TDC2016SP - Trilha Frameworks JavaScript

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  • angularjs servicesboas prticas e reuso de cdigo

  • @r_mdias

    Rodolfo Dias JavaScript Developer at Inatel Competence Center

  • Recife

  • Recife

  • Recife

  • Recife

  • SRS

  • angularjs servicesboas prticas e reuso de cdigo

  • angularjs services/


  • Definio

    Servio, do Latim Servitum

    Substantivo utilizado para designar tarefa, trabalho ou obra em execuo, a ser executado ou j realizado.

  • Servios em aplicaes

  • Servios em aplicaes - Por que usar?

    - Modularizao

    - Organizao

    - Reutilizao de lgica na aplicao

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular

  • Servios no Angular




    $Constant e $Value

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular - Cenrio

  • AngularJS Hero Services

  • Servios no Angular - Cenrio

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • Servios no Angular - $provider

    //components/heroes-provider.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesProvider', []) .provider('heroesProvider', heroesProvider);

    function heroesProvider(){ this.heroes = ['Superman', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']; this.updateHeroes = function(newHeroes){ this.heroes = newHeroes; } this.$get = function() { return this.heroes; }; }

  • Servios no Angular - $provider

    //components/heroes-provider.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesProvider', []) .provider('heroesProvider', heroesProvider);

    function heroesProvider(){ this.heroes = ['Superman', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']; this.updateHeroes = function(newHeroes){ this.heroes = newHeroes; } this.$get = function() { return this.heroes; }; }

  • //components/heroes-provider.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesProvider', []) .provider('heroesProvider', heroesProvider);

    function heroesProvider(){ this.heroes = ['Superman', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']; this.updateHeroes = function(newHeroes){ this.heroes = newHeroes; } this.$get = function() { return this.heroes; }; }

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesProvider'] function heroesController(heroesProvider){ console.log(heroesProvider) }; // ['Super man', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesProvider'] function heroesController(heroesProvider){ console.log(heroesProvider) }; // ['Super man', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesProvider'] function heroesController(heroesProvider){ console.log(heroesProvider) }; // ['Super man', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • //components/heroes-provider.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesProvider', []) .provider('heroesProvider', heroesProvider);

    function heroesProvider(){ this.heroes = ['Superman', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']; this.updateHeroes = function(newHeroes){ this.heroes = newHeroes; } this.$get = function() { return this.heroes; }; }

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • //components/heroes-provider.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesProvider', []) .provider('heroesProvider', heroesProvider);

    function heroesProvider(){ this.heroes = ['Superman', 'Flash', 'Spider Man']; this.updateHeroes = function(newHeroes){ this.heroes = newHeroes; } this.$get = function() { return this.heroes; }; }

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • //app.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp', [ 'heroesApp.heroesProvider', 'heroesApp.heroesService', 'heroesApp.heroesFactory', 'heroesApp.heroesConstant', 'heroesApp.heroesValue', 'heroesApp.heroesController' ]) .config(function(heroesProviderProvider){ var newHeroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America']; heroesProviderProvider.updateHeroes(newHeroes); });

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • //app.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp', [ 'heroesApp.heroesProvider', 'heroesApp.heroesService', 'heroesApp.heroesFactory', 'heroesApp.heroesConstant', 'heroesApp.heroesValue', 'heroesApp.heroesController' ]) .config(function(heroesProviderProvider){ var newHeroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America']; heroesProviderProvider.updateHeroes(newHeroes); });

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • //app.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp', [ 'heroesApp.heroesProvider', 'heroesApp.heroesService', 'heroesApp.heroesFactory', 'heroesApp.heroesConstant', 'heroesApp.heroesValue', 'heroesApp.heroesController' ]) .config(function(heroesProviderProvider){ var newHeroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America']; heroesProviderProvider.updateHeroes(newHeroes); });

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesProvider'] function heroesController(heroesProvider){ console.log(heroesProvider) }; // Vai Safado, Vai Safado!

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesProvider'] function heroesController(heroesProvider){ console.log(heroesProvider) }; // ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America']

    Servios no Angular - $provider

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular - $service

  • Servios no Angular - $service

    //components/heroes-service.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesService', []) .service('heroesService', heroesService);

    function heroesService(){ this.heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America']; this.getHeroPower = function(hero) { // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesService'] function heroesController(heroesService){ console.log(heroesService) }; // heroesService {heroes: Array[3]}

    Servios no Angular - $service

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesService'] function heroesController(heroesService){ console.log(heroesService) }; // heroesService {heroes: Array[3]}

    Servios no Angular - $service

  • Servios no Angular - $service

    //components/heroes-service.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesService', []) .service('heroesService', heroesService);

    function heroesService(){ this.heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America']; this.getHeroPower = function(hero) { // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • Servios no Angular - $service

    //components/heroes-service.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesService', []) .service('heroesService', heroesService);

    function heroesService(){ this.heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America']; this.getHeroPower = function(hero) { // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesService'] function heroesController(heroesService){ console.log(heroesService) }; // heroesService {heroes: Array[3], getHeroPower: function(hero)}

    Servios no Angular - $service

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesService'] function heroesController(heroesService){ console.log(heroesService) }; // heroesService {heroes: Array[3], getHeroPower: function(hero)}

    Servios no Angular - $service

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesService'] function heroesController(heroesService){ heroesService.getHeroPower('Wesley Safado'); }; // heroesService {heroes: Array[3], getHeroPower: function(hero)}

    Servios no Angular - $service

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular - $factory

  • Servios no Angular - $factory

    //components/heroes-factory.js angular .module('heroesApp.heroesFactory', []) .factory('heroesFactory', heroesFactory);

    function heroesFactory(){ var heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America'];

    return { heroes : heroes getHeroPower : getHeroPower };

    function getHeroPower(hero){ // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • Servios no Angular - $factory

    //components/heroes-factory.js angular .module('heroesApp.heroesFactory', []) .factory('heroesFactory', heroesFactory);

    function heroesFactory(){ var heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America'];

    return { heroes : heroes getHeroPower : getHeroPower };

    function getHeroPower(hero){ // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • Servios no Angular - $factory

    //components/heroes-factory.js angular .module('heroesApp.heroesFactory', []) .factory('heroesFactory', heroesFactory);

    function heroesFactory(){ var heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America'];

    return { heroes : heroes getHeroPower : getHeroPower };

    function getHeroPower(hero){ // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesFactory'] function heroesController(heroesFactory){ console.log(heroesFactory) }; // Object {heroes: Array[3]}

    Servios no Angular - $factory

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesFactory'] function heroesController(heroesFactory){ console.log(heroesFactory) }; // Object {heroes: Array[3]}

    Servios no Angular - $factory

    // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesService'] function heroesController(heroesService){ console.log(heroesService) }; // heroesService {heroes: Array[3]}

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesFactory'] function heroesController(heroesFactory){ console.log(heroesFactory) }; // Object {heroes: Array[3]}

    Servios no Angular - $factory

  • Servios no Angular - $factory

    //components/heroes-factory.js angular .module('heroesApp.heroesFactory', []) .factory('heroesFactory', heroesFactory);

    function heroesFactory(){ var heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America'];

    return { heroes : heroes getHeroPower : getHeroPower };

    function getHeroPower(hero){ // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • Servios no Angular - $factory

    //components/heroes-factory.js angular .module('heroesApp.heroesFactory', []) .factory('heroesFactory', heroesFactory);

    function heroesFactory(){ var heroes = ['Wesley Safado', 'Batman', 'Captain America'];

    return { heroes : heroes getHeroPower : getHeroPower };

    function getHeroPower(hero){ // getHeroPower \o/ }; };

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesFactory'] function heroesController(heroesFactory){ console.log(heroesFactory) }; // Object {heroes: Array[3], getHeroPower: getHeroPower(hero)}

    Servios no Angular - $factory

  • // heroesController.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesController', []) .controller('heroesController', heroesController);

    heroesController.$inject = ['heroesFactory'] function heroesController(heroesFactory){ heroesFactory.getHeroPower('Wesley Safado'); }; // Object {heroes: Array[3], getHeroPower: getHeroPower(hero)}

    Servios no Angular - $factory

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular - $constant

  • Servios no Angular - $constant

    //components/heroes-constant.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesConstant', []) .constant('heroesConstant', 'HERO!');

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular - $value

  • Servios no Angular - $value

    //components/heroes-value.js 'use strict'; angular .module('heroesApp.heroesValue', []) .value('heroesValue', 'HERO!');

  • angularjs services/

    Servios no Angular

  • angularjs services: boas prticas e reuso de cdigo /
