GERA...GERA groupe d’études et de recherches en acupuncture 192 chemin des cèdres F-83130 La...

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GERA groupe d’études et de recherches en acupuncture

192 chemin des cèdres F-83130 La garde

France ℡


SEMINAIRE 38 Toulon - 15 Mai 2004

Pathologie du genou (langue anglaise et française

et résumé anglais)

gera - groupe d’études et de recherches en acupuncture avril 07

Pascale Bony (Manosque), Jacques Bounpraseuth (Lyon), Alain Bourdot (Marseille), Georges Brandi (Gap), Véronique Bouvier-Tourral (Beaurepaire), Dominique Brenet-Bancilhon (Romans), Georges Bufalini (Moulins), Bui Hoang Chau (La Seyne), Philippe Calendini, Nicole Canivez-Giraud (Béziers), Pierre-André Couturier (Nice), Jean Paul Dagnac (Chatonnay), Isabelle Dassonville (Le Grand Bornant), Véronique Delcombel (Toulon), Jean Désarnaud (Mazamet), Marc Dizien (Fréjus), Véronique Dubois (Eguilles), Patricia Duhamel (Béziers), Duong Noan (Aix-en-Provence), Michel Fauré (Cassis), Marie José Fister (Lyon), Jean-Loup Fleischer (La Valette), Olivier Goret (La Garde) Xavier Guézénec (St Brieuc), Laurent Guiguet (La Ciotat), Marie Hanotte (Ecully), Sophie Houssemand (Voiron), Christine Hudelot (Nice), Remy Jack (Menton), Marie Paule Jouanneau (Crolles), Rym Kara-Terki (Cruet), Eric Kiener (Paris), Jean-Robert Lamorte (Toulon), Hervé Le Blais (Redon), Gil Leborgne (Le Luc), Anne Marie Le Gloannec (Evenos), Pierre Louis Lonjon (Pertuis), Martine Lozach (Marseille), Luu Tech-Khen (Nîmes), Daniel Manassero (Nans les Pins), Marc Martin (Mont Saint Aignan), Charles Médioni (Cannes), Martine Monaco (Marseille), Louis-Maurice Ngo Ngoc Dong (Collioure), Georges Nguyen (Marseille), Johan Nguyen (Marseille), Nguyên Minh Hoà (Lyon), Marc Nguyen Quang (Marseille), Nguyen Trong Khanh (Toulouse), Eric Nguyen Van Loc (Marseille), Nguyen Van Minh (Nice), Ghislaine Nicola-Deloffre , Sophie Niglio (Marseille), Ruby Orengo (Nice), Isabelle Pajus (Grenoble), Antoine Parrenin (Villereversure), Claude Pernice (Aix-en-Provence), Eugénia Peycelon (Villars Les Dombes), Florence Phan-Choffrut (Pantin), Thomas Photy (Annonay), Jeannie Pinatel Gaya (Marseille), Patrick Racano (St Privat des Vieux), Anette Ramanambe (Marseille), Agnès Raoulx-Caillol (Chateaurenard), Patrice Rat (Marseille), Marie-Edmonde Razafimahaleo (Haubourdin), Gilles Revah (Saint-Raphaël), Alain Ribaute (Aix-en-provence), Bruno Reygrobellet (Briançon), Anil Sacdpraseuth (St Priest), Men Sipha (Nice), Patricia Soune-Seyne (Aubagne), Robert Tardy (Ajaccio), Tran Ngoc Anh (Caen), Truong Quac Thanh (Nice), Truong Tan Trung Henri (St Orens), Brigitte Velay (Lyon), Marie Vernusset (Lannion), Michel Vouilloz (Martigny-Suisse), Sage-femme : Annabelle Pelletier-Lambert (La Garde), membre correspondant: Alfredo Embid (Madrid),), membre d’honneur: Helga Guillelmi (Marseille), René Chou (Marseille), René Do Cao Phuc (Montpellier), Robert Trinh (Marseille). Président d’honneur: Jean Fabre (Aix-en-Provence), - Secrétaire/Documentaliste : Ewa Bachbakian


notices - gera: 2551/di/ra- num TRAITEMENT D'UN CAS DE GONARTHROSE BILATERALE ACCOMPAGNEE DE DECHIRURE MENISCALE GAUCHE. VAN TOURS. acupuncture. 1972,33,41-7 (fra). ref:0 Traitement d'un cas en 3 séances alors qu'un traitement chirurgical étant envisagé. Traitement principalement par points généraux. [18.18 / cc- ] 2- gera: 14462/di/ra OBSERVATION CLINIQUE (GONALGIE). X. cliniques d'acupuncture. 1972,1, (fra). ref:0 [18.18 / cc- ] 3- gera: 14472/nd/th LES DOULEURS DU GENOU ET ACUPUNCTURE, ETUDE CLINIQUE ET THEORIQUE. BOURREAU F. these medecine,paris 6. 1975,, (fra). ref:0 [18.18 / - ] 4- gera: 26114/di/el INJURY OF SOFT STRUCTURES OF THE KNEE. X. in the manual of china's current acupuncture therapy,medecine and health publishing. 1975,,212-213 (eng). ref:0 [18.18 / - ] 5- gera: 21760/di/ra GENOU. NOGIER P. auriculo medecine. 1976,2,27-8 (fra). ref:0 [18.18 / 05.10- ] 6- gera: 109546/di/ra DOULEUR DU GENOU ET TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE. 2ÈME PARTIE. BOUREAU. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1977,11,5-26 (fra). ref:0 [18.18 / - ] 7- gera: 2552/di/ra- num DOULEUR DU GENOU ET TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE. 1ère PARTIE. BOURREAU. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1977,10,5-19 (fra). ref:0 Points et méridiens du genou. Choix des points selon les ouvrages principaux. [18.18 / - ] 8- gera: 17600/di/re- num ELECKTRO-OREAKUPUNKTURS EFFEKT PA LEDBEVAEGELSER OG SMERTER EFTER MENISKEKTOMI. STROM H. ugeskr laeger. 1977,139(39),2326-9 (dan*). ref:0 Traduction anglaise disponible. [Controlled triple-blind investigation of the effect of electro-ear-acupuncture on movement and pain in knee after meniscectomy]. 21 patients with kneetroubles about 10 days after menisectomy were randomised into two groups: The group treated by "correct" acupuncture by 2 minutes electrostimulation at the "kneepoint" of the ipsciatoral ear and the control group which had the same treatment; but at the "shoulderpoint"`. The examiner and the patient did not know anything about the choice_of the acupuncturepoint and the acupuncturist did not know which point was presumed indicated in case of kneetroubles The statistical analysis proved. That among patients with limited extension of the operated knee a greater

number obtained improvement of extension immediately after acupuncture. of the i.c. 5 out of 6 in the first group compared to 0 out of 7 in the control group (P<0.01). The average improvement. of the extension. As measured by a `goniometter, related to the maximum obtainable. was 46 % respectively. A week later these percentage were 82 % and 46% ; the two groups were however, too small to show a significant difference. There was also a tendency to a more pronounced improvement of flexion of the knee in the first group than in the control group; immediately afteracupuncture average improvement in flexion related to the maximum obtainable was 17% and 5% and a week later 56% and 30%. Since the two groups showed a significant difference in flexion ability of the knee before acupuncture statistical analysis of the results has been omitted. No significant difference could be proved between the groups regarding analgesia. This unbiased investigation indicates that electrostimulation of the "kneepoint " compared to the "shoulderpoint" at the ear resulted in a significant improvement of the extension of knees with postoperative limited extension. [18.18 / cta- 05.12- double aveugle- methodologie- ecr- 05.10- ] 9- gera: 14465/di/el- num CRUSHING KNEE INJURY. X. in barefoot doctor's manual. 1977,425-6, (eng). ref:17 35E, 34E, ASHI. Une séance par jour associée à des compresses chaudes. Traitement par "nouvelle acupuncture" et phytothérapie. [18.18 / ashi- entorse- 34vb- 35e- ] 10- gera: 14466/di/el- num INJURY OF SOFT STRUCTURE OF THE KNEE. X. in treatment of 100 common diseases by new acupuncture. 1977,,36. (eng). ref:0 Protocoles de traitement par acupuncture, chimiopuncture, ventouses, flun de purrier et moxibustion. [18.18 / - ] 11- gera: 14478/di/ra- num DOULEUR DU GENOU ET TRAITEMENT PAR L'ACUPUNCTURE (3EME PARTIE). BOUREAU. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1978,14,2-21 (fra). ref:0 Analyse de 43 cas de douleur du genou mis en consultation au CHR et CHU de Nîmes. Séances de 15 à 30 minutes. 1 à 10 séances en fonction du résultat. Une séance tous les 7, 20 ou 30 jours. 65% de bons ou très bon résultats (amélioration de plus de 50%). Une amélioration peut être observée en cours de première séance dans la moitié des cas et est en partie prédictive du résultat final. [18.18 / hopital- prediction- ] 12- gera: 14463/di/me ETUDE STATISTIQUE DE 30 CAS DE GONARTHROSE TRAITE PAR ACUPUNCTURE. CHON-SEN M. memoire d'acupuncture,cedat,marseille. 1978,117,14P (fra). ref:0 Cette étude nous paraît confirmer l'intérêt du traitement par acupuncture compte-tenu de son efficacité marquée dans la douleur de la gonarthrose. Sur les 30 observations de gonarthrose, dans 22 cas les résultats furent bons ou très bons ; dans 8 cas, les résultats peu importants ou nuls : soit 70% de résultats bons ou très bons, soit 30% de résultats peu importants ou nuls. La plupart des auteurs paraissent admettre de bons résultats à l'acupuncture. Il faut souhaiter que la collaboration avec les services spécialisés permettra de préciser, outre les mécanismes en jeu, le spectre des indications de la méthode. Il nous semble que le champ d'action de l'acupuncture intéresse principalement en ce qui concerne les douleurs du genou : la douleur de gonarthrose,

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la douleur ligamentaire, les douleurs projetées d'origine articulaire, musculaire, viscérale. Dans le cas du rhumatisme inflammatoire chronique, on peut penser que des traitements mixtes (observation d'arthropathie goutteuse) permettraient de diminuer la posologie des médicaments et par là d'atténuer le risque de complications iatrogènes. Enfin, sous sa forme nouvelle, l'électropuncture nous paraît un procédé prometteur qui mérite d'avoir sa place parmi les nombreux traitements de la douleur. [18.18 / - ] 13- gera: 21778/di/ra- num AURICULOTHERAPIE ET PNEUMOARTHROCENTESE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'HYDARTHROSE DU GENOUX. PRIVITERA P. auriculo medecine. 1978,10,21-2 (fra). ref:0 (n =18). Points: Auriculothérapie: points des membres inférieurs, point de Darwin, genou (interne et externe), thalamus et point 0. Résultats: Avec auriculothérapie une seule ponction est nécessaire contre 3 en moyenne sans auriculothérapie. [18.18 / 05.10- ] 14- gera: 14464/nd/me DOULEUR DU GENOU EN ACUPUNCTURE. QUILLE P. memoire d'acupuncture,afa. 1978,50, (fra). ref:0 [18.18 / - ] 15- gera: 653/di/ra- num LE PEI : APPLICATION AU GENOU DOULOUREUX CHRONIQUE GUILLAUME G. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1979,18,63-8 (fra). ref:0 Pei des os, Pei des muscles, Pei de la chair, étude clinique et thérapeutique. [18.18 / et- 18.03- ] 16- gera: 2549/di/cg- num TRAITEMENT DES GONARTHROSES, THEORIE, CONDUITE PRATIQUE, RESULTATS STATISTIQUES (A PROPOS DE 30 CAS). MICHEL D. conferences d'acupuncture,gera,toulon. 1979,4,87 (fra). ref:0 (n = 30). Points: 9Rte, 34VB, 35E, XIYAN, 3Ru, 60V. Points secondaires en fonction de la localisation: 36E, 2Rte, 6Rte. Protocoles: Electroacupuncture. 2 séances par semaine au début puis 1 séance par semaine. Entre 10 et 16 séances. Résultats: 73,33% de bons résultats. Eléments de bon prognostic: patient homme de moins de 55 ans avec une arthrose modérée à moyenne. [18.18 / ec- ] 17- gera: 652/di/ra- num LE GENOU DOULOUREUX. ROUSTAN C. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1979,19,33-42 (fra). ref:4 Etude des affections douloureuses, aiguës et chroniques selon la pathogénie traditionnelle chinoise. [18.18 / et- ] 18- gera: 14469/di/el [LESIONS DU MENISQUE ET DE LA ROTULE]. X. in modern chinese massotherapy. 1979,135-140, (eng). ref:0 [18.18 / massage- ] 19- gera: 650/di/ra- num [ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR ARTHRALGIA USING DEFORMATIVE ARTHRALGIA OF THE KNEE AS OBJECT OF STUDY]. KUROSA Y. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981,30(1),58 (jap*). ref:0 It can be said that patients coming to the acupuncture-moxibustion clinic with complaints of arthralgia of the knee number second only to lumbago patients. The clinical reports

on this subject are also numerous and generally speak of favorable results. In fact, although we call this problem arthralgia of the knee, the origin or underlyings diseases are various. At this time I performed a pilot experiment and compared results obtained with acupuncture and indirect moxibustion therapy administered to 20 cases each of deformative arthralgia of the knee, a disease which usually strikes after middle age. The treatment method involved stationary insertion of 1.3 TSUN No. 1 needles to a depth of 1-2 cm. for a period of 15 minutes. For indirect moxibustion I administered the garlic moxibustion methods I reported at the 24th Japan Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society Congress. Treatment points were selected from points of tenderness, induration or muscle tendon in the afflicted area. Results in the cases in which cure was obtained showed the number of acupuncture treatments averaged 8.3 and the number of moxibustion treatments 9.7 times. Also results compared from a patient questionnaire distributed after the 3rd treatment that is before the 4th treatment indicated in each of th 20 examples improvement in 18.11 cases in the acupuncture group and 17.17 cases in the moxibustion group. Thus there was no significant difference indicated between the two treatment groups. In both cases treatment could be considered similarly effective. [18.18 / comparaison- 05.09- ] 20- gera: 117700/co/cg COMPARAISON OF ACUPUNCTURE WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEES [ABSTRACT]. MILLIGAN JL ET AL. 15th international congress of rheumatology 1981, paris. 1981,, (eng). ref:0 [18.18 / ecr- ] 21- gera: 14470/di/re- num ETUDE RADIO-ISOTOPIQUE DE L'EFFET DE L'ACUPUNCTURE SUR LA VASCULARISATION ARTICULAIRE DU GENOU. MYHAL D ET AL. union medicale du canada. 1981,110(12),1046-48 (fra). ref:0 [RADIOISOTOPE STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON THE ARTICULAR VASCULARIZATION OF THE KNEE]. Une étude isotopique de la vascularisation articulaire à l'aide de l'albumine marquée au Ic-99m n'a pas montré d'effet de l'acupuncture sur la vascularisation du genou chez 20 patients souffrant d'arthrite dégénératrice. L'étude était à double aveugle et comparait aux acupuncture vraie à une acupuncture simulée. Points: 2 yeux du genou et 4 points curieux associés à des points de l'oreille (Shen Moon, genou, sumenales et sub cortex), recherche de deqi et électro- acupuncture (G6805). Séance de 20 minutes, 10 séances en 3 semaines. [18.18 / placebo- isotope- cta- 07.07- 05.10- ] 22- gera: 14474/di/cg- num DOULEUR DU GENOU. DE L'HOMME G ET AL. congres national d'acupuncture,paris. 1982,,289 (fra). ref:10 Une douleur du genou peut être isolée, le diagnostic est alors habituellement facile et le traitement efficace. Elle peut au contraire faire partie d'un tableau clinique complexe qu'il faut analyser avec le plus grand soin pour diagnostiquer le facteur local, la perturbation de fond, générale. Cette dernière pouvant toucher tout ce qui résonne sur les méridiens passant au genou : mouvements et mutations d'énergies, viscères, rythmes, grandes fonctions. [18.18 / et- ] 23- gera: 651/di/ra- num [THE CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT ON 82 CASES OF KNEE JOINT OSTEOARTHRITIS

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TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE]. ZHANG TAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982,2(2),8 (chi*). ref:6 Analyse clinique de l'effet du traitement par acupuncture de 82 cas d'arthrose du genou. De 1980 à 1981, le deuxième groupe de l'équipe médicale chinoise travaillant en Syrie a traité 82 cas d'ostéo-arthrite du genou avec des effets certains. Dans tous les cas les diagnostics ont été portés radiologiquement. Points principaux Dubi (35E) et Neiqiyan (oeil interne). Points associés Heding, Xue Mai (10 Rte), Zusanli (36E) et points ashi. Durant le traitement, le malade doit ressentir une sensation de distension, d'engourdissement. Les aiguilles sont laissées en place 15-20 minutes. En général 3 séances par semaine. Taux de guérison 29,27 %, amélioration 52,44 %, échecs 18,29 %. [18.18 / ec- 35e- heding- 10rte- 36e- ashi- ] 24- gera: 2548/di/ra DOULEUR DU GENOU (OBSERVATION) DELFAU. auriculomedecine. 1983,30,19 (fra). ref:6 [18.18 / cc- ] 25- gera: 16789/di/cg- num LE GENOU. MUSSAT M. cours d'energetique des systemes vivants appliquee a l'acupuncture,3eme annee. 1983,,38-41 (fra). ref:6 [18.18 / et- ] 26- gera: 22928/di/ra DOULEUR TRAUMATIQUE DE LA JAMBE. RAZAFITSALAMA D. auriculomedecine. 1983,30,9 (fra). ref:6 [18.18 / 18.07- ] 27- gera: 14473/di/ra- num [ACUPUNCTURE AND REHABILITATION (III) EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE APPLIED TO THE NORMAL SIDE ON OSTEOARTHRITIS DEFORMANS AND RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE AND ON DISORDERS IN MOTILITY OF THE KNEE*]. SHIGERU ARICHI ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1983,11(1-4),146-9 (eng). ref:6 In osteoarthritis deformans and rheumatoid arthritis of the knee and in disorders in motility of the knee joint after cerebral hemorrhage and thrombosis, acupuncture was applied to the normal side at the symmetrical part to the lesion and flection-extension exercise and massage on the affected joint were carried out as rehabilitation (Reha) during the time the needles were used. Amost remarkable cure rate was obtained in osteoarthitis deformans of the knee when treated with acupuncture on the normal side and flection-extension exercise and massage on the affected part. The cure rate was low in rheumatoid arthritis, and the therapy was non-effective concerning disorders in motility of the knee joint efter cerebral hemorrhage or thrombosis. The improvement rate, however, was extremely low in osteoarthritis deformans and rheumatoid arthritis of the knee after the acupuncture on the affected part of the affected side with Reha on the affected part of the affected side, or Reha on the lesion, and these means of therapy were completely non-effective concerning disorders in motility after cerebral hemorrhage or thrombosis. Our previous reports No. I and 2 accord with the evidence obtained in this study that the acupuncture on the normal side and Reha on the affected part of the affected side produced most remarkable effect in osteoarthritis deformans of the knee. The low improvement rate in rheumatoid arthritis and non-effectiveness concerning

disorders in motility of the knee joint after cerebral hemorrhage or thrombosis may be explained by differences in morphology of the diseases. [18.18 / lateralite- mobilisation- 18.04- 14.07- massage- ] 28- gera: 14468/di/ra- num [THE INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON THE BURSA AND SYNOVIUM OF KNEE JOINT IN RABBIT].ABSTRACT. SIM CB ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983,25,27 (eng). ref:2 Il a été rapporté des cas de bursite après puncture répétée du 35E. 15 lapins sont répartis en 3 groupes avec puncture des yeux du genou, 34VB et 9RTE: soit 2 séances par jour, soit une séance par jour, soit une séance tous les 3 jours. Examen anatomopathologique des lésions à 15 jours, 30 jours, 60 et 120. Les lésions sont en rapport avec le nombre de séances. Il est conseillé pas plus d'une séance par jour et pas plus de 60 jours. [18.18 / seance- 05.19- lapin- eaa- 35e- ] 29- gera: 14477/di/ra- num [THE PRELIMINARY CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATMENT OF PATELLAR TENDON TERMINAL DISEASE BY ACUPUNCTURE]. WANG LIANQING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984,4(2),14 (chi*). ref:0 This paper deals with the treatment of 73 cases of 121 patellar tendon terminal diseases by acupuncture, microwave needle and laser, for which the total effective rate was 95.87%. Through the comparison observation of the therapeutic effects in three groups, the effect in acupuncture group was thought the best, the effective rate was 100%, showing that the effect of treatment of patellar tendon terminal disease by acupuncture was surely available, and acupuncture is a good treating method at present, which deserves recommendation and popularization. [18.18 / comparaison- 05.12- 05.14- ] 30- gera: 14467/di/el- num AFFECTIONS DES TISSUS MOUS DU GENOU. X. in roustan,traite d'acupuncture,masson,paris. 1984,3,389-90 (fra). ref:0 Lésions traumatiques du genou traitées par yeux du genou, 40V et points Ashi. Les points douloureux sont les plus importants. 1 séance par jour ou tous les 2 jours. 10 à 15 séances. [18.18 / ashi- ] 31- gera: 14482/di/ra- num [INTRA-ARTICULAR GLYCOSAMINOGLYCAN VS ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF GONARTHROSIS]. ABSTRACT. JUNNILA SYT. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1985,10(3),242 (eng). ref:0 The aim of the study is to compare the effects of intraarticular glycosaminoglycanpolysylfat (Arteparon R) and acupuncture in the long time treatment of osteoarthrosis of the knees. 22 patients were randomized in two groups. Eleven patients were treated with intra-articular Arteparon R 50 mg two times a week during the first three weeks, then once a week for three weeks and still once after two weeks. After basic lo injections during two months the treatment was continued once in three months. Acupuncture was given six times at one week intervals and then once in three months. The results were estimated by a visual analogue scale. The time for walking 25 meters and getting up 20 stairs were measured at each contact. Before the treatment and after two years a x-ray was taken. Two patients in Arteparon R group withdrew after 3 months because of insufficient treatment

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result and 7 has been followedup for two years. One patient in acupuncture group was dropped out after one month because a traumatic femoral fracture and an other one after one year because of left side haemiplegia. 6 patients in this group have been followed-up for two years. The pain on VAS decreased by 54 % after one month, 28 % after six months, 36 % after 12 months and 34 % after two years in the Arteparon R group. In the acupuncture group the decrease was 53 %, 48 %, 41 % and 62 % respectively. The time for climbing up 20 stairs decreased by 19 % after one and by 9 % after two years in the Arteparon R group and by 16 % and 17 % in the acupuncture group. The time for walking 25 meters decreased by 14 % after one year and by 3 % after two years in Arteparon R patients and increased by 4 % after one year and decreased by 5 % after two years in acupuncture patients. The radiologic changes progressed very considerably by 4/7 patients in Arteparon R group during two years and by 1/6 in the acupuncture group. [18.18 / ecr- cta- ] 32- gera: 21322/di/ra- num UNE CURIEUSE DOULEUR DU GENOU. ROUAM F. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1985,44,85 (fra*). ref:0 Observation d'une douleur du genou chez une femme psycholigiquement assez immature, traitée par le Juliao (29VB). [18.18 / cc- 29vb- ] 33- gera: 40906/rd/ra [TREATMENT OF 34 CASES OF HYDRARTHROSIS WITH EXPANDED WULINGSAN DECOCTION]. WANG GUANG HUANG. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1985,6(6),257-58 (chi*). ref:0 Voir Abstract of Chinese Medicine, 1987, résumé n°235. [18.18 / - ] 34- gera: 27677/di/ra- num CLINICAL ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF PATELLAR TENDON TERMINAL DISEASE IN ATHLETES. WANG LIANQING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1985,5(3),162-6 (eng). ref:0 Tendon terminal disease is a degenerative disorder in the region where tendons and ligaments are attached to the bone. Its causes are multifarious. Most cases of patellar tendon terminal disease in athletes are due to improper training in which excessive running and jumping exert pulls on the patellar tendons exceeding the tissue structure tolerance and causing gradual damage. The condition seriously interferes with regular training and affects field performance. Prevention and treatment of the disease has been stressed for research in the area of athletic injuries in China as well as in other countries. Current management of the disorder includes physiotherapy, massage and medical injections, though results have not been satisfactory. The authors used acupuncture and moxibustion to treat the disease both clinically and in experiment tal rabbits. The patients were divided into three groups, as were the animals. Both the patients and the animals were treated separately by 1 ) regular acupuncture and moxibustion, 2) microwave through acupuncture needles, and 3) HeNe laser beam on the acupuncture points. The latter two groups were set up for comparison. [18.18 / seance- xiyan- ecr- 32e- ashi- eaa- 23.10- 05.09- comparaison- lapin- ] 35- gera: 26270/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON DECREASED MUSCLE STRENGHT OF QUADRICEPS FEMORIS IN AN OSTEOARTHRITIC KNEE]. YANO T. journal of

japan society of acupuncture. 1985,34(3-4),236-241 (jap*). ref:0 [18.18 / - ] 36- gera: 20734/di/ra A PREMILINARY STUDY ON THE MECHANISM OF REPAIRING MENISCUS INJURIES BY USING CHINESE MEDICAL HERBS : AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION*. HU ETAL. international journal of chinese medicine. 1986,,17-25 (eng). ref:0 [18.18 / 26.01- eap- ] 37- gera: 24300/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF ADHESIVE RIGIDITY OF THE KNEE JOINT BY TUINA. DUAN SHENGRU ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987,,569-70 (eng). ref:29 [18.18 / massage- manipulation- ] 38- gera: 22814/di/ra [ELECTROMYOGRAPHIC STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR KNEE PAIN (2)]. EITARO NOGUCHI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987,37(2),94-104 (jap*). ref:0 Introduction: In my studies (Journal of The Japan Society of Acupuncture 35 (3, 4) ), the muscular activity of the quadricepes femoris was studied while the subjects were descending stairs. The present study, therefore, was designed to evaluate the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius medial head, gastrocnemius lateral head. Materials and Methods: The subjects consisted of a group of 7 patients with knee pain (7 females, 61. 14 years in mean age) and a normal group of 10 healthy persons (9 males, 3 females, 39. 70 years in mean age). Electromyography was performed on the tibial anterior, gastrocnemius medial head and gastrocnemius lateral head during ascending and descending stairs. The examinations were performed pre- and post acupuncture and moxibustion treatment over a mean of the subsequent 4.5 weeks. Results: 1) The muscular activity of the quadriceps femoris showed an overt pattern with two peaks in the normal group, but a random pattern was shown in the knee pain group. 2) The tibial anterior and gastocnemius showed higher and longerlasting muscular activity than the normal group during descending stairs. 3) The results indicated that electromyography of the quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius is useful for objective evaluation of knee joint function, and that the quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius are important subjects for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. [18.18 / 05.09- emg- ] 39- gera: 22505/di/cg- num AIGUILLES CHAUDES ET GENOU RHUMATISMAL. FABRE J. 16ème congres national d'acupuncture,paris. 1987,,187-195 (fra). ref:0 Nous avons traité depuis 4 ans une centaine de patients atteints de gonarthrose avancée par la méthode des aiguilles chauffées appliquée à deux points d'acupuncture du genou (39V et 34VB). Il s'agit d'interventions simples, requérant tout au plus des aiguilles traditionnelles chinoises, de l'armoise, quelques allumettes. Chez plus de la moitié des patients, les résultats ont été spectaculaires, rapides (1,2, ou 3 séances), durables, permettant parfois dans certains cas limites d'éviter le recours à la chirurgie. (n = 94). Points: 2 Xiyan. Protocoles: Aiguilles chaudes avec moxas. Résultats: Bons résultats : 64%. [18.18 / 34vb- 39v- 05.09- ] 40- gera: 21277/di/cg

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BIO-ENERGETIC-LEVEL-DETECTOR (BELD) AND APPLICATION IN VALGUS-VARUS GENU. GAI G. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing.. 1987,,234 (eng). ref:9 [18.18 / - ] 41- gera: 23778/di/me DOULEURS DU GENOU ET ACUPUNCTURE. GOUSSEBAIRE-DUPIN M. memoire d'acupuncture, bordeaux 2. 1987,,26P (fra). ref:9 Etude proposant de juger des effets de l'acupuncture sur les douleurs du genou, et portant sur un ensemble de 30 patients. Le protocole standardisé comprenait 5 séances. Les résultats étaient évalués selon des critères objectifs et subjectifs. Ceux-ci ont montré une certaine efficacité de l'acupuncture puisqu'on notait dans l'immédiat 43 % de résultats satisfaisants sur la douleur et 40 % de bons résultats sur la mobilité articulaire. [18.18 / seance- ] 42- gera: 22507/di/cg- num LE GENOU AU PLAN SYMBOLIQUE, MECANIQUE ET MUSCULAIRE, LE GENOU ARTHROSIQUE, LE GENOU INFLAMMATOIRE. STAAL. 16ème congres national d'acupuncture,paris. 1987,,205-215 (fra). ref:11 [18.18 / et- ] 43- gera: 24318/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF ARTHROPATHY OF THE KNEE BY POINT PRESSING AND TENDON RELAXING MANIPULATION. WEI YIZONG ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987,,611-2 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par massage, acupression et mobilisation. [18.18 / massage- acupression- ] 44- gera: 22062/di/cg- num THE EXPERIENCE OF DR. GUO XIAOZONG IN TREATMENT OF HYDRARTHROSIS BY ACUPUNCTURE AT EFFECTIVE POINTS (WITH ANALYSIS OF 30 CASES). ABSTRACT. XUE LIGONG ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987,,204 (eng). ref:0 37V, Heding, yeux du genou, 30VB...selon la forme clinique. En cas de syndrôme froid: tonification avec induction de sensation de chaleur. En cas de syndrôme chaleur: dispersion avec induction de sensation de froid. Obtention du deqi avec diffusion dans les 4 directions: haut, bas, gauche, droite. 1 séance par jour, 12 séances constituent une série. En moyenne 24 séances. Dans tous les cas, amélioration clinique et fonctionnelle. A 6 mois, dans un tiers des cas, on observe une rechute modérée à minime. [18.18 / 30vb- 37v- heding- deqi- td- ] 45- gera: 24936/di/cg- num A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE BLOOD-LETTING TREATMENT OF THE LATERAL LIGAMENTS STRAIN OF KNEE IN 50 CASES. YU XICHAN. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987,,211 (eng). ref:0 [Observation clinique du traitement de 50 cas d'entorse des ligaments latéraux du genou par saignées]. 50 cas d'entorse des ligaments latéraux du genou sont traités par la méthode de saignée dans une population d'alpinistes de 22 à 70 ans. La méthode est simple et soulage rapidement ; recherche d'un point douloureux exquis dans la zone du ligament, puis massage léger pendant 3-5mn pour rendre la peau

hyperhémique, piquer 3 fois pour obtenir 3 brèches vasculaires avec une aiguille triangulaire, faire sortir 0,5-1ml de sang en pressant. 42 cas soulagés immédiatement, 8 cas nécessitent une 2ème séance, et 2 cas résistent au traitement. En médecine traditionnelle chinoise, la distention ligamentaire correspond à une stagnation d'énergie et de sang dans les méridiens tendino-musculaires, la saignée rompt les microvaisseaux de la peau, puis active et draine la stagnation des méridiens. [18.18 / 04.09- stase+sang- 23.10- 05.07- ] 46- gera: 25464/di/re- num VERGLEICH DER WIRKSAMKEIT VON AKUPUNTUR UND PHYSIKOTHERAPIE BEI AMBULANTEN GONARTHROSE-PATIENTEN. AMMER K ET AL. wiener medizinische wochenschrift. 1988,138(22),566-9 (deu*). ref:0 [Comparative study between acupuncture and physical therapy in patients with gonarthrosis]. A comparative study between acupuncture and physical therapy in patients with gonarthrosis is reported. Patients treated with physical therapy showed 4 parameters significantly reduced after a treatment duration of 2 weeks, and 7 out of 10 parameters after 4 weeks of therapy. Acupuncture could better 2 parameters but only after 4 weeks of treatment. Although physical therapy was superior in most of the objective measurements, the subjective judgement by the patients of the efficacy of both treatments found no significant difference. In summary acupuncture is thought to be only an additional form of treatment in gonarthrosis. [18.18 / ecr- cta- ] 47- gera: 64602/di/re- num DOUBLE-BLIND TRIAL TO EVALUATE THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT ON KNEE OSTEOARTHROSIS. PETROU P ET AL. scand j acupunct. 1988,3,113-6 (eng). ref:18 Randomisation en deux groupes: 1) Acupuncture (16 patients): 35E, oeil interne, Heding, 43E, 40V. Recherche du deqi, séance de 20 minutes, 3 séances par semaine, 8 séances. 2) Acupuncture placebo: puncture superficielle, sans recherche du deqi de non points d'acupuncture. Amélioration significative dans le groupe acupuncture. [18.18 / ecr- cta- ] 48- gera: 23998/di/ra- num LE GENOU. STAAL D. acupuncture. 1988,97,40-5 (fra). ref:0 Analyse selon le graphe de Fuxi. [18.18 / et- ] 49- gera: 25696/di/ra [COMBINED THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIC SYNOVITIS OF KNEE JOINT]. SUN SHENG-JU. chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics. 1988,4(4),17-19 (chi*). ref:0 Author have treated 38 cases of patients suffering from traumatic synovitis of knee joint by means of combining oral administration with external application and "motion" with "quiet". The result is successful. According to the patients' conditions and different types, author cured them with different methods. The author proposed the main method for the treatment should be oral administration. The fixation with base support gypsum appropriate immobilization and early stage exercise of the muscle may play an important role in shortening of the course of the treatment. This is an important and effective therapy to prevent muscular astrophy and joint stiffness. In the author's opinion, the case should be treated in the shortest possible time so that chronic traumatic knee joint synovitis may prevented. [18.18 / - ]

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50- gera: 25723/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF HYDRARTHROSIS OF THE KNEE WITH MANUAL MANIPULATION AND HERBS. WU ZIMING. journal of tcm (english edition). 1988,8(4),251-253 (eng). ref:8 [Traitement de l'hydarthrose du genou par phytothérapie et manipulations]. 50 patients sont répartis en 2 groupes selon le diagnostic : groupe I : 42 cas avec syndrôme humidité-glaires (arthrosique) : difficulté à la marche, atrophie musculaire, peau normale ou blanchâtre, enduit lingual gras, pouls glissant ou fuyant ; groupe II : 8 cas avec stagnation du sang (post- traumatique) difficulté à se mouvoir, peau rougeâtre ou bleu foncé et chaude, enduit lingual fin, jaune, pouls en corde, en surface ou rapide. Un traitement par technique manipulatoire de "pression", puis de "sédation", ainsi que des exercices fonctionnels à executer sont pratiqués pour les deux groupes, une formule de plantes est prescrite, adaptée à chaque groupe. Le traitement dure de 2 semaines à 3 mois, 72% de guérison, 24% d'amélioration, 4% d'échec dans le groupe I; 100% de guérison dans le groupe II. Bi du genou. [18.18 / acupression- manipulation- 26.02- glaire- stase+sang- ] 51- gera: 23025/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON SYNOVITIS GRANULES IN TREATING GENUAL HYDROARTHROSIS]. ZHOU PEI ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1988,8(4),210 (chi*). ref:0 The genual hydroarthrosis and synovitis are commonly seen in sport injuries and orthopedical diseases. Chronic inflammation usually results from malpractice at the acute stage and may cause chondromalacia patellae and genual osteoarthritis. At present, its treatment still remains unsolved. The synovitis granules is a granular drug composed of Chinese medicinal herbs, which is based on the clinical experience and basic theory of TCM. From 1979 to 1985, 290 cases were treated, the rate of cure was 62,41%, and the total effective rate was 97,23%. This drug has no side-effect and untoward effect. It consists of Spica Prunellae vulgaris, Ligusticum lucidum, Mahonia fortunei, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Stephania tetrandrae, Coix lacryma-jobs, Achyranthes bidentatae and Astragalus membranaceus, etc. The granule could clear up the heat and eliminate the dampness, activate the blood circulation and remove the blood stasis, it had the sedative and analgesic effect, and it also had the anti-inflammatory effect. This drug was able to treat all types of effusion of the knee joint, such as traumatic synovitis, rheumatic synovitis, etc. It had wonderful effect for effusion of knee joint due to sport injuries. The result of animal experiment showed that the inflammation was less severe in the test group as compared with the control and had less mucin in the effusion fluid as well. Both in the animal experiment and clinical practice the effect was markedly significant. [18.18 / - ] 52- gera: 27317/di/ra [A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE MECHANISM OF REPARING THE MENISCUS INJURIES BY USING CHINESE MEDICAL HERBS (ANIMAL EXPERIMENT)]. HU SHENG-YU ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics. 1989,5(2),3-6 (chi*). ref:0 Through the preliminary study of healing meniscus injuries on rabbits, it is believed that chinese medical herbs can promote and accelerate the regional blood circulation, regenerate blood vessels and effectively curing meniscus wound. [18.18 / eap- 26.02- ]

53- gera: 26379/di/el- num ENTORSES DES GENOUX ET DES CHEVILLES. INSTITUT DE MTC DE TIANJIN. in seca et al, acupuncture en medecine clinique, decarie, montreal. 1989,,318-320 (fra). ref:0 Deux yeux du genou, 39VB, 6Rte, 40V. Aiguilles et Moxas en l'absence de phénomène chaleur. [18.18 / 05.09- 18.19- ] 54- gera: 29681/di/el THE KNEE AND LEG REGION. SUN SHUCHUN. in atlas of therapeutic motion for treatment and health. 1989,,105-12 (eng). ref:0 Description des techniques de massages pour l'articulation du genou et du membre inférieur. [18.18 / massage- ] 55- gera: 29690/di/el- num EXERCISES FOR THE KNEE. SUN SHUCHUN. in atlas of therapeutic motion for treatment and health. 1989,,165-68 (eng). ref:0 Description d'exercises de base pour le patient. [18.18 / 05.16- ] 56- gera: 83072/di/ra- num [ACUPUNCTURE WITH THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE FOR THE OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE JOINT]. HIDEKI OCHI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990,40(3),247-53 (jap*). ref:0 The osteoarthritis of knee joints in early stage were treated with acupuncture, SSP and therapeutic exercise. The clinical effect of this treatment was evaluated by the our original score method for osteoarthritis of knee joints, and the muscle strength of extensors of knee joint were measured. Symptoms of the osteoarthritis of knee joints were improved significantly and the power of the extensors increased by these treatments. [18.18 / - ] 57- gera: 83071/di/ra- num [COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS BETWEEN LOW ENERGY LASER THERAPY AND ACUPUNCTURE IN GONARTHROSIS]. HIROMITSU TANIMURA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990,40(3),243-46 (jap*). ref:20 Comparing the effects of low energy laser and acupuncture was conducted in 14 patients with gonarthrosis. Effectiveness on the pain on going up or down stairs, range of motion (ROM) of knee joint and tenderness were examined. After acupuncture treatment, the pain on going up or down stairs, and ROM of knee joint were significantly improved. Laser therapy showed the same significant effects both on the pain on going up or down stairs and ROM of knee joint. In addition, laser therapy showed a significant effect on tenderness. In the statistical evaluation, no remarkable difference was shown between acupuncture therapy and laser therapy. Present data suggest that the laser therapy is as effective as acupuncture therapy in gonarthrosis. [18.18 / comparaison- 05.14- ] 58- gera: 81679/di/el- num INJURY OF THE LATERAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT OF THE KNEE JOINT. WANG GUOCAI ET AL. in chinese massage, publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai. 1990,,352-56 (eng). ref:8 Traitement par massage. [18.18 / massage- 05.16- ] 59- gera: 82884/di/ra- num 34 CASES OF EFFUSION OF KNEE BURSITIS

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TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND CUPPING. WU HENGMING. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990,3(4),260-1 (eng). ref:8 10Rte, 34E, 32E, 34VB et 6Rte. 4 points sont utilisés à chaque séance, une séance par jour, mi-tonification, mi-dispersion. Associer à mise en place de ventouse: puncture du point légèrement au-dessus de l'angle supéro-interne de la rotule. Sensation de vide sous l'aiguille. Retrait de l'aiguille et ventouse 20 minutes. Il peut y avoir un petit écoulement journalier. Dans les cas avec inflammation importante: ponction, aspiration. 80% de guérison et 8% sans amélioration. [18.18 / 05.08- ] 60- gera: 82005/di/ra MENISCUS INJURY OF KNEE. ZHAO CHUNYIN ET AL. in clinic of tcm (2), publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai. 1990,,754-57 (eng). ref:0 [18.18 / - ] 61- gera: 82006/di/ra- num LIGAMENTOUS INJURY OF KNEE JOINT. ZHAO CHUNYIN ET AL. in clinic of tcm (2), publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai. 1990,,758-63 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par phytothérapie traditionnelle. [18.18 / - ] 62- gera: 61183/di/ra [IMMOBILIZATION OF FRACTURED PATELLA BY EMBRACING RING DEVICE]. ZHOU ZHIHUA ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1990,10(6),351-52 (chi*). ref:0 48 cases of fractured patella treated by embracing ring device from 1976-1988 were reported. Among the group, there were 31 males and 17 females aged 20-80 years. The types of fractures were transverse 28 cases, comminuted 8 cases, fissure or stellate 12 cases; closed 43 cases, opened 5 cases. The methods were adopted, namely: (1) Simple immobilization with embracing ring device. (2) Cylinder plaster cast combined with embracing ring device. (3) Open-reduction with internal fixation combined with embracing ring device. According to the holistic concept the authors adopted both external and topical application of paste to relieve local swelling and oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine. After bone-union the embracing ring device was removed in conjunction with external lotion and active exercises. The 48 cases were followed up ranging from 5 months to 6 years. Satisfactory results were obtained in 41 cases (85,42%). Finally the authors emphasized that the preservation of patella plays an important role in maintening the extensor mechanism of the knee from physiological and biomechanic views, if the articular surface can be perfectly restored. The nature of embracing ring device and related problems were also discussed. [18.18 / 18.18- 18.07- ] 63- gera: 63991/di/ra- num [A COMMON MUSCULAR INJURY AROUND THE KNEE JOINT. INJURY OF THE POPLITEUS]. BAI LI-HE ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics. 1991,7(2),15 (chi*). ref:0 This paper presents 150 cases with injury of the popliteus treated with massage, the total curative rate being 98. 00%. Besides, by animal experiment the more effective method of massage has been found. The mechanism of etiology of the popliteus has been discussed too. [18.18 / massage- ] 64- gera: 84618/di/ra- num [CLINICAL EFFECTS OF THE HOT SPIKE STIMULATION AT THE YUSEN (K-1) AND SANINKO

(SP-6) FOR KNEE JOINT OSTEOARTHRITIS (OA)]. KENICHI MIHARA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991,41(4),374-6 (jap*). ref:5 We compared the results of heating the joint and of applying the Hot-spike and electric stimulus to the YUSEN (1Rn) and SANINKO (6Rte) points to disperse the fluid at the Knee. The tests with the points resulted in little change in the fluid level at the Knee. This time we measured the circumference of the Knee. A therapist established the standard measuring method, and tried to make the error decrease. While they were observing the circumference of the Knee, they would not allow any other medical treatments or any movement by the patient. [18.18 / 6rte- 1rn- 05.12- ] 65- gera: 64120/di/ra- num EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION OF 80 CASES OF KNEE SPRAIN TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE. (abstract). MO XIAORONG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1991,16(3-4),254 (eng). ref:5 80 cases of knee sprain were treated by acupuncture and massage in this paper. The result is as follows : marked improvement 80%, improvement 13,75%, total effective rate: 93,75%. Selecting points: Painful points on knee joint were treated with Acupuncture and Massage. 7-8 points were embedded each time. The treatment is given once daily. It is considered that the best effective treatment should be got for the patients whose age is younger, whose course of disease is shorter and whose treatment is more timely. [18.18 / ashi- massage- ] 66- gera: 37151/di/re EVALUATION AND MANIPULATIVE THERAPY OF PATELLAR MALALIGNMENT : A CLINICAL REVIEW AND PRELIMINARY REPORT. WU LINSHENG MD. journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. 1991,14(7),428-35 (eng). ref:5 [18.18 / manipulation- ] 67- gera: 35927/di/ra- num PREDICTIVE VALUE OF SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE EVALUATION BEFORE ACUPUNCTURE BULOW HH. american journal of chinese medicine. 1992,20(1),17-23 (eng). ref:32 To evaluate if it is possible to predict the outcome of acupuncture treatment in patients with knee osteoarthrosis, six treatments were given during a 3 week period. Follow-up time was 9-17 weeks. Seven parameters were evaluated to examine if they had any influence on the outcome of treatment: Age, duration of disease, pain, range of knee movement, analgesic consumption, knee score (an objective and subjective evaluation of the knees) and x-ray changes. Twenty-nine patients were included with a total of 42 osteoarthritic knees waiting for a total knee replacement. The median age was 69. 2 years, and median duration of disease was 4. 2 years. 85% of the participants reported a subjective effect, and in 88% an objective effect was found. Although there were some significant differences when you looked at the 7 parameters above, the pattern was not a consistent one. Follow up results also indicated that those with the best immediate results, not necessarily were the ones with the best long-term effect. It is not possible to predict the outcome of acupuncture treatment of osteoarthritic knees. Immediate results are not a guide-line for long-term results, which indicate that acupuncture research must include a follow-up period. (n = 29). Points: 34E, 35E, XIYAN, 36E, 10Rte, 4GI. Protocoles: Recherche du deqi, séance de 20 minutes avec stimulation intermittente. 2 séances par semaine sur 3 semaines (6 séances) suivi moyen sur 11 semaines. Résultats: 85% des patients décrivent une amélioration subjective.

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[18.18 / prediction- ] 68- gera: 37653/nd/re ACUPUNCTURE OF THE KNEE. CAMP V. acupuncture in medicine. 1992,10(2),57-62 (eng). ref:6 [18.18 / - ] 69- gera: 37370/di/re- num ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF SEVERE KNEE OSTEOARTHROSIS. A LONG-TERM STUDY. CHRISTENSEN BV ET AL. acta anaesthesiol scand. 1992,36(6),519-25 (eng). ref:6 PURPOSE : Acupuncture treatment of patients waiting for arthroplasty surgery. METHODS : 29 patients with a total of 42 osteoarthritic knees were randomized to two groups. Group A was treated while Group B served as a no-treatment control group. After 9 weeks Group B was treated too. Analgesic consumption, pain and objective measurements were registered. All objective measures were done by investigators who were "blinded" as to Group A & B. In the second part of the study 17 patients (26 knees) continued with treatments once a month. Registration of analgesic consumption, pain and objective measurements continued. Total study period 49 weeks. RESULTS : Comparing Group A to B there was a significant reduction in pain, analgesic consumption and in most objective measures. In Group A + B combined there was an 80% subjective improvement, and a significantly increased knee range movement - an increase mainly in the worst knees. Results were significantly better in those who had not been ill for a long time. In the second part of the study, it was shown that it was possible to maintain the improvements. CONCLUSIONS : Acupuncture can ease the discomfort while waiting for an operation and perhaps even serve as an alternative to surgery. Seven patients have responded so well that at present they do not want an operation. (USD 9000 saved per operation). [18.18 / ecr- cta- ] 70- gera: 36670/di/cg- num LASER ACUPUNCTURE FOR PAINFUL KNEE USING BONE REFLEX POINTS ON SKULL. ITOHO PIA. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992,,210 (eng). ref:12 Traitement de 20 patients par Irradiation Laser (60 secondes, 830nm) au "point osseux réflexe". Situé au niveau de la Mastoïde. 70% de bons résultats. [18.18 / cranio- 05.14- ] 71- gera: 36412/co/ra- num OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE. JI XIAOPING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992,3(4),375-7 (eng). ref:12 Présentation et discussion autour d'un cas d'arthrose du genou: diagnostic traditionnel, indications de la moxibustion, choix des points et justification, localisation. [18.18 / cc- 05.09- ] 72- gera: 36667/di/cg- num EXPERIENCE ON THE TREATMENT OF HYDRARTHOSIS OF THE KNEE JOINT. ABSTRACT. LEGEIN WFC. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992,,209 (eng). ref:2 Traitement par acupuncture, phytothérapie et massage sans description des protocoles. [18.18 / - ] 73- gera: 44679/di/ra [RECONSTRUCTED MODEL OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF KNEE IN RABBITS AND THE EFFECT OF

JIANGU TANG ON THIS MODEL]. SHEN LIN ET AL. traditional chinese medicinal research. 1992,5(2),18 (chi*). ref:2 This experiment presents a model of osteoarthritis of in rabbits, in which the mechanical changes in the right knee were created by the operative method in 55 rabbits. The model showed many signs such as degeneration and attrition of cartilage, eburnation and cystic degeneration in the subchondral bone and the osteophyte formation in the joint margins, etc. Then rabbits with osteoarthritis were divided two groups. Group A, Jiangu Tang was given oral; Group B, saline was used. The comparative observation of two groups have taken through radiographic examination, histological manifestations, etc. The results showed that Jiangu Tang might obviously accelerate the repair of the cartilage and the bone in osteoarthritis. [18.18 / eap- lapin- f0- ] 74- gera: 35872/di/ra- num SHORT THRUST WITH WARMING TO THE NEEDLE IN TREATING 54 CASES OF KNEE PAIN. WU QINGMING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992,3(2),197-9 (eng). ref:2 Xiyan, Heding, 34VB, 8F. Puncture selon la technique de traitement des Bi des os du Ling Shu: enfoncement progressif de l'aiguille avec tremblements suivi d'enfoncements, retraits. Moxas sur aiguilles (2 à 3cm de rouleau Taiyin sont fixés sur le manche). Une séance par jour, 10 séances constituent une série. Guérison dans 70% des cas, avec 15 à 47 séances (moyenne 31). rapport de 3 cas. [18.18 / 05.09- puncture- seance- 05.03- ] 75- gera: 84308/di/ra QI GONG ET GONARTHROSE. X. lettre de l'institut europeen de qi gong. 1992,1,8. (fra). ref:0 [18.18 / qg- ] 76- gera: 44930/di/ra- num [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE WITH TDP FOR GONITIS]. XIE CHENG-LU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992,12(6),19 (chi*). ref:0 In this article, 100 cases of gonitis were treated by electro-acupuncture with TDP irradiation, among which, 69 cured, 18 remarkably improved, 11 improved, and 2 without improvement. The effective rate was 98 %. Compared with the group treated by electro-acupuncture only and by TDP irradiation, there was a marked difference in the curative rate statistically (P<0.001). The main points selected were Neixiyan (extra), Waixiyan (ST35), Yanglingquan (GB34), Yinlinquan (SP9), and Zusanli (ST36). [18.18 / 36e- 9rte- 34vb- 05.12- comparaison- ecr- 35e- ] 77- gera: 36392/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE IN GONARTHROSIC PAIN "BACHMANN'S KNEE PROGRAM". ZWOLFER W ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1992,20 (3-4),325-9 (eng). ref:0 35 patients avec douleur de gonarthrose. Deux yeux du genou, 36E, Heding et point au centre de la rotule. Séance de 20 minutes, 1 séance par semaine, 10 séances éventuellement prolongées. 60% des patients ont répondu au questionnaire, parmi eux 70% avec de bons résultats. [18.18 / - ] 78- gera: 4814/di/cg- num EVALUATION ON THE EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT ON JUMPER'S KNEE. ABSTRACT. AMANO K ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,213. (eng). ref:12

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Points douloureux rotuliens. - Puncture 5 minutes, suivie de 10 minutes de stimulation électrique transcutanée du point. - Allègement de l'entraînement suivi de glaçage. Amélioration pour 22 tendons sur 31 traités. Amélioration du débit sanguin au niveau rotulien mesuré par Doppler. Introduction: Recently, many athletes have received acupuncture treatments for care and prevention of sports disorders, and conditioning. These are many reports deals with the effect of acupuncture on sports disorder. However, in the majority of these reports, the definite diagnosis was not made. So, we treated the patients diagnosed as Jumper's knee (patellar tendnitis) by sports doctors using acupuncture and examined it's clinical effect. Method: Twenty two patients with patellar tendinitis (31 legs) were studied. Acupuncture were performed several points of patellar tendons, and a leaving needle of the most tenderness point was made for 5 minutes, and them, TEAS (transcutaneous electrical acupuncture point stimulation) were performed for 10 minutes. Moreover, we gave guidance about alleviation of the amount of training, icing therapy immediate after training, and stretching. The effects of acupuncture treatment were evaluated on the basis of pain scale, degree of tenderness on the patellar tendons, change of the symptoms. We also examined that effects of acupuncture stimulation to the patellar tendons on subcutaneous blood flow on the patellar tendons of 12 normal adults. The blood flow was measured with laser Doppler flow meter. Result and Discussion: In 22 of 31 legs the symptoms were improved by the acupuncture treatments. The subcutaneous blood flow was increased by an average of 59% after acupuncture stimulations. The increment of the blood flow by acupuncture treatments was supposed to be due to somatic-autonomic nerve reflex. As these results, it became obvious that the acupuncture treatment is effective on patellar tendinitis. [18.18 / 23.10- 05.12- 07.07- doppler- ] 79- gera: 45686/nd/re [ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF KNEE ARTHROSIS. A LONG-TERM STUDY]. CHRISTENSEN BV ET AL. ugeskr laeger. 1993,155(49),4007-11 (dan*). ref:0 The purpose of this study was to examine acupuncture treatment of patients with osteoarthrosis of the knee. Twenty- nine patients with a total of 42 osteoarthritic knees were randomized to two groups. Group A was treated while group B served as a no treatment control group for nine weeks. Analgesic consumption, pain and objective measurements were registered. In the second part of the study 17 patients (26 knees) continued with treatments once a months. Registrations were continued for a total study period of 49 weeks. Comparing group A with B, there was a significant reduction in pain, analgesic consumption and in most objective measures. In group A + B combined there was an 80% subjective improvement, and a significantly increased range of movement of the knee. Results were significantly better in those who had not been ill for a long time. The second part of the study showed that it was possible to maintain the improvements. [18.18 / cta- ] 80- gera: 9645/di/cg- num TREATMENT OF 22 CASES AFFECTED BY GONARTHROSIS WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MASSAGE ON ACUPUNCTURE POINTS COMBINED WITH THE PLUM BLOSSOM NEEDLE THERAPY AND MOXIBUSTION. ABSTRACT. CONTI S ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,445. (eng). ref:0 The authors report the treatment, carried out in the period November 1991-April 1992, of 22 cases (17 female, 5 male), ranging in age between 52 and 64, affected by mono-bilateral

gonarthrosis, differentiated in three syndromes according to TCM diagnosis: a - Cold-wind syndrome (9 cases); b - Cold-dampness syndrome (10 cases); c - Qi and blood stagnation syndrome (3 cases). The combination of the techniques of massage on acupoints (circular pressure with the tumb, vibration) with the Plum Blossom needle therapy and moxibustion with moxa-stick, proved especially useful in the treatment of this disease, because it has determined in most treated cases, the disappearance or the clear reduction of pain and the recovery of the articular mobility. In particular, the resolution of the "positive masses" detectable on palpation in the area of affected joints by means of Plum Blossom needle therapy, was determined for the best therapeutic achievements. The results were as follows: - 10 cases markedly improved; - 8 cases improved; - 4 cases with a poor result. [18.18 / 05.05- 05.09- massage- ] 81- gera: 45100/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF STRAIN OF THE INFRAPATELLAR FAT PAD BY MANIPULATION. OBSERVATION OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT IN 117 CASES. GUO XIAODONG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,13(4),294-8 (eng). ref:0 The present group comprises 117 cases of strain of the infrapatellar fat pad. The treatment effected a 100% cure in the mild and moderate types of the cases. In the severe cases suffering from such accompanying conditions as traumatic arthritis, the rate of effectiveness reached 100%, with all symptoms and signs becoming markedly alleviated. The treatment is considered a method of the first choice in handling strain of the infrapatellar fat pad, and also a good method for treating traumatic arthritis of the knee and malacia of the patella. [18.18 / manipulation- ] 82- gera: 4962/di/cg- num PIA LASER ACUPUNCTURE FOR PAINFUL KNEE USING BONE REFLEX POINTS ON SKULL. ABSTRACT. ITOH O. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,217. (eng). ref:0 Point osseux réflexe "PM" à la pointe de la mastoïde. Irradiation laser au DIOTRON-PIA. 60 ou 120 secondes et longueur d'onde 790 ou 830 nm. Efficacité dans 70% des cas. Introduction: Low power laser are widely used to treat pain, however local therapy, that is the laser administered at the afflicted area, is most of ten administered. At this time we would like to report about our studies concerning the quick relief of knee joint pain obtained using PIA Laser Acupuncture in which laser therapy for painful knee was administered not locally but rather at bone reflex points "PM" at the tip of the mastoid process of the temporal bone. Subject and Method: The subject in this study included 5 male and 15 female patients for whom previously administered PIA system therapy using various metal magnets (ITOH-MAG) had proven ineffective in relieving painful knee. Laser treatment was administered at bone reflex points "PM" for 60 to 120 seconds using the Diotron-PIA semiconducter laser developed by author and associates. The wave length was 790-830nm. Results: Laser therapy at bone reflex points "PM" was effective in 70% of the cases. In most of these cases 60 seconds laser treatment was effective. Also laser therapy was effective only when administered on the side of the patients shorter leg. Interpretation and Conclusion: It is unclear whether or not laser therapy at the distant bone reflex points "PM" relieves painful knee. Also it was very interesting to note that wave length of 830nm only were effective. 790 nm waves were not effective. [18.18 / 05.14- ] 83- gera: 4674/di/cg- num ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT IN THE RELIEF OF

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GONARTHROSIS PAIN - A CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL. ABSTRACT. MOLSBERGER A ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,208. (eng). ref:0 (n = 97). Points: Patients répartis en deux groupes: 1) Acupuncture vraie (points non précisés, n=71). 2) Fausse acupuncture (n=26). Protocoles: 2 séances par semaine. 10 séances. Résultats: Amélioration significative de la douleur dans le groupe acupuncture. Introduction: many patients suffer from pain of gonarthrosis. Common therapies are not very successful. Therefore Acupuncture treatment of gonarthrosis pain was studied. Method: The analgesic effect of acupuncture in chronic gonarthrosis pain was studied in a placebo-controlled trial completed by 97 patients. Each patients was treated twice a week, alltogether recieving 10 acupuncture treatments. Before and after the course of treatment all patients were examined by an unbiased independent examiner and the overall pain score was measured over 10 days using Vas-scales; functional parameters (resilience) were measured with a modified Lysholm questionnaire. Patients of the verum group (n=71) were treated according to generally accepted acupuncture treatment recommendations. Patients of the placebo group (n=26) were treated with sham acupuncture, using non-acupuncture points on the homolateral leg. A follow-up examination was carried out after 3 months. Results: After ten treatments the overall reduction in pain score was 47,5% in the verum group (follow-up 48,2%), and in the placebo group (follow-up 26,1%). The results are statistically significant (P<0,05). Discussion and conclusion: The study shows that in gonarthrosis pain the analgesic effect of verum acupuncture exceeds that of placebo acupuncture. The measurement of the functional parameters according to the Lysholm score showed no significant change. This indicates that the VAS pain score is more sensitive for pain measurement than the Lysholm score. Further studies about acupuncture concerning pain treatment should be carried out. [18.18 / cta- ecr- placebo- ] 84- gera: 8892/di/cg- num ACUPUNCTURE WITH QUADRICEPS EXERCISE FOR THE OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE JOINT. ABSTRACT. OCHI H ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993,,406. (eng). ref:0 Introduction: It is generally believed that quadriceps exercise is an effective method for osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee joint. The purpose of this study is to clarify the importance of quadriceps exercise in acupuncture treatment. Method: Forty eight patients with OA of the knee joint in early or middle stage radiographically were treated in our hospital. They were 12 males and 36 females whose are ranged from 53 to 85 years with the average age of 64 years. They were divided into 3 groups. In group-A, 18 patients were treated acupuncture and silver spike point (SSP) therapy; in group-B, 20 patients, the combination of acupuncture and SSP therapy and quadriceps exercise; in group-C, 10 patients, quadriceps exercise only. The clinical effect of these treatments was evaluated by our original evaluation score, and the strength of extensors of the knee joint was measured. The average follow-up period was 18 months. Results: In the group-A and -B, symptom improved significantly but in the group-C it did not. In the group-B and -C, the strength of the extensors increased immediately after the treatment. In the group-B, the relief of symptoms had continued during the follow-up period. Conclusion: The combination of acupuncture, SSP therapy and quadriceps exercise was very useful in conservative treatment for OA of the knee joint. [18.18 / - ] 85- gera: 2104/di/ra- num

ACUPUNCTURE TREATING 32 CASES OF MUSCULUS QUADRICEPS FEMORIS INJURY CAUSED BY QUINIMAX. RAN JINLI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1993,3(4),13-4 (eng). ref:0 Quinimax injection causes side infect characterized by pain and atrophy in musculus quadriceps femoris. Pain predominates in acute stage and corresponds to the Bi Syndrome, while atrophy is seen in chronic stage, and refers to the Wei Syndrome. The pain should be treated by activating Qi and blood circulation. The atrophy should be treated on the principle of tonifying blood and nourishing tendons. The points of the stomach meridian are mostly selected for the treatment purpose because they are abundant in Qi and blood. My try is successful. The cured rate is 61.76% and all 34 diseased lower extremities are improved. [18.18 / 18.03- wei- acls- ] 86- gera: 1842/di/ra- num NEEDLING XIAOGUKONG IN TREATING COLD-PAIN OF KNEE. TAO HONGYOU. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993,4(4),423-4 (eng). ref:0 Xiaogukong (Extra 6) is an extra-channel point wich, as noted in A great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, is located at the tip of the second joint of the little finger, and is indicated for arresting pain in the hand joints and eyes. Clinically, needling the point has been employed for relieving pain, cold feeling and soreness of the knee joint. The results proved satisfactory. XIAGIUKONG (point de la face dorsale de la main au niveau de l'auriculaire), au niveau de l'interphalengienne distale. - En cas de douleurs unilatérales: point homolatéral, sinon puncture bilatéral. - Aiguille de 0,5 à 1 cun implantée perpendiculairement sur 0,1 cun. Rotation 1 minute, aiguille laissée en place 15 minutes, rejetée 2 à 3 fois durant la séance. - 3 séances constituent une série. Un résultat net est obtenu en général avec une série. Rapport d'un cas. Sensation de chaleur et cédation de la douleur en deux minutes. Après 5 minutes la sensation de chaleur est identique à celle que l'on peut obtenir avec la moxibustion. Deux autres séances pour compléter le traitement. [18.18 / xiagukong- 18.03- 15.01- 18.08- cc- froid- ] 87- gera: 47913/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON 121 CASES OF OSTEO-ARTHRITIS OF KNEE JOINTS TREATED BY MANIPULATION PLUS TRADITIONAL DRUGS]. WU LINSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993,34(12),742 (chi*). ref:0 By using Chinese materia medica on the basis of differentiation by Zheng and manipulation therapy, together with topical application of medicines and functional exercise, we obtained a total effective rate of 87,6% in which 39 were excellent; 46, good; 21, fair; 15, ineffective. Voir traduction anglaise, réf gera [56866]. [18.18 / - ] 88- gera: 53948/di/ra- num [OBSERVATION ON THE ANALGESIC AND ANTISPASMODIC EFFECT OF NEEDLING HANDACUPOINT "FEICHANGDIAN" (GASTROCNEMIUS POINT). CHEN JIN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994,14(6),9 (chi*). ref:0 The author is good at hand acupuncture and often punctures hand-acupoint "Feichangdian" (Gastrocnemius Point), which is located at the mid-point, halfway between the 2 transverse creases of the 1st middle segment of the 5th finger on the palmer aspect, The point has remarkable antispasmodic and analgesic effect on the acute injury or just the spasm occuring in the triceps muscle of the lower legs, in athelets. twenty two cases of spasm in that muscle here treated and the cure rate

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was 100%, and 38 cases of acute injury of the muscle were also treated and the effectiveness of analgesia was up to 100%. [18.18 / mano- 23.10- ] 89- gera: 48993/di/ra- num TREATING OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE JOINT BY TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE. CHEN WEIHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994,14(4),279-82 (eng). ref:0 Traitement par phytothérapie traditionnelle et acupression. [18.18 / acupression- ] 90- gera: 53707/nd/re THE USE OF SURFACE EMG IN KNEE EXTENSOR MOMENT PREDICTION. CHENG CK ET AL. proc natl sci counc repub china b. 1994,18(4),179-86 (eng). ref:0 A systematic method of EMG quantification is developed to estimate the isometric muscle moment directly from quantified surface EMG. This method includes the EMG Signals acquired from an acupuncture point Fu-Tu located on the quadriceps muscle group, an EMG smoothing scheme, an electromechanical time lag estimation, and a mathematical model with the polynomial regression function to quantify the EMG. Three subjects were asked to be tested on the CYBEX II dynamometer with a knee joint angle of 90 degree flexion and hip joint angle of also 90 degrees. They were asked to perform "two" trials of maximal voluntary contraction and "three" trials of free voluntary contraction of the isometric exercise. The first two trials were used to build up the quantification model, and the latter three trials served as data for the validation of the method. A Medelec MS92 EMG system with surface EMG electrodes was used to acquire the EMG Signals. In the determination of the regression order of the polynomial equations, the threshold value 0. 0001 of the difference of the coefficient of determination values was used. The results of the polynomial regression orders are all 6 for three subjects, which reflects a tendency of nonlinear behavior of the EMG/moment relationship. A validation scheme was proposed to calculate the root mean square difference (RMSD) of the measured knee extensor moments from the CYBEX II dynamometer and estimated moments from the EMG quantification. The mean values of the RMSD of the three subjects were 0. 0597, 0. 0679 and 0. 1080. These results demonstrate that the present approach can estimate the isometric muscle moment exerted by the quadriceps muscle group. [18.18 / emg- 34e- ] 91- gera: 109406/di/cg ANALGESIA POSTOPERATORIA CON AURICULOTERAPIA EN ARTROSCOPIA DE RODILLA D. ASIS. annales du premier symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d' auriculomedecin. 1994,,8 (*). ref:0 Two groups of twenty patients (groups A and B), ages ranging from 19 to 39, all male, with previous diagnosis of unilateral meniscus syndrome. Both groups had been medicated in the immediate postoperative period, with usual pharmacological postoperative treatment. Only group B was treated with EAT; previously to the regional anaesthesia , we detected the auricular point for the knee where we inserted a needle and another one was inserted in point 0. Epidural anaesthesia was made with lidocaine 2%, and we used diacepan 10 mg. We used electrical stimulation with HF during 30 minutes. The analgesia was evaluated with the VAS and the requirement of analgesic drugs. According to our evaluation we could observe better reactions in group B; only 6 patients required analgesics compared with 15 in group A. [18.18 / - ]

92- gera: 53954/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE ON INTRACELULLAR CALCIUM ION ACTIVITY IN EXTRA-KINETIC SKELETAL MUSCLES OF RABBITS]. LI PENGTAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994,14(6),30 (chi*). ref:0 Same breed of healthy violet rabbits were selected and divided at random into acupuncture group, controlled group and free group. The former two underwent the repeated passive tetanic contraction of the musculus quadriceps femoris induced by electric stimulation with superficial electrodes and the effect of acupuncture was observed by means of determining the activity of intracellular calciums ions in skeletal muscles with specific ion electrodes. The result showed that acupuncture is able to reduce quickly the raised activity value of calcium ions in skeletal muscles in duced by extra-kinesis. It is held that this result is contributory to the understanding of the mechanism that acupuncture recovers the delayed muscular soreness caused by kinesis. [18.18 / ca- eaa- lapin- 14.12- ] 93- gera: 86701/di/re- num PUBLISHED TRIALS OF NON-MEDICINAL AND NON-INVASIVE THERAPIES FOR HIP AND KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. PUETT DW ET AL. annals internal med. 1994,121(2),133-40 (eng). ref:0 Purpose: To review the efficacy of non-medicinal, noninvasive therapies in hip and knee osteoarthritis. Data sources: exercise, acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, topically applied capsaicin, low-energy laser, and pulsed electromagnetic fields were found. No experimental studies of superficial heat and cold, orthotic devices, vibration, or weight loss were identified. Results: Exercise reduces pain and improves function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. No support exists in the literature for pre-exercise ultrasound treatment. Single, well-designed studies suggest that topically applied capsaicin and laser treatment reduce pain associated with knee osteoarthritis. Data on the other three therapies was sparse (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, pulsed electromagnetic fields) or inconsistent (acupuncture). Conclusions: More data is needed to determine the optimal exercise regimen for treating knee osteoarthritis. [18.18 / rg- ] 94- gera: 53821/di/re- num ACUPUNCTURE FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN OF OSTEOARTHRITIC KNEES. TAKEDA W ET AL. arthritis care and research. 1994,7(3),118-22 (eng). ref:41 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to determine whether acupuncture was more effective than sham acupuncture in the reduction of pain in persons with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. METHODS. Forty subjects (20 men, 20 women) with radiographic evidence of OA of the knee were stratified by gender and randomly assigned to either the experimental (real acupuncture) or control (sham acupuncture) groups. Subjects were treated three times per week for 3 weeks and evaluated at three test sessions. Outcome measures were: 1) the Pain Rating Index of the McGill Pain Questionnaire, 2) the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Osteoarthritis Index, and 3) pain threshold at four sites at the knee. RESULTS. The analyses of variance showed that both real and sham acupuncture significantly reduced pain, stiffness, and physical disability in the OA knee, but that there were no significant differences between groups. CONCLUSIONS. Acupuncture is not more effective than sham acupuncture in the treatment of OA pain. [18.18 / deqi- ecr- cta- ] 95- gera: 20853/di/ra

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[ABOUT THE KNEE JOINT PAIN THINKING FROM THE ALIGNMENT OF LOWER EXTREMITY (ESPECIALLY, TOWARD THE PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KNEE JOINTS PAINS)]. TAKEUCHI Y ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1994,44(4),329-32 (jap*). ref:22 About some knee joint pains we treat at clinic every day, toward the old people who have been in knee joint pain for a long time, I considered about the alignment of lower extremity, and the connection between the mobility of patella and knee joint pains. I had three kinds of ways to measure the alignment of lower extremity. F-T angle means degrees of genu-varum and genu- valgum about lower extremity. Q angle means the deviation of patella at the frontal plane. E angle means the extension Iimited of the knee. I measured each angle. I examined the mobility of patella up and down, left and right. In addition, I selected two points from six points where knee joint pains often happened, after that I made these two points. As a result, only the worse of F-T angle had an influence on the continuance of pains and mainly the pain place tended to gather in Nai-shitugan and Kyokusen. The change in Q angle and E angle didn't participate in a continuance of pains. I could suppose that the limitation about the mobility of patella also had an influence on the occurence of pains. [18.18 / - ] 96- gera: 54511/di/re- num EFFICACY OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF SYMPTOMATIC KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS : A PILOT STUDY. BERMAN BM ET AL. osteoarthritis and cartilage. 1995,3(2),139-42 (eng). ref:9 Traitement de 12 patients avec arthrose du genou: 35E, Xiyan, 36E, 9Rte, 60V, 3Ru, 6Rn, 6 Rte et 39VB. Electroacupuncture au niveau du 35E et Xiyan. Recherche du Deqi. Séance de 20 minutes, 2 séances par semaine, 8 semaines. Un mois après le traitement: amélioration du Womac, du lequesne et du temps de marche sur 50 pieds. Cette amélioration s'est prolongée à 2 et à 3 mois. [18.18 / ec- ] 97- gera: 37810/di/ra- num OBSERVATION CLINIQUE. KESPI JM. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1995,81,69-70 (fra). ref:14 Nous présentons ici l'observation d'une gonalgie gauche multi-traitée sans succès pendant 2 ans, puis guérie par un traitement général agissant sur vésicule biliaire et rate, par les points de la branche externe de vessie et le 11VC. [18.18 / 11vc- cc- ] 98- gera: 66747/di/ra [200 CASES OF PROLIFERATIVE GONITIS TREATED WITH BOTH ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICINE OF LU'S TRAUMATOLOGY DEPARTMENT]. LU ANQI. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995,22(8),354 (chi*). ref:0 The writer has used his ancestral silver needle to treat the disease externally with the cross warm needling therapy. Beside, the patient should take orally the decoction of warming the meridians and replenishing the pith (Lu's recipe). The therapeutic effect is pronounced in two hundred cases of hyperplastic knee arthritis. Therapeutic Effect: In 135 cases,therapeutic effect is acquired after one course of treatment. In sixty-five cases,it is obtained after two courses of treatment. Marked effect is got in 150 cases accounting for 75%. In 46 cases, there is no effect , accounting for 20%. The total rate of efficacy takes up 98%. [18.18 / eo- aiguille- ]

99- gera: 7101/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT CASES OF STRAIN OF SUBPATELLAR FAT PAD TREATED WITH THREE KNEE POINTS]. SHU HONGWEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995,15(3),21 (chi*). ref:0 138 cases of strain of subpatellar fat pad were treated with acupuncture on Neixiyan ( EX-LE4) , Dubi ( ST35 ) and Zusanli ( ST36 ) ( known as 3 knee points). 68 cases were cured (68. 0%), 25 improved (25.0%) and 7 unchanged (7.0%). The total effective rate was up to 93.0%. The comparison between this method and the combination of this method with the infrared irradiation found no difference statistically (P<0.05). It is suggested that the application of infrared may be given according to the need of the specific condition. Voir traduction anglaise, réf gera [85686]. [18.18 / comparaison- ] 100- gera: 85344/di/ra- num MANUDUCTION OF ADHESIVE ANKYLOSIS OF THE KNEE UNDER ANESTHESIA. BAI SHAOJIA ET AL. journal of tcm. 1996,16(1),44-7 (eng). ref:0 This paper reports 60 cases of adhesive ankylosis of the knee treated by manuduction under anesthesia. Excellent and good effects were achieved in 50 cases (83%), and normal function of the knee joint was maintained in 35 of the 40 cases followed up for more than one year. [18.18 / manipulation- ] 101- gera: 55642/di/ra- num INTERET DE L'ACUPUNCTURE DANS LA GONARTHROSE. GORET O. 37°2 le magazine. 1996,32,16-9 (fra). ref:0 Analyse de l'article de Petrou paru en 1988, réf gera [64602]. [18.18 / - ] 102- gera: 85686/di/ra- num NEEDLING THREE POINTS AROUND THE KNEE-JOINT FOR TREATMENT OF 138 CASES OF INTRAPATELLAR FAT PAD STRAIN. SHU HONGWEN. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1996,6(3),51-3 (eng). ref:0 Infrapatellar fat pad strain is a common disease and is referred to the chronic cumulative lesion of the knee joint, manifested mainly as arthralgia. The author treated 100 cases of this disease by needling Neixiyan (EX-LE4), Waixiyan and Zusanli (ST36) and other 38 cases with combined therapies of acupuncture(of the same three points) and infrared radiation, achieving cure rates of 68% and 71.1 %, and total effective rates of 93.0 % and 92.1 % respectively. Comparison between the two groups in cure rate shows no statistical difference (P>0. 05). [18.18 / eo- 35e- 36e- comparaison- ] 103- gera: 57742/di/ra- num MANIPOLAZIONE DELL'ANCHILOSI ADESIVA DEL GINOCCHIO SOTTO ANESTESIA. BAI SHAOJIA ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1997,67(1),58-60 (ita ). ref:0 L'anchilosi adesiva del ginocchio risulta spesso da un trattamento improprio di fratture intrarticolari o dei dintorni articolari o da danni gravi dei tessuti molli. Abbiamo trattato questa malattia attraverso questa manipolazione (chiamata in cinese tui na che letteralmente significa spingere ed afferrare) sotto anestesia, dal giugno 1976 all'ottobre 1992, ottenendo risultati soddisfacenti. Voir traduction anglaise, réf gera [85344]. [18.18 / manipulation- ]

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104- gera: 57504/di/ra 110 CASOS DE SINOVITIS TRAUMATICA DE LAS ARTICULACIONES DE LAS RODILLAS, SU TRATAMIENTO CON MASAJE Y FITOTERAPIA CHINA. DING JIAN ZHONG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1997,11,49-53 (esp ). ref:0 [18.18 / massage- ] 105- gera: 59013/co/re A RANDOMIZED TRIAL COMPARING AEROBIC EXERCISE AND RESISTANCE EXERCISE WITH A HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM IN OLDER ADULTS WITH KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. ETTINGER WH ET AL. jama. 1997,277,25-31 (eng ). ref:0 [18.18 / - ] 106- gera: 57416/di/ra- num QI GONG Y GONARTROSIS. REQUENA Y. medicina holistica, medicinas complementarias. 1997,47,151 (esp ). ref: Rapport d'un cas de gonarthrose traité par Qi Gong. [18.18 / qg- ] 107- gera: 56868/di/ra- num A REPORT OF 76 CASES OF CHONDROMALACIA PATELLAE TREATED WITH AN OINTMENT. WANG LINYUAN. journal of tcm. 1997,17(1),40-3 (eng). ref:0 Mise en place d'un emplatre de plantes médicinales (10cm x 6cm) gardé 48 heures et renouvelé 10 fois. [18.18 / emplatre- ] 108- gera: 57492/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE LA ARTRITIS EN LA RODILLA CON TERAPIA HERBAL Y MASAJE ANALISIS DE 121 CASOS. WU LINSHENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1997,11,7-10 (esp ). ref:0 [18.18 / massage- ] 109- gera: 56866/di/ra- num TREATMENT OF BONY GONARTHRITIS WITH HERBAL MEDICINE AND BY MASSOTHERAPY - ANALYSIS OF 121 CASES. WU LINSHENG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1997,17(1),32-6 (eng). ref:0 Traitement en fonction de 7 formes cliniques: 1) arthralgies migratoires, 2) fixées, 3) aggravées par le froid, 4) chaleur, 5) stase du sang, 6) humidité-glaire, 7) vide (vide Qi du foie et vide Rein et foie associé). Traitement par phytothérapie et massage. [18.18 / d$- massage- 18.03- ] 110- gera: 87072/di/ra WARMING ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATING ARTHRALGIA OF KNEE. ZHOU FANG-JUN. international journal of acupuncture. 1997,8(4),425-26 (eng). ref:0 [18.18 / 05.09- ] 111- gera: 58368/di/re- num TERAPIA DEL DOLORE ARTICOLARE E PERIARTICOLARE DEL GINOCCHIO CON ANESTETICI LOCALI (NEURALTERAPIA SEC. HUNEKE). BARBAGLI P ET AL. minerva anestesiologica. 1998,64(1-2),35-43 (ita ). ref:0 [Therapy of articular and periarticular pain of the knee with local anesthetics (neuraltherapy of Huneke). Long and short term results]. Objective: Assessment of the outcomes on the articular and periarticular pain of the knee, by a reflexotherapy with local anesthetics, denominated also

neuraltherapy. Experimental disegn: Retrospective observational study with 3 years' follow-up. Environment: An Ambulatory Center for Pain Management. Patients: All the patients (N = 115) with knee pain treated with neuraltherapy in the period 1982-31 August 1996 (retired patients 2, mean age 68 ± 15.2 years in the remaining). Interventions: The employed reflexotherapy, denominated also neuraltherapy by Huneke, uses a local anesthetic (prevalently lidocaine) in 0.5-1% concentration and small quantity (0.5-1 ml for point) on tender/trigger and/or acupuncture points, as well as in anatomical structures like articulations, nerves, arteries or veins. The number of sessions has been of 7.03 ± 3.3. Outcome measu Outcomes are evaluated in terms of percentage subjective improvement of the pain at the end of the therapy and at 1-3-6 months, 1-2-3 years, and then divided in 5 groups (no improvement-fair-good-very good-excellent). Results: At the end of the therapy the improven cases were the 91.2%, the 83.7% at 1 month, the 64.6% at 3 months, the 41.3% at 6 months, the 22.5% at 1 year, the 12.1% at 2 years and the 7.9% at 3 years. Conclusions: These outcomes suggest a good effectiveness of this treatment in the painful diseases of the knee, but further randomised double-blind trials are necessary. [18.18 / 05.15- ] 112- gera: 58062/di/ra- num [TREATMENT OF GONALGIA CAUSED BY LESION OF INFRAPATELLAR FAT PAD WITH WARMING SILVER NEEDLES IN 28 CASES]. CHEN DALONG. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998,17(2),23-4 (chi*). ref:60 The author treated 28 cases of gonalgia caused by lesion of infrapatellar fat pad with warming silver needles and compared with common acupuncture therapy. The result showed that the former one was better. Chi-Square test showed P < 0.01. Warming silver needles have strong effect of warmth and heat, so it can accelerate the blood supply of tissues, promote local metabolism and have therapeutic action. [18.18 / comparaison- 05.09- ecr?- aiguille- ] 113- gera: 74036/di/ra- num TENDINITE DE LA PATTE D'OIE,FIBROMYALGIE ET YIN QIAO MAI. PETITPIERRE M. la gazette. 1998,5,57-9 (fra). ref: Trois cas de tendinite de la patte d'oie (TPO) traités avec une étonnante facilité par Yin Qiao Mai nous rappellent l'intérêt des deux vaisseaux "agilité " Yin et Yang Qiao Mai dans le traitement des tendinites courantes ( TPO, périarthrite de hanche, épicondylite, épitrochléite). Par ailleurs, au-delà de son utilité dans le traitement de la TPO, Yin Qiao pourrait être une des clés du traitement de la fibromyalgie, affection dont les symptômes réunissent la plupart des indications de ce merveilleux vaisseau. [18.18 / fibromyalgie- yin qiao- curieux- ] 114- gera: 72718/di/ra (TRATAMENTO DAS GONALGIAS PELA TECNICA AO OPOSTO : ESTUDO SOBRE AS CARACTERISTICAS ENERGETICAS DAS GONALGIAS). RASSEN SAIDAH. revista paulista de acupuntura. 1998,4(1),9-13 (por*). ref:3 [KNEE PAIN TREARMENT BY ACUPUNCTURE USING "THE OPPOSITE SIDE TECHNIQE": STUDY ABOUT THE ENERGETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GONALGIA.The aim of th]e present study is to evaluate the energetic characteristics of the knee pain treatment using "the opposite side technique" from the Traditional Chinese Medicine.Material - Thirty-six patients with unilateral gonalgia were studied: 44.44% (16) with ostecarthrosis,

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30.55% (11) with patella femoral osteoarthrosis, 11.11% (4) with severe ostecarthrosis, 11. 11% (4) with patella chondromalacia, and 2. 77% (1) with synovial plica. Results- The Jue Yin (Liver) energetic channel of the foot was the most affected (22.22%), followed by the association of the Jue Yin (Liver) and the Tae Yang (Bladder) energetic channel of the foot (22.22%), the Jue Yin (Liver) with the Yang Ming (Stomach) (16.66%), and the Jue Yin (Liver) with the Shao Yang (Gall Bladder) (11.11%), and other associations (16 66%). The false-Yang (52. 77%) characteristics of disorders were predominant in relation to the energetic ones followed by the Yin (33.33%) and the Yang (13.88%) disorders of the patients. [18.18 / lateralite- ] 115- gera: 59012/co/re THE EFFECTS OF A PHYSICAL TRAINING PROGRAM ON PATIENTS WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE ROGIND H ET AL. archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 1998,79(11),1421-27 (eng ). ref:22 [18.18 / - ] 116- gera: 72717/di/ra- num TRATAMENTO DAS GONALGIAS PELA TECNICA"AO OPOSTO" : ESTUDO SOBRE A DOR RELATADA E A DIFICULDADE DE ANDAR. SAIDAH R. revista paulista de acupuntura. 1998,4(1),1-8 (por*). ref: [Knee pain treatment using "the opposite side technique": study of the reported pain and difficulty to walk]. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the result of the knee pain treatment using "the opposite side technique" from the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Material - Thirty-six patients with unilateral gonalgia were studied: 44.44% (16) with osteOarthrosis, 30.55% (11) with patella femoral ostecarthrosis, 11.11% (4) with severe osteoarthrosis, 11. 11% (4) with patella chondromalacia, and 2. 77% (1) with synovial plica. Methods - Patients were divided into two groups: Group I (Acupuncture) was formed by eighteen patients, who were submitted to 20 acupuncture sessions, in which the authors used points of counter to lateral acupuncture to the affected knee and distance acupuncture points according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine and to the acupuncture neurophysiologic action. Group II (Phisiotherapy) was also formed by eighteen patients, who were submitted to 20 physiotherapeutic sessions and given antiinflammatory non-steroid (AINS) medicines. According to the results of the non-parametric statistical analysis of subjective data (intensity of reported pain, difficulty in walking) there was a significant improvement in the parameters studied. [18.18 / lateralite- ecr- ] 117- gera: 73920/di/ra- num TRATAMENTO DAS GONALGIAS PELA TECNICA AO OPOSTO: ESTUDO SOBRE AS CARACTERISTICAS ENERGETICAS DAS GONALGIAS. SAIDAH R ET AL. revista paulista de acupuntura. 1998,4(1),9-13 (por*). ref:37 [Knee pain treatment by acupuncture using "the opposite side technique": study about the energetic characteristics of the gonalgia].The aim of the present study is to evaluate the energetic characteristics of the knee pain treatment using "the opposite side technique" from the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Material - Thirty-six patients with unilateral gonalgia were studied: 44.44% (16) with osteoarthrosis, 30.55% (11) with patella femoral osteoarthrosis, 11.11% (4) with severe ostecarthrosis, 11. 11% (4) with patella chondromalacia, and 2. 77% (1) with synovial plica. Results- The Jue Yin (Liver) energetic channel of the foot was the

most affected (22.22 %), followed by the association of the Jue Yin (Liver) and the Tae Yang (Bladder) energetic channel of the foot (22.22%), the Jue Yin (Liver) with the Yang Ming (Stomach) (16.66%), and the Jue Yin (Liver) with the Shao Yang (Gall Bladder) (11.11%), and other associations (16.66%). The false-Yang (52. 77%) characteristics of disorders were predominant in relation to the energetic ones followed by the Yin (33.33%) and the Yang (13.88%) disorders of the patients. [18.18 / lateralite- ] 118- gera: 72728/di/ra- num GONALGIA TREATMENT USING THE "OPPOSITE SIDE" TECHNIQUE : STUDY ON CLINICAL PARAMETERS OF KNEE PAIN. SAIDAH R ET ELL. revista paulista de acupuntura. 1998,4(2),61-7 (por*). ref:22 The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of knee pain treatment using the "Opposite Side Technique" of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Thirty-six patients with unilateral gonalgia were studied. 44.44% (16) with osteoarthrosis, 30.55% (11) with patella-femoral ostecarthrosis, 11.11% (4) with severe osteoarthrosis, 11.11% (4) with patellar chondromalacia, and 2.77% (1) with synovial pli ca.Methods: Patients were divided into two groups. Group I (Acupuncture) comprised 18 patients who were submitted to 20 acupuncture sessions using acupuncture points in the non- affected knee, and distance acupuncture points, following the criteria of Traditional Chinese Medicine and neurophysiologic criteria of acupuncture action in choosing such treatment points. Group II (Physical Therapy) comprised 18 patients submitted to 20 sessions of physical therapy and administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory medication.Results: Non-parametric statistical analysis of results with subjective data (difficulty in crouching, in going up and down stairs, in running, in jumping, claudicant gait, use of walking support), and with objective data (limited flexion and extension movements of the knee, and movement arc of the knee) showed significant improvement with the acupuncture treatment in all parameters studied. The parameters that responded the least to treatment were the objective parameters listed above. [18.18 / ecr- lateralite- ] 119- gera: 72249/di/ra EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT ON HEEL PAIN DUE TO PLANTAR FASCIITIS. TILLU A ET AL. acupuncture in medicine. 1998,16(2),66-8 (eng). ref:33 Eighteen patients attending an orthopaedic outpatient clinic with a year or more's history of heel pain due to planter fasciitis were studied. All had had conservative treatment of physiotherapy and shoe-support without significant pain relief before acupuncture was offered, and thus acted as their own controls for the purposes of the study. The following traditional points were needled: Taixi (Kl.3), Kunlun (EL.60) and Sanyinjiao (SP.6). Pain was assessed by a 100mm visual analogue scale (VAS) before treatment was started and after four, weekly sessions of acupuncture treatment. If complete pain relief was not obtained by the initial four-week treatment, a further two, weekly sessions of the above mentioned acupoints, with the addition of trigger point acupuncture in the gastro-soleus and planter fascia, was carried out and pain assessed. Patients were also assessed with a verbal rating score to indicate the percentage improvement after acupuncture compared to before treatment. The mean duration of heel pain was 25.11 months (SD 10.6~3). The VAS data obtained at 4 and 6 weeks of acupuncture treatment showed a statistically highly significant improvement compared to the VAS before acupuncture (p< 0.0009 and p < 0.0001 respectively). Using

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the Mann-Whitney test, there was a statistically significant difference in VAS obtained at 6 weeks, after trigger point acupuncture had been added for poor responders, compared to that obtained after the first 4 weeks of acupuncture treatment (p < 0.047). Our study demonstrates that acupuncture is effective in treating patients with chronic heel pain due to planter fasciitis and that the addition of trigger point acupuncture in poor or non-responders may be useful. [18.18 / - ] 120- gera: 67882/di/ra- num REGARDING KNEE PAIN AND MOXIBUSTION. YASUYUKI MISHIMA. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998,5(13),18-9 (eng). ref:17 Méthode d'examen et recherche des points douloureux au niveau de la rotule. Traitement par Moxas en cones. [18.18 / 05.09- ] 121- gera: 70033/di/re- num A RANDOMIZED TRIAL OF ACUPUNCTURE AS AN ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE. BERMAN BM ET AL. rheumatology. 1999,38(4),346-54 (eng). ref:17 Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy to standard care for the relief of pain and dysfunction in elderly patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Methods: Seventy- three patients with symptomatic OA of the knee were randomly assigned to treatment (acupuncture) or standard care (control). Analysis was performed on last score carried forward to account for patients who dropped out before completion. Patients self-scored Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (Womac) and Lequesne indices at baseline and at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Patients in the control group were offered acupuncture treatment after 12 weeks. The data for these patients are pooled with those from the original acupuncture group for within-group analysis. Results: Patients randomized to acupuncture improved on both Womac and Lequesne indices compared to those who received standard treatment alone. Significant differences on total Womac Scale were seen at 4 and 8 weeks. There appears to be a slight decline in effect at 4 weeks after cessation of treatment (12 weeks after first treatment). No adverse effects of acupuncture were reported. Conclusion: These data suggest that acupuncture is an effective and safe adjunctive therapy to conventional care for patients with OA of the knee. [18.18 / cta- ecr- ] 122- gera: 27334/nd/re ARE PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS RELATED TO RESPONSE TO ACUPUNCTURE AMONG PATIENTS WITH KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS? CREAMER P ET AL. altern ther health med. 1999,5(4),72-6 (eng). ref:50 CONTEXT: Acupuncture has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of patients with knee osteoarthritis. However, response among such patients is highly variable. Identification of subjects with greater response would facilitate a more rational use of acupuncture. OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between demographic and psychosocial variables and response to acupuncture as defined by reduction in pain and disability at the end of an 8-week course of treatment. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Outpatients attending rheumatologists or primary care physicians. PATIENTS: 37 patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis who had previously participated in a controlled trial using acupuncture were recalled for an interview approximately 1 year later. INTERVENTION: Structured interview, questionnaire completion, and an examination. MAIN OUTCOME MEASU Depression,

anxiety, helplessness, self-efficacy, and fatigue were measured by standard instruments. Knee examination and assessment of pain threshold were measured by dolorimetry. RESULTS: Response at 8 weeks was significantly related to duration of symptoms. A statistically nonsignificant trend was found for older and more educated subjects to have a better response; anxiety and fatigue were found to be inversely related to response (also statistically nonsignificant). Subjects with localized medial pain had significantly better response in terms of pain and disability than did subjects with generalized knee pain. CONCLUSION: Other than a weak relationship with anxiety (at 8 weeks only), no evidence of a link between psychosocial variables and response to acupuncture was found. Prospective studies are needed to confirm these results. [18.18 / - ] 123- gera: 59094/nd/re [KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS AND ACUPUNCTURE. LETTER]. HEYERDAHL O. tidsskr nor laegeforen. 1999,119(1),845 (nor ). ref:50 [18.18 / - ] 124- gera: 70467/nd/re ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROME. JENSEN R ET AL. j altern complement med. 1999,5(6),521-7 (eng). ref: OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of acupuncture treatment in patellofemoral pain syndrome. DESIGN: A controlled trial where patients were randomly assigned either to acupuncture treatment or no treatment. Evaluation of the result was blinded. SETTING: An acupuncture/physiotherapy treatment practice in Bergen, Norway. SUBJECTS: A total of 75 patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome were included, of whom 44 were female. INTERVENTION: Individualized acupuncture treatment twice weekly for 4 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Patients were followed for 1 year with the Cincinnati Knee Rating System (CKRS) scale as the main outcome measure. Other tests used were the Stairs-Hopple test, quadriceps atrophy, and evaluating level pain after activity by a visual analogue scale. RESULTS: At inclusion patients, aged 18-45 (mean 31.0) years, reported persistent pain on activity (mean 6.6 years) and at rest (mean 4.3 years). CRS scores at baseline were similar (acupuncture group 58.0 versus no treatment group 56.1). At 12 months there was a significant difference in the CRS score between the groups (acupuncture 75.2 versus no treatment 61.7, p = 0.005). When analyzing for worst case, the difference persisted (68.1 versus 54.4, p = 0.03). Results were then dichotomized as to whether the patient was cured or not at 12 months. A patient was defined as cured if he/she scored "slight" or "none" on the "pain" or "limitation to activity" subscales. The Number Necessary to Treat (NNT) to cure one patient was NNT = 3.0 for the CRS pain subscale and NNT = 3.7 for the CRS function subscale. CONCLUSION: We conclude that acupuncture may be an alternative treatment for patellofemoral pain syndrome. [18.18 / - ] 125- gera: 74814/di/ra- num ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROME. JENSEN R ET AL. journal of alternative and complementary medicine. 1999,5(6),521-27 (eng). ref: Objective: To evaluate the effect of acupuncture treatment in patellofemoral pain syndrome. Design: A controlled trial where patients were randomly assigned either to acupuncture treatment or no treatment. Evaluation of the result was

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blinded. Setting: An acupuncture/physiotherapy treatment practice in Bergen, Norway. Subjects: A total of 75 patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome were included, of whom 44 were female. Intervention: Individualized acupuncture treatment twice weekly for 4 weeks. Main Outcome Measure: Patients were followed for 1 year with the Cincinnati Knee Rating System (CKRS) scale as the main outcome measure. Other tests used were the Stairs-Hopple test, quadriceps atrophy, and evaluating level pain after activity by a visual analogue scale. Results: At inclusion patients, aged 18-45 (mean 31.0) years, reported persistent pain on activity (mean 6.6 years) and at rest (mean 4.3 years). CRS scores at baseline were similar (acupuncture group 58.0 versus no treatment group 56.1). At 12 months there was a significant difference in the CRS score between the groups (acupuncture 75.2 versus no treatment 61.7, p = 0.005). When analysing for worst case, the difference persisted (68.1 versus 54.4, p = 0.03). Results were then dichotomised as to whether the patient was cured or not at 12 months. A patient was defined as cured if he/she scored "slight" or "none" on the "pain" or "limitation to activity" subscales. The Number Necessary to Treat (NNT) to cure one patient was NNT = 3.0 for the CRS I pain subscale and NNT = 3.7 for the CRS function subscale. Conclusion: We conclude that acupuncture may be an alternative treatment for patellofemoral pain syndrome. [18.18 / ecr- cta- ] 126- gera: 70264/di/ra QUEL EST VOTRE DIAGNOSTIC? KESPI JM. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1999,97,57-8 (fra). ref:33 M.P. consulte pour une douleur traumatique du genou droit, survenue après un accident de moto. Le genou est chaud et gonflé. La douleur est localisée à la face interne de l'articulation; elle se répercute à l'aine. Intense, invalidante, aggravée par la fatigue et le repos, améliorée par la pression et la chaleur, elle est accompagnée d'une sensation "d'élastique trop lâche" avec perte de force du genou. [18.18 / - ] 127- gera: 70280/di/ra OBSERVATION (DOULEUR DU GENOU DROIT). KESPI JM. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1999,100,63-4 (fra). ref:33 Mme P., 71 ans, consulte en décembre 1998 pour une intense douleur du genou droit apparue après une chute ayant entraîné une entorse de la cheville droite. En fait, la chute n'a été qu'un facteur déclenchant car déjà par deux fois, il y a un an et quatre ans, elle a présenté cette même algie. La douleur est profonde, articulaire, irradiant au creux poplité, aggravée par certains mouvements et la descente des escaliers. Le genou est gonflé, chaud avec une hydarthrose. Il a déjà été ponctionné par deux fois mais cela récidive. Par ailleurs, elle ressent une ankylose du bassin; elle est constipée et urine peu. Elle digère lentament et a beaucoup grossi ces derniers mois "sans avoir changé son alimentation". Les pouls des pieds sont en vide. [18.18 / 25e- cc- ] 128- gera: 73591/di/ra OBSERVATION. KESPI JM. revue francaise acupuncture. 1999,100,63 (fra). ref:33 Mme P., 71 ans, consulte en décembre 1998 pour une intense douleur du genou droit apparue après une chute ayant entraîné une entorse de la cheville droite. En fait, la chute n 'a été qu'un facteur déclenchant car déjà par deux fois, il y a un an et quatre ans, elle a présenté cette même algie. La douleur est profonde, articulaire, irradiant au creux poplité, aggravée par certains mouvements et la descente des escaliers. Le genou est gonflé, chaud, avec une hydarthrose. Il a déjà été ponctionné par deux fois mais cela récidive.Par ailleurs, elle

ressent une ankylose du bassin constipée et urine peu. Elle digère lentement et a beau- coup grossi ces derniers mois « sans avoir changé son alimentation ». Les pouls des pieds sont en vide. [18.18 / cc- 2se- ] 129- gera: 72307/di/cg LE GENOU DOULOUREUX. LEPRON PA. in actes du iiieme congres de la faformec, paris. 1999,,1-8 (fra). ref:33 [18.18 / - ] 130- gera: 72152/di/ra- num AKUPUNKTUR IM REHABILITATIVEN KRAFTTRAINING: SPONTANE STEIGERUNG VON KRAFT-UND EMG- WERTEN DER QUADRIZEPSMUSKULATUR NACH VORDERER KREUZBANDPLASTIK). LUDWIG M. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 1999,42(3),144-8 (deu*). ref:33 After orthopedic injuries disordered proprioception and reduced capability to recruit neuromuscular structure are essential limiting factors of rehabilitation. Adaption to pathologic patterns, clear bilateral muscle deficit of 30-50% over a long period and acute as well as chronic secondary injuries are frequently the consequences. In a randomized controlled single- blind study al group of rehab-patients after ACL-reconstruction were examined in two isometric strength tests of the knee joint extensors (test-retest within 30 minutes) on an isokinetic system linked up with EMG. 12 patients received actual acupuncture. After tonifying stimulation of two acupuncture points (St 32 -Futu- and St 36 -Zusanli-) the involved atrophic M. quadriceps femoris showed highly significant increased EMG-amplitudes of 46% and strength values of 25% in the retest. A second group receiving placebo acupuncture and a control group without acupuncture treatment of each 8 patients did not show any differences in the retest.The use of acupuncture in rehabilitative strength training effects a better excitability in tonifying muscle function. Acupuncture enables the inhibited neuromuscular structures to reach the training threshold and ensures the training effort. [18.18 / ecr- cta- ] 131- gera: 72452/di/ra A PILOT STUDY TO COMPARE ACUPUNCTURE VERSUS TENOXICAM FOR SYMPTOMATIC KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS IN ASIANS. ABSTRACT. SWEE CHENG NG ET AL. akupunktur. theorie und praxis. 1999,27(4),249-50 (eng). ref:10 [18.18 / cta- ] 132- gera: 70976/di/ra- num TENS, ELECTROACUPUNCTURE AND ICE MASSAGE: COMPARISON OF TREATMENT FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE. YURTKURAN M ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1999,27(3-4),133-40 (eng). ref:10 The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS), electroacupuncture (EA), and ice massage with placebo treatment for the treatment of pain. Subjects (n=100) diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee were treated with these modalities. The parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment include pain at rest, stiffness, 50 foot walking time, quadriceps muscle strength, and knee flexion degree. The results showed (a) that all three methods could be effective in decreasing not only pain but also the objective parameters in a short period of time; and (b) that the treatment results in TENS, EA and ice massage were superior to placebo. [18.18 / 05.12- ecr- comparison- ]

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133- gera: 72329/di/ra TREATMENT OF GENUAL OSTEOARTHRITIS BYMASSOTHERAPY. CHEN YUANGE. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2000,20(3),191-4 (eng). ref:32 [18.18 / massage- ] 134- gera: 87672/di/ra [THE FORMATION OF TIBIAL STRESS FRACTURE: A MECHANICAL ANALYSIS]. DING ZHIQIANG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(4),15 (chi*). ref:32 Through summing up the clinical data of 30 cases of tibia stress fracture it was found that all of tibia stress fractures resulting from recruit training occurred after large-load training. 'I'he anteroposterior X ray films showed that most of the fracture sites were located in the medial bone cortex of the middle or upper third tibia, which crosses with the extended line of the femoral longitudinal axis, suggesting that tibia stress fracture may be related try the normal slight values of the knee. The forces that travel down from the femoral longitudinal axis to the medial bone cortex of the middle or upper tibia may be divided into two forces, one of which travels down along the tibia longitudinal axis and the other is a horizontal shear that moves the tibia inward. 'Ihe long-term accumulation of the shear Nay be related to the occurrence of tibia stress fracture. In addition, the upper and middle tibia is the transitional zone of the cancerous and cortical bones, which may be a relative weak and thin site of the tibia with its special anatomical structure. [18.18 / - ] 135- gera: 74020/di/ra PARA-PATTELLAR ACUPUNCTURE FOR SUBPATELLAR FAT PAD INJURIES. DONG CHANG-YONG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2000,11(3),237 (eng). ref:32 Chronic strain to the subpatellar fat pad is a common cause of pain around the knee. The author has found very slow relief by using the conventional method of performing acupuncture to this disease. However, after shifting to acupoints located at the sides of the patella, rapid recovery was observed and findings in this area is presented in this paper. [18.18 / - ] 136- gera: 72478/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREAMENT FOR KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. DONG JIANGTAO. pacific journal of oriental medicine. 2000,16,30-2 (eng). ref:32 Knee osteoarthritis is also known as knee proliferating arthritis, regressive arthritis or senile arthritis. It is a commonly seen knee problem in elderly people. This degenerative joint disease is one of the main reasons for knee pain and some form of limitation in movement or activities! In the present study, 128 cases of knee osteoarthritis were selected and treated with acupuncture. This paper is a report in which acupuncture treatment was introduced and its effectiveness was evaluated. [18.18 / - ] 137- gera: 87670/di/ra [OPEN TIBIAL FRACTURE COMPLICATED WITH COMPARTMENT SYNDROME]. FENG FENG. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(4),11 (chi*). ref:3 In 113 cases of open tibia fracture reviewed, the author found 21 cases 5 % completed with compartment syndrome including 17 cases of comminuted tibia fracture and 19 cases complicated with moderate or severe soft-tissue injury. The incidence of compartment syndrome was directly proportion to the severity of the fracture and the soft-tissue injury Early

diagnosis, thorough and timely compartment ciecol1lpression and prevention of infection are the effective therapeutic measures for the disease. Open tibia fracture complicated with compartment syndrome is not seldom encountered and should be taken seriously in clinical practice. [18.18 / - ] 138- gera: 72799/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF RABBIT OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE BY KIDNEY-REINFORCING AND BLOOD- CIRCULATION-ACTIVATING METHODS. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HOMORPHOLOGY]. GAO WENXIANG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(6),5 (chi*). ref:3 Rabbit models of osteoarthritis were made by injecting papain into rabbit knees and treated by transgastrically-given kidneys-reinforcing (KR) and blood-circulation-activating (BCA) traditional Chinese drugs. respectively. `and the influence of the KR and BCA drugs on the cartilage and synovium of the models were observed as to explore whether the therapeutic effects of KR and BCA methods are related to the onset time of osteoarthritis or not. Six and ten weeks after the modelling. The specimens were taken and observed by optical and transmission electron microscopes. The results showed a lower synovium injury severity in BCA group 6 weeks after the modelling than that in KR group (P < 0. 05) and a midler cartilage destruction in KR group 10 weeks after the modelling than that of BCA group (P < 0. 05). From this it can be seen that BCA drugs have a better therapeutic effect at the early stage of osteoarthritis. while KR drugs have an advantage in the therapeutic effect with progress of the disease course. [18.18 / lapin- vide+rn- acls- eap- ] 139- gera: 72947/di/ra- num EFFICACITE DEMONTREE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE EN TANT QUE TRAITEMENT ADJUVANT DANS LA GONARTHROSE DU SUJET AGE. GORET O. revue francaise de mtc. 2000,186-187,122-3 (fra). ref:3 Résumé et commentaire de l'article de: Berman BM et al. A randomized trial of acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee. Rheumatology. 1999, 38(4), 346-54. [18.18 / - ] 140- gera: 72948/di/ra- num EFFICACITE DEMONTREE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE DANS LE SYNDROME FEMORO-PATELLAIRE. GORET O. revue francaise de mtc. 2000,186-187,124-5 (fra). ref:4 Résumé et commentaire de l'article de: Jensen R et al. Acupuncture treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine. 1999, 5(6), 521-7. [18.18 / - ] 141- gera: 94008/di/ra L'ACUPUNCTURE EN PREOPERATOIRE ET SOUS ANESTHESIE N'A PAS D'EFFET ANALGESIQUE APRES ARTHROSCOPIE AMBULATOIRE DU GENOU. GORET O. revue francaise de mtc. 2000,188,36-7 (fra). ref:9 Résumé et commentaire de l'article de: Gupta S et al. The effect of pre-emptive acupuncture treatment on analgesic requirements after case-day knee arthroscopy. Anaesthesia 1999; 54(12): 1204-7. Réf Gera: [70890]. [18.18 / - ] 142- gera: 91431/di/ra [THE REPAIR OF COMPOUND INJURIES OF THE KNEE LIGAMENTS BY THE LONG PERONEAL MUSCULAR TENDON]. GUO LONGQUAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and

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traumatology. 2000,12(10),11 (chi*). ref:17 [18.18 / - ] 143- gera: 76250/di/ra- num [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON THE POINT INJECTION AND MOTOR THERAPY TO TREAT KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS]. HE CHENGQI ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000,25(3),230 (chi*). ref:17 Objectives: To research on the clinical effect of the point injection and motor therapy to treat knee osteoarthritis (KOA) by means of contrast patient's trail so as to seek a new effective therapy, because of no better therapy yet in our country. Subjects and Methods: 50 patients with KOA (26 men and 24 women, aged 41-76 years, mean 59.6 ± 6.2) were divided randomly into trail group 30 cases and control group 20 cases. The former was treated with Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix point injection (salviae Miltiorrhizae radix injection 4ml, injected in Yang Lingquan and Dubi of the affected leg, one time every other day * 4 weeks) and motor therapy (the leg muscle power training without joint movement: 10min/ a time/ a day * 4 weeks; the same leg stress training: 10min/ a time/ a day * 4 weeks), but the latter was done with Ultrashortwve therapy (wave type: continuous wave 100mA, treating dose: micro heat, 20min/ a time/ a day * 4 weeks). Then, the clinical symptoms and function activities of being before and after treatment were assessed and managed with statistics. Results: The active and pressed pain of the knee joint in the two group were relieved significantly (P<0.001), but the function improvement of the former surpassed the latter markedly (P<0.001). Conclusion: Point injection and motor therapy can not only relieve the pain caused by KOA, but also improve the function activity significantly, and is a new effective therapy for KOA. [18.18 / 05.15- 35e- ecr- 34vb- ] 144- gera: 87671/di/ra [AN ANALYSIS ON THE TREATMENT OF 130 CASES OF ADULT TIBIAL AND FIBULAR FRACTURES]. HONG MINGFEI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(4),13 (chi*). ref:17 One hundred and thirty cases of tibia and fibular fractures were divided into Group A (n=74 cases) and Group B (n=56 cases), and two of them were treated by open reduction and internal fixation and by manipulative reduction and splints or plaster external fixation or calcaneal traction and splints external fixation, respectively. The results showed that the excellent-good rates of groups A and B reached 89.18 % and 75. 00 %, respectively. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were Statistically treated and had a significant difference (P < 0. 05). It was believed that the general steel plate is suitable for the internal fixation of all types of tibia diaphyseal fracture in arty level retains the blood supply to the periosteum slid thus has an important significance to fracture healing; compressing plate is suitable only for the transverse fracture of the segment front the upper third to the lower third; unilateral external fixator-brace is suitable for open seriously polluted transverse or spiral fracture; locked intramedullary nail offers strong and reliable fixation and allows early postoperative off-bed exercises; splints or plaster external fixation, and calcaneal traction are suitable for stable tibia and fibular fractures with a little displacement. It was concluded that various fixating methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and the indication o each should be strictly selected in the clinical application. [18.18 / - ] 145- gera: 74253/di/ra BI SYNDROME OF THE KNEE TREATED WITH

ACUPUNCTURE WITH PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROME AS A CASE. JENSEN R ET AL. journal of chinese medicine. 2000,64,13-6 (eng). ref:17 [18.18 / d$- ] 146- gera: 78262/di/ra INJURY OF MEDIAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT OF THE KNEE. JI XIAO-PING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2000,11(4),311-3 (eng). ref:21 Ms. L, an Italian lady aged 38, presented on July. 30, 1998, complained of pain and motor disturbance of the right knee which had lasted for 12 days. Twelve days earlier, while touring in a mountainside in Italy, she put her legs into a rapid stream, which rushed downward very forcefully. Suddenly she felt as if something was displaced in the joint and experienced excruciating pain along the medial and posterior aspects of the right knee. Being unable to extend her right knee any longer, she had to walk with a limp. Massage, traction and analgesic given by an Italian hospital produced some improvement, which led to the decision to tour China. The pain recurred, however, when she arrived in Beijing on July 28. The pain was more intense this time, preventing her even from walking. Two treatments given by a Chinese massager did not relieve the symptom and the medial aspect became even more swollen. This led her to come to us for acupuncture treatment. Examination revealed a right knee frozen in a flexed position which could not be extended, marked tenderness and swelling at the site of the medial ligament of the knee, and tender nodules in the medial half of the popliteal fossa. Only with the support of others could she manage to walk with a limp and with great difficulty. Passive abduction of the right lower leg caused great pain. A roentgenogram revealed widening of the joint space on the medial side and a diagnosis of injury of medial collateral ligament was given though the impossibility of simultaneous injury of the medial crucial ligament could not be ruled out. The pulses were found to be taut, with a normal appearance of the tongue. [18.18 / cc- ] 147- gera: 78285/di/ra INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE ON MUSCLE STRENGTH. LINDE K. focus on alternative and complementary therapies. 2000,5(4),264-5 (eng). ref:21 Analyse et commentaire de l'article de: Ludwig M. Einfluss der akupunktur auf die leistungsfahigkeit der quadrizepsmuskulatur. Dtsch Z Akup 2000; 43(2): 104-7. Réf gera: [72158]. [18.18 / - ] 148- gera: 74619/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE DRUGS ON THE METABOLISM OF OXYGEN FREE RADICAL IN EXPERIMENTAL RABBIT KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS]. MA JIANBING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(1),8 (chi*). ref:1 In order to explore the infitrence of traditional Chinese drugs ('I`CD) on the metabolism of oxygen free radical in osteoarthritis rabbit models of knee osteoarthritis were made by Hulth's method arid randomly divided into three groups: Groups I, II and III, which were treated by nothing, Fenbid and "ZHUYU TANG" (ZYT, TCD Decoction Activating Blood Flow and Removing Blood Stasis), respectively. One month after the treatment, the erythrocytic SOD activities and the plasma LPO levels of the three groups were measured and statistically analysed. The results showed that the SOD activity of Group III was much higher while the LPO level was much lower than those of the other two groups (P < 0. 01) and there was no significant difference between Group I and Group II (P<0.05). It was considered that ZYT functions

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to improve SOD activity anal to lower LPO level significantly and thus to delay the degeneration of joint cartilage and to accelerate the cartilage repair. [18.18 / acls- lapin- eap- ] 149- gera: 91429/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF ADDUCTIVE FEMORAL NECK FRACTURE BY AMPUTATION OF LONG ADDUCTOR MUSCLE AND OBTURATOR NERVE]. SUN GUANGSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(10),7 (chi*). ref:1 [18.18 / - ] 150- gera: 74125/di/ra ACUPUNTURA REAL VERSUS ACUPUNTURA FALSA Y TRATAMIENTOS CLINICOS CONVENCIALES DE MEDICINA DEL DEPORTE PARA EL DOLOR POR FASCITIS PLANTAR: UN ESTUDIO DOBLE-CIEGO Y CONTROLADO. VRCHOTA KD ET AL. revista argentina de acupuntura. 2000,94,21-4 (esp*). ref:1 Traduction espagnole de: International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, 1991; 2(3). Réf gera: [84223].Forty-three patients with planter fascitis were randomly assigned to receive true acupuncture, sham acupuncture, or conventional sports medicine (salsalate therapy, reduction in activity, stretching exercises, and icing after exercise). True acupuncture or sham acupuncture was given weekly for four weeks. Response to treatment was evaluated through pain and tenderness grading by physicians blinded to group assignment and through the patient s daily pain log. True acupuncture produced greater improvement than conventional sports medicine in pain log records at the end of the treatment period (P=0.010) end at the end of the follow-up period (P=0.016), and in the physicians assessment of pain at week 4 (P=0.014). Tenderness scores were not significantly different. [18.18 / - ] 151- gera: 87668/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF KNEE CARTILAGE RETROGRADE DISEASE BY ZHANG'S MASSAGE MANIPULATION: A THERAPEUTIC EFFECT EVALUATION]. XIE LIMIN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(4),8 (chi*). ref:1 In order to evaluated the clinical therapeutic effect of Zhang's massage manipulation on retrograde disease of knee Cartage, 303 Cases of the disease were randomly divided into two groups the massaged (n=152) and the control (n=151), which were treated by Zhang's massage manipulation aria by physiotherapy, acupuncture, moxibustion, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, etc. respectively and the clinical therapeutic effects were evaluated by the modified scoring method of the knee joint. The results showed that the effective arid excellent-good rates of the massaged and control grow pa leached 89% and 60%. and 79/ arid 15%. respectively with a very significant difference hi the therapeutic-effect comparison of the two groups (P < 0. 01), suggesting that Zhang's massage manipulation has proved itself to be a good method for treating knee cartilage retrograde diseases as the present. [18.18 / massage- ] 152- gera: 91428/di/ra [EFFECT OF SHENGGUZAIZAO POWDER ON HEMORRHEOLOGY IN HORMONE-INDUCE RABBIT FEMORAL HEAD NECROSIS]. ZHANG XIAOGANG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese

orthopedics and traumatology. 2000,12(10),3 (chi*). ref:1 To study the effect of Shengguzaizao powder on hemorheology in hormone-induced rabbit femoral head. necrosis. Methods: Rabbit femoral head necrosis model were made by glucocorticoid induction Shengguzzaizac, powder was given continuously for five weeks, and the changes of hemorheology indexes were determined before and after treatment respectively. Results. The Shengguzaizao powder can significantly decrease the whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and hematocrit. Conclusion: The curative effect of Shengguzaizao powder on femoral head necrosis may be related to its adjusting effect function to hemorheology. [18.18 / eap- lapin- rheologie- ] 153- gera: 72649/di/ra [SYNTHETICAL THERAPY FOR BONY GONITIS-ATTACHED: ANALYSIS OF 98 CASES IN CLINIC]. ZHANG YUN. yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica. 2000,21(1),9 (chi*). ref:1 The good curative effect of 93.86% was gotten in 98 cases of bony gonitis treated by the synthetical therapeutic ways from Prof. Li Yongkang. The report indicated that the doctors should consider and test the physical sign of the patient with bony gonitis and the effect of the synthetical therapy was better than the simple therapy. [18.18 / - ] 154- gera: 93473/di/ra THE ROLE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN POSTOPERATIVE REHABILITATION AFTER TOTAL KNEE AVERY P. medical acupuncture. 2001,12(2),44-6 (eng). ref:1 [18.18 / cc- ] 155- gera: 111870/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE WITH THE NEEDLE WARMED BY BURNING-MOXA FOR TREATMENT OF 50 CASES OF KNEE-JOINT OSTEOARTHRITIS CHEN HULLING. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2001,11(1),55 (eng). ref:7 [18.18 / - ] 156- gera: 114861/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE WITH THE NEEDLE WARMED BY BURNING-MOXA FOR TREATMENT OF 50 CASES OF KNEE-JOINT OSTEOARTHRITIS. CHEN HULLING. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2001,11(1),55 (eng). ref:7 [18.18 / - ] 157- gera: 94812/di/re- num A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROME. CROSSLEY K ET AL. clin j sport med. 2001,11(2),103-10 (eng). ref:7 OBJECTIVE: Physical interventions (nonpharmacological and nonsurgical) are the mainstay of treatment for patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Physiotherapy is the most common of all physical interventions and includes specific vastus medialis obliquus or general quadriceps strengthening and/or realignment procedures (tape, brace, stretching). These treatments appear to be based on sound theoretical rationale and have attained widespread acceptance, but evidence for the efficacy of these interventions is not well established. This review will present the available evidence for physical interventions for PFPS. DATA SOURCES: Computerized bibliographic databases (MEDLINE, Current Contents, CINAHL) were searched, including the keywords "patellofemoral," "patella," and

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"anterior knee pain," combined with "treatment," "rehabilitation," and limited to clinical trials through October 2000. STUDY SELECTION: The critical eligibility criteria used for inclusion were that the study be a controlled trial, that outcome assessments were adequately described, and that the treatment was a nonpharmacological, nonsurgical physical intervention. RESULTS: Of the 89 potentially relevant titles, 16 studies were reviewed and none of these fulfilled all of the requirements for a randomized, controlled trial. Physiotherapy interventions were evaluated in eight trials, and the remaining eight trials examined different physical interventions. Significant reductions in PFPS symptoms were found with a corrective foot orthosis and a progressive resistance brace, but there is no evidence to support the use of patellofemoral orthoses, acupuncture, low-level laser, chiropractic patellar mobilization, or patellar taping. Overall the physiotherapy interventions had significant beneficial effects but these interventions were not compared with a placebo control. There is inconclusive evidence to support the superiority of one physiotherapy intervention compared with others. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence to support the use of physical interventions in the management of PFPS is limited. There appears to be a consistent improvement in short-term pain and function due to physiotherapy treatment, but comparison with a placebo group is required to determine efficacy, and further trials are warranted for the other interventions. [18.18 / rg- ] 158- gera: 94842/di/re- num ACUPUNCTURE FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. EZZO J ET AL. arthritis and rheumatism. 2001,44(4),819-25 (eng). ref:7 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate trials of acupuncture for osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, to assess the methodologic quality of the trials and determine whether low-quality trials are associated with positive outcomes, to document adverse effects, to identify patient or treatment characteristics associated with positive response, and to identify areas of future research. METHODS: Eight databases and 62 conference abstract series were searched. Randomized or quasi-randomized trials of all languages were included and evaluated for methodologic quality using the Jadad scale. Outcomes were pain, function, global improvement, and imaging. Data could not be pooled; therefore, a best-evidence synthesis was performed to determine the strength of evidence by control group. The adequacy of the acupuncture procedure was assessed by 2 acupuncturists trained in treating OA and blinded to study results. RESULTS: Seven trials representing 393 patients with knee OA were identified. For pain and function, there was limited evidence that acupuncture is more effective than being on a waiting list for treatment or having treatment as usual. For pain, there was strong evidence that real acupuncture is more effective than sham acupuncture; however, for function, there was inconclusive evidence that real acupuncture is more effective than sham acupuncture. There was insufficient evidence to determine whether the efficacy of acupuncture is similar to that of other treatments. CONCLUSION: The existing evidence suggests that acupuncture may play a role in the treatment of knee OA. Future research should define an optimal acupuncture treatment, measure quality of life, and assess acupuncture combined with other modalities. [18.18 / rg- ] 159- gera: 99462/di/ra [THE CHANGES AND SIGNIFICANCE OF BLOOD RHEOLOGY IN ALCOHOLIC NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL BEAD]. HE WEI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology.

2001,13(10),8 (chi*). ref:48 [18.18 / - ] 160- gera: 100566/di/ra [THE CHANGES AND SIGNIFICANCE OF BLOOD RHEOLOGY IN ALCOHOLIC NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL BEAD]. HE WEI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2001,13(10),8 (chi*). ref:48 [18.18 / - ] 161- gera: 112197// EFECTO TERAPEUTICO DE¡ TRATAMIENTO CON ACUPUNTURA EN 109 CASOS DE OSTEOARTRITIS DE LA RODILLA JIANG AI PING .. journal of tcm. 2001,30,31 (esp*). ref:48 [18.18 / - ] 162- gera: 98524/di/ra CLINICAL EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT IN 109 CASES OF KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. JIANG AIPING ET AL.. journal of tcm (english edition). 2001,21(4),282 (eng). ref:48 [18.18 / - ] 163- gera: 95022/di/ra COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS. LONG L. focus on alternative and complementary therapies. 2001,6(2),103-7 (eng). ref:48 [18.18 / rg- ] 164- gera: 99464/di/ra [THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF THE THERAPY OF LAVATION WITH TCM ON THE TREATMENT OF KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS]. SHI WEIDONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2001,13(10),12 (chi*). ref:59 To explore the therapeutic effect of the therapy of lavation with traditional Chinese Drug (TCD) on Lhe treatment of knee arthritis, 71cases (98 knee joints) with knee arthritis were divided into 2 groups equally: TCD group (treated with the therapy of lavation. with Chinese traditional drug) , Control group (treated with western medicine) The results showed that the therapeutic effect of TCD group was more significant than that in Control group, TCD also could dilute joint fluid, promote the metabolism of synovia, 'improve the disturbed environment of the knee and symptoms. Key words: knee joint osteoarthritis/ therapy of lavation traditional Chinese drug [18.18 / - ] 165- gera: 100568/di/ra [THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF THE THERAPY OF LAVATION WITH TCM ON THE TREATMENT OF KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS]. SHI WEIDONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2001,13(10),12 (chi*). ref:59 To explore the therapeutic effect of the therapy of lavation with traditional Chinese Drug (TCD) on Lhe treatment of knee arthritis, 71cases (98 knee joints ) with knee arthritis were divided into 2 groups equally: TCD group (treated with the therapy of lavation. with Chinese traditional drug ) , Control group (treated with western medicine ) The results showed that the therapeutic effect of TCD group was more significant than that in Control group, TCD also could dilute joint fluid, promote the metabolism of synovia, 'improve the disturbed environment of the knee and symptoms. Key words: knee joint osteoarthritis/ therapy of lavation

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traditional Chinese drug [18.18 / - ] 166- gera: 99625/di/re CLINICAL DECISIONS IN THE USE OF ACUPUNCTURE AS AN ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE SINGH BB, BERMAN BM ET AL. altern ther health med. 2001,7(4),58-65 (eng). ref:59 OBJECTIVE: To determine whether demographic, medical history, or arthritis assessment data may influence outcome and rate of decay for patients with osteoarthritis treated with acupuncture. DESIGN: Seventy-three persons with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee were recruited for this randomized controlled trial. Both treatment and crossover control groups received acupuncture treatments twice weekly for 8 weeks. Patients self-scored on the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and the Lequesne Algofunctional Index at baseline and 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Sample size for this outcome analysis was 60 patients at 4 weeks, 58 at 8 weeks, and 52 at 12 weeks. RESULTS: Patients' scores on both indexes improved at 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Scores were stable regardless of the baseline severity of the osteoarthritis. Despite some decay in outcomes at week 12, measures were significantly improved over baseline. With WOMAC scores partitioned into equal quartiles, a strong effect on outcome was apparent at 12 weeks (4 weeks after treatment) related to initial WOMAC scores. The group with the least disability and pain rebounded to original levels to a greater degree than did those who initially were more disabled. The more disabled groups retained the benefits of acupuncture treatment through the 12-week period. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee may best be used early in the treatment plan, with a methodical decrease in frequency in treatment once the acute treatment period is completed to avoid a rebound effect. Demographic and medical history data were not mediating variables. [18.18 / ecr- ] 167- gera: 104452/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE PLUS SPECTROGRAP IRRADIATION ON TREATING GONITIS]. SONG WEN-GE WU HUN LIU MING ET AL . shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001,20(4),22 (chi*). ref:50 [18.18 / ecr- ] 168- gera: 104298/di/ra [CLINICAL TREATMENT OF OSSEOUS ARTHRITIS OF KNEE JOINT WITH PROGRAMMED FUMIGATING THERAPY]. SONG XIAO-GUANG, WANG YAN-QUAN, YANG HAO ET AL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 2001,21(3),27 (chi*). ref:50 [18.18 / - ] 169- gera: 89308/di/ra [SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF RATS WITH MANIPULATIVE TREATMENT]. TAN XUSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2001,13(1),3 (chi*). ref:50 To observe the effect of knee joint osteoarthritis by manipulation through scanning electron microscope. Twenty four Whistar rats were ligated in both femoral veins, the randomized three groups, the group without treatment, the manipulation group and the sodium hyaluronate injection group. Other three rats without operation consist the normal group. The manipulation group and the sodium hyaluronate

injection group were treated 4 weeks after operation. The animals were sacrificed at 8,16 and 20 weeks postoperatively. The external femoral condyle was excised and prepared for the scanning elecron microscopic study. The result reveals the degenerative changes of articular cartilage in the manipulation group and the sodium hyaluronate group are lesser than that in the group without treatment. This confirms manipulation is effective to prevent and treat knee joint osteoarthritis. [18.18 / rat- eam- ] 170- gera: 110901/di/ra TREATMENT OF SENILE GONARTHROSIS WITH COMBINATION OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION AND MASSAGE. TANG DONYUE. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2001,11(3),40 (eng*). ref:50 Objective : To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture-moxibustion combined with massage in the treatment of senile arthrosis of the knee. Methods: Warming needle technique combined with massage. (1) Warming needle technique: Ahshi points are used as the main points combined with Dubi (ST 35), Xiyan (EX-LE 5), Liangqiu (ST 34), Xuehai (SP 10) and Dazhui (GV 14) for excessive wind type, with Fengshi (GB 31), Fengfu (GV 16), and with Zusanli (ST 36) for excessive cold and damp type, 4 to 8 points are used in every treatment. The patient is asked to take a supine position and to expose the knee. After needling, place a moxa box on the knee joint and perform moxibustion for 30 minutes. The treatment is given once every other day. 10 sessions constitute one therapeutic course. (2) Operation: After acupuncture treatment, the practitioner performs massage at the distal end of the femoral quadriceps muscle by kneading, pressing, lifting and holding them repeatedly, and twists and squeezes the medial and lateral aspects of knee joint with both hands. These manipulations are applied repeatedly 6 times. The knee is flexed at 90 degrees and the manipulation of pulling the knee is applied for 1 to 2 minutes. The patella of the patient is rubbed and slid in various directions and moved clockwise and counterclockwise like grinding so as to increase the movement of the patella. The patella is then grasped with the finger tips to be pulled up 5 to 10 times, pressed and kneaded repeatedly for 10 to 20 times. The knee joint is stretched and flexed to the maximal extent with a pause at each direction, finally the muscles of the lower limbs are lifted, kneaded and pressed repeatedly 5 times by both hands. Criteria for assessing the therapeutic effect : The cured is referred to that the patients' pain disappears, joint functions resume and their symptoms have no relapse in 3 months. Remarkable effect is referred to that the patients' principal symptoms and signs disappear basically and joint functions are improved. No effect is referred to those whose symptoms and signs have no any improvement. Results : After treatment, of the 60 gonarthrosis patients, 38 are cured and 22 have remarkable improvement. Comments: After application of acupuncture, moxibustion is added to the local region, the capillaries of the local region are dilated, blood circulation and absorption of the inflammation promoted, the metabolism of the local region is accelerated, and absorption of the non-bacterial inflammation and metabolism of pain produced substances are benefited. [18.18 / - ] 171- gera: 95954/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF SENILE GONARTHROSIS TREATED BY "TIAOZHONG BAOYUAN WANG AO-MING. shanghai journal of tcm. 2001,35(7),34 (chi*). ref:50 [18.18 / - ]

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172- gera: 95015/di/ra FORTY-SEVEN CASES OF GONITIS TREATED BY A COMBINED THERAPY OF CHINESE DRUGS AND ACUPUNCTURE. YANG WENHE. journal of tcm. 2001,21(2),127-9 (eng). ref:50 [18.18 / - ] 173- gera: 96624/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF NEEDLE LOOSENING THERAPY FOR DEGENERATION OF RABBIT KNEE JOINTS]. ZHANG YIN, ZHOU JINGCAI. journal of hunan college of traditional chinese medicine. 2001,21(3),56 (chi*). ref:50 To explore the needle loosening therapy for chronic soft tissue injuries. Method: We made rabbit models with degeneration of the knee joints by immobilizing the rabbit's knee joints for six weeks. We loosened the periarticular tissues of the knees of the rabbits with loosen ing-needles and observed their knee joints' mobility and determined the superoxide (SOD) and MDA contents of peripheral tissue homogenate around the knees in both the treatment group and the model group. Results: The rabbit's knee joints' mobility and the superoxide contents (SOD) of peripheral tissue homogenate around the knee joints in the treatment group were much higher than those of the model group without treatment. 'Me differences were significant ( P < 0. 05). Conclusion: Loosening needle therapy can loosen adhesion of tissues mechanically, and alao improve the activity of SOD. [18.18 / eaa- aiguille- lapin- ] 174- gera: 104643/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF KNEE JOINT TREATED WITH LASER RADIATION ON XIYAN POINT.]. ZHANG YUE, WANG PENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001,21(6),339 (chi*). ref:50 [18.18 / ecr- 05.14- ] 175- gera: 109003/di/ra UNILATERAL VERSUS BILATERAL ACUPUNCTURE ON KNEE FUNCTION IN ADVANCED OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE -A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMISED TRIAL ABHAY TILLU, CHRIS ROBERTS, SUMEDHA TILLU. acupuncture in medicine. 2002,19(1),15 (eng*). ref:50 We report a prospective randomised trial of acupuncture given to 44 patients with advanced osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee awaiting total knee joint replacement. Patients were randomly allocated into two groups, group A receiving acupuncture to the most affected knee only and group B receiving acupuncture to both knees. Acupuncture was given to four local points around the knee and one distal point. The local points were Spleen 9 (Yinlinquan , SP9), Spleen 10 (Xuehai , SP10), Stomach 34 (Liangqui , ST34), and Stomach 36 (Zusanli , ST36). The distal point was Large Intestine 4 (Hegu, LI4) on the first web space of the ipsilateral hand. A blinded observer assessed knee function before starting treatment, and at the end of two and six months. Analysis of the results showed a significant reduction in symptoms in both groups, and this improvement was sustained for six months. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups. In conclusion, unilateral acupuncture is as effective as bilateral acupuncture in increasing function and reducing the pain associated with OA of the knee. This trial is not able to distinguish the specific from the non-specific effects of the treatment. [18.18 / - ]

176- gera: 105136/di/ra [TREATMENT OF KNEE JOINT OSSEOUS ARTHRITIS WITH EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL USE OF HERBAL MEDICINE.]. BAO JIN, LI YONGKANG. yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine and materia medica. 2002,23(3),23 (chi*). ref:50 [18.18 / - ] 177- gera: 105124/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF QUTONG OINTMENT IN TREATING RETROGRADE GONARTHROSIS]. CAO YU, YAO JU-PING, JIANG NING-DONG, ET AL. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,29(8),474 (chi*). ref:50 [18.18 / - ] 178- gera: 109224/di/cg EFFICACY OF ACUPUNCTURE IN KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS - A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED STUDY. E. TUKMACHI ET AL. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002,,167 (eng). ref:50 [18.18 / ecr- ] 179- gera: 106916/di/ra- num [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON CHONDROMALACIA PATELLAE TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND GAO YANG. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,29(9),556 (chi*). ref:50 Objective : To observe on the effect of acupuncture and massage on chondromalacia patellae. Methods : There were 82 cases divided into 52 cases of the treatment group and 30 cases of the control group. Results : The total effective rate of the treatment group is 98. 1 % , while that of the control group is 76. 7 %. After X 2 test, there was markedly different between two groups( P < 0.01). Conclusions : The effect of acupuncture and massage on chondromalacia patellae is better than herbs. [18.18 / ecr- ] 180- gera: 108345/di/ra [II PERIOD CLINICAL TRIAL OF COMPOUND DU ZHONG JIAN GU GRAIN TREATING KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS]. GE JIRONG, WANG HEMIN, YANG LIANZI, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medicine, traumatology and orthopedics. 2002,10(5),19 (chi*). ref:50 [18.18 / - ] 181- gera: 110325/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON COMPREHENSIVE REHABILITATION THERAPY FOR KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS]. GONG ZUNKE, CHEN WEI, ZHOU XIAOYUAN. hebei journal of tcm. 2002,24(10),723 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 182- gera: 100971/di/ra ECHANGES : QUESTION ET REPONSES - REPONSE (2). GORET O. acupuncture & moxibustion. 2002,1(1-2),54 (fra). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 183- gera: 107487/di/ra- num [TREATMENT OF 60 CASES OF RETROGRESSIVE OSTEOARTHRITIS OF KNEE JOINT WITH MICROWAVE ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION]. GUO FUCHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion.

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2002,21(9),533 (chi*). ref:* Methods : Microwave acupuncture-moxibustion at main points Dubi ( ST35) and Neixiyan ( EX-LE5) was used for treatment of 60 cases ( 74 joints) of retrogressive osteoarthritis of knee joint, and warmed acupuncture-moxibustion was used to treat 20 cases ( 30 joints) as control. Results : In the microwave group, 27 cases were cured clinically, 32 cases were markedly effective, 13 cases improved and 2 cases were ineffectvie , the effective rate being 97. 29 %. The therapeutic effect was better than that of the control group ( P<0. 05). [18.18 / ecr- ] 184- gera: 104153/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF "BUSHEN QIANGXI FANG " OF POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN FOR KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS]. HUANG FENG, TANG YONG, ZHENG XIAOHUI, ET AL. journal of chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2002,14(4),12 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 185- gera: 105229/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON FOCAL POINTS OF LOCALIZED NODULAR HYPERPLASIA OF SOFT TISSUES IN HYPERPLASTIC GONITIS]. LI JING, LIU HUI, XUE LIGONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(8),533 (chi*). ref:* Purpose: To approach to algogenic causes and parts of knee joint retrograde degeneration, except osseous causes Methods: The positive reaction of adhesion points of tendons around the knee joint was detected and analyzed. Results: 50 cases (61 affected knee joints) showed 4 types, and each type had 4-8 positive focal points of nodular hyperplasia suggesting that in treatment of this disease, you should pay attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment based on the tendon theory. [18.18 / - ] 186- gera: 102221/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF PROMOTING BLOOD CIRCULATION TO REMOVE STASIS MEDICINE AND CLEARING AWAY HEAT AND REMOVING TOXIC SUBSTANCES MEDICINE ON IL-8 IN RABBIT KNEE JOINT]. LI KE-DA, LIU YUAN-LU. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,29(4),244 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 187- gera: 109810/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH KINESITHERAPY ON KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS ]. LI NING, WU BIN, ZHANG YONGLING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002,22(11),729 (chi*). ref:* Purpose : To explore an effective program for treatment of knee osteoarthritis by combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Methods : A random control study program was adopted, and scores of therapeutic effect, pain, flexibility, extensibility and stability of joints, and going up-stairs and down-stairs were assessed. Results : The therapeutic effect of the treatment group was better than that of the control group (P<0. 05), and there were significant differences between the two groups in pain and stability of the joint (P<0. 05). Conclusion : Moxibustion combined with muscle exercises can relieve effectively pain, improve stability of the joint and increase the therapeutic effect for the patient of knee osteoarthritis. [18.18 / ecr- ] 188- gera: 101737/di/ra

[THE OBSERVATION OF 53 CASES OF THE FRACTURE OF THE TIBIAS OR THE FIBLAS BY INTEGRATION OF TRADIATION AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. LI XIN-JUN ET AL. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,29(2),98 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 189- gera: 102173/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF KNIFE - SHAPED NEEDLE WITH SIMPLIFIED MANIPULATION FOR TREATING INFLAMMATION OF SUBPATELLAR FAT PAD]. LIN LIANGZI, MALAYSIA. tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,19(2),56 (chi*). ref:* Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of knife - shaped needle with simplified technique for treating inflammation of subpatellar fat pad. Methods: 152 cases (male 37, female 115) were enrolled in this study. A modified, simplified technique of knife - shaped needle was used in the treatment. Results : 91 patients were cured and 38 improved. The total effective rate was 84. 87% . Conclusion: This therapeutic method was better than ordinary therapy. [18.18 / - ] 190- gera: 112052/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF" YANG GAN ROU JIN FANG" (PRESCRIPTION OF NOURISHING THE LIVER AND TENDON) ON RAT' S ABILITY OF BEARING SPORTS FATIGUE AND THE ACTIVITY OF ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE (ACHE) IN SERUM AND QUA MA YULAN ET AL. tianjin journal of tcm. 2002,19(2),48 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 191- gera: 107372/di/re- num SENSORY STIMULATION (ACUPUNCTURE) FOR THE TREATMENT OF IDIOPATHIC ANTERIOR KNEE PAIN. NASLUND J ET AL. j rehabil med. 2002,34(5),231-8 (eng). ref:* A randomized controlled study was conducted to evaluate the effect of acupuncture treatment in idiopathic anterior knee pain, a pain syndrome without known aetiology. Fifty-eight patients, clinically and radiologically examined, were randomly assigned to either deep or minimal superficial acupuncture treatment. The patients were treated twice weekly for a total of 15 treatments. The main outcome measurements were one leg vertical jump, functional score, daily VAS recording and skin temperature. Fifty-seven patients completed the study. Pain measurements on VAS decreased significantly within both groups; in the deep acupuncture group from 25 before treatments to 10 afterwards, and in the superficial (placebo) acupuncture group from 30 to 10. There was no significant difference between the groups. The improvement on the VAS recordings remained significant even after 3 and 6 months. Even though the pain decreased after sensory stimulation, neither the ability to jump on one leg, the functional score nor the skin temperature changed. This study shows that patients with idiopathic anterior knee pain benefit from both electroacupuncture treatment and subcutaneous needling. The pain-relieving effect remains for at least 6 months. Central pain inhibition, caused by either afferent stimulation or by non-specific therapeutic (placebo) effects, is a plausible explanation behind the treatment effects. [18.18 / ecr- ] 192- gera: 108518/di/ra [DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY OF THE CRUCIATE LIGAMENT SURGERY]. SHANG PING, GAO YONG.

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chinese journal of medical history. 2002,32(4),234 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 193- gera: 104691/di/ra [THE CLINICAL APPLICATION AND THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OBSERVATION OF TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT WITH PROSTHESIS MADE IN CHINA]. SONG SHUCHUN, LIU JIANMIN, DUAN ZHIXIA, ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2002,13(7),15 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 194- gera: 100970/di/ra ECHANGES : QUESTION ET REPONSES - REPONSE (1). STEPHAN JM. acupuncture & moxibustion. 2002,1(1-2),54 (fra). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 195- gera: 109126/di/ra WARM NEEDLING AND BLOOD LETTING FOR TREATMENT OF GONITIS SUN JIANHUA. journal of tcm. 2002,22(4),278 (eng). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 196- gera: 109023/di/ra EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON KNEE FUNCTION IN ADVANCED OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE: A PROSPECTIVE, NON- RANDOMISED CONTROLLED STUDY. TILLU A, TILLU S, VOWLER S. academic journal of the first medical college of pla. 2002,20(1),19 (eng*). ref:* We report a prospective controlled trial, comparing acupuncture with no treatment, in patients with advanced osteoarthritis of the knee awaiting total knee replacement. Knee function was assessed at the beginning of study and at the end of two months, using four parameters: HSS score, time to walk 50 metres, time to climb 20 steps, and degree of pain. Acupuncture was given at four local points around the knee and at one distal point. The acupuncture group improved in all parameters, whereas the control group deteriorated, a finding that was highly statistically significant (p<0.0002). Further randomised controlled trials with longer follow-up are required to confirm these findings. [18.18 / ctanr- ] 197- gera: 111146/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC STRAIN OF THE MEDIAL ACCESSORY LIGAMENT OF THE KNEE-JOINT WITH RELAXING NEEDLING. WEN JINZHI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2002,12(4),41 (eng). ref:* [18.18 / ecr- ] 198- gera: 111945/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC STRAIN OF THE MEDIAL ACCESSARY LIGAMENT OF THE KNEE-JOINT WITH RELAXING NEEDLING WEN JINZHI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2002,12(4),41 (eng). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 199- gera: 114936/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC STRAIN OF THE MEDIAL ACCESSORY LIGAMENT OF THE KNEE-JOINT WITH RELAXING NEEDLING. WEN JINZHI. world journal of

acupuncture-moxibustion. 2002,12(4),41 (eng). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 200- gera: 107668/di/ra [CLINCAL RESEARCH OF IMPROVE COMPRESSED FIXATION TREATS NONUMION OF FRACTURE OF TIBIA AND FIBULA OF MULTI-CENTRE]. XIAO SIWANG. chinese journal of information on traditional chinese medicine. 2002,9(5),23 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 201- gera: 101284/di/ra [RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KIDNEY DEFICIENCY, BLOOD - STASIS AND BONY ARTHRITIS OF KNEE]. XU CHUANYI ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002,34(3),7 (chi*). ref:* To explore TCM therapeutical principle for bony arthritis of knee, The internal relationship between kidney deficiency, blood - stasis and the disease is analysed. In the cases with kidney deficiency, oxygen free radical, trace element, enzyme, sexual hormone affect the occurrence of the disease, and in those with blood - stasis, blood rheology, intraosseous high pressure and oxygen free radical affect its occurrence. Invigorating kidney and activating blood circulation attain a satisfactory result in its treatment clinically and experimentally. It was shown that kidney deficiency and blood - stasis are present in bony arthritis of knee joint, so that inrigorating kidney and activating blood circulation are applicable for the treatment. [18.18 / - ] 202- gera: 111224/di/ra 47 CASOS DE GONARTRITIS TRATADOS CON LA TERAPIA COMBINACLA DE DROGAS CHINAS Y ACUPUNTURA. YANG WEN HE. journal of tcm. 2002,28,27 (esp*). ref:* La osteoartritis, una lesión inflamatoria no específica, es una patología articular muy comun. Clínicamente se caracteriza sobre todo por artralgia, edema e impotencia funcional Como la articulación de la rodilla es un punto de soporte de peso en el cuerpo humano, propenso a sufrir traumas, la gonartritis destaca en presentar el porcen, taje más alto de morbididad en cuanto a las cuatro extremidades: En su fase inicial se presenta en forma de artritis patelar y femoral, en su fase media una estenosis o la desaparición M espacio medio articular, y finalmente mediante lesión de¡ cartílago acompañado de dificultad de flexión en la fase avanzada. En los últimos años, el autor ha tratado 47 casos de gonartritis mediante la combinación de drogas chinas y acupuntura, basándose en la experiencia clínica del Prof. Cao Y¡ Ming, cuyos resultados terapéuticos se comentan a continuación. [18.18 / - ] 203- gera: 104688/di/ra [THE EXTERNAL TREATMENT OF KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS AT EARLY STAGE IN RABBITS WITH MEDICATED MALLET IMMERSED IN FENGSHI GUTONG MEDICAL LIQUOR: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY]. ZHANG JIE, ZHANG WENSHENG ZOU JI. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2002,13(7),9 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 204- gera: 103704/di/ra [Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Alternate Acupuncture and TDP Irradiation Treatment of 89 Cases of Proliferous Knee Arthritis]. ZHAO Lixin, GUO Xia. acupuncture research. 2002,27(1),71 (chi*). ref:*

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Objective: To observe the therapeutic results of acupuncture and TDP irradiation in treating proliferous knee arthritis. Methods : 89 Cases of proliferous, knee arthritis were treated by alternately puncturing and TDP-irradiating Neixiyan (EX LE 4), Dubi (ST 35), Heding (EX-LE 2) and the point 3 cun above Weizhong (BL 40). These acupoints were stimulated with uniform reinforcing- reducing manipulation with the needles retained for 30 min. The treatment was conducted once daily, 4 times every week, with 10 times being a therapeutic course. The interval between two courses was one week. Results: Following two courses of treatment, of the 89 cases, 51 (57. 3 % ) were cured, 32 (36 % ) had improvement and 6 (6. 7 % ) had no apparent changes. Conclusion : Alternate acupuncture and TDP irradiation can be used to effectively treat proliferous knee arthritis. [18.18 / - ] 205- gera: 104927/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF COMBINATION OF CHINESE TRADITIONAL AND WESTERN MEDICINE TO TREAT KNEE JOINT OSTEOARTHRITIS]. ZHOU PLQI, SHEN LIN, YANG YANGPING, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics. 2002,10(4),23 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 206- gera: 99524/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH OF LOUTIANJI PILL'S TREATMENT ON TIBIA FRACTURE]. ZHU HAI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2002,14(1),13 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 207- gera: 115188/di/ra EFECTO TERAPEUTICO DE¡ TRATAMIENTO CON ACUPUNTURA EN 109 CASOS DE OSTEOARTRITIS DE LA RODILLA. JIANG AI PING.. journal of tcm. 2003,30,31 (esp*). ref:* La osteoartritis de la rodilla, una enfermedad retrógrada, está principalmente caracterizada por dolor en las articulaciones de la rodilla y limitación M movimiento.' Es una patología común y frecuente que afecta la salud y la calidad` de Vida de las personas mayores. En los últimos años se han comentado en repetidas ocasiones los resultados terapéuticos satisfactorios de¡ tratamiento acupuntural para la osteoartritis de la rodilla 2-3,5-6, pero sólo pocos infor mes referían una observación de los efectos terapéuticos a largo plazo, una vez finalizado el tratamiento En estas series se han tratado 109 casos de osteoartritis de la rodilla mediante la acupuntura como terapia principal. Se hizo durante seis meses un seguimiento de los 91 casos, en los cuales se habían conseguido resultados terapéuticos buenos. [18.18 / - ] 208- gera: 111535/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE BY COMBINED TCM AND WM METHOD : A CLINICAL OBSERVATION]. LI GENLIN. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2003,15(1),8 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 209- gera: 114526/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE BY COMBINED TCM AND WM METHOD : A CLINICAL OBSERVATION]. LI GENLIN. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2003,15(1),8 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ]

210- gera: 113389/di/ra [CURATIVE OBSERVATION ON 86 CASES OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF KNEE JOINT TREATED. WITH MANIPULATION OF MASSAGE AS MAIN THERAPY]. LIU LAIGUI. yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica. 2003,24(1),7 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 211- gera: 116380/di/ra [CURATIVE OBSERVATION ON 86 CASES OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF KNEE JOINT TREATED. WITH MANIPULATION OF MASSAGE AS MAIN THERAPY]. LIU LAIGUI. yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica. 2003,24(1),7 (chi*). ref:* Massage was adopted on 86 cases of osteoarthritis of knee joint. The patient lying with prone position, rolling and rotating manipulation was used repeatedly on the backside of thigh, popliteal fossa, and backside of leg for 2 minutes. Pushing manipulation of Yizhitan( One finger) and forcible and poking channels method with thumb were used on Weizhong point and its surrounding for 2 minutes after applied Tongqing cream on it. Rubbing method with palm was applied on popliteal fossa for 20 times. Then the patient lying with dorsal position, rolling manipulation was done on quadriceps muscle of thigh for 2 minutes. Pushing, forcible and poking channels method was applied on Xuehai, Zusanli, Yanglingquan, Ashixie, Liangqiu, inside and outside knee joint for 10 minutes. At last, rubbing method with palm was used on, inside and outside knee point for 20 times to make the knee warm once a day and 10 ' times for one treatment course. The result indicated that the total effective rate was 97.5% after one treatment course. [18.18 / - ] 212- gera: 115043/di/ra [[THE INFLUENCE OF" YANG GAN ROU JIN FANG" (PRESCRIPTION OF NOURISHING THE LIVER AND TENDON) ON RAT' S ABILITY OF BEARING SPORTS FATIGUE AND THE ACTIVITY OF ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE (ACHE) IN SERUM AND QU MA YULAN ET AL. tianjin journal of tcm. 2003,19(2),48 (chi*). ref:* Objective : To research the modern mechanism of the effect of "Yang Gan Rou Jin Fang" (Prescription of Nourishing the Liver and Tendon) on bearing sports fatigue in rats. Methods : Using rat's model of swimming training induced sports fatigue and biochemical examination the activity changes of AChE in serum and quadriceps femoris were determined in fatigued rats and the influence of "Yang Gan Rou Jin Fang" on them was observed. Results : Compared with the rest rats in control group the AChE activities of serum and quadriceps femoris in fatigue group were reduced (P < 0. 01) However, the indices in treated rats by ingestion of Yang Gan Rou Jin Fang were significantly increased. Conclusion : Yang Gan Rou Jin Fang could markedly increase the AChE activity of serum and quadriceps femoris in exercise state. This might be one of the mechanisms of anti - sport fatigue action of this prescription. [18.18 / - ] 213- gera: 111534/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE BY TCD STEAMING-WASHING AND INTRAARTICULAR INJECTION OF SOCIUM HYALURONATE : A THERAPEUTIC-EFFECT OBSERVATION]. SUI CHENGZHI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2003,15(1),6 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ]

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214- gera: 114525/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE BY TCD STEAMING-WASHING AND INTRAARTICULAR INJECTION OF SODIUM HYALURONATE : A THERAPEUTIC-EFFECT OBSERVATION]. SUI CHENGZHI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2003,15(1),6 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 215- gera: 111537/di/ra [AN ANALYSIS ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF BONE TREPHINATION DECOMPRESSION AND TRADITIONAL CHINESE DRUGS ON OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE]. SUN ZHONGHUA ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2003,15(1),12 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 216- gera: 114528/di/ra [AN ANALYSIS ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF BONE TREPHINATION DECOMPRESSION AND TRADITIONAL CHINESE DRUGS ON OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE]. SUN ZHONGHUA ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2003,15(1),12 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 217- gera: 112809/di/ra [SYNTHETIC TREATMENT OF 18 CASES OF FRACTURE OF DISTAL END OF FEMUR]. WU JIAN-XUN. journal of fujian college of tcm. 2003,13(1),-32 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ] 218- gera: 115800/di/ra [SYNTHETIC TREATMENT OF 18 CASES OF FRACTURE OF DISTAL END OF FEMUR]. WU JIAN-XUN. journal of fujian college of tcm. 2003,13(1),32 (chi*). ref:* [18.18 / - ]



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index des sujets/ subject index (non exhaustif) - / 23, 34, 44, 86, 126, 132, 169, 1.01- GENERAL ASPECTS AND HISTORY/ ASPECTS GENERAUX ET HISTOIRE hôpital 11, 2.03- qi, blood, body fluids/ energie, sang et liquides organiques énergie wei 85, 2.04- organs and functions/ organes et fonctions

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curieux 113, 2.05- meridians/ méridiens méridien curieux 113, yin qiao 113, 2.06- points/ points ashi 9, 23, 30, 34, 65, E25 127, E32 34, E34 90, E35 9, 23, 28, 76, 102, 143, E36 23, 76, 102, RN1 64, RTE10 23, RTE6 64, RTE9 76, V37 44, V39 39, VB29 32, VB30 44, VB34 9, 39, 76, 143, VC11 97, 3.02- pathogeny. causes of diseases/ pathogénie froid 86, 4.07- syndromes/ syndromes differenciation des syndromes 109, 145, froid 86, glaire 50, stase du sang 45, 50, vide des reins 138, 4.09- meridian diagnosis/ méridiens * 45, 5.02- principles of treatment/ principes thérapeutiques activation de la circulation et levée de stase. 85, 138, 148, 5.03- acupuncture/ acupuncture * 74, aiguille 98, 112, 173, deqi 44, 94, latéralité 27, 114, 116, 117, 118, mobilisation perpuncturale 27, séance d'acupuncture 28, 34, 41, 74, technique de puncture 74, tonification-dispersion 44, 5.05- plum blossom needle/ fleur de prunier * 80, 5.07- bloodletting/ saignées * 45, 5.08- cupping/ ventouses * 59, 5.09- moxibustion/ moxibustion * 19, 34, 38, 39, 53, 71, 74, 80, 110, 112, 120, 5.10- ear acupuncture. auricular medicine/ auriculopuncture. auriculomédecine

* 5, 8, 13, 21, 5.11- nose, face, eye, hand and foot acupuncture/ rhinofacio, manopodo, craniopuncture craniopuncture 70, manopuncture 88, 5.12- electro-acupuncture/ electro-acupuncture * 8, 29, 64, 76, 78, 132, 5.14- laser acupuncture/ laser * 29, 57, 70, 82, 174, 5.15- drug acupuncture/ chimiothérapie * 111, 143, emplâtre 107, 5.16- qi gong. massages/ qi gong. massages * 55, 58, acupression 43, 50, 89, manipulation 37, 50, 66, 81, 100, 103, massage 18, 27, 37, 43, 54, 58, 63, 65, 80, 104, 108, 109, 133, 151, qi gong 75, 106, 5.19- adverse effects/ accidents thérapeutiques * 28, 6.02- acupuncture anesthesia/ analgésie chirurgicale prediction 11, 67, 7.07- peripheral circulation/ circulation périphérique * 21, 78, 14.07- cerebrovascular diseases. hemiplegia/ accidents vasculaires cérébraux. hémiplégie * 27, 14.12- spasm and tic/ spasmes et tics * 92, 15.01- OPHTHALMOLOGY/ OPHTALMOLOGIE * 86, 18.03- bi syndromes. joint diseases/ syndromes bi. arthropathies * 15, 85, 86, 109, fibromyalgie 113, 18.04- rheumatoid arthritis/ polyarthrite rhumatoïde * 27, 18.07- traumatology/ traumatologie * 26, 62, entorse 9, 18.08- hand/ main * 86, 18.18- knee/ genou * 62, 18.19- foot/ pied * 53,

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23.10- sports medicine/ médecine sportive * 34, 45, 78, 88, 24.07- / animaux de laboratoire lapin 28, 34, 73, 92, 138, 148, 152, 173, rat 169, 26.01- HERBAL MEDICINE/ PHYTOTHERAPIE * 36, 36, emplâtre 107, 26.02- prescriptions/ prescriptions * 50, 52, 73, 27.01- methods/ méthodes cas clinique 1, 2, 24, 32, 71, 86, 97, 126, 127, 146, 154, comparaison de 2 techniques de la MTC 19, comparaison de 2 techniques de la MTC 29, 34, 57, 76, 99, 102, 112, double aveugle 8, essai clinique non randomisé 196, essai comparatif éventuellement randomisé 112, essai contrôlé randomisé 8, 20, 31, 34, 46, 47, 69, 76, 83, 94, 116, 118, 121, 124, 130, 132, 143, 166, 167, 174, 178, 179, 183, 187, 191, 197, essai ouvert (acupuncture) 16, 23, 96, 98, 102, étude controlée (acupuncture) 8, 21, 31, 46, 47, 69, 79, 83, 94, 121, 124, 130, 131, étude théorique 15, 17, 22, 25, 42, 48, expérimentation animale (acupuncture) 28, 34, 92, 173, expérimentation animale (phytothérapie) 36, 52, 73, 138, 148, 152, méthodologie 8, placebo 21, 83, revue générale 93, 157, 158, 163, 27.02- / techniques d'exploration doppler 78, EMG 38, 90, isotope 21, rhéologie 152, 27.03- biological l products/ produits biologiques calcium 92,

INDEX DES SOURCES 1- divers à vérifier journal of tcm 161, 2- congrès 15th international congress of rheumatology 1981, paris 20, 16ème congres national d'acupuncture,paris 39, 42, annales du premier symposium international d ' auriculotherapie et d' auriculomedecin 91, conferences d'acupuncture,gera,toulon 16, congres national d'acupuncture,paris 22, cours d'energetique des systemes vivants appliquee a l'acupuncture,3eme annee 25, in actes du iiieme congres de la faformec, paris 129,

in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 40, in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing 44, selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing 45, third world conference on acupuncture 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, wfas international symposium on acupuncture 178, wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma 70, 72, 3- extraits de traités in atlas of therapeutic motion for treatment and health 54, 55, in barefoot doctor's manual 9, in chinese massage, publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai 58, in modern chinese massotherapy 18, in roustan,traite d'acupuncture,masson,paris 30, in seca et al, acupuncture en medecine clinique, decarie, montreal 53, in the manual of china's current acupuncture therapy,medecine and health publishing 4, in treatment of 100 common diseases by new acupuncture 10, 4- mémoires memoire d'acupuncture, bordeaux 2 41, memoire d'acupuncture,afa 14, memoire d'acupuncture,cedat,marseille 12, 5- revues d'acupuncture et MTC 37°2 le magazine 101, academic journal of the first medical college of pla 196, acupuncture 1, 48, acupuncture & moxibustion 182, 194, acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research 31, acupuncture in medicine 119, 175, acupuncture research 65, 143, 204, acupuncture research quarterly 28, akupunktur. theorie und praxis 131, american journal of acupuncture 132, american journal of chinese medicine 27, 67, 77, auriculo medecine 13, auriculo medecine 5, auriculomedecine 24, 26, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion 23, 29, 76, 88, 92, 99, 174, 183, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion 185, 187, chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion 59, chinese journal of information on traditional chinese medicine 200, chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine 51, 62, chinese journal of medical history 192, chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics 49, 52, 63, 205, chinese journal of traditional medicine, traumatology and orthopedics 180, cliniques d'acupuncture 2, deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur 130, focus on alternative and complementary therapies 147, 163, hebei journal of tcm 181, henan traditional chinese medicine 168, in clinic of tcm (2), publishing house of shanghai college of tcm, shanghai 60, 61,

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international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai 37, 43, international journal of acupuncture 110, international journal of chinese medicine 36, international journal of clinical acupuncture 71, 74, 86, 135, 146, journal of alternative and complementary medicine 124, journal of chinese medicine 145, journal of chinese orthopedics and traumatology 184, journal of fujian college of tcm 217, 218, journal of hunan college of traditional chinese medicine 173, journal of japan society of acupuncture 35, journal of tcm 100, 107, 109, 172, 195, 202, 207, journal of tcm (english edition) 50, 162, journal of the japan society of acupuncture 38, 56, 57, 64, 95, journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion 19, journal of traditional chinese medicine 34, 81, 87, 89, 104, 108, 133, journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology 134, 137, 138, 142, 144, 148, 149, 151, 152, 159, 160, 164, 165, 169, 193, 203, 206, 208, 209, 213, 214, 215, 216, la gazette 113, lettre de l'institut europeen de qi gong 75, liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine 98, 177, 179, 186, 188, medical acupuncture 154, medicina holistica, medicinas complementarias 106, new journal of traditional chinese medicine 201, north american journal of oriental medicine 120, pacific journal of oriental medicine 136, revista argentina de acupuntura 150, revista paulista de acupuntura 114, 116, 117, 118, revue francaise acupuncture 126, revue francaise d'acupuncture 6, 7, 11, 15, 17, 32, 97, 127, 128, revue francaise de mtc 139, 140, 141, rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese 103,

shaanxi traditional chinese medicine 33, shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion 112, 167, shanghai journal of tcm 171, tianjin journal of tcm 190, tianjin journal of tcm 212, tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine 189, traditional chinese medicinal research 73, world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion 85, 102, 155, 156, 170, 197, 198, 199, yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica 153, 210, 211, yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine and materia medica 176, 6- revues extérieures acta anaesthesiol scand 69, acupuncture in medicine 68, altern ther health med 122, 166, annals internal med 93, archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 115, arthritis and rheumatism 158, arthritis care and research 94, clin j sport med 157, j altern complement med 125, j rehabil med 191, jama 105, journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 66, minerva anestesiologica 111, osteoarthritis and cartilage 96, proc natl sci counc repub china b 90, rheumatology 121, scand j acupunct 47, tidsskr nor laegeforen 123, ugeskr laeger 8, ugeskr laeger 79, union medicale du canada 21, wiener medizinische wochenschrift 46, 7- thèses these medecine,paris 6 3,

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