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AUTOR (ES): Ana Paula Marques Beato Canato Sequência Didática: Horóscopo ensino fundamental

Objetivos: - reconhecer o gênero textual horóscopo e suas características; - refletir sobre sua finalidade, sua utilidade e sua validade desse gênero; - desenvolver a capacidade lingüístico-discursiva: rever adjetivos para dar qualidades; rever o tempo verbal presente para falar de fatos; uso do tempo verbal futuro para falar de futuro planejado. 1. REFLETINDO SOBRE O GENERO HORÓSCOPO...

1A. O dicionário Webster traz três definições para a palavra horoscope. Leia-as e escreva ao lado a idéia geral de cada uma.

Webster’s dictionary Ideia/ sentido The position of the planets and stars with relation to one another at a given time, especially at the time of a person’s birth, regarded in astrology as determining one’s destiny.

2. a chart of the zodiacal signs and the positions of the planets, etc.

3. a forecast based on such a chart, usually a set of twelve predictions for the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Help!: relation to one another: relação entre um e outro; regarded: considerado.

1B. Com base nestas definições e em seu conhecimento de mundo, responda: A) Onde encontramos esse gênero textual? ........................................................................................ B) Por que as pessoas lêem horóscopo? ..............................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................................................... C) Você lê horóscopo? Se afirmativo, com que freqüência? Você realmente acredita no que lê ou lê

apenas por diversão? .................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................

D) Que informações geralmente encontramos no horóscopo mensal/ semanal? ................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................

E) Há também um horóscopo anual, que é publicado geralmente no início do ano. Esse trazem outro tipo de informação. Qual? ................................................................................................................ 2. Os astros realmente determinam nossa maneira de ser? 2A.Pense um pouco sobre sua maneira de ser e escreva 3 características suas, em INGLÊS.: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2B. Entreviste 2 colegas que tenham o mesmo signo que o seu e descubra quais são as características mais marcantes deles: Colega 1: .................................................................................................................................................... Colega 2: ....................................................................................................................................................

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AUTOR (ES): Ana Paula Marques Beato Canato Sequência Didática: Horóscopo ensino fundamental

2C. Leia agora a parte do texto que fala sobre o seu signo e veja se você concorda com o que é dito lá sobre as pessoas que têm esse signo. Compare com suas respostas. 2D. Faça uma leitura rápida do texto 1 e destaque características de cada signo. 2E. Antes de ler o texto novamente, ligue as expressões abaixo, em inglês e português: 1. at any cost ( ) a qualquer custo 2. to think light years beyond its time ( ) relação duradoura 3. own sake ( ) solução em que que todos ganham 4. long-term relationship ( ) pensar a frente de seu tempo 5. win-win solution ( ) bem próprio 2F. Encontre no texto respostas para as perguntas abaixo. As expressões acima podem lhe ajudar a compreender o texto. Which astrological sign is more: a) leader and worries about accomplishing tasks he/ has starts? ( ) Capricorn ( ) Pisces b) generous and idealistic? ( ) Aquarius ( ) Cancer c) Intuitive and emotional? ( ) Pisces ( ) Leo d) Careful and doesn’t like changes? ( ) Scorpio ( ) Taurus e) Social, effective with languages e desires peace at any cost? ( ) Libra ( ) Taurus f) easily upset and loves traveling ( ) Sagittarius ( ) Gemini Which astrological sign: a) gets bored easily and likes long-term relationships ( ) Gemini ( ) Aquarius b) worries about their own emotions and feelings and of others? ( ) Cancer ( ) Virgo c) always wants to be the center of attention and is pride? ( ) Leo ( ) Pisces d) worries about order and routine and is well organized? ( ) Capricorn ( ) Virgo e) worries more about emotion and easily senses false or insincere people( ) Scorpio ( ) Libra 2G. Observe dois colegas e veja se eles possuem as características de seus signos. 2H. Trabalhando com o aspecto lingüístico-discursivo... Tanto em português quanto em inglês descrevemos as pessoas de maneira muito parecida, usando para isso o verbo ser/ estar (to be). Encontre no texto o equivalente a: a) Ele é internamente emocional .............................................................................................. b) Ele é muito adaptável, flexível e criativo. ........................................................................................... Também usamos bastante o verbo ter (to have). Encontre no texto o equivalente a: a) Ele tem forte habilidade de liderança. .............................................................................................. b) Ele tem forte necessidade de ordem e rotina ................................................................................ Com base nos exemplos, qual o tempo verbal utilizado para falar de características de cada signo? ( ) presente ( ) futuro ( ) passado

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AUTOR (ES): Ana Paula Marques Beato Canato Sequência Didática: Horóscopo ensino fundamental

3. Previsões para 2005

3A. Você acredita em previsões? Elas geralmente funcionam? Onde podemos buscá-las? 3B. O texto 2 traz previsões para 2005 de cada signo. Leia rapidamente o texto e sublinhe uma previsão para cada um. 3C. Leia mais atentamente o texto em busca das informações abaixo. Escolha um signo com o qual você acha que se dá bem e um com o qual você não se dá muito bem e complete a tabela. Signo Como será o ano Conselho Relacionamentos

3D. Observe as previsões. Elas são bem específicas ou bastante gerais? Podemos nos guiar por elas para decidir nossas vidas? 3E. Trabalhando com o aspecto lingüístico-discursivo do gênero... a) Qual é o tempo verbal usado para fazer previsões? ( ) presente ( ) futuro ( ) passado b) Em português, usamos sufixos, ou seja, terminações no final das palavras, para conjugarmos os verbos no futuro. Em inglês, isso não ocorre. Precisamos apenas usar um verbo modal, que é o mesmo para todas as pessoas (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). Encontre no texto esse verbo e diga qual é a posição em que é colocado. c) Destaque um exemplo de futuro na previsão de cada signo.

TEXTO 1 – CARACTERÍSTICAS DE CADA SIGNO - disponível em 03/03/2005 Your astrological sign relates to who you're becoming during your existence. The determination of your sign depends on whether the moon or any of the planets were in the same section of the zodiac as the sun at your birth. If it has the support of one or more planets, you're more likely to recognize yourself in the trait description. Here is the description of each sign. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

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AUTOR (ES): Ana Paula Marques Beato Canato Sequência Didática: Horóscopo ensino fundamental

He has strong leadership ability, generates ideas, delegates details to others and moves toward fresh pasture. He may be perceived by other signs as lazy, but he mainly has a desire to accomplish everything with great efficiency. He matures early in life, detests the condition of being a child and has a tendency toward conservative attitudes. He sets is goals high and is rarely satisfied with results. He is internally emotional, but sometimes appear cold and distant. He is interested only in the business at hand and is loyal and committed in love. Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 17) He is very bright and is most comfortable in the world of the mental. He is good at developing an information network and generous about connecting with those he feels should meet. He is sensitive to the needs of the group. He is idealistic and strives to make a difference in the world. He has a good sense of long term future trends and often thinks light years beyond its time. Pisces (Feb. 18 to Mar. 19) Intuitive, emotional, imaginative, artistic and musical, he flows easily between the realms of the conscious and unconscious mind. He has a deep need to remain connected to spiritual life, though often he is not attached to traditional forms of worship. He is compassionate and strongly affected by color and the emotional environment. He must learn how to protect himself from manipulators. He is very adaptable, flexible, and creative. Aries (Mar 20 to April 19) He is easily bored and needs constant refreshment of new fuel. He is a strong initiators and likes to complete a project rapidly and keep on traveling. He always want to be number one or to be the only one working on a project. He has a courageous spirit which encourages confidence in others. He is romantic and prefers the chase to the long haul relationship. Taurus (April 20 to May 20) He takes special pleasure in luxurious items and places. He is sensual and particularly loves to touch and taste. Slow, careful and deliberate, he doesn't like change. He must learn the difference between caution and sheer stubbornness. Naturally stable, he needs to work toward an organized plan and prefers long-term relationship. He is especially sensitive to financial security and will work toward that goal. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) He is bored easily and feels uncomfortable in an enclosed environment. Naturally bright and alert, he uses a good vocabulary and enjoys learning for its own sake. He has a retentive memory for facts and languages. He may skim the surface of whatever is being studied but he covers a wide territory. Easy talker, he sometimes stretches the truth to make a good story. He prefers to do more than one thing at a time, but he needs to learn to finish what he stars (ex: projects). Cancer (June 21 to July 22) He listens to the emotions and feelings of himself and others. He often alternates between introversion and extroversion. He has a strong appreciation for the earth and its natural resources. He is protective of its personal security and also any persons who are included in its inner circle. He is a loyal and devoted

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AUTOR (ES): Ana Paula Marques Beato Canato Sequência Didática: Horóscopo ensino fundamental

lover and parent. He will work to make his living environment cozy, but he must learn to stabilize his emotions. Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22) He is warm, generous and open minded. He is a strong leader and is readily noticed whenever he enter a room. He enjoys being at center stage, has strong pride and is occasionally arrogant. He is susceptible to flattery and is easily embarrassed. When he starts a project, he will see it to its conclusion. Often artistic and creative, he is a loyal and ardent lover. He likes to make fun of himselve, but he won't appreciate others doing so. Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sep. 22) He is sensitive to the environment with delicate nervous systems. He is particularly susceptible to dietary issues. He has a strong need for order and routine. He is a great organizer, though this activity is a nuisance. He is excellent at research and inductive reasoning, but he sometimes gets caught in details and misses the bigger picture. He will usually marry, but is actually happier in the single life. Libra (Sep. 23 to Oct. 22) He is very bright and social. Effective with language, he is deliberate about practicing social skills and manners. Good at arbitration and diplomacy, he searches for win-win solutions that make everyone happy. He desires peace at any cost, even if it means stifling personal feelings or attitudes. He avoids conflict or competition. He is more comfortable with intellect than emotions and performs best when sharing activity with a partner or peer. He struggles with parenthood until children are old enough to communicate. Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Deeply attuned to his emotional condition and of others, he is accurately aware of words or people whom he senses are false or insincere. He enjoys the mysterious and prones to personal secrecy. He is slow to genuine anger, but long on resentment, once he is offended. He is attracted to the healing arts and spiritual pursuits or he may take the road of financial management. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Of restless nature, he is bored easily. He loves to travel and often needs to be outdoors. For him, exploration is the spice of life, whether it is mental or in the body. He is always optimistic and often has good fortune just when it is needed the most. He is interested in the theoretical and philosophical fields. He has difficulty with follow-through, procrastination, and commitments. He prefers to keep all options open. He often leans toward the single life. TEXTO 2 – PREVISÕES PARA 2005 (,tabhoro,yrs – DISPONÍVEL EM 03/03/2005)

What do the stars have planned for you in 2005? Whether you want to know what's going to happen with your romance, your career or your life in general, has the answers you're looking for -- from the best days for love to the best days to ask for a raise to just the best days, period. Click on your Sun sign below for your 2005 Overview -- from there, you can link to Your Career in 2005 and Your Love Life in 2005.

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AUTOR (ES): Ana Paula Marques Beato Canato Sequência Didática: Horóscopo ensino fundamental

Here's to a fun, happy and successful New Year!

ARIES - this year, you will work hard and will reach your goals more easily. You will also take care of your health and appearance. Your birthday will be unforgettable and, if you

are single, it will be a good time to find a partner. This will be a great year, with surprises for you.

TAURUS – this year will be fun and sociable to you. It will also be very positive and you will make some good changes in your life, including your emotional life! You just have

to use that world-famous patience of yours for a few months.

GEMINI – this year, you will enjoy life and will have the chance to become a new person, but you will have some difficulties and will have to be persistent. But if you get it,

your friendships and group connections may change and you'll gain new admirers and lots of new friends who can't believe you're not too good to be true.

CANCER – it will be a busy year in your life, with some money problems, but you will get rewards for it. You may have some problems in your family or with friends.

Someone will inspire you to spend more than you can with your appearance. Be careful and you will do a good job.

LEO – this year will be fun and sociable, but you will have to learn to balance your time wisely. You may find a partner, if don’t have one and, if you have one, will have a very good

time with this person. You may learn something new if you want to and you may have to deal with some problems.

VIRGO – you will have a divided year, the first half of the year will be different from the second. You may have some money difficulties. You will need some time to rest and you may fall in love, but listen carefully to the advice of elders to make the best of this

time. You may also have some problems with secrets and whispers. You will make some new friends and your birthday will be great.

LIBRA – you will have a good look this year and will end up in the right place at the perfect time. If you have to cancel something, don’t be upset, because soon you will see the

reason for it. Take care of the ones you love. Something good will happen in your family: it can be a wedding or the birth of a child.

SCORPIO – you will be very involved this year with education and with emotional relationship, which will be very good. You will also have some new friends, great

ones! But don’t forget to let others give their opinion.

SAGITTARIUS – this year, you will be recognized for things you have been doing and you will have the chance to enjoy leisure, pleasure and fun. You

definitely won’t be alone unless you want to be. You may not have money problems. You will study more than usual and will have the chance to learn things you have always wanted to learn.

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AUTOR (ES): Ana Paula Marques Beato Canato Sequência Didática: Horóscopo ensino fundamental

Talking about friends, you may have some problems. Holidays will be wonderful, but don’t forget to spend some quality time with the elders in your life.

CAPRICORN – this year, you will be very involved with emotional matters and you may get closer to someone you learned to trust. You may focus on your personality and

appearance, and change a bad habit. You will focus on a family problem, show your emotions and solve it. Then, enjoy some good time with your relatives.

AQUARIUS – during this year, you will be able to demonstrate your opinion more than usually. You will have some quiet time and will have the necessity to be alone

to know yourself better. Later, you will feel the necessity to help others and be sociable. You will have to be careful with money.

PISCES - you will have some efforts with a group and you will be recognized for it. You will be involved with financial situations and intimate relationships. Follow the elders advice, they will help you. You will pay attention, for a while, to you physical

appearance, but you will never ignore your emotions. You will make good changes.

Phrases associated with each astrological sign

Aries -- "I am" Taurus -- "I have," Gemini -- "I think"

Cancer -- "I feel" Leo -- "I rule" Virgo -- "I serve"

Libra -- "We are" Scorpio -- "I desire" Sagittarius -- "I seek"

Capricorn -- "I build" Aquarius -- "I know" Pisces -- "I believe" - encontrado em: 27/09/2005

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