¡De pelos! (Cielos Argentinos. Agosto 2013)

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  • 8/22/2019 De pelos! (Cielos Argentinos. Agosto 2013)



    De pelos!< A Good Hair Day >

    Un recorrido por cinco peluqueras porteas alternativas que conjugan los servicios tradicionales con la msica,la cultura, lo inslito y el esparcimiento. Peluqueros que hacen de la profesin un verdadero estilo de vida. /Wevisit five alternative Buenos Aires hair salons that bring together traditional services with music, culture, theextraordinary, and recreation. Hair stylists who truly make their profession into a way of life.

    Para descubrir Buenos Aires hayque caminarla y mirarla. Es quesus callecitas esconden innitossecretos que muchas veces pasandesapercibidos por el ritmo de

    vida vertiginoso en el que deambulan losporteos. En busca de esos tesoros precia-

    dos esparcidos por todos los barrios nosencontramos con que es posible toparse con

    algunas peluqueras poco tpicas y completa-mente distintas entre s, pero a la vez unidaspor la misma caracterstica: ser nicas, almenos para la percepcin de los clientes quelas recuentan.La pasin por cumplir el sueo de quien llegapara modicar un peinado, la atencin per-

    sonalizada y ese condimento extra que ore-cen a quienes alguna vez se animaron a ver

    qu haba del otro lado del vidrio, hicieronque cada una de las peluqueras aqu esco-gidas tenga una larga lista de eles clientes,que al sentarse slo piden lo de siempre.

    La barbera museoEntrar a La poca es un verdadero viaje al

    pasado. Jabones, navajas, hojas de mqui-nas de aeitar y hasta una cabina de telono


    40 Cielos Agentinos : Agosto / August 2013

    La poca

  • 8/22/2019 De pelos! (Cielos Argentinos. Agosto 2013)


    pblico de madera (que an unciona!) sonslo algunos de los casi diez mil objetosantiguos que conorman una de las ltimasbarberas en pie del continente.Desde la vereda de la calle Guayaquil se apre-cian las primeras sillas de barbero, que datande 1868. Con una impecable camisa blanca,chaleco dorado y zapatos de charol a dos

    colores, Miguel ngel Barnes, ms conocidocomo El Conde de Caballito, atiende a susclientes desde hace quince aos.Durante los siete aos que tard en reunirtodas las piezas del museo luch contra

    las burlas y la genteque crea que estabaloco. No entendancmo, con la cantidadde deudas que tena,estaba comprando unpiano rancs de 1907y candelabros, explica

    el Conde. Luego, elaecto de los vecinos,los innitos reconoci-mientos, el haber sidodeclarado como sitiode inters cultural porla Presidencia de laNacin y hasta habersido el barbero de DiegoMaradona le dieron elttulo de nobleza queostenta con orgullo.Uno siempre tieneque ponerse metas ylograrlas s o s, o moriren el intento. En elcamino tuve que dejarmuchas cosas, e inclusoa amigos y amiliaresque no entendieron miapuesta, relata con losojos brillosos. Luego se

    levanta, se pone la capa negra que llega casihasta el piso y se pone a trabajar: siempreerguido, como un conde.

    Twist y cortes

    S. El quinto integrante de la banda deLiverpool es argentino y peluquero. Setrata de Gerardo Weiss, uno de los cua-tro estilistas ociales del mundo Beatlereconocidos mundialmente. Trabaj paraRoberto Giordano y le lleg a cortar el peloa Luis Alberto Spinetta, hasta que un da secans de ser un empleado ms: remodelpor completo su local del barrio de Flores ylo convirti en un altar a John, Paul, Ringoy George. All recrea desde el equillo de losinicios rockeros de la banda hasta las largascabelleras de la era de Let It Be.

    Para Gerardo, los reconocimientos naciona-les e internacionales, que incluyen al barbero

    de Penny Lane (aquel de la amosa cancin),son una enorme caricia al alma. A los53 aos, arma que vive eliz y que inten-ta que cada persona que vaya a su local sesienta igual. La coleccin de la peluque-ra la rene desde 1971 y hoy tiene desdegrabaciones inditas hasta a John Lennontarareando La Cumparsita. Pero sin dudas,el tesoro ms preciado de su anatismo es suhijo Lennon (s, as se llama), el nico argen-tino registrado con ese nombre.Pararaseando en orma contraria a Johny su Dream is Over, Gerardo arma quesu sueo an no termin: Me queda por

    cumplir conocer a Ringo o Paul y viajar aLiverpool. Tengo ese hermoso deseo de co-nocerlos un sueo que, a veces, no me dejadormir.

    El templo de los futbolistasGracias por las ancdotas y los consejos.Nos habls del corazn y para nosotros soscomo un viejo, dice uno de los tantos men-sajes que los pibes del barrio le dejan a JulioPan en las paredes de su peluquera de VillaCrespo.Por las manos de tijeras del coifeur de los

    En personaje.Miguel ngelBarnes, msconocido comoEl Conde deCaballito,atiende a susclientes en unlocal al que unoparece llevadopor la mquinadel tiempo. /In costume.Miguel ngelBarnes, betterknown asThe Countof Caballito,servescustomers athis salon, whichis like taking a

    journey back intime.


    Julio Pan

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    utbolistas pasaron Walter Samuel, CarlosBilardo, Jorge Roa Castro, Javier Castrilli,periodistas como Cayetano y, aunque sor-prende, tambin Sebastin Wainraich. Lehago dos lneas en la nuca. sa es mi marcapara los pelados. Viene a hablar de tbol, apelear. Y es que, al igual que el conductor,todos sus clientes son apasionados por la

    pelota.Desde hace 20 aos, en su peluquera serespira tbol, se ve tbol y se habla detbol, pero tambin hay lugar para mujeres:Obviamente! Siempre son bien recibidas.sta es una peluquera amiliar, de barrio,responde enrgico entre ms de 350 cami-setas rmadas y dierentes recuerdos de losutbolistas.Julio jug en Deensores de Belgrano y siem-pre quiso llegar a Primera Divisin, pero nopudo. As, su proesin y su pasin se ueronmezclando naturalmente y, sin pensarlosiquiera, surgi el santuario utbolero de lacalle Julin lvarez. El primer souvenir querecibi ue una buanda del Liverpool, luegovino el boca a boca y hasta Bilardo, en su eradel gatorei, lo us como cbala: Durantesiete echas le cort el pelo a todo el plantel.Despus perdieron y no me llamaron ms.

    Nuevos nichosEn snscrito, prana quiere decir energavital. Desde la vereda, las tres sucursales deBelgrano parecen una ms del montn, pero

    una vez que se cruza la puerta de entrada,la msica de los DJs en vivo suena a todovolumen y contagia elicidad al instante.Peluqueros jvenes, un ambiente distendi-do y cool, cortes descontracturados y hastacolor tatoo en el pelo. Todo eso es Pranay es muy normal ver pasar desde chicos aabuelas buena onda. Pero adems de losservicios convencionales, la peluquerabrinda un plus extra que ya la convirti enun verdadero espacio de encuentro: entresecadores y tijeras, se realizan shows debandas en vivo para diundir a esos artis-

    tas del indie que no tienen lugar en otroscircuitos.Hay muchos que van a ver a la banda, perotambin los que slo ueron a cambiar sulook, se encuentran con msica en vivo y engeneral de estilos marginados o vanguardis-tas. Sern los nuevos nichos para el rockindependiente? Quin sabe, se pregun-ta Andrs Sampayo, unos de los msicosque participaron del ciclo organizado porel artista Law Pop. Y agrega: Prana enparticular ostenta buena onda, mucha pilay corazn para este tipo de eventos. Poder

    tocar en peluqueras me parece una ideaascinante y un ejemplo a copiar.

    Peinados en copa

    Porque desde hace un tiempo ya qued msque claro que ir a una peluquera no sloimplica cortarse el pelo, en Red Velvet HairBoutique decidieron apuntar a todos los sen-tidos y agregar valor al rubro. La idea uecrear un espacio para que mujeres y hombreshedonistas disruten de un momento de re-lax y experimenten otros placeres sensoria-les al momento de cambiar de estilo, explicasu mentora y directora creativa, LilianaMximo.A los clientes lesorecen un iPod

    para escucharmsica y relajarse,la posibilidad de sa-borear un exclusivoca italiano, unacopa de champag-ne y degustar lastortas de la casa acargo de MadameLully Ptisserie.Inaugurado elao pasado enpleno corazn de

    Recoleta, se trata dela primera boutiquepara el pelo queusiona los serviciosclsicos con toquesgourmet.En el exclusivosaln se respira unambiente privadoy zen, donde cadadetalle est pensadohasta la pereccin. Al principio los clientesse acercaban a la caja creyendo que tenan

    que abonar lo consumido. Ahora llegan, nosdejan su abrigo y nos piden ese rico

    cappuccino que les preparamos siempre ola copa de champagne para terminar su dacomo se lo merecen, remata Liliana.

    > To discover Buenos Aires, you need to walkaround and take a good look at it. Its streets hidean infinity of secrets that often go unnoticed bythe city dwellers due to their busy pace. In searchof these secrets, across the city's neighborhoodsyou can find some unusual hair salons that are all

    completely differentyet do share one com-mon thread: they are all

    totally unique.The passion for crea-ting the hair style thecustomer wants, thepersonalized service,and that extra touchthat only those whohave ventured insidewill know about, allmean that each of the-se hair salons have avery long list of faithfulcustomers who come in

    and ask for the usual.

    The Barbershop


    Going into La pocais a real journey intothe past. Soap, razors,razor blades, and evena wooden public phonebooth (still works!) are

    just some of the nearlyten thousand antiques that make up one of thecontinent's last remaining barbershops.

    From the sidewalk of calle Guayaquil, you can seethe barbers' chairs dating from 1868. In a crisp


    Red Velver Hair Boutique

  • 8/22/2019 De pelos! (Cielos Argentinos. Agosto 2013)



    44 Cielos Agentinos : Agosto / August 2013

    white shirt, gold waistcoat and two-tone patentleather shoes, Miguel Angel Barnes, better knownas The Count of Caballito has been serving cus-tomers for fifteen years."During the seven years it took me to get to-gether all the antiques for the museum, I had toput up with people teasing me and thinking I wascrazy. They couldn't understand how I was buyinga 1907 French piano and chandeliers with theamount of debt I had," says the Count. He finallywon his noble nickname thanks to his neighbors'affection for him, the endless accolades, hisbarbershop being declared a site ofcultural interest by the Presidencyof the Nation, and becoming DiegoMaradona's barber."You always have to set yourself goals,and you have to achieve them, or dietrying. I have had to leave many thingsbehind, including friends and familywho did not understand my idea," hesays with a glimmer in his eye. Then he gets up,puts on his black cape that almost reaches thefloor, and goes back to work.

    Twist and Cut

    Yes. The fifth member of the Liverpudlian band isArgentine... And he's a hairdresser. We're talkingabout Gerardo Weiss, one of the world's fourrecognized official Beatle-world hairdressers.He used to work for Giordano, and even cut LuisAlberto Spinetta's hair, until one day he got tiredof just being a simple employee: he completelyremodeled his Flores store and turned it into an

    altar to John, Paul, Ringo, and George. There, herecreates everything from the band's fringes du-ring the early days to their long hair styles duringthe Let it Be era.Gerardo says that the national and interna-tional recognitions (including the Barber onPenny Lane, the one in the famous song), aresomething he is "immensely proud of." At 53years of age, he says that he is a happy personand that he tries to make every one of hiscustomers feel happy too. He has been puttingtogether his Beatles collection since 1971, andtoday has everything from unreleased recor-

    dings to a recording of John Lennon humming"La Cumparsita." But undoubtedly, his mosttreasured Beatles-related possession is his son,Lennon (yes, that's how he is called), the onlyArgentine registered with that name.Unlike John, who sang 'The Dream is Over,"Gerardo assures us that his dream is not overyet: "I still have to meet Ringo and Paul, andtravel to Liverpool. My biggest dream is to meetthem... It is a dream that sometimes keeps meawake at night."

    Soccer Players' Temple"Thanks for the anecdotes and the advice. You

    speak from your heart and you're like a dad tous. You're the master," reads one of the manymessages that the neighborhood kids have leftfor Julio Pan on the wall of his Villa Crespo salon.The hairdresser to the soccer stars has cut thehair of Walter Samuel, Carlos Bilardo, Jorge"Roa" Castro, Javier Castrilli, journalists suchas Cayetano, and although it might surprise you,Sebastin Wainraich. "I leave two lines in his hairat the back of his neck. That's my trademark forbald guys. He comes here to talk about football,to fight. He's the greatest." And just like him, all

    of the customers are passionate about soccer.For 20 years, his hairdressing has been allabout soccer, they watch soccer and they talkabout soccer, but there is also room for women:"Obviously! They are always welcome. This is afamily hair salon, a neighborhood hair salon," re-plies Julio standing among the over 350 signedshirts and different memorabilia.Julio played for Defensores de Belgrano andalways dreamed of playing in the first division,however, it was not to be. Thus his professionand his passion slowly began to combine, even-tually becoming the soccer shrine on calle Julin

    lvarez. The first piece of memorabilia he wasgiven was a Liverpool scarf, word began to tra-vel until he found himself cutting Bilardo's hair,who thought him something of a lucky charm: "Icut the whole team's hair for seven games. But

    then the team lost and they didn't call me backagain."

    New Niches

    In Sanskrit, Prana means life energy. From thesidewalk, the three branches in Belgrano donot stand out from the crowd, but once youventure inside, you discover the live musicplayed by DJs that is blaring out, and that ins-tantly lightens your mood.Young hairdressers, a relaxed and cool atmos-phere, unusual haircuts and colors. All of this

    is normal in Prana, a place whereyou can see people of all ages,from grandmothers to kids. But inaddition to conventional services,the salon also offers an additionalservice that has transformed it intoa true meeting place: between thedryers and the scissors, live showsare performed to help spread indie

    artists that have no place in other circuits."Lots of people come to see the bands, butthere are also those who just come to get theirhair styled, the bands that play generally playnew or modern styles. Is this the new nichefor indie rock? Who knows," wonders AndrsSampayo, one of the musicians who havetaken part in the shows organized by artistLaw Pop, adding: "Prana has a really goodatmosphere and a lot of motivation and heartfor this type of events. I think that playing athair salons is a fascinating idea and somethingthat could catch on."

    Hairstyles in Cup

    For some time now, it has been more thanclear that going to the hairdresser does notonly mean getting a haircut. At Red VelvetHair Boutique, they have decided to targetall the senses and add value to the field. "Ouridea was to create a space for women and menalike to enjoy a relaxing time and experienceother sensory pleasures while changing hairs-tyle," says the salon's mentor and creativedirector, Liliana Maximo.Clients are offered an iPod so that they may

    listen to music and relax, the chance to enjoyan exclusive Italian coffee, a glass of cham-pagne, and to enjoy cakes by Madame LullyPatisserie. Opened last year in the heart ofRecoleta, this is the first hair boutique thatblends a classic service with gourmet touches.The exclusive lounge has a private, Zen at-mosphere, where every detail is designed toperfection. At first customers, used to thinkthat they had to pay for what they had eatenor drunk. Now they arrive, they give us theircoat, and they ask us for the same deliciouscappuccino as always or a glass of champagne

    to round off their day in the way they deser-ve," concludes Liliana.

    * PEluBEATlEEustaquio Cambieses 1848, Flores.Tel.: 4611-0953

    * lA PoCA

    Guayaquil 877, Caballito.Tel.: 4903-7799

    * JulIo PANJulin lvarez 325, Villa Crespo.Tel.: 4854-3628

    * PrANABelgrano:Av. Crmer 2383. Tel.: 4788-6708Amenabar 2237. Tel.: 4781- 8877Blanco Encalada 2644.

    * rED VElVET HAIr BouTIquEFrench 2657, Recoleta.

    Tel.: 4808-0450

    RaRos peinados nuevos

    El objetivo para ganar? Ser nicas, al menos para lapercepcin de los clientes frecuentan las peluqueras.

    In search of these secrets, across the city's neighborhoods youcan find some unusual hair salons that are all

    completely different yet do share one common thread:they are all totally unique.