Perspectivas - Histórias bilíngüe para crianças.pdf

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  • 7/31/2019 Perspectivas - Histrias bilnge para crianas.pdf


    PerspectivesBilingual childrens stories

    PerspectivasHistrias bilnge para crianas

  • 7/31/2019 Perspectivas - Histrias bilnge para crianas.pdf


    Flea Circus

    Fleas can jumpextraordinarily high, relativeto their tiny size. Training fleas

    involves putting them into asmall box or jar. Without a lid,the fleas could easily jumpout, so the flea trainer puts alid in place and waits.

    Inside the container, thefleas jump up in order to

    escape. They hit the lid andfall back down. Again andagain, the fleas will jump, hitthe lid, and fall back. Then,after some time, the fleasdont jump so high. They jump

    up almost as high as the lid,

    but not quite.Eventually, the trainer willremove the lid. The fleascould easily escape now, butthey dont even try. Theyve

    become accustomed to onlyjumping to a certain height.

    They have more or lessdecided thats their limit; theyare going as high as they cango, and they dont attempt

    anything further. Freedom isjust a jump away, but its a

    jump they dont make.

    Pulgas amestradas

    Ao saltar, as pulgas podematingir alturas extraordinriasem relao ao seu minsculo

    tamanho. No treinamento, aspequenas saltadoras socolocadas em uma caixa ou emum vidro e, como poderiamfacilmente escapar, oamestrador tampa oreceptculo e espera.

    Ao saltarem para tentarfugir, as pulgas se chocamcontra a tampa e caem nofundo de sua priso. Por vriasvezes, a cena se repete: osinsetos pulam, acertam a tampae caem. At que, depois de um

    tempo, passam a no saltar toalto. Quase atingem a altura datampa, mas no a tocam.

    Depois de algum tempo, otreinador remove a tampa e,apesar de que poderiam, ento,fugir com facilidade, nem

    mesmo o tentam.Acostumaram-se a noultrapassar aquela altura, comose houvessem decidido queaquele seria seu limite, edeixam de tentar saltar alm. Aliberdade est a um salto, um

    salto que elas no do.

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  • 7/31/2019 Perspectivas - Histrias bilnge para crianas.pdf


    No Limits

    Needy miners and settlers inBritish Columbia, Canada, engagedin stripping abandoned Fort Alcanof lumber, electrical appliances, andplumbing, made an amazingdiscovery. While dismantling the jailthey found that the mighty lockswere attached to the heavy doors,and two-inch steel bars coveredthe windows, but the walls of theprison were only wallboard madeof clay and paper, painted toresemble iron. A good old heaveagainst the walls by a man not asstrong as a football tackle wouldhave burst the wall out. But nobodyever tried it because nobodythought it possible.

    Sem Limites

    Mineiros e colonos daColmbia Britnica, noCanad, que passavamprivaes e comearam asaquear o Forte Alcan,levando madeira, aparelhoseltricos e materialhidrulico, fizeram umadescoberta surpreendente.Enquanto desmanchavam oscrceres, viram que havia

    duas trancas pesadas ebarras de cinco centmetrosde dimetro cobriam asjanelas, mas que as paredeseram feitas de nada maisque papel e barro, pintadasde forma a parecerem de

    ferro. Bastaria um bomgolpe dado por um homemde fora mediana paraderrubar uma parede, masningum jamais tentou talcoisa porque ningumachou que seria possvel.

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    Shake it off and step up

    A story is told of a dogthat belonged to a certainfarmer in what had once beena gold-mining area. One day,while the farmer was walkingwith his dog in bushland nearthe farm, the dog fell into oneof the many old abandonedmineshafts. Although the shaftwas dry and quite narrow, itwas not so deep and the dog

    managed to survive the fallwithout breaking any bones.

    The farmer could hear hisdog barking pitifully, but couldnot get down the narrow,crumbling shaft to get him.After carefully assessing the

    situation, the farmer decidedthe only thing to do was toend his dogs distress as soon

    as possible. He decided tobury the dog in the old shaftand put him out of his misery.He went back to his farm, got

    some tools and on returning,began to shovel earth quicklyinto the shaft.

    Sacode a poeira e d a

    volta por cima

    Era uma vez um cachorroque vivia numa fazenda a qual,em tempos passados, fora umarea de explorao de ouro.Um dia, enquanto passeava comseu dono na mata prxima sede da fazenda, caiu em umdos muitos poos da minaabandonada. Era um buracoestreito e estava seco mas no

    era muito profundo e, por isso,o co conseguiu sobreviver queda sem quebrar um osso.

    O fazendeiro conseguiaouvir seu animal latindo emangstia, mas no podia descerat ele por risco de

    desmoronamento. Tendoavaliado a situao comcuidado, entendeu que a nicacoisa a fazer era pr fim misria do companheiro tologo quanto possvel e decidiuenterr-lo no poo. Ento, foi

    casa buscar algumasferramentas e comeou aencher o buraco.

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    Initially, the dog was terrifiedas the earth fell on him in thedarkness. But as the farmercontinued shoveling and the dirthit the dogs back the dog

    shook it off and stepped up. Clodafter clod rained down on him.Shake it off and step up shake

    it off and step up shake it off

    and step up! the dog seemed to

    be saying to himself. No matterhow painful the blows, or how

    hopeless the situation appearedin the dim depths of the shaft, thedog fought his panic and just keptright on shaking off the dirt andstepping up until at last he waswithin reach of the farmer who

    joyfully hauled him out to safety.

    Inicialmente, o cachorroficou aterrorizado quando aterra caiu sobre ele naquelelugar escuro, mas conforme ohomem jogava a terra sobre o

    co, este a sacudia de suascostas e subia no monte quese formava. medida que ostorres, a terra e a poeirachoviam sobre ele, a cena serepetia: o cachorro sacudia oque ficava sobre o seu dorso e

    subia um pouco mais.Era como se dissesse a simesmo sem parar: Levanta,

    sacode a poeira e d a voltapor cima! Indiferente dor

    da queda, do que caa sobreele e da profundidade do poo,

    o cachorro resistiu ao pnicoe continuou subindo at que,por fim, estava ao alcance doseu dono que, feliz, puxou-opara a segurana da superfcie.

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    The end of a bitter trial

    It happened around theyear 1640. A group ofSpaniards was traveling

    through the jungles of SouthAmerica when one memberof the party fell seriously illwith malaria. In a short time,the fever weakened him somuch that he was unableto walk.

    His friends were at theirwits end. They improvised a

    stretcher from branches andtried to carry him on it. Thecondition of the sick man andthe difficulties in transportinghim became such that they

    finally decided to lay himdown at the side of a pool ofwater, in the shadow of a treewith thick foliage. There theyleft him.

    His situation seemeddesperate. His fellow travelers

    had left him some food, buthe paid no attention to it.Water! That was his onlythought. Tormented by aburning thirst, he bent downto the water, only to fall backin despair. The water had an

    awful, bitter taste.

    O fim amargo de uma


    Aconteceu por volta de1640. Um grupo de espanhis

    viajava pelas selvas sul-americanas quando um doshomens foi vtima de um casosrio de malria. No demorou,a febre o enfraquecera de talforma que no podia maisandar.

    Sem saber mais o que fazer,seus amigos improvisaram umamaca para o carregar. Ascondies do doente de talforma se agravaram quedecidiram coloc-lo ao lado deuma poa dgua, sombra de

    uma rvore de folhagem densa.E ali o deixaram.A situao parecia

    desesperadora. Oscompanheiros de viagem lhedeixaram alguma comida, masele no deu nenhuma ateno a

    isso. gua! Era tudo o quepensava. Atormentado esedento, curvou-se para a gua,mas se deixou cair de volta posio em que estava, poispercebeu, para seu desespero,que a gua tinha um gosto

    repugnantemente amargo.

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    But as time went on, andthe fever continued to burnand consume his body, hedrank again and again. Then astrange thing happened. After

    every drink of water, the feverseemed to subside and thepain to become less severe.Strength returned to hisweak body.

    Healing had come to himthrough the bitterness of the

    water. You see, the tree underwhich his companions had laidhim was the Cinchona, orquinine tree. Leaves and piecesof bark had fallen into thewater, and the quinine haddissolved. Not only was the

    exhausted traveler completelyrestored, but a wonderfulremedy was discovered,through which countless liveshave since been saved.

    - As told by Corrie Ten Boomin her book, Father Ten Boom.

    Mas o tempo passou, e seucorpo continuou sendoconsumido pela febre. E elevoltou a beber daquela guavrias vezes. Ento comeou a

    observar algo estranho. Cadavez que bebia da gua, a febreparecia ceder e a dor diminuir.Com o tempo, a fora voltou aoseu corpo.

    A cura lhe viera por meio doamargor da gua. Como? A

    rvore sob a qual oscompanheiros o deixaram erauma planta conhecida por quina,do qual deriva o quinino.Pedaos da casca do troncocaram na gua e ali sedissolveram. No apenas aquele

    viajante foi completamentecurado, mas ali foi descobertoum medicamento, por meio doqual inmeras vidas foram salvasdesde ento.

    - Conforme contado porCorrie Ten Boom em seu livro,

    Father Ten Boom

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    The House on the Hill

    Nong lived with his family ina small village in Southeast Asia.Like most people in theirvillage, Nongs family werefarmers. The villagers had theirhouses next to their fields onthe wide plain, except forNongs family, whose housestood alone on top of a hill.

    Since Nongsfamilys fieldswere on the plain below likeeverybody elses, his mother

    and father had to go up anddown the hill every day towork the fields. During theharvest they had to bring theharvested rice up the hill totheir storehouse. And because

    the school was also down onthe plain, Nong had to go downthe hill to school everymorning and climb back up thehill to go home every evening.

    One day Nong talked to hisfather about this. Its not fair. I

    have to walk up and down thehill every day, but my friendsdont. Why do we have to live

    up here on the hill?

    A casa na colina

    Nong e sua famlia viviamnum vilarejo no Sudeste Asitico.Como a maioria das pessoas ali,eles cultivavam a terra, s que,ao contrrio delas, que moravamnos campos na ampla plancie,eles tinham a nica casa queficava no alto de uma colina.

    Como a famlia de Nongtrabalhava na plancie, seus paistinham que subir e descer a

    colina todos os dias, e na pocada colheita levar todo o arrozpara o celeiro l em cima.A escola tambm estavalocalizada na plancie, de modoque Nong tinha que descer omorro cada manh e subir ao

    fim da tarde para voltarpara casa.

    Um dia Nong conversou comseu pai a respeito do assunto,dizendo que no achava justoter que subir e descer o morrotodos os dias sendo que os seus

    amigos no precisavam fazerisso. Por que que ns temos

    que morar aqui em cima?

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    Nongs father thought aboutthis for a while before heanswered. Im not sure why we

    live here on the hill. Our househas stood here for manygenerations. Im thankful for

    our little house up here. Thinkof it this way: We are the firstto see the sun come up in themorning and the last to see itset in the evening.

    But this didnt mean much

    to Nong. But we have to work

    so much harder than everyoneelse. And I have to walk muchfurther than my friends. Its notfair!

    Oh, but we shouldnt say

    that, Nongs father replied.God has given us this place

    and we should be thankful forit.

    Yet Nong was notconvinced. He wished he couldlive down on the plain.

    One day not long after thisconversation, the clouds began

    to gather in the sky overNongs village. It was only a fewweeks after the rice harvest,and so the villagers looked tothe sky with concern for thestored rice. And the weathergot only worse. The sky became

    darker and darker.

    O pai de Nong pensou umpouco antes de responder.No sei bem por quemoramos na colina. A nossacasinha j est aqui h muitas emuitas geraes, e estouagradecido por ela. Pense daseguinte forma: De manh nssomos os primeiros a ver o Solnascer, e tarde os ltimos av-lo se pr.

    Mas para Nong essaexplicao no ajudou muito.Mas ns temos quetrabalhar mais do que todo omundo, e tenho que andar maisdo que os meus amigos. Issono justo!

    No devamos pensarassim, porque foi Deus quem

    nos deu esta casa, e deveramosestar gratos por ela.respondeu seu pai

    Mesmo assim Nong noestava convencido, pois queriamorar l em baixo na plancie.

    No passou muito tempo

    depois dessa conversa, e um dia,faltando poucas semanas para acolheita do arroz, qual no foi apreocupao dos moradores aoolharem para o alto e verem ocu coberto de nuvens. E otempo s foi piorando, o cu

    foi ficando cada vez maisescuro.

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    Then it happened. The rainscame down and wouldnt stop.

    It rained and rained and rained.The houses and fields in theplain were all flooded. Theharvest and stores of ricewere lost.

    Only Nongs house on topof the hill was dry, so thats

    where all the villagers fled.They were all thankful forNongs house on the hill, andthey ate of the rice that was

    stored there.Now, Nongs father said

    to him with a gentle look inhis eye, are you thankful for

    our house on the hill?Nong smiled sheepishly

    and nodded.

    So often we complainabout some hardship or aretempted to feel that life isnt

    fair to us. But if we can acceptwhatever God has allowed tocome into our lives and bethankful for it, one day we will

    see that He can turn ourseeming hardship or handicapinto a lifesaver for us andothers.- Colin C. Bell

    Ento aconteceu o indesejado:Comeou a chover a cntaros.Chovia sem parar. As casas e alavoura na plancie ficaramcompletamente inundados e opovo perdeu todo o arroz noscampos e nos celeiros.

    S a casa de Nong, l no alto,no inundou, ento foi para l queos moradores fugiram, muitogratos por aquela casa no alto dacolina. E ali se alimentaram como arroz que a famlia tinhaarmazenado.

    Olhando para o filho comcarinho, o pai de Nong lhe disse:E agora, voc est agradecidopelo fato da nossa casa ser noalto de um morro?

    Nong sorriu todo sem jeito emeneou a cabea.

    Muitas vezes reclamamos deuma dificuldade ou achamos quea vida injusta. Mas se aceitarmose ficarmos gratos por seja o quefor que Deus permita que nosacontea, um dia veremos que Elepode transformar uma aparentedificuldade ou empecilho em algoque vai salvar a nossa vida e ade outros.- Colin C. Bell

    Histrias bilnge para crianaswww.freekidstories.orgAll stories (except End of a Bitter Trial) The Family International Art from various clipart