d)] B inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1863-01-08/ed-1/...d)]B i S F . IH I - W R F i K f i...

d)] B i S F. IH I - W R Fi K fi T '.<>1. N.n, FAVKTTKViU.E. \. <\. JANUAKY 8, fNO. uif^r . J K Hawf, »ieS. kHtiuu til. M '' Hubt.Q. ifrstii I* M . N c ..: m, JalU> ^ K.-vd„;j, J li ' 'itrpett^r H H Us-. Ah rd, \\ u. .fon i H-nJerr.t irruw. 1 Seujffi-. <1 ts.- wri, .(an.cs oherf Barnwsi.. C H a j n e s , Gas- J \ re. harltv! Lu J l»uj>rf, Uiri’r Icll . •• J - lapji' (■ iariit/crs. W 15 yce. ^or- in M \^ut>en, -f*-" I II » . J • T ies t H -Icoinb t, A H Boteler. iVa '-er Preston- A Run 1 AdTentare; *«■ iale sons. u, V . H, Notes r I iiivriil' MONHAVS \Vl- Tfll R>:i)A\- K{)U AUU J . HAI.K & SOXS. KliroRS \VD I’KOPRIFTOIIS. j f, St’nii-\Ve**kiy O bskrs kk 00 if pnil in _ , ii ■*' '• {-'ftivl liiiriiiK the v>->ir ot >sal>'rjp- - ; f t sfto'T the v»'ar has »>xpire'i f.. j,. 'hixKKVKR S’J OU p T anmiiii. if puM in , 'i; 50 if paij durinjr th> H suh'^crij - • on r "" after tlie jenr ln> i";pir<'il. V!'\ K n T IS I. KNTS iii'eritvl 1'o» tirt ft>r , ,r>- 'f • lines tor th« firsi, aiul SO cents fi^r (vich J;; publiciiiiori. Yf»rl v a>herti'5»'meiit>< V i_v \i'. M! rt*H<onal^e raip< VivtTu.et'rs nre lo •‘inle the number of iti'^^fVTir.ns livsirO'l. o) jifv will be continued till forbid, an 1 chargod ao.coid i.jT. .UviTtisenients coniinjiAd inside, charged »•» n*w tc-.;«eineni?^. SrEC’.'l’ NOTK'K. f - i ,n d after this daft-, no name of a new subscriber , he'“ntered without jiayujent in airanst}, nor will (•,( paper be i^ent to iiucl: ^ubjipriber^^ fur » lonjrer time i:»n is l.a;J lor. Such :four old riubicribers as deaire to take the pa- j*r -itt *'h;« -v'stem will pleas*? notifv ny when making jtsiirTAnces. Jan’v 1. 1858. IfVTf. *lgelj. » V rik \f V, Attorney at Law, F ayettevillk , N. C. LL attend the County and Superior Courts --f :\mber’.and. Harneti, Moore and R vbeson Coun- lid Prompt attention given to tlje collection of all 1 eniru<>ted to hi^ hands. i7. 185y. 58-if GEO. W. VVILLI.VMS A CO.. nhole»ale Dealer»» in IjirocericK, AND IMPORTERS ANI> DEALERS IN liardfrare and (atlerj, Swedes Iron, &r., HAT STREET, FAVETTEYILLE. N. I. julv Ibtil. i J O ^ x . W. p. KENDALL. J. s. KENDALL ro x , KC.\1>AI.I. A: CO., i'ou lm ission i^ lerelian ts AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, Vo. 11 A 12 >orth Water St., \Vilrain?lnD. *i. f. ..lors from the Country promptly e\ecute»^ Panict*’ .ar attention given to the sale of Cotion uJ -.her produce, ifril 1 l&til. 10-tf T. C. X B. WORTH. lOBiniisMOD a ud F o r w a r d i n g M e r r h a a i s WILMINGTON. N C. J%ny2S. IS'Vi ^4*f I A RI>! \ Fi'.'V LAlflES <^an be aocoiii'nod'it^'j with board ui '-nu! ry LETf. SMITHS, BLOCKt:!l & ( 0 ., Ylaiiiil ictiirer«i ol Salt. J VV. LKTT, \geni in Fayctspvi’le. W D SMITH. Agent in "ilming'on - W-tr: .. M. 'iMtTH W. D 'MITH, J . Bt-lCKEB, and J B CARVER V r 1J'»>J si)-tjwpi ~ JiliiX’SON, W ILLI\M S & CO.. W%L.T^nAKEK!!«. U ’t h%7« thirty jSOi pao^ no\7 in op. r>»lion nine rr'le-» !• . . ' WilraingtOH T’ a r i j p s vcis.hini? i.-> - u p f l j ' *ith salt, c^n be furii.-^ijed by applying to 4 J:.‘;Dq'J .!r , \sjent ai FaypttpriM**, k - K Page, E»na?i*r <jf the work*, or lo .1. M WILLU.M' General Siiperinteu . 'Ui. W kstkhn K \ ii , R ovi > O ff I'avi'llovilio, Au;j. 1 S(J F1Ct\ > s “ ■ Si-iaj O N" and nfUT the V.t d'ly of j^cpt. ihe t'oll.<wiu^ ratfs 'vill 1)0 '’'larKcd on I’u-iveiifj.'! >. \ i z : Frori I lyuupville lo l.ut’e Hivi^r, 5U cts. Ill Sp.nii Sprins. 7:'> *■ lo K'tck lifir irh, 1 (Ht '• t : Jonoii.cifo’, I 'J'> to "SI 1 .5lt Tweii'y fne ('etits addi'.ion:il will he ccllfcted by the ('ori'iii': ir of euch pii-»>enger. leaving 'i M ‘»:ion without a lii-kr-' .1 new I iir Prt*ijrhl will e'> in«ri effect •it (he ijarno ri(Tif. rt hii h will be jrisite.l aud t'urnishtd *o i '.I k * public in a few d iyj By ordt r of lhf» PreH’t. JN'"). -M. ROSE, Ttvas'r W R, R (’o. Auk' ^0. 18ti2. 50tf %VKSTKK.\ RAIL ROAD. F ro m and after .Monda?- the ‘Jl!d inst., the Trains on thi'i Road will run dnily, leaving Fayettevil!? at 8 o'clock, A M ; returning len^e Mclver’s Depot at 1 ‘'■clocF-, P M ' C. B MALLETT. PrcH’t. Sept. ‘Ji; 62tf LOOK AT THIS! TIIR F n irn ’EVILLE HOTEL, Fronting SOO feet and in the haziness portion of the Town, contaifiM m ore iip.acioiiM and well ventilated Rooms tliaci any Hotel in the ^tate, and ojj Patrons say niv Condiments are very tor the times. T. WADUILL, Proprietor. May -0. lSfi2. ‘J7y Fayetteville Female Difijh School. T HK .’Terci^ea of thin Institution will be resumed on the ‘ .^9ih of September The sr.iiils>»tic year will he divi led into two terms; the Is! of ' 3 week-^. comniencinfr 'J9th of a n d «>nd- ing '2lih lif>c ; the snc.ipd ot 27 wffks, coininenc ne 1st of J-in'y and enJinji July 1 wt Parents and Ouarilians intenlin;: to patroniie this Sj^ooI are earne^•.ly reque'ted to apply for circulars containing fnll particulars in rppard to teims. &c . before the opening of the School R^v WM nOOPKR, I f - , T r. HOOPER. }Prmcpal8. Tuly 17. 18H2. 4??-tl.'>Jpd FA VKTTKVII.I.E niTlAL IXSrKA\(E f0.flPA\Y. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand \nd other assets. ) I ! Th«* \ew Style, Small. i iOLOKED PHOTOiiUAPHS, AT Fiveiievill^, Nov. 20, 1862 J*ltt COTTOV VARA. Xo. 19 Ha) Ktreet. C. p. MALLETT. - ir. y 0. 1862. Kice and Tobacco on (ousigniaent^ 1/| t-A.'K.S of fresh beat Rice and 1<''’ Hnxes Manu- i'J liiOturi d Tobacc J, varidu^ t^ iHli'ie-- F')r sale by GEO W. WILLIAM-^ CO. F^r.'t-vUle, 8ej.t 24. 18t;2 '-3tf AOTICK. 4 31 eipec: to be aVisent from home a few months in A. ’hi* Wpgt. Archibald .McLean is my aurhniied A^i-n' ivfti,.4ftct oav busine-i* until 1 return S. G. JONE.S. I'ec'r 1860. AltertlliN date I will pay Five Cents per pound for ra,ts dr- livered in Fayetteville, or at my mills hoclifish. D. MURPHV. ■ii't 2. 1862 SALT PANS FOR SALE r boiler iron pan ;?, large 8i*e. for sale at the 0 Eaglf Works. Fayetieville. S C , by P ANPERSON I'eo H 84 tf - SALT. 00 .S’D Hall for Bale on consignment by k' 0. W WILLIAM.*' & r o -Nov. i n 79 If w a ^ teo . 0 klshels \ vue .\ t , » v , O U l / i.5<X) ‘ Corn . Persons having the above aniclcH t,im.!!wi!', receive (h» highest Cash price by calling on Mr. \1 Tha,tm-on. M the Merchant Mills. Fayetteville, or on *he subrtcri- '>tr at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. IV 5, 18^32. 7otf B r.A IT D R 't. K Tuenty-li e llollarH Reuard. AN.\W,\Y from the subscriber, his negro boy MO- I ^E.' He is 21 yeare of age. about 6 feet. 1(» inches robust, long feet and very much turned out at the '''S', nnd look^ down when spoken to. He was s«*en at ^cPh;«ulfc Mills in Robeson county on the 21st ult,, ‘'> '1 WH8 in Fayetteville about three weeks ago. The, ___ ______ »b(j»e reward will be paid for his delivery to m« or for j ly as possible on their agents and make payment. F O il S A l.i:. A Lot ofCot^ois aud Woolen .Machiufry. i) wool, PK’KEKS ^ :■< ;it> inch Wo.;, r i 'l- 180 •• •• Kr.,1 , 'i: I I'.'"' Spin !!'■ 'V >ol .1 1 1 ■ ■■!!>' ; I. ,r r. 2 r-iui’ h <"■;■ F tni s 1 Spill lies PMi-h i T ■' ■">( Ip I’l a 4 •• 1 Kii '>riwii-.ir Friiino \r ;h ('..i’ers ,.!iJ P ;.ker-^ 1 12 ■•iTHn I S;.ee>i‘‘r. .'to . StjiDt" t !'ie a*"'vc •ri'i. 'TtiPty i* H' w in otierK.jou u’ thr Kic'Miiond Fu' •TV F.) t I.-.! tTO'il iv- >l ldr. ?^ ■lOilN SIlOHTRIIKjR. H'ickinptiHiii, Uiciirnond ('.i , N C Nov. 12 18i.2, 77 it;ip,i VALI AiU.i: lor Sale. j OFFER lor sale my PLA.ST.A l lON, 2 miles '..e-; cl 1 < arihasr**. Mo>r*? iviumy. c. n ’ .iiiirij; 2r>0 aCT'e“. on which is a Grisi and Saw .Mill. Coiion (iin and .''Ciow I will reC“ive in paymt‘nt Sta'e B ind-*. (J.iiifc i» 'a i ; money or likely \:-^!oe«. JOHN MOiUSO'. VALl^^AIILi: LA\Ul»» lor Sale. r OFFER for Sale my PL.\N’TAT10N on McClend .n - 1 l^reek, 6 miles west of t?arthage, lyinj; on th*j h-ii»in of the <’oal Fields, containing 210tJ iwres. which is a'j proluctive as any iauds ia the coauty of Moore. lh>»’ improvemeats good aud the Hvtuation hvalthy Tnrn'n liberal. JOHN MOKISON AOTICK. I HW E ab'uf G(Xmj ncres inore, la iitfereni tracts, in ihe coanty uf .Mooro.—F&rrulng Miaerai, and Tur- l>eatine land,—whi('h I wi'.' -jeli ori liberal term't. JOHN MORISON .Tlineral Land** tor Sale. I H.^VE an int^res' of one-third in a tract of 500 \CRES on tne W'l'ors c» U.'t'p River, on which l:svi‘ bertt dnC '^'ered h s^li njinp an i f ire ?.il:petre. >vn 1 ar> <iil of gO'id qu ih'y for grjasine le^thvr, well worthy g(»olii(tif! si invt*‘.iig ai -n JoH.N' MORISON •LaMhs^f. N'lv 13 I.SG2 77-tf 2 ~rv(l .V'RES cn the R j O v * ' Liirnt^-rtou and :il f267,C88 -b 6,077 35 Total. ■?272.7G5 61 The t'ompany have raid all io-.ae'j promptly, and have never mn Jo an assessment on their pr.»mi’im no'es. Total losses paid. ?29.^b2 C9 ( > ff : ok. b S; (JEt!. McNElL!,. Pro-:dent. P. R.VV, Vi<'<-P- ‘-ident C. A. M.vMir.LAN. S^.' v 11■ ■ : T ^ T ■■. T rh . •; i'. Ii,iw:._^, VV . \1 I. , ,n. Narha« Stedman, T. S. Lutterloii, C. B. Mallett, W. Steel. Jame'a Kyle. J. (t. Cwok. , A. A. .M 'Kethan. ILiu. J. ( j . .•ihei herd, J. D. ’:V ’ilIiams, R. F, Rrown, i S. W. Tillinghasr. A.E. Hiil. j” «">«• hn Collins and C. (’. Mci'rutn'nen. Traveling .\gents he Company invite applicaiions Mav liB. iStJt. 21- ART. %%"ooduard'M Solar C am era. P HOTo»,R\PHH c.m be had at Vnno" ^del'’*^ Skylight Oallery. Hay siro^’t. oppi-*;te .Marble \arl, Fay- etteville. N. C.: plain, retoni hwd. colored, in w.-iter colurj, ofl an I pasiile; from '.inail to life sue. Ambro- types, Melaneorypes, and nil other styles of Pictures pertain’ ifi to the Art. Also, C>il{ Frune:-, Gilt Mould- ine, <j' <for very larye pictures—a« largp rs 26 by .S6 inches, 'ord and Tassels for haiiain? pictures; [nstru- Di«nts. .■'tcck and i'heniicuis i.^r .-..lie low for cash. Life size colored Photog.'iiphs made tr>>m small pictures. Having perTnancntly locateil hoie I hope to merit your patronagp, I would also return my sincere thanks for ttie liber.tl patronage bestowfd on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSPELL. Photographist and Proprietor. Peo'r 20, lHo-> 77- iliarb le F a c to r y , OiJlIRS \m\K C. T. HAIGH i STORK Fayetteville, .far. r ?Rt)0. «}- N o t i c e . T he UNDERSIQNEP, both having entered the mili- tary service- of the Confedprate Slates of Ainericft. hereby giv« notice to their .ili! c.istoirifr-i and friends, ■ that they havp appointed .lohn U. Slarr and John P. VVilliaiiis, of this pla^te, their attornnvs to collect either separately or conjointly all moupjH <lne thpni eitl#' by : account or note, and otherwise to atJend to their hu- ^ siness generally during their .ab«euce. They ropoct- fully »8k all perHona indebted to them to rail as prorapt- ^ oonfiQement io any jail ao that I get 4iim W. D. JOHNSON. R^aaettivfiW, g. C., Ang. 14. 18«2. 62tf Sept. 19, 1861. FTARR & WILLIAMS. 68-tf A R n Y H A R rveSS. I prepared to maoafaotore all ki^idf of WagoD A Harneae for Army use. OIL AND LAMP BLACK. T ANNERS’ and LUBKICATING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by good bargains. Agvnta will do well to R«ad-their I JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., I ^r“ '0 me as they shall have prompt attention, and ; Wilmington, N, C. *'■ >ff :n ijiiick dispatch. JOH.V CARTKR, [ March 7. . 0-tf 'l‘‘ion P. ;) Thathain Co.. (^. > ,. - I r ------ - June 1.3. iK*i 2 , ( | i*alma C'iiri»>ti Rean^. ■« ' rilHE subncriCer will pay the hi(jh»“>f cash prices for ««o iikv,. Arat>ic lor «ale by 1 A »ny quantity of Palma'Christi iii>aas. , J. R. LEE. I J. A. WUK.TH. ^ ^ WW 1 r«;^<0avviUe,t)otk a (f7-et LA A O S l.\ R 0 » 0 0 .\ 4'Ol'A r i FOR S \LE Raft Swamp. 'J nales from ibout 6 miles from the W C R Railroad ‘2,TOO ,\cr*s on the Inroad Ri Ige, about •*i mile-< from i Lu 'I'O"-!' 0 . j 1 0 7 Acre^ i.»n the W P, .% R R'lilroad. 7 ;;iiles ft vitn | Ljii ^>.T!on Tw.'ntj .-lores r.f whicti i-i in cv'tivaiio.i. | a r o .X-res kn.iw.i as ih^ Rpd IS ink-, on the Vt ( .v I R It lilr-.ad, 16 ni'.ics fr.':u Luiuln-rton. .\Iiout li-C.i (•(>fn and under fence. T. ut .: are two small trai.ieu hoiisos on tne pre:aiie-». 400 Acre." abo*-jt 1 mile from the last mentiourd tract. v»-ry heavily tiinbered 1 ,0 3 0 .\cre>j known as thn LUtlo Desert A : ich swamp about 16 miles fr >m F.iyettevUle and 1 i.ii’ .t' i from the Faypttevillp and Luiuberton Road, adj ining McGeschv ind o.her-*. 1 ,0 0 0 ■Vcrei knowii as the I)?sprt, adj.iining V^'il liam .McNeill, C il li-r Paniel McNeill, .Mc.\lpin .:i>i others S-jO fccr-?s high land, the balance i« valu*b'*‘ .‘-w am p R S. FRENt'l* I'ec. l;^, lJ^62 - ^6 ]t't-pi A o ra rF . 1 )ER.^0N'^ wixSi,,!! !o b.iv I'tOVN PlI'-vPKHTV wi! .i we!l to cti'l m ' ;i.e “U^"••■^lbe^ 1 will sd! .>n tea -m able term-* a:y M-.n- • n i J Lm. !i.-iv;n2 aUo • gi.^'id Ki:> h vn, Smo»e hou-«f t ■4 '’ - I >\ ,1. of w-iSiT \is',i, tom "^'own Lot-* w ih p'lod tneri un and very 'onve Qiojil < .n.. .er- J y M ' ' f. ,t .A!- i. .'<2 ■i'*r»-";Ol Lnnii ^l l;-'.NSiN I ‘ t I.;.' . - . f New \iif(ion ;i5»d ( oinmissioii Huuse, Wo. 53, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. O E.\N, ii.ALP'NIN’ .V Co.. tiitviUif taken tue Sti’Ti ri‘- ' coni'iv occup e l by W. .s. I?.Try as an A ^ciim . Hi<na<* have associated themseivf-i together for the j iir- > n.me Ilf c ni.ictii^g h >::ncri! .\U(.'TI'iN .\NP C "'l Nll.^SlON Iir.-^INESS, an'i 'iffer their services l.i t.'i*ir i friend-*, a; 1 the pnhl c gener.ry, in t!ip wale cf >s v ; GooJ*. G r o c e i .e.-^. Nlaamacturp'l T.ih-icoo. Resl and Per>>on;il i'state. ei h r r .\ticti'*n of private tale V-> • livip^ I.'. «!rict Hi:rnti-oi to hu-ine^s to ui‘ ri* a shar.^ of ■.he po^lir patrina|?e PT- AN. I' A L P ’.VIN .V CO . 5^ 'Sycamore .'*treet, Peters'eurg. \'a ; P S. — Particular atlen’itm paid to the -<ale of Ne- ' groe- I J. F I f M V. H IU ldw n, of Notiawsy Co Wilmington. N ! W .\ r . s ' oli >. j Pptprshtirg, Va. ' I Pec, 16. 18»>2 H7--lwpd j ih : a \. « A L i> m \ A CO., | »titcfion €t}i:t C o»llmiv.^lo»l .fltrth€tnt^, : 58 Sycamora S!:., Petersburg, Va. I > E F E ^ S i p - l , rr,'-id»n B ink of -orth ' 1 (’iir.i':n i. •‘.iy»: • :lip. N C.; O S Ualdwiii. Wil mingtnn. N. C., G' r^i- My rs. Wi'ifiiington; T. W R.iv s on >o . ,\. L \ S St:at'-”. PeKTsbnrjr Va ; '■ E L H u' iing. R-i’e i ’ h. N <' • Pr. (ffi'rpp C H'-ind, Lt 11 'v S').-,re, 1/ li «wkts, Upson Wiison, Not ; towav. Va : N CHaiton Co , R’iCbmonJ. Va I i * J. F PEAN. A. ir RALPWTN. W W ,\HSOll) Den i 7, 1 f*'’’' >'7 4wp I U L I F K M F IIA. 1 DESIRE to call the attention ol Drtigeists and P>iv- sicians to the supprior qiial'iy of the HLL’E ,MAS.~^ 1 am uow manufaciiiring by machinery. The HI.UE M V-'^S msde by me i« war-anted to be ONE THIRD MERCU'tV, ani eijual to any made in England, and much o'lperiurto tn'>st of hat »iow brotiijht : into the Coafpderaoy fr-^m the Uuitf-d States, (as neirly [ .all of that is deficient in Mercury.! As an evidence of the superiority of the Rl.l'E M.AS.S maile by tne. I would a-k your attention to the analysis I of it by Professor E Emmons, wi-’l known a'< one of .he i most sr'.-^ntific men in the country; also to the foll-)wing I recommendation fri ni Pr E Iward Warren, late Profes- . nor in the L'nivers.iiy of Marylantl, and now Siir)^e.>n- , General ot North Carolina: Rai.kioh, N. Oct. 2'd. 186- Having had the best opportunity tor testing the qu ili- lies of the Blue Mass manufactured by R. R Saunders, at ('hapel Hill. N, C . 1 am prepare<l to say ths-t it is in - ferior to none in use in any pariicular It there'ore ' affords tne pleas?ire te recommend it to th*» Profrssitm 1 at large as a most vaiti'^ble a.>d reliable preparation. ! EDWARD warren , j SurgPon-t.Jeneral ot North Carolina SKI'fEMIlKR 2!*, lS 'i‘2 Mr. If h. SiiunJet\i: .Sih: — 1 lirid yoin Ul'ie Pill 'lass 10 be peif- ot.Iy hTniogeuPuus. all the merc-.c j ■ bring, converted into the Pr.Moxid*< Rv at<alysis I dso find, after throe trials, eight g sins if Prutoxidp in twenty five of the Mas->. fn drylnir, I should remark : that 1 small porti on <f th« O^i.ie was reduced. 1 a'n ^ satisfied, f-oweve*-, tha* yo-ir I3ll^p Pill Mass contains . one third Protox de--f MerC'iry and mus*. have been I prepared with skill and c-irp. Fours, truly. E EMMONS, State Geologist, j Orders for any quantity can be filled, and it can b« sent by Expreis to almoff any place in the Confederacy Orders solicited R B. SAUNDERS, Chapel Hill, K. C _p«0 . 1 7 ^ ___________________ ,871m I AdminiM trator^K A'otice. T he eubscriber having at December Term, 1802. of the Cc’inty Court of CutiiberhinJ, iitialified as V I ininistrator upon the Estate of N'eill 0. McNeill, de’’d. I uofifiea all persons having clsinis ajcainst the Estat to I present thOiU wii.f in tjo time liniitea by law, otherv i-fe j this notice will b( plt.ided in bar of recovery. p4>b ors I are requested to nake prompt payment. ' iUJCrOK MoNKlLL, Adm’i PM . vy, i9a. m- % \ ALIABLE PROJ’EUrV FOR SALE. fi^HE unJersigne l having rt-cently undertaken pu'ilic li du ii->. I'll iiinr^ itiV-lp with proiur attention to me : • ‘itv l.eioi.i '■ r I. will bull .it Auc.iv^.i. i t I, L-urr. Ill ,, I :it 12 ■ ’clock. .M , on the 2-'ih .fan _ I X , (luilcH- . o- di'post-d of a priv.i^e silli-,) lii- J It' L.\Nt> ill Moore I'o'tn'y, on the K.ayettevili.; 1..1.1 •Ae*-!eri. 1 iank iioad, aiiout uitlt w;t_v between Car ,t.ia :i,. d .--.'I ( o’, I' Ufaiiiiag aboiu .')t)7 Acrfs, of 111 ;h i’ll . 11 - i;(i Hcrcs i pro’ ably cleared, and well i‘<’u t;d. .r d ^0 ;n’ loii;' lOi t'^ good Mi-adow It has on i^ a (• )riif(:ri'tl>l>’ 1)'VELLi.Nti, Kitchen. Hmoke House, i. trn, .lie Mouse, spacious Stables, iic T ie s ile wil; be made at the premises, and immediate ji'is-e-'-i .u will b given to the purctiaser. l!i- ••Till .•;l,'-o scil. ai j-rivate sale, his Lot-^ and Ktsi- ' *noe in t' h to»?i! of Ashedoru’. with.’or without Two r ir ll^. ae vr ti e vil age. <)ue of the farms about ainile ti iiiii ih- vuiapi^, contains about lO'O acres. 80 acres of whi h is in cultivation It has on it «yme 8 or 10 acres of v‘'«'d m-i.dow. About 40 acres is seeded, in good o.dt T, with a super.or variety of wheal, and with rye H id winter oat .i The remainder is in good condition ! -r , corn , rop Tnree fourth'^ of the outside fenoe of tuis pi.ice is built of stone. The other tract, about 3 tiilra from tht villngp. contains .S06 acres;—about 60 iii'rt -i in cuUivaiion—some 15 acres of which is seeded in V.'intfr oat*; —the r, 31 int-,;nded for corn next year. The property in Asheboro’ ronsisis of several contig- !• in'* lots, oon' '.ining about 10 acres, all of which is in es'?cilert <-oa'ii;i ir; h.as on it an orchard of 'lore than 2'.M) trees, in oeiring condition—uonsisting of choice v.,r!'.*ies o; apple, peach, pear, cherry and other fruit itee-t;—-t'j.'iii J! a. res ' f highly t«rtiliied and productive meadow Tiie dw -lling is f>2 x 20 feet, with a wing 18 x 26 fept, t)Oth two stories high. The rooms of the main tniiding are all p.astcrcd in p';ain nard finish style; f u;- of ititrm tpaci ti» and with good fire places; one a d- • FT imry without 'ire place, and one a library room, fi:ted up w;th :noveab!j shelves, ^ic. The wing has two r >o: IS witii fir< plnces. a dining room and one room v.'itl.uiir a iire -1 ci-, » itii fixed if^rJrobes, .and a spa- ci.Mi- and dry c liar un.ler the building. The out- 1 .i.; lii.gH I'ous St'd a iiiichen, thrt“; uegro houses with (i.<> r. oin.'- in i-ach of them, four of the rooms having ea^ii a fire place, aud omo of them a stove; well house w''*ili p i-nf y, a lai g.- snicke house carriage house, wood hjiuc, ;wii .-^fT.ces. fach with two rooms and one fire pi tee; a fV»meii bar:- .34 x 30 feet, with stable room for horse*., -w.i.e f..r sneaf wheat enough to produce 500 ■us’ eK; two ceile i gamer.-' capable oi lolding cacii 500 ^iis'.els of grai’i, with a baf-emeut st .ry to shelter cat- !•!; an i hNo s-.'pHrate COW hou.-<es: a stone milk house -uppht'd with I con-iiant ^itreatn of cool spring water. I'.ie bnildi"ig-» are all in excellent condition, and have ')cer* rcCf-r.Lly {ainted. P.-r-ions le^irou-i to make fun her inquiries, can apply to n.e !»t Rdeigh, to my son or brother residing in Wil- Msn5 ;ton. n.y brother in Fikyetteville, or to my son-in- law S S J.i'^kson ia .Vsheboro', who ia duly empower- ed t'j nink>- a sale ,A-» ! am :.bon' to remove to Raleigh 1 Can give imme -iiatp pO'^f sion, JON.\Tli,\N VVORTH. l>ec’r 27, 1S(,2. yil-t2'.*J FLORAL t'OLLF4.iF. I I ^I'.E Trii tee^ of FV'■al (College take pleasure in an- ' i.,'i nci 2. t ■ r.'.nlic that they have supceeded in ' ■■■f A'n proi; r'ln- toe seh ioes jf Ri-v Paniel .lohnson a? l’r:::C-ip-’ 1^ ^ ■ jtiipeicn’ 1 i; ':i r.* botii in tho . 1.1.-^.y it* II men:.! D. p ;i ■ men ■< wi;! >e 'Supplied '• e il will ;.peti .n Wf.ift'sd.y O-.e Mih of J:-n‘y t ir (-.int tiiiing fu’l f articu'ars ill it g'.r.l f j ti-rii r, . c . i:Hii >p ti.'i i on applJOafinn t Rev Daniel . ' o h i ' K ’O. * ' ’ ■>. il:-;. ,S (’ . ' 1 . V. ■ I. . . ' (• :. ri/. , 1 i' • I; ' T m ilth. j M. i' McN ViR. I .'^ei'*V to R- ard of Tru-^tees. t K*-4w I iiiver*^ity ol Aorth C arolina, CHAPEL IIILI., N C. 'T^RE Best sessi'in will begin ./an’y 17th, and end June t Olh. Hoard h-. C >1. Gu’^hrie at the Eag!? Hotel 5?12->; Tui - tion .’r3 ; Konm rent s-."), per session, all payable in ad- vanoft, T:ip meariJ of iii'-triiction are ample, and pains have lip-'n taken to brine »til the expenses of education with- in r.-asona'dp limii' DAVID L SWAIX, Pres’t. J vn’y 2. 91 3tpd Farm an<l Stoek .*it Auction. • ''pp L'RP.DA V the loth inst., on the premises at 11 1 M.. 1 -'h-:ll sel* that valufible F.\RM on the West b.'.iiK of thp (’ape Fear River, 2J miles below Fayette- ville, i.ri i adjoining Mes-rs. M:ikepeace & Shaw, and known as Daily Laud. The tract contains 190 acres— '00 under ‘ .:uliiraiion and well adapted to the culture i f corn, peas and hay, and the balance well timbered with pine and oak At same time I shall sell Hogs, C'ttt'd and Farming Implements \t the same time I shall sell the Haighwood Farm sbout one mile distant ^rori file above. b''iween .Sandy Run and Occammany. This tract cont iins 200 iicres, a part of which is enclosed and under cultivation, and the balance well timbered with Pine—would be very valuable for culture of Grape \ ine and Fruit If'he above named Daily Farm is not aold it will b« rented for the year 1863. Persons desiring to purchase will bo shown the above property on application. JOHN H. COOK, Auot i-.o Jan'v S. 18C:i 91-8t .nATCUES AAD SIVCFF. C 10NFEDERATE Matches by the Orooe. Scotch Snuff ■' in 25 lbs. boxes. JOHN H COOK. Ja6 6 1863 91-3t 7 Cattle Strayed or Stolen. F RO.M a P>tsture in this vicinity, 4 Be f Cattle, which may be in the Swamps below town, if not stolen. \lso one B-'ef ('nw strayed f-om ‘own. when last heard from was ne ir P. Murchison’s, Esq . was bought in ('hatham, An^l two others, which b:’oke from a pasture at Mr. W, p Tyson’s in Chatham, and likely have gono t " Randolph, 1 will pay a liberal compensation for any of the above Cattle. W, C, TROT. Fayetteville. Jan, 91-2t AOTHC F. ~ ^ rjpWo likely NEGRO MEN, George. 44 year? old, snd I Jack 4’. belonging to it * E“’afe o»’ Thomas M. Mc- Lrran, dec’d, will be sold privately, whenever suitable application shall be made to me. I will also hire out two likely .MEN for thia year. 5ARV ANN EVANS, Ex’x. Jr.n’y 2. 186^. 91if Tl RPFATIAE HACKK^ I H.XVE 'I good supply of Turjientine HACKS, on hand, which I ini re^idy to sell to those who may w;sh to purchase. Also, ready tofirepare Axes at short notice, in the best manner L WOOD K• - tipvilie. N r . Dec. 30, 90 3mr<l P;‘c‘r -7. ir'-2 101) s.srKs OF S\LT; io li S.idi, for sriap making: IJ,') R x -s J. A Long s best brands of Tobacco; B:i‘ . I’riulf .Sug'sr; ■','•0 Lb-^ 1.L e a t h e r . Jt>S A WORTH ."9 2 m D.'c'r 22. l''i'-' Frei;;iil tor Ralei;;li. \(ft iNS can find loading for RaUieh -iboiit the Dith Jan’y. ’.i.ply to t>er r 2 1 JOHN SilA'.V, .r <} DEMISG S',.t t 40 w i’«.i.lK l.\l» lU'.L'-! SCGAR. 12 Rbls. N O SVRCP 15 *• S( rPPERNONG WINE ^ ()u consignn *ul and for sale by Jt>? L'TLEV. 8. |H 2-. 62-tf S?^AAC' riO LlTlA ^-SW Cm TH , At h'S Old Stand, Person St,. O rrEH S fi.r hale. SOl.ND S.VLT. V p 3od .i.'Sortiiicnt o( Chewing and Smokuig T>j- ti icc I. .'^.lu*'. Flour, Sugar, Leatiier, \c . .tnd all articles u-u lily .t'cpt in a G'"i>cery Store t ■ be had in market, wnii-n wiH be sold for cash or (riven in exchange for C luntry Produi-e. Dtc’r 29. 89-lmpd N O T IC E . 4 T THE ,M.\(JN()L1.\ SALOON in Fayeiieville. Noe. 12 and 14 Green street, I offer for sale, at whole- sale or retail.— j ik i'«BL!'. piipetioi old Corn VViiiskey. Iv I bbl, superior old Rye Wniskey. 1 quarter cask fine Scotch Whiskey. •\bout 100 pslb'ns superior Freorli Brandy. lo bbl-» .Vo. 1 ,\pple Brandy. 3 do superior Peach Brandy, 2 good ('’hprry Bounce, and a smull quantily of-luperior F’ori nnd .Madeira Wine. | Itec’r 1, 1‘*t)2 REUBEN JONES, 82tf W a g o n s W aintecI* ^IIHE undersigned, .Salt Commissioners for the county i of Cumberland, wish to employ from one to twenty- five Wiigiiux to liaiil Salt from Saltville, V'a., for which II ey «'// twelve dollars per bag of 100 lbs and al- U>w thewaiions to take one-tenth of the Salt at the Works at f 1 .50 per bu,shel on their own account VVag- or.s I’rom any part of the State will be employed od ap- j. lic uion to us, by letter or otherwise. P. F. ALPERM.VN. JNO. ’iV \PP1LL, Jr R M. ORRELL. F.y villi-, D-.-, I 87 -2<f A Stiac kKEiiilii to Hire. !. 1 Vori^inan. \d(lre^< ‘W,’’ at this office. D .-r 2'.l J^'-'-tf I) Oental A'otiee. R DAVIS i..< :n :i vvn .and can b- s.-.ui -i' hi- Offi<^e ovor D:. B W’. R.ibinson’^ ()ffice. Per’r 21 1H(!2 S9-4lpd AOTICK. CONFEPF-RATK STATES OF AMERICA. J Mft) Pvrvf.tob’s OFFirii, \ rharlotfe. N , Dec. 12, 1862. J A l l -laiins agiiin/ii this Departmenf, to be paid, niuHt be preranted before Janu-'.ry 26th, 1863 D. P. RAM8EUR. .■*7r?5J; '“^nrg and Med. Purveyor. Afln’\i:*i*^fration rVotiee. T ill’, tub,-- rib'r ^laving qualified as Administratrix on 'he Est‘--te <-f las S;indy. deo’d hereby (rivfs rotice t ) all ; :i’sc IShav ig cliims against said E^t vfe to pre- lijnt ;hem o W^m N ioL, McKay within the lime pre- M^ri' cd by aw, or this notice will be pleaded in bar o"/ Lhaif rtcovt ry. CATHARINE dUNDY, Adm’x. Adg. 4, # t WOODWARD’S STAR POLISH. I lOR the benefit of the public I would inform them that 1 .lave a lot of STAR POLISH on hand but no b.,xes to put it in Please .say to your servants to .rarhpr aii the old tin boxes they have and bring them to me and I will buy th.-'m V, .1. WOODW.ARD. F\y,-tleville. .lan'y 3, 1''•’>3. ‘*l-4t 1^%AI'FD! 1 1WENTV (2<l) unmarried men to enlist immediately as Laborers of (Ordnance for Guard Duty a? the Fay- etteville Arsenal and Armory. Term of enlistment ■hree years or for the war. Conscripts between the ace-j 0 * I'S and l i will be taken Pay $13 per month, vr'.Mi c! itlrng, rat:. :is aud medical attendance. ■Vpply III me at me .Arsenal, M\TTHEW P TAVLt)R, ‘"ap.i'n ('. S .V . .Acting Commandant Fayi-iieviile Ar^.'uai Armory. F-iy 'iteville. Pec. liS, 1862, ) yi-2t HORSE SHOEIAW. O WING t i the .advance in the prica of Iron the sub- scriber ifj compelled to laiso the price of shoeing to 51 per .'hoe. H p does this with reluctance, but its necessity will be apparent to hia customers when he t-'.ates, tha’ the iron alone used in making shoes costs lU'ire than h.\lf of his charge, ai.d more than twice as niuch as he formerlv received f-ir iron and shoeing, J, W. WELSH. Fayetteville. .lan’y 2, 1S63. ‘»l-6wpd S.ILT! SALT!! S.ACKS for sale by Z'f) ROBERT MITCHELL, Peo 22 88 tf 10,000 ll>w. ol ;;ood Pork wanted by GEO. W WILLIAMS i CO. Fayeiieville, Pec, 31, 1862, 9t)-2w FOR HIRE, V WOM.AN, a good cook, washer and ironer, P, anperson , Jan’y 2. 91 t f ___ AOTIFE.-S*-55 REWARD. T h e subscriher will pay 25 dollars reward to any one who wiU return to him, in F'ayetieville, a negro GIRL, who ranawa.y from his residence on Friday night the 2d of January. 1863. Said negro girl is about 5 fVet and a half high, is inclined to be thick, a r «ther bright, black face, full, with thick lips. She is 16 years old, but large for her age. The above reward will be pai l -to any one who wil! return her safely home. 0 - lodge hi r in J:ul :md inform me of the fact aud place. J. W, TUCKER. F.ivi ttcvilV, Jati. 6, 18i.*3 91-ff lA‘tt C'anip without leave, on the nigi t of the 25th. the following men, \ii: Jas Hall. S. P Mill. Geo L 111 J K. McLetuore, H L Peters.in, F. Petor-'on, N. G T.itom and M. L. Simmons These men live in BlniJen c-uiHty I wish the Captains of the Pisti’icts in which they live to arrest iheni imtnedialely. A reward of S30 wi 1 be given for their delivery tc me in Camp or ^15 for tiiMr lodgement in jail. These men are all c-onscripts. DAVIU SCOTT, Capt Co D, 53d Reg’t N. C. T. Qold'iboro’, P»o. 26. ~ 90-2w G r o c e r ie s I G r o c e rie s:: V L.-^RGE and well eelected Stock pf FAMILIf GHOCV^RIES^’always on hand, consietjng of Bacon-8ide», Mess'Pork, Mullets, Macker Nos. 1 and 2, Molag.ses, S i.cars cf a! grades, Tobacco, dinars, ^^nd a.1 oth*er articles usually kept i.i r- Wholesale Qro- f<;ry E«tiib’ishr.'.ent COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilir.ing on, April 2. 18«1._ 10-tf iitank Warrantd fo»r Sale at this Offtco. OFFr('i.\L report OF TflE FIGHT IN N " H la DQLARTERS (lULDSBORu’, Il • <'•, 2'.;. Gen. .".Cooper, .Adj’t and Int-p’r Gti. > , iifhuio- !. \ >' Genei^al;— 1 have tlio honor to enrloso cui if's of the reports ot iiriL'. O cum. Kvaiis, ilo^ ;l^.:on and Clingiuan, giving un uCL-->uiit ol’ the vaviouj affairs with tl,e cneiuy in this vi> iiiity i’l tiieir recent bridge burnini: and pillaging ; spc^uion from Newhern. Jirig. Gen. hh’ans, with ‘ i.ihiu men, held then* in check at Southwest Creek, l.'uyotid Kin.'^ton. on the 4th, and on the 14th, delayed their ad- vance lor some time, and si^ceedcd iu withdraw- ing his Ibree, with stnall k.sa, to the itdl biuik the Xeuse Kiver at Kinston, lie held t*u i\. at bay until tiie Kilh, when tiiey advanced on (he opporiite side of the river, and made an attack at Whitehall bridge, about 18 milc.s below Golds- boro’; in which they were driven back by Gen. K with .severe Joss Small reinforcements arrived from Pet^r.-^burg and Vrilmington, on the loth, on.n regiment ot which was placed in position to cover tne railroad bridge over the Neuse, near this place. A bat- talion of artiUery which had uiad^ a succesiful retreat fron> the works of the obstructions beiow Kinston, wifter the enemy occupn.d the latter point in force, was stationed on this bide of the river, at the railroad bridge, and, nltout a Lalf mile above, at the county bridge. On the IfUh, a regiment arrived, from Wilmington, anl one from PeStersburg, both of which were sent to the right bank of the river, and placed under fien. Clingman’s command, to protect the two bridges. Un the ttiorning ol the 17th, having no caval- ry, and being unable to obtain information by other means, 1 directed Lieut. Col. Stevens, 'ot the Engiueers, with two brigades and 5 pieces ot artillery, to make a reconnoissance, lor the pur- pose ot ascertaining the position and numbers of the enemy. Gen. Evans’ brigade had then reach- ed Goldsboro’, by rail, and remaining on board, only awaited the clearing of the track, and water- ing of the engines, to move by rail to the position already occupied by Gen. Clingman with his three regiments, about 1-? miles beyond the rail - road bridge. The capacity of the watertanks being inadequate for the amount of transportiition accumulated here at that time, the oars wcje de- layed until alter 12 o’clock for want ol water; pending which the enemy ajipeared in torcf be- fore Gen. Clinginan’s throe ri j^lmeuts, nud I e withdrew across the wunty bridge to this sid- '1 the river. The artillery of the enemy was inlay- ing u{ on the railroad bridge; and Ev:;!is’s bn^itd * had at last to move forward by the comity road, and cross, if at all, the bridge a h:i{t tu.;e abu’. c the railroad. About two o’clock in the afternoon one b il-; and darintr incendiary succeeded in reucliiuir '‘ i' bridge, and covcrcd by the witii:, wall of (he abutaicnt, lighted a flame which suon >4estro>id the saiicr'tructure, leaving the masonry, abut- ments and pier intact. At tint tini" uiiil’orce- ment.^ which I had ordered tVom Kichiuond were hourly expected. It wn« very i’-iip .^ i’taiit i' ■- u. \v ' - .- 'e county bridge, the only .ns- iciiViining of cross - ing the river in this vii.iuity. Evans’s and Cling- nian’s brigades were tirdered to cross, suppurted 'oy I'ettigrew’s brigade, and the .'lissis.sippi bri- gade, just coming in, was ordered to move ifr- ward at once. The enemy were driven back from their posi- tion on the line of the railroad, but on aeeount ol the lateness of the bour, *4ie nature of tiic I ground, and the fact that our artilieiy, cavaliy and 'a larire portion ot the reinforcements hud not yet arrive<i, it w.as not advisable to attufk their strong second position that evening. 'During the night the enemy made a hurried re treat ti? their foi'tifjeations and gunboats, moving with such celerity that it was usclass to attiinj.L puri^uit with any Other arm than cavalry, ol .. inch at that time, unfortunatel}, we hud none T p.assed over the Railroad liom the Ncus# bridge to Wilmington, on the ’Jitlijand ret ned liist night. The bridue i fa.st being rep:drul At present, we are subjected to the leiupoiary inconvenience of trans-shipment aicro.ss the c ai- ty bridges; but in a very tew days tiiis will be remedied, and everything restoretJ to the former condition. I rejjret that this grand •'rmy of invasion did not remain in the interior long enough for us to get at them. As it is, they burned the -;upersir'ic- tur<* of two bridges wliich cost originally less than §10,QUO, and can be replaced at once, and have utterly failed to attempt to take advantage of the temporary and partial interruption of our railroad line, for the purpose of striking a decisive blow at any important point before we could thoroughly re-establish our communicatitm with it, t beg leave to Cill your attention to the reports of Lieut. Col. Stevens,C. S Engineers, and to Lieut. Col. Pool, a.s well a.s to tht'se of the three Briga- dier Generals previously named. Our loss is reported at 71 killed and 208 woun- ded and about 4(M> mi.-sing. Most of the latter were taken prisoners at Kiit^iton bridge, and have since been returned paroled. I am. General, very respo-otfully.your ob’t serv’t G. W. S mith , Maj. Gen. < onimandiiig. The Xtw State. AihnhiiKtrution in ^ev: Yurk — A New York letter-writer, in noticing the remark of a Washington coi respondent, that it was understood there that Governor Seymuur, who goes into office on the first of January, will allow of no more arbitrary arrests in New York State, says: The writer is perfeatly correct (as 1 happen to know) as to the arbitrarj^ arrests. The (Jovern- or's message, which is now about tini«hed. and which will be sent in to the l>egislature a week fi*om tomorrow, will take uncquivucai y nuti l,in that respect, but more immediat- ly p.iportant than that, perhaps, will be the declared deter- mination to uu lintft m State mt^fss the ftOeTdl u(1 tn i»>^tiotton rt'ctfle fi'um itf- emancipation policy I giv® you this as a matter of news, which the public generally will be Interested to hear. My authority for it i? as reliable as that of the Gov- ernof himself. Mr. Seymour's idea is, that'it i« not within the strict line of bi.<* duty to his oon- stituents, nor to the country at large, to permit white men to b« taken from their families heiw to free negroes South, and this idea, you tnay rolf U])on it, will bo worked out in the u: f!-.* will, at the .same time, rfit ' ntf, liis ■’ i .'-t i; ti in to pu.*!h-on the war for tht :-tn . n . the rebellion, pledging all the r< - t York,, in men and iii'oney, if th;* - but go for the “Uaiuu it uiiu ihu cuu- IB it

Transcript of d)] B inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1863-01-08/ed-1/...d)]B i S F . IH I - W R F i K f i...

Page 1: d)] B inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1863-01-08/ed-1/...d)]B i S F . IH I - W R F i K f i T '.1. N.n, F A V K T T K V iU .E . JANUA KY 8, f N O . u if^ r. J K H

d)]B i

S F . I H I - W R F i K f i T

'.<>1. N . n ,F A V K T T K V i U . E . \ . <\. J A N U A K Y 8 , f N O .

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I* M . N c ..: m, JalU> K.-vd„;j,

J li ' 'itrpett^r H H Us-.

A h rd, \ \ u..fon i H-nJerr.t

i r r u w . 1 Seujffi-. <1 ts .- wri, .(an.cs

oherf Barnwsi..

C Hajnes, Gas-

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Uiri’rI c l l . •• J - lapji'

( ■ iariit/crs.

W 15 yce. or- in M \^ut>en, -f*-"

I I I ». J • Ti e s t H -Icoinb t, A H Boteler. iV a '-er Pres ton-

A R u n

1 AdTentare; *«■i a l e s o n s .

u, V. ■

H, Notes r

I iiivriil' MONHAVS \Vl- T fl l R>:i)A\-

K{)U AUU J . HAI.K & SOXS.K l i r o R S \ V D I ’ KOPR IFTOIIS . j

f, St’nii-\Ve**kiy O bskrs kk 00 if p n i l in

_ , ii ■*' '• {-'ftivl liiiriiiK the v>->ir ot >sal>'rjp-

- ; f t sfto'T the v»'ar has »>xpire'i

f.. j,. 'hixKKVKR S ’J OU p T anmiiii . i f puM in

, ' i ; 50 i f p a i j dur in j r th> H suh'^crij -

• on r "" a f te r tlie j e n r ln> i";pir<'il.

V!'\ K n T IS I. K NTS iii'eritvl 1'o» tirt ft>r, ,r>- 'f • lines to r th« f i r s i , aiul SO cen ts fi^r (vich

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jifv will be c o n t in u e d t i l l fo rb id , an 1 ch a r g o d ao.coid


.UviTtisenients coniinjiAd inside, c h a r g e d »•» n*w


SrEC’.'l’ NOTK'K. f - i , n d a f te r th is daft-, no nam e o f a new s u b s c r ib e r

, he '“n te red w i thou t jiayu jent in a i rans t} , n o r will

(•,( paper be i^ent to iiucl: ^ubjipriber^^ fu r » lonjrer time

i:»n is l.a;J lor.Such :four old riubicribers as deaire to take the pa-

j*r -itt *'h;« -v'stem will pleas*? notifv ny when making jtsiirTAnces. Jan’v 1. 1858.

I f V T f . * l g e l j . » V r i k \ f V ,

A ttorney at L aw ,Fa y e t t e v i l l k , N . C.

LL a ttend th e C oun ty a n d S u p e r io r C o u r ts --f : \ m b e r ’.and. H a r n e t i , Moore a n d R vbeson Coun-

lid Prompt a t t e n t io n given to tlje co llect ion of all 1 eniru<>ted to hi^ hands .

i7. 185y. 58 - i f

G E O . W . V V I L L I . V M S A C O . .

n h o l e » a l e Dealer»» i n I jirocericK,AND IM PORTERS ANI> DEALERS IN

liardfrare and ( a t l e r j , Swedes Iron, &r.,HAT STREET, FAVETTEYILLE. N. I .

julv Ib t i l .

i J O ^ x . W. p . K EN D A L L . J . s . K EN DA LL

r o x , K C . \1 > A I . I . A: CO.,i ' o u l m i s s i o n i ^ l e r e l i a n t s

A N DW H O L E S A L E G R O C E R S ,

Vo. 11 A 12 >orth Water St.,\Vilrain?lnD. *i. f .

..lors from th e C o u n t ry p ro m p t ly e\ecute»^ Panict*’.ar a t t e n t io n given to th e sa le o f Cotion

u J -.her produce, ifril 1 l&til. 10-tf

T. C. X B . W O R T H .lOBiniisMOD aud F orw ard ing M e r rh a a is

W IL M IN G T O N . N C.J%ny2S. IS'Vi ^4*f

I A R I > !

\ Fi'.'V LAlf lES < an be aocoiii 'nod'it^ ' j with b o a rd ui '- n u ! ry

LETf. SMITHS, BLOCKt:!l & ( 0 ., Ylaiiiil ic t i i re r« i o l S a l t .

J VV. LKTT, \ g e n i in Fayctspv i’le.W D S M I T H . Agent in " i l m i n g ' o n

- W -tr: . . M. 'iMtTH W. D 'MITH, J . Bt-lCKEB, and J B CARVER

V r 1J'»>J s i)-t jwpi

~ J i l i i X ’ S O N , W I L L I \ M S & C O . .

W % L . T ^ n A K E K ! ! « .

U ’t h%7« th ir ty jSOi pao^ no\7 in op. r>»lion nine rr'le-» !• . . ' WilraingtOH T’a ri jp s vcis.hini? i.-> -u p f l j '

* i t h salt , c^n be furii.-^ijed by ap p ly in g to 4 J:.‘;Dq'J .!r , \s jen t a i FaypttpriM**, k - K Page , E»na?i*r <jf the work*, or lo

.1. M W I L L U .M 'G e n era l S i iper in teu . 'Ui.

W k s t k h n K \ i i , R o v i > O f f

I ' a v i ' l l o v i l i o , A u ; j . 1 S(JF 1 C t \ >


“ ■ Si-iaj

O N" and nfUT the V.t d'ly of j^cpt. ihe t'oll.<wiu^ r a t f s 'vill 1)0 '’'larKcd on I’u-iveiifj.'! >. \ iz :

F r o r i I lyuupvil le lo l . u t ’e Hivi^r, 5U cts.Ill Sp.nii S p r in s . 7:'> “

*■ lo K'tck l i f i r irh, 1 (Ht'• t : Jonoi i.c ifo’, I 'J'>

to "SI 1 .5ltTw ei i 'y f n e ('etits addi'. ion:il will he cc l l fc ted by the

( ' ori ' i i i ' : ir of euch pii-»>enger. le aving 'i M ‘»:ion w ithout a lii-kr-'

.1 new I i i r Prt*ijrhl will e'> in«ri effect •it (he ijarno ri(Tif. rt hii h will be jri si te .l aud t ' u rn is h td *o i '.Ik* publ ic in a few d iy j

By ord t r o f lhf» PreH’t.JN'"). -M. ROSE, T t v a s ' r W R, R (’o.

Auk' ^0. 18ti2. 5 0 t f

% V K S T K K .\ R A I L R O A D .

F r o m a n d a f te r .Monda?- th e ‘Jl!d ins t. , the T r a in s on thi' i Road will ru n dnily , le av ing Fayettev il !? a t 8

o'c lock, A M ; r e tu r n i n g len^e M c lv e r ’s Depot at 1 ‘'■clocF-, P M ' C. B M A L L E T T . PrcH’t.

Sept. ‘Ji; 6 2 t f


F r o n t i n g SOO f e e t a n d i n t h e h a z i n e s s

p o r t i o n o f t h e T o w n ,

contaifiM m o r e iip.acioiiM a n d w e l l v e n t i l a t e d R o o m s t l iaci a n y

H o t e l i n t h e ^ t a t e ,and ojj Patrons say niv Condiments are very

tor the times.T. W ADUILL, P r o p r i e t o r .

May - 0 . lSfi2. ‘J7y

Fayettevil le Fem ale Difijh School.

T HK .’Terci^ea of thin In s t i tu t ion will be re sum ed on th e ‘.^9ih of S ep tem be r

The sr.iiils>»tic y e a r will he divi led in to two te rms; th e Is! of ' 3 week-^. comniencinfr 'J9th o f and «>nd- ing '2lih lif>c ; the snc.ipd ot 27 w ffks , coininenc n e 1st of J-in 'y and en J in j i J u l y 1 wt

P a r e n t s and Ouar i l ians in te n l in ; : to p a t r o n i i e th is S j^o o I a re earne^•.ly r e q u e ' t e d to app ly for c i rcu la rs c o n ta in ing fnll p a r t i c u la r s in rppa rd to te im s . &c . before th e open in g of th e School

R^v WM n O O P K R , I f - ,T r . H O O P E R . } P r m c p a l 8 .

Tuly 17. 18H2. 4??-tl.'>Jpd

F A V K T T K V I I . I . En i T l A L I X S r K A \ ( E f 0 . f l P A \ Y .

C a p i ta l in P r e m i u m Notes a m o u n ts to C ash on h a n d \ n d o th e r asse ts .

) I— !

Th«* \ e w S t y l e , S m a l l . i


Fiveiievill^, Nov. 20, 1862 J*ltt

C O T T O V V A R A .Xo. 19 Ha) Ktreet.

C. p. M A L L E T T .- ir. y 0. 1862.

Kice a n d T o b a c c o o n ( o u s i g n i a e n t ^1 / | t-A.'K.S of fresh bea t Rice and 1<''’ Hnxes M anu- i ' J liiOturi d Tobacc J, varidu^ t iHli'ie-- F' )r sale by

GEO W. WILLIAM-^ CO. F^r . 't -vUle, 8ej.t 24. 18t;2 '-3tf

A O T I C K .4 31 eipec: to be aVisent from home a few m on ths in A. ’hi* Wpgt. A rch ib a ld .McLean is my a u r h n i i e d A^i-n' ivfti,.4ftct oav busine-i* un t i l 1 r e tu r n

S. G. JONE.S.I'ec'r 1860.

A l t e r t l l i N d a t e I w i l lpay Five Cents pe r pound fo r ra ,ts d r-

l ivered in Faye ttev il le , or a t my millshoclifish. D. M U R P H V .

■ii't 2. 1862

SALT P A N S F O R S A L Er b o i l e r i r o n p a n ;?, la rge 8i*e. for sale at the 0 Eaglf Works. Faye t iev i l le . S C , by

P A N P E R S O N I'eo H 84 t f -

S A L T .0 0 .S’D Hall for Bale on cons ignm en t by k' 0. W WILLIAM.*' & r o

-Nov. i n 79 If

w a ^ t e o .0 k l s h e l s \v u e . \t ,» v , O U l / i.5<X) ‘ Co r n .

Persons hav ing the above aniclcH t,i m.!! wi!', receive(h» highest Cash pr ice by cal l ing on Mr. \1 Tha,tm-on.M the M erchan t Mills. Faye t tevi l le , o r on *he subrtcri- '>tr at his old s tand on M a r k e t Square .

A L E X . JO H N S O N , J r .IV 5, 18^32. 7otf

B r . A I T D R ' t .


T u e n t y - l i e l lo l la rH R e u a r d .AN.\W,\Y from th e subsc r ibe r , his negro boy MO-

I ^E.' He is 21 y e a re o f age. abou t 6 feet. 1(» in ches robust, long feet a n d very much tu rn e d out a t the

'''S', nnd look^ down when spoken to. He was s«*en a t ^cPh;«ulfc Mills in R obeson c o u n ty on the 21st ult , ,‘'>'1 WH8 in Fayettev il le abou t t h re e weeks ago. T h e , ___ ______»b(j»e reward will be paid for his de livery to m« or for j ly as poss ib le on t h e i r a g e n t s a n d m a k e paym ent .

F O i l S A l . i : .

A Lot ofCot^ois a u d Woolen .M a c h i u f r y .i ) w o o l , PK’KEKS ^ :■< ;it> inch Wo.;, r i 'l-

1 8 0 •• •• Kr.,1 , 'i:I I'.'"' Spin !!'■ 'V >ol .1 11 ■ ■■!!>' ; I. ,r r.2 r- iu i ’ h <"■;■ F tni s 1 Spill lies PMi-h i T ■' ■">( Ip I’l a 4 ••1 Kii '>riwii-.ir Friiino \r ;h ('..i’ers ,.!iJ P ;.ker-1 12 ■•iTHn I S;.ee>i‘‘r. .'to .

StjiDt" t ! ' ie a*"'vc •ri'i. 'TtiPty i* H' w in otierK.jou u ’th r Kic'Miiond Fu' •TV F.)t I.-.! tTO'il iv- >l ldr. ?^

■ lOilN S I lO H T R IIK jR .H'ickinptiHiii, Uiciirnond ('.i , N C

Nov. 12 18i.2, 77 i t;ip,i

V A L I A i U . i : l o r S a le .j O F F E R lor sale my PLA.ST.A l lON, 2 miles '..e-; cl 1 < arihasr**. Mo>r*? iviumy. c. n ’.iiiirij; 2r>0 aCT'e“. on which is a Gris i and Saw .Mill. Coiion (i in a nd .''Ciow I will reC“ive in paymt‘nt S t a ' e B ind-*. (J.iiifc i» ' a i ; money or l ike ly \ :- ^!oe «. J O H N M O iU S O '.

VALl^^AIILi: LA\Ul»» l o r S a le .r O F F E R for Sale my PL.\N’ TAT10N on McClend .n - 1 l^reek, 6 miles west of t?arthage, lyinj; on th*j h-ii»in of the <’oal Fields, con ta in ing 210tJ iwres. which is a'j p ro lu c t iv e as a ny ia uds ia th e c o a u t y o f Moore. lh>»’ i m p ro v em e a ts good aud th e Hvtuation hvalthy Tnrn'n l iberal . J O H N MOKISON

A O T I C K .

I H W E a b ' u f G(Xmj ncres inore, la i i t fereni trac ts , in ih e coan ty uf .Mooro.— F&rrulng M ia e ra i , and Tur-

l>eatine l a n d , —whi('h I wi'.' -jeli ori l ibera l term't .J O H N M OR IS ON

.T l ine ra l Land** t o r S a le .

I H.^VE an in t^ res ' of on e - th i r d in a trac t of 500 \ C R E S on tne W'l'ors c» U.'t'p River, on which l:svi‘

be r t t dnC '^'ered h s^li njinp an i f ire ?. i l :petre. >vn 1 ar> <iil of gO'id qu ih ' y for g r j a s i n e le^thvr, well worthy g(»olii(tif! si invt*‘. iig a i -n JoH.N' MORISON

•LaMhs^f. N'lv 13 I.SG2 77- tf

2 ~ r v ( l . V 'R E S cn th e R j O v * ' Liirnt^-rtou and :il

f267 ,C 88 - b 6,077 35

T o ta l . ■?272.7G5 61T h e t 'o m p a n y have r a i d a ll io-.ae'j p rom pt ly , a n d

ha ve never mn Jo an a sse ssm en t on t h e i r pr.»mi’im no 'e s .Total losses pa id . ? 2 9 .^ b 2 C9

( >f f :ok. b S;(JEt!. M cN E lL ! , . P r o - :d e n t .P. R.VV, Vi<'<-P- ‘-iden t C. A. M.vMir.LAN. S^.' v

11 ■ ■ : T ^T ■■ . T ■ rh . •;

i'. Ii,iw:._^, VV. \1 I . , ,n.N a rh a « S te d m a n , T. S. Lu t te r lo ii ,C. B. M all e tt , W. S tee l.Jame'a Kyle. J . (t. Cwok. ,A. A. .M 'K e th a n . ILiu. J . (j . .•ihei he rd ,J. D. ’:V’ilI iams, R. F, Rrown, iS. W. T i l l inghasr . A . E . H i i l . j” «">«•

h n Col lins a n d C. (’ . M ci ' ru tn 'n e n . T r a v e l in g . \g e n t s he C om pa ny inv i te a p p l i c a i i o n s

Mav liB. iS t J t . 21-

A R T .%%"ooduard'M S o l a r C a m e r a .

P H O T o » , R \ P H H c.m be h a d at Vnno" ^del '’* S k y l ig h t O a l le ry . H ay siro^’t. oppi-*;te .Marble \ a r l , F a y ­

e ttev il le . N. C.: p la in , re toni hwd. colored, in w.-iter c o lu r j , ofl an I pas ii le ; from ' . inail to life s u e . Ambro- ty pes , M elaneo rypes , an d nil o th e r s ty le s of P ic tu r e s p e r t a i n ’ ifi to th e Art. Also, C>il{ Frune:- , Gil t Mould- ine , <j' < for very la ry e p i c t u r e s — a« la rgp r s 26 by .S6 inches , 'o rd an d Tasse ls for h a i i a in ? p ic tu re s ; [ n s t ru - Di«nts. . ■' tcck and i 'henii cuis i.^r .-..lie low for cash . Life size co lo red Photog . ' i iphs m ade tr>>m small p ic tu re s .

H a v ing p e r T n a n c n t l y locateil ho ie I hope to merit y ou r p a t ronagp , I would also r e t u r n my s in ce re th a n k s for ttie liber.tl p a t ro n a g e be s to w fd on me h e re to fo re by th e good people o f Fa y e t te v i l l e a n d v ic in ity .

C. M. V A N O R S P E L L .P h o to g r a p h i s t a n d P r o p r ie to r .

Peo'r 20, lHo-> 77-

i l i a r b l e F a c t o r y ,


F a y e t t e v i l l e ,.far. r ?Rt)0. «}-

N o t i c e .

T h e U N D E R S IQ N E P , bo th h a v in g en te re d the m i l i ­t a ry service- of th e Confedprate S la te s o f Ainericft.

he reby giv« notice to th e i r .ili! c.istoirifr-i an d f r iends ,■ th a t th ey havp appo in te d .lohn U. S l a r r a nd J o h n P.

VV illiaiiis, of th is pla^te, the i r a tto rnnvs to collect e i th e r sep a ra te ly o r conjo in tly all moupjH <lne thpni e i t l # ' by

: a ccoun t o r note, a nd o the rw ise to a tJend to th e i r hu- s iness genera l ly d u r in g t h e i r .ab«euce. They r o p o c t -

ful ly »8k all perHona indeb ted to the m to r a i l as prorapt-

^ oonfiQement io a n y j a i l ao t h a t I g e t 4iimW. D. J O H N S O N .

R^aaettivfiW, g. C ., Ang. 14. 18«2. 6 2 t fSept. 19, 1861.


A R n Y H A R r v e S S .I prepared to m a o a fa o to re a ll ki^idf of WagoDA Harneae for Arm y use.


A N N E R S ’ an d L U B K IC A T IN G OIL .L A M P BLACK in ba rre ls . F o r sa le by

good bargains. Agvnta will do well to R«ad-their I JO S . R. B LOSSOM & CO.,I ^r“ '0 me as th ey sha ll have p rom pt a t t e n t io n , an d ; W ilmington, N, C.*'■ >ff :n ijiiick d ispatch . JOH.V C A R T K R , [ M arch 7. . 0 - t f

'l‘‘ion P. ;) T h a th a in Co.. (^ . > , . - I •— — r • —------ -June 1.3. iK*i2, ( | i * a l m a C'iiri»>ti R e a n ^ .

■ « ' r i l H E subncr iCer will pay the hi(jh»“>f cash p r ices for««o iikv,. A ra t> ic l o r «a le by 1 A »ny q u a n t i t y of P a lm a 'C h r i s t i iii>aas.

, J . R. LEE. I J . A. WUK.TH.^ ^ WW 1 r«; <0avviUe,t)otk a (f7-et

L A A O S l . \ R 0 » 0 0 . \ 4 ' O l ' A r iFOR S \ L E

R af t Sw a m p. 'J na le s from ibout 6 miles from the W

C R Rai lroad‘2 , T O O ,\cr*s on the Inroad Ri Ige, about •*i mile-< from i

Lu 'I'O"-!' 0 . j1 0 7 Acre^ i.»n the W P, .% R R'lil road. 7 ;;iiles ft vitn |

L j ii ^>.T!on T w . 'n t j .-lores r.f whicti i-i in cv 'tiva iio .i . | a r o .X-res kn.iw.i as ih^ Rpd IS ink-, on the Vt ( .v I

R It li lr-.ad, 16 ni'.ics fr. ':u Luiuln-rton. . \Iiout li-C.i (•(>fn and u n d e r fence. T.ut .: a re two smal l trai.ieu hoiisos on tn e pre:aiie-».

4 0 0 Acre." abo*-jt 1 mile from the last m e n t iou rd t rac t . v»-ry heavi ly ti inbered

1 , 0 3 0 .\cre>j known as thn LUtlo Desert A : ich sw a m p abou t 16 miles fr >m F. iyettevUle a nd 1 i. ii’.t' i from the Faypttevil lp a nd Luiuber to n Road, adj in ing M cGeschv in d o.her-*.

1 , 0 0 0 ■Vcrei knowii as th e I)?sprt, a d j. i in in g V 'il ■ l iam .McNeill, C il li-r P a n ie l McNeill , .Mc.\lpin .:i>i o the rs S-jO fccr-?s h igh land, th e ba lance i« valu*b'*‘ .‘-wamp R S. FRENt' l*

I 'ec. l;^, lJ^62 - ^6 ] t ' t - p i

A o r a r F .

1)E R .^0N '^ wixSi,,!! !o b. iv I'tOVN PlI '-vPKHTV wi! .i we!l to cti'l m ' ;i.e “U^"••■^lbe^ 1 will s d ! .>n te a -m

able term-* a:y M-.n- • n i J Lm. !i.-iv;n2 aUo • gi. 'id Ki:> h vn, Smo»e hou-«f t ■4 '’ - I >\ ,1. of w-iSiT \is',i, tom "^'own Lot-* w i h p'lod tneri un a nd very 'onveQiojil < .n.. .er- J y M' ' f. ,t .A!- i. .'<2 ■i'*r»-";Ol Lnnii

^l l ; - ' . N S i N I ‘ t I.;.' ■ . - . f

New \iif(ion ;i5»d ( oinmissioii Huuse, Wo. 53, Sycamore St., Petersburg , Va.

OE . \N , i i.ALP'NIN’ .V Co.. tiitviUif ta ke n tue S ti ’Ti r i‘- ' coni'iv occup e l by W. .s. I?.Try as an A ^c iim .

Hi<na<* have a ssoc ia ted themseivf-i to g e th e r for the j iir- > n.me Ilf c ni . ic t i i^g h >::ncri! . \U(. 'TI ' iN . \ N P C " ' l Nll.^SlON Iir .-^INESS, an ' i 'iffer th e i r services l.i t.'i*ir i friend-*, a; 1 the pnhl c g e n e r . r y , in t!ip wale c f >s v ; GooJ*. Groce i .e.- . N la am ac tu rp ' l T.ih-icoo. Res l and Per>>on;il i ' s ta te . ei h r r .\ticti'*n of p r iv a te t a l e V-> • livip^ I.'. «!rict Hi:rnti-oi to hu- ine^s to ui‘ ri* a shar.^ of ■.he p o ^ l i r p a t r ina |? e

PT- AN. I ' A L P ’.VIN .V CO .5^ 'Sycamore .'*treet, Pe te rs 'eu rg . \ ' a ;

P S. — P a r t i c u l a r a t l e n ’itm pa id to the -<ale o f Ne- ' g roe- I

J . F I f M V. H I U ldw n,of N o t ia w sy Co Wilmington . N !

W . \ r .s' ol i>. jPp tprshti rg , Va. '

I Pec, 16. 18»>2 H7--lwpd j

i h : a \ . « A L i > m \ A C O . , |

» t i t c f i o n € t} i: t C o » l l m i v . ^ l o » l . f l t r t h € t n t ^ , :

58 Sycamora S!:., Petersburg , Va.I > E F E ^ S i p - l , r r , ' - i d » n B in k of -o r th ' 1 (’iir.i' :n i. •‘. iy»: • :lip. N C.; O S Ualdwiii. Wilmingtnn. N. C., G' r^i- My rs. Wi'ifiiington; T. W R.iv s on > o . , \. L ’ \ S St:at '-” . PeKTsbnrj r Va ; '■ E L H u' i ing. R-i’e i ’ h. N <' • Pr . (f fi ' rpp C H'-ind, L t 11 'v S').-,re, 1/ li «wkts , Upson Wiison, Not ;towav. Va : N C Haiton Co , R’iCbmonJ. Va I

i ■ * J . F P E A N .A. i r RALPWTN.W W , \ H S O l l )

Den i 7, 1 f*'’’' >'7 4wp I

U L I F K M F I I A .

1 D E S IR E to call the a t t e n t ion ol Drtige is ts and P>iv- si c ians to the supprio r q iia l ' iy o f the HLL’E ,M AS.~ 1

am uow m a nufa c i i i r ing by m a c h in e r y .The HI.UE M V-' S m sde by me i« w a r -a n te d to be

ONE T H I R D M E R C U ' tV , a n i eijual to an y m ade in E ng land , a nd much o ' l p e r iu r to tn'>st of hat »iow brotiijht

: into the Coafpderaoy fr-^m the Uuitf-d S ta te s , (as n e i r l y [ .all of th a t is deficient in M ercu ry . !

As an evidence of the super io r i ty of th e R l . l 'E M.AS.S maile by tne. I would a -k y o u r a t t en t ion to the a na lys is

I of it by P ro fesso r E Em mons, wi-’l known a'< one o f .he i most sr'.-^ntific men in th e coun try ; a lso to the foll-)wing I re c om m e nda t ion fri ni P r E Iw ard W arren , la te Profes- . nor in th e L'nivers.iiy o f Marylant l, an d now Siir)^e.>n- , General ot N orth Carol ina:

R a i .k io h , N. Oct. 2'd. 186- H av ing h a d the best oppor tun i ty to r te s t ing the qu ili-

l ies of the Blue Mass m a n u fa c tu re d by R. R S aunde rs , at ( 'h ape l Hill. N, C . 1 am prepare<l to say ths-t it is in ­ferior to none in use in a n y p a r i i c u la r It th e re 'o r e

' affords tne pleas?ire t e recom m end it to th*» Profrss itm 1 at la rge as a most vaiti'^ble a.>d re li ab le p repa ra t ion .! EDW ARD w a r r e n ,j SurgPon-t.Jeneral ot North C aro l ina

SKI'fEMIlKR 2!*, lS ' i ‘2 Mr. I f h . SiiunJet\i: .Sih: — 1 lirid yo in Ul'ie

Pi l l ' l a s s 10 be peif- ot.Iy hTniogeuPuus. a ll th e merc-.c j ■ bring, conver ted in to th e Pr.Moxid*< Rv at<alysis I dso

find, a f te r th roe tr ia ls , e ight g s in s if P ru to x id p in tw e n ty five o f th e Mas->. fn dryln ir , I shou ld r e m a rk

: th a t 1 smal l porti on < f th« O^i.ie was reduced . 1 a'n satisfied, f-oweve*-, tha* yo-ir I3ll^p Pill Mass con ta ins . one th i rd P ro tox d e - - f MerC'iry and mus*. have been I p re p a re d w i th sk il l an d c-irp. F o u r s , t ru ly .

E EM M O N S , S ta te Geologist, j O rde rs for an y q u a n t i t y c an be filled, a nd it c an b«

sent by E x p r e i s to a lmoff an y place in the Confederacy O rders so lic ited R B. S A U N D E R S ,

C hape l Hill , K. C _p«0 . 1 7 ^ ___________________ , 8 7 1 m

I A d m i n i M t r a t o r ^ K A ' o t i c e .

T h e eubsc r ibe r h a v in g at D ecember Term , 1802. of the C c ’in ty Cour t o f Cuti iberh inJ , iitialified as V I

in in is t ra to r upon the Es ta te o f N'eill 0 . McNeill , d e ’’d.I uofifiea a ll p e r s o n s h a v in g c ls in is ajcainst th e Estat to I presen t thOiU wii.f in t j o time lin ii tea by law, o the rv i-fe j th is notice will b( pl t . ided in b a r o f recovery. p4>b ors I a r e re q u e s te d to n a k e p rom pt paym en t .' i U J C r O K M oN K lL L , Adm’i

PM. vy, i9a. m- %


f i^HE u n J e r s ig n e l hav ing rt-cently u n d e r ta k e n pu'i lic li du ii->. I'll iiinr itiV-lp with p r o i u r a t ten t ion to m e

: • ‘itv l .eioi.i '■ r I. will bull .it Auc.iv^.i. i •t I, L-urr. Ill ,, I :it 12 ■ ’clock. .M , on the 2-' ih .fan _■I X , (luilcH- . o- di 'post-d o f a priv.i^e silli-,) l i i - J It' L.\Nt> ill Moore I 'o ' tn 'y , on the K.ayettevili.;1..1.1 •Ae*-!eri. 1 iank iioad, aiiout uitlt w;t_v be tween Car ,t .ia :i,. d .--.'I ( o’, I' Ufa ii ii ag aboiu .')t)7 Acrfs , of

111 ;h i’ll .11- i;(i Hcrcs i p r o ’ ab ly cleared , an d welli‘<’u t;d. .r d ^0 ;n’ loii;' lOi t' good Mi-adow It has on i a (• )riif(:ri'tl>l>’ 1) 'VELLi.Nti, Kitchen. Hmoke House, i. t rn , .lie Mouse, spac ious Stab les, i ic

T ie s ile wil; be made a t th e premises, and immedia te ji' is-e-'-i .u will b given to th e purc tia ser .

l!i- ••Till .•;l,'-o scil. ai j-r iva te sale, hi s Lot-^ and Kts i- ' *noe in t ' h to»?i! o f A shedoru’. w i t h . ’or withou t Two r i r ll^. ae vr ti e vil age. <)ue of the fa rm s about a in i le ti iiiii ih- vuiapi^, con ta in s abou t lO'O acres . 80 acres of whi h is in cu lt iv a tion It has on it «yme 8 or 10 ac res of v‘'«'d m-i.dow. About 40 acres is seeded, in good o.dt T, with a super .o r va r ie ty of wheal, a nd with rye H id w in te r oat .i The rem a in d e r is in good condit ion ! -r , corn , rop T n ree fourth'^ o f th e outs ide fenoe of tu is pi.ice is built of s tone. The o th e r tract, about 3 t i i l r a from tht villngp. con ta in s .S06 a c r e s ;—about 60 iii'rt -i in cuUiv ai io n— some 15 ac res of which is seeded in V.' intfr oat*; —th e r, 31 int-,;nded for corn next year .

The p rope r ty in A sh e b o ro ’ rons is is of seve ra l cont ig- !• in'* lots, oon' ' . ining a bou t 10 acres, all of which is in e s '?c il e r t <-oa'ii;i ir; h.as on it an o rc h a rd o f ' l o r e th an 2'.M) trees, in o e i r i n g c o n d i t io n —uonsis ti ng of choice v.,r!'.*ies o; apple , peach , pear , cher ry an d o th e r fruit i tee-t;— -t'j.'iii J! a. res ' f h ig h ly t« r t i l i ie d and productive meadow

Tiie dw -lling is f>2 x 20 feet, with a w ing 18 x 26 fept, t)Oth two s tories h igh . T he rooms of th e main tn i i d i n g are all p .as tc rcd in p';ain na rd finish style ; f u;- of ititrm tp a c i ti» an d with good fire places; one a d- • FT im ry without ' ire place, and one a l ib r a r y room, fi:ted up w;th :noveab! j shelves, ^ic. The wing has two r >o: IS witii fir< plnces. a d in in g room an d one room v.'itl.uiir a iire -1 ci-, » itii fixed i f^ r J ro b es , .and a spa- ci.Mi- a nd dry c l ia r un . le r the bu ild ing . T he out- 1 .i.; lii.gH I'ous S t ' d a iii ichen, thrt“; uegro houses with (i.<> r. oin.'- in i-ach o f them, four o f th e rooms h a v in g ea^ii a fire place, aud omo of them a stove; well house w''*ili p i-nf y, a lai g.- snicke house c a r r i ag e house, wood h j i u c , ;wii .- fT.ces. f a c h with two rooms a nd one fire pi tee; a fV»meii bar:- .34 x 30 feet, with s tab le room for

horse*., -w.i.e f. .r sneaf wheat enough to produce 500 ■us’ eK; two ceile i gamer.- ' capab le oi lo lding cacii 500

^iis '.els of g r a i ’i, with a baf-emeut st .ry to sh e l t e r cat- !•!; an i hNo s-.'pHrate COW hou.-<es: a stone mi lk house

-upph t 'd with I con-iiant ^itreatn of cool sp r in g water . I'.ie bnildi"ig-» a re all in exce llent condi tion, and have ')cer* rcCf-r.Lly {a in ted .

P.-r-ions le^irou-i to make f u n her in qu i r ies , can app ly to n.e !»t R d e i g h , to my son or b ro th e r re s id in g in Wil- Msn5;ton. n.y b ro th e r in Fikyetteville, or to my son- in- law S S J.i '^kson ia .Vsheboro', who ia du ly e m p o w e r ­ed t'j nink>- a sale

,A-» ! am :.bon' to remove to Raleigh 1 Can give imme -iiatp pO'^f sion, J O N . \ T l i , \ N VVORTH.

l>ec’r 27, 1S(,2. yil-t2'.*J

F L O R A L t 'O L L F 4 . iF . I

I^I'.E Trii tee^ of FV '■a l (College take p leasu re in an- ' i.,'i nci 2. t ■ r. ' .nlic tha t th ey have supceeded in '

■■■f A'n proi; r ' ln- to e s e h ioes jf Ri-v Pa n ie l . lohnson a?l ’r:::C-ip-’

1 ■ j t i ipe icn ’ 1 i; ' : i r.* botii in tho .1 .1 . - ^ .y i t * II m e n : . ! D. p ;i ■ men ■< wi;! >e 'Supplied

'• e il will ;.peti .n W f . i f t 's d .y O-.e M ih of J: -n ‘yt i r (-.int t i i i ing fu ’l f a r t i c u 'a r s ill it g'.r.l

f j ti-rii r, .■ c . i:Hii >p ti.'i i on applJOafinn t Rev Daniel . 'o h i 'K ’O. * '’ ■>. il:-;. ,S ( ’

. ' 1 . V . ■ I. . . ' (• :. ri/. , 1

i' • I; • ' T m ilth. jM. i ' McN ViR. I

.' ei'*V to R- a rd of Tru-^tees. t K*-4w

I iiiver*^ity o l A o r t h C a r o l i n a ,C H A P E L IIILI. , N C.

'T^RE Best sessi ' in will begin . / an ’y 17th, and end J u n e t Olh.

Hoard h-. C >1. Gu’ hrie a t the Eag!? Hotel 5?12->; T u i ­tion .’r3 ; Konm re n t s-."), per session, all p a y a b le in ad- vanoft,

T:ip meariJ of iii'-triiction are ample, and pains have lip-'n taken to brine »til the expenses of education with­in r.-asona'dp limii'

DAVID L SW AIX, P r e s ’t.J vn’y 2. 91 3tpd

F a r m an<l S t o e k .*it A u c t i o n . •' ' p p L'RP.DA V the l o th in s t . , on the premises a t 11 1 M.. 1 -'h-:ll sel* th a t valufible F . \R M on the West

b.'.iiK of thp ( ’ape F e a r R iver, 2J miles below F a y e t te ­ville, i.ri i a d jo in ing Mes-rs . M:ikepeace & Shaw , a nd known as Daily Laud. The tract conta in s 190 acres— '0 0 u n d e r ‘. :u li ir a iion a n d well a d ap ted to th e cu l tu re i f corn, peas a nd hay, a n d the b a lance well t imbered with pine a nd oak At s am e time I sha l l sell Hogs, C 'ttt 'd and F a rm ing Im p lem e n ts \ t the sam e time I shall sell th e Ha ig hwood F a rm s b o u t one mile d i s tan t ^rori file above. b ' ' iw een .Sandy R un an d Occam m any. Th is trac t cont iins 200 iicres, a p a r t of which is enclosed a nd u n d e r cult iva tion , a n d th e ba lance well t imbered with P i n e — would be very va lu ab le for cu l tu re of Grape \ ine and F ru i t

I f ' h e above named Daily F a rm is not aold it will b« ren ted for the y e a r 1863.

Persons d e s i r ing to pu rc h a se will bo shown th e above p roper ty on applicat ion .

J O H N H. COOK, Auot i- .oJ a n ' v S. 18C:i 91-8t


C1 0 N F E D E R A T E M atches by the Orooe . Scotch Snuff ■' in 25 lbs. boxes. J O H N H COOK.

J a 6 6 1863 91-3t

7 C a t t l e S t r a y e d o r S t o l e n .

FRO.M a P>tsture in th is v ic in ity , 4 Be f Cattle, which m ay be in the Sw a m p s be low town, i f not stolen.

\ l s o one B-'ef ( 'nw s t ray ed f-om ‘own. when la s t h ea rd from was ne i r P. M u rch iso n ’s, Esq . was bough t in ( 'h a th a m , An^l two others , which b:’oke from a p a s tu re at Mr. W, p T y s o n ’s in C ha tham , a n d likely have gono t " R andolph, 1 will pay a libe ra l c om pensa t ion for a n y o f the above Cat tle .

W, C, TR O T .Faye t tev i l le . J a n , 91-2t

AOTHC F . ~ ^r jpW o like ly N E G R O MEN, George. 44 year? old, s n d I J a c k 4 ’ . be long ing to it * E “’afe o»’ Thom as M. Mc-

L r ra n , dec ’d, will be sold p r iv a te ly , w henever su itab le applicat ion shall be made to me. I will a lso h i re ou t two likely .MEN for thia year .

5ARV ANN EV ANS, E x ’x.J r .n ’y 2. 186^. 91 if


I H.XVE 'I good supp ly of T u r j ie n t ine HACKS, on hand , which I ini re^idy to sell to those who may

w;sh to purchase . Also, r e ad y to f i r e p a r e Axes at short notice, in th e best m a n n e r

L WOODK • - tipvilie. N r . Dec. 30, 90 3mr<l

P;‘c ‘r -7 . i r ' -2

101) s . s r K s OF S \ L T ;io li S .idi, for sriap making:

IJ,') R x -s J . A Long s best b ra n d s o f Tobacco;B:i‘ . I’riul f .Sug'sr;

■','•0 Lb- 1. Leather.Jt>S A W O RT H

."9 2 mD.'c 'r 22. l ' ' i ' - '

F r e i ; ; i i l t o r R a l e i ; ; l i .

\( ft iNS can find load in g for R aU ieh -iboiit th e DithJan’y. ’.i.ply to

t>er r 2 1

J O H N SilA'.V, .r <} D E M IS G

S',.t t

40w i ’« . i . l K l . \ l »lU'.L'-! SC G A R.12 Rbls. N O S V R C P 15 *• S( rP P E R N O N G WINE ^

()u consig nn *ul and for sale byJt>? L'TLEV.

8. |H 2-. 62-t f

S ? ^ A A C ' r i O L l T l A ^ - S W C m T H ,

At h'S Old Stand, Person St,.

O r r E H S fi.r hale. S O l .N D S.VLT.V p 3od .i.'Sortiiicnt o( Chewin g and Sm okuig T>j-

ti icc I. .'^.lu*'. Flour , Sugar , Leatiier, \ c . .tnd all a rt ic le s u -u lily .t'cpt in a G'"i>cery Store t ■ be had in m arke t, wnii-n wiH be sold for cash or (riven in e x ch a n g e for C luntry Produi-e.

D tc ’r 29. 8 9 - lm p d

N O T I C E .4 T T H E ,M.\(JN()L1.\ SALOON in Faye iiev il le . Noe.

12 a nd 14 Green s t ree t , I offer for sale, a t whole ­sale or r e t a i l . —

j ik i'«BL!'. piipetioi old Corn VViiiskey.I v I bbl, s u p er io r old Rye W niskey.

1 q u a r te r cask fine Scotch Whiskey.• \b o u t 100 p s lb 'n s super io r Freor li B randy.

lo bbl-» .Vo. 1 , \pple B randy .3 do s u p er io r Peach B randy,2 good ('’hprry Bounce,

a n d a smull q u a n t i ly of- luperior F’ori nnd .Madeira Wine. |

It ec ’r 1, 1‘*t)2R E U B E N JO N E S ,


W a g o n s W a i n t e c I *^IIHE u n d e rs ig n ed , .Salt Commissioners fo r the c o u n ty i of C um ber land , wish to employ from one to tw en ty-

five Wiigiiux to liaiil Sa lt from Saltv il le , V'a., for which II ey « '/ / twelve dolla rs pe r b ag of 100 lbs an d al- U>w th e w a i i o n s to take one - ten th of th e Sa l t a t th e Works at f 1 .50 per bu,shel on t h e i r own accoun t VVag- or.s I’rom a n y p a r t of th e S ta te will be em ployed od ap - j. lic u io n to us, by le t te r or o th e rw is e .

P. F. ALPERM.VN.J NO. ’iV \ P P 1 L L , J r R M. O R R E L L .

F . y villi-, D-.-, I 87 -2<f

AStiac kKEiiilii t o H i r e .

!. 1 Vori^inan. \d(lre^< ‘W ,’’ a t this office.D .-r 2'.l J '-'-tf

I)O e n t a l A'otiee.

R DAVIS i..< :n :i vvn .and can b- s.-.ui -i' hi- Offi< e ovor D : . B W’. R .ib inson’ ()ffice.

P e r ’r 21 1H(!2 S9-4lpd


Mft) P v rv f . to b ’s OFFirii, \ rharlotfe. N , Dec. 12, 1862. J

A l l -laiins agiiin/ii this Departmenf, to be paid, niuHt be preranted before Janu-'.ry 26th, 1863

D. P. RAM8EUR..■*7r?5J; '“ n rg an d Med. Purveyor .

A f ln ’\ i:*i*^fration rVotiee.

T i l l ’, tub,-- rib'r laving qualified as Administratrix on 'he Est‘--te <-f las S;indy. deo’d hereby (rivfs rotice

t ) all ; :i’sc IS hav ig cliims against said E t vfe to pre- lijnt ;hem o Wm NioL, McKay within the lime pre- Mri' cd by aw, or this notice will be pleaded in bar o"/ Lhaif rtcovt ry. CATHARINE dUNDY, Adm’x.

A dg. 4, # t


I lO R the benefit of th e publ ic I would inform them tha t 1 .lave a lot of ST A R P O L IS H on ha nd bu t no

b.,xes to put it in P lea se .say to y o u r servan ts to .rarhpr aii th e old tin boxes th ey have an d b r in g them to me a n d I will buy th.-'m V, .1. WOODW.ARD.

F\y , -t levill e. . lan 'y 3, 1''•’>3. ‘*l-4t

1 ^ % A I 'F D !

11WENTV (2<l) u n m a r r i e d men to en li s t immedia te ly as Labore rs of (Ordnance for Guard Duty a? the F a y ­

e ttevi lle A rsena l an d A rm ory . T e rm of e n l i s tm e n t ■h ree y e a r s or for the war. Consc r ip t s be tw een the ace-j 0 * I'S and l i will be ta ken P a y $13 pe r m on th , vr'.Mi c! i t l rng , ra t: . :is a u d medical a t te ndanc e .

■Vpply III me at m e .Arsenal,M \ T T H E W P TAVLt)R ,

‘ " a p . i ' n ('. S .V . .Acting C om m andan t Fayi-i iev ii le Ar^. 'uai Armory.

F-iy ' i tevil le . Pec. liS, 1862, ) y i - 2 t

H O R S E S H O E IA W .

OWING t i th e .advance in th e prica of Iron the sub ­scr iber ifj compe lled to la iso th e price of shoe ing to

51 p e r .'hoe. H p does th is with re luc ta nce , bu t its necessi ty will be a p p aren t to hia cus tom ers when he t-'.ates, t h a ’ th e iron a lone used in m a k ing shoes costs lU'ire th a n h.\ lf of his charge , ai.d more th an twice as niuch as he fo rm er lv received f-ir iron a nd shoeing,

J , W. W ELSH. F a ye ttev il le . . l a n ’y 2, 1S63. ‘»l-6wpd

S . I L T ! S A L T ! !S.ACKS for sa le by

Z ' f ) R O B E R T M IT C H E L L ,Peo 22 88 t f

1 0 ,0 0 0 ll>w. o l ; ;ood P o r k w a n t e dby GEO. W W IL L IA M S i CO.

Faye i iev i l le , Pec, 31, 1862, 9t)-2w

F O R H I R E ,

V WOM.AN, a good cook, w ashe r a nd irone r,P , a n p e r s o n ,

J a n ’y 2. 91 t f ___

A O T IF E .-S * -5 5 R E W A R D .

T h e s u b sc r ih e r will pay 25 dollars re w ard to a n y one who wiU r e t u r n to him , in F'ayetieville, a negro

G IR L , who ranawa.y from his res idence on F r id ay n ig h t th e 2d of J a n u a r y . 1863. Said negro g i r l is about 5 fVet a n d a ha l f high, is inclined to be th ic k , a r «ther b righ t , black face, full , w ith th ick lips . She is 16 y e a r s old, but large for her age. T he above re w a rd will be pai l -to a ny one who wil! r e tu rn h e r safely home. 0 - lodge hi r in J:ul :md info rm me of the fac t aud place.

J . W, T U C K E R . F.ivi ttcv ilV , Ja ti . 6, 18i.*3 91 -ff

lA‘t t C 'an ip w i t h o u t l e a v e , o n t h enigi t of the 25th. th e fo llowing men, \ i i : J a s Hall. S. P Mill. Geo L 1 1 1 J K. McLetuore , H L Pe te rs .in , F. Petor- 'on, N. G T.itom and M. L. S im mons These men live in BlniJen c-uiHty I wish th e C ap ta in s of the P i s t i ’icts in which th e y live to a r r e s t iheni im tn ed ia le ly . A r e w a rd of S30 wi 1 be given for the i r d e l ive ry tc mein Camp or ^ 1 5 for t i iMr lodgement in ja il . These mena re all c-onscripts. D A V IU SCOTT,

C apt Co D, 53d R eg’t N. C. T. Qold 'iboro’, P»o. 26. ~ 90-2w

G r o c e r i e s I G r o c e r i e s : :

V L.-^RGE a n d well eelec ted S to ck p f FAM ILIf GHOCV^RIES^’a lw ay s on hand , consie tjng of

Bacon-8ide», Mess'Pork, Mullets, M a c k e r • Nos. 1 and 2, Molag.ses, S i. cars c f a!

grades, Tobacco, dinars,^^nd a.1 oth*er a r t ic le s usua l ly kept i.i r- W hole sa le Q ro - f<;ry E«tiib’ishr. '.ent •

COX, K E N D A L L & CO.Wilir.ing on, Apri l 2. 18«1._ 10-tf

i i t a n k W a r r a n t d fo»r S a l e a t t h i s O f f t c o .

OFFr('i.\L r e p o r t OF TflE FIGHT IN N "

H laDQLARTERS (lULDSBORu’, Il • <'•, 2'.;.Gen. .".Cooper, .Adj’t and Int-p’r Gti. >, iifhuio- !. \ >'

Genei^al;— 1 have tlio honor to enrloso cui if's of the reports ot iiriL'. O cum. Kvaiis, i lo^ ;l .:onand Clingiuan, giving un uCL-->uiit ol’ the vaviouj affairs with tl,e cneiuy in this vi> iiiity i’l tiieir recent bridge burnini: and pillaging ; spc^uion from Newhern.

Jirig. Gen. hh’ans, with ‘i.ihiu men, held then* in check at Southwest Creek, l.'uyotid Kin.'^ton. on the 4th, and on the 14th, delayed their ad­vance lor some time, and si^ceedcd iu withdraw­ing his Ibree, with stnall k.sa, to the itdl biuik the Xeuse Kiver at Kinston, l i e held t*u i\. at bay until tiie Kilh, when tiiey advanced on (he opporiite side of the river, and made an attack at Whitehall bridge, about 18 milc.s below Golds­boro’; in which they were driven back by Gen. K with .severe Joss

Small reinforcements arrived from Pet^r.-^burg and Vrilmington, on the lo th , on.n regiment ot which was placed in position to cover tne railroad bridge over the Neuse, near this place. A bat­talion o f artiUery which had uiad^ a succesiful retreat fron> the works of the obstructions beiow Kinston, wifter the enemy occupn.d the latter point in force, was stationed on this bide of the river, at the railroad bridge, and, nltout a Lalf mile above, at the county bridge. On the IfUh, a regiment arrived, from Wilmington, a n l one from PeStersburg, both of which were sent to the right bank o f the river, and placed under fien. Clingman’s command, to protect the two bridges.

Un the ttiorning ol the 17th, having no caval­ry, and being unable to obtain information by other means, 1 directed Lieut. Col. Stevens, 'ot the Engiueers, with two brigades and 5 pieces ot artillery, to make a reconnoissance, lor the pur­pose ot ascertaining the position and numbers of the enemy. Gen. Evans’ brigade had then reach­ed Goldsboro’, by rail, and remaining on board, only awaited the clearing of the track, and water­ing of the engines, to move by rail to the position already occupied by Gen. Clingman with his three regiments, about 1-? miles beyond the rail­road bridge. The capacity o f the watertanks being inadequate for the amount o f transportiition accumulated here at that time, the oars wcje de­layed until alter 12 o’clock for want ol water; pending which the enemy ajipeared in torcf be­fore Gen. Clinginan’s throe ri j^lmeuts, nud I e withdrew across the w unty bridge to this sid- '1 the river. The artillery o f the enemy was inlay­ing u{ on the railroad bridge; and Ev:;!is’s bn^itd * had at last to move forward by the comity road, and cross, i f at all, the bridge a h:i{t tu.;e abu’. c the railroad.

About two o’clock in the afternoon one b il-; and darintr incendiary succeeded in reucliiuir ' ‘ i' bridge, and covcrcd by the witii:, wall of (he abutaicnt, lighted a flame which suon >4estro>id the saiicr'tructure, leaving the masonry, abut­ments and pier intact. A t t in t tini" u i i i l ’orce- ment.^ which I had ordered tVom Kichiuond were hourly expected.

It wn« very i ’-iip . i’taiit i' ■- u. • \v ' - .- 'e county bridge, the only .ns- iciiViining o f cross­ing the river in this vii.iuity. Evans’s and Cling- nian’s brigades were tirdered to cross, suppurted 'oy I'ettigrew’s brigade, and the .'lissis.sippi bri­gade, just coming in, was ordered to move ifr- ward at once.

The enemy were driven back from their posi­tion on the line of the railroad, but on aeeount ol the lateness o f the bour, *4ie nature of tiic

I ground, and the fact that our artilieiy, cavaliy and 'a larire portion ot the reinforcements hud not yet

arrive<i, it w.as not advisable to attufk their strong second position that evening.

'During the night the enemy made a hurried re treat ti? their foi'tifjeations and gunboats, moving with such celerity that it was usclass to attiinj.L puri^uit with any Other arm than cavalry, ol .. inch at that time, unfortunatel} , we hud none

T p.assed over the Railroad liom the Ncus# bridge to Wilmington, on the ’J i t l i ja n d ret ned liist night. The bridue i fa.st being rep:drul At present, we are subjected to the leiupoiary inconvenience of trans-shipment aicro.ss the c a i - ty bridges; but in a very tew days tiiis will be remedied, and everything restoretJ to the former condition.

I rejjret that this grand •'rmy of invasion did not remain in the interior long enough for us to get at them. A s it is, they burned the -;upersir'ic- tur<* o f two bridges wliich cost originally less than §10 ,QUO, and can be replaced at once, and have utterly failed to attempt to take advantage o f the temporary and partial interruption o f our railroad line, for the purpose o f striking a decisive blow at any important point before we could thoroughly re-establish our communicatitm with it,

t beg leave to Cill your attention to the reports of Lieut. Col. Stevens,C. S Engineers, and to Lieut. Col. Pool, a.s well a.s to tht'se of the three Briga­dier Generals previously named.

Our loss is reported at 71 killed and 208 woun­ded and about 4(M> mi.-sing. Most of the latter were taken prisoners at Kiit^iton bridge, and have since been returned paroled.

I am. General, very respo-otfully.your ob’t serv’t G. W. S m i t h , Maj. Gen. < onimandiiig.

The Xtw State. AihnhiiKtrution in ev: Yurk — A N ew York letter-writer, in noticing the remark o f a Washington coi respondent, that it was understood there that Governor Seymuur, who goes into office on the first of January, will allow o f no more arbitrary arrests in New York State, says:

The writer is perfeatly correct (as 1 happen to know) as to the arbitrarj^ arrests. The (Jovern- or's message, which is now about tini«hed. and which will be sent in to the l>egisla ture a week fi*om tomorrow, will take u n cq u iv u ca i y nuti l , in that respect, but more immediat- ly p . ip o r ta n t than that, perhaps, will be the declared deter­mination to uu lint ft m State mt fssthe ftOeTdl u(1 tn i»> tiot ton rt'ctfle fi'um itf-emancipation policy

I giv® you this as a matter of news, which the public gen e ra l ly will be Interested to hear. M y authority for it i? as reliable as that of the Gov- e r n o f himself. Mr. Seymour's idea is, that' it i« not within the strict line of bi.<* duty to his oon- stituents, nor to the country at large, to permit white men to b« taken from their families heiw to free negroes South, and this idea, you tnay rolf U])on it, will bo worked out in the u: f!-.*will, at the .same time, rfit ' ntf, liis ■’ i .'-t i; ti in to pu.*!h-on the war for tht :-tn . n . the rebellion, pledging all the r< - t York,, in men and iii'oney, i f th;* ■ -but go for the “ Uaiuu it uiiu ihu cuu-

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