CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium...

C C U U R R R R I I C C U U L L U U M M V V I I T T A A E E 2 2 0 0 1 1 9 9 Javad Kojuri, MD, MS. Full Professor of Cardiology Shiraz Medical School, Member of national board of cardiology and head of cardiology department of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences 1. Personal and Contact Information: First Name: Javad Last Name: Kojuri Date & place of birth: 16.9.1970, Shiraz, Iran Address: Department Cardiology, Nemazi Hospital, Shiraz, Iran Phone: 0098-711-6291159 Fax: 0098-711-6261089 E-Mail: [email protected] 2. Education & Degree: Major: Cardiology, Subspecialty fellowship of Interventional cardiology, fellowship of neuro-intervention, fellowship of peripheral intervention. Degree: MD, M.S.(Medical education) Rank: Full professor of cardiology High School: Shiraz University School 1984-1988 General Medicine: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran 1988-1995 [MD] Residency: Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran 1995-2001 Clinical Fellowship: Department of Cardiology, Shahid Rajaee Hospital, Iran University of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran 2002-2004

Transcript of CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium...

Page 1: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.


JJaavvaadd KKoojjuurrii,, MMDD,, MMSS.. FFuullll PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff CCaarrddiioollooggyy

SShhiirraazz MMeeddiiccaall SScchhooooll,, MMeemmbbeerr ooff nnaattiioonnaall bbooaarrdd ooff ccaarrddiioollooggyy aanndd hheeaadd ooff

ccaarrddiioollooggyy ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMeeddiiccaall SScciieenncceess

11.. PPeerrssoonnaall aanndd CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn::

First Name: Javad

Last Name: Kojuri

Date & place of birth: 16.9.1970, Shiraz, Iran

Address: Department Cardiology, Nemazi Hospital, Shiraz, Iran

Phone: 0098-711-6291159

Fax: 0098-711-6261089

E-Mail: [email protected]

22.. EEdduuccaattiioonn && DDeeggrreeee::

MMaajjoorr:: CCaarrddiioollooggyy,, SSuubbssppeecciiaallttyy ffeelllloowwsshhiipp ooff IInntteerrvveennttiioonnaall ccaarrddiioollooggyy,, ffeelllloowwsshhiipp

ooff nneeuurroo--iinntteerrvveennttiioonn,, ffeelllloowwsshhiipp ooff ppeerriipphheerraall iinntteerrvveennttiioonn..

DDeeggrreeee:: MMDD,, MM..SS..((MMeeddiiccaall eedduuccaattiioonn))

RRaannkk:: FFuullll pprrooffeessssoorr ooff ccaarrddiioollooggyy

HHiigghh SScchhooooll:: SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy SScchhooooll 11998844--11998888

GGeenneerraall MMeeddiicciinnee:: SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMeeddiiccaall SScciieenncceess,, SShhiirraazz,, IIrraann 11998888--11999955 [[MMDD]]

RReessiiddeennccyy:: DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff IInntteerrnnaall MMeeddiicciinnee,, CCaarrddiioollooggyy,, SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMeeddiiccaall

SScciieenncceess,, SShhiirraazz,, IIrraann 11999955--22000011

CClliinniiccaall FFeelllloowwsshhiipp:: DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff CCaarrddiioollooggyy,, SShhaahhiidd RRaajjaaeeee HHoossppiittaall,, IIrraann

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff mmeeddiiccaall sscciieenncceess,, TTeehhrraann,, IIrraann 22000022--22000044

Page 2: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

OObbsseerrvvaattiioonn ffeelllloowwsshhiipp ooff ppeerriipphheerraall iinntteerrvveennttiioonn BBTTKK iinntteerrvveennttiioonn,, AAoorrttiicc ddiisseeaassee

iinn GGeerrmmaannyy,, IIttaallyy,, UUnniitteedd ssttaatteess aanndd FFrraannccee

EEdduuccaattiioonnaall FFeelllloowwsshhiipp:: oonnee mmoonntthh rraappiidd ttaasskk ffoorrccee eedduuccaattiioonn iinn SShhiirraazz

EEdduuccaattiioonn DDeevveellooppmmeenntt CCeenntteerr iinn mmeeddiiccaall eedduuccaattiioonn,, 22000077..

SShhoorrtt ccoouurrssee ttrraaiinniinngg ccoouurrsseess iinn GGeerrmmaannyy,, IIttaallyy,, FFrraannccee aanndd UUSSAA

MMSScc:: MMeeddiiccaall EEdduuccaattiioonn,, SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMeeddiiccaall SScciieennccee 22001122

33.. AAwwaarrddss && HHoonnoorrss::

11.. AAwwaarrddeedd aass oouuttssttaannddiinngg ((11sstt rraannkk)) ssttuuddeenntt ooff SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMeeddiiccaall sscciieenncceess aatt

yyeeaarr 11999955

22.. AAwwaarrddeedd ffoorr bbeesstt tthheessiiss ffoorr ddeeggrreeee ooff MMDD iinn SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMeeddiiccaall SScciieennccee aatt

yyeeaarr 11999955

33.. AAwwaarrddeedd ffoorr tthhee bbeesstt BBooaarrdd ddeeggrreeee iinn CCaarrddiioollooggyy ffiieelldd iinn SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff mmeeddiiccaall

sscciieennccee aatt yyeeaarr 11999999

44.. AAwwaarrddeedd ffoorr PPeerrffoorrmmiinngg CCrraanniiaall vveesssseell aannggiiooppllaassttyy ffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee iinn SShhiirraazz

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff mmeeddiiccaall sscciieenncceess aatt yyeeaarr 22000022

55.. AAwwaarrddeedd ffoorr tthhee bbeesstt nnaattiioonnaall eedduuccaattiioonnaall pprroojjeecctt ““RRaappiidd rreevviieeww”” iinn IIrraann aatt yyeeaarr 22000088..

66.. AAwwaarrddeedd aass tthhee bbeesstt tteeaacchheerr ooff SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy bbyy ssttuuddeennttss aatt 22000077 aanndd 22000088..

77.. AAwwaarrddeedd aass tthhee bbeesstt cclliinniiccaall tteeaacchheerr aanndd mmaasstteerr ooff eedduuccaattiioonn bbyy SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff

mmeeddiiccaall sscciieenncceess aatt 22000088..

88.. AAwwaarrddeedd aass tthhee bbeesstt nnaattiioonnaall eedduuccaattiioonn FFeessttiivvaall ""RReeffoorrmm iinn BBaassiicc SScciieennccee EEdduuccaattiioonn

ffoorr mmeeddiiccaall ssttuuddeenntt"" iinn IIrraann,, 22000099

99.. AAwwaarrddeedd aass tthhee bbeesstt nnaattiioonnaall eedduuccaattiioonn FFeessttiivvaall ""EEvvaalluuaattiioonn ooff tthhee IInntteeggrraattiioonn

pprrooggrraamm iinn MMeeddiicciinnee"" iinn IIrraann,, 22001100

1100.. AAwwaarrddeedd aass tthhee bbeesstt nnaattiioonnaall eedduuccaattiioonn FFeessttiivvaall ""DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd IInntteeggrraattiioonn tthhee

QQuurraann CCoonncceeppttss wwiitthh MMeeddiiccaall SScciieenncceess"" iinn IIrraann,, 22001111

1111.. AAwwaarrddeedd aass bbeesstt mmeeddiiccaall tteeaacchheerr ooff SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff mmeeddiiccaall sscciieenncceess aatt 22001144,,


Page 3: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

44.. PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss ((AArrttiicclleess))::

1. Bagheri Lankarani k, Kojuri J, Agah s, Taghavi SAR, Afrokhteh S. Irritable bowel syndrome,

Clinical manifestations & relation to Lactase deficiency, Iranian j med sci 1997; (1,2): 20-25.


2. Aminian b, Kojuri J, Samangooi S, Hakim M. valvular involvement in patients with SLE & its

relation to disease activity & positive Anticardiolipin AB In: proceedings of The 13th International

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3. Kojuri J, Akrami M. Effect of Anethum & Garlic tablet on lipid profile in hyperlipidemic patients,

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4. Kojuri J, Seddighi MR. Effect of 20 cc pure water on QT Dispersion in normal volunteers In:

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5. Kojuri J. Evaluation of QT dispersion as diagnostic index in exercise tolerance test, In: proceedings

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6. Ostovan MA, Kojuri J. Single center retrospective registry of Infinium stent for complex coronary

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7. Rezaian GR, Aghasadeghi K, Kojuri J. Evaluation of hemodynamic performance of St. Jude Mitral

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8. Kojuri J. complication during below-knee pseudoaneurysm occlusion, In proceedings of

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9. Kojuri J, Vosoughi AR, Akrami M. Effect of anethum graveolens and garlic on lipid profile in

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10. Kojuri J, Rahimi R. Effect of ‘no added salt diet’ on blood pressure control and 24 hour urinary

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11. Kojuri J, Razeghinejad MR, Aslani A. Cardiac findings in Weil- Marchesani syndrome. Am J

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14. Shirazi M, Khezri A, Mohammadi Samani S, Monnabati M, Kojuri J, Hassanpoor A. Effect of

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15. Kojuri J. News and updates of peripheral intervention. In proceeding of 9th national congress of

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16. Kojuri J. Clinical trial updates. In proceeding of 5th international congress of Iranian society of

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17. Kojuri J. Vosoughi AR. Use of ECG for prediction of left main coronary artery significant lesion.

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18. Kojuri J. Vosoughi AR, Khosropanah SH. Interventional cardiology in shiraz hospitals during

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19. Kojuri J, Vosoughi AR, Khosropanah SH, Aslani A. Ecg predictors of proximal LAD occlusion.

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20. Ostovan MA, Sharifian MH, Kojuri J, Khosravi FA. Limb salvage result of CLI of infrapopliteal

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21. Kojuri J, Amini M, Dehghani HR. Rapid review experience of externs in preparation for

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22. Kojuri J, Ostovan MA, Zamiri N, Zolghadr Asli A, Bani Hashemi MA and Borhani Haghighi A.

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23. Kojuri J, Lotfi F, Pilevar A, Esmaeelzadeh Z. A Survey of real per capita cost in undergraduate

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24. Kojuri J, Amirghofran Z, Lotfi F, et al. A Survey of Strength & Weakness Points of Shiraz

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25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza

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26. Kojuri J, Mahmoodi Y, Jannati M, Shafa M, Ghazinoor M & Sharifkazemi MB. Ability of

Amiodarone and Propranolol Alone or in Combination to Prevent Post-coronary Bypass Atrial

Fibrillation. Cardiovascular Therapeutics 27 (2009) 253–


27. Kojuri J, Mahmoody Y, Zangbar Sabegh B, Jannati M, Mahboodi A& Khalili A. Dose-Related

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Stenting. Cardiovascular Therapeutics 28 (2010) 147–152.


Page 5: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

28. Ostovan MA, Tavassoli M, Ghofraniha A, Sharifian Davaei MH, Kojuri J. Limb Salvage after

Infrapopliteal Angioplasty for Critical Limb Ischemia in Surgically High-Risk Patients in Iran.

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29. Amini M, Kojuri J, Karimian Z, Lotfi F, Moghadami M, Dehghani MR, Azarpyra N, Abasi HR,

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30. Amini M, Moghadami M, Kojuri J, Abbasi H, Arhami Doolat Abadi A, Molaee NA, Pishbin E,

Javadzade HR, Monsef Kasmaee V, Vakili H, Reis Sadat MA, Akbari R, Omidvar B, Shafaghi A,

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31. Kojuri J, Ostovan MA, Zamiri N, Farshchizarabi S, Varavipoor B. Hemodynamic instability

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32. Ebrahimi S, Kojuri J. Assessing the Impact of Faculty Development Fellowship in Shiraz

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33. Azarpira N, Amini M, Kojuri J, Pasalar P, Soleimani M, Hossein Khani S, Ebrahimi M,

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national Olympiad. BMC Research Notes 2012, 5:61.


34. Javad Kojuri, Morteza Mehdizadeh, Hamed Rostami, Danial Shahidian.Clinical significance of

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35. Javad Kojuri, Mohammad ali Nazarinia, Mohammad Ghahartars, Yadollah Mahmoody, Gholam

reza Rezaian and Lida Liaghat.QT dispersion in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: the

impact of disease activity. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:11


36. Gholam R. Rezaian, M.D.,Masoud Poor-Moghaddas, M.D., Javad Kojuri, M.D.,Shahed Rezaian,

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37. Mitra Amini, Mohammad Reza Dehghani,Javad Kojuri, Ali Mahbudi, Leila Bazrafkan,

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Students' Academic Success.Journal of Social Sciences 4 (4): 347-351, 2008


Page 6: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

38. Soha Namazi, Javad Kojuri, Andia Khalili, Negar Azarpira.The impact of genetic polymorphisms

of P2Y12, CYP3A5 and CYP2C19 on clopidogrel response variability in Iranian patients.

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39. Soha Namazi, PharmD, PhD, Andia Khalili, PharmD, Javad Kojuri, MD, and Negar Azarpira,

MD.The Pattern of Platelet Response to Clopidogrel in Iranian Patients After Percutaneous Coronary

Intervention. J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Jul;52(7):1098-105.


40. Mitra Amini, Mehran Rezaee, Rozhin Badiee, Javad Kojouri, Farhad Lotfi. Evaluating the

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41. kojuri J, Lotfi F, Amini M , Pilevar A , Esmaeilzadeh Z . The Per-capita Cost of Training

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42. Amini M, Nabeiei P, Azizi K, Sagheb M M , Kojuri J, et al. The Necessary Activities for the

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43. Dehghani M R , Zare S , Bazrafkan L, Amini M , Hayat A A , Javad Koujori, et al. Educational

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44. Amini M, Doostkam A, kojuri J, Abdollahifard G R , Iravani K , et al. An evaluation study of

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45. Mogheli A R , Esmaeilzadeh Z , kojuri J. Evaluation of Educational Environment of Residents of

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46. Zahra Karimian, Javad Kojouri, Mohammad Mahdi Sagheb. A Review of the Evidence-Based

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47. Zahra Karimian1, Javad Kojouri, Mohammad Mahdi Saghe. A Review of Evidenced-based

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48. J Kojuri, P Dehghani, MA Ostovan, AR Abdi, MJ Zibaeenejad.The First Experience of Catheter

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49. MA Takhshid, J Kojuri, SMB Tabei, et al. Early Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome with

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50. MA Ostovan, M Rezaee, J Kojuri. The Outcome of Six- month Clinical Trial with Eucatax

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51. Kojuri J, Mahmoody Y, Tavassoly M. Disappearance of Muscle Bridge of Left Anterior

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52. MT Moeinvaziri, F Jahanmirinejad, M Salari, M Jannati, J Kojuri, A Alipoor Evaluation of

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53. J Kojuri, AAslani, M Jannati, Aortic Distensibility in -Thalassemia Major.ICRJ 2008 2(1): 21-23.


54. M Jannati, J Kojuri. Ischemic Preconditioning and Atrial Fibrillation after Coronary Artery Bypass

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55. J Kojuri, AR Vosoughi, SH Khosropanah. Pereutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and

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56. J Kojuri, E Atabati, S Moslemi. Assessment of BNP Level in Patients with Single Chamber and

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57. J Kojuri, MA Ostovan, M Rezaee.Short- and Mid-term Results of Atrial Septal Defect and Patent

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58. MB Sharifkazemi, J Kojuri, S Shahrzad, M Zamirian, AR Moaref. Nandrolone- Induced Myocardial

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59. J Kojuri, A Karimian, N Pourafshar, F Sharif. Association between Serum Levels of HS-CRP and

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60. J Kojuri, A Moaref, P Deghani. The Improvement of Myocardial Function by Granulocyte Colony

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Page 8: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

61. M. Amini, J. Kojuri, F. Lotfi, Z. Karimian and A.S.H. Abadi Research priorities in medical

education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. EMHJ • Vol. 18 No. 7 • 2012:687-692. PMID:



62. Amini M, Moghadami M, Kojuri J, Abbasi H, Abadi AA, Molaee NA, Pishbin E, Javadzade HR,

Kasmaee VM, Vakili M, Sadat MA, Akbari R, Omidvar B, Shafaghi A, Monajemi A, Arabshahi

KS, Adibi P.Using TOSCE (Team Objective Structured Clinical Examination) in the second

national medical sciences olympiad in Iran. J Res Med Sci. 2012 Oct;17(10):975-8.


63. Kojuri J, Ostovan MA, Rezaian GR, Archin Dialameh P, Zamiri N, Sharifkazemi MB, Jannati M.

Effect of omega-3 on brain natriuretic peptide and echocardiographic findings in heart failure:

Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial. J Cardiovasc Dis Res. 2013 Mar;4(1):20-4.doi:

10.1016/j.jcdr.2013.02.013.Epub 2013 Feb 27.


64. Yavari V, Ostovan MA, Kojuri J, Afshariani R, Hamidian A, Roozbeh J, Pakfetrat M.The

preventive effect of pentoxifylline on contrast-induced nephropathy: a randomized clinical trial.Int

Urol Nephrol. 2013 Apr 10.


65. Janati M, Bolandparvaz S, Salaminia S, Johari HG, Sabet B, Kojuri J. Outcome of penetrating

cardiac injuries in southern Iran, Shiraz.Chin J Traumatol. 2013 Apr 1;16(2):89-93.


66. Rafiee G, Moattari M, Nikbakht AN, Kojuri J, Mousavinasab M, Problems and challenges of

nursing students' clinical evaluation: A qualitative study.Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2014



67. Amini MI, Takmil FR, Abiri SA, Dehghani MR, Kojuri J.The use of the Dundee three-circle

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10.3109/0142159X.2014.916789. Epub 2014 May 20.


68. Noorafshan A, Hoseini L, Amini M, Dehghani MR, Kojuri J, Bazrafkan L.

Simultaneous anatomical sketching as learning by doing method of teaching human anatomy.J Educ

Health Promot. 2014 May 5;3:50. doi: 10.4103/2277-9531.131940. eCollection 2014.


69. Ostovan MA, Kojuri J, Mokhtaryan M, Razazi V, Zolghadrasli A.Procedural Outcome and One

Year Follow up of Patients Undergoing Endovascular Stenting for Coarctation of Aorta: A Single

Center Study.J Cardiovasc Thorac Res. 2014;6(2):117-21. doi: 10.5681/jcvtr.2014.025. Epub 2014

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70. Jowkar B, Kojuri J, Kohoulat N, Hayat AA. Academic resilience in education: the role of

achievement goal orientations.J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2014 Jan;2(1):33-8.


71. Dehghani MR, Amini M, Kojuri J, Nabeiei P.Evaluation of the efficacy of peer-learning method in

nutrition students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2014



Page 9: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

72. Karimian Z, Kojuri J, Sagheb MM, Mahboudi A, Saber M, Amini M, Dehghani MR.Comparison of

residents' approaches to clinical decisions before and after the implementation of Evidence Based

Medicine course. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2014 Oct;2(4):170-5.


73. Kojuri J, Amini M, Karimian Z, Dehghani MR, Saber M, Bazrafcan L, Ebrahimi S, Rezaee R.

Needs assessment and evaluation of a short course to improve faculties teaching skills at a former

World Health Organization regional teacher training center.J Adv Med Educ Prof. 2015 Jan;3(1):1-


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74. Kojuri J, Takmil F, Amini M, Nabeiei P.The use of Q2 engage model (EQ2) for educational

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75. Moattari M, Adib F, Kojuri J, Tabatabaee SH. Angina self-management plan and quality of life,

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76. Amini M, Kojuri J, Dehghani Mohammadreza, Mani A, Nabeiei P, Khalili R, Mousavinezhad H.

Designing a system of mentorship in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Advances in

Medical Education & Professionalism. 2017; 5(2): 49–50.


77. Kohoulat N, Hayat A, Dehghani MR, Kojuri J, Amini M. Medical Students’ Academic Emotions:

the role of perceived learning environment. Journal of Advances in Medical Education &

Professionalism. 2017;5(2):78-84.


78. Behdad N, Kojuri J, Azarpira N, Masoomi A, Namazi S. Association of ABCB1 (C3435T) and

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Primary Hyperlipidemia. Iran Biomed J. 2017; 21(2): 120–125.


79. Mitra Amini, Shirin Ghanavati, Mohammad-Mahdi Sagheb, Javad Kojuri, Mohammad-Reza

Dehghani, Parisa Nabeiei, Hajar Shie’e , Zahra Saffari ,Sarah Rivaz. Evaluation of General

Medicine Course from Graduated Medical Students’ point of view based on AAMC. Educational

Development of Jundishapur, 1395; 7(3): 240-246 .


80. Kohoulat N, Dehghani MR, Kojuri J, Hayat A. Achievement Goals and Achievement Emotions in

Elementary School Students. Int J School Health. 2016.


81. Amini M, Kojuri J, Dehghani MR, Nabeiei P, Shie H, Mousavinezhad H, Bordbar N.

Interdisciplinary training of creativity basis to the students of Medical Sciences in the country.

Journal of Advances in Medical Education. 2016;1(2):25-34.


82. Dadjou Y, Safavi S, Kojuri J. Risks and Benefits of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Beyond 12 Months

after Coronary Stenting: A prospective Randomizaed Cohort Study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;

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83. Shafiekhani M, Faridi P, Kojuri J, Namazi S. Comparison of antiplatelet activity of garlic tablets

with cardio-protective dose of aspirin in healthy volunteers: a randomized clinical trial. Avicenna

Journal of Phytomed. 2016; 6(5):550-557.


84. Ostovan Ma, Kojuri J, Dehghani P, Moarref A. Device Closure in adults with

Atrial Septal Defect in Shiraz, a single center registry. J Cardiovascular

Thorac Res. 2016; 8(1): 40–42


85. Hasani H, Bahrami M, Malekpour A, Dehghani MR, Allahyari E, Amini M, bdorahimi M, Kojuri

J, Evaluation of teaching methods in mass CPCR training in different groups of the society, an

observational study. md-journal.

2015; 94(21): e859.


86. Kaveh M.H, Khoramaki Z, Kojuri J, Keshavarzi S. The impact of a hospital-based educational

program based on the health belief model on self-care behaviors of heart failure patients. Iranian

Red Crescent Medical Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2017, Article number e36676.


87. Feili A, Kojuri J, Bazrafcan L. A dramatic way to teach clinical reasoning and professionalism.

Med Educ. 2018 Nov;52(11):1186-1187. doi: 10.1111/medu.13691.


88. Zarrabi M, Parsaei H, Boostani R, Zare A, Dorfeshan Z, Zarrabi K, Kojuri J. A system for

accurately predicting the risk of myocardial infarction using PCG, ECG and clinical features.

Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications. Volume 29, Issue 3, 1 June

2017, Article number 1750023.


89. Ostovan, M.A, Kojuri, J, Dehghani, P. Endovascular repair of the traumatic dissection of the

subclavian-axillary artery: Report of four cases. Journal of Tehran University Heart Center, Volume

12, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 88-91.


90. Zamani, S, Amini, M, Masoumi, S.Z, Delavari, S, Namaki, M.J.e, Kojuri, J . The comparison of

the key feature of clinical reasoning and multiple choice examinations in clinical decision makings

ability. Biomedical Research (India)Volume 28, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 1115-1119.


91. Bazrafcan, L., Kojuri, J., Amini, M. Using SPICES educational strategy for undergraduate

curricular reform at Shiraz Medical School. Published online: Medical Teacher 28 Mar

2019Download citation


92. Abolahrari-Shirazi, S, Kojuri, J, Bagheri, Z, Rojhani-Shirazi, Z. Efficacy of combined endurance-

resistance training versus endurance training in patients with heart failure after percutaneous

coronary intervention: A randomized controlled trial.Journal of Research in Medical ,Volume 23,

Issue 2,February 2018,Article number 12, 7p.


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93. Foroughinia, F. Nouri, B.M. Kojuri, J. Ostovan, M.A. Impact of Omega-3 supplementation on high

sensitive C-reactive protein level and 30-day major adverse cardiac events after the implementation

of coronary stent in patients with chronic kidney disease: A randomized clinical study. Advanced

Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 471-478.


94. Ostovan M.A, Kojuri J, Dehghani P. 2017, Pages 88-91 Endovascular repair of the traumatic

dissection of the subclavian-axillary artery: Report of four cases. Journal of Tehran University Heart

Center, Volume 12, Issue 2,


95. Motlagh Z, Hidarnia A, Kaveh M.H., Kojuri, J. Effect of theory-based training intervention on

physical activity and blood pressure in hypertensive patients: A randomized control trial. Iranian

Red Crescent Medical Journal Volume 19, Issue 7, July 2017, Article number e55610, 7p


96. Motlagh Z, Hidarnia A, Kaveh M.H, Kojuri J. Influence of a trans-theoretical model based

intervention on physical activity in hypertensive patients: A randomised clinical trial. Asian Journal

of Sports Medicine.Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2017, Article number e42655


97. Abolahrari-Shirazi S, Kojuri J, Bagheri Z, Rojhani-Shirazi Z. Effect of exercise training on heart

rate variability in patients with heart failure after percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of

Biomedical Physics and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 1, 1 February 2019, Pages 97-104.


98. Mitra Amini, Javad Kojuri, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Arash Mani, Parisa Nabeiei, Roya

Khalili, Houri Musavinezhad. Designing a system of mentorship in Shiraz University of Medical

Sciences, J Adv Med Educ Prof. April 2017; Vol 5 No 2.


99. Naeimeh Koholat, Ali Asghar Hayat, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Javad Kojuri, Mitra Amini.

Medical students’ academic emotions: the role of perceived learning environment. J Adv Med Educ

Prof. April 2017; Vol 5 No2


100. Hajar Shieh, Mitra Amini, Fatemeh Mir, Parisa Nabeiei, Javad Kojuri. Considering social

accountability in rehabilitation therapy school. J Adv Med Educ Prof. July 2017; Vol 5 No 3


101. Azadeh Rooholamini, Mitra Amini, Leila Bazrafkan, Mohammadreza Dehghni, Zohreh

Esmaielzadeh, Parisa Nabeiei., Rita Rezaee, Javad Kojuri. Program evaluation of an integrated

basic science medical curriculum in Shiraz Medical School, using CIPP evaluation model. J Adv

Med Educ Prof. July2017;Vol 5 No 3


102. Zahra Derakhshandeh, Mitra Amini, Javad Kojuri, Marziyeh Dehbozorgian. Psychometric

characteristics of clinical reasoning problems (CRPs) and its correlation with routine multiple

choice question (MCQ) in cardiology department. J Adv Med Educ Prof. January 2018; Vol 6 No 1


103. Ali Asghar Hayat, Asieh Salehi, Javad Kojuri. Medical student’s academic performance: The role

of academic emotions and motivation. J Adv Med Educ Prof. J Adv Med Educ Prof. October 2018;

Vol 6 No 4.


Page 12: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

104. Ali Dehghani, Javad Kojuri, Mohammad Reza Dehghani, Abdolkhalegh Keshavarzi, Sedigheh

Najafipour .Experiences of students and faculty members about using virtual social networks in

education: A qualitative content analysis. J Adv Med Educ Prof. April 2019; Vol 7 No 2.


105. Karimian Z, Kojouri J, Sagheb M M,.A Review of the Evidence-Based Medicine Realm Based on

Two Factors: The Nature of Science and Decision Making Situation, Interdiscip J Virtual Learn

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106. Karimian Z, Kojouri J , Sagheb M M ,. A Review of Evidenced-based Medical Education at

Universities in and outside Iran, Interdiscip J Virtual Learn Med Sci. 2015 ; 6(1):e59069. [Persian]


107. Karimian Z, Kojouri J, Salehi A, Amiri B, Clinical Residents’ Viewpoints on Their Knowledge

and Practical Capabilities: The Effect of an EBM Course on Focus, Interdiscip J Virtual Learn Med

Sci. 2015 ; 7(3): e12177. doi: 10.5812/ijvlms.12177


108. Karimian Z, Kojouri J, Lotfi F, Amini M. Higher Education Administration and Accountability

the Necessity of Autonomy and Academic Freedom from Faculties’ Viewpoint. Iranian Journal of

Medical Education. 2012; 11 (8) :855-863 [Persian]


109. Karimian Z, kojouri J, sagheb M M. The Review of Barriers to Implementation and

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Attending Physicians Viewpoints. J Med Educ Dev. 2016; 8 (20) :87-98


110. Amini M, Dehghani M R, Kojuri J, Safaee Ardekani G R, Sagheb M M, Saber M, Bazrafkan L,

Karimian Z ,. The Participants’ Point of View about the First National Interdisciplinary Summer

School regarding Achievement of Educational Objectives, Shiraz, Iran. Strides Dev Med Educ.

2010; 6 (2) :185-188 [Persian]. [Persian].


55.. PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss ((AAbbssttrraacctt))::

1. Necoeian AA, Khosravi MB, Kojuri J, Moghadami M. The interns view of Shiraz medical school

about role, effect and value of basic science courses in physiopathology and clinical courses

learning. 10th National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

2. Bazrafcan L, Amini M, Kojuri J, et al. Self-assessment quality analysis of professional ethics

among clinical faculty in major departments, dermatology and psychiatry, 10th National congress on

medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

3. Karimian Z, Kojuri J, Bazrafcan L, et al. A Survey of educational manager's attitude about quality of

educational program based of WFME and health ministry standards, 10th National congress on

medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

4. Kojuri J, Saber M, Safaee Gh, et al. A Survey of basic science subject's education success related to

cardiovascular discipline, 10th National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

Page 13: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

5. Dehghani MR, Saber M, Kojuri J, et al. A Survey of educational manager's attitude about quality of

student assessment based of WFME and health ministry standards, 10th National congress on

medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

6. Kojuri J, Mir F, Saber M, et al. A survey of student's satisfaction from rapid review course for pre-

internship exams, 10th National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

7. Lotfi F, Kojuri J, Bazrafcan L, et al. A Survey of educational manager's attitude about quality of

continuous renewal and program assessment, on based WFME standard, 10th National congress on

medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009

8. Kojuri J, Safaee Gh, Amini M, et al. Creating of specialty nucleus in undergraduate medical

education: A forgotten necessity, 10th National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May


9. Kojuri J, Ghaumi MA, Bazrafcan L, et al. A Survey of residents points of view about morning

report in Shiraz Medical School, 10th National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009

10. Kojuri J, Moghadami M, Sagheb MM, et al. Integration program in Shiraz University of Medical

Sciences, 10th National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

11. Kojuri J, Lotfi F, Khalili R, et al. A survey of faculty members points of view about education

environment of one month faculty Education course, 10th National congress on medical education,

Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009.

12. Amini M, Dehghani MR, Kojuri J, et al. A qualitative study of factors associated with medical

student academic success in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 10th National congress on

medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009 .

13. Amini M, Dehghani MR, Kojuri J, et al. A survey of interdisciplinary summer school success in

achieving the educational goals, 10th National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009

14. Bazrafcan L, Tabei SZ, Kojuri J, et al. A survey of points of view students and staff in Shiraz

University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University about professional Ethics and honesty, 10th

National congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009

15. Khosravi MB, Askarian M, Kojuri J, et al. A survey of community based Medicine educations'

success in achieving the education goals in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 10th National

congress on medical education, Shiraz, 5-7 May 2009

16. Kojuri J, Amini M, Bazrafcan L, et al. A Survey rapid review course success of cardio-vascular

diseases in achieving the educational goals, interns point of view, 9th National congress on medical

education, Yazd, 4-6 March 2008.

17. Bagheri Lankarani AR, Sagheb MM, Kojuri J, et al. The view of undergraduate medical students

and their perception about educational concepts with small group method, 9th National congress on

medical education, Yazd, 4-6 March 2008.

Page 14: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

66.. PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss ((BBooookkss iinn PPeerrssiiaann))::


Book title

Type of activity Print a few









1 BBaassiicc eelleeccttrrooccaarrddiiooggrraapphhyy

((IISSBBNN 996644--55995511--8811--XX))

First Koushamehr -

2 pprreetteesstt ffoorr rreessiiddeennttiiaall

eexxaammiinnaattiioonn ((IISSBBNN 996644--445566--886688--00 ))

First Teimourzadeh -

3 EEsssseennttiiaall nnootteess iinn mmeeddiiccaall

eedduuccaattiioonn ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--9900229988--11--55))

Second Iressa 4.3

4 TTeenn sstteeppss iinn ccuurrrriiccuulluumm

ppllaannnniinngg ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--9900229988--33--99))

Second Iressa 5.7

5 SSuucccceessssffuull sseeccrreett ttoo

mmaannaaggeemmeenntt ((IISSBBNN 997788--996644--997744--009955--99))

First Koushamehr 3

6 Creativity and Innovation in

Medical Education ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--110011--224488--88))

First Jameenegar 6

7 UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMeeddiiccaall

SScciieenncceess SSttuuddeennttss'' OOllyymmppiiaadd ((IISSBBNN 997788--996644--997744--110011--77))

First Koushamehr 1

8 FFiirrsstt BBooookk ooff MMaaggiicc SSeeccrreettss

ooff IInnvveennttiioonn ((IISSBBNN 997788--996644--997744--113322--11))

√ First Koushamehr -

9 CCPPRR,, 22001100 ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--110011--115566--66))

√ √ First Jameenegar -

10 CCPPRR,, 22001155 ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--110011--550099--00))

√ √ 2

First Jameenegar -

11 TTaakkee aa llooookk aatt ttrriiaaggee ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--110011--558899--88))

√ First Jameenegar -

12 AABBCC’’ss ooff MMeeddiiccaall EEdduuccaattiioonn ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--88663388--3322--22))

√ First Nameye parsi -

13 NNeeww SStteeppss iinn CCuurrrriiccuulluumm

PPllaannnniinngg ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--88663388--3333--99))

√ First Nameye parsi 4

14 BBeehhaavviioorraall aanndd SSoocciiaall

SScciieenncceess iinn MMeeddiiccaall

EEdduuccaattiioonn ((IISSBBNN 997788--660000--88663388--1199--33))

√ First Nameye parsi -

Page 15: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

77.. PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall aaccttiivviittiieess::

11.. MMeemmbbeerr IIrraanniiaann hheeaarrtt aassssoocciiaattiioonn ssiinnccee 22000000

22.. MMeemmbbeerr ooff IIrraanniiaann ssoocciieettyy ooff AAtthheerroosscclleerroossiiss ssiinnccee 22000044

33.. SScciieennttiiffiicc cchhaanncceelllloorr && hheeaadd ooff eemmeerrggeennccyy wwaarrdd ooff SShhaahhiidd FFaagghhiihhii HHoossppiittaall ssiinnccee 22000044

ttoo 22000077..

44.. VViiccee cchhaanncceelllloorr iinn EEdduuccaattiioonnaall aaffffaaiirrss ooff mmeeddiiccaall ssttuuddeennttss ooff SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff

MMeeddiiccaall sscciieennccee ffrroomm 22000044 ttoo 22000066

55.. HHeeaadd ooff SShhaahhiidd FFaagghhiihhii hhoossppiittaall eemmeerrggeennccyy ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt ffrroomm 22000033--22000088..

66.. HHeeaadd ooff eedduuccaattiioonnaall ccoommmmiitttteeee iinn SShhaahhiidd ffaagghhiihhii hhoossppiittaall ssiinnccee 22000055--22000088

77.. MMeemmbbeerr ooff SShhaahhiidd FFaagghhiihhii hhoossppiittaall bbooaarrdd ooff mmaannaaggeemmeenntt && ccoonndduuccttiioonn ssiinnccee 22000066

88.. HHeeaadd ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn ddeevveellooppmmeenntt cceenntteerr ooff SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff mmeeddiiccaall sscciieenncceess ssiinnccee


99.. HHeeaadd ooff eedduuccaattiioonn ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt ssiinnccee 22000088

1100.. HHeeaadd ooff SShhiirraazz ffaaccuullttyy ooff ccaarrddiioollooggyy ssiinnccee 22001166

1111.. PPaarrttiicciippaattiioonn iinn mmoorree tthhaann 1100 nnaattiioonnaall aanndd iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall mmuullttiicceenntteerr rreesseeaarrcchh pprroojjeecctt

1122.. MMeemmbbeerr ooff bbooaarrdd ooff mmeeddiiccaall eedduuccaattiioonn ssiinnccee 22001122

1133.. MMeemmbbeerr ooff nnaattiioonnaall bbooaarrdd ooff ccaarrddiioollooggyy ssiinnccee 22001166

1144.. SScciieennttiiffiicc aaddvviissoorr ooff ddiiffffeerreenntt sscciieennccee bbaasseedd,, iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ccoommppaanniieess

88.. PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall AAffffiilliiaattiioonn::

IIrraanniiaann ssoocciieettyy ooff iinntteerrvveennttiioonnaall ccaarrddiioollooggiisstt

IIrraanniiaann hheeaarrtt aassssoocciiaattiioonn

EEuurrooppeeaann ssoocciieettyy ooff ccaarrddiioollooggyy

IIrraanniiaann ssoocciieettyy ooff mmeeddiiccaall eedduuccaattiioonn

Page 16: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

99.. RReesseeaarrcchh iinntteerreesstt::

CCaarroottiidd iinntteerrvveennttiioonn

BBeellooww tthhee kknneeee iinntteerrvveennttiioonn

NNoobbeell rriisskk ffaaccttoorrss iinn CCAADD

PPeerriipphheerraall iinntteerrvveennttiioonn

IInnttrraacceerreebbrraall iinntteerrvveennttiioonn && ccooiill eemmbboolliizzaattiioonn


MMeeddiiccaall EEdduuccaattiioonn

AAoorrttiicc ddiisseeaassee aanndd eennddoovvaassccuullaarr tthheerraappiieess

1100.. TTeeaacchhiinngg eexxppeerriieennccee::

11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo mmeeddiicciinnee ffoorr 33rrdd yyeeaarr mmeeddiiccaall ssttuuddeennttss ssiinnccee 11999966

22.. EElleeccttrrooccaarrddiiooggrraapphhyy rraappiidd rreevviieeww,, wwoorrkk sshhoopp ssiinnccee 11999966

33.. PPaatthhoopphhyyssiioollooggyy ooff ccaarrddiioovvaassccuullaarr ddiisseeaassee ssiinnccee 11999988

44.. PPrree rreessiiddeennccyy rraappiidd rreevviieeww ccoouurrssee ssiinnccee 22000022

55.. RRaappiidd rreevviieeww ffoorr ccoommpprreehheennssiivvee eexxaamm ffoorr 66tthh yyeeaarr mmeeddiiccaall ssttuuddeennttss

66.. AApppprrooaacchh ttoo ccaarrddiiaacc eemmeerrggeenncciieess,, wwoorrkk sshhoopp ssiinnccee 22000044

77.. BBooaarrdd rreevviieeww ffoorr ccaarrddiioollooggyy rreessiiddeennttss ssiinnccee 22000044

88.. AAddvvaannccee CCCCUU&& EECCGG ccoouurrsseess ffoorr CCaarrddiiaacc nnuurrssiinngg ssiinnccee 22000022

99.. HHeeaadd ooff ssttuuddeenntt rreesseeaarrcchh ccoommmmiitttteeee ffaaccuullttyy ooff ccaarrddiioollooggyy ssiinnccee 22000044..

1100.. HHeeaadd ooff ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff mmeeddiiccaall eedduuccaattiioonn ssiinnccee 22000088..

1111.. AAccttiivvee ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn iinn mmoorree tthhaann 8800 nnaattiioonnaall aanndd iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall wwoorrkksshhooppss aanndd

ccoonnggrreessss aass aa ffaaccuullttyy,, lleeccttuurreerr,, aanndd aatttteennddeeee..

1122.. MMaannaaggiinngg aanndd iinniittiiaattiinngg ccuurrrriiccuulluumm ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd eedduuccaattiioonn rreeffoorrmm ccoommmmiitttteeee ooff

SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy mmeeddiiccaall sscciieenncceess ssiinnccee 22000077

1133.. LLeeccttuurreerr aanndd ddeessiiggnneerr ooff mmoorree tthhaann 110000 wwoorrkksshhooppss aanndd iinntteerraaccttiivvee lleeccttuurreess ffoorr

mmeeddiiccaall aanndd nnuurrssiinngg ssttuuddeennttss..

1144.. EElleeccttrroonniicc aanndd vviirrttuuaall lleeccttuurreerr ooff SShhiirraazz UUnniivveerrssiittyy ffoorr ddiiffffeerreenntt vviirrttuuaall ccoouurrsseess

Page 17: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.


11.. MMoorree tthhaann 2266000000 ccaasseess ooff ccoorroonnaarryy iinntteerrvveennttiioonn

22.. MMoorree tthhaann 4444000000 ccaasseess ooff ddiiaaggnnoossttiicc ccoorroonnaarryy aannggiiooggrraapphhyy ((rraaddiiaall aanndd ffeemmoorraall))

33.. MMoorree tthhaann 11556600 ,,44 vveesssseellss bbrraaiinn aannggiiooggrraapphhyy

44.. MMoorree tthhaann 880000 ccaassee ooff ssiimmppllee && ccoommpplleexx ccaarroottiidd iinntteerrvveennttiioonn

55.. MMoorree tthhaann 448800 ccaasseess ooff iinnttrraacceerreebbrraall aannggiiooggrraapphhyy && 3388 ccaasseess ooff iinnttrraacceerreebbrraall


66.. MMoorree tthhaann 445500 ccaasseess ppeerriipphheerraall aannggiiooggrraapphhyy && MMoorree tthhaann 111100 ccaasseess ooff

ssuubbccllaavviiaann,, rreennaall,, iilliiaacc,, ffeemmoorraall,, bbeellooww kknneeee iinntteerrvveennttiioonnss

77.. 2255 ccaasseess ooff ppsseeuuddoo aanneeuurryyssmm oocccclluussiioonn ooff lluunngg,, aarrmm,, ffeemmoorraall aarrtteerryy

88.. MMoorree tthhaann 441100 ccaasseess ooff PPFFOO oocccclluussiioonn

99.. MMoorree tthhaann 669900 ccaasseess ooff AASSDD aanndd PPDDAA oocccclluussiioonn

1100.. 1100 ccaasseess ooff VVSSDD oocccclluussiioonn

1111.. EEVVAARR aanndd TTEEVVAARR ccaasseess ooff aabboouutt 110000 ccaasseess

1122.. AAoorrttiicc sstteennoossiiss mmaannaaggeemmeenntt wwiitthh TTAAVVRR mmoorree tthhaann 1155 ccaasseess

Page 18: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

NNaattiioonnaall EEdduuccaattiioonnaall PPrroocceessss

SShhaahhiidd-- MMoottttaahhaarrii EEdduuccaattiioonnaall FFeessttiivvaall

Authors Title


Page 19: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

Dr. J. Kojuri & Collegues Attending Rapid Review before pre-internship

1st Festival- April of 2008- Shahid Beheshti

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues

Changing basic sciences curriculum into innovative horizontal & vertical

integration approach based on Malcom-Skilbeck model

2nd Festival- April of 2009- Yazd

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Developing quantitative & qualitative evaluation of integrated curriculum of

basic sciences , SUMS 3rd Festival- April of 2010- Tehran

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Promoting hidden consultation culture through mentoring approach at SUMS

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues

Promoting Quran doctrines in education, research & creativity based on exploratory education: step toward

enhancing religion knowledge & student identity

4th Festival- April of 2011- Mashhad

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Summer school: step toward

developing interdisciplinary general educations

5th Festival- April of 2012- Mazandaran

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues

Role of educational film & media in transferring educational-cultural concepts & enhancing learners’


Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Evaluating virtual family physician MPH course at SUMS

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues

Developing clinical question under self-directed learning approach: step

toward critical thinking & EBM education

6th Festival- April of 2013- Tehran

Page 20: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

Authors Title Year

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Evaluating scholarly activities of

faculties & enhancing them by Q2 Engage Model

8th Festival- April of 2014- Tehran

Page 21: CCUURRRRIICCUULLUUMM VVIITTAAEE 22001199 · 25. Experience with Paclitaxel-Eluting Infinnium Coronary Stents. Mohammad A Ostovan, Reza Mollazadeh, Javad Kojuri and Mohammad Mirabadi.

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Educating disease diagnosis by

film: a way to turn medical student into a student physician

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues

Developing new structure for evaluation department by

integrating online evaluation reports, education monitoring &

Equivalent activities

9th Festival- April of 2015- Tehran

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues

Peer-assisted learning: Innovative approach to integrate basic &

clinical sciences in order to turn medical student to medical


Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Developing accreditation model


10th Festival- April of 2016-Tehran

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues Developing mentoring at Shiraz medical school &

reinforcing in depth education

Dr. J. Kojuri & Colleagues

Developing Managers Education program as one of the common

missions of university: step toward education evolution goal

fulfilment in strategic educational managers’ development