, damos mais importncia pessoa. Observe os exemplos abaixo:They offered my elder brother a job. (active voice)(sujeito) (obj. indireto) (obj. dir.)My elder brother was offered a job. (passivevoice)(sujeito) (obj. dir.)As duas frases so traduzidas por: Ofereceram um emprego a meu irmo mais velho.Journalists asked the President many questions. (active voice)(sujeito) (obj. indireto) (obj. direto)The President was asked many questions by journalists. (passive voice)(sujeito) (obj. direto) (ag. da passiva)As duas frases so traduzidas por: Os jornalistas fizeram muitas perguntas ao presidente.My friends gave me many birthday presents. (active voice)(sujeito) (o. i.) (obj. direto)I was given many birthday presents. (passive voice)(s.) (obj. direto)Traduo da primeira e segunda frase, respectivamente: Meus amigos deram-me muitos presentes de aniversrio. / Deram-me muitos presentes de aniversrio.

The bank didn't lend us any money. (active voice)(sujeito) (o. i.) (obj. dir.)We were not lent any money. (passive voice)(suj.) (obj. direto)Traduo da primeira e segunda frase, respectivamente: O banco no nos emprestou dinheiro algum. / No nos emprestaram dinheiro algum.ATENO: As frases apresentadas anteriormente no podem ser traduzidas literalmente; caso fizssemos isto, elas tornariam-se agramaticais e at sem sentido. Veja:I was toldthat you got a scholarship. (Disseram-me que voc ganhou uma bolsa de estudos.)Traduo literal: Eu fui dito que... (ERRADA)She was allowedto go home early. (Permitiram-lhe que fosse para casa cedo.)Traduo literal: Ela foi permitida... (ERRADA)Veja mais exemplos e suas respectivas tradues.He is said to bea strong candidate for the job. (Dizem que ele um forte candidato ao cargo.)They are supposedto arrive tonight. (Supe-se que eles cheguem hoje noite.)Mr. Martins was expectedto take over the company. (Esperava-se que o Sr. Martins assumisse a direo da empresa.)The President is reported to bein good health. (Relatam que o presidente est em bom estado de sade.)OBSERVAO: Os verbosexplainesuggests constroem a voz passiva com o objeto direto da voz ativa transformando-se em sujeito da voz passiva:Theyexplainedthe problem to the children. (active voice)(suj.) (obj. dir.) (obj. ind.)The problem was explained to the children. (passive voice)(sujeito)(NOTThe children were explained the problem.)They suggested a meeting place to us. (active voice)(suj.) (obj. dir.) (o. i.)A meeting place was suggested to us. (passive voice)(sujeito)(NOTWe were suggested a meeting place.)

Voz Passiva - Sujeito Indeterminado e o Agente da passivaH dois casos em que o agente da passiva pode ser omitido:1) Quando o sujeito da voz ativa no for importante ou for desconhecido ou indeterminado:Somebody planted peas yesterday. (active voice)(suj. ind.) (obj. dir.)Peas were planted yesterday. (passive voice)(suj.)

Someone found my wallet last night. (active voice)(suj. ind.) (obj. dir.)My wallet was found last night. (passive voice)(sujeito)

Workers are building a new supermarket two blocks from my house. (active voice)(sujeito*) (objeto direto)A new supermarket is being built two blocks from my house. (passive voice)(sujeito)*Neste caso, o sujeito da voz ativa,workers, no indeterminado e passa a ser o agente da passiva na voz passiva; no entanto, ele no precisa ser mencionado, pois no relevante dizer quem est construindo o novo supermercado.Someone broke the window. (active voice)(suj. ind.) (obj. dir.)The window was broken. (passive voice)(sujeito)

2) Quando for bvio:The letter was delivered early this morning.(Who delivers letters? A mail carrier does.)Japanese is spoken in Japan.(Who speaks a language? Japanese people do.)The man was arrested.(Who arrest people? Police do.)

O agente da passiva deve ser mencionado quando for importante para a compreenso do que dito:Romeo and Juliet was writtenby Shakespeare.Mona Lisa was paintedby Leonardo da Vinci.

USOS DA VOZ PASSIVA1. A voz passiva empregada para enfatizar mais a ao ou o seu resultado do que a pessoa que pratica a ao. Assim enfatizado o que acontece a algum ou a algo:Alfred raises cows and pigs. (active voice) - D nfase a Alfred.Cows and pigs are raised by Alfred. (passive voice) - D nfase ao que Alfred cria - vacas e porcos.2. Em situaos formais, na linguagem jornalstica, acadmica e em descries tcnicas e/ou cientficas*:Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the United States.The balloon is positioned in an area of blockage and is inflated.*Na maioria das vezes, o agente da passiva no mencionado nestes tipos de escrita, pois o mais importante, nestes casos, oresultado, aaoe no quem a praticou.3. Usa-se a voz passiva, em Ingls, quando o sujeito indefinido, equivalente ao nosso sujeito indeterminado:They play baseball everywhere in the United States. (active voice)(Jogam beisebol por toda parte nos Estados Unidos.)Baseball is played everywhere in the United States. (passive voice)(O beisebol jogado em toda arte nos Estados Unidos.)

People eat avocado with sugar in Brazil. (active voice)(No Brasil, as pessoas comem abacate com acar.)Avocado is eaten with sugar in Brazil. (passive voice)(No Brasil, abacate comido com acar.)Observe que o uso da voz ativa com they ou people (as pessoas, a gente) mais comum na linguagem informal, ao passo que a voz passiva mais usada na linguagem formal.4. Em Portugus, temos a voz passiva analtica (Fernanda foi socorrida por Rafael) e a voz passiva sinttica (Vendem-se roupas usadas); no Ingls, porm, existe apenas uma forma para a voz passiva, que equivale s duas formas em Portugus. A construo comone(linguagem escrita ou formal) e comyou(linguagem falada, informal) tambm empregada nestes casos:Itis saidthat power and ambition corrupt people. (Diz-se que o poder e a ambio corrompem as pessoas.)Itis reportedthat... (Relata-se que...)Englishis spokenin Australia. (Fala-se Ingls na Austrlia.)A lot of riceis eatenin China. (Come-se muito arroz na China.)A lothas been writtenabout that. (Tem-se escrito muito sobre isso.)One doesn't knowexactly what happened that night. (No se sabe ao certo o que aconteceu naquela noite.You never knowwhat to do in a moment like this. (Nunca se sabe / A gente nunca sabe o que fazer em um momento como esse.)You can't workin such an environment. (No se pode trabalhar num ambiente desses.)You shouldn't believeeverything you read. (No se deve acreditar em tudo o que se l.)5. Somente verbos transitivos podem ser transformados em construo passiva. Verbos intransitivos no possuem objeto, dessa forma no h como formar o sujeito na voz passiva, j que o objeto da voz ativa torna-se o sujeito da voz passiva. Alguns verbos transitivos tambm no podem ser transformados em construo passiva; a maioria deles so verbos que se referem a estados e no a aes, comofit,have,lack,resemble,suit. Veja alguns exemplos de frases com verbos transitivos em que a voz passiva no ocorre:Theyhavea nice house. (NOTA nice house is had by them.)My shoesdon't fitme. (NOTI'm not fitted by my shoes.)Shewas havinga bath. (NOTA bath was being had by her.)Angelaresemblesa Greek goddess. (NOTA Greek goddess is resembled by Angela.)Your motherlackstact. (NOTTact is lacked by your mother.)

6. Em estruturas ativas, os verboshear,see,makeehelppodem ser seguidos por objeto + verbo no infinitivo semto,j em estruturas passivas,estes verbos devem ser seguidos pelo verbo com oto. Observe:- Isawhim (to)comeout of the house. (active structure)He wasseento comeout of the house. (passive structure)- Theymadehim (to)tellthem everything. (active structure)He wasmadeto tellthem everything. (passive structure)- Theyhelpedhim (to)getoutof the country. (active structure)He washelpedto get outof the country. (passive structure)7. Alguns verbos comosay,believe,consider,expect,know,report,think,understand,allegeadmitem duas formas para a voz passiva. Observe alguns exemplos:She is saidtowork 14 hours a day. ouIt is said thatshe works 14 hours a day.

The boy is believed tobe wearing a white pullover and blue jeans. ouIt is believed thatthe boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.The strike is expected toend soon. ouIt is expected thatit will end soon.He is alleged tohave hit a policeman. ouIt is alleged thathe hit a policeman.John is said tobe working very hard. ouIt is said thatJohn is working very hard.Two people are reported tohave been injured in the explosion. ouIt is reported thattwo people were injured in the explosion.He has been said tolove Lauren. ouIt has been said thathe loves Lauren.Mark was believed tohave translated the lyrics. ouIt was believed thatMark had translated the lyrics.8. Para formar a interrogativa, antepomos ao sujeito o verbo auxiliar que compe o tempo verbal da voz passiva. Para a negativa, basta acrescentarnotao auxiliar. Observe:The office is cleaned every day. (affirmative form)Is the office cleaned every day? (interrogative form)The office is not cleaned every day. (negative form)

OBSERVAO:Os tempos verbaisPresent Perfect Progressive,Past Perfect Progressive,Future ProgressiveeFuture Perfect Progressiveno so comuns na voz passiva.(BE) SUPPOSED TO- Algumas vezes,(it is) supposed to ...significa o mesmo que(it is) said to ...Observe:I want to see that film. Itis supposed tobe good. (=it is said tobe good.)Contudo, em alguns casos,supposed totem um significado diferente. Isso ocorre quando usamos esta expresso para dizer que algo planejado(intended),programado,combinado(arranged) ouesperado(expected). Veja:The planis supposed to bea secret, but everybody seems to know about it.(= the plan is intended to be a secret.)What are you doing at work? You're supposed to beon holiday.(= you are arranged to be on holiday)Our guestswere supposed to comeat 8:30, but they were late.Cecilywas supposed to callme last night, but she didn't.I'd better hurry. I'm supposed to bemeeting Erica in ten minutes.-You are not supposed to do somethingsignifica o mesmo queit is not allowed or advisible:Youare not supposed to parkyour car here. It is private parking only.Bernard is much better after his illness, but heisstillnot supposed to doany heavy work.USO DOGETEM CONSTRUO PASSIVA:- s vezes, pode-se usargetao invs debena voz passiva:Igotbitten by a dog. (= Iwasbitten...)

Richardgotpromoted last weekend. (= Richardwaspromoted...)The cat alwaysgetsscared when the dog barks. (= The cat alwaysisscared...)There was an accident, but nobodygothurt. (= ..., but nobodywashurt.)I nevergetinvited to parties. (= Iamnever invited to parties.)Getpode ser empregado nos seguintes casos:1) Para expressar mudanas ou acontecimentos, geralmente inesperados e acidentais:Markgothurt in the car crash.2) Para descrever o feito negativo de uma ao sobre algum:The computergotbroken.3) Para descrever rotinas:The gymgetscleaned every Sundays.4) Para descrever o resultado de uma ao deempenhada por algum em benefcio prprio:He worked hard andgotelected the Director of the company.- O uso degetem construes passivas considerado bastante informal e no comum quando nos referimos a aes que ocorreram h muito tempo e aes planejadas:This housewasbuilt in 1815. (NOTThis house got built in 1815.)Parliamentwasopened on Thursday. (NOTParliament got opened on Thursday.)- Existem, porm, muitas outras situaes em que ogetnopode ser usado. Observe os exemplos abaixo:That actorisadmired by many people.NUNCA: That actor gets admired by many people.Jameyisliked by everybody.NUNCA: Jamey gets liked by everybody.OBSERVAO: H expresses comgetseguido de particpio em que no h significado passivo:get married, get divorced, get engaged, get dressed (put on your clothes), get lost (= not know where you are), get started, get changed (change your clothes). Estas exprsses chamam-se de Phrasal Verbs. Observe o exemplo abaixo:After getting engaged, they soon got married.(Depois de noivarem, eles logo casaram.)

CONSTRUO DA VOZ PASSIVA COM VERBOS QUE EXIGEM PREPOSIES:- Os objetos de verbos que exigem preposies (look at, listen to, pay for, etc) podem tornar-se o sujeito em construes passivas. Observe:We havelooked at the plancarefully. (active voice)(objeto)The plan has been carefully looked at. (passive voice)(suj.)Nobodylistens to her. (active voice)(obj.)She is never listen to. (passive voice)(suj.)Somebody haspaid for your meal. (active voice)(objeto)Your meal has been paid for. (passive voice)(sujeito)

Atente para a ordem das palavras (word order); a preposio no pode ser suprimida.I don't like to be shoutedat. (NOTI don't like to be shouted.)- Se j h objeto direto na orao, o segundo objeto (objeto preposicionado), que vem depois da preposio, no pode transformar-se em sujeito na voz passiva:They threw stones at him. (active voice)(o. d.) (o. p.)Stones were thrown at him. (passive voice) (BUT NOTHe was thrown stones at.)(suj.)

They stole a bicycle from him. (active voice)(o. d.) (o. p.)A bicycle was stolen from him. (passive voice) (BUT NOTHe was stolen a bicycle from.)(sujeito)

They poured water on us. (active voice)(o. d.) (o. p.)Water was poured on us. (passive voice) (BUT NOTWe were poured water on.)(suj.)

Observe que pronomes e substantivos possessivos tambm no podem tornar-se sujeito na voz passiva:They calledMr. Peteron's name. (active voice)Mr. Peterson's namewas called. (passive voice) (BUT NOTMr. Peterson was name called.)I brokeher mirror. (active voice)Her mirrorwas broken. (passive voice) (BUT NOTShe was mirror broken.)CONSTRUO DA VOZ PASSIVA COM VERBOS QUE EXIGEM PREPOSIES:- Os objetos de verbos que exigem preposies (look at, listen to, pay for, etc) podem tornar-se o sujeito em construes passivas. Observe:We havelooked at the plancarefully. (active voice)(objeto)The plan has been carefully looked at. (passive voice)(suj.)Nobodylistens to her. (active voice)(obj.)She is never listen to. (passive voice)(suj.)Somebody haspaid for your meal. (active voice)(objeto)Your meal has been paid for. (passive voice)(sujeito)

Atente para a ordem das palavras (word order); a preposio no pode ser suprimida.I don't like to be shoutedat. (NOTI don't like to be shouted.)- Se j h objeto direto na orao, o segundo objeto (objeto preposicionado), que vem depois da preposio, no pode transformar-se em sujeito na voz passiva:They threw stones at him. (active voice)(o. d.) (o. p.)Stones were thrown at him. (passive voice) (BUT NOTHe was thrown stones at.)(suj.)

They stole a bicycle from him. (active voice)(o. d.) (o. p.)A bicycle was stolen from him. (passive voice) (BUT NOTHe was stolen a bicycle from.)(sujeito)

They poured water on us. (active voice)(o. d.) (o. p.)Water was poured on us. (passive voice) (BUT NOTWe were poured water on.)(suj.)

Observe que pronomes e substantivos possessivos tambm no podem tornar-se sujeito na voz passiva:They calledMr. Peteron's name. (active voice)Mr. Peterson's namewas called. (passive voice) (BUT NOTMr. Peterson was name called.)I brokeher mirror. (active voice)Her mirrorwas broken. (passive voice) (BUT NOTShe was mirror broken.)CAUSATIVE FORM:HAVE SOMETHING DONEA estruturahave+objeto+particpio passado do verbo principaltem sentido passivo e expressa uma ao que algum faz a nosso pedido ou em nosso favor, ou seja, no somos ns que realizamos a ao. Analise a situao abaixo:The roof of Lisa's house was damaged in a storm.Yesterday a workman came and repaired it.Lisa had the roof repaired yesterday.This means: Lisa arranged for somebody else to repair the roof.She didn't repair it herself.

O tempo verbal dehavepode mudar:Ihavemy hair cutonce a month.(Eu corto meu cabelo uma vez por ms.)Ihadmy hair cutlast month.(Eu cortei meu cabelo no ms passado.)Iwill havemy hair cutnex week.(Vou cortar meu cabelo na semana que vem.)I'mgoing to havemy hair cutthis afternoon.(Vou cortar meu cabelo hoje tarde.)

Observe outros exemplos:Shedoesn't have her nails doneevery week.(Ela no faz as unhas toda semana.)Ididn't have my bike fixedlast Friday.(No consertei minha bicicleta no sbado passado.)Iwon't have my car servicednext month.(No vou fazer reviso em meu carro no ms que vem.)If you don't get out of my house I'll have you arrested.(Se voc no sair da minha casa, vou mandar lhe prender.)Doyouhave your house cleanedevery week?(Voc limpa sua casa toda semana?)Didyouhave your picture takenlast Wednesday?(Voc tirou sua foto na quinta-feira passada?)Willyouhave your car washedon Saturday?(Voc vai lavar o seu carro no sbado?)LEMBRE-SE:Usamoshave something donepara dizer que algum fez algo por ns. Compare:Lisa repaired the roof. (= she repaired it herself.)Lisa had the roof repaired. (= she arranged for somebody else to repair it.)Did you make those curtains yourself? Yes, I enjoy making things.Did you have those curtains made? No, I made them myself.

Atente para a ordem das palavras (word order) neste tipo de construo - oparticpio passadodo verbo principal vem sempre depois doobjeto:haveobjectpast participle

Lisahadthe roofrepaired.

Where did youhaveyour haircut?

Your hair looks nice. Have youhaditcut?

Our neighbor has justhada garagebuilt.

We arehavingthe housepaintedat the moment.

How often do youhaveyour carserviced?

I think you shouldhavethat coatcleaned.

I don't likehavingmy picturetaken.

We are going tohaveour housebuilt.

We musthaveour clotheswashed.

Mark is going tohavehis carserviced.

I musthavemy watchrepaired.

He wouldhavehis haircutif it was/were necessary.

She willhaveher computerfixed.

OBSERVAO:Algumas vezes,have something donepossui um significado diferente, dependendo do sentido do verbo. Por exemplo:Paul and Karenhad all their money stolenwhile they were on holiday.Nesta orao, no usamos usamos a estruturahave something donepara dizer que algum fez algo a nosso pedido ou em nosso favor. 'They had all their money stolen' significa apenas 'All their money was stolen from them'.Com este significado, usamoshave something donepara dizer que algo acontece a algum ou aos seus pertences. Geralmente o que acontece no bom:Garyhad his nose brokenin a fight.Have you everhad your passport stolen?GET SOMETHING DONEPodemos usarget something doneno lugar dehave something done(principalmente em linguagem falada e informal.):When are you going toget the roof repaired?I think you shouldget your hair cutreally short.Igot my bike fixedyesterday.A formao da voz passiva em cada um dos tempos verbais

Veja na tabela abaixo um esquema geral mostrando como formar a voz passiva (afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa) em cada um dos tempos verbais:VERB TENSEACTIVE VOICEPASSIVE VOICE

Simple PresentPaul paints the house every + particpio

The house is painted by Paul every year.

The house isn't painted by Paul every year.

Is the house painted by Paul every year?

Present ProgressivePaul is painting the being + particpio

The house is being painted by Paul.

The house isn't being painted by Paul.

Is the house being painted by Paul?

Simple PastPaul painted the house.was/were + particpio

The house was painted by Paul.

The house wasn't painted by Paul.

Was the house painted by Paul?

Past ProgressivePaul was painting the house.was/were being + particpio

The house was being painted by Paul.

The house wasn't being painted by Paul.

Was the house being painted by Paul?

Simple FuturePaul will paint the house.will be + particpio

The house will be painted by Paul.

The house won't be painted by Paul.

Will the house be painted by Paul?

Future with "Be going to"Paul is going to paint the going to be + particpio

The house is going to be painted by Paul.

The house isn't going to be painted by Paul.

Is the house going to be painted by Paul?

Present PerfectPaul has painted the house.has/have been + particpio

The house has been painted by Paul.

The house hasn't been painted by Paul.

Has the house been painted by Paul?

Past PerfectPaul had painted the house.had been + particpio

The house had been painted by Paul.

The house hadn't been painted by Paul.

Had the house been painted by Paul?

Future PerfectBy next week, Paul will have painted the house.will have been + particpio

By next week, the house will have been painted by Paul.

By next week, the house won't have been painted by Paul.

Will the house have been painted by next week by Paul?

-Can,could,could have,wouldewould havepodem ser usados na voz passiva:This birdcan be seenin the tropics.No languagecan be learnedso quickly.This paintingcould be soldfor a high price.This abstractcould have been writtenby hand.The housewould be paintedthis year.The e-mailswould be sentif the secretary were here now.The cakewould have been madeif we had all the ingredients.