Metodo Cartas de Jogar in Aeclectic Forum

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Transcript of Metodo Cartas de Jogar in Aeclectic Forum

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Phoenix RisingCitizen

Join Date: 02 Feb 2004Location: NEW ZEALANDPosts: 3,113My playing Card Meanings

Hi Everyone, a couple of people showed a interest in wanting to know my playing card meanings that I assigned, after searching the web and books on the subject, but they didn't seem to fit with what I was looking for so I simplified them to a more modern day approach.Although I'm still fairly new to it, but have always been interested in playing cards as it was my first reading that I had, and was totally accurate, also one of my best friends is a cartomancer of 25 years, and her readings have always been accurate too. Playing cards are more predictive as far as mundane matters are concerned, just the everyday things that people want to know about.

So feel free to use my meanings, I would like to know how you get on.


KINGSMen over 35Heart- Close emotional connection, sensitive, fatherly,Club - Practical, hardworking man, male friendDiamond - Career orientated, Employer, DoctorSpade - Authoritive person(judge) father figure

QUEENSWoman over 25Heart- Sensitive woman, caring, motherlyClub - Close female friend, practical, chatty and sociableDiamond - Career orientated, straight with wordsSpade - Older experienced woman, mother figure

JACKSyoung child to 25 yearsHeart- Sensitive, artistic, musical child,Club - young male, tradesperson, sociable and chattyDiamond - young female, Govt official, messengerSpade - A serious, deep child, trouble makerJacks of the same suit of the significator can also represent their thoughts. Also jacks with a 7 of the same suit represents a certain talent, see sevens.ACESHeart - Home environment, new love, news about lovedones(birth, wedding, engagement)Club - Official news, documents, communications(phone,email etc) SuccessDiamond - News about money, Gift, purchases(property,assets)Spade - Official Buildings(Govt, School, court, hospital,workplace etc)Major changes/decisions

TWOSHeart - Romantic or close relationship, balanceClub - Juggling two things, two options, second opinionDiamond - Good conversations, small amount of moneySpade - Indecision, not seeing things clearly, separation

THREESHeart - Celebration,friends, small group, pregnancy(with Ace Heart & Ace Wand)Club - Opportunity or offerDiamond - Work, skill or craft recognisedSpade - lies, cheating,(self-cheating)self-deception an affair, 3 way triangle

FOURSHeart - Boredom, unsatisfied, mistrust, secrets(baby Girl)Club - Vehicle(all transportation) StabilityDiamond - Property,assets(furniture,computor etc) Secure financial positionSpade - Health issue, time to heal, vacation

FIVESHeart - Intense emotion(Sorrow, jeolousy, lust,excited)Club - Competitiveness, opposition, physical activityDiam - Short trip, moving house or jobSpade - Loss, arguments

SIXESHeart - Connection to past, (Sister/inlaw)Club - Support, assistance, recognitionDiam - liesure or pleasure activity, GiftSpade - Transition to smoother waters, (brother/inlaw)

SEVENSHeart - Listening(Intuition), choices, music(musical talent with Jack of Hearts)Club - Learning, study, practical application to task, preparation, determination, sport (Sporting talent with Jack of Clubs)Diam - Gamble, perseverance, (Creative talent with Jackof Diamonds)Spade - Cunning, dishonesty, thief, cluttered thoughts, negative thinking, unneccessary worry(Academic talent with Jack of Spade)


__________________Why do you search for love? You've already found it. Love is the "cosmic glue that holds you together" You're only looking for "Lust"Ramtha

Last edited by Phoenix Rising; 16-05-2005 at07:44.

04-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #1

Phoenix RisingCitizen

Join Date: 02 Feb 2004Location: NEW ZEALANDPosts: 3,113Cont'd Card Meanings

EIGHTSHeart- Karmic connection, visitors, invitationsClub - New direction, swiftness, internetDiam - New Profession, Unexpected MoneySpade - Temporary frustrations, delays, caution

NINESHeart - Heart desire, over indulgenceClub - Expansion, New ideas and knowledgeDiam - Successful completion, Expansion of horizons(advertising, expression of ones craft/skill to outside world)Spade - Self-abuse, guilty, stress

TENSHeart - Family permanence, joy, (family gatherings) (Seaside)Club - Overseas travel, Added responsibilitiesDiam - Business, large sums of money, winfall (Country)Spade - finality, night, hospital(with Ace & 4spade)Prison(with Ace & 8spade)

JOKER(Optional)I use 2 JokersRED- (Out of the ordinary, important or unexpected event)BLACK - Unusual eccentric character, freelancer

TimingsAs there are 13 weeks in each seasonSpring - clubs (ace thru to King)1st week thru 13th weekSummer - Hearts (ace thru to King) sameAutumn - Diam (ace thru to King) sameWinter - Spade (ace thru to king) same

Eg: 4 clubs will be 4th week of spring10 Diamonds will be 10th week in Autumn

__________________Why do you search for love? You've already found it. Love is the "cosmic glue that holds you together" You're only looking for "Lust"Ramtha

Last edited by Phoenix Rising; 16-05-2005 at07:39.

04-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #2

Phoenix RisingCitizen

Join Date: 02 Feb 2004Location: NEW ZEALANDPosts: 3,113Combinations

Now because I have atleast 2 meanings for each card, it depends what is surrounding it, or the domineering suit that will determine which one you use.It is interesting to note also which way the court cards are facing. Eg: if the King of Diamonds is looking at 2 spadesthen this king is undecided in career matters. If King of Hearts, then this king is undecided in emotional matters.

If 5 spade is in between two court cards say 2 queens and they are facing each other then these 2 queens will have a argument.But just like tarot and other divinatory processes, time and experience is the best teacher.I have found that it is just best to stick to one set of meanings, otherwise we can confuse ourselves if we look up too many other interpretations. My friend who is a cartomancer was taught by her grandmother and has used the same method and looked no where else for meanings etc, and she knows who cards so well, that when they are laid out in front of her, she knows instantly what they are telling her.I don't mind writing my meanings out, because that way it becomes programmed in my mind the more repetition I do. I will also programme in my mind the combinations of what certain cards mean together as well.Later on I want to assign meanings for the body, health ailments etc. I believe that everything can be seen in the cards, because of how they represent nature and the universe, but more so because i will programme them that way.

Look forward to your comments.

__________________Why do you search for love? You've already found it. Love is the "cosmic glue that holds you together" You're only looking for "Lust"Ramtha

04-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #3

tatsiCitizenJoin Date: 01 Dec 2004Location: TX, USAPosts: 183Playing card meanings

Thanks for posting your playing card meanings.


05-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #4

Phoenix RisingCitizen

Join Date: 02 Feb 2004Location: NEW ZEALANDPosts: 3,113Major Arcana

I've been thinking about how I can incorporate the majors into the cards too, this is what I came up with.

Having a combination of the same number value

2 Aces - Magician3 Aces - Sun2 twos - High Priestess3 twos - Justice4 twos - Judgment2 threes - Empress3 threes - Hanged Man4 threes - World2 fours - Emperor3 fours - Death2 fives - Heirophant3 fives - Temperance2 sixes - lovers3 sixes - Devil2 sevens - Chariot3 sevens - Tower2 Eights - Strength3 Eights - Star2 Nines - Hermit3 Nines - Moon2 Tens - Wheel of fortune

Although they may not be the only meaning of these combinations. Interesting that the "Devil" is 3 6's 666. Not that I see the devil as negative, Angel fallen into a material world. Just like anything it will be up to you to determine when those combinations fit.

__________________Why do you search for love? You've already found it. Love is the "cosmic glue that holds you together" You're only looking for "Lust"Ramtha

05-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #5

RufusJCitizenJoin Date: 31 Dec 2004Location: Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight....Posts: 629Wow, I'm impressed. You've got an amazing system here. Thanks for sharing it!

06-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #6


Join Date: 25 Sep 2003Location: Ohio, USAPosts: 1,037Hi Phoenix Rising,

Thanks for sharing all of this...!! I'm amazed at all of the correspondences here. This deserves some thought and study! I hope to have time for that soon!


__________________~ a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words ~

10-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #7

WalesWoman Citizen

Join Date: 22 Nov 2003Location: the Pacific Far East United State of AlaskaPosts: 11,067After reading this I'll start seeing readings in card hands ...on poker night! I don't play much myself, mostly watch, but it would be fun to see what the guys deal themselves and don't even know it.

__________________If you can't be a good example -- then you will just have to be a horrible warning

10-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #8

Phoenix RisingCitizen

Join Date: 02 Feb 2004Location: NEW ZEALANDPosts: 3,113Hi WalesWoman

Yes I've started seeing stories in card games too, quite amusing actually

Wanted to give a link to the astrological correspondences to the cards too guys, found at this link

__________________Why do you search for love? You've already found it. Love is the "cosmic glue that holds you together" You're only looking for "Lust"Ramtha

10-01-2005Need help fast? Chat with a live Tarot reader now!Top #9

firemaiden keeper of the toaster

Join Date: 07 Jun 2002Location: Poitiers, FrancePosts: 10,795Wow, that's very interesting, Phoenix Rising, thank you!