O presente contínuo

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of O presente contínuo

  • 8/13/2019 O presente contnuo


    O presente contnuo deve ser usado para expressar uma situao que est em progresso, ou seja, umaao que ainda est acontecendo. Todo nosso ando, endo e indo dos verbos em portugus devemser trocados em ingls por ing. A construo do presente contnuo deve ser dada segundo a forma:

    Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo com ing + complemento

    She is studying English now. (Ela est estudando ingls agora).

    Para a forma negativa, basta acrescentar o not aps o verbo to be (am, is are).


    He is not playing the electric guitar at this moment. (Ele no est tocando guitarra neste exato momento).

    She is not listening to music. (Ela no est ouvindo msica).

    They are not helping their mother. (Eles no esto ajudando a me deles).

    Para elaborar uma frase interrogativa necessrio colocar o verbo to be no incio da frase:

    Is Mariane talking to Bob? (A Mariane est conversando com o Bob?)

    Is Susan watching the soap opera? (A Susan est assistindo a novela?)

    Are the kids playing on the backyard? (As crianas esto brincando no quintal?)

    What are they doing? What is the man doing? What is the teacher doing?

    She is writing on the board! Who is she? She is a teacher. What is the teacher doing?

  • 8/13/2019 O presente contnuo



    1- Deve-se retirar o e dos verbos terminados com essa letra, antes de se acrescentar o ing.

    Ex: to ride (andar)to dance (danar)

    She is riding a bike now. (Ela est andando de bicicleta agora).

    She is dancing ballet. (Ela est danando bal).

    2- Deve-se dobrar a ltima letra dos verbos monosslabos terminados em CVC (consoante, vogal,consoante) antes de se acrescentar o ing.

    Ex: to swim (nadar)to put (colocar)

    He is swimming on the lake. (Ele est nadando no lago).She is putting the folders in the drawer. (Ela est colocando as pastas na gaveta).


    Complete with the to be ( is, am, are )

    a) The girl__________ drinking milk.

    b) The boy ___________ playing the piano.

    c) The dog ___________jumping.

    d) Mary and Paulo ____________ dancing.

    e) Bob and Tom _____________ playing soccer.

    f) The student ______________ studying English.

    g) My mother ______________ watching TV.

    Change the sentences into the negative form.

    a. My friend Richard is living in London now.


    b. The students are opening the English books.


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    c. Sam is speaking French.


    d. The boys are playing soccer.


    Look at Marianas diary for this week and answer the question.

    Example: Whats Mariana doing on Friday?

    Shes washing her hair.

    1. Whats Mariana doing on Sunday?


    2. Whats Mariana doing on Wednesday?


    3. Whats Mariana doing on Saturday?


    4. Whats Mariana doing on Monday?


    Monday: meet friends

    Tuesday : visitgrandmother

    Wednesday : have lunchwith Mario.

    Friday: wash hair

    Saturday : go to the movies

  • 8/13/2019 O presente contnuo


  • 8/13/2019 O presente contnuo


    Can = habilidade Eu sei como se faz isso.Eu estou apto a fazer isso.


    (positiva) I can speak English.(negativa) I can't speak Portuguese.(pergunta) Can you speak Japanese?

    Can = possibilidade / oportunidade Isto possvel.Existe uma oportunidade para isso.


    (positiva) The boss can see you next friday.(negativa) I can't buy a house yet.(pergunta) Can you buy a chocolate at thesupermarket?

    Can you help me? (Voc pode me ajudar? = fazer um pedido )

    Could I read for you? (Eu poderia ler para voc? = oferecer ajuda )

    Could I leave now? (Eu poderia ir embora agora? = pedir permisso )

    You can go now. (Voc pode ir agora. = dar permisso )

    Could utilizado tambm para demonstrar possibilidade , deduo .

  • 8/13/2019 O presente contnuo



    He could be at home now. (Ele poderia estar em casa agora. = uma possibilidade )

    John could get the job. (John poderia conseguir o trabalho. = uma deduo )

    J para expressar o oposto, incapacidade, inabilidade, proibio e deduo utiliza-se para o CAN o cant ,

    que a juno do can + not , ou cannot que a forma completa, e para o COULD utiliza-se o couldnt ,

    forma contrada, ou could no t , ambos significando, respectivamente, no pode ou no poderia .

    You cant park here. (Voc n o p od e estacionar aqui. = proibio )

    You cannot park here.

    I cant dance Ballet. (Eu no po ss o danar bal. = no tenho habilidade , capacidade )

    I cannot dance Ballet.

    Forma positiva de CAN

    I can play (Eu consigo/posso jogar)

    You can play (Voc consegue/pode jogar)

    He can play (Ele consegue/pode jogar)

    She can play (Ela consegue/pode jogar)

    It can play (Isto consegue/pode jogar)

    We can play (Ns conseguimos/podemos jogar)

    You can play (Vocs conseguem/podem jogar)

    They can play (Eles conseguem/podem jogar)

    Forma negativa de CAN

    I cant (cannot) play (Eu no consigo/posso jogar)

    You cant (cannot) play (Voc no consegue/pode jogar)

    He cant (cannot) play (Ele no consegue/pode jogar)

    She cant (cannot) play (Ela no consegue/pode jogar)

    It cant (cannot) play (Isto no consegue/pode jogar)

    We cant (cannot) play (Ns no conseguimos/podemos jogar)

    You cant (cannot) play (Vocs no conseguem/podem jogar)

    They cant (cannot) play (Eles no conseguem/podem jogar)

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    Traduza as frases:

    I cant (cannot) speak English.

    I cant (cannot) understand Japanese.

    I cant (cannot) do that.

    You cant (cannot) go now.

    You cant (cannot) really sing.

    He cant (cannot) fly.

    She cant (cannot) use the computer.

    They cant (cannot) play soccer.

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    O modo imperativo deve ser usado toda vez que se pretende expressar:

    1- Ordem ou pedido:

    Shut the door . (Feche a porta).Open your book on page 123 . (Abra seu livro na pgina 123).Speak only English during our class . (Fale somente ingls durante nossa aula).Dont talk during the class . (No converse durante a aula).

    Tidy up your bedroom . (Organize seu quarto).Come to my house tomorrow at 8:00 . (Venha minha casa, amanh s 8h).

    2- Convite:

    Lets go watch the game at Susans house? (Vamos assistir ao jogo na casa da Susan?).Lets make a surprise party to Bob? (Vamos fazer uma festa surpresa para o Bob?).Lets swim at my new swimming pool? (Vamos nadar na minha piscina nova?).Come see my new video game . (Venha ver meu novo videogame).

    possvel notar nos exemplos acima que para elaborar uma frase no modo imperativo, basta utilizar overbo no infinitivo sem o to.

    Nas frases afirmativas, o verbo vem na maioria das vezes no incio da frase.

    E nas frases negativas, deve- se acrescentar o dont antes do verbo.

    No entanto, h uma exceo: quando utilizar o Lets, no necessrio colocar o dont nas frases

    negativas, basta apenas acrescentar o not.

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    Exemplo da forma correta:

    Lets n o t drink anymore. (No vamos beber mais).Lets n o t wait for our friends anymore . (No vamos mais esperar pelos nossos amigos).

    Em frases imperativas, o uso do always (sempre) e never (nunca), pode ser usado sempre antes do verbo


    Always bring your book, notebook and pencil case to the class . (Sempre traga seu livro, caderno e estojopara a aula).Never sleep so late . (Nunca durma to tarde).


    Open the window!


    Dont open the window!


    Put my books there, please!


    Dont put my books there!

    Speak = fale (Speak something)

    Open = abra (Open this box)

    Sleep = durma (Sleep weel)

    Watch = assista (Watch this movie)

    Listen = escute (Listen to me)

    Drive = dirija (Drive as fast as you can)

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    1 - Make these sentences imperative.

    Ex.: They dont do the homework. Do the homework! .

    a) I cant write in Japanese

    b) She isnt going to make a good sandwich

    c) I dont like to write in ink

    2 - Make these sentences negative.

    Ex.: Go to the theater. Dont go to the theater! .

    a) Buy a motorcycle

    b) Sell your house

    c) Lend her some money

    3 - Invite somebody to do something.

    Ex.: to go to the movies. Lets go to the movies.

    a) to swim in the lake

    b) to walk in the park

    c) to meet at McDonalds

  • 8/13/2019 O presente contnuo


    A) Use os verbos dos parnteses para transformar as sentenas em imperativo AFIRMATIVO.

    1- _____________ outside (wait)

    2- _____________ those books to your cousin (lend)

    3- _____________ a car for your son today is his birthday (buy)

    4- _____________ me this knife boy (give)

    5- _____________ the door of your car, this is LA police (open)

    6- _____________ the door Peter (close)

    7- _____________ him now! (call)

    8- I tell you every day: _____________ of the light (turn)

    9-I am Lieutenant Walmir _____________ your weapon now! (drop)10-- _____________ your keys in ignition (leave) and ________ (sit) on the other side of the car.

    11- _____________ outside (wait)

    B) Adicione please nas sentenas abaixo de modo torn-las mais polidas, educadas.

    12- _____________ outside (wait)

    13- _____________ those books to your cousin (lend)

    14- _____________ a car for your son today is his birthday (buy)

    15- _____________ me this knife boy (give)

    16- _____________ the door of your car, this is LA police (open)

    17- _____________ the door Peter (close)

    18- _____________ him now! (call)

    19- I tell you every day: _____________ of the light (turn)

    20-I am Lieutenant Walmir _____________ your weapon now! (drop)

    21- _____________ your keys in ignition (leave) and ________ (sit) on the other side of the car.

    22- _____________ outside (wait)

    C) Use os verbos dos parnteses para transformar as sentenas em imperativo NEGATIVO [Dont].

    23- _____________ outside (wait)

    24- _____________ those books to your cousin (lend)

    25- _____________ a car for your son today is his birthday (buy)

    26- _____________ me this knife boy (give)

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    27- _____________ the door of your car, this is LA police (open)

    28- _____________ the door Peter (close)

    29- _____________ him now! (call)

    30- I tell you every day: _____________ of the light (turn)

    31-I am Lieutenant Walmir _____________ your weapon now! (drop)

    32-- _____________ your keys in ignition (leave) and ________ (sit) on the other side of the car.

    33- _____________ outside (wait)

    D) Adicione please dont nas sentenas abaixo de modo torn -las negativas porm mais polidas,


    34- _____________ outside (wait)35- _____________ those books to your cousin (lend)

    14- _____________ a car for your son today is his birthday (buy)

    36- _____________ me this knife boy (give)

    37- _____________ the door of your car, this is LA police (open)

    38- _____________ the door Peter (close)

    39- _____________ him now! (call)

    40- I tell you every day: _____________ of the light (turn)

    41-I am Lieutenant Walmir _____________ your weapon now! (drop)

    42- _____________ your keys in ignition (leave) and ________ (sit) on the other side of the car.

    43- _____________ outside (wait)