Concurso 100 Prova Ifpi Po Ingles

Post on 02-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Concurso 100 Prova Ifpi Po Ingles


    a) este Caderno de Questes com o enunciadob) uma Folha de Respostas, destinada s respostas das questes da prova objetiva.

    * responsabilidade do candidato certificarconcorre (verifique o cabealho do Caderno de Questes


    * Verifique se as informaes contidas na

    * Aps a conferncia, o candidato dever assinar no espao prprio da tinta na cor preta ou azul.

    * Tenha muito cuidado com a Folha de RespostasRespostas somente poder ser substituda caso esteja danificada em suas margens superior ou inferior RECONHECIMENTO PARA LEITURA TICA

    * Ser ELIMINADO do Concurso o candidato que:a) for surpreendido durante o perodo de realizao de sua prova portando (carregando consigo, levando ou conduzindo) armas ou aparelhos eletrnicos (bip, telefone celular, qualquer tipo de relgio com mostrador digital, walkman, agenda eletrnica, notebook, palmtop, receptor, gravadorde prova ou nas dependncias do seu local de prova. Item 9.17, alnea c do edital.b) ausentar-se da sala de prova, durante o perodo de realizao de sua prova, portando a folha de respostas da provobjetiva, o caderno de questes, ou quaisquer equipamentos eletrnicos. Item 9.17, alnea h do edital.c) fizer anotao de informaes relativas s suas respostas da prova objetiva, em qualquer meio. Item 9.17, alnea f do edital. d) no permitir a coleta da digital, no procedimento descrito no subitem 9.15 do edital ou no efetuar a transcrio do texto apresentado caso seja utilizado o procedimento descrito no subitem 9.16 do edital.

    * Quando terminar, entregue obrigatoriamente ao fiscal a obrigatria se o candidato terminar a prova antes de faltar 30 (trinta) minutos para o trmino desta. OBRIGATORIAMENTE A LISTA DE PRESENA

    * Ser automaticamente eliminado do Concurso Pblico o candiCaderno de Questes. Item 9.17, alnea i do edital.

    * Consulte as prximas atividades no cronograma disponvel na guia Cronogramas, acessando a pgina do concurso em

    * Transcreva em letra cursiva, no espao prprio na As obras humanas alteram-se, corrompem


    * Voc recebeu do fiscal o seguinte material: com o enunciado das 40 (quarenta) questes da prova objetiva.

    , destinada s respostas das questes da prova objetiva.

    responsabilidade do candidato certificar-se de que recebeu a prova correspondente ao curso/disciplina para o qual Caderno de Questes). Notifique ao fiscal qualquer irregularidade


    * Verifique se as informaes contidas na Folha de Respostas esto corretas. Caso contrrio, notifique o fiscal.

    * Aps a conferncia, o candidato dever assinar no espao prprio da Folha de Respostas

    Folha de Respostas para no DOBRAR, AMASSAR somente poder ser substituda caso esteja danificada em suas margens superior ou inferior


    do Concurso o candidato que: perodo de realizao de sua prova portando (carregando consigo, levando ou

    conduzindo) armas ou aparelhos eletrnicos (bip, telefone celular, qualquer tipo de relgio com mostrador digital, walkman, agenda eletrnica, notebook, palmtop, receptor, gravador, controle de alarme de carro, etc), quer seja na sala de prova ou nas dependncias do seu local de prova. Item 9.17, alnea c do edital.

    se da sala de prova, durante o perodo de realizao de sua prova, portando a folha de respostas da provobjetiva, o caderno de questes, ou quaisquer equipamentos eletrnicos. Item 9.17, alnea h do edital.c) fizer anotao de informaes relativas s suas respostas da prova objetiva, em qualquer meio. Item 9.17, alnea f

    coleta da digital, no procedimento descrito no subitem 9.15 do edital ou no efetuar a transcrio do texto apresentado caso seja utilizado o procedimento descrito no subitem 9.16 do edital.

    * Quando terminar, entregue obrigatoriamente ao fiscal a Folha de Respostas. A entrega do obrigatria se o candidato terminar a prova antes de faltar 30 (trinta) minutos para o trmino desta. OBRIGATORIAMENTE A LISTA DE PRESENA.

    * Ser automaticamente eliminado do Concurso Pblico o candidato que descumprir as instrues contidas no Caderno de Questes. Item 9.17, alnea i do edital.

    * Consulte as prximas atividades no cronograma disponvel na guia Cronogramas, acessando a pgina do concurso em

    * Transcreva em letra cursiva, no espao prprio na Folha de Respostas, a frase abaixo apresentada entre, corrompem-se, modificam-se, transformam-se. (Machado de Assis)


    Pgina: 1


    das 40 (quarenta) questes da prova objetiva.

    se de que recebeu a prova correspondente ao curso/disciplina para o qual ). Notifique ao fiscal qualquer irregularidade.


    corretas. Caso contrrio, notifique o fiscal.

    Folha de Respostas, caneta esferogrfica de

    ou MANCHAR. A Folha de somente poder ser substituda caso esteja danificada em suas margens superior ou inferior BARRA DE

    perodo de realizao de sua prova portando (carregando consigo, levando ou conduzindo) armas ou aparelhos eletrnicos (bip, telefone celular, qualquer tipo de relgio com mostrador digital,

    , controle de alarme de carro, etc), quer seja na sala

    se da sala de prova, durante o perodo de realizao de sua prova, portando a folha de respostas da prova objetiva, o caderno de questes, ou quaisquer equipamentos eletrnicos. Item 9.17, alnea h do edital. c) fizer anotao de informaes relativas s suas respostas da prova objetiva, em qualquer meio. Item 9.17, alnea f

    coleta da digital, no procedimento descrito no subitem 9.15 do edital ou no efetuar a transcrio do

    . A entrega do Caderno de Questes obrigatria se o candidato terminar a prova antes de faltar 30 (trinta) minutos para o trmino desta. ASSINE

    dato que descumprir as instrues contidas no

    * Consulte as prximas atividades no cronograma disponvel na guia Cronogramas, acessando a pgina do concurso em

    a frase abaixo apresentada entre aspas. se. (Machado de Assis)

  • Fundamentos da EducaoQuesto 01

    Os Institutos Federais de Educao Cincia e Tecnologia estabelecem vnculos com a valorizao da educao e das instituies pblicas. Epressuposto o combate s desigualdades estruturais de toda ordem, sendo fundamentais para a construo de uma nao democrtica e soberana, estando, assim, em consonncia com as atuais polticas educacionais e pblicas brasileiras.

    A Seo II do Art. 6 da lei n 11.892/08 fala sobre as finalidades e caractersticas dos Institutos Federais. Spem em destaque a finalidade de ofertar a promover a integrao e a verticalizao da educao profissional, desde a educao bsica at a educao superior, otimizando os recursos de gesto, os quadros de pessoal e a infraestrutura fsica. Devem constituirexcelncia na oferta do ensino de cincias, em geral, e de cino apoio oferta do ensino de cincias nas instituies pblicas de ensino, oferecendo capacitao tcnica e atualizao aosdocentes (Lei 11.892/08, art. 6).

    Esse texto legal, em seu inciso VIII, destaca que o IFET se prope a realizar e estimular

    A) a pesquisa aplicada, a produo cultural, o empreendedorismo, o cooperativismo e o desenvolvimento cientfico e tecnolgico.

    B) o ensino de educao infantil, desde a creche at final do ensino funC) a produo, o desenvolvimento e a transferncia de tecnologias, voltadas preservao do meio ambiente. D) os programas especiais de formao pedaggica, com vista na formao de professores para a educaE) a oferta formativa em benefcio da consolidao e fortalecimento dos arranjos produtivos, empresariais e culturais da


    Questo 02

    A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases de 1996 evidencia no art. 12, incisos de I a VII, as aes atribudas eelaborar e executar sua proposta pedaggica; administrar seu pessoal e seus recursos materiais e financeiros; assegurar o cumprimento dos dias letivos e das horas-aula estabelecidas legalmente; velar pelo cumprimento do plano de trabalcada docente; prover meios para a recuperao de alunos de menor rendimento; articularcriando processos de integrao da sociedade com a escola; informar pais ou responsveis sobre a frequncia e o rendimento dos alunos, bem como sobre a execuo de sua proposta pedaggica.

    Para Libneo (2004), enquanto organizaes, as escolas ressaltam a interao entre as pessoas, para a promoo da formao humana e para que elas funcionem e concretizem seus objetivos, requerenddireo e controle dessas decises. Esse processo ele o denomina como

    A) controle. B) ajuste. C) gesto. D) abrangncia. E) norteamento.

    Questo 03 O Programa de Integrao da Educao Profissional Educao Bsica na Modalidade

    PROEJA tem por objetivo dar oportunidades educacionais a jovens e adultos que ainda no terminaram o ensino fundamental, bem como aos que j o finalizaram, mas ainda no concluram nem o ensino mdio nem um curso que os habilite em uma profisso tcnica de nvel mdio.

    O Art. 5o, do decreto n 5.840/2006, estabelece estruturao e pela expedio de certificados e diplomas.

    Por isso, o Pargrafo nico deste Art. 5 determina que as reas profissionais escolhidas para a estruturao dos cursos sero, preferencialmente, as que maior sintonia guardarem com as demandas de nvel local e regional, de forma a contribuir com o fortalecimento das estratgias de que tipo de desenvolvimento?

    A) scio-histrico e cultural. B) scio-histrico e profissional. C) tcnico-artstico e econmico. D) tcnico-poltico e econmico. E) socioeconmico e cultural.

    Fundamentos da Educao e Legislao Educacional

    Os Institutos Federais de Educao Cincia e Tecnologia IFET tm-se apresentado como instituies que valorizao da educao e das instituies pblicas. Essa interdependncia tem como

    pressuposto o combate s desigualdades estruturais de toda ordem, sendo fundamentais para a construo de uma nao m consonncia com as atuais polticas educacionais e pblicas brasileiras.

    a lei n 11.892/08 fala sobre as finalidades e caractersticas dos Institutos Federais. Sa finalidade de ofertar a Educao Profissional e Tecnolgica em todos os nveis e modalidades e

    da educao profissional, desde a educao bsica at a educao superior, otimizando os recursos de gesto, os quadros de pessoal e a infraestrutura fsica. Devem constituirexcelncia na oferta do ensino de cincias, em geral, e de cincias aplicadas, em particular, e qualificarno apoio oferta do ensino de cincias nas instituies pblicas de ensino, oferecendo capacitao tcnica e atualizao aos

    o VIII, destaca que o IFET se prope a realizar e estimular a pesquisa aplicada, a produo cultural, o empreendedorismo, o cooperativismo e o desenvolvimento cientfico e

    o ensino de educao infantil, desde a creche at final do ensino fundamental, capacitando seus profissionais em servio.a produo, o desenvolvimento e a transferncia de tecnologias, voltadas preservao do meio ambiente. os programas especiais de formao pedaggica, com vista na formao de professores para a educaa oferta formativa em benefcio da consolidao e fortalecimento dos arranjos produtivos, empresariais e culturais da

    A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases de 1996 evidencia no art. 12, incisos de I a VII, as aes atribudas eelaborar e executar sua proposta pedaggica; administrar seu pessoal e seus recursos materiais e financeiros; assegurar o

    aula estabelecidas legalmente; velar pelo cumprimento do plano de trabalcada docente; prover meios para a recuperao de alunos de menor rendimento; articular-se com as famlias e a comunidade, criando processos de integrao da sociedade com a escola; informar pais ou responsveis sobre a frequncia e o rendimento

    lunos, bem como sobre a execuo de sua proposta pedaggica. enquanto organizaes, as escolas ressaltam a interao entre as pessoas, para a promoo da

    formao humana e para que elas funcionem e concretizem seus objetivos, requerendo tomadas de decises, bem como de direo e controle dessas decises. Esse processo ele o denomina como

    O Programa de Integrao da Educao Profissional Educao Bsica na Modalidade Educao de Jovens e Adultos tem por objetivo dar oportunidades educacionais a jovens e adultos que ainda no terminaram o ensino

    fundamental, bem como aos que j o finalizaram, mas ainda no concluram nem o ensino mdio nem um curso que os ilite em uma profisso tcnica de nvel mdio.

    estabelece que as instituies que oferecem esses cursos so responsveis por sua expedio de certificados e diplomas.

    e Art. 5 determina que as reas profissionais escolhidas para a estruturao dos cursos sero, preferencialmente, as que maior sintonia guardarem com as demandas de nvel local e regional, de forma a contribuir

    e tipo de desenvolvimento?


    Pgina: 2

    e Legislao Educacional

    se apresentado como instituies que ssa interdependncia tem como

    pressuposto o combate s desigualdades estruturais de toda ordem, sendo fundamentais para a construo de uma nao m consonncia com as atuais polticas educacionais e pblicas brasileiras.

    a lei n 11.892/08 fala sobre as finalidades e caractersticas dos Institutos Federais. Seus incisos em todos os nveis e modalidades e

    da educao profissional, desde a educao bsica at a educao superior, otimizando os recursos de gesto, os quadros de pessoal e a infraestrutura fsica. Devem constituir-se como centros de

    ncias aplicadas, em particular, e qualificar-se como referncia no apoio oferta do ensino de cincias nas instituies pblicas de ensino, oferecendo capacitao tcnica e atualizao aos

    a pesquisa aplicada, a produo cultural, o empreendedorismo, o cooperativismo e o desenvolvimento cientfico e

    damental, capacitando seus profissionais em servio. a produo, o desenvolvimento e a transferncia de tecnologias, voltadas preservao do meio ambiente. os programas especiais de formao pedaggica, com vista na formao de professores para a educao fundamental. a oferta formativa em benefcio da consolidao e fortalecimento dos arranjos produtivos, empresariais e culturais da

    A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases de 1996 evidencia no art. 12, incisos de I a VII, as aes atribudas escola, que so (...) elaborar e executar sua proposta pedaggica; administrar seu pessoal e seus recursos materiais e financeiros; assegurar o

    aula estabelecidas legalmente; velar pelo cumprimento do plano de trabalho de se com as famlias e a comunidade,

    criando processos de integrao da sociedade com a escola; informar pais ou responsveis sobre a frequncia e o rendimento

    enquanto organizaes, as escolas ressaltam a interao entre as pessoas, para a promoo da o tomadas de decises, bem como de

    Educao de Jovens e Adultos tem por objetivo dar oportunidades educacionais a jovens e adultos que ainda no terminaram o ensino

    fundamental, bem como aos que j o finalizaram, mas ainda no concluram nem o ensino mdio nem um curso que os que as instituies que oferecem esses cursos so responsveis por sua

    e Art. 5 determina que as reas profissionais escolhidas para a estruturao dos cursos sero, preferencialmente, as que maior sintonia guardarem com as demandas de nvel local e regional, de forma a contribuir

  • Questo 04

    Segundo a LDB/96, garantir o direito subjetivo de aprender implica fazer da escola um lugar em que os cidados se sintam valorizados e reconhecidos em sua identidade e singularidade.

    Os diversos sistemas, nveis e modalidades de ensino desenvolvidos nas equalidade e da equidade, na nossa educao, os quais para serem superados devem se dar em ambiente acolhedor, que reconhea e valorize as diferenas da diferena, ultrapassando, assim, as desigualdades.

    Assim sendo, para atender a essa norma de procedimento, o Art. 1, da Resoluo Curriculares Nacionais para a Educao das Relaes tnicoAfricana, a serem consideradas pelas instituies de ensino, que atuam nos nveis e modalidades da Educao Brasileira e, em especial, por Instituies que desenvolvam atividades de que tipo?

    A) cursos de extenso sobre as Culturas Brasileira e Africana.B) programas de formao inicial e continuada de professores.C) oficinas pedaggicas/temticas de incluso sobre as culturas. D) palestras e seminrios sobre a Cultura AfroE) parcerias com instituies voltadas Cultura Africana.

    Questo 05

    Em consonncia com as profundas mudanas encontradas no mundo do trabalho e do conhecimento na atualidade, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional reserva um de seus captulos educao profissional. Em seu Captulo III, Ttulo V, ela trata da educao profissional e tecnolgica e,educao profissional e tecnolgica, no cumprimento dos objetivos da educao nacional,

    A) associa-se ao conselho escolar, aos interesses da comunidade em geral e s exigncias do mercado de B) vincula-se aos elevados padres de inovao tecnolgica e cientfica do trabalho, nas diferentes modalidades de ensino.C) sujeita-se s exigncias do desenvolvimento tecnolgico, em termos de qualificao de mo de obra e de desempenho.D) integra-se aos diferentes nveis e modalidades de educao e s dimenses do trabalho, da cincia e da tecnologia.E) subordina-se aos desafios terico-metodolgicos da relao trabalho

    Questo 06

    Planejamento algo inerente ao ser humano. O processo de ensino e aprendizagem necessita ser planejado, com intencionalidade e qualidade. Ao se planejar, se antecipam aes para atingir a satisfao dos objetivos traados, ancoradas nos diferentes elementos que o compem e em nagir conforme essas ideias antecipadas.

    Portanto, o planejamento, enquanto processo de racionalizao, organizao e coordenao da ao docente, deve se articular com as atividades a serem desenvolvidas na escola com incerteza ou dificuldade inerente ao contexto social.

    Nesse contexto, cabe retomar o que diz Libneo (2012), para quem a ao de planejar no se reduz ao simples preenchimento de formulrios para controle administrat

    A) a atividade consciente de previso das aes docentes, fundamentadas nas opes polticoB) a verificao da aplicao de mtodos, tcnicas e conceitos cientficos s decises a serem tomadas na escola. C) a deciso de realizar uma listagem de aes e recursos a serem executados em determinados datas e prazos. D) o processo linear e indefinido, estabelecido com prazos fixos, a serem verificados os contedos. E) o processo simples e harmnico, voltado para a verificao da metodologia da

    Segundo a LDB/96, garantir o direito subjetivo de aprender implica fazer da escola um lugar em que os cidados se sintam valorizados e reconhecidos em sua identidade e singularidade.

    Os diversos sistemas, nveis e modalidades de ensino desenvolvidos nas escolas brasileiras expem os desafios da qualidade e da equidade, na nossa educao, os quais para serem superados devem se dar em ambiente acolhedor, que reconhea e valorize as diferenas da diferena, ultrapassando, assim, as desigualdades.

    , para atender a essa norma de procedimento, o Art. 1, da Resoluo n 1/ 2004, Curriculares Nacionais para a Educao das Relaes tnico-Raciais e para o Ensino de Histria e Cultura Afro

    das pelas instituies de ensino, que atuam nos nveis e modalidades da Educao Brasileira e, em especial, por Instituies que desenvolvam atividades de que tipo?

    cursos de extenso sobre as Culturas Brasileira e Africana. al e continuada de professores.

    oficinas pedaggicas/temticas de incluso sobre as culturas. palestras e seminrios sobre a Cultura Afro-Brasileira. parcerias com instituies voltadas Cultura Africana.

    nas encontradas no mundo do trabalho e do conhecimento na atualidade, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional reserva um de seus captulos educao profissional. Em seu Captulo III, Ttulo V, ela trata da educao profissional e tecnolgica e, para atender a essas exigncias, o art. 39 estabelece que a educao profissional e tecnolgica, no cumprimento dos objetivos da educao nacional,

    se ao conselho escolar, aos interesses da comunidade em geral e s exigncias do mercado de se aos elevados padres de inovao tecnolgica e cientfica do trabalho, nas diferentes modalidades de ensino.

    se s exigncias do desenvolvimento tecnolgico, em termos de qualificao de mo de obra e de desempenho.aos diferentes nveis e modalidades de educao e s dimenses do trabalho, da cincia e da tecnologia.

    metodolgicos da relao trabalho-educao e ao preparo para o mundo do trabalho.

    rente ao ser humano. O processo de ensino e aprendizagem necessita ser planejado, com intencionalidade e qualidade. Ao se planejar, se antecipam aes para atingir a satisfao dos objetivos traados, ancoradas nos diferentes elementos que o compem e em necessidades criadas a partir de uma determinada realidade, as quais levam a

    Portanto, o planejamento, enquanto processo de racionalizao, organizao e coordenao da ao docente, deve se s a serem desenvolvidas na escola com incerteza ou dificuldade inerente ao contexto social.

    Nesse contexto, cabe retomar o que diz Libneo (2012), para quem a ao de planejar no se reduz ao simples preenchimento de formulrios para controle administrativo, pois

    a atividade consciente de previso das aes docentes, fundamentadas nas opes poltico-pedaggicas. a verificao da aplicao de mtodos, tcnicas e conceitos cientficos s decises a serem tomadas na escola.

    listagem de aes e recursos a serem executados em determinados datas e prazos. o processo linear e indefinido, estabelecido com prazos fixos, a serem verificados os contedos. o processo simples e harmnico, voltado para a verificao da metodologia das aes feitas em grupo.


    Pgina: 3

    Segundo a LDB/96, garantir o direito subjetivo de aprender implica fazer da escola um lugar em que os cidados se

    scolas brasileiras expem os desafios da qualidade e da equidade, na nossa educao, os quais para serem superados devem se dar em ambiente acolhedor, que

    n 1/ 2004, estabelece as Diretrizes Raciais e para o Ensino de Histria e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e

    das pelas instituies de ensino, que atuam nos nveis e modalidades da Educao Brasileira e,

    nas encontradas no mundo do trabalho e do conhecimento na atualidade, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional reserva um de seus captulos educao profissional. Em seu Captulo III,

    para atender a essas exigncias, o art. 39 estabelece que a

    se ao conselho escolar, aos interesses da comunidade em geral e s exigncias do mercado de trabalho. se aos elevados padres de inovao tecnolgica e cientfica do trabalho, nas diferentes modalidades de ensino.

    se s exigncias do desenvolvimento tecnolgico, em termos de qualificao de mo de obra e de desempenho. aos diferentes nveis e modalidades de educao e s dimenses do trabalho, da cincia e da tecnologia.

    educao e ao preparo para o mundo do trabalho.

    rente ao ser humano. O processo de ensino e aprendizagem necessita ser planejado, com intencionalidade e qualidade. Ao se planejar, se antecipam aes para atingir a satisfao dos objetivos traados, ancoradas

    ecessidades criadas a partir de uma determinada realidade, as quais levam a

    Portanto, o planejamento, enquanto processo de racionalizao, organizao e coordenao da ao docente, deve se s a serem desenvolvidas na escola com incerteza ou dificuldade inerente ao contexto social.

    Nesse contexto, cabe retomar o que diz Libneo (2012), para quem a ao de planejar no se reduz ao simples

    pedaggicas. a verificao da aplicao de mtodos, tcnicas e conceitos cientficos s decises a serem tomadas na escola.

    listagem de aes e recursos a serem executados em determinados datas e prazos. o processo linear e indefinido, estabelecido com prazos fixos, a serem verificados os contedos.

    s aes feitas em grupo.

  • Questo 07

    O art. 205 da Constituio Federal brasileira estabelece que a educao, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da famlia, ser promovida e incentivada com a colaborao da sociedade, visando o pleno o exerccio da cidadania e sua qualificao para o trabalho.

    Para que esse artigo possa se concretizar, entre outros princpios que embasam o ensino a ser ministrado Nao, em compatibilidade com o Art. 206, seguem-se cinco princpios:

    I. igualdade de condies para o acesso e permanncia na escola;II. gratuidade do ensino pblico em estabelecimentos oficiais;

    III. gesto democrtica do ensino pblico, na forma da lei;IV. garantia de padro de qualidade V. piso salarial nacional unificado para os profissionais da escola privada.

    Quais desses princpios esto compatveis com o Artigo citado?

    A) II, III, IV e V. B) I, II, IV e V. C) I, II, III e IV. D) I, II, III e V. E) I, III, IV e V.

    Questo 08

    A educao tecnolgica deve permitir e necessita desenvolver um trabalho pedaggico a partir da evoluo da tecnologia atravs de uma viso social, onde as transformaes inovadoras e as diferentes estratgias utilisociais.

    A educao tecnolgica deve associar a pesquisa e a reflexo s propostas das prticas pedaggicas, passando pelo entendimento da tecnologia como processo educativo que se situa no outra forma e adapt-las s peculiaridades das regies e s novas condies da sociedade (Arroyo, apud Gadotti).

    Para a relevncia da formao do futuro profissional, preciso desenvolver o senso crcircundante, subordinado pelos princpios de igualdade e solidariedade, atravs dos trabalhos de pesquisa realizados nas instituies de ensino, num dilogo entre os profissionais das diferentes reas do conhecimento e o embasamentoeducacional, com vistas a compreender que fenmenos?

    A) Igualmente os econmicos dos discentes e os decorrentes de suas necessidades no mercado de trabalho.B) Especialmente os financeiros, frente formao de mo de obra qualificada.C) Apenas os questionadores do mundo do trabalho e das possibilidades de empregabilidade. D) No s os da aquisio das prticas profissionais isoladas, como os do trabalho tecnolgico.E) Tanto os educativos quanto os culturais, dentro e fora da escola.

    Questo 09

    Com grande destaque, a educao profissional e tecnolgica, planetria e particularmente em nosso pas, mostracomo elemento estratgico. A formao educacional de qualidade se faz necessria para uma melhor insero de jovens e trabalhadores na sociedade atual, repleta de grandes transformaes e de avanos cientficos/tecnolgicos, tanto em termos conceituais, quanto em suas prticas, por serem complexas e abundantes.

    A problemtica fundamental dessa modalidade de ensino necessariamente o estreito vnculo com o contexto maior da educao brasileira: sua legislao educacional.

    Assim, a LDB 9.394/96, em seu Art. 2, que decreta os fins da Educao Nacional, reza que a educao, dever da famlia e do Estado, inspirada nos princpios de liberdade e nos ideais de solidariedade humana, tem por finalidade o pleno desenvolvimento do educando, preparando-o para

    O art. 205 da Constituio Federal brasileira estabelece que a educao, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da famlia, ser promovida e incentivada com a colaborao da sociedade, visando o pleno desenvolvimento da pessoa, seu preparo para o exerccio da cidadania e sua qualificao para o trabalho.

    Para que esse artigo possa se concretizar, entre outros princpios que embasam o ensino a ser ministrado Nao, em se cinco princpios:

    igualdade de condies para o acesso e permanncia na escola; gratuidade do ensino pblico em estabelecimentos oficiais; gesto democrtica do ensino pblico, na forma da lei;

    nal unificado para os profissionais da escola privada. Quais desses princpios esto compatveis com o Artigo citado?

    impulsionar a formao do futuro profissional tcnico e cidado. Nesse intuito, necessita desenvolver um trabalho pedaggico a partir da evoluo da tecnologia atravs de uma viso social, onde as transformaes inovadoras e as diferentes estratgias utilizadas possam conciliar os imperativos da economia s conjunturas

    A educao tecnolgica deve associar a pesquisa e a reflexo s propostas das prticas pedaggicas, passando pelo entendimento da tecnologia como processo educativo que se situa no interior da inteligncia das tcnicas para ger

    las s peculiaridades das regies e s novas condies da sociedade (Arroyo, apud Gadotti).Para a relevncia da formao do futuro profissional, preciso desenvolver o senso cr

    circundante, subordinado pelos princpios de igualdade e solidariedade, atravs dos trabalhos de pesquisa realizados nas instituies de ensino, num dilogo entre os profissionais das diferentes reas do conhecimento e o embasamentoeducacional, com vistas a compreender que fenmenos?

    Igualmente os econmicos dos discentes e os decorrentes de suas necessidades no mercado de trabalho.Especialmente os financeiros, frente formao de mo de obra qualificada.

    do mundo do trabalho e das possibilidades de empregabilidade. No s os da aquisio das prticas profissionais isoladas, como os do trabalho tecnolgico.Tanto os educativos quanto os culturais, dentro e fora da escola.

    a educao profissional e tecnolgica, planetria e particularmente em nosso pas, mostracomo elemento estratgico. A formao educacional de qualidade se faz necessria para uma melhor insero de jovens e

    grandes transformaes e de avanos cientficos/tecnolgicos, tanto em termos conceituais, quanto em suas prticas, por serem complexas e abundantes.

    A problemtica fundamental dessa modalidade de ensino educao profissional e tecnolgica essariamente o estreito vnculo com o contexto maior da educao brasileira: sua legislao educacional.Assim, a LDB 9.394/96, em seu Art. 2, que decreta os fins da Educao Nacional, reza que a educao, dever da

    cpios de liberdade e nos ideais de solidariedade humana, tem por finalidade o pleno o para


    Pgina: 4

    O art. 205 da Constituio Federal brasileira estabelece que a educao, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da famlia, desenvolvimento da pessoa, seu preparo para

    Para que esse artigo possa se concretizar, entre outros princpios que embasam o ensino a ser ministrado Nao, em

    impulsionar a formao do futuro profissional tcnico e cidado. Nesse intuito, necessita desenvolver um trabalho pedaggico a partir da evoluo da tecnologia atravs de uma viso social, onde as

    zadas possam conciliar os imperativos da economia s conjunturas

    A educao tecnolgica deve associar a pesquisa e a reflexo s propostas das prticas pedaggicas, passando pelo interior da inteligncia das tcnicas para ger-las de

    las s peculiaridades das regies e s novas condies da sociedade (Arroyo, apud Gadotti). Para a relevncia da formao do futuro profissional, preciso desenvolver o senso crtico conectado ao mundo

    circundante, subordinado pelos princpios de igualdade e solidariedade, atravs dos trabalhos de pesquisa realizados nas instituies de ensino, num dilogo entre os profissionais das diferentes reas do conhecimento e o embasamento

    Igualmente os econmicos dos discentes e os decorrentes de suas necessidades no mercado de trabalho.

    do mundo do trabalho e das possibilidades de empregabilidade. No s os da aquisio das prticas profissionais isoladas, como os do trabalho tecnolgico.

    a educao profissional e tecnolgica, planetria e particularmente em nosso pas, mostra-se como elemento estratgico. A formao educacional de qualidade se faz necessria para uma melhor insero de jovens e

    grandes transformaes e de avanos cientficos/tecnolgicos, tanto em termos

    educao profissional e tecnolgica envolve essariamente o estreito vnculo com o contexto maior da educao brasileira: sua legislao educacional. Assim, a LDB 9.394/96, em seu Art. 2, que decreta os fins da Educao Nacional, reza que a educao, dever da

    cpios de liberdade e nos ideais de solidariedade humana, tem por finalidade o pleno

  • A) o desenvolvimento do esprito tico/esttico e a insero no mercado de trabalho.B) o exerccio da cidadania e sua qualificao para o trabalho.C) a participao, de forma competitiva e satisfatria, da qualificao profissional.D) a insero no mundo produtivo, capacitado para ocupar cargos proeminentes.E) a atuao consistente e atualizada nas empresas governamentais e pQuesto 10

    A incluso social um dos grandes desafios brasileiros, uma vez que, ao longo de sua histria, propiciou o acmulo de desigualdades sociais no que tange distribuio da terra, da riqueza, do acesso aos bens materiais e culturais e dapropriao dos conhecimentos cientficos e tecnolgicos.

    A incluso social abrange tambm a proposio de condies para que todos os habitantes do pas possam ter uma qualidade de vida adequada e como cidados plenos, dotados de conhecimentos, meios epoltica, que os tornem aptos a agir de maneira consciente e fundamentada.

    De acordo com essa premissa, em seu Art.1, o Decreto n 5.840/2006, de Integrao da Educao Profissional com a Educao Bsica na Modalidade de Educao de Jovens e Adultos Os incisos I e II, do 1o deste artigo rezam que oprofissional:

    A) formao inicial e continuada de trabalhadores e educao profissional tcnica de nvel mdio.B) formao terica/tecnolgica e o treinamento da mo de obra qualificada para o mercado de trabalho.C) restrio de oportunidades educacionais e de vagas no mercado de trabalho para os alunos do PROEJA.D) ruptura com a formao de profissionais em nmero suficiente e ampliao do aproveitamento adequado.E) treinamento da populao excluda do conhecimento cientfico/tecnolgico e a

    Questo 11

    According to Hutchinson and Waters, the English for Specific Purposes approach is mainly:

    A) learning-centred B) speaking-centred C) syllabus-centred D) teacher-centred E) using-centred

    Questo 12

    One of the main distinctions between English for Specific Purposes and General English

    A) lack of a want B) focus on a need C) existence of a need D) awareness of a need E) occurrence of a want

    o desenvolvimento do esprito tico/esttico e a insero no mercado de trabalho. qualificao para o trabalho.

    a participao, de forma competitiva e satisfatria, da qualificao profissional. a insero no mundo produtivo, capacitado para ocupar cargos proeminentes. a atuao consistente e atualizada nas empresas governamentais e privadas.

    A incluso social um dos grandes desafios brasileiros, uma vez que, ao longo de sua histria, propiciou o acmulo de desigualdades sociais no que tange distribuio da terra, da riqueza, do acesso aos bens materiais e culturais e dapropriao dos conhecimentos cientficos e tecnolgicos.

    A incluso social abrange tambm a proposio de condies para que todos os habitantes do pas possam ter uma qualidade de vida adequada e como cidados plenos, dotados de conhecimentos, meios e

    agir de maneira consciente e fundamentada. De acordo com essa premissa, em seu Art.1, o Decreto n 5.840/2006, institui, no mbito federal, o Programa Nacional

    de Integrao da Educao Profissional com a Educao Bsica na Modalidade de Educao de Jovens e Adultos deste artigo rezam que o PROEJA abranger os seguintes cursos

    formao inicial e continuada de trabalhadores e educao profissional tcnica de nvel mdio.formao terica/tecnolgica e o treinamento da mo de obra qualificada para o mercado de trabalho.

    dades educacionais e de vagas no mercado de trabalho para os alunos do PROEJA.ruptura com a formao de profissionais em nmero suficiente e ampliao do aproveitamento adequado.treinamento da populao excluda do conhecimento cientfico/tecnolgico e a insero no trabalho.

    Conhecimentos Especficos

    According to Hutchinson and Waters, the English for Specific Purposes approach is mainly:

    One of the main distinctions between English for Specific Purposes and General English is the:


    Pgina: 5

    A incluso social um dos grandes desafios brasileiros, uma vez que, ao longo de sua histria, propiciou o acmulo de desigualdades sociais no que tange distribuio da terra, da riqueza, do acesso aos bens materiais e culturais e da

    A incluso social abrange tambm a proposio de condies para que todos os habitantes do pas possam ter uma qualidade de vida adequada e como cidados plenos, dotados de conhecimentos, meios e mecanismos de participao

    institui, no mbito federal, o Programa Nacional de Integrao da Educao Profissional com a Educao Bsica na Modalidade de Educao de Jovens e Adultos PROEJA.

    PROEJA abranger os seguintes cursos e programas de educao

    formao inicial e continuada de trabalhadores e educao profissional tcnica de nvel mdio. formao terica/tecnolgica e o treinamento da mo de obra qualificada para o mercado de trabalho.

    dades educacionais e de vagas no mercado de trabalho para os alunos do PROEJA. ruptura com a formao de profissionais em nmero suficiente e ampliao do aproveitamento adequado.

    insero no trabalho.

    is the:

  • Questo 13

    Concerning the importance of a syllabus, we can state that all the affirmatives below are accurate, asserts that a syllabus is a: A) statement of projected routes. B) statement of what will be learnt. C) support to the teacher and learner. D) way of providing a set of criteria for materials selection. E) statement of views on the nature of language and learning.

    Questo 14

    In accordance to the methodology presented by the English for Specific Purposes approach, it is correct to affirm that:

    A) language learning is largely a passive process.B) language learning is just a matter of linguistic knowledge.C) laying out information in a systematic way will not guarantee learning. D) existing learners knowledge is of little importance to the learning processE) emotional experience involved in the process is not taken into consideration in the language learning.

    Questo 15

    In order to become an ESP teacher, it is necessary to:

    A) master specialist subject knowledge. B) become a teacher of the subject matter. C) have a positive attitude towards the ESP content. D) have a static basic knowledge on the specific area. E) know everything about the subject matter of the ESP material.

    Questo 16

    It is correct to define genres as:

    A) shaped content-oriented private texts. B) staged goal-oriented social processes. C) tailored syntax-oriented didactic materials.D) personalized group-oriented structural media. E) adapted student-oriented educational features.

    Questo 17

    Bhatia defines genre as a recognizable communicative event chaand mutually understood by the members of the professional or academic community in which it regularly occurs. Seven steps are proposed in order to analyze the genre structure. From the options bebut:

    A) retrieval of bungling information by means of a clumsy user.B) placement of the analyzed genre in a situational context. C) surveying the existing literature about the genre.D) refinement of the situational/contextual analysis.E) definition of the linguistic analysis levels.

    Concerning the importance of a syllabus, we can state that all the affirmatives below are accurate,

    ay of providing a set of criteria for materials selection. statement of views on the nature of language and learning.

    In accordance to the methodology presented by the English for Specific Purposes approach, it is correct to affirm that:

    nguage learning is largely a passive process. language learning is just a matter of linguistic knowledge. laying out information in a systematic way will not guarantee learning. existing learners knowledge is of little importance to the learning process. emotional experience involved in the process is not taken into consideration in the language learning.

    In order to become an ESP teacher, it is necessary to:

    have a positive attitude towards the ESP content. have a static basic knowledge on the specific area. know everything about the subject matter of the ESP material.

    oriented didactic materials. oriented structural media.

    oriented educational features.

    Bhatia defines genre as a recognizable communicative event characterized by a set of communicative purpose(s) identified and mutually understood by the members of the professional or academic community in which it regularly occurs. Seven steps are proposed in order to analyze the genre structure. From the options below, every item presents one of these steps,

    retrieval of bungling information by means of a clumsy user. placement of the analyzed genre in a situational context. surveying the existing literature about the genre.

    situational/contextual analysis. definition of the linguistic analysis levels.


    Pgina: 6

    Concerning the importance of a syllabus, we can state that all the affirmatives below are accurate, except the one which

    In accordance to the methodology presented by the English for Specific Purposes approach, it is correct to affirm that:

    emotional experience involved in the process is not taken into consideration in the language learning.

    racterized by a set of communicative purpose(s) identified and mutually understood by the members of the professional or academic community in which it regularly occurs. Seven

    low, every item presents one of these steps,

  • Questo 18

    Several social and psychological aspects were suggested by Schumann as impacting on the level of acculturation and consequently triumph in learning. Learners are

    A) is unfamiliar to them. B) is seen as subordinate. C) is perceived as dominant. D) they wish to remain distinct. E) they have low enclosure with.

    Questo 19

    All of the following items are broad objectives in te

    A) to shorten general performance competencies. B) to reveal subject-specific language use. C) to develop strategic competence. D) to teach underlying knowledge. E) to foster critical awareness.

    Questo 20

    There are a number of approaches to needs analysis. With the publication of Munbys Communicative Syllabus Design, needs analysis moved towards placing the learners purposes in the vital position within the framework of needs analysis. Munbys overall model is made up of several elements and it is correct to say that the predominant one, which is the basis of his approach to needs analysis, is the:

    A) Meaning Processor. B) Linguistic Encoder. C) Language Skills Selector. D) Communication Needs Processor. E) Communicative Competence Specification.

    TEXT 1


    Perhaps more than anything else, the English Language classroom is a place of diversity. There is diversity of academic expectations for teachers. The Common Core assigns literature and informational reading, writing, speaking/listening and language to what is usually a single "class." This is a total of five extremely broad topics, each of which could more than stand on its own as a content area. There is diversity of content, where media from two thousand years ago to yesterday, from Gilgamesh to Tupac Sfind a place. This is a content area where students read and reflect, write and discuss, revise and rethink, compose and present, speak and observe all in the company of some of the greatest thinkers in mankind's history. There is also diversity of assessment, where projects, exams, opencommunity projects all vie for a chance to demonstrate what a student understands.

    Several social and psychological aspects were suggested by Schumann as impacting on the level of acculturation and consequently triumph in learning. Learners are more likely to acquire the language of a group that:

    All of the following items are broad objectives in teaching ESP with the exception of:

    to shorten general performance competencies.

    approaches to needs analysis. With the publication of Munbys Communicative Syllabus Design, needs analysis moved towards placing the learners purposes in the vital position within the framework of needs analysis.

    al elements and it is correct to say that the predominant one, which is the basis of



    Perhaps more than anything else, the English Language classroom is a place of diversity. There is diversity of academic expectations for teachers. The Common Core assigns literature and informational reading, writing, speaking/listening and

    t is usually a single "class." This is a total of five extremely broad topics, each of which could more than

    There is diversity of content, where media from two thousand years ago to yesterday, from Gilgamesh to Tupac Sfind a place. This is a content area where students read and reflect, write and discuss, revise and rethink, compose and

    all in the company of some of the greatest thinkers in mankind's history. ity of assessment, where projects, exams, open-response questions, essays, digital products and

    community projects all vie for a chance to demonstrate what a student understands.


    Pgina: 7

    Several social and psychological aspects were suggested by Schumann as impacting on the level of acculturation and more likely to acquire the language of a group that:

    approaches to needs analysis. With the publication of Munbys Communicative Syllabus Design, needs analysis moved towards placing the learners purposes in the vital position within the framework of needs analysis.

    al elements and it is correct to say that the predominant one, which is the basis of

    September 17, 2012 By Terry Heick

    Perhaps more than anything else, the English Language classroom is a place of diversity. There is diversity of academic expectations for teachers. The Common Core assigns literature and informational reading, writing, speaking/listening and

    t is usually a single "class." This is a total of five extremely broad topics, each of which could more than

    There is diversity of content, where media from two thousand years ago to yesterday, from Gilgamesh to Tupac Shakur, can find a place. This is a content area where students read and reflect, write and discuss, revise and rethink, compose and

    all in the company of some of the greatest thinkers in mankind's history. response questions, essays, digital products and

  • It makes sense, then, that in such a busy atmosphere full of oftenfind an authentic and compelling role. How can they function? 1) Entry Points In any classroom, a video game can provide a suregame Limbo makes toys to perfection with this classic literary tool, using a subdued color palette, minimal character dialogue and macabre settings as a boy works his way through digital, black60-second video of Little Big Planet 2, and tone will be on full display. From here you can move on to speeches from Martin Luther King, where tone is overt, then short stories from Wendell Berry and Franz Kafka, where it may not be.

    2) Student Voice Video games are engaging, gamified, full of light and sound, and often (though not always) widely accessible. The fact that they're especially inviting to male learners, who may struggle to find much of anything in academia immediately inviting, makes them a compelling tool for any progressive educator. They also provide students a voice. Allowing a student to discuss video games that are meaningful to him is just like asking your bookworm students to discuss their favorite books. Watch them light up when you not only show inteproject, or to even bring in narrative nuggets of games like Fallout 3, which has plots and subplots that rival quantity -- the most heralded classic literary texts.

    3) Inspiration Video games are strangely inspirational. The best examples from this rather digital universes for players to enter and dwellhours, as they carefully construct avatars that act out their own desire for power, control, and diverse ability to constructmanipulate an environment that makes sense to them (something Minecraft does exceptionally well).When video games are brought into learning makes the game wonderful you'll notice major changes, many of which won't always be comfortable. Inspiration changes everything. Some students many of whom may have previously appeared lethargic and apathetic seated, perhaps literally. This is no reason to shelve the game, but a factor to plan for you've put them to sleep in the past.

    Embracing Digital Learning Tools Video games represent a diverse, exciting and potent media form, and they offer fresh possibilities as digital learning toolsGetting them to "do what you want" is a matter of experimentation and professionalteaching tools. But in the classroom, video games not only have a role, but also demand a seat next to novels and poems,speeches and letters, essays and short stories. For this to happen, you needn't turn your classroomgame like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, but rather turn first to the students. See what they play, what they love, where their experience is and what their ideas are for dragging lowlinstruction. Then, as you become more comfortable, continue to seek out better ideas, tools and resources for making ithappen.

    , that in such a busy atmosphere full of often-conflicting literacies and constant rigor, video games role. How can they function?

    In any classroom, a video game can provide a sure-footed entry point into content. Interested in e Limbo makes toys to perfection with this classic literary tool, using a subdued color palette, minimal character

    dialogue and macabre settings as a boy works his way through digital, black-and-white badlands. Contrast it quickly with a Little Big Planet 2, and tone will be on full display. From here you can move on to speeches from Martin

    Luther King, where tone is overt, then short stories from Wendell Berry and Franz Kafka, where it may not be.

    , gamified, full of light and sound, and often (though not always) widely accessible. The fact that they're especially inviting to male learners, who may struggle to find much of anything in academia immediately inviting,

    r any progressive educator. They also provide students a voice. Allowing a student to discuss video games that are meaningful to him is just like asking your bookworm students to discuss their favorite books. Watch them light up when you not only show interest, but allow them to brainstorm games that may "fit" an assignment or project, or to even bring in narrative nuggets of games like Fallout 3, which has plots and subplots that rival

    the most heralded classic literary texts.

    Video games are strangely inspirational. The best examples from this growing medium are not playrather digital universes for players to enter and dwell. Games like Bethesda's Skyrim can enamor players for hundreds ofhours, as they carefully construct avatars that act out their own desire for power, control, and diverse ability to constructmanipulate an environment that makes sense to them (something Minecraft does exceptionally well).When video games are brought into learning -- and integrated in a way that doesn't neuter the relevance or obscure what

    you'll notice major changes, many of which won't always be comfortable. Inspiration changes many of whom may have previously appeared lethargic and apathetic

    seated, perhaps literally. This is no reason to shelve the game, but a factor to plan for and a sign of just how thoroughly

    Video games represent a diverse, exciting and potent media form, and they offer fresh possibilities as digital learning toolsGetting them to "do what you want" is a matter of experimentation and professional development, as are most powerful teaching tools. But in the classroom, video games not only have a role, but also demand a seat next to novels and poems,speeches and letters, essays and short stories. For this to happen, you needn't turn your classroom into some awkward "study" of the (mediocre) narrative elements of a game like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, but rather turn first to the students. See what they play, what they love, where

    and what their ideas are for dragging lowly video games into the hallowed halls of English Language instruction. Then, as you become more comfortable, continue to seek out better ideas, tools and resources for making it

    (Adapted from:


    Pgina: 8

    ng literacies and constant rigor, video games might

    footed entry point into content. Interested in teaching tone? The video e Limbo makes toys to perfection with this classic literary tool, using a subdued color palette, minimal character

    white badlands. Contrast it quickly with a Little Big Planet 2, and tone will be on full display. From here you can move on to speeches from Martin

    Luther King, where tone is overt, then short stories from Wendell Berry and Franz Kafka, where it may not be.

    , gamified, full of light and sound, and often (though not always) widely accessible. The fact that they're especially inviting to male learners, who may struggle to find much of anything in academia immediately inviting,

    r any progressive educator. They also provide students a voice. Allowing a student to discuss video games that are meaningful to him is just like asking your bookworm students to discuss their favorite books.

    rest, but allow them to brainstorm games that may "fit" an assignment or project, or to even bring in narrative nuggets of games like Fallout 3, which has plots and subplots that rival -- at least in

    medium are not play-and-forget affairs, but . Games like Bethesda's Skyrim can enamor players for hundreds of

    hours, as they carefully construct avatars that act out their own desire for power, control, and diverse ability to construct and manipulate an environment that makes sense to them (something Minecraft does exceptionally well).

    and integrated in a way that doesn't neuter the relevance or obscure what you'll notice major changes, many of which won't always be comfortable. Inspiration changes

    many of whom may have previously appeared lethargic and apathetic may be difficult to keep and a sign of just how thoroughly

    Video games represent a diverse, exciting and potent media form, and they offer fresh possibilities as digital learning tools. development, as are most powerful

    teaching tools. But in the classroom, video games not only have a role, but also demand a seat next to novels and poems,

    into some awkward "study" of the (mediocre) narrative elements of a game like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, but rather turn first to the students. See what they play, what they love, where

    y video games into the hallowed halls of English Language instruction. Then, as you become more comfortable, continue to seek out better ideas, tools and resources for making it


  • Questo 21

    According to what is developed throughout TEXT I, what is the best title to it?

    A) Singing in the English classroom: listen the B) The use o video games to homogenize students level.C) Digital learning tools and the difficulty to use them.D) Video game: the most indispensable learning tool. E) The role of video games in the English classroom.

    Questo 22

    The main aim of TEXT 1 is to:

    A) encourage the use of video games in classroomB) elect videogame as the most important tool in classroom.C) sell games related to English language teaching and learning.D) instruct teachers on how to base all their classes in video games. E) make students write narratives from the experience they acquire by playing games.

    Questo 23 As they appear in the text, the phrasal verbs original meaning, respectively:

    A) conceal; investigate B) demonstrate; search C) reveal; abandon D) display; neglect E) mask; inspect

    Questo 24

    In the following excerpt There is also diversity of assessment, where projects, exams, opendigital products and community projects all vie for a chance to demonstrate what a student understands.can be replaced, keeping the original meaning, by:

    A) support B) struggle C) glide D) truce E) aid

    Questo 25

    Check the only option in which all the words taken from TEXT I are formed

    A) previously; comfortable; greatest B) open-response; diversity; own C) Minecraft; Fallout; Limbo D) doesn't; won't; Bethesda's E) read; revise; rethink

    According to what is developed throughout TEXT I, what is the best title to it?

    Singing in the English classroom: listen the students voices. The use o video games to homogenize students level. Digital learning tools and the difficulty to use them. Video game: the most indispensable learning tool. The role of video games in the English classroom.

    encourage the use of video games in classroom. elect videogame as the most important tool in classroom. sell games related to English language teaching and learning. instruct teachers on how to base all their classes in video games.

    udents write narratives from the experience they acquire by playing games.

    As they appear in the text, the phrasal verbs act out and seek out could be replaced by the following verbs,

    There is also diversity of assessment, where projects, exams, openall vie for a chance to demonstrate what a student understands.

    be replaced, keeping the original meaning, by:

    Check the only option in which all the words taken from TEXT I are formed by the same process:


    Pgina: 9

    could be replaced by the following verbs, maintaining the

    There is also diversity of assessment, where projects, exams, open-response questions, essays, all vie for a chance to demonstrate what a student understands. , the word vie

    by the same process:

  • Questo 26

    In the excerpt video games not only have a role, but also demand a seat next essays and short stories., the expression not only ... but also

    A) cause B) result C) addition D) contrast E) consequence Questo 27

    The discourse marker then, present in It makes sense, without change in meaning, by:

    A) nevertheless B) furthermore C) eventually D) whereas E) thus

    Questo 28

    In the quotation video games might find an authentic and compelling role.maintaining the idea expressed, by:

    A) may B) must C) should D) have to E) ought to

    Questo 29

    As it appears in TEXT 1, the only option in which the word can be considered as a verb in the present continuous is:

    A) growing B) teaching C) engaging D) embracing E) compelling

    Questo 30

    The pronoun them that appears in the excerpt they carefully construct avatars that act out their own desire for power, control, and diverse ability to manipulate an environment that makes sense to

    In the excerpt video games not only have a role, but also demand a seat next to novels and poems, speeches and letters,not only ... but also brings the idea of:

    It makes sense, then, that in such a busy atmosphere

    video games might find an authentic and compelling role. the modal verb could be

    As it appears in TEXT 1, the only option in which the word can be considered as a verb in the present continuous is:

    The pronoun them that appears in the excerpt Games like Bethesda's Skyrim can enamor players for hundreds of they carefully construct avatars that act out their own desire for power, control, and diverse ability to manipulate an environment that makes sense to them (something Minecraft does exceptionally well).


    Pgina: 10

    to novels and poems, speeches and letters,

    such a busy atmosphere (...), can be substituted,

    the modal verb could be changed,

    As it appears in TEXT 1, the only option in which the word can be considered as a verb in the present continuous is:

    Games like Bethesda's Skyrim can enamor players for hundreds of hours, as they carefully construct avatars that act out their own desire for power, control, and diverse ability to construct and

    (something Minecraft does exceptionally well). refers to:

  • A) Games B) players C) hundreds D) hours E) avatars

    TEXT 2

    By Jenna Hussein March 1st, 2014

    When a country is selected to host an internationallauded as both a great accomplishment and an excitingboth the FIFA World Cup in June 2014 and the Summer Olympicsstreets in protest. Among them this past summer was Gustavopolice brutality he felt compelled to move: I,ourselves was at stake and thats when the manifestationthey wanted to say for the past 10 years. Holding signs with slogans like: Dont comeworth more than Neymar [the soccer player], hundredsprioritize improving social programs such as healthcare andthese kinds of events. I cant explain enough how dreadful the conditions of public services are in Brazil.the government is again using their self-interestDias. To pay for the soccer stadiums and Olympictransportation. As reported in Rio, a single bus farechange nevertheless has resulted in huge uproar. In one case,barriers at the Central Station in Rio de Janeiro and refused to pay forBrazil will spend approximately $14.5 billionevent are expected to be about $59 billion. Fromcosts. However, it is unlikely that the long-term gainsthe money will be lost in corruption, and otherwise, the mainmeasured by the Gini coefficient, Brazil is one of the most has taken measures to address inequality by investingsupports the poorest Brazilians and their children. Bolsacheckups for their children and send them to school. In 2011, itprogram. This has created a revolution of rising expectations,McKenna College. You begin to demand more fromgiven you something. Sometimes, as in this case, theentitlement to the governments money.

    FIFA, pay my fare

    When a country is selected to host an international event on the scale of the FIFA World Cup or the Summer Olympics, it is oth a great accomplishment and an exciting opportunity to showcase the country to the

    Cup in June 2014 and the Summer Olympics in 2016, but many citizens have in turn

    his past summer was Gustavo Pires de Oliveira Dias. As he recounted watching videos of extreme brutality he felt compelled to move: I, and most people in Brazil, realized that our

    the manifestation grew It was like people went to the streets

    Holding signs with slogans like: Dont come to the World Cup, World Cup for whom? and Wake up Brazil, a teacher is than Neymar [the soccer player], hundreds of thousands of Brazilians currently feel that

    social programs such as healthcare and education before they set aside large sums of

    conditions of public services are in Brazil. Instead of investing [in these events], interest to host a World Cup and enrich themselves,

    pay for the soccer stadiums and Olympic venues, different city governments have begun raising the prices of public As reported in Rio, a single bus fare increased from 2.75 reais ($1.20) to 3 reais

    has resulted in huge uproar. In one case, Brazilians chanted FIFA, pay my fare! asin Rio de Janeiro and refused to pay for public transportation.

    Brazil will spend approximately $14.5 billion on preparations for the World Cup, and the economic benefits of hosting the are expected to be about $59 billion. From these predictions, it seems that the benefits

    term gains of hosting the event will be felt in ordinarylost in corruption, and otherwise, the main benefits will be felt in the hospitality and

    is one of the most unequal countries in the world. In recent years, the government taken measures to address inequality by investing in social programs such as Bolsa Familia,

    poorest Brazilians and their children. Bolsa Familia gives cash incentives to parents whoand send them to school. In 2011, it was estimated that 26% of Brazilians benefited

    This has created a revolution of rising expectations, says Aseema Sinha, Professor of Government at Claremont College. You begin to demand more from the government because you know that the

    Sometimes, as in this case, the implementation of social welfare programs


    Pgina: 11

    Cup or the Summer Olympics, it is opportunity to showcase the country to the world. Brazil will host

    in 2016, but many citizens have in turn taken to the

    recounted watching videos of extreme and most people in Brazil, realized that our fundamental right to express

    grew It was like people went to the streets and said everything

    and Wake up Brazil, a teacher is of thousands of Brazilians currently feel that the government should

    education before they set aside large sums of money to host

    Instead of investing [in these events], to host a World Cup and enrich themselves, explained Pires de Oliveira

    begun raising the prices of public increased from 2.75 reais ($1.20) to 3 reais ($1.30). This incremental

    Brazilians chanted FIFA, pay my fare! as they jumped over

    the economic benefits of hosting the these predictions, it seems that the benefits of the event will exceed the

    ing the event will be felt in ordinary Brazilians lives. Some of benefits will be felt in the hospitality and tourism industries. As

    world. In recent years, the government in social programs such as Bolsa Familia, a welfare program that

    ash incentives to parents who schedule medical was estimated that 26% of Brazilians benefited from this

    of Government at Claremont the government because you know that the government has already

    implementation of social welfare programs can lead to a sense of

  • Professor Sinha suggests that the revolution of rising expectations may explain whyof money their government is spending on thebenefiting from an adequate share of these fundsSinha notes that it is not simply about the bottom line costs and benefits of hostingis about the location of the costs and benefits.taxes, which are coupled with cuts in social programsthese events are largely to the hospitality industry,benefits will be extended to those who paid to hostIt is possible that current protesters are inspired by their countrys past successhad an active civil society with urbanized and educated people who wantWhile Brazilians have a right to protest the World Cup and Olympics, the root of theirbounds of goal posts and interlocked rings. Astransparency, more accountability, and no mandatorymeans firing every single politician that has what we call

    (Adapted from:

    Questo 31

    It is correct to infer from TEXT 2 that:

    A) the best thing that can happen to change a country are the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics. B) since Brazil will host both FIFA World Cup

    social programs. C) in order to host international events, Brazilian government is making a huge effort to eradicate corruption.D) Brazilians will not complain about the money spent by the goE) the investments are made not only by the government which will host the games, but also through the taxes Brazilians


    Questo 32

    In the sentence FIFA, pay my fare, it is correct to affirm that the term FIFA functio

    A) vocative B) apposition C) euphemism D) direct object E) subject complement

    Questo 33

    In the sentence FIFA, pay my fare!, as it appears in TEXT 2, the use of inverted commas as punctuation marks denotes a(n):

    A) irony B) quotation C) distinction D) unusual usage E) nonstandard usage

    of rising expectations may explain why Brazilians are unhappy with the amount money their government is spending on the World Cup and Olympics. Likely, it is because

    from an adequate share of these funds through social services. bottom line costs and benefits of hosting events like the World Cup. Rather, it

    tion of the costs and benefits. Brazilians help pay for the World Cup and Olympics through their which are coupled with cuts in social programs and increases in public transportation

    spitality industry, government, contractors and businessmen,will be extended to those who paid to host the events.

    inspired by their countrys past success in civil uprisings. and educated people who want to hold the government accountable for

    World Cup and Olympics, the root of their dissatisfaction goof goal posts and interlocked rings. As Pires concluded, the truth is that the laws need to change. We need more

    more accountability, and no mandatory voting. We also need a big clean upevery single politician that has what we call a dirty record.

    the best thing that can happen to change a country are the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics. since Brazil will host both FIFA World Cup and Summer Olympics, the government will increase its investments in

    in order to host international events, Brazilian government is making a huge effort to eradicate corruption.Brazilians will not complain about the money spent by the government if the claims are met.the investments are made not only by the government which will host the games, but also through the taxes Brazilians

    In the sentence FIFA, pay my fare, it is correct to affirm that the term FIFA functions as a(n):

    , as it appears in TEXT 2, the use of inverted commas as punctuation marks denotes


    Pgina: 12

    Brazilians are unhappy with the amount because they do not feel that they are

    events like the World Cup. Rather, it Cup and Olympics through their

    and increases in public transportation fares. The benefits of hosting government, contractors and businessmen, so it is unlikely that the

    in civil uprisings. For many years, Brazil has to hold the government accountable for its actions.

    dissatisfaction goes far beyond the need to change. We need more

    voting. We also need a big clean up at the federal level, and that


    the best thing that can happen to change a country are the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics. and Summer Olympics, the government will increase its investments in

    in order to host international events, Brazilian government is making a huge effort to eradicate corruption. vernment if the claims are met.

    the investments are made not only by the government which will host the games, but also through the taxes Brazilians

    ns as a(n):

    , as it appears in TEXT 2, the use of inverted commas as punctuation marks denotes

  • Questo 34

    The imperative mood, which is employed in the title of TEXT 2, expresses a(n):

    A) fact B) doubt C) opinion D) request E) actuality

    Questo 35

    In the sentence a welfare program that supports thesubstituted, without change in meaning, by:

    A) who B) whom C) whose D) which E) where

    Questo 36

    The excerpt taken from TEXT 2 in which it is possible to find the use of the passive voice is:

    A) but many citizens have in turn taken to the streets in protest.B) different city governments have begun raising the prices of public transportationC) This incremental change nevertheless has resulted in huge uproar.D) it was estimated that 26% of Brazilians benefitedE) For many years, Brazil has had an active civil society with urbanized and educated people

    Questo 37

    In the following passage hundreds of thousands of Brazilians currently feel thatimproving social programs such as healthcare andevents the modal verb brings the idea of:

    A) necessity B) deduction C) prohibition D) probability E) recommendation

    The imperative mood, which is employed in the title of TEXT 2, expresses a(n):

    a welfare program that supports the poorest Brazilians and their children, the relative pronoun can be

    The excerpt taken from TEXT 2 in which it is possible to find the use of the passive voice is:

    turn taken to the streets in protest. different city governments have begun raising the prices of public transportation This incremental change nevertheless has resulted in huge uproar.

    was estimated that 26% of Brazilians benefited from this program. For many years, Brazil has had an active civil society with urbanized and educated people

    of thousands of Brazilians currently feel that the government should prioritize ms such as healthcare and education before they set aside large sums of


    Pgina: 13

    , the relative pronoun can be

    For many years, Brazil has had an active civil society with urbanized and educated people

    the government should prioritize education before they set aside large sums of money to host these kinds of

  • Questo 38

    Each item below brings a piece of TEXT 2 and one single word extracted from each quotation beside it, respectively. Indicate in which option the word extracted from the quotation is the nucleus of the group:

    A) an international event international B) an exciting opportunity opportunity C) the main benefits the D) social welfare programs social E) the World Cup World

    Questo 39

    Concerning the use of the discourse marker while in Olympics, the root of their dissatisfaction goes far beyond the boundsstate that the idea conveyed is one of:

    A) time B) reason C) contrast D) sequence E) consequence

    Questo 40

    According to TEXT 2, "Bolsa Familia" is a program that:

    A) serves as a government manipulation tool. B) gives cash to poor people in order to acquire votes.C) pays school and health insurance for the poorest Brazilian's children.D) schedules medical checkups and sends kids who live in the Northeast to school.E) helps the most deprived Brazilian citizens,

    of TEXT 2 and one single word extracted from each quotation beside it, respectively. Indicate in which option the word extracted from the quotation is the nucleus of the group:

    Concerning the use of the discourse marker while in While Brazilians have a right to protest thetion goes far beyond the bounds of goal posts and interlocked rings, it is correct to

    According to TEXT 2, "Bolsa Familia" is a program that:

    serves as a government manipulation tool. gives cash to poor people in order to acquire votes. pays school and health insurance for the poorest Brazilian's children.

    kids who live in the Northeast to school. Brazilian citizens, approximately one fourth of the population.


    Pgina: 14

    of TEXT 2 and one single word extracted from each quotation beside it, respectively.

    While Brazilians have a right to protest the World Cup and oal posts and interlocked rings, it is correct to