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Page 1: Newsletter MOVE (janeiro de 2015)

Núcleo da Mobilidade

IPSF? World congress?

A IPSF é a Federação Internacional de Estudantes Farmacêuticos e representa cerca de 350.000 estudantes e recém-licenciados de 70 países diferentes oriundos de todo o mundo! A nossa Associação é membro desta Federação desde 1984, há exactamente trinta anos!

A Federação tem um evento principal: The IPSF World Congress onde podes fazer amigos de toda a parte do globo e experiênciar algo único e inesquecível! Durante o congresso mundial não só ocorre a famosa General Assembly, como também festas temáticas e ses-sões de training de soft-skills que te irão fazer chorar por mais!

IPSF is the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation and represents 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 70

countries worldwide! Our association, AEFFUL, is a member of this Federation since 1984, thirty years ago!

The Federation has one main event: The IPSF World Congress, where you can make friends from all over the world and have an unfor-

gettable and unique experience! During the world congress there is the famous General Assembly, but that is just one part. There are

unique theme parties and soft-skills trainings that will blow your mind!

Ipsf Oportonity 2014

”To me it was simply amazing. Maybe because I had no expectations, maybe because I applied mostly out of curiosity, but in

the end, it turned out to be something special. 700 pharmacy students, 700 young people from all over the world, joined in

Porto, having the possibility to get to know each other, to get contacts from abroad, to share experience, knowledge, to mix

cultures and exchange ideas. And most importantly – to have fun together.

Maybe it would sound like a cliche (probably because of this year's slogan »This is your oPortonity«), but if I would have to

describe IPSF with one word, it would really be: »Oportunities«. Because there was everything. From everynight parties to

interesting workshops during the day, there were symposia and quizes, there were some strong hangovers, dancing and

laughter. I could describe things to the details, but I won't, simply because the thing that impressed me the most, weren't

the parties or workshops. It was the atmosphere, it was the spirit that I can chat with everyone, that I can just come to

someone and start a conversation and share a laugh or two. It was like everyone would step out of their comfort zones, and

noone was ashamed of that. Somehow IPSF experience itself slowly pushed me outside of my box, without me even


And that is the feeling, that I am glad I brought home from Porto. The feeling, that it is worth to broaden my perspectives,

to meet people, to do something new and exciting. Because for me, getting different experience, means not only to meet

the world, but also to get to know myself a little better.”

Jurij Zdovc, Eslovénia

General Assemblies

“As General Assemblies têm tanto de místico como de redutor para quem, pela primeira vez, se apresen-

ta numa delegação oficial. O poder que a nossa voz tem é arrebatador e faz-nos conscientes da nossa

humanidade. A nossa imagem espelhada num ecrã gigante enquanto apresentamos a nossa opinião à

sala reduz-nos, mas ao mesmo tempo sentimos que existe realmente valor nas palavras que proferimos.

Nada consegue ser mais satisfatório que testemunhar o nosso cunho no forjar de novas ideias e acções.


Pois é! O 61st IPSF World Congress vai-se realizar

na Índia e tu não vais querer perder esta oportu-

nidade de contactar com uma cultura e país

completamente diferentes e ficar num dos me-

lhores hóteis: o Marriott Hotel! Este Congresso

irá se realizar entre os dias 30 de Julho e 9 de

Agosto, na cidade de Hyderabad, sendo que te

poderás inscrever já a partir de 4 de Janeiro! Já

conheces a Mascote deste Congresso? Para mais

informações visita a página de facebook do Con-

gresso! -


That’s right! The 61st IPSF World Congress will be

in India and you can´t miss this amazing oppor-

tunity to contact with a different country and a

totally different culture! Adding to all this, you

will stay in one of the finest Hotels of India: The

Marriott Hotel! This Congress will be during the

30th of July and the 9th of August, in Hyderabad,

and you can make your registration from 4th of

January! Have you met the mascot of this con-

gress? For more information, go to the Congress

facebook page! -



Núcleo da Mobilidade Avenida Professor Gama Pinto 1649-003 Lisboa – Portugal [email protected]

Foi para mim um privilégio, uma honra e uma experiência incontornável para o resto da minha vida poder representar a AEFFUL e

seus estudantes em tamanha ocasião. Foram muitas horas sem dormir, muitas leituras em tempo de descontração e muitas discus-

sões aparentemente infindáveis. Não posso deixar de agradecer a oportunidade, bem como endereçar um obrigado sincero aos

meus dois colegas e amigos Official Delegates for AEFFUL, Portugal. Receio que sem eles me falhassem as forças para cumprir o

meu dever.”

Eduardo Corvacho