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Moqueca Capixaba com Piro (para 06 pessoas) Ingredientes: 2 Kg de peixe fresco (badejo, papaterra, pargo, robalo) 4 a 5 maos de coentro 4 maos de cebolinha verde 2 cebolas brancas (pequenas) Tomate a gosto 2 limes Azeide doce Urucum Pimenta a gosto

Modo de fazer: Limpe bem o peixe, corte-o em postas e deixe-o em uma vasilha com sal e o suco de 1 limo. Conserve assim pelo menos por uma hora. Separe a cabea para o piro. Utilizando uma panela de barro grande, coloque: 2 colheres de leo, uma de azeite doce (se preferir pode colocar mais de uma), cebola verde, cebola branca, coentro (tudo bem picadinho), tomate (que pode ser picado em rodelas) e colorau. Em seguida arrume as postas de peixe e repita a camada de temperos picados. No adicione gua ou sal . Cozinhe em fogo brando e quando abrir fervura coloque umas poucas gotas de limo. No espere ferver, caso contrrio o peixe endurece. Tampe. Espere uns 10 minutos e experimente o sal. Para o piro o processo o mesmo. Depois de cozida a cabea acrescente gua fervendo e deixe que a carne cozinhe at quase desmanchar . Retire os ossos, experimente o sal e acrescente a farinha, mexendo sempre para no embolar.

Torta Capixaba (para 6 pessoas) Ingredientes: cebola, alho, pimenta, azeite doce, azeitona, limo, coentro, cebolinha verde, tomate a gosto Kg de palmito natural previamente cozido 200 g de siri desfiado e cozido 200 g de caranguejo desfiado e cozido 200 g de camaro cozido 200 g de ostra cozida 200 g de sururu cozido 200 g de badejo desfiado e cozido

Obs.: Para cozinhar um desse ingredientes, faz-se as moquecas de cada um e retira-se todo o caldo, deixando os mais secos possvel. Modo de fazer: Prepare um refogado, com cebolas , alho, pimenta, azeite doce, azeitonas e limo. Leve ao fogo com palmito natural e espere at dasaparecer a gua e ganhar consistncia. Junta-se, depois de

limpos , desfiados, cozidos e espremidos os ingredientes acima, mexendo at evaporar a gua. Retire para esfriar um pouco e misture uma parte da espuma de 6 (seis) claras em neve com as gemas. Quando se adicionarem os temperos aos mariscos, deve-se colocar o bacalhau para enxugar e dar liga a massa. Cozinha -se parte 6 (seis) ovos (que serviro apenas para o enfeite) juntamente azeitona e umas rodelas de cebola. Coloca-se a massa em uma panela de barro, leva-se ao forno, retirando-se quando a espuma estiver bem coradinha. servida seca. O vinho pode ser branco ou tinto.

Cao moda da Ilha (para seis pessoas) Ingredientes: Um quilo e meio da cao pequenos trs maos de coentro uma cebola trs colheres de sopa de urucum trs tomates trs dentes de alho sal fino, pimenta a gosto trs limes meio copo de leo e azeite

Modo de fazer: Limpe bem os caes, retirando-lhes o couro, colocando-os em seguida de molho em gua de sal e limo. Corte os caes em cubos de tamanho de um caramelo, lave-os novamente em gua corrente e deixe parte. Soque o alho, sal, pimenta, coentro, rodelas de cebola e esfregue-os depois de picados no fundo da panela de barro, untada com leo. Jogue na panela um pouco de azeite e suco de limo. Misture os cubos de cao nesse molho e corte o resto dos temperos pela ordem: coentro, cebolas, tomates e jogue por cima. Ponha o sal e deixe descansr por uma hora (ou mais). Quando estiver pronto para levar ao fogo coloque a tintura de urucum, cozinhe com panela sem tampa e no coloque gua. Verifique o sal, azeite e limo se esto a gosto. Sirva com arroz e farinha torrada.

Moqueca de Garoupa Salgada com Abbora e Banana da Terra (para seis pessoas) A garoupa deve ser salgada uns 4 dias antes. Pe-se de molho na vspera para tirar o sal. Cozinha-se a abbora em separado. (No deixar amolecer demais). Coloca-se em uma panela de barro o peixe cortado em pedaos grandes, banana-da-terra descacada (crua) e por cima, a abbora cozida; bastante tempero cortado: tomate, cebola, pimento, urucum e coentro. Deixa-se tudo arrumado. Por cima a gordura e azeite. Quando comear a ferver tempera-se com sal. Esta moqueca deve ser feita com bastante caldo. Depois do peixe estar macio e a banana cozida, pe-se caldo de 1 limo e tira-se do fogo.

Muma de Siri (para seis pessoas) Ingredientes: junte uma dzia e meia de siris, preferecialmente do tipo assu se no os encontrar junte duas de siris comuns cinco maos de coentro, trs dentes de alho sal fino uma cebola dois limes um pacote de farinha torrada azeite meio copo de leo uma caneca de urucum cinco tomates seis pimentas malaguetas

Escove bem os siris com uma escovinha tipo filtro. Terminada a limpeza ponha os siris em uma panela com gua fria e sal. Leve-os em seguida ao fogo para fervent-los. Quando estiverem vermelhos, retire-os do fogo e coloque-os numa peneira para escorrer. Faa uma tintura de urucum e ponha numa panela grande ou caldeiro para trs litros. Refogue nesta tintura o coentro, tomate e cebola (tudo picadinho). Soque os dentes de alho com sal e as pimentas (estas se gostar) e adicione os demais temperos. Deixe ferver por uns 10 minutos. Ponha azeite a gosto e suco de limo. Corte os siris ao meio e jogue dentro do refogado. Misture bastante e prove o sal. Ponha um litro de gua e deixe ferver por uns 15 minutos, colocando antes os temperos todos cortados em pedacinhos. Diminua o fogo e com o auxlio de um garfo v jogando lentamente farinha e mexendo a muma para no embolar. Este piro feito com o caldo e os siris juntos. Sirva com arroz branco bem solto.

Caranguejada (para seis pessoas) Ingredientes: Dezoito caranguejos gordos cinco maos de coentro fresco uma cebola grande dois dentes de alho duas pimentas malaguetas trs limes de suco quatro tomates azeite e leo sal urucum

Modo de Fazer: Com uma escovinha fina limpe os caranguejos, em seguida, coloque-os inteiros dentro de uma panela com gua, levando-os a ferventar com sal. Fervidos, retire panela do fogo e coloque os caranguejos numa peneira para escorrer a gua. Faa um refogado com tintura de urucum (trs colheres), alho socado com sal e pimenta e jogue na panela. corte trs maos de coentro, meia cebola e os tomates e adicione-os ao que j est no fogo. Ponha suco de limo, azeite a gosto. Deixe ferver durante 10 minutos. Adicione, por final, meio litro de gua e deixe ferver por mais quinze minutos. Sirva com feijo preto novo e farinha da roa. Tenha a mo um molho feito com o resto do coentro picado, cebolas cortadas em rodelas fininhas, limo, pimenta socada, vinagre e azeite, tudo a gosto. Detalhe: Use um pequeno martelinho ou socador de alho para quebrar os caranguejos. Se o almoo for informal, o negcio gostoso mesmo quebrar e comer de mo com passagem pelo molho.

Banana Caramelada Pegue a banana e abra pela metade uma de suas abas. Coloque ento o acar, que pode ser colocado em excesso. Agora, feche novamente a aba da banana, e envolva-a completamente com papel laminado. Agora, simplesmente coloque-a dentro de um fogo em brasas, aps cerca de 15 minutos, retire-a do fogo e do papel laminado e coma. Enviada por: Raimundo Nonato C Almeida - Brasilia - DF

Breakfast Camping Recipes Oatmeal- Instant Oatmeal, hot water Milk Pancakes- Pancake mix, water, butter Syrup Cream of Wheat- Instant Cream of Wheat, water and milk. Eggs, Fried or Scrambled- Eggs Cold Cereal- Cereal and milk Home Fried Potatoes- Dice potatoes and fry in pan with olive oil or vegetable oil. Serve with bacon or sausage Omelets in a Bag- Bring your favorite omelet fixings, and a Ziploc bag for each person. Crack the eggs into the bags, and then add the fixings too. Squish the eggs thoroughly mixing. Then plop the contents onto the hot griddle and cook. Lunch Camping Recipes

PBJ (peanut butter and jelly sandwich) Bread, peanut butter, jelly BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich)- Fry some extra bacon during breakfast, bread lettuce, condiments. Fritos with hot chile poured over the top. Garnish with a slice of cheese on the top. Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. Dinner Camping Recipes Hamburgers(grilled)- Hamburger patties, hamburger buns, cheese, condiments Baked BBQ Beans- Baked beans, BBQ sauce, brown sugar Hot Dogs (grilled)- Hot dogs or polish dogs (sausage), hot dog buns Corn on the Cob Hamburger Helper- Enchilada style Hamburger helper, turkey sausage (for meat), water Instant mashed potatoes with bacon bits Spaghetti- Spaghetti noodles, spaghetti sauce Buttered Rolls heated on a frying pan over a low flame Top Ramen- Top ramen noodle soup, bacon bits, small cubes of cheese. Mix together, Fried uncut green beans in Teriyaki sauce Drinks Lemonade Water Milk Koolaide Gatorade Coffee Hot Chocolate Tea Soda Pop (unless you're from the south-Coke then) Snacks Granola Bars Fruit Roll-Ups Trail Mix Fruit- Bananas, apples, oranges, peaches, etc. Peanuts Sun Flower Seeds Mixed Nuts

Algumas receitas: Cozido: Este prato pode ser feito beira da barraca ou, para os mais preguiosos, poder ser levado j na panela, de casa. S no esquea de fechar com filme de plstico e tampar tudo muito bem, vedando perfeitamente, pois o lquido poder derramar dentro da mochila... Arrume na panela lingia, batata cortada em quatro, cebolas, cenoura etc., regue com azeite de oliva, sal, pimenta e organo. Cubra tudo com uma folha de couve e tampe, levando ao fogo brando (se possvel), at cozinhar tudo. um prato consistente e pesado, mas delicioso e fcil de fazer, alm de muito cheiroso. Ensopado (receita-base tirada do livro do Sergio Beck) vegetariano: Pode ser feito em casa, congelado e carregado assim, para ir descongelando na trilha. Fazer um refogado com leo, cebola, alho, alho por, gengibre, nabo, pimento e o que mais quiser. Depois, colocar tomates cortados em quadradinhos e deixar apurar, para virar um molho. Bater tudo isso no liquidificador, se quiser. Voltar para a panela e colocar legumes e etc cortados em cubos (o que tiver em casa: beringela, abobrinha, abbora, cenoura, batata, aipim, inhame...) e deixar cozinhando. Temperar com sal e pimenta do reino ou pimenta calabresa. Congelar em potes de plstico. Pode ser usado como molho de macarro ou com a receita de polenta. Ou, ainda, acompanhando um arroz. Polenta vegetariano: Faa no acampamento, para comer com o ensopado acima. Esquente gua e reserve. Frite cebola e alho no leo, jogue o fub e a gua, mexa at formar uma papa grossa. Tempere com sal. Depois de pronto, misture o ensopado, que ir esquentar na mesma panela. uma refeio saborosa e nutritiva para o final de um longo dia de caminhada. Po de Panela: 1 poro de farinha de trigo integral e a mesma de farinha branca. 1 pitada de sal e outra de fermento para po. Para dar sabor, pode colocar alho, cebola, queijo ralado ou cubinhos de provolone. Misturar tudo e ir adicionando gua morna aos poucos, mexendo com uma colher de pau. Deixar a mistura bem homognea e colocar para assar em uma frigideira, de preferncia de teflon. O ponto ideal a massa um pouco mida e no seca. Untar a frigideira com azeite de oliva, colocar a massa e deixar assando tampada, em fogo baixo. Pode salpicar gergelim torrado em cima. A parte de baixo dever endurecer antes de vir-lo. Leve a mistura j pronta, em sacos com fechos zip, e acrescente a gua j no acampamento. Maionese de Tofu: Tofu aquele queijo de soja encontrado em lojas de produtos naturais. Para um bloco de tofu use meia xcara de molho vinagrete (3 partes de azeite de oliva para uma parte de suco de limo ou vinagre, sal e pimenta do reino para temperar), meia xcara de gua, uma colher de ch de mostarda e meia colher de ch de sal. Bata tudo no liquidificador e est pronto para ser servido com torradas ou passado no po, como base para sanduches.

Pasta de Abacate: Substitua o tofu da receita acima e acrescente um dente de alho que, alis, combina bem com a maionese de tofu... Esta pasta tambm fica uma delcia se usada como base para os sanduches mais diversos. Pasta de Gro de Bico: Deixe o gro de bico de molho por uma noite. Cozinhe com uns dentes de alho at ficar macio (na panela de presso, por 20 minutos depois de ferver). Bata no liquidificador com um pouquinho da gua do cozimento e uma colher de sobremesa de Tahine (pasta de gergelim, vendida em supermercados e lojas naturais. Existe, inclusive, Tahine integral) para cada xcara de gro de bico. Tempere com sal e enfeite com salsinha e cebola picadas por cima. No esquea do hortel. outra pasta que combina bem em sanduches e muito nutritiva.

Easy Camping Recipes Your Family Will LoveCamping is all about having fun outdoors with family and friends. Not everyone wants to spoil the fun by having to cook. So, I will show you many quick and easy-to-follow recipes that make tasty dishes for the whole family. The first thing to consider is to bring food that you, and especially the kids, like to eat. In fact, I ask the kids what they want to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and usually get a lot of sugary suggestions that I can build something wholesome out of, and everyone is happy. For breakfast prepare what you would normally prepare like cereal and then add eggs or pancakes to it. You can purchase small, single-serving cereal boxes that you can cut a T shape into and pour the milk right into the box. Great on cleanup! The kids can be munching on the cereal while I fire-up the stove and get the coffee brewing. Nothing like the smell of fresh coffee in the fresh mornin air! My kids are now old enough that they want to help make the meals. So, with a little supervision they crack the eggs, make the bacon, or mix up pancake batter while I tend to the coffee. Once the eggs or pancakes are done, they get out the plates and cutlery and serve it up. Dont forget to pack butter and syrup for those pancakes. Once finished, the kids dispose of their dishes and put the frying pan in the washtub. More on this in the cleanup section: 5 Tips for Easy Campout Meal Cleanup. Lunch can be a variety of ideas, depending on weather and activities. If you are going for a hike, you may want to pack a sandwich, fruit, cookies and water. If you are going to a nearby lake to swim, fish or boat you may want to pack a

picnic-style lunch and drag the cooler along. Sometimes I even fire up the BBQ and do hot dogs! It really depends on what you and the kids are doing and what makes the most sense, with the least amount of effort. Remember you are there to enjoy yourself! Dinner is where I really like to turn it up a notch. To my family this is the big meal of the day and one where we will all gather around and share tales, invite friends and start to draw the day to a close. I usually go with fish or meat on the BBQ, put some potatoes or corn in foil and put them on the fire, boil some vegetables and start a dessert in the Dutch Oven. Im famous for my peach cobbler! To make any meal preparation easy I have a Cook Kit that has the essentials for cooking my campout meals. So, with my Cook Kit, a stove, BBQ, a workplace/cutting area, and all the meals ingredients from the cooler, Im ready to cook up a storm! Are you? Heres some recipes that you can WOW the kids and adult campers with: One-Pot Recipes These are the simplest and probably the tastiest meals to prepare and cleanup. I like to do chicken, but you can do cubes of meat also. Use any cooking pot or even a Dutch Oven for this. For the Chicken One-Pot recipe:

take 4-6 large pieces of boneless, skinless chicken breast, pour in 2 cans of cream of chicken soup (with 2 cans of water), cut up large pieces of potatoes, carrots, celery, onions (or small whole onions), salt, pepper and any other seasoning you like. Bring to a boil and let simmer for a couple of hours, until the potatoes are soft.

Once the smell starts to float through the campground, the kids will start coming around looking for food! Onion Swiss Steak (in a Pot or Dutch Oven) 3 lb Round steak, 3/4" thick 1 1/2 t Salt 1/4 t Pepper 2 pk Onion soup mix 2 cans (10 oz) tomatoes

Cut steak into serving pieces (cubes), season with salt and pepper and place into large pot or dutch oven. Sprinkle onion soup mix over top and pour tomatoes over all. Cover and cook over slow fire for 2 to 3 hours or until meat is done and tender. Make some rice to go with this and you are set! For more information on Dutch Ovens, check out my Quick Course on Dutch Ovens. BBQ Recipes Most campgrounds will have a cast iron BBQ pit or pedestal style BBQ that you can easily put charcoal in and light up. The ones at campgrounds tend to be rusty and well used. So, take a BBQ steel wire brush with you to scrape off the debris. Once the surface is clean and hot its perfect for any meal. Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken 2 lb Boneless chicken parts (may use bone in parts) 2 T Honey 2 T Dijon mustard 2 T Melted margarine 1 t Basil Leaves 1/2 t Garlic Powder Preheat grill for direct-heat cooking. Place chicken on grill rack. Combine remaining ingredients. During last 3-4 minutes per side of grilling time, brush chicken with sauce. Salmon on Cedar (Smoked and Steamed) For my favorite BBQ recipe, I bring my baby Weber BBQ, which has a lid to provide all round heat and for this particular recipe, locks in the steam. I take a couple of salmon fillets, with the skin still on them. I bring two pieces of 1 x 6 cedar, about 8-10 inches long. You can get 6- and 8foot lengths of rough cedar at most Home Depot or hardware stores. Cut them to the length of your grill. Before you fire up the grill, let the cedar soak in water, fully submerged for 2-4 hours. Once the coals are white hot and ready, put the wet cedar on the grill and put the lid on to trap in the steam. While you are waiting for the wood to steam and crackle, put some spices or seasoning rub on the salmon. Sometimes my wife makes a teriyaki, soy, and honey sauce that I spread on. The cedar will be ready for the salmon when the wood crackles!

Put the salmon, skin-side down on the cedar, close the lid, with the vent holes open and let it cook for about 20 minutes. While you are waiting you can prepare some vegetables, a salad, rice or whatever else you want to add. The cedar will start to burn and steam. That is normal. You want the smoked, steamed flavor in the salmon! When its done, use a flipper to get between the fish and the skin, which should be sticking to the cedar, and remove the aromatic fish. Leave the cedar planks to cool and dispose later in your campfire. After my kids had salmon prepared this way they wont eat it any other way!

9 Easy Camping Meals You can Cook without Pots and Pans!Forget the pots and pans! This is a hobos delight all the cooking and no mess!! Here are 9 belly-bustin camp meals that you and your family can enjoy without using a single pot or pan. No, this is not a magic trick! The secret is.tin foil! Can you believe it? This durable, non-flammable material is easy to use and dispose of to make cooking a snap. So, leave the pots and pans at home, grab a roll of tin foil and following these easy recipes for simple, yet satisfying camping meals. Hobo This is the first one I ever learned as a Scout. Thinly slice carrots, onions, and potatoes. Tear off a 12 strip of tin foil. Place a hamburger patty on the foil. Place a layer of vegetables on top. Add salt, pepper or other spices to your liking. Fold the foil over the top and bottom. Fold up the corners so it wont leak and place on the coals, hamburger side down. It should take 20-30 minutes depending on the heat of your coals. When done, open it up and use a knife and fork to eat directly from the foil. Want that barbeque flavor for your Hobo? Put a squirt of BBQ sauce on the hamburger before you put on the vegetables. Beef Stew This is the same as a Hobo, but a little more up-scale since you are using beef cubes. Thinly slice carrots, onions, and potatoes or maybe add broccoli and cauliflower. Tear off a 12 strip of tin foil. Place beef cubes on the foil. Place a layer of vegetables on top. Add salt, pepper or other spices to your liking. This time add some butter and a couple of tablespoons of water to make gravy! Yum!

Fold the foil over the top and bottom. Fold up the corners so it wont leak and place on the coals, beef side down. It should take 20-30 minutes depending on the heat of your coals. When done, open it up and use a knife and fork to eat directly from the foil. Chicken and Corn Smear chicken pieces with butter. Spice to your liking and wrap in 12 strip of foil. Lay on the coals, turning the chicken every few minutes for about 20 minutes. The corn can be husked, lathered with butter and wrapped in foil for a nice roasting in about 10 minutes. Another way to do the corn is to pull back the leaves, remove the husk (hair-like fibers), close the leaves, dip the ear of corn in water and place directly on the coals! Should roast nicely in 8-10 minutes, turning often so it doesnt burn. Fish In this recipe substitute meat or poultry for fish or shrimp! You can add thinly sliced vegetables or put finely chopped chives, butter and a slice of lemon in a 12 strip of foil. Smaller, lighter fish or shrimp will not take as long to cook so I would expect 3-5 minutes cooking time. Ham and Sweet Potato In this recipe use chunks of ham, thin slices of sweet potato, (chunks will also work) and a slice of pineapple. Put all this in a 12 strip of foil with a dollop of butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar. Wrap up the foil and put on the coals for 10 minutes each side and you have a tasty ham and sweet potato dinner in 20 minutes! Potato I use this when I want to add a potato to the meal, like the Fish and lemon meal above. But, I have to start the potato first, since it takes longer to cook than the fish. I take a fork and stab the potato 3-5 times in the front and back, wrap it in foil and bury it in the coals. It usually takes about 30-40 minutes to cook and I can tell when its ready by poking it with a fork to see how soft it is. I take it out of the coals, slice it open and stick a slice of hard butter in it! YUM! Oriental Chicken Use boneless chicken pieces or strips and frozen mixed vegetables. Put the chicken and vegetables in a 12 strip of foil. Add two capfuls of soy sauce, a dash of garlic salt and a sprinkle of brown sugar. Wrap and cook on coals for about 20 minutes, turning every few minutes. Breakfast Nest Heres one you can try for breakfast! Take a sausage patty and put it on the foil. Take frozen hash browns and make a little nest on top of the sausage patty. Now comes the tricky part crack an egg into the nest, wrap-up the foil and cook for about 5-7 minutes, turning every few minutes.

Mushroom Chicken Use boneless chicken pieces or strips, frozen peas and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Put the chicken on a 12 strip of foil; add a couple of tablespoons of soup and a handful of peas. Wrap and cook on coals for about 20 minutes, turning every few minutes. This will be very moist! As you can see there are lots of variations on the original tin foil cooking method. Substitute some of your favorite vegetables and meats to see what you come up with. Imagine your favorite meal, and then try to make it work the tin foil way. Write me at and tell me what creation you came up with. I would like to hear about it. For all the recipes above, please follow these general cooking tips:

Use campfire coals or charcoal to cook on Use many layers or wraps (minimum of 2) of tin foil or heavy-duty foil If your tin foil has a shiny side, make sure that side is on the inside Rotate the foil pack on the coals often to avoid burning Use tongs or heavy leather gloves to pick up hot foilouch! If using tongs, be careful that you dont rip the foil :-( Once its cooked to your liking, let it sit for a few minutes before trying to eat it. Many a hungry Scout has burned his mouth on hot foil dinners.

A Quick Course on Dutch OvensAn oven is an indispensable cooking gadget for all campers. If you learn to use it you can enjoy meals and desserts in it for years. I first got introduced to one at a Scout outing and have been hooked ever since. Ive cooked roasts, spaghetti, stew, potato casserole and chocolate cake in mine! So, you can see it is very versatile and, youll love this part its easy to use.

The beauty of a Dutch Oven is that you can use charcoal briquettes as a heat source! Yes, briquettes! Each briquette gives off about 15 F of heat. So, if you need 350 to cook a roast, you will need.. do the math 23 and 1/3 so use 24 briquettes. And to get even heat distribution you will want to put 8 on the bottom and 16 on top. Since hot air rises you want more on top to put heat into the over from above. Keep the coals replenished for the allotted cooking time and you are good! For more information, get my new Dutch oven Cooking book. 5 Essential Tips on Using a Dutch Oven 1. 2. Get a good, cast iron oven and cure it according to the directions. Get leather gloves, tongs and a lid handle as necessary accessories.

3. Always line the oven with foil when cooking cakes, pastries, and other desserts. 4. 5. Never wash the inside with soap and water. Just wipe clean with a wet rag. Let the oven cool before packing it away.

Now the Infamous RecipeDutch Oven Roast! Sorry for the delay, I needed to get you properly prepared for this recipe, but it will be worth it in the long run. I know you will see how easy and tasty your campout meals are with the Dutch oven that it will become an indispensable part of your camp kit, too!

Enough charcoal briquettes for 350 F (24 coals for a 10 oven) Small beef roast 6-8 pounds (smaller than the size of your oven)

1-2 garlic cloves Vegetables sliced or cubed (I use carrots, potatoes and onions) 1 can of beef broth Salt, pepper and Italian spices

Take your roast (smaller than the size of your oven) and randomly poke holes in the outside with a knife and stuff garlic cloves in the holes. Put in as many as you like! Rub salt, pepper and Italian seasoning all over the roast. Surround the roast with an assortment of small vegetables. Finally, add a cup of beef broth, cover and cook on coals for about 2 hours. You want about 350 F, so for a 10 oven use about 24 coals with 16 on the top and 8 on the bottom. Be prepared to add more coals as they turn to ash, so have your charcoal starter chimney available. After 2 hours, check roast and potatoes for doneness. When ready, cut the roast up and serve from the oven. Spoon out the juice to pour over your veggies! There is a recipe on my Blog site that won a Dutch Oven Cook-off Contest at a Boy Scout Jamboree!! Go check it out at:

Campfire Recipes

'Happy' Chicken 1 Whole (uncut) Fryer Chicken 1 Can Stout Beer Dry Seasonings of choice

Directions: The night before you leave, prepare the chicken by washing and drying with paper towels. Rub seasonings of your choice over inside and outside of bird. Store in a large zip lock bag overnight. When you arrive at your campsite, fire up the grill and wait until coals are good and hot. Place an OPENED, full can off beer on the grill. Remove chicken from bag and place over the beer on the grill. The beer will now be inside the birds' cavity and the chicken will look like it is sitting upright on the grill. (You may want to cover the tips of the wings so they don't burn) The beer will be absorbed as the chicken cooks. You will know it's done when the meat falls off

the bone. Comments: A special treat for the first night out! (It's a good idea to use a meat thermometer to check the breast meat, just to be safe.)

Cooking MethodsDutch Oven A Dutch Oven is preferably made of cast iron, has a smooth bottom, but with three short legs for raising it above the heat source. The lid is not as rounded as a kitchen pan and has a lip for keeping charcoal on top. It is invaluable for soups, stew, roasting and baking. Cleaning and Storing your Dutch Oven There are many opinions on cleaning a Dutch Oven. Not all Dutch Oven cooks believe you can use soap in your Dutch Oven. Some cooks suggest never to wash them, others wash them, but not with detergent. We have found that a well-seasoned oven will not be damaged by using a few drops of dishwashing soap if you have been cooking something really greasy. Just be sure to rinse several times to make sure there is no soap residue. If your oven is not wellseasoned, whatever you put in the oven will be absorbed into the pot and become part of your next meal. Dutch Oven care begins with seasoning, but it's important to clean them properly after each use. Cleaning cast iron is easier than scrubbing pots and pans. As soon as possible after using your Dutch Oven, scrape out as much food as possible with a plastic scraper. Put 1 - 2 quarts of hot water in your oven and scrub with a plastic scrubbing pad or a vegetable brush. Immediately after washing, dry the oven thoroughly by putting it in your kitchen oven at 150 to 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. Cast Iron can only be dried by heating. Heat dries out the moisture in the pores. If a pot is not completely dried after it is used, it will rust. The pores must be opened by heating up, and the moisture dried out of it. Don\'t let the oven set around after washing, go straight from draining the rinse water into the kitchen oven if possible. If you are camping and don\'t have a kitchen oven to dry a Dutch Oven, dry it the best you can and try and store it away from moisture. Dutch Ovens when cared for, will last for generations. Be sure your oven has been cleaned and lightly oiled before putting it away. Try to keep your ovens in a dry, warm place. Remember, moisture with cause cast iron to rust. Leave your lids slightly ajar, allowing the air to circulate. I like to store with a paper towel rolled up and sticking out from under the lid. The towel inside the oven acts as a wick and will help absorb moisture. Tip: Here's another idea. If you need to store an oven for long periods of time, use a lightweight food-grade Mineral Oil and coat the oven, inside and out. It's cheap and effective. Once

you have sealed the oven with mineral oil, no oxygen can reach the seasoning and it will last many months. With correct use and proper care, a well seasoned oven produces a unique flavor unequaled by any other cooking utensil. That's the Magic, it looks great and tastes even better! Biography of the Author: Glea Reno and Dennis Reno are the owners of They are based at Billings, Montana and have taught Youth Groups, Scout Troops, Church Organization and friends what they have learned over years in Dutch oven cooking. They also do cooking demonstration at various retail outlets. They can be contacted at [email protected]

Cast Iron Cookware When cooking over a campfire, nothing is better than food prepared in a cast iron pan. It is heavy, so don't plan to use it for backpacking. Cast iron is an ideal heat conductor that is sure to heat evenly and consistently and will last a lifetime with the proper care. A seasoned cast iron pan will be stick resistant and provide great tasting meals every time. Handles can't break off or come unscrewed because they are part of the pans' construction so this cookware is durable. It is easy to clean. Some people think that soap and water should not be used, that it should be wiped clean and lightly greased.

Pie Iron A Pie Iron is a mold of cast iron with handles. Each side also serves as a small skillet. Bread is placed in first and then the filling is put into the generous cooking cavity. The two sides are then sandwiched together and placed over hot coals. The solid cast iron design holds up to the rigors of the campfire and must be watched closely to avoid burning. Pie Iron's are fun to use, and make terrific sandwiches and desserts. One word of caution - watch children closely because the fillings can get very hot!

Foil pockets Quick & Easy Packet Cooking

1. CENTER ingredients on a sheet (12x18-inches) of heavy duty aluminum foil.

2. BRING up foil sides. Double fold top and ends to seal packet, leaving room for heat circulation inside. Repeat to make four packets.

3. BAKE on a cookie sheet in preheated 450F oven, OR GRILL at medium-high on covered grill.

4. AFTER COOKING, open end of foil packet first to allow steam to escape. Then open top of foil packet.

For Veggie Packets, Start with one sheet (18"x24") of Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil and make one large packet instead of four.

When i was a smaller camper in the day of going to summer camp we made foil packs. butter, carrots, onions, potatoes,3 hambugers cut up in small peieces as the same goes for all the other stuff, salt and pepper, any hot sauce or bbq,some olive oil for flavor. then wrap it up and stick it tight in the coals of the fire to cook. Does anyone have similer ideas like this and what are they?

Savoury couscous basic This makes a soupy and flavourful couscous which can be enhanced in a number of ways. Serves one generous portion or two as side dish At home, combine in a baggie: Scant c plain couscous McCormicks chicken bouillon cube, broken into smaller pieces ~2 tbs chopped sundried tomatoes ~2 tbs chopped dried mushrooms such as porcini (optional) At camp Bring 1 generous cup of salted water to a rolling boil. You can add olive oil or butter to the water if you happen to have it on hand. Add contents of couscous baggie, return to a boil for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and cover, let simmer 2-4 minutes. Stir in variations if desired, cover, remove from heat, and allow to sit for a few more minutes. Serve.

Variations: Add smoked salmon, capers, squeeze of lemon or pinch of dried lemon balm/thyme Basil, olives and feta (try this at home, not on the trail I dont think Id risk bringing feta cheese on the trail.) Tomato paste, foil pouch of tuna and a couple of chopped mini cheeses for a low-fuel tuna casserole Add a tbs of butter to the finished product to increase calorie count in winter