Placenta accreta – clinical experience of a tertiary care ... · the presence of a low-lying...

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148 Acta Obstet Ginecol Port 2019;13(3):148-154

1. Especialista de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Serviço de Ginecologia eObstetrícia, Centro Hospitalar São João; Unidade de Anatomia, Departamentode Biomedicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto 2. Serviço de Anatomia Patológica, Centro Hospitalar São João, NationalInstitute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, North Branc3. Assistente Hospitalar Graduada de Ginecologia e Obstetrí�cia do CentroHospitalar Sã�o Joã�o, Porto4. Chefe de Serviç�o de Ginecologia e Obstetrí�cia do Centro Hospitalar deSão João, EPE; Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Medicina daUniversidade do Porto; EPIUnit

Abbreviations:FIGO - International Federation of Gynecology and ObstetricsICU - Intensive care unitMRI - Magnetic resonance imagingNICU - Neonatal intensive care unitPAS - Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorders


First reviewed by Irving and Hertig in 1937, the termplacenta accreta was defined as “an abnormal

adherence of all or part of the placenta to the under lying

uterine wall”1. Histopathologically it may be classifiedinto three types according to the degree of invasion intothe myometrium: placenta accreta vera, when thechorionic villi adhere to the myometrium; placenta in -creta, when the chorionic villi penetrate the myo -metrium; and placenta percreta, when these villi reachthe uterine serosa2. Heterogeneous definitions, with


Overview and aims: Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorders are the leading cause of emergency hysterectomy in developed coun-tries and are associated with high maternal morbidity and mortality (60% and 7%, respectively). The objective of our studywas to review cases of PAS disorders occurring in the last 8 years (2010-2017) in a tertiary care centre, evaluating the forms oftreatment chosen and the maternal and fetal outcomes.Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study using hospital databases (Obscare®, SClinico®) to identify cases of placentaaccreta during the study period. Diagnosis was made based on the histological study of placentas submitted for anatomo-pa -thological study. Results: During the study period, 38 cases of a PAS disorder were diagnosed in 20,910 births (1.8 / 1000), a number that ispossibly underestimated. There were 8 women with a previous caesarean section and 6 had placenta previa (2 of them withprevious caesarean section). There was ultrasound suspicion of a PAS disorder in 3 cases; of the 4 most severe cases (3 per-cretas and 1 increta), there was an ultrasound suspicion in 2. Regarding method of delivery, 21 births were by caesarean sec-tion and 16 by vaginal delivery. There was 1 case of spontaneous uterine rupture at 20 weeks' gestation with fetal loss; gesta-tional age of birth varied between 32 and 41 weeks; 5 peri-partum hysterectomies were performed; transfusions of blood de-rivatives were required in 8 women. As for the newborns, there were 8 cases of prematurity and 7 hospitalisations in the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit; fetal death was observed in 2 cases.Conclusion: This case series demonstrate the high prevalence of PAS disorders and the great morbidity associated with it.Adequate antepartum care is essential in women with riskfactors to make the diagnosis timely, thus enabling a multidiscipli-nary approach with better maternal and fetal outcomes.

Keywords: Placenta Accreta; Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders; Postpartum Haemorrhage; Postpartum Hysterectomy.

Placenta accreta – clinical experience of a tertiary care center over 8 years

Acretismo placentar – experiência clínica ao longo de 8 anos de um centro

hospitalar com cuidados terciários

Pedro Viana Pinto1, Susana Guimarães2, Ana Paula Machado3, Nuno Montenegro4

Centro Hospitalar e Universitário São João

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misleading terms and lack of adequate pathologicalcorrelation make adequate evaluation of its prevalence,accu racy of diagnosis and outcomes difficult. In an effort to standardise, in February 2018 the Internatio -nal Fe deration of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)pu blished consensus guidelines, proposing the classi-fication as Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorders (PAS),involving both the abnormally adherent placenta (pla-centa accreta) and the invasive placenta (increta andpercreta)3. This classification has also recently been en-dorsed by the American College of Obstetricians andGynecologists, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicineand the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecolo -gists4, 5.

The most cited article regarding PAS incidence, from2005, describes it as 1 per 533 deliveries in the Ameri -can population6. Importantly, its incidence has beenrising considerably in recent years, following the risein caesarean section rates6-8. In theory, the presence ofa uterine scar, with disruption of the endo/myometri-al wall, whether caused by a caesarean section, pro -bably the most important risk factor, or by a gynaeco-logical procedure (such as curettage, myomectomy orhysteroscopy) is essential for the development of PAS9.According to a decision-analytic model, if the caesare-an rates in the United States of America continued torise, by 2020 there would be an additional 4,504 ca -ses of PAS disorders, and consequently 130 attri bu -table maternal deaths annually10. Another risk factor isthe presence of a low-lying placenta. Placenta previa,without previous uterine surgery, is associated with arisk of 1%-5% for PAS11. According to Silver, RM. et al.,the risk of PAS ranges from 2% among women with aplacenta previa, to 39%-67% when it is accompaniedby two or more prior caesarean deliveries12.

PAS is currently recognised as the leading cause ofemergency hysterectomy in developed countries, andis associated with a maternal morbidity and mortalityof 60% and 7%, respectively, mainly due to excessiveblood loss13,14. The average blood loss volume at de-livery is 3,000–5,000 mL11. Prenatal suspicion of PASdisorders enables planned surgery to be performedwith the support of a multidisciplinary team to ensurelower maternal and fetal morbidity15-18.

In Portugal, PAS disorders are generally under-re-ported and unrecognised prenatally. Between 2010and 2016, caesarean section rates in public institu-tions, ranged from 32.9% to 36.3%, numbers thatmake our country highly susceptible to PAS disor-ders19. We found no adequate report from any natio -

nal institution regarding cases of PAS disorders, so weperformed this study in order to estimate the preva-lence of the PAS disorders in our institution, the ade-quacy of its diagnosis and maternal and fetal morbi dityin the last 8 years in our centre.


We conducted a retrospective medical record review ofall PAS disorder cases diagnosed in our institution (atertiary centre) from 2010 to 2017. Cases were iden-tified by using hospital-based electronic databases(Obscare®, Sclinico®), with cross-referencing from dif-ferent databases and multiple key terms searched (low-lying placenta; manual removal of the placenta; peri-partum hysterectomy; postpartum haemorrhage). Allthe cases included in our study had a pathological diagnosis of a PAS disorder, the majority of them instudies of the placenta and some in hysterectomy spe -cimens. PAS disorders were diagnosed by the presenceof myometrial tissue adjacent to the chorionic villi(with immunohistochemical confirmation) with focalinterruption of the decidua basal and were classified asplacenta accreta, increta or percreta as previously des -cribed. The placentas were sent for pathological studyaccording to the attending medical team’s decision. Asa consequence, the diagnosis of a PAS disorder wasmade by combining clinical characteristics (abnormaladherence of the placenta) with confirmation bypathologic examination of the placenta.

It is important to state that the majority of the wo -men had pregnancy surveillance outside the hospital,with most of the ultrasounds (except the first- and se -cond-trimester ultrasounds) performed in other cen-tres. Only women with recognised risk factors (likeplacenta previa) were followed up in our centre.

Medical records were analysed and data collectedincluded demographic data (age, body mass index,parity, mode of conception); risk factors for PAS disor -ders (placenta previa, prior caesarean section andnumber, history of other uterine surgery); timing ofdiagnosis, antepartum and intrapartum management;gestational age at delivery; birthweight, neonatal in-tensive care unit (NICU) admission, Apgar scores andumbilical cord blood pH (when applicable; metabolicacidosis defined according to FIGO consensus 2015 -arterial pH < 7,00 and base deficit > 12mmol/L 20); im-mediate maternal morbidity; recurrence of PAS disor-ders. Early and delayed re-operations were defined as

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urgent surgical procedures performed during the first7 days after birth/spontaneous abortion or after 7 days,respectively. Early maternal morbidity was defined asthe occurrence of one or more of the following: ma-ternal admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), trans-fusion of packed red blood cells, coagulopathy, urete -ral or bladder wall injury or early re-operation. Latematernal morbidity was defined as the occurrence ofone or more of the following: hospital re-admissionwithin 6 weeks or delayed re-operation. Hysterecto-my was classified as scheduled if the surgery was per-formed by a multi-disciplinary team after appropriateplanning in cases with antenatal suspicion and whendeemed adequate by the obstetrical team; urgent,when there was high suspicion of a PAS disorder du -ring caesarean section and there was no significanthaemorrhage; emergent when the obstetrical team wasfaced with severe and refractory haemorrhage and hys-terectomy was considered as a final solution. During thestudy period there were no cases treated by a conserva-tive approach, where the placenta is left in situ or a seg-mental resection of the myometrium is performed.

As a consequence of the design of the study, no sta-tistical analysis was performed.


Thirty-eight cases of PAS disorders were identified bet -ween January 2010 and December 2017 in a total of20,910 births, with a prevalence of PAS of 1.8/1000 de-liveries over the 8-year study period. There were thir-ty-four cases of placenta accreta, one of placenta in -creta and three of placenta percreta. Fourteen womenwere primiparous, the majority (10) of them withoutany identifiable risk factors. Eight women had pre viouscaesarean sections (one woman with two previous cae-sarean sections, the remaining with one) and se venwith a low-lying placenta (three also with previous cae-sarean section). There were four pregnancies after as-sisted reproduction techniques. Two women had beensubmitted to a hysteroscopic procedure – one myo -mectomy and one septotomy. Other risk factors as wellas basic characteristics of the population are sum-marised in Table I. All women had at least one ante-natal ultrasound performed. There was no antenatalsuspicion of a PAS disorder in the majority of the ca -ses - only three cases were suspected: one case of a pla-centa accrete (suspicion during the third trimester),one of an increta (also suspected during the third

trimester) and one of a percreta, suspected already inthe first trimester and confirmed on the secondtrimester ultrasound (Figure 1). However, in the mostserious cases (three placenta percreta and one increta),ultrasound signs suggestive of a PAS disorder were pre-sent in two (half of the cases). Only two cases had mag-netic resonance imaging (MRI) performed, also con-firming the ultrasound suspicion of a PAS disorder.The gestational age of birth ranged from 32-41 weeksof gestation (median of 39 weeks). There was intra-partum suspicion of a PAS disorder in 25 patients;


Maternal age at delivery, years 23-44Primiparous 14Assisted reproductive techniques 4 Gestational age, weeks 32-41Previous cesarean sectionZero 30One 7 Two 1

Risk FactorsPrevious PAS disorder 1 Previous cesarean sections 8 Placenta previa 7 Previous hysteroscopic procedure 2 Submucous myoma 2 Previous manual placental removal 1 Previous dilation and curettage 1

FIGURE 1. Placenta previa with lacunae and aberrant vascularisa-tion of the cervix

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only one identified risk factor (a previous dilation andcurettage). After an attempt to manually remove theplacenta, the patient started bleeding massively, re-fractory to medical attitudes and ended up with anemergent laparotomy performed with hysterectomy forbleeding control; pathology revealed a placenta percre -ta; b) there was one case, also in 2010, of a suspectedPAS disorder during caesarean section due to placentaprevia; no other risk factors were identified; an attemptto remove the placenta was made despite the intrapar -tum suspicion of an abnormally adherent placenta;hours after the caesarean the woman deve loped a coa -gulopathy and ended up with an emergent hysterecto-my; pathology revealed a placenta percreta; c) duringthe year 2012, another woman had a sche duled cae-sarean section due to placenta previa with ultrasoundsuspicion of a PAS disorder; as risk factors, the womanhad two hysteroscopic myomectomies and a pregnan-cy after assisted reproductive techniques; the placentawas forcibly removed and due to uncon trollable bleed-ing, and an emergent hysterectomy was performed; thepatient had an iatrogenic ligation of the ureter and alaceration of the bladder, immediately corrected du -ring surgery; pathology revealed a placenta increta; d)in 2013 there was a case of a woman with two pre viouscaesarean sections and a placenta previa, with antena-tal suspicion of a placenta percreta (by ultrasound andMRI); the patient had a scheduled caesarean hystere -ctomy, without any attempt of placental removal (fun-dal incision), with ureteral catheterisation and balloonsin the common iliac arteries (inflated du ring surgery);surgery was performed by a multidisciplinary team –anesthesia, obstetrics, gynaecological oncology, urolo-gy and interventional radiology; deliberate cystotomywas required due to placental extension into the blad-der wall; pathology revealed a placenta percreta; e) las -tly, in 2015, another woman with a previous cesareansection and no other risk factors had a scheduled cae-sarean section; during surgery the placenta was foundto be abnormally adherent and, as the patient desireddefinitive contraception, a hysterectomy without pla-cental removal was decided; the surgery had no majormorbidity; pathology revealed placenta accreta.

Table III summarises the maternal and neonatalmorbidity in the entire cohort. There were 14 cases ofpostpartum haemorrhage; we found no maternaldeaths due to a PAS disorder during the period of study.There was one re-admission, at the 10th day post-par-tum, requiring two suction curettages for complete re-moval of placental fragments. There were two unex-

other cases were diagnosed after pathologic examina-tion of the placenta in cases of difficult manual removalof the placenta. The majority of births (21) were by cae-sarean section: twelve scheduled and nine urgent/emer-gent. There were 16 vaginal deliveries, all of them withmanual placental removal. Table II reports peripartumcharacteristics of the study population. All the caseswith antenatal suspicion of PAS disorders were deli -vered by scheduled caesarean section – attempts weremade to deliver the placenta in two of them, one end-ing up in emergent hysterectomy. A peripartum hys-terectomy after caesarean section with the placenta leftin situ was performed in the other case. Five cases end-ed up with a hysterectomy (Figure 2).

Regarding the hysterectomies: a) in 2010 there wasone case of a woman with a vaginal delivery who had


n (number of patients)

Mode of deliveryCesarian section 21Vaginal delivery 16

Induction of labour 9Spontaneous labour 16Neonatal birthweight, grams 1560-3800 Manual removal of the placenta 16 Bakri balloon for postpartum hemorrhage 1Postoperative length of stay 2-14

FIGURE 2. Hysterectomy specimen revealing placenta percretawith invasion of the entire uterine wall

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pected intrauterine fetal deaths that occurred beforelabour: one after a uterine rupture at 20 weeks of ges-tation, in a woman with a previous scheduled cae-sarean section and a hysteroscopic septotomy. This wo -man had a fundal placenta, probably inserted in thescar of the septotomy, and presented in the emergen-cy department with haemoperitoneum, secondary touterine rupture. The patient was submitted to emer-gent surgery, with delivery of a non-viable fetus anduterus reconstruction. The other fetal death was se -condary to a rupture of a non-diagnosed vasa previa at32 weeks of gestation.

There were two pregnancies after a diagnosis of aplacenta accreta; in one of these cases there was re-currence, with another placenta accreta diagnosed.


During the 8-year study period, the overall prevalenceof a PAS disorder in this tertiary centre was 1.8/1000deliveries, in accordance with the published litera-ture6,7. It is important to acknowledge that this preva-

lence may, in fact, be underestimated, since this studyonly includes placentas that were sent for pathologicalexamination. As missed cases probably represent mildfocal presentations of placenta accreta, it is arguablewhether this underestimation is clinically important.Antenatal suspicion of a PAS disorder was found onlyin 3 out of 38 cases. This may be a consequence of thefact that the majority of our cases were mild forms ofplacenta accreta. Most of our cases presented withoutany of the classical risk factors (previous caesarean se -ction or a placenta previa), which may have had an im-pact on the ultrasound evaluation of the placenta.Notwithstanding, when looking only at the abnormallyinvasive cases, there was an antenatal suspicion in 2cases (half of the cases). Also, not all women had third--trimester ultrasound performed in our institution,limiting our ability to adequately predict a PAS disor-der. Antenatal diagnosis of a PAS disorder is extreme-ly important as accurate diagnosis allowing a multi-disciplinary approach has been consistently shown toprovide better maternal and fetal outcomes3,21-23.

Overall, the morbidity in our cohort of women withPAS disorder was high. Although most cases were his-tologically placenta accreta, we still had high morbidi -ty, both maternal and fetal. In our cohort we had 14cases of reported postpartum haemorrhage, only onemanaged conservatively with an intrauterine postpar-tum balloon; all the other cases were solved in the ope -rating room, by artificial removal of the placenta, cure -ttage, haemostatic sutures or hysterectomy. Nine wo -men needed blood transfusions, with one case of pla-centa percreta with extension to the bladder, requiringeight units (median units transfused – 2). Thisdemons trates the importance of delivery of suspectedcases in tertiary centres, with massive transfusion ca-pacity. The idea of centres of excellence for the treat-ment of PAS disorder is now well established, strength-ening the idea of multidisciplinary care and adequateconditions for treatment of this entity24, 25. Since 2014,our centre has favoured a multidisciplinary approach inorder to decrease/manage haemorrhage and to preventlesions in adjacent pelvic organs26. Our morbidity in-cluded urological lesions, a case of coagulopathy, hos-pital re-admission and an important case of uterine rup-ture at 20 weeks of gestation. In our opinion, makingno attempt to remove the adherent placenta at deliveryis the most important approach to reduce morbiditywhen there is a high suspicion of a PAS disorder.

The majority of our cases were managed conserva-tively. In these situations the clinician opted for ma nual


n (number of patients)

Post-partum hemorrhage due to PAS 14 disorder Blood transfusion 9

(1-8 units of packed red blood cells)

Ureteral ligation 1Bladder laceration 2Coagulopathy 1 Maternal ICU admission 4 Uterine rupture 1Early re-operation 1Delayed re-operation 1 Hospital re-admission within 6 weeks 1 5 minute APGAR score <7 2Metabolic acidosis 1NICU admission 7Fetal death 2Early maternal morbidity 9Late maternal morbidity 1

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removal of the placenta even though there was suspi-cion of a PAS disorder in 28 cases (25 intrapartum + 3antepartum): in three cases it ended up in emergenthysterectomies with the associated morbidity. The ex-tirpative technique is largely contraindicated, espe-cially when there is a high suspicion of a PAS disorderand the decision on caesarean hysterectomy had al-ready been taken11,27,28. Since 2014, with the creationof a specific guideline for this entity in our centre,when there is a suspicion of a PAS disorder, it is re -commended no attempt be made to forcibly removethe placenta. The last hysterectomy performed duringa caesarean section, in 2015, followed this recom-mendation and the patient ended up without signifi-cant bleeding and without the need for a blood trans-fusion. Some other options are reported in the litera-ture, from the traditional approach of leaving the pla-centa in situ to some conservative surgicalproc e dures29-32. In the period of study, there were nocases of conservative approaches where a segmental re-section of the myo metrium is performed or the pla-centa is left in situ. Regarding conservative surgical pro-cedures, it is still an option limited to some centres butnot generalisable to other hospitals without such sur-gical experience. In the future, this technique can alsobe an option in selected cases, as the authors report si -gnificantly lower morbidity29,31,32. Leaving the placentain situ, with a success rate ranging from 58-78% de-pending on the degree of invasion30, 33, is associated withimportant morbidity: primary postpartum hae -morrhage, infection/sepsis and need for secondary sur-gical procedures including emergent hysterectomy.Complete placental resorption may take up to 60 weeks,making careful follow-up essential 34. There is also con-cern for the risk of recurrence of a PAS disorder in wo -men who undergo conservative management. In our se-ries of cases, two women became pregnant after a pre-vious PAS disorder, with recurrence in one of the cases.

Our study has some weaknesses. First, our samplesize and the design of our study make it impossible toperform any statistical analyses. It is a retrospectivedes criptive study with the inherent limitations. Se -cond, a standardised protocol only became available inthe last years of the study, with the first cases managedaccording to individual clinical criteria. Third, all ourcases were managed in a tertiary care centre. Adequateblood banks, 24-hour anaesthesia coverage and spe-cialists in maternal fetal medicine and gynaecologicaloncology and other specialities (Urology, Surgery, In-terventional Radiology) were readily available. Thus,

our data may not be generalisable to other centres withfewer resources, increasing the likelihood of evengreater morbidity with the management of PAS disor-ders in those hospitals.

However, our study has some important strengths.Thorough research was done with multiple databasesin order to try to gather all the possible cases during theperiod of study. Our centre has all the data in compu terdatabases providing all the information necessary tocomplete the study. All the cases had pathological clas-sification, making our estimate of the prevalence as closeas possible to the real value. Although the definition ofaccreta remains controversial, we used the most com-monly agreed definition: a placenta that is abnormallyadherent to the uterus and with clinical features of a PASdisorder. It is somewhat different from the proposal ofthe FIGO consensus, which places less emphasis on theabnormally adherent placenta, but we believe this re-flects the reality and the morbidity associated with thiscondition as it occurs in clinical practice more ade-quately9. The morbidity from our cases strengthens theimportance of any type of a PAS disorder.

Our series of cases report the great morbidity asso-ciated with any form of a PAS disorder. The prevalencein our centre is higher than previously assumed. It isimportant to be more attentive during the antenatalperiod in order to make the prenatal diagnosis, allo -wing planned multidisciplinary surgery. Our findingsemphasise the importance of antenatal diagnosis for aPAS disorder and the need for increased attention toany possible risk factor in order to evaluate the pla-centa more adequately and optimise the care of thesewomen. The best treatment mode will depend on thecentre, the expertise of clinicians, the urgent/sche duledsituation and the number of cases dealt with during ayear. By changing our policy and focusing on antena-tal diagnosis of a PAS disorder we believe our resultswill be better in the future.

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ENDEREÇO PARA CORRESPONDÊNCIAPedro Viana PintoCentro Hospitalar São JoãoPortugal E-mail: