Avaliação de Inglês 6º

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Transcript of Avaliação de Inglês 6º

  • 8/16/2019 Avaliação de Inglês 6º



    Student’s name:__________________________________________________ Class:______ 

    Date:____/____ /____ Trimester : _____ Conceito otido:________ 

    !" Com#lete os di$lo%os com os cum#rimentos ade&uados"

    'ane ( Hello, friend!

    )o ( .......................... Jane!

    'ane ( How are you?

    )o * ......................,................., and you?

    'ane * …………………………, too!

    )o (See you tomorrow!

    +eter( Good morning, students!

    Students ( .........................., teacher!

    +eter  – How are you?

    Students * ...we are.............................., and you?

    +eter ( ………………………, thanks!

    Lets study a little!

    +,ili# ( Good afternoon, arlos!

    Carlos ( .........................., "hili#!

    +,ili# ( How are you?

    Carlos( $m cool, …………, ….………?

    +,ili# ( …………………………, too.

    Carlos ( ok, $m late, see …………….!

    +,ili# ( see you tomorrow, arlos!

    'ane ( Good night, %o&!

    )o ( .........................., Jane!

    )o ( Jane, this is 'ark, he is our new classmate.

    -ar. ( Jane, nice to meet you!

    'ane ( ……………………………………., too.

    )o ((hats your last name, Jane?

    'ane ( $ts Johnson.

    " Com#lete com a or an e na se%unda coluna tradu0a"

    ……. old house - )uma casa antiga* 

    ....... house + )uma casa* 

    ........ famous actor+ )um ator famoso*

    ........ actor + )um ator*

    ....... tal g irl  - )uma garota alta*

    ....... girl + )uma garota, uma menina*

    ……. woman – )uma mulher*

    ……. young woman + )uma mulher jovem*

     …... ecelente uni-ersity - )uma ecelente uni-ersidade*

    .......... egg – um o-o

    ......... orang – ……………………..

    ......... &ook. – …………….……….

    .......... hos#ital – ………………….

    .......... um&rella – .........................

    .......... a##le – ……………………

    .......... hour + ……………….……..

    ......... horse + ……………………..

    .......... animal + ……………………

    Ha-e .........nice day! – tenha um

    dia legal. Tenha um bom dia!

    1" Com#lete t,e c,art:

  • 8/16/2019 Avaliação de Inglês 6º


  • 8/16/2019 Avaliação de Inglês 6º


    What ● What color ● When ● Where ● What time

    a. ________________ is your birthday? It’s on October, 20th.

    b. ________________ is your address? It’s 123, Green Street.

    c. ________________ is it? It’s ten p.m.

    d. ________________ is the house? It’s yello and hite.

    e. ________________ are the boys? !hey are at the club.

    8. Read and number:

    1. Spring is the season o"  fowers.

    2. In summer the sun shines a lot and people li#e to $o to the beach. It is very


    3. Fall is the season o" ruits. !he lea%es "all don and it is a little cold.

    &. It is very cold in winter. 'eople ear heavy clothes.

    ( ) ( )


    ( ) ( )

