
1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 6º / pág : 1 1ª PROVA PARCIAL DE INGLÊS Aluno(a): Ano: Turma: Data: 26/03/2011 Nota: Professora: Débora Toledo Valor da Prova: 50 pontos Assinatura do responsável: Orientações gerais: 1) Número de questões desta prova: 13 2) Valor das questões: Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada. 3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão. 4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e conceituação comprometida. 5) Tópicos desta prova: - Personal Pronouns - Verb to be - who/what/where 1ª Questão: Leia as frases abaixo: Brian is my best friend. Henry and Alisson are my parents. Joe and I are good students. Os pronomes que completam as palavras sublinhadas nas frases são, respectivamente: a) He – We – They b) She – They – We c) It – They – They d) He – They – We e) He – We - You 2ª Questão: Marque a opção correta: ___________ your parents from Japan? No, they _________. a) Aren’t – are b) Is – isn’t c) Are – aren’t d) Are – are e) Is – aren´t COLÉGIO XIX DE MARÇO excelência em educação Nota = Nota =

Transcript of 1ppingles6ano

1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 6º / pág : 1


Aluno(a): Nº Ano: 6º Turma: Data: 26/03/2011 Nota: Professora: Débora Toledo Valor da Prova: 50 pontos Assinatura do responsável:

Orientações gerais:

1) Número de questões desta prova: 13 2) Valor das questões: Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada. 3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão. 4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e conceituação comprometida. 5) Tópicos desta prova: - Personal Pronouns - Verb to be - who/what/where

1ª Questão: Leia as frases abaixo: Brian is my best friend.

Henry and Alisson are my parents.

Joe and I are good students.

Os pronomes que completam as palavras sublinhadas nas frases são, respectivamente:

a) He – We – They

b) She – They – We

c) It – They – They

d) He – They – We

e) He – We - You

2ª Questão: Marque a opção correta:

___________ your parents from Japan?

No, they _________.

a) Aren’t – are

b) Is – isn’t

c) Are – aren’t

d) Are – are

e) Is – aren´t


excelência em educação

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1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 6º / pág : 2

3ª Questão: Where are the grandparents? A resposta correta é: a) We are in the class. b) He is in the bedroom. c) They are in the kitchen. d) You are behind the house. e) They are doctors. 4ª Questão: Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a opção incorreta:

a) Tina is Alfred’s mother. b) Alfred is Tina’s daughter. c) Alfred is Chris’ brother. d) Chris is Alfred’s sister. e) Tina and Jim are the parents. 5ª Questão: As profissões garçom, enfermeira e advogado em Inglês são, nessa ordem: a) nurse – fireman – cook b) waiter – housewife – lawyer c) lawyer – nurse – waiter d) waiter – nurse – lawyer e) waiter – maid - lawyer 6ª Questão: A forma interrogativa da frase “ The chair is comfortable” é: a) The chair is not comfortable? b) Chair is the comfortable? c) The chair isn’t comfortable. d) Is the chair comfortable? e) The chair is comfortable? 7ª Questão: Marque a opção incorreta de acordo com o verbo “To be”. a) He are my parents. b) She is a good student? c) Sue and I is sad. d) Peter is a good singer. e) She not is my sister.

Hello,I´m Alfred Mill, the young boy. These are my parents. Jim is my father and Tina is my mother. The little girl is my sister, Chris.

Hello, I am Tina Mill, I have two adorable children: Chris the youngest child and Alfred ,the oldest child. My husband´s name is Jim.

Hello, I am Chris Mill, these are my parents Jim and Tina. The ugly boy is my brother Alfred.

Hello, I am Jim Mill, I have got two children : Chris and Alfred .My wife´s name is Tina.

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1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 6º / pág : 3

8ª Questão: “What is your mother?” A resposta correta é: a) She is 38 years old. b) She is an architect. c) She is in the living room. d) She is fine, thanks. e) She is Laura. 9ª Questão: Complete o texto abaixo com a forma correta do verbo "to be": 10ª Questão: Complete as frases usando o verbo “to be” na afirmativa. Em seguida, passe as frases para a negativa e para a interrogativa: a) Paul _____ my brother.

Neg. ____________________________________

Int. _____________________________________

b) The girls _______ at home.

Neg. ____________________________________

Int. _____________________________________

c) I ______ a waiter.

Neg. ______________________________________

Int. _______________________________________ 11ª Questão: Preencha as frases com What, Where, Who ou How.

a) ______________ are you from?

I’m from Mexico.

b) ___________ is your father?

He is a fireman.

c) _______ are you doing?

I’m fine. Thanks.

d) ______ is she?

She is Miss Gloria.

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Marcia________from Brazil. She ______25 years old and works as a secretary at ZLS Computers, in Dublin. She ______ very communicative and has a lot of friends. Two of her best friends are Miguel and Laura. Miguel _______from Portugal. He ______27 years old. Laura _______a French girl. She ______30 years old. Marcia and Miguel______ single. Laura ______ married to a doctor. She says they ______very happy. Marcia wants to go back to Brazil, but she _______ going to miss her friends.

1ª P.P. / Inglês / Débora / 6º / pág : 4

12ª Questão: Escreva os nomes das partes da casa:

13ª Questão: Leia o texto: Sara is a student. She is fourteen years old. Mr. Tom is the father. He is French, he is a cook. The mother is Mrs. Allison. She is from Canada, she is a doctor. Sara has one sister and one brother. Jason is the brother and Sally is the sister. Sara, Sally and Jason are good students. They live with their parents in a comfortable house near the school. Vocabulary: has = tem to live = viver with = com Responda às perguntas, em inglês:

Where is Tom from?________________________________________________________

What is Mr. Tom and Mrs. Allison? _____________________________________________

Responda em Português:

Onde é a casa de Sara? ______________________________________________________

Com quem Sara e os irmãos moram? ___________________________________________

Quantos irmãos e irmãs Sara tem? _____________________________________________

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