O efeito da meditação no comportamento social do praticante

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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The study aims to evaluate the influence of meditation on social behavior based on moral and ethical behavior of people - Yamas and Niyamas. We used a questionnaire divided into three sections: 1. Personal dates; 2. Questions about the perception of the practitioner as to the quality of your meditation practice, 3. Questions about their perceptions of the quality of your day. Study participants were 11 subjects (8 women and 3 men) aged 18-60 years who completed the instrument for four days and two days with meditation practice and two days without meditative practice. Comparing the results between days with and without meditative practice the results showed that 10 concepts of moral and ethical seven improved, one remained at the same level and only two were worse. emphasize that the question about the general state of people practicing meditation showed a significantly positive result in the quality of people's day (Wilcoxon test: z = -2.021, p ≤ 0.043). In all other topics moral and ethical practice meditation showed no difference. It was concluded that the meditative practice can influence the behavior of people working to improve your day and your social life.

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