Post on 22-Oct-2021

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9 Simple Ways to Change Your Life


Rajesh Soundararajan Twitter: @rajeshsound

#Control #HowTo #Life #Living #Mind

Count Your Footsteps

Count your footsteps when you walk. This will stop your distracting mental chatter. You will feel more

alert, better concentration, refreshed, internally quiet and


Maintain Idea Cards

Capture those inspirations and ideas through the day. Jot them on a set of ‘Idea Cards’. Consolidate them into

an Idea Book.

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original

dimensions. “ - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Master Power of Silence

When did you last spend 30 minutes in total silence and tranquility. Enjoy that moment when you sit quiet and experience silence for at ten minutes

each day. Reflect on your life, mission and what is important.

“It is the space between the bars that holds the cage. ”

– Zen master

Control Wandering Mind

Don’t let your mind float aimlessly like a paper in the wind. Keep it

focused. When doing a task, think of nothing else. When walking to work, count the steps that it takes. This is not easy but soon you will hold its reins and not vice versa.

“When a mind is reigned still like a candle flame in corner there is no

draft, Impossible is nothing.” - Anonymous

Visualize Success Each Day

For 30-60 minutes each morning meditate and visualize your day. Read inspirational texts, literature or listen to motivational prodcast. Watch the Sun rise, at least once a


Stay Course, on Purpose

Stay your course, on purpose, not outcomes. Do a task because it is

what you love to do. Do something because it helps someone. Money

or recognition will follow as natural outcomes.

Sleep 1 Hour Less

Usually 6 hours are enough to maintain an good health. Quality of sleep is important, not quantity. Get up an hour earlier for 21 days and make it a powerful habit. 30 extra hours a month are for things that

are important to you.

Don’t Dissipate Energy

Each day, ask yourself this question - “is this the best use of my time and

energy?” Guard your time and energy with great care. They

deserve it. You owe it to yourself.

“Do not allow things that matter the most in your life be at the mercy of

things that matter the least. ” - Goethe

Flex Your Will Power

Your will power is like a muscle. Exercise and push it to make it stronger. When hungry, wait

another hour for that meal. Push another hour when working on a

difficult task. Control that urge when your mind prompts you to pick up the tabloid or log on to

facebook or switch that television channel.

“Curbing an impulse is short-term pain that permanently molds your character in most positive ways”

- Zen

9 Simple Ways to Change Your Life


Rajesh Soundararajan Twitter: @rajeshsound

#Control #HowTo #Life #Living #Mind