  • 8/13/2019 02 CULTURA DOS NEGCIOS


    A cultura dos negcios Nvel Intermedirio

    Nesta lio voc aprender diferenas culturais importantes que existem no

    acirrado mundo dos negcios. Alm de poder reconhecer essas diferenas,

    voc vai aprender a evitar situaes de mau entendimento entre voc e seus

    colegas internacionais. Aproveite!


    No final dess a lio voc vai ser capaz de:

    Entender o uso de advrbios de intensidade

    Entender diferentes expresses com "catch"


    Nigel:"Bum" dia. I have a meeting scheduled with Joo da Silva at 1:00.

    Secretary:Oh, yes, s ir. He should be back in 45 minutes.

    Nigel:But it's a quarter to one right now.

    Secretary:Yes, please wait over there.

    Nigel:Eh-hem. Excuse me, can you please call Joo to tell him I've arrived? I'm s omewhat concerned about starting

    the meeting so late. I expect it to be a particularly long one and I've got a plane to catch later this afternoon.

    Secretary:Oh, I'm very sorry, sir. I'll call him right now.

    Nigel:Thanks s o much.


    Nigel: Bom dia. Eu tenho uma reunio marcada com Joo da Silva uma hora.

    Secretria:Ah, sim, senhor. Ele deve estar de volta em 45 minutos.

    Nigel:Mas j s o quinze para a uma agora mesmo.

    Secretria: Sim, por favor, espere l.

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    Nigel: Eh-hem. Com licena. Voc pode, por favor, ligar para o Joo para lhe dizer que eu cheguei? Eu estou um

    pouco preocupado com comear a reunio to tarde. Eu espero que ela seja uma reunio particularmente longa, e

    tenho que pegar um avio mais tarde esta tarde.

    Secretria: Oh, desculpe, senhor. Eu ligarei para ele agora mesmo.

    Nigel: Muito obrigado.


    A Quarter To One Quinze Para A Uma

    To Be Back Estar De Volta

    To Have A Meeting Scheduled Ter Uma Reunio Marcada

    To Be Concerned Estar Preocupado

    Particularly Particularmente

    To Catch A Plane Pegar Um Avio

    Somewhat Um Pouco



    Dialog: "I'm somewhat concerned about starting the meeting so late."

    "Adverbs of intensity" are words that we can use to help us express how much or to what degree or intensity an

    action is completed. They can modify verbs, other adverbs and adjectives. Some examples of adverbs of intensity

    include "somewhat", which expresses a relatively low degree of intensity; "particularly", which expresses a medium

    degree of intens ity; and "very", which express es a high degree of intensity.


    The board was somewhatskeptical about the financial results. (O conselho se sentia um pouco cptico a

    respeito dos resultados financeiros.)

    After the accident, Jim was only somewhataware of what had happened to him. (Depois do acidente, o Jim

    tinha uma vaga lembranado que tinha acontiecido com ele.)


    Matt didn't feel particularlysafe without his seatbelt fastened. (O Matt no se sentia particularmenteseguro

    sem o seu cinto de segurana afivelado.)My father gets particularlyworried when I come home late. (O meu pai fica bastantepreocupado quando eu

    chego em casa tarde.)

    3) VERY

    I drove verys lowly through the school zone to avoid an accident. (Eu dirigi muitodevagar na zona de escola

    para evitar um acidente.)

    We are very happy that the Johnsons finally moved. They were terrible neighbors! (Ns estamos muitos

    felizes que os Johnson finalmente mudaram. Eles eram vizinhos terrveis!)



    Dialog: "I expect it to be a particularly long one and I've a got a plane to catch later this afternoon."

  • 8/13/2019 02 CULTURA DOS NEGCIOS


    Copyright 2011 Ezlearn Educacional Ltda Publicado em 11/12/2009

    "Catch"was used in this dialog in the expression "to catch a plane". It can be used in other interesting expressions

    as well. "To catch someone's eye"can mean to be noticed by someone or to attract som eone's attention by making

    eye contact. If something "catches on", it becomes popular or fashionable. And "to catch up with"is what you do

    when you exchange news with someone you haven't seen for a long time; or when something begins to have a

    damaging effect.


    The beautiful blond caught my eye as she walked into the room. (Eu reparei na loira linda enquanto ela

    entrava na sala.)

    That strapless dress really caught Suzie's eye, so she tried it on. (Aquele vestido sem ala realmente

    chamou a atenoda Suzie, ento ela o experimentou.)

    2) TO CATCH ON

    It took a while for rock 'n roll to catch on in the 50's and 60's. (Demorou um pouco para o rock 'n roll ficar

    popularnos anos 50 e 60.)

    Parachute pants caught onwhen Michael Jackson was popular, but the fashion soon died out. (As cala pra-

    quedas ficaram na modaquando o Michael Jackson era popular, mas a moda rapidamente saiu de moda.)


    Mom always catchesme up with all the news from home. (A me sempre me deixa atualizadosobre todas

    as notcias de casa.)

    All the drinking and smoking had finally caught up withhim. (Tanto fumar e beber finalmente o alcanou.)