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A atividade social Produzir uma performance dramática, que

orientou os trabalhos em Inglês do 9o ano, tem como gênero de

foco o texto dramático: a escrita dos diálogos e das instruções de

palco, as stage directions, entre outros elementos. A partir da

leitura do texto introdutório do conto The Secret, de Arthur C.

Clarke, os alunos desenvolveram seus próprios enredos e, a partir

destes, os textos dramáticos expostos aqui, juntamente com as

ilustrações dos projetos de cenário. Enjoy!

The social activity Producing a dramatic performance, that guided

the work developed in English in Year 9, has the dramatic text as

its focus genre: writing dialogues and stage directions, the

instructions for actors on stage, among other elements. Based on

the introductory text to The Secret, a short story by Arthur C.

Clarke, students developed their own plots and, based on these,

the dramatic texts exposed here, together with the illustrations of

the scenery projects. Enjoy!

Airton Pretini Junior

Pamela Jean Fletcher Pascotto

Coordenação: Claudia Duran Meletti

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Aloísio Moreira da Silva Neto

João Guilherme Cervieri Kassardjian ................................................................. 7

Lucas Atalla Martins

Matheus César Previdi .................................................................................... 8

Bárbara Marcondes Vaz

Julia Catarina Biral Monteiro

Laura Lacerda Puga ........................................................................................ 9

Eduardo F. Magalhães

Lucas de A. P. B. F. C. F. Gattolini .................................................................. 10

Gabriela Moraes de Ulhôa Rodrigues

Gabriela Pismel Portugal ............................................................................... 12

Felipe Carlone Lucio

Gabriel Ribeiro Souza Pinto ........................................................................... 13

Giovanna de Vasconcellos Marrano

Luiza de Sá Narche ...................................................................................... 14

Isabella Marina Silva Lopes

Maria Julia V. Rebouças Carvalho ................................................................... 15

Augusto Batista Dias

Luis Felippe Vianna Rocha ............................................................................. 17

Giovanna Bagarollo A. da Silva

Marina Grieg Staubitz ................................................................................... 18

Giovanna T. V. Correia Lima

Raphael Batista P. Magalhães ........................................................................ 20    

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Aloísio Moreira da Silva Neto

João Guilherme Cervieri Kassardjian

Scene 1 Narrator: In a city built on the moon, there is a reporter that goes there to get news, he goes there every week, to get what he wants and then goes back to the earth. But one day, when he was trying to find some news, he was having some difficulty to discover something. And no one wants to say anything to him, then he tries to find someone who he had never seen there. Then he finds a men, then he starts to ask him some questions: Actor 1: Hi, can you help me? Actor 2: Well, it depends Actor 1: Ok, my name is Henry Cooper and I’m trying to find something to write in my report, but no one was helping me and I guess that there is a secret that nobody knows, and as I have never seen you here, I supposed that you may know something about it Actor 2: Hi, my name is Jason Croft, I don’t know about this secret, but I have heard something that the inspector of the city knows a little bit about this. Actor 1: Well, thank you, I will dig more about this, but why did you come to the moon? Actor 2: I’m a reporter like you, and I came to know more about the secret, and I will discover everything before you. Get ready. Scene 2 Narrator: The reporters goes fast to the laboratory because he had little before the door closed. Both are trying to get, but Henry Cooper reached first and Jason stayed outside. Actor 1: Hey, is someone there? Scientist: Yes, we are here, what do you want? Actor 1: Hi, some people told me that you found something strange, it is true? Scientist: Yes, it is true, but we will not tell you Actor 1: Why not? Scientist: Because we don’t want to tell something before we discover everything about. Actor 1: Ok, but what if I help you to find something? Can you tell or show me what you found? Scientist: Well...we accept, but you have to discover something before we tell you, when you show us what you find we show you. Actor 1: Ok, but this is just between us. Narrator: Henry starts to dig outside the base-ship and Jason Croft followed him, but he tripped in a rock, Henry noticed, but he continued walking and when he found the space ship there, he hid himself and waited for Jason to get closer to the spaceship to steal the camera. When he got the camera, Henry threw it in the ground and said: Actor 1: Get out of here, this secret is mine! Actor 2: No, I have the same rights as you. Actor 1: But I have started to search more about it first, so get out now! Actor 2: Well, I don’t have more how to show some proof to my boss, but stay in alert! Narrator: After Jason disappeared of the view of Henry, he took some photos of the spaceship, note where is the spaceship, then he returns to the laboratory. Scene 3 Actor 1: Hey, I’m here again, with good news! Scientists: Have you found something? Actor 1: Yes, I’ve taken photos and I took note of where is it Scientists: So, can you show us? Actor 1: Of course, here is it! Narrator: Then he shows the photos to the scientist, they stayed really happy and show to Henry what they have. It was an alien, Henry asked to them: Actor 1: Can I take a picture of it to publish on my news paper? Scientist: Yes, of course Actor 1: Thank you Narrator: Before this Henry returned to the base-ship, wait at the next day and gets the fly to the earth, to publish the report.

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Lucas Atalla Martins Matheus César Previdi


Scene 1: Moonlight Bar

Scenery: A bar called moonlight bar, there is the narrator (bartender) [Upstage Right] behind the bar, the protagonist, Henry Carter [Downstage Left], is sitting on a table, in front to the audience, and a Group of men [Center] are around a table, talking to each other.

Narrator (Bartender): The situation was out of control, everyone was talking about it, they knew what had happened, they knew where it had happened, they knew when it had happened, but they didn’t knew who had done it. Henry Carter was nearly answering this question. He was in the Moonlight’s Bar, just hearing, pretending to drink some beer.

Henry Carter notices that the men sitting on the table behind him were talking about something, something that normal people shouldn’t know

Henry Carter:[Talking to himself] “They are talking about the act of terrorism; let me see if I can get some clues”.

Man in the group:[Talking to the others around the table] “Why did Altdorf do those things? Well, we must find him in the Moon Cage to put a light on those facts.”

Henry Carter:[Talking to himself] “They know who did it and where he was” get stuck by a moment “I don’t believe it, the terrorist is my twin brother, Altdorf Carter!”

Scene 2: Stalker

Henry Carter leaves the bar surreptitiously. While walking, he notices that he was being followed.

Henry Carter: [turns around] “Who’s there?”

Mysterious Man: “Don’t you recognize me?”

Henry Carter: “If I knew, I wouldn’t ask!”

Mysterious Man: “Even after all this years, it is still stunning to know you don’t recognize your brother.”

Henry Carter: “Altdorf? Brother? Where are you?”

Altdorf Carter: [jumps from apparently nowhere and grabs Henry, cappinghis mouth andmaking himpass out] “I’m right here brother, you discovered something that shouldn’t know”.

Scene 3: Stalker

Altdorf Carter: [Standing next to a massive orb of power] “You see this place brother? This is where you’ll die”.

Henry Carter:[Wrapped around a wooden stack, talking a little dizzy] “What are you talking about? What is that orb?”

Altdorf Carter: [Laughing insanely] “This, my brother, is an arm of massive destruction, and I will use it to destroy the moon, and the earth as you know it.” [Presses a big red button in a panel]

Everything is destroyed; nobody finishes as a winner, but Altdorf realized his dream, he removed all the weeds from his garden.  

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Bárbara Marcondes Vaz Julia Catarina Biral Monteiro

Laura Lacerda Puga

Scene one:

Pink Talkative Cat: In that morning, Henry went out of his house whit a “good news coming” impression. He took his clothes and drove till getting in the Space Station. The trip was calm, unlike other ones made before by the reporter.

(When he arrived in the moon the clock was showing 11:00 AM, and the day was bright as the most part of the days in the moon). (He went to his loft and putted his stuff in the sofa).

PTC: He was feeling confident, so he took the note book and went to downtown to some fresh news.

Henry Cooper (suspiciously): Hum, the city is really quiet this morning.

(Few time latter a girl past in front of him, running, and curious, he followed her. They stopped in a far away part of the city.)

(Henry is a little bit far from Janelly)

HC (Loudly): Hey, what’s your name?

Janelly (Realizes that the man was following her. Surprised): What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here!!!

HC (felling sorry, but still curious): I’m sorry. I was in the street and you past running. Are you ok?

JL (angry): Of course I’m ok, go away. You can’t stay here!

(Henry approximate)

HC (Curious): And why can’t I stay here?

JL (getting desperate): I’m really serious about it… You… You need to go! NOW!

(Henry realizes the girl is getting desperate, turn and makes his way back to the city).

PTC: During some days, Henry repeated the way to the uncommon and empty land where the girl used to hide underneath a big Space Tree. But all the time the only thing he found was a lot of footsteps, that doesn’t seemed to belong to the girl. But one day the girl noticed him and got angry very angry.

JL (Angry and surprised): Hey, haven’t I already told you to do not come here?!!

HC (Insistently): Look, I’m not going away until I know what is going on here! I know that’s something strange, cause I’ve been felling something have changed since I arrived here!

JL (Trying to stay calm): Henry, no? (He confirm with his head) Is not that I don’t want to tell, is just that I can’t! Have nothing to do with me, and now I’m stuck on it because I was just like you: Curious! I’m a reporter too, and I’ve been trying to go away since I discovered The Secret.

HC: And why you can’t!?

JL (Screaming): Because they don’t let me go!

HC (Getting angry): Who!

JL (Desperate. She looks around to see if they’re still alone): The………… MUPPETS!

PTC: In that moment the sky got dark, the sun despaired behind a cloud, and the weather got cold like an usual winter day in the Earth… Above their heads a disco globe appeared, and suddenly all the MUPPETS came from behind the dark and big trees …

(Henry stay stopped with a shocked face ).


(The MUPPETS started dancing like freaks and Henry could not believe in his eyes, he couldn’t control his self and started dancing just like Janelly).

HC (Laughing): This is so cool! Why you could not tell this?! Is awesome!!!

JL (Stop laughing and seem worried): Henry, this is NOT the problem! When we talk about The Secret we weak up the MUPPETS, and they are always dancing I’m Sexy and I Know It, and this music is the call to The Secret!

HC( Worried): And what’s the secret???!!!

JL: The Shrek and the Fairy God Mother appear and kill everybody!!!!!!

PTC: When they looked to the sky, there was The Fairy God Mother caring Shrek and well, like Janelly said…. They killed everybody. And this is the end!

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Eduardo F. Magalhães Lucas de A. P. B. F. C. F. Gattolini


Henry Cooper was tall and strong, short hair and blue eyes. Besides that, he was married but his wife was on earth. Henry looked for the truth about the most controversial information.

Jorge Ford was a young and worried boy, not so tall for who lives in the moon, with green eyes and not a very brilliant boy.

Mine workers were big and strong men with a tired expression.


(Small office with a center table and three chairs, one on the left and two on the right of the table.)

Narrator – (seriously) [only a voice coming from out of the scene] “In the year 2244, Henry Cooper, a very curious and famous reporter, was living on the moon, to do few news reports. The first news report he was doing, in this trip, was about the Moon College.”

Henry Cooper – (curiously) [seated in the left chair] “…What is the difference between Chemistry in the Moon College and in Earth College?”

Jorge Ford – (friendly) [right chair] “Well, here we just study about Physics, like gravity and other things, but we have very little Chemistry…”

(The men talk in a very low tone for some seconds.)

Henry Cooper - (politely) “Thank you, Jorge Ford, for this interview.”

Narrator - (seriously) [voice coming from out of scene] “But when he ended the interview he saw something brilliant stuck on Jorge boot, than he decided to follow the boy after school.”

Henry Cooper - (Talking to the narrator) [walking in the room] “Thank you. I hadn’t seen the rock, good idea.”


(Scene changes: The stage gets dark and the scenery changes to an abandoned mine shelf with a rock in the mine entrance and Henry behind it. There is a mine cart in the center with two other men leaning against it. From the right to the left of the stage there is a rail where the mine cart is placed. In the middle of the stage a rock column, very close to the men.)

Narrator – (seriously) [voice coming from out of scene] “After some time, Henry finally found Jorge’s destination, and started to check out the place.”

Henry Cooper – (scared, low) [looking around and taking pictures] “What the hell!?! They are smuggling moon gold. [He looks at a spaceship out of the mine with a strange symbol] And selling it to the black market! They can’t do it! The moon is a cultural heritage, if they do it, the moon's orbit will change, and consequently, the tide of the Earth as well, generating a tsunami of incalculable damage! I will earn a Pulitzer…”

Mine worker - (very worried) [pointing to the man and starting to run after him] “Hey! You! Stop right there.” [Henry starts to run out of the mine with workers after him and they go out of scene]


(Scene changes: the stage gets dark and after that Henry appears at his office in his house; a table in center and two chairs each one on a side of the table.)

Henry - (breathless) [on the chair on left, facing for the public, typing something] “I must spread this information to all the world! But I’m so tired I think I’m going to rest a little…” (night changes to day).

(Door knocks)

Policeman – (very angry) [knocking on the door] “Open the door! It’s the police! We must talk to you!”

Henry – (confused and dizzy) [gets out of sofa] “What? I’m going!” [Opening the door]

Policeman – (seriously) [stopped at the door] “You are arrested. Follow me!”

Henry – (confused) “Why?”

Policeman – “I don’t own you any explanations!”


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(Scene changes: the stage gets dark and Henry appears in the jail that has iron bars cutting the stage from left to right, in his cell there is a bed and a tap.)

Policeman – “Hey, man. Somebody wants to talk to you.”

Henry – “Who?”

Jorge Ford [entering] – “Hello, my friend!”

Henry – “Jorge?”

Jorge Ford – “Well, let me ask you something…”

Henry (angry) – “No! I’ll ask first: are you involved with that gold mining crime?”

Jorge – “What?”

Henry – “Stop lying to me. I know it.”

Jorge Ford - [whispering] “Ok. No more secrets. I'm involved. I and the other mine workers bribed the moon’s police, we will never be arrested. We accused you.”

Henry - (unbelieving) “How you…?! Listen, man, I sent to my journalistic company of Earth my pictures that prove that you and the others criminals did what you say I did. So, in 24 hours, I will be saved and you, arrested.”

Jorge Ford - (very angry) [kicking the air and going out of scene] “Oh, you idiot! You will pay for this!”


(Scene changes: the stage gets dark [effect of time change: less lighting; evening] a guard is asleep, leaning against the cell. The place of the scene doesn’t change.)

[Henry tries to get the key to open the cell; it is at the waist of the guard]

[The guard moves]

Henry – (worried) [starts to sing] “Sleep, sleep, little good guard, asleep, it's late, sleep, dream with the clouds ... I got it!”

[Henry opens the jail door and runs off]

Jorge Ford – [he enters and does not allow Henry to pass] “Hey, hey. Where do you think you’re going? You did not say that your journalistic company will save you, why escape?”

Henry - “I lied. [Pointing] Look, it is on fire back there!”

Jorge – (confused) “Wait, the moon can’t spread fire because ... [Henry kicks him] Ouch!”

Henry - [going out of stage] “I'm sorry, I lied again. Bye, your stupid student.”


(Scene changes: the stage gets dark and Henry appears in the center with a trophy and a big plaque “winner of Pulitzer – best reporting”.)

Narrator - [only voice] “Finally, Henry published about the crime and led the mine workers, including Jorge Ford, to prison. And it was this way that Henry discovered the secret, won the Pulitzer Award and became a hero…”

Mine workers (angry) [interrupting, only voice coming from out of the scene] “Oh, shut up, boy!”

Narrator - “Ok, the end!”

[Cheers for Henry]

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Gabriela Moraes de Ulhôa Rodrigues Gabriela Pismel Portugal



Narrator: Henry Cooper was a really responsible reporter. He wrote a lot of good, interesting and relevant reports. All the world knew

him and he was very recognized by his strong personality. Happy and friendly most of the time, those characteristics were the

principal motive for most of the other reporters not to like him.

A long time ago, Henry had a fight with another reporter called Josh Loyer when he went to the Moon. Until this day, they don’t even

talk each other. This fight was based on a girl, that Henry was supposed to go out with, but Josh was planning to make it fail.

Henry: (talking with the girl) Hi sweetie pie, let’s go out tonight?

Cindy: Yes, of course!

Henry: Ok, pick you up at 8…

Josh: (entering in the scene with the intention to destroy the mood) Oh are you planning to go out with him Cindy?

Cindy: Yes I am…

Josh: But look, you told me that you will study math with me, and this is so important, the test is next week my honey!

Cindy: Oh please, don’t call me like that, and also, we can study another day, tomorrow morning maybe?

Henry: Look Josh, if you are planning to destroy my date with her, you can turn around and go back home because it will not work!

Josh: No, no. (he said ironically) I’m just trying to be a good student, study way before the test doesn’t work and then I always get

bad grades you know. Please help me Cindy, don’t be so selfish. And Henry, I don’t have any motive to destroy your date with her,

this is definitely not my intention!

Henry: Yes, I know all your intentions and this isn’t a good one certainly!

Cindy: Tomorrow at 9’o clock I will get you in your house and we can study math. OK Josh?

Josh: (Going out the scene and saying ironically) I really prefer today, but as Henry is thinking that this is just a plan to destroy your

date, you can come home to help me tomorrow !

Cindy: (looking at Henry) Of course he was planning to destroy our date, but look, this is not important now, let’s go to a restaurant,

you choose.

Henry: Ok Cindy, YOLO is good for you?

Cindy: Pretty nice!

Narrator: This was the biggest motive for Henry and Josh not to talk to each other any more, and then they spent much time without

seeing each other.


(The Moon)

Narrator: Henry and Cindy had a lot of dates, they were falling in love, suddenly Cindy got sick and she had to go back to the Moon,

Henry didn’t understand why. After a long time, Henry came back to the Moon, then he started to remember his fist date, all that

happened there. All the time that he spent in the Earth, he didn’t even think about her, but now, nothing made anymore sense.

The people in the Moon were looking at him with strange eyes, and he didn’t know why.

Henry was thinking about his stay in the Moon, and something troubled him: why can he stay in the Moon and in the Earth for a long

time and most part of the people can’t? Something that could explain this, is that his mother is from the Moon and his father from the

Earth, then they created a son that can be in both planets for the time he wants. But what happened to the other people? Why were so

many people getting sick?

He was also thinking about Cindy, where is she? What she’s doing? How is she after her problems in the Earth? This made him think

that could be the motive that the people in the Moon were looking at him strangely.

(Henry stopped in Moonbucks to drink something. By his side was a strange man, very fat and ugly.)

Man (The man started talking rudely): You’re the man that made Cindy go to hospital?

Henry (said worried): What? I didn’t know anything about it! What happened with her?

Man: Yes, she’s really bad!

Henry: Where?

Man: In the Moon’s Hospital!

Henry: I’m going there now!

Narrator: Henry went fast to the hospital and went directly to the room that the girl was admitted.

Henry: (When he arrived in the room, both of them started to cry. Henry took her hand) Come with me, in the Earth we have a really

good hospitals and then we can live happily ever after.

Cindy: Of course we can, take me and let’s go! But no one can know...

Henry took her and in the moment they arrived in the Earth, Cindy stopped to breathe and died.


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Felipe Carlone Lucio Gabriel Ribeiro Souza Pinto


Antagonist: Neil Rana is a reporter who’s trying to explode the Moon before other people discover

Protagonist: Henry Cooper is another reporter from the Moon that is trying to find out a secret.


Narrator - (man in black): Henry Cooper is a good reporter that lives on the Moon and likes to get good reports for his newspaper. When he is trying to discover some news, he finds something new. But this time is different, he knew that something had happened, but he can’t discover why. He tries hard and still has nothing. Neil Rana is another reporter like Henry. He hates him because he can’t get accurate reports before Henry. And also he is planning something to screw up with his career but he doesn’t know what to do yet.

Henry: Hmmm. This is really strange! I know that everybody is hiding something from me, but I can’t discover what it is! I’ll try to discover by myself, then!

Neil: (At this instant Neil Rana passed by and heard everything. So, he started to think.) He cannot discover that secret before me! I will kill that man. I’ll need to think about some way to kill him, before it’s too late.

Henry: (hopelessly tries to find clues and goes asking everybody on the Moon) Do you know anything strange or different happening?

Stranger: (calmly says) Sorry man, I don’t know anything about it.

Henry (sadly): And you? Did you see something?

Henry: Does anybody know?

(While Henry is asking everybody about the secret, Neil is thinking about some way to kill him).

Neil: Maybe I can kill him by pushing him into the traffic.

(Neil pushes Henry into the traffic, but no car hits him. Henry didn’t notice who pushed him, so he continues walking).

Neil: I have to do another plan to kill him.

(Neil is building the new plan)

Neil: I will put this there, and this there, and then the piano will fall on his face.

(When Henry passes the piano falls on Neil’s car)

Neil (sarcastically): Thanks God.


Neil: YES! This is the best plan! I will destroy the Moon. (Neil carries a black box with a red button.)

(Henry meets Neil on the street and when Henry asks about the secret, Neil tells him to go to the highest building on the Moon to talk.)

At the building:

Neil: (Seriously) I know about the secret, but I will not tell you anything, because I hate you.

Henry: (confused) Why?

Neil: (Angrily): You destroyed my career as a reporter and I will destroy yours too.

Henry: (scared): NO, please no!

Neil: (seriously): Too late.

Narrator (man in black): And then Neil presses the button and… nothing happens.

Neil: Oh no, not again. I give up. (Neil jumps from the building)

Henry (confused): What the F….

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Giovanna de Vasconcellos Marrano Luiza de Sá Narche

Narrator: Henry Cooper is a responsible reporter and he starts his job in the moon.

Henry Cooper: (he’s in his office and he’s working in the newspaper)

Mr. Shamp: (entering the office of Henry Cooper) Good Morning, you must be Henry Cooper, the new manager of the newspaper. My name is Mr. Shampson but you can call me Mr. Shamp and I’ll be you boss, so continue your work because I don’t like to waste time! (Assertively)

Henry Cooper: (timidly) He-ey, I really enjoy working here! And don’t worry because I’m not going to waste time

Mr. Shamp: (doubtfully and getting out of the room) Great!

(The bell rang meaning that the lunchtime starts)

Henry Cooper: (walking to the coffee shop when he saw Mr. Shamp talking with the president of the moon, so Henry hides himself behind the pillar so he could listen to the conversation between Mr. Shamp and the president)

Mr. Shamp: (angrily and whispering) Gordus we need to do that NOW! We don’t have more time! We need to go back to earth immediately!

Gordus: (calmly) I know, I know…but first I need to finish my work here and then we go back to earth!

Mr. Shamp: (angrily) Ok, but you only have one week to finish your work here, then we’ll go back to earth!

Narrator: That conversation between Mr. Shamp and Gordus makes Henry start to think that something strange is going on on the moon. So he starts to dig information.

Henry Cooper: (He’s in his office and he is digging information, and he is with a doubtful face). What that conversation between Mr. Shamp and Gordus means? I need to discover that secret!

Narrator: A few days later Henry, after a lot of investigation, discovered the big secret…

Henry Cooper: (He is in his office with a lot of paper and he is really happy) My god, I finally discovered the big secret, Mr. Shamp was rich but he went bankrupt so he doesn't have more money and if the moon ship exploded Mr. Shamp would receive the insurance money so he would have money again and his accomplice was Gordus, so they would divide the money!! This will be a great story for the newspaper! But first I need to save the ship…but how?!

Narrator: After one hour Henry concludes that probably has a bomb in the ship -to explode it- so he needed to find and disarm the bomb. He thought that the bomb should be in a place that only the president could get in: the president's office.

Henry Cooper: I have a great plan: In a few minutes it will be the lunchtime, and the president won’t be in his office! So I can enter and try to find the bomb!

(The bell rang meaning that the lunchtime starts)

Henry Cooper: (walking to the president’s office, Henry get on the office and starts to search for the bomb.)

Henry Cooper: (with a desperate face) I really need to find the bomb!

Henry Cooper: (When he was looking in the duct of air conditioner he found the bomb!)

Henry Cooper: (happily) I finally found the bomb!(stress face) But I have no idea how disarm the bomb, because there were two wires: one was blue and the other was red, I know that I needed to cut one of the wires.

Narrator: He remembered the films that he saw and the spy always cuts the red one, and that's what he did.

Henry Cooper: (doubtful) I’m going to cut the red one…I don’t know if I’ll disarm the bomb or the bomb will explode right now, but I need to try!

Henry Cooper: (He gets a knife in his pocket and cuts the red wire)

Henry Cooper: (Happily and alive) Oh I got it! I disarm the bomb! I save the ship! Now I need to tell everybody what Mr.Shamp and Gordus try to do!

Narrator: And after Henry Cooper show the bomb to the people on the ship, they decide to arrest Mr.Shamp and Gordus, and Henry Cooper became known as a hero in earth and moon!

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Isabella Marina Silva Lopes

Maria Julia V. Rebouças Carvalho

Act 1

Scene 1

Narrator: (A male voice, while there’s nobody on the stage) Henry was a persuasive reporter, and he was trying to discover what

was going on on the moon, because strange things started to happen with him while he was reporting the situation of the new city

that would be built. All the people stopped to talk with him, they weren’t normal. Henry felt that they were hiding a new story from


Henry: (talking with himself, sitting in front of the computer) Oh gosh, this isn’t right! I studied this for hours and I didn’t notice that

the astronauts were disappearing.

(Henry stands up and starts to walk from one side to another)

Henry: (thinking voice) How are the astronauts disappearing? How come Ms. Alphe, the owner of a large company that sponsors the

trip and the construction of a city on the moon, didn’t notice they are missing? I’ll have to go there! Tomorrow!

(Henry starts to pack his bags, and the lights go down)

Scene 2

(Henry arrived in the moon, he is in drinking a beer in the bar of the airport)

Narrator: (The scene is frozen, the narrator appears like a guy in the bar, spot light on him) Thomas is the son of Walter Aleth. He is

extremely spoiled, persuasive and convincing, blackmailing, sometimes rude and impolite, but usually pretends to be docile and

educated to get what he wants. And what he wants is to end all of Henry’s chances of discovering something, something that could

commit him.

(The lights turn on and the scene defreezes. A light shines on the right side of the stage where there is a bar. A gang of guys got in

the bar, they were really fast, nobody paid attention to them, they just entered and got what they wanted, Henry. They went out like

friends hugging one another and got in a car. Light shines on the middle of the stage where there is a car)

Stephan: (Driving) Bob knock him out!

Bob: (Angry, holding Henry) You can’t say names stupid!

(Light shines on the left side of the stage where there is a room. They take Henry out of the car, bound him in a room and try to wake

up him)

Bob: (Rude, slapping him) Wake up!

Henry: (Unconscious) Hmm… Where am I? Who are you?

Max: What are you doing here? What do you want to know?

Henry: (More awake) I’m just trying to report the construction happening here on the moon.

Tom: Tell me the truth! We are in five guys and you are lonely and undefended!

Henry: (Worried) I’m telling you the truth!

Mathew: We are going to send you to the earth again! You can’t stay here!

Henry: No please! I need this work!

Max: Tomorrow!

Narrator: (Just a voice in the black stage) Henry stayed in the room and he was worried. He was thinking on how he could go out of

that room. He knew that those guys had something to do with that. But the only thing he knew was a name, Bob.

Henry: (The lights turn up) I have to get out of here.

(Henry begins to search for something to cut the rope, and suddenly he found a knife near it, quickly he cut the rope and jumped

through the window. He finally reached the center of the moon)

Narrator: (Just a voice) Henry was running afraid that those boys could catch him again, but suddenly he starts to fall.

Act 2

Scene 1

(Henry was lying unconscious on the floor, when he started to wake up)

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Henry: Oh gosh where am I? (He stood up, there was a lot of noises)

Henry: Who is there?

(The city begins to lighten. Henry is surprised with all the gold that there was)

Henry: Oh is that gold?

Alfie: (Seriously) How did you get here?

Henry: (Looking for somebody) Where are you?

Alfie: (Steady) What do you want wih my gold? How did you get here?

Henry: (Trying to negotiate) Ok, I’ll tell you! I fell here and I don’t want anything with your gold.

Alfie: Are you sure?

Narrator: (The scene freezes) The guys went out to the light, and Henry recognized his face, he was one of the astronauts, Alfie he


(Scene defreezes)

Henry: I know you! Alfie?

Alfie: How do you know me? Who are you?

(Henry stood up, ran out because he knew that if he stayd he would be captured. The scene freezes and Henry is talking with himself)

Henry: So if Alfie is here, probably Daniel and Jake are here to! What are these astronauts doing here? What are they doing with all

this gold? What will I do with it?

Scene 2

Narrator: Henry started to think, and everything was slowly coming together. On the earth there was some confusion about certain

banks, because they were profiting much gold without any investment. When Henry remembered that he automatically answered one

of his big questions: What was done with all that gold?

He knew that someone was above all this, and this person had been selling gold on the black market on earth. But who could do

something like this? Something that would not only be regarded as theft, but as something harmful to the moon, that without their

"stuff" it would wither, and without a moon there was no life on earth. He was putting everyone in danger, not knowing if the gold had

something toxic to humans he resold that material.

(Henry hid himself and the astronaut started to talk)

Jake: Alfie! Come here! I think he has gone away!

Daniel: Jake don’t you think!

Alfie: Thomas will kill us if Henry notices something about this!

Jake: Relax guys! Everything will be fine! Do you think that he is smart enough to know that all this gold is going to destroy the


(Henry speaks very low “destroy?”)

Alfie: Jake are you right about destroy? I didn’t know that, did you Daniel?

(Daniel shakes his head “no”)

Jake: The gold that Thomas is sending to the earth, when it comes into contact with the orbits of the earth it releases a chemical

substance that intoxicates many humans, you guys really don't know that?

Alfie: Oh my gosh I didn’t know that! I have family in the earth. We have to help Henry to end this.

Daniel: Let’s find him!

Jake: Are you crazy? Thomas is our leader.

Daniel: Is he more important than your family?

Jake: I don’t have family. (Henry came in to separate their fight and then they started to talk)

Narrator: Henry talked with the astronauts and told them what Thomas intended to do. Then Henry published a news report of this,

all the gold that they took out of the moon and for this not to happen anymore they closed the hole! Now everybody lives like this had

never happened, but for Henry it was one of his most adventurous stories!

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Augusto Batista Dias Luis Felippe Vianna Rocha

Dialog: Scene 1: Henry(SMILE): Good son, great job!!

The telephone starts to ring and Henry answers the phone.

Henry(impressed): Hi, who is it? Boss: (Loudly)It’s your boss, Henry.

Henry: Oh yeah, I know it, what you want?

Boss: Well, it’s a very important mission. Well, you will need to go to the moon as fast you can.

Henry: Why?

Boss: You need to have more information about The Secret.

Henry: Well, but I need some specialist reporters to help me.

Boss: We will route some reporters with you.

Henry: Perfect!!

Scene 2:

Henry: Well, we are already on the moon, what do we need to do now?

Boss: (Angrily) Go to the moon center and ask for the moon resident about the secret, as fast you can!

Henry and his team go to the moon center.

Henry asks for the moon resident: What do you know about the Secret?

And all the moon residents always answer, that no, they don’t even know that this secret exists.

Disappointed, Henry was about to give up, but he asked for just one more citizen, and this citizen told his something like this.

Henry: Hello, sorry about that sir, but do you know about some secret that is happening here in the moon?

John Gates: (Happily) Yes I do know it, the secret is all about some strange rocks that appeared at the moon, and no one knows anything about that! (Lying, but nobody notices it)

Scene 3:

Henry: (Happily) Oh really! Thanks man!

John: No problem.

After too long time searching for this rocks, he discovered that there´s another guy searching for it to and his name was Nick Roberts. (That was really the boss of John Gates)

Henry: (Friendly) Hey man have you found some information about those rocks?

Nick: (Lying) Yes, I found too many things, it is so easy to find information isn’t it?

Henry: (Very mad) Unfortunately I don´t think so.. All the information don´t match!

Nick: (Happily, but in a way that Henry don´t notice it) Oh, so keep searching, you will find!

After a long time on the moon search for nothing, Henry starts to think that there isn’t any secret, but he continues searching for it. Because he knows that if he doesn’t find anything his boss will be disappointed with him.

With the time he spends at the moon he started to see that all the things that John said were false, so he spends one year on the moon searching for nothing, trying to find something that was impossible to find, because there’s no Secret. And just when he discovered that there´s no secret, Nick make a text to the newspaper telling everybody that those rumors of the secret were false, so there´s no secret. A thing that made Henry lose one year of his life searching for nothing.

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Giovanna Bagarollo A. da Silva Marina Grieg Staubitz


(Setting: Moon Space Airport)

Henry Cooper: (arrives at the moon) I’m sure of something: that I’ll be able to provide information for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) about the new human being colony that was established to peacefully live on the moon together with aliens.

(He notices that the humans who were sent to the moon are acting like zombies, showing no kind of emotion and just walking around like if they were mind controlled)

Henry: (wondering to himself) “What’s going on?”

(Before he could do anything, somebody pulled him in a dark corner and pushed him inside a hidden lab)

Zack: “Hey! I’m Zack, Zack Strife! And this is my girlfriend Nicole McDonald.”

Nicole: (asks him opening her big blue eyes): “And you are…?”

Henry (says firmly): “Henry. Henry Cooper. Are you part of the human population who was sent to moon?”

Nicole (asks rudely, but quickly giggles as if she was apologizing for sounding so rude): “Do we look like those frigging zombies out there?”

Zack (rolls his eyes) “We are the lucky ones that weren’t caught by those psycho aliens. But we won’t be that lucky if the mayor continues acting on his evil plan.”

Henry (stares) “An evil plan?!”

Zack (nods) “Believe it or not, those frigging aliens are planning on turning all human slaves by commanding them through a chip installed in their heads.”

Henry (continues to stare) “Wait, are you serious? ‘Cause I just arrived with one thing in mind: to inform people how life on Moon is.”

Nicole (points to the notebook that Henry is holding): Then write this, aliens are planning on dominating all we’ve known.

(Loud noise calls their attention. All of them stop talking and slowly walk to the front door, hiding themselves in the shadows. They spot three aliens with guards surrounding them. The aliens had blue skin, but the youngest one, probably the daughter of the man and the woman, was a beautiful girl that Henry couldn’t stop to admire)

Henry (asks, without quitting to look at the girl): Who are they?

Zack (points to the girl): She is Omega, Omega Vega, the daughter of the mayor.

Nicole (points to the woman): And that tall woman over there is Claire Vega, the mayor’s wife.

Henry (glances and points to the man): And I suppose that is the mayor, right?

Zack (nods): Yup. That’s David Vega. He’s the one behind the evil plan of dominating the human civilization.

Henry (turns to Zack instantly): Shall we do something?

Nicole (rolls her eyes and with a great strength, grabs his shoulder next to her): Oh sweetie, we are already doing something. We just needed some more help.

Zack (giggles softly): And you arrived just in time.

Henry (looks at Zack in wonder): So what’s the plan?

(Zack turns to Nicole that seems busy trying to find some papers on a shelf. He pulls Henry’s sleeve, leading him into a light spot)

Zack (whispers to Henry): Our idea was to destroy the main computer that controls every single chip.

Henry (nods): Let’s do it then.

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(The three of them leave the hidden lab wearing a white outfit that covers all their bodies, but their heads. They follow a black track that Zack and Nicole made a time ago and then they arrive at a high metallic tower. In the front door, a warning written in light green warns the citizens not to enter. They push the door slowly and carefully, entering one by one.

There are some security guards in the light room that the door leads to, but they don’t notice Henry, Zack and Nicole, who are following another hidden track that the couple did. They arrive in a dark room with only some orange lights in the ceiling. The room is now twice as big as the other ones they went through and there are a lot more security guards.)

Henry (looks curious to the couple): Now what?

Zack (smirks evilly): Now, this. (He takes a small square control with a red button from his pocket and presses it. Quickly, he gets on the front of his girlfriend and Henry, hugging them tightly, protecting them from the explosion that was caused by pressing the button. All the security guards fall down paralyzed, dropping their weapons on the floor.)

Nicole (walks slowly and looks at them): Are they… dead?

Zack (grabs Nicole’s shoulder): No, just fainted. But not for long. We shall be fast.

(The three of them pass through the room until they see a door made of steel.)

Henry (touches the door): How are we going to open this? It’s steel!

Zack (walks to the door and involves it with his strong arms): Just watch the master.

(He pushes the door with difficulty until it opens, and the three of them found themselves in a room with a big screened computer.)

Nicole (runs to the computer): And now, showtime.

(She puts a big sticker on the computer and warn the guys to run, as she jumps on Zack’s back. All of them are able to run away, hiding themselves below some tables that are on the corridor. The computers explodes and millions of screams are heard.)

Henry (stutters): Wh.. what are these screams?

Nicole (sighs heavily): Humans being free from their sad fate.


So Nicole, Henry and Zack go back to Earth and party with the humans. Nicole determines peace between the Moon and Earth.

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Giovanna T. V. Correia Lima Raphael Batista P. Magalhães


Scene 1 Narrator- n Henry Cooper- h Bobby Cooper- b n- On the Moon people were dying and nobody knows why, but a reporter called Henry Cooper is ready and very curious to investigate it. h- (talking seriously with no one) Oh my God! I can't understand it. Why are people dying here? Every day I have to write about a new death and what is curious is that they couldn't find the bodies in any of the cases! People are dying at their houses and I gotta discover what is happening, but I can't do it alone. (seriously) n- He decided to call his brother, Bobby Cooper, who would help him to find out the real truth. (Then Henry takes his cellphone and calls Bobby) h- (on the cell phone) Hey! Bobby? (Bobby takes his cellphone from his pocket) b- (on the cell phone) Yeah its Bobby! Hey brother, I miss you! What's up? h- I miss you to Bobby! I need your help. Could you come here to the Moon so we can investigate together something that is happening here? b- Yeah, but what is happening? h- A lot of people are dying at their houses here and nobody can find their bodies....Isn't it strange? b- Yes, it is a lot strange. Of course I'll help you, so just wait for me. h- Ok! Bye b- Bye! (Both close the cellphone and put back in the pocket) n- When Bobby arrived to Henry's house, they started to talk and Henry told to his brother the story with more details. ( Henry and Bobby came to the house of Henry and they start talk) b- (sited on chair in front of his brother) So do you really thing that this man called John Loris is behind all this crimes? h- (loudly)- Yes! b- But why do you think so? (suspect) h- He is the most powerful and rich man I've ever known. He is also a lot ambitious, so that's why I think he is doing this evil thing to dominate the Moon! (Confidant) b- (scared) Do you think he wants to dominate the Earth too? h- Yeah, I think it's possible! b- So we got to do something now! h- Yeah! Lets go to one of the victim's house and look for some clues. b- Ok, let's go. n- than Henry and Bobby goes to the moon, and try to investigate the house of Petter Frencher, a guy who die for a mystic think. Scene 2 (Henry and Bobby open the door and entry in the house, than they saw a think) b- Who is that? h- He is John Loris, but I don’t know what he is doing there. b- I think he’s collecting hair strands, to take a copy of Peter’s DNA. (Then Bobby tries to capture him but a lot of zombies attack…) b – Hey John , why you are doing that? j – I like to be the most powerful man in the universe b- Hahahaha and why are you killing these people? j – I don’t kill anyone I only transform they in my Zombies; I’m so late, Zombies attack him! n - Henry tries to save Bobby any way but the zombies capture Bobby, then Zombies try to capture Henry but he escapes. Henry puts a Radar in one of John’s Zombies. Then Henry goes to a Hotel in the moon, and cries a lot when he remembers the good times with his brother. Then… H – I’m going to do justice! I’m going to capture John and destroy his plan. Thanks to the mini radar I put in a stupid Zombie I know where John is. (Henry takes his car and goes to the secret place.) N – He takes his things and goes to John’s secret place. It is a big building, with a lot of Zombies. John works one time for the police and has a lot of guns and grenades, Than he Attacks a Gas grenade and enters. Then he sees John enter in the elevator. H – You, stop now! J – hahahaha I have bad news for you in one hour all people in the moon are going to be transformed!  


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This has been a collective production of the students at Y9A

Y9 Coordinator

Claudia M. Durán Meletti

Foreign Languages Coordinator

Airton Pretini Junior

Y9 Teachers

Pamela Jean Fletcher Pascotto

Airton Pretini Junior

Graphic Design

Wilson O. de Lima

Santana de Parnaíba, June 2012

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