Text 10 - Documentary

Post on 09-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Text 10 - Documentary

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

CH/ UAL/ Ingls/ Semestre: ________ Professor(a): __________________________Estudante: __________________________________________________________________


Em sua opinio, o que um documentrio?

Quais as suas caractersticas?

Existe mais de um tipo? Elenque-os. Qual o seu veculo de divulgao? Qual a sua funo social? Para que pblico-alvo est dirigido?Definies:

(1) um gnero cinematogrfico ou televisivo que se caracteriza pelo compromisso com a explorao, e representao parcial e subjetiva da realidade.

(2) Filme informativo e/ou didtico, de pouca narratividade, pois no se trata de uma histria ficcional, que faz um relato sobre pessoa(s), animais, acontecimentos (histricos, polticos, culturais, etc.) ou mesmo sobre objetos, emoes, pensamentos, culturas diversas etc.

(3) A documentary is a creative work of non-fiction, including: documentary film, including television; radio documentary and a documentary photography.

(4) Documentary film is a broad category of visual expression that is based on the attempt, in one fashion or another, to "document" reality. Although "documentary film" originally referred to movies shot on film stock, it has subsequently expanded to include video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video or made for a television series. (5) Documentary, as it applies here, works to identify a "filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" that is continually evolving and is without clear boundaries.

Exerccio 1: compare as definies acima.

Tipos de documentrio

Mike Nickols define alguns tipos de documentrio, dentre eles: potico, expositivo, participativo, observativo e reflexivo. Potico: Evidencia a subjetividade e se preocupa com a esttica. Exemplo: Porto Alegre de Quintana. Expositivo: Ao contrrio do potico preocupa-se mais com a defesa de argumentos do que com a esttica e a subjetividade. Ex: Documentrios da Discovery Channel.

Participativo: Como o prprio nome sugere, marcado por mostrar a participao do documentarista e sua equipe. Exemplo: Moscou (Coutinho) e Vira-mundo.

Observativo: O documentarista busca captar a realidade tal como ela . Exemplo: Vinte e dez . Reflexivo: Preocupa-se com o processo de negociao entre cineasta e espectador, indagando as responsabilidades e conseqncias da produo do documentrio para cineasta , atores sociais e pblico. Exemplo: Rapsdia do absurdo e margem da imagem.


1) Sobre o que trata a sinopse do documentrio abaixo?

2) Qual a sua possvel classificao?

THE OTHER SIDE OF BRAZIL'S WORLD CUP (2014)In 2007, FIFA chose Brazil to host the World Cup. It seemed like brilliant idea hosting the World Cup in the most football-fanatic country on the planet. Little did they expect that it would become the focus of some of the largest protests Brazil has seen in decades. This mass civil uprising began in June of 2013 and it surprised even the most jaded Brazilians.

Hundreds of thousands of people paralyzed the cities across the country over a 20 cent increase in bus fares. The police response was brutal in the beginning. Elite military-police units trained to pacify real slums were brought to quell demonstrations. But the police violence drove more people into the streets. For the first time anyone can recall the people began to lose the fear of the police. []In exchange for hosting the World Cup, FIFA demanded upgrades to Brazil's infrastructure and internal security that's ballooned into the most expensive in football history - some 15 billion dollars. The government insists that all of this spending is worth it, but the past year has shown that the population is fed up. This outrage can only be contained through a massive mobilization of troops. 170,000 military and police are being deployed to secure the games.

New laws have granted the military and police special powers to arrest demonstrators in a country emerging from decades of military dictatorship. FIFA and the World Cup have given the police and armed forces a new reason to flex their muscles. This is not about football anymore. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/other-side-brazil-world-cup/. Acesso em 26/05/2015.

Text 10


COSTA, Srgio R. Dicionrio de gneros textuais. Belo Horizonte: Autntica Editora, 2008.





